Little Dragon of the Sun (Exalted/RWBY)

When I firstsaw the post I thought it was a repost and almost strangled you. But it wasn't! Scooooore!

Chapter was excellent, I really enjoyed that little end bit.
So, can anyone explain what the road is? Or the creatures? I'm guessing 'mah muss' is just a mammoth (big, furry, tusks, stuff on it), but what about the Grund Terreurs (Ground Terrors)? Also, what about the kids? Some of them aren't human, which raises questions.

I know next to nothing about Exalted, except that there are super Exalts that are made out of living metal and crystal stuff and they have Charms. Also, Autochthon.
Grund Terreurs (Ground Terrors)? Also, what about the kids? Some of th
I was thinking they were saying Grand Terriers myself. I don't recognize the creatures, but that's what it sounded like, since it'd mean big dogs.

em aren't human, which raises questions.
Don't really have enough description to be sure. The true non-humans are too nearly extinct for me to expect to see them here. However, if they're mistaken for Faunus, probably Beastmen.

Beast -people, by the way, are almost like a Faunus stereotype given reality. They're animal people, some groups are less intelligent than humans on average (though not all) and they really did originate in a kind of bestiality, since one of the kinds of Exalts are master shapechangers and if they mate with animals (or humans while in animal form) you get Beastmen, who often can breed true with other beastmen of the same type. Given there were periods thousands of years ago where this kind of thing was common, there are a number of tribes who've had time to develop their own cultures, mostly forced to the outskirts of human civilization.
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I was thinking they were saying Grand Terriers myself. I don't recognize the creatures, but that's what it sounded like, since it'd mean big dogs.

Don't really have enough description to be sure. The true non-humans are too nearly extinct for me to expect to see them here. However, if they're mistaken for Faunus, probably Beastmen.

Beast -people, by the way, are almost like a Faunus stereotype given reality. They're animal people, some groups are less intelligent than humans on average (though not all) and they really did originate in a kind of bestiality, since one of the kinds of Exalts are master shapechangers and if they mate with animals (or humans while in animal form) you get Beastmen, who often can breed true with other beastmen of the same type. Given there were periods thousands of years ago where this kind of thing was common, there are a number of tribes who've had time to develop their own cultures, mostly forced to the outskirts of human civilization.
So, nothing about the giant magical road then? :D
So, can anyone explain what the road is? Or the creatures? I'm guessing 'mah muss' is just a mammoth (big, furry, tusks, stuff on it), but what about the Grund Terreurs (Ground Terrors)? Also, what about the kids? Some of them aren't human, which raises questions.

I know next to nothing about Exalted, except that there are super Exalts that are made out of living metal and crystal stuff and they have Charms. Also, Autochthon.
A trade route established by a few gods who wanted trade to keep getting to their city. This part of Creation Yang's in plays host to several nasty groups of gribblies, such as undead and Fair Folk, so the road was established to make sure no one really messed with trade. The road keeps itself clear and maintained, wards off the hungry ghosts, and also enforces 'peace,' for a given value of it. If you hurt any person while on the road, a very, very powerful supernatural compulsion is gonna slam down on you and try to force you to commit suicide. Mechanics wise you have to spend eight Willpower to resist it, which is a lot.
Mechanics wise you have to spend eight Willpower to resist it, which is a lot.
Enough to expect that most people won't have that and will be forced to kill themselves.

And I don't mean most mooks. Most starting Exalted won't have that much. And the ones who do will have to have avoided spending willpower to resist anything else that day.
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A trade route established by a few gods who wanted trade to keep getting to their city. This part of Creation Yang's in plays host to several nasty groups of gribblies, such as undead and Fair Folk, so the road was established to make sure no one really messed with trade. The road keeps itself clear and maintained, wards off the hungry ghosts, and also enforces 'peace,' for a given value of it. If you hurt any person while on the road, a very, very powerful supernatural compulsion is gonna slam down on you and try to force you to commit suicide. Mechanics wise you have to spend eight Willpower to resist it, which is a lot.
Not quite:

CoTD The North page 23 said:
There is no avoiding the curse: Setting foot on the road means accepting the terms of the safe conduct pact. Violators can resist by spending one Willpower point per hour. The Exalted and spirits break the Compulsion after four hours. Mortals, the dead and the fae must spend eight Willpower to free themselves. If they lack sufficient Willpower… too bad. Even success means losing a dot of permanent Willpower, from the terrible struggle.

As per those 2E rules, Exalts "only" need four Willpower, not eight, though loosing a dot of permanent Willpower is a very hefty price as well.