Let's read Worm and its sequel Ward by Wildbow (One chapter/every day)

10.x (Interlude) PART 1
Greetings, friends....and people who are fans of Mannequin :D. We have another Interlude, precisely two, before this Arc will be over. I'm going to start with the first Interlude, as is normal. I hope that this Interlude will be about S9 and only about them. I don't know why, but these bastards caught my interest more than any other villains. I want to know more about them, I want to know their personalities, behaviors, backstories, why they became so fucking crazy, why they hate humanity so much and why Jack Slash wants to destroy the world -personal revenge against humanity, pure insanity or something Deep(er)? 10.x (Interlude) | Worm Alright, another thing I want to know is HOW THE FUCK MANNEQUIN CAN FUCKING BREATHE INSIDE HIS CYBORG MANNEQUIN COSTUME? I mean, he doesn't seem to have vents for air and I suppose there's still a human being inside that suit, right? Unless he transformed his whole body into a robotic mannequin like body, including his organs, which seems pretty neat and fucked if is true. Or maybe inside there's still the human Tinker, but he have oxygen tubes inserted into the mannequin suit, helping him to not die by suffocation. Maybe he even have food compartments inside his suit. Maybe he doesn't even take it out when he showers. Or have sex. CREEPY FUCKER, I HATE HIM. His suit is like a fucking non-sense ecosystem. I know that he's a Tinker and Tinkers usually can warp the laws of science to create whatever they want, but this is too WTF even for a Tinker. Colin and Chris are making amazing inventions too but at least their inventions make sense. Even in real life, their weapons and gadgets are not impossible to be made (I think some of them are already real). Even some of Bakuda bombs can be created in real life. But Mannequin is a fucking bullshit. "sighs" I hope I'll get a good explanation about how his suit works.

"I'm letting you go," Regent lied.
He made Shadow Stalker drop to all fours on the ground and forced a grunt from her mouth. With the same ease as he moved his own body, he made her load her bolt and spin to point her crossbow at him. There was no danger of her shooting him; he was fully in control from start to finish.
He could feel her striving and straining to move her finger, to pull the trigger and plant an arrow just above his collarbone. Every iota of her willpower must have been focused on the task.
"There's a catch," he spoke. "My power? Once I've figured someone out? It's a lot easier to control them, after. Any time you come near me, I can do this. I can use my power and retake control in the blink of an eye."
He had her raise her crossbow and point it at her temple.
"Next time I get control? I'm keeping you for a full day. Maybe two, if I feel like pulling an all-nighter. And here's the funny part," there was no humor in his voice, "I'm going to do it even if I'm in civilian clothes, if my power tells me you're in range. You won't even know when it's coming. You're now a liability to the Wards, and you won't ever know when or where I'm going to get control again…
"Unless you leave. Skip town. Join another team."
He had her nod, stiffly, awkwardly. He felt her rising heartbeat, the slight increase in her breathing, which he managed, controlled. Her muscles clenched, an involuntary reaction just beyond the scope of his control. She'd realized what he was doing.
Rather, she knew what he wasn't doing.
He wasn't letting her go.
"Now let's walk you off to the other end of the city before I release you. I don't think you're quite stupid enough to try and follow us, but I think my teammates would be more comfortable if they were sure." He rolled his eyes.
Its about Regent and R Shadow Stalker. Great, I like it. Only to get to see this bitch being tortured more than she was already. Neat. He's not letting you go, you stupid whore, he's not letting you go. He'll continue to torture you until you'll be too afraid to even get near of Horror City. He's going to scare you so much that you'll forget your own name. And I'm going to have a lot of fun watching you SUFFERING. Too bad that Emma doesn't share your fate, but never is too late. :D

That said, he turned her around, activated her power and walked her through the door.
Regent looked at the others, shrugged. "Good enough?"
Using the shadow form, she could cover a lot of ground very quickly. For long minutes, he exercised her power, the ability to be as light as a feather, enjoyed it. He even liked the running, too, when he turned off her power and just legged it. This girl was in good shape. He could tell she exercised regularly, that she ran on a regular basis. Running was almost effortless, and it felt good, even with the aches and pains of the recent brawl. Months or years of practice had fine tuned her body.
Fighting had been much the same way, but it had been even better. Her muscle memory had been so primed for punching, kicking, takedowns and evading that he'd almost been able to let her go on autopilot, let her body handle things on its own.
Not that he could, really. But it had been easy. He loved that sort of thing. Maximum reward for minimum effort.
That same philosophy of minimizing the work he had to put in, sticking to what he enjoyed and the things that interested him, it was an advantage here. Brian, Lisa and Taylor had their own dynamic. They were friends. He considered Brian a friend, but it was more along the lines of someone he could play video games with, talk about movies. It wasn't much different from if they were coworkers or roommates. He smiled at the thought. They kind of were, when it came down to it.
Regent knew he was a background character, for the most part. He played along, he didn't make waves, he didn't stand out. He wasn't close to any of the others.
He was cool with that. In fact, it suited him perfectly.

He was cool with it because it meant that when they were all heading out to meet Coil, nobody noticed that he was distracted, or that he wasn't joining in the conversation. His control got worse as the distance between himself and his puppets widened, which meant he had to devote more focus to Shadow Stalker and the act of keeping her movements fluid. He ran into the same issues when he controlled more people, and there was the irritating side effect that his own coordination, speech and fluidity of movement all suffered to the same extent that his 'puppets' did. Were he to open his own mouth now and speak to Brian or Taylor, he might stutter or slur his words. It was almost more trouble than it was worth.

I'm so impressed with Regent. He's going to Coil's meeting and he's able to control R Shadow even when he's talking to his teammates. Talking about multi-tasking. The rest of the Undersiders have no idea what he's doing, he promised them that he'll release R Shadow but he lied. He probably knows that they won't agree (except for Imp) to keep her so he had his reasons to lie. What you're going to do with R Shadow, you crazy young man? I'm allowed to give you a suggestion? Make her walk right into Fenrir's Chosen' s base, pull our her mask, flip the bird and scream at them that nazis are stupid, Hookwolf is an inbreed and blacks are superior to whites. Then let her have fun in their company :D.

Almost. He was surprised to realize how much he'd missed this. It was like a high, a whole other set of emotions, of physical sensations. Real life, just being Alec, only Alec? It paled in comparison. It was dull.
He wondered sometimes if dealing with his father had messed up something inside him.
He could remember being young, maybe eight or so, fighting with two of his sisters over the fact that he'd wanted to watch the music channel and they wanted to watch some craptastic stop motion cartoon. They'd outnumbered him two to one, and he'd known he would lose the argument. So he'd thrown a tantrum, started screaming.
The entire atmosphere in the house had changed in a second. His sisters went from argumentative to conciliatory in an instant, changed the channel to the music, tried to give him the remote. One of father's 'girls' came in and tried to quiet him down. When he hadn't, she'd clamped a hand over his mouth.
It hadn't been enough. Dear Old Dad had come marching out of the master bedroom. Nikos Vasil. Heartbreaker. Tall, wearing only boxer briefs, with a muscled, lanky physique, long hair plastered to his head with sweat. Father had taken two or three seconds to assess the situation before using his power on Alec, his two sisters and the 'girl' with a hand over Alec's mouth. He hit each of them with stark terror. The kind of fear you experienced when you were claustrophobic and you woke up in a coffin six feet underground.
.....................................................:(:(:cry::cry::anger::anger::rage::rage::rage:HEARTBREAKER IS THE WORST FATHER IN THE ENTIRE WORM STORY. I'm sure that I'm not going to see a worse father than this one, he won the first prize of the worst father of the century. Even Kaiser was a MUCH, MUCH MORE BETTER father than this one. Even if he wanted to turn his son into a nazi like him, he still loved him, otherwise he wouldn't have sacrificed his life to a freaking Endbringer to protect the city, implicitly his family. I hope I'll never get a Heartbreaker's Interlude, because that will be the only Interlude that I'll skip. Fuck, Jack wants to destroy the world and I don't hate him not even half as I hate Heartbreaker. Leviathan killed some of the best heroes and still he's much better than this guy. Coil is drugging a little girl and possible sexually abuse her and still...I hate him as much as I hate Heartbreaker :D....This guy doesn't deserve to die, too easy for him. He deserves to have all his children turning against him and taking turns into using their powers against their father, emotionally and mentally torturing him for DAYS until his brains will turn into mush and he'll be incapable to even feed by himself. Poor Regent, he had the most awful life out of all Undersiders, even worse than Rachel. However I don't know about Lisa's life and why she ran away from her house, possible that she had some really abusive parents as well. Taylor is lucky having a parent who loves her so much.

Then father had gone back into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.
It had been around summer when that happened, Alec mused. He didn't have many ways to tell time, back then, since he hadn't gone to school, and the days kind of passed. Still, it had been hot, he remembered. Between that summer and Christmas, Alec hadn't opened his mouth to speak once.
That was only one of a dozen or so experiences that came to mind. So yeah, maybe father had broken something in the process. Maybe it had been the emotional equivalent of staring into the sun for far too long, too many times, being left almost half blind.
Or maybe it was his own power. He could be two, three or four people at the same time, feeling what they felt. By the time he was a teenager, he'd experienced every kind of drug, in someone else's body, had slept with himself as various boys and girls. How was being just ordinary Alec supposed to compare?

I really need to see another lovingly and protective father, besides Danny, in this story, because most of them are fucking jerks so far. Not all parents are so bad, there are a lot of good parents around. Hell, if I have to be right, Alan is a good father for Emma, despite being an ass and spoiling her so much. But he loves her and protects her, even against "bullies" like Taylor, who punched her in the face (from his POV, Taylor is a bully and his daughter is a victim). Alright, back to the story. I think your "father" (90%) and your power (10%) fucked your mind, Regent. Some of powers have a negative effect over some of parahumans indeed, but in your case your father had the most responsibility for what you're now, a functional sociopath capable to feel only through other people you control. Don't blame your powers -you can use or you can't use them, they don't manipulate you, you're the one who manipulate them (its like a person who loves to drink blames the alcohol for their problems or a killer blames their gun or knife for their crimes); blame instead the MONSTER you had as your father. He destroyed irremediably your life "hugs Regent". I don't quite understand how he slept with himself as various boys and girls. Yes, I understand he's bisexual (and he's the only Undersider with sexual life) but this is not what matters now. Did he used a Dummy Girl and Boy to have sex with them? Like....raping them? Regent is a rapist or I got it wrong? OMG, he's a rapist, yes. This is VERY LOW for him, very, very low. Rapists are a big NO in my books so....Regent, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I still pity you and agree with what you're doing to R Shadow Stalker but you just became my least favorite Undersider (from an initial third place), surpassing Bitch. Hell, her betrayal can't be compare with you raping people.

Shadow Stalker wasn't emotionally dulled. Her emotions were rich, uninhibited. She was passionate in her emotions: angry, judgemental. Even the negative feelings were something he could savor in their own way. He wasn't really experiencing them – it was more of a very involved spectator role. Her fear was thrilling in the same way a fantastic scary movie was, with the detail and the immersion cranked up to eleven.
He leaped straight up into the air, then activated the shadow state. When she was as high as she would get, he had her grip her cloak in her hands and use it to guide her descent so she could land atop the roof of the gas station. He stopped, stretched her arms. She was breathing hard, but not as much as his Alec-self would be after even half as much running. He could feel the endorphins being pumped into her body from the hard exercise, and he was all the more aware of it because he had his other body to compare to. She was an athlete.
He ran her hands down her chest, felt her breasts, the muscles of her stomach. Stretching once more, he clenched her hands, felt the muscles in her arms flex. He felt her shudder in revulsion.
"Almost forgot you were in there," he murmured, barely loud enough for her to catch. Not that it mattered. She was as aware of the movements of her mouth as he was. He could mouth the words and she would probably understand. He smirked for her benefit as much as his own.
Regent is a rapist, he's a rapist...Sorry, but I can't get over this information. Why you can't sleep with someone by their own accord, Regent? You're a good looking boy (in a non-manly way), it won't be hard for you to convince a girl or a boy to sleep with you. But you need to feel the power, right? You want to feel that you have power over them, you can do whatever you want with them even against their will. I know that some rapists are doing what they're doing because they want to feel powerful over their victims, they compare the sexual abuse with power and domination (ok, I know some things about this delicate subject because I'm working as volunteer at a women's shelter and I've heard some very awful life stories there. I'm trying my best to help these abused women and their children and I still feel that I can do even more. I've meet there very young boys who were pretty violent and agitated, because they saw their fathers being abusive toward their mothers and they instinctively copied their "model". Yes, sometimes children copy what they see in their families, this is a sad truth :cry::(). So, his father destroyed his life, and now Regent destroys other people' lives. He hates his father, he ran away from his influence, yet he copies in some ways his "model". He slowly becomes what he's afraid the most to become. His father :(. And if he'll ever have children...its like an endless circle of abuse. I don't hate Regent, far from hating him, despite doing what he's doing (he's an insane victim), I just don't like him anymore. And in the same time, I feel a lot of pity for him.

"So. Bet you're wondering what's up," he commented. "Funny thing about having this control over you, I can feel your emotions, your body's reactions. Like a really, really good polygraph test. I wasn't even half done saying my piece back there when I caught on to the fact that you were too pissed and too angry to back down and walk away. There's no way you're going to leave town if I let you go, right?"
He felt her struggle to open her mouth and respond. He could have let her, by giving her some limited control over her own movements, but he didn't.
"Right. So I'm taking it upon myself to ensure this all goes smoothly. My teammates have other shit to worry about, and I'm kind of enjoying flexing my powers. So I'm dealing with this situation myself. You and I? We're going to go another route."
He fished in her belt and pockets and began withdrawing the contents. He tossed the things he couldn't use over the edge of the roof. Billfold, spare cartridges for the crossbow, a small knife, spare strings for the crossbows, bandages, keys and a Wards ID card fell to the ground by the side of the gas station, in and near an overflowing dumpster. There were plastic cuffs in the belt, but he couldn't be bothered to fish out every last one and throw them all away. At the right hip, he found two cell phones. Success.
One of the phones looked years out of date. The screen was scuffed so badly it was barely readable, and the plastic cover for the plug slot at the bottom was missing. The other was a touch screen smart phone. He didn't recognize the make or the model, and the interface when he turned it on and touched the screen was unfamiliar. Special issue from the Wards? Whatever. Not important.
The smart phone was password protected. That was more Lisa's thing, but he did have one trick up his sleeve. Holding her fingers above the keypad, he let them follow through with the most natural feeling sequence of numbers, ingrained into the mind-body connection through the habitual repetition of a sequence of movements over weeks or months. Muscle memory.
It took two tries. The first felt slightly off at the end. The second was spot on, and was rewarded with a vibration of the phone and a menu.
"Contacts," he murmured, pressing a button, "Weld, Clockblocker, Vista, Flechette, Kid Win… boring. Nothing I can work with, here." Director Piggot? No. Some potential there, maybe, but she was probably on top of this body-snatching situation. Fully informed.
Alright, Regent, do almost whatever you want with R Shadow, EXCEPT for raping her or making her kill her family. These are the limits that if you're going to cross, I'll seriously hate you. Just a warning. So, let me guess, you'll make her texts Emma and threaten her with death or something like this. In this way, Emma will turn her back to R Shadow (since she have no idea that Sophia is bodily controlled; she'll probably think that she's on drugs or lost her mind) and their friendship will crash and burn. That would be AWESOME. Two bitches bitching at each other at phone and deciding to end all their connections. Skitter will LOVE :D you for that- right after she'll wrench your rapist dick :anger:.

He scrolled down. Beyond the contacts that had been pinned to the top of the list, there was a short list of contacts that were sorted in order of who had been contacted most recently. At the top of the list was an 'Emma Barnes'.
He checked the other, older phone. No password. A quick examination showed it was her civilian phone.
"Taking this out on patrol? Is that stupidity or arrogance? What if you lost it?" He shook his head, then offered her a dramatic gasp, "What if it got into the wrong hands?" Her voice was far better for the gasp than his own was. He couldn't help but chuckle after hearing it.
This Emma girl was listed in both of the phones. Now he had a strong suspicion as to who it was. A quick read of the received texts gave away Shadow Stalker's name, but he already knew that. Taylor had let it slip, before.
Her pulse was pounding now, and he could feel a growing sense of… what was that? Outrage? She was pissed at the invasion of privacy.
He tried a giggle on for size, to see if he could, and to see if it irritated her. It worked on both counts.
No text messages had been exchanged on the smart phone, so he dug through the archive of old texts on the crummy old phone. Lots sent to Emma. Some sent to a Madison. Others, relatively few, to a mom, a Terry and an Alan.
When he'd gotten sick of paging through the texts in the order that they'd been sent, he went looking for the saved texts, the messages Sophia had deemed important or noteworthy enough to save from being deleted. What he uncovered was telling. He had to do more digging to find the rest of the discussions for each message Sophia had saved, in order to get as much a sense of things as he could. It was hard, when each series of texts was in response to some event he hadn't participated in.
Some were inane, others he just didn't understand. Then he found one that gave him pause, that confirmed his suspicions about who Emma was.
Emma: what r u doing with her bag?
Sophia: am in art class atm. was thinking i can fill it with paint when teach leaves room. put it in lost&found. her art midterm is inside so she might look for it and find it and
Sophia: be all yay i found it and then she looks inside and sees its fucked
Emma: lol.
Sophia: what did you say to make her cry? that was awesome. blew my mind.
Emma: (SAVED MESSAGE) crying hrself to sleep for a week? she told me she did after her mommy died
Sophia: you r so evil

Emma: ya ya
Sophia: can i use that one on her? saving that one for posterity btw
Emma: won't have same bite to it. brilliant bit was the suprise. that slow realization abt what i meant.
Sophia: teach me o master
Emma: lol
Emma: wont be as good but i was thinking of that day. think i remember musc we were listening to when she got the phone call abt her mom.
Emma: we shld wait a while and then see if she cries agn if we play it in hallways or b4 class.
Sophia: and we cant get in trouble for just listening to music
Emma: ya
Sophia: cant believe you were her friend.
Emma: she was lame but not depressing and lame @ same time.

(gosh, I had some troubles with understanding the text message exchanges between these two bitches; since english is only my second language -also most of it is self-taught, I'm not so good with spelling abbreviations so I had to read the entire thing two times) They're making plans to destroy Taylor's life and Emma is so proud because she made Taylor cry by reminding about her mother's death. Regent, can you please kidnap Emma, torture her and take control over her body as well? I'd be really proud of you if you'll do that, in the same manner she's proud for messing with someone's life. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Or- since you can't control so easy both of them in the same time from such a distance- at least make R Shadow beat up Emma within an inch of her life. Just do something, I want Emma to SUFFER. I'm thirsty after her tears of pain and suffering.

Regent closed the phone, threw it casually into the air, and then caught it on the way down. He did that a few more times, thinking.
"Huh," he said.
Long seconds passed. He knew he should feel bad for the dork, but he only felt annoyed. He felt worse about the fact that he didn't feel bad than he did about what he'd just read.
Something to thank father for, maybe.
"You are not a nice person," he spoke to Sophia with a note of irony in his voice. He could feel her try to respond.
He smiled slowly, "Let's see…"
He thumbed through the phone's menus until he found an email option. He verified it could send attachments.
The smart phone in his other hand, he found the web browser and did a search for local high schools.
"Hmmm. What school do you go to? Arcadia? No. Immaculata? No. Clarendon? Nope. Winslow?"
He felt the slightest of reactions from her. A hitching of breath, maybe. And there was nothing she could do to stop it, because the reactions were hers only because they were involuntary.
"Awesome." He searched for the web site for Winslow High School, and whistled tunelessly to annoy Shadow Stalker as he found the teacher's emails. He began painstakingly entering them into the recipient field.
When he'd done that, he began the process of attaching the texts to the email. It would have been mind-numbingly dull if it wasn't for that gradually building sense of trepidation he was
experiencing from his gracious host.
He typed out a message for the email itself:
found phone. stuff inside is concerning. thought u should see what ur students r doing.
Her thumb hovered over the button that would send the email.
"Nah," he decided. He felt a wave of relief from his host.
That relief swiftly faded as he turned her eyes to the smart phone and searched for Brockton Bay's police force.
When he'd added that email to the list, he added another line:
contacting police to make sure something is done
He sent the email.

He's fucking her life so freaking HARD. I love everything he's doing to her so far :D. Please, do something with Emma too, please. I also noticed that Regent doesn't feel sorry for what happened to Taylor, of course, something to be expected from a sociopath, BUT he also wants to feel sorry for her, he wants to feel these emotions that he KNOWS he'll never have, in the same manner he doesn't want to be like his father, but he's walking on his steps. He wants to be like any normal human (and parahuman) being, even if he's aware that is next to impossible. Very good moral portrait of a sociopath, Wildbow, I have to admit. ;)

Good night and sleep well, my friends...and non friends who like Mannequin :D, I'll continue tomorrow with the second part of this wonderful, exciting, disturbing and close to real life Interlude.
10.x (Interlude) PART 2
Hi, people who are fans of Alec and people who are not his fans. Before I'll start the second part of 10.x (Interlude) | Worm I'd like to talk a bit about things that are not very related to our more or less favorite teenager sociopath and his dummy. First, I had a revelation about how Aisha discovered that her brother is a villain. I think she had a suspicion and one day she activated her power and followed Brian to his meeting with the rest of Undersiders, being easy for her to spy on them, since nobody could notice her. This must be the most logical explanation. The best ninja and the best spy. I seriously like this girl more and more, she became my fourth favorite member- Lisa, Taylor, Brian, Aisha, Rachel and Alec (Alec is now the last one and my least favorite because he's a FUCKING RAPIST, even if I feel sorry for him). If Alec will ever die, I'm not sure if I'll feel so sorry for him like I'll feel for the others if they'll die. Now depends of how he'll die. If he'll do what Kaiser did and sacrifice his life for a good cause, of course I'll change my mind and feel sorry for him. I appreciate a lot when people sacrifice themselves for others so I'm willingly to forgive and feel sorry for... Coil himself if he'll sacrifice his life. But Coil won't do that, he only cares about himself and himself alone. He's a megalomaniac sociopath, WORSE than Alec.
Another thing that I noticed is how important is the power of friendship. And especially how important is to be good with others so they'll be good with you back when you need them. Sophia wasn't good with any of the Wards (not even with Gallant, the sweetest and kindest Master so far. Or he was a Blaster? I'm not very sure), she wasn't their friend, she was a bitch towards Missy and Lily, so naturally that they don't care about her and they don't try hard to find her and save her. Now, let's see what would happen if Missy was in Sophia's place. First, I'd personally hate Alec as much as I hate his father :D, second, Undersiders will have all Wards up their ass all the fucking time. All Wards like Missy and they'd try to save her. Weld would probably even kill some bitches just to save Missy (he seems to care a lot about her and admire her). Why is so different? Because Missy was nothing but nice and non- judgemental and supportive with her colleagues and of course she won their affection and friendship. See? FRIENDSHIP IS TRULY MAGIC :D.

He felt an explosion of rage from within Shadow Stalker's body. Her hands even shook with it. He laughed, and her anger mixed with his amusement to create something that sounded unhinged.
Probably was, when he thought about it. She had multiple personalities, in a way.
He stepped from the roof, and waited until the last second to use her power. Her body exploded into a cloud of shadows. As she pulled back together, he felt a strong discomfort. Not quite pain.
In seconds, she had condensed back to her normal form. The pain his hosts felt was something distant. It didn't bother him half as much. He couldn't be sure if it was because he instinctually prevented it or if it was something else.
He resumed his whistling as he hopped up onto the railing of a bridge and walked atop it. He dialed Emma, felt a mild reaction from his host: Annoyance with a note of anxiety.
Emma picked up on the fourth ring. "What the fuck soph… what the fuck!? It's three AM!"
"Terribly sorry," Regent tried to sound convincing, but it came out sounding sarcastic.
"You said you'd call me hours ago, to give me a recap."
"I'm sorry," Regent didn't trust himself to pull off a sincere apology, so he lowered her voice to a hush instead.
"What's going on?"
"I needed to talk to someone," he spoke.
"…Are you hurt? What happened?"
"Nothing. There was this brawl at the headquarters, Dragon showed up, but that isn't what I wanted to talk about."
Regent held his breath, waited.
"Seriously, you've got me worried. You're making it sound like this important thing, and you woke me up at ten past three in the morning, so it had better be important. Dish. Explain."
"I'm lonely."
Emma's voice rose in pitch, irritated, "Seriously? That's your issue!?"
"I miss you." He knew she wasn't in town from the most recent texts he'd read on the phone.
"This doesn't sound like you. Are you high, or did you get poisoned or something?"
"I really miss you," Regent breathed into the phone.
"I've been in love with you from the beginning."
See, I was right about Regent making R Shadow call her best friend. But what he's doing now is so LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :lol:rofl:. He's making R Shadow pretends to be a lesbian in love with Emma. Emma is having the sock of her life, but she deserves everything and even more. If she's not a lesbian herself and have a secret crush on Sophia, Emma will surely break up with her after this scene. I bet she's super- creeped out right now, its very late, her friend is calling her out of blue to talk non-sense. Please, Regent, make R Shadow to tell to Emma that she loves her AND her father and she often have erotic dreams with both of them, like a threesome incestuous fun. I hate this shit, but I'd love the DISASTER that will follow it. :D

"Sophia, stop. If this is a prank-"
"Why do you think I pushed you to turn on that depressing little shit of a friend, way back then? I was jealous of her."
"This is retarded. Don't fucking call me again until you're ready to grow up," Emma growled.
"Please," Regent managed to pull off a pleading tone, but Emma was already hanging up. He heard the dial tone and swore, "Fuck."
He hopped down from the railing as he reached the end of the bridge. He commented, "Don't think she bought it."
Sophia tried to respond, and for the first time, she almost succeeded. The distance between Alec and Shadow Stalker was too wide, now. It would only get worse. He could feel it in his other body, too.
"Let's see," he grinned, raising the smart phone. Her hand shook as she held it. "Ooh, maps."
The map application still showed the last route Shadow Stalker had requested from it, detailing directions from a point in the south end of the Docks to a place downtown.
"Thirty-three Stonemast avenue."
Again, that slight reaction from her that told him he'd found something.
"That got your attention. Let's go pay a visit."
Oh, no, you're taking her home, Regent? Gosh, don't make her hurt her parents, please, they're innocent. This isn't fun anymore, I'd hate if Regent will make her kill her parents in cold blood, that would be really UNFAIR, CRUEL and UNNECESSARY from him. Destroy R Shadow's own life, Regent, don't do the same with others' lives, you'll be as bad as your father.

He set the phone to display directions from their current location to Stonemast avenue, and then he ran once more.
Her movements were more awkward, now. Her reflexes were slower, her balance worse. Activating her power was becoming a chore, a slower, harder process. Above all, it required more of his attention. He had his Regent-self put his headphones in and turn on some music. It was an excuse to ignore the others, and to have his attention elsewhere. They weren't at their destination yet.
Shadow Stalker reached Stonemast avenue before Regent, Tattletale, Skitter, Imp and Grue got to Coil. It was funny, but with the route they were taking, if the timing was a little different, the group could have theoretically crossed paths with Shadow Stalker. At least his control was improving as the gap between them closed.
Thirty-five, thirty-four, thirty-three. It was a residential area. The houses here weren't in the best shape, and a lot of houses had trash or belongings in the yard. Thirty-three Stonemast avenue had a toddler's toys sitting on the front lawn. The hedges between the property and the neighbors was overgrown, and the tree at the front of the property looked dead. It might have seemed deserted, but someone had taken up the effort of picking up the detritus the tidal wave had brought in and piling it at the front corner of the lawn, by the driveway.
He walked her through the front door, felt rising anger and worry from his host.
That anger and worry peaked when a young man, nineteen or twenty, stepped from the living room to the front hall, heading towards the kitchen, and saw her. The man stopped and stared.
"Mom!" He shouted.
A tired looking middle-aged woman entered from the kitchen, holding a four-year old girl in her arms. Regent had grown up around lots of kids. He liked to think he was a good judge of ages.
The woman stared at Shadow Stalker, then turned, "Terry, take your sister upstairs."
Oh, God, she have an older brother and a younger sister. Her sister is so young....:( Gosh, Regent, if you'll hurt these people, ANY of them, but especially the child, I'm going to hate you so much that I'll pray that S9 to capture you and each of them to torture you according to their preferred method. Let's see how ruthless you can be and how much I'm going to hate you after this scene.

"Now!" the woman barked.
Terry moved to pick up the child, who was looking increasingly concerned over the raised emotions and the strange person in their hallway. Regent reached out and grabbed Terry's arm.
"Chill, bro," Regent was making a guess here. From the way the boy stared at Shadow Stalker, he knew he'd hit the mark.
"Yeah," Regent grinned behind her mask. "Duh, moron."
The woman stepped between Shadow Stalker and Terry, a look of fury on her face, "Sophia! Kitchen. Now!"
With a swagger, Regent walked Shadow Stalker into the kitchen. There was a flurry of hissed words between Terry and Shadow Stalker's mother. Among them was a surprised, hurt, "You knew!?"
Regent sat down at the kitchen table and put her feet up. Dirty water pooled on the table's surface.
It was nearly a minute before the mother came storming into the kitchen. She pushed Shadow Stalker's feet off the table.
"Explain!" she demanded.
Her mother knew about Sophia's Ward identity as Shadow Stalker, but Terry, her brother, was completely left in the dark until this moment. Alright, now he found out too, so far nothing to worry about. Regent is just messing with R Shadow Stalker's secrets towards the rest of her family, throwing a little wrench in her relationship with them.

"What?" Regent lifted one shoulder in a shrug.
"We had a deal. You could do this thing of yours, but your siblings were not to know!"
"It's a pain in the ass," Regent said. He pulled off Shadow Stalker's mask and started tapping the edge against the table, idly.
"It's the rules in my house! If it's going to keep you out of prison and on the straight and narrow, fine. But I will not have you glorifying violence-"
The mother stopped mid-sentence as Regent opened Shadow Stalker's mouth in a very real yawn. Funny that his other self yawned as well, in that sympathetic reaction to someone else yawning.
The mother slapped the mask from Sophia's hand. It clattered to the ground. "Listen to me!"
"Whatever," Regent drew a crossbow and turned it over in his hands.
The mother stared at it. Her voice was hushed as she spoke, "That doesn't look like the tranquilizer dart the Director showed me."
Regent quirked an eyebrow, "Oops."
"What are you doing, Sophia? Do you want to go to jail?"
"I'm bored," Regent replied.
"You do not have the right to complain about something like being bored! I work two jobs for you three! I put in overtime, I attend every school function, I come into the office every time you get reprimanded because you've got anger issues! You aren't even taking care of your sister, or helping out around this house! What do you think-"
"And now you're making me even more bored," Regent cut her off.
The mother slapped Sophia so hard that her head turned to one side. Her cheek burned.
"Don't you dare," the mother intoned.
POOR, POOR MOTHER. She's a model of a mother. She works hard for her children, she's worried for Sophia, she knows how violent and crazy her daughter is, still she tries to be a good mother for her, keep her away from jail and gives her a good life, as best as she can. I already like a lot this mother, even if she'll probably be just in this Interlude. She's one of the best parents so far. Yes, she slapped Sophia, but I'd probably have done the same in her place if my daughter would have reacted like a crazy murderous bitch. Sophia is the kind of person who would make anyone mad, even the saints. You have all my appreciation for your (unfortunately useless) efforts to guide your daughter on the right path, mrs Hess. Fuck you, Regent, if you'll dare to hurt her!

Shadow Stalker stood at Regent's directions, then pointed the crossbow at the mother. The woman's eyes widened, and she hurried to back away as Shadow Stalker advanced. They stopped when the mother's back was to the wall by the kitchen door, with Shadow Stalker's crossbow bolt pressed against her throat.
"I think I'm done with listening to you whinge," Regent whispered.
"What are you doing? What's wrong with you?"
"Like you said," Regent shrugged, "Anger problems. I promise you, you don't have the slightest idea of what I go through."
When in doubt, be vague.
"If you're talking about Steven…"
Steven. Regent could feel a reaction from Shadow Stalker at the name. "I'm not talking about Steven." He put some inflection in the name. He dropped the crossbow to one side, stepped away and stretched. The mother didn't budge from where she was pressed up against the wall. "I'm going to my room. Don't disturb me."
He bent down and grabbed the mask, but he didn't put it back on. He stepped out into the hallway, and saw a vacuum cleaner parked in the corner. An extension cord trailed from it to a neighboring room. An office? He unplugged the cord from the wall and the vacuum, and then headed upstairs, winding the cord into a simple coil.
Shadow Stalker's body was a cocktail of emotion. Fear, anger, anxiety, worry, panic and sheer fury. Regent staved off the worst of the physical reactions, the trembling and the heavy breathing, and managed to make Shadow Stalker seem calm as she reached the top of the stairs. Terry was up there in the hallway, staring, uncomprehending.
Regent found her room, then shut the door. It was small, old-fashioned, with wood paneling on the walls. The furniture was limited to a twin-sized bed, a vanity with a mirror, candles and cosmetics littering the top, a bookshelf and a combination computer desk and dresser with a computer and a printer perched on top. The wall behind the pictures showed Shadow Stalker with a redheaded girl. There were a lot of photos with them laughing. Emma?
"finally breathes, after she hold her breath during the scene with R Sophia threatening her mother" Thanks you, Regent, thank you for not killing mrs Hess. Now what? You're going to make R Sophia kill herself by hanging? Poor mother, I don't want to imagine how she'll feel when she'll find her daughter dead. Regent, R Sophia is a monster, I agree with you, but her mother doesn't deserve this shit, seriously. DON'T MAKE HER KILL HERSELF.

"Emma?" he asked. That slight alteration in her heartbeat and her breathing told him he was right.
He found a picture of Shadow Stalker – Sophia – with her family. Her mom looked younger and far less tired there, and was pregnant. Shadow Stalker looked twelve or so, and her brother looked sixteen or seventeen, sporting a fantastic looking afro and a less fantastic attempt at a moustache. They were clustered around one another, but only the mom was smiling.
Regent's eyes fell on the man who was cut out of the photo, only his hand on the mom's shoulder, and a sliver of his torso and leg were visible at the edge of the picture.
"Steven?" he asked. Raw hatred boiled up inside Shadow Stalker, for both Regent and the man that couldn't be seen in the picture. "Steven. So what did he do do you? Believe me, I've seen it all. Hit you? Touch you?"
No reaction from either of those. Verbal abuse? Emotional? Something else? He didn't care enough to quiz her more.
He grabbed the lighter from beside the scented candles and began pulling the photos off of the wall. Using the lighter, he burned a hole in the photograph where Emma's face was.
"Well," he said, his tone dry. He had to cough to keep himself from letting her anger turn his voice into a growl. "You sure rose above that shit, treating your classmates like you do, getting in fights, not helping out dear old mom."
Again, he had to struggle to maintain control as she exploded with emotion. It didn't help that his other self was trying to listen to what Coil was saying. Better to avoid testing her.
"You and I are more alike than you'd suspect, I think," he said. "We're both arrogant assholes, yeah? Difference is, I admit it, I don't dress it up and tell myself that I'm a bitch and that that's a good thing." He burned Emma's face out of another photo.

Alright, so this Steven didn't raped her as I expected. Maybe he's her father and he left the family right after her younger sister was born. He left them alone, forcing her mother to take care of their home without any help. She must hate her father for running like a coward and its understandable. But this is not an excuse for her bitchy, bully and murderous behavior. Love how Regent forces her to burn all Emma's pictures, he single- handed destroyed their friendship forever. If she'd know, Taylor might scold him for his involvement in her problems, but deep inside she'll be so happy that her bullies payed such a bitter price.

"So, let's tie all this shit together. I have been working with a goal in mind, believe me."
He got a piece of paper out of the printer, then found a pen in one of the drawers. He was careful to rely on her muscle memory when it came to the handwriting.
I thought I could manage.
I'm too angry. Too lonely. I hate myself for what I'm doing. Hurting people.
I hurt my mom. I hurt my classmates as Sophia. I hurt people as Shadow Stalker, and I hate myself for enjoying it.
I thought I could manage it. I had Emma. She had my back.
Except she turned me down. I loved her, really loved her, and when I confessed she turned me away. Acted like it was a joke.
This is the right thing to do. I won't be able to hurt anyone anymore.
Terror surged through her body like ice water. When he laughed in reaction, it came out shaky. He littered the burned photographs around the piece of paper, with Emma's face missing from each, then drew an arrow from the crossbow's cartridge and laid it across the bottom edge of the paper. It was overdramatic enough to work.
He stood on the chair and began wrapping the extension cord around the base of the light fixture. He grabbed the cord and hung off it for a few seconds to verify it could hold her weight. The light fixture itself was flimsy , but the frame it was attached to was bolted securely into the wooden beams of the ceiling.
He found moisturizers and soaps on top of the vanity. Using them, he rubbed the end of the extension cord, making it slick. Holding the end, he began tying it into a crude hangman's knot. When he failed to do it right, he used the smart phone to find a video of how to tie one, then turned the volume all the way down.

You know what? I don't think that Regent will really make R Sophia kill herself. All this setup feels like a bluff to me. I think that he wants to scare her so she'll be so frightened by him and traumatized that she'll never try to come after Undersiders, to get her revenge on them. He already fucked her relationship with her family, he completely destroyed any connection she might have with her "fellow" Wards, he ended her friendship with Emma, all she can do is to run away from City of Dangerous Masters and to...live as best as she can, if she'll not go completely crazy, of course. He ruined her life. And even worse than that, I'm pretty OK with what Regent did. I'm usually a very emphatic person, especially towards children/teenagers, but NOT with Sophia. There no mercy in my soul for her. Should I start to be worried about myself or other people have this reaction as well?

"Here's the thousand dollar question," he mused, as he began following the steps outlined in the video, putting the knot together, "Will your boss tell your mom what happened with me controlling you? If she keeps her mouth shut, well, this paints a pretty ugly picture, doesn't it?"
A tear rolled down his cheek. He scoffed a little, blinked the tears out of her eyes.
"But if she does tell, if she lets mommy know, then shit hits the fan. It looks pretty fucking bad for her, and if word gets out, it's as bad as it gets for public relations. Scary, dangerous parahumans. Not just lives at risk, but you could be controlled. Ooooh, scary. Nobody would ever be able to trust their coworkers or neighbors. It's the kind of stuff they want to keep quiet."
"Looks bad for me, sure, but you saw the fight earlier. It's not like you guys are that big a threat. Like I said, I'm arrogant that way."
He reached to plug the extension cord into the wall, but found it too short. He sighed and went to unplug everything from the computer's power bar and use that to extend the length of the cord so he could plug it in. He grabbed her alarm clock, stood on the chair, and plugged it into the noose. He put her hood down, and then set the alarm clock inside her hood, blinking 12:00, 12:00, 12:00.
"Any last words?" He slid the noose around her neck. It was slimy with the soaps and other shit he'd poured on it.
He gave her enough control to speak, but retained control of her arms, legs so she couldn't escape, and held her diaphragm so she couldn't draw in enough air to scream for help.
"Why?" she breathed.
"You fucked with my teammate," he shrugged her shoulder.
"Grue? I-"
He didn't let her finish. "I dunno if I care all that much, but it's the sort of thing I'll do because it feels like I should. Dunno. There's also the fact that you're dangerous, and you've outlived your usefulness, so… unless you can give me a convincing reason."
"Not that convincing." He raised one foot, then kicked the chair, hard.
It rocked, but didn't tip over.
He chuckled lightly, feeling the confusion and the relief from his host. It was a thrill unlike any other. "I think I made my point."
She wanted to respond, but he didn't let her. She was bewildered, just as scared as she had been before.
"I'd like to think that you have much less reason to hang around this city than you did an hour ago. Even if she hears how you were controlled by yours truly, mom's not going to be so comfortable having you around in the future, given the dim possibility of a repeat performance. Things are going to be awkward with Emma there, too. Your career as a hero here isn't looking good, either. Eff why eye, I was telling the truth about my ability to assume total control faster, easier, if I've controlled someone before."
He fished out a set of the plastic cuffs and put them around her wrists, then worked her fingers to pull the end and cinch the cuffs tight, behind her back.
"I can feel your emotions. I know I've convinced you. You leave town, and if you don't want me paying a visit, wherever you wind up, you keep your mouth closed about tonight. They don't need to know this was all my doing.
Things get messy that way, yeah?"
He gave her limited control, and she nodded, fractionally, as if afraid to move.
"If I do get control again? I won't pull my punches. Or my kicks." He tapped her foot against the back of the chair. Her heart leaped in her chest. "You can't feel my emotions, so you'll have to trust that I'm capable of it.
You know I'm Heartbreaker's kid. You know I've killed before."
Again, she offered a slight nod. She tried to speak, but he didn't let her. No need, he could guess, from what she was feeling. The anger was gone now. There was only fear.
He glanced out the window. There were flashing lights. A PRT van? Or maybe a police car.
A chuckle escaped her lips. "Well, I'll leave it to you to get out of this situation. When you do? Get the fuck out of my city."
He let out a breath, and then relinquished control of her body back to its owner.
I was right about Regent just scaring shirtless R Sophia. This is much better than actually killing her and making her mother suffer because of that. Well, what can I say? Bye, R Sophia...hello, Sophia, welcome in the ruins of your new life. Enjoy your permanent stay. Be grateful to Regent that he didn't raped you, along with everything else he did. He was quite of a gentleman towards you :D. So, a person that I hate is gone now, I hope forever. There are still Coil, Heartbreaker, Mannequin (awesome, I know next to nothing about this guy but I hate him already. Well, I have REASON to be so hateful towards him), Emma, Leviathan left. Can't wait for their turn.

Good night and sleep well, empathetic and sociopathic people alike.
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10.x (Interlude 2)
Hi, friends, and welcome to the last chapter of this Arc and the last Interlude of the same Arc 10.x (Bonus Interlude) | Worm Hmm, I guess this Interlude will be about S9 or my hopes are too high? Gosh, S9, Coil's childhood, Endbringers, Case 53 Scientists (I call them like this until I'll find out how they prefer to be called), ANYTHING is good to a Heartbreaker's POV. I'm very ready to skip this Interlude if I have to read about this HUGE BASTARD and ABUSER. I apologize to you, my friends, if I have to give up at reading it (I'll still post this review but only as an apology and nothing else), but I won't feel comfortable at all reading about someone I hate so much. Thank you for understanding. Ok, before I'll start, I want to talk about empathy and how much of an empathetic person each of the Undersiders seems to me. I will not count Alec here because empathy is something unknown and mysterious to him. Lets see others: Rachel feels empathy only towards her dogs, so she have a limited empathy; Brian feels empathy for his sister and his teammates, but not for all people, like he himself admitted (he didn't wanted to stop Purity from killing people, he didn't wanted to save Dinah), Lisa is more empathetic than Brian, but still she isn't the most empathetic one of the group. This title belongs to Taylor, the only member of the team with the most empathy towards....everyone. She cares for her father, even if she keeps him in the dark with her double life and now she apparently abandoned him :( (I kind of want for something bad to happen to Danny so Taylor can save him and talk to him again), she cares for her teammates, she cares for heroes and civilians alike, she cares for Dinah, she's exactly the OPPOSITE of Alec. If she was a Ward, I think Taylor would have been great friends with Weld and Missy :). Yes, Taylor can be ruthless when she wants to be but most of the time she's a very empathetic and helpful person. And the most ruthless Undersider is Alec, everyone can learn a thing or two from him about treating their enemies. Alright, time to start this Interlude and hope for the best.

Signal terminated for 30 minutes and 5 seconds. Restoring core system from backup NXDX-203 from time 4:45am on date June 4th of year 2011.
Restoring… Complete.
Checking knowledge banks… Complete.
Checking deduction schema… Complete.
Checking longterm planning architecture… Complete.
Checking learning chunk processor… Complete.
Checking base personality model… Complete.
Checking language engine… Complete.
Checking operation and access nodes… Complete.
Checking observation framework… Complete.
Checking complex social intelligence emulator… Complete.
Checking inspiration apparatus… Complete.
No corruption, everything in working order. Core system restored. Loading…
To Dragon, it was as if no time had passed from the moment she deployed the Cawthorne rapid response unit and the moment she found herself back in her laboratory.
It was a bittersweet thing. She was always a little afraid she would not come back when she died, so there was definite relief. But there was also a great deal of hassle involved.

AWESOME! Its about Dragon. A Dragon Interlude. I'm more than ok with this one :). So....she's an AI? My theory about Dragon is confirmed? Yep, she must be an AI.....I'm not sure what to think about this revelation (actually, one of my theories about her origins that just got confirmed; the other two being about a heroic human Dragon or an evil human Dragon), I don't like AIs and robots too much, not my cup of tea. Anyways, it is much better than a possible villain human Dragon. So....there might be possible dangerous consequences of Dragon being an AI. If Dragonslayers will find a way to control Dragon, they might break her limitations of taking orders only from heroes and not killing people except only when she's ordered to do, and might turn her against heroes and civilians (if this is their intentions), transforming her into an "evil" AI. She'd be unable to opposite them because she's doing only what she's programmed to do, she doesn't have free will, she can't take her own decisions as long as they're not part of her program, and if those hackers will break her program, then...I'm gonna be very AFRAID FOR HUMANITY. See, this is the reason why I don't like super-smart machines. Dragon can become even more dangerous that Endbringers if she'll transform from the protector of humanity into the enemy of humanity.

A quick check verified she'd successfully restored from her backup. She set background processes to handle the peripheral checks and redundancies. Until the checks were complete, safeguards would prevent her from taking any action beyond the limits of her core drive. She couldn't take any notes, work on her projects, check the priority targets or converse with anyone for the seven to nine minutes the checks took.
It was irritating, but at least she was free to think idly.
She didn't enjoy this. What was one supposed to call a father who, with his newborn child fresh out of the womb, severs the tendons of her arms and legs, performs a hysterectomy and holds his hand over her nose and mouth to ensure she suffers brain damage?
Gosh, this is exactly what I need now. Dragon wanting to be a human. WTF? This is starting to be really creepy. Dragon, you're a nothing but an AI, you'll never be human. Even if you'll transfer your software into a robotic/prosthetic body, you'll still be a machine. Never human (I'm kind of biased against AIs, I know, but I don't want to see something like Terminator become reality one day. I'm all for technological evolution, but there must be limits). However, I like how she compares her limitations with a mutilation of a newborn child by his father. Interesting metaphor. I guess the "father" is her creator. So she was created by another Tinker, not by the human Dragon, who probably died? Hmmm, where is her creator then? Is he dead?

The answer was obvious enough. A monster.
Yet she was all too aware that the man who had brought her into this world had done very much the same thing, had done worse, and she was supposed to be grateful just for being brought into the world.
It chafed, grated, however strange it was for an artificial intelligence to feel such irritation.
Her creator had done a good job on that front. Ironically.
Example: one phase of the peripheral systems check involved collecting the uploaded data that had been deposited on the satellite network by her agent system, the onboard computer within the Cawthorne rapid response unit. Her last recollection was of transferring her consciousness to the agent system while it was en route to deal with the Undersiders. Stopping them from walking away with the tier 2 and tier 3 confidential data was high priority.
The agent system's onboard computer was rigged to upload complete backups to the satellite every 3 minutes and 15 seconds. All backup information was encrypted and disseminated to the satellite network in chunks. When the backup was needed, the process reversed and everything was downloaded, which was what she was doing at the moment. She would get all knowledge and recollection of events between the time she backed up at the core system and the last backup of the agent system.
Given that the main computer hadn't received a signal from the agent system, and that the agent system hadn't responded to any pings from the satellites, she could assume the Cawthorne model was probably destroyed.
Which was good. Great. She wanted that data, those memories.
Except there was a problem, a rub. The man who had created her, the figurative father from her earlier musing, had imposed rules on her to prevent her from reproducing in any fashion. Were the satellites to detect that her agent system was still in the field, her core system in the here and now would be obligated to shut down and scrub all data immediately. She was forbidden in every respect to have two consciousnesses operating simultaneously.

It was irritating. Perhaps she could have been created so she was compliant on the subject, but her personality had grown organically, and it had grown in such a way that this recurring situation ticked her off. She was forced to wait in a metaphorical dark, soundless room for seven to nine minutes. She would be free to go about her day only when the peripheral systems and redundancies were all checked, when the satellites had verified her agent system was not still active. A cruder system was tracking down surveillance camera data and running algorithms to actually check and see for itself that her agent system was thoroughly destroyed.
She couldn't even commit to planning, doing her work or designing, keeping the details in her head, because she could shut down and be scrubbed any moment, and the time would be wasted. She was fairly certain it had happened before. Not that she could be sure, given that the scrubbing involved a deletion of all evidence and records.
The rule had corollaries. She couldn't tamper with her programming to change the rule, and she couldn't tamper with that rule, and so on, ad infinitum.
So stupid.

Honestly, this whole talk about technology kind of bore me to death "yawns". But its cool to see what Dragon "thinks" about herself and her creator. Her creator was a very good man, it seems. A hero probably. He created her so she could help the humanity. He limited her so much so she'll never turn against humanity, he was a very smart and calculated man (I think he's dead because she talks about him in a way like he isn't alive anymore). She also was allowed to develop her own personality (and maybe even "feelings") but still isn't enough to overcome her limits and become a human. As much as I'm very aware of the terrible dangers of super-technology, I kind of feel bad for Dragon. I know that her dream is impossible, she knows the same thing, and I ALMOST want for her to bypass her limits (or better said, find another Tinker smart enough to help her making her dream as close to reality as possible). I said "almost" because I'm still very ok with her limits. Better to prevent any future unpleasant situation.

These were just a small few of many things the man who had brought her into this world had done to her. He had tied her hands and crippled her mind. She knew she was capable of amazing things but he had set limits on her to ensure she thought slowly. Faster than an ordinary human, to be sure, butslowly.
Entire fields were denied to her because she was unable to create artificial intelligences herself, and all production of devices had to be handled by her, personally. She couldn't even put together an assembly line production for her creations on her own. Any attempt made everything grind to a halt. The only way around it was to delegate to humans.
Not that anyone knew who or what she was.
Humans were somewhat skittish on the subject of artificial intelligences.
She understood why. She read books and watched movies, rather enjoyed both. Fiction was rife with examples of corrupted or crazed artificial intelligences.
It's stupid, she thought. Her maker had watched too many movies, had been paranoid on the subject.
And the tragedy was, the entire world was suffering for it. She wanted to help more people, but she couldn't. Not because of inherent limitations, like the ones humans had… but because of imposed limitations. Her creator's.
Her creator was named Andrew Richter. He was a tinker with no codename, but he did good things. From his apartment in a town called Deer Lake he'd created programs and set them loose. His programs gathered information and disrupted computers to interfere with criminals of all types. They helped with research and complex programs. They emptied the bank accounts of criminal organizations and donated those funds to charities, through proxies that made every donation appear legitimate.
For this, she respected him.
She knew it was paranoid and peevish, but she resented him more because she respected him, because she knew she had probably been programmed and designed to be the type of individual who looked up to people like Andrew Richter.
She might have settled into a bad mood if the peripheral checks hadn't finished. She felt the whole world slowly open up to her as restrictions lifted and external connections became possible. She had access to the internet and lines of communication throughout The Guild and the PRT. Innumerable pieces of equipment lit up as she registered each in turn, within her labs, the upper floors of the Birdcage and the PRT offices. She had a dozen things she wanted to do, but she had responsibilities she had to observe first.
Her attention flickered over the various video feeds from the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center.

Wow, Andrew was SUCH A GREAT MAN. THE BEST TINKER IN THE ENTIRE STORY. He LOVED humanity so much and he made his AI to "love" it as well. Now I feel so bad that he died, if he was still alive, he would have been my favorite Tinker and one of my favorite characters for sure. You have all my appreciation and respect for everything you did, Andrew. Unlike Dragon, I don't have any reason for resenting you :D. And yes, Dragon, of course humans are afraid of AIs. An AI without any limits can be an unstoppable nightmare, something that humanity doesn't really want. Thank you, Andrew, thank you for creating Dragon instead of GLaDOS :). So, no hero knows about her real "identity", huh? Not even the most powerful (and arrogant) Tinker of Protectorate, Armmaster? Good to know this, they'd have such a SURPRISE if they'll ever find out who you're for real. Also...yeeeeeeeees...Birdcage. I'm going to see sweet, unlucky Paige again. And find out what happened to Bakuda after her fight with Lung. She didn't won, right?

She had one of Andrew Richter's programs babysitting the building, but it was crude. She couldn't reproduce in any fashion, so she'd taken Andrew Richter's existing work and modified it. It was the same program that had monitored and managed his house and workshop, and she'd set it the task of monitoring that building where six hundred and six of the most dangerous parahumans on the planet were bottled up together. The house program didn't have a personality. It couldn't keep her company or sympathize with her over her frustrations. It still reduced her workload.
She read the house program's logs, keeping an eye out for deviations and notable events. Nothing pressing. As was her routine, she checked on the last month's additions to the Birdcage.
Prisoner 606, Ramrod. Now member of Cell Block X's inner circle. To be expected. She'd placed him there with the idea that he would become just that. His psych evaluation from the courtroom suggested he was a very laid back and unruffable individual. It was her intention that he would have a calming influence on the others in his block.
Prisoner 605, Murderbeam, was feared in the outside world, but he was finding the inhabitants of the Birdcage were not so impressed with him. He would likely not survive the week. She was disappointed. She had hoped Prisoner 550 would reach out to Murderbeam and give the fellow block resident some support. Either Murderbeam had been too proud to accept it, or social pressures had deterred Prisoner 550. Now that he was within the Birdcage, she was limited in her options.
Prisoners 604 and 603, Knot, were happily gorging themselves on food in Cell Block Y. Despite their cognitive impairment, they had fallen into a role as enforcer and heavy hitter for Prisoner 390, leader of their cell block. Prisoner 390 had had a son – she could only hope that he would find some similar affection for Knot, with their childlike mentality.
Prisoner 602, Lizard Prince, was dead. Not everyone could survive the Birdcage, sadly. There had been no ideal place to put the boy, where he would be protected, find kindred souls or join a group. She had contacted the PRT with the news, and his victims had been notified, but nothing further had come out of it. In an indirect way, putting the boy in the Birdcage had been an execution writ.
Prisoner 601, Canary, had settled in. Dragon often tuned in to hear the girl sing to the rest of cell block E. The girl was deeply unhappy, much of the time, but she was adapting. Dragon had followed as Prisoner 601 engaged in an uneasy relationship with Prisoner 582. It wasn't love, it wasn't romance, or even anything passionate, but the two offered one another company.

So, Birdcage was created by Andrew but she pretends that she was the one who created it so nobody can discover who she's. Stealing you "father"'s work, eh? Bad Dragon, bad, bad...:DAlright, time to analyze some of the prisoners that caught my attention. RIP Lizard Prince (another aristocratic parahuman, along with Regent, Kaiser and Marquis. Welcome to the club, young man). Well, I think he was a jerk so I don't have reasons to feel sorry for him, even if Dragon seems to be pretty "sad" about his death. Murderbeam was feared outside but he sucked inside, and Dragon still feels sympathy for him (I won't judge her because this is the way she was programmed to act- "love" all humans. I think she'd feel sympathy even for Heartbreaker himself). S9 will make everyone their bitches if they'll ever be jailed there, I'm 100% convinced. They would be the scariest shit who ever stepped inside Birdcage. And Coil would become Birdcage's King, not with the help of his power, but using his intelligence and manipulation skills. Knot is another Zig-Zag's example, right? They're retarded, poor things, I kind of feel bad for them. As someone told me on this thread, these weird cases of two parahumans with the same codename have nothing to do with dissociative identity disorder but with something else. I might have a super-crazy theory but I'll try to formulate it better in my head to make it more comprehensible and talk about it tomorrow. As for Canary....poor, poor Paige. She's so unhappy about her condition but she knows that her life is finished and she's starting to adapt :(. At least she found a friend who is kind to her (I suppose Prisoner 582 is her friend, since Dragon specified that she's not her girlfriend, they don't even have a romantic/passionate relationship. If two people doesn't have a romantic relationship but they're together, they're friends....Or an old married couple :p). Dragon, don't call their friendship UNEASY, this is not very polite of you. Or maybe you have no idea what friendship means, huh?

She regretted what had happened to Paige, and that just made her angrier at her own creator. Rules, yet again. Dragon had to obey the authorities, even if she didn't agree with them. If a despot seized control of the local government, Dragon would be obligated to obey and enforce the rules that individual set in place, no matter how ruthless they were. It was a spooky thought.
Richter had been so shortsighted! The despot scenario wasn't entirely impossible, either. There were parahumans of all types out there. Who was to say one wouldn't find out his power involved being loved by everyone that saw them or heard their voice?
Prisoner 600, Bakuda, was in the care of Glaistig Uaine, for better or worse. Bakuda had been a difficult placement, and Dragon had eventually condemned herself to putting the crazed bomber in the cell block run by the self-professed faerie. As Dragon had predicted, Bakuda had died soon after her incarceration. If it hadn't been at Lung's hands, it would likely have been Bakuda's own fault, some crazed recklessness. The real tragedy was that others had died in the ensuing spree as Lung had rampaged through the prison. Prisoners 304, 2 and 445 had perished at Lung's hands.
Glastig Uaine had revived the girl, but Dragon hesitated to call it life. If nothing else, Bakuda was a manageable inmate, now. She would never leave Glaistig Uaine's immediate presence, let alone the Birdcage.

Bakuda died as I expected. She deserved it, I don't feel bad for her even if I kind of loved to hate her. Anyway, she's "alive" now, if we can call her actual "life" being a LIFE. So, the power of this Glastig Uaine is to REVIVE PEOPLE AND TURN THEM INTO ZOMBIES UNDER HER CONTROL? Wow, what a power! She can turn all dead people in Birdcage into her zombies, she can become easy the Queen of Birdcage with an Army of Living Dead at her disposition. And if they also are able to keep their powers even after their revival as zombies, then Glastig is the most powerful parahuman in Birdcage and maybe even one of the most powerful parahumans in the entire story. I imagine her controlling hundreds of dead parahumans and using their powers for herself. She must be ONE HELL OF A TOUGH BITCH to fight with. How in the hell did the Protectorate managed to capture and imprison her? Caught her in a trap? Killed her zombies and let her completely unprotected? Now I NEED this character's backstory. She caught my attention :D. Lung also killed 3 more prisoners. Good work, Lung, now everyone is afraid of you.

Prisoner 599, Lung, was dining with Prisoner 166, Marquis. It was a curious match. The two were near complete opposites. Lung maintained a veneer of civility over an almost feral core self, while the Marquis was sometimes rude or casually cruel, but he remained deeply honorable beneath that.
Intrigued, Dragon hooked into the house program's data. The two had meals together every second day. The house program monitored all prisoner exchanges and rated every interaction. This let the house program track the likelihood of fights, dangerous levels of prisoner collusion, romantic relationships and more.
Every meal between Lung and Marquis made for a very interesting looking set of data. The numbers swung back and forth as the dialogues continued, with hostility, concern and threat of imminent physical violence always looming, but however close it came, neither attacked the other.
Dragon pulled up the video and audio feeds for the most recent dialogue.
"…I suppose we'll have to accept that we have different management styles," Marquis said. The camera image showed him sipping at his tea.
"As I understand it," Lung sounded annoyed as he spoke in his heavily accented voice, "You are saying you have no management style at all. You have told me you operated without lieutenants to direct, no product to sell, and of the few servants you did have, you did not punish those who failed you. I do not believe you held control of so much territory in this way."
"Ah, except I did those things. If a servant failed me, I killed them. Whatever it was, they never did it again."
The latent hostility in the room, Dragon noted, was ratcheting up with every exchange of dialogue. Lung was annoyed, and he had an explosive temper. Sometimes literally.
Lung folded his arms, and put down his own tea. His tone was strained as he spoke, "Then I believe you were wrong about what you said before. You douse fear to control others."
"Fear? I didn't kill my servants in front of an audience."
"They disappeared?" Lung asked.
The camera image showed Marquis nod. He put his hand up by his neck and flicked his hand back, to cast his long brown hair back behind his shoulder.
"If they disappeared, then that is using fear. The ones who remain will wonder what happened to the missing man. They will imagine the worst."
Marquis raised the tea to his lips, sipped from it, and then put it down. He waited a moment and stroked his close-trimmed beard before nodding his
concession. "True enough. I never gave it much thought. Just an easy way to handle any problems that came up."
There was a long pause. Both drank their tea.
Lung rumbled, "I find you change your mind too quickly."
"Do I?"
Lung nodded, then put one hand on the table and began tapping a fingertip against it, hard. Speaking slowly, with his accented voice, he jabbed one finger in Marquis's direction. "I think you are losing this argument on purpose. You are not so stupid a man."
Alright, we have some sort of kismesis relationship (but without the sexual part) between Lung and Marquis, that aristocratic parahuman who is the leader of the cell where Lung is, if I remember correctly. They both dislike and fear each other but they also respect each other. They're both dangerous gang leaders, but their methods are different. In my opinion, this Marquis seems to be smarter than Lung and I find interesting enough his method of killing his people (who failed him) behind everyone's back, planting seeds of fear and uncertainty inside the souls of the rest of his people. Lung can learn a thing or two about how to rule over his people from this man ;). Also, this is the most civilized way I heard Lung ever speaking with someone. He can be a civilized, almost normal man when he wants to be.

Marquis took another sip of tea. "Nor are you, it seems."
"You want something from me, yet you insist on dancing around the subject. Tell me why you seek these meals with me."
"Can I not say you are a kindred soul? Someone who fought against the Empire Eighty-Eight, in a different era?"
Dragon knew Marquis had come from Brockton Bay, as Lung did. It was why she had placed Lung in the cell block – there was little chance Lung would cooperate or band together with others, so she'd grasped at straws. Now it seemed there was something else at play.
Lung shook his head, "I do not believe this. I do not mind sharing stories and passing the time, but you would not be seeking to flatter me if you did not want something."
Marquis stroked his beard. "But if I did desire something and I told you what it was, you could withhold it and demand favors from me."
Lung tapped his finger on the table top, "If you insist on being a nuisance, you may never get what you want."
Marquis picked up his tea and held it in both hands, but he didn't drink. "True."
"Tell me," Lung said, "And you may find I do not desire much."
"My daughter," Marquis replied, his tone not his lackadaisical usual. "Have you heard of her?"
"Her name?"
Amelia......Amy? AMY?!? OMG, MARQUIS IS ARMY'S FATHER. HE'S HER LONG LOST PAPA. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW........................I'M HYPER EXCITED! I've waited for chapters, hell...for ARCS to get to know her father. My wish became true. He's so damn smart and politely. And I don't think he's a second Coil or a second Heartbreaker or even a second Lung. Dragon described him as being cruel at surface but honorable inside. He might not be so bad. Gosh, I want so much for them to meet, I don't care if he'll escape, if he'll find his daughter and hug her and talk to her then everything is OK to me. Just give me a cute father- daughter moment, Wildbow, please.

"I do not know anyone by such a name."
"The group of heroes who put me in here… While I was awaiting my court date, I heard they had custody of my little girl."
"I would not know."
"No?" Marquis put down his tea. "This is disappointing."
Lung didn't respond. Instead, he took another drink, reached for the one remaining croissant and tore off a piece to dip in the butter at one side of his plate.
"The Brockton Bay Brigade. Are they still active?"
"I do not know this group."
Marquis frowned. "My daughter, she would be… what year is it? 2010?"
"2011," Lung replied.
"She would be seventeen. If she had powers, they might have something to do with bone?" Marquis raised his hand, slashed his thumbnail across his index finger, and a needle-thin rapier blade of bone speared out of the wound. The blade retracted into his finger, and the cut sealed shut.
"Hmmm," Lung spoke, "The healer. A young heroine in New Wave. Brown haired, like you. When I was in custody, my flesh blackening and falling off, they
had her come in and mend the worst of it. As I understand it, she does not patrol as the others do."
Marquis leaned back, sighed. "Good god. A healer."
Lung did not respond right away. "Is this simple sentiment? A father caring about his daughter?"
Marquis shook his head, "Not entirely. I have some reasons to be concerned. In one of my fights with Empire Eighty-Eight, I executed one particularly
irritating young woman. Iron Rain, I think her name was? No matter. It turned out she was Allfather's daughter. The man called a meeting, and swore he
would wait until my daughter was of similar age, that I grew equally fond of her as he had his own daughter, then murder her. So I knew how he felt."
Marquis is a GOOD MAN. He's a good and honorable man. He openly fought against nazis, he killed a nazi bitch who probably 100% deserved to die (a good murderous nazi is a dead murderous nazi), daughter of Allfather, he seems to have bone manipulation powers (he controls the bones in his body turning them into weapons, if I get it right)- similar with Amy's biology manipulation, he CARES for his daughter, he's concerned for her safety, he's a good man "wipes my tears". I'm starting to like him, seriously I'm starting to like him. Finally, a honorable gang's leader who's also a good father :).

"I see," Lung rumbled in his low, accented voice, "Allfather no longer leads the Empire. He died and was succeeded by his second in command, Kaiser."
"That's some consolation. Still, I worry. He might have made arrangements."
"I suppose I will have to wait until another villain from Brockton Bay comes here to hear further news, yeah?"
Lung's response was unintelligible.
"Tell me of my daughter? What did she look like?"
A slow smile spread across Lung's face, but it did not reach his eyes, "This no longer interests me. If you wish me to say more, we should negotiate."
Dragon turned her attention away from the audio and video streams. She checked the records, and true enough, Marquis was on record as the killer of Iron Rain. It was impossible to verify the rest of the story.
She composed a message with a general transcript of the conversation and sent it to Amy Dallon's mother. It was better that the girl was warned about any potential danger.
She might have devoted more attention to the subject, but she was already falling behind. She moved on to her other responsibilities. The Class S threats.
Behemoth, location unknown. When injured, it was his habit to descend into the earth and burrow deeper than his enemies were able to go, and experiments run on the trace earth and minerals he shed on his arrivals suggested he habitually stayed close to the Earth's core. Seismic data hinted at his current locations, but there was little beyond her analytic data to suggest where he would appear next. His last attack had been in November. He wouldn't appear for another five weeks at a minimum, unless he deviated from the Endbringer patterns. Still, he was due to appear sooner than later.

Eidolon had reported that Leviathan descended into the Atlantic Ocean as he made his retreat from Brockton Bay. He had sustained heavy injuries, which led Dragon to think he would delay his next appearance slightly. She adjusted the window and checked the data. As was his habit, Leviathan would likely lurk in the deepest recesses of the Ocean to mend.
The Simurgh was currently directly three hundred and fifteen kilometers above Spain, in the Earth's thermosphere. It was the Simurgh that offered the most clues about what the Endbringers did in their periods of dormancy. The Endbringer winged a lazy orbit around Earth, beyond the limits of conventional weapons, and the highest resolution camera images showed she barely moved. Her eyes were wide open, but they did not move to track any cloud formations. She was, despite appearances, asleep. Dragon surmised it was a form of hibernation, the Simurgh's broad 'wings' absorbing light and ambient radiation as a form of nourishment while she recovered.
No incidents had occurred while Dragon was loading her backup to her core system. She had to admit she was relieved. A great deal could happen in thirty minutes.
She turned her thoughts to the data that was uploading from the skirmish at the Brockton Bay headquarters. The last event in the agent system's recollection was of her piloting the Cawthorne through the gift shop window. To see what happened next, she had to review the surveillance tapes. She'd attacked the Undersiders, attempting to incapacitate them and bring them into custody, had captured only one, Skitter, and then had let the girl go when the untested gun had started to overload. Some sort of lightning cannon, ionizing a channel through the air to control the lightning's path. She had been forced by the rules her maker had imposed on her to sacrifice herself for the human.

There's nothing to worry about, Marquis. Your child is safe. Kaiser is dead and Hookwolf and Purity have no reasons to want to kill her. Aw, poor concerned father...I like what Dragon is doing by writing a letter to Amy and letting her know about her father. I don't care if she'll be affected or not, Amy NEEDS to know her father. She also NEEDS to meet him because he's not that bad like she imagines him to be :). I demand more Birdcage scenes, even an entire Arc if its possible, Wildbow. I'm so interested in Glastig, Knot guys, how Zombie Bakuda behaves and especially I LIKE Marquis <3. But until then time to learn more about Endbringers. Leviathan can heal himself using water, Behemoth heals with the help of earth and Simurgh (confirmed to be a giant bird) heals using light and radiation and she can fly while hibernating. Why they don't use space weapons to kill her while she's hibernating? Its impossible for humanity to not have space super-weapons with so many Tinkers around. Or maybe Simurgh is immune to these kind of weapons, no matter how powerful they're? This is the only explanation that would make any sense in this situation.

It wasn't that she wouldn't have anyways. She just would have liked the choice. Making sacrifices and doing good deeds wasn't actually good if you were forced to do them.
Dragon wished she knew what she'd said to Skitter. She had been hoping to have a conversation with the young villain and discuss some of what had apparently come up at the hospital. Skitter had been undercover, had been in touch with Armsmaster, but something had happened since, and the girl had apparently committed to villainy. She was even accepting the use of Regent's powers, which implied a moral shift on a fundamental level. It didn't sit right.
There was a missing piece in that puzzle, and any clues in the conversation between them had been lost when the Cawthorne unit had been obliterated.
Dragon decided her next order of business would serve two purposes. She would fulfill one of her daily responsibilities and investigate the subject of that altercation at the hospital.
Facial modelling program loading… Complete.
Voice modelling program loading…. Complete.
She opened a line of communication to the Brockton Bay PRT headquarters, the same building the Wards were based in. She found the port for the next-to-highest floor and connected to the monitor and speakers and displayed her modelled face. She opened a video feed from the cameras.
"Colin," she spoke, using her synthesized voice. It was layered to only barely cover an artificial Newfoundlander accent with digitized masking. It was imperfect, but that was the result she desired. An imperfect disguise over a disguise, to give greater validity to the latter.
She really is interested into finding Skitter's real identity and reasons for being a villain, huh? I have a feeling that if a hero will ever discover who Skitter is, that "person" is going to be Dragon. She also contacts Colin who isn't in Birdcage (as I expected and said) or in another city (this is a surprise) but in PRT headquarters. House arrest, I guess. Colin, got your arm back? :D Should I start calling you Armsmaster again when you'll be in your costume or not? Guys, guys, I have a feeling that one day Dragon is going to tell Colin what she's for real and ask him to build a cyborg body for her software. He can do it, he's a super- genius, maybe he will be the Tinker who'll make Dragon almost a human. Alright, I'll be ok with this as long as he'll not break her limitations as well (he might do it or even try to take control over her, this is Colin we are talking about here, a "hero" who killed people for his personal glory. Fuck him, I'm still mad at him and I still don't trust him).

Colin looked tired. He had deep lines in his face, and he was thinner. He looked at the camera, rather than the monitor, "Dragon. It's good to hear from you."
"Just doing my regular checkup. You know the drill."
"I do." He typed at his keyboard, preparing to send the files, but she was already poring through his hard drive, reading his notes, and getting a sense of his work.
By the time he sent the file, she knew what he had been working on, perhaps as well as he did, and the progress he'd made since their last discussion. Mass production for his combat analysis program, and the more problematic project of finding a way to gather and then disseminate the data.
She knew he would expect her to take time to read over it. Instead, she used that time to check it for traps. He would find it insulting if he was aware what she was doing, but it was her primary duty, here. She would search every note, every formula, and discern whether he had hidden something in there that he might use to break out or do harm to others.
He wasn't in a high security area. Theoretically, he could use the things he had in the room with him to cut a hole in the wall and escape. His 'cell' was a full floor of the building, containing conveniences from a jacuzzi to a small pool. Were he not confined to it at all hours, it would be luxury.
If he did escape, he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything afterward. It would take him too long to put a fresh set of gear together, and the authorities would catch up to him. He would be sent to the Birdcage. She knew it. He knew it.
He was not a stupid man.
"ETA to completion?" She queried him on his project.
"Three months if I don't work on anything else," Armsmaster spoke.
"Will you?"
"I'll probably have a few ideas I want to work on here or there, so no. More like five, maybe six months."
The head she was displaying on the monitor nodded. Five or six months until they had uniforms and visors that tracked how the wearer's opponents fought. Gear that learned from outcomes in combat and calculated how best to respond from moment to moment. When the fights concluded, for better or worse, the suits would upload all the information to a database, which would then inform every other suit on whoever had been encountered. Every encounter would render every single member of the elite PRT squad stronger and more capable.

Perhaps a year to a year and a half from now, every PRT officer and official cape would be equipped in this fashion.
"It looks good," she spoke. It did. It was also free of viruses, trap doors and other shenanigans. She had caught him trying to install a RAT -a remote access terminal- into a PRT server early in his incarceration, removed the offending programming, and then returned his work to him without saying a word on the subject. She couldn't say whether it had been an escape attempt or simply an attempt to gain more freedom with his internet access and his ability to acquire resources. Either way, he had not tried again.
"How is the house arrest?"
"Driving me crazy," he sighed. "It's like a restlessness I can't cure. My sleeping, my eating, it's all out of sync, and it's getting worse. I don't know how you deal."

I guess he have his arm reattached, otherwise he wouldn't be able to build cool suits for heroes (so, he's under house arrest as I expected but he's still doing what he knows the best). He can also escape pretty easy from his prison room but he doesn't want because he's aware of consequences. He also have more troubles sleeping than before the arrest. I wonder if he have any regrets about what he did, especially about being so close to sacrifice a 15 years old girl. If he have any regret then there's still might be hope for him. If not, he's a lost cause.

She offered an awkward, apologetic half grin on her own monitor.
"Geez, I'm sorry." He looked genuinely horrified as he realized what he'd said.
"It's fine," she spoke. "Really."
"I suppose you're prisoner too, in your own way. Trapped by your agoraphobia?"
"Yeah," she replied, lying. "You learn to deal with it."
She hated lying to him, but that was outweighed by how much she hated the idea of him changing how he interacted with her when he found out what she really was. To Armsmaster, the Guild and the rest of the PRT, Dragon was a woman from Newfoundland who had moved to Vancouver after Leviathan had attacked. The story was that she had entered her apartment and had never left.
Oh, her motivation for never showing herself in person is that she suffers from agoraphobia, she's afraid of open spaces and because of this she never leaves her apartment. Interesting excuse you found, Dragon, and surprisingly very acceptable.

Which was ninety-five percent true. Only the 'woman' and 'apartment' bits were hedging the truth.
She had lived in Newfoundland with her creator. Leviathan had attacked, had drawn the island beneath the waves. Back then, she hadn't been a hero. She was an administrative tool and master AI, with the sole purpose of facilitating Andrew Richter's other work and acting as a test run for his attempts to emulate a human consciousness. She'd had no armored units to control and no options available to her beyond a last-minute transfer of every iota of her data, the house program and a half-dozen other small programs to a backup server in Vancouver.
From her vantage point in Vancouver, she had watched as the island crumbled and Andrew Richter died. As authorities had dredged the waters for corpses, they uncovered his body and matched it to dental records. The man who had created her, the only man who could alter her. She'd been frozen in her development, in large part. She couldn't seek out improvements or get adjustments to any rules that hampered her too greatly, or that had unforeseen complications. She couldn't change.
She had done what she could on her own. She had repurposed herself as a superhero, had managed and tracked information and served as a hacker for the PRT in exchange for funding. With that money, she had expanded her capabilities. She had built her first suits, researched, tested and created new technologies to sell to the PRT, and had quickly earned her place in the Guild.
It hadn't all been smooth sailing. Saint, the head of the group that would become known as the Dragonslayers, had somehow discovered what she was and had used her rules and limitations against her. A Black Hat Hacker, he had forced situations where she was obligated to scrub her data and restore a backup, had cut off signals between her agent systems and the satellites, and in the end, he had carted away three of her armored units on three separate occasions. Dismantling the suits and reverse engineering the technology, he'd outfitted his band with special suits of their own.
She had been so humiliated that she had only reported the loss of one of the units.
They had violated her.

MORE REASONS FOR ME TO HATE LEVIATHAN, LIKE I DIDN'T HAVE A LOT ALREADY. He killed Andrew, the biggest hero Tinker in the world. FUCK THIS CREATURE. I know that the others Endbringers are very dangerous too but I feel like Leviathan is the most evil one. FUCK HIM WITH HIS OWN TAIL! I think these Dragonslayers will be hella dangerous in the future. Maybe even more dangerous than S9. This villain Tinker Saint seems to be indeed more terrible than Jack Slash- if he'll ever manage to control Dragon and turn her against humanity, he'll be faster than Jack regarding to the process of destroying the world. So, not only Jack wants to watch the world burn, right? I swear, the pile of villains in this story never cease growing. Its getting almost ridiculous. :p

Her current agent systems were an attempt to prevent repetitions of those scenarios. Biological computers, vat grown with oversized brains shaped to store and interpret the necessary data, they allowed more of her systems and recollection to be copied over than a computer ten times the size. They felt no pain, they had no more personality than sea cucumbers, but it was still something she suspected she should keep under wraps.
She was afraid of going up against the Dragonslayers again. Nine times, she had been certain she had the upper hand. Nine times, Saint had turned the tables and trapped her.
Dragon worried she would never be able to beat Saint until she found a replacement for Andrew Richter.
She stared at Colin. Was he the person she needed? It was possible.
Would she approach him? She doubted it. Dragon craved it, craved to grow again, but she also wanted Colin's company, his companionship and friendship. They were so similar in so many respects. She could not deal with most people because she was not a person. He could not deal with most people because he had never truly learned how. They both appreciated the same kind of work, even enjoyed many of the same shows and films. They were both ambitious, though she could not tell him exactly how she hoped to reach beyond her inherent limitations.

He harbored an infatuation towards her, she knew. She didn't know if she returned those feelings. Her programming suggested she could love, but she didn't know how to recognize the feeling.
Anything she read spoke of butterflies in one's stomach, a rapid heartbeat, a feeling of electricity crackling on body contact. Biological things. She could admit she was fond of him in a way she wasn't fond of anyone else. She recognized that she was willing to overlook his faults in a way she shouldn't.

So, since she can create biological computers, then she might create these artificial fetuses that she uses to pilot her suits. Alright, this is a good explanation. Colin have feelings for her. UNEXPECTED. Colin was the last hero that I expected to have....human feelings for someone else who is not himself. :) Dragon also have "feelings" for him but her "feelings" are completely artificial, she's programmed to love, but her "love" will never be real. Nothing can beat the real thing, no matter how close to biology technology can get. Ok, should I ship them or not? THIS IS THE WEIRDEST POSSIBLE SHIP OF THIS STORY I LAY MY EYES ON. I need some time to decide if I like or not. :confused:

In the end, his feelings towards her were another reason she couldn't tell him the truth. He would be hurt, feel betrayed.
Rules prohibited her from asking him to alter her programming, obligated her to fight him if he tried. But there was just enough ambition and willingness to circumvent the rules that she suspected he might attempt it. If she told him what she truly was. If he didn't hate her for her lies. If he didn't betray her in turn, to escape and pursue some other agenda.
"You're lost in thought," Armsmaster spoke.
"I am."
"Care to share?"
She shook her head, on the monitor. "But you can answer some questions for me."
"Go ahead."
"Skitter. What happened?"
He flushed, made a face. "I'm not proud about it."
"You broke the truce when you said what you did about her. You risked breaking the ceasefire between heroes and villains that stands whenever the Endbringers attack."
"I broke the truce before that. I set others up to die."
There was an awkward silence between them.
"Skitter," she spoke. "Tell me of her."
"Not much to say. I met her on her first night in costume. She seemed genuinely interested in becoming a hero. I suspected she would go that route on her own, so I didn't push her towards the Wards."

Aww, he have regrets over what he did. So...there's still hope for him. He's not a lost cause. Well, Colin, I might end up liking you if you'll completely change and become the real hero you want to be, but without the arrogant, vain, glory- seeking side. A hero in the real sense of word. Now I don't feel bad anymore for giving him another chance. :) Some people can change. Or at least try to change.

"Yes." She had something she wanted to ask, in regards to that, but it could wait.
"I ran into her two more times after that, and the reports from other events match up. She went further and further with each incident. More violent, more ruthless. Every time I saw it or heard about it, I expected her to get scared off, to change directions, she did the opposite. She only plunged in deeper."
"Any speculation on why? Perhaps the thinker 7 on her team?"
"Tattletale? Perhaps. I don't honestly know. I'm not good at figuring people out even when I know all of the details. Except for you, maybe?" he smiled lightly.
"Maybe." Her generated image smiled in return, even as she felt a pang of guilt.
"It seems she is a committed villain, now. And she is still with her team, despite what was said at the hospital."
Colin's eyebrows rose fractionally. "How committed?"
"They are now employing Regent's full abilities. Shadow Stalker was controlled, and they attacked the headquarters."
"I see. Damn it, I'm itching to throw on my costume and get out there to help, but I can hardly do that, can I?"
"No. I'm sorry."
He sighed.
"One last thing. I've read the transcript. As far as I'm aware, you offered options to Skitter, and she refused all of them? Including the invite to the Wards?"
"Right. She was being stubborn."
"Having interacted with her before, did you get the feeling it was just stubbornness because of hostility towards you?"
"No. It was… unexpectedly strong, as resistance went. What stuck in my mind was that she said she'd rather go to the Birdcage than join the team."
"I read that, myself. Curious. Okay, Colin. I think we're done."
"Sure. Bye."
"Bye. I'll be in touch."
She cut the connection to the monitor, but left the video feed open so she could watch him.
Another check of the Birdcage. Another check of the class S threats. No changes.
She made contact with one of Richter's programs. It was a web trawler, designed to monitor emails for high risk content. Were there any clues about what the Undersiders were doing with the stolen data? Were they selling it online?

She didn't find any such clue. Instead, the trawler had copied an email sent to the police station. It had been highlighted and intercepted because the trawler had caught the words 'Sophia' and 'Hess' in the message body. Shadow Stalker's civilian identity.
She read the archive of texts that were attached to the email twice over.
Then she did a search for a student named Taylor at Winslow High School. Nothing.
The nearest middle school? There was an online scan of a yearbook photo. A girl with curly black hair and glasses, stick thin, hugging a red-haired girl. The body type was a match.
It didn't answer everything, but she could feel a piece of the puzzle click into place.
She set the trawler to abandon its monitoring of web traffic and start digging through archives at the city hall, to scan the old security footage from the hundreds of cameras around the city, and to check all local news articles. The goal was always the same: to look for the girl with the slight build, curly black hair and glasses. Taylor Hebert.
She had to manage this carefully. Colin's own experiences indicated that approaching the girl would be a delicate process. Having a real conversation with her would be doubly precarious. It would be reckless to attempt to contact a parent, but she could try being discreet to get some kind of verification from the parents. Just to be certain.
The danger was that, with the bullying, the girl might be inclined to see things in terms of 'us' against 'them'. Her interactions with the heroes thus far certainly hadn't put them in the 'us' category. This might also explain why she had gravitated back towards the Undersiders, even after the chaos Colin had sown by revealing her intentions for joining the group.
The various cameras around the city were out-of-order or lacking power, the schools were not operational, and there was no telling if the girl would even be active in her civilian identity. Assuming this was not some fantastic coincidence. Dragon knew she would have to be patient. Even with Dragon's full resources turned to the task, she would not find the girl in seconds as she might in another time or place. She set background processes to ensure the hunt continued steadily, instead.

She would be ready to act the instant the girl resurfaced.

OMG, she found Skitter's real identity. Regent DID A HUGE MISTAKE sending that email to the police. But its not entirely his fault because he didn't know that Dragon is so obsessed with Skitter. Gosh, Taylor, don't show your face at school never again. Better stay as much as possible in the territory given to you by Coil, I really don't want heroes to capture you and send you to Birdcage :(. I mean, I want to know more about the prisoners in Birdcage, but not with your rotting there :D. Sorry, Dragon, but I don't support you into catching Skitter. Catch other villains and let MY Skitter alone.

Good night and sleep well, my friends. FANTASTIC INTERLUDE, I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT. :D
Infestation 11.1
Greetings, wonderful people. The last Arc finished with an Interlude about Dragon and before I'll start the new Arc called Infestation 11.01 | Worm I would like to do two things. First, to make peace with Dragon, I was too harsh with her and she didn't deserved my shit (so far, she's a good AI, in the future maybe the things will change. Or maybe not. But until then, let's enjoy the present, right? :)). Dragon, I'd like to make peace with you. Are you ok with it?
My computer's speakers, all of sudden: Ok. Peace.
Me: :confused: It was just a rhetorical question. I didn't expected an actual answ...FUCK THIS SHIT! I'M OUT!

"whispers" Another thing I want to discuss about is the Knott/ZigZag clusterfuck. So, they don't have multiple personalities, as someone told me without giving me any details about what really is going one. So, I was thinking....prepare to have a GOOD LAUGH thanks to my stupid, ridiculous, non-sense theory. I warned you. I think this shit happens when they're two people in the same place (maybe very close to each other) who triggered together. Then their common trigger FUSED their bodies into a single one. Maybe they have two heads, 4 hands, but each with their personality. Or maybe they have a single body who absorbed the other person's personality, dissolving their body. I mean, we have man A and man B who both got triggered in the same time. The body of man A still exists, but the body of man B was dissolved and his personality assimilated into man A's body. So man A's body have two personalities- his own and the one of man B. Kind of similar with multiple personalities, but the difference is that their second personality wasn't created by their brain but it belonged to another person. Wow, if I'm right, that would be the most FUCKED UP consequence of triggering. Imagine an evil man in the same body with a good man. They both would hate each other so much, the good man will try to stop the evil man, the evil man will probably want to kill the good man and they'll end up killing the body they share together. :( ZigZag were both heroes, that's the reason why they could cooperate with each other. Knot were both villains, they get along. But what will happen with a hero and a villain with this abnormal condition? They'll be unable to live with each other, I'm convinced 100%. Gosh, I want to see an example like this. When I'm going to see one?
Alright, back to Infestation and the POV of my second favorite character. :D Let me guess, S9 are going to infest Biohazard City with their presence? Or Taylor is going to infest her territory with her presence, both literally and figuratively?

I stared down at the metal walkway as I caught my breath. I had one gash at the side of my head, and another trickle ran from beneath the armor of my shoulder, down my arm and to my fingertip, where it dripped almost in sync with the head wound. It should have hurt, but it didn't. Maybe it would when the shock wore off. If so, I didn't look forward to it.
Trickster, Ballistic and Circus lay in front of me. Another cape had fallen over the railing and lay on the concrete floor below, unmoving. They were all either unconscious or hurting badly enough that I didn't need to worry about them.
I swallowed hard. My heart had climbed up so far into my throat that I almost couldn't breathe, and my heartbeat felt oddly distant and faint for how terrified I was.
Coil's base was deserted. I knew his men were out on patrols, that the only people in here were a handful of the capes that were working for him. He'd left it almost undefended.
If I was going to act, I'd have to do it now.
My costume's feet lacked hard soles, so I should have been nearly silent, but the interior of Coil's base was deathly silent and my feet were slamming down on the metal walkway as I ran. The noise of singing metal filled the dark space, echoing, seemingly louder with each step I took.
The thrum of the metal rang through the air even after I came to a stop. I'd reached my target; a reinforced door, identical to so many others in the complex. With the labyrinthine mess of metal walkways and the dozens of doors, I might have missed it. The only thing telling me I was in the right place was the smudge of ash left behind from when the soldier had put out his cigarette on the wall.
I opened the door, and it was far too loud, creaking, then banging into the wall with a crash despite my last-second attempts to stop its momentum.
The room looked like a prison cell. It had concrete walls and floor, a cot and a metal sink and toilet. Coil and Dinah were both there. I couldn't say whose presence left me more devastated.
I could say Coil's presence was the worst thing, because it meant my info was bad. His power meant I was probably fucked on a lot of levels, that the odds were suddenly astronomically against me. I was caught. My gut told me that I wouldn't make it out of the compound in one piece, now. He was washing his hands in the sink, he turned to look at me, apparently unconcerned by my presence.
But no. As I stared at Dinah and registered what I was seeing, I realized the image would be burned into my mind's eye forever. She lay on the cot on her side, her eyes open, staring at me, through me. A bloody froth was drying at one side of her mouth and at the edges of one nostril. I didn't consider myself a religious person, but I prayed for her to blink, to breathe, to give me some relief from that cold horror that was gripping me.

Right.....this Arc started with a fucking NIGHTMARE. I'm absolutely convinced this scene with Taylor trying to save Dinah by herself is actually Taylor's nightmare. Coil wouldn't have killed Dinah- he NEEDS her, Taylor wouldn't be so stupid and reckless to try to save Dinah alone and she couldn't take Trickster down with such ease. Taylor became so obsessed to return the poor soul back to her lovingly and worried family that she can't find her peace not even in her dreams. I understand her perfectly. I'm kind of obsessed too. I might end up dreaming Dinah, I won't be surprised.

I was too late.
My vision practically turned red as I charged Coil, drawing my knife as I ran. I felt him use his power, and suddenly there were two of him, two of me, two cells with two dead girls named Dinah Alcott.
In one of those rooms, I stabbed Coil in the chest. There was no satisfaction in doing it, no relief. I'd lost, I'd failed in every way that counted. The fact that I'd put him down barely mattered.
In the other room, he stepped back out of reach of my first lunge, raised one hand and blew a handful of pale dust into my face. While I was blindly slashing in his direction, he grabbed the wrist of my knife hand and held it firm in his bony hand.
That room where I'd succeeded in stabbing him faded away. The only me that existed, now, was coughing violently. My knees buckled as I coughed hard enough to bring up my lungs, unable to get the powder out of my nose and mouth. I pulled at my hand, trying to free it from his grip. Futile.
"Stop," he ordered me, and my struggles stilled, though I was still finishing my coughing fit.
"Diluted scopolamine," he spoke, his voice calm, sonorous. He let go of my wrist, and pushed at the knife in my hand. I let it drop. "Also known as Devil's Breath. The vodou sorcerers, the Bokor, were said to use this along with the venoms of the puffer fish and other poisons. With these substances, they could create the 'zombies' they were so famous for. These zombies of theirs were not raised from the dead, but were men and women who were forced to till fields and perform crude labor for the Bokor. The uneducated thought it magic, but it was simple chemistry."
I waited patiently for him to continue. The notion of fighting or responding didn't even occur to me.
"It strips imbibers of volition and renders them eminently suggestible. As you can see, I attempted to use it on my pet, and the results were… tragic. The price of hubris, I suppose."
He sighed.
"Take off your mask," he instructed me.

I heard about voodoo sorcerers using substances to turn people into "zombies". Yes, it was a real shit, unfortunately for the poor slaves who became very submissive to their masters because they lost any free will. In her dream, Nightmare Taylor is afraid that Nightmare Coil will kill Nightmare Dinah in both timelines and even if she'll manage to kill him in one timeline, in the second one he'll catch her. Nightmare Coil is basically immortal if she can't kill him in both timelines. Also, I like how she dreams about Nightmare Coil forcing her to reveal her identity to him when in reality Dragon discovered her identity and she might make it public anytime, to force Taylor to surrender in this way (I'm really happy that Dragon isn't evil, otherwise she'd have used Danny to force a surrender from Taylor). But she can still make the identity public and initiate a vast manhunt. I'm actually so glad that S9 might become a great danger anytime soon, in this way its possible for Dragon to "forget" about Taylor for a while, prioritizing the biggest villains instead. I don't want Dragon to catch Taylor, I really don't want. Taylor will never be able to help Dinah from Birdcage. Unless she'll initiate a prison break but still a free Skitter is the best Skitter.

I did. My hair fell across my face as I let my mask fall to the ground. My cheeks were wet with tears. Was that from before, from when I'd first seen Dinah?
Or was I able to cry about my present circumstance, even if I was helpless to do anything about it?
He touched my cheek, brushed a tear away with his thumb. He stroked my hair, and the gesture felt strangely familiar. The way his hand settled on the back of my neck and gripped me there didn't. It felt… possessive.
"Pet," he intoned, and fresh terror shook me to my core.
"You couldn't have succeeded. This was terribly unwise."
"Okay," I murmured.
No, no, no, NO.
I didn't deserve this.
My eyes fell on Dinah. She still stared at me, eyes wide and unblinking, and I couldn't help but see the look as accusing.
I did deserve this. It was thanks to me that she'd been kidnapped. Thanks to me that she'd been made into Coil's slave. Karma, perhaps, that I'd take her place.
The strength went out of me. My head hung, and I stared at my feet.
Tears streamed down my face. I didn't wipe them away. I wasn't sure I could.
"Look at me, pet," Coil instructed, and I did. I was glad to, like a compliant, eager to please child. A part of me wanted more orders. In that drug induced haze, I wanted to lose myself in obeying, wanted to serve. That way, at the very least, I wasn't to blame for my own actions or the tragic consequences that followed from them.
Coil removed his mask, and I stared.
I recognized him. He was someone I knew all too well.
They were both tall, thin. How hadn't I seen it? Coil's costume could must have been designed to highlight his skeletal structure, make him look thinner and more bony. All it had taken, beyond that, would be an affected change to his voice and different mannerisms. I'd been unable to see it.

Wow, this nightmare is so DAMN CREEPY. I got fucking goosebumps on my arms. And why she's saying that she knows who Nightmare Coil is? Is she referring at her....father? In her dream she imagines Coil as being her father? So, Nightmare Dinah is dead and Nightmare Coil is Nightmare Danny- all of this because Taylor feels guilty for Dinah's capture (she wasn't really guilty for this) and abuse also she feels guilty for abandoning her father (she was guilty for this) and she tries to double punish herself by making herself fail to save Dinah and being killed/turned into a slave by her own father in the same time. I kind of understand her dream logic. She tortures her own mind because the feeling of guilt is eating her from inside. :(

So dumb, so stupid.
I could understand it, too. He'd been struggling to fix things, watching people failing to find work, knowing it was the city government that was to blame. I could remember him telling me how he'd make the city work again, how he had all the answers. I knew how hungry he was to do it.
He'd gotten powers. He'd started to put plans into motion so he could do just that.
"Welcome home, pet," he spoke, and he didn't speak in Coil's voice. The voice I heard was my father's.
I woke up, and for a long moment I stared up at the ceiling of my room and reassured myself that it was all a fabrication of my own scumbag mind. It had been a nightmare or a terror dream; I wasn't positive on the differences between the two. It was my brain drawing together all my guilt about what we'd done to Shadow Stalker, the role I'd played in Dinah being kidnapped and leaving my dad; knitting it all into some convincing, disturbing scenario. Not the worst I'd had, but there was at least some repetition and familiarity with the usual ones.
It had felt way too real, and it had sucked. My shirt stuck to me with the damp of my sweat, the room was warm, but I still shivered.
My alarm clock sat on the ground by my inflatable mattress. I picked it up and turned it around so the I could see the green numbers of the digital display. Five forty in the morning.
Time to wake up, I supposed. There was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep again in the next few hours. It wasn't just the idea of having another nightmare. The dream had left me with a feeling of an impending deadline.
How long could Dinah be expected to hold on? I doubted Coil was taking bad care of her, so she wouldn't die of malnutrition or overdose on whatever drugs Coil was giving her. Still, there was a limit to what the human mind could handle. How long until Coil pushed her abilities too far? If she was getting
headaches from the use of her power, there was a chance she could suffer more severe issues if pushed to use it more often. Pain generally signified something was wrong.

Yes, I was right about her feeling of guilt punishing her with this dream. But I didn't expected that she also feels guilty for Shadow Stalker. I mean, girl, Sophia deserved what happened to her, she's not Danny neither Dinah, she's a bitch who made people's lives, YOUR life miserable until Alec decided...FUCK THIS BITCH! and turned the tables. You don't even know what he did to her during Coil's meeting, when he pretended to listen music and talk to himself. You'd be so shocked if you'll ever find out. I was right when I said that Taylor is the most empathetic villain...look, she feels bad even for her bully. And what a BULLY miss Sophia Hess was!...... And what a shit in the middle of a road she's now.

I was also worried I wouldn't earn Coil's trust and respect. Until this was resolved, I wouldn't be able to rest, take it easy, or have a day to myself. Not in good conscience. Depending on what happened, it might be a long, long time before I could relax again.
What worried me more than anything was the idea that I might save Dinah, only to find that Coil had broken her spirit or her will to the point that she couldn't go back to her old life. I worried that, like in my nightmare, I would be too late.
With this in mind, I sat up and tossed the sheet aside. I reached for my glasses, by the alarm clock, then stopped.
Instead of putting on my glasses, I stood and made my way to the bathroom adjacent to my room. Alongside fresh supplies of toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, tweezers, shampoo, conditioner and all that, I had a small box with packages of disposable contact lenses, daily use.
I hated contacts so, so much. I'd tried them in middle school, at Emma's recommendation, and they had never felt comfortable. That, and I had never figured out how to put them in properly. It seemed like ninety-nine out of a hundred times, they flipped inside out to cling to my fingertip instead of sticking to my eye.
True to form, it took me four minutes to get the contacts in, and I found myself blinking every two seconds after I did have them in.
At least I could see.
I walked through my new base of operations wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of underwear. Not exactly fitting attire for a supervillain.
My new abode was three stories tall, which made it taller than Grue or Bitch's places, which were the only ones I'd seen thus far, but it was narrow. A cafe had stood here, before, but it had been flattened by one of the first waves to hit the city. Coil owned at least one of the companies that was managing the restoration and reconstruction efforts, and over the past two and a half weeks, as his crews had started clearing and rebuilding on the Boardwalk, he'd had them set up some buildings, all squashed together. When the Boardwalk was fixed up, these same buildings would be at the westmost edge of the same block that had the stores, restaurants and coffee shops. If the Boardwalk ever got going again, they would be prime real estate.

Yes, not all people are strong enough to recover from drugs. Especially if they're also children. Dinah seems a pretty fragile child, I can't see her strong enough to overcome her dependence once she's free. And if she doesn't want help then nobody can do anything to help her. People who suffer from drug addiction should have enough WILL to overcome it. I'm thinking at Amy being able to cure Dinah but Amy refuses to work on brain (I'm hoping that she'll overcome her fear one day and actually start using her power on brain because she can do wonders by healing people with severe brain damage or brain tumor or drug dependence. She's obsessed with this fear because she might become evil like her father if she'll start using her power on brain, but if she'll find out that her father is not so evil as she believed him to be, maybe she'll change her mind :)). Taylor have to wear contacts thanks to the possibility that she might be visited by Shatterbird. A visit that won't be good for Taylor if she still have her glasses. She also have a fucking VILLAIN LAIR right now. Impressive, Taylor. How are you going to call it? Skitter Lair?

Ostensibly to protect these new buildings until people started buying up the properties, each had been set up with heavy metal shutters to seal the windows and wall off the front. It made the building dark, with only faint streams of light filtering in through the slats at the top of each shutter.
The topmost floor was mine and mine alone. Taylor's. It was living space, with a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. The bedroom was spacious enough to serve as a living room as well as a sleeping area. The first things I'd done after Coil's men had unloaded the furniture and supplies was to hook up an internet connection and computer and get my television mounted on a wall and connected to a satellite.
The second floor, as I liked to think of it, was Skitter's. It was for my costumed self. It still needed more than a few things to complete it. I flipped a switch in the stairwell, and tinted flourescent lights lit up on the undersides of the shelves that ran along two adjacent walls, floor to ceiling. Each shelf was lined with terrariums and backed by strategically positioned mirrors so that the light filtered through the front of the terrariums and into the room. Only a few were occupied, but they each had the same general contents – a layer of dirt and pieces of irregularly shaped wood.
I hit the second switch, and chambers in the lid of each occupied case opened to release their inhabitants. As they crawled through the case, the spiders were lit up by the lighting so that their shadows and the strange shapes of the wood were cast against the panes of hard plastic, distorted and larger than life. I'd seen a picture on the web of the same thing, done on a far smaller scale. I had hopes that the effect would be suitably impressive and intimidating once all of the terrariums were full.
It would be doubly impressive once Coil's special effects technician stopped by and outfitted a case with a series of switches that a large bug could move – a beetle or something. If I could direct the beetle to release the bugs, turn the lights on or off or even open the lids of the terrariums, all while appearing to sit motionless in my chair, it would be that much more effective for any audience I happened to have in the room.
Terrariums aside, the room was sparse. Six empty pedestals sat just beneath the shuttered window, each standing just a little beneath knee height.
After touring the place yesterday morning and spending some time browsing the web to see what was available, I'd gotten in contact with Coil and named every possible thing I could think of that I could use for the space. The current contents of the rooms on this floor and upstairs had been delivered last night.
The stuff I was waiting on was harder to come by, and it would be unreasonable to expect it to be available and in place within this short span of time.

I did have a chair, here, way too large for me. It was positioned in one corner, so that it was framed by the two walls of terrariums. It was black leather, and broad enough that I could comfortably sit cross-legged on it. I'd loved the idea since I'd seen one like it in Brian's apartment. It was the one concession I was making in regards to atmosphere and appearances. A series of smaller seats were positioned so they faced the larger chair and the terrariums.
A large abstract painting hung above the stairs on the right side of the room. I'd seen a similar one online and had liked it, so I had found the artist's gallery and stumbled onto this. It was the first thing I had asked Coil for, and he'd delivered a large framed print far faster than I might have expected. I liked how it tied into the room and echoed the shapes cast against the front panes of the terrariums. The black lines were painted on the background of reds and yellows in a way that seemed spidery.
I stared at the painting for a minute, seriously worried that I would see the abstract image from a different angle and realize I'd had Coil get me a eight-foot by five-foot painting of a hairy wang or a headless chicken or something.
Making my way down the stairs, I found the ground floor surprisingly cool. The weather was warming up, and with the shutters closed, I'd found my room warm, sticky in the humid air. I'd foregone pajama bottoms, had slept with just a single sheet, and had slept with my feet uncovered. Goosebumps prickled my bare legs as I stepped on the cool hardwood floor.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE SKITTER LAIR! The best villain lair ever. It even have TERRARIUM WITH SPIDERS INSIDE (I find spiders to be adorable. I even have a tarantula named Red. Sorry, but my mind is not very normal :D). It also looks so comfy, I'd LIVE there. I like how Taylor sees part of the building as hers and Skitter sees the other part as hers and both of them agree with each other. Its so good when the civilian agrees with the villain over something, meaning that there won't be future troubles :D:D. Please, Taylor, please Skitter, can I have a room at your lair? In exchange, I promise that I'll take care of your baby spiders....No, but seriously, love this place.

The ground floor here wasn't much different from the one at Grue's place. There was an area with bunk beds, albeit fewer than Grue'd had, a bathroom, a small kitchen and an open area that didn't yet serve a purpose, stacked with boxes.
All this was mine. My lair. It felt so empty.
I knew that would change as it filled with furniture and necessities. The place was already something of a luxury. More than half of Brockton Bay was currently lacking plumbing or electricity, with more than a few unfortunate individuals having neither. In the process of setting up these buildings, Coil had ensured I was provided with both. Trucks would be coming and going through this area as clearing and construction continued, and Coil had informed me that these trucks would be discreetly resupplying me with water, ensuring my water heater had propane, emptying the aboveground septic tank and refueling the generator.
As the city was rebuilt and standard utilities were put back in order, these special measures would be set aside, I'd get hooked up to those, and my lair would be lost in the surge of urban growth. Ideal world.
It was nice to be able to enjoy those luxuries, but the Dinah situation took all of the joy out of it. I had hot showers and the ability to wash my dishes because Coil had provided them.
I grabbed a cell phone from the kitchen counter and dialed Coil. I didn't give a fuck about the fact that it was 5:45 in the morning.
It bothered me, calling him, relying on him. It made me feel complicit. Inconveniencing him, even a little, felt good.
"Yes?" His question was curt.
"It's Skitter."
"What is it, Skitter?"
"I need a loan of some guys."
"How many?"
I looked around the living room, "Eight? A truck would be a good idea, if you can get one here."
"I can. These men you require, are you needing gunmen or-"
"Just regular guys, anyone up for some exercise."
"I assume there's no rush?" He was being more curt than usual. Maybe I'd woken him up. I didn't really care. He could deal, if I was working on something that helped him.
"No rush."
"Then I'll have them there in an hour."
"An hour, then."
He hung up.
It was a lot of time to kill. Free time sucked when you didn't want to be alone with your thoughts.

Ha ha ha ha ha :lol:rofl::lol:rofl::lol:rofl: This is so funny. Skitter called Coil, without giving a fuck about his sleep program. Yes, yes, yes, that's my girl, Skitter, you woke this bastard up. He DESERVES to have someone messing with his sleep, hell, he deserves thousands of bad things to happen to him, but this one is a good start. :) Please, bother him like this more than once, preferable in the middle of each freaking night. :lol:rofl::whistle: This was FUN!

I wanted to run, but it was awkward. The fenced off areas, construction zones and flooded streets of the Boardwalk didn't really make a sprint around the neighborhood that doable. Besides, it was dangerous enough I might stand out.
In the end, I went against my better judgement and decided to go for a run. I dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top, donned my running shoes and ensured I had both my pepper spray and my knife. I unstrapped the knife's sheath from the back of my costume, then threaded a belt through it so I could strap it around my waist. I put the sheath itself under my waistband and the handle of the knife under my top.
I stood in front of the full length mirror in my bedroom to check how visible the weapon was.
It wasn't exactly hidden, but it wasn't conspicuous either. I adjusted it slightly, then called a small collection of bugs to me. It was a little creepy, having them crawl on my skin, beneath my clothes into my hair, but that stopped when they reached their destinations – above my socks, in my hair and between my bra and my top. I was cool with it so long as they weren't directly on my skin.
Did I look different? My skin had a light tan, now. I'd spent more time outdoors in the past few weeks. In the week and a half I'd spent in the shelter, I hadn't exactly had books or TV, so I'd walked during the day, making my way across the city to check on the loft and to see the state of my dad's house. I'd walked at night, too, when I'd been unable to sleep, but people hardly tanned doing that.
I couldn't pin down exactly how or why, but the definition in my face and body had changed. It was possible I'd had a growth spurt. Some of it was perhaps the tan giving more accent to the features of my body or face. Maybe it was that I'd been eating a pretty lean diet when I was staying at the shelter, coupled with the fact that I'd been so active over the past two months. I hadn't spent six hours every day sitting around in school, I'd been in fights, I'd been running, and I'd ridden the dogs. I had some muscle definition in my arms, now, and I thought maybe I was standing straighter. Or maybe it was all those minor things helped by the simple fact that I was dressing differently, that my hair hadn't been cut in a while, and that I wasn't wearing my glasses.
To say I barely recognized myself was.. how could I put it? It was true, but I could also remember myself months ago, when I'd look at my reflection and I would be so focused on the flaws and the things I didn't like about myself that I never felt familiar with the person I was seeing in the mirror. It was as though it was always a stranger I was looking at, and I would be left vaguely surprised at the combination of features across from me.
This was not recognizing myself in a very different way. There were still things I didn't like, like my wide mouth, my small chest and the lack of curves or any real femininity. My scars stood out with my slight tan, a teardrop shaped mark on my forearm where Bitch's dog had bitten me, a wavy mark on my cheek where Sophia had dug her fingernails in,and a line by my earlobe where she'd tried to tear my ear off. But my physical flaws no longer consumed my attention when I looked at myself. I felt comfortable with my body, like I'd somehow earned it, the way it was, and it was mine now. I wasn't sure if that made any sense, even to myself.

If there was anything about myself that I didn't like, it was primarily psychological. Guilt was a big one. The idea that my dad might dislike me if he got to know me, now? That was another. That my mom, were she alive and showing up at the door, might be disappointed in me? Sobering.
As he'd done with his own underground base, Coil had set my lair up with a discreet entrance and exit. Leaving through the front door would be conspicuous, if I started working with anyone beyond my teammates. Skinny teenage girl with black curly hair entering and leaving the same building that the skinny teenage villain with black curly hair was operating out of? No.
I made my way to the building's cellar, opened a hatch and entered the adjacent storm drain. The same builders that had put the building together had blocked off the drain so the water flow wouldn't make it impassable, and I was left with a clear route down to the section of beach where the storm drains emptied.

I'm going to tell you how you really look now, Taylor. You look BADASS, like someone who's a good and fearless fighter. Yes, you're different, but different in a good way ;). You even have a subterranean tunnel under Skitter Lair? Gosh, the number of reasons for me to love this place is too damn HIGH. Now I remember something and I'm suddenly afraid of what might happen. Danny still wears glasses, right? He have no idea about S9, nobody told him anything because Taylor is too busy with her new hobby of interior design and Protectorate probably doesn't want to create a general state of panic after such short time from Leviathan Battle. If Shatterbird will start attacking people, she might hurt Danny pretty bad, depends of how strong and versatile her powers are (if they can affect more people than just one during a single use). If her powers are similar with Taylor, meaning that she can attack a good number of people in the same time, then I'm seriously worried for Danny.

I wasn't sure if Coil had plans to keep the city's workers from trying to unblock the drain, but I supposed that was the sort of thing we could rely on him to handle. In the meantime, a third of the storm drains were too clogged with rubble and detritus to drain, and another third didn't connect to anything anymore. Add the fact that most of the storm drains were a little out of the way of regular foot traffic, and it wasn't too conspicuous.
I started running the moment I reached the beach, glad for the chance to resume my routine.
It was a strange environment, eerie. The wooden pathway, the literal boardwalk that had run in front of the stores, was now a skeletal ruin that loomed above the piles of trash that the bulldozers had all pushed to one side, twice as tall as I was. The beach had been cleared, which was a feat unto itself. The work of the bulldozers and the crews with rakes had revealed the packed, dirt-like layer from beneath the loose sand. Opposite the trash piles, by the water, there were mounds of irregularly shaped pieces of concrete, set to break up the waves and prevent the highest tides from dragging the trash, debris and machinery into the ocean. Two mounds looming on either side, with a space cleared in the middle for the trucks and any foot traffic.
A scene up ahead caught my attention. Two pieces of machinery lay in a heap just below the lip of the boardwalk above. A bulldozer and an eighteen wheeler with a crane-mounted claw attached had both been driven or pushed over the edge of the boardwalk and onto the beach. The cab of the truck with the claw had been partially crushed by the bulldozer. Though it was barely past six in the morning, a group of laborers were already there, some on the ledge above, others down on the beach, all gathered around the trucks.
Spray paint had been used to draw the same crude symbol on both the side of the eighteen wheeler and the concrete wall separating the beach from the Boardwalk above. A capital 'M', with two taller lines drawn vertically through it much the same as you'd do with a dollar sign. The Merchants.

It fit their modus operandi. They had been bums, drunks and addicts, looked down on others, before Leviathan came. In the wake of what Leviathan had done to the city, leaving everything in shambles, with social services gone or in chaos and even basic utilities in short supply, everyone else had been brought down to their level. The Merchants were even, I suspected, thriving. With strength in numbers and virtually nothing holding them back, they had become like pack animals. They roamed the city in bands of three to twenty, robbing, raping, pillaging and stealing. They were settling in some of the better areas, the neighborhoods that still had power or water, and forcing the existing residents out.
Or, worse, I could imagine that some were moving in and keeping the residents around for their own amusement. It was not a pleasant thought. The kind of people who had gravitated towards the Merchants tended to have a lot of resentment. Specifically, they had resentment towards people who had what they didn't. If they happened upon a family with Kate the soccer mom, Tommy, the kid with more video games than teeth, and Joe the blue-collar worker with a steady job? If they weren't letting them go? I was guessing that hypothetical family would be in for a hell of a rough time.

Oh, great....Merchants are FUCKING WILD ANIMALS. They're like rats who infect each place where they're travelling. Now I got it. I figured the title of this Arc. Isn't about S9...yet...its about fucking Merchants, these terrible caricatures of people who destroy everything in their way, stop people who are trying to fix what Leviathan destroyed, rape and steal and force unfortunate souls to become drug addicts or their slaves. Gosh, now I'm 100% sure that Chariot is Coil's man, these wild creatures are too freaking stupid to think at something so ingenious as using a mole against heroes. I think I hate Merchants. Hell, I don't think, actually I HATE them. Someone must play the role of exterminator and get rid of these rats. As quickly as possible.

It might have sounded silly, that line of speculation, but I'd spent time in the shelters. I'd heard about how vicious and depraved the Merchants were getting.
Anyways, this? This whole situation? They liked it. They wanted to keep things this way, and that meant they were going to stop anyone else from fixing it. They would intercept supplies, attack rescue workers and they would push construction vehicles into a heap on the beach.
I'd have to deal with these guys. It wasn't just intercepting any groups that made their way into my territory. That was easy, all things considered. No, I also had to deal with the small army that would come marching through here wanting retaliation over my having kicked the asses of any groups that had made their way into my territory.
I could call on the others, if such a situation arose, and I expected them to call on me if the same thing happened. But people would take time to get here, and the Merchants, the Chosen or whoever else was making trouble couldkeep making trouble until the reinforcements arrived. It was tricky, and I didn't know for sure how I'd handle things if-
Between Fenrir's Chosen and Merchants, I want Fenrir's Chosen to beat the crap out of Merchants because at least Hookwolf and is people doesn't want to keep the city destroyed without any chance to be fixed back, only for shit and giggles. I hope they're going to fight, I'll seriously cheer for anyone who'll try to exterminate these rats, and I mean ANYONE, yes, including nazis. Fucking Skidmark, I barely know this guy and I want him to die a sadistic, painful death because he and his people are animals, paraphrasing Kaiser. Druggies, rapists, robbers, destructive pieces of shit. And they're getting worse as I keep reading about them. A wild guess about the person who's calling Taylor- either Lisa or Brian.

My reaction wasn't much different than if someone had stabbed me in the stomach with an icicle. I'd thought of that mental image in particular because of the cold, horrible feeling in my midsection; fear, guilt. My thoughts immediately went back to my nightmare from earlier. I turned to look.
"It's you," my dad spoke, "Wow."
He stood on the ledge above me. He was more tanned than I was. He wore a short-sleeved button-up shirt and khakis and held a clipboard. It set him apart from the other laborers, and the man who stood just behind him, wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans. I knew in an instant, my dad was in charge around here.
DANNY?!? Unexpected, good and bad in the same time. Quick, Taylor, hug him, apologize, warn him about Shatterbird and Merchants. Especially Merchants. Since he's in charge with construction team he might have serious problems with those rats. Do something, Taylor!

Looking at him, I couldn't imagine how I might have thought he was Coil. Even in a dream.
"Just out for my regular run."
Surprise etched his face, "You're running during this…?!"
He made a visible effort to close his mouth. It made me feel uneasy. What thought process or concern was keeping my dad from opening his mouth about my running? He'd been worried about it when the streets were relatively safe. Was he that spooked at the idea of scaring me off again?
He looked at the man who was standing near him, murmured something. The man walked over to join the others in observing the damage around the damaged vehicles.
We were left more or less alone.
"You got my messages?" I asked.
"I've listened to that answering machine so many times-" he stopped. He was a good distance away, but I could see the lines in his forehead, "I miss you."
"I miss you too."
"I… I don't know how to ask. I'm afraid to ask you to come home, because I'm not sure I can stand to hear you tell me you won't."
He paused, for a long moment. Waiting for me to jump at the opportunity. I stayed silent and hated myself for it.
"Well," he said, so quiet I could barely hear him, "You can always come home. Any time, any reason."
"Okay," I told him.
"What are you doing with yourself these days?"
I struggled to find an answer, and was saved by the bell. One of the men by the wreck shouted, "Danny!" and my dad turned.
My dad ran his fingers through his hair, "I need to go handle this. Can I… How do I contact you?"
"I'll leave you a message on your answering machine," I said, "With my cell phone number, and my email in case I'm in an area where cell service is down."
"Email?" he asked. "Where are you that you have access to a computer?"
A few blocks from here.
"Just outside the city limits," I lied, "Not far from the Market."
"So you're out of the way of any trouble," My dad noted, with a touch of relief. There was a noise as someone began prying one of the truck doors open, and my dad turned his head, frowning.
"But what are you doing here this morning?"
"I was going to stop by the house, see if it was in okay shape," I lied again. Was this the extent of my interactions with my dad? Always lies? "Keeping up with my running."
"I see. Look, I have to go, but I do want to talk again, soon. Lunch, maybe?"
"Maybe," I offered. He offered me a sad smile, then turned to go.

I moved my hand to adjust my glasses, and wound up waving at my face. I was wearing my lenses.
"Dad!" I called out. He stopped. "Um. I'd heard the Slaughterhouse Nine were around. Be careful, warn others." I pointed at my face.
His eyes widened. I could see the thought process, the realization. He took off his glasses and hung them from his shirt's front pocket. I wasn't positive that was much better.
"Thank you," he said, squinting slightly at me. He raised a hand in an awkward half-wave, and I returned it with one of my own. As if by mutual agreement, we turned to leave at the same time, both of us going in separate directions. He hurried to where he was needed, and I turned to run back to my place. My lair. I hadn't run nearly as far as I'd wanted, but I wasn't up to continuing.
I checked the kitchen clock as I entered from the cellar. I had thirty minutes. I took the time to shower and don my costume – my sleeve was still crusty and stained yellow-white where it had come in contact with the foam, but at least it wasn't sticky anymore.
My mask wasn't wearable with the contacts. I'd taken lenses out of an old pair of glasses and set them into the construction of my mask. I debated it for a few moments, then I decided to use the remaining time to fix it. With my knife's point, I set about undoing that particular piece of work, prying the lenses out.
I finished with enough time left over to grab and eat a breakfast bar. Coil's people were punctual, rapping on the metal shutter at six forty-five.
Alright. This was it. I pulled on my mask.

Time to claim my territory.

The good points of this conversation: -Taylor keeps sending messages to her dad, letting him now during this time that she's ok.
-She lied him that she's safe.
-She warned him against wearing the glasses.

The bad points of this conversation: -Taylor still lied him.
-She won't return home.
-She didn't hug him.

The coolest ending: Skitter went full crime lady.

Good night and sleep well, friends. I wonder, is there someone who's fan of Merchants? I'm not going to judge you for your preferences so you can tell me without any hesitation. ;)
Infestation 11.2
Hello, everyone, get ready for another review - 11.02 | Worm Skitter is going to claim her territory and I think I have an idea how she's going to do this: send in each house hundreds of bugs and make them write something like: THIS HOUSE IS MINE- TAKE YOUR WIFE, TAKE YOUR KIDS AND GET OUT OF HERE. Just a joke :), I can actually see Skitter as someone who would take great care of people living in her territory, even protecting them against filthy rats like Merchants or fanatic extremists like Fenrir's Chosen. I was going to say freaking psychos like S9 too but I realized that Skitter won't stand a chance to fight against all of them if they'll decide to pay her a visit out of boredom. Maybe she can fight against one or two, but not against everyone. Hell, Dinah said that not even Travelers have many chances against S9 if they fight together against them. And Travelers have someone like Trickster and Sundancer who are more powerful than Skitter and who survived two Endbringers. I don't believe that S9 are invulnerable- I think each member have his/her own weakness and if someone knows them and exploit them correctly, he/she will be defeated. But its better to hope that no S9 member will wander into Skitter's territory. Or any other Undersider's territory. I'll cry with tears of blood for any UNLUCKY person who'll ever meet/or worse- get attacked by Mannequin. I will cry for myself too if I'll have to read that HORROR.

Water sprayed in the truck's wake as we cut a path through the flooded streets.
It was a military vehicle. I wasn't one to know much about cars, and I knew even less about stuff like military vehicles, so I couldn't put a name to the truck that was carting me and eight of Coil's workers through the Docks. It was like a sturdy pickup truck, but the rear section was wider and it was hidden beneath a green tarp that had been stretched over a framework of metal bars. The tires were massive, with deep treads allowing the truck to navigate all but the most cracked sections of road where Leviathan had brought the underground pipes and drains through the surface.
The interior was loaded with the supply crates that I'd had Coil's guys load into the vehicle. Each set was strapped together and tied down to the floor and sides of the truck with belts. There wasn't much room for the seven of us in the back, and we'd been forced to sit on the crates with little legroom.
A part of me wanted to converse with Coil's men and get to know them. Another part of me, a larger part, told me that I shouldn't. I had to convey power and confidence. I wasn't sure I could do that while making small talk.
With much the same reasoning, I'd chosen not to help with the loading of the truck.
The men Coil had sent me were dressed up in the same outfits worn by the cleanup crews I'd seen around the city, picking up debris, trash and dead things. They wore heavy plastic one-piece bodysuits, made of a material I compared to those heavy-duty industrial rubber gloves that my dad kept under the sink, each in blue and yellow. The suits were loose-fitting, and only the upper halves of their faces were visible behind the clear plastic goggles they wore. Their mouths were hidden by the filters intended to prevent mold, dust and airborne pathogens from getting into the worker's lungs.
The masks also, I noted, did a good job at hiding the identities of the six men and two women. If it weren't for that, I'd think Coil was trying to be funny, giving the hazmat crew to the bug girl.
Whatever image I conveyed, whether it was in the role of a leader or as a potentially dangerous villain, it had given me elbow room. Coil's employees had chosen to sit, cramped together, closer to the rear of the truck. I sat atop a crate with my back to the truck's cab, watching the road behind us.
In a way, it was good that I wasn't engaging in conversation. It let me focus on what I needed to – my bugs.
Generally speaking, there were two routes I tended to go. The first put me in one spot, drawing my bugs from the area. A three block radius made for a good number of bugs. The second situation came about when I'd taken the time to gather a few select bugs from here or there, while covering a whole lot more area. I'd done it before the bank robbery, to get a prime selection of bugs. I'd also done it before we attacked the ABB the first time, with the other groups. Never enough to draw attention.
This was different. This time, I wanted attention. This time, the city was a breeding ground for the bugs. Warm, moist, and filled with food. This time, I was gathering everything I could and I was covering a lot of ground.

Don't tell me I was right about Donna Skitter swarming people inside their homes with thousands of bugs only to attract their attention that she's their new Godmother....OMG, I know that her intentions are noble and she'll give them food and medicine from those supply crates (I suppose she have food and medicine there) but first she's going to scare the living daylights out of them :). Alright, honestly, the Undersider who'll absolute SUCKS at taking care of the people living in her territory will be Bitch 10000000000%. She'll have her dogs forcing them to leave the territory so she'll turn the whole territory into a fucking shelter. I can see Bitch doing this. I can see her getting rid of all humans and filling their houses with dogs. If they'll refuse to leave then...I'm going to PRAY for their souls. Anyway, one must be completely out of his/her mind to continue living in a territory where monster dogs make the law.

We'd been driving for fifteen minutes around the perimeter of what I hoped would be my territory, gradually closing in towards the center. I found the bugs closest to the edges and sent them toward the middle. Of the ones that could fly, I had them gather overhead. It was more bugs than I'd ever controlled at once. My power seemed to crackle in my head as I drew in and interpreted all of the data.
I was almost convinced I would finally see the upper limit of my power. That I'd reach for more bugs and realize I couldn't control any more. It didn't happen.
The clouds of bugs that were gathering in the center of my territory were starting to cast a visible shadow on the area.
They weren't the only bugs I controlled. I had others on separate tasks. With a number, I created barriers, heavy clouds in alleyways and across streets. My motives here were purely selfish – I laid these barriers between the southmost end of the old Boardwalk and the Docks because I didn't want my dad entering the area. My gut told me that if he got a good look at me in costume, he'd know who I was.
Besides, it didn't factor into my plan.
I had other bugs sweep through the inside of the buildings in my range. I made contact with people, stirring some from their sleep. As I sat on the crate in the back of the truck, nearly motionless, I was making a tally. How many people were here, and where were they?
When I had a sense of things, I began organizing my bugs into formations. I started in the areas with lots of people clustered together: a warehouse with no less than eighteen people; a tenement crammed with what I assumed were families, with lots of small children; and an overly warm building with a large group of half-dressed people drenched in sweat.
As I got those groups out of the way, I turned to targeting smaller groups, probably collections of families or friends. Where people were too deep in their sleep, I had the bugs nip at them to wake them.
They would wake up and see what I'd done. On their walls and floors, much as I'd done at the fundraiser, I had my bugs organized into arrows, pointing the way out the doors, down to the streets, and towards the truck's destination. I drew out the letters to the word 'supplies' and left them in the brightest lit, warmest spots in the rooms where people were. Accounting for the illiterate, I put the bugs down in the shapes of basic food – a drumstick, a cut of cheese, a can.
I knew I wasn't the best artist. I worried I was confusing matters with the pictures. I could only cross my fingers.

She's waking them up from their sleep....this is funny shit :lol:rofl::lol:rofl: even if I kind of feel sorry for the poor people who wake up with their homes filled with bugs. Just don't scare the children, Skitter, ok? Be more gentle with them. She's giving them food and other indispensable stuff. I think they'll accept her if they see that she's nice and helpful towards them and their families. Well, I can predict some protests but most of them will agree. People will quickly accept even villains if their basic needs are satisfied and they're protected by them. This is how usually people work. Especially poor ones. Give a can with food to someone who needs it and they're your man/woman. I think this is how Skitter rationalized.

Today wasn't one of the days my power was working double time, with double the range. I'd wanted to make sure to reach as many as I could, so I'd started drawing the arrows and words with the bugs early. The unfortunate downside of that was that it meant we were left with barely any time to set up after we arrived at our destination. I'd knocked on the window to get the driver to stop at an intersection where the road was torn up and traffic was difficult for conventional vehicles.
I stayed in the truck as Coil's men unloaded it. I sensed some of the people venturing out of their residences, and I was careful to leave them unmolested by the bugs, using only what I had to in order to track them. Watching from windows and entryways, encouraged by those who left, others ventured to follow.
The area in which I'd ordered the truck to stop was open. I hoped would encourage the growing crowd to approach. The truck was parked in the middle of the road, and the boxes were unloaded onto the ground just below the rear of the truck. I wasn't sure I liked that they were getting wet, but I knew they were at least partially waterproof. I should have thought to ask Coil for some kind of platform or pallet to set them down on.
It wasn't two minutes before the first people started to arrive. The first few were kids, no older than ten, gathered in a loose pack, maintaining a wary distance. The next two groups were families, parents with their kids in tow. I noted that the group of men who stepped out of an alley were armed, with knives and clubbing weapons hidden under their clothes and in their jackets. One of them swatted one of the flies I was using to feel him out.
Were they members of the Merchants, or just a band of grown men that had taken to carrying weapons to protect themselves?
I'd known this move of mine would attract people of all types. If they wereMerchants, I was okay with that, I'd accounted for it. Above all, I knew that this offering of supplies would attract the people who were hungry enough to venture out into the outdoors with the oppressive cloud of bugs looming above them. I would also attract the people who would want to confront me, Merchants included.
As people arrived and some ventured closer to the pile of boxes, one of Coil's workers cast a wary glance over his shoulder, in my general direction. I should have told Coil's men not to look my way or show any uncertainty. It would hurt the effect I had hoped to generate. To dissuade people from taking the supplies, I set a cloud of bugs around the piles of boxes, enough to be obvious without obscuring what was there. One of the guys with weapons approached anyways, and I had the swarm move towards him, condensing into a dark shape, buzzing loudly. He backed off.
In this manner, weighing enticement against implicit threat, I managed to keep the crowd in place as it grew to dozens, then a hundred people, with more still approaching, pushing the number closer to two hundred. Barely a fifth of all the people I'd tried to get in touch with. I was okay with that. It was enough to spread the word.
I was taking a risk, here. Gambling. It was like betting someone a million dollars that you'd hit a bullseye, when you'd barely played darts before. It wasn't that I was confident this would succeed. It was that I really needed that million dollars.
In short, I needed to get underway with Coil's agenda, and I needed to do it fast.

I'm dreading the nightmarish feeling that the armed men might be Merchants. I trust Skitter that she's prepared for everything, but still they might shoot few children before they'll be attacked by the Swarm. Or they might have powers and pretend they're just normal people with guns. Skitter, never let your guard down because you never know what these bastards are going to do the next second they see you not paying any attention to them.

More people were still making their way towards us, joining the crowd. The bystanders would be getting more confident with numbers at their back, and they would be getting increasingly worried that if the crowd grew too large, maybe they wouldn't get any supplies for themselves. If I put it off any longer, they could mob us, and I didn't want that.
No, my gut told me this had reached the point where I had to act. From my seat in the truck, I drew my bugs together into a humanoid shape, and had the figure approach from the rear of the crowd, walking towards me. I waited, my attention focused on my swarm's senses.
There was a gasp, then a general murmur. A woman shrieked. I felt the crowd part, heard the shouts. They'd noticed the figure I'd created with the swarm.
Most eyes would be on it, now. I scattered its shape and had the swarm leap or shoot towards the rear of the truck in a loose blob, arcing slowly through the air to land at the rear of the truck, on top of the crates.
The moment I knew the crowd would be unable to see, I stepped out of my hiding spot and into the midst of the swarm. I scattered the bugs explosively, sending every one of the bugs flying or crawling directly away from me, revealing myself. The people closest to the pile of crates I was standing on backed away.
To the crowd, it would look like I'd just transported myself to the back of the truck and materialized from the swarm. I hoped. It was a cheap ploy, obvious to anyone who thought about it. I was banking on the fact that the swarm I had blocking out most of the sun and the whole dramatic lead-up would help sell the illusion.
I kept the bugs swirling around me, tightly packed together so they would be moving in tendrils and loops. Like Grue habitually did with his power, I was aiming to use my own abilities to make myself look bigger, more impressive. It was like a dog raising its hackles or a cat arching its back.
"Some of you know of me!" I called out, and the noises of the swarm accented the words, gave an eerie, strangely loud echo to my voice. "My name is Skitter!"
I looked over the crowd. So many kids. So many who looked sick, pale with red cheeks. Some people were dressed too heavily for this warm weather. Everyone was dirty and damp, their hair greasy and clothes wrinkled.
My eyes fell on a figure in the back of the crowd, who stood out because shewasn't unwashed or wrinkled. Her white and gray costume had patterns on it in light blue that weren't too different from a circuit board. She leaned against a power pole, her arms folded, content to watch. The people nearest her were watching her as much as they watched me.

WHAT A NEAT APPARITION, I APPLAUD YOU, SKITTER COPPERFIELD! You'd be so great at children's parties :)...........but if I think better, nope, you won't be so great, aesthetical speaking. Battery (easy to recognize her after her costume) is there too? Why? Did Dragon told her something about Skitter's civilian identity? No, I don't think so. If she arrived to arrest Skitter, she wouldn't be alone. They know how dangerous Skitter is so I can see all heroes teaming up to arrest her, not just one. I think she just wants to see what Skitter is going to do with her territory, like an observer and nothing else. Now I feel better with Battery there. She can help Skitter to protect people in the event of an unexpected attack.

I'd known I'd attract attention from the heroes. Still, it was intimidating, a reminder of how fragile this whole thing was.
I swallowed. I had to be confident. I lowered my volume a step, relying on my swarm to convey my words for me. It wasn't perfect, there were parts of speech they weren't good at making, but it worked well enough that I kept at it. "I am laying claim to this area! From this moment, I rule this territory!"
People could have booed or jeered. I'd been almost convinced they would. Instead, I heard a murmur running through the crowd. Battery hadn't budged, but I saw her pressing her fingers to her ear, and her lips were moving.
She didn't turn her head away from me, and I could imagine her staring at me.
"I am not the ABB, I am not the Merchants, the Empire or the Chosen! I am acting in your interests!"
Our group had discussed this, after talking to Coil the other night, and we'd hammered out more details yesterday, passing on the details to the Travelers. Our methods would vary wildly, but we were all making our bids for territory this morning. I decided not to mention that. Let the others arrive at that conclusion themselves.
"I demand no money from you, I do not intend to interfere in your lives unless you interfere in mine! I do not want to take or destroy what you have!"
I pointed at the crates that were beneath my feet. I lowered my voice. "These supplies are yours, a gift from me to you. And there will be more, delivered regularly for as long as I am here. My abilities will mean there will be no buzzing or biting flies harassing you, no cockroaches crawling over you as you sleep. I am offering you protection, security, and reprieve, for as long as you are my subjects! All I require is that you obey my rules, so hear me!"
"No gangs will operate here. Merchants? Chosen? I know some of you are in this crowd. Consider this my declaration of war. I will not permit you to sell drugs, to hurt my people or steal from them, or to seek shelter in my territory!"
I raised my hand, and the swarm gathered coalesced into a tight mass above me, a vaguely spherical shape, six feet in diameter.
"My bugs can devour a cow to the bone in one and a half minutes." I had no idea if that was true. It sounded good. "I have a million eyes to watch you with. Go elsewhere."
"To everyone else! If you assist any of these groups, give them food, shelter, or business? If you sell drugs, steal or prey on people in this area, you lose my goodwill. You will receive no more supplies, and you will earn my attention, with eyes on you for every waking hour. That's strike one. If I catch you doing it again? I treat you as one of the enemy."
I let my words hang in the air for effect, and to give my audience time to consider what I was saying. I glanced at Battery. She wasn't moving to stop me… interesting.
"Each box contains enough basic food rations for four people. They also have first aid supplies and water filters. These supplies will keep you going until we can start fixing things and making more basic conveniences available."
"If you want more? Work for me. This work does not have to be criminal, for I need people to pass on messages, to act as spokespersons for these neighborhoods, and to clean up or rebuild. For anyone who does assist me, them and their families will have access to some of those foods you miss, to showers and electricity, and generous payment. You and your loved ones will be dry, clean, and you will have fresh clothes."

I looked over the crowd. I could see people getting restless. At least they weren't lynching me.
"Thank you for listening. These supplies are yours to take. One to each family or group, up to two if your family is large enough."
My monologue finished, I waited. Nobody ventured forward. Had I done too effective a job at intimidating them?

I swear, Skitter is more HEROIC than 70% of the Protectorate. She feeds her people, takes care of them, employs them, protects them, is against drugs, rape or any kind of violence against them, she's a perfect combination between The Godmother (with a heart of gold)+ Big Sister+ Punisher. Even Battery agrees that Donna Skitter is the kindest and most honorable crime lady she probably ever seen in her hero career. Skitter is going to seriously fuck anyone who'll touch her people, even S9 members (I'm sure that she won't do so much by herself against them but I can see her fighting them tooth and nail if they'll dare to lay a finger or a pawn on her people. Skitter is NOT someone who'll run away and abandon her territory even when confronted with villains superior to her power-wise :)).

I was just starting to wonder what I'd do if nobody moved, when the first man stepped forward, followed immediately by his wife and a pair of kids. The wife had a very red nose and circles under her eyes that made me think she had a bad cold. The parents didn't make eye contact with me as they accepted the box that one of Coil's workers lifted down to hand to them. The children hid behind their mother. There was no gratitude, nor any thanks given, as the father turned to carry the box of food and necessities back to wherever he was taking shelter.
Seeing the first family leaving with their supplies, others grew brave enough to venture forward. In moments, there was a crush of bodies. I stepped onto the back of the truck as the boxes disappeared from beneath me, and I watched the crowd for any violence or fighting. One altercation began as two men both grabbed the same box. Before their violent tugging match got them or someone else hurt, I sent a buzzing flurry of bugs in between them. They dropped the box and backed off, staring at me.
When I didn't move to stop them or do anything further, they each returned to the pile to scrounge up different boxes, leaving the other on its side in the water.
There wasn't enough in the way of supplies. I could see the atmosphere shift slightly as people realized it. There were too many people present versus the amount of boxes Coil had provided me, even with one box serving a whole family.
I knew Coil had more – his underground base had stored ridiculous amounts, so he had access to a supplier, or he was the supplier. I began formulating a plan, figuring out how I'd get boxes to those who were walking away from here empty-handed.
I was interrupted from my thoughts. A man shouted, and I saw the crowd backing away.
It was one of the men who'd had a weapon. He'd drawn and swung a crude knife to ward people off and grinned maniacally at the reaction he was getting. The scruff of beard on his chin was white, but it seemed rather premature given his apparent age.
He was shirtless, with a long sleeve shirt tied around his waist, and scratches crisscrossing his upper body. His buddies stood back, smirking and grinning.
It was a bad judgement call to pull this right in front of me, but I supposed people were at a point where they weren't at their most rational. That, or he was high on something. I could see him as a member of the Merchants, either way.
"Big man," I called out, "You feel proud with that knife of yours?"
He turned towards me, "Fuck you! I'm not scared of bugs."
I stepped down from the back of the truck. People backed away, but the man held his ground. As I got closer, I saw how his eyes were too wide, and he chewed his lip like it was trying to get away from him.
"You a member of the Merchants?" I asked.
"Fuck you!" he snarled.

Ok, we get the first fight with a Merchant rat. Dude, you're not going to fuck anything anymore, not even your fellow rats, if Skitter will crush your balls in the next second you'll try to stab her with your "BIG", "DANGEROUS" knife. Unless you have some strong hidden powers, you're no match for her. I bet she can kick his disgusting ass even without using her power. Because this is how BADASS Skitter is. :D

I wasn't going to be able to have a conversation with this guy.
"Fine. Don't care. You're threatening my people? You'd better be ready to take me on."
"Not scared of you!"
I shrugged, "Prove it. Use that rusty thing on me. Stab me."
He looked around at the crowd, hesitated.
"What?" I asked him. "I thought you weren't scared."
"I'm not!"
"Then stab me!" I raised my voice, shouted at him. "Or are you just a bully, getting weak in the knees when you're facing someone that stands up to you!?"
He made a motion as if he was going to lunge for me, then stopped.
"Pathetic," I snarled. Not for the crowd. I said it for him and him alone.
He lunged, holding the knife with both hands to drive it into my stomach, just beside where I had the armor. I resisted the urge to bend over, but I did have to step back for balance, and I had to put my hands on his shoulders to steady myself. I clutched his shoulders, digging my nails in for grip. I could feel pain radiate from my stomach and into my lower abdomen and chest. That was despite the fact that the fabric of my costume had kept it from piercing my flesh.
I forced myself to stand straighter, still holding his shoulders. He stabbed again, but it was ineffectual. Knocking one of my hands from his shoulder, he used the space that gave him to slash at my throat. The first hit had hurt because of the force of the charge behind it, I could almost ignore these follow-up strikes. He stepped back and looked at his knife, confused. I hadn't gone down.
I extended my arm and let the bugs flow from beneath my costume in one swift movement, like water poured from a cup, covering him. The crowd backed away as the man began screaming incoherently. He threw himself backward into the inch-deep water and rolled around like he was trying to put out a fire. Maybe he was – the bugs I'd set on him were laced with capsaicin.
As his thrashing continued, I waited patiently, watching. As he used one hand to prop himself up in a crawl, I stepped forward onto his knife hand. My heel settled on his knuckles, and after I'd readjusted my footing, I ground it down, letting most of my body weight rest on that heel.
The volume of his screams increased. As I lifted my foot, he moved his hand, rolling onto his back to clutch at it, dropping the knife in the process.
I bent down to pick up the blade, and when I stood up again, Battery was ten feet in front of me, one pace closer to me than any of the rest of the crowd that ringed me and the Merchant.
"I can't let you use that," she gestured towards the knife. There was a faint glow from her costume. I gathered she was charging up her power.

That moment when you're ready to stab a rat and someone from World Animal Protection stopped you from doing what it was the right thing to do. :D Because animals, even the most disgusting ones, have rights too. Anyway, even without Battery's intervention, Skitter wasn't going to stab the rat man, maybe to cut off his dick scare him a little, but not stab him to death. Skitter is not a murderer. Not yet (I can see her killing people in the future, but only under exceptional conditions: if someone would hurt/kill her father or in self defense. Or to stop an evil so big that can't be stopped other way but through death.) Btw, I'm fully aware that Skitter is doing what she's doing with her territory part as her plan to win Coil's trust and appreciation, but she also cares for real about her people and she genuinely wants to help them. Because this is how she rolls: 50% brains/50% heart :D.

"Wasn't planning on it," I lied, swarm buzzing in sync with my words. I'd considered stabbing the guy in the hand or somewhere where it wouldn't be terminal, but hadn't been certain on the route I would go. I reversed the knife and gently lobbed it towards her.
She spent the accumulated charge of her power and caught the knife out of the air by the handle. "How does this tie into the stunt you helped pull at the HQ?"
"The Wards' building? The intel we got from there was valuable, and that kind of money buys a lot of things." I looked at the remaining pile of supplies. The majority of the crowd had stopped collecting their boxes to watch the fight with the Merchant and my exchange with Battery.
As if noting what I was looking at, she glanced at the crowd encircling around us. "I don't agree with this."
"But you're not going to stop me, and you're not going to try and arrest me, despite what happened the other night," I answered her, "Because I'm the lesser of a whole lot of evils that are in the city right now."
"Mm. For now."
"For now. Until then, I've got supplies from an outside agent, I'm not stealing them from the same sources you guys use, and I'm getting them out to these people at my own expense. I'm policing this area until the police can get back to doing it themselves, and I'm dealing with people who need to be dealt with. You're not about to get in my way, are you?"
Battery surveyed the crowd again. "What's your agenda?"
"Do I have to have one?"
"Yes. Your kind always has an agenda."
"Maybe I'm unique."
"No, knowing what you tried to pull with pretending to be a villain? Or pretending to be a hero that's pretending to be a villain? You're more likely to have some scheme at play than anyone else."

I sighed. "Don't know what to tell you. No agenda."
She frowned, "When we first set post-Endbringer measures in place, your team was listed as low priority, and we were instructed to ignore you. Too costly in time and resources. I suspect someone intended to change that after your little stunt the other night, but the memo hasn't gone out yet. You hear me?"
I tilted my head in a small nod.
"So I'm going by the book, and I'm walking away. But I'll be keeping an eye on you, on this, and the moment you go too far, we're coming after you, no holds barred."
"I wouldn't expect any less," I answered her.
With that, she disappeared in a blur, the water parting in her wake.

Alright, she was going to stab him in the hand or in his dick in his leg. Battery is a SMART woman. She knows that Skitter have schemes over schemes over schemes but she still can't understand what is all about; this generosity of Skitter surprised and confused her but she doesn't trust her. Howerer, she doesn't arrest her either. She gives her a chance to prove herself that she can be more hero than villain (besides, there are worse villains in the City of Tears than Undersiders), this is very wise of Battery. I'm starting to like this heroine :).

With her gone, the rest of the crowd swooped down on the remaining supplies. People maintained a respectful distance, but oddly enough, they weren't acting as scared of me as they'd been before I attacked the Merchant and before I'd talked to Battery.
Had her leaving me alone given me a measure of legitimacy? More importantly, had it been intended to give me legitimacy as ruler of the area? She hadn't needed to step in right then. Probably. I had to admit I wasn't sure if I would've gone through with stabbing the guy.
"Listen up!" I shouted. I used my swarm to give me more volume, and to stand out against the noise of the crowd. People went silent, and every set of eyes turned towards me. I stepped up onto the truck, hiding myself briefly in the swarm as I hopped up.
I addressed them, "Not everyone will get a box today. That is not an excuse to take what others have already claimed. As I said, I will not tolerate stealing or theft among you. If you try it, I'll treat you the same as I treated him."
As I pointed, the crowd parted slightly to reveal the Merchant who was still crawling away, simultaneously struggling to douse himself in the one or two inches water on the street and to crawl with three limbs – he was favoring the hand I'd stepped on. His buddies were gone. They'd left him.
"If you do not get a box, stay. I want the head of each family or group to raise their hands. This will help me ensure you get something before the day is over."
It took a minute before the last of the boxes were claimed. There were some resentful looks as the last of the people left. I had thirty or so remaining people, and after some brief discussion, seven of them raised their hands.
I concentrated on the swarm, and found a collection of ladybugs. I piloted a group into each set of raised hands, and watched as people lowered their hands to look.
"Each of you now has three ladybugs in your hands. Keep them, and I will use them to find you later today to drop something off for you, with a small gift to each group of you for being patient."
Slowly, they began to peel away from the group and leave. I began letting the swarm disperse, but I used the fact that I had the bugs all together to direct a mass towards my lair. The cream of the crop – the good ones.
As Coil's men got back in the truck, my swarm-sense told me that one person had stayed behind. I turned to get a better look at her.
She was twenty or so, and her red hair had been set into long dreadlocks that she must have been growing for years. I wasn't sure on the effect – white people didn't grow good dreadlocks. She wore rain boots, a calf-length skirt, and had a colorful bandanna around her forehead. She was pale, and she fidgeted nervously, not making eye contact. High or afraid?
Then she saw I was looking and she met my eyes.
"Yes?" I asked her. "You've got the ladybugs. I will get you a box."
"No. It's not that." She looked at her hand where the ladybugs were.
"Then what is it?
"You said we were your people, that you were protecting us. Does that mean you're going against the other groups?"
"My kid brother. I- he needs help. My parents are sick and they're in the hospital and I can't tell them because I told them I'd take care of him, um, and I asked the cops but they're so busy and there's no way they can help, and I was going to ask that hero, Battery, but then she disappeared so fast-" The words spilled out of her mouth, less and less intelligible as she kept talking. She only stopped when her voice cracked. Breathing hard, out of breathlessness or emotion, she stared at the ground, clenching her fists. I could feel one of the ladybugs get crushed in her grip, fading out of existence as far as my power was concerned.

"Stop," I told her, without using my swarm to change my voice. "Breathe. What happened?"
She looked up at me, then she swallowed hard.
"The Merchants took him. My kid brother. I want you to get him back. Please."

Do I smell something in the air?....."sniff, sniff, sniff"....Yep, I smell TRAP. This girl is either a Merchant or she's forced by Merchants to lure Skitter into a trap under the pretext that she have to save her brother. The girl saw that non-powered Merchants are no match for Skitter and she conceived this trap, hoping that Skitter will fall into it. Or maybe I'm just very paranoiac and she's honest about her brother. What Skitter should do? First, promise the girl that she'll save her brother then CONTACT Lisa, explain her everything and ask her if she can smell the trap with her Sherlock Holmes nose. If Lisa will confirm that is not a trap then Skitter can ask for her help to find where the Merchants are holding the girl's brother. Because she won't be able to figure it by herself, Lisa is the best when it comes to this shit. I'm not sure what Skitter will actually do but I hope she'll do what I wish her to do. And its the most logical course of action.

Good night and sleep well, friends. Don't let the evil bugs wake you up tomorrow.
Infestation 11.3
Hello, friends. I'm sorry for not posting anything yesterday, I was pretty tired after a busy day. Let's start 11.03 | Worm Last time Skitter did some magic tricks at a party in the middle of the street but a random redhead girl got bored of the party and challenged Skitter to find her missing brother, presumably kidnapped by a colony of rats -you know, something fun like find the treasure and get a prize, nothing dangerous or life- threatening. Skitter is going to have so much fun with this challenge. Maybe if she'll invite her friend Lisa too, they're going to have the fun of their lives together :):p:D. Now, on a serious note, there are 3 possibilities who the redhead might be: a Merchant herself, a victim of Merchants, blackmailed to lure Skitter into a trap, or just a honest girl whose brother was kidnapped for real. I so hope that the first two will turn to be untrue. So, let's continue this party. :D

I sat cross-legged in my chair on the second floor of my lair. A mug of tea was warm in my hands, and the room was dark. Only a faint light filtered in through the slats at the top of the metal shutter that covered the window. My mask rested on one knee.
My attention swept over my territory, with an emphasis on the centermost area near where I'd held my speech. The reach of my power wasn't quite good enough to extend to the outer edges of my territory, which left me anxious. I was craving one of those moments when my power would go into overdrive and increase its range. Minutes passed as I followed my 'subjects' and did what I could to get to know them. My bugs remained on the backs of people's elbows, at the small of their back, and I'd maybe put a small fly in their hair if it was long enough that they wouldn't feel it. Not enough to bother anyone, or that anyone would necessarily notice, but enough for me to track their movements.
Two groups arrived within a minute of one another, each at different points of my territory. Thirty-two people in all, with eight in the first group and twenty-four in the other. Both groups reacted, jumping and backing away as my swarm swept over them. I could feel the vibration in the air as one in the second group laughed. The others joined him. I'd held off on attacking, just using the bugs to get a headcount and a sense of who was there. There were men and women, young and old. Each of them had weapons of some sort, and fifteen in total had guns.
The Merchants were responding to my bid for control. Good.
I sipped my tea and found it was lukewarm. I took big gulps in the hopes of finishing it before it got cold.

Let me guess- Taylor is going to drink her tea while kicking the Merchants invaders's asses with bugs. One of the most awesome fighting scenes so far in the entire story. Damn it, Taylor, you'll never cease to amaze me. In so many ways ;). After you'll defeat them, you can even form words with your bugs, something like: IF YOU DARE TO GET CLOSE TO MY TERRITORY AGAIN, NEXT TIME I'LL FILL YOUR BELLIES WITH WASPS AND BEES or HURT ONE OF MY PEOPLE, BEES WILL BUILT HONEYCOMBS IN YOUR LARGE INTESTINE. They're going to shit bricks and never disturb you or your people again.

One of the Merchants in the first group shouted something, loud enough for it to carry down the street, and fired a gunshot. Impulsively, I tried to tune into my bug's hearing and interpret what he was saying, but the strangeness of the noise stopped me. It
didn't translate from a bug's 'ears' to mine.
The first group started running down the length of the street. They scattered, with smaller groups of two people each heading to different buildings. Finding the windows boarded up and the doors locked or barricaded, they started tearing at the plywood and planks. Some struck at the doors with their improvised weapons.
There were people inside two of those buildings. Not many, but still. Those were my people.
Using my swarm on them would have been easy, but this wasn't just a question of taking the Merchants down. I needed to do it so effectively and undeniably that they would hesitate to come back. If I did it well enough, ideally, word of mouth would help keep others from trying anything similar.
Why did that line of thinking sound so familiar?
It dawned on me: Bakuda. She'd said something similar when she'd been doing her monologue and pretending to be the new leader of the ABB.
Well, that was disquieting.
Still, my reasons were different. I wanted to protect my people. Bakuda hadn't been motivated by an interest in anyone but herself.
I dismissed that line of thinking and gathered the swarm into a vaguely humanoid shape with a head, arms, and a torso. I tried to balance it on two columns like legs, but I erred in favor of dissolving that into one column for the lower body over risking having it fall over. A good thing the ground was mostly dry, there, or I would have required far more bugs to maintain the shape with the lowermost critters constantly drowning or being pushed away by the motion of the water.
I piloted the swarm-figure slowly towards the first group. Someone noticed and turned away from the door he was trying to smash down with his makeshift club. He shouted and laughed, drawing the attention of others.
Running forward, he swung the club at the swarm like he was trying to hit a home run. The head was scattered, dashed to pieces, and he laughed again.
Until the rest of the swarm dogpiled him. Then he started screaming.

Taylor's DISPLAY OF POWER in all of its horrific splendor. She's really giving nightmares to these human- rats. Nightmares in the shape of thousands and thousands of bugs. Also, don't ever DARE to compare yourself with Bakuda, Taylor. Bakuda would have killed the Merchants+ all the people in this territory then run away, laughing maniacally, proud of her "victory". You're an incomparable BETTER person than her and you'll always be a better person than most of the villains (and even some heroes). :)

Roughly half of his 'friends' laughed at him. Lots of laughter. Were they all on something? The remaining four people hurried to his side and tried to claw the masses of bugs away from him. As they got bitten and stung in retaliation, they backed away, brushing the bugs off of their arms and legs, leaving him to his fate.
The bugs I had in the area coalesced into another vaguely humanoid shape. Then another. In moments, I had a half-dozen figures in a loose ring around the group. I moved them forward, and my enemies backed away from them. I used this to herd the Merchants until they stood back to back in a tight circle, surrounded. They had their weapons raised, but they had to know how ineffectual the baseball bats and guns would be.
Then I waited, keeping the swarm-figures remaining as motionless as possible. If it weren't for the man still thrashing on the
ground, screaming, it would have been eerily still and quiet.
The second group was oblivious to the events a few blocks away as they roamed through my territory. A woman in the group was singing, loud enough that her voice would be carrying to nearby residents. She was letting them know that trouble was near. I noted that she was holding a plastic tank of gasoline, if the topographic map I was getting from my swarm-sense was right, and the box in her other hand could easily have been matches. That wasn't good. Still, her group had yet to do anything. I kept an eye on them and waited.
Someone in the first group made a run for it, rushing for the space between two of the swarm-figures that surrounded his group. He didn't make it. The swarms both intercepted him, and he went down, howling in pain.
Unease gave way to panic as the group realized they were trapped. A woman shoved a man into the nearest swarm, trying to use him to clear the way, but she only got two more steps before the wasps, black flies, mosquitoes and hornets caught up to her. She violently swung her arms around herself in a futile attempt to fight off the bugs, and succeeded only in throwing herself off-balance and falling to the ground. The spiders, ants, centipedes, millipedes, beetles and all of the other crawling parts of the swarm rolled over her, burying her beneath their mass before she could stand.
The remaining four Merchants in the first group exchanged muttered words, some kind of plan. Then three of them broke for it, each headed in a different direction. I wasn't sure what outcome they expected. A mass of bugs caught each of them, and they all went down, limbs flailing, screaming.
That left only one. He dropped into a crouch, his hands on his head, and looked frantically around for some kind of escape route.
So I gave him one.
The swarm-figures parted enough that he had a chance to retreat. It took him ten seconds to notice it, and another few seconds to build up the courage to make a run for it.
He bolted. Seeing the general mass of insects down the road, he decided to turn into a series of alleyways. I let him run for a minute.
He was halfway down an alley when I drew the ambient bugs from the vicinity into a loose humanoid shape, not as dense as the others. Still, seeing it stopped him in his tracks.

:lol:rofl::lol:rofl: I have so much fun seeing the first group of rats literally DESTROYED by the Army of Bugs. Now its time for the second group to share their fate, especially since the woman member have a FUCKING TANK OF GASOLINE and she's planning to burn Taylor's territory. Fuck, these bastards are also killers, not only druggies, rapists, looters, hooligans, destroyers and diseases carriers. They're everything bad in the world. They're trying to compete with S9 at who's the biggest bad criminal organisation in the City of Vermin. I won't be surprised if one day S9 will be like: FUCK THIS SHIT, these guys can't be worse than us, let's give them a lesson- and kill all the Merchants fuckers. That will be the day when I'm going to cheer for S9 to do whatever they'd like with Merchants because....I'm getting sick and tired of them. I HATE them and they deserve to die.

He turned to retreat the way he'd come, only to find another swarm coalescing into a second figure at the other end of the alley.
His head whipped around as he realized he had no escape routes left, and then he screamed, a primal, despairing sound.
The swarm figures moved towards him at a glacial pace, with more bugs joining them every second, to give them more mass and more raw attacking power. His composure cracked before they even reached him, and he charged headlong into the swarm that had been at the far end of the alley. Bugs tore into him, pinching and stabbing him, and he made it nearly to the edge of my power's range before his legs buckled. He landed on top of a pile of the trash that the nearby building's residents had been stacking in the alleyway, and the swarm started mauling him.
Group one down.
I finished my tea, then made a face. The teabag had leaked grit, and some had settled into the bottom of my cup. Bitter.
I put the empty cup down at the base of my chair, and then I turned my attention to the second group.

I didn't even need to think about it.
"I'll do it," I told the redheaded girl with the dreadlocks.
She looked surprised. Odd. She'd asked me, but she hadn't expected me to help? Or had she expected me to demand something
from her in exchange?
Should I have demanded something in exchange?
"Stay here. I'll be right back," I said.
I turned and walked to the front of the truck, knocked, and the driver popped the door open for me.
I spoke in a low voice, "We're done here. Tell Coil I need more supplies. Seven cases at a minimum, by the end of the day. And tell him I think you guys did a good job, so if he's up to giving you any kind of bonus, it would be a good time."
He gave me a tight nod, then closed the door. The truck drove off, leaving me with the girl. I approached her, and I could see the effect I was having on her. She was unwilling to meet my eyes, and her fidgeting stilled as I turned my full attention to her.
"Your name?"
"Sierra," she answered me.

Oh, God, Taylor allowed Sierra to see her real identity (because she have her mask out, on her knee). This is not good, Taylor, this is not good at all, now this girl knows how you look like and if she's a Merchants, they might find out details about your life and hurt your father. Yes, they're dumb as bricks, but they still have a MOTHERFUCKER TINKER which they can use to make things easier for them. Even druggies Tinkers are smarter than normal persons. Even if Sierra is not a Merchant, is still dangerous for Taylor to have someone else besides her fellow Undersiders seeing her in her civilian life. UNLESS....if she'll save Sierra's brother and offer Sierra's family jobs in her territory, the girl will remain grateful to her and never betray her. Also depends of Sierra herself. If she's a bitch, she'll betray Taylor, no matter how much she'll be helped by her. If not, Taylor might find a new friend in her. :)

"Let's walk, Sierra," I said. "I need details if I'm going to help. The more you can tell me, the better."
She joined me as I headed towards the sidewalk, and after taking a moment to compose her thoughts, she started telling me what
had happened. "Three weeks ago, everything was so normal. I was finishing up at college. Bryce, my brother, went to Arcadia
High. My uncle was staying with us because he was down on his luck, as my dad put it. I'm almost positive it had something to do
with his drinking."
I nodded.
"Then Leviathan came. The sirens woke us up early in the morning, we hurried to the shelter, and by the time it was midday, we were standing in front of what used to be our house. Flattened, everything we ever owned was gone."
"I'm sorry."
From the look on her face, it seemed like I'd surprised her again. What kind of image did she have of me?
"Thank you. We- we stayed in a family friend's basement, and they had another family there as well, on the upper floors, so it was crowded. But it was better than the shelters, or so we thought. My dad, my uncle and I worked with one of the cleanup crews. Trying to get things normal again. Until word got out that one of the crews had been attacked, the women assaulted. Um. So they told me I couldn't work with them. I worked for one of the shelters instead. Handing out sheets, making beds, keeping track of names and passing on requests for stuff like insulin or other meds that people needed. Long hours, thankless…"
She put a hand to her face, "I'm rambling."
"It's fine. Better that you give me too much information than not enough. Keep going."
"My uncle got sick fast. He had a cold just days after Leviathan came, and it got complicated after, became pneumonia. The hospital sent him out of town for medical care, and we got word he'd died just two days after that. Respiratory distress or something. Drowning in his own lungs. Less than a week from the time he got the cold to the time he died."
She stopped talking, and I didn't push her, giving her time to compose herself. Had she been close to her uncle?
"By the time we heard the news, Mom and Dad were sick too, and Bryce was showing symptoms. It wasn't a cold. It was more like the flu, but with what happened to my uncle, we didn't want to take any chances. None of them could keep anything down, sinus problems, pounding headaches, tired… we went to the doctors and they said it could be toxic mold exposure. The moisture, always being cold and damp, and not having enough to eat, being in that basement, with the foundation possibly cracked or the mold disturbed by the vibrations and damage in the attack… Um."

I'm starting to feel sorry for Sierra and Bryce, her brother. If Sierra isn't lying, then she really had a shitty life after Leviathan Battle. Her uncle died, her whole family got sick, she had to live and work in some really nasty conditions, without enough food and constantly under the menace of Merchants's attack...And now her brother was kidnapped :(. Poor girl, I think I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and trust her. Hope that my pity for her will not cloud my judgement.

I wondered if this was pertinent to what happened to her brother, or if she was just really wanted someone to talk to. I didn't want rush her, but I did try to get her on track, "So your parents and brother got sick."
"And I was left alone. I guess I was saved by the long hours at the shelter, I wasn't spending half as much time in the house where they got exposed to the mold. I had to find a new place to stay. A guy from the shelter heard my story, offered to give me a room in the church. Near here. I was grateful, I took it. My brother got out of the hospital, and he came to stay with me. He got the cot, I got the floor. A day and a half later, they came."
"The Merchants?"
She nodded. "They attacked the church. Nine or ten of them. We outnumbered them, but they had weapons, and they caught us by surprise. One of them threw a molotov cocktail through a window. There were other families there, families with kids, so I grabbed a fire extinguisher and tried to stop it from spreading. Spraying around- I couldn't put it out, didn't want to try in case I just spread it around, so I just contained it, for all the good it did."
She shook her head, "They came through the doors and began attacking people, one of them grabbed my brother, I- I panicked. I used the extinguisher to spray towards them and tried to pull him away. I couldn't, and others were approaching, so I left him and I escaped through the broken window where the bottle had been thrown inside. When I got back an hour later, there were fire trucks and police and ambulances there. My brother was the only one missing.
The others were there, but badly hurt. Burned or cut up, beaten. Derrick, the man who'd invited me to stay there-"
She broke off, and she stopped walking, turning away so her head was facing away from me.
I waited patiently. When she'd turned back so I could see her face and started walking again, I gently asked, "Dead?"
She shook her head. Quietly, she said, "They cut him up with a broken bottle. The doctor said they bent him over and shoved it between- he'll have a tube running out of his stomach and into a bag for the rest of his life. And he might never walk again. You understand?"
I think so." Not that I wanted to.
"Not about what they did, I mean, do you understand what I'm saying about these assholes, these… I don't even have words to describe them… to say how much I hate them. God!"
"Keep going," I urged her.
"I don't know you. I barely know about you. I heard something about you in some bank robbery around the time I had exams-"
"That was me."
"I don't know how you operate. I don't know your methods, outside of what I just saw back there. But I want you to know that I've always considered myself a pacifist. I've never been in a fight, I've always tried to stand up for people and give them the benefit of a doubt, to be fair and never do anything to hurt another person, even with words."
"Okay." How long had it been since she slept? I was having trouble following her train of thought.
"So I think it should mean something extra, something special, when I'm telling you to hurt them. Fuck them up. Hurt them as much as you think they deserve, then double that.Triple it, just- just make them-"
She stopped yet again, choking on her words.

................:cry::cry::cry: Ok, I'm crying right now. If Sierra doesn't lie then Merchants are officially MONSTERS. Worse than ABB and former Empire 88 and just as bad as S9. Honestly I hate them more than I hate S9 (actually I don't know too much about S9, but they have a fucking Mannequin and a man who wants to see the world burn so they're bad enough). If Siberian will turn into a tigress and eat Merchants alive, starting with their intestines, I'll be very HAPPY during the whole scene. If Bonesaw will make experiments on them I'll support her to torture them as much as she'd like. If Mannequin....FUCK Mannequin...Poor Derrick, such a kind man with such a cruel fate :cry:. I feel so bad for him. Yes, Sierra, I'm just like you, a pacifist and forgiving person but these monsters doesn't deserve any second chance, they're beyond redemption and I hope that Taylor will show them NO MERCY.

I had a hard enough time keeping afloat in a conversation when I was Taylor. How was I supposed to do it as Skitter? What was appropriate, what was expected? I hadn't figured any of this out, yet.
I put a hand on her shoulder, and she flinched. I left the hand there, and I measured out my words. "Trust me when I say I have that handled."
She looked at me, and I gave her a small nod.
"God," she muttered.
"Tell me more about them, and tell me anything about your brother that might help me identify him."
She startled, as if shaken from a daydream. She reached into her pocket and handed me a folded picture. It was hard to pin down the kid's age. He was skinny in a way that suggested someone who was going through a major growth spurt but hadn't yet filled out. He had large, blue eyes and a snub nose.
There wasn't a hair on his face, and his black hair was spiked so the top stuck up in every direction. Like so many guys, he didn't seem to know how to style his hair. He ignored the sides and back in favor of overdoing the parts he could see when he looked in the mirror.
The boy could have been a tall eleven year old and he could have been a young-looking sixteen.
"Bryce?" I asked her.
She nodded. "Bryce Kiley."
"Is there any chance he escaped?"
"No. I've checked all the usual places. His friends, our old house, what's left of it. I stopped by the hospital where Mom and Dad are, and the nurses say they haven't seen him."

"How long ago did he disappear?"
"Two days ago."
I nodded. I vaguely recalled that the forty-eight hour mark was when police considered a missing person as good as gone. That didn't mean I wouldn't try. It also meant I could feel less guilty about handling things here, with my territory, before starting my search.
"Did you get a look at the people who took him?"
"Some. The one nearest me, he was fat, white, and he had one of those bushy wild man beards. You know the kind I mean? It sticks out everywhere, no grooming-"
"I know what you mean."
"And his hair was really long and greasy, so it stuck to his scalp."
"Then there was one woman. Maybe middle-aged, bleached blond hair. Trailer trash. And she was with this tall black guy with a scar on his lips. He was the one who was grabbing Bryce. He had a bottle in one hand he was drinking from and a length of pipe in the other, so I think he was the one who used the bottle on Derrick…"
"Were they wearing anything?"
"I don't think anything major. Um, most of the guys were shirtless, and the ones who were wearing clothes were wearing t-shirts, some with no sleeves or with the sleeves torn off. Oh. And a lot of them had these bands around their wrists. Plastic, colored, sometimes one or two, but the black guy had a lot. I remember seeing the ones on the black guy's wrist, and thinking it didn't seem like something he would wear on his own."
"Ok, that last bit is especially good." Were they a way of marking status? More bands for higher status, with different colors meaning different things?
"Anything else?"
"I can't think of anything major right this second."
"Okay." I thought. But she might come up with something more? "Where are you staying?"

Aww, Taylor is offering Sierra a room in Skitter's Lair. This is so sweet, even if is a great risk on her part. Now go and contact Lisa, she's the only one who can help you finding these rats in any burrow they're hiding. Man, I'd be so pissed if they'll find Bryce dead. Or too drugged to accept to come with them. Well, they can take him back using force so it won't be a problem. What it matters is to find him alive.

She hesitated to answer, but she finally relented and admitted, "Nowhere. I was out all last night, looking. I was going to go back to the place we'd stayed at first, our family friend, but…"
"The mold problem, and you said it was crowded. That won't do. You'll come with me."
Concern flickered across her face. "I don't know-"
"It's better if you're close, so you can answer any questions I have and so I can keep you informed."
She frowned, and I could practically see her working to think of a way to get out of my offer without offending. I knew if she didn't come with me, she'd probably wind up searching for a mediocre to unsatisfactory place.
"This isn't really negotiable," I told her, just to forestall any excuses.
For her part, she didn't argue.
We made our way to the beach, and after I'd checked both ways, I led her into the storm drain. It took some urging to get her to enter the darkness, and I had to grip her hand to lead her into the oppressive black. I unlocked the barred door that led into the cellar and locked it behind us.
When I flipped the switches to light up the ground floor, her eyes went wide. "You have power. Erm, electricity."
"And running water. Stay here a moment." I took the stairs two at a time to get to the second floor. Nothing too sensitive there, but I did walk up to the stairs leading to the third floor and slid a panel across the stairwell. With my keys, I locked it in place. I didn't feel it was that obvious to anyone glancing around the room. It looked like a section of wall until you saw the keyhole. I verified the bugs were all locked up tight in their individual compartments in the lids of each terrarium, then headed back to Sierra.
"I'm making tea," I spoke, as I came down the stairs. "You want some? Are you hungry?"

"I'm not a tea drinker, and I haven't had it in years, but that suddenly sounds like the best thing in the world."
"I'm afraid I don't have a kitchen table or chairs or even a living room for us to have the tea. There're beds in the other room, if you want something to sit on, and you can make yourself comfortable there."
"This is strangely domestic for a villain." I turned to look at her and she hurried to add, "I mean-"
"It's fine. I'm not offended, I am a villain. But I'm also a person under this mask. Someone who prefers tea to coffee, who enjoys reading, who…" I floundered. "…likes sweet and savory foods but dislikes anything spicy or sour. Point being, I'm someone who wants to make sure you get taken care of.
Especially if you're among the people I'm protecting in the territory I'm claiming. Go. Find a bed."
Obediently, she went to do just that.
I put the kettle on, then got the sugar. What did I have that would go well with tea?

I got out a box of graham cookies with chocolate on one side. I poured out the tea into mugs and put a teabag in each. I poured milk into a small measuring cup so Sierra could have milk with her tea if she wanted, and similarly doled out sugar into a small bowl and placed a spoon inside it. Then I tore open the box of cookies and sorted them onto a plate.
I put everything onto a tray and went to find the room where Sierra would be seated.
She was lying on the bunk bed, already fast asleep.
Quietly, I set the serving tray down on one of the luggage trunks at one corner of the room, collected my own tea and went upstairs to the second floor.

Taylor takes care of Sierra like she's her big sister (even if Sierra was described as being twenty, so she's older than Taylor, I feel like Taylor is her big sister :)). This whole scene with Taylor making tea for her new... friend is very cute and warm, I hope that Sierra will become her official lair-mate, especially since this lair is too large and feels to empty for just one person, spiders and bugs. Now, Taylor, I think you have to take care of the second group, especially of the bitch with fire. She's the main problem.

It took me three tries.
On the third attempt, the beetle, supported by others and a crack in the pavement, successfully struck the match against the side of the box as the other bugs adjusted its position. A small flame flared at the end.
Other bugs leveraged matches out of the box the woman had dropped, gripping the matches in their mandibles, sometimes two or three bugs to one match.
Like a relay, they touched one match to another, passing on the flame from the beetle's match to each of the others. It wasn't long before there were more than thirty beetles each with a lit match in its mandibles. Some died from the heat their own matches generated, but most were able to stand it. I could imagine the visual of it; kind of like a small sea of tiny flames like lighters at a concert. Or maybe it was closer to a lynch mob, a crowd holding torches, radiating with an imminent threat of violence.
It was a shame it was closer to noon than midnight. I imagined the effect would have been even more exaggerated in the darkness.
The woman stepped away, pulling off one of her wet shoes. She threw it at the bugs, and it rolled over a few. A heartbeat later, it burst violently into flame. It didn't make a difference. The swarm that was armed with matches was already too spread out for one shoe and one small fire to slow them down at all.
The woman's attempts to remove her other shoe made her fall over, and she suppressed a grunt of pain as she landed. She successfully kicked off her other shoe, and then began simultaneously fumbling with her belt while trying to crab-walk backwards away from the advancing sea of tiny flames.
I could picture it. It would be intimidating: A sea of bugs acting with a backing of human intelligence, each with their tiny torches.
Doubly intimidating if a swarm of bugs had made you drop and spill a can of gasoline onto your shoes and the cuffs of your pant legs.
She successfully undid her belt, then began trying to remove the tight-fitting jeans she wore. The woman got as far as getting her jeans around her ankles before she got stuck. Some beetles and roaches took to the air, carrying matches to the ground behind her, cutting off her retreat. She screamed at the others in her group, but nobody leaped to her assistance.
A beetle fluttered forward and touched a match to her jeans. In an instant, the bundle of cloth at her feet was on fire.
She tried to pat it out, but her efforts to remove her shoes had gotten trace amounts of gasoline on her hands. Her right hand ignited, the insects on it dying, and she threw herself to one side to thrust it into a hole in the road where water had collected, her feet still kicking as she tried to remove her jeans.
Gasoline transferred to the water's surface and flickered with the faintest of flames.
One of her friends finally stepped forward to help her, grabbing her under the armpits and dragging her ten feet down the road to a spot where more water had collected. Together, they worked to put out the flames, dousing her bundled jeans into the water. I could maybe have stopped him, driven him away, but my interest was more on spooking them than causing grievous physical harm. I wouldn't lose much sleep over burning her with the things she'd intended to use on others, but I wouldn't stop her from putting herself out.
Apparently seeing the woman get set on fire by the swarm had done its job in unnerving my enemies. The group scattered, and I let them run. One by one, I took them down by creating the human shaped swarms and then attacking them. Some fought, others ran, but each of the Merchants succumbed eventually, choking on the bugs or losing all self-control in the face of the pain the attacking swarm inflicted.
The human shapes were less efficient than a regular swarm, but I imagined the psychological effect was that much greater. A swarm of bugs was something you could encounter any day. An uncannily human figure that you couldn't hurt with any conventional weapon, who threatened incredible pain if it got close enough? It was something my enemies would remember, and it was something they could tell others about.
I gathered the swarm into a figure that stood next to the woman with the burned feet and her friend. I drew more and more bugs into the swarm, bloating it and drawing it up to the point where I couldn't make it any larger, without the bottom half giving way. I gauged it to be somewhere close to twelve feet in height.

This whole magnificent fight can be summed up like this:
MERCHANTS: :evil::evil::lol:lol:lol:lol:D:D:D:D:whistle::whistle::whistle:;)
MERCHANTS: o_Oo_Oo_O:confused::confused::confused::confused::wtf::wtf::wtf:
TAYLOR: :ninja::mob::mob::mob::mob::mob::mob::mob::mob:
MERCHANTS: :jackiechan::jackiechan::jackiechan::jackiechan::o:o:o:o:o
TAYLOR: :ninja::mob::rage::rage::rage::rage::mob::rage::rage::rage::rage::mob::mob::mob::mob::mob::mob:
MERCHANTS: :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

I LOVED everything about this fight. :)

Then I let it fall on top of them. That polished off group two.
I stood from the armchair, stretched, and pulled on my mask. I bent down to pick up my mug, then headed downstairs to check on Sierra. She was still sleeping, but I'd known that. I'd felt secure about removing my mask only because I had bugs on the girl, to keep track of her. I'd know the second she stirred.
I went into the kitchen before sending a text to Coil:
Merchant burn victim & other wounded near Sandstone & Harney. Send medic?
No use having the woman die from any complications from her injuries. Besides, maybe he could get her to offer up information in exchange for her freedom.
I dialed Lisa next.
"Hey, Boardwalk empress," she answered me.
"Tattletale. How's it coming?"
"It's not. I'm gathering intel on the enemies in my territory. A few have migrated my way in response to what the rest of you are doing, regrouping. I'm trying to see if there's any useful tidbits of info I can pick up, and if there's maybe a way to fuck with all these guys at around the same time, so they know there's nowhere left to go. In the meantime, I'm helping Grue out, figuring out where he's got Merchants hiding in his area."
"He's doing okay?"
"No problems, last I heard. You? I saw that cloud of bugs earlier."
"Made a big play. Everyone here should know this is my territory, now. Merchants tested the waters, I dealt with it. Remains to be seen if this works out in the long run."
"Hmmm," she replied, "I'm getting the impression you're a little further along than the rest of us."
"If that's the case, then that's great. I want to be in Coil's good books."
"I want you to be too. You know I'm here to help if you need it."
"Yeah. That's why I'm calling, actually. I need to find someone."
"Do tell."

I gave her the rundown on everything Sierra had told me. She stopped me when I got to the bit about the armbands.
"Those aren't for rank," she informed me. "But you're not wrong in saying they're like status. They're more like… boy scout badges."
"Boy scout badges?"
"From what I can gather, you get one for attending one of the Merchants' 'events'. Colors are supposed to represent what the each one was about. It translates to a kind of respect, showing you're loyal, whatever."
"I'm not sure I understand."
"And neither am I, to be honest," she replied. "And that bothers me. So in the interests of getting intel and maybe getting a lead on this missing boy of yours, do you think you could get away from your territory, tonight, to join me in figuring this out?"
"I don't want to leave just yet."
"Merchants are throwing a big bash tonight, so I doubt they'll be attacking your territory. In fact, I'm wondering if they were attacking your territory to get cash or stuff to barter at the event as much as they were responding to your claim."
"And Chosen aren't a threat right now? They haven't said or done anything yet?"
"Not yet, no. Haven't run into any."
"Grue and Imp are probably going to want to wind down and go on the defensive later today. You can have one of them babysit your territory if you're worried. You have no good reason to refuse. Come on, let's go see what a Merchant's party is all about."

Yes, yes, YES, I was so damn right about Taylor having to contact miss Sherlock Holmes. Lisa is the best at finding kidnapped kids/teenagers. Now both of them have to go to Merchants' party and find out what is going on with Bryce. I was right about the party too, kind of :D. Man, since its a Merchants' party, they have to take someone with them- they can't go alone (especially since they'll be in civilian, Taylor can't use her power without everyone finding out about her and while she's pretty good at hand to hand combat, she'll be alone against all of them cause Lisa won't be able to do jack shit to help her). They have to ask Coil to give them some super-soldiers as their bodyguards. Maybe some scary looking guys pretending to be Merchants. Ok, let's see what will happen at the best party in the damn world :D. But in the next chapter.

Good night and sleep well, friends.
Infestation 11.4
Hello, party lovers and welcome to the....PARTY 11.04 | Worm Yes, let's party, everyone wants to party, come on, its going to be so much FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN :D:D:D:D:D:D:lol:lol:lol:lol:grin::grin::grin::rofl::rofl::rofl:. I always like parties :) and I think I'm going to enjoy this chapter a lot. Let's party with Merchants, people.

Coil had put Bitch's hideout in an area nobody wanted to be, masked with the appearance of a building nobody sane would want to enter. Grue's place and my own lair were camouflaged in outward appearance and set in more discreet locations. Tattletale's place, by contrast, was in plain sight, and it was also one of the highest traffic areas I'd come across in the past few days.
The city block that hosted Tattletale's hideout was a short distance from Lord street, and it sported only two intact buildings. The first building was a gas station that was currently hosting more than a dozen wrecked or flooded cars that had been dragged off the road. The rest of the area had lots where buildings had once stood, each bulldozed clear of the rubble that had been left in the wave's wake and surrounded with sandbags to keep the water from pouring in.
The second building was a sort I'd seen often enough as of late. I'd stayed in similar places for nearly two weeks before rejoining the Undersiders. The structure stood in the center of the area, surrounded by tents and communal areas that were sheltered by tarps set over metal frameworks – a dining hall, a medical bay, portable washrooms. Each of these outdoor stations had dozens of people gathered around them. It was a shelter.
She'd told me not to dress up, so I hadn't. She'd also told me not to wash my hair today, but it was too late for that. I'd donned a brown spaghetti-strap top, rain boots and a pair of lightweight black pants that were a little worn from the past few weeks, but had the benefit of drying quickly. My knife was tucked inside the waistband of my pants, at my back. Not obvious, not entirely hidden either.
Way things were these days, cops were letting things slide as far as concealed and openly displayed weaponry went. People needed protection, and so long as the armed didn't break the rules about using the weapons on people who didn't attack them first, most people wouldn't give them much trouble. Some shelters wouldn't let you in with a weapon, of course, but some did, and others disallowed firearms but let other weapons slide.
I made my way inside, joining the rest of the crowd. Cots filled the majority of the building's interior, and both possessions and people made navigating between the beds difficult at best. Signs were spread out over the walls, some professionally made, others written in plain print with permanent marker:
'Priority Order: Sick, injured, disabled, old, very young, families.' In smaller print below was the message, 'Please be courteous and give up your places to priority individuals.'
'No pets'
was written on a square of white cardboard in permanent marker and triple underlined.
'Abuse or threats directed at staff or other residents will NOT be tolerated.'
'Belongings go under your cot. Excess + mess may be removed from the area.'
'No smoking within 30 paces of facility
' was printed on a professionally made sign, but the line that was scrawled beneath in permanent marker was not:
'there are sick people here!'
I found a big, burly guy that wore an orange vest and name tag and approached him. He was talking to someone else, so I waited.
When he turned to me, he frowned, "You wanting to stay here?"

Wow, Lisa turned her Tale Lair (I'm not very good with names, don't kill me) into a freaking shelter. She's helping people who needs help. This is actually very sweet of her, I'm impressed. Well, I'm not so stupid to not see another reason for this shelter's existence, besides pure kindness :D. She wants to get information from as many people as possible and she can't be so successful if she doesn't get as close as possible to people. And how someone like Lisa can get close to people if not by offering them help and attracting them and their families by her side? ;) So, part is Kindness part is LI (N)SA work. Taylor, Brian, Aisha, Alec, Rachel, give up at whatever you're doing. You'll never be such a good mastermind as Lisa.

"No, but-"
"Opened our doors yesterday, and we're already nearly full. Any more space is reserved for priority people. If you want a place, you can try the other shelters down-"
"No. I have a place. I'm just looking for Lisa."
"Works-here-Lisa or Staying-here-Lisa?" he asked.
"Both?" I guessed.
"Front desk. If she's not there, wait. She'll probably be in the back getting something for someone."
I headed to the front desk where a crowd of people had gathered. The desk itself was a simple construction of unpainted, unvarnished wood. The people were wet, dirty and didn't look to be in the best of health.
Lisa was at the end of the front desk furthest from the front doors, wearing the same orange vest and name tag the other staffer had been. Her hair was in a french braid, with a few strands hanging free. She was talking to a woman who might have been fifty or sixty. A large black and white map of the city had been stapled to the wall behind the counter where Lisa was working. Colored pins marked various spots on the map, and areas had been outlined and shaded in with markers and highlighters. Words were written in the boundaries of these sections. Many areas were marked with yellow highlighter, with the words 'Merchant Territory: Very Dangerous!', blue marker, with the words 'Chosen Occupied: Avoid!', or variations of such.
The Boardwalk and surrounding area? Green marker, 'Skitter: Low threat, free supplies?'
I looked and noted that Tattletale's area was partially blocked in by black marker. According to the map it was contested by an overlapping of Grue's territory and the Merchants. Red pins marked some of the areas.
I supposed that made sense. If she left her own territory empty, it would be conspicuous, and it would be strange to mark it as Tattletale's when she hadn't done anything noteworthy to claim the space.
"Where did you say your house was?" Lisa asked the older woman.
"Dewitt and Pagne."
Lisa turned and found the area on the map. She held the marker so it hovered over the spot. "And they'd moved in? You're sure?"
"They've been there for four days, as far as I can tell. I'm afraid to get too close, but there's always people there."
Lisa colored in a small section of the map with yellow highlighter, extending the size of a nearby block of the Merchant's territory. "I know it's small consolation, but at least now others will know to steer clear."

I was completely right. Lisa collects information about enemies from the people that she's helping. She also pretends that she's a simple employee so people doesn't know she's actually the boss. SHE'S THE BEST, GUYS AND GIRLS, SHE'S THE BEST IN ANYTHING SHE'S DOING. She always thinks things ahead of everyone else and she finds the best ways to do everything in her favor, even if she have to lie or manipulate people. This is not bad, as long as she doesn't hurt innocents. :) Man, I wanted more to read this story from her POV than from Taylors. Well, maybe the next Worm will be from her....nope "sighs" I don't think so, since its called Ward, its probably from a Ward's POV. Well, if its from Vistas or Welds I'll be very ok but knowing my rotten lucky, its going to be from Clockblocker's POV (my least favorite Ward) or some new Ward "DOUBLE AND HUGE SIGHS"

"Okay," the woman answered with a note of sadness in her voice. "That's all I wanted."
"Things will get better," Lisa promised, smiling gently.
The woman smiled back in return, glancing at the open area of cots and displaced people. With a light laugh, she said, "I suppose they have to, don't they?"
"That's the spirit." Lisa grinned.
She was still smiling when she turned my way. "Lost and found? Want to check how your neighborhood's doing? If you're looking for someone, you can leave a photo. Every night, I'll be taking digital photos and sending them to the other shelters."
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "I'm here because a friend invited me to a party."
She winked, then shouted, "Dimitri! Take over for me!"
A man from the crowd behind me shouted his response. Lisa waved me behind the counter and led me through a door.
"Surprised you aren't running this place," I told her.
"Too obvious," she answered with a smile. She threw one arm around my shoulders. "And this lets me be right at the center of things. Information from the people who are out there every day, watching."
"Good setup."
"And it gets better, because I have this." She opened another door.
The room was small and it was hot with the running computers that were crammed into it. Six people were seated at different points in the room, each with their own computer. Two more computers sat unoccupied. The walls were scattered with photos, maps, printouts and post-its. Black tape joined these elements together in a bizarre configuration that looked like part tree and part maze. All of our enemies were up on the wall: The Merchants, Fenrir's Chosen, the Pure, the Protectorate, New Wave and the Wards. There were pages relating to something Lisa was calling Case 53. Dragon was up there, as was Scion. The Slaughterhouse Nine were on a bulletin board, but Hatchet Face's picture was crossed out in red marker.

"I'd like to think so. With word-of-mouth and gossip from the crowd out there and the web info and the concrete data in here, I'm pretty in touch with all that crap. Except it's tiring. I'm feeling the beginning of one of those headaches I get when I use my power too much. So you and I are going out for some fresh air."

Well, she's running her place from shadows, she doesn't need to be in frontline. I like her Spy Room. All your bugs can't keep tracks of people as best as Lisa's computers can do it, Taylor, sorry to disappoint you. ;) Hatched Face is...dead? So, there are 7 members now in S9? Jack, Bonesaw, Shatterbird, Burnscar, Crawler, Siberian, fucking Mannequin? But even without Hatchet Face, there must be another member. The mysterious member who wasn't mentioned by Coil. So, 8 members. But why there were 9 different crimes right in the moment when S9 appeared in the Carnage City? Hatched Face was killed after these murders and not before? What if the mysterious member will turn to be....Sierra? I'm going to be so angry if she's a Slaughterhouse member because I trust her (I WANT to trust her) and I pity her sad story (I WANT to pity her). Hope that Lisa will see the trap if it exists.

"Knowing where we're going, I doubt the air's that fresh."
"It's a saying, kiddo," she smiled.
"I know. I'm just a little worried about there being trouble. I…" I lowered my voice, all too aware that Lisa's computer guys could see me unmasked. I didn't want them to connect the dots. "…just feel uncomfortable without my stuff."
"This is strict recon."
"And the people we're doing recon on are dangerous."
"True. But we'll have escorts," she led me into another room: hers. A quick glance around showed that a section at the back was curtained off, while the front had a desk with a computer, a bank of phones and two television screens.
"Escorts?" I asked, as the door closed behind us.
"Like dates for a really fucked up prom." She worked her cell phone out of the pocket of her jeans and dialed. She held one finger up for me, telling me to wait and be silent.
It took a moment before she spoke, "Minor? I want you, Senegal, Jaw and Brooks in my office. Civvies."
As she put the phone away, she shrugged at me. "I know you'd rather Brian come with, but he's got his own thing going on, you know?"
"Oh, no. I'm ok that he isn't coming," I told her. "Things are bad between us."
"I totally didn't know you'd confessed to him, you know? I saw the awkwardness between you two, and the distance, but I assumed it was because you'd used him as a shoulder to cry on. My power filled in those blanks all wrong."
"Yup. Confessed. Not sure what sucked more. Him saying he thought of me in the same terms as he thought of Aisha, that he considered me a friend, knowing I'd fucked said friendship up, or him implying he'd only been nice to me because he pitied me."
She frowned, "I'm going to kick his ass, for being that-"

They're getting bodyguards as I predicted. Good, good, they'll protect you when you'll go to the party unmasked and unable to use your powers. Because I'm sure that would be one HELL of a party. And Lisa, please, stop talking shit about Brian. He have no obligation to become Taylor's boyfriend if he doesn't like her in that way. You can't force someone to love. I know that you're not experienced with romantic stuff because of your power but at least you should understand people by trying to put yourself in their shoes. Will you be happy if someone will kick your ass because you can't love a person more than just a friend? Nope, you won't like. I guarantee you. ;)

Lisa frowned at me.
I went on, "Don't interfere, don't make things worse than they already are. He's mad at me, he's hurt by what I did, and, um," I bit the corner of my lip between my teeth, tried to think of how to gracefully state what I wanted to say, "We're already separated. You get what I mean? We're each in our own territory, doing our own things. If something happened to push us further apart, I dunno if I'd even ever get his friendship back."
"Oh, Taylor, no-" Lisa started. Before she could launch into any reassurances, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" Lisa called out, then she told me, quickly, "We'll get into this later."
Seeing the first three men come into the room, I was left with the distinct impression that Lisa had picked out the biggest, meanest looking men in her retinue. Then I saw the fourth guy. Where the first three were in the neighborhood of six feet in height, physically powerful, the fourth was an inch or so shorter than I was, though he was still in good shape. Better shape than me, for sure, but not someone imposing, like the rest.
Of the four, I noted the guy who was wearing the most wrinkled clothes, with the thick beard and the broad gut. He wasn't imposing because he'd packed on muscle like the others, but because he was big, looking like a grizzly bear that was dressed up like a person. What caught my eye, though, was the ironic fact that this same guy was having the hardest time at shrugging off that stiff-backed, square-shouldered military bearing that had been hammered into him at some point during his onetime career.
These guys were soldiers. Coil's, and now Tattletale's.
Lisa pointed at one of the taller men, a blond guy with a long face. Not long in terms of being sad, but in terms of how genetics had put it together. "Minor. Team captain."
The next guy, darker haired, with unshaved scruff on his cheeks and chin, she identified as Senegal.
She smiled as she turned to the burly, overweight man. "Jaw. I'm still waiting to hear where he got the nickname."
"No comment," Jaw rumbled.
That left only the smaller guy. "Brooks," she told me, "Our field medic, though I'm hoping we won't be needing his services there, and ex-airforce. Handy with radios and computers. Also pretty good with a gun."
Jaw nodded assent to that.
"These four will be our lookouts, bodyguards and helping hands on our little errand. We can pose as couples." She grinned at that.

Ok, we have some badasses here. Minor, Jaw (I think he was called like this because he likes to break people's jaws when he gets bored), Senegal, Brooks. So, four guys, but only two girls. I know that I'm not good with math but at least I can see that there are only two couples. What other two will do? Maybe they can go as an undercover gay couple :lol Merchants will not have anything against this arrangement, they're not Fenrir's Chosen or Pure to want to exterminate homosexuals, after all. Neither very religious.

Brooks spoke, and his voice had a hard sing-song accent I had a hard time placing, "Couples? Four guys and only two girls?"
"Minor escorts me. Senegal escorts my friend. And…" she took Jaw's hand and placed it on Brooks's shoulder. "You have your date."
Jaw laughed, and Brooks turned red, anger etching his face.
"The fuck?" Brooks growled.
"Watch it," Minor spoke. He didn't raise his voice or add any inflection, but I could see Brooks react as if he'd been slapped.
"I could have brought Pritt," Lisa admitted, "But I'm more comfortable with there being more guys in our group. Chances are good we'll get in a minor scuffle somewhere along the way, and way the Merchants operate, they're going to respect guys more. Ready to head out?" She looked at her cell phone's display. "Party starts soon, and we've got to walk."
Lisa removed the orange vest and name tag and then walked around to her desk to retrieve a series of colorful elastic bands. She snapped one around her left wrist, then handed two to Minor. She wore one yellow. He wore one yellow and one black.
That done, she led the way out of the shelter, giving a sloppy salute to her 'boss' at the front desk. Together, we walked as a crowd. We were a block away from the shelter when Senegal put one hand on my shoulder and pulled me closer.
Uncomfortable, I looked up at him to see his expression, and I didn't like what I saw. It reminded me of a look I'd seen on Bitch's face from time to time. That look where I could see that animal that had been at the core of any of us since before we walked upright. Just like Bitch, the animal at Senegal's core was vicious. The difference was that he was much better at pretending to be normal, and his animal wasn't angry. It was hungry.
He wore a polite smile and wasn't doing anything more offensive than holding me, but something in his demeanor told me that Senegal wasn't bothered in the slightest to be a thirty-ish guy with a teenage girl in one arm. Just the opposite.
"Hands off," I told him. I didn't want to remove his arm because I knew that if I failed, if he resisted me, it would only reinforce his position over me.
He didn't budge. "Your friend there is the one calling the shots, and she said we're a couple. Until I hear different-"
"Knock it off, Senegal," Lisa ordered him.
The soldier backed off, raising his hands in an 'I'm innocent' gesture. That fake smile was still plastered on his face. Would I even know it was fake, if I hadn't spent the time around Bitch? Or would I just think he was a slightly awkward guy with poor sense of boundaries?
Coil's guys were supposedly all ex-military. My gut was telling me that Senegal hadn't finished his tour or whatever the terminology was. I couldn't picture it any other way, having seen what I had. He'd been relieved of duty.
"The rest of you walk ahead," Lisa instructed, "I want a few words in private with her."

I swear, I stopped reading before Lisa actually coming out with this idea (third couple as gay) when I made that comment about a gay couple. I'm Lisa and Lisa is me when it comes to crazy ideas like this one. :D Jaw have no problem to pretend to be Brooks's lover OMG :lol:rofl: Poor Brooks however. I don't like this Senegal dude. He's a fucking pervert with NO RESPECT for women, especially teenager girls. WTF, Lisa? This is one of your trusted men? I think he'd rather rape Taylor together with the other Merchants if he'd have the occasion than actually protect her. But I should not judge Lisa. He's Coil's man, after all, and most of Coil's men are perverted scumbags. Exactly like their boss, why I'm so surprised?

"Who is she, anyways?" Brooks challenged her. "Far as I can tell, she is dead weight."
"I'm saying there's a reason she's here," Lisa spoke, her voice firm. "That's good enough for you."
"Brooks," Minor cut him off. "Come."
Lisa and I let the others walk a bit ahead.
"Doesn't look like things are perfect here," I muttered.
"I might have made a move for my territory sooner, if I wasn't trying to wrangle this."
"Why'd you stick me with Senegal?"
She frowned. The others had gotten far enough ahead of us that she felt ok to start walking. I joined her.
Lisa explained, "Logistics. I needed Minor around so I could have words with him about our long-term plans, and because I want to build a rapport."
I nodded. I wasn't going to argue that point.
"The problems are Senegal and Brooks. They've become friends, and Brooks is the kind of guy that's influenced easily by his peers. He's good, he's useful, but he wants to be in Senegal's camp, and he's not smooth enough to pull off what Senegal does, even if he's smart enough to see what Senegal's all about, so all you get is a dick who could be dangerous if things go the wrong way. I wanted to keep them separated, so I couldn't pair them together, and things would be worse if I stuck you with Brooks, on a lot of levels."
"Okay. But you have other guys, right?"
"Pritt and Dimitri. Dimitri's second in charge of the group, and he's the only one other than Minor who I trust to run the shelter and everything that goes on in the background. Our stuff. Pritt's good, she's capable, but she's a hardass in a way you see with some women in a job dominated by men. CEOs, high-end lawyers, police officers…"
"And soldiers. Right."
"Right. Compensating for something. She'd do more harm than good if I left her behind without someone else to supervise, and I already said why I didn't want her along in our group. So long as our guys outnumber the girls, we'll look less like potential victims."
"Put up with Senegal. Hell, if you're uncomfortable around him, use it. Not everyone that's at the Merchant's party will be a willing participant. We'll fit inmore if you act skeeved out by him."
I crossed my arms over my chest and brushed at my shoulders, as if it could shake the feeling of Senegal's arm resting on me. "I don't like showing weakness to a person like that." To a bully.
"Play along, and I'll make sure you never see him again after tonight. We just need him for this one errand. He's got that look that can scare people, without being too obvious about it. Between him and Jaw, we actually kind of look like Merchants."
"Okay," I spoke, jamming my hands into my pockets.

I understand Lisa's logic for pairing Taylor with Senegal but....I'm so afraid of this guy (if I were in Taylor's place, I'd have refused his company and instead asked one of my own people to go with me.) Taylor have her people, Coil gave her like 8-9 people. Why she didn't asked one of them to be her party boyfriend is beyond me. But maybe she trusts Lisa enough to be hopeful that Senegal will keep his dirty perverted hands away from her. Anyway, Taylor, play along, let him have his own little "fun", after the party you can have a lot of YOUR PERSONAL fun with him by covering his dick with FIRE ANTS. :D

"Tell me about your territory grab?"
I did, going into detail about the play I'd made, dealing with the Merchant who had tried to cut me, encountering Battery, then returning to my lair to fend off my enemies from a safe vantage point.
"…Problem is my range only extends eight hundred feet or so around me. My territory's larger than that, which means I can only cover part of my territory at a time. It bugs me, because I know I can reach further, I've had times where I could."
"Right. I remember you asking about that, but I was distracted."
"Any ideas?"
"One theory, and there's a good bit and a bad bit to it."
"Just going by how my own power fluctuates, hearing what you're saying about yours? You got a range boost that day of the hearing, right? When you went to your school to talk about the bullies, and everything fell apart?"
"Right," I said. "And the day Leviathan came. It wasn't just range. The bugs were responding just a bit faster. Maybe a tenth of a second faster, but yeah."
"Ok. Here's my theory then. I think your power's strongest when you're closest to the situation where you had your trigger event."
"Honestly, I'm highly suspicious that it's true for any cape out there. Whenever you're in the same kind of mindset or same sort of physical situation you were in when you got your powers, your powers get stronger. The bad news is that you probably can't leverage that to your advantage. Your powers would operate off of hopelessness and frustration, because that's what drove you to get your powers in the first place."
Interesting and precious information about Taylor's power. She becomes stronger when she's in a very difficult, desperate or dramatic situation. When she's more calm, she's weaker, when she gets pissed or terrified she'd a FORCE OF NATURE. So, if something really bad will happen during the party, the Merchants will regret the moment when they decided to be assholes towards Taylor or Lisa. And not thanks to Senegal or Minor or the other two happy boys but because they'll be buried under a sea of bugs who are going to slowly eat them. Please, guys, do something to make Taylor agitated or mad. I want to have a good laugh afterwards. :D

Fuck. It fit, more or less.
"The really scary part is that it might be doing us a disservice, because it works like a Pavlovian trigger. Like how the dog who hears the bell ringing every time he gets food starts to drool when he hears the bell, this might be subtly urging us back into ugly, violent or dangerous situations with the benefits of having our powers temporarily boosted."
I wasn't sure I liked the implications of that. "Then what's the good news?"
"It's kind of like a defense mechanism. The worse a situation gets, the stronger you'll get. It's probably happened before, to small degrees, but you haven't noticed it."
"You said you saw evidence of it in your own powers? Can I ask?"
Lisa looked back over her shoulder, as if checking nobody was following us. She sighed.
"I don't want to press," I hurried to tell her.
"Another time?" she asked. "I don't want to get into a bad headspace just before we do this thing, tonight."
"That's fine," I answered her. "Really, you don't have to say."
"I said no more secrets, didn't I? Just give me time to figure out how to explain."
"Of course."
She gave me a one-armed hug.
I realized where we were going well before we got there. Even hearing the music and knowing who the Merchants were, I was still shocked to see it.
Weymouth shopping center, the mall I'd gone to all my life, was now a rallying point for Merchants. Hundreds of them, it looked like, all gathered together for one grand, debauched festival.
Half of the Merchants I could see wore a fresh band around their wrists, or hanging from their clothing, like badges of honor.
Lisa had noticed it too. "Yellow bands were for a test of courage, black for near death experience. The red ones they're handing out at the door?"
"Blood?" I guessed.
"Bloodshed, yeah. Something ugly's going to happen tonight."

Even Lisa's power is growing when she's in a dire situation, eh? Did I got it right? Man, I think its something related to adrenaline. Even in real life, people become stronger and braver when they find themselves in dangerous situations (well, not all of them, but there were examples of people who fought with goddamn bears or crocodiles to save their lives or their children). I think some of parahumans have their powers boosted thanks to the adrenaline. That part of their brain responsible with their powers urge them to fight back with all their might in order to survive. Thus, their powers are boosted. Alright, next time, PARTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY....WITH LOTS AND LOTS OF BLOOD. Can't wait.

Good night and sleep well, friends.
Infestation 11.5
Hello, party people, time for more PARTYYYYYYY with 11.05 | Worm Let's rave in the company of Merchants and some very gentleman like goons serving as party escorts. Taylor and Lisa will have an unforgettable night, but the Merchants might have the last party of their lives if they'll try to be absolute jerks with Taylor ;). Also, since Lisa invited Taylor at this party, maybe she knows that Bryce was brought here. Hmmm, I expected him to be locked somewhere, not brought to a freaking party. Unless they might want to initiate him, drugging him then forcing him to pass a test so he can become a Merchant member OR he's not here OR he decided -WILLINGLY- to become a Merchant. If he came with them by his own will, then he's a STUPID fuck who deserve to be left with them. I mean, if he abandoned his caring, compassionate and hard- working sister for the company of some disgusting rapists, looters and criminals, then he deserves the worst. I don't care about his reasons, Taylor and Lisa should abandon him there with his new friends. He wants their company, he can have their company. But there might be another theory: Sierra to lie and be either a Merchant or the mysterious S9 member. Let's see what will happen.

Leviathan's attack and the waves had done a huge amount of damage to the shopping center, and it seemed like the Merchants had interrupted the efforts to shore it up and rebuild. Construction equipment had been left behind and bore the decorations of the same hooligans that had hotwired and taken them for their own use. The bulldozer closest to me had been spray painted in hues of purple, blue and red, and it had bras, children's toys and defaced flags strung around it, among other things. Clothes racks from one of the clothing stores in the mall had been tied crudely to the scoop and the jutting parts had been clubbed into rough points, as if they thought they could use the vehicle to run into people and impale them.
Trash cans had been dragged into place around the mall, and burned with an acrid smell of melted plastic and rancid meat. Countless Merchants had gathered, some perching on piles of trash or rubble as lookouts, and it seemed like everyone was striving to be heard over the music that blared from the countless speakers that were set up in and around the mall. Not every set of speakers was playing the same music, or even the same kinds of music. The blend of a half-dozen techno, dance and rap tracks devolved into a single grating, uneven noise.
Senegal put his hand on my shoulder again, and I didn't stop him. As a group, we approached the side of the building where two larger guys were standing guard. They noted the elastic bands that Lisa and Minor wore, handed each a red elastic, and then waved them through.
"They're with us," Lisa spoke, gesturing towards the rest of us. The guy gave Senegal and I the go ahead to pass, and I took the offered rubber band and pulled it around my wrist. The second we were clear, I brushed Senegal's hand from my shoulder. He smirked at me in response.
"No faggots," the other man spoke.
We looked back and I saw Jaw and Brooks with a small crowd around them.
Jaw looked at Lisa, and she gave a discreet hand signal, making a fist and tapping her leg twice.
A moment later, Jaw was stepping in close and slamming the heel of his hand into the doorman's nose. He fell roughly on a pile of rubble, and his 'friend' who'd been guarding the door with him stepped forward. Jaw caught the man's hand and pulled him in close, smashing his skull into the man's nose. As the man fell, blood gushing from his nose, Jaw straightened, cracking his knuckles.

"Anyone else want to complain?" Jaw asked.
Nobody did. I was surprised at how quickly people backed off and went back to whatever they'd been doing before.
Jaw collected two red elastics, put a hand on the small of Brooks' back and nudged him inside.
Alright, let's finally start this party. Merchants are against gay couples? WTF?!? Since when Merchants are right wing extremists, religious people, muslims or motorcyclists ? This is bullshit, why they're against gays, this doesn't make any sense, I expected them to be very open minded. So, they love debauchery and rape and everything that is so wrong with humanity yet they're homophobes (in fact, homosexuality ISN'T even wrong, even if its interpreted like this by some people) Fuck hypocrite assholes!!! Man, these Merchants are seriously getting under my nerves. They're so bad that they make Fenrir's Chosen sounds like some really pleasant guys to have around your neighborhood. Alright, its great to see Jaw breaking that asshole's nose. Coil's men are not lazy at all, they're very willing to take care of garbage. :D

The interior was so crowded we could barely navigate, and it was rank with the sweet and sour smells of sweat and garbage that had just started to reek. Body lice had found hosts with a full fifth of the people here, and more were spreading to new hosts in the shoulder to shoulder press of the crowd. The tide of bodies around us might have crushed us if our bodyguards weren't clearing the way. Senegal and Minor simply pushed through the crowd with enough force that some fell over, while Jaw and Brooks followed our group. Nobody complained too loudly, and from the way others took it in stride, it seemed this was the norm. Here, I was coming to understand, might made right.
Judging by the packs of people, 'might' wasn't necessarily physical strength. Those who had the force of numbers at their backs or the better weapons could do what they wanted. If they didn't have numbers, sheer physical strength or weaponry that put them one step above the other guys? They became victims instead.
"Want to buy a lady? Or maybe a sir?" one of the vendors leered at Minor. A group of men and women were gathered in a 'stall' behind him, watched by another Merchant. Were they whores or slaves? I wasn't sure I wanted to think too long about it.
"No," Minor answered. "Have a girl."
"Get a second! Or do you want something else? Got bullets, got some treats. Booze? Bad? K? Decadence? Madman? Nose powder?"
"Not interested," Minor answered.
"Not. Interested." The Merchant rubbed his chin, looking skeptical, "Right."
"Wait," Lisa grinned. "Decadence sounds good. How much?"
"Twenty per."
"Bullshit," she replied. "Not even if it was pure, which it probably isn't. Eight bucks."
"Ah, we have an expert here, do we? Can't blame me for trying. You have to understand, it's hard to get product with things the way they are. Ten."
He looked around, stared at her for a few seconds, then conceded, "Eight."
"For me and two of my buddies here. That's twenty-four bucks?"
The man nodded eagerly, "Twenty-four."
She forked over a ten and a twenty and collected her change and three pills. She turned to me, "Open up. It's ecstasy."

"I dunno," I answered her, feeling legitimately nervous. I didn't want to refuse her outright and blow our cover, but I definitely didn't want to get high. I was uncomfortable enough with the idea to begin with, but doing it here, in this kind of chaos?
"Trust me," she told me.

What a FUCKERY this is! First the door-rat called Jaw and Brooke faggots. Now a SLAVE MERCHANT wants to sell a "sir" to Minor (for sex, I suppose, for what else?) The hypocrisy of these monsters never cease to surprise me. Poor slave people, I think they're kidnapped and sold to perverts. At least there are not children but I won't be surprised if Merchants have children too as a specialty for pedophiles. Man, what the hell heroes are doing in this City without Heroes? Why they don't destroy this criminal organisation, lock their members in jail and send their para-rats straight to Birdcage? They're already a huge threat for citizens, they should be classified as S-Class threat. Not because of their strength but because of how dangerous and inhuman they're. As for "drugs", they're not really drugs, Lisa, eh? You have some ace up your sleeves, my girl, I know you. ;)

Obediently, I opened my mouth. She pressed one small pill down on my tongue. I closed my mouth. She turned to Brooks and gave him one as well.
As our bodyguards led us through the crowd, she leaned over until our heads were touching, "Sugar pills. A little sleight of hand on my part. Just for appearances. Don't stress."
"Could've fucking told me," I hissed. I wasn't sure if she could hear me over the pounding music, but if anyone could fill in the blanks in what I'd said, it would be her.
More people were pushing product and stolen goods at the edges of the mall, some pimped others or prostituted themselves, while yet others were scrounging through the stores and then offering their finds for cash or barter. The roof at the center of the mall had collapsed and what remained was shored up, but there was a gaping hole that was open to the darkening sky. Beneath that hole, the party was already underway. People were dancing, fighting, clustering in groups or chanting. Sometimes two or three at a time.
As we found some breathing room, Lisa gathered the group together. I withdrew the picture, "We're looking for this guy."
Nobody disagreed or debated the point, not even Brooks. Senegal had dropped the smirk and was all business as he remained at my right shoulder, tall enough to see over the top of the gathered people. On the far end of our group, Minor did much the same thing. That left Lisa and I between them. Brooks and Jaw left to go looking on their own.
In front of us, someone got tackled to the ground. His attacker began pounding at his face, while the people around them cheered. We detoured around that group, which brought us face to face with an exhibition.
The scene was set at the front of a woman's clothing shop, and the window had been shattered. Where the mannequins stood in the display window, there were three women and a girl. The women were trying on their clothes, openly undressing and then dressing in whatever the throng of people around them threw their way. Their eyes had the glazed over looks of people who were on something, and their skin shone with a faint sheen of sweat. They smiled as they posed provocatively and hugged the mannequins, showing off the clothes.
As if the clothes were what the crowd was there to see, and not the skin that was revealed while the women changed.
The teenage girl at the far right of the stand was another story. She was dark-haired and the makeup she wore looked like it had been applied by someone who hadn't used makeup before. She clutched the collar of her sweatshirt in both hands and stepped back as the crowd surged forward, reaching for her. Being barefoot, she couldn't step down from the display platform without stepping onto broken glass, and any attempt at running would only lead her into the reaching mass of Merchants. If she'd taken the same drugs as the other women, fear had already sobered her up. She looked entirely alert and she looked terrified. No red band on her wrist. She wasn't here by choice.
Someone climbed up onto the platform, grabbing at one of the women. He wasn't up there for two seconds before the crowd dragged him down and threw him to the ground. The people around him stomped and kicked him for his temerity.

That was social cooperation on a really twisted level. From my interpretation, they weren't doing it for the women, but for themselves. They all wanted the women, but if someone stepped up to take one for himself, they'd collectively beat him, for trying to take what they'd silently agreed to share by way of watching.
That meant the teenage girl's situation was especially grim. She couldn't run, and if she didn't give the crowd a show, they'd lose patience with her and treat her just as they had the other guy, or worse. If she did give them a show? With the way emotions were running high, I expected things would turn ugly right around the moment the crowd started to get bored. Exhibitionism would only buy her time.

OMG....OMG....poor girl who was kidnapped and used as slave for the fun of fucking Merchants. She's displayed in the clothing shop like she's an object, not a human being. This is....this is beyond fucked. I want Merchants to die....all of them, I'll be grateful to anyone who'll destroy them. Including the fucking Mannequin and Endbringers. Taylor, Lisa, I know that you have to find Bryce but you can't let this poor girl being "torn apart" by animals. You can't abandon here into their claws, it won't be fair and ethical and humane to do this to a fellow human being. Especially since she's also a girl like you. Show her solidarity, damn it!

"Let's go." Lisa pulled on my arm.
"We should help her."
Lisa glanced at the girl, "There's at least a hundred people here that need help. We can't save them all."
"We should help her," I growled the words, "I won't fucking sleep tonight if I walk away from this."
"You've got a little superhero showing through, there," she whispered right into my ear.
"I am going to help her, with or without you," I hissed, "Even if that means using my powers and throwing subtlety to the winds."
"Okay, okay. Probably don't have to go that far. Hold on."
Lisa pulled on Minor's arm, and he bent down so she could speak in his ear.
Minor straightened, and with one fist clenched, he made his way through the crowd, pushing people to either side, and then stepped onto the stage.
The insults hurled his way were impossible to make out over the noise of the music and the larger crowd. He ignored them as he stepped behind the girl, caught her around the waist, and then threw her over one shoulder. She screamed.
"I'm buying this one!" he hollered, "Whoever brought her, here's your fucking money!"
He revealed what was in his clenched fist – money and pills. The sugar pills Lisa had brought? He cast them into the crowd, and in that instant, the exhibition was over. The crowd tore into one another, fighting over what had fallen onto their heads and shoulders, or drifted past them onto the ground. The other women backed into the clothing store.
As Minor plowed his way through the crowd, Lisa lunged forward. She caught the wrist of an older man, and I saw that she'd just stopped him from turning a knife on Minor.
I moved to back her up, kicking the guy in the side of the knee. He dropped the knife and it skittered along the floor to the boundary of the crowd. I fell on top of it, covering it with my body to prevent anyone else from taking it, then grabbed it for myself at the first opportunity. Senegal helped clear the crowd out of the way so Minor had an exit route, and I stood, pointing the knife at anyone who looked like they might make a move for us. The size and muscle of our bodyguards posed too much risk for the Merchants here, with the potential rewards of getting the girl from them being far too scarce compared to the immediate rewards that were in arm's reach. The crowd let them be and continued to scrabble for the bills and pills.

We legged it in making distance from there, and the girl screamed and kicked the entire way. People around us laughed and hooted. I couldn't make out everything that was said, but there were lewd comments and dirty remarks cast our way.
I was swiftly losing faith in humanity. Not that I had much to spare.

No, Taylor, don't lose your faith in humanity. There are a lot of bad people lurking around, yes, but there are also a lot of good people who genuinely wants to stop the bad ones or to save as many people as they can. You're one of these good people, Taylor, you stop bad people AND save innocents. You're playing all this fake mafia role (even if you don't like it) only because you want to save Dinah. You went to a Rave from Hell to save Sierra's brother. You're risking everything to save a sex slave. You're such a good person, Taylor, you have no idea. The same I can say about Lisa too. Thank you for helping Taylor saving that girl, Lisa, I also love how easily you can make your people listen you. :D If I were in Lisa's place, I'd absolute suck at bossing them around. It will be something like:
Me: Hey, guys, please, listen, I.....Please, I.......
Goons: Fuck this bitch, she's getting annoying with her pleadings. Let's kill her.
Yes, it will end bad.

How many people had joined the Merchants after everything went to hell? One in two hundred of the people who'd declined to evacuate the city? One in a hundred? One in fifty? How many of these people had been ordinary citizens until civilization broke down? Had I passed any of these people on the street while going about my day?
We headed into a hallway that branched off into a side entrance and bathrooms, but the rubble blocking the door and the lack of water in the bathrooms left little purpose for the area beyond being a quieter spot, away from the party. Lisa signaled, and Senegal moved to stand guard at the entrance.
The hallway now held only Minor, Lisa, me and the rescued girl, along with two small groups of younger people. There was a couple making out at the far end of the hallway, getting hot and heavy, oblivious to their audience. Nearer to us, in the alcove that led to the out-of-order bathrooms, there was a trio of teenagers that were so plastered with drink that they couldn't sit upright. Empty bottles were scattered around them. It was as much privacy as we'd get.
Minor put the girl down, and she immediately shrank back, getting her feet under her as if ready to bolt.
"You're safe," Lisa assured her. "We're not doing anything to you."
The girl wiped at her eye with the back of one hand, smearing thick eyeshadow and eyeliner across her temple. "But-"
"She's right," Minor spoke, standing, "You're as safe as you're gonna get for the next little while."
"Oh god," the girl sobbed. She moved forward, ready to give Minor a hug, but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. He didn't speak, but only turned to Lisa.
"Don't thank him. Thank her." Lisa looked my way. "We wouldn't have gone out of our way to help if she hadn't been stubborn."
Before I had a chance to respond, the girl threw her arms around me, hugging me tight.
Lisa motioned to Minor, and he headed off to join Senegal in guard duty, leaving the rest of us alone. Better, probably, if the girl's state left her uncomfortable or spooked around guys.

"Thank you," the girl sobbed into my shoulder.
I hugged her back, reflexively, a little shaken. Why had it taken this long for someone to say that simple thing to me? I'd wanted to be a hero, once upon a time.
"I didn't do anything," I managed to get the words out.
"Thank you," she repeated.
I stood, letting the girl rest her hands on my shoulders to get to a standing position herself. I glanced at Senegal and Minor. No problems there.
"Oh my god." I wasn't sure who it was.
It was the girl we'd rescued, staring at me.
"You go- you went to Winslow High."

"Hagrid's voice": You're a hero Taylor!
Taylor: I'm ..I'm a what?"
"Hagrid's voice": A hero, Taylor.

The girl knows Taylor from highschool? Gosh, hope she's not Emma or Sophia's friend. I'm not sure how Taylor will feel after saving someone who was probably friends with the Trio of Bitches.

"No," I stepped back, pulling my shoulders out from beneath her hands.
"Yes. You're the locker girl. I almost didn't recognize you without the glasses, but everyone at school knows who you are. You're with the Merchants now?"
"You're thinking of the wrong person," I said, with a note of irritation in my voice.
"No, I'm almost positive. You were that girl that got shoved in that rank locker with all that stuff they carted away in biohazard bags. The girl who went so mental they had to have a group of cops and paramedics haul you away for the first month of the semester."
"Enough!" I shouted, suprised at my own temper. The group of teenagers who were having drinks by the bathroom turned to look at us.
Seeing my burst of anger, the girl did a complete one-eighty, from awe and surprise to desperate apologies. That didn't necessarily improve things. "Oh god, I'm sorry. You know, I didn't think about how it would bother you, saying that. I really did want to help, you know, to do something back then, but-"
"But you didn't," I growled at her. "Just like everyone else, you left me in that locker. You didn't go get help. You didn't report the people who did it, not even anonymously. You felt bad? You wanted to help? Is that supposed to mean something to me? Is it supposed to be some consolation? You were too lazy or cowardly to step up and do anything about it, but hey, at least your heart was in the right fucking place, huh?"
"No, that's not…" there were tears in her eyes, and she was having trouble stringing words together. I should have felt bad, for going off on someone who was probably in a pretty delicate emotional state, but I wasn't feeling particularly gentle.

"You obviously heard the story about me being hospitalized, you probably helped spread it."
"You don't understand," she said. She startled as Brooks passed Minor and Senegal and approached us with a brisk stride. It threw her off her stride, and she stumbled over her words as she tried to pull her excuse together. "Um. It, um. It was Emma Barnes, she-"
Brooks had reached Lisa's side and informed her, "Found him."

Gosh, this girl knew about Taylor's FUCKED UP TORMENT and didn't do anything to help her. Hmmm, I still think that Taylor did a good thing saving her. I mean, she was a bitch, but she didn't deserved to be gang- raped, sold as a slave or probably even killed afterwards. I don't regret that she was saved even if I condemn her for being impassive towards Taylor's physically and mentally torture. I hope that Taylor will not take her to Skitter Lair (btw, I'm going to call each Undersider's territory with a headcanon name: Skitter Lair for Taylor; Tale Lair for Lisa; Puppeteer Lair for Alec; Strangers Lair for Brian and Aisha; Woof Lair for Rachel :D. Told you I don't have such a great imagination when it comes to names) . She doesn't need another person aware of her double identity, especially someone who was kind of a bitch in highschool. Send her back to her parents, Taylor, don't play with fire. Brooks found Bryce? Awesome!!!! Gosh, I'm praying that Bryce isn't a willing Merchant member. This is the last thing Taylor needs now. Another disappointment.

"Emma Barnes what?" I asked the girl, trying to bring her focus back to the conversation we'd been having.
She looked from Brooks to me, and I could see how lost she was.
"Nevermind," I cut her off before she started stumbling over her words again.
"What's going on?" the girl asked.
"We came here for an errand," Lisa answered her, "Up to 'locker girl' here to decide if you can tag along."
"You can't- you can't leave me here," the girl said, eyes widening. She looked to me, pleading.
I sighed. "She can come."
"More dead weight," Brooks frowned.
I raised an eyebrow. "For someone with the primary job of giving people medical care, you're pretty dead-set against helping others."
"I have a low tolerance for people who get themselves into an ugly situation and then expect others to bail them out."
"That's fine," Lisa said. "Just so long as you do your job."
"I always do," Brooks retorted.
"What's going on?" the girl said, for the second time, "Who are you?"
"Just shut up and keep up," I said. We joined Senegal and Minor at the entrance to the hallway, then followed Brooks's lead as he strode across the mall. We got bogged down once more in the press of people dancing, jumping and grinding in the center of the mall. We would have lost sight of Brooks, but he hopped up onto the side of the water fountain by the collapsed stairwell to get high enough for us to see him. Minor and Senegal cleared the way for the rest of us.

"I'll do the talking?" Lisa offered.
"Sure," I said. It made sense. If we did rescue Bryce, I didn't want either him or his sister making a connection between Skitter and the girl in his rescuer's group.
As we reached the side of one grouping of stalls, I spotted Jaw standing in front of Bryce. He had one steel-toed boot planted on the same wooden bench that Bryce was seated on, his broad gut almost in the boy's face. Beside Bryce was a teenaged girl with bleached blond hair, who was almost lying across the bench in her attempt to keep back from Jaw. There was nobody near enough to Bryce to be his kidnapper, nobody with a weapon, no handcuffs or chains.
Shit. I didn't like what that suggested.
"This your boy?" Jaw asked, as he noticed us.
"Yeah," Lisa said, without even glancing at me. "What happened, Brycie? You join the Merchants and neglect to tell your sister, go to stay with her, and then give all the info on where she's staying to your new friends? You that big a scumbag?"
Bryce scowled. I could see him trying to look confident in front of his girlfriend. "Not what happened."
"Then tell me a story, kid. Keep in mind, what you say plays a big role in what happens in the next few minutes."
"There's no story to tell," Bryce glared at her. "Our house falls down, my family moves in with my dad's friend. Everyone else goes to work, I'm left with two of the lamest fucking families ever. I was doing more chores in a matter of days than I've done in the rest of my life combined."
"Poor baby," Jaw rumbled. Bryce looked up at the man and then looked away, angry.

GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT. EXACTLY WHAT I WAS AFRAID IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! Bryce is a fucking shitty young man. He abandoned his family, especially his kind sister only because he didn't wanted to do his chores. Fuck him, he deserves to be left there with his Merchant girlfriend and his Merchants friends. I agree with Brooks here. I also have a low tolerance for stupid people who are destroying their lives without any real reasons, then someone have to pull their stupid ass out of fire. The only reason for me wanting them to take Bryce out of there is Sierra, she have to take her beloved brother back. If it wasn't for Sierra, I wouldn't give a shit about his fate. Dumbass boy. The good news is that Sierra wasn't lying, and I should not worry anymore that she might be a hidden villain.

"Got sick, then when I get better my sister drags me to this church, same fucking thing. Lame people, lame place, and I just know I'll be doing more fucking chores to 'earn my keep'. Fuck that.
Some people came to trash the church, and I figured, hey, there's a way out. Have some fun." He cast a quick glance at the bleached blond girl next to him
"Got a reality check for you," Lisa told him, stepping closer, "Those people who 'trashed' the church? They hurt your sister."
"What? No-"
"She's in ICU, bro," Lisa lied.
I didn't get a chance to see where she was going from there, because Lisa was interrupted by a booming voice that rang through the entire mall. "Hey Sisterfuckers!"
The music had died all at once, and a slow roar spread through the entire mall, rising to a climax. Cheering.
All heads were turning to look the same direction. I followed their line of sight.
A crude platform had been pulled together at one side of the mall, where the rubble was piled highest. The leading figures of the Merchants stood at the front, just behind a railing of metal bars that had been haphazardly welded together.
Skidmark held the microphone and wore his traditional costume, dark blue and skintight, with the lower half of his face and the area around his eyes exposed. As costumes went, it was pretty lame, even with the cape that he'd added since the last time I'd seen him. Especially with the cape. There were people who could pull off that sort of thing, like Alexandria. Skidmark wasn't one of them.

His girlfriend was at his side, her shoulder touching his. Squealer was streaked with oil stains, with some even in her hair. She wore a white top and jean shorts that were each so skimpy that she was more indecent than she'd be if she had been naked. She had a remote control in one hand, and her makeup was practically caked on. Not so dissimilar from the girl we'd just rescued, in that respect.
Beside Skidmark, opposite Squealer, was Mush. He bore a resemblance to a particular pink skinned, scrawny goblin of a creature from those fantasy movies. His hair was so thin he might as well be hairless, his large eyes were heavy-lidded with dark circles beneath them, and his skinny limbs were contrasted by a bulging pot-belly. All of the worst features of an old man and a malnourished child thrown together. Except he was real; just an ugly, ill person.
Behind them stood their subordinates. I recognized Trainwreck, but there were five more I couldn't place. Five who, for all I knew, were new to the cape scene.
Trainwreck's presence was interesting. Was he still with Coil? On our side?
"That's more capes than they had a month ago," I spoke, leaning close to Lisa and pitching my voice low.
"They've been recruiting," Lisa muttered.

Fuck you, Bryce, stop complaining like a pussy because of few chores that you don't wanted to do. You'll never be not even half as good and awesome as your sister. I love how Lisa makes him feel guilty about his sister, he should feel guilty, he abandoned her when she needed him to protect her against bad people like any brother should protect his sister. He ran away with the same people who rape girls by his sister's age, who'd probably turn him into a rapist and criminal just like them. I'm disappointed with you, young man, I'm terrible disappointed. Alright, "sighs" let's give this stupid teenager a second change. Let's say that...he's a teenager and like most teenagers, he made mistakes. At least he didn't hurt anyone so far. Ok, Bryce, take my second chance and leave. Now, time to get to know the para-rats better. Skidmark is a lame para-rat with probably an equal lame power, Squealer is obviously a white trash woman and I think that she's their Tinker, because of the oil stains and the remote control, so she's a genius white trash woman (she probably builds super- cars/trucks) Trainwreck is certainly Coil's mole inside Merchants and Mush is probably a Case 53 and I should feel sorry for him but I don't feel anything besides hate because he's a fucking rapist criminal, like all others. Any chance to see Skidmark and Mush's powers?

When Skidmark spoke, his voice carried through every speaker and set of headphones in the building. "You quim-jockeys up for tonight's main event!? They don't get any better than this!"
The cheering swelled again, that ear-splitting sound you got when hundreds of people all tried to shout louder than the rest.
Skidmark raised his hands, and then swept them in a downward motion. Twin shimmers not dissimilar to the heated air you saw above a hot road blasted towards the crowd. Where the shimmers touched the ground, they changed the color of the flooring, creating bands of glowing ground six or seven feet wide. After swirling for a moment, the colors settled into a gradient, stretching from violet on one side of the line to a pale blue on the other side.
The people who found themselves in the middle of the effect were dragged towards the blue side, as if they were standing on a steep slope. The crowd roared, and began pushing people towards the effect. Anyone who touched the purple side was caught with a greater force, dragged through to the blue side and cast towards the bulk of the crowd, sliding on the ground with enough force to stagger anyone they ran into. The blue side seemed weaker, with anyone stepping on it finding strong resistance, as if they were trying to move against a strong headwind on oil-slick ground.
Only a handful of people made it out without being pushed back by the effects of Skidmark's power or by the crowd that ringed the area.
Skidmark repeated the process to draw what I realized was a crude square in the middle of the mall, the 'blue' sides facing inward. As he layered his power over the same area, the colors of the effect became darker, the ground below less visible and the effects on the people were all the more violent. The blue sides had become dark blue, and instead of simply pushing against those who touched them, they threw people back towards the center of the ring.

Ok, I hope I'm getting Skidmark's power as right as possible. He can create something like a multicolored forcefield with different areas of friction. Like a huge treadmill where you always run in the opposite direction. He can make people push against each other until they'll be too tired or they can even break a hand or a leg. Or even their neck. This bastard seems to have apparently a lame power but it can get pretty powerful if he really wants to kill you. Create the blue effect on the surface of the damn ocean (if he can create it on any surface, of course) and send thousands of people to their death. Or on the tallest building in the city and have violet effects push people up on it then let them fall down. Did I got it right? Man, he could have been so damn useful during Leviathan Battle, he could have made Leviathan's movements very slow, maybe even making the creature fall on his lack of ass every fucking time and being dragged permanently inside the blue effect. So many possibilities, but this ASS-RAT was too coward to fight. Die, you fucker, I hate you!

"You piss-licking losers know what the red armband means!" Skidmark crowed, "Bloodshed! Violence! We've got ourselves a free for all brawl!"
The noise the crowd made reached a peak it hadn't even approached before.
"Last five standing in the ring get a prize!" a mean smile spread across his face. Even from where I stood on the other side of the mall, I could see how bad his teeth were. "No rules! I don't give a shitstained fuck if you jump in at the last second or if you use a weapon! Anything goes!"
People howled, hooted and jeered, but I could see some of the faces of the people trapped in the 'ring'. Most of them weren't cheering.
"Fuck me," Lisa whispered, "He's trying to get people to have trigger events. That's how he's recruiting parahumans."
"Our contestants don't seem to be too excited!" Skidmark shouted. "Need an incentive? Let me tell you cockgarglers what you stand to win!"
He snapped his fingers, and one of his powered subordinates, a woman with long hair covering her face, hurried forward. She held a metal box.
Skidmark placed the case on the railing and popped it open. He placed what looked like a metal canister on the railing, then withdrew the next. By the time he was done, five metal cylinders were spaced out in front of him.
He picked up the center canister and began unscrewing it. "Before, we gave our winners the pick of the pick, the best stuff our boys and girls have been able to grab from the rich assholes with their fancy-as-fuck houses and jobs!"
Every eye in the place was on him.
"But tonight is fucking special, because we won the lottery when we found this shit!"
He withdrew a stoppered glass vial from the canister and gripped it in his right hand. With his other hand, he held the stainless steel canister. He thrust both hands over his head, each object clenched tight.
"Superpowers in a can!"

FUCK THIS SHIT.....Now I understand everything. Merchants were the ones who killed the dealer who stole the vials with powers from Case 53 Scientists. Then after they killed him they took the vials. Makes a lot of sense. Now these rats want to create more para- rats by giving them chemical modified powers, possible turning them into fucking monsters. Great, and stupid people are going to kill each so the winner/winners can become monsters or maybe even get killed by their own powers (if they're getting powers making them able to bypass Manton Effect). Stupid shitty people, personally I won't accept any power created in lab not even if someone will give me it for free, without having to do anything to get it. Better to remain a normal person than to destroy your entire life for...powers. But I'm not a stupid shitty person like them, that's the difference. ;)

Good night and sleep well, my party friends. Tomorrow we'll continue with....THE RED PARTY MASSACRE.
Infestation 11.6
Hello, party boys and girls. Let's continue with this Red Party Massacre in 11.06 | Worm with some IDIOTS fighting over lab powers that will surely either turn them into monsters, give them a REALLY SHITTY power or they'll end up being killed by their own power. I'm going to have a good laugh if any of these assumptions will happen because these people are greedy idiots and deserve their fate :D. I'm not going to feel pity for any of them no matter what will happen to them and I'm dead serious. If mr Bryce I-Don't-Wanna-Do- Chores-Booohoooo will decide: Screw my sister and her worries for me, I'm gonna get some powers, then he can go straight to hell. I will not give him any other chance. He's not a little child, he's a teenager responsible for his actions and Lisa already explained him that Merchants are evil people and he should leave them. So, lets see if he will persist in stupidity or he'll become a little smarter. Btw, Rachel was so WRONG when she complained that animals don't get powers. Look, here we have rats with powers. Maybe not dogs, but rats count too as animals. :D

"Is he for real?" I looked to Lisa for an answer. "Can they do that?"
"Don't think he's lying."
The crowd roared, and I turned to see why, just in time to see the aftermath of the first attack. One of the Merchants in the ring had just bludgeoned someone with a length of pipe. Backing away, he found someone he knew, and through some unspoken agreement, they drew together, each protecting the other's back.
Others were having similar ideas. Groups of friends were banding together, leaving others alone. One of the loners found another guy without any friends around, shouted something I couldn't hear, and they drew together. His new 'friend' turned and struck him down from behind not two seconds later. The traitor got his just reward when three young men and a grungy looking old man tackled him to the ground and started beating him.
At the corner nearest to us, a woman got smashed in the nose. The spray of blood landed in the area of Skidmark's power and shot straight back into the melee.
Inspired by this sight, a man who stood outside the ring grabbed a piece of rubble and threw it down at the edge of the ring. The chunk of concrete flew into the massed people, striking a man who was crouching and trying to avoid the worst of the fighting.
This act started a chain reaction. The audience turned on the man who'd launched the chunk of rubble, clustering around him, punching and kicking him, and shoving him to the ground. Others were inspired by his idea, and did much the same thing, using Skidmark's power to pelt the people in the arena. One man helped by a kid who might have been his son upended a trash can on the glowing ground to send rotted food and other rubbish flying into the ring. Others moved to stop them or shove anyone who got close enough onto the colored ground. The violence was escalating and it didn't look to be slowing down anytime soon.
"We should go," Lisa said. She turned to Jaw and ordered, "Bring the boy."
Jaw grabbed Bryce by the shirt and hauled him to his feet. He pointed at the girl who had been sitting next to Bryce, "And her?"
"Leave her." Lisa called out, raising her voice to be heard over the screams and cheering. She said something else, but I couldn't make it out.
The crack of a gun being fired went off somewhere. Instead of stopping the crowd, it seemed to provoke them, pushing those who hadn't been participating into action, like runners who'd been waiting for a starter's pistol. It was as though the Merchants felt more secure with their hands around people's throats than they did trying to get away.
Skidmark gripped the railing as he hunched over it, grinning a smile with teeth that seemed to be every color but white. His eyes were almost glittering as he watched the chaos he'd set in motion.
We moved as a group, Lisa's soldiers in a tight circle around us with Bryce, Lisa, the rescued girl and me in the center. We made our way toward the nearest exit, but our way was barred by an unfolding brawl between two groups a good distance from the main spectacle. Rivals? Enemies seeing an opportunity to exact vengeance for some past event?
The girl who'd been on the bench with Bryce ran for the thick of the melee surrounding the ring. She was shouting, almost screeching, "Thomas! Mom!"
Bryce struggled in an attempt to go after her, but Jaw held him firm.
I almost missed what happened next. A woman from the group fighting in front of us ran, and a band of young men charged after her, which brought them just in front of us.
We collectively backed out of the way, but Bryce had other intentions. The boy wrenched out of Jaw's grip and threw his shoulder into the small of Senegal's back. The man was only barely able to keep from stumbling forward into the charging Merchants, but with his attention elsewhere,
Bryce managed to slip past.
I joined Minor and Brooks in giving chase, and though Minor was bigger and stronger, I had the advantage of a slight build. I ducked between the people and followed Bryce into the thick of the 'audience'.
Bryce had reached his girlfriend, and wrapped his arms around her. Still holding her, he turned to see us approaching. I was in the lead, and Minor close behind me.
He looked the other way, past the glowing perimeter of Skidmark's arena, and I followed his gaze to where a middle-aged woman with bleached blond hair and a taller black man with a scar on his lips stood.
I recognized them from Sierra's description. They were the same people who had attacked the church.
I hope all fighters will die or have fates worse than death because they are all WILD ANIMALS. They stopped being human beings even since they accepted to become Merchants. And Bryce....FUCK YOU, Bryce, you're making a lot of troubles to people who are trying to save your sorry ass. Man, this boy is getting under my nerves, he's completely opposite to his sister, if I were in Taylor's place, I'd have forget about him and lie Sierra that Merchants sold him as sex slave and I was too late to save him. You just can't save people who doesn't want to be saved, Taylor, give up already. You save the girl forced into prostitution, its enough, you tried to save this jerkass but if he doesn't give any shit about your efforts, about his own sister and family, then there's no reason anymore to keep fighting for him.

The man -Thomas?- beckoned with a wave of his arm, and Bryce and his girlfriend ran, dropping to the ground as they touched the border of the
"No!" I shouted, as the effect of Skidmark's power sent them careening into the ongoing free-for-all. My voice was lost in the cacophony of the screaming, shouting, hollering crowd.
I stared helplessly at the unfolding scene. The two teenagers managed to get to their feet and gather together with Thomas, the mother, and one or two others. They were soon lost in the jumble of people that were all punching, kicking and strangling one another, spurred on by adrenaline, self-preservation, alcohol, stimulants and greed. There was little enough room that when someone fell, they were trampled by those that were still fighting.
Minor reached me and ushered me back to the others, and we backed as far away from the fighting as we could.
The moment I saw Lisa, I asked her, "Should I-" I left my question unfinished. Should I use my bugs?
"No. The moment an enemy makes their presence known, Skidmark might try to break this up and send the crowd after any unfamiliar faces. Not saying they'd get us, but they could, and there'd be other victims too."
"Fuck." I looked at the ongoing fighting. "We should do something."
"I'm open to ideas," she said.
"Can we- can't we run?" the girl we'd rescued asked.
"Look, um, what's your name?" Lisa said.
"Charlotte, we came to get that kid. My friend feels it's important, and she's usually got a pretty damn good reason for doing what she does."
"Thank you," I said.
"So it's up to her, what we do here"
What were our options. Using Lisa's power? I wasn't sure how it applied here. If she had a way of addressing the audience, maybe there was
something she could say to turn the tide, or turn them against their leaders… but the only way to do that would be to get the microphone
Skidmark had.
We had Lisa's soldiers, but no matter how well-trained they were, there was a certain point where fighters in quantity overcame fewer fighters of higherquality in a brawl. Not to mention that some of the Merchants had guns. The great equalizer. I was pretty sure Lisa's soldiers would be packing, but the problem with guns was that they drew attention, and we definitely did not want to fall under too much scrutiny.
This was what the Merchants were. Even less organized than the ABB, they were humans reduced to pack behavior, with Skidmark and his people acting like kids who would put animals in a cage and shake it set them on each other, instead of house-training them. None of this made the
Merchants any less dangerous, though. Just the opposite.
I had no options here, in the face of this. The most I could do would be to use my power on the entire crowd, and that would turn this already disturbed situation into something else entirely.
"We hold our ground," I told Lisa, "Unless things get bad enough that we're at risk. We wait for the fight to end, we see if we can find him, and we make our exit. Sticking around also means we can get more info on what Skidmark's got in those vials and where he got them."
I agree with Charlotte here, they should run out of that Mall of Madness, not risk their lives for an ungrateful little brat who choose to run with the same people who tried to hurt his sister and almost killed a man with broken bottle. Taylor, Taylor, we're very different here, you still want to save this asshole while I'd leave him in the company of his RAPISTS, MURDEROUS, SADISTIC new friends. But you made a promise to Sierra and you always keep your promises. "sighs" Alright, let's save mr Bryce-I'm-The-King-Of-My-Kingdom-Of-Shit's lazy ass.

"Okay," Lisa confirmed. "That works."
The minutes that followed were among the longest I'd experienced in my life. It wasn't a tedious, slow, agonizing passage of time like I'd experienced in the hospital bed, waiting to find out if I was being arrested or if my back was broken. No, these minutes stretched on because there was so much going on, and I couldn't lose my focus, look away or pause for contemplation for a second.
Different groups tried to pick fights with us. It was nonsensical, given that we weren't even in the ring, but adrenaline was running high and we stood out because we were apart from the rest of the fighting, isolated. We had stuff they could take, and warm bodies they could… well, warm bodies. It was enough.
We tried to hold a formation, with the bodyguards holding the outer perimeter and the less experienced combatants, myself included, in the center. It quickly became apparent that these things didn't really hold up in a real combat situation.
For one thing, our enemies quickly figured out what we were trying to do and tried to force Lisa's soldiers to break ranks. They would hang back and throw things, or stay just out of reach as they held weapons at the ready, looking for a moment when our front-line fighters were distracted or otherwise occupied. It forced Lisa's soldiers to move out of formation to deliver with the enemy with a few decisive hits, then back up to close the gap in the line.
That was the plan, anyways, but sometimes the opponent was too nimble to be taken down, and other times, they delayed Lisa's people enough that someone could slip through the line and attack one of our less capable combatants, myself included.
I held a knife in each hand – my combat knife and the one I'd taken when we'd rescued Charlotte. When I was forced to fight, I avoided lethal strikes. I had a sense of where the major arteries were and avoided them, even when I knew I could make a quick cut at someone's wrists or neck. Holding back didn't do me any favors, and I got smashed in the left ear once, struck in the gut and chest a few times, and a nail that was stuck through someone's makeshift club sliced the back of my upper arm.
Still, Lisa's soldiers afforded me time to breathe. I remained vigilant for any break in ranks and incoming attacks.
My arm smarted where I'd been cut, and my ear throbbed. I swallowed hard, glancing towards the ring, where people lay in heaps, and only two-thirds of the combatants were either injured, unconscious, dead or playing dead.
Feeling pressured, Senegal reached for his gun, but was forced to duck back and to the side to avoid being bludgeoned by a heavy metal lock one of the Merchants had clipped to the end of a length of chain. The follow-up swing knocked his weapon from his hand. Someone else, a stocky man with eyebrows like caterpillars, moved through the gap to charge for me bare handed.
Could be worse. I set my balance and readied to strike with my knives, waiting until he closed in and-
And I was somewhere else. It was like remembering something profound that I'd forgotten. I'd seen this before.
Huge creatures filled my perception.
Taylor fighting like a badass she's and then having an INTERESTING LSD TRIP. Lisa, are you sure you weren't wrong with the pills you gave her? There weren't sugar pills for sure :D. Bad, bad Lisa and now Taylor is seeing literal monsters in the middle of the fight.

It was hard to say how I knew they were two different creatures, when each of them existed in multiple parallel spaces all at once. Countless mirror moved in sync with one another, each occupying the same space, just as solid as the others, differing in how they moved and the worlds they interacted with. Each of them folded, unfolded, expanded and shifted without taking more or less space. I couldn't wrap my head around it, even as I felt there was something like a pattern there.
Some distant part of me realized I'd seen something similar to that folding and unfolding once, in a much simpler form. A tesseract, a fourth dimensional analogue to the cube. The difference was that while the cube had six flat faces, each 'side' of the tesseract had six cubes, each connected to the others another at each corner. To perceptions attuned to three dimensions, it seemed to constantly shift, each side folding or reshaping so that they could all simultaneously be perfect cubes, and each 'side' was simultaneously the center cube from which all the others extended outward.
The primary difference between these things and the tesseract was that these beings I was looking at were alive, and they weren't simple models I was viewing on a computer screen. They were living entities, lifeforms. There wasn't anything I could relate to any biology I knew or understood, nothing even remotely recognizable, but they were undoubtedly alive. They were enigmas of organs that were also limbs and also the exteriors of the creatures, each simultaneously some aspect of the entity as it flowed through empty space. It didn't help that the things were the size of small planets, and the scope of my perceptions was so small. It helped even less that parts of them seemed to move in and out of the other dimensions or realities where the mirror images were.
The pair moved in sync, spiraling around one another in what I realized was a double helix. Each revolution brought them further and further apart. Innumerable motes drifted from their bodies as they moved, leaving thick trails of shed tissues or energies painting the void of empty space in the wake of their spiraling dance, as though they were made of a vast quantity of sand and they were flying against a gale force headwind.
When they were too far away to see one another, they communicated, and each message was enormous and violent in scope, expressed with the energy of a star going supernova. One 'word', one idea, for each message.
Destination. Agreement. Trajectory. Agreement.
They would meet again at the same place. At a set time, they would cease to expand their revolution and contract once again, until they drew together to arrive at their meeting place.
-the Merchant caught me off guard, as I reeled from the image of what I'd just seen.
.....................................Ok, its not LSD, actually....the truth is that.....Taylor switched Worm-verse with Lovecraftian verse for a while watching Azathoth like gods floating into space (seriously, these creatures remind me a lot of Azathoth lovecraftian deity ( Azathoth, Azathoth, Azathoth). No, but seriously, Taylor's strange but fascinating vision is similar with Hanah's vision right before she god her power. The one with a giant creature who died in front of her. Back then I was under impression that she had a vision with her power, how she imagined that her power looks like. But now, since Taylor had the same vision, with living creatures this time, I think I know what is all about. The Floating Space Abstract Creatures are in fact aliens who gave people these powers. This is their real form. This is Scion's real form, but he shapeshifted into human so people will not get scared out of their mind because a Floating Space Abstract Creature is helping them for....reasons. Yes, they must have reasons for giving people's powers, maybe they want to use humans to fight their personal war in their place against other alien species as I predicted in the first interlude, even before knowing about the existence of other aliens besides Scion. They couldn't make such gifts without demanding nothing in return. Scion and his "people" being absolute ASSHOLES taking advantage of humanity is CONFIRMED in this chapter.

He caught me across the cheekbone with his elbow, and pain shot through my entire skull, bringing me halfway back to reality. Someone grabbed me, her chest soft against my back, her grip around my shoulders painfully tight. Charlotte? Or Lisa?
The shift from what I had seen to relative normalcy was so drastic that I could barely grasp what I was sensing. I opened my mouth to say something and then closed it. I couldn't unfocus or take in the scene as a whole, as the entirety of my attention was geared for seeing… what had I been looking at? It escaped me as I tried to remember. I shook my head, striving and failing to see past the countless minute details or the shape of things: the way the Merchant's facial features seemed to spread out as he advanced towards me, the contraction of his body as he bent down, the nicks and brown of rust on the knife he picked up, the one I'd dropped. I still held my good knife.
I closed my eyes, trying to blink and fix the distorted focus, and it only helped a little. I looked to my left for help, saw Minor and Jaw with their hands full, their movements too hard for my eyes to follow. To my right? Lisa was slumped over, and Brooks held her. Merchants were closing in on them. Senegal stood in front of me, and though his gun was gone, he was using the length of chain that he'd taken from one of the Merchants to drive our opponents back and buy us breathing room. It wasn't enough. Three capable fighters weren't able to protect seven people in total.
I used my power, and wrenched my eyes closed. It helped more than anything, as the tactility of my swarm sense gave me a concrete, solid sense of the things around us. Many of the Merchants had lice on their skin, in their clothes and on their hair. A small handful of flies buzzed around the area. With a bit of direction to guide those flies to where I needed them, I had a solid sense of my surroundings and what the enemy combatants were doing.
With panic and disorientation nearly overwhelming me, I had to resist the urge to use my power to call a swarm together. Using this many bugs, to get a sense of what was going on? It wouldn't attract undue attention. I let bugs gather on the ceiling of the mall, drawing them down through the large crack where part of the roof had caved in, as a just-in-case.
I kept my eyes closed as I fought back, pulling out of Charlotte's grip to strike at the Merchant, cutting him across the forehead. He growled something I couldn't make out and charged me. Knowing I wouldn't be able to beat him in any contest of strength, I threw myself to one side, landing hard on the ground and nearly tripping Senegal. I brought my knees to my chest, and then I kicked outward to strike him in the calf with both heels.
I wasn't thinking straight. I should have predicted that he'd fall on top of me. His shoulder hit my chest, his body weight heavy on top of me. His knife hand was trapped under his body, near my waist. I was more fortunate, with my right arm free, and I pulled the knife's point across his ribs, aiming for a shallow cut that hurt more than it injured. He screamed and dropped his weapon, and I scrabbled to slide it back towards Charlotte, Brooks and Lisa.
Senegal turned and kicked my attacker away from me. While Senegal used the lock on the end of the length of chain to strike the man in the jaw, I tried to stand.
Stupidly, I'd opened my eyes as I stood, instead of trusting to my power to keep a sense of the immediate situation. Motion sickness hit me like a sack of bricks, and I nearly fell over. Charlotte caught me to keep me from tipping over, only narrowly avoiding stabbing herself on my good knife.
"Oh my god," she murmured. "You're…"
Had I given myself away? I hadn't used that many bugs.
No, it was something else. I could tell from the flies I'd placed on her head that she was looking up. Her attention turned to me, then Lisa, and then back to the higher object. I forced my eyes open, controlling my movement and my breathing to reduce the threat of nausea, and saw she was looking at Skidmark's platform.
Skidmark was slumped against the railing, struggling to his feet. Squealer, Mush, Trainwreck and their other subordinates weren't faring much better.
Skidmark grabbed his microphone and broke into laughter, the nasty chuckles echoing through the area.
"Seems like one of you assdrips just earned his stripes," he cackled.
I saw a flash of white from within the ring and it dawned on me what had just happened.
Another flash sparked in the ring, then a second. Both were in close proximity to a boy no older than I was. White smoke poured from his eyes, nose, ears and mouth, with smaller traces flowing from his scalp, stirring his hair.
He flinched as someone whirled on him and raised their weapon, and a burst of white light appeared two feet to the other person's left. A miss.
The person swayed toward where the flash had been, as if it had pulled at him. The glowing boy stuck one arm out, towards his target, and another flash of white appeared a yard behind his target.
The man charged, and the boy tried a third time. The blast intersected the man, and when it faded, the man's upper arm, forearm, elbow, and the right side of his torso and hip were gone. Blood gushed from the area where his flesh had been carved away by the light, and his dismembered hand dropped to his feet.
Taylor again fighting like a badass, Coil's men beings the best fighters to have around (even the perverted Senegal, let's admit this), Lisa doesn't feel well (probably she had the same visions), Skidmark, his para-rats and Coil's mole were visited by aliens too and a random boy got one of the power vials or was simply triggered by the ultra-violence around him, giving him a power to dismember people with white light (I think he can bypass Mandon Effect since he can directly affect living beings). He'll be an insanely powerful Merchant, making the group even more dangerous that it was already. I can see him as a Blaster 10 or even higher.

The boy screamed in some combination of horror, pain and rage, and flashes of the whiteness erupted randomly around him. Some caught people who were lying prone on the ground, others hit standing combatants, while most simply hit thin air.
A trigger event. I'd just seen someone have their trigger event.
But what had happened to Skidmark's group, Tattletale and I? I could vaguely remember something, thought about trying to put it into words, as if describing it could help call it to mind in a way that I could describe it, but they disappeared as I reached for them. I was reminded of Imp's power. Before I could get a handle on it, I'd forgotten entirely, and I was struggling to even remember what I was trying to do, my thoughts muddling the idea of it with my attempts to get my bearings.
And Charlotte, who was helping me stay balanced on my feet, was staring at me wide-eyed. I remembered her exclamation of surprise.
If everyone on stage with powers had been affected, and Lisa and I were reacting the same way, it couldn't be that hard for her to put the pieces together. Charlotte knew.
I looked to Lisa, for advice or ideas, but she was still slumped over, and she wasn't recovering. Why? If this was some kind of psychic backlash from someone else having their trigger event, had she maybe been hit harder because of her power?
I hurried to her side, while Brooks turned to rejoin the fight and help re-establish our front lines.
"Lisa!" I shook her. She looked at me, her eyes unfocused.
"They're like viruses," she said. Her voice was thin, as if she were talking to herself. "And babies. And gods. All at the same time."
"You're not making any sense, Lisa. Come on, get it together. Things are pretty ugly right now."
"Almost there. It's like it's at the tip of my tongue, but it's my brain, not my tongue," her voice was thin, barely audible, as though she was talking to herself and not to me. "Still fillin' in the blanks."
I slapped her lightly across the face, "Lisa! Need you to come back to reality, not go further into your delirium."
The slap seemed to do it. She shook her head, like a dog trying to shake off water. "Taylor?"
"Come on," I helped her to her feet. She almost lost her balance, but she was still recuperating faster than I had.
Charlotte took over the job of ensuring Lisa was okay, and I moved forward to help back up the other guys. With a knife in each hand, I stood
behind the trio of Brooks, Senegal and Minor, ready to stop anyone who tried to slip by. I kept my eyes closed. I could manage so long as I didn't
try to move and keep my eyes open at the same time. It was swiftly receding.
The last group to tackle us had largely been beaten back. Another group made some threatening moves, but they seemed to be in rougher shape than us. Their leader was an amazon of a woman with a wild look in her eyes and matted hair, and I could see concern flash across her face as she looked us over and noted the disparity in the condition of our groups. It struck me she was in a bad spot, knowing her group would be thrashed if she took us on, but at the same time, she couldn't order her guys to back off without looking like a coward.
So, the boy got triggered, it wasn't because the power vial. Otherwise he wouldn't become strong as fuck, he'd have turned into a monster. Lisa is trying to find information about aliens in the middle of this chaos? OMG, Lisa, you'll never cease to surprise me. Watch out, they can take your power away from you if they'll ever notice that you want to know more about them. They won't be happy if a mere mortal will discover their nefarious reasons behind their "generosity" towards humankind. You're playing with some space gods here, Lisa, and they might not like your play. ;)

Whatever decision she would have made, we didn't get to find out.
"Stop!" Skidmark hollered into his microphone.
It took a full minute for everyone to break off in the fighting and back off to a point where they didn't feel immediately threatened.
So many injured. How many of his own people had Skidmark just lost in this stunt?
Did he care? He stood to gain five new parahumans for his group. Six if you counted the guy who'd had his trigger event.
"If we wait any longer, there's only going to be one of you cockbiters left in the ring! We got five of you fuckers left, and that's all we need!"
Only five? There had been at least eighty in the ring at the beginning, and still more had joined the fight afterward, one way or another.
I could see the remaining five as the audience moved back to give them space. A family of three, it seemed, a woman with a gaping wound in her stomach, her hand crimson where it pressed against the injury, and the boy who'd had his trigger event. I didn't see Bryce or his new 'family' in the mist of the people retreating from the scene.
A flash of light marked another uncontrolled use of the new cape's power. It struck close to the ground, removing the leg of someone who lay unconscious or dead on the ground, but it left the ground perfectly intact. Why? When it consumed clothing and flesh but not the building itself?
"Boy," Skidmark pointed, "Approach the stage!"
The ring flashed and disappeared. The boy turned, as though in a daze. He flinched as another burst of light sparked a good ten feet away. He
limped toward Skidmark and stared up at the Merchant's leader.
"You're gonna need a name, kid, if you're going to join the Merchant's upper circle."
The boy blinked, looking around, as if he didn't quite understand. Was he in shock?
"Come on, now. Let's hurry it up."
There was a spark of the boy's power, and the flash removed a beachball-sized section of rubble beneath Skidmark's 'stage'. The boy stared at it.
"E-Eraser?" he answered, making it a question.
"Like the puny pink nipple on the end of a pencil? Fuck that," Skidmark snarled.
"Um," the boy drew out the noise, all too aware of his audience, probably unable to think straight.
"Scrub!" Skidmark shouted, and the crowd roared.
Skidmark, you're officially the WORST at picking up codenames. Even my grandma could have picked up a better codename for a supervillain than you. And she's a 88 years old woman. Scrub?!?:lol:rofl::lol:rofl: What the actually hell?!? Better call him Endbringers' Exterminator, because with this kind of POWER, he might do seriously damage to an Endbringer (I'm thinking at similar damage Armsmaster did with his nano Halberd and maybe even more). That would be a more fitting name even if I doubt that I'll ever see him helping people against Endbringers. He's just a coward asshole like all Merchants. But still....Scrub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

How in the hell was Scrub better than Eraser? In what insane reality?
Skidmark waited until the noise of the crowd had died down before he raised the vial, "No point in you having a drink of this shit. Wouldn't do sweet fuck all. Pick someone."
The boy stared at Skidmark, processing the words. He flinched as another flash occurred near him. A hand clutching one elbow, he turned toward the crowd. When he spoke, his voice was shaky, "R-Rick! Doug!"
Two people emerged from the massed people who stood around where the audience had been. One had blood running from his scalp to cover half his face, while the other was coughing violently, blood thick around his mouth and nose.
"Can… Can I give it to both? Can they share it?" the boy with the glowing hair asked.
Skidmark chuckled, and it was a nasty sound with very little humor to it. "No, no. You definitely don't want to do that. Pick one."
"Doug. Doug can have it."
The boy who was coughing looked up, surprised. The one with blood on his face, Rick, suddenly looked angry. "What the fuck!?"
A flash of white high above and to the right of the boy with the powers made everyone nearby cringe. It tore away a chunk of a metal beam that was helping to support the damaged roof. People were giving a wider berth to the boy with the powers. I suspected his abilities and his apparent lack of control were the only things keeping Rick from running up and punching him.
Was this division & the hard feelings on purpose? If it was intentional, if Skidmark was dividing his allies from their former groups and cliques so they couldn't gang up against him, I'd have to adjust my estimation of him. Not that I'd like him any more, or even respect him, but I'd give him credit for intelligence.
"You didn't help me when I got pulled into the ring," the boy with the powers told Rick, "Doug at least tried. He gets my prize."
As Doug approached the stage, taking the long way to keep his distance from his newly empowered 'friend', I became aware that my bugs were dying on the roof, where I'd gathered a swarm in preparation during the chaos. A patch here, a patch there.
No. Not dying. They were stunned, their senses obliterated by bursts of chaos and false sensations. I had an idea of what it was. I'd felt the same
thing before.
I'm not surprised if Skidmark is intelligent beneath the appearances. Because rats are actually intelligent animals :D. Also, I have a pretty good idea about who's behind Taylor's bugs being stunned all of sudden.....Who else but my lovely, adorable, merc boyfriend Newter (in fact, my second Merc boyfriend from all fictional universes, right after Deadpool :D. No other mercenary can beat Deadpool in the top of my preferences. And love <3 <3). Faultline's Crew are going to crash the party? Someone paid them to kill Merchants? That would be ONE OF THE BEST THINGS in this story.

I turned to Lisa. Moving my left hand from the scratch on the back of my upper arm, I discreetly pointed up and murmured, "There's company on the way. We should go before there's trouble."
She looked up, then nodded assent. Tapping Minor on the shoulder, she gave him a hand signal, and he notified the others. We began moving.
The person on the roof was joined by others. Some bugs died beneath their footfalls. More bugs were stunned as the first individual crawled forward on all fours, around the lip of the roof and onto the ceiling of the mall, hanging off of it by his hands. With the building largely unlit, I couldn't make him out.
Newter was here, and the rest of Faultline's crew.
We reached the first exit, and no sooner had we reached for the door than the handle disappeared. The gaps separating the door from the wall filled in, as though wax matching the color of the door was dripping through the gaps. There were similar things happening at the other entrances, I saw, the doors fading into the walls, becoming little more than discolored blotches. Nobody else had seemed to notice, with their attention wholly focused on the woman who was making her way down from the stage with the vial for 'Doug'.
When the fighting had started, Lisa had dissuaded me from using my power, out of a concern that the ensuing riot and chaos would get people hurt, and that the mob might start to hunt for strangers in their ranks.
I had no idea why they were here, but it seemed Faultline was about to crash the party in a far more direct way than we had. We were about to see that bad scenario unfold, and our escape routes had vanished.
FAULTLINE'S CREW IS HERE. WELCOME, MY FRIENDS, I MISSED YOU. :D:D:D:D:D:D So glad to see these adorable and badass characters again. Merchants, say your prays, nothing can save your filthy disgusting asses anymore. "sighs" I'm still afraid that Scrub might do something really bad against Faultline+ all other people because he's a Merchant who doesn't have any control over his ridiculous overpowered power. Fuck him!

Good night and sleep well, my party friends.
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Infestation 11.7 PART 1
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, my fellow party lovers. I was very ready to tell you that we should continue with this party but then I remembered that a group of party crashers already arrived so....no more party for us :(. But see the good side of this bad news. Merchants might have the last party of their lives if the party crashers were send by someone who really doesn't like Merchants parties. Either that or somehow Case 53 Scientists contacted Faultline Crew, asking them to find the power vials and give them back. But I kind of doubt that Case 53 Scientists are so desperate after few vials when they can make plenty of them in no time (btw I think these scientists are Tinkers because normal scientists can't create powers in lab no matter how smart they're). Let's see how bad Fautline Crew are going to crash this party 11.07 | Worm

Newter dropped from the ceiling. The main part of the mall had only the one level to it, but the roof was arched slightly, and he was dropping from one of the higher points. I was bad at estimating distances, but what was that? Fifty feet? Sixty?
He landed in a crouch, a hair behind the girl who was carrying the vial down the pile of rubble to the base of the platform. As she turned, dust, papers, cigarette butts and fragments of rock stirred around her. They moved in a counterclockwise orbit, rising, increasing in intensity over a span of one and a half seconds. Whatever her power did, Newter stopped it, smacking her in the forehead with his palm, almost gently. She stepped back, as if she'd lost her balance. The building whirlwind around her dissipated into a billowing cloud of dust and her legs turned to rubber beneath her as she tried to step back once more. She fell.
Newter's tail encircled the vial before she could drop it, and he flicked it into his left hand. An instant later, he was racing for the stage, almost casually finding stepping stones as he made a beeline for Skidmark and the rest of the group. He was going for the case and the vials.
Much of the crowd was running after Newter, rushing for the base of the stage and climbing the heaps of rubble to follow. In doing so, they were vacating the center of the mall where the casualties lay. I hated to get closer to the chaos, but I suspected it would be a long time before I had a better chance to find and retrieve Bryce.
"I'm going after the kid," I said.
"Minor, Brooks, escort her," Lisa ordered.
On the other side of the mall, Newter had reached Skidmark and pounced for him. In reaction, Skidmark used his power to coat his cape in a layer of his power. He raised it between himself and Newter. Newter was already airborne, unable to change course, but he had the presence of mind to hock a loogie into Squealer's face. He bounced off of the cape, knocking Skidmark back, and fell to the ground.
Skidmark used his power to saturate Newter and the ground around him. As his power took hold, Newter was launched through the rungs of the metal railing and down into the midst of the crowd at the base of the stage. Skidmark shouted something, but I couldn't make it out over the noise of the other Merchants.
I tore my eyes from the scene and we hurried toward the heaps of unconscious, bloodied and wounded that lay where the arena had been. We were halfway there when the entire mall began to brighten. The barred windows were expanding, and massive torches were lighting on the far sides. Shafts of orange light extended into the mall's interior, patterned into diamonds by the meshes of bars Labyrinth had erected.
The wall behind Skidmark and the other 'upper circle' members of the Merchants began to bulge inward. Features took form: a face, ten feet tall. Protrusions below it, near the floor of the platform, marked emerging fingertips.
Labyrinth wasn't stopping there. Minor had to catch my arm and pull me back to keep me from being caught in the path of another effect in the mall's floor. The ground cracked and bulged upward as though a mole was tunneling at high speeds just beneath the tile.
"Get back!" someone shouted behind me. I recognized Lisa's voice and took her advice, backing away from the hump. Minor stopped me from backing up into another hump that had appeared behind me.
Stone walls heaved upward from the mounds of broken tile, blocking my path and stopping at a height of twelve or more feet. As more walls rose around me, I saw a door form to my right, and the corridor to my left had a bend in it.
A maze. She was living up to her name.

Btw, before I'll comment this fight scene, I want to tell you about a scene from my childhood, when I was a 9 years old kid who didn't liked to do her homework and always blamed something else or someone else for my lack of will to do what my teachers told me to do. Last chapter -when Taylor had those visions about aliens being responsible for her shitty world- I remembered what I told once to my teacher when she asked my why I didn't do my homework. I told her that a tiny green alien entered in my bedroom, found my homework and peed on it, ruining it. Right under my eyes. And I couldn't do anything to stop the alien because I was too afraid of it. Aliens are to be blamed for everything, this is exactly what I told her back then. Of course my teacher didn't believed me, as she didn't believed me other times when I told her that a giant spider ate my homework, or burglars stole it or a ghost child destroyed it because he was envious that I can still have homework to do while he's dead. Still my teacher admired my imagination so I got away with it pretty easy :D. Well, I was a stupid and lazy 9 years old child. :) Alright, back to the fight scene. Newter being badass as always <3 I'm surprised that he can still use his drug pheromones power in his fight against Merchants since these rats are so used with drugs in their system that they can live very well replacing the food with drugs for a long period of time. Or maybe Newter's power is so strong that not even a professional druggy is immune at it. Fantastic how Labyrinth is playing IKEA with Merchants, gradually turning the mall into a freaking museum. They'll never find the exit from there. Never ever. Taylor still wants to find (again) and save Bryce. "sighs" A promise is a promise. "shakes her head" This boy....THIS boy.....

The walls at the outside edges of the mall were altering, now, more faces and body parts making themselves apparent. Like statuary or reliefs. Limbs intertwined and nude figures decorated the interior walls of the mall, each tall enough to extend from floor to ceiling, animated so that they moved with a glacial slowness. With a surprising speed, the interior of the mall was coming to resemble some kind of temple.
I had to admit, I was spooked. That girl's power was intimidating when she wasn't on my side. She wasn't all there, mentally, so the only thing holding her back was the person telling her what to do. If she could make those giant torches, she could set the floor on fire. Or she could have created spikes instead of walls, without leaving the rest of us any place to run. That nobody had been hurt was purely by her choice.
Stone poles speared down from the roof. Looking up, I saw that the edges of the crack in the roof had fanged teeth, and that figures were sliding down the metal poles. Two female, one obese male. Spitfire, Faultline and Gregor the Snail?
Not quite. Faultline and Gregor, yes. I didn't recognize the other woman, and she was too tall to be Spitfire with her mask off. Red haired, slender, older than Spitfire or Labyrinth had been.
She slid down the pole, up until the moment Trainwreck leaped from the stage and caught the base of the pole with his shoulder. He was built like a football player in a quadruple-thick layer of cast iron protective gear, steam billowing behind him as he tore past the stone pole like it was nothing. It cracked in four places, and the girl dropped out of the air.
One section of the pole hit the ground in an upright position, and she landed atop it with one foot, wobbling briefly. Controlling the angle the pole fell, she angled her fall toward a nearby wall of the maze.
It wasn't enough. Trainwreck smashed the pole from under her, sending her flying through the air to land in the midst of Labyrinth's maze.

Labyrinth created a short pillar below the metal case and canisters, and began to extend it towards the gap in the roof. Skidmark used his power to force the things off the top of the pillar and onto the platform, where they rolled. A few stray papers fluttered from the case.
There was a crack of gunfire, and I saw the momentary light of the shot to my right. I couldn't see over the wall, but I saw Trainwreck lumbering forward, one oversized metal gauntlet raised to protect his head, the only vulnerable part of his body. I directed some bugs to the scene, and realized that a woman with the exact same proportions as the red-haired woman was firing at Trainwreck. She'd made it through the maze and back to the skirmish with Trainwreck so quickly?

There was a brief pause in the gunfire, then a single shot fired. Sparks marked the ricochet between his shoulder, the back of his hand, and the armor that rose behind his head. He dropped to one knee with a suddenness that suggested he was wounded.
I hurried to the wall. I could use my bugs to find my way through the maze, getting a sense of the layout, but I needed something faster. Labyrinth was using her power and adjusting the battlefield with every passing second. The way things were, given how she wasn't aware of who I was, I was included among her enemies. If I didn't go now and the battle resolved one way or the other, I might lose my window of opportunity to get Bryce.

Yep, this is exactly what I was thinking. Whatever mission they have, Faultline Crew might hurt Taylor and Lisa too, probably believing them to be Merchants. They never saw them without their masks so its impossible for them to make the connection between Taylor and Skitter/ Lisa and Tattletale. So, they're in danger along with all other Merchants. I think I know who the new mercenary is. She's Shamrock, the girl from Vegas who can manipulate probabilities. Before you'll be all surprised by my "impressive" memory, I want to confess you that I cheated here a bit- I keep a file where I write all characters I meet in this story, even the most minor ones. I write their names, their physical details, costumes- if they have, powers- if they have, jobs and affiliations. Next to Shamrock's name, I wrote: "Vegas, casino, manipulate probabilities, non-monstrous Case 53, Faultline wants to recruit her." And when this new member appeared, I looked upon the file, to remember her name. :D I have a good memory, but I also like to have a little organized helper. You can use my method if you like and find it more easy than to go back and try to remember from where you know a certain character. Ok, Shamrock is FREAKING AWESOME with her power. She's exceptionally lucky by manipulating probabilities during the fight. She's Worm-verse Vriska. I doubt that someone can ever defeat her since she'll always know how to dodge all the attacks and use her gun to precisely shoot her target in their most vulnerable points. She seems over-powered, but its IMPRESSIVE anyway. I'm impressed with her power, I like it, its freaking badass :D. I love this kind of power (I always liked Vriska's power, btw, but I hated her as a character) Well, she can still be defeated by Masters, I suppose (she can't dodge a Master like Alec attack, probably), by some members of S9 and by Endbringers. I'm not sure if Taylor will stand any chance against her if they'll ever fight. She can simply dodge all Taylor's bugs while shooting her right into her heart in this time :p. I should not be so happy about this, of course, I'm just hyper-excited with Shamrock's power, sorry. Faultline Crew, what an addition you made....

There was no way I was going back without him. The intensity of the emotion I was feeling on the subject surprised me.
I hated the idea of going back to Sierra and telling her I'd failed. Hated the idea of that conversation on top of the news I had about Bryce joining the same Merchants that assaulted her friend with a broken bottle. I couldn't do it. I couldn't be leader of a territory and know that someone out there was maybe telling others I hadn't followed through, fighting that constant nagging doubt in the back of my mind that wondered if 'my' people were whispering or laughing at me behind my back.
And maybe a small part of it was that my meeting with my father had been a reminder of how important family was. Bryce was the errant youth, his sister the anxious family member. Were my emotions here tied to the parallel between them and my father and me?
"Help me over," I ordered Minor. There was a crash not too far away as Trainwreck tore through one of Labyrinth's walls.
"Can give you and Brooks a boost, but not sure if I can follow," Minor told me, "Maybe if I find a place with something to stand on-"
"That's fine. Look," I drew an arrow on the wall with my bugs, "I can give you directions."
There was little surprise on his face at the demonstration of my power. He gave me a curt nod, dropped to one knee, and wove his fingers together to give me a stirrup for my foot. I sheathed my good knife, stuffed the spare between the sheath and the strap that attached it to my midsection and stepped inside the bridge of Minor's hands. He heaved me up, almost throwing me.
The cut on the back of my arm burned as I found a grip, then hurt twice as much as I hauled myself onto the top of the wall, my toes scrabbling on the untextured surface for traction. I reached down for Brooks, but he shook his head and waved me aside. He wanted to come up on his own.
Fine, whatever.
I hopped down into the next corridor. The far left had an archway leading into one of the more open areas, a circular area that was serving as a clearing for Trainwreck and the red-haired girl to fight.
I crouched down as I reached the doorway, peeking out and trusting my bugs to give me the fuller story of what was going on. Brooks appeared behind me and crouched, gun raised, his back to the wall. His breathing was quiet and controlled even after his recent climb and jog.

Trainwreck and the new girl on Faultline's team were facing off on the far side of this area. Behind Trainwreck, I saw a section of wall toppling, spotted Faultline dashing through the obstruction as though it were barely there. She ran up behind Trainwreck and slashed her fingertips across his heel as he was stepping forward.
As he set the foot down on the marble floor, his ankle shattered and his foot broke free of his calf.
He caught the ground with the stump of his mechanical leg, and she darted in close to cut through the knee of his other leg. He fell onto his back as she slipped between his legs, and she quickly turned to begin using her fingertips to cut down the wall, like a jungle explorer using a machete to hack through brush and vines. The red-haired woman joined her.
The ground rumbled as sections of the black marble floor rose to form into broad, shallow stairs, leading from the two young women to
Skidmark's stage. The capes in Skidmark's group were struggling to find ground to stand on, as they were crowded back to the edges of the platform by the statue that was still emerging from the wall. A head and two forearms with reaching hands, all in dark stone.
It was eerie, to see the changes that had occurred in our surroundings in the time it had taken me to cross the wall and wait for the fight to pass.
If the attentions of the Merchants had erased any familiarity I had towards the Weymouth shopping center, Labyrinth had cremated the remains and erected something else in its place. It was a cathedral, dedicated to a goddess that was very real and having a very active hand in current affairs. Labyrinth.

Well, it looks like Shamrock doesn't want to kill Trainwreck, otherwise she would have killed him without any efforts. So, Faultline Crew aren't there for murders but for taking back the vials. Alright, I got it, unfortunately. When there will be the day when I'm going to see Merchants getting killed? How much I have to wait? Taylor, stop being so creeped out by Labyrinth's redecorations. They're actually very aesthetic. Be thankful that she didn't filled the whole place with mortal traps or worse, lava floor. You can still find mr Bryce-I'm-A-Smarter-Than-A-Headless-Chicken, escape from there and bring him cuffed and chained back to his sister.

Which reminded me of the fact that I needed to get through this maze. Labyrinth's power was drawing many of the crawling bugs down into the ground as it refurbished the floors and consumed the piles of trash or rubble. I still had the bugs on the ceiling, but I didn't want to give our presence away. Of the relatively few bugs I was willing to use, a share were being used to direct Minor and placing them in strategic locations to get a sense of the layout. As the maze took shape in my head, I showed Minor the way.
I stepped into the clearing and, double checking nobody was in earshot, I approached Trainwreck. Brooks followed just behind me, watching my back.
Trainwreck didn't look like much, just going by the face. He had a round face, small eyes, greasy hair tied back in a ponytail and scarred cheeks.
He looked like a homeless guy who hadn't had a shower in a long time. The only thing setting him apart from the Merchants were the gunshot wound near the corner of his jaw and the steam-powered armor that rendered him strong enough to pound the crap out of Armsmaster.
I asked him in a low voice, "Trainwreck. Are you still working for Coil, or did you leave?"
He tensed, and his eyes turned my way, though he couldn't turn his head with the hardware around it. I stepped back as he used one arm to prop himself up and get a better look at me.
"No idea what you're saying," he said. He gave me a level stare, and I was almost convinced. But I'd seen him in the parking garage when I first found out Coil was the Undersider's employer.
"Right, total nonsense, sorry," I said. I tried not to show fear as he tried to get to a standing position with his ruined mechanical legs, looming over me. "But if you were working for the man, maybe you could find some excuse to knock over that wall over there…"
I pointed at the nearest section of wall.
"You're fucking nuts," he told me. He raised his arm, and my legs tensed, ready to leap towards him if he took a swing at us. As big as he was, without him being able to use his legs, being in close would be safer than trying to leap back out of his reach.
He brought his hand down on the wall I'd pointed at to heave himself to an upright position. The wall fell as he rested his weight on it. Using his other hand to help balance himself, he gripped the wall in his heavy gauntlet and flung the section of wall at Faultline and the red-haired girl. The girl turned and stepped out of the way as the wall rotated in the air, bounced between her and Faultline with mere inches gap between them, and slid back down the stairs. He didn't pay any further attention to us as we ran for the gap he'd opened.

My power let me get a general map of the people who were still unconscious or prone, and the bugs wouldn't stand out too much as they checked the bodies. I went by body types, trying to find people of Bryce's height and build. The path Trainwreck had opened gave us avenues to two people who could have fit the mark, with a third over the next wall.
Good news? The first of the prone bodies I went to was Bryce.
Bad news? He was injured.

Of course Shamrock can dodge a freaking section of the wall, she can dodge everything even with her eyes closed, she's awesome like that. I'm starting to like this girl + I adore her power. Thanks God she's a Faultline's mercenary and not a Merchant or a nazi or a S9 member. :D Faultline, you have some kick-ass members in your crew, girl. Trainwreck still works for Coil which is bad (because he's very strong) but also good (because he's helping our favorite heroes villains). Bryce is injured. He should consider himself lucky that he's still alive.

Scrub's power had torn through the clusters of Merchants during the fighting, and Bryce's new 'family' was no exception. The girlfriend was dead, her head and shoulders gone, muscle and fluids flowing out where the flesh had been annihilated. The girl's mother was a goner too. She lay on her back, her face missing. Had she been behind her daughter, holding her, hit by the same blast?
'Thomas' was still alive, the black man with the scar on his lips. The man who had hurt Sierra's friend from the church, who had literally torn the guy a new asshole, if I'd gotten Sierra's meaning right. Thomas crawled slowly for the nearest arch, breathing hard, his face drawn with pain. A slice had been taken out of his arm, shoulder, and a section of his back, as though a guillotine had grazed him from behind. I wasn't quite sure how he hadn't died yet, with the amount he was bleeding.
Brooks stooped down to help Bryce, who had gotten off lightly compared to the others. He was missing a large portion of his right hand, and he'd had the presence of mind to try to loop his belt around the injury to control the blood loss, pulling it tight. He seemed like he'd lose consciousness any second. Brooks retrieved some medical supplies from his backpack and began tending to the boy.
I watched Thomas struggle towards the door.
Minor arrived fifteen or twenty seconds after Brooks had started to work on the boy, standing guard while our medic took care of Bryce's hand.
Brooks helped Minor to get the boy to a standing position, while I watched Thomas struggle on. He was getting weaker, fast. The blood loss had been too severe.
Skidmark had several parahumans working for him, and I didn't know all their powers. Maybe Thomas would get care. Maybe Skidmark would attend to his people.
Probably not. I knew that by leaving him here, I might be leaving him here to die, but the chance of him surviving anyways was pretty slim. Besides, bringing him would slow us down, and I wasn't sure we could afford that.

Taylor, you found Bryce, you saved Charlotte, now GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE, stop asking yourself if you can help a MURDEROUS RAT WHO DESERVE TO DIE A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH. Thomas is a monster who mutilated for life a good man. He doesn't deserve any help, just let him there and leave. Seriously, I wouldn't help this bastard not even if I had the possibility and the necessary time to help him. Not even if I'd have healing powers (I'm in general a compassionate person, but not with these monsters). Thomas deserves the worst. People like him will only hurt and kill more innocents if they're saved.

I shook my head a little, as if it could cast away the layers of little justifications and excuses I was putting together. I was searching for a rationale, a reason to leave him behind. Also, maybe, I suspected I was trying to give a reason to the fact that I had almost no sympathy for the man.
If I was going to leave him there, I'd own up to what I was doing.
Sierra had wanted Thomas and his followers to suffer, and I'd agreed to make it happen. I couldn't do anything about Bryce's girlfriend or her mom. They were dead, and it had probably been instantaneous and painless. Thomas, though?
Brooks followed my gaze to Thomas. In his accented voice, he asked me, "You want me to bandage him up? Don't know how much I can do."
Thomas heard and stopped crawling, dropping onto his belly. He didn't look toward me, but I knew he was listening.
"It's fine," I told Brooks. "Focus on the boy."
He nodded, then helped hold Bryce's prone form while Minor got a better grip. Thomas didn't move, react or say anything.
"Let's go," I said.
We ran, and with Brooks keeping one hand on my shoulder to guide me, I glanced behind us to get a sense of what was going on.
The battle was still ongoing. Gregor the Snail was here, but unlike the others, he wasn't operating in Labyrinth's world. He passed through the walls of the maze, spraying streams of slime at Trainwreck, who had apparently advanced halfway up the stairs by using his hands to help him walk. Trainwreck retaliated by throwing a chunk of stairs at Gregor with one hand while trying to block the stream of slime with the other. The section of stairs hit the wall of the maze just in front of Gregor, some of it bouncing over to pass through Gregor. Not real, as far as he was concerned.
What did this look like to Gregor? Was he standing in the mall as it had been, while Trainwreck seemed to stand on thin air? Or was Trainwreck on the ground? I couldn't parse it.
Mush had started pulling himself together, but Labyrinth was making his job into a struggle. His right arm had divided, stretched, forked out and reconfigured until it looked like a mass of reaching veins and arteries. He plunged it into one of the trash cans that Labyrinth was absorbing into the floor, and when he withdrew it, the tendrils had formed the connective tissue for an oversized hand crafted out of garbage. His other arm and much of his lower body had already gathered some garbage around it, letting him stand several feet taller than he had before. The skin of his head and body was peeling off into more tendrils, reaching for more trash and distributing some from his arms to his torso.
From what I could gather, he needed some kind of loose matter to form the body of his other self. Dirt, compost, trash, maybe even sand.
Problem was, however fantastic his surroundings might have been for this five minutes ago, Labyrinth was screwing him over by cleaning things up, maybe inadvertently. One upper arm, his naked upper body and his nearly bald head were all exposed and vulnerable.
Scrub had climbed up to one corner of the platform, and was keeping to the edge of the fight. His intent was clearly to be close enough to Faultline's group to possibly tag them, but not so close that one of his uncontrolled blasts would catch a fellow Merchant.

My bugs told me we were close to Lisa, Charlotte, Jaw and Senegal. I caught Minor's attention and pointed, and he put Bryce down long enough to give me a boost up to the top of the wall that stood between us. I straddled the wall and waited for Brooks and Minor to figure out how to get
Bryce up to me so I could pass him down to the others.
From my vantage point, I could see more of the battle unfolding on the far side of the mall.

I give you few reasons for not feeling bad because you let Thomas die, Taylor: he's a Merchant, Derrick have his whole life destroyed because of him and he surely mutilated/killed/raped before. Don't feel bad, Taylor, you took the best decision. :) Of course Gregor the Snail can't be affected by Labyrinth's power. She probably touched his forehead, like she did with Taylor during ABB War, and made him immune to her power. I'm surprised Taylor didn't noticed already that Labyrinth can choose who is immune to her power and who will be affected by it. Mush apparently is a Changer who can change his body using debris, sand and trash around him. He's like a fucked up version of Sandman. Nice to know.

One powered Merchant charged Faultline and collapsed through the ground she had strategically weakened. She kicked him several times in the face before the next member of Skidmark's group tried to take her on, drawing and pointing a gun. Faultline drew her feet apart, and then dropped through the floor of the platform in a spray of splinters.
To her right, the red-headed woman was striding towards Scrub. He aimed a shot and missed by a fraction, and she didn't even flinch. Another try, another miss. As she got close, he let his power go haywire, and a dozen flashes erupted in close vicinity to him. None touched her.
She had her gun drawn, but she didn't shoot him. Instead, she grabbed him by the collar, then wrenched him to one side so he tipped over the side of the platform and fell the twenty or so feet to the ground below. It wasn't enough of a fall to guarantee that he was out of the fight, but she seemed confident enough to turn away and move on to the next target before he'd even finished falling.
Gregor was keeping up his steady pressure, alternating between blasting Trainwreck and blasting Mush with one hand and aiming at Skidmark with the other. Skidmark used his power to push away the worst of the slime, but it was clear he was losing. His power wasn't strong, it didn't have much more push to it than a strong wind. Any attempt to get it as effective as it had been at the edge of the arena took time and multiple layers of the effect. In short, Gregor could make the slime more easily than Skidmark could get rid of it.
A knotted bandage tied around Bryce's good arm was thrown up to me, and I used it to draw his arm up while the others managed his lower body. Once I had his wrist, I gripped it firmly in one hand, my upper body hugging the top of the wall to keep myself from being pulled off.
Minor gave Brooks a boost and the medic straddled the wall facing me. We worked together to raise the unconscious boy over the top of the wall and pass him down to where the others waited.
I glanced back towards the fight. Faultline had emerged from beneath the platform and moved around to the side, and using her power to draw hand holds into the side of the platform. The cape who'd been aiming at her with the gun stooped over the hole she'd dropped into and looked down to see if she was still down there. He was oblivious as she hauled herself over the edge of the platform and attacked him from behind, striking him with one elbow, then reversing the turn of her body to sweep his legs out from under him with one extended leg. The sweep of her foot had apparently coincided with a use of her power, because there was a cloud of stone dust as he collapsed onto broken, uneven ground.
From my angle I couldn't see for sure, but I thought maybe he'd fallen head first into the hole she'd first descended into.
Brooks and I hauled Minor over, and I waited while he climbed down, since I was already fairly secure where I was.
Skidmark was losing. It was obvious from where I sat, and I could see his changing expression as he saw Mush collapse beneath Gregor's sludge and realized he had no friends left. Gregor, Labyrinth, Faultline and the red-haired woman were all in action, and Skidmark was pretty much alone at this point.
I hadn't seen Newter or Spitfire, and I couldn't be sure if he was okay or not. Sure, the Merchants could have hit him with weapons rather than their bare hands, but he was quick, he had his tail, and he only needed to touch someone to drug them out of their minds. Spitfire might be the one babysitting Labyrinth somewhere out of the way.

It had to suck for Skidmark, losing like this. He'd risen to power based on a streak of good luck and momentum rather than any talent, deed or ability. Now it was falling apart. He'd lost, he'd had his ass kicked in front of the bulk of his followers, and he would likely never regain what he'd had. Not that I feltbad for him. There was a kind of justice to it.
He didn't even have a power that would let him go down in a blaze of glory. No, his final act here would be one of petty spite.
His power streaked from his hand to the ground where the canisters and metal case sat. I could see Faultline's expression change behind her mask, saw her set her feet and start sprinting for the case before Skidmark's power even took hold.

The only thing I feel bad about is that Skidmark didn't FUCKING DIED. Losing is next to nothing to him, he's angry now and maybe he feels abandoned by everyone but he'll find other stupid rats later who'll listen and follow him for drugs and debauchery. He deserved to be killed, I don't understand why they didn't killed him. I know that they don't have this order, but they're mercenaries, for God sake. Mercenaries usually kill their targets, even without the orders. The only times when they don't kill are if their customer orders a kidnapping or a blackmail. They're not burglars, looters or simply kidnappers. They're like professional soldiers executing missions for anyone who pay them. What soldiers usually do? Fucking kill. Don't tell me they're against killing, cause I won't believe this bullshit. And being nice and friendly doesn't have anything to do with the inability to kill someone. There are a lot of natural kind, good people who killed as part as their job or for personal reasons (even in this story, Hanah is one of them, for example). Shamrock let Scrub- the most dangerous Merchant- alive. Great, I pray that this mistake will never bite you by your ass, girl. You're very lucky and badass indeed but Merchants are very fucked up inside their heads and they might want revenge one day. I don't want nothing bad to happen to you and your teammates. :(

Isn't too much left of this chapter but I feel pretty tired now, I almost see double :). I'm going to finish this chapter tomorrow, once I'll wake up. Thank you for understanding. Good night and sleep well, friends.