10.x (Interlude) PART 1
- Location
- romania
Greetings, friends....and people who are fans of Mannequin
. We have another Interlude, precisely two, before this Arc will be over. I'm going to start with the first Interlude, as is normal. I hope that this Interlude will be about S9 and only about them. I don't know why, but these bastards caught my interest more than any other villains. I want to know more about them, I want to know their personalities, behaviors, backstories, why they became so fucking crazy, why they hate humanity so much and why Jack Slash wants to destroy the world -personal revenge against humanity, pure insanity or something Deep(er)? 10.x (Interlude) | Worm Alright, another thing I want to know is HOW THE FUCK MANNEQUIN CAN FUCKING BREATHE INSIDE HIS CYBORG MANNEQUIN COSTUME? I mean, he doesn't seem to have vents for air and I suppose there's still a human being inside that suit, right? Unless he transformed his whole body into a robotic mannequin like body, including his organs, which seems pretty neat and fucked if is true. Or maybe inside there's still the human Tinker, but he have oxygen tubes inserted into the mannequin suit, helping him to not die by suffocation. Maybe he even have food compartments inside his suit. Maybe he doesn't even take it out when he showers. Or have sex. CREEPY FUCKER, I HATE HIM. His suit is like a fucking non-sense ecosystem. I know that he's a Tinker and Tinkers usually can warp the laws of science to create whatever they want, but this is too WTF even for a Tinker. Colin and Chris are making amazing inventions too but at least their inventions make sense. Even in real life, their weapons and gadgets are not impossible to be made (I think some of them are already real). Even some of Bakuda bombs can be created in real life. But Mannequin is a fucking bullshit. "sighs" I hope I'll get a good explanation about how his suit works.

I'm so impressed with Regent. He's going to Coil's meeting and he's able to control R Shadow even when he's talking to his teammates. Talking about multi-tasking. The rest of the Undersiders have no idea what he's doing, he promised them that he'll release R Shadow but he lied. He probably knows that they won't agree (except for Imp) to keep her so he had his reasons to lie. What you're going to do with R Shadow, you crazy young man? I'm allowed to give you a suggestion? Make her walk right into Fenrir's Chosen' s base, pull our her mask, flip the bird and scream at them that nazis are stupid, Hookwolf is an inbreed and blacks are superior to whites. Then let her have fun in their company

HEARTBREAKER IS THE WORST FATHER IN THE ENTIRE WORM STORY. I'm sure that I'm not going to see a worse father than this one, he won the first prize of the worst father of the century. Even Kaiser was a MUCH, MUCH MORE BETTER father than this one. Even if he wanted to turn his son into a nazi like him, he still loved him, otherwise he wouldn't have sacrificed his life to a freaking Endbringer to protect the city, implicitly his family. I hope I'll never get a Heartbreaker's Interlude, because that will be the only Interlude that I'll skip. Fuck, Jack wants to destroy the world and I don't hate him not even half as I hate Heartbreaker. Leviathan killed some of the best heroes and still he's much better than this guy. Coil is drugging a little girl and possible sexually abuse her and still...I hate him as much as I hate Heartbreaker
....This guy doesn't deserve to die, too easy for him. He deserves to have all his children turning against him and taking turns into using their powers against their father, emotionally and mentally torturing him for DAYS until his brains will turn into mush and he'll be incapable to even feed by himself. Poor Regent, he had the most awful life out of all Undersiders, even worse than Rachel. However I don't know about Lisa's life and why she ran away from her house, possible that she had some really abusive parents as well. Taylor is lucky having a parent who loves her so much.
I really need to see another lovingly and protective father, besides Danny, in this story, because most of them are fucking jerks so far. Not all parents are so bad, there are a lot of good parents around. Hell, if I have to be right, Alan is a good father for Emma, despite being an ass and spoiling her so much. But he loves her and protects her, even against "bullies" like Taylor, who punched her in the face (from his POV, Taylor is a bully and his daughter is a victim). Alright, back to the story. I think your "father" (90%) and your power (10%) fucked your mind, Regent. Some of powers have a negative effect over some of parahumans indeed, but in your case your father had the most responsibility for what you're now, a functional sociopath capable to feel only through other people you control. Don't blame your powers -you can use or you can't use them, they don't manipulate you, you're the one who manipulate them (its like a person who loves to drink blames the alcohol for their problems or a killer blames their gun or knife for their crimes); blame instead the MONSTER you had as your father. He destroyed irremediably your life "hugs Regent". I don't quite understand how he slept with himself as various boys and girls. Yes, I understand he's bisexual (and he's the only Undersider with sexual life) but this is not what matters now. Did he used a Dummy Girl and Boy to have sex with them? Like....raping them? Regent is a rapist or I got it wrong? OMG, he's a rapist, yes. This is VERY LOW for him, very, very low. Rapists are a big NO in my books so....Regent, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I still pity you and agree with what you're doing to R Shadow Stalker but you just became my least favorite Undersider (from an initial third place), surpassing Bitch. Hell, her betrayal can't be compare with you raping people.

). So, his father destroyed his life, and now Regent destroys other people' lives. He hates his father, he ran away from his influence, yet he copies in some ways his "model". He slowly becomes what he's afraid the most to become. His father
. And if he'll ever have children...its like an endless circle of abuse. I don't hate Regent, far from hating him, despite doing what he's doing (he's an insane victim), I just don't like him anymore. And in the same time, I feel a lot of pity for him.
you for that- right after she'll wrench your rapist dick
(gosh, I had some troubles with understanding the text message exchanges between these two bitches; since english is only my second language -also most of it is self-taught, I'm not so good with spelling abbreviations so I had to read the entire thing two times) They're making plans to destroy Taylor's life and Emma is so proud because she made Taylor cry by reminding about her mother's death. Regent, can you please kidnap Emma, torture her and take control over her body as well? I'd be really proud of you if you'll do that, in the same manner she's proud for messing with someone's life. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Or- since you can't control so easy both of them in the same time from such a distance- at least make R Shadow beat up Emma within an inch of her life. Just do something, I want Emma to SUFFER. I'm thirsty after her tears of pain and suffering.
He's fucking her life so freaking HARD. I love everything he's doing to her so far
. Please, do something with Emma too, please. I also noticed that Regent doesn't feel sorry for what happened to Taylor, of course, something to be expected from a sociopath, BUT he also wants to feel sorry for her, he wants to feel these emotions that he KNOWS he'll never have, in the same manner he doesn't want to be like his father, but he's walking on his steps. He wants to be like any normal human (and parahuman) being, even if he's aware that is next to impossible. Very good moral portrait of a sociopath, Wildbow, I have to admit. 
Good night and sleep well, my friends...and non friends who like Mannequin
, I'll continue tomorrow with the second part of this wonderful, exciting, disturbing and close to real life Interlude.
Its about Regent and R Shadow Stalker. Great, I like it. Only to get to see this bitch being tortured more than she was already. Neat. He's not letting you go, you stupid whore, he's not letting you go. He'll continue to torture you until you'll be too afraid to even get near of Horror City. He's going to scare you so much that you'll forget your own name. And I'm going to have a lot of fun watching you SUFFERING. Too bad that Emma doesn't share your fate, but never is too late."I'm letting you go," Regent lied.
He made Shadow Stalker drop to all fours on the ground and forced a grunt from her mouth. With the same ease as he moved his own body, he made her load her bolt and spin to point her crossbow at him. There was no danger of her shooting him; he was fully in control from start to finish.
He could feel her striving and straining to move her finger, to pull the trigger and plant an arrow just above his collarbone. Every iota of her willpower must have been focused on the task.
"There's a catch," he spoke. "My power? Once I've figured someone out? It's a lot easier to control them, after. Any time you come near me, I can do this. I can use my power and retake control in the blink of an eye."
He had her raise her crossbow and point it at her temple.
"Next time I get control? I'm keeping you for a full day. Maybe two, if I feel like pulling an all-nighter. And here's the funny part," there was no humor in his voice, "I'm going to do it even if I'm in civilian clothes, if my power tells me you're in range. You won't even know when it's coming. You're now a liability to the Wards, and you won't ever know when or where I'm going to get control again…
"Unless you leave. Skip town. Join another team."
He had her nod, stiffly, awkwardly. He felt her rising heartbeat, the slight increase in her breathing, which he managed, controlled. Her muscles clenched, an involuntary reaction just beyond the scope of his control. She'd realized what he was doing.
Rather, she knew what he wasn't doing.
He wasn't letting her go.
"Now let's walk you off to the other end of the city before I release you. I don't think you're quite stupid enough to try and follow us, but I think my teammates would be more comfortable if they were sure." He rolled his eyes.
That said, he turned her around, activated her power and walked her through the door.
Regent looked at the others, shrugged. "Good enough?"
Using the shadow form, she could cover a lot of ground very quickly. For long minutes, he exercised her power, the ability to be as light as a feather, enjoyed it. He even liked the running, too, when he turned off her power and just legged it. This girl was in good shape. He could tell she exercised regularly, that she ran on a regular basis. Running was almost effortless, and it felt good, even with the aches and pains of the recent brawl. Months or years of practice had fine tuned her body.
Fighting had been much the same way, but it had been even better. Her muscle memory had been so primed for punching, kicking, takedowns and evading that he'd almost been able to let her go on autopilot, let her body handle things on its own.
Not that he could, really. But it had been easy. He loved that sort of thing. Maximum reward for minimum effort.
That same philosophy of minimizing the work he had to put in, sticking to what he enjoyed and the things that interested him, it was an advantage here. Brian, Lisa and Taylor had their own dynamic. They were friends. He considered Brian a friend, but it was more along the lines of someone he could play video games with, talk about movies. It wasn't much different from if they were coworkers or roommates. He smiled at the thought. They kind of were, when it came down to it.
Regent knew he was a background character, for the most part. He played along, he didn't make waves, he didn't stand out. He wasn't close to any of the others.
He was cool with that. In fact, it suited him perfectly.
He was cool with it because it meant that when they were all heading out to meet Coil, nobody noticed that he was distracted, or that he wasn't joining in the conversation. His control got worse as the distance between himself and his puppets widened, which meant he had to devote more focus to Shadow Stalker and the act of keeping her movements fluid. He ran into the same issues when he controlled more people, and there was the irritating side effect that his own coordination, speech and fluidity of movement all suffered to the same extent that his 'puppets' did. Were he to open his own mouth now and speak to Brian or Taylor, he might stutter or slur his words. It was almost more trouble than it was worth.
I'm so impressed with Regent. He's going to Coil's meeting and he's able to control R Shadow even when he's talking to his teammates. Talking about multi-tasking. The rest of the Undersiders have no idea what he's doing, he promised them that he'll release R Shadow but he lied. He probably knows that they won't agree (except for Imp) to keep her so he had his reasons to lie. What you're going to do with R Shadow, you crazy young man? I'm allowed to give you a suggestion? Make her walk right into Fenrir's Chosen' s base, pull our her mask, flip the bird and scream at them that nazis are stupid, Hookwolf is an inbreed and blacks are superior to whites. Then let her have fun in their company
.....................................................Almost. He was surprised to realize how much he'd missed this. It was like a high, a whole other set of emotions, of physical sensations. Real life, just being Alec, only Alec? It paled in comparison. It was dull.
He wondered sometimes if dealing with his father had messed up something inside him.
He could remember being young, maybe eight or so, fighting with two of his sisters over the fact that he'd wanted to watch the music channel and they wanted to watch some craptastic stop motion cartoon. They'd outnumbered him two to one, and he'd known he would lose the argument. So he'd thrown a tantrum, started screaming.
The entire atmosphere in the house had changed in a second. His sisters went from argumentative to conciliatory in an instant, changed the channel to the music, tried to give him the remote. One of father's 'girls' came in and tried to quiet him down. When he hadn't, she'd clamped a hand over his mouth.
It hadn't been enough. Dear Old Dad had come marching out of the master bedroom. Nikos Vasil. Heartbreaker. Tall, wearing only boxer briefs, with a muscled, lanky physique, long hair plastered to his head with sweat. Father had taken two or three seconds to assess the situation before using his power on Alec, his two sisters and the 'girl' with a hand over Alec's mouth. He hit each of them with stark terror. The kind of fear you experienced when you were claustrophobic and you woke up in a coffin six feet underground.

Then father had gone back into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him.
It had been around summer when that happened, Alec mused. He didn't have many ways to tell time, back then, since he hadn't gone to school, and the days kind of passed. Still, it had been hot, he remembered. Between that summer and Christmas, Alec hadn't opened his mouth to speak once.
That was only one of a dozen or so experiences that came to mind. So yeah, maybe father had broken something in the process. Maybe it had been the emotional equivalent of staring into the sun for far too long, too many times, being left almost half blind.
Or maybe it was his own power. He could be two, three or four people at the same time, feeling what they felt. By the time he was a teenager, he'd experienced every kind of drug, in someone else's body, had slept with himself as various boys and girls. How was being just ordinary Alec supposed to compare?
I really need to see another lovingly and protective father, besides Danny, in this story, because most of them are fucking jerks so far. Not all parents are so bad, there are a lot of good parents around. Hell, if I have to be right, Alan is a good father for Emma, despite being an ass and spoiling her so much. But he loves her and protects her, even against "bullies" like Taylor, who punched her in the face (from his POV, Taylor is a bully and his daughter is a victim). Alright, back to the story. I think your "father" (90%) and your power (10%) fucked your mind, Regent. Some of powers have a negative effect over some of parahumans indeed, but in your case your father had the most responsibility for what you're now, a functional sociopath capable to feel only through other people you control. Don't blame your powers -you can use or you can't use them, they don't manipulate you, you're the one who manipulate them (its like a person who loves to drink blames the alcohol for their problems or a killer blames their gun or knife for their crimes); blame instead the MONSTER you had as your father. He destroyed irremediably your life "hugs Regent". I don't quite understand how he slept with himself as various boys and girls. Yes, I understand he's bisexual (and he's the only Undersider with sexual life) but this is not what matters now. Did he used a Dummy Girl and Boy to have sex with them? Like....raping them? Regent is a rapist or I got it wrong? OMG, he's a rapist, yes. This is VERY LOW for him, very, very low. Rapists are a big NO in my books so....Regent, I'm not sure I like you anymore. I still pity you and agree with what you're doing to R Shadow Stalker but you just became my least favorite Undersider (from an initial third place), surpassing Bitch. Hell, her betrayal can't be compare with you raping people.
Regent is a rapist, he's a rapist...Sorry, but I can't get over this information. Why you can't sleep with someone by their own accord, Regent? You're a good looking boy (in a non-manly way), it won't be hard for you to convince a girl or a boy to sleep with you. But you need to feel the power, right? You want to feel that you have power over them, you can do whatever you want with them even against their will. I know that some rapists are doing what they're doing because they want to feel powerful over their victims, they compare the sexual abuse with power and domination (ok, I know some things about this delicate subject because I'm working as volunteer at a women's shelter and I've heard some very awful life stories there. I'm trying my best to help these abused women and their children and I still feel that I can do even more. I've meet there very young boys who were pretty violent and agitated, because they saw their fathers being abusive toward their mothers and they instinctively copied their "model". Yes, sometimes children copy what they see in their families, this is a sad truthShadow Stalker wasn't emotionally dulled. Her emotions were rich, uninhibited. She was passionate in her emotions: angry, judgemental. Even the negative feelings were something he could savor in their own way. He wasn't really experiencing them – it was more of a very involved spectator role. Her fear was thrilling in the same way a fantastic scary movie was, with the detail and the immersion cranked up to eleven.
He leaped straight up into the air, then activated the shadow state. When she was as high as she would get, he had her grip her cloak in her hands and use it to guide her descent so she could land atop the roof of the gas station. He stopped, stretched her arms. She was breathing hard, but not as much as his Alec-self would be after even half as much running. He could feel the endorphins being pumped into her body from the hard exercise, and he was all the more aware of it because he had his other body to compare to. She was an athlete.
He ran her hands down her chest, felt her breasts, the muscles of her stomach. Stretching once more, he clenched her hands, felt the muscles in her arms flex. He felt her shudder in revulsion.
"Almost forgot you were in there," he murmured, barely loud enough for her to catch. Not that it mattered. She was as aware of the movements of her mouth as he was. He could mouth the words and she would probably understand. He smirked for her benefit as much as his own.
Alright, Regent, do almost whatever you want with R Shadow, EXCEPT for raping her or making her kill her family. These are the limits that if you're going to cross, I'll seriously hate you. Just a warning. So, let me guess, you'll make her texts Emma and threaten her with death or something like this. In this way, Emma will turn her back to R Shadow (since she have no idea that Sophia is bodily controlled; she'll probably think that she's on drugs or lost her mind) and their friendship will crash and burn. That would be AWESOME. Two bitches bitching at each other at phone and deciding to end all their connections. Skitter will LOVE"So. Bet you're wondering what's up," he commented. "Funny thing about having this control over you, I can feel your emotions, your body's reactions. Like a really, really good polygraph test. I wasn't even half done saying my piece back there when I caught on to the fact that you were too pissed and too angry to back down and walk away. There's no way you're going to leave town if I let you go, right?"
He felt her struggle to open her mouth and respond. He could have let her, by giving her some limited control over her own movements, but he didn't.
"Right. So I'm taking it upon myself to ensure this all goes smoothly. My teammates have other shit to worry about, and I'm kind of enjoying flexing my powers. So I'm dealing with this situation myself. You and I? We're going to go another route."
He fished in her belt and pockets and began withdrawing the contents. He tossed the things he couldn't use over the edge of the roof. Billfold, spare cartridges for the crossbow, a small knife, spare strings for the crossbows, bandages, keys and a Wards ID card fell to the ground by the side of the gas station, in and near an overflowing dumpster. There were plastic cuffs in the belt, but he couldn't be bothered to fish out every last one and throw them all away. At the right hip, he found two cell phones. Success.
One of the phones looked years out of date. The screen was scuffed so badly it was barely readable, and the plastic cover for the plug slot at the bottom was missing. The other was a touch screen smart phone. He didn't recognize the make or the model, and the interface when he turned it on and touched the screen was unfamiliar. Special issue from the Wards? Whatever. Not important.
The smart phone was password protected. That was more Lisa's thing, but he did have one trick up his sleeve. Holding her fingers above the keypad, he let them follow through with the most natural feeling sequence of numbers, ingrained into the mind-body connection through the habitual repetition of a sequence of movements over weeks or months. Muscle memory.
It took two tries. The first felt slightly off at the end. The second was spot on, and was rewarded with a vibration of the phone and a menu.
"Contacts," he murmured, pressing a button, "Weld, Clockblocker, Vista, Flechette, Kid Win… boring. Nothing I can work with, here." Director Piggot? No. Some potential there, maybe, but she was probably on top of this body-snatching situation. Fully informed.

He scrolled down. Beyond the contacts that had been pinned to the top of the list, there was a short list of contacts that were sorted in order of who had been contacted most recently. At the top of the list was an 'Emma Barnes'.
He checked the other, older phone. No password. A quick examination showed it was her civilian phone.
"Taking this out on patrol? Is that stupidity or arrogance? What if you lost it?" He shook his head, then offered her a dramatic gasp, "What if it got into the wrong hands?" Her voice was far better for the gasp than his own was. He couldn't help but chuckle after hearing it.
This Emma girl was listed in both of the phones. Now he had a strong suspicion as to who it was. A quick read of the received texts gave away Shadow Stalker's name, but he already knew that. Taylor had let it slip, before.
Her pulse was pounding now, and he could feel a growing sense of… what was that? Outrage? She was pissed at the invasion of privacy.
He tried a giggle on for size, to see if he could, and to see if it irritated her. It worked on both counts.
No text messages had been exchanged on the smart phone, so he dug through the archive of old texts on the crummy old phone. Lots sent to Emma. Some sent to a Madison. Others, relatively few, to a mom, a Terry and an Alan.
When he'd gotten sick of paging through the texts in the order that they'd been sent, he went looking for the saved texts, the messages Sophia had deemed important or noteworthy enough to save from being deleted. What he uncovered was telling. He had to do more digging to find the rest of the discussions for each message Sophia had saved, in order to get as much a sense of things as he could. It was hard, when each series of texts was in response to some event he hadn't participated in.
Some were inane, others he just didn't understand. Then he found one that gave him pause, that confirmed his suspicions about who Emma was.
Emma: what r u doing with her bag?
Sophia: am in art class atm. was thinking i can fill it with paint when teach leaves room. put it in lost&found. her art midterm is inside so she might look for it and find it and
Sophia: be all yay i found it and then she looks inside and sees its fucked
Emma: lol.
Sophia: what did you say to make her cry? that was awesome. blew my mind.
Emma: (SAVED MESSAGE) crying hrself to sleep for a week? she told me she did after her mommy died
Sophia: you r so evil
Emma: ya ya
Sophia: can i use that one on her? saving that one for posterity btw
Emma: won't have same bite to it. brilliant bit was the suprise. that slow realization abt what i meant.
Sophia: teach me o master
Emma: lol
Emma: wont be as good but i was thinking of that day. think i remember musc we were listening to when she got the phone call abt her mom.
Emma: we shld wait a while and then see if she cries agn if we play it in hallways or b4 class.
Sophia: and we cant get in trouble for just listening to music
Emma: ya
Sophia: cant believe you were her friend.
Emma: she was lame but not depressing and lame @ same time.
(gosh, I had some troubles with understanding the text message exchanges between these two bitches; since english is only my second language -also most of it is self-taught, I'm not so good with spelling abbreviations so I had to read the entire thing two times) They're making plans to destroy Taylor's life and Emma is so proud because she made Taylor cry by reminding about her mother's death. Regent, can you please kidnap Emma, torture her and take control over her body as well? I'd be really proud of you if you'll do that, in the same manner she's proud for messing with someone's life. Give her a taste of her own medicine. Or- since you can't control so easy both of them in the same time from such a distance- at least make R Shadow beat up Emma within an inch of her life. Just do something, I want Emma to SUFFER. I'm thirsty after her tears of pain and suffering.
Regent closed the phone, threw it casually into the air, and then caught it on the way down. He did that a few more times, thinking.
"Huh," he said.
Long seconds passed. He knew he should feel bad for the dork, but he only felt annoyed. He felt worse about the fact that he didn't feel bad than he did about what he'd just read.
Something to thank father for, maybe.
"You are not a nice person," he spoke to Sophia with a note of irony in his voice. He could feel her try to respond.
He smiled slowly, "Let's see…"
He thumbed through the phone's menus until he found an email option. He verified it could send attachments.
The smart phone in his other hand, he found the web browser and did a search for local high schools.
"Hmmm. What school do you go to? Arcadia? No. Immaculata? No. Clarendon? Nope. Winslow?"
He felt the slightest of reactions from her. A hitching of breath, maybe. And there was nothing she could do to stop it, because the reactions were hers only because they were involuntary.
"Awesome." He searched for the web site for Winslow High School, and whistled tunelessly to annoy Shadow Stalker as he found the teacher's emails. He began painstakingly entering them into the recipient field.
When he'd done that, he began the process of attaching the texts to the email. It would have been mind-numbingly dull if it wasn't for that gradually building sense of trepidation he was
experiencing from his gracious host.
He typed out a message for the email itself:
found phone. stuff inside is concerning. thought u should see what ur students r doing.
Her thumb hovered over the button that would send the email.
"Nah," he decided. He felt a wave of relief from his host.
That relief swiftly faded as he turned her eyes to the smart phone and searched for Brockton Bay's police force.
When he'd added that email to the list, he added another line:
contacting police to make sure something is done
He sent the email.
He's fucking her life so freaking HARD. I love everything he's doing to her so far
Good night and sleep well, my friends...and non friends who like Mannequin