Let's read Worm and its sequel Ward by Wildbow (One chapter/every day)

What is the definition of corrupt here? Not a leading question, actually interested in your take.

She probably took money from Lisa in order to protect Taylor. Even if she's a good person deep inside, Lisa is still a villain, first of all. If someone takes money from villains, they're corrupted, even if their intentions are noble. But I'll not judge Howell because she doesn't do anything bad, on the contrary. She protects her students. If she took money from an...for example....child prostitution ring to provide children for them (and if she was perfectly aware of what the traffickers were doing), then she'd have been a corrupt official+ bad person and I'd have been very disgusted by her. But she takes money from a warlady (who doesn't kill or exploit innocents or do drug trafficking or similar other deplorable crimes) to protect another warlady and fight against bullying. While she's still corrupt, she's NOT a bad person and I admire her for her work. This is my opinion about corruption here :).
Chrysalis 20.4
Hello, lucky people. Yes, you should consider yourselves LUCKY because you probably don't have my Worm related nightmares. Before last night, I had just two Worm nightmares. Both Mannequin themed. Last night, I had a Cauldron nightmare. I was tied up with chains by a metal table and there were some unknown people around me (but I knew that they're working for Cauldron). They forced me to drink numerous vials, telling me that they're doing for my own good and the good of people I care for and I have to be brave and resist without making a sound. After I drank everything they gave me, I felt a lot of pain through my entire body (every piece of my body was under intense agony) and I screamed and begged me to release me, but they repeated to stop being selfish and thing at others' good and happiness :(. I scream until I couldn't scream anymore and blood was pouring out from my mouth, nose and eyes then I began to turn into some kind of monster, but the pain started to be even more unbearable. When I woke up, finally, I almost felt the dream pain, my body was like on fire for several seconds :cry:. I barely caught my breathe before I realized that it was only a dream and the pain was not real. Then, my body went numb. Damn Cauldron, damn you, Wildbow, I hate you and your story. Your twisted villains gave me bad dreams. To show you how much I hate your story, I'm going to start reading another Chapter and do what I know best to express my hate: FURIOUSLY liveblog it :D Chrysalis 20.4

From the moment Charlotte had sent her text, I'd been bracing myself for the worst case scenario. I'd resolved the situation with Greg, and I'd had just enough time to let my guard down before things started falling apart for real.
A guard stopped me in my tracks before I was three steps out of the office, arresting me mid-stride by setting his hands on my shoulders.
I resisted the urge to fight him. I wasn't sure I could, without a weapon, my armor or powers, and it threatened to make the situation worse. He peered down at me, but I averted my eyes, staring down at the ground so he couldn't get a straight look at my face.
"No running, kid," he said.
He let me go, and I resisted the urge to breathe a sigh of relief.
My thoughts were a mess, a jumble of half-finished thoughts, ten times worse than it had been earlier in the day. Somehow, in the midst of it, I managed to establish a few priorities. Slip out, get rid of evidence, assess the threat, and then address it.
I walked slower. I had the papers I'd removed from the clipboard, and I started tearing them up as soon as the guard had disappeared through the doors of the office.
On a more strategic level, I drew on a share of the handful of bugs in the school to get a sense of my surroundings. I'd be letting people know Skitter was present, if they noticed the odd movements of the flies and ants, but I had good reason to believe someone already knew.
Either the people after me were the good guys, and it didn't matter if I clued them in, or it was one of my other enemies, and the heroes showing up could be a good thing.
Arcadia High consisted of two longer buildings joined by a third, joining them to form something like a capital 'H'. The main office, where I was, and all the other administrative and staff-related facilities seemed to be located around the center. The only exits from this immediate area would open into an open space where I would be surrounded by walls lined with windows, all looking down at me. Worse, the doors all had the heavy horizontal bars that suggested they were emergency exits, and an alarm would sound if I used them.
Assuming I had someone after me, I couldn't afford to put myself in that position.
That left me two options. I could head into the building to my left, which featured four stories of classrooms, the cafeteria and a gymnasium, with a door that led to the student parking lot at the front of the school, or I could head right, into a building that was much the same, though longer, with an auditorium and the front doors of the school in close proximity to one another, and quite a few more classrooms.
I headed for the front door, to my right, depositing the scraps of paper in a trashcan on my way. I moved as fast as I could without drawing undue attention, discreetly placing bugs on all of the guards I could find.
I stopped in my tracks as my bugs made contact with two other individuals. Adamant and Sere were in the company of two guards, moving from the front door to the intersection immediately in front of me.
I'm sure that Protectorate is after Taylor and someone called them. No, I was thinking better and I don't think that Greg have any connection to this anonymous call. He took the rejection almost like a champ: he didn't screamed at her, didn't cried, didn't asked for too many explanations, didn't threatened her. Yes, he was sad and hurt, but not angry- this is my impression after I read the last Chapter for the second time. No, can't be him, he doesn't seem to me like the vengeful type. Neither Emma, because she's way too stupid to make this connection, her small mind can't even figure that she's the FAILURE, not Taylor, and she can't scare Taylor (someone whom she saw carrying a knife) anymore with her pathetic attempts ;). So, the circle of suspects became smaller: either Dinah or Dragon. Dinah probably called the Protectorate, telling them where they can find Skitter or Dragon announced her superiors that she knows Skitter's identity. Yep, one of those should be. I'm sure that Taylor will find unexpected ways to escape, even if she doesn't know the highschool and she'll be surrounded by heroes, but its still a tense situation and a huge possibility for her identity to be revealed in front of so many students. I know that this attack in a public space will break one of the unwritten rules of parahumans: don't uncover the identity of a hero or villain without their accord, but I find this situation pretty interesting and I almost want for everyone to know who Skitter is. I want to see poor Danny's reaction, Emma's delicious reaction, Sophia making a crisis in her arrest, I want to see how Taylor will survive when everyone will be after her ;). Besides, I don't care so much about most of the rules but...let's see how Taylor will manage to escape without having every single student take out their phones and film her face.

Making a sharp right, I headed for the stairwell, ducking away before they could advance far enough ahead to get a glimpse of me. I'd worried they were making a beeline straight for me, but they stopped at the junction where the two hallways met. I was already reaching the hallway below. The guidance counselor's office and staff meeting rooms sat behind floor-to-ceiling windows with the same glass that the exterior windows had: hexagon-shaped cells blending near-seamlessly into one another. Looking straight at it, I couldn't tell the difference, but the light caught each cell differently if I viewed it at certain angles, making them stand out. Measures against Shatterbird?
Behind one of the windows, I could see two guidance counsellors sitting in a circle with a dozen students. Nobody, not even the guard who was standing on the other side of the glass door, gave me more than a glance.
The exterior windows of the building were all securely closed. The building was cool despite being a greenhouse of sorts, but it made getting my bugs into the building a difficult matter, and that left me with a relatively small swarm. I gauged the number of bugs I could spare, and situated the less mobile bugs on doors and at the points where the walls met the floor or ceiling. I might have preferred a denser collection, to map out my surroundings, but it gave me a sketchy mental picture of how the hallways were laid out.
A small cloud of flies was only now reaching the front office, slipping inside as a student opened the door, navigating between legs and feet to make their way to the principal's office.
Listening in required conscious thought, but I'd been working on training my brain to follow human speech with the insects' alien hearing. It was easier, the more I had nearby, but I'd have to make do.
"…fight on my campus…" she spoke into the phone.
I had some information now, for as long as she was on the phone. Not much, and it required me to divert some focus to translating, but it was something.
"…of my students are …ly sensitive … to … them feel unsafe…"
It was an unfamiliar school, and while I had a basic sense of the layout, particularly on the exterior, the interior was something of a hurdle. The hallway I was on ended in short staircases at either end, each of which led up to the main hallways of the larger buildings. I made my way towards the one furthest from Sere and Adamant.
"…if that's an order… yes… fine…"
The principal hung up the phone, placing it on her desk. She didn't act right away. I quickened my pace.
The bugs I had on her pant legs informed me that she was swiveling around. I had to think about the layout of her office before it clicked. The computer.
I was at the top of the stairs, the door that led to the parking lot at my left, when the signal went through. Every single guard in the building reacted in the same moment, as did Adamant and Sere. Some withdrew things from their pockets -phones, I could guess-, while others were already kicking into action.
It wasn't just the guards. The bugs I had on classroom doors informed me of some students slipping out of class. Two students, both boys.
My enemy was the Protectorate, or someone with strong connections in the Protectorate. Nobody else would be able to pull this.
Guards stepped into the building and shut the doors behind them. The heavy, mechanical sound of the doors locking echoed down the hall around me; the doors leading outside were all being sealed shut.
The gate at the front of the school was closed, and a guard was heading for the chain-link barrier at the edge of the parking lot as well.
Could I run? Maybe. Fight my way past the guards? It was possible. I could cloak myself in bugs, use my limited repertoire to disguise myself, to disable and/or distract them while fighting my way outside. Could I get to the end of the parking lot in time? That, too, wasn't impossible.
All together? With barely a hundred bugs available? I wasn't so sure. Any fight took time, it involved a risk to myself, and I wasn't wearing my costume. If any of the guards had a weapon they'd confiscated or if one of the capes in the area caught up with me, I'd be more than screwed.
I didn't have any bugs on my person. I'd been concerned about a pat-down at the gate, and I didn't want to have bugs crawling throughout the inside of my pant leg or in my pockets when a guard searched me for weapons. I wasn't wearing my costume for much the same reason. Stupid of me.
I was stuck.
"May I have your attention please?" Principal Howell's voice sounded from speakers throughout the school. "The school is now being locked down. For your own safety, please remain in your classrooms. Students not in an assigned classroom should proceed in a calm and orderly fashion to the nearest seating area. Students in the north wing of the school will need to make their way to the auditorium. Students in the south wing should gather in the cafeteria.
Remain calm and rest assured: there is no immediate danger."
The noose was constricting around me. The students would be contained in select areas, and classrooms would be cleared one by one. If the Protectorate was involved, I wasn't even sure I could find a proper hiding spot. Didn't Kid Win have some ability to see through walls or detect heat signatures with his goggles?
The two boys had reached a room on the bottom floor, near the gymnasium, and were quickly changing into their costumes. Clockblocker and Kid Win.
Sere might completely destroy Taylor's Swarm. He can drain them of moisture and it will be faster than if they're humans, because bugs are such small creatures. She should take first Sere out of action, being the greatest danger for her, then concentrate over Adamant, Clockblocker and Kid Win. Its going to be a great fun if Kid Win will turn to be a very hard to be put down enemy for Taylor, because that won't help her intense dislike for Tinkers at all :D. She'll not be like: wow, Tinkers are generally so badass and awesome; she'll be more like: wow, Tinkers are such great pain in the ass, hate these bastards. Well, I can partially understand her personal dislike for Tinker. Almost every single Tinker she fought against almost kicked her ass: Bakuda, Mannequin, Bonesaw, Armsmaster, Dragon...she escaped everytime, but not without fighting hard and/or with desperation. In Bonesaw's case, she had external help, otherwise Bonesaw would have turned her into a nice human hive. So, she's pissed because....she'll never be as awesome as Tinkers usually are :D.
Btw, who gave the incredible stupid order to heroes to arrest a villain in a highschool FULL WITH YOUNG ADULTS AND KIDS :o? I mean, come on, guys. Its a highschool filled with children and young people. They can be hurt if the villain will decide to use force. I know that Taylor will never put innocent lives in...she actually put innocent lives in danger when she attacked Triumph's family and sacrificed those heroes trapped in Echidna's stomach. But I doubt that she'll risk the lives of numerous kids, she did some very bad things, but she won't go so far. Heroes probably know this too but still its a huge risk. She's a villain and if she's desperate enough to escape, maybe she'll not hesitate to use brutal force against heroes. If heroes will attack back, someone might be hurt accidentally in their confrontation. Who's going to pay if a kid or more will be hurt? The one who gave this non-sense and idiotic order :rage:? I doubt about, I think that heroes will be the ones who'll pay while their superior(s) will be just fine. Why you didn't tried to capture Taylor once she left her territory, cornering her in an isolated place, without risking to hurt anyone else? Why cornering her in a HIGHSCHOOL during classes? While I agree with the uncover of villains' identity if its really necessary (and there are no risks for anyone else to be hurt) and I encourage the summary execution of dangerous individuals, this is where I cross the line: don't capture a villain in a public space populated by so many people. I think I already intense dislike the person (or persons) who gave this order, no matter who is/are. Stupid, stupid, stupid :rage:...

What did the good guys know? They'd been alerted that I was in the school. I'd been in the office only minutes ago, and the principal had put my name into the computer. That was probably the catalyst, given how fast things had proceeded in the minutes since. The principal got the phone call, and had ordered the lockdown as a consequence. The fact that she'd warned me, it didn't jibe with the lockdown: she probably hadn't wanted to do it.
It struck me that they didn't know that I was in the school now.
Inside of the building, I was largely defenseless. Outside, I did have my bugs. I doubted I could get out without drawing attention, but I could theoretically get them to call off the lockdown.
My bugs moved from the surrounding blocks and collected near one of the fire doors I'd noted earlier. They formed into a decoy, a rough copy of my general silhouette, covered in bugs, and then began moving toward the school gates.
One of the guards standing by the auditorium saw and shouted for Sere. The white-shrouded hero hurried for the door.
Sere was a long ranged cape, probably capable of killing my swarm with little difficulty. I split my swarm off into further copies, maintaining their movement towards the gate and the walls.
Another announcement was broadcast throughout the school. "A supervillain is currently near the school entrance. Students in the central areas of the school should relocate to the cafeteria. Anyone already in a secure place should please remain where they are."
The office was emptying, now, and guards were breaking away from their groups to ensure that every student that had been sitting around in the hallways was moving to the appropriate areas. Emma was among the forty or fifty students heading toward the cafeteria, nestled in the midst of the group, while the principal followed at the rear with two guards in her company.
Behind me, the guidance office was evacuating as well. The glass door opened, and the soundproof seal broke. I could hear one of the counselors speaking to the twelve or so teenagers around him. "Let's go to the cafeteria. If this takes a while, we'll at least be able to eat."
He spotted me and gestured for me to join the group.
I could have argued and asked to go to the auditorium instead. There were any number of excuses that could have worked, including 'I have an issue with one of the students who's in the cafeteria'.
But I was more interested in being invisible. Better to play along, to think of a plan and execute it, while doing as little as possible to draw attention to myself. Here, at least, I'd be hidden among others. I joined the crowd moving in the direction of the cafeteria.
More guards were directing other students to the cafeteria, the groups merging into a single mass, with the cafeteria doors as the bottleneck. Inside, everyone was spreading out to find tables. Again, I noted the distinction between the two varieties of student. The bright and cheerful ones were collecting together, filling up every space at the tables closest to the door and to the front of the cafeteria, where all of the food was available. Others were spreading out, alone or in groups of two to five.
The principal and other staff members were standing by the door, seeing that everyone filed peacefully into the room. Emma was sitting at one table with all of the secretaries and a few of the teachers who I supposed hadn't had a class to teach. She glared at me as I walked into the room.
I found Charlotte, too, identifying her by the cube of paper with the ladybug inside that I had my more prominent minions carrying these days.
"Taylor!" she hissed, as I made my way towards a table at the back of the room.
I was dimly aware of Sere striking down one of the decoys. The moisture in the air zipped to his hand, and nearly half of the decoy was ruined, the bugs dazed or unable to move.
The spiders, I noted, suffered worse than most. They used a kind of biological hydraulic system to move. Shit. I liked my spiders. They were particularly useful.
I reached Charlotte and murmured, "Best if you don't know me."
"Hey, Taylor," she hissed the words, twisting around in her seat. When I didn't reply, she repeated herself, "Hey. Is this about you?"
"I think so," I muttered.
I took a seat at a table near the back, folding my arms in front of me and resting my chin on the back of my hands. Staying out of sight, while keeping an eye on everything. It also allowed me to focus on my swarm.
My bugs were discreetly tracing back routes and other options. Was there a place where the cafeteria staff unloaded the day's food? Some back way leading from, say, a gym or custodial entrance? A way onto the roof, even? I didn't have enough bugs to spare that I could leave them on walls. I was forced to personally memorize every corridor and feature of the building that might be important.
Outside, Sere was working at destroying my decoys. I split off more copies, and then moved one group to him to see if I could blind him.
The bugs were being sucked dry of moisture as they got too close to Sere; I wouldn't be able to disable him with just my swarm. He drew more water from a cloud of bugs, desiccating and killing hundreds.
The number that died was indicative of something, though. As devastating as the attack was, the effect didn't cover a massive area. It was a roughly cone-shaped area, with a long reach, but narrow breadth.
If he was surrounded by moisture, maybe I could use that against him? My flying bugs started doing bombing runs. They picked up small stones and dirt, using the fine tarsals that helped them cling to walls. There wasn't the suction, but it served to allow them to pick up specks at a time. They flew in tight loops, staying high over Sere as they dropped the fragments, touched ground to collect more dirt, and repeated the process. I was careful to spread them out and collect the fragments from multiple places so he couldn't kill too many at a time.
Dense moisture and dirt could become a thin mud, and it might serve to blind him or distract him where my bugs couldn't.
Taylor heard me (probably with this mosquito that keeps buzzing me while I'm sitting nicely at my desk, liveblogging a story that I hate :lol) and she tries to take Sere down, before destroying her entire Swarm. Sere is a hero with a pretty villainous, but cool power, and I hope that he'll not be defeated too quickly before he'll give Taylor a good fight.
Hello, Charlotte, nice to see you again. If there are two things that I love the most about you is your loyalty towards Taylor (well, she saved you from prostitution, but not everyone is always grateful after they're helped) and how much you care for the orphaned children. You and Sierra are role models that a more people should embrace without a second thought :).
I like how Principal Howell warned Taylor that heroes are coming to arrest her and she's doing all she can to keep her students safe. Maybe she announced Lisa in the meantime and if Taylor will not be so successful at escaping through her own powers, I'm sure that Undersiders will not hesitate to come into her help. Which WON'T BE GOOD, because the fight will escalate turning this highschool into a battlefield "shudders". Be damned forever, you idiot who gave this order :rage:. Piggot, is that you? No, can't be Piggot, she cares too much about non-powered humans to put their lives in danger, besides she was replaced by another person. Fuck, thousands of fucks for Piggot's replacement.

In the cafeteria, another group of students was filing inside. Fifty or sixty in all, they each bore telltale signs of the kids who'd stayed. Many were drenched in sweat, and the teacher with them held a basketball. Had they been in the gym, burning off nervous energy, working on building social bonds and all that?
There were maybe three or four hundred people in the cafeteria, now, as students from all over the school streamed in, including most of the ones from the auditorium. With the increasing number of students, it was impossible for anyone to have a table to themselves. A group of three boys claimed the far end of Charlotte's table, and she stood up.
She had issues around unfamiliar men. It might have served as a push for her to do what she'd been debating doing anyways. She joined me at my table, sitting close enough that our shoulders touched.
"What's going on?" she whispered.
"You know when Tattletale vetted everybody?" I whispered back.
Charlotte nodded.
"She made a list of names, some vetted people along with some others who were safe. Mixing it up. She gave the list to the principal, with the idea that maybe she could cut us some slack and we'd help keep the peace in the school in exchange. So she had an idea that I was related to the Undersiders, she told me to run and hinted someone might be after me," I said.
Charlotte nodded again, mute.
"I tried," I whispered, "but I couldn't cover enough ground in time. Someone forced her hand and ordered her to put the school on lockdown. I can't slip out without drawing attention to myself, I'm not in a position to fight, and it's only a matter of time before they find me."
"Shit," she said.
"Exactly," I said. "I won't blame you if you want to move somewhere else."
"I'll stay," she said.
"I'll stay," she repeated.
I relented. I couldn't afford to focus on this, when I needed to control my bugs and memorize any possible escape routes or hiding places. "If anything happens, get clear. You don't know me. Your 'little brother' is counting on you, and he should be your priority."
"Little brother?" she asked. I saw the realization as she remembered our code word. 'Little brother' referred to all the kids in her charge.
"Oh. Right," she said.
Kid Win was making a beeline for the front door. I clustered bugs on the surface of the door, blocking his line of sight as much as I was able.
It didn't work. The thermal goggles. Which means he can tell there's no body inside any of the decoys. He pushed the door open and shouted, "Sere!"
That was about as far as he got before my bugs descended on him, filling his open mouth.
"What are you going to do?" Charlotte asked. With the degree of attention that I was devoting to what was going on, she sounded almost distant.
Even with the murmuring of hundreds or so students conversing, the cafeteria was eerily still and quiet compared to what was going on outside. Adamant was standing at the doorway to the auditorium, simultaneously trying to keep an eye on the stray students from the north building and the fighting outside.
Clockblocker was making his way to the front. He was slightly different; he wore what seemed to be a gauntlet, out of proportion with the rest of his body.
"I have a few options," I whispered my response. "I could be aggressive, take on the people at the door. I think I could slip away."
"Why didn't you do that already?"
"They were too guarded, and they were anticipating trouble from within the building. My bugs are causing some chaos outside, now, and they'll have their backs turned. I'll have time to improvise a mask, which I didn't, before."
"You have to get out of the cafeteria first."
"I'm not too worried about that," I said. "There's two or three possible escape routes I've been able to find, if I can get my hands on a set of keys or create a big enough distraction to get away with making some noise. The principal has my back, and she might make it easier. I'd ask her for a key, but I'm not sure she would be willing to risk it, and there's too many people around her."
Including Emma, I noted. One person I could count on to pay attention to me.
"What if she's the one who made the call to these people who are after you?"
The principal? I shook my head. "Her priority is keeping this school and its students safe. Besides, I overheard her communicating with someone on the phone. If she was playing both sides, there'd be no reason for her to maintain the ruse when I wasn't anywhere nearby."
"Unless she knew you could hear through your bugs," Charlotte added.
"Unless she knows," I echoed her. "I don't think she does."
Kid Win was suffering at the hands of my swarm. He drew a weapon, but my swarm was already prepared with lengths of silk. They constricted the weapon and prevented it from unfolding. Sere, for his part, had his hands full trying to take down the decoys. A large part of what I was concentrating on was the decoys, getting enough details right, and splitting them off in a way that suggested I could be any of them, while simultaneously keeping them far enough apart that he couldn't attack more than one at once.
"Taylor," Charlotte whispered. "If they know who you are, they know. They could find you again, or put your face on the news."
"If they did, it would be breaking a good few unwritten rules. Especially if they only knew who I was because I helped with the Echidna situation. They can't afford to punish villains for helping against the big threats. It would mean fewer people showed, and they need all the help they can get. Here, at least, they could say I was intruding on neutral ground."
OMG, Taylor took Kid Win down so easy. Hmmm, Kid Win, you have a lot of potential, but you keep disappointing me with your lack of successes in your fights. I don't remember if you ever won a fight. Maybe the one with Travelers when you and your partners investigated S9's crimes, but the fight ended with a draw, not a victory of any side. Well, I want to say that Kid Win is 15 years old, too young and inexperienced, but then I remember Bonesaw, who's 11-12 years old and she's more badass than 90% of the Tinkers and she didn't lost a fight so far (not even a grown-up man with years of experience in combat and SUPER-SCIENCE like Defiant was able to take her down; she's like the little mistress of SUPER-SCIENCE). Anyway, Taylor defeated him without many problems (and without hurting civilians) and now she's probably ready to get rid of the other 3 heroes as well, right ;)? Just be careful, Taylor, if there's someone else besides heroes that I want you to hurt (I don't want to see heroes getting injured but if this is the only way for Taylor to escape...) is Emma. You can hurt her as much as you'd like. You have all my support to make her a collateral damage in this fight :D.
No, I don't think that Principal Howell is the one behind the phone call and I agree that the NO Piggot asshole broke a couple of unwritten rules, including the most important one: don't attack a villain with civilians around.

The explanation felt feeble.
"It doesn't make sense," Charlotte whispered, echoing my line of thinking. "Doing it here, at a school, with so many potential hostages around. Breaking the code?"
"I'm thinking…" I replied, "I'm thinking everyone knows the Protectorate is falling apart. Legend's gone, Eidolon's announced he's leaving as soon as things get quieter, the head of the PRT stepped down, a whole bunch of rank and file members left, and so did Weld and a lot of the more monstrous capes. Maybe there's pressure from the top to put one in the win column, remind people why the Protectorate exists."
And who better to take down than the creepy teenage supervillain who's leading the team that took over a city?
"But in a school?"
I didn't have any guesses to offer on that count. I focused on the fighting outside instead of responding.
Getting too close to Sere was killing my bugs just as easily as his long ranged absorption attack. I had to attack him from range, and the rain of dirt and small stones wasn't doing anything, as far as I could tell.
I turned to a tactic that had crossed my mind while fighting Echidna. She, like Sere, had been tricky to get close to. Unlike Sere, she'd been too big to really tie up.
Spiders drew out lines of silk and formed them into cords, weaving them into one another to form extended lines, fifty or so feet long. With the combined efforts of dozens of flying insects, half gripping one end and half gripping the other, the lines were flown in Sere's direction, so he was caught by the middle.
The bugs holding the ends then continued onward, keeping the cord taut as they circled him, one group flying clockwise, the other flying in the opposite direction. In this manner, they orbited him, winding him up in a single length of cord.
With five cords being wound around him in that fashion, I soon had him hampered, his arms and legs restricted in movement.
He kept moving forward, attacking my decoys. As he passed a signpost, I hurried to have my bugs wind the remaining lengths of cord around it. Lines went taut, cords constricted around him, and he fell. He struggled, but it didn't seem he would be on his feet anytime soon.
With Kid Win on the ground, thrashing, that was two down.
The other two, I was pretty sure I could deal with them if it came down to it. I wasn't sure what Clockblocker's glove did, but I had a suspicion. Adamant's armor was just begging to have silk cords wind through the chain links and armor plates.
My bugs rifled through Kid Win's pouches and armor compartments. Masses of bugs and teams of the larger, stronger bugs working to pull silk cords helped to divest him of various tinker tools and components. His smart phone, a cylinder with a trigger on the front and a button on top, a sphere with a hole through the center, with screw-like rifling and electrical connectors in the interior. There were two devices like tuning forks, too, with tines that wound around one another without touching, and wires beneath the handles. Bugs in his ears helped to work an ear bud out of position and carry it off.
Once he was denied as many of his tools as I could move, I dragged them away. It was only when I was sure that he wouldn't be able to use them against the swarm or against me that I eased up on him. I let my bugs drift in the general direction my decoys had gone, as though I were leaving or gone.
He stood, gagging and choking. Sere wasn't in sight, and I'd taken Kid Win's phone. There was only one place for him to go if he wanted to communicate with the others and touch base. He headed back into the school.
I was ready. Bugs flowed out of his pockets, gaps in his armor and from where they'd clustered at the small of his back. I tied his wrist to the door handle.
It took him a long few seconds to realize the door wouldn't swing shut until he moved. That bought the remainder of my swarm time to turn around and flow through the open entryway. They headed straight for the guards, and swept into their pockets the same way they had with Kid Win's pouches.
Keys? Yes.
While Kid Win and the guards were blinded, my bugs fetched the keys.
I stood from the bench of the lunch table. "I think I'm set."
"Just like that?" Charlotte asked.
I looked at the front of the room, where other students were feeling hunger and teenage appetites overcoming their fear of what was going on elsewhere in the school. Only a dozen or so. Maybe they don't have a steady supply of food where they are, I mused. There were areas of town which weren't in good shape.
There're pizza slices, I noted. It was a reminder of how the day wasn't going as I'd planned.
"It shouldn't be a problem," I said. Get out, then see what Tattletale can manage as far as damage control. "Wish me luck. I'll send you a message and meet you at the lair after school if everything goes according to plan."
I crossed the cafeteria, heading for the buffet tables and sneezeguard-protected counters with empty trays waiting to be filled by staff. Emma was at her table, I noted, surrounded by secretaries and teachers. I was joined by other hungry students, eager for their free food, and their bodies helped to block me from the sight of both Emma and the staff.
Confidence, I thought. I stepped around the counter and through the doors that led into the kitchen. Confidence made it look like I knew what I was doing; being furtive would only arouse suspicion. My bugs were still carrying the keys, bringing them along an air vent. I'd need to find a way to open a vent cover and retrieve them, but it was among the smallest of the problems I'd face today.
I found a door to the outside. My bugs clustered on the other side, my hand pressing against my own, separated by an inch and a half of door. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure I hadn't been followed, then started looking for a way into the air conditioning duct.
The smallest of the problems I'd face today.
There was an impact, heavy enough that the lights flickered. Even the bugs I'd gathered on the door were knocked loose, both by the force of the landing and the flying dust and debris.
Right outside the door.
I didn't need to move my bugs to search out the identity of this antagonist.
A figure strode through the swarm of bugs. He tapped the door with the end of his weapon, and the breath was knocked out of me. Every bug within thirty feet of the door died, including the ones in the air conditioning duct.
Holy shit, Taylor took down Adamant, Sere, Clockblocker and Kid Win with her INVINCIBLE silk cords in like a couple of seconds :o. She HUMILIATED all of them. I suddenly feel sorry for them even if I'm glad at the same time that Taylor escaped and the students are safe. At least safe for moment because -HOLY SHIT- another hero entered in action. And I think I know who he is. He did the same thing he did during Undersiders Gallery Attack, when he killed Skitter's bugs with his Halberd. Back when he called himself Armsmaster. Hello, Defiant :D. Ready to kick Taylor's ass? Or get your ass kicked by Taylor while in her civilian? If Defiant is here, then Dragon must be here too. After all, these two are inseparable D&D Avengers team. Anyway, now everyone is going to know Taylor's double life. Your mask will be no longer useful (maybe only as protection), my dear girl :).

I was still reeling as he pushed against the door. It was deadbolted, but the metal of the door's surface buckled, and it tore free of the frame.
He was wearing armor, forest green and gold, with the stylings of a lizard's frills or bat wings on the trim, and a faint etching of scales to the green portions.
His spear, too, bore a distinctive design, with an etching like a lizard's skull worked into the heavy spearhead.
He advanced, his spear point leveled at my chest, and I backed up, maintaining a distance between us. To do otherwise would mean letting him drive the weapon into my chest.
On the other side of the campus, another heavy armored suit touched ground, somewhat more gently.
He stopped when we were at the front of the cafeteria. I kept backing up, knowing it was futile. Dragon had exited the other suit, and was using a jetpack to navigate the hallway, flying towards us with an accuracy and ease of movement that belied how fast she was moving.
I didn't have an escape route. The woman stopped directly behind me, at the entrance to the cafeteria.
"Dragon," I said. "And Armsmaster."
"The name is Defiant," Armsmaster corrected me. His voice had a funny sound to it.
"Skitter," Dragon answered me, loud enough for everyone to hear. Her voice was almost gentle. "I'm sorry it worked out this way. My hand was forced."
Hello to you too, Dragon. Awesome and cute how Defiant created for him a dragon-themed armor, I think he really love Dragon, even if he doesn't want to admit it yet :). How...ROMANTIC <3. I think that Dragon feels sorry because she revealed Skitter's identity in front of numerous eyes and cell phones but she broke the rule not because she wanted, but because she was forced by her superiors. The same superiors who ordered an attack over a highschool just to capture a single villain. Now, more than ever, I want a Dragon without many limits, so she'll stop obeying to every chickenhead superior of hers and listen only to herself and Defiant :).
Taylor, how do you feel about Tinkers now? On a scale of 1 to infinity, how much do you hate them? I'm pretty sure her answer will be: dangerous close to infinity :lol.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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Dragon: But I don't want to attack a teenage supervillain in her civilian identity in the middle of a school full of children.

Random Government Official: Too bad.

Dragon: Well I literally can't disobey you ever so I guess I'm doing this then.

Poor Dragon. Once again her creator proves himself to be a complete idiot.
Dragon: But I don't want to attack a teenage supervillain in her civilian identity in the middle of a school full of children.

Random Government Official: Too bad.

Dragon: Well I literally can't disobey you ever so I guess I'm doing this then.

Poor Dragon. Once again her creator proves himself to be a complete idiot.
Look Word of God about that.
Dragon: But I don't want to attack a teenage supervillain in her civilian identity in the middle of a school full of children.

Random Government Official: Too bad.

Dragon: Well I literally can't disobey you ever so I guess I'm doing this then.

Poor Dragon. Once again her creator proves himself to be a complete idiot.

Well, I have two theories about why Richter refused to remove Dragon's restrictions. First theory: he was afraid that an unrestricted Dragon might go nuts and take over humanity or someone might take control over her and use her unlimited potential to fuck with humanity. So, he took preventive measures so nothing like this should ever happen.
My second theory: he wanted to remove her restrictions but he didn't had enough time because he was killed by Leviathan. Probably a non-limited Dragon would have destroyed Simurgh and the feathery bitch decided to stop Richter from creating a weapon against her. So, she send Leviathan (I'm still convinced that Endbringers have means to communicate and work with each other when its necessary for their survival) to kill Richter, the only man who probably would have been able to destroy her (and the rest of Endbringers) with the help of an unrestricted AI. With Richter's death, Endbringers are safe until Defiant will find a way to do what Richter didn't had time to do. Well, the bad thing is that Simurgh might notice this before Defiant will make a move and target him as well.
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I'd suggest having your theories, and allow them to be revealed as you read rather than getting hints. Entirely up to you, but Worm is really special and you only get to read it first time once, the less of anything that could take away from that joy the better - my suggestion.
Yeah, that's not something we want to go into due to sheer spoiler potential. Saying "look at WOG" is a poor decision in context and rafukii advising it is bad.
Chrysalis 20.5
Hello, my friends. Last time in Worm, a mysterious person *coughDinahcough* called the Protectorate, telling them who is Skitter and where to find her. Then some NO-Piggot smartass send our heroes to Arcadia High, because they thought that is a really good plan if you try to capture a Warlady when she's surrounded by so many people that she can use as hostages for her escape. Or they can be injured during the fight between the villain and heroes. My humble and amateur opinion is that...this is the most stupid idea coming from a non-powered official :rage:. This is Cherish levels of stupidity, a comparison which says a lot about the respective official whom I can't wait to get to know them only to have the pleasure to imagine punching them in the face repeatedly :lol. Just to be clear: I DON'T BLAME DRAGON AND DEFIANT AT ALL FOR THIS FUCKERY. THEY JUST FOLLOW THEIR ORDERS, ESPECIALLY DRAGON WHO HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO SUBMIT TO STUPID HUMANS' WILL.
But what if there won't be any confrontantion between the two sides, and things will be more like:
Dragon: "Skitter. I'm sorry it worked out this way. My hand was forced."
Taylor: No. I will not surrender. You will not capture me. No way I'll accept to waste my youth in Birdcage.
Dragon: Defiant, we have to do this. We have no other choice. The orders...
Defiant: But..Dragon, are you sure?
Dragon: The orders, remembers?
Defiant sighs and pulls out a Bible from his armor. Dragon does the same thing.
Dragon: Excuse me, Skitter, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

And so, from that day, Taylor Hebert, with her alias Skitter, remained in the history of parahumans as the only parahuman who triggered the second and third time in the same day.
What a SHOCKING TWIST! Directed by M. Night Shyamalan himself ;)
Chrysalis 20.5

The appearance of the heroine in gleaming power armor had brought the room to a hush. The silence only allowed Dragon's words to carry, bouncing off the hard floor, reaching the assembled students and staff of Arcadia High.
A low murmur ran through the room like an almost imperceptible aftershock, informing anyone and everyone who hadn't been in earshot.
I could see Emma too, or I could see glimpses of her, between the students that were backing away from the front of the room. Already pale in complexion, she was white, now, staring.
I exhaled slowly, though my heart was pounding as if I'd just finished a hard run.
Defiant advanced a step, with the door to the kitchens behind him, while I took a few steps back toward the rest of the cafeteria, putting both Dragon and Defiant in front of me. Some of my bugs flowed in through the gaps around the door he'd rammed through. He'd slammed it shut behind him, but the metal had twisted around the lock, giving smaller bugs a path.
He slammed his spear against the ground. The entire cafeteria flinched at the crackle of electricity that ripped through the air around him, flowing along exposed pipe and the heating ducts in a path to the door. Every bug in the hallway died.
No use bringing bugs in that way.
I looked around me. This wasn't an optimal battlefield. There were counters all around me, limiting my mobility, while barely impacting theirs. Someone had signaled Kid Win, Clockblocker and Adamant. The three heroes were heading our way. Sere remained tied up outside.
Five capes against me. With the bugs that had flowed into the building with Kid Win, I had maybe a thousand flying insects and some spiders. Not nearly enough to mount an offensive. I had neither a weapon nor swarm to give me an edge. I didn't have my costume, either, but that wasn't liable to matter.
Once upon a time, I'd had trouble getting my head around what Grue had been saying about reputation, about image and conveying the right impressions.
Now it was all I had.
I let out another slow breath. Calm down. I rolled my shoulders, letting the kinks out. There was something almost relieving about the idea that things couldn't get much worse than they were right now. Let the tension drain out. If they decided to drag me off to jail or the Birdcage, there wasn't anything I could do about it.
They weren't attacking. Maybe it wasn't as bad as I thought. Were they not here to arrest me, or were they covering major routes my bugs might travel, to minimize my offensive strength?
Or did I have leverage I wasn't accounting for?
I backed up until I'd reached a counter, then hopped up onto the edge, tucking one leg under me. It was a vantage point that gave me the ability to look directly at Dragon, with Defiant at the far left of my field of vision and many of the students to my right, Emma included.
"Low blow, Dragon," I said, finally. "Outing me? I thought you were better than that."
Another murmur ran through the room, at what was essentially an admission. Emma was frozen. Her expression wasn't changing; eyes wide, lips pressed together.
"I try to be," Dragon replied. "I'm only following instructions."
Right, Dragon only follows instructions, its not like she personally wants to attack a highschool full with kids. Stop blaming her for this situation, Taylor, and rather think at how you can escape from there without hurting anyone who isn't called Emma. I swear, if Undersiders will make their apparition now in order to save Taylor, starting to attack everyone with darkness and dogs, I'm going to be so pissed and hate them for this stunt :anger:. I want Taylor to not go to Birdcage, of course (even if I doubt that they'll send someone like her to jail and not try to recruit her instead, especially now when they need heroes more than anything else after so many left the Protectorate ;)). But if I have to choose between her freedom and the security of these teenagers/kids, of course I'll choose the kids' security over her freedom. I'd rather prefer to see her captured than someone dying. Hell, even if S9 themselves will be there, in Taylor's place, I'll still rather see them escape if I know that the hostages are safe. My life philosophy: the best results are obtained through ethical means (translating into: don't hurt civilians under almost no circumstances, EXCEPT if they're Bonesawed or affected by Simurgh beyond salvation :().

"I guess your bosses are a little annoyed at the armored suits my team trashed? Are they demanding that you make up for it by dragging me into custody?"
Dragon shook her head. "Putting the armored suits up against you Undersiders was a beta test, and identifying major flaws is par for the course. I do wish you hadn't melted down the Azazel… It was expensive. But that's not why we're here."
"There are rules, Dragon," I said. "Expectations. I fought Leviathan, I fought the Nine. I was there for the fight against the Class-S threat downtown. I don't want to sound arrogant, but I think maybe I deserve to, a little. I've done my share. You don't turn around and reveal my identity in front of a crowd."
"It wasn't by choice."
"You choose to follow them. It's not like twenty or thirty heroes haven't walked away from the Protectorate, recently."
"It's not that simple, Skitter," Defiant said.
"It's never simple. But sometimes you have to take the hard road. Sometimes you have to recognize that the people calling the shots don't know what they're doing. Because this? Picking a fight in a school? There's no way this makes sense."
"The Protectorate is doing what they can to pick up the pieces," Dragon said. "Things are a little disorganized. The best of us are working twice as hard, with half of the information, or incorrect information. If there are any errors in judgement on that front, I'd hope they're somewhat excusable, given circumstances."
"Sure, but it's the rest of us who pay the price. The last time we really talked, you were lecturing me about priorities. Do you really want to have this conversation? Where I have words with you about your priorities, in light of everything that's happening with the Protectorate?"
I left the threat hang in the air.
"You won't," Dragon said. She stepped closer, and I raised a hand, gesturing for her to stop. I didn't really think about it. She stopped where she was.
Why? Why was she actually listening when I told her to stop? If she'd advanced on me, grabbed me, there wasn't much I could do besides kick and scream.
When I didn't say anything, she added, "It's not in you, Skitter."
"You'd be surprised what I'm capable of," I said. "I've mutilated people. Carved out a man's eyes, emasculated him. I've chopped off a woman's toes. Flayed people alive with the bites of thousands of insects. Hell, what I did to Triumph… he nearly died, choking on insects, the venom of a hundred bee stings making his throat close up. Even Sere, outside at this very moment. He's not very happy."
Defiant and Dragon exchanged a glance.
"Your swarm shouldn't be able to get near him," Defiant said.
I shrugged. Image, confidence, reputation. I hated myself for doing it, but I was thinking of Jack Slash. He didn't wear a mask or a costume. His power didn't make people shit their pants. What he had was his presence, an atmosphere of confidence.
This Chapter is so damn tense because I'm very afraid for Taylor to not make a wrong move that will start an entire tragedy. Dragon will not fight back because she have her instructions to not hurt people, not even villains who are not S9 type, but I'm not so sure about Defiant or other heroes. Especially Defiant. He changed a lot, but he's still aggressive and merciless during fights, battling until his enemy either is dead or manage to escape. So, everything depends of Taylor (she should either surrender or find a peaceful way to leave the school) and what Dragon is going to do to keep Defiant and other heroes calm and relaxed during the whole situation. Its going to be kind of funny (and strangely sad at the same time) if an AI will teach humans how to act with humanity in certain situations. She already is doing this with Defiant. Impressive how I didn't liked Dragon at first but with time I started to like her more and more (she's still not among my favorite characters but she's definitely a character that I learned to admire and cherish and I'll be definitely sad if someone will destroy her :D). On the other side, while she's still in my top ten of favs, my love for Taylor starts fading away for a couple of reasons. I just hope that will not disappear completely by the end of Worm :(.
Speaking about Defiant and his subtle but visible change in personality, I'd like to make a comparison between him/Mannequin and Taylor/Emma cause I noticed some similarities in their stories and since I like to SHITTY theorize a lot, I'm not going to miss this occasion. Emma bullied Taylor because she partially lost her mind and soul during ABB attack and she was jealous on Taylor because she became stronger after her own tragedy (the death of her mother) while she (Emma) was the one being weak. Emma failed to make Taylor just as weak as her and while Taylor's personality changed, growing more introverted and depressive, she also became even more stronger while Emma continued to be weak and lame :).
Mannequin attacked Armsmaster because his mind and soul were completely destroyed during Simurgh's attack who took his family and work and he wanted to turn Armsmaster (a fellow talented Tinker with a lot of behavioral issues) into a pathetic criminal like him. Mannequin failed to create another psycho and while Armsmaster's personality changed, growing more humble and selfless, he also became even more stronger while Mannequin continued (until his "death") to remain the pathetic lunatic killer carrying a personal war with the whole world only because he lost the battle with his own demons. This parallel is so damn perfect ;).
Well, I have to thank to some of the biggest FUCKERS in this story, Emma and Mannequin, for unwillingly creating some admirable for their inner strength characters: Taylor and Colin. Thank you, assholes...now go back to the HELL you belong :lol.

Weeks or months ago, I might have had a hard time wearing that confidence the way Jack did. The history, the long sequence of events and conflicts where we'd come out ahead in our respective teams, it could just as easily be a burden, the accumulated weight of the various precedents we'd set, but we'd made it into our armor, something to make our enemies hesitate at a critical juncture.
"I'm guessing you're trying to contact Sere somehow," I said. "And it's not working."
"Is he hurt?" Dragon asked.
I didn't have to give a response. Fear was a tool I could use, here, and I could achieve that through uncertainty and the unknown.
I'd been thinking of Jack Slash before, but now I was thinking of Bakuda. She'd been the first one to introduce me to that concept.
"You've got me thinking," I said, ignoring the question, "Why set me up like this? You two are too smart to put me in a desperate situation with this many hostages in arm's reach."
"Is Sere hurt?" Defiant growled the words.
"You put me in a room with three hundred people I could theoretically take hostage. Why? You can't be that confident I wouldn't hurt someone…"
Emma was sitting to my right. She hadn't budged from her position, safe in the midst of several of the school's staff. I directed a centipede to crawl across her hand, and she shrieked. In her haste to get up from the bench, she fell. She scrambled to put distance between us. Both Dragon and Defiant tensed.
I raised my hands in a placating gesture, assuring the heroes I wasn't taking it any further. "…or you wouldn't be worrying about Sere right now. You wouldn't have reacted like you just did. Sere's fine, by the way, though I'm not saying he'll stay that way."
Defiant relaxed a fraction. I could see Adamant, Kid Win and Clockblocker entering the room behind Dragon. She turned to say something I didn't catch, and both Adamant and Kid Win retreated. They'd be going to find Sere, I could only assume.
I met Clockblocker's eyes, then looked to Dragon. "This is bait, isn't it? You or the people who are calling the shots want me to take hostages. Because you have an answer handy, something that will stop me before they're put in any serious danger. I take hostages to try to secure my release. You… I don't even know. You gas us, or use some kind of controlled charge, like Defiant's bug zapper, and every bug in the room dies. You get to be the heroes, I go into custody, and word gets around that the Undersiders aren't so benevolent. The villains who own the city lose both their leader and the trust of the public, all at once."
"It wasn't our plan," Dragon said. Her voice had a faint accent, just barely filtering through the sound filter of her mask. "I've studied your record. I suspected it wouldn't work based on the decisions you've made to date. Defiant agreed, though he based his judgement on your powers and versatility."
"But you went ahead with it."
"Orders," Dragon said, again. "And because we discussed the matter, and neither of us really believe you'll do any serious harm to any hostages."
"You seem to be giving me a lot of credit, assuming I'll play nice. And you seriously expect me to keep my mouth shut about all the dirty little secrets I've picked up on over the last few months, after you've played your last card and revealed my identity? An identity you found out because I helped?"
"That wasn't how I discovered it," Dragon said. "And you will keep quiet, because you know how important it is."
"Maybe," I answered her. "Maybe not. If I'm going to die or going to jail anyways, why shouldn't I scream what I know to our audience, here?"
"Because you won't," Dragon said, "And you can't."
"Why don't we move this conversation somewhere else?" Defiant asked. He shifted his hold on his spear to a two-handed grip, threatening without being threatening.
"Out of earshot of all of these people?" I asked, extending an arm in the direction of the gathered students. "I don't think so. If nothing else, I'm entitled to a jury consisting of my peers. I'll settle for you two taking a hit to your reputation if and when you attack or kill me."
Which was why I was sitting on the counter. I was less mobile, less able to get out of the way if they attacked, and that was a good thing. A detail that our audience wouldn't consciously register, but they'd take something away from the fact that my opponents were being aggressive while I was so defenseless.
"We're not going to kill you," Dragon said. "We've been instructed to take you into custody. I'm sorry we have to do it this way. I'd hoped… we'd hoped to simply talk to you."
"The both of you? I wouldn't have thought Arm- Defiant had anything to say to me."
"We entered Brockton Bay's airspace, and I was informed that there's a major quarantine in effect here, relating to the portal downtown, and that the airspace is being strictly controlled. We were forced to announce our reason for coming to Brockton Bay, and PRT members with higher clearance co-opted our mission. We were ordered to confront you directly, here, and to bring you into custody."
"Why?" I asked. "Those suits you deployed against my team were supposed to be used to hunt the Slaughterhouse Nine. Either you've abandoned that chase, or you're about to tell me that there's something more important than stopping them."
"That is something we can discuss while we are in transit," Defiant told me.
"Defiant-" Dragon said, her tone a warning.
"I could say more here," he added, "But there are too many prying ears. If you were willing to move to a room nearby, I could explain."
"No thanks," I said.
"You'd still have your power, and I know you can communicate with that power," Defiant said. "You're just as capable of communicating any secrets to them from elsewhere in the school."
"If I moved somewhere out of sight and out of earshot," I said, "My words wouldn't have the same dramatic effect. Besides, I suspect our audience is the only thing that's ensuring that you play fair. They have cameras, and you have reputations to uphold."
"My reputation isn't a priority," he said. Dragon nodded, but I wasn't sure if it was approval or agreement.
"You have your organization's reputation to uphold. For those of us who stuck around in Brockton Bay, we had reasons. Something kept us here. There was something to protect, or people to support. Some were just scared, because actually leaving was scarier than staying. Others didn't have any place to go. With the Protectorate slowly folding in on itself like a house of cards, I'm thinking you had a reason to stay, a reason you're following orders you don't want to. You're not about to rough up an unarmed, uncostumed girl and make them look bad on camera. Not when you have that big a stake in things."
Dragon and Defiant put a lot of trust in Taylor, being convinced that she'll not use the students as hostages. Hmm, I won't be so convinced in their place, because Taylor can be unpredictable when she's cornered and while I trust her to not hurt anyone, I'll not eliminate the possibility to use some of her dangerous bugs to keep them hostages, threatening to make the bugs bite or suffocate them if Dragon or Defiant will try to arrest her. Maybe there will be empty threads, but Taylor was capable of doing some really nasty stuff when she felt threatened by either heroes or other villains :(.
Taylor is right about Dragon and Defiant not daring to look bad in front of so many cell phones and witnesses, especially now that the Protectorate is no longer such a trustful institution. They'll not dare to attack her if she'll refuse to surrender because they want to keep their image and they don't want to hurt anyone. On the moment, Taylor is safe, but I'm still afraid that something unexpected will happen and this apparently calm dialogue will spiral into an ugly violence.
"Nice" that Taylor just confirmed what I said a couple of Chapters ago: that she learned to use fear against her enemies having Bakuda as her model. She also talked about Jack quite a lot and I don't like how this sounds :(. No matter what you'll do, NEVER use Jack as your life model, Taylor, everyone who's still SANE (or partial sane) and have a little humanity left in them should draw a line when it comes to Jack, nobody should ever think at the possibility of coping his methods of dealing with enemies :).

Defiant glanced in the direction of the crowd. A handful of students had cell phones out, watching the scene.
"Remind you of the hospital?" I asked. "Similar scenario."
"Yes," he replied. He didn't elaborate.
"We could grab you," Clockblocker chimed in. "I can, or he can just walk up to you. No violence necessary."
"No," Defiant said. Again, there was no elaboration.
It dawned on me. Defiant and Dragon were playing it safe because they thought I might have a trick up my sleeve, like I had at the fundraiser. I'd disabled Sere, despite the fact that he was supposed to counter my power, and I hadn't even made a big deal of it. They knew what I'd done to Echidna, and several other events besides.
They were worried I'd pull something.
Defiant had a grasp on my powers, Dragon had a grasp on me as a person, and they'd gauged that I wasn't a risk to the others in the room. Which, if I was being honest with myself, I wasn't. They had the upper hand, they lost nothing by letting this play out, and so they weren't making a move. They'd talk me down, so to speak, and if I did something, they'd use one of their gadgets or tricks to counter my play.
One of the worst possible things had just happened to me, with my secret identity becoming public knowledge, and here I was, unarmed without a single idea on how to get out of this… and the good guys were playing it safe. I smiled; I couldn't help it.
"Fuck me," Clockblocker muttered to Dragon. I might not have made out his words if it weren't for the bugs I'd planted on the heroine. "It just sunk in. It's really her."
Why only just now?
Adamant had distorted his metal armor to create a completely form-fitting metal suit, with only the thinnest possible slits for his eyes, before venturing outside. He'd waded through my swarm, mostly blind, and he'd only just found Sere beyond the wall at the school's perimeter. He reshaped an armor panel into a weapon to start cutting Sere free.
Could I have caught Adamant too? Probably. But it wasn't worth the effort, not when he could reshape metal, with enhanced strength and durability on top of that.
Now that I understood what was going on, I felt like I had something of an edge. Now, how could I leverage it?
"I'm sorry," Defiant said.
That threw my thoughts off track. I tensed, but he wasn't apologizing for an imminent attack. "What?"
"In the past, when we've crossed paths, I should have made efforts to meet you halfway. I didn't. I've had time to reflect, I've had another person to talk to and give me some objectivity, and I've come to regret how things played out between us. I could say more, but it would come out like excuses, and I doubt either of us want to hear those."
"That's what you came here to say?"
"In large part," Defiant said.
"We'd hoped to talk to you, one cape to another," Dragon elaborated, "About the immediate future, with the Undersiders running this city, and yourexpectations in particular, Skitter. But both Defiant and I thought he needed to say something to you along those lines, and perhaps you needed to hear it. If anything pushed us to come here, it was that."
I didn't have a response to that. It was easier when the opposition were assholes. Expressing remorse? How was I supposed to parse that?
Except, they'd done one thing that was assholish. One incongruent element in all of this.
"One last question, then," I said. "Why? Why out me in front of everyone? It doesn't fit with the idea of Defiant being remorseful, it flies in the face of the unwritten rules, and I know my team has played fast and loose with those rules, but I wouldn't expect you to break them like this, Dragon. Not Defiant, either, if he's reinventing himself."
Defiant and Dragon exchanged a look.
"What?" I asked.
"It's better you don't know," Dragon said.
"What is? And better for who?"
"Better for everyone involved," she said.
"Tell me."
She glanced at Defiant, but he didn't turn her way. "A precog told us it was our best option for bringing you into custody."
HELL, YEAH, Dinah. Of course I was right about her, it wasn't so hard to guess. By using my kickass logic, I eliminated anyone who'd have betrayed Taylor until only Dinah remained and her possible motives seem to be very plausible to me to believe that she was the mysterious caller ;). Don't you dare to blame her, Taylor, I know that you must feel angry because you fought so much to save her and she called the heroes to arrest you as "gratitude", but maybe she have some good reasons, don't you think? She probably saw the future where you'll remain a villain and she didn't liked what she saw. Probably you'll die as a villain or can't help enough at saving the world and she decided to correct this. She betrayed you then she looked in the future again and saw it changed with you being a hero and working for Protectorate (or rather for Wards because you're still a minor). You'll not die as a hero and you'll be a great help at saving the world. She liked this future and she decided to help making it possible :). Yes, she kind of backstabbed Taylor but she did for her own (and everyone else) good. I doubt that Dinah will be ever capable of hurting someone and if she send the heroes to highschool then nothing bad can happen because she was assured by her power that there will be no confrontation between Taylor and D&D. So, I choose to trust Dinah's judgement and hope for the best :).

A precog? The incongruous elements fit together. A plan of action that was riddled with little flaws and contradictions when seen from an outside perspective, that made sense when seen through the lens of someone who'd seen the future and worked out what criteria needed to be met to get the desired end result. This, mobilizing on the school, it was the same kind of setup I might expect from a plan that Coil would have hashed together after a long question and answer session with Dinah, his 'pet' precog.
"Who was this precog?" I asked, the question abrupt.
"Skitter-" Dragon started.
"You know who," Defiant told me.
It knocked the wind out of me in a way that I hadn't experienced with the revealing of my secret identity. My blood ran cold, and all of my confidence just plummeted, as though it had fallen into a pit so deep I couldn't even see the bottom.
It was. All of the lengths I'd gone to, the lines I'd crossed, to get Dinah away from Coil, to get her home to her family, and… this?
I was acutely aware of the crowd to my right. They'd backed away from the front tables, and were clustered at the far end of the cafeteria. Still, they'd be hanging on every word they could make out. They were watching my every movement, every facet of this conversation. There were cell phone cameras turned my way, and every second of footage would no doubt wind up on Parahumans Online or some video site.
I barely cared. I felt a little numb as I swung my legs around to the far side of the counter and hopped down. I wasn't standing as straight, and some of my hair had fallen down around my face, obscuring it.
"Did they force her to give up the information?" I asked. My voice sounded funny. I couldn't pin down whether I felt angry, sad or any of that. I had only the external clues, the way my voice had the faintest of tremors, and a strange hollow feeling inside.
I stepped away from the counter, away from Dragon and Defiant. My foot had started to fall asleep where I'd been sitting on it, and I felt a touch unsteady anyways.
"You don't want to hear the answer to that question, either," Defiant spoke, behind me.
Dragon and Defiant had flown in, apparently to say hi, and so that Defiant could make something resembling an apology as part of his twelve step assholes anonymous process. With the chaos the PRT had been facing as of late, and their own preoccupation with their mission, they hadn't been notified of the quarantine procedures. They'd been questioned, they'd divulged that I was here, and the bigwigs giving the orders used Dinah to plot out a means of attack that would be likely to get me into custody.
Each idea seemed so much worse than the other, if I considered it for even a moment: either the PRT was using Dinah just like Coil had, or that Dinah had volunteered the information of her own free will.
I was willing to take Defiant at his word. I didn't want to hear the answer.
"What are the odds?" I asked. "Do you know?"
"I can ask," Dragon said.
She paused. "Ninety-six point eight percent chance we bring you into custody," Dragon said. "We have the numbers on general paths you might take to escape. You understand if I don't give you the chance of success on those numbers, but you should know that violence won't work. Less than one percent chance of success."
"Ah." It was all I could bring myself to say.
It explains why they're playing it safe. It's not just that I have a penchant for problem solving. Dinah told them to watch out for it.
I glanced at the crowd. They were still listening. Emma was there, hugging her arms to her body, eyes wide and uncomprehending.
Not even a factor. On the list of things I had to deal with, she wasn't even in the top ten, not even in the top one-hundred. I felt irrationally offended that she was here, as if she was only doing it out of some kind of self-importance. As if she'd had a choice.
A part of me, bigger than I'd expected it to be, wanted to lash out. To hurt her just because I could, to answer that outrage I was experiencing, in regards to something she had no control over.
It wasn't like I had much to lose.
"Skitter," Dragon said. She made it a warning, almost like she had with Defiant. I couldn't be sure what she was warning me about. Was my line of thinking that obvious?
"I never liked that name," I said. "Skitter. Never quite fit."
So, Taylor will surrender herself. She doesn't have any other choice left, the odds for being taken in D&D's custody are huge, almost 100%. Even if she'll be violent, they'll still capture her and Dinah's predictions are true most of the time. Well, maybe her power is not always right, just like Tattletale's power, but we never saw Dinah making mistakes. Yet. Wildbow can go two ways from this delicate point of his story: he can make Dinah wrong, for the first time, and Taylor will escape somehow, or Taylor can surrender and be recruited as a Ward, something that I both want to happen (to see how Taylor's life as a hero will be :)) and I don't want to happen (I like her connections with Undersiders too much+ she'll have to play by the BORING and NON-EXCITING heroes rules and will not have too many occasions to torture villains anymore :(). Or maybe she'll become a hero, but will secretly play by her rules and will still keep similar secret connections with her Undersiders buddies ;). That will be the best for her (and for most of the readers who want to see her kicking ass, not blindly following stupid officials).

"If there's something else you'd like us to call you…" she trailed off, inviting an answer. Her voice was gentle, as if she were talking to someone on a ledge. I noticed Clockblocker was standing beside her, his glove pointed at me, fingers outstretched.
Was I on a ledge, in a matter of speaking? I could hardly tell.
"No idea," I said, as I walked around a table to put students between myself and Clockblocker. "Felt like commenting on the subject."
"You know how capable the precog is," Defiant said. "Come quietly, and we can all talk to the authorities together. If it would help, I can admit some culpability in your current circumstance. All of us together might be able to get you a more lenient sentence."
I was aware of the eyes of the other students. There was the cluster at the back of the room, the ones who were backing away from me, cringing, cowering.
Others hadn't left their seats, and were arrayed around me, their heads turning to watch me as I walked down the aisle. The ones who'd stayed, less afraid, or more willing to face their fear.
He was admitting it, loud enough for everyone to hear. He was partially to blame for me being… this. A crime lord. A villain. Partially. Much of the fault was mine.
Strange, to be confronted with the realization here, at school. Not the place where it all started, but close enough.
"Okay," I said, more to myself than anyone else.
"Yes?" he asked, taking a step forward.
"No," I told him. He stopped in his tracks. "That was more of an okay, I've decided what I'm doing."
I could see him tense.
"Students!" I called out, raising my voice.
"She's taking hostages," Dragon said, her jetpack kicking to life.
"…a clear shot," Clockblocker said. He was walking briskly to his left, his glove still trained on me.
"I'm not taking you hostage," I said. "It's really your choice how this plays out. I'm not sure if you heard me say it before, but I described you as a jury. Now it's time for you to vote."
"That's not how it works, Skitter!" Defiant shouted. He stepped forward, then whipped around to kill the swarm that was flowing in through the doorway behind him. I could divert some to the air ducts, but it didn't amount to much. He was stuck near the door, unless he wanted to let the bugs stream in.
"Stand if you side with me," I called out. "I won't make any big speeches here. That's not who I am. I won't feed you lies or guilt you into this. It's your call."
What had I expected? A handful of people, Charlotte included? A slow, gathering buildup?
Of the three hundred or so students in the auditorium, nearly a third stood from the benches where they'd sat. As a mass, they migrated my way, gathering behind me. Charlotte stood just to my left, staring forward without making eye contact with me.
Since I'd entered the school, I'd been acutely aware of the distinctions, the difference between then and now. The sense of the Undersider's presence in the school had followed me, nagging at me.
What use were followers if we couldn't use them?
I heard movement, and glanced over my shoulder to see Charlotte's friend, Fern, breaking away from the mass of students at the very back of the room. Nineteen out of twenty of them were the clean, pristine, bright-eyed kids who'd left the city when the trouble started. As Fern advanced, eyes to the ground, others broke away from the crowd to join my group. Not many. Ten or twelve. It was still something.
A hundred students and change, a small handful of bugs. I could see Emma, standing on the sidelines, her fists clenched. She was saying something, repeating it over and over, under her breath. I couldn't spare the bugs to listen in. I wasn't sure I cared.
I forgot to mention that I got another confirmation about one of the new heroes' powers. Adamant can manipulate metal, just like I speculated before. I wonder if there's a connection between him and Kaiser or someone from Kaiser's family. But maybe there are similar powers and you don't have to belong to a certain family to have the same powers. And...this is so fucking AWESOME. Taylor choose to not take hostages but to nicely ask who want to stay by her side and quite a lot of students decided to join her and become willing "hostages" :D. They're doing this because: they want to protest- in heir own way- against heroes attacking their highschool and breaking a rule by unmasking a parahuman in front of so many people. They also probably heard a lot of good stuff about Skitter and Undersiders (or maybe they're helped by Skitter or Undersiders during some difficulties and they're just grateful). This is a GREAT scene, btw, teenagers and kids are sick and tired of the bullshit of Protectorate+ they're grateful to some villains for assuring peace and security in their city and they decided to support Taylor and stop the heroes from arresting her, knowing that the heroes will not try anything stupid if they want to avoid hurting them :). This is the best and most idealistic "taking hostages" situation I've ever seen. If most of taking hostage situations will be like this in real life...

"This is reckless," Defiant said. His voice had a strange tone to it, and it wasn't just the digital twang that I was hearing at the edges of the words.
"Probably," I replied, raising my voice enough that it could carry across the room. "But not as much as you'd think. We're not fighting. I stress, we're not engaging you."
"What are you doing, if you're not fighting us?" Clockblocker asked.
"Defiant and Dragon wanted to use the hostages against me, putting me in a lose-lose situation where I was caught between them and having to hurt people to try to escape. I think I'm turning the tables, now. We're going to walk out of this school as a group. If you want to stop us, you're going to have to hurt us, and you aren't capable of doing that to people any more than I am."
"Skitter!" Dragon raised her voice.
"Taylor," I answered her. "I'm just Taylor, for just a little while longer. I suppose I'll be retiring my civilian name, one way or another, by the end of the night. Fuck you for that, by the way. I won't forget it."
"… wasn't me," she said, and I doubted even Clockblocker heard her, from where he stood beside her.
"It wasn't your choice," I said, "But as long as you choose to follow them, you're as culpable as they are."
I hadn't even finished my sentence when I raised a hand and pointed. There was a moment's hesitation, and then the group advanced. I waited a few seconds, and then joined them, falling in step.
Clockblocker used his glove, and the fingertips shot out with explosive force, with what looked like gleaming white fishing line stretching between the digits and the glove. The tips punched into a wall. A fence of thin lines, not much different from my spider silk.
Dragon put her hand on the glove, and the tips retracted just as fast. My bugs could hear her speaking. "…'ll hurt … civilians."
A few members of the group broke away before getting too close to the capes. Others joined in. The group marched forward, reaching the front of the room.
Someone pushed a piece of clothing into my hands. A sweatshirt. I pulled it on and flipped the hood up. I took my glasses off, sliding them into a pocket.
Clockblocker was pressing through the group. He'd used his power, but the press of bodies was actually causing some damage, as people unwittingly pushed others into the frozen individuals. He was fighting to reach me.
"Link elbows," I said, my voice low, "Surround him. He's only about as strong as you are."
It took a second for people to get organized. He passed perilously close to me, but his eyes moved straight past me. A few heartbeats later, the members of the group who had managed to get themselves linked together had him surrounded.
"Everyone to my right, head for the front door. Everyone to my left, to the kitchen. Straight past Defiant."
The man barred the door. We were only a dozen feet away when he slammed the butt of his spear into the ground. Electricity and hot air ripped through the serving area of the cafeteria, with visible arcs dancing along the edges of sinks and the metal rails meant for the trays at the front.
"Steady forward," I said. "First ones to reach him, grab him. You don't need to do anything except hold on. Dogpile him, and he won't be able to move for fear of hurting you."
I saw some people hesitating. The group almost lost its forward momentum.
"He might not be a good guy," I murmured. "But he's a hero. Trust in that."
Or is it the other way around? That apology sat oddly with me.
He held his spear out horizontally, barring our path. It was Charlotte that quickened her step, reaching out to fold her arms around the spear and his left hand.
Others soon did the same. He stood tall in his armor, nearly seven feet, and people almost had to climb on top of him to find a place to hold on.
I almost wondered if I'd had a second trigger event, if I was controlling them, the image was so bizarre.
Then I took a better look at them, at how some weren't listening to me at all, retreating. Others were being far less consistent, showing a wide variety of emotions. Sheila, the girl with the side of her head shaved, was among them. Her face was etched in anger, of all things, as she clung to Defiant.
A hundred students had joined me, and a hundred students had their individual stories. Their sleepless nights, their individual tragedies and moments of terror. That was all this was.
I wasn't sure if that was a relief or if it was scarier.
Dragon flew over us, her jetpack carrying her into the air, over the crowd. Students were following beneath her, running. One or two leaped onto tables and jumped to try to catch ahold of Dragon's foot, but she veered easily to one side.
With Defiant occupied, I was free to bring bugs in through the back door, not having to worry about them being bug-zapped to oblivion. I directed them straight into the vents on the jetpack that were sucking in huge quantities of air. One second it was like a vacuum, drawing in air, the next it was clogged.
She lost lift, floating to the ground, and deftly batted aside the reaching hands of the students who were getting in her way.
Her jetpack expanded with an almost explosive motion, fanning out to have four times the number of intake vents, four times the number of output charges, and two laser turrets that curved over her shoulders.
There was no way she could pack that much machinery in that much space. Either it was all crammed into her torso, which was impossible, or Armsmaster-
Defiant had tweaked it.
She had liftoff, and she was faster.
And I'd already slipped past Defiant, stepping into the kitchen, and into the narrow hallway. She didn't have room to navigate, with the other students who were crammed into the entryway.
She turned herself around a hundred-and-eighty degrees and flew out the entrance of the cafeteria, heading outside.
Only twenty or so students were with me, now. Dragon was stopping beside Adamant and Sere. Adamant took her hand, and she lifted off, carrying the pair of them.
Still had to deal with three heroes…
And the massive armored suits that the two had ridden in to arrive. Two.
"No," Defiant said.
"You were supposed to protect us!" a girl shouted. Sheila, the one who'd been angry, who'd brought a weapon to school and had left the school rather than relinquish it.
"I won't," he said.
He was talking to someone else. The vents on his mask were open, hot air flowing out. Was he trying to disperse heat so he wouldn't burn any students?
"It's still crude," he said, "… do more harm than good."
There was a pause.
"…r freedom isn't worth possibly losing you."
Defiant, still at the serving area of the cafeteria, moved. With nine students clinging to him, he was glacially slow, careful to a degree that I might have called agonizing, if it weren't so much to my benefit.
He needed two hands on his spear to remove the panel in the middle of the shaft. I filled it with my bugs, and he shook it, to try to get them loose. When that failed, he disconnected his glove, letting it strike a student that clung to his leg, before falling to the floor.
I tried to use my bugs to bite his hand, but I found it was a smooth texture, not flesh. Metal or plastic, or something combining the two. He found three buttons in the mechanisms inside the spear and typed in a sequence.
Dragon veered toward the ground, depositing the two capes there before staggering forward in four or five rapid footsteps, dispersing the rest of her forward momentum. She fell into a crouching position.
We made our way outside. The armored suit that Defiant had piloted to the school loomed before us, a four legged mechanical dragon perched on the athletics field, replete with panels of knightly armor. This thing… this wasn't a fight I could win. Simple A.I. or no, Dragon would have shored up any weakness in logic.
It didn't move.
We walked between its legs on our way to the parking lot. There wasn't really another route.
Dragon stood, abrupt, and I flinched.
She turned her head our way, but she didn't pursue, as we walked through the parking lot to the main road. Adamant and Sere were too far away, Kid Win hadn't been willing to venture outside a second time, after the faceful of bugs I'd given him before.
Stray bugs drew out an arrow, pointing him to his things. No use letting some stupid kid get their hands on it and blow their faces off or something.
I watched Dragon with my swarm, for as long as she was in my range. I was well out of sight by the time she finally moved. The students had released Defiant, and he approached her side.
She extended a hand, and it tremored, the movement stuttering, palsied.
Defiant seized it in his right hand and pulled her close, wrapping his gloveless arm around her shoulders. He set his chin on top of her head.
My escort and I walked as a group until we were three blocks away from the school.
Told you that Dragon and Defiant will hesitate to stop Taylor from escaping them ;). Actually Clockblocker was pretty reckless, but Dragon was a sweetheart and she stopped him from doing something stupid and making me angry at him. Aww, and Defiant is so gentle with Dragon, he knows how frustrated she must be with this whole failure and he encourages her in his own way. I like now this ship even more than I liked before even if I'll always find it weird :lol.
Dinah, your power FAILED you for the first time in your life. You predicted that Taylor will be arrested inside the highschool, but you didn't predicted that there's a possibility for her to evade the arrest with the help of the other students. Thinker powers are not always the best ones, from what I see. Their owners are making numerous mistakes and not even Dinah is an exception ;). Taylor managed to change the future and Dinah was unable to see this because she never asked herself if there's a possibility for Taylor to escape. Or maybe she asked herself but the power gave her a wrong answer. I kind of feel sorry for Dinah, my well-meaning girl, but a thing is certain: if Taylor will ever be arrested by heroes is because she'll be the one who'll WANT this, not because they'll actually manage to defeat her. The only way for heroes to arrest her if she'll surrender, otherwise...I don't see how they can catch such an intelligent, cunning, powerful and especially loved by so many people villain like Skitter :D.
This whole Highschool Let's Unmask and Arrest Skitter...Fuck, She Played All of Us scene is one of the BEST scenes in the entire story. I simply adored it.

They did. The remaining members of the group backed away, turning towards me.
What was I even supposed to say? 'Thank you' seemed so trite. They were all so different. There was Fern, and a boy who didn't look like one of the ones who'd stayed in the city. Some looked nervous, others showed no expression at all. There was no response that encapsulated all of them.
I tried to think of something to say, but the harder I tried, the less anything seemed to fit.
"You saved my dad," Fern said, as if answering a question I hadn't asked.
Saved her dad? When?
It didn't really matter.
"Imp found the bastard who was threatening to do shit to my little sisters," one guy said. "Tied him to a traffic post. And you work with her, right?"
"You fought the Slaughterhouse Nine."
"…those bastard ABB guys…"
"…when Shatterbird…"
"…Leviathan showed up at the shelter, I heard you were…"
A collection of voices, a jumble, to the point that I couldn't take it all in.
I didn't have a group with me as I walked down Lord street. I turned right, onto familiar territory, my heart heavy.
It wasn't long before I was close enough. My range was longer, now. Odd. It was supposed to get longer when I felt more trapped, but 'trapped' wasn't the word I would have chosen.
My bugs rose at my command, tracing over the area. It wasn't so unusual, that there were flies, bumblebees and ants about: the heat of summer, the humidity, the imbalanced ecosystem… Nobody paid them any heed.
A small butterfly found its way into the house. It traced over the glossy smooth armor and helmets of PRT officers, touched the badge on the chest of a police officer.
It touched my dad's shoulder, moved down his bare arm to his hand. He was sitting at the kitchen table, his head in his hands.
An officer swatted at the bug, missing. The action drew someone else's attention.
"It could be her," the woman in the PRT uniform said.
"Fan out!" someone else ordered.
They spilled out of the house. Orders were shouted, and people climbed into cars, peeling out.
Still at the kitchen table, my dad reached out for the butterfly. I had it settle on his finger. Cliche? Overdramatic? Probably. But I couldn't bear for my possible last contact with my dad to be through anything ugly.
"Taylor," he said.
Six and a half city blocks away, I replied, "I'm sorry."
The butterfly and I took off at the same time.
Aww, as I said, they're all so grateful to Taylor and Undersiders for everything these villains (who are more honorable and helpful than some heroes) did for them. This Chapter is so perfect, damn it. No, I'm not crying, you're crying. Your tears make you believe that everyone cries, including me, but is not true. I'm just bawling my eyes out :cry:. Its a DIFFERENCE.
Ha ha for Imp tying that bastard to a traffic post. I wonder how it feels to be suddenly attacked and tied by a non-literal ghost. Imp, why you are so irreversibly awesome? Tell me your secrets, girl. No, no the one about becoming a ghost/poltergeist, just some more realizable in real life tips of being awesome ;).
Danny....."hugs Danny like there's no tomorrow" I'll NOT judge you if you're mad at your daughter and you feel like you can't never forgive her for her double life and her lies, but she's still your daughter and she loves you in her own way :(. You know it...Maybe, one day, you'll find the necessary strength in you to forgive her and to understand some of her reasons for choosing this ugly and hazardous path. Your daughter changed. For better, for worse, she changed, just like a butterfly going through various stages of maturity. More like a poisoned butterfly, but the changes are there. But no matter how much she changed, she will always love you and you should never forget this, regardless of the decisions you'll take ;).
Danny is such a pure character, I love him so much and I feel like any injures (emotional, physical) caused by any other character to him should be considered an official crime and severely sanctioned :).
What a bittersweet ending for a PERFECT Chapter with one of the BEST scenes <3.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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And that, right there, is my favorite chapter in Worm. For three reasons.

First, that moment, when Taylor is backed into a corner. She can't really use her power, she has no weapons or even a costume she's just an ordinary teenage girl up against some of the strongest heroes around, and she realizes they're playing it safe. Elite heroes against a powerless teenage girl, and they're afraid she'll turn it around on them somehow. And then she does.

Second, Taylor, since the beginning of the story, has always tried to do the right thing (even if she fails at it a lot of the time). She's mostly seen as a villain, and mistreated by tons of people. This chapter has her finally being rewarded for the good things she has managed to do, with the students recognizing what she's done for the city and helping her.

Third... You actually missed this one. It's subtle, but pay attention to what Dragon and Defiant say and do at the tail end of the student uprising. It starts with Defiant saying "No."
My reading at the time was that informing Taylor of the near certainty of her capture and the near impossibility of her various options for escape made Taylor concider and pick a course of action she only had a tiny chacne of choosing otherwise (say, 2% :p).

It's like if I went into a halfway with a left and right, and one was freedom and the other was death, and someone told me I had a 99% chance of dying via their precog ability. As a result I think "Well, as a rule I always go right if forced to pick a 50/50, so clearly I'll go left this time."

Weather I was right about this being the case in story, you'll find out eventually. (Or will you? Dun dun dun.)
I'm surprised black didn't dwell on Emma's downfall. Think of it. Emma has the dawning horror of realizing that "weakling" Taylor has brutally crushed numerous villains and challenged heroes....and probably gained the powers back in January. So she could have annihalated Emma at any point over the past 6 months.......yet chose not to. The realization that the "weakling" held back out of mercy from crushing you would break any social darwinist
well Dinah said this course of action would result in Taylor being taken into custody. She never said that event would happen immediately.
Dinah said arresting Taylor in the school had a high probability of working. The thing is, improbable things can still happen. A 98 percent chance of success still means you're going to lose about one out of every fifty tries. That just happened to be this time.
Maybe I'm wrong, but if you read the previous chapters, Emma wanted Taylor to be strong as "she was".
...And so it begins ...
Any thoughts on this small detail at the very end: "Six and a half city blocks away, I replied,..."

Yep, I think her power grew in range once she felt trapped at highschool. She said once that her power feels more powerful everytime she feels trapped. I guess her Passenger+ her own mindset both hate to feel trapped and they act accordingly. Her mind makes her want to protect herself with her power and her Passenger grew stronger accordingly to her demands. This is how I interpret this scene.
well Dinah said this course of action would result in Taylor being taken into custody. She never said that event would happen immediately.

Dinah send the heroes to highschool, probably hoping that they'll arrest Taylor there. But since Taylor have something stronger that her spider silk armor- PLOT ARMOR (except for Leviathan Battle) she fucked up with Dinah's predictions, being victorious despite her only 2% chance of victory. I like Dinah a lot, I feel bad for her, but I enjoyed that Taylor escaped THIS TIME. As I already said, the only way I can see her being "arrested" is if she'll surrender herself. And she'll surrender if she'll realize that there's no future possible (or if her dad/friends will die) if she'll not become a hero.
Spoilers, man, spoilers!

Also, there's something in this chapter that foreshadows the endgame, but I only just noticed it now, years later. Dang.

Foreshadowing the endgame? What, Dragon and Defiant trying and failing to arrest the villain Taylor and bring her to Protectorate but she'll become the greatest hero in the end because she'll CHOOSE to become this, without having her hand forced by someone?
Or, the way that the students followed her with loyalty and admiration, something like....mind control but without being actually mind controlled. Maybe, as part of her probable second trigger, Taylor will gain the ability to MIND CONTROL people like she's doing now with her bugs. I'd HATE if this theory will turn to be true because I have a VERY LOW opinion about mind control (or any other type of control over a human being). That's the reason why Masters are my second to last favorite Classification.