Hello, my lovely creatures. Time to see if Taylor will keep her promise about bringing Dinah back to her family and how happy Dinah and her family will be when they'll see each other after such a long time without any contact between them.

I'm convinced that this Chapter will be another very emotional Chapter, unless something unexpected will happen and Dinah will not have the occasion to see her parents. Or worse, she'll go home and see them...badly injured or dead.

Better stop using my Harbinger of Doom's superpowers and try to think at something else than dark predictions with eighty eight point nine percent chance to happen in the near future. Let's see which parahuman can stop Noelle or at least injure her bad enough to slow her down. Undersiders have clearly no chance against her. All Tattletale can do is to discover as many weaknesses as possible about Noelle and inform everyone else, Bitch's actions will only get her dogs cloned, Regent's power is useless but he controls R Shatterbird and her glass might do some damage to Noelle but she'll regenerate so its not that great, Grue might be able to borrow some of Noelle power and use it against her, but with not a very lasting effect, Skitter will have her bugs clones and turned against her (but she's a great strategist so I'm sure that she'll come up with some fantastic combat ideas

). Did I forgot someone? Nope, lets move on...From Travelers, only Genesis and Sundancer can damage Noelle, because Genesis' projections can't be cloned (since they aren't biological and from what I understand, she can only clone biological organisms) and Sundancer's sun might be powerful enough to even kill Noelle BUT....they won't do anything because she's their friend and they aren't so eager to hurt their friend, even if she went batshit insane. Trickster WILL HELP Noelle against everyone else, risking to get killed in this fight (but in his eyes, his life doesn't matter; all that matters is Noelle's life). He can help her by simply teleportating everyone near Noelle so she can clone them without trying to catch them herself. From heroes: Clockblocker (he can contain her for a while by freezing her), Miss Militia (fires her guns to Noelle, without having to get close to her), Kid Win (attacks her with his superweapons, from distance), Weld (since he doesn't have anything organic in him, not even his brain, there's no risk for him to be cloned). Dragon and Defiant would have given Noelle a run for her money too, but they're too busy now trying to kill some assholes WORSE than Noelle.

Triumvirate will be very capable to fight Noelle and kill her, but I'm afraid that if she'll touch just one of them, she'll have a very powerful clone (or clones) by her side. Imagine her touching Eidolon...I don't want to imagine this shit so its better if Triumvirate will not get involved this time. Let's start this clusterfuck of an adventure and hope for the best
Queen 18.2
Dinah, do you have two arms? Yes, you have two arms. What about two legs? You have two legs. Two eyes? Indeed you have two eyes and a mouth, nose, hair, skin and so on. You're a perfectly NORMAL human being. Stop seeing yourself as a monster.

Not even Noelle is a monster, despite looking and acting like one. But she's still a human, a broken, desperate, mentally sick human. Broken Victoria is still a human. Weld (and any Case 53) is also a human being. I don't want you to think at yourself as being a monster, only because you have a power that allow you to have a glimpse of the future. Do you know who are the REAL monsters? "People" like Jack, Hookwolf, like the ones who created Case 53 and superpowered villains, Nilbog, nazis and any other twisted asshole who have nothing better to do in their lives than making the other people's lives as miserable as possible. They're the real monsters.

Coil was also a monster, despite his human appearance. Not the powers, neither the looks make someone a monster, but their personality, decisions and actions. You're a little angel, Dinah and if your parents will refuse to take you back ONLY because of your power, then they're HEARTLESS SCUMBAGS who deserve to end in Noelle's stomach "hugs Dinah". I mean, if I had a child like Dinah, I would have accepted and loved her even if she'd have the power to kill me with a single touch. You can't call yourself a parent and turn your back to your child because you don't like something about them or you're afraid of them. This is NOT how a parent should act.

I'm almost afraid to read further because I might scream at my screen until I'll remain without voice (or my neighbors will throw me out of my apartment

) if her parents will not take her back.
Dinah gave you a very good advice, Skitter: go and see your poor dad again. My heart is crying for Danny, he doesn't even know what happened with his daughter after the terrorist attack during the Mayoral Debate and if she's ok.

He must go through pure HELL. Danny's life is HELL.
Mr Alcott's reaction though...
Mrs Alcott: My dear, who was at the door?
Mr Alcott: N-nobody, honey. Don't worry, there's...there's nobody at the door.
Mrs Alcott: Someone knocked. I have a good hearing.
Mr Alcott "becomes pale as a ghost, starting to shiver from all his joints": Alright, its just a villainess dressed in the most ugly costume I've ever seen and surrounded by a huge swarm of bugs. Nothing to worry about, dea..."faints"
Mrs Alcott "shakes her head, sighing": Men..."goes to open the door"
...........................Nope, I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face. Yep, this is what its happening. Its raining outside, I live on the top floor and the roof must be broken because my entire face is WET.

Fucking rain, man, fucking rain...Jesus Christ, this is one hell of an EMOTIONAL MOMENT, one of the best ones. Dinah was so afraid that her parents will refuse to accept her but all her fears were gone in the moment when her mom and dad welcomed her with open arms. They love her and they don't give a shit about her power, for them she's still their child, no matter what. They're good family, everyone in their family is good people: the mayor- Dinah's uncle, Rory- her cousin, her parents, Dinah herself. I'm feel so very happy reading about a nice and caring family like this, especially in a story where they're so very few nice and caring families, fewer than the fingers of one hand.

Be PROUD of yourself, Skitter, at least this time, please. You returned Dinah back to her family, her parents are grateful to you, you defeated such an evil man like Coil, you did a lot of GOOD things in such a short time.

Man, I can see how Skitter Clone will defeat Skitter in a fight. All "Skitter" should do is to tell Skitter how much she hates her, because she sees her as responsible for the death of many people, also accusing her for not being able to protect people in her care. Skitter will admit that "Skitter" is right and will abandon the fight, surrendering herself to whatever Noelle will plan to do to her. This is the fastest way for someone to bring Skitter down. Especially for an evil clone sharing the same memories and flaws. Maybe I'm wrong, but I see Skitter as being one of the most vulnerable Noelle's adversaries. Her own clone will DESTROY her.
Any piece of dialogue between Imp and Regent is PRICELESS.

I don't like Regent but I think that he have GREAT CHEMISTRY with Imp. They're just adorable together as friends and possible, even as lovers. I'd love to read an entire Arc with only these two making fun on others' expense and having an overall great time together.

And...hi, Parian, so nice to see you again. I missed you girl, my sweet Rogue Master. I understand that you don't want to fight against Noelle, due to your general pacifistic nature and probably fear that you won't survive her, even if I'm sure that you'd have done a great job holding her busy with your giant stuffed animals. She can't clone them and you could have stayed at a certain distance and control them from there but...its your decision and I'd have to respect it. I wonder if Flachette will decide to fight- after all, she's a hero and if heroes will consider Noelle almost as dangerous (if not similar dangerous with Endbringers) and will gather together to stop her, using any means, I think Flechette will not say no to an eventual confrontation. She'd be a great addition to the battle. Her needles-darts can penetrate Noelle' skin, no matter how thick it is. She can even kill her if she hits the heart "shudders".

And now the question for 1 million dollars. Will "Imp" be able to notice Imp? Will Imp be able to notice her clone? How in the hell Imp's power will work against basically herself? That would be very interesting to see.
I agree with Parian regarding the clones. They are still people and even if they're evil, its not exactly their fault. Noelle made them to be like this, or better said, her power can only create evil clones. I know that I'll feel terrible sorry for the poor clones (especially if my favorite characters are cloned) but its necessary for the villains/heroes to kill them if they can't stop them otherwise.

Hard choice but...think at the clones as rabid animals or zombies that deserve to be put out of their misery before making more victims. I agree with Ballistic too when it comes to Trickster. If Trickster will not be restrained or kept away from Noelle until she'll be defeated, he'll be a great helper for her. He'll not be convinced to not help/protect his girlfriend, especially since he must hate Undersiders (and anyone who'll dare to hurt her) almost as much as Noelle hates them. I think that, before stopping Noelle and her clones, you must stop Trickster.
Ballistic is so sick and tired of this shit that he doesn't even care what will happen to his teammates anymore, especially with Noelle. He just wants for this nightmare to end and he understands better than the rest of his team that...Noelle is no more the old Noelle anymore. She's now...the new Noelle created by Simurgh and pitted against the world. She's a mockery of the former Noelle, someone that you feel sorry for but you also know that there's no way to have their original version back no matter what. She's like...an evil clone herself. A "clone" that live now only for revenge and punishment. Ballistic is very rational and I appreciate his arguments, even if it pains me to hear him talking like this about a former friend.
......I'm glad to see Miss Militia and Flechette, two of my favorite heroes, but I'm NOT HAPPY at all to hear that Vista was kidnapped. Vista is one of the heroes that I'm feeling the most protective towards, even if she's so strong and fearless. Who kidnapped her? Trickster, to give her to his monstrous girlfriend so she can eat her and then spit clones with space distortion powers? Or Noelle already ate her and now she's filling the area with dozens and dozens of little evil Vistas? Gosh, I REFUSE to believe that Vista might be dead until I'll get the confirmation.

Until then, I'll pretend that she's either in danger of being eaten or she's already in Noelle's stomach but the digestion is very, very slow so her teammates might save her in time. They should make an alliance with Undersiders especially since the villains know now more about Noelle than everyone else. Miss Militia is a wise and tolerant heroine, but she still is fucking wrong considering "people" like Shadow Stalker and Cowardly Calvert as good guys. I mean, I can understand that she doesn't know who Calvert was in reality but Shadow Stalker...a good guy?!? Come on, Miss Militia, you're so idealistic its hurt.
Good night and sleep well, my friends and....#ProtectVistaWithAnyCost.