Hello, friends, and welcome a a new Chapter
Snare 13.5. The previous Chapter can be described using simple terms: psychology stuff from the Slaughterhouse School of Psychology for Supervillains, panic, terror, boys being gentlemen, Hive on fire, tears, miss Self-Hating alias Skitter, Charlotte and Sierra being the best henchpersons as always, more Genesis and an off-screen plan to take S9 down. I also understood the reasons behind S9 acting so cruel and destructive: 50% because they're misanthropic psychos and 50% because they're Huge bullies. They see themselves superior to everyone else and they love to bully their victims until they break them. They're the worst kind of super-villains (but they're still very interesting, actually some of the most interesting supervillains I've ever read about). Now I wonder if Emma, Madison and Sophia wouldn't have become like them if they're crazy and had powers. Actually, Sophia was crazy and had superpowers and we know how she acted, we saw her in action. But what about Emma and Madison? I think the Trio of Bitches would have become easy Slaughterhouse 3 if they're insane parahumans. Because they're already cruel and horrendous bullies. And now I think I understand why Taylor always hate herself everytime when she believes that she failed in front of S9. I mean, she hates herself more usual. Not because of Dinah (her seemingly main motivation) or because she believes that she can't defeat S9, when its clear that she defeated Mannequin two times and she was so close to defeat Burnscar if Mannequin didn't protected her (so, she can defeat some of S9 members). But because she sees in S9 the Trio of Bitches who bullied her for an year and a half during school. She sees them as a twisted, nightmarish version of her bullies, and she knows that she failed to protect herself against her school bullies, she knows how helpless and impotent she was in front of them, and everytime when S9 have the upper hand over her, she feels the same hopelessness and impotence she felt during her school bulling. Its like her nightmare is repeating again, only this time much more worse. Trio of Bullies become the Super Eight Bullies and she feels like she can't take anymore. Deep down, she's afraid of her enemies and is tired of fighting, but she needs to hide her fears- so others can feel safe with her protecting their ass- and to confront them. To confront her new bullies, but this time without any rules and restrictions. This is how I interpret the unusual Taylor's self-blaming when it comes to S9, unusual even for herself, seeing how she never hated herself so much before fighting them. Alright, let's start the new Chapter.
Love Skitter's insistence to convince Bitch to trust her again. She realized that Bitch will never do what Burnscar demanded from her to do- killing the only human companions she have- because even if she's acting all nervous and tsundere, deep down Bitch needs her teammates in her life, besides she'll never accept to take orders from S9 and do whatever they want her to do, a thing that would happen in case she'd become a member. Siberian promised her freedom, but she didn't specified what kind of freedom: not to do whatever you want, good if you feel like, bad if you feel like or be neutral and just have fun. No, this is not the kind of freedom that Bitch would enjoy as a S9 member. She'd be forced to do horrible things, kill people, terrorize entire cities, be merciless and unforgiving and listen to whatever Jack will tell her. This is the only kind of "freedom" that is waiting for Bitch. Freedom from morality, ethics, laws, respect for life, everything that define us as civilized and social humans. Bitch will become a ruthless killer and nothing more. And she wouldn't want this. Because she's not a crazy bitch like Burnscar or a stupid bitch like Cherish or a wild bitch like Siberian or an arrogant bitch like Shatterbird. She's her own kind of Bitch. A Bitch with her heart in her right place, despite playing hard.
I LOVE so much this whole tense and meaningful conversation between Skitter and Bitch. Exactly how I said before, S9 will force Bitch to do what they'll want her to do and if she'll refuse, she'll be punished. Because this is how they function as a group. They don't care about principles like friendship, love, loyalty, sacrifice for others, fondness, etc. Well, maybe they have some loyalty towards each other: see Burnscar/Mannequin and Bonesaw/Jack and maybe even affection: Siberian/Bonesaw but they're still rotten and backstabbing at their core, they doubt of each other (Bonesaw/Jack, all others/Cherish), they're ready anytime to betray (Cherish), they change their own rules all the fucking time and they can barely hold themselves from not tearing each others apart. Bitch will have to pay attention 24/7 at each of her teammates (if she's become a S9 member that's it) so they won't kill her or cross her and execute their orders, not matter how much she'd disagree with them. And I highly doubt that they'll be ok with her if she'll hide certain things from them, or lightly punish her, like how Grue did. Undersiders, despite having their own flaws and dark side, are angels compared with S9, and they feel exactly like a true family, where Bitch is welcomed. Yes, Skitter, you're right. She's a member of Undersiders and they're her second family.
Of course Coil manipulated Bitch into becoming his henchwoman. I'm sure he created a lot of troubles for her so he can convince her more easy that she can only be respected if she have power. He wanted to turn her into a ruthless Crime Lady in order to be more easy for him to be successful in his ambitions. Everything is his game and every single Undersider and Traveler is his dummy. Lisa was forced to become his dummy, Brain was manipulated with money, Rachel with the promise of power, Alec with the promise of becoming someone more powerful than his father and Taylor was manipulated through Lisa. As for Travelers- Noelle is their carrot. Fucking Coil man-cunt. At least, Skitter is starting to see through Coil's manipulation and I think that Tattletale is in the same position. Its a good start.
Genesis is a SWEETHEART as she's helping Taylor with putting out the fire in her territory.

I like this girl more as I read more about her. I'm a bit pissed because I still don't know her real name and I don't like to call her Genesis when she's "out of her costume". I mean, I know she's out of her costume all the time since she's sleeping during all the actions she takes with her projections, I'm just referring at the moments when she's not using her power. I want to know her and Ballistic's real names. I also want to know Battery's REAL name, because Jamie is a fake name. If I were in Taylor's place, I'd seriously ask everyone for their names, whatever they like it or not. Blame my fucked up curiosity for this.

Speaking about Taylor, her balls of steel are so freaking big that Hookwolf can only dream to have such big balls of steel no matter how much he transforms.

Pain is almost nothing for her. If I were in her place, it would have been enough for me to blink once in order to start crying and screaming for eternity. I'm not putting myself down, I just admit a harsh truth. I can see Taylor going like this if someone would have watched her tending to her wounds:
-Hello, my people, look at each others, now back to me, now back at each others, now back to me.
-Sadly, nobody is me, but if you stopped using ladies scented body wash and switched to Brown Marmorated Stink Bug's scent, you could smell like you're me.
-Look down, back up, where are you? You're in the center of a Hive with the woman you could smell like. What's in your hand, back at me.
-I have them, my own balls of steel that you love to have. Look again, my balls of steel are now yours.
-Anything is possible when you smell like Brown Marmorated Stink Bug's scent and not a lady. I'm on a giant bug.
She'd be kickass in commercials.
Genesis is pretty smart also she's good at math. So, she can control her projections but her power is the one who choose for her which projection to use? Odd, another example of half sentient power, after....wait a minute, I have to look upon my notes.....right, after Aisha's power....I have to look again, I forgot her power

.....her power to make herself forgotten. So, we have an almost sentient power for Aisha and an almost half-sentient power for Genesis. Girls, you have some weird-ass powers.

Alright, Taylor, stop being envious on Genesis' power. You have a pretty awesome power yourself, besides you have two functional legs, you can walk, you can run, you can dance, you can do so many things that Genesis can't.

She have a strong power, but I'm sure she'd give up anytime at her power if her legs can be healed and she'd have to choose.
Good question to ask Genesis, Taylor, but you also could have asked her what is her name.

Poor girl, she triggered since she was four. And she can't walk for so many years, I think she forgot all the sensations offered by walking or running. Now I want more than ever for Amy to accept helping UT. She can heal Genesis, maybe she can heal Noelle too, she can help them a lot in combat, she'd be so damn useful. If only they can convince her that they'll do much better together than alone...You're not the only one who find Travelers being very mysterious and interesting, Taylor. I'm just as curious about them as you, maybe even more curious. Maybe they all triggered when they're very young, but Noelle triggered much later or she's a Case 53. It would be so funny if Oliver will turn to be the strongest one out of everyone (including Noelle) but with full control over his power. He either doesn't want to use his power or he pretends in front of everyone except for teammates that he doesn't have powers, so he can be an element of surprise when he'll be needed the most. How much should I wait for an entire Arc about the most interesting and exciting non-so-villain villains, Travelers? Its getting painful here.
That's not a flattering comparison, yes, I definitely agree with Grue. Undersiders are light years BETTER (when it comes to morals) than S9. Hell, even Bitch is a much more nice person than 99% of S9. The only way I can compare these two groups is in terms of efficiency. Both groups are very efficient in combat and use strategy to win in almost any given situation. If I have to compared S9 with something, I can say that they're a mixture of Undersiders+ Insane Trio of Bitches+ Noelle's hidden danger and creepiness.
Sundancer killed accidentally before....Unexpected!!! Well, it was an accident, it wasn't your fault, Marissa (I like Trickster's nickname for her, Mars

), as long as you didn't killed on purpose a harmless person, then there's nothing that would make me angry at you. I think the other killers of their team are Trickster and Ballistic and I have this feeling that Trickster didn't killed people accidentally.

I definitely AGREE with Ballistic's opinion about why is necessary to kill S9. They're monsters and they need to be eradicated before they'll commit more crimes. Ballistic expresses my own thoughts here. I'm as peaceful as Sundancer, but I'd kill without hesitation people like S9 or other monsters similar with them (as long as I'd be sure that bystanders won't be hurt). But, if Sundancer still doesn't want to kill, I don't want them to force her. She should not be obligated to do what she isn't comfortable with. Even if she'd be so useful, its up to her if she'd like to use her power to kill their enemies or not.
Grue, take Taylor in your strong, mainly arms, put her in her bed and force her to sleep for 6 hours. Stay there with her, watching like a CREEP her sleep, so she won't fake it. Because she really needs some good rest. Otherwise, she'll steal fucking nuclear bombs and wipe off half of America just to kill S9. I mean, seriously, I agree with a war against S9, but I was referring at a strategic war, not a full one that might turn the entire City into a black hole. There are civilians that can die as collateral damage, something that is NOT acceptable. Never acceptable. "sighs" Hope your plan will work without people who are not S9 dying. "sighs again" I don't even know what happened with.....Aisha. What if Cherish lied her and took her hostage? Imagine her being at Siberian or worse, Bonesaw's mercy. Imagine her becoming one of Bonesaw's experiments... Gosh, this is the LAST THING I want to happen to Aisha.
Good night and sleep well, my sweet friends.