Let's read Worm and its sequel Ward by Wildbow (One chapter/every day)

Hive 5.5
Hi, my bees, queen bees and drones, its exactly the RIGHT time for another chapter, don' you agree with me? Anyway, whatever you agree or not, you'll get this chapter review anyway 5.05 | Worm Last time, "opening narration" we saw one adult male lawyer, one adult female principal and 3 young bullies in their natural habitat, the way they behave inside their small group, they communicate with each others and interact with the few humans visitors that were allowed to get close to them. The adult male lawyer and the adult female principal proved to be quite hostile towards humans, so we recommend to future visitors to stop trying to feed or pet the animals and to admire the nature reserve from afar. There are some four million different kinds of animals and plants in the world. This is the story of how a few of them became so dangerous to humans that they must be held inside well guarded nature reserves "closing narration". (thank you Sir David Attenborough).

Time was short, so Tattletale was in my room of the loft while I changed.
"The idea Coil proposed was that we would mix and match the members of the groups, so nobody can pull anything without their teammates being hostage to the other groups."
"Gotcha," I replied. I busied myself double checking the items from the utility compartment. Tattletale reached in and snatched the cell phone. "Hey?"
"One sec. I'm programming the alarm on your phone. When it goes off, an hour from now, you call Grue. Then again an hour later, if we're out that long. We'll all be checking in with each other every fifteen minutes or so. If someone doesn't pick up, assume they're in trouble."
"Okay," I agreed.
"If you can't pick up the phone for whatever reason, be sure to call back at the first opportunity. Let us know you're fine."
"Got it." I hiked the cloth portion of my armor up around my waist, then began sliding my arms through the sleeves. The cloth part was form-fitting, and all in all, putting it on was like putting on a pair of full-body pantyhose. Not prone to tear, of course, but like the pantyhose, it always took longer than I expected.
"We'll be using a password system every time we check in, in case you're taken hostage and forced to answer a call. Two parts to it. The first part is simple, you give the other person the first letter of one of our names, the other person replies with the last. If it winds up being a longer night, move on to other people we know."
"So if I said L?"
"A. How would you respond to B?"
"Exactly. The second part is color based. When you're replying to a call, name an object that's a certain color. Think traffic lights. Green for go, everything is okay. Yellow for warning, if you aren't sure about things. Red for stop, need help. It lets you keep us informed without tipping off the capes that are with you."
"I'm going with the group that has Faultline, Trickster, and the Traveller's shapeshifter. I'm betting there will be a few from Empire Eighty-Eight and some of Coil's soldiers, too."
"That gorilla with four arms, from the other night. Only I don't know exactly what she is, yet, but she's not quite a shapeshifter. I'm hoping to get a better sense of her abilities by spending some time around her. Ditto for Trickster. Regent's coming with so we're contributing some firepower. Kind of."
The Snake Man Coil have some really admirable battle strategies. I still think that he's an ex-military himself until he triggered or he first was kidnapped, then triggered. This is the only explanation for his people being in general soldiers and mercenaries, his apparently limitless access to sophisticated weapons and military gears and his battle strategic mind. I also like how Taylor is getting dressed in her costume. So no zipper then, but similar with a full-body pantyhouse. Neat. The gorilla member of the Travellers is apparently a girl who's not exactly a shapeshifter. Maybe this is her real body or she has the ability to create powerful illusions of certain animals that are meant to hide her real body behind her illusory projections.

"Don't you and Faultline have issues with each other?"
Lisa grinned, "Yup. It's going to be fun, pushing her buttons, knowing she can't touch me."
I winced. "Just be careful. What's Grue doing?"
"Another group. All in all, we'll be coordinating to strike three locations simultaneously with three different teams, overwhelming force. Hit hard, hit fast, get out of there. If you aren't making much of a dent, don't sweat it. Unless something goes horribly wrong, we'll repeat this process a few more times over the next couple of days."
There was a knock on the door. Brian called from the other side, "Just about ready?"
I zipped up the back of my costume and strapped my armor in place over it, then opened the door, mask in one hand, "Ready."
Brian, like me, was costumed but didn't have any headgear on. "You sure you're up to this? You're recovered from the knock you took to the head?"
"No," I admitted, "Not entirely. But I'm pissed, and I think I'll be less okay in the long run if I don't go out and vent somehow."
He paused, as if he were thinking things over, "Okay. You going to be alright dealing with Bitch on your own?"
I frowned, "I'll manage somehow."
"Don't show her any weakness, or she won't let up on you."
"I figured as much," I agreed. As we headed for the stairs, I mused that maybe Bitch and I were more on the same page today. I was pissed at life in general, feeling just a bit off kilter in a way that wasn't one-hundred-percent the concussion.
I pulled on my mask as we headed outside. There was a nondescript van pulled over in front of the door, blocking line of sight to the rest of the street. Bitch and Regent were already inside, waiting.
"Hey dork," Regent greeted me. He was in costume, typical except for the shirt he was wearing – other nights it had been white, but it was a dark gray today. It was still the same slightly elaborate, puffy renaissance fair style of clothing, though.
"You can call me Skitter. I won't mind."
"That's alright," he answered. There was a note of humor in his voice, which I took to mean he was just having fun at my expense. I resolved to ignore him.
Bitch just stared angrily at me. It was so intense I had to look away. So much for being on the same page.
The interior of the van had benches on either side. Since we were in a rush, I had only a second to decide whether I wanted to sit next to Regent – and be facing Bitch for the duration of the trip – or plop myself down next to her and the dogs.
So, she still have a zipper for her costume, ok. Skitter is in her costume now and ready to destroy...Oni Lee's dick as well, since she already finished Lung's dick off, forcing him to piss like a woman for the rest of his miserable life. Bakuda is more lucky because she doesn't have a dick but she still have more toes left to be cut off by the same Skitter, The Destroyer of Dicks and Toes. Watch out guys, Skitter is coming and she's going to wrench some balls!!! Go, Skitter, go :);). Too bad that Kaiser is by your side (for moment) and he also protects his dick with instantly generated armor, because he kind of deserves Lung's treatment (I don't care if Menja and Fenja will complain, FUCK Kaiser).

I opted for the former, hoping I wouldn't manage to do or say anything that would get us off on a bad start for the evening.
Tattletale sat in the passenger seat, with Grue driving. As the van pulled onto the road, she called back to us, "Hey, Bitch, Skitter. We're dropping you off first, but you're going to have to walk to the meeting place. You might be short on time, so walk fast. Cool?"
Bitch shrugged, "Works."
"No complaints," I added my own two cents. I could see where it would be advantageous – Bitch would have time to get her dogs beefed up, and I could gather some bugs. Besides, it gave us something to do – if we had to stand idle for a few minutes, I was pretty sure it would only increase the chances of Bitch finding a reason to pick a fight with me or one of the other villains.
Remembering my bugs, I took a few seconds to extend my powers outward and begin gathering them. I was surprised at how far my reach was extending. I generally measured things in city blocks – I've never been good at eyeballing distance – and I would say my range usually sat at around two blocks. Today I was reaching just shy of three and a half.
"Hey Tattletale?" I asked.
"Two questions."
"Go for it."
"What general direction is the spot you're dropping me off? Need to know where to send the bugs."
I glanced out the tinted windows of the van to judge which direction we were going, then began giving commands to the bugs that fell within my reach.
"Second question. Um. My power's a fair bit stronger today. Not sure about technique, but I'm extending a lot further. Any idea why?"
"Can't say. Sorry, I could usually try to figure it out, but I'm focusing on other things right now. If you think it's really crucial-"
"No," I stopped her, "It's not. I'll bug you about it later, when your attention isn't divided."
"Pun intended?" Regent mused.
"Guess not. Nevermind," he chuckled a little.
Bitch was using her power on her dogs. It was really my first opportunity seeing it happen from the beginning. It was like seeing a sausage split its casing, only the casing was fur and skin. Where the rifts appeared, it wasn't just muscle spilling out, but spears and ridges of bone. Some of the exposed muscle shriveled into scaly growths. Yet they kept growing to the point the back of the van was feeling crowded. Where did that mass come from? Was it pulled out of thin air, or was she drawing in some kind of energy and converting it into matter?
So, her reach to the Swarm is bigger now? Her powers are growing, exactly what I expected few chapters ago. Skitter will become so D --> STRONG that she'll be able to fight toe to toe with Endbringers/Scion, I'm gonna see this happening :). She'll be the scariest motherfucker parahuman on the entire Earth and her bullies will die out of jealousy because the target of their bullying mass destruction became the world most Renowned Hero. Ha, take that, Bitches! "shakes fist in air".

For that matter, if my brain was a radio tower of sorts, pinging every bug for their locations on a near-constant basis and sending them instructions to override their own brains… where was the energy to keep that up coming from?
It was a little disconcerting to think about.
When Grue stopped the van to let us out, I realized why we were walking. Our stop was a bridge with bus stations on either side.
Problem was, it seemed the ABB had decided to cut off this route – the bridge had been reduced to rubble. Large orange and black detour signs with blinking lights barred entry to the shattered bridge, and similar measures had been used to cordon off the piles of rubble below.
Tattletale leaned out the open window and pointed, "See that tower, there? Looks like a lighthouse? It's an old tourist shop that closed down a decade ago. It's where the Merchants – Skidmark and his crew of dealers – hung out, before the ABB expanded and forced them out. You're supposed to meet the others there."
I looked and saw the building she was pointing at. It didn't look much like a lighthouse, but whatever. "Gotcha."
"Go," Brian said, "Good luck."
Bitch whistled for her dogs, and we headed for the stairs. We'd have to head down, across the street and back up to get where we needed to be.
It was weird, picking our way through the rubble of the destroyed bridge to cross the street. You didn't usually cross the road like this, and the streets were deserted here. The dogs seemed to like the experience though. I saw Judas' tail wagging as he hopped from one slab of road to another.
I pulled open the door with shattered glass panes that led to the other set of stairs, letting Bitch and the dogs through. As she passed me, Bitch murmured, "You're angry."
"Yeah," I admitted, "Bunch of stuff earlier this afternoon. Didn't go the way I wanted. Assholes."
"Should hit 'em. Teach them to fuck with you."
"I did," I answered, "Knocked one of them on her ass last night. Part of the reason things didn't go so hot, today."
"Mmm. Story of my life."
We headed up the stairs and towards the lighthouse. My bugs were starting to accumulate. Our detour had given the flying bugs time to catch up to me. Wasps, moths, houseflies, no-see-ums, a few bees and a fair few cockroaches.
I'd learned my lesson on our last outing. I wasn't going in unprepared and unarmed. As they arrived, I drew the bugs close. Selecting the best of them, I directed them under my armor – in the hollow space beneath my shoulderpads, under my belt, my elbows and wristguards, in my hair and the concave panel of armor that covered my spine. They were there if I needed them. I doubted anyone would notice unless I let them.
"How'd you know I was angry?" I asked.
"Dunno. Looked that way."

Merchants is the name for those disgusting druggies. I'll keep that in mind. Bitch can tell easy how Skitter is feeling in the same manner a dog can "tell" when someone is afraid of them or they're sick or angry or relaxed. Bitch have a somehow canine mind, despite being obviously a human. Either her power over dogs made her like this, I mean more closed in behavior to dogs, or her fucked up life, even before the trigger event. I like how direct Bitch is when she tries to advise Skitter, she's saying what she's thinking, she doesn't hide behind nice words like most humans are doing. When she decides to be honest, then she's the most honest piece of shit you can possible meet in your entire existence. Exactly like a dog. :)

"Yeah, but you can't see my face."
"Way you're standing, I guess. You going to get on my case about this?"
"No. Sorry," I answered.
I decided to keep quiet for the rest of our trip to the 'lighthouse'. Interestingly, she almost seemed to relax as the silence lingered. Her face lost that slightly angry expression and she reached over to scratch Brutus on the side of his neck in what seemed a very normal, casual gesture, for someone I viewed as anything but. Or at least, it would have been normal and casual if the dogs weren't currently the size of small ponies.
We reached the lighthouse, and sure enough, there was a group of villains waiting.
Kaiser was first and foremost among them. He was decked out head to toe in elaborate, ornate armor with a crown of blades, but the configuration, I noticed with interest, was totally different than it had been just two days ago. Fenja and Menja stood at either side of him.
Only one of the Travelers was accompanying our group: The girl with the sun design on her costume, red suns on black form-fitting armor. Just behind her were two members of Faultline's crew. Newter was hanging off the wall by his fingertips and toes, and Labyrinth was leaning against the same wall, just below him, her arms folded. Newter was wearing tattered jeans and had dyed his hair a cobalt blue, setting off the orange of his skin. He had cloth wrap, like you'd see a kickboxer use, wrapped around his hands and feet.
Rounding out our group were two men in matching kevlar armor, with balaclavas, visors, and tricked out assault rifles. Each of the men had a second gun slung over their back – I thought one was another rifle, but I didn't have a good view of the other. I might have pegged it a grenade launcher. Coil's men, probably.
Ok, the whole group that is going with Skitter and Bitch is here: Kaiser with his Giantesses, the sun themed Traveler, Newter (who can climb up the walls, as I predicted :)) and the girl who's working at IKEA when she's not doing mercenary job. Also, two of Coil's super-soldiers. Awesome, everyone is ready for fight. Can't wait for its start.

Fenja or Menja – I wasn't sure which – leaned over and whispered in Kaiser's ear.
"Arrived with less than a minute to spare, Undersiders," he purred. "Watches out, everyone."
I paused – I hadn't brought one. Then I remembered the cell phone. I retrieved it from the compartment, the cluster of bugs I had in there moving automatically out of the way of my hands. If anything, they made it easier to know where my fingers should reach to grab it.
"Set time to four-forty in three, two, one… set. The attack is scheduled to start in five minutes. We'll use the time to get there, get in position and decide our method of attack."
Nobody argued.
"Move out," he directed us.
Bitch turned her attention to Brutus, who made a groaning noise as he suddenly swelled. Splits appeared in his skin as he grew another two or three feet taller at the shoulder, and spikes of bone erupted from his exterior. He stretched, then shook abruptly, spraying all of us with the bloody aftermath of his sudden growth. There were reactions of alarm and startled shouts from everyone present, with the exception of myself, Bitch and Labyrinth. Kaiser, surprisingly, was among them, backing away several steps before he realized Brutus wasn't attacking.
There was a bit of swagger in her posture as Bitch walked the two steps to where Brutus stood, grabbed a spike of bone and hauled herself onto his back.
It was intentional, maybe a bit immature, but she'd made Kaiser flinch. Taking him down a notch like that, so soon after he'd assumed control of this impromptu team, it was probably more of a statement than anyone present could have accomplished with words.
As if to drive the point home, she gave Brutus a light kick in the ribs, prompting him to walk in the direction Kaiser had indicated. Judas, Angelica and I were right behind her. I didn't turn to see how long it took the others to pull themselves together and follow.
Hate how Kaiser is taking control over everyone like he's their boss. But I absolute LOVED how Bitch managed to freak him out with her lovely, adorable Brutus (and I'm not sarcastic here, I like Brutus quite a lot, even in his mutated form). TAKE THAT, KAISER, fucking asshole. Too bad he didn't bite off your armored dick (I apologize to boys for making so many tasteless dick jokes, but I really, really dislike Kaiser and I want some painful things to happen to him, including where it hurts the most for him).

Alright, a couple of minutes later I'll review a new chapter (sorry for delay, I was pretty busy). Bye for now :)
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Hive 5.6
Alright, back to our clusterfuck. And Hi 5.06 | Worm I think this chapter is when the fight against ABB leaders will start. I'm sure that our "heroes" will face Bakuda, Oni Lee and Lung, maybe one at times or all in the same time. I'm not too worried about Bakuda and Oni Lee (even if I never saw him in action; hell, I never saw him at all :)) but Lung is freaking powerful. Skitter BARELY managed to beat him and only because she took him by total surprise and Undersiders also helped her. But now there will be no surprise anymore. Lung is expecting an attack, this is something I'm very sure about. So, what they can really do against him?
Skitter's bugs will be useless once he's entirely in fire;
Bitch's monster dogs might come in handy;
Kaiser will be FUCKED, because the metal can get really hot inside the fire, to the point of melting. Lung will destroy his armor and incinerate him;
Menja and Fenja might be able to hold him busy for a while;
The Traveler Sun will be FUCKED: if she has fire powers, they will be completely useless against a living furnace;
Labyrinth might give everyone headaches, she'll fuck both parties, which is not really great, but better than nothing;
Newter: apart from climbing up walls, I have no freaking idea what else he can do;
Coil's soldiers: no chance against Lung, no matter how well trained they're are. Maybe if they have limitless buckets of water at them, then the situation might be different :);
The final results: Lung -FATALITY to everyone.

However effective Bitch's power play might have been, it didn't do much to help the tension between the factions making up our group. It hadn't been just Kaiser that got spooked and sprayed with blood. Worst case scenario, if a fight broke out in the group, I was worried that hard feelings from that one thing could set others against us.
I decided to try to remedy that. The Travelers seemed to be the only group present where there wasn't some drama already mucking the waters.
"Hey," I slowed my pace so I could talk to the girl from the Travelers, "What's your name?"
"My codename?"
"I'm going by Skitter. Couldn't decide on a name so the media sort of picked one for me."
"You're one of the Outsiders, right?"
"Undersiders. I'm new to the team, honestly, but they're alright."
"Uh huh." She looked in Bitch's direction.
"Not as bad as you'd think," I said, smiling. She couldn't see me smile, with my mask covering my mouth, but I did hope she could hear the humor in my tone. "How's life among the Travelers?"
She seemed caught off guard at the question. It took her a few seconds to decide how to respond. "Intense. Violent. Lonely."
The answer surprised me. She chose the word intense rather than exciting, but that wasn't the strangest part of her answer.
"Lonely? I wouldn't think that was the case, spending time with teammates."
She shrugged, "There's stuff going on that makes hanging out less fun than it should be. I'm not going to explain it, so don't ask."
I raised my hands, palms up, stopping her, "Wasn't going to. I was just curious what it's like for other teams, since I'm fairly new to this."
She relaxed a bit at that. "It's not just the… I can't think of a word better than drama… but drama sounds like such an understatement. Whatever. It's not the other stuff that's going on, it's that we're constantly moving, rarely spending more than a week in one place, you know?"
"I don't," I admitted. I fudged the truth a little, just to be safe, "I moved twice as a kid, but I was too young to remember it. For the most part, I grew up here."
"It gets old, having to-" she stopped talking as I was suddenly pushed to one side. The tip of Newter's tail pressed against the center of my chest and moved me back, pushed me against the hood of a dilapidated old car.
"Hey," I grunted, but he shook his head, pressed a finger to his lip. His blue eyes bored into mine. They were weird eyes. No whites, just azure blue irises that extended from corner to corner, with rectangular, horizontal pupils.
So, the Traveler girl's codename is Sundancer (BEAUTIFUL codename btw). Maybe she starts dancing as part of her power and create a miniature sun. Still not a useful power against Lung. She seems to not like her teammates, she appears to be lonely and hates to move from city to city. I kind of feel pity for her, I hope that her teammates don't treat her bad :(. Also, Newter...WTF, man, what you're trying to do? Scare Skitter or protect her from an unexpected attack?

I looked at the others, and they were all moving into cover. Kaiser, Fenja and Menja had all ducked into an alleyway. Bitch and her dogs were disappearing around the far corner of the same building, making only the scratching noise of claws against concrete.
Ahead of us, a trio of people in ABB colors crossed the street. A guy and a girl who looked like they might have been gang members before Bakuda's hardcore recruitment drive were talking. A teen who was about my age trailed behind them, looking too scared and worn out to be anything but one of the new recruits. They were all armed. A machete dangled from the male thug's hand, while the girl was toying with a handgun. The scared looking kid had a baseball bat with nails hammered into it. People really did that? The nail-studded baseball bat?
Just behind them was the building that had to be our target. It was a warehouse, dirty gray, with the letters 'ABB' spray painted on and around the loading bay door in red and green in an elaborate style.
When the patrol was gone, Newter spoke, "They've got patrols, and they've tagged the building. That'll be our target, today." He checked his watch, "Two minutes until it's time to move."
"My girls and I will circle around," Kaiser stated from the cover of the alleyway, "Attack from another direction."
"Hey, no," I replied, "That's not the deal. We're in groups like this for a reason, and that reason flies out the window if we split up like that."
"I didn't ask your permission," Kaiser replied, his voice cool. Without waiting for a response, he turned to leave, Fenja and Menja following him.
"Are we going to stop them?" I asked.
"I could catch up to them," Bitch told us, as she rode Brutus back towards our group.
Newter shook his head, thin lips pressed into a line that only accented his strange appearance, "Not worth it, and dangerous to fight amongst ourselves in enemy territory. We don't have time, anyways."
"Bitch, can you call Grue and Tattletale, let them know?" I asked. "They can take measures if they need to."
She nodded and got her cell phone out.
While Bitch made the call, Newter beckoned the others to gather in a huddle. "Let's talk plan of attack. Skitter, Bitch, you two have the most experience dealing with these guys, so start us off."
I glanced at Bitch. She was busy with the call, and she had been out of action during our last encounter with the ABB, which left her kind of in the dark as far as Bakuda went. It was up to me.
I silently cleared my throat, then I spoke up, "Bakuda likes to set traps, and if this place is important enough to patrol, it's important enough to have some traps. Let me send my bugs in first. I can get the lay of the land, and the bugs will also confuse and distract anyone inside, which should make things easier on you guys."
I feel so bad for the unwillingly ABB members, I hope the FUCKER Kaiser who doesn't give any shit about working in team, will not kill them. Skitter's plan sounds excellent and I LIKE Newter, he saved Skitter from being noticed by patrols and he knows how to COOPERATE and listen to others. He's also wise enough to admit when others are more experienced than him, despite being himself a famous mercenary. This kid is great, first I liked Faultline, now him. I have a feeling that Faultline Crew will end up being my second favorite villain group :):):):).

Newter nodded once, "Okay. That's step one. Bitch, can you and your dogs hit the ground floor? I'll go in the second floor window."
Bitch gave him a curt nod in response.
"The bugs won't bite her?" Newter asked.
"No," I answered, "Won't bite you either."
"They couldn't if they tried," Newter answered me, smiling. Funny, if you looked past the odd appearance – the blue hair, the weird eyes, the orange skin and the tail, he was actually a pretty good looking guy.
"Sundancer, what can you do?" Newter asked.
"I guess you could say I'm artillery," Sundancer replied, "But I've got the same problem Ballistic does – er, my other teammate. I'm not sure I can use my power without hurting a lot of people really badly."
"Then stay back with Labyrinth. You two be ready to cover our retreat or move in if we run into trouble," Newter replied.
"Sounds like you know what you're doing," I commented.
"Maybe some of Faultline has rubbed off on me." He smiled. Then he glanced at his watch, "Twenty seconds."
Newter glanced at the two soldiers Coil had sent, "You two, can you-"
"We're taking a position on this rooftop, here," the shorter of the two men replied, pointing up to the two story duplex next to us.
"We'll support you with cover fire."
"Uh, good. Try not to kill anyone," Newter said, checking his watch again, "Five seconds. Skitter? Start us off?"
I reached out to all the bugs I'd gathered, minus the ones I was keeping beneath my costume. I directed them towards the side of the building we were facing.
The swarm swept in through windows that were open or broken and the one open door on the side of the building, flowing into the hallways. I made sure to spread them out to cover every surface, feeling for anything that was out-of-place or unusual. There were a fair number of people inside, which wasn't a huge surprise, but my bugs were making a lot of contact with bare skin. I realized the people gathered in the open area of the warehouse's ground floor were nearly naked. Stripped down to their underwear. It was so unexpected that it threw me off my stride.
I shook my head. I couldn't afford to get distracted. Bakuda probably used metals and plastics, and to the superfine senses of the bugs, that was an entirely different texture from the walls. I tried to filter out the usual stuff and get a feel for just the plastic or metal things. Just a few feet in from the entrance, I found two dome-shaped bulges on either side of the stairwell that led to the second floor, metal and plastic.
DAMN, Newter is also CUTE, despite his lizard like appearance. And politely and respectful. Also, he seems powerful since Skitter's bugs can't hurt him. Wildbow, stop, please. I already have a fictional boyfriend in your story, Brian, don't make him fight with Newter for my poor heart :D. I can't bear two boyfriends in the same time.
Taylor: looking menacing: Brian....MINE!
Me: Alright, then I'll take Newter for me, ok?
Taylor: Newter....also MINE!
Me: WTF?!? Noooooooooooo....
I think the people in the underwear are WORKERS IN DRUGS FACTORIES. Since ABB is about drugs, those people must be workers for them. I saw in countless movies how workers in drugs factories are almost naked because the owners don't want them to steal drugs and hide inside their clothes. I also have a feeling that they never wanted willingly to work there.

"There's something there," I said. "Give me a second."
I took a page out of Grue's playbook and gathered a group of bugs together into a densely packed, vaguely humanoid shape. I moved that collection of bugs through the doors and to the place where the little domes sat.
The explosion blew a fair sized chunk out of the exterior wall of the building closest to us. The people inside, already nervous at the influx of bugs, started scattering, screaming, running for the exits.
"Holy shit!" Newter's eyes went wide.
"Motion detectors, I think," I said, "Or proximity activated. My bugs wouldn't normally set them off, had to fool them."
The ground was too hard for landmines, so I focused on having the remainder of the bugs sweep through the rest of the building, skimming the surfaces and looking for more trouble. I found two more, checked nobody was near, and used the same method to detonate them. The plumes of flame, smoke and debris were visible from where we crouched.
"Twenty or thirty people on the ground floor, unarmed and half naked, ten in upstairs office, armed," I said, "Route is as clear of traps as I can get it. Go!"
Bitch lunged into action, Newter only a few steps behind. He half-ran, half-crawled, his tail whipping around behind him, presumably to help keep his balance.
As Bitch had her dogs crash into and through the closed metal loading bay door, Newter intercepted the first few people to leave through the fire exit door on the side of the building. He leaped to close fifteen foot gaps as fast as I could have thrown a punch, moving from one person to the next, dropping each of them in an instant. Lots of women in that group, and I could confirm with my eyes what my bugs had told me – nine out of ten of the people in that group, a mix of Asian men and women, were only wearing their underwear. Slave trafficking? Prostitution? Something darker? I felt my skin crawl.
As he darted up the side of the building and slipped into an open window like a bolt of greased lightning, I felt Newter brush past several with my bugs. Each bug that came into contact with him dropped off the wall or out of the sky, falling to the ground, alive but stunned.
Drugs workers, Skitter, not prostitution, you should start to learn more about the dark world of drugs trafficking. But I agree with slaves. They're basically slaves. Newter (bless his heart, I'm in love with this new character already) is super-fast and agile and can stun bugs and people alike only by touching them. I don't know about others, but I think you have some pretty kick-ass people in your team, Faultline, you made an EXCELLENT choice when you didn't judge them after their looks.

I remembered reading about him on the web. Information had been scarce, since Faultline's crew weren't the types of villain to appear in the papers or on TV, and the concrete details that were out there had been hard to pick apart from the speculation.
What I did know was that his bodily fluids were potent hallucinogens. Even the sweat that accumulated on his skin was apparently enough to send someone off to la-la land, taking only a few seconds for it to be absorbed through the skin.
I focused my attention on tracking what was happening inside the building. Newter was on the second floor, probably dodging gunfire as he moved closer to the group of people who had been in the upstairs office. I had my bugs cluster around them, biting their hands and faces. I sent them crawling into noses, ears and mouths to disrupt the aim of the people who might shoot Newter.
Kaiser, Fenja and Menja were attacking from the side of the building opposite us. They had drawn the attention of most of the armed agents and patrols, leaving Bitch and her dogs stranded in the midst of one or two dozen unarmed, unclothed, panicked people. From what my bugs were sensing, she was giving lots of commands to her dogs.
I realized, belatedly, that someone had blocked off the route Bitch might have taken to reach the fighting. The edges of the offending barrier were thin, sharp. Blades? That meant Kaiser would be the one who had blocked her. Was it intentional, or had he been cutting off the ABB's escape routes?
I couldn't sense what Newter was doing since my bugs couldn't touch him, but I could feel the movement of the air that followed in his wake, I could track the locations of the bugs he came into contact with before they were brought down by the drugs, and I knew the men were collapsing as Newter moved into their midst and knocked each of them out with a touch. One or two even collapsed without him touching them. Something else? Blood? Spit?
Only one remained standing. He and Newter circled one another. My bugs weren't having much effect on him, since he was wearing a bandanna or something over his face.
No, wait, there was a second person, just behind Newter. How had I not noticed him?
Then the first disappeared, and I knew.
I grabbed my phone, accessed the contacts, and auto-dialed Bitch.
"Come on, answer, answer," I whispered at the phone.
Then a handful of my bugs were stunned and a few more squashed as Newter collapsed on top of them. I directed most of the bugs in the building to distract the attacker, hoping to buy Newter enough time to get away. It wasn't working – he wasn't moving.
"Fuck! Answer, Bitch!"
Oh, Newter can spread literal drugs from his bodily fluids? This is both cool but also very, very bad for him :(. Poor Newter baby, he'll never be able to kiss someone or have a normal sexual life or even touch people if he's sweaty :(. He's like Rogue from X-Men whose touch can put someone in a coma. Assholes like Sophia have impressive powers while decent people like Newter are cursed.....I think Kaiser is either stupid (which he usually isn't), wants to beat up ABB by himself to impress his people with his victory or he's trying to sabotage his "teammates" for some reasons. Anyway, FUCK him, hope Lung will find him then he'll scream like a little girl for everyone else to come in his help. I'd laugh out loud if something like this will happen (and its late... and I live in an apartment).

"What's wrong?" Sundancer asked.
"Newter's hurt."
Labyrinth put her hand on my shoulder, half-spun me to face her. She didn't say a word, her expression barely changed behind the cloth of her mask, but it was still the closest I'd seen to an emotional response from her.
I would have said something, but Bitch chose that same second to pick up.
"Bitch! Second floor, Newter's wounded, Oni Lee is in the building."
There was a long pause before she replied, "Lung's here too."
I think Labyrinth is starting to use her power. And....NEWTER IS HURT!!! Help him! This must be everyone's priority, to help Newter. I don't care about Oni Lee and Lung, Newter should be saved at all costs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, wow, that was quite of a ride. I'm so worried for Newter, guys, hope they'll save him. Sleep well and have pleasant dreams.
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You know, this arc may not be my favorite, but I really LOVE this gang war, makes me wish that the entire series was just about villain gangs fighting against each other.

And I agree, Newter is cute... to bad he is straight... and fictional.:V
You know, this arc may not be my favorite, but I really LOVE this gang war, makes me wish that the entire series was just about villain gangs fighting against each other.

And I agree, Newter is cute... to bad he is straight... and fictional.:V
Yep, Worm is not only about villain teams fighting against each other. It also talks about bullying, various dark themes like drugs, nazis, child abuse and violence and occasional heroic shenanigans- btw I would like to see more chapters about heroes, most of them appeared to be decent people. I like the realistic part of Worm quite a lot, I enjoy stories that are both realistic and fantastic.
As for Newter, is actually great (for me, as a straight girl) that he's straight, too bad he's fictional and can't turn off his drugs inducing power (I never tried and I'll never try drug; they're bad, very bad, at least in my opinion). :)
As for Newter, is actually great (for me, as a straight girl) that he's straight, too bad he's fictional and can't turn off his drugs inducing power (I never tried and I'll never try drug; they're bad, very bad, at least in my opinion). :)

For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure that Newter's sweat is non-addictive and basically harmless.
she already finished Lung's dick off, forcing him to piss like a woman for the rest of his miserable life.
Or at least until he regenerates it.
Merchants is the name for those disgusting druggies. I'll keep that in mind.
They're also the second group Browbeat beat up, thpugh unfortunately he didn't manage to take them all off the streets. Also, Skidmark is the same person as Stain, who the skinhead fucker mentioned in Interlude 2, not knowing he'd allied with Squealer and Moist/Mush to form the Merchants.
Or at least until he regenerates it.

They're also the second group Browbeat beat up, thpugh unfortunately he didn't manage to take them all off the streets. Also, Skidmark is the same person as Stain, who the skinhead fucker mentioned in Interlude 2, not knowing he'd allied with Squealer and Moist/Mush to form the Merchants.
Now i'm imagining Stain from Hero Academia as a druggie... make it stop!
Hive 5.7
Hello, my friends, I know its a bit late but here comes a new chapter 5.07 | Worm (I'm not sure if I have time for another one but I'll try anyway). Last time...the cute lizard boy was injured by Oni Lee and Lung. Skitter& co should try to save him no matter how desperate is their present situation. They just can't let Newter die like this after he helped them so much and he was so nice and cooperative with them. I mean, this is what I would do myself in Skitter's place. Save Newter's life, take him somewhere where he won't be hurt again then go back to fight. I love how in this story there are more and more nice villains with every passing Arc: first Undersiders, then Faultline and Newter, and even Sundancer seems nice to me (she said that she doesn't like to use her power because it will injure people, meaning that she actually gives a fuck about people that might be injured or not by her. She also seems pretty sad for some reasons; hope that her teammates are not abusing her in a way or another :(). Worm is the kind of story where I love villains more than heroes because some of them are better persons. What a funny twisted story! :)

"Lung's there," I echoed, as much to let Sundancer and Labyrinth know as to help myself process the idea.
"He's with Kaiser. I can't get to them. Kaiser blocked the door with giant knives."
"Ignore Lung!" I stressed. If Kaiser wanted to go it alone, he could reap the consequences. "Priorities are Newter and Oni Lee! Can you get upstairs to rescue Newter?"
"I can't ride Brutus in there, I'd have to dismount."
"Then draw him outside! Watch your back!"
I hung up, shoved the phone into the compartment behind my back, and drew my baton and knife.
"What are you doing?" Sundancer asked.
"Oni Lee's a freaking assassin. I can't leave Bitch on her own."
I didn't wait another second. I bolted for the warehouse, drawing more bugs from the surroundings to help back me up.
Bitch, still riding Brutus, came rushing out the loading bay door, Judas only a step behind. They skidded to a stop, facing the building. Through the hole the explosion had made in the wall, I saw Angelica climbing up the stairs.
As Angelica reached the top of the stairs, Judas lunged up and through the windows at the opposite end of the second floor hallway, trapping Oni Lee in between them.
Oni Lee barely seemed to care. I could see him in his black bodysuit with belts and bandoleers of knives on it, his mask with the demonic face and leering, fanged, ear-to-ear grin. He glanced at one dog, then the other, then looked out the window.
I knew his power was a hybrid between duplicating himself and teleportation. He could teleport, but when he did, he left a body behind that could act autonomously for a few seconds. So when I saw him glance out the window, I followed his line of sight, and saw he had already appeared just behind Bitch, half-crouching on Brutus' back, one hand on a hook of bone to help him balance. There was a flash of steel in his other hand as he reached around her throat with a blade.
"Bitch!" I screamed. It didn't matter. At the same time as I opened my mouth, a red dot and a mist of red appeared out of the back of his head. A split second later, another dot and spray of red appeared on his back, around his heart was. He fell on top of Bitch's shoulder, limp, then collapsed to the ground.

Yes, Skitter, you're like my self-insert character, save Newter's and protect Bitch against Oni Lee. That's the main reason why I love you so much, you crazy bug girl. You have a heart of gold, you're such a big hero deep inside even if you're trying HARD to appear a scary and dark villain. As expected, Kaiser is going to fight (probably along with Fenja and Menja) against Lung and gets his ass burned to the bone :D. This idiot honestly believes that he can have a chance against someone who can melt metal in a couple of seconds? Ha ha ha ha, can't wait to see him crying like a baby while writhing on the floor, trying to escape from the remains of his hot armor. Such a DELICIOUS to the eyes image. Good job, Coil's supersoldiers, for shooting Oni Lee before he'd hurt Bitch!

A second later, he exploded into an opaque cloud of white ash, ten feet across.
I glanced over my shoulder, saw the dark silhouettes of Coil's men lying down on the edge of the rooftop. One had a pair of binoculars, the other was set up behind a long rifle with a prominent scope. A sniper team.
Anyone else would be dead by now, but the fact that the body had exploded into dust meant it was just a clone, a leftover remaining behind after Oni Lee had teleported away. He probably wasn't remaining in one place for more than a second. My bet was that he was appearing, immediately looking for a new target or vantage point, then making a quick exit, leaving the clone to do the deed.
I reached Bitch and cast a nervous glance over my shoulder for Oni Lee. "You okay?"
"Felt the fucking steel on my throat," she rubbed her throat as if she was checking it was okay. "Where'd he go?"
I saw Oni Lee for only a fraction of a second, as he fell from the roof of the warehouse, before he exploded into another cloud of white dust. Another point for the sniper team. Why had he been up there? Who or what had he been trying to see?
"The snipers," I breathed, whirling around.
Where the sniper team had been, there were four figures now. I saw the rifle fall from the edge of the roof as the two soldiers struggled with a pair of Oni Lees. Then, puff, the clones were gone, and there was enough white dust around them that they wouldn't be drawing a bead on him again, even if they hadn't lost the rifle.
But where had he gone from there? I looked around, feeling the panic begin to set in.
Brutus made a roaring sound somewhere between a howl and a growl, not quite recognizable as either. He reared like a panicked horse, and I saw Oni Lee drop from the side of his head, land in a crouch, and lunge for me, a knife in each hand.
I swatted at his hands with my baton, sending one knife flying through the air and breaking his stride. It didn't matter. Less than a second later, he was dust. He'd teleported.

Hands seized me from behind, in a rough nelson hold, pulling my arms out of the way as another Oni Lee materialized out of the dust in front of me, ready to capitalize on my inability to defend myself.
Knowing he wasn't about to let go of me, I brought both my legs up in a kick at Oni Lee's stomach. They connected and he doubled over.

HOLY SHIT! Oni Lee is a very good fighter. Thanks God that each clone don't last more than few seconds, otherwise he'd have filled the whole building with countless murderous versions of himself. He's enough dangerous the way he's now, we don't want him to be even more creepy. Skitter keeps fighting against clones, helped by the snipers and I think the only way she can track Oni Lee's teleportation movements is to use Swarm against him, making the bugs to stay on him so she'd know in this way where he'll go next (I'm sure that he can make whatever he touches teleport with him). So, use your Bug GPS Tracker system, Skitter!

Brutus lunged forward, biting at him before he could recover. Both the Oni Lee that was holding me and the one clasped in Brutus' jaws turned to carbon ash, adding to the volume of the opaque, gritty white cloud that surrounded us. As Bitch managed to get Brutus under control I saw his face. One of his eyes was in ruins, and volumes of blood and other liquids were flowing from it.
"Fuck this," I growled, drawing the bugs out from my costume, and retrieving the ones I'd had in the building. I spread them around, reaching for him, hoping for some sort of early warning.
No sooner the thought crossed my mind than the silhouette of a figure appeared twenty feet to my right. He whipped his arm in my direction, and I didn't have any time to do much more than turn in his direction before something collided with my head. I stumbled and fell over backwards.
In the instant I toppled over, I had the presence of mind to tuck my chin against my chest so I wouldn't add to my concussion. The armor covering my shoulders took the worst of the impact.
As I lay there, trying to parse what had just happened, I realized that a small knife was embedded in the armored section of my mask, cracking the lens. A throwing knife? I pulled it free and pulled myself to my feet. I had enough bugs around me now that I could be sure he wasn't attacking us. That just raised the question of where he was.
"Bitch, you okay?" I asked.
"Fucker stabbed me in the arm!"
If that's the worst injury we get away with today, we can count ourselves lucky. I headed out of the cloud that surrounded us, hoping to get a better sense of the battlefield.
I got out just in time to see Oni Lee tackling one of Coil's snipers off the edge of the roof. Oni Lee disappeared in a cloud of white before he hit the ground. I was pretty sure the sniper hadn't.
Sundancer was crumpled over, Labyrinth holding her shoulders.
This was not going well.
Oni Lee appeared thirty feet away from me, standing just to my left and behind me. My bugs gave me a sense of his position before anything else, and I threw myself to one side. I thought maybe I saw the shape of one of his throwing knives pass through the air where I'd been standing, but I wasn't seeing very well with a cracked lens on my mask

At my command, The bugs that had alerted me to his position gathered on him and began biting and stinging.
Then I noticed something weird. More bugs popped into existence in the midst of the cloud, near Sundancer and Labyrinth. I felt the original bugs perish as they exploded into ash.
He was taking them with him. I don't think he could help it.
I could track his movements.
"Bitch! Here!" I shouted.

Fuck, this situation is bad, worse than I expected. One of the sniper is injured, Bitch is injured and Sundancer doesn't look too good as well. And she can't use her Sun powers because everyone in the room but her would be injured, not only Oni Lee and his demented clones. I'm glad that Skitter is using the method I was thinking about, the one with bug tracking. Of course he can take them after him, all teleporters are doing something like that. The first rule of teleportation: you always take after you what you touch or anything that touches you goes with you!

She lunged out of the cloud, still astride Brutus, pulling up short to avoid trampling me.
"I can see where he's teleporting," I told her, "Get Judas and Angelica."
She whistled, long and piercing. As if in response, Oni Lee appeared just a few feet away.
"Behind you!" I pointed.
Brutus whipped around, snapping and snarling, and Oni Lee had to backpedal to escape being caught in the mutant's jaws. He disappeared just a second later.
"Get one dog near those guys," I pointed to Sundancer and Labyrinth, "We should join them asap."
She nodded, whistled, and pointed. No sooner did Judas and Angelica arrive at our sides than Judas headed off to his next destination. Bitch offered me a hand.
I gratefully took it, letting her help me up onto Brutus' back.
As we approached Sundancer and Labyrinth, the sidewalks on either side of us dropped out of existence, leaving only a bottomless pit where they had been.
"The fuck?" I murmured.
Then the buildings began to rise in height, some leaning over the street and joining with the others in grotesque arches and bridges. Brickwork stretched and extended into the alleyways, closing them off.
Then windows began to shrink and warp, leaving only flat expanses of brick, concrete and stucco for the building faces. Under our feet, the road began to shift in color, with some patches becoming paler, and others darkening. They sharpened in definition as they settled into an alabaster white and jet back. A checkerboard?
Brutus had to leap out of the way as one of the squares of the checkerboard suddenly rose to a height of ten feet. As if in response, other squares began to rise and fall, each to varying, almost random heights.
I was almost dismounted as another square appeared in a wall and slid out of the side of the building in a thirty foot long horizontal pillar.
We reached safe haven, an expanse of unaffected ground, thirty feet across, with two figures in the center. Sundancer and… Labyrinth.
"This is you?" I asked Labyrinth, awed, as I climbed down off Brutus.
She didn't reply. Instead, she reached out and touched the side of my chin.
The images of arches, pillars and checkerboard patterns fell away like a house of cards.
"Hallucinations," I spoke, as Labyrinth made a waving gesture towards Bitch's head. She looked at me and shook her head slowly.
"They're not hallucinations?" I asked.
She didn't reply.

"You can't explain because you can't or don't talk," I realized, speaking my thoughts aloud.
Oni Lee appeared a few feet away. I whirled and pointed, "There!"

Bitch and her dogs are freaking badass against Oni Lee :)! And now, SILENCE everyone, please, the IKEA worker girl is doing her job, this time not for a store- to confuse the hell out of customers, so they'll never be able to find the exit- but inside ABB's drugs factory, to confuse the hell out of everyone involved in the fight. Labyrinth transformed the room into a freaking surreal...labyrinth!!! How cool is that?!? :) I bet she can't really talk while concentrating, maybe she uses a lot of energy to create those transformations. I also notice that if she touches someone while concentrating over her power, that person will not see the changes anymore. They're not hallucinations but...maybe she chooses who can see and who can not see her power at work: Skitter and Bitch are her allies, so they should not be confused by the building turning into a labyrinth and become distracted from fight while Oni Lee is an enemy so her power works full on him, confusing the hell out of him. I think I understand how her power is working :). Pretty NEAT!

He was stumbling, moving to avoid something that wasn't there. He was still there, trying to get his balance, as I felt more bugs appear at another point on the opposite side of us. Only he appeared fifteen feet in the air, fell, and landed in an awkward position, falling over.
"Bitch!" I pointed.
She whistled and pointed to send Angelica. Oni Lee's response was delayed, as if he couldn't even see her approaching, at first. I felt more bugs pop into existence a second before she set her jaws on him.
Bitch sent Judas next. Oni Lee's reaction was even slower, but he had time to throw himself onto his back, flinging two throwing knives into Judas' face and shoulder before he disappeared.
"Over there!" I pointed as he reappeared.
Bitch didn't even have time to give a command before there was a sound like a champagne cork being popped. Oni Lee screamed as one of his shins exploded in a spray of blood.
I felt him reappear somewhere else, collapsing to the ground, while his predecessor endured having the kneecap on its good leg shot out.
I followed the sound of a chamber being reloaded to spot Coil's sniper. He was lying on his side at the foot of the building, one arm outstretched to hold his rifle steady. His right leg was bent the wrong way.
He'd been knocked off a three story building, had a broken leg at the very least, and had still managed to retrieve, load and fire his rifle?
If he was willing to be that professional, I could damn well play spotter for him.
"There!" I pointed in Oni Lee's direction. On the warehouse again.
There were two more muted popping sounds, and I could see Oni Lee spin in a pirouette of sorts as a shot clipped him, before he collapsed to the rooftop.
He exploded in a cloud of ash once again. Except I hadn't felt him appear anywhere.
"He's gone," I said, "Out of my range."
Sundancer looked up at me, one gloved hand on her shoulder. "Good," she managed to answer.

"You okay?"
"He gouged my shoulder. I'll need stitches, but it's not the worst injury I've had."
"Okay. Uh, man, Coil's guy," I spoke, trying hard to organize my thoughts and priorities with the adrenaline that was pumping through me, "You going to be alright?"
"Yeah," he rasped, then he coughed.
I'd have to take him at his word.
"Labyrinth, watch him. Make sure he keeps breathing and that his buddy knows where he is," I said, "Sundancer, Bitch, we've gotta go help Newter."

I can't get over my admiration for Coil's supersoldiers, these people are incredible! I mean, the sniper was injured and he still managed to shoot Oni Lee, this man have some BALLS OF STEEL that not even Skitter, the Destroyer of Dicks and Toes will ever manage to crash them :D. Oni Lee teleported away for moment, but everyone is safe. And Newter is going to be safe too, right? (I swear, during this entire chapter, I was thinking only at my poor Newter, I could hardly concentrate over my babbling).

Maybe I'll have another chapter reviewed later, if not then tomorrow. Bye, my dears.
I bet she can't really talk while concentrating, maybe she uses a lot of energy to create those transformations

Now I'm sad again.

But as a more general point, I think that is one of the reasons lots of people like worm. Even if you disagree with Taylor's actions, she is very easy to insert into. At least in my opinion, but the quantity of Taylor In Name Only not!si fics says it's probaby decently common.
Now I'm sad again.

But as a more general point, I think that is one of the reasons lots of people like worm. Even if you disagree with Taylor's actions, she is very easy to insert into. At least in my opinion, but the quantity of Taylor In Name Only not!si fics says it's probaby decently common.

Why do I have a feeling that Labyrinth is another character with a sad life story? Just like probably all her teammates. If so, then bless Faultline's heart for taking such complicated and troubled people in her team; she seems like the nicest and best villain boss so far, compared with others.
Why do I have a feeling that Labyrinth is another character with a sad life story? Just like probably all her teammates. If so, then bless Faultline's heart for taking such complicated and troubled people in her team; she seems like the nicest and best villain boss so far, compared with others.

It's because you are very perceptive. Or possibly because Wildbow loves putting tragic backstories everywhere.
First rule of Worm: Assume everyone have a tragic backstory.
Second rule of Worm: Everyone indeed have a tragic backstory.
Hive 5.8
Hi again. I have to go to sleep yet I can't because I have to know what will happen to Newter :D. Because of this, I'm OBLIGATED to read the next chapter 5.08 | Worm I swear, if they're going to fight against either Oni Lee or Lung during this chapter and not save Newter, I'm going to read the following chapter too and...so on. I'm not going to sleep tonight at all, fuck sleep, better read Worm until Newter will be safe. :D

I didn't like leaving Labyrinth behind, after seeing her help turn the tide of our fight against Oni Lee, but I couldn't use someone that couldn't communicate with me.
Bitch, Sundancer and I all sat astride Brutus as he headed towards the warehouse once again. My bugs lagged behind us.
"We should be fighting Lung," Bitch growled, "Not helping the freak."
"What?" Sundancer asked, "Why wouldn't we help him?"
"His fault if he got hurt," Bitch snarled.
"And if you got hurt?" Sundancer challenged her, "You'd want us to leave you?"
"Fuck no. But I wouldn't be surprised if you did."
"We're helping him," I stated, firm.
"Yeah? I'm the one telling this big lug where to go." She slapped her hand on the side of Brutus' neck a few times.
I would have yelled at her, should have, maybe. Instead, I just leaned forward until I was pressing against her back, and spoke into her ear, "We let him die, you think Faultline's going to let it slide? She might hurt or kill Tattletale or Regent in retaliation."
My piece said, I leaned back and waited to see how she'd respond. If that wasn't enough to convince her, and I had no idea if it would be, I was ready to try jumping off Brutus' back and seeing what I could do to help Newter on my own.
Bitch didn't reply. She didn't take us around, over or through the building, either, though. When we stopped, it was by the stairwell leading up to where Newter had fallen.
The business they had been into wasn't prostitution or slave trading. Long tables were arranged around the ground floor of the warehouse, with stools lined up beside them. On those tables were shallow boxes with blocks and piles of a white powder. Various tools – rulers, funnels, scales, measuring cups and no-name brand boxes of sealable plastic bags were arranged around each station. Heroin? Cocaine? I didn't know my drugs well enough to guess. The center of the room had been left more or less clear, maybe so cars or trucks could pull in.

So the 'employees' had been wearing little to no clothing, presumably, to keep the clothes clean of the white dust. Or maybe to keep them from pocketing any drugs for themselves.
The building rumbled with an impact, and I was reminded of the business at hand. Was I more distracted than usual, right now? Was it the concussion?
Bitch had been right, before – the stairwell and what I could see of the the second floor was too low for both a dog and a rider. I hopped off Brutus' back, stumbling a bit as I landed, then headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Sundancer is clearly a GOOD person. Now I have no doubts about it. Bitch is....hmm, well, Newter is not a dog so- in that canine like mind of hers- if someone is not a dog, they shouldn't be helped. I don't judge her, not at all, I actually understand her immense affinity towards dogs over humans (I'm starting to think that maybe Bitch also hates humans, deep inside her heart; she certainly was abused by humans back in the orphanage and/or inside the families who adopted her. She's a victim, that's for sure, and I'd give ANYTHING for Bitch's detailed backstory). I also like how Skitter tried to intimidate Bitch with what Faultline would do if her man would die. Not that Bitch would care anyway, but she seems a little more willing to help. Finally, Skitter understood the reason for the almost naked workers. Never too late. :)

Newter was lying in a puddle of blood, in the midst of a bunch of thugs, who were all lying down, crawling or writhing, oblivious to my existence.
Seeing the thugs was enough to remind me of how dangerous it would be to touch Newter. I was wearing gloves and leggings with padded soles, but would that be enough? The dragline silk I'd used for my costume was mostly waterproof, but the weave itself was porous, and I was worried enough that touching his blood could mean a terminal overdose that I couldn't risk it.
My approach stopped short of the puddle. Newter had a knife wound just below his shoulderblade that traced around his side, as long as my forearm and deep enough that I couldn't tell how bad the damage was. He was breathing, but his breaths were shallow enough that I almost couldn't tell. I was here, I could bend down to touch him, but I was helpless to do anything. Moments after I made contact with his skin, even with my gloves on, and I'd probably be on some hallucinogenic drug trip, flopping around like a fish on dry land.
Bitch and Sundancer approached from behind me, stopping at my side.
"Bitch, go downstairs, check the supplies they were using with the drugs. Look for rubber gloves, saran wrap, anything like that. If you can't find anything, look in the bathroom, under the sinks. I doubt there'll be a first aid kit, but if you can find one, bring it."
Bitch didn't answer, but she headed down the stairs. Just to be safe, as my bugs reached the building, I swept the flying ones through the rooms to help me look for first aid supplies and to keep an eye on Bitch and the rest of the building.
"What are we doing?" Sundancer asked.
"You're staying with him. See if you can get a response, talk to him. I'm checking in there." I pointed to the office at the end of the hall. Just in front of the door there was a gaping hole in the wall and a pile of debris – the mess Judas had made when he'd lunged through the side of the building to corner Oni Lee.
I had a dim recollection of what my bugs had sensed when they'd first entered the building and checked out the room. I'd been more focused on the people and potential booby traps, but I remembered that it had been an office, with a desk and a curtained off area with a bed. Maybe the bed was there so the guys in charge could take turns sleeping there, ensuring there was always someone to keep an eye on things. Maybe it was for the half-dressed 'employees', for taking advantage of them or so there was a place to put the ones that accidentally overdosed while working.
Entering the office, I confirmed my suspicions about the existence of the bed. I began stripping the badly stained sheets off.
Was it odd that this place freaked me out ten times as much as nearly getting offed by Oni Lee? Drugs had always spooked the hell out of me. One of the first times I'd ever ridden a bus, when I was around five or six, I'd seen a methhead freak out, making enough of a ruckus that the driver had to stop and force him off. I'd never really gotten over that first impression, where just the idea of being around someone that was high made me sort of anxious.

It wasn't just that, either. In grade school and junior high, I'd had classmates drop off the face of the planet, hearing only rumors and hints from other classmates or my teachers that there were drugs involved. Either my classmates themselves getting caught up in things, or parents or siblings dragging the kid into their mess to the point that the kid couldn't come to school. One as bad as the other. Almost from the beginning, I'd had this sense of drugs as this unstoppable black hole of fucked-up-ness that swallowed in anyone close to the addict.

Finally, they'll save Newter's life :). Poor Newter, he looks to be in a bad condition :(, I pray with all my heart that Oni Lee will not appear again and mess Skitter's sanitary plans. Please, Wildbow, don't do this to me, please! I also like Skitter's meditation over drugs. She's so right about everything. I personally never took drugs and I'll never do it, but I know someone who took it (she also was a member of a religious cult that convinced its followers to take hallucinogenic drugs, brainwashing them that they'll see their supreme god if they'll listen). I fought hard to help her, to take her away from the bad influence of that fucked up cult (I DESPISE, HATE both religious cults and drugs, each of them are destroying innocent people's lives, taking advantage of their naivety, their misery, their weaknesses, they need to evade from their actual lives and so on). But I'm going to tell you more about this subject tomorrow (too late, guys, sorry, but its late and I have to know if Newter will survive).

Yet people did it. It was something common and profitable enough that in an area like Brockton Bay where there were as many people unemployed as not, the ABB needed a money counting machine in this very office. Profitable enough that they had an open safe with stacks of bills inside.
My bugs weren't doing much, so I set them the task of collecting the money. Within a second or two of my having the thought, the mass of roaches, centipedes, pillbugs and ants flowed into the piles of money and began pushing it all off the desk or into paper bags. Houseflies and wasps gathered on the bills that tried to fly through the air and retrieved them. It wasn't perfect, it was a little clumsy, but it still caught me off guard just how well they were able to coordinate for something like that, without any conscious direction on my part.
I couldn't let myself get distracted. I could put my bugs on autopilot and have them finish the job while I focused on more important things. Pulling off the bedsheets, I uncovered a plastic sheet. The kind you used when your kids wet the bed. Doped out drug addicts, too, maybe. The top of the plastic sheet looked kinda grody, but I wasn't in a position to be picky. I pulled it off the mattress, balled it up in my hands and hurried back into the hall.
"Help me," I ordered Sundancer. With her help, I laid out the plastic sheet, bottom side up, at Newter's feet. By the time we had it flat and ready, Bitch was returning.
"Found two pairs of plastic gloves and some rubber gloves under a sink," she said, "First aid kit, too, but it feels light."

"Open it," I said, taking a pair of plastic gloves. It was awkward, fitting them over my normal gloves, but I managed it. Sundancer just pulled off her costume gloves and put on the plastic ones. She was caucasian, I noted, pale. "Tell me what's inside, fast."
"Got some tape, bandages, thermometer, safety pins, rubbing alcohol, soap…"
"Needle, thread?" I asked.
"Gauze pads? Big bandages?"
With our plastic gloves on, Sundancer and I managed to haul Newter onto the plastic sheet. The moment she let go, Sundancer winced and reached up to her shoulder, but she stopped short of actually touching it.
I turned to my teammate, "Bitch, go downstairs. Those people who were in here took their clothes off and my bugs say they stashed the clothes in a room below us. Find me some purses, as many as you can grab, as fast as you can grab them."
She didn't move, this time. She just glared at me.
"Fucking move!" I shouted at her. She gave me the evil eye before she left again.
"Bandages are going to be too small," Sundancer said, as I tried to wrestle Newter's blood-slick tail onto the plastic sheet.

Skitter and Sundancer are working GREAT together. Ok, I think Sundancer is already my favorite Traveler, she's a powerful, intelligent, kind and honorable person. Love how Bitch doesn't like when Skitter is playing big bad Alpha with her, but she still listens to her, maybe because Skitter have a way to convince most of the people to do what she's telling them ;). Skitter also steals money from ABB, maybe she's planning to give them to the workers after Oni Lee and Lung will be defeated. Good job, girl!

"Douse them in the alcohol, use them to clean the injury of blood. Use the dry bandages to pat it dry so the tape can stick. Don't be afraid to get into the wound, just be gentle."
She nodded, and began working on it. I grabbed the tape and began fumbling with it. Two pairs of gloves on, and I couldn't lift off the end of it. I grabbed my knife and used the edge it to get the job done. Once I had the tape, I began holding the wound closed and taping crosswise across it.
I could only hope I was doing the right things, here. A month of weekend first aid classes had not prepared me for this.
Bitch arrived with purses and practically threw them at me. I could have gotten pissed, but Newter couldn't afford for me to. I began emptying the purses onto the ground beside me and sorting through the contents. Pens, wallets, headphones, books, tampons, pictures, receipts, more receipts, change, keys, yet more receipts…
"What are you looking for?" Sundancer asked.
The third purse turned up what I needed. Sanitary pads. I tore one open and pressed it to the wound, then began taping it down. Unasked for, Sundancer grabbed another and opened it so it would be ready for me.
"Sterile, absorbent, covers more area than the bandage can," I got around to answering her question. "If he lives, his teammates might give him a hard time, but it's better than nothing."
"You didn't tape it down all the way," Sundancer pointed out.
"Only three sides," I agreed, "So it can breathe." I only vaguely recalled some instruction on that front. I was hoping it was right.
If I failed here, what right did I have to call myself an aspiring hero?
When the wound was bandaged as much as I could manage, the three of us bundled him up in the sheet and lifted him. Bitch and Sundancer had an injured arm and shoulder, respectively, so they both took his head and shoulders while I took his feet With agonizing slowness, we carried him down the stairs. then as carefully as we could manage with a body weighing half again as much as any of us, we draped him across Brutus' shoulders.
A bone-jarring crash nearly undid all of our hard work. Brutus nearly lost his footing at the impact, and I know I would've fallen if I hadn't already been holding onto him.
A gauntleted hand as wide across as my armspan had crashed through the wall. The whole building shuddered as another hand punched through the brick of the wall twenty feet from the first hole. Fingers gripped the building, and pulled the entire section of wall out in one piece.

"Go!" I shouted at Bitch, "Take him to the others! Call Tattetale, get the number for that cape doctor, get medical attention for anyone who needs it!"
She hesitated, opened her mouth to protest.
I raised my voice, "Do not fuck with me here!"
There was a rumble outside as the removed section of wall was thrown against the ground outside, hard.

Sanitary pads used as bandages.......Honestly, this idea didn't cross my mind :). Awesome work, you guys, Newter will live even if his teammates will make fun of him for months from now on. But it is worth it! It looks like Fenja and Menja have other kind of fun, fighting with Lung, while their boss might stay aside and let them do all the job, without breaking a single nail to help them. Fucking Kaiser, a gentleman should either protect women or fight alongside them, not stay behind and have them protecting his skin. But just like you can't never teach a fascist to love all his fellow humans, you can't also never teach Kaiser to be a gentleman. Or to be a real man, for the matter.

Just an instant later, a half dozen ABB members retreated into the warehouse through the hole, taking cover from the giantesses. They saw us and stopped short, wary, weapons ready but not raised or pointed at us.
Lung followed his thugs into the room. He was bigger than I'd seen him yet at nearly fifteen feet in height, and was covered in layers of scales that left him barely recognizable as human. Spearlike growths stuck out of his shoulders in what I realized were the beginnings of wings. His mask had been torn off at some point, and the features of his face had been warped by his transformation. The shape of his skull and face were more catlike than human, and his nose and mouth were a single X-shaped opening, bristling with pointed teeth that stuck in every direction.
I could see why he usually wore the mask.
"Bitch," I murmured, "If you don't leave now, I don't think you're going to get another chance."
"Which do you want more? To fight, here and now, or to make sure Faultline and the other groups don't have an excuse to do anything to our teammates?"
I saw her hesitate. The fact that she even had to think about it… I could have slapped her.
Kaiser strolled in, unworried, unhurried. Lung moved like he was going to lunge for him, then stopped just in time to avoid impaling himself on the narrow blade of steel that had erupted from the ground, pointed at his heart. I wasn't sure if it would have penetrated his covering of scales, but if I were Lung, I don't think I would have gambled on it either.
Fenja and Menja reduced their size to fit through the hole they'd made in the wall, then grew again as they had the headroom. They settled at a height of eighteen or twenty feet. Fenja carried a sword and round shield, while Menja had a spear. Or the other way around, whatever.

Lung is full Dragon now and Kaiser...at least he's doing something, even if most of the battle is carried by his ladies. I like Fenja and Menja's fighting style, they make a fun to watch team together.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Bitch hop onto Brutus, then ride in the direction of the sniper team and Labyrinth, a wrapped-up Newter lying limp in front of her. Judas and Angelica remained behind, not far from Sundancer and I. Their entire bodies were taut with tension, their heads low, as they glared at the new arrivals.
Lung turned to survey the room. His men were arranged in a loose circle around him, facing us. His eyes settled on me.
"Ooo," he rumbled, his words were distorted by the shape of his altered mouth, but it was easy enough to guess what he'd just said. You.
LUNG: You killed my dick, prepare to die.

Good night everyone and sleep well.
He doesn't get enough screen time :)
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with Genesis being a "he". I suppose Genesis must be the second girl in Travelers team, the shapeshifter one who's not exactly a shapeshifter. The other boy besides Trickster is called Ballistic, this is how Sundancer called him when she was talking to Skitter. Or maybe Ballistic is the "shapeshifter" girl and Genesis is the boy with "bulky armor and a square mask" and I just mixed them up?
I'm not sure what you're trying to say with Genesis being a "he". I suppose Genesis must be the second girl in Travelers team, the shapeshifter one who's not exactly a shapeshifter. The other boy besides Trickster is called Ballistic, this is how Sundancer called him when she was talking to Skitter. Or maybe Ballistic is the "shapeshifter" girl and Genesis is the boy with "bulky armor and a square mask" and I just mixed them up?

I meant to say she. Typo, I didn't notice. The phrase itself was a joke that you may appreciate later.
Hive 5.9
Hello, awesome people. Before I'll start reviewing another chapter 5.09 | Worm I'm going to keep my promise and talk for a while about the girl that I tried to save from a religious cult who drugged her, tricked her into giving them a lot of money stolen from her parents and almost abandon her family who opposed her new life. She was a girl I knew from highschool, a colleague and friend of mine, and one day she fell in love with a boy (later I found out that he was a member of that cult). She became so enslaved by love for him that she accepted to become a member as well. She started to steal money to give to the new cult, to take hallucinogens and to renege her own family because they didn't agreed with her and her boyfriend. I tried with all my strength and patience to convince her that what she's doing is very wrong and she can't let strangers brainwashing her and turning her into their mindless follower, but she never listened me. She said that I'll never see God like she saw him and I have no right to talk if I don't know anything. She called me a dirty sinner and turned her back to me. I went to her boyfriend, trying for convince him to break up with her, to let her return to her old and normal life, to give her freedom. He acted pretty violent and even tried to slap me but I defended myself in a way that he didn't dared to slap me again. One day, my friend had a crisis induced by drugs and went to the hospital, in a very bad condition. I, my parents and her parents stayed all the time by her side, praying for her recovery and encouraging her and after she recovered she broke up with her boyfriend, with the other members of the sect and became normal again, returning back into the arms of her family. After few years, the leader of the sect left the country because he was accused by fraud and the death of one of the members (because of the drugs). I'm glad that everything ended well for my friend but when I'm thinking what would have happened if she wouldn't have changed her mind in the last moment...Sects are BAD, kids, drugs are BAD, never try any of them!
Back to the story!

"Yeah, me," I answered Lung, hoping I sounded more confident than I felt.
"Some history?" Sundancer murmured.
"I made his crotch rot off."
She turned to stare at me.
Sundancer: "stares"
Skitter: They also call me the Destroyer of Dicks! It fits, right?
Skitter: You should try too. Its fun!!!
Sundancer:....I hate this city.....

"How do you-" she started, then she stopped as Lung's growl rose in volume enough to turn her head.
Angelica and Judas advanced steadily until they were on either side of me.
"Step down, Undersider," Kaiser spoke from the opposite end of the room, "My girls and I have this in hand."
"Do you?" I challenged him, not breaking eye contact with Lung, "Because Lung looks like he's in pretty good shape there. You know how this works, right? He only gets stronger the longer you fight him. If you haven't finished him off by now, you're probably not going to."
Lung chuckled, low and gravelly. He craned his neck to look at Kaiser, and I shivered. His neck alone was nearly as long as my torso and thicker at the base, tapering down to a more or less normal sized head. What was creepier was that he'd bent his neck in a 'u' shape to look behind himself. It was a movement that a gymnast would have been hard pressed to perform with theirback. It wouldn't be long before he just wasn't recognizable as something who had once been human.
The six of his thugs that were gathered around him looked like they were almost as scared of him as they were of us.
"What would you propose, then?" Kaiser asked me.
"Sundancer and I will help out," I told him. I glanced at Sundancer, and she nodded.
Lung laughed again. "Ooo? Ug gurr?"
Before I could figure out what he'd just said to me, he lunged straight at me, passing between two of his people, moving on all fours.
I'd sent the flying insects and wasps into the room to help Bitch search for supplies, and I directed them straight for Lung as soon as I realized what he was doing. Too little, too late.
Then Judas intercepted him. The pair of them rolled and tumbled, and I couldn't tell which of them was making which snarling or growling noise.
When the momentum of Judas' pounce had stopped carrying them across the floor, Lung managed to get his footing first, and physically heaved Judas across the main floor of the warehouse. Judas slammed into two sets of the long tables, sending clouds of white powder billowing around him.
When Angelica made her move, Lung was ready for her. He caught hold of her snout and foreclaw before she could do any damage and leveraged her forward momentum to throw her too, straight at Judas. There was an almost judo or akido kind of style to the throw, except I doubted either of them were human enough for normal moves and techniques to apply. What was more likely, I thought, that his reflexes, flexibility and strength were on a level where that sort of thing came naturally to him.
In any case, my bodyguards, if you could call them that, had been tossed aside away like they were stuffed animals. Lung didn't drop to all fours again as he advanced toward me. Instead, he flexed his right hand, and my eyes were drawn to the foot-long blades that tipped each finger.
"Sundancer?" I asked, quiet, "Help me out?"
"If I used my power, I'd probably hurt you worse than I hurt him."
Of course Kaiser would want to kill Lung by himself (or at least try to). He'll be famous not only among his people but also among his other villains as well. Hell, even heroes will be somehow grateful to him for saving the city. I can understand his point of view but this doesn't mean that I agree with him. I kind don't want this fucker to become hero, I'd rather want someone like Sundancer. :) Aww, she's so nice. Why did you become a villain in the first place, Sundancer? You don't even have a small streak of evilness in your heart, you're pure like a little flower. Look, Undersiders are overall good people, but they also have a streak of evilness that they're not afraid to use it when its necessary. Even Skitter. I think you're more suitable to be a hero, but a REAL hero (someone like Panacea, Aegis or Gallant) not a glory-seeker hero or a bloodshirty hero "glares at Armsmaster and Shadow Bitch Stalker".

"That line is getting old fast."
Lung lunged again, and I threw myself to one side, too slow, too short a distance.
With the sound of swords being drawn out of their sheaths, a barrier of blades and spears rose up from the ground between Lung and I. I found traction on the asphalt with my hands and feet, and I managed to half-crawl, half run away from him.
Lung started to move around the barrier of blades, only to be blocked by another bristling growth. He roared, then leapt for the rafters up at the ceiling. I knew what he was doing almost right away, and ran for cover – once he had a grip up there, it would be a matter of using his grip on the steel girders that lined the ceiling to jump straight at me. I wasn't two paces before I knew there was no cover I could get to fast enough.
Except he didn't get that far. A square pillar of steel as tall and long as an eighteen wheeler speared downward from the roof, straight at him. It caught Lung in his midsection and shoved him down into the ground, hard. A few seconds later, the weight of the block of steel tore it from the section of ceiling it was rooted in. It didn't hit anyone as it dropped down but I could guess it would've killed someone: I could feel the impact of it striking the ground in my bones.
I looked at Kaiser. He was standing where he'd been when he walked into the room, hands clasped behind his back.
"Fenja, Menja," Kaiser's order wasn't shouted, but it could be heard across the warehouse. If you could call it an order.
But the two eighteen-foot tall valkyries seemed to know what he wanted. They advanced towards Lung with their weapons drawn, and Lung's people began backing slowly away. I felt a pang of sympathy for Lung's rank and file, mainly for the ones who'd been coerced into this. They'd probably seen what Fenja and Menja were capable of, earlier, but they couldn't run without risking their boss' wrath. Caught between a rock and a hard place.
Lung wasn't quite down and out yet, though. He started climbing to his feet, only to have a pyramid of criss-crossing blades spear up around him. Blades appeared under and over his arms, just beneath his armpit, behind his knee, by his groin, with dozens more rising above and around him. Before he could find his way out, he was trapped. Buried and hidden beneath the layers of steel.
Kaiser inclined his chin, looking toward the ceiling, and I saw a shimmer. The tip of a blade began to emerge from one of the iron girders above, revealing itself at a glacial pace. It was no more than a half foot thick, but nearly twenty feet wide. I wasn't sure if it was an optical illusion from the rippling energies of Kaiser's power or not, but I thought maybe the ceiling was sagging under the weight of it. If he wasn't careful, he'd bring the roof down on our heads.
Then Kaiser lowered his head to face the area where Lung was trapped and the massive sword he'd manifested in the ceiling plunged down into the pyramid in a heartbeat. Sparks showered as the gargantuan blade sheared through the trap.
Your power is VERY COOL, Kaiser and I'm deadly serious here. I won't be sad either if you'll end up killing Lung- he DESERVES- I just don't want you to be his killer, that's all. Also, I still think that Lung will melt all your metal stuff, including your armor, but he either is playing with you now or he needs to fight more in order to do that (Skitter, in her first fight against lung, said something like: Lung becomes more powerful if he fights more - a long and intense battle makes his Dragon form and powers grow exponentially). This is all he needs, Kaiser, and you're falling in his trap. Dumbass nazi :).

But there was more hot metal that wasn't a result of the impact. When I looked again, I saw Lung had avoided the blade. The side of the pyramid closest to me glowed a white-orange, the blades curling and sagging in the intensity of the heat. He'd softened the metal enough with his pyrokinesis that he could use his monstrous strength and push his way free. Enough, at least, to avoid being divided in two.
Lung roared as he climbed free. As Kaiser raised more blades around him, Lung swung his claws and shattered the metal, sending the pieces sliding across the floor.
"Aiiihurrr," Lung growled.
"You're an animal, Lung," Kaiser answered him, "Even without your power making you into… this. Go down!" As if to punctuate his statement, a spear of solid steel erupted from the wall and slammed into Lung, carrying him to the end of the room opposite where Judas and Angelica were. Lung managed to grip the spear and move himself so the spearpoint wasn't pressed against his chest when it punctured the concrete of the wall.
"Your people… animals." Kaiser intoned.
Not six paces away from me, one of Lung's thugs let out a raw scream and collapsed to the ground. Dagger-like blades had pierced the tops of his feet mid-stride. As he used his hands to break his fall, another set of blades punched through his palms. The screams of the other thugs echoed his. He was on his hands and knees, unable to move with his hands and feet effectively nailed to the ground.
"Kaiser!" I shouted, "No!"
"Not your business, little girl," Kaiser told me, turning in my direction.
I took an immediate step back, fearing blades would appear under my feet.
"This is wrong," I said, as I watched a sliver of steel sprout out of the ground and rise with a controlled speed to the base of the thug's throat. He was forced to arch his back and raise his head to the absolute limits to avoid getting a very unnecessary tracheotomy. I glanced at Lung. He was watching what was happening, but I couldn't read his alien expression.
"Wrong?" Kaiser chuckled, "As far as I'm concerned, the moment you need to fall back on morals to argue something, you've already lost the argument. This is war."
Lung moved for Kaiser, this time. He virtually rolled to one side to avoid an outcropping of spearpoints angled in a way that he might have run himself through on them, then resumed his charge.
FUCK YOU, KAISER, JUST FUCK YOU, YOU WHITE PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! Your people are the same animals as Lung's people, even worse, I might add. Because most of Lung's people are forced to be this way, while Kaiser's people are doing what they're doing on their own accord. You're trying to kill the poor unwilling thugs (that are probably threatened with their families), you have no right to talk about morals when you're one of the most amoral villains in Brockton Bay. Theo should be shamed to have you as his father, I hope he'll be different from you when he'll grow up- a much more better person and honorable man. You know what? I think I'll cheer for Lung to kill Kaiser then gets killed afterwards by someone else. In this way, two big ASSHOLES will stop polluting Brockton Bay's air.

One of the giantess twins stepped in, kicking Lung into and almost through a wall. Lung bounced back almost immediately, drawing on his pyrokinesis to direct a column of blue-yellow flame at her. The other twin intercepted the fire with her shield.
A few seconds later, she was stumbling back and away from Lung and throw her shield away to avoid having the heated metal burn her arm.
Kaiser's team wasn't going to win this on their own. As much as I despised stepping in and helping him…
"Sundancer, now would be a great time to use your power." I spoke. As I said the words, I called on every bug that was in the area and sent them to Lung.
"It's not- no. I'll burn them."
"Then burn them! If you don't use your power, I can pretty much guarantee Lung will burn them worse."
"Doubt it," Sundancer replied. But she raised her hands in front of her, and there was a brilliant flare of light, only a fraction of a second, but enough to leave a black-blue spot in the center of my vision. There was a brief roaring sound as the light faded.
I turned my focus to my bugs as another flicker of light appeared, longer and stronger than the first, again, accompanied by that faint roar.
"Hey, Skitter, was it?" Sundancer spoke.
"Yeah," I said.
"Get back. Way back."
I ran for it, pulling my mask up and bringing my fingers to my mouth in the best whistle I could manage.
Two seconds later, Angelica shoved her snout between my legs. Had it been a movie, or if I'd been Bitch, maybe, I would've been able to slide or jump back and land on her neck or shoulders, ride on from there. As it was, I half-fell, half-rolled over the top of her head and only barely managed to get a grip on a spike on her shoulder. I clung to that as she ran, praying I wouldn't fall and get trampled.
"Angelica, stop, stay!" I called out, hoping she knew the command, that she'd listen. She did, slowing her pace to a walk, then stopping just by the loading bay door we'd come in. Judas caught up and walked around her, until he was just in front of us. He was still covered in the white dust, but it didn't seem to be having any real effect on him. I hopped down from Angelica's side, ready to climb on her and jostle her into action if Lung made another attempt to come after me. I wasn't sure I could steer her, but with the prospect of Lung chasing me, I'd rather be moving totally uncontrolled at Angelica's speed than anything my own two feet could offer.
Sundancer had managed to get her power going. A ball of light, larger than a basketball, smaller than a beachball, sat between her hands.
Light? That was it?
Then I saw the floor.
The warehouse had clearly been raised above a flat expanse of asphalt, maybe an old parking lot, and the surface had cracked and been patched a fair bit over the years. It still bore the oil stains from the old days.
Skitter, you should not force Sundancer to use her power if she doesn't want to hurt people. I know that the situation is desperate, but let her choose what she wants to do with her power, don't try to turn her into a possible criminal "sighs". Anyway, Kaiser seems to be FUCKED by a Dragon, which is good, Bitch's dogs are the best characters in this fight :) and Sundancer finally decided (or better said, listened to Skitter) to create her miniature sun and set the building in fire (probably). NEAT! Too bad that it won't do jack shit to Lung, maybe only make him even stronger.

Directly below Sundancer, the floor was normal. Starting around five feet from her, though, the ground looked wet, glassy.
The asphalt was melting.
She dropped her hands, and the ball of light rose. Like it had a mind of its own, it darted towards Lung, zipping left and right and up and down as it moved. I saw how it rose higher as it moved over Lung's people, who were still nailed to the floor. At one point, it moved only ten or so feet over one of the tables, and the plastic surface of the table seemed to crumple up in fast motion, turning black and smouldering with tongues of flame.
I scattered my swarm, all too aware they weren't doing a thing to Lung, knowing they'd just die when Sundancer got her orb to Lung.
She didn't make it touch him, but seeing what it had done to the table, I thought maybe that was a good thing. Lung raised a hand towards the light and I could see the heat shimmers in the air. She pushed it a little closer to him, and his legs buckled.
Kaiser was apparently unwilling to let Sundancer steal the show, because he brought a shaft of metal out of the wall behind Lung, shoving Lung toward the orb. Sundancer moved the ball back, but just the second or so of close proximity to the ball was enough to take the fight out of Lung. He fell to all fours, tried to move, and found the asphalt like a molten tar beneath him.
Wasn't he supposed to be fireproof? Or was that immunity only to the flames he made with his own power? Or, I thought, was that ball of light -Sundancer's miniature sun- that hot?
I was lingering at the exit, watching and waiting to see the outcome. My bugs were prepared and ready, lingering as close as they could get without being wiped out by the superheated air.
Even with his superhuman constitution, even with his pyrokinesis to maybe take the edge off the effect, Lung was clearly suffering. Just a matter of time, I realized, before he collapsed. Probably, I supposed, much longer than one would think, with his regeneration.
Then the light of Sundancer's orb winked out.
It took me a few long moments of blinking the spots out of my eyes before I could make out the scene in its entirety.
Lung was limp, his arms dangling at his sides. He was still bent over, and he might have fallen face first into the tar, if it wasn't for the spear of iron that was impaling him through the heart.
"What did you do!?" Sundancer shouted.
"Obviously," Kaiser said, "I ended it."
"It was already over!"
I was under the impression very few people really argued with Kaiser. Fenja and Menja joined him, one on either side of him, and neither of them were sheathing their weapons or shrinking back to a normal size. I took that to be a very bad sign.
Sundancer is so damn powerful. Her power is as big as her heart. My kind and strong girl :) Lung appears to be almost dead but I'm sure he'll recover in no time and start attacking again, being even more powerful than he was before the whole miniature sun thing. No, Kaiser, you're not going to be a hero, you'll end up being a FRIED NAZI, and nothing else. Just wait until Lung will get up.

I was so preoccupied with watching Kaiser that I almost missed what happened next.
It started as a flash of crimson in the corner of my eye. I looked, and I saw Lung's wings fully unfurled. Like the wings of a bat, only they had silvery scales where the bat had fur, and the flesh that stretched between the 'fingers' of the wings was the deep, dark red of blood.
Lung grabbed the spear that impaled his chest and snapped it with his claws. He stood, and his entire midsection seemed to arrange so he stood another foot or two taller. Taking hold of the fragment that was still embedded in his chest, he slowly slid it out. Once it free, he cast it aside. It clattered to the floor of the warehouse.
We were so quiet, you could hear the ringing of the steel as it settled on the ground.
"Sundancer! Run!" I shouted, breaking the stillness. I sent my bugs swarming to Lung. Anything to block his vision, distract him for even a second.
The events that followed seemed to happen in slow motion. Lung repeated what he'd been trying to do as the fight opened, only nothing seemed capable of getting in his way, now. He was faster, stronger, more maneuverable.
He lunged toward Kaiser, using his wings to carry him effortlessly above a growth of steel blades. Reaching Kaiser, he slammed the man into the wall. Kaiser went limp, but Lung repeated the process, banging him against the brick of the warehouse wall a half dozen times in the span of seconds. When he was done, he flung Kaiser away like a toy.
Fenja had to drop her spear to catch Kaiser in her arms, which seemed to be exactly what Lung wanted. Lung did the same 'I explode' trick he'd done to wipe out my bugs in my first encounter with him, only it was ten times the explosion, ten times as big. The two giantesses staggered back, which gave Lung the opportunity to dart across the floor and drive his flattened, clawed hand into Menja's belly like a knife.
As he withdrew his claw, she collapsed.
"Nessa!" Fenja screamed.
Lung ignored her and started walking towards Sundancer and I. Fenja rushed to her sister's side, still carrying Kaiser.
Sundancer began forming her miniature sun once more, with increasingly frequent flickers of light and fire gathering between her hands.
"No." Lung boomed. He raised his bloody claw, and the flame in Sundancer's hands dissipated, slipping out of her grasp like greased eels.
She tried once more, and again, he thwarted her with an almost casual ease.
Before she could make a third attempt, Lung blasted her with a torrent of roaring flame. For two, three, four seconds, the fire washed over her, consumed her.
When he stopped, there were tongues of flame dancing on the asphalt around her, even her costume had fire lingering on it, but both she and her costume were untouched.
She, at least, was fireproof. Or she'd had to be, to avoid being burned by her own power.
YES, YES, YES, YES, YES...........Lung is full Dragon now and he throws Kaiser around like he's a fucking dummy. So much fun with this scene! I kind of feel bad for Menja (Nessa on her real name) and for Fenja, watching her sister being possible badly injured. I'm not worried for Sundancer, I knew she was fireproof because of the Manton Effect protecting her against fire. Skitter and the dogs, however, are not so lucky. So far, Lung is one of the most powerful parahumans, I'm not sure if even Aegis or Glory Girl or the ENTIRE NEW WAVE would stand a chance against him. The power of this ETERNAL ANGRY CHINESE MAN seems limitless.

She wasn't, however, invincible. As the flames of his attack dissipated, Lung was made visible again, revealed to be standing right in front of her. He barely seemed to care she was there as he backhanded her aside.
Then he turned his attention to me.
Just me left, really. I swallowed hard, drew my very underwhelming knife and stood straight, facing Lung. Please don't burn me, please, please. Look at this knife and see it as an insult. An excuse to trounce me physically.
Angelica started snarling at Lung. She took a step toward him.
"No!" I ordered her, "Back!"
The snarls ceased, and she looked at me.
"Back," I repeated. When I took a step toward Lung, she didn't follow. A powder-covered Judas stood fifteen feet away, tense, but not approaching either. Good. No use in anyone else getting hurt. There was nothing else she could do.
Hell, I was almost positive there was nothing else I could do.
My bugs gathered on Lung, but as far as I could tell, there was no skin, anymore. No flesh to bite, nothing to sting.
Lung rumbled with a rough, guttural chuckle, and let a brief flame wash over him, wiping the swarm out of existence.
I dispersed the bugs in his vicinity that hadn't yet had a chance to touch him and get burned for their trouble. No point.
Detrimental, almost.
Then Bitch, riding Brutus, bounded down from the hole in the ceiling and crashed into Lung.
"Bitch!" I shouted, too late, "No!"
Once he got over the shock of the initial impact, Lung used one hand to grab Bitch from where she sat on Brutus' back, and took hold of Brutus by the neck with his other. Heaving his arm, and Brutus, to his left side, then to his right, Lung casting the dog head over heels through the air.
Judas and Angelica began to move forward, but stopped when Lung elicited a scream of pain from Bitch.
"Nnno," Lung rumbled.
"Stop!" I shouted, stepping forward again, "I'm the one you want, aren't I?"
It always sounded so good when you heard it in the movies. As I realized what I'd just said, it only sounded stupid.
Bitch tried to help Skitter but she was injured as well. At least you tried, Bitch, you did good :). Now, time for the second battle between Skitter and Lung. As much as I cheer for Skitter to win and maybe kill him, I'm not really sure what she can do against him. The Swarm is useless, her knife is useless, her fighting skills are useless. She's like a little child facing a mad soldier. Unless she have a plan. But....what kind of plan?

He advanced toward me, carrying Bitch like a careless seven year old might carry a cat. I backed away, but his stride was long enough for him to close the gap effortlessly. He grabbed me and hefted me into the air, lifting me above his head so he could look up at me.
"Ug hurrrrr."
He couldn't talk, so I couldn't even fall back on the tired old cliche of getting him to monologue. Fuck.
He had my neck encircled with thumb and forefinger, two claws at my ribcage and his 'pinky' finger at my midsection, just below my waist. He squeezed a fraction tighter, and I groaned. The fabric of my costume was preventing the edges of his claws from cutting into me, but it wasn't reinforced to stop me from being crushed.
I directed a bug into his eye. It stayed there, wings fluttering in staccato. It was annoying enough for him to drop Bitch and deal with it. He didn't give her a chance to escape, though. Before he dealt with the bug, he shoved her against the ground and stepped on her, holding her down with his clawed foot. That done, he used the points of his claw to pick the bug from his eye socket.
He chuckled again, low, gravelly, as he examined the cockroach impaled on his clawtip. "Auuhh-roagh?" Cockroach?
He lowered his arm so I was at his eye level. Then he squeezed again, weaker than the first time. Shook me, not as hard as he could have.
Then his arm sagged again, until my toes were brushing the ground. After shaking me, his grip had loosened, and he hadn't really tightened it, so I managed to get my knee against the base of his palm and shove myself backward, push myself free. My feet touched asphalt, and I backed up a few steps.
"Hurrrrrrrr," he rumbled.
"Don't fucking underestimate me," I snarled in response.
I don't know if he heard me. I hadn't even finished the sentence before I had to skip backward two steps to avoid being crushed beneath him as he collapsed face first to the asphalt.
Can't believe what I just read! The little child DEFEATED to mad soldier with a....cockroach. Exactly how David killed the giant Goliat with a single stone. Skitter, you did something to that cockroach, right? Like...like smearing it into Newter's blood? I mean, it makes sense. Newter's bodily fluids drugs/stun people. One of Lung's eye is exposed (this is his only weakness)- the bug carried Newter's blood in Lung's system through the exposed eye. Voila, he's completely drugged. You just drugged the King of Drugs, Skitter. I'm not sure how much time he'll be like this before he'll recover or maybe Newter's drugs are very powerful when applied directly to the brain.

"Bitch, you okay?" I asked.
She was picking herself off the ground. She nodded.
"What happened?" she asked.
I sheathed my knife and reached for my cell phone with one hand. My other hand, I extended with the palm up. A cockroach
settled on it.
"Wasn't sure it would work, or if it'd be enough. Took a bit of caterpillar, had a roach swab it in that pool of blood Newter left upstairs, and mashed the thing in Lung's eye. Big and tough as he is, a drug that strong in the mucus membranes of the eye? So close to the brain? Apparently it's enough."
Bitch folded her arms, looking down at Lung. Then she looked up at me.
I was half right because I didn't expected at the canterpillar. Skitter, your power is not that great, but you're a GENIUS. My lovable nerdy supervillain :):):):):). Even Bitch seems to be impressed by your performances. But right now you have to kill that motherfucker before he'll recover. I know its hard to kill someone, but with people like Lung, you have to do it. Otherwise they'll be free again and again will create more misery and fear and terror in people's lives. If I were in Skitter's place, I'll...kill him. Close my eyes and stab him quickly in his throat, then tell Bitch to check if he's dead and leave, without looking behind me. This is the right thing to do, the right one...

It was a surprisingly apt question, coming from her. Did we just leave him here? He'd be all better in a matter of minutes. There were options. I just didn't like any of them.
I dialed Tattletale's phone, but it was Regent who answered.
"Hey," he said.
"A, lemon," I said.
"C, grass," he replied, "You wouldn't believe it. We found one of Bakuda's workshops. The stuff she has here is crazy."
"No time to chat. I need to talk to Tattletale, fast."
"She's checking the place for booby traps. Distractions probably aren't a good idea."
"It's kind of important," I said, looking down at Lung.
Two seconds later, Tattletale's voice was on the other end, "Hey?"
"Quick question. I have to be sure, which is why I'm calling you. Lung heals, right?"
"Yeah. Wait… Lung's there?"
"Unconscious at my feet. But I don't know how long, so answer fast. He heals? He's already healing what I did to him from last time, right?"
"Right. He'll heal pretty much anything, given time, provided he isn't dead. Lose an arm, he'd grow it back in a few months."
"Thanks. That's what I needed to know," I said. "Good luck with the booby traps." I hung up.
Then I looked down at Lung. I drew my knife.
"Why the knife?" Bitch asked. I think anyone else might have sounded concerned. She just sounded curious.
"I'm ending this."
I grabbed one of the larger spikes that framed Lung's face and heaved it to one side so his accordion-like neck was outstretched, face upturned.
No time to be delicate about it. I had no idea how strong the toxins in Newter's blood were, or how fast Lung's biology would process it.
She's really going to kill him. YES, Skitter, I fully support you. This is the only solution, he's a MONSTER, both external and internal. And monsters like him should not see another morning again.

I jammed the knife into Lung's eye socket. His head and consequently his eyes weren't as large as you'd think, in proportion to the rest of his frame, but the tissue around it was tough. I had to leverage the knife back and forth before I was able to pry his eyeball out. It was hot to the touch as I held it in the palm of my hand, no bigger than a ping-pong ball.
The second eye was faster, though no less messy.
When I was done, I stood, sheathed my knife and backed away from Lung's body. Shouldn't I feel worse about this? Shouldn't I feel sick, or grossed out, or disturbed by the morality of it? I didn't even feel cold, the way Grue had described. It just felt like something I had to do.
I glanced at the two eyeballs clasped in my hand, then put them out of my mind. I surveyed the room. Priorities?
I asked Bitch first, "The dogs are okay?" If I placed them second to anyone else but her, or if I forgot to ask, I got the feeling Bitch would mind.
"They'll heal when they turn back to normal."
"Sundancer?" I asked.
Sundancer was lying on her side, one arm pressed against the shoulder Oni Lee had stabbed. "I'm… okay."
That was everyone I gave a damn about, leaving only Fenja, Menja and Kaiser. I looked across the room and called out, "Fenja?"
The giantess nodded.
"Get your sister to a hospital, or whichever doctor your guys use. Get your boss taken care of."
She stood without giving me a response. Her sister had shrunk enough for her to cradle in her arms. Kaiser, for his part, was slung over her shoulder, limp.
"Oh, Fenja?"
She paused.
"I'll leave it to you to make the call, but if you think Kaiser has a sense of honor, maybe point out it would be bad form to push the point on the dogfighting thing, after we dealt with Lung for him, saved his life."
She nodded, then ducked through the opening in the wall.
I stepped toward Sundancer and offered a hand to help her up. She flinched away.
Oh. My hands were bloody. I dropped the offered hand to my side.
"Let's go," I suggested.
Or maybe live, but being blind for a couple of months. Skitter cut off his damn eyes. AWESOME! I mean, I wouldn't have done that in her place, I would have killed him fast instead, without even looking, but what she did was just....WOW! Skitter, you're my adorable nerdy villain with body of steel, mind of steel, nerves of steel and enough cold blood to freeze the entire Hell "claps". What a great ending to this fight. Also, Kaiser have NO MORALS, I doubt he'll try to convince Hookwolf to stop demanding blood, even if you saved his life. On the other side, Sundancer is TOO DAMN PURE FOR THIS WORLD!:)

Sorry, I'm not going to do the next chapter tonight, I fell pretty tired. Good night and sleep well, my awesome and understanding people.
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Destroyer of dicks and eyes, she is really making a name for herself, isn't she?
Some absolute madman actually wrote a crack fic called Genitaylor Dick Destroyer (NSFW), in which her power is literally to wreck people's genitals.
You know what? I want so much to read that fanfic (I think it's fun as hell :)) but I can't because there might be characters that I haven't met yet in canon. My life HATES me.