Suspicion: 2 | Technology: 6 | Economy: 3 | Warfare: 1
In an amusing convergence with the threads discussion, negotiations between Bao Verong and and the (according to wikipedia) highly divisive President Suharto of Indonesia break down
dramatically with Suharto (a baseline) screams threats and invective about mind controlling music and territorial appetites and how he will never back down. He leaves and immediately hurls the entire Indonesian Navy at ProgHarm (which, like, Indonesia is the biggest collection of islands in the world, I kinda think they'd have a pretty good navy for a non-the united states.)
You may ask: How does he do this? Bao Verong has hypercharm?
Simple. You can resist hypercharm by burning one (1) base will. Most people aren't willing to sear off entire parts of their personality, but a particularly strong willed, dedicated person can do so. All Suharto has to do is burn one to be mad, then another to
stay mad, and then leave the room before Bao Verong says anything more. Then never talk to him in person again.
America finally recognizes Atlantis as a sovereign nation and begins trying to establish an embassy there. Cynthia doesn't cede any land to them but does make a nearby island they can use.
In February, the Sakkipara muslims of what was then called Burma but is really Myanmar beg Amanda Sykes for aid and she declines to intervene in the internal affairs of another country and remains in seclusion. Now, is this Amanda being once burned, twice shy with Vietnam OR is this the first showing of Amanda's islamaphobia? Because she DEFINITELY has some - I think it starts off as the minor kind that most Americans do, but it gets way worse as time goes on. Her being an islamaphobe is a definite sign of her evil meter going up, I think, and...I dunno, "liberally interpreted Judea-Christian ideology" passion reads to me (in the 1960s, as oppsed to, say, 2001) as being fairly chill with Muslims. But there's definitely going to be a seed of it there, and it's going to get worse.
Meanwhile, the Indonesian navy is lured into a trap, cut to pieces by advanced, high speed attack boats, and amphibious landings to the east and south of the city of Ibu overrun and lock it down.
In the USSR, the "New Diversity" initiative has led to a slow return of religiosity to public life!
In March, Jason Weeks and Å meet and talk about things in Algiers. They never really come clean with what they discuss publicly, and it lasts for hours. Ominous?
In April, the publisher of Penthouse, Larry Flynt, got shot and put in a wheelchair. Abe heals him - and while some wags joke about it, his public statement is an almost plaintive plea for people to PLEASE stop shooting public figures they don't like, it'd make his job much easier. In Atlantis, they announce the ATLANTEAN SPACE PROGRAM which consists entirely of metahumans exploring space using teleportation and super-seed flight.
In May, a coup in the Comoros (fun fact, I googled "coup Comoros" to see which coup it was, and got a wikipedia list of coups since 1975 and got really depressed) leads to an influx of Åism followers entering into the region and protesting against the new regime.
In June, Lin Wen and Paige Rampling foil a kidnapping by the IRA, continuing to make themselves a nuisance to the Irish extremists. Meanwhile, in America, psychologists and scientists have finally tracked down, identified, and fully explained the syntergene that makes you more fond of weed, and deduce that it has been active in America for the past twenty months. Burning Spear, as it is named, is an 8x11 color image that, seen from one direction, is a winged lion and, seen upside down, is a snake coiling around a tree. I love that syntergenes can be either "book that's really persuasive" or "song with hypnotic lyircs" or "weird image that makes your brain fucky." WHich means yes, you can make basilisk hacks.
In July, the Comoros dissolve entirely into anarchy - Å starts working to try and rebuild the area, working with France (who is still being QUITE colonial about all this, I'll have you know) to try and bring stability to the region under his direction, but no concrete agreements are reached. A corporation called Microbos Incorporated releases their first biological computer circuit (neat!) and the second Atlantean election is held, with Ngoc Vo being elected as the People's Servant (the president of Atlantis.) Her party stays strong with three seats, but with the death of Jack Grimes, his so called pragmatist party loses all but one of his seats. Which...the party only ever had two seats in their nine person senate. Even in death, your ambitions suck.
Meanwhile, Jason Weeks opens the GLOBAL HUMAN UNVERSITY in his Zaire compound, where everyone can visit and learn!
In August, the INDOCHINESE ECONMIC GESTALT and Indonesia's war continues with a massive invasion force landing on Halamahera, backed up by "super weapons" - dark energy devices of remarkable destructive power. The US saber rattles and condemns this, while mobilizing General Colt to read the minds of invading troops - where he learns that they've been training to do this since 1977.
In Chicago, the first cell phone is launched, with a network to carry it.
In the USSR, the religious freedoms are not universally accepted - police still sometimes raid mosques and churches to crack down on political irregularities, despite Bich's best efforts.
Then, early in September, Bich drops dead of a asymptomatic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - without any major healers to keep on tabs, and unwilling to trust other hyperbrains to examine her for health issues (also, little to no reason to expect it, since...it was asymptomatic), Bich passes on, leaving the USSR to continue without their hyperbrain. This is an exceptionally cruel/fun thing to do to any Soviet PCs who were using her as a guiding light to their questing. Just suddenly, the big brain is gone and you have to figure out what to do on your own...
In October, the Indonesia/IEG war continues with Indonesia trying to land forces at Kampong Saom and Krong Kaoh Kong in Cambodia - both are repulsed...however, their arrivals do spark huge (if peaceful) protests against the Progressive Harmony regime (possibly due to the attacks disrupting or disabling the sonic reinforcement that keeps ProgHarm functioning.) Bao Verong scrambles to Cambodia to "assuage the feelings of the people" (I.E, wammy them with hypercharm.)
Investigations into the Burning Spear syntergene finally trace it back to
In November, the Cambodian anti-Progharm movement goes underground to avoid Bao Verong, and begins sabotage and vandalism. Amanda Sykes (either on her own recognizance or after being asked by the revolutionaries) goes to Cambodia to help - she doesn't attack anything or anyone, but just protects their camps, provides supplies, and generally spread their message. Did she rethink her interventionist ideas, or does she hate Muslims? Or does she just not care about Muslims but REALLY hates ProgHarm? It's probably some mixture of the three, to be totally honest.
Meanwhile, the United States votes almost unanimously to repeal legalization of weed - infuriated by the syntergenic mind meddling.
In December, Amanda finds that even she cannot support an entire revolution against a super-genius led ultratopia - she might not be predictable to Cam due to her D.E immunity, but the rebels she's helping sure are. She asks old allies for aide, and while Henry "Steelsuit" Doud and Joe Smith (the "just a guy" infiltrator who has been quietly working for the CIA this whole time) are able to come, General Colt flatly refuses. He does say it's not because he doesn't want too, and it's not because he doesn't like Amanda - he clearly still does. No, it's because he just...can't...use his powers to kill people anymore, which he thinks is what would be required.
And so, the year wraps.
Weirdly, this year actually is far more exciting for players to play than for me to talk about because...while lots of big exciting things happen, they're relatively simple for me to describe: There's a war going on between the IEG and Indonesia! thousands of troops are being landed, super weapons are being used, metahumans on both sides are throwing cars at each other. Perfect room for martial characters to get sucked in as observers, secret spies, mercs...
But we also see the first real big Amanda Evil Meter Spike (imo) that even I, a big lover of blorbos and excuser of morally complex characters like Amanda and Cam, have a hard time dealing with: Her string of downright bigoted islamaphobic actions, which only get worse as time goes on. I do wonder if it's, in part, made worse by her spending so much time with an extremist christian faction (the cult of the emerald virgin), or if it was always there.
I dunno!
Discuss in the comments!
EDIT: Also, just hit me - another point of divergence. Did Cam (for some reason) think that the best way to incorporate Indonesia was war - from some longtermist perspective or short term analysis? Did the president actually resist Bao Verong, or was Bao Verong subtly encouraged to bait him into resisting so the country would have a reason to invade? Was the invasion being planned from 1977 as a mere fail safe in case the diplomatic incorporation failed? Hmm...