Let's Read Ward (Sequel to Worm)

First Post


A random creator
So, Ward, the official sequel to Worm has finally started last Saturday annnd despite everything that has happened, I got hooked onto it.

Shit, I was supposed to look at this fic with sheer disdain and fear and only read it until it is like arc 3 so I could be spared off the pain of getting character I'm attached killed or worse via spoiling myself because we all know there shit load of stuff worse than death in Worm.

So here I am, preparing to start this thread while hoping that I could at least get drunk so I could read this more peacefully and less panick.

Fair warning, anyone that visit this thread should be prepared that spoiler for the first Worm will be freely spoken around since this is after all, the sequel to Worm.

Also please don't discuss about spoiler past chapter I haven't reviewed or read so new reader can check this thread without getting spoiled.

Anyway, let's get this train going and it will be going for a lonnng time.


1.x Interlude 1 (Prance)

2.x Interlude 2 (Crystalclear)

3.x Interlude 3 (Dot)

4.a (Interlude 1)
4.b (Interlude 2)
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Glow-worm: 0.1
Alright so, Glow-worm: 0.1.

The prelude before the REAL Worm 2 arrived.

I gotta say something first, before I start this thread, I already read part of the story already and of course already read the entire chapter of the latest two chapter in Daybreak before posting this thread so I already know who the protagonist will be.

But again, since no everyone here will know it, don't spoil it yet.

Anyway, let's start.
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This account is a Cape in Civilian Clothes (Abbreviated CICC) account. Your linked account is a verified Cape account. You may receive alerts if it is believed that you are compromising either identity.
Both linked accounts are in good standing.
I'm going to assume the Cape in Civilian Clothes tag is only seen by mod because there's would be near zero point for an extra account if everyone can see it.

Also, we are getting a PHO start! Good for complete ambiguity!
♦ Topic: We're Back Online
In: Boards ► Parahumans Online
Posted on August 15th, Y1:

To call the efforts of everyone involved heroic would be grossly understating things. This IT project required the efforts of seventy eight PHO staff members, employees of Stateside Online, former officials of the US government, former members of the United States space program, members of international space programs, the Guild (Masamune in particular), and numerous independent experts and volunteers. At a time when we're all stretched thin and there is an incredible amount of work still to be done, seven hundred and eight individuals devoted spare time and valuable resources to get us and six other partners online.

Things will be clunky and frustrating. For most, with congestion being what it is, things will be slow enough that people can get a cup of coffee and come back to find the page hasn't fully loaded. We've stripped away a bit of the polish and the gloss: the header images, badge graphics and the ability to include video or images are gone for now, to keep things simple and easy. We will be moderating very carefully to ensure nobody disrupts anyone's ability to access the site. It will be painful. Help each other, be patient, and contribute the best you can.

In so many ways, things will be frustrating, slow, and painful. Care, helpfulness, patience, and contribution will make literal worlds of difference. In so many ways.

But we're back. Stay tuned for bigger, better things. Bear with us as we sort through it all.
And already this is better than any other post-apocalyptic setting already, you get actual INTERNET!!!

Sadly, there's seems to be no function for video and images yet due to slow connection speed, but thankfully written smut is totally a thing!

What? Porn is totally one of the essential aspect for a normal human life! (The others are food, water, house and sleep, anything else is bonus.)
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► I♥Lethe

Replied on August 16th, Y1:
@ Dgators – Generally, you want to be careful because you won't get any updates to OS360 or other PC OSes, no patches to your phone. There is no tech support and there is little recourse for anyone hit with malware. Plausibly there's a lot of desperate people out there who see that the defenses are down and we're in early days. It's probably easier for someone to come up with new means of attack than it is for anyone to roll out a proper patch. Presumably if they wanted to infect systems or get access they would want to do it now when it would probably let them get access to things that follow.

► KillDestroyKiss (Library)
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
Library project is moving ahead! Plenty of people brought laptops and phones and we're piecing things together by loading from cache. It is more zombie net than real net but we're finding things. There are more coming but people want to delete their search histories before they hand their computers over. Because porn.

Downside is now a lot more people know about the net access at the library. Hours-long wait times Q.Q
See, even fictional character are totally agreeing with me!

Huh, I guess a lot of people here didn't use google chrome since google chrome automatically delete browser history that is three months old.

Not quite useful when you have a lot of stuff to archi-I MEANT HEY LET'S TALK SOMETHING ELSE!

Like for example, seems like the internet has really gone back to the day of 80s where download rate can be measured in a dozen kilobytes per second or minute and virus bloody everywhere.

I hope it won't take 30 years to get internet back in line with what we have now...
► Point_Me_@_The_Sky
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
I have access through the portal at the east of the city. When I go through I've been doing loops through the old neighborhoods to see what I can scrounge up. If you need something to fill major gaps I can try looking. If not, I'm going to see if I can round off my collection. Would be nice to have a good excuse if I get accused of smuggling or looting tho

► boaty5
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
what collection?

► Point_Me_@_The_Sky
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
Any/all of: Masque/Costumes Under Clothes/Heroine/Shine On

► boaty5
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
fuck that. I regret asking. screw the capes. screw everything about celebrating the capes. they. failed. us.
Site administrators discussed this post. We're leaving up the first half as we feel it is important for people to process and address these feelings and sentiments. We've removed the second half (personal insults) and delivered one infraction.
Wow dude, rude.

Don't kinkshame people for liking cape stuff.

Also, Masque...is that a misspell of Marquis or not?

Either way, not gonna judge, unlike that asshole.
► Point_Me_@_The_Sky
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
[Edit: removed this myself- I decided I don't really want to get into this]

► boaty5
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
just because I'm on a site about capes doesn't mean I like them. it means I recognize how important they are to what happened and what happens next

► KillDestroyKiss (Library)
Replied on August 17th, Y1:

Hm! @ Point_Me_@_The_Sky – We're looking to get everything we can recorded digitally. Would you be okay with letting us scan your collection? You're in the city?

► Point_Me_@_The_Sky
Replied on August 17th, Y1:

100%. I can bring it to your library. PM me with location & times good for you. Information is too important

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Go on! Point_Me_@_The_Sky and KillDestroyKiss! SAVIOURS OF WELL WRITTEN PORN!!!
♦ Topic: [Headline] Refugees Barred Access
In: Boards ► World News ► Main

Posted on August 17th, Y1:

[Transcribed from print] Conrad James Freed and his family could tell a harrowing tale of their trip across Earth Bet's America. They have finally reached the Northeastern Bet-Gimel portal, hearing rumor of wait times, only to be told there is a possibility they may not be allowed in at all.

They had been driving, hitchhiking and hiking for four months.

"They aren't giving us answers," he told Bulletin News on Saturday.

Their family had been trying to subsist on their rural property in Wisconsin when the weather took a turn for the worse. Though it was June, Conrad says he saw snow falling on the fields where he had planted the first crop of the season.

Two days later, there would be a knock at his door. Authorities had flown over and saw the lights of his house. They warned him the snowfall and the groundwater was contaminated. It would be the last straw, as the unseasonably cold weather had cut into the already thin initial harvest.

Conrad says the authorities wanted him and his family to leave right away. "They didn't give us a chance to pack. One of the men even grabbed my daughter. He bruised her wrist, he held her so hard. I promised I would cooperate if he would only give us five minutes. I was in shock."

He and his wife decided to make the harrowing trip to the nearest portal without the assistance of authorities, a decision he says he made on the spur of the moment, after the manhandling of his daughter and the manner in which he was forced from his home. "I came to regret that decision."

Conrad's story is far from unique. Evacuation is still underway even two years and two months after Gold Morning. Where things took a turn for the worse for Conrad and his family, and where an undisclosed change in policy may affect uncountable refugees from Earth Bet, is that the border agents have apparently ceased processing refugees.

Tensions are rising and as the number of people in the refugee settlement slowly climbs and resources are stretched thinner, people are speaking out. Conrad says, "We know there is more than enough space on the other side. We see people coming and going but they won't let us through or even meet us to answer our questions. We're willing to settle outside of the city. I know agriculture and I know they desperately need farmers. Even if they give us a minimum of supplies and tools, it has to be better than this."

Bulletin News reached out to authorities and received no response.

–Thoughts? Anyone know what was up?
Huh, so the new calendar started at Year 0 and goes up from there, now that a lot more cleared up.

But I don't know what is worse, either people are still being evacuated after 2 bloody years since Golden Morning, or people actually tried to continue living in the wasteland that is Earth Bet.

Either way, that sucks.
► K.G. Ray (City: West Point)
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
They're letting people through again now, and they're letting a lot through. Speculation might have been right. Article might have been more about political pressure than anything else.

► Geronimo
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
Official word is that they wanted to pause and get organized so they could double the number of people coming through. Doesn't make a lot of sense when it comes to their silence until now.

► Nakyak (Cape Geek)
Replied on August 17th, Y1:
lots of capes stationed at the portal.
some thinkers like Squint and Danger Zone are there.
pretty sure if you watch how they rotate in and out there will always be one thinker on duty.
screening refugees?

► Point_Me_@_The_Sky
Replied on August 17th, Y1:

@ Nakyak – could be. Could be that it means less need for pain in the ass background checks with internet running at 33K. Danger Zone sees likelihood a person commits violence to each and every person around them, recency, flavor of violence. Squint sees contraband, possible other hazards. Skip background check, move people along.
Figure, sensational news.

But seriously, double the number of people getting through? How many people still on Earth Bet!?

Those two Thinker capes are definitely working their ass to make sure that the refugees pasting through are actually safe for people inside though.
► Boosher
Replied on August 17th, Y1

Speaking of security, there was another thread where someone said something about rock & a hard place? It's apparently being talked about a lot among the refugees.

► Nutty
Replied on August 17th, Y1

@ Boosher – This article, search for Nancy Y's statement. People traveling across the US to get to portals are being warned about multiple threats. Word on the capevine is that with everyone having pulled out, all former quarantine zones are breached. In the US and elsewhere. Nilbog is the one everyone knows about. He's in custody, his children aren't. If you're paying attention to hero groups and their movements, they're making lots of trips out. They're tired and people say they're aloof.
I say they're fighting a hard fight and they're keeping their distance from public and media because they don't want us to know it.

► boaty5
Replied on August 17th, Y1

they don't want to tell us a lot of things. what even happened? the world ended and nobody is willing to explain.

► Point_Me_@_The_Sky
Replied on August 17th, Y1

@ Boosher – a big part of what was being talked about in other similar articles was the threat of bandits, bad weather, the wasteland and chasms, unstoppable robot armies, the food shortages. Edit: Nutty beat me to it. Slow internet sucks. I think boaty is a good example of why they're aloof. People want to assign blame. Assign the blame to the man who did this. In times of crisis, look to the people who are helping. Support them or try to be one of them.

► ✘ [Post removed & user infracted]

► Deepwell5
Replied on August 17th, Y1

I agree for the most part, Point@, but it's more complicated than that. I gotta side with boaty. We made a covenant with the capes. We put up with a lot. In exchange, they were supposed to protect us. It's pretty clear they didn't. Maybe it was impossible. That's fine. But let's not ignore that they broke their end of the contract. Let's not ignore that the PRT is gone, we no longer have non-capes in charge of them, and they have more proportional power than ever. Let's not ignore that they're making a new PRT without any of the key rules that defined the last one. Less communication, no oversight.
I'm scared. You should be too.

► DonJon
Replied on August 17th, Y1


End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 18, 19, 20
And that certainly explained the cape hate there, the civilian didn't know what the heck caused the end of the world.

Unfortunately, pretty much every single reason is bad to talk about.

Scion ended the world because he's a giant golden moby dick that eat planets and shit power? Erm yeah, good luck with that. Or worse, people actually believe it and think that any cape will turn into him in the future, losing complete control.

S9 caused the end of the world? So many copycat murder cults would occur from this shit that it would be impossible to count with your hand because all your fingers got cut off.

Jack tell Scion to go murder planets? Again, same thing. Except there might even be loads of capes that got affected by Jack Slash that we never get to know and they might just go nuts.

Pretty much the best way is to not tell people about, or get Chauldr-oh wait they are gone too.

So, shit.
Private Messages from Glitzglam:
u cant engage with them. u gotta let it lie.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I'm worried what happens if the wrong ideas get traction.
Glitzglam: So am I. Im more worried about u. Thought u might need pep talk.
Glitzglam: Have u got that email yet?
Glitzglam: ? ? ?
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: If this is a pep talk it isn't a very good one.
Glitzglam: Thats a no huh? fuck
Glitzglam: u right though
Glitzglam: I hate typing on phone. Ice cream or coffee. I pep talk u in person. When u can fit it into cray schedule
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: You're a beautiful person. Yes. Sounds nice. Soon
Glitzglam: We can talk about how gang is getting together for big shebang and what a disaster it will be.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: you're doing the terrible pep talk thing again. :0
Glitzglam *New Message*: :0 :0 :0

You have three unread private messages from an Anonymous account. Click here to read.

Considering cape hate might be on the rise, I can see why Glitzglam would be worried about Point_Me_@_The_Sky trying to calm people down.

People might suspect her as a cape and they would be right and it would backfire.

And while I would complain that Glitzglam is a terrible nonsensical nickname, mine isn't exactly that good either so...yeah...

But anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter of Glow-worm arc!


Okay, so I absolutely read the posts of the first PHO thread wrong and Point_Me_@_The_Sky is basically saying she has a collection of magazine and stuff and not, well, porn.

Man, do I have really bad reading comprehension.
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At first I was annoyed that you were going to go through the PHO interlude again but its actually way more digestible in this format so thanks for that.
I hoped you were going to jump straight to Ward. Still, if you're going to continue might as well wait for you to catch up.
Gotta be honest, the Prologue does NOT fill me with hope. It appears ee're in a worse place than canon -- more monsters running loose, and it looks like less people are fighting them with less resources. I'll check out a few more chapters but...yeah. Looks like WB is in fact a one-trick pony. ("Mah MISERY DIIIICK!")
Gotta be honest, the Prologue does NOT fill me with hope. It appears ee're in a worse place than canon -- more monsters running loose, and it looks like less people are fighting them with less resources. I'll check out a few more chapters but...yeah. Looks like WB is in fact a one-trick pony. ("Mah MISERY DIIIICK!")
well how did you expect a sequel to a series that ended like Worm to go?
I guess I foolishly hoped that he might learn how to overcome the mistakes he makes as a writer, not expound on them. But again, I must stress that I'd like to give it more of a fair chance than the prologue and one chapter.

How exactly is maintaining tonal and thematic consistency within his most popular series somehow a mistake? I get you don't like it, but your personal taste isn't objective reality, there are plenty of people who are fine with the Wormverse staying what it is.

Edit: i'm not even seeing how this is even that dark. The Apocalypse happened two years ago, and they're rebuilding instead of fighting over the rubble. They even have the internet back. Sure there are Monsters, but society isn't even on a ticking clock towards inevitable collapse from the Endbringers anymore.
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Considering everything that had happened, I would say the post-apocalypstic setting in Worm 2 is already better than other post-apocalypstic setting.

I mean, you have internet, you have news report, you even have some form of functional government instead of having people wearing stripperic leather gear and live in Mad Max anarchist shitverse.

Not that the latest Mad Max movie isn't cool, but it's definitely not a world I want to live in.

Problem is of course, people get sent from a first world country condition to third world country condition and it will take years before anyone could get used to it and it has only been 2 years since GM.

So, shit sucked, but it's not that bad.

Considering everything that had happened, I would say the post-apocalypstic setting in Worm 2 is already better than other post-apocalypstic setting.
Yeah, I mean, look at how fast these guys have recuperated compared to, say, Fallout Earth 200 or so years after their apocalypse.

A Megapolis of 50 million would be unthinkable.
I guess I foolishly hoped that he might learn how to overcome the mistakes he makes as a writer, not expound on them. But again, I must stress that I'd like to give it more of a fair chance than the prologue and one chapter.
What I meant was, how the hell do you expect a story to start off light when it is set after an apocalypse event, since to be a sequel to Worm, it has be actually be set AFTER Worm
What I meant was, how the hell do you expect a story to start off light when it is set after an apocalypse event, since to be a sequel to Worm, it has be actually be set AFTER Worm

First of all, I thought it was set like, two years after. Second, you've supposedly got an unchained AI helping out. Thirdly, it appears as if he's going to be doing his own version of the 'Superhuman Registration Act' and that shit gets dark as it is.
First of all, I thought it was set like, two years after. Second, you've supposedly got an unchained AI helping out. Thirdly, it appears as if he's going to be doing his own version of the 'Superhuman Registration Act' and that shit gets dark as it is.
1. Even with an AI, people don't bounce back from an apocalypse in 2 years
2. Actually, he's doing is giving the audience a legitimate reason to want a registration act and then showing what happens when they don't get one
Glow-worm: 0.2
Here comes, chapter 0.2.

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First, what the heck is a capricorn?

Oh, it's a horoscope.

It's not...some kind of corn based food?

Okay, it sounds kinda edible though...
♦ Topic: Info & Update
In: Boards ► Teams ► Reach (Private)

Posted on August 18th, Y1:

PHO is back on and they are letting the chats run. That's where we usually meet, but I've been warned it's choppy and slow. I'll be there.

This took me three hours to just get started with. It's hard.

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I inform you that Coiffure did pass. When Gold Morning arrived, we suspected something might have happened, given the reports. She was killed in one of the initial strikes on the East coast. She was a friend, a teammate, and she was a true hero. She elevated others around her to be better people by the standards she lived by.

Coiffure is survived by only her father. Her mother was one of my favorite adults. She was kind, she was cool, and she was a genuinely good mom to Coiffure. When we went back to school in the fall, she gave us really cool back to school supplies. It remains in my memory as one of the most randomly nice things a relative stranger has done for me.

You'll also remember her siblings Arthur and Cal, though you might not remember their names. When the family came by, Arthur would be the one curled up in the big chair near the front desk, with one of his game things. Cal would be watching over his big brother's shoulder. I always thought it was hilarious how uninterested they were in capes.

We can expect they all died instantaneously. I've talked to Coiffure's father. I would suggest that if you happen to run into him, leave him be. He doesn't want reminders.

Furcate decided to fight on that monumental day and that says so much when not everyone was brave enough to do that. Furcate was wild and tortured and beautiful. They were a handful and yet they rewarded us with ten positive things for every negative we had to overcome. I'd like to think they got something out of putting up with us in much the same way.

I want what I say here to be honest. I did not get along with Furcate the vast majority of the time. Furcate did not get along with me. I still respected them immensely. They said one word for every thousand the rest of us said and yet they could convey so much in their actions. I keep saying those things, using math like 'ten times over', but it's so very Furcate. They overflowed, they swelled. The cup runneth over. I look back and I'm dazed by how much of a place they found in my heart and my thoughts.

It might be crass to say, but I don't know if anyone's going to have words for them. Scritch and Scratch were the closest thing we had to a nemesis. They had their scummy moments. They also kept to the rules. They were killed during one of the lulls in the fighting, by a group I won't name.

The fates of Tribute, Boundless, Capricorn and Steamwheel are yet unknown. I hope you guys are okay.

I'm alive, obviously. Figurehead is alive but you all should know his issues with being controlled. The events really shook him. He's retired in large part, he'll be doing something capey, but he's said he isn't coming on PHO. He asked me to wish you all the best.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

No Replies.

End of Page 1.
Hmm, Reach, sounds kinda like some sort of hero group but not affiliated with Protectorate due to having their own name.

Considering mentioned of school and such, I assume these group of heroes also know each in highschool enough to know each other's families.

Which probably make it hit even harder when shit hits the fans.

Honestly, not much to say because I have no idea who these people are.
Connecting to "pChat.ParahumansOnline.TeamReach(6667)" (Attempt 90)
Resolving Host Name
Using identity
Welcome to Team Reach Private Chat. Forum thread.

[Click here to see messages older than 3 days.]

[Old Message: A16 22:24] Moonsong has joined the chat.
[Old Message: A16 22:53] Moonsong has changed the chat topic: Welcome to Team Reach Private Chat. List of Alive & Dead.
[Old Message: A16 23:20] Moonsong: Post made in the forum. I only mentioned the team members. See topic links for the staff members and others I know about.
[Old Message: A17 1:03] Moonsong: I've edited the post to add Scritch and Scratch.
[Old Message: A17 4:15] Moonsong has left the chat.
[Old Message: A17 10:15] Moonsong has joined the chat.
[Old Message: A18 2:01] Moonsong has left the chat.
[Old Message: A18 9:50] Moonsong has joined the chat.
I can almost sense the awkwardness of waiting to see if anyone pop up at all.

What I can't relate is the dread of expecting anyone that didn't reply back to be six feet under or in the air around you because they are vaporized dust.
[A18 11:04:20] Cap has joined the chat.
[A18 11:04:25] Cap: hey

[A18 11:06:43] Moonsong: Hi Tristan

[A18 11:06:55] Cap: haha. every time.
[A18 11:07:07] Cap: The universe has a dark sense of humor, it seems.

[A18 11:07:09] Moonsong: I'm glad you're alive, Tristan
[A18 11:07:12] Moonsong: I suppose it does.

[A18 11:07:30] Cap: i'm glad you're alive too
[A18 11:07:34] Cap: believe it or not

[A18 11:08:11] Moonsong: Were you there?

[A18 11:08:44] Cap: was dragged into it. glad I was though.

[A18 11:09:01] Moonsong: *nods*
[A18 11:09:01] Moonsong: How is your brother?

[A18 11:09:16] Cap: doing well as can be expected

[A18 11:11:47] Moonsong: And your family? Your parents? I liked them when I saw them.

[A18 11:12:00] Cap: alive. we're in the city. they're trying to come to terms with things
[A18 11:12:35] Cap: things are really coming together like crazy. new skyscrapers every day, new stores. good and almost like a city in Earth Bet but it isn't really home
Hold on, new skyscrapers everyday in plural and they still cannot handle the flood of refugees?


But anyway, some exchange of words between the two annnd I still have no idea who they are.
[A18 11:15:08] Moonsong: It isn't. We're in the city too.

[A18 11:16:17] Cap: You and your folks? they'reokay?

[A18 11:17:40] Moonsong: They're good. Dad is taking a shot at mayor or councilman. We'll see what happens.

[A18 11:17:59] Cap: good for him. thriving?

[A18 11:22:55] Moonsong: nobody is thriving these days. but he's in his element

[A18 11:23:24] Cap: some are thriving. we're all playing nice. truce in full effect. masterminds and chessmasters are having a ball out there. guarantee it
And of course there's a truce. I doubt anyone want to fight when there's a massive chance that you might accidentally the civilization of former Earth Bet inhabitants in one massive clusterfuck of a fight.

Of course, some people are always planning for something... Hopefully the heroes can out plan them.

Also, mayor, councilman? This post-apocalyptic setting isn't really that bad if people can still afford to be politician.
[A18 11:25:31] Moonsong: I suppose we'll see.

[A18 11:28:40] Cap: I read your post, btw
[A18 11:28:42] Cap: good words
[A18 11:28:45] Cap: kudos

[A18 11:28:50] Moonsong: Thank you.

[A18 11:29:27] Cap: I'm surprised you're here though
[A18 11:29:35] Cap: is Reach still a thing?

[A18 11:29:56] Moonsong: I consider the others friends and teammates.
[A18 11:30:11] Moonsong: I consider myself a member of Reach

[A18 11:30:33] Cap: I get that
[A18 11:30:35] Cap: doesn't answer my question
[A18 11:30:40] Cap: will it carry on? what happens?

[A18 11:43:50] Moonsong: It won't. I don't think so anyway. There's a lot of hero teams out there and its hard for a sponsored team to get traction even without people feeling betrayed.
Is the Reach a former corporate hero team? Then they really need some damn support.

Or do they mean sponsored as in like New Wave which is depended on donations?
[A18 11:44:02] Cap: yeah

[A18 11:46:14] Moonsong: A lot of teams are gathering under the Wardens. PRT-like. They're walking a fine line between emulating PRT and being PRT. Lots of teams under the umbrella. I'm not sure it's working. I don't know if I want to get on board with that. I don't know if the others would.

[A18 11:46:23] Cap: that's fair

[A18 11:47:50] Moonsong: I will always be a member of Reach. Even if the team has dissolved.
And finally a mention of the Wardens, hope they get the shit done this time.
[A18 11:48:42] Cap: I like that
[A18 11:48:53] Cap: since when were you so good with words?

[A18 11:50:37] Moonsong: Since when did you pay attention to anyone but yourself?

[A18 11:50:43] Cap:

[A18 11:51:12] Moonsong: ?

[A18 11:52:36] Cap: 45 minutes of something approaching civility has to be a record for us
Annnnd here's shitshow.

Guess the team isn't really in unity.
[A18 11:52:57] Moonsong: I see. Yes. It could be.

[A18 11:53:06] Cap: I would have liked to keep that streak going
[A18 11:53:20] Cap: oh well

[A18 11:54:31] Moonsong: Are you well, Tristan?

[A18 11:55:21] Cap: I see we're going straight to the barbs

[A18 11:56:32] Moonsong: No barbs. I genuinely want to know.

[A18 11:57:14] Cap: how uncharacteristicaly nice of you

[A18 11:58:23] Moonsong: Do I need to worry about you?

[A18 11:58:45] Cap: no
[A18 11:58:56] Cap: you "helped" more than enough

[A18 12:00:19] Moonsong: I don't know.

[A18 12:01:08] Cap: don't you?

[A18 12:02:07] Moonsong: I've spent a lot of time hoping you died.

[A18 12:03:34] Cap: WOW
[A18 12:03:58] Cap: geez
Jeez, these's two sure hate each other a lot.

Wait a second...
[A18 12:04:06] Moonsong: *shrug*

[A18 12:05:27] Cap: geez. there is no humanity in there at all is there?
[A18 12:05:51] Cap: just takes the world to end beforeI get a glimpse of the real you

[A18 12:06:45] Moonsong: Lets not pretend, Tristan.

[A18 12:07:01] Cap: pretend what?
[A18 12:07:42] Cap: you decided you hated me before you ever got to know me
[A18 12:08:37] Cap: you're really your fathers daughter. two-faced. anyone reading between the lines can see what you really thought about furcate

[A18 12:10:39] Moonsong: I meant what I wrote.

[A18 12:11:47] Cap: a thinly veiled outline of furcates many problems
[A18 12:11:56] Cap: you couldn't resist saying you didn't like them

[A18 12:11:23] Moonsong: Are you done?

[A18 12:12:13] Cap: you made furcate more miserable than anyone

[A18 12:12:26] Moonsong: Apparently not

[A18 12:12:29] Cap: you never once tried to understand them just like you never once tried to understand me
[A18 12:13:12] Cap: you had your notions of how everyone was supposed to behave
[A18 12:13:36] Cap: how everyone was supposed to be
[A18 12:13:45] Cap: you know what they call people who come to judgment about people before they have the facts?
[A18 12:14:19] Cap: the label applies, moonsong
[A18 12:14:29] Cap: you wedged yourself into a situation you didn't understand and you made it so much worse
[A18 12:14:48] Cap: what guts me is you think you were right to do it.
...Are these two exes? Because they kinda sounds like exes.

Because I fairly sure only exes would openly threaten each other like this while still somehow know each other so well.
[A18 12:16:39] Moonsong: I didn't like furcate. I did love and respect him as a teammate.
[A18 12:16:51] Moonsong: I damn well held him at the end. For a long time. I talked to him the entire time.
[A18 12:18:23] Moonsong: Motherfucker.
[A18 12:18:41] Moonsong: I'm crying now.
[A18 12:19:04] Moonsong: And no. I don't know if I was right, Tristan.

[A18 12:20:08] Cap: moonsong admitting she might be wrong? Did the world end or something?

[A18 12:21:12] Moonsong: Go fuck yourself, Tristan. That wound is too fresh.

[A18 12:22:13] Cap:
[A18 12:22:24] Cap: yeah
[A18 12:22:29] Cap: I'll own up to that

[A18 12:23:43] Moonsong: You're admitting you're wrong? What happened to you in these past few years?

[A18 12:23:50] Cap: not enough. not nearly enough.

[A18 12:24:48] Moonsong: Guess not. What a shame.

[A18 12:25:23] Cap: that wound is fresh in its own way
[A18 12:25:56] Cap: just so you know

[A18 12:26:54] Moonsong: Alright.

[A18 12:27:45] Cap: fuck
[A18 12:28:20] Cap: this is a mess. we should keep our distance

[A18 12:29:17] Moonsong: Do I need to come after you?

[A18 12:30:38] Cap: no
[A18 12:30:57] Cap: fuck you. no
[A18 12:31:40] Cap: what the fuck was that about not thinking you were right?
[A18 12:31:48] Cap: don't answer that. do me a favor and shut up for a second.
I have a feeling this isn't really a hero team anymore with such open talk of potential murder...
[A18 12:32:00] Cap: ====——====——====——====——====
[A18 12:32:24] Cap: members of reach – don't scroll up past this line
[A18 12:32:37] Cap: its just moonsong and i being shitty at each other
[A18 12:33:23] Cap: if you joined the team after I left you probably won't get it
[A18 12:34:44] Cap: Furcate –azúcar- you were one of my favorite
[A18 12:35:17] Cap: those days were some of my best and some of my worst
[A18 12:36:11] Cap: you were some of the best parts of the best days
[A18 12:38:21] Cap: Coif– after everything that happened I thought I might not want to be a hero anymore
[A18 12:39:50] Cap: your example is the only reason I still want to
[A18 12:39:55] Cap: you were one of the good few
[A18 12:40:44] Cap: to the rest who aren't here— be well
[A18 12:41:09] Cap:
[A18 12:41:41] Cap: I'm better at saying stuff in person.

[A18 12:42:12] Moonsong: I'll let the others know you said it.

[A18 12:42:18] Cap: Thanks

[A18 12:45:06] Moonsong: Tristan.

[A18 12:46:48] Cap: yeah?

[A18 12:48:41] Moonsong: When I said I was wrong in how I handled things?
[A18 12:49:19] Moonsong: I wonder every day if I should have gone further and killed you.

[A18 12:51:40] Cap: lovely
[A18 12:51:48] Cap: you had to spoil it.
[A18 12:52:06] Cap has disconnected.
I assume a MASSIVE fallout happened between the two.

It will most likely get revealed like 3 months into the story or not at all because get the readers to figure shit out is half the fun for WB.
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X29V5n: you're the latino kid?

3A::u@T_Enki: yeah. how does this work?

X29V5n: You into memorabilia then?

3A::u@T_Enki: sure. memorabilia. I miss my old collection

X29V5n: The person who referred you should have explained most of it

3A::u@T_Enki: some

X29V5n: Let's say you're into commemorative plates. Plate with a hero or a villian's face on it. You care a lot about the plate and its delivery

3A::u@T_Enki: sure

X29V5n: We ensure you get the result you want.
X29V5n: Insurance
...Wait, why would people sell commemorative plates with villian's face on it in the first place? Isn't that kinda asking for trouble or worse?
3A::u@T_Enki: sounds like just what I need

X29V5n: We offer tiers. Different tiers for various degrees of thoroughness.

3A::u@T_Enki: can you give me a quick rundown?

X29V5n: Most basic tier, you throw a few hundred our way, depending on who is involved, who we put forward and who you expect is going to need to hear it, words. We talk, we let them know we're serious about wanting X, Y & Z. No hassle. We throw our weight around a bit. Yeah?

3A::u@T_Enki: yeah

X29V5n: Maybe you want to ensure that plate ends up in the most ideal condition. A thousand or a few thousand covers a bit of roughing up. Scratch on the face, scuffing, the sort of thing that can be fixed up.
So it's a repair service for cape merchandise? Damn, several fucking thousands for repair? Fuck that, unless the dollar value has dropped like rock since.
3A::u@T_Enki: can we maybe not talk about commemorative plates? maybe action figures? plates make me think of my abuela

X29V5n: If you want more coverage for your action figures, depending if we're talking b-lister or a-lister or something bigger, we might be talking upwards of five, ten thou for more severe damage. Ruined leg, arm, the sort of damage to the face that would take an expert to restore.

3A::u@T_Enki: getting pretty steep

X29V5n: We're talking cape shit. It's in high demand, limited supply. Prices climb.
I guess since the factory that produced these action figures got vaporized by Scion's golden shower, no wonder it's in limited supply.

Why is it in such high demand I have no idea. Unless the world actually got fixed so well that people can afford to spend thousands of bucks on used, second-hand cape merchandise.
3A::u@T_Enki: just observing. is there a higher tier? what's the highest tier?

X29V5n: Highest tier covers complete and total destruction. Pulling out all the stops. Starts at twenty thou, but I gotta warn you, the sky is the limit.

3A::u@T_Enki: that sounds good

X29V5n: Good.

3A::u@T_Enki: would you be willing to let me pay half upfront? we'd keep you guys in reserve? particulars get complicated

X29V5n: We work with complicated. Yes. That could be workable.
X29V5n: We will need to negotiate pricing. Did they tell you how to send the image of the product?

3A::u@T_Enki: u5zxN8wEXAKpbBeqzvzy.i

X29V5n: Perfect.
X29V5n: No wait.
X29V5n: You got the instructions very wrong, kid.

3A::u@T_Enki: it's fine

X29V5n: You're sure? There's something deeply wrong with this.

3A::u@T_Enki: why don't we meet for the rest? I'll send you the first half now
3A::u@T_Enki: there

X29V5n: Alright. Let's talk meeting places.
So if all else fails, they just make the shit up on the spot. Twenty fucking thousands for a figure though, holy shit.


Did Capricorn send a picture of someone instead of the product? I have a feeling that's the case or else the provider won't get so alarmed with potential on breaking the unwritten rule.
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[A18 22:08:16] Cap has joined the chat.

[A18 22:08:31] Cap: hey

[A18 22:09:43] Tribute: Fuck me

[A18 22:10:51] Moonsong: It's fine. Don't stress.

[A18 22:11:22] Cap: hi moo – wish I knew how you did that

[A18 22:12:45] Moonsong: Hi boo. How are you doing?

[A18 22:13:18] Cap: doing okay. just had a very surreal experience talking to a certain kind of professional.

[A18 22:14:20] Moonsong: That's good to hear, I think.

[A18 22:14:33] Tribute: ?

[A18 22:15:21] Moonsong: Best not to talk about it, though.

[A18 22:16:30] Cap: yeah

[A18 22:17:55] Moonsong: I've missed you terribly, boo. We should catch up.

[A18 22:18:18] Cap: I want to
[A18 22:18:30] Cap: I don't know if we should

[A18 22:19:34] Moonsong: *nods*

[A18 22:19:51] Cap: I just wanted to say hi
[A18 22:20:00] Cap: maybe bye
[A18 22:20:09] Cap: ask you not to come after me or anything

[A18 22:21:58] Moonsong: *nods*
[A18 22:23:10] Moonsong: So long as the professional you hired has it covered.

[A18 22:23:50] Cap: yeah. covered
I swear and bet my internet cookie that these two are bloody exes and Caprisun is totally ordering for a figure of her to be made.

But honestly, these whole chapter got me running around like a chicken.

I don't even know what is happening.

High chances that all these will be super revelant in like arc 3 or some shit and everything here get referenced.
Pretty sure those were euphemism for ordering a hit on someone. Also Cap might have been mastered or something. That second chat is way 180° compared to the previous attitude.
Glow-worm: 0.3
Here comes Glow-worm, 0.3 because I have some times to procrastinate for tomorrow's nightmare.


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And we have another new user for the PHO prelude.

Fuck, we aint gonna remember or understand anything if the perspective kept getting changed like this.

But that name though...

It's not Simurgh's PHO account, right? That's totally fanon, right?
♦ Topic: Amnesty & The Devil We Know
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► Gimel.US

Posted on August 19th, Y1:

I've seen a few articles and wanted to compile them. There's a narrative here, if you don't grasp it then bear with me an I'll sum up my thoughts at the end.

Article: Strange Reversals: Villain to Hero & Forum Thread
The number of heroes is rising. Multiple known villains have shucked off the black capes for white ones. Which is a good thing, right?

Article: No Witnesses Remain & Forum Thread
The article identifies three villains who we know about in heroic groups – two with the Wardens and one with Shelter. They committed crimes, we have some limited information or scraps of wiki articles, but the witnesses of those past crimes are either dead or yet to establish themselves. We established standards for amnesty, but sometimes those standards can't be met. The ex-villains find places on the team with nobody to naysay.
Honestly, I'm surprised people could actually recognize villains joining hero team when the internet is practically wiped out along with all the old information.

...Wait, come to think of it. There's only like one massive city being built, so I guess people CAN recognize villains if every single one of them is in the same exact places.

Make me wonder what would happen if people realised that PRT practised this before a lot more often than they thought besides Skitter's case.
Article: Two Black Raincoats & Forum Thread
Let's get to the examples. Four youths tried to get superpowers by working off of the 'trigger' theory of power gain, and became a newsworthy case in 2004. The event got out of hand, one boy and one girl took charge and preyed on the two younger members of the group, torturing them over the course of a weekend. Nobody gained powers, the search for the missing children led to the two older children being identified as they went into town on the Monday to get food and buy power tools, including a circular saw. They revealed the location of their victims; one of whom apparently lost fingers as the wire that was used to attach them to the toilet tank was too tight. Unnamed Boy was sent to juvie. Unnamed Girl was sent to psychiatric care. Both gained powers while in care, both were released in or around 2009. Reuniting, now with powers, they killed three people, wearing black raincoats to keep the blood off, and were not caught. They have been spotted in several locations at the Rochester span, wearing the black raincoats.

"For the time being, the amnesty applies," Chief Armstrong stated to the media. "We know where they are and we're keeping tabs."

Good enough?
I guess this is exactly why PRT kept information on trigger as tightly as possible because dumb idiots will attempt stupid things for power. All it takes is for one of them to succeed and went on becoming the same exact irresponsible idiots except with power this time.

Sadly, Earth Bet isn't running out of morons anytime soon.
Article: "Rended", "Torn Up", "Dismembered" & Forum Thread
Written after Miss Militia and Vista, heroines under the Wardens, were seen on several occasions in the company of Hellhound, also known as Bitch or Rachel Lindt. Raises questions about the moral compromise the amnesty has wrought and the longstanding allegations that the Protectorate team in Brockton Bay was cooperating with the local villains. Once the relationship is established and we're reminded of the past examples, the article devotes the latter half to reminding us of some of Rachel Lindt's deeds when she was working with a group of warlords to seize Brockton Bay.

"Every day, I wake up and I try to move my leg. The wind gets knocked out of me when it doesn't move like it should. If I'm active at all during the day, then the pain hits me in the evening."
Bitch isn't nice, figure.
Article: Fallen: What You Need To Know & Forum Thread
The Fallen operate as a cult and they're one of the largest cape groups around. The article doesn't talk about it directly, but the forum thread has some great posts on the subject (see page 3 and 12). Their recruitment numbers are swelling and I (and others!) think it's the amnesty that's letting them get away with it. There's a lot of talk of Lachlan Hund [article linked] elsewhere and there might be a court case revolving around what others are saying was a powers-assisted abduction. Totally Fallen M.O. for years prior, family says Lachlan never showed any pro-Fallen sentiment before this.
Are you fucking kidding me!? Okay I'm actually angry about this because fuck the Fallen.

The Warden is suppose to protect the new world and they aren't doing shit about it as the Fallen abduct people again to brainwash them?

Fuck this, you need to cut off the bloody root. The last thing we need is more Endbringer worshipping loonies.
Article: No Cost & Forum Thread
Same article author as 'No Witnesses Remain'. Following up on several villains who didn't turn hero, the author finds two villains, both anonymous, who claim they received accommodations, at a time when many were still living in the tent cities. They got ahead of the 'line', they got basic apartments and utilities paid for, and they contribute nothing except the fact that they aren't (as far as we know) committing crimes these days. It's like we've caved to extortion.
"Don't start shit and we won't fuck you up." is probably the message being sent by the official.

Unfortunately with the Fallen case up there, I don't think they are doing anything on active villains either.
We need to have a dead serious conversation about the amnesty. Justice shouldn't fall by the wayside. Absolutely horrific individuals get their second chances but they get them at the expense of the safety and peace of mind of others. They get things easier.

We heard the arguments why at the start. We had other things to think about and deal with. Heroes had other things. We thought. We dealt. The heroes handled the biggest needs. That was then.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not buying into the anti-cape sentiment you see here and there.

But I'm anti-these-capes. I'm anti-this.
Now this guy, I would agree with him.

Unlike the boaty dude that just hate for the sake of hate, this guy has legit worries and concern and justified feelings to be angry.

I fairly sure I remember that in the epilogue of Worm, the Warden is supposed to actually protect the people for real instead of being a status quo keeper for the Cauldron.

This isn't supposed to be how they are like.

(Showing Page 52 of 52)

Dive Bucket
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
Where do they go tho? What are we supposed to do?
• No birdcage
• No max-sec prisons
• Bare bones legal system
• No stable government to put either of those in place
• No resources
• No records
• No witnesses (as OP says)

Replied on August 19th, Y1:
We have strict control over the portals. Send them out to Bet. Close the doors. Or guard them

mlekk (is mlekk)
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
/mlekk oozes in
mlekk thinks that would cause more probselms than it solves
mlekk thinks they would want to attack the doors
mlekk thinks of the refugees who haven't made it to us yet
mlekk decides BAD IDEA
/mlekk oozes out

And immediately the cause for this problem get spelled out in a bloody list.

No birdcage, no prisons, no resource.

But letting them take root again isn't a good idea either.

This is just more bad pilling on worst thing.
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
What's wrong with extortion? What's wrong with taking measures?

If you stand at the bottom of a hill and a car starts rolling down it with nobody in the drivers seat what do you do?

The way some of you imbeciles are talking about this I can't help but think you would stand there bitching about the situation until the car hits you.

Get out of their way first and then make sure it wasn't one part of bigger problem or disaster.

Then and only then do you address the problem with your indignation and sense of injustice cold, clear, and gripped in steady hands. Find some weapon or power and take action.

Replied on August 19th, Y1:
@ Mangled_Wings
1) villains aren't cars. villains are humans. they're accountable for their actions.
2) we have more choices than 'get out of their way'. We're part of a greater society. We have the choice of catering to them or treating them like the scumbags they are. we're accountable for how we respond to them. our government is accountable for how they respond to them.
3) 'imbeciles' isn't helping foster good discussion
4) can someone please ban mlekk? They're in every other thread. Admin said they would deal with low-investment content
5) why the fuck is mlekk one of the only people with working badges?
The problem with 'these' people is that letting them do whatever they want is just going to make them get bolder and bolder.

Unfortunately, they are also fucking capes and there's not much you can do to stop them.

Also, screw you pal. mlekk is cool mlekk and totally deserves that badges for being mlekk.
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
There are three kinds of villain. There are villains at rest that don't do anything unless bothered and they may be easy to bother. Don't bother them unless you're sure you're stronger than them. If you don't have powers you aren't stronger than them.

There are villains in motion. They want something or they're going somewhere. Don't get in their way unless you're a lot stronger than them. Catch them from the flanks or from behind if you're strong and clever enough.

These two kinds of villain don't budge. I've known a lot of them. I know how they operate. It takes a lot to move the ones at rest and it takes a lot to change the course of the ones in motion. You can't do either. Don't try.

The third kind is the kind worth paying attention to and they're the ones that are changing or that can change. Objects in motion stay in motion and objects at rest stay at rest and the times and situations to watch out for are when they change states.

The people bitching here don't know enough and don't have the power to handle any of that. Get stronger. Get smarter. Leave it to the people who know stuff to tell each group apart and to know when to handle things.
Pretty much perfectly described capes there, they are basically a bunch of online debaters that will not budge at even the strongest evidence against their case because they are goddamn idiot high on power and space whale google.

On the other hand, they also perfectly described people that basically just yell at problems and hope they somehow go away because they expect their words to have some kind of divine protagonist power. Those people can also back off and stop escalating shit.
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
Like you?
You act like you're the only one who understands the situation
What guarantee is there that they're ever going to handle things?
People and institutions do what is easiest.
(P.S. Mlekk is only one deserving of badge. Cult of mlekk!)

Replied on August 19th, Y1:
Adding articles, part III (Keeping to OP's format):

Valkyrie Interviewed and Thread Link
Rising star in the Wardens. Exceptionally powerful, many references to the Green Maiden or something? Might harken back to before my time. She is asked directly about this in the interview and deflects.

Shepherd's Crook and Thread Link (not many posts)
Team started up and fell apart. Reason why? One ex-nemesis and lover of the team leader was invited to the team. They went full yoko. Shepherds no more.

Endemic is the word.
Oh hey it's totally-not-Glaistig Uaine!

I have to google so many times just to get her name right.

Do not poke the fairy too hard, journalists, or you will float too.

And for the Shepherd's Crook...Well that was a stupid reason to break up.

I had to google just to understand what does full yoko mean, again... Gosh there's going to be so much slangs to learn.
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
Like me, New_Ohmstar. I have worked with more than twenty villains. I am a villain. When I give you recommendations about leaving sleeping dogs alone I am referring to myself. When I tell you that you want to get out of the way if I have something I want? Referring to myself.

I am not one of the leeches. I pay for my own apartment. I make no trouble. Yet. Yes I am talking to the heroes. They keep their eye on me and I keep my eye on them. There are other factors. This makes degrees of sense you are not equipped to comprehend. For now it is fine and you should take my word for it.

I'm aiming to get stronger. I'm aiming to get smarter. I am not the only one doing this. If you spend your time bitching on the internet instead of doing the same then you're one of the imbeciles because things are changing and you will fall behind.

I can verify any of this if I must but I don't know how as I am new to this site.
Well shit that was a huge thing to just drop on.

But that certainly explains a lot on how they know things about villains so well, who exactly is this though since it's clear this person isn't Simurgh.

Probably, hopefully.
Replied on August 19th, Y1:
If you send me a private message, I can walk you through it. It would be faster to contact an active admin directly.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 50, 51, 52
And here comes Point_Me_@_The_Sky to the rescue!
Private Conversation with Point_Me_@_The_Sky

You said you'd help.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Hello to you too.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Click on your username while reading any thread you've posted in. Go to the Help panel. There will be a list of options. Third box, second option, badge verification You might want to open a new window so you can go back from this convo to that

Mangled_Wings: It says import image.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Take a picture of yourself in costume and a piece of paper with your username on it. Connect phone or camera to computer. Find the image and select it, hit the 'select' button on the bottom corner of the window.

Mangled_Wings: I don't have a phone or camera.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Does your computer have a camera built into the monitor?
Mangled_Wings: Yes.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: OS360?

Mangled_Wings: Yes. I think.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Draw the circle in the center of the desktop to open the radial menu. Hit 'C' and camera should be something visible. Open it, wait for your image to appear. You'll want to be in costume. Hit space.

Mangled_Wings: It made a shutter sound.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: You were in costume already?

Mangled_Wings: It's fine.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Sure. You'll find the picture in the 'pictures' bubble

Mangled_Wings: Thank you. I found it. I imported it. It wants me to put in a label before I hit select.
...Wait are you serious? People take picture of themselves in cape outfit to verify their cape status? I thought this was some fanon crap.

Also, I do not like camera mounted onto computer screen for one bit. So much risk for potential breach of privacy. Even more so for capes.
Mangled_Wings: Thank you. I found it. I imported it. It wants me to put in a label before I hit select.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: 'Villain', I guess. I don't know if you really want to do that. You might want to go 'Cape' if you want to fly under the radar. People are sore about villains these days.

Mangled_Wings: I don't fly under the radar. I know what I am and I know what I'll be, if I don't die first. Thank you for the help. I respect this more than I respect the more self-pitying of the invertebrates out there.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Alright.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I'm unfortunately afflicted with desire to help people.

Mangled_Wings: A dire inflection, that.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: 0:) I don't know if you're at rest or moving or if you're open to change, but you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Things will go smoother if you don't call them invertebrates or imbeciles
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: And maybe stay at rest a little longer, given the chance?
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I think they really need it
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: We all need it.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Also. It just occurred to me. If you connect at a library, you'll want to delete the image before you go. Overwrite it once it is deleted to be sure.
Once again, Point_Me_@_The_Sky is firmly standing on the "Calm down the fuck down, everyone" side.

But geez, Mangled_Wing certainly isn't pulling her hate for normie by one bit.
Mangled_Wings: You kill more flies with vinegar in reality.
Mangled_Wings: A person can rest only so long. I'm restless.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: What a pity.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Spend more time online. Geek out. Learn! Less time spent being bad!

Mangled_Wings: I am not averse to learning. We will see if there is any pity to be had.
Mangled_Wings: I am at a library. I will do that.

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: You can draw the circle and hit 'o' to find overwrite.

Mangled_Wings: I already found it. Thank you. Goodbye.
Geez, Mangled_Wings, careful on the edge there on the way out.

Starting to feel like their argument is getting less and less concrete.
Invitation to Group Conversation by Strange_Mammal

Strange_Mammal: aaaaand I think this is her…

Mangled_Wings: I'm here.

Strange_Mammal: we thought you'd be one of the stragglers

Mangled_Wings: I don't straggle. At worst I am fashionably late.

Strange_Mammal: you said you hadn't really used a computer before

Mangled_Wings: I hadn't. I'm a fast learner.

Cap: this is A?

Strange_Mammal: it's A…
Strange_Mammal: …we're using first-letters to stay on down-low…
Strange_Mammal: …until we figure out what we're doing

Cap: how long did it take to figure it out, A?

Mangled_Wings: Less than an hour. Mammal is?

Strange_Mammal: C.

Mangled_Wings: I see.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: !!! A!

Mangled_Wings: This would be K.
A supervillian private talk? And Capricorn is here too.

At first i thought they were using power level (A,B,C) for the letter but then K appears so I guess not, probably their cape name initial.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: i was viewing old videos and saw some vids of u

Mangled_Wings: I didn't know I had any.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: so cool
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: so x-ited to b working with u.

Strange_Mammal: @ K / Heart_Shaped_Pupil…
Strange_Mammal: …type like a grown up…
Strange_Mammal: …my eyes are already bleeding
Mangled_Wings is at least being active for a long enough time before GM if they have some videos and one fan with horribly spelling.

I guess even grammar got destroyed with the world.
Cap: hahaha

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Got it!
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: I'm saving vids. Show you at next face2face meet.

Mangled_Wings: Okay.

Cap: we still waiting on S & R

Strange_Mammal: they said they would have some trouble getting access

Cap: yes. I got to go. we check in again same time. hammer something out?

Mangled_Wings: Yes.

Strange_Mammal: I will keep an eye out for R & S

Cap has left the conversation.
Looks like there's two more member left to get revealed.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Downloading downloading…
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Getting off chat to download faster. Bye!
Heart_Shaped_Pupil has left the conversation.

Mangled_Wings: Bye.
Mangled_Wings: Ah. That was fast.
Mangled_Wings: I'll go too.

Strange_Mammal: fyi?

Mangled_Wings: I don't know this word.

Strange_Mammal: for your information…
Strange_Mammal: …others can see time you spend online on your profile. you spent longer than one hour…
Strange_Mammal: …you've been online all day.

Mangled_Wings: I am at the library. Something to do with that, I'd think.

Strange_Mammal: it doesn't work that way. I am 95% sure.
Strange_Mammal: there is no need to lie, A
Strange_Mammal: the reason for this project is supposed to be we know each other
Strange_Mammal: K will find out if she does not already know. she pays attention to those things

Mangled_Wings: If you are 95% sure there is still 5% chance you are wrong. Assume you are wrong before you get on my bad side.
Mangled_Wings: You do not want to get on my bad side.

Strange_Mammal: ok

You have left the conversation.
Edge dammit, keep your fucking edge sheathed, Mangled_Wing.

They really doesn't sounds like a nice person now.


Wait a fucking second, did they just walk into a bloody library in full villain garb and just take selfie with the computer there in full view of anyone using the library too?


Gosh, Mangled_Wing sounds like an complete idiot now.
Glow-worm: 0.4
Finally got some free times after today's nightmare work at college, soo, I'm writing another review.

...I have a feeling I'm doing badly at this let's read thing though, I kinda need to put in more effort in analysing and stuff:

But anyway, let's get the next one in.
Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
You are currently logged in, of5

Searching for:

• Threads…
• …with the term Multi-trigger or
• …with the term Grab-Bag or
• …with the term Cluster-trigger or
• …with the term Mosaic and the term Powers and…
• …give higher relevance to the term Article and…
• …give higher relevance to the term Science and…
• …ignore capitalization and punctuation and…
• …show topics and replies made within the last year.
First thing right off the bat, that nickname looks like someone doesn't want people to figure who they really are.

Second thing, what on Earth is that search system. It's simultaneously really good at specific search target but also stupidly complicated at mundane searching. Why do you need to specifically ignore capitalization and punctuation?

Third, I think so far this arc has pretty much established that every single chapter will be from a new user which is kinda annoying but helpful in someway of exploring the world super vaguely.
♦ Topic: [JRPNA] Use of Cluster Powers, Serial Powers, Matched Powers, and Nth-generation Powers to identify 'Hinge Points' in Power Expression – 1998
In: Boards ► Parahuman Science
(PRT Science)
Posted on : June 4th, 2002

(Article) Studies into Parahuman abilities presently catalogue studied powers into three major databases: the PRT database in the US, the Cambridge Parahuman Studies facility, and the EUJP International Listing. The lists are formed by way of interview and laboratory studies with each institution using universally standardized forms in addition to supplementary material. Each of these three institutions have stated an express or strongly-implied desire to understand and predict expressions of power and tie these expressions to the inciting incidents. However, a longstanding problem in this process is that powers expressed, inciting incidents, and contextual factors can be dramatically different across individual cases. While some common themes can be drawn out, derived results are traditionally very big-picture. It is only recently that databases have begun to include sufficient numbers of special-case triggers that allow more focused study of how powers are expressed. We identified cluster powers, serial powers, matched powers, and Nth-generation powers as the special cases to focus on in more focused examination of how power instances can be mapped and we posit a 'Hinge Point' illustration of power expression and theory.

[Definitions] • Cluster powers are defined as powers wherein multiple inciting incidents occur either simultaneously or within a minute of one another. Such parahumans will have a collection of smaller powers related to the others. • Serial powers are defined as cases where an individual or multiple individuals in longstanding proximity to a parahuman will develop powers…

[Click to read full article]
Are we having a power discussion chapter? We are having a power discussion chapter.

Let's see how far did the fandom get things correct or horribly wrong.

Also, this article is posted on June 2002, I guess someone cataloged it down.
(5 of 280 replies match search criteria)

Replied on August 20th, Y1:
Link is broken.

WMD377 (PRT Science Admin)
Replied on August 20th, Y1:
Yes. Tagged. It's good to keep track and note this. This article was pretty important to the time. It would be worth finding someone with it in print and transcribing. Keep letting us know. It helps us track which articles are most important & desired. What's your field?
Understandably, research papers like these are priceless in time like this. They either help a little for lifetime or will come back in a big way soon or later.
Replied on August 20th, Y1:
I have this one. I can transcribe over the weekend. Want me to DM you the transcription, of5?

Replied on August 20th, Y1:
That would be helpful. Thank you. No field – I am furthest thing from scholar. Lot of this is going over my head. Personal interest only.

WMD377 (PRT Science Admin)
Replied on August 20th, Y1:
Keep in mind that serial and Nth-Generation (2nd gen, 3rd gen) powers are now the same thing.

End of Page 1. Click to view full list of pages.
Another thing I noticed is that all these posts in this and previous chapters are pretty much all made like within half a week. Guess people really rushed to internet as soon as they can do so.

I assume serial powers meant powered sibling increase chances of another sibling getting power which is why it's related to Nth-Generation power because they are both family matters?
♦ Topic: Multi-Trigger Case Studies – Parahumans 303 Class Notes (Spinky) – September 15th 2009
In: Boards ► Parahuman Science ►Non-Articles

Posted on : September 17th, 2009

From Wednesdays with Prof Spinky. Posted with permission. Cleaned up where I could

Overview: What are clusters?
Other names are mosaic p. expression, grabbag, multi
Effect on resulting power
Why important & Importance to study.
Case studies
Greater effects, things to keep in mind

Pt. 1: What are clusters?
2-6 people trigger at same time or very close together. Each gets a suite of powers. Person A gets Person A primary power and fragment of B, C, D, E, F.
Person B gets Person B primary power and fragment A, C, D, etc.

Pt 2: Effect on resulting power
Term secondary expressions. Weaker or subtle power. Can be conditional.
Primary powers may be weaker than if they had triggered alone?
Powers inspired by others but not identical. Relation may be tertiary.
Example given firebreath -> fire something or something breath
Prof stresses this is very basic example
Term for staying element is hinge (old) or dominant (current). Relates to 1998 article.

Pt 3: Why important & importance to study
Suggests powers aren't 100% predetermined. Certain elements are highlighted or made dominant.
We can extrapolate from studies like this & serial triggers to work out key elements of existing triggers. What changes & why = what factors are important in standalone non-special trigger?

Case Studies: two cases & how we look at them
Two case studies. Interview, self-reporting, examination

Case Study #1: Sunder Bros
Take note for future week: matched powers. We come back to this.
Brother #1 – Destruction caused to objects ripples out indefinitely, stopping at clear demarcations (images included in lecture notes). Weapon extension without limit (except convenience)
Brother #2 – Weapon sweep extension – some range extension – wider arcs, shockwaves left/right of swing. Stomp to destroy ground in immediate area.

Class pauses, prof asks & responds to input re: dominant factors in each power.

Cute girl in red top finally comes up with answer that satisfies Spinky. Destruction & weapon attack augmentation dominant/staying/hinge factors. Question of range vs. breadth between brothers. Not very lopsided in power difference b/w primary & secondary power. Spinky's stress on not.

We get some slides of brother's recreation of trigger circumstance. Distance from threat. Prof Spinky highlights personality traits brothers used on forms they filled out. All as reasoning for different power expressions.

Case Study #2: Fowl & Fair (foreign capes, names that follow are badly translated)
Oxfair – Physical augmentation; size, strength, speed, agility (<- primary), deafening roar, transfer harm from falls/some impacts to nearby others, pain resistance/faster healing
Ramfair – Emotion affecting chant, size increase, some ability to heal very recent damage of others listening to chant/that touching, gather strength/concentrate -> giant leaps
Foulcock (yes, the class laughed) – Flight with build-up of speed over time, speed is transferred to touched others, interrupting flight to deliver high-impact blows. Increased agility, deafening shriek, fast recovery of smaller wounds (scratches yes, no recovery of larger wounds).
Foulpig – Personal biokinesis, swell into flesh bubble with fast recovery/personal mutations if not 'popped' in time. Some strength & size increase, but slower while grown. Ability to 'roll' with incoming impacts (mover expression? Turns into boulder). Guttural noise (flatulence? Burps?) to interrupt thought processes – turn off others' brains momentarily.

Discussion of dynamic. Fair & foul on opposite sides post-trigger. Only fair provided answers & allowed power testing, rest has to be inferred. Handouts.

Some discussion of trigger event (see slides for images), some discussion of resulting 'package'. Powers for each individual distinct but play off each other in semi-complementary way. Reflective of personality? Or 'guiding hand' principle?

Pt. 4: Greater effects & things to keep in mind – things touched on in homework reading:
Kill / Kiss – more on this in parahuman psychology class in a few weeks
Personality Bleed – personality traits bleed over from 1 individual to other? Messy
Higher incidences of paranoia, confrontation, aggression, PTSD. Less bounce back?
Higher rate of death post-trigger. Kill / kiss again. Graph
Prof Spinky stresses emotional states may play into the above. Triggers that are sufficient to draw in multiple individuals are worse than average. Can't jump 2 conclusions. Correlation =/= causation.

(2 of 1140 replies match search criteria)

Replied on August 20th, Y1:
Lecture slides & graph missing.

Replied on August 20th, Y1:
ty again of5. nothing we can do about that one

End of Page 1. Click to view full list of pages.
The format that thread post seems...really odd. Like someone was trying to describe how things in a video is happening with simplest words possible.

But the multi-trigger stuff is pretty much well-known to people who kept reading for Words of God from Wildbow himself, everything here just seems like a big summary of what we already know.


Why does the professor ask people to write assignment on hate fuck, I have no idea.
Joined Group Conversation: Questionable_Mammal, Heart_Shaped_Pupil, Cap

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: R!
of5: Hi K. Missed you earlier. Am at library with friend. Researching.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: this is friend you've talked about :3 ?
of5: She is the friend. She is helping with technical side, searches.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Hi friend! Thank you for being good to our R!
of5: She at another computer now. I got her bored. I wouldn't join this chat if she was watching.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: aw
of5: We stumped atm. Everythink links to outside articles. Dead ends. Most stuff I already know.
of5: and I know v. little
of5: a isn't here?
Questionable_Mammal: I scared her off…
Questionable_Mammal: …she will be back I think. We still waiting on S. Technical issues. She's @ workshop later this week…
Questionable_Mammal: …you need A?
of5: No. j/w.
of5: Wanted k actually.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: yuss! \♥/
of5: you know this site. I want search terms to find some people. Articles, anything else. Would need to cover a lot of bases. Normal site search limits # of terms.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: uh. that hard. you want packaged search string
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: i can try
Questionable_Mammal: you're looking for others in your set?
of5: yes
Questionable_Mammal: I can make attempt. gimme time. you might want to fine tune after.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: aw!
of5: Thanks. I owe you one.
Questionable_Mammal: I got games btw. Will give on next meet.
of5: I owe you two
Questionable_Mammal: no. not big deal…
Questionable_Mammal: …go keep researching
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: entertain lady friend!
Questionable_Mammal: …and that
of5: getting off chat. friend blames slow connection through node.
of5: ty again
Questionable_Mammal: I DM you when I have something…
Questionable_Mammal: …keep eye out
Oh, so of5 is another member of the possible supervillian groups.

No idea what to make of the conversation yet.
♦ Topic: [EUJPR] Relationship Entanglement in Cluster-Triggers – 2005
In: Boards ► Parahuman Science

Posted on : February 18th, 2005

[Translation] Colloquially known as the kill/kiss dynamic, in cluster-triggers, there is a very high tendency toward passionate relationships, either hostility or partnership. Clusters have a 40% chance of one member murdering another, rising to a 50% chance when including attempted murder, 25% chance of a partnership forming, and a 10% incidence of partnership and murder coinciding. The term partnership is used for romantic pairings in instances where sexuality and gender allow, and close friendship or formed teams with members in other cases. In some (10% of) cases of close partnerships forming, the romantic pairing occurred despite one's typical sexuality. The relationship entanglement study looks at existing cases and clusters to investigate why.

The most dramatic case in recent memory is the Stáj, also known as the Stable, or the Foul and the Fair. The Good Ox was turned into a grisly display […]

[Click to read full article]

(3 of 79 replies match search criteria)

Replied on August 20th, Y1:
No article on click.

Dana & Evan (Student)
Replied on August 20th, Y1:
It wasn't a terribly good one. Doesn't read as a solid study so much as a commentary. I'd give it a pass. The same details are covered in more depth elsewhere. I'll see what I can dig up.

Replied on August 20th, Y1:

End of Page 1. Click to view full list of pages.

Does that mean it's totally possible for Foil to have a harem of yandere somewhere?

She did mention this annoying cape once...
♦ Private message from 17593Q183H17953R9713E714693
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: 974641T17953A8209746413R173901761R796520

of5: ?

Joined Group Conversation: Questionable_Mammal, Heart_Shaped_Pupil

: Got a strange message. Friend says it might be a bot. String of numbers & letters?

Questionable_Mammal: could be.

of5: Could be s?

Questionable_Mammal: S isn't that bad with computers…
Questionable_Mammal: …Block & move on….
Questionable_Mammal: …btw, here is search result for you.
What was that? That can't be normal. Something is about to go down.
♦ Private message from 17593Q183H17953R9713E714693

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: Had to check.

of5: ??

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: If you were one of mine.

of5: I'm going to do what my friends said and block you if you don't explain.

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: You're clearly looking for info on multis.

of5: Yes
of5: I am.

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: I can provide.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: We can collaborate.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: Is important to have others to watch your back
Fellow multi? I guess I shouldn't be suprise that of5 is another multi too.
of5: I've found some people.

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: Unless you are a member of a very new cluster, limited # of people you can be.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: I found most of the group at I-275. Rest of them wouldn't be searching online like you are.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: I found two members of the shipwreck group. They might be doing what you're doing with the searching but they know the code. They're friends of mine. Third member of that group is dead.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: The lecture hall: if you were one of them, you wouldn't be so naive.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: That leaves three options. The Kansas Cornfield massacre: 3 dead, 1 alive with no reason to care about multis. He ate the rest of his cluster.

of5: Ate?

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: The book fair. Only ones still alive there are within spitting distance of me.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: Ate. I know why, too. I can share, but not for free.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: Leaves two good options. I can skip one because it's mine.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: You're part of the new cluster from the mall.

of5: No comment.
I have near zero idea of what this person is saying. Dammit, at least learn how to use proper grammar.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: I found one of you already. I reached out to him first. He said no. Bad for him. Lucky for you.

of5: Lucky?

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: The one I talked to said there's a woman, two boys, and him. I'm going to assume you're the one I've termed the runt. The smallest, easiest target.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: The woman is gathering funds to hire mercenaries and come after you. The one I talked to hired an information broker to find you. Her name is Tattletale. She's good. She has resources. including the mercenaries I just mentioned. She's also preoccupied for now.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: A favor from me to you.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: That leaves you & the last one. It sounds like all 3 are coordinating vs. you.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: I can just about guarantee the people they're gathering together are better than the ones you got.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: You need help. You've got a case of Kiss/Kill like I never saw and I don't think they're reaching for the chapstick.

of5: You're wrong
Multi-triggers, taking hatefuck to such a level that they make troll relationship feels prudish since 1980.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: About the need for help?

of5: It isn't Kiss/Kill.
of5: I'll take any help I can get.
of5: Provided I can get some clue you're legit.

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: Glad to hear.

of5: and some idea of what you're really after

17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: You. And a chance to deal with some mutual enemies.
17593Q183H17953R9713E714693: I'll be in touch.
Annnd even with the amnesty around, supervillians are planning to murder each other on the flimsiest reason already.

Dammit, this world's future doesn't look as bright as before now.
Searched for:
• Threads…
• …with complex term: sever &/or [15 more terms, click to view]…
• …with complex term: prosthetic &/or [12 more terms, click to view]…
• …with complex term: emotion &/or [16 more terms, click to view]…
• …with complex term: acrobatics &/or [9 more terms, click to view]…
• …gap allowance of 16 words
• …term allowance margin of .6969
• …that were created in the last month.
• Showing only relevant section, preceding paragraph and following paragraph.

One result.

♦ Topic: Public Incident Report [Aug 16]
In: Boards ► Teams ► Gunslingers
Lucky Luke
Posted on : August 16th, Y1

[] We were ultimately unable to stop them, as they had two capes we had no information or records on. The first of the capes may have been a thinker, likely the same that shot down our flier. We were unable to glean much more from them, other than the fact they wore fur in the midst of a heatwave.

The second individual seems to be a grab-bag cape. She was a woman with a fanged mask covering her lower face, and a form-fitting dress with a slit up the side of one leg. She displayed a mover power [fourth term] with the ability to run on walls. She produced an emotion-affecting [third term] roar, which broke the ranks of one of the cooperating teams, and had metal claws [second term] which looked to be of tinker make. These claws may have been what enabled her to tear [First term not met, but within allowance] down doors and other barricades with the ease she did. We have the beginnings of a work-up going online shortly.

The attack on the store opening was a failure on our side. We were late to the scene due to geography and we lacked full knowledge of our adversaries. It is our belief that with PHO in working order and more collaborative tools and measure being put in place every day, that we will succeed next time where we failed this once. We are working with authorities to keep an eye out for the stolen merchandise.[…]
I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually suitable as a reviewer because all I can focus on is what the fuck is with the search system!?

Gap allowance of 16 words, term allocation margin of .6969? Who the heck need a search system with string like these!?

Also, this happened last month? The amnesty isn't bloody working at all if fights are starting already.

This is really not good.
Joined Group Conversation: Questionable_Mammal, Heart_Shaped_Pupil, Cap

: Thank you, c.

Questionable_Mammal: I thought that one result looked good

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: pretty nasty customer

of5: It is. She is.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: are you looking after your friend?

of5: not nearly enough

Questionable_Mammal: did you get the bot thing handled?

of5: Bot thing handled. blocked & moved on.
of5: This woman… concerns me. I'll figure out a plan of action later.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: we'll figure out a plan of action later >:)

of5: Thanks. And thanks again, c.
of5: You're good kids.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: :D

Cap has joined the chat.

Questionable_Mammal: no personal details online, ya?

Cap: ?

of5: Right. Sorry.

Questionable_Mammal: nothing big, Cap

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Go get ur friend a thank you treat. Giant heart-shaped cookie!

Cap: subtle

of5: I don't know about cookies. There's a place to get ice cream.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Go, shoo!

You have left the conversation.
Really still have no idea who these people are so I can't really comment.

But, ice cream is nice. I want some now.
Third, I think so far this arc has pretty much established that every single chapter will be from a new user which is kinda annoying but helpful in someway of exploring the world super vaguely.
Honestly, not much to say because I have no idea who these people are.
The format that thread post seems...really odd. Like someone was trying to describe how things in a video is happening with simplest words possible.

But the multi-trigger stuff is pretty much well-known to people who kept reading for Words of God from Wildbow himself, everything here just seems like a big summary of what we already know.
No idea what to make of the conversation yet.
I have near zero idea of what this person is saying. Dammit, at least learn how to use proper grammar.
I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually suitable as a reviewer because all I can focus on is what the fuck is with the search system!?

Gap allowance of 16 words, term allocation margin of .6969? Who the heck need a search system with string like these!?
Really still have no idea who these people are so I can't really comment.
And this is why I really did not care for Glow Worm. The pure PHO format combined with a complete lack of context, a constantly rotating cast of characters that I could not keep track of at all and terrible and annoying grammar just made my eyes glaze over half the time and just skim through the text.
Last edited:
I'm pretty much gonna try to do at least two of glow worm chapters per day simply because of that.

Just gonna skim through and give some of my opinions which might not really be useful because I'm just plain confused.
Glow-worm: 0.5
Feeling kinda sick buuut experiment class canceled early so I might as well start the next chapter up quick in the morning.

Subject: Your Nilles University Application
August 21st, Y1

Dear Applicant (Point_Me_@_The_Sky@mail)
We regret to inform you that your application for graduate study in our department was turned down. We look at each application and applicant as a whole and decisions are based on a composite of information including your previous academic performance, referrals, relevant professional activities, proposed research statements, and test scores.
Due to a high volume of applicants, this message has been partially automated. Your application was received by paper and email and discussed by me and one other faculty member. We responded by email as per your preference. We would like to stress, for your particular application:
• That we would very much like you to apply again in future years.
• That we would encourage you to use the same email address, as we can easily tie it back to this application.
• We felt your academics were very strong.
• We felt your extracurriculars were exceptional.
• We felt your references were exceptional.
• In a time when records are often lacking and references may be hard to identify or contact, your application stood above and beyond in how complete and thorough it was.
Nilles is one of three Universities serving an estimated population of fifty million on Earth Gimel and its associated territories, and it is the sole post-secondary institution offering graduate studies. Over one and a half million bright and eager minds have applied to Nilles in avid hope of starting or resuming their educations, and regretfully, with our current facilities, we cannot accept more than twenty thousand.
Although these circumstances mean we must regretfully send you an unfavorable response, we appreciate your application. We wish you the best in your future endeavors and look forward to hearing from you next year.
Yours truly,
Dr. Marilyn Ginbar
Graduate Advisor
Oh hey forget what I said on last chapter review, guess we are going back to Point_Me_@_The_Sky after all!

Surprise that there's even college or university set up in the post-GM world so quickly, I hope they aren't the complete shitshow like today's college....high chance they are though.

Anyway, detail to focus on. 50 millions people on Earth Gimel. Most of them might be refugees but damn, that's still a big city to fill up. That's almost twice as my country population!

But still, sad that Point_Me_@_The_Sky didn't get accepted in, doubt the university will ever have much of a free space even with twenty thousand seats in it. Kinda impressive that they even get to have that many students at max even after everything.

Or maybe it's because I have been studying at small college so I don't quite have a perspective in large university...
Private Messages from Glitzglam:

Glitzglam: Friend said emails out today

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I got mine this morning.

Glitzglam: And? ? ?

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Same as last year.

Glitzglam: : (

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: We have completed a review of your applic'n. Paperwork good. Grades good. X'lars good. Refs good. You're perfect.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: But the world ended two years ago, sorry! No place for you now. Please apply next year. We'll keep track of your applic'n and the fact you applied last year, we promise!
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: no mention in this yrs letter about me applying last year so I do have my doubts

Glitzglam: aw hon :C
Glitzglam: why tho? My friend got in and I know his ap wasn't as good

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: why do you think?
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: That's a serious Q'n btw. Because I don't know
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Rational part of me thinks high demand program + only so many grad students allowed in
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: That part of me outnumbered 14 to 1 tho

Glitzglam: hm hm
Glitzglam: very specific #

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I've been thinking about it all day. Made a list. Lots of unreasonable answers that are semi-possible. sentiment / reference backstabs me / people with ties to uni staff get in first / uni tied to gov + gov wants specific focus for research
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I could go on. I know some of those sound crazy
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: + all of that? If true then no reason to think next year will be different. Last year was a third the number applicants, they accepted 2.5%. This year, what? 1.4%?
Huh, I guess I kinda got confused on which day internet got back online.

She said she got the same email last year but the very first post in chapter 1 indicated that PHO got online just recently, I guess internet got back up long before PHO came back on.

Second thing, I think my sister has the same sentiment when the art college she tried to get into didn't accept her and so she ended up working part timer a bit before attempting to apply for art college next semester. They really didn't tell you on which part you were lacking, or if it's something else internal, or they just don't give a fuck. It just...feel awful.

On the other hand, you might ended up like me and picked a university that lowered their requirement tremendously for student count and ended up failing the entire year before changing because of that. Make me feel like a complete failure that year...
Glitzglam: um

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Could be multiple of above. could be none.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Enough about me. How is training going?

Glitzglam: is fine. not important.
Glitzglam: Im going to visit as soon as possible
Glitzglam: k?

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: No need to treat me with kid gloves. We all suspected this would happen.

Glitzglam: honestly ?
Glitzglam: we all were saying 2 temper expectations
Glitzglam: but we would wink as we said it
Glitzglam: we thought u would get in

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: That doesn't make me feel better

Glitzglam: have u told everyone?

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: no
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Today I have stuff to do. I work and think.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Might go for long trip before h.school semester starts + I get busy with work. Visit home.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Share after I get back I think.

Glitzglam: K. Im visiting 2. field exercises today tomorrow. team want to meet for drinks on day off. I think I might take off nstead. home 4 sure. m/b u?
Sometimes you can try all you want but hardwork just doesn't carry you all the way through no matter what.

On Glitzglam, I guess she's a cape too and she's talking about hero team training or something similar.
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I'm okay. But do me a favor?

Glitzglam: anything

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: If you stop by? I set up tarps by house. Make sure they still there & no water getting through? Lost cause maybe

Glitzglam: can do
Glitzglam: u sure u ok?

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: I'm not. But I'm the ok sort of not ok. I've gotten good at effective brooding
Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Our little parcel of humanity is sprawled haphazardly across 15+ alt earths. Has to be a place for us somewhere right?

Glitzglam: right
Glitzglam: and speaking of places. I got 2 take off becuz my place is 2 be doing drills

Point_Me_@_The_Sky: Be safe. Say hi to the family for me. I'll drop by soon.
15 alternate Earths, that gonna drive any bureaucracy insane with sheer amount of paperwork needed to be done.

And kinda should have figured that these two are family members in the first place.

And erm...


Wait that's it!? This is a short chapter!
Glow-worm: 0.6
Guess I got the wording wrong somewhere, I didn't really think she was attempting to get in another university otherwise she could get in on new semester.

Anyway, next chapter review because chapter 0.5 is just too damn short and I have free time for now.

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You know what, never mind about what I said last chapter again because we are changing perspective again.

I think anyone would quickly noticed the nick change there, very similar but still different, maybe for hiding identity or just trying to dominate the cephalopod nickname market?

It's not working that well if the admin immediately detect the sockpuppetry.

I totally didn't edit this part when I notice it later.
Private Conversation with A_real (Admin):

Please note that conversations with site administrators may be recorded and reviewed.

Curious_Cephalopod: hello?

A_real: Hello. Thank you for the prompt response. I'm Sydney

Curious_Cephalopod: I can guess what this is about

A_real: According to our systems you have 32 individual accounts that you're rotating through.

Curious_Cephalopod: this is true

Why do you need that many individual accounts!? I'm even sure if I'm would be that dedicated to keep my identity hidden but if every single one of them end with cephalopod I doubt they work well.
A_real: Is it really needed to have one individual account for each day of the month and one for what I assume are holidays?

Curious_Cephalopod: not what I was doing…
Curious_Cephalopod: …but would be amusing with some reshuffling…
Curious_Cephalopod: …assuming it was allowed…
Curious_Cephalopod: …I'm guessing you will say it isn't

A_real: Duplicate accounts are of concern when it comes to tracking action across accounts

Curious_Cephalopod: I see

A_real: Isn't that a hassle to manage 32 separate accounts?

Curious_Cephalopod: I use a program to copy over settings

A_real: I see.

Curious_Cephalopod: I checked ToS. I don't think any of this is against the rules

A_real: But why do it?

Curious_Cephalopod: security. I'm being surveilled…
Curious_Cephalopod: …doing this lets me find out things

A_real: Surveilled?

Curious_Cephalopod: yes
The sheer amount of dots being used remind me of my old time on forum where I just kept being nervous for no reasons what so ever, guess Cephalopod here is feeling the same.

But surveilled? By who and why?
A_real: On PHO?

Curious_Cephalopod: if they were stalking me elsewere and not here where it's stalker central then they would be bad at what they do…
Curious_Cephalopod: *elsewhere…
Curious_Cephalopod: …and they aren't

A_real: If you're trying to obfuscate, I have to question why you use a chain of names that connect to one another.

Curious_Cephalopod: I'm not trying to hide. I'm trying to find out things.

A_real: Do I need to notify authorities? If you're joking, you need to tell me now.

Curious_Cephalopod: that would cause more problems than it fixes…
Curious_Cephalopod: …can we just say I'm joking and you agree and you can tell me what my punishment is…
Curious_Cephalopod: …or what I need to do to fix this issue?

A_real: I remain concerned.

Curious_Cephalopod: how about this?…
Curious_Cephalopod: …one second…
Curious_Cephalopod: …there. It should be in my user images.

A_real: Verification_For_Sydney.i
A_real: I see it. I see. I'm assuming that in a matter of days, if you're an avian of some sort…

Curious_Cephalopod: Insect. Yes, I could supply a different verification image…
Curious_Cephalopod: …so can we chalk this up to a peculiarity of mine? Powers weirdness?
Cephalopod isn't human? Or at least can transform into something inhuman. Case 53 perhaps?

That might explains a lot more on why they didn't want authority to take care of this.

...Though honestly that kind of action is exactly why authority doesn't have enough power to take care of thing when everyone just kept being quiet. So please don't do that unless you are literally in a dictatorship.
A_real: I'll have to discuss with others.

Curious_Cephalopod: alright

A_real: I'm not wholly satisfied with this resolution. Either you were joking about something serious
A_real: Or you're being cavalier about something serious

Curious_Cephalopod: Or I'm being watched and I've been under various kinds of observation for some time…
Curious_Cephalopod: …and this isn't that serious. Consider me a curious sort of multi-limbed invertebrate who would be happy to be left alone…
Curious_Cephalopod: …except there's always someone on the other side of the glass, tapping or taking notes. Ears pressed up against the walls. constant whispers…
Curious_Cephalopod: …things moved in my habitat when I'm not looking…

A_real: I think I have a sense of what you're getting at.

Curious_Cephalopod: …anohd thgis poartiocular obdserver is benign

A_real: ?

Curious_Cephalopod: software glitch. it doesn't like interruptions
Either Cephalopod is not typing with their hand or autocorrect is being a bitch again.

...Hold on, is this Sveta? It's starting to read like her right now.
A_real: I see.
A_real: I'm putting you down as a verified cape, with some notes. I'm not going to make this available to anyone looking at your profile unless you want it.

Curious_Cephalopod: I don't

A_real: I would like to link all of your 32 accounts together. This might take a few hours of fiddling on my end. It would only be info available to us and to you

Curious_Cephalopod: and to any outside parties with access to my computer?

A_real: I would avoid letting anyone have that access, if possible.

Curious_Cephalopod: that will be fine. I will try and I'm fine with being linked up.

A_real: Thank you for cooperating. Have a good day.
Annnd the conversation closed off and hopefully everything worked out!

♦ Topic: Multiversal Travel Warnings
In: Boards ► Gimel.US
(Guild Staff)
Posted on August 22nd, Y1:

The Guild is presently established in three facilities outside of the city in Gimel.US, supporting authorities and serving as bodyguards and representatives for the onetime denizens of Earth Bet, as new areas are surveyed and contact with new cultures is made.

The process is exciting and interesting, and we report back as much as we are able, but it does have its hazards. After two recent incidents, we have decided to reach out to those we are familiar with, who are familiar with us. This forum is one of many places we'll be striving to communicate needs and necessities.

Humans are explorers by nature. Our best count right now, excepting areas we cannot fully access, is that portals, devices, and tears between realities are currently allowing access to forty-seven Earths. Six of those Earths have been blocked off due to implicit threats or are fundamentally inaccessible. Two more have been closed off at the request of their denizens. Earth Aleph, which most Earth Bet residents are or were familiar with, has been blocked off as well.

Speak with authorities before making any trips to territories unknown. We don't and can't mount effective rescue operations if someone leaves and fails to return, but we have some ability to do so if and when authorities know where you've gone and you've stuck to the established route. People got lost or stranded in the wilderness on Earth in 2012, with all that world's satellites. It can and will happen in new universes.

Do not travel to inhabited worlds. Absolutely do not make first contact. The first of the two incidents noted above was one where a family traveled across Earth Chamesh and happened across a settlement we were currently talking to. Much confusion and concern was had and we are still recovering.

The second is to please stick to charted territories. Exploring the uncharted is exciting, but if you aren't equipped, you can come to harm, even if the world is uninhabited. One ex-Bet government (which shall remain unnamed) sent one expedition to Earth Achat. The Europe of that world was home to an invasive species, which grew as a tubular mold in dark, shadowed spaces, particularly in forest. Eating food exposed to the spores these molds created causes stomach cramps that progress to reflexive vomiting over the course of two to five days. The vomiting then lasts another two to five days, causing death by dehydration for any who don't receive care.
You know what this sounds like?

MULTIVERSE ADVENTUREEEE!!! (With non-insignificant amount of grimdark, or whatever.)

Too bad nobody would ever write fanfic outside of the main zone no matter what even if they are infinitely more interesting.

Totally nobody. Is this how you play hard?

But the fact is that I'm surprised people are already going around and travelling the multiverse as if the end of the world didn't just happen 2 goddamn years ago and everyone wanted a piece of multiverse tourism and adventure.

Seriously, it really feels like people stop giving fuck about the apocalypse already.
Be aware:
Earth Gimel has been partially explored and checked by thinkers. There are no guarantees. Except for some rare indigenous colonies, it is unsettled. Gimel has five major points of settlement, with civilization finding its foothold around these points. The City, as of yet unnamed, is the primary US point of settlement and one of the primary waypoints. The City is a megalopolis with a commonly cited population of fifty million. A rough map (one month out of date) here.
Earth Mem has been partially settled by others from Bet. We are currently trying to establish some kind of communication and link.
For novice explorers and those looking to settle new territories, we would encourage Gimel and Mem as largely safe options.

Earth Bet has been deemed uninhabitable. Contrary to popular belief, radiation is not a major concern. However, many industrial sites were either destroyed or have weathered the last two years of neglect poorly, with chemicals leeching into groundwater and settling in valleys. Terrible numbers of deceased humans and other living species have led to other health concerns, particularly in previously heavily settled areas that received heavy damage. There will always be those who attempt to hold onto what we have lost, and many persist in trying to maintain some existence on Bet. However, new incidents arise on what seems to be a weekly or twice-weekly basis, with one in three having to do with powers, the powered, untended tinker technology, masters, and lingering threats. We may one day return to Bet, as some groups have fervently expressed a desire to do, but we have a great deal of work to do before this is possible. It may not happen in our generation or our children's generation. Be aware that if you choose to return to Bet (and most authorities agree you have the fundamental right to do so) you may have to re-apply for entry and you will very likely be putting your well being in peril.

Speak with authorities before traveling to any other worlds. More information on multiversal threats.

More information to be disclosed about outside threats and cultures as we have it.

(Showing Page 108 of 270)
I just want to say that it's still really impressed for them to construct a megacity for 50 millions in just two goddamn years, and it's not even the only construction project around with many settlements in other places, that's hopefully not being rules by super assholes.

I can see this place getting great in perhaps ten years. Still, there's too many issues in a basket and the authoritiy can only handle so many of them at once.

About Earth Bet, people will most certain go back to the place simply because it's where they lived before even if it's a fucked up mess right now, some people just have strong sentimental feeling about their home, or where their home was.

Okay this is actually reminding me of something.....No, no political parallel here, screw that. I not getting THAT leaching into my review.

Also, shit load of dangerous craps are still around in Earth Bet. Nilbog murderbabies might died out in a year or two once they starved to death or because they can't reproduce themselves (hopefully...), tinkertech might eventually falls unless they are von neuman bullshit that kept rebuilding itself, and as for Master, well...

I won't really be mad if someone is having an itching finger on the nuke firing button right now if only all the nuke missiles aren't pretty much gone and the button isn't even there anymore because the white house got destroyed or something.

But, but! Sometimes you just want to really really make sure some random megalomaniac Masters don't survive another day.
► Ohearn
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
It's about concentration. The fight happened near here. Scion attacked. We don't know why but it might have had to do with the Slaughterhouse Nine, going by the news reports and what some have said. It might have had to do with the Simurgh. It could have been something else altogether. But things wrapped up near here. People came through and most of us picked two worlds to settle in, with Gimel as the big one.

But a lot of people fought. A lot of capes. Many were foreign. The fight ended… and then? We are doing or did our best to get them home, but not all want to go home. Or Scion didn't leave them a home to go back to. A lot of them have gathered into like groups. That's where we get the weird corner-world settlements.

► Venturain
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
the corner world places aren't inherently bad tho, right? we (my family) just got into the city one month ago. right away pressure pressure. we can move into city but standardized rent and we need to earn wage and we may be asked to move. best option is to move to city periphery and farm. they say they will give us tools and resources to get started but good spots are taken or very far away and farming isn't easy

corner worlds are closer in a way. go to noon, go to wherever from there.

if we aren't reconstruction or farming we aren't wanted. so why become cogs in the city's machine? we can strike off on our own. minor risk but total freedom

► Slayer of Isaac
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
@ Venturain – that was our mindset. My family tried it.
We had the bad fortune of settling at one corner settlement. Two points removed. We got off to an okay start. Shelter up, food out, basic needs covered. Regular trips to the city to supply up and cover more advanced needs.

Winter of Year Zero caught us off guard. We thought we were ahead of what we needed but staying warm gets hard and getting warm means chopping wood, which means physical effort, which means needing more food.

I was handling most trips into the city. I was worn out and got real sick. My brother handled one trip, asked for help, came back with capes.

They helped, yeah. Then they took over. It was bad. You can find my photo diary on my user page.

My brother went out and asked for help again. The second time around, the capes were willing to fix the problem and leave. Most of us moved back to the city. Bitter feelings.
I guess by foreign capes, Ohearn doesn't mean capes in foreign countries but rather capes in other Earth? Okay what is the parahuman head count right now this is confusing.

And corner world? Probably good for people that just want to be independent but that also drag in all sort of risk with living on another planet alone across the dimensions.

Some people tends to think nature is just sooo wonderful to be out there and breath in the fresh air and enjoy the greenness around you.

It's not, fuck nature. Disease, bugs, lack of communication, lack of internet, bugs, predators, four seasons of fuck your planning and bugs. Mother nature is a bitch and she made humanity want to stay on her by inflicting Stockholm syndrome on them. You wanna move out, you need to plan super hard, you need to prepare for every scenarios but chances are mother nature is gonna say 'Bitch please' and then dump two feets of snow on your and then stomps on your feet with frostbite.

Nature is the real Dark Soul, most of we live in city for a reason.
► Athonic
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
@ Venturain – there's need for other work. doctors. teachers. there's a need for people that are good at finding and vetting the skilled labor. finding qualified doctors and getting them to hospitals, finding teachers and helping to establish new schools.

organization is the hardest part.

many injured, many with special needs. i'm in robotics and prosthetics and there's no shortage of need. my friend is a radiologist and he's in high demand.

► Lex_Dogbell
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
Many of those things require education. Letters started arriving yesterday. Rejected, rejected, rejected. No education. My friends are saying government is holding off on setting up schools because there is so much need for physical labor, industry, agriculture.

► mlekk (was mlekk)
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
[User was banned for this post, badge changed]
mlekk noooooooo, you will not be forgotten!

Anyway, in a post-apocalyptic world, a man that can fix a car is way more important than the ten men that can drive one.

People need specialized workers just so their normal daily life could even function at all. Without them, civilizations as we know it is dead in the rock.

On the other hand, industry is also important to make sure quality of life items we used everyday is available. And if machine isn't available, manpower will have to do. Honestly, everyone need to do their part here, it's gonna be a rough decade before things smoothing out, maybe even longer than that.
► Ferris (Cape Dad)
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
Right now we don't seem to have many threats at home. Things are quiet. The monsters are out there if they're even alive. Sleeper is still in Zayin and seems contained there. The Birdcage was abandoned and we don't know if the residents were left to starve. Few of the real monsters seem to be here. The dictators don't have the infrastructure. Our best capes are off doing good work and seeing what's out there. Our capes at home are calm and quiet. I'm okay with that.

► Fishmon
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
Not all of the dictators. Not every place was ruined. There are monsters out there who I will not name out of fear for my safety. They were kept in check back on Bet and nothing holds them back now that much of the world has evacuated. The weather may be bad there but they may not have had industry or other problems to taint things. Things are looking up here but there I think it may be hellish for the citizens. Who can help them? Is difficult. If calamity comes in plague or bugs or rats then the people suffer, but dictators will not let them escape. I make calls every day.

► Moor (Guild)
Replied on August 22nd, Y1:
I'm going to reach out to you by direct message, Fishmon. Tell me what you can.
End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 … 107, 108, 109 … 268, 269, 270


I really don't know what to make this, guess shit on Earth Bet will continue to be shit? Really, you can either worried about it for everyday of your life, or you can ignore it.

I picked ignore, something just never change.
Joined Group Conversation: Cap, Heart_Shaped_Pupil, of5, Mangled_Wings:

Cap: I don't know that much

Mangled_Wings: You know some. You were a corporate hero.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Share. Don't be shy. ;3

Cap: I was a man on the ground in a flashy costume. I was told to do things and I did them. my mental energy went toward figuring out what I would do when I had discretion.
Cap: Some of it.

of5: I know what you mean about mental energy.

Cap: right? time management is a nightmare even without complications. add family, team drama, having to look good for the cameras and magazines and I wasn't exactly thinking about upper management. I listened to the boss and I winked at the intern with the cute butt sometimes.
Cap: I didn't dwell on the ins and outs. so if you want me to supply info on the ins and outs of how the corporate capes work as a business, I can't. I don't even want to dwell on it. those were bad times for me. there's a reason I left it behind.

Mangled_Wings: I hope you can share what you do know at some point.

Cap: Of course.
And we are back to the supervillain (?) group, so I was right about the Reach being a corporate team once.

Guess Capricorn go 'Fuck it' and left a long time ago.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Spending a lot of mental energy lately, R?

of5: I might have to go to ground. I may not be able to travel to the next town to use library hookup until our next meeting. I have some indications that some people are after me. More than they were the day before yesterday.

Cap: do you need me to come? My brother and I can visit, hang out, offer you some backup. I might not remember much about the nuances of the corp team, but I have pride in my ability in a scrap

of5: I appreciate that.

Cap: it could be fun. you're the closest thing I have to a best friend atm, so we might as well hang at some point.

of5: Oof. Yes. We get along best, out of the group. It would be good in other times, maybe. But I don't know what vectors they can use to attack or track me. This whole thing is a mess.

Cap: I'm so glad I don't have to deal with the cluster-trigger clusterfuck

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Amen.

Mangled_Wings: Agreed.

of5: Easiest if I just drop off the radar for a bit. We can touch base later. I might check in to see if S showed and we can go from there. Otherwise I see you in a few days.

Cap: help is available if you need it.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: i was going to say. i'd ♥love♥ to be of help

of5: I'm safe where I am for now. in a sense.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: With family?

of5: Mostly. Obviously not when I'm here. Hard to strike a balance. It's not good times.
of5's situation is getting worse, someone really want hatefuck the shit out of their ass.
Mangled_Wings: My sympathies.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: !

of5: I… really appreciate that, a.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: !!

Curious_Cephalopod: please, K. Let it be.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Ok. :3

Cap: C. good to see you stepping out of the shadows.

Cap: I wondered if you would speak up

Curious_Cephalopod: the shadows are where it's comfortable and safe.

Mangled_Wings: The shadows are where the real monsters lurk

Curious_Cephalopod: that too, A…
Curious_Cephalopod: …that too.
Mangled_Wings, stupid, edgy, and also insensitive.

Great, all the formula I need to start hating a character.

So, Cephalopod confirmed to be part of the group too, I guess it's possible that the next new user showed in next chapter would most likely be in this group too.
Cap: why are you curious, out of curiosity?

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Doing research?

Curious_Cephalopod: curious in the british sense…
Curious_Cephalopod: …odd, quirky, eccentric…
Curious_Cephalopod: …I was doing research, as a matter of fact.

Mangled_Wings: On?

Curious_Cephalopod: figuring out the landscape. looking at maps. where we want to set up.

Cap: and?

Curious_Cephalopod: and it feels like the A-listers are busy. everyone else is in the shadows…
Curious_Cephalopod: …waiting for someone else to break the peace and take the hate when they get blamed…
Curious_Cephalopod: …the problem is we're so geographically spread out. even if we discount R.

of5: I'm aiming to move into the city. There are complications

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: your friend

of5: a lot of things.

Curious_Cephalopod: the megalopolis makes for bad logistics.
So basically the same exact situation in the old day again, god fucking dammit.

Of course the bloody villian capes are just waiting for someone to explode and then cause shitload of destruction and then blame everything on that someone. All to keep the status quo intact.

This is reall starting to sound less and less like a supervillain group but if Mangled_Wings decided to fuck things up (They just feel like the most volatile here), then everyone else will get dragged in the trip, whether they want to or not.
Cap: I do hope you'll step out of those shadows more, c.
Cap: it's been interesting talking to you online and seeing how talkative you are here.
Cap: I like what you contribute when you speak up

Curious_Cephalopod: that's me being an introvert.

Cap: that's fixable

Curious_Cephalopod: I think you badly underestimate my introversion, T…

of5: Okay, hold on.

Cap: holding on

Curious_Cephalopod: [error]!
Curious_Cephalopod: [error]!
Curious_Cephalopod: [error]!

You have disconnected from chat
I guess I wasn't exactly a stranger to this situation either from Cephalopod side...
You have reconnected to chat

of5: As the person who knows capricorn best, I'm going to step in and say this convo should end. It's going to end in hurt feelings.

Curious_Cephalopod: my feelings are fine.

of5: Ok

Cap: I'm fine.

of5: Let's end the convo here. We're here to back each other up. Let's be more cautious than not.

Cap: sure. I'm annoyed but I can take a break.
Cap has left the conversation.

of5: I hope I didn't make things awkward.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: It's fine. Made sense.

Curious_Cephalopod: balances to be struck

of5: Yeah
Understandable. Not much to comment on this situation.
♦ Private message from Heart_Shaped_Pupil

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: She said something nice!

Curious_Cephalopod: ?

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: A!

Curious_Cephalopod: Ah.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Good things good feelings. I'm psyched because this all feels positive.

Curious_Cephalopod: maybe

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: On the topic of positivity…

Curious_Cephalopod: ? Did you disconnect?

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: So I was thinking we should meet in the city. You were talking about logistics and I was thinking about where eveyrone was. you're closest to me and we're the same age I think? So I was thinking we could meet and talk strategy over fast food. We could even do something after and build team bonds and things like that. Maybe a movie or arcade. Whatever you want to do.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: No pressure.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Sorry. I wrote and rewrote that three times
Heart_Shaped_Pupil is either a bulb of innocent that must be protect from the evil of the world or they are a complete yandere because they are cape after all.
Curious_Cephalopod: You mean a date?

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: I didn't say a date.

Curious_Cephalopod: But you mean a date.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Maybe. Sure. Springtime of youth and all that pizazz.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Or pre-springtime. Tweentime of spring? The thawing of the slush doesn't have the same conotations

Curious_Cephalopod: I think there are about a hundred different reasons why I should say no to that. actually…
Curious_Cephalopod: …make that two hundred. I legitimately think I could name two hundred reasons why that's a terrible idea.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Really? Two hundred?

Curious_Cephalopod: The more I think of it, the more reasons I come up with…
Curious_Cephalopod: …no, K.

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Can I ask why?

Curious_Cephalopod: because you're you and I'm me…
Curious_Cephalopod: …no and don't ask again.
...There two are either gonna get well together in the future or one of them is gonna die for dramatic effect.

I guarantee it.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Ok. ;3
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: Can I ask another question?

Curious_Cephalopod: will I regret saying yes?

Heart_Shaped_Pupil: When you were talking to Ms. Sydney earlier
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: You hinted at having a reason for the changing nicks.
Heart_Shaped_Pupil: What was it?

Curious_Cephalopod: Honestly?…
Curious_Cephalopod: …I wanted to see if you'd get curious enough to reveal yourself.
Wait hold on, what.

How did Heart_Shaped_Pupil read into a private message from a bloody admin?

Cape bullshit? Also what the heck is with Cephalopod's answer. Nobody really know who Heart_Shaped_Pupil is?

Wait a bloody second, is Heart_Shaped_Pupil the one that is stalking Cephalopod? What the fuck is going on!?


Is Heart_Shaped_Pupil...Imp?
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Yeah these interludes are frustratingly vague and mysterious. Constantly alluding to things we can't see or a past that we don't know.