Vanessa introduces herself as the captain of Frelia's pegasus knights, and her pegasus as Titania. She has a name? That's interesting. The Fire Emblem games vary in how important the mounts are – not from game to game, but from character to character.
I was astonished to see that name in the support and HAD to look up if that was in the original script or if that was added through the mod. And I found it very funny that it is, in fact, in the original script. Why? 'Cause there's a character with that name in another "pre-Awakening" Fire Emblem. Though thinking about it, I wonder the name being therr was because, iirc, Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance were both "coded named" as "FE8". I forget if it's because Path of Radiance was meant of be 8 but got delayed so Sacred Stones ended up being released first, or if them being both "FE8" was for a different reason entirely. Either someone who has played the Tellius games, it's very funny knowing the pegasus is named Titania. XD
The rest of the support... Not too much to say. It's a nice little interaction showing off Lute's personality leading to some silly moments and a bit of pegasus lore in this game. Speaking of.
This is actually a Greek legend, that Pegasus (which was one singular unique horse, not a whole race of them) was born from the body of Medusa. That one's always confused me. If anyone here is a classicist and can explain what train of logic the ancient Greeks were following when they thought a winged horse should be born from the death of an earth monster, I would love to hear it.
...i am no expert, and definitely haven't looked that deeply into medusa specifically...but I am an enthusiast of mythology, so I'll have my say on this!
As Indivisible has said, one version of Medusa's story, the more known one as far as I'm aware, has Poseidon rape her, and thus that is why when she's killed, Pegasus and Chrysaor popped out afterwards. While I'm not entirely sure about why Chrysaor is the way he is (he is usually human, or at least humanoid, but also has a version of him being a winged boar, the only similarity with Pegasus), nor do I know why Pegasus is winged except "tin foil hat"-type speculations (because I doubt the fact that the one version of Medusa being a priestess of Athena, who is associated with owls, is a good reason for why Pegasus has wings...), but I do have a more solid idea why Pegasus is even a horse in the first place, despite being born from a human turned into snake monster (at least, assuming the version of Medusa born from two gods isn't older than the human turned into Gorgon version...and even then, it's similar to the previous parenthesis sentence just feels a "little" less "tin foil-y"). Poseidon is associated with horses (I forget if this is the exact reason how, but I suspect it's because of his Mycanean version being both a sea god AND a cthonic/earth and Underworld god) even though he is a sea god. Case in point, his chariot is pulled by hippocamus, fish tailed horses. So knowing that, it made sense why Pegasus was born from Medusa and Poseidon.
...tho the more i talk about this the more i realize this is more me speculating connections and that i really need to look deeper into this...
... ...excuse me geeking out. it's just a thought ive had about mythology for a long while. Ahem.
Artur and Lute!
Forgive me for ranting a little, but this is a personal bête noir. I have loved not one but two people who sincerely believed that making me do things I hate/fear would make me stronger, and for all their good intentions and professed love for me, it destroyed our bonds.
Oh. It's fine. I don't mind. You got good reason for it. ...or at least I found it reasonable, at any rate.
These two supports paint a good picture of Lute as someone who truly loves learning and nature, a natural philosopher so to speak. She's incredibly smart and observant, but not so great at understanding people and what they want. Or, to put it another way, humans are generally less important to her than other creatures. Her primary means of communication is infodumping – we saw this from her very first appearance in Chapter 4, remember, when she was all too eager to cite everything she knew about monsters even when it made the others uncomfortable.
Hmm. I mostly agree with you, except for the "humans are generally less important to her than other creatures" bit, unless I'm also being like Lute and misinterpreting what you meant by that. I agree in general she likes to learn and infodump (especially since I'm not much better), but, like Ghoul King said, I less saw it as she "didn't care as much about people" and more "obliviously doing things with either good intentions or none at all", because, as Ghoul pointed out, Lute was willing to stop doing the things that bother, or terrify, Artur when he tells her that they are, indeed, bothering him. It doesn't help that, similar to me, it seems like he just didn't speak up about it bothering him because of both presuming Lute's intent and him trying to be kind and accepting of her personality, so she probably didn't know until then. So again, that's how I see Lute.
Artur is quite smooth, isn't he? Colm is going to have to work harder to stay in Neimi's good graces. He shouldn't just assume he's winning her heart by default. Let's see what he brings to the table in their B support.
I think the actual topic in Neimi and Artur's C support is nice. Mostly because, eeeyyy, we get more story on her mirror, the keepsake that led her, and to some extent Colm, to being introduced to Erika. As for Neimi and Colm's B support... Aw yeah! Le's gooooo! Unsurprisingly, I really like this one, and that's (one of) the reason(s) why I was so worried on how the mod changed it. I appreciated that, yes, Neimi is a crybaby but can still be strong when she puts her mind to it, and that Colm has gotten more mature and accepts that is part of her nature. And I'm glad that the mod kept to the spirit of convo while fixing some of the aspects that would definitely bother some(? either that or a lot of) people. Add this to the pile of "reasons why I'm fond of Neimi and Colm".
As for Tower of Valni... Ironically, despite playing this several times, I have never beaten this place, afai remember, because I used this solely for grinding, redoing the first floor again and again, mainly for grinding Amelia or any characters who join later at low levels, or grinding supports of characters I don't use. So I can't say much more on the tower itself besides, yes, the green drops are random, I can say that...hey! Mauthe Doog! Design wise, because I like dogs, I always liked these monsters. They can be a pain to deal with thanks to their speed, but honestly it's another type of monster I didn't like dealing with more than this thing...
As for the next chapter...wooo. A lotta characters again, but I'm getting ahead of myself. First off, I never thought too much about Glen leaving Cormag behind. Yes even when I got older. Because yeah, it does make sense to bring whatever family you have with you if you do defect. But I think I never thought of it even as an adult because...well, that would be spoilers (though I have no idea if I'll remember to talk about this later), so let's just say later events made me not think of that. Similar to Glen's line: "what lies have you told the emperor". I hadn't noticed how much he still trusted Vigarde. And...actually also the whole scene with Innes. Oh sure I liked it even as a kid, but that was for Gerik and Tethys showing how, despite being mercenaries, they still have standards, not Innes, and the show of his character. I didn't hate him per se, but I was just "eh", but your observations make me like this scene all the more. And Innes too. Next...I think this is the map where I usually get Joshua and Natasha's B support, and if not...then at least this was the map when I got it on my first playthrough, cause the top half of the map is my memory's "default" background whenever I remember their B support. And Eirika and Seth's B support now that I think about it. Next, as others have mentioned...Myrrh isn't reacting because she's with Ephraim...and for VERY good reason, or rather important plot reasons. You'll find out eventually what that entails. And after that...hmm. Yeah I think that's all I got to say on the map. I could talk more about the chapter, but I don't have much thoughts on that...mostly 'cause, plot wise, this one never stood out to me. The characters and its moderate difficult, which was hard when I was a kid, sure, I remember, but otherwise it's just...another piece of a whole. That's it.
Oh wait. I almost forgot.
But, hey, what is up with her death quote? I haven't commented on any of the death quotes so far, but…Tana…what's had her thinking about death for so long? She's seemed so cheerful and innocent, from what I've seen. I need to dig into her supports.
Huh. Unsurprisingly, I never have seen the death quotes, or perhaps more accurately...I don't remember any of them, so I'm surprised to see that be her death quote. Mostly because I'm like "Huh. I think I know what she's talking about. I'm surprised it gets referenced like this." Keyword: I think. I don't remember all of Tana's supports.
Even in the modern style of Fire Emblem, where you can field an entire team of Swordmasters if you like, this holds true. I'm sure you see why the developers go to such pains to make sure the player only ever has one Dancer – two dancers on the same team could dance for each other, making the player phase endless, and opening the way to some game-breaking nonsense.
-Opens mouth to talk about that-
-Terrabrand says it before me-
Drat. I got beaten to it...
Screw it, I still wanna say it.
Yeah, as Terrabrand said, Heroes just make Dancers unable to refresh other Dancers.
However, because you can have multiple Dancers, a Galeforce attacker, AND Dancers with Galeforce...let's just say it proves the point why there's usually only one.
There is one game that is an exception to "no more than two dancers at the same time per game" trend (because, for plot reasons, there are two dancers in Genealogy of the Holy War but you can't have both of them at the same time) least in theory. Because one, it's been a long time since I played it so I can't remember if it actually is possible; two, because of that I actually don't know if dancers can't refresh each other; and three, I'm not sure if I still have my saves to test it myself.
In the games I'm familiar with, Dancers are like Thieves, in that they have weak combat but make up for it with special utility.
I was about to say one character's name and their Legendary version in Heroes because I really like using that version and can't help but mention it, but I realized it'd be spoilers for you because you haven't played the older games (besides this one).
...but then again, Heroes is its own beast, so I probably should minimize mentions of it...
Colm opens the city gates, with style. I'm loving his new Rogue animations; they even include hair flips.
Once again, I was about to say why the animations are the way they are...until I realized they're technically spoilers for this game. So yeah. Never mind. I'll put a pin on this and hopefully remember later.
Joshua dies. I sigh. I imagine training up Marisa to replace him. I imagine how sad DragonUnitOmega will be. I think of Gerik again. I reload.
OH MY GOSH. My effin' heart skipped a beat until I finished that sentence... I'm so glad you did. You didn't have to, but still I'm glad you did. I appreciate it. Especially because of spoilers for the game I can't go into now.
Though speaking of Marisa...NOW I'll talk about the characters!
And first off, I'll start with her since I mentioned her first. Character wise, I really like her. The no-nonsense response on Gerik's opinion about them being enemies leading to her being recruited, her design, and being a myrmidon just makes her really cool to me, and that's not even mentioning how she is in supports. ...but (unsurprisingly) I love Joshua, and pretty much use him in every playthrough, so (also unsurprisingly) I haven't used her beyond this initial map or grinding supports. Which is a shame. Again, I think she's cool. I other characters more than her for one reason or another so they get the slots instead of her.
This is pretty much the same for Innes and Gerik. I...think at most, I've used the former once for the main story (i suspect it was in my first playthrough considering i lost neimi), while usually I just grind his supports with others. While the latter...I have never really used him? I think, at most, for filling out slots for one specific chapter. Character wise, I think they're neat. Innes, well, I'm appreciating him more now with this LP, and I've always liked his design, while Gerik is just cool all around, with his class having some of my favorite animations. Just...not enough for me to use them. The other two though... Yeah, I have always used Tethys. After getting a taste of dancers in Blazing Sword, I knew she was going to be on my team. Helps that her animation and music is one of my favorites for dancers. I sometimes leave the animation on because I just so I can see and hear it. Meanwhile...Ewan! I know he's not officially recruited yet, but really, what I will say has been mentioned, and it's not much anyway. Like with Amelia, Ewan is another trainee I use if I'm in the mood to use him, and he's pretty much always a shaman. Why? Because I effin' love the shaman/dark mage animations, but as Terrabrand mentioned, there is another shaman that is playable, so sometimes I use that other shaman instead of Ewan. Either way, I always use a shaman.