Let's Play Dark Souls (badly)

CONTROLLER. Trust me; I tried to play it with mouse+keyboard at first last time I tried DS, and the mapping is godawful.

I use a PS4 controller with Input Mapper. It works.

Playing with only the Keyboard is possible. Just keybind that camera and you're up to go.

Keyboard + Mousse? That just won't do it.
Oh it's entirely doable, you'll need to regularly check the wiki for which keys do what until you've learned them all (because the PC port doesn't list the keyboard controls), but it's entirely doable.
Wait, there's an instruction manual for that? Holy shit. Huh. I just went through trial and error until I figured it out. This is something I'd have really loved to know in retrospect.
So I recorded the last video with Loilo, and I think I'mma go back to OBS. The video quality is better, aye, but dear fucking god the file size is huge.

EDIT: Scratch that, figured out how to compress 'em (not very computer-savvy, alas), and the quality's better, so it's all fine.
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Holy Christ I forgot how long fights take in this game. Much better sound balance this time though, much easier to hear you.
Oh it's entirely doable, you'll need to regularly check the wiki for which keys do what until you've learned them all (because the PC port doesn't list the keyboard controls), but it's entirely doable.

Didn't know about that at the time, so I came up with my own arrangement. From there, it was trial and mistake until getting used to the keys.
Holy Christ I forgot how long fights take in this game. Much better sound balance this time though, much easier to hear you.
Who in the what now? The only reason the skeleton fights took so long is because as it turns out, I am severely underpowered for those guys. The zombies on the way up, I killed in two hits each (until I got firebombed in the face).

Then with all due respect, maybe it wasn't the game, maybe it was you.
Stop. Just stop.
Let's not drag in drama to this new lp, okay?
That would make sense, but I think I made do. :)
Mmn. IIRC, any hit from a Blunt weapon also knocks 'em in half, where they need to take time putting themselves back together.

...Why'd you go to the graveyard anyway? You said you've got to Capra before. Did you just forget the way?
Dark Souls is like 90% wandering aimlessly.

Actually, if you talk to the guy at the beginning some more he'll give you more detailed information about where to go.

I also initially went to fight the skeletons for hours thinking that game was supposed to be that rough based on reputation, but later spoke to the guy and was like "ohhhh, gonna talk to every person as much as they'll talk to me like it's Pokemon up in here." :p

Anyways, good luck on the playthrough and the LP @Choo Choo!
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