Let's Make A World of Darkness Homebrew - Slime: The Genesis

Which chronology should this be set in?

  • Old World of Darkness

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • New World of Darkness

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • An entirely homebrew World of Darkness

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Some proposals for Strains:
  • Self-modifying strain - Allows the recipient to, well, modify their body in some ways, the higher the level the more radical/lengthy the changes are.
  • Budding strain - Allows the recipient to separate parts of themselves into separate specialized entities (for example of what could be done on low-level, creating a miny-slime to crawl under the door and move the door knob from the inside or listen in to a conversation. Higher levels - more range of control, independence and power to the buds)
  • Memetic strain - Takes the "Assimilate and Multiply" concept and brings it into the mind-space. Allows the recipient to interfere with the minds of others (low level: something like sence a lie, mid-level: read the information, create a non-replicating memetic agent, hypnotize the crowd, high-level - massive-scale social engineering and various hive minds). This strain probably should belong to the "shadowy and secretive" faction
  • Injecting strain - Allows the recipient to modify other biological entities to some degree
  • Technophagic strain - Allows to modify technology
  • Incomplete Assimilation strain - Allows you to take some traits from somehing you assimilate and give these traits to yourself.
More fitting/cool/etc. names are welcome, as well as tweak or other Strain suggestions.
Also some fluff proposal - Integrity/Stability could be a mix of your self-identity strength and willpower that allows the big pile of goo to maintain a human form and not to eat everything.
Had something of an idea for another villain, one fitting me originally wanting something on a grander scale than just Slimes, though I'm not sure if it's something that WoD wouldn't have done before.

As Slimes tend to represent Life and the Origin thereof (or at least it's largely believed they do) what about something representing, not merely death, for WoD and similar properties don't tend to treat death as simply an ending (plus that Geist's/Wraith's thing), but rather freezing, entropy and termination.

I was thinking some sort of representatives of the Big Freeze, one of the possible theorised ends for the Universe, the Freeze especially since it takes Slimes not liking the cold to its extreme. maybe we could later introduce avatars/agents of other theorised ends of the universe, like the Big Crunch or Big Rip, if we go on long enough.

Also thought of Black Hole people/monsters, but I think those already exist in Mage somewhere.

An exception to that would be Beast: The Primordial, which technically has two 'biological' types (representing what variety of Nightmare a Beast's Horror was spawned from, and the exact 'flavour' of Fear they need to feed to their Horror) and no 'social' types.

Forgot to respond to this earlier, but I wasn't aware of this, since I'd been staying away from Beast after hearing the bad reception it got (plus I'm a bit bitter that it got to the 'Primordial' subtitle before I could).
Some proposals for Strains:
  • Self-modifying strain - Allows the recipient to, well, modify their body in some ways, the higher the level the more radical/lengthy the changes are.
  • Budding strain - Allows the recipient to separate parts of themselves into separate specialized entities (for example of what could be done on low-level, creating a miny-slime to crawl under the door and move the door knob from the inside or listen in to a conversation. Higher levels - more range of control, independence and power to the buds)
  • Memetic strain - Takes the "Assimilate and Multiply" concept and brings it into the mind-space. Allows the recipient to interfere with the minds of others (low level: something like sence a lie, mid-level: read the information, create a non-replicating memetic agent, hypnotize the crowd, high-level - massive-scale social engineering and various hive minds). This strain probably should belong to the "shadowy and secretive" faction
  • Injecting strain - Allows the recipient to modify other biological entities to some degree
  • Technophagic strain - Allows to modify technology
  • Incomplete Assimilation strain - Allows you to take some traits from somehing you assimilate and give these traits to yourself.
More fitting/cool/etc. names are welcome, as well as tweak or other Strain suggestions.

If by core Mythos.

Shape Shift: Proteus ( River God and shape shifter
Memes: Hypnos ( Mind God)
Budding: Tiamat ( Tiamat flesh made reality in Babylon stuff)
Inject: Genesis ( God made people by injecting dirt.)
Techno: Gremlin ( modern but meh)
Incomplete: Ananasi ( stole stuff)

Willing to read wrote as science terms.

My own Strain: Prometheus: Controlling biothermo energy output, to point of causing flames out of ones mass. Combined with inject could light up others from within.
Also thinking I should close the poll at some time, to solidify which WoD version we're going with here, so we don't have to change our lore and mechanics should one choice suddenly get overtaken. I'm thinking first to 10 votes?
Another Strain: Combat shape shifting. Able to project tendrils/tentacles. Can make them harden to attack like claws, project things, make violate chemicals to project, teeth/maws/ etc.
There are some problems with current strain concepts: some of them overlap or can even interchangeable. I feel we need to go through the existing disciplines(and other ability splats) and hopefully find some sort of pattern.
How about having two Morality systems? One - Phase State, as in State-of-Matter or Phase Shift, represents solidity and Works like Werewolf 2nd's Harmony. Slimes start in the middle, and going too high represents solidity and paralysis. Low Phase Slimes are Slimier, but more dilute and are risk of sublimation. Thus finding a balance is key. The second is Clarity, which acts like the mental health of the Slime. Slimes have an amazing... lability in thinking. It makes them strong, blurring the boundary between reality and all kinds of the fantastic. But if not regularly grounded, A slime can fall out of reality entirely.

Antagonist Factions: Outsiders/The Mad - They seek to drive humanity insane and/or pop the soap bubble of our world so that it can be delved in a flood of Chaos.

Brain Slimes - They crawl unto people's ears (or other bodily openings) and invade the brain. A hidden secretive organization (not unlike a spy agency) built on foundations of paranoia, they focus on stealing minds and bodies, they monitor the world and collect it's secrets, and collect it's wealth along the way.
Strain update.

Devoured strain: Mental and physical absorbing to gain mental/physical attributes?

Assault Strain: Combat shifting over all, includes fiddling with chemical attributes of self for exotic stuff.

Molding: Males sense being goo, but just shape shifting in general for diffuse, new forms, and altering organs/placements/ goo them for life support benefits.

Hmm a Elemental mimicry for flame/steel/water stuff?
I'm kinda imagining a Blood Slime.... Could do a pretty good Tszimisce impression, but with a few differences

I'm imagining one hiding inside a vampire, causing them to need more blood than usual, before escaping at an opportune time, leaving the vampire in torpor

Also i'm imagining one of the fleshy ones pulling This off
I'm kinda imagining a Blood Slime.... Could do a pretty good Tszimisce impression, but with a few differences

I'm imagining one hiding inside a vampire, causing them to need more blood than usual, before escaping at an opportune time, leaving the vampire in torpor

Also i'm imagining one of the fleshy ones pulling This off

Ingenious. Why nobody thought of this before is beyond me.
Since 'nWoD' has surpassed 10 votes in the poll, it will now be closing after a day, since the chronology I feel is something we should get to finalising.
Having a collective villain I agree should be a priority, being WoD we already have Hunters as at least antagonists, but for a whole gameline we should also obviously have a more unique enemy (preferably a far-reaching one like the Technocracy, one who'd have implications beyond just Slimes, even if they're the most affected). The people who turned the player characters into Slime would seem like an obvious foe, however this wouldn't work for self-made Slimes.

I think the "Wild" antagonist (similar supernatural beings with a direct relation to the player group, like hobgoblins or spirits) could be a prokaryotic-based form of sentient life - Slimes are eukaryotes to the core, but prokaryotes are older and have remained largely unchanged for generations. I remember a Stargate SG1 episode where it turns out a weird orb that contains a matter-eating bacteria species turns out to be a spaceship for the sentient bacteria ("We...are also here...")

I figure the default story with them is even figuring out what a particular colony of them wants. Or what they're even like. As a whole, they don't mind Slimes but are a little freaked out by the concept of eukaryotic life, since even protists are effectively many prokaryotes in one, due to endosymbiosis (ie, mitochondria and chloroplasts were both once prokaryotes that underwent such total symbiosis that they are now organs with different genetic codes). They're less scared of animals and fungi than plants (no chloroplasts), but getting a stranger colony to let down its guard is always a challenge, no matter how friendly they are. Unfriendly ones tend to unleash some Resident Evil shit from parasitizing eukaryotes and mutating them into weapons of the colony mind.
This is a pretty neat idea. I've never played World of Darkness (mostly because I know no one who plays it and I don't feel like looking for random people I don't know online to play it), but I've always been fascinated by it and the homebrews it has spawned. So I'd like to weigh in with a few ideas I've thought about after reading through the thread.

I'd like to propose a new origin to go into the mix: Virus. Basically, a mortal contracts a disease (could be magical or mad science disease, whatever floats your boat) and after a set amount of days they end up becoming a slime. They won't know they have this slime disease until towards the tail end of the experience, often mistaking the early warning signs (profuse sweating, strong aversion to the cold, a notable increase in appetite, etc) to be symptoms of a more mundane disease. By the time they realize something is wrong, it is too late as they've already part way become a slime or already became a slime.
The thread may not be active but figured it was interesting enough to give an idea or 2 via expanding on prior ones
1) in the beast the primordial line up a 'cousin' to beasts are insatiables who represent anceint environs from before civilization, mayhaps slimes and the insatiables can be siblings of a sort representing things from before humanity with the exception of slimes being life creators rather than takers but oppose the others due to how inhospitable they are with ones they oppose most being the insatiables representing the ice age or heat death environments
2 slimes can create minions or assume monstrous forms of beings they possibly assimilated or defeated representing the fact they represent the primordial soup ie the origin of life this has already been iterated but mayhaps if they wish to recreate something they must have access to its genetic information or learn how to craft or shape it much like a person learning an art, another way being a slime if over sated creates creatures and monsters from itself on accident with the manifested creatures being influenced by the slimes own nature
The thread may not be active but figured it was interesting enough to give an idea or 2 via expanding on prior ones

It's been nearly two years and a week, since the prior post, just be glad you're trying to add something.

1) in the beast the primordial line up a 'cousin' to beasts are insatiables who represent anceint environs from before civilization, mayhaps slimes and the insatiables can be siblings of a sort representing things from before humanity with the exception of slimes being life creators rather than takers but oppose the others due to how inhospitable they are with ones they oppose most being the insatiables representing the ice age or heat death environments

That would probably only work in a crossover setting, and whilst the Begotten do tend to work best in such things, a notable feature of the NWoD/CoD world/setting is that any one splat can be the only splat present, or indeed have naught but the baseline supernatural weirdness/crazyness of the core rulebook(s) present.

Thus, tying them in so thoroughly with B:tP would, while interesting, be more of a detriment if anything. Besides, the Insatiable are more like spiritual-esque embodiments of environs where/when life found it to be incredibly difficult to hang on, or basically had to restart.

2 slimes can create minions or assume monstrous forms of beings they possibly assimilated or defeated representing the fact they represent the primordial soup is the origin of life this has already been iterated but mayhaps if they wish to recreate something they must have access to its genetic information or learn how to craft or shape it much like a person learning an art, another way being a slime if over sated creates creatures and monsters from itself on accident with the manifested creatures being influenced by the slimes own nature

This seems like a neat possible idea for a power group or two. Naturally, the organisms wouldn't necessarily have to be supernatural in order to be assimilated. In fact, being supernatural could actively make them harder to absorb due to whatever wacky mojo is running through and (at least partially sustaining) their biologies. It should probably also be possible to mix together, hybridize and/or 'chimeritise' the genetic material they absorb, allowing them to spawn and/or assume the form of possible mythological creatures like chimeras, manticores, fawns, centaurs, dragons, sea serpents, etc, etc.

This also reminds me of an idea I tried to posit earlier in the thread about how acquiring access to a set of powers could alter a Slime's true appearance to a certain degree.

A bit of development on that; gaining access to a power set would cause very minor changes in appearance, such as becoming ever so slightly murkier, or the faintest hints of smoke/steam coming off of the Slime in question. Advancing one's ability to access that set of powers (like/as in increasing the dot rating) would 'advance' the development of that appearance change, whilst acquiring certain powers (and/or combos thereof) therein could/would add in, or at least alter, certain details. Heck, certain powers in combination with other powers across ability-types could also cause the appearance changes to start partially fusing.
I actually got the OPs permission actually and honestly it's alright he has a right to his opinion and isn't going after me for it

If anything its a begrudging compliment which in my book is Goo-d
Pardon the awful pun