Let's Make A Strange Town (Inspired by We Just Write & Night Vale)

1. The town is located at the borders of New England, Mongolia, and the lost Continent of Atlantis. But for tax and legal reasons, it is registered as a moon of Jupiter.

2. Plans for the annual unicorn hunt have been put on pause after recent concerns about the Stability and Sustainability of the Unicorn Population in the face of Environmental destruction.

3. There are, including Chief Briggs, precisely 47 law enforcement personnel in the town.
1: I swallowed another bottle cap

2: Chief Briggs once ripped out a god's spine through its urethra cause it disrespected the mayor

3: The Mayor has a boyfriend, said boyfriend being a completely normal resident unaware of their lover's true nature, the suited man can't wait to exploit this opportunity
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Hello I hope that this is still active.

1: Chief Briggs has recently been admitted to the hospital with several broken bones after a attacked by the concepts of geometry, physics and economics.

2: The Mayor's mother is coming to town sometime next month, so The Mayor has advised people to stay indoors and just hope she doesn't decides that their skin will make a beautiful dress.

3: The Local Fishmonger's right arm has been transformed into a lobster claw after his latest fishing trip, though he will not tell anyone how it happened and would like people to stop asking him.
1. On the southern outskirts of the town, near a dark and dense forest, there is a strange house. It is huge and seems to have been build on countless times with new rooms, balconies and other outbuildings. The building stands in the middle of a raised clearing and used to be home to a huge family. But now only a loner hermit lives there, who does nothing but explore and look after the forest around.

2. An untidy and not very hospitable tenant is simply called a Forester or Misanthrope or Hermit by locals. He often works and walks at night, likes to collect all sorts of interesting items and is an amazingly educated and polymathic person.​

3. Sometimes his articles, finds and creations can be found for sale in different parts of the town. However, he prefers to deal with a very narrow circle of people and publish/sell his stuff anonymously.​
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1: Deep in the woods can be found a old abandoned cabin known as Tom's cabin, though nobody knows who Tom is or why he no longer lives there.

2: Grandma has a pet named Brutus, that she insists is just a normal dog, though one of the local postmen convinced that it is some kind of demon and he has the burn marks to prove it.

3: The Tooth Fairy is currently wanted by the police for having accounts of assault multiple residents with a hammer for unknown reasons.
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1. The mayor's office has issued a notice to the public to not believe in any rumours of the public pool being haunted by the ghosts of long-dead atlantean sorceror-kings. Yes, we all know they exist, but you can't go around believing. It only encourages them.

2. The man who sometimes appears on Mouldering Street, when asked, insists that he is present only to make sure things are going according to plan. He will not elaborate on what this plan is.

3. The club dedicated to discussing the goings-on of the town has recently attempted to get their findings published in the newspaper. The newspaper declined on account the content was very boring.
1: Ice cream truck drives around town every full moon to sell ice cream to the local towns folk, though nobody knows what the driver's face looks like as it hurts to look at him.

2: One of the janitors at The One School is actually the hero Gilgamesh, though nobody knows he has decided to work as a janitor and he is not telling.

3: The chief editor of the town's newspaper has a octopus for a head and seems to be more interested in local gossip then any findings that the club may find.
1. Young Lady Tucson is a lot more progressive than Old man Tucson. And has given the skeletons a nice new apartment in the basement, because nobody needs to be forced into the closet.

2. One of the Skeletons reported feeling very gay about this development and were thankful of how generous their new landlady has proven herself to be.

3. Young Lady Tucson has enrolled as a student in the One School.
I know, I just really liked that character
Also didn't the skeletons become angry/sad when he died?
That they lived in his closet doesn't have to mean that the Old man hated them or was bad to them
Doesn't mean that they can't feel a bit gay( as in happy) about the young lady giving them a bigger living space, after enacting justice for the old man.
That they lived in his closet doesn't have to mean that the Old man hated them or was bad to them
Doesn't mean that they can't feel a bit gay( as in happy) about the young lady giving them a bigger living space, after enacting justice for the old man.
Oooooohhhhhh, you didn't actually mean he was homophobic you were making a joke about it that made it sound like he was
1: Chief Briggs reflection has recently been arrested for trying to impersonate him while he was recovering in the hospital.

2: Another well known member of the police is Sir Godfrey, who dresses as a medieval knight for unknown reasons.

3: The current principal at The One School is a chimpanzee named Dante, who uses his free time to write books that only sometimes are readable.
1. The Hermit is a wizard. He was cursed some long time ago, but for a long time didn't know about his curse. Wizard thought that he managed to use an ancient artifact to gain eternal life.

2. His curse kills people close to him, but still gives eternal life and youth. The curse has a cumulative effect, slowly pushing those who often communicate with the Hermit and are dear to him to various adventures, failures, causes health problems and brings sudden death closer with all its might and cunning ability. So his whole family gradually died and therefore Forester tries to avoid communication, intimacy and even with a few friends Misanthrope intersects very rarely and briefly, because he does not want to kill them with his curse.

3. The Hermit is a master of artefacts and almost completely supplies his house with everything necessary. And also has measures to ensure that people do not notice his house, forget about it and bypass.​
1: The police has received reports that a large demonic boar like creature has been spotted walking in the Woods, though nobody has been able to photograph it.

2: A bloody humanoid rabbit has been seen walking in the park and has been asking children to sing a song for him, he will then give the child a piece of candy depending on how good he thought the song was.

3: It is rumored that the Local Macdonalds holds a giant creature made of beef in the basement, though the manager has refuses any such claims.
1: Chief Briggs has gotten better, yay

2: Jeff and the nature deities have just had kids, a bunch of them have nature themed features and flowers growing in their hair, I'll put down a list of them, all babies at the moment
- Pekmi: Feathers on arms and daffodils in hair
- Fresma: Antlers and elk ears, with sunflowers in hair
- Xerka: Fish gills and lilies in hair
- Gort: Wolf hair across body, alongside some roses in hair
- Timmy: A potted plant with a binky

3: The Twins from the lake and Young Lady Tucson had an epic battle, it's a miracle she came back losing only a single arm, which she had to sacrifice to avoid the fate that awaited her if they successfully dragged her away, the Twins have no scratches on them
1. The forest in the south is an old nature reserve. But now it is going through hard times. Part of the places turned into a swamp, many rare trees withered and died. And from the living creatures mostly birds and midges remained.

2. According to the maps, the reserve is quite small. But for some reason, once inside, you can wander for hours and not reach the edge. Even during the day the forest is dim and it easy to get lost among the thorny thickets and overgrown paths.

3. The forest is famous for its reserves of rocks with high magnetite content, so the compass does not work there.
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1: The Twins and Grandma are on equal grounds, fear of someone does not equal power, the Twins are internally scared shitless by her, but a brawl would be evenly matched

2: Grandma and the Smithson family are all doting on Jeff and the nature pantheon-polycule's new children, the Smithson family are not related to Jeff, and barely even know the guy, they just walked into Jeff's house

3: "Dr" Abigale and Chief Briggs were seen catching up on their philosophical discussions after he was healed
1: &$£÷?#^! has some pretty strange and interesting television series for the children in town. Here are some examples.
Little Diablo that starring a cartoony red devil and tells about his many adventures in the nine hells.
Ghost Stories with Grandfather Death that is a anthology series narrated by the grim reaper.
The Adventures of Samuel Piglet which is about a anthropomorphic pig trying to escape the farm so that doesn't get made into bacon.

2: All these series and more are made by a company known as Black Goat Entertainment.

3: The police has arrested a Christian angel for drunk driving.
1. Night Radio has recently partnered with Black Goat Entertainment to create a late night talk show "Mr Night And Miss Brimstone" Ran by the supposed founder of Night Radio and one of the executives of Black Goat Entertainment, so far it has been a decent hit for those who stay up to the witching hour to listen, though there has been some complaints that Mr Night always comes through static and Miss Brimstone is a bit too eager to shill for her company.

2. Miss Wendy, the new teacher of Alternative Spatial Awareness at the One School has organized a little field trip to the Spiral place between the corners, and is accepting any member of the PTA to chaperon for the class.

3. The "Marshal Detectives" are a local group of teenage "Mystery Solvers" (Really they are just a bunch of bothersome children) that are obsessed with figuring out the "Mysteries" of &$£÷?#^!, even thought this is a perfectly normal town, who cares what the Bureau of Park Safety does at night or why the Alligator Community chooses to live in the sewer, nosy children the lot of them, with no respect to people's privacy.
1. One day "Mystery Solvers" became interested in the identity and house of the Hermit and conducted an investigation. However, none of them remembers either the investigation or the Hermit, and no material evidence of this idea has been preserved.

2. In the swamps of the reserve, one can sometimes meet large three-eyed toads. Their third eye is usually closed, but glows like a dim headlamp when opened. They croak very loudly and low at night.​

3. In the reserve, a weed plant grows everywhere, which is a tangled thorny vines and bushes. No one knows where this weed came from, but it often has to be cut down by local farmers and people living on the outskirts.
1. The Pub called "Bottled Fey" is having a turf war with the Sushi Bar across the street called "Shōjō Spirits" over the band called the "9Ms'" dont worry Ms. Baba the local small buisness committee and owner of the Biker Bar "Chicken Legs" is on the job.

2. Theres a new Commune in town dress all in fullbody orange suits and reflective mask at the edge of Mac fields

3. A new trend among the kids to make small groups to do acts of deliquency like breaking an entering in mysterious properties , destruction of possible historical items, wierd Vandalism and loitering.
1: The Mayor's boyfriend has been injured in a recent accident that has resulted in him becoming blind. the suited man may or may not have been responsible for the accident.

2:It is rumored that if you stand in front of a mirror to long will cause a 9 year-old girl to appear in the mirror begin to scream at the person.

3: Chief Briggs is rumoured to be dating a Japanese goddess of swords.
1. The Floating Copper Orbs have moved from Downtown to being over the One School, some of the younger pre-school class children during this time have been heard to hum as one choir during naptime, and have begun painting alien scenery during Fingerpainting.

2.The One School Swimming team has gained a unusual new member, the first new member in twenty years since their tragic drowning. Max Smithson had a warm welcome to the team since their star swimmer had fully passed on, she is recorded as saying "Well I always wanted to try out swimming professionally, and the team had a vacancy, sure it's a bit odd being the only living member, but the rest of the team has been really welcoming in teaching me all their tricks."

3. There has been a recent warning to the town to avoid drinking their tap water from 2:15 PM to 2:30 PM by the town's water supplier, when asked for the reason about this warning, all they have been noted to say is "Got a leak in the Experimental Supply."