Let's Create A Comic Book Setting (Superheroes and Super villains)

Some various superbeings, primarily in New York

1: Jawbreaker a human being with the ability to make his skin harder than steel, the more still he is, the denser he'll be, alongside the ability to compel others to attempt biting him when in this state

He is a crook mainly operating in New York, a member of the local superhuman community who looks like a hairless overly muscular pallid freak without a nose, and thus is unable to find honest work, so he resorts to violent means to gain money, primarily the extortion of people within his territory
Had a couple brawls with Batter-Man, like that one time they fought on a speeding train that was on fire, good times

2: Zipline is a human being with the ability to conjure up to 20 feet worth of light blue rope from the palms of her hands, both ends of the rope can be highly adhesive if she desires them to be, her ability is to cause anything that is touching the rope to slide across it at high speeds as long as it weighs as much as her

With clever thinking and tactics she uses her ability to combat crime quite effectively, formerly she was a street gang member in downtown New York but after a fight she started resulted in the permanent hospitalization of her older sister she now tries her best to use her powers for the good of all
Nothing less would make up for it

3: Lioness is a villain and leader of the criminal organization The Uncaged Beasts, operating in New York, she can enhance the natural combat capabilites of those who are willing to serve under her, which will slowly grow over time with proper training, alongside a powerful familial bond that will surely make the recipient truly loyal to her given time, and also form some minor animalistic traits such as claws, better senses, slight bits of extra hair, stuff like that for as long as they're under her influence, being freed requires either willpower or powerful enough emotional turmoil, or her letting you go
She also personally has some claws, senses like a feline, some pretty good reflexes, and a taste for gazelle

She commands a bunch of loyal thugs and operates a weapons dealing operation supplying guns for those willing to pay, alongside underground fighting rings, some of which have superhumans competing in them for extra money or street cred
Neither Zipline nor Lioness have realized they've been dating eachothers secret identities

4: Rusty Reggie is what can be best described as a redneck, he lives in a trailer park in the countryside, outside New York and has a incredible talent for creating cybernetic enhancements out of scrap, his arm can turn into a cheap railgun on command, he also has a bit of syphilis thanks to a bad idea he had involving giving himself retractable claws
He cut a guy with syphilis and when the claws retracted it entered the hole they hid in and now Reggie has syphilis, he replaced said claws with the railgun

Not exactly a good guy but not really going out of his way to commit supervillainy, does some commisions and mercenary work, once shot a guy who could control spoons, hates having to explain to his family repeatedly during reunions that his job isn't supervillainy he just makes cheap cybernetics for craigslist commisions and occaisonally shoots folks with superpowers for money

5: Monochrome, a superhero and junior member of the Fellowship, a superhuman who lacks any features aside from ever-changing black & white patterns across her body, which all involve a letter M where her face should be

She has the ability to teleport through strong shades of black and white, taking things along with her too, during a highschool tour of a old printing press from the 20s, a horrible accident occured transforming her into the strange creature I described earlier
Still goes to school and such, just has a internship as a superhero now, but superheroes don't get paid so she also has a different normal job as a cashier for McDonalds

6: Headbanger is a founding member of the Fellowship, lesser known then most of his allies but he does a good job anyway, he is a big fan of 90s rock and gained his abilities when he accidentally headbutted a demonic artifact some wizard at a concert was carrying to harness all the energy there
That went into Headbanger who now has the ability to summon a gigantic demonic skull made of a hundred or so people's adrenaline and a bit of their souls, it moves along with his head movements, can breathe fire, and for some reason demonic beings tend to respect him now, but that respect isn't absolute of course

7: Heartbreak is psychic gangster with the ability to manifest a pair of knuckledusters made of mental energy, and perceive the relationships between various thinking beings, his main move is his ability to punch that connection to destroy it, causing that connection between the individuals to fade
It can of course regrow if they try to connect again, or if it necessary for something importsnt they're doing, but Heartbreak uses this in more ways then just ruining relationships

For example punching the connection between him and someone attempting to pursue him, destroying their relationship of chaser and chasee, thus temporarily slowing them down during the pursuit
Sabotaging a politicians chances at winning a election by destroying their relationship with the public
Destroying a team's connection with eachother, it might be temporary if they're close but they'll be separate long enough for Heartbreak to kick their asses individually

Works for the Uncaged Beasts as a enforcer, so he also has enhanced skills thanks to Lioness

8: The Daring-Dames, a pair of thrill-seeking motorcycle riding young superhuman women with looks inspired by classic daredevils and also possibly a bit of Elvis, the more dnager they're in the more athletic and hyper-aware they become, which is why they don't wear helmets when riding

Act as couriors for various extranormal goods, or maybe transporting a passenger or two, they don't care about your morality, only that the job is fun and that it pays well, if you fufill those requirements and that package is definitely gonna get to its destination on time
No one knows if they're related or not in their civilian identities, or what the hell their origins are, they simply showed up one day

9: Schneesturm is a superhuman in a white cloak with a very angular mouthless mask and a polearm made entirely of ice, they're very atheletic and proficient in armed combat, he is apparently the son of a disgraced activist who was taken down by corrupt officials in New York who hired a villain to mind control his father to commit a crime that goes against all his morals on camera

Thus years later Schneesturm adopted his current alias and formed a organization of individuals called Snowflake, a organization primarily targeting superhuman meddling in politics, terrorist cells with augmented soldiers, politicians amassing arsenals of confiscated supervillain weapons, and conspiracies of extranormal origin
Basically if you're dealing government operations and stuff like that but superpowers or some other crazy shit is invovled alert snowflake

Schneesturm's ability is to summon a pole made of ice, and also to fire large rotating projectiles of pure freezing cold temperatures from said pole
He is equipped with a sprayer full of water so he can freeze folks with the cold blasts

10: Incognito is a operative of Snowflake and a close friend of Schneesturm, she is a cybernetically enhanced agent of the organization and one of the biggest contributors to its secrecy, she is the reason why the airbound base is never noticed floating above New York

She is a genius at stealth operations and mechanical engineering, and her body has been heavily augmented until only the upper half of her shaven scalp is not covered in sleek black metal plating or having little twitching hair-like antennae squirming through the gaps
Basic sorts of enhancements, increased stregth, speed, agility, and calculating speed

But her pride and joy is her stealth technology, she can create all kinds of covert gadgets, cloaks made of a material that bends light to make you appear like a blur, incredibly compact and completely functional automatic weapons hidden in mundane seeming items, labyrinthine secret passageways, and one of her greatest creations is the Pseudo-Psychic Attention Repulsor, a device that sends out a good artifical mimicry of psychic brainwaves and it repels attention from thinking beings that aren't implanted with a certain chip Incognito makes for all members of Snowflake
The PPAR isn't unstoppable though, if someone with a strong will knows something is there and tries their best to acknowledge it, or the thing with tne device inside it is intensely and repeatedly interacting with something, then the attention repellant won't work as well
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My idea the super sentai team consisting of alternate versions Jesus kept rolling inside my head today.

3. All 6 members of the J-7 has their own Mech.
The leader J-Red pilots the Donkey, J-Yellow pilots the Bull, J-Pink pilots the Lamb, the J-blue pilots the Ant, and J-white pilots the Dove and finally the grand J-Green pilots flying Igtus zapplin base.

And they know of the mysterious Black Lion, which has jumped to their aid at several points in time, but the only words it ever spoke to them was 'My pilot is holding the line and can't afford to be distracted by the fodder.' before dissapearing

The J-7 aren't known for being particularly fast, but particularly they have been an essential force against the forces of the notorious schemes of 616 who are seeking to deprive humanity of Love, tolerance and friendship.

4. It is prophesied that at the hour of rapture all the 7-J's will merge their Mechs to become Big J.

5. The propoganda might have said that Jessica Carpenter had been aprehanded by the inquesition, but the truth is that she willingly went allong with the inquesition after being betrayed by her girlfriend who was given the imposible choice of choosing between her family and Jessica.
Maybe I should create some place, which is different from our version and can be used as stage for stuff to happen? Let's say, Dubai is a different place in this version of reality.​

3. In this world, Dubai has actually become an architectural marvel, combining Arabic motifs and present-day technology to create this pseudo-archaic look. After gaining oil wealth, it was quickly transformed into a center of tourism and a great learning place for architects. This was largely due to the influence of a man with a great love and talent for architecture, who turned his dream into reality. It was a great luck for him to get in charge there.​