Dust and echoes

Ghost of Shitposts Past
Fortuna Penal Colony


Welcome to Sunburst city, we're happy you've come to visit!
As we're sure you've been notified by our friendly border guards, Sunburst Island is a firearm-free zone, making for safer communities and happier lives! Already our violent crime rate is the lowest in not just the Pacific Northwest, but the entirety of the United States thanks in part to Haven Industries generous donation of its security force to help out our brave police officers! In fact, Haven Industries has benefited our little community in many ways since they built their HQ right here on Sunburst Island; including helping fund our schools, local government, community activities and programs, increasing our imports and exports and creating hundreds, if not all jobs for the residents of this beautiful island.
We thank you for your business, and please tell your friends about our little island out here. Remember, the security is here to keep you safe.
Have a Sunny day!

>You have [1] unread email<

You, yes you. Have you ever wanted to be a hero? Don't give me that look, what, you're going to believe all that shit from Haven Industries that this cities the "safest on earth?" Hell no. That's just a facade. Truth is, Haven Industries can't even make its own company safe. It and this city is rotten to a core, rotten enough that another round of "corporate re-assessment" isn't going to fix shit. Sunburst city needs heroes. Real heroes, not fucking bought out, tight-clad advertisement either.
Our docks are crawling with smugglers and gangsters, our streets are plagued by back alley deals and illegal goings on and our government? Unfixable. We need someone to shake things up. It's going to be rough, sure, but what is surgery if not bloody?
You got a bat? Grab it. A family sword? Better. A bandana? That works. Ski mask? Even better. You smart enough to make yourself some nifty gadgets? More power to you.
Most importantly, have you got what it takes? You're not some paid off, namby pamby police officer, and you're not a Haven Industries Security-bot either. You're a Hero.
Time to start acting like one.
Meet me in warehouse 17 in the industrial district tomorrow if you think you've got what it takes.

-Your new best friend

Boring OOC stuff:
Hey there, so as stated, in this rp you're going to be playing as a small group of vigilantes. I'm looking for around 3 relatively active people. Note that you will not be starting the game with superpowers, but later…well….let's just say that anything can happen.
This is going to be using the Fate Core system. A link to the rules will eventually be Here (hopefully)
Note that this is my first time gming a game using this system, so please please please point out if I make a mistake. This is partly an exercise for me to try out different systems, as well as break my bad habit of railroading my rp's.

Character sheet:​
Name: (provide characters name and their alter ego if they have one)
Appearance : (basic description of your character. Please provide age, gender, and heroing garb.)
Age: (pretty self explanatory)
Years of Experience: (your experience in vigilanty-ing. Won't affect any skills other than your IC badassery and how familiar the police force is with you.)
Background and personality: (how did your character find their way to Sunburst Island? When and how did they don their alter ego, and why? How do they do righteous, or not-so-righteous, combat against the forces of eeeevvviiilll?)
-High concept
+4(choose one)
+3(choose two)
+2(choose three)
+1(choose four)
Stunts: (make 3 for now, or trade in one refresh for two more)
Fate points- 3(default, you can trade two in for two more stunts)
Physical Stress[ ] [ ] (add one more if you have +1 or +2 physique, and two if you have +3 or higher physique)
Mental Stress[ ] [ ] (add one more if you have +1 or +2 will, and two if you have +3 or higher will)
1. 2. 3.

Current inventory:
(Whatever your character has on them, from nick-knacks to weapons. You can take guns, but remember that that firearms are banned in Sunburst city, and who knows what trouble would descend on your head should you be found out.
Feel free to assign stats you think are fair to your weapon, just don't go overboard. I'll change it if I think its to powerful. Keep in the +1, +2 range.)

Example Character Sheet

Name: December Donovan (alter ego: Tag)
Appearance Tall and thin, with short cut black hair. She usually has paint splattered somewhere on her, usually hands or face. At night she dons a paint-stained tee and cargo shorts, as well as a similarly stained ski cap and bandana.
Years of Experience: 1
Background: December grew up in the grey streets of the Sunburst City Industrial district. The buildings were grey, the sidewalks were grey. The people were as grey as the rain that fell on them from the grey clouds above.
December was a Gray.
From an early age, December was commited to not being grey.
From early age she began taking different routes to school, first just simple detours. A left instead of a right, this street instead of that one.
But soon after she began exploring. First back alleys, then the underground, but one route fascinated her above all else.
The rooftops.
December wowed her friends with her newfound freedom of movement, which is one of the few things she could wow them with, since her grades were pitiful.
Not that her parents cared.
Her parents hadn't cared for a long while.

December struggled through school, somehow graduated, and moved on. Lacking the money, or job to leave, she remained in the industrial district. Now, however, she decided to make a difference. She was hired as a Haven Industries-contracted building painter, and while the flat colors were not as bright as she wished, she loved the height involved in the job and the simple feeling of making money.
On weekends, however, she made a difference.
December became the queen of graffiti. A vigilante of color. A bandit of vibrancy. Splashes of vandalism began to appear across the rooftops of the industrial district. Simple messages, doodles, landscapes, all laid out in a rainbow of colors. In her paint-splashed clothing she was a rainbows shadow across rooftops of Seattle, fighting an eternal crusade against the grey that dominated the first half of her life and the last half of her name.
-High concept: An agile rebel
-Trouble: acts without thinking
- Freerunner
- Needs more color…
- Delinquent
+4(choose one) Athletics
+3(choose two) Burglary, Deceive
+2(choose three) Fight, Provoke, Stealth
+1(choose four) Notice, Physique, Will, Empathy
Stunts: (make two for now):
And it's a home run….
-September breaks her current melee weapon across the head of her opponent. +2 to attack, but weapon cannot be used again
I'm just like you, only cooler
-Septembers costume matches what a raver would wear to Sunburst Cities active night life. +2 to stealth checks in populated areas during the night
Fuck this, I'm out
+1 to attempts to escape combat when outnumbered
Fate points- 3
Physical Stress [ ] [ ] [ ]
Mental Stress [ ] [ ] [ ]
  1. 2. 3.
Current Inventory:
Baseball bat (+1)
3 aerosol cans of assorted paint colors

Factions and Trivia
Sunburst City
Built in 1995 off the coast of the northwestern United States, it was a poor and unassuming city until Haven Industries set up its HQ there in 2008. Afterwards, population and income boomed, especially after a grant was given by the US government to turn Sunburst city into a test bed for a "Weapons free city" which, with the help of Haven Industries, has been overwhelmingly successful, if it weren't for several mob families operating out of the Cities docks. This reform has also, however, come with a few compromises, including the legalization of many a recreational drug, and the lowering of the legal drinking age. Regardless, Sunburst city has been hailed as the "City of the future." Electronic billboards advertise a wealth of products (usually sponsored by Haven Industries), Drones zip every which way in the air, delivering packages or taking pictures. The cities night life is equally vibrant, with posters for all sorts of bands, raves, parties and other events plastering nearly every alley and signpost.
Haven Industries
A company formed in 2006 by the (now deceased due to cancer) Alexander Haven, it at first dealt with robotics and set up its HQ on the small island community of Sunburst. Since, it has grown into an industrial giant. If there's a product out there, you can almost guarantee Haven Industries has their own alternative, and that its usually better quality and cheaper than its competitors. Since it's founding, Haven Industries has acquired several major companies, including Microsoft, Ford, and Apple. The legitimacy of these merging is still being debated in court, though talks have mysteriously stagnated.
The Yurinzi Family
A family of the Japanese Yakuza, they have been an alleged thorn in Haven Industries and anti-gun activists side for years(though if rumors are to be believed, they have a good amount of stake in Haven Industries, and may have paid them off on multiple occasions.) The family is run by the "Dragon Queen" Mariza Yurinzi, who has been involved in several weapon smuggling deals and other crimes around the cities eastern docks. Their only main competition is…
The Bzordov Family
The other main party of mobsters on the relatively small island, the Bzordov's are a well respected family of the Russian Brevta, which is why it enrages their patriarch, Nikolai Bzordov, so that not only has the Dragon Lady managed to produce more income on this tiny island than his family has, but she has recently –through a series of shrewd and unfortunately all-too-legal deals- acquired much of the Bzordovs territory in the Sunburst Cities southern Industrial Dockyard. There has been no open combat between the two families yet, but the dockyards are primed and just waiting for a spark.

(will add more upon request)

Players list:
1. Alistair Little AKA "Jabberwock" @erlking
2. Jason Black AKA "Watcher" @ThePremise
3 .Kurasagawa Natsume AKA "Tengumusume" @SailorMidgard
4.Sixth Risin AKA The Faceless One @Mithrandir

1.Jamie Fey AKA white rabbit @edmantgoog
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Herewith proposing either a Japanese ninja girl calling herself Tengu-cause every city needs her Batman... or a chinese martial artist with a dragon motive, a hatred of guns and a rather largerthan life approach...Fei Long.The latter would be unabashedly American in most non matial art related things, the other a "oujou ninja princess....

Are magic, ki or paranormal extras and stunts a thing?
I'm interested, I've run a few Fate based games before so I might be able to help you out if you need it, though I'm a bit more used to DFRPG then standard Fate.

I'm thinking of doing a bored rich kid that fights crime because it's fun and technically a better use of his time then doing a bunch of drugs or being a gangster. Maybe going for high craft or a batman like stealthy fighter.
Name: Jason Black [Alter-Ego: Watcher]
Appearance : A rugged lean handsome male with piercing blue irises. He also has a clean shave beard, and a small scar on his cheek. While doing his work at night he dons on a black pants and shirt. What he wears over his black shirt is a leather trenchcoat with inside pockets, and to cover his looks he wears goggles paired with a dark red scarf.
Age: 24
Years of Experience: 10
Background/Personality: Jason was born and raised lived in Sunburn Island. He lived in a orphanage ever since he was born and as such knows the street with ease. That's not all as he once saw another kid in the orphanage get killed in a random mugging made him decide to protect the streets to make sure it doesn't happen again. Which made him gained his alter-ego as he soon covered more than the streets he lived in, around fourteen years old. As he trained in variety of gyms to hone his body in fighting he started to cover more and more ground. This led him to staring an information network with the people he met during his years at work. He usually leaves the criminals tied up to leave for the police work force. Jason is known to be playful and charming, while sometimes snarking in a fight. He is an organized person and like to get things done well.
-High Concept - Rougish Hero
-Trouble - Fighting Lust
-Fighting Ring
-The Streets
-Charming Rouge
+4 - Fighting
+3 - Investigate & Stealth
+2 - Will & Persuasion & Contacts
+1 - Shooting & Athletics & Empathy & Hacking
-Double Knockout: Jason uses a martial art combo be learned that aims to knock out the enemies, which adds a +2 in unarmed combat or outnumbered once per combat turn.
-Sherlock Focus: James has experience when doing investigation and as such learned how to focus all his attention into little details, which adds a +2 in investigating only rolling to check environmental details only.
-Suave Gentleman: Jason is a charming person due to him learning how to speak with people as to gain information on certain crimes. This adds a +1 on attempts to gaining some knowledge through speaking with people in one and one conversations.
Fate Points - 3
Physical Stress[ ] [ ]
Mental Stress[ ] [ ] [ ]
1. 2. 3.
Current Inventory: Jason has some wires, and Backpack with smoke grenades. Also he is known to carry around a small tazer and a knuckled leather gloves (+1).
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Name: Jason Black [Alter-Ego: Watcher]
Appearance : A rugged lean handsome male with piercing blue irises. He also has a clean shave beard, and a small scar on his cheek. While doing his work at night he dons on a black pants and shirt. What he wears over his black shirt is a leather vest, and to cover his looks he wears goggles paired with a dark red scarf.
Age: 24
Years of Experience: 10
Background/Personality: Jason was born and raised lived in Sunburn Island. He lived in a orphanage ever since he was born and as such knows the street with ease. That's not all as he once saw another kid in the orphanage get killed in a random mugging made him decide to protect the streets to make sure it doesn't happen again. Which made him gained his alter-ego as he soon covered more than the streets he lived in, around fourteen years old. As he trained in variety of gyms to hone his body in fighting he started to cover more and more ground. This led him to staring an information network with the people he met during his years at work. He usually leaves the criminals tied up to leave for the police work force. Jason is known to be playful and charming, while sometimes snarking in a fight. He is an organized person and like to get things done well.
-High concept - Rougish Hero
-Always be cautious in every situation, so never let your guard down.
-Don't ever give up no matter how hard thing seems.
- Knowledge is power but sometimes you have to use your fists.
+4 - Fighting
+3 - Investigate & Stealth
+2 - Will & Persuasion & Contacts
+1 - Shooting & Athletics & Empathy & Resources
Fighting Ring: Jason fought against alot of people in the ring and in the streets. [Fighting/Athletics]
The Streets: Jason investigates and sneak through things to solve crime. [Sneak/Investigate]
Charming Rouge: Jason is known to be a charming person as he learned how to speak with people to get information. [Persuasion/Empathy]
Fate points-
Physical Stress[ ] [ ]
Mental Stress[ ] [ ]
1. 2. 3.
Current inventory: Wires, and Backpack with smoke grenades. Also known to carry around a small tazer.
Ok, overall concept is good (just don't forget to add your trouble aspect)

Stunts are a 'special' move or action you can take in a specific situation that provides a specific numerical advantage to a roll.

For instance, on the example character sheet, there is a stunt called "I'm just like you only cooler" which provides a specific numerical advantage (+2 to stealth) in a specific situation (in populated areas at night). This bonus are applied to certain types of rolls like attack rolls or rolls to create aspects.

Your current stunts would actually work better as aspects.
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Ok, overall concept is good (just don't forget to add your trouble aspect)

Stunts are a 'special' move or action you can take in a specific situation that provides a specific numerical advantage to a roll.

For instance, on the example character sheet, there is a stunt called "I'm just like you only cooler" which provides a specific numerical advantage (+2 to stealth) in a specific situation (in populated areas at night). This bonus are applied to certain types of rolls like attack rolls or rolls to create aspects.

Your current stunts would actually work better as aspects.

Alright, I changed some things around. I hope that work things out.
Alright, I changed some things around. I hope that work things out.
Better. Your aspects don't need the descriptions after the names though.

As for stunts, they're more like special moves, while aspects are like passive attributes. For instance,
"Double knockout" could give you +2 to fighting for one turn when unarmed and outnumbered.

"Sherlock focus" is a bit too general maybe if it focused on enviormental clues specifically.

"Suave gentleman" is also a bit broad. Maybe if it was bonus only applied when speaking to others in one on one conversation.
Name: Alistair 'Alice' Liddell [Alter Ego: Jabberwock]
Appearance : A young blond man with blue eyes and a picture perfect smile, his face and body is marked with a variety of small scars, most notable being a gash through his left eyebrow and another over his left temple. As Jabberwock he wears a thick white shirt and a blue jacket over it to provide some protection to himself, his face is covered with a simple Rabbit mask, of which he owns many in many variations.
Age: 24
Years of Experience: 5
Background and personality: In a place as hedonistic and debauched as Sunset City, it was no wonder that the upper class would become almost Dionysian. And as the only son of an old money family it was no surprise that Alistair became the same. His mother and father were distant and often times missing as they went around the county to enjoy their own lives, leaving Alistair to grow up primarily in boarding schools that catered to the rich children of many of the cities founding families. He became a common participant in the local Mensur club, a type of fencing based Fight clubs with live weapons, which received a surge in popularity among the cities elite due to it's forbidden nature in the 'weaponless city'. Eventually though he grew tired of the play fighting, it was so close to what he sought, the thrill of the fight, of making someone bleed, but it was just teasing him at this point. He started to stay out later and later, looking for reasons to interfere with an argument or get into a brawl. After he started to mess with the gangs, beating some wannabe badasses down a couple of levels, he began to bring a mask. After he started to get to get targeted by the gangs, he brought the sword. Before he knew it he had a name. By then, it was too much fun to go back.

His favorite food is Candy Canes, his favorite books are Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass, and his favorite color is White. He dislikes dullness and lizards.

- High concept: Hero for the hell of it
- Trouble: Malice in Wonderland
- Chasing his White Rabbit
- Fight Club Prodigy
- Not Murder When They're Criminals.

+4 Fighting
+3 Resources, Athletics
+2 Stealth, Deceive, Contacts
+1 Physique, Will, Notice, Rapport

The Vorpal Blade Went Snicker Snack
- +2 to Fighting when wielding a sword.
Upper Class Twit
- Roll Resources instead of Rapport when dealing with the upper class.
All Those Wonderful Toys
- Roll Resources to declare gadgets or tools.
Money Talks
- +2 to Resources when bribing or influencing someone.
Violent Reputation
- Roll Fighting for mental Intimidation attacks

Fate points- [X]
Physical Stress [ ] [ ] [ ]
Mental Stress [ ] [ ] [ ]
1. Mild
2. Moderate
3. Severe

Current inventory:
Saber +2, Knuckle Dusters +1, many rabbit masks, Loadsamoney.
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Name: Alistair 'Alice' Liddell [Alter Ego: Jabberwock]
Appearance : A young blond man with blue eyes and a picture perfect smile, his face and body is marked with a variety of small scars, most notable being a gash through his left eyebrow and another over his left temple. As Jabberwock he wears a thick white shirt and a blue jacket over it to provide some protection to himself, his face is covered with a simple Rabbit mask, of which he owns many in many variations.
Age: 24
Years of Experience: 5
Background and personality: In a place as hedonistic and debauched as Sunset City, it was no wonder that the upper class would become almost Dionysian. And as the only son of an old money family it was no surprise that Alistair became the same. Though his mother and father were distant and often times missing as they went around the county to enjoy their own lives, Alistair lived primarily in boarding schools that catered to the rich children of many of the cities founding families. He became a common participant in the local Mensur club, a type of fencing based Fight clubs with live weapons, which received a surge in popularity among the cities elite due to it's forbidden nature in the 'weaponless city'. Eventually though he grew tired of the play fighting, it was so close to what he sought, the thrill of the fight, of making someone bleed, but it was just teasing him at this point. He started to stay out later and later, looking for reasons to interfere with an argument or get into a brawl. After he started to mess with the gangs, beating some wannabe badasses down a couple of levels, he began to bring a mask. After he started to get to get targeted by the gangs, he brought the sword. Before he knew it he had a name. By then, it was too late to go back.

His favorite food is Candy Canes, his favorite books are Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass, and his favorite color is White. He dislikes dullness and lizards.

- High concept: Hero for the hell of it
- Trouble: Malice in Wonderland
- Chasing his White Rabbit
- Fight Club Prodigy
- Not Murder When They're Criminals.

+4 Fighting
+3 Resources, Athletics
+2 Stealth, Deceive, Contacts
+1 Physique, Will, Notice, Rapport

The Vorpal Blade Went Snicker Snack
- +2 to Fighting when wielding a sword.
Upper Class Twit
- Roll Resources instead of Rapport when dealing with the upper class.
All Those Wonderful Toys
- Roll Resources to declare gadgets or tools.
Money Talks
- +2 to Resources when bribing or influencing someone.

Fate points- 3
Physical Stress[ ] [ ] [ ]
Mental Stress[ ] [ ] [ ]
1. Mild
2. Moderate
3. Severe

Current inventory:
Saber +2, Knuckle Dusters +1, many rabbit masks.
Practically perfect. I think you may have one extra stunt (unless I'm missing something) but otherwise, you're accepted.
Practically perfect. I think you may have one extra stunt (unless I'm missing something) but otherwise, you're accepted.
I think I may have just made a mistake reading the number of stunts, though I wouldn't mind paying one of my refresh. Also I don't think it's been listed just how many refresh we actually have, except possibly on the example sheet. I assumed 3, as that's what Tag has in her sheet, but I was uncertain.

For another Stunt maybe something like, Weapon Of Choice: +1 stress when attacking with swords , Violent Reputation: Roll Fighting for mental Intimidation attacks, do either of those sound balanced?
I think I may have just made a mistake reading the number of stunts, though I wouldn't mind paying one of my refresh. Also I don't think it's been listed just how many refresh we actually have, except possibly on the example sheet. I assumed 3, as that's what Tag has in her sheet, but I was uncertain.

For another Stunt maybe something like, Weapon Of Choice: +1 stress when attacking with swords , Violent Reputation: Roll Fighting for mental Intimidation attacks, do either of those sound balanced?
You assumed correctly, let me go put that on the template real quick.....ok done.

As to your stunts, I like Violent Reputation, though either works.
Better. Your aspects don't need the descriptions after the names though.

As for stunts, they're more like special moves, while aspects are like passive attributes. For instance,
"Double knockout" could give you +2 to fighting for one turn when unarmed and outnumbered.

"Sherlock focus" is a bit too general maybe if it focused on enviormental clues specifically.

"Suave gentleman" is also a bit broad. Maybe if it was bonus only applied when speaking to others in one on one conversation.

Alright, I added what you suggested onto the character sheet. I think that's about it right?
You've got three already, but I'll join if you're willing to take a fourth.
Character sheet:​
Name: Kurasagawa Natsume A.K.A. "Tengumusume" or simply "Tengu",Natsu, Na-chan or Natty to her few friends

Appearance : a slim, muscular but still graceful young japanese woman, pale of skin, long raven colored hair, bound up or worn in a ponytail on duty... about 160cm tall, dark eyes, refined, narrow face...think Betsy Braddock, just much smaller and bigger eyes.
Her costume is a black "shinobi suit" she wears either a raven mask or(if feeling traditional a crimson tengu mask.Originally wore a feathered cape..but that proved impractical.

Age: 22(Japanese style, 21 according to westren style

Years of Experience:Four and a half

Background and personality:
Born to a semi-disgraced member of an ancient and still very wealthy noble clan, Ichiro and his wife, adescendant of ..gasp... Iga ninja!
Her father was sent to America when she was nine or so and she sort of reacted to that by embracing her roots.
Then, when visiting Japan with her mother Hitomi, a yakuza leader whose buissness takeover in her Seattle Hometown her father had foiled, decided to take revenge.Her mothers rudimentary ninja training saved her girl at the cost of her life..and the police chalked it up to "lowlifes fighting each other ", her fathers family all but saying "told you so" and discreetly trying to find a new wife for Ichiro...
She ,however, was not going to let it stand.Enlisting the aid of her uncle Sarutobi and aunt Noriko in Iga prefecture, she trained her self up to exacting standards in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu ,starting a private one girl war against the yakuza in question.Three and a half years later, she had destroyed them and watched their oyabun die in flames.
But she could not stop.While hunting them down, she had seen to much and found the police wanting.
So, when her father moved to Sunburst City, she and Tengu, her alter ego, both moved, too.
And now that her Father recently died ...she is ready to step up her game.
Personality-wise, she is mildly sarcastic but polite, can be surprisingly nice and loving to her close friends, is trying very well to project an unfazeable image and is very perfectionist...her inner insecurities kept tightly under control.
A high sense of fairness and honor serve to temper her cold vengefulness.
-Friends are rare like Diamonds and equally precious
-Perfection in all things must be the ultimate goal.
_Vengance will bo swift as ravens fliy...andas harsh as their voice
The foe you do not notice..he will kill you.
-High concept Snarking ninja princess
-Trouble: vengeful when crossed
Aspect1- Loyalty and friendship are precious
Aspect 2- Perfectionist
Aspect 3-I Love my work...
+4(choose one)stealth
+3(choose two)fighting.Athletics
+2(choose three)investigate ,resources,shooting
+1(choose four)Deceive, contacts, lore,physique

Stunts: "i could have sworn she was flying!( +1 to athletics when freerunning
"A Ninja is always prepared" - Can use resources to declare the use of a non-lethal ninja-tool.
"Always a natural" - +1 to stealth when blending into the upper class
"Like a laser-guided ninja star" Once per day, may reroll a failed ranged attack
Fate points-
Physical Stress[ ] [ ]
Mental Stress[ ] [ ]
1. 2. 3.

Current inventory:Ninja tool belt, ninjato, some smoke granades, flash bangs, a small dictaphone with sevral distracting sound effects, sensor suite inbuilt in masks(together with airfilter), collapsible cross bow.Tranquilizer cross bow bolts.Old fashioned paralysis poison.a taser.
Name: Sixth Risin [Alter Ego: The Faceless One]

Appearance: A male of 19, Sixth has an average build and face. An extremely average face, to the point that it is his most distinguishing factor. His costume consists of dirty, an armored overcoat, and a featureless black mask.

Years of Experience: 3

Background: Sixth was not born in Sunburst City, but he might as well have been. His father worked for Haven – while he lived – and his Mother moved onto the island as soon as it opened.

His Mother cared for him. His Mother loved him. His Mother wanted the best for him.

She was also somewhat insane.

Obsessed with creating the 'perfect machine' that would fix Her husband's work and return Sunburst to the how it should be, She found the perfect materials in Her own son.

She trained him, molded him, broke him; She forced upon him the idea of a Duty. To eat, he had to do his Duty – 30 laps. To drink, he had to do his Duty – 50 rounds on the punching bag. To sleep, he had to do his Duty – crack the safe faster than yesterday.

And as far back as he could remember, that was how it had been. Him, Mother, and Duty.

And then everything changed.

His Mother didn't come home, but a police officer did, spreading lies about Her death.

So he ran.

And he looked.

And he cried.

For they weren't lies, and his Mother was dead. And he was alone.

He drifted after that, aimless, living in alleyways, eating scraps. He had no purpose, no goal, no plan.

What was there to do, without his Mother?

And then he heard another mother crying, wailing, sobbing in an alleyway – for her son had been taken.

And his heart moved.

And he went and got her son back.

And he had a new purpose, a new Duty.


-High Concept: Efficient weapon.

-Trouble: Not all there.

-Family is everything.

-Action wins.

-Thoroughness is Godliness.


+4 Fight

+3 Physique, Stealth

+2 Notice, Athletics, Burglary

+1 Drive, Clamber, Resources, Decieve


-Instinctive Reaction

-So What?: Sixth can dismiss a Consequence as irrelevant to the Duty, allowing him to ignore it for one turn per scene.

-I… I Don't Remember: Sixth's face is forgettable to the extreme. Other's take a -2 penalty when attempting to recognize him.

-Dirty Fighter: In a fight, Sixth goes for the most vulnerable point of his opponent, giving him a +2 when attempting to incapacitate an opponent.

-Mentally Broken: Sixth has an unusual mindset, allowing him to ignore many sources of Mental Stress. This mindset is also fragile, however, diminishing the amount of Mental Stress he can take.

Fate Points – 1 (Refresh: 1)

Physical Stress[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Mental Stress[ ]


1. Mild

2. Moderate

3. Severe

Current Inventory: Sixth possesses few expensive devices, relying mostly on crude replacements. He uses a PVC blowgun, a looted stun gun, and pair of screwdrivers (one Phillips, one Flathead). He also has his costume.
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Name: Sixth Risin [Alter Ego: The Faceless One]

Appearance: A male of 19, Sixth has an average build and face. An extremely average face, to the point that it is his most distinguishing factor. His costume consists of dirty, an armored overcoat, and a featureless black mask.

Years of Experience: 3

Background: Sixth was not born in Sunburst City, but he might as well have been. His father worked for Haven – while he lived – and his Mother moved onto the island as soon as it opened.

His Mother cared for him. His Mother loved him. His Mother wanted the best for him.

She was also somewhat insane.

Obsessed with creating the 'perfect machine' that would fix Her husband's work and return Sunburst to the how it should be, She found the perfect materials in Her own son.

She trained him, molded him, broke him; She forced upon him the idea of a Duty. To eat, he had to do his Duty – 30 laps. To drink, he had to do his Duty – 50 rounds on the punching bag. To sleep, he had to do his Duty – crack the safe faster than yesterday.

And as far back as he could remember, that was how it had been. Him, Mother, and Duty.

And then everything changed.

His Mother didn't come home, but a police officer did, spreading lies about Her death.

So he ran.

And he looked.

And he cried.

For they weren't lies, and his Mother was dead. And he was alone.

He drifted after that, aimless, living in alleyways, eating scraps. He had no purpose, no goal, no plan.

What was there to do, without his Mother?

And then he heard another mother crying, wailing, sobbing in an alleyway – for her son had been taken.

And his heart moved.

And he went and got her son back.

And he had a new purpose, a new Duty.


-High Concept: Efficient weapon.

-Trouble: Not all there.

-Family is everything.

-Action wins.

-Thoroughness is Godliness.


+4 Fight

+3 Physique, Stealth

+2 Notice, Athletics, Burglary

+1 Drive, Clamber, Resources, Decieve


-Instinctive Reaction

-So What?: Sixth can dismiss a Consequence as irrelevant to the Duty, allowing him to ignore it for one turn per scene.

-I… I Don't Remember: Sixth's face is forgettable to the extreme. Other's take a -2 penalty when attempting to recognize him.

-Dirty Fighter: In a fight, Sixth goes for the most vulnerable point of his opponent, giving him a +2 when attempting to incapacitate an opponent.

-Mentally Broken: Sixth has an unusual mindset, allowing him to ignore many sources of Mental Stress. This mindset is also fragile, however, diminishing the amount of Mental Stress he can take.

Fate Points – 1 (Refresh: 1)

Physical Stress[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

Mental Stress[ ]


1. Mild

2. Moderate

3. Severe

Current Inventory: Sixth possesses few expensive devices, relying mostly on crude replacements. He uses a PVC blowgun, a looted stun gun, and pair of screwdrivers (one Phillips, one Flathead). He also has his costume.
Character sheet:​
Name: Kurasagawa Natsume A.K.A. "Tengumusume" or simply "Tengu",Natsu, Na-chan or Natty to her few friends

Appearance : a slim, muscular but still graceful young japanese woman, pale of skin, long raven colored hair, bound up or worn in a ponytail on duty... about 160cm tall, dark eyes, refined, narrow face...think Betsy Braddock, just much smaller and bigger eyes.
Her costume is a black "shinobi suit" she wears either a raven mask or(if feeling traditional a crimson tengu mask.Originally wore a feathered cape..but that proved impractical.

Age: 22(Japanese style, 21 according to westren style

Years of Experience:Four and a half

Background and personality:
Born to a semi-disgraced member of an ancient and still very wealthy noble clan, Ichiro and his wife, adescendant of ..gasp... Iga ninja!
Her father was sent to America when she was nine or so and she sort of reacted to that by embracing her roots.
Then, when visiting Japan with her mother Hitomi, a yakuza leader whose buissness takeover in her Seattle Hometown her father had foiled, decided to take revenge.Her mothers rudimentary ninja training saved her girl at the cost of her life..and the police chalked it up to "lowlifes fighting each other ", her fathers family all but saying "told you so" and discreetly trying to find a new wife for Ichiro...
She ,however, was not going to let it stand.Enlisting the aid of her uncle Sarutobi and aunt Noriko in Iga prefecture, she trained her self up to exacting standards in Ninjutsu and Taijutsu ,starting a private one girl war against the yakuza in question.Three and a half years later, she had destroyed them and watched their oyabun die in flames.
But she could not stop.While hunting them down, she had seen to much and found the police wanting.
So, when her father moved to Sunburst City, she and Tengu, her alter ego, both moved, too.
And now that her Father recently died ...she is ready to step up her game.
Personality-wise, she is mildly sarcastic but polite, can be surprisingly nice and loving to her close friends, is trying very well to project an unfazeable image and is very perfectionist...her inner insecurities kept tightly under control.
A high sense of fairness and honor serve to temper her cold vengefulness.
-Friends are rare like Diamonds and equally precious
-Perfection in all things must be the ultimate goal.
_Vengance will bo swift as ravens fliy...andas harsh as their voice
The foe you do not notice..he will kill you.
-High concept Snarking ninja princess
-Trouble: vengeful when crossed
Aspect1- Loyalty and friendship are precious
Aspect 2- Perfectionist
Aspect 3-I Love my work...
+4(choose one)stealth
+3(choose two)fighting.Athletics
+2(choose three)investigate ,resources,shooting
+1(choose four)Deceive, contacts, lore,physique

Stunts: "i could have sworn she was flying!( +1 to athletics when freerunning
"A Ninja is always prepared" - Can use resources to declare the use of a non-lethal ninja-tool.
"Always a natural" - +1 to stealth when blending into the upper class
"Like a laser-guided ninja star" Once per day, may reroll a failed ranged attack
Fate points-
Physical Stress[ ] [ ]
Mental Stress[ ] [ ]
1. 2. 3.

Current inventory:Ninja tool belt, ninjato, some smoke granades, flash bangs, a small dictaphone with sevral distracting sound effects, sensor suite inbuilt in masks(together with airfilter), collapsible cross bow.Tranquilizer cross bow bolts.Old fashioned paralysis poison.a taser.


Will begin work on an IC post.
If I gave you guys time for some inter-character interactions IC would you use it, or would you prefer to just skip to talking to "your new best friend"?