Introduction and Synopsis.


Banned Forever
Los Angles
Even as person with a Neo-Pagan beliefs, I can appreciate the rich Christian inspired stories of Tolkien and Lewis. A good faith based narrative should be focused on telling a story with faith in mind rather then focusing on the message and sacrificing writing for it.

The following stories do none of those things. They do not intend to do so for it is propaganda first and foremost. It's not even good propaganda.

I give you The Prayer Warriors..............

This is a series of "fanfics" (in quotation marks because it's clear the author is not a fan of any of the source materials that appear) in which a cult of Mary Stu "Christians" go around spreading the word of god to various works of fiction. Sounds innocent enough, until realize there is a reason I put Christians in quotes.

The first story is a Percy Jackson fic. Be forewarned, my knowledge of Percy Jackson is not very good. I've only read the first book and watched the movie based on said book. Though given how these fics treat the source materials I don't think knowledge of this series is really all that required.

The story is called The Evil Gods.

Which means I'm sure this story is going to treat the Ancient Greek religion with respect and dignity.

The authors name is "Believer In Christ". Subtle.

And here's the synopsis.

Come and witness the greatest Christian Fanfiction that has ever graced this website.

How humble of you. I'm sure Jesus would admire your humility.

In this Fanfic is an epic tail of good and evil

Right off the bat, we are treated with our first grammatical and spelling mistake. We're off to a great start here, I can already tell. Also don't you mean good vs evil?

Percy and Draco have been deceived and now must join forces to defeat the wicked Satan who has fooled them into believing in lies.

Oh. So it's that kind of Christian story. Also why is Draco the hero?

This story is for Christians only.

Well fuck you too!

No atheists is allowed to read this story unless he has accepted Jesus.

What's the point of converting people to your faith if your basically telling them to fuck off if they don't believe.
You're basically preaching to the choir.

Well that was just the summary, I wonder what the actual first chapter is like?
What's the point of converting people to your faith if your basically telling them to fuck off if they don't believe.
You're basically preaching to the choir.
That does tend to be how fundamentalists act: if you're exactly the same as I am, you're a good guy and get accepted. If you're different from me in any way, shape, or form, you're pure evil and should be suppressed or killed. Also, I want you to admit that I'm right about everything, even as I loudly shout from the rooftops about how you're going to be tortured for eternity for disagreeing with me.
Just to let you know, I am 90-99% sure that this is parody.
You can call it a parody if you like, but the last let's read I found certainly didn't find any jokes in it, though it did find a great deal of utterly reprehensible morals and actions which the author endorses completely.
Are those fics popular, I mean unironically? Do they have an actual fandom?
I know Poe's Law is a thing, but there are a few details here that really feel like tells that this is a troll.

"The greatest Christian Fanfiction that was ever graced this website."

"Believer in Christ."

"No atheists is allowed to read this story unless he has accepted Jesus."

I've seen plenty of kooky Christians, and I've seen plenty of parodies of kooky Christians, and this looks more like the latter.

I could be wrong of course.
Poe's Law. Poe's Law. Poe's Law. Oh the madness of the species that necessitated your creation.
From what I've seen from the crazier Christians this fanfic wouldn't be beyond them. We're talking about people known for things like marrying their guns, letting themselves be bitten by venomous snakes, killing each other because of 'demons,' and watching Estus Pirkle movies unironically.

Human insanity is a bottomless well. I await your reviews with great interest.

Slightly off-topic, but which Neo-Pagan beliefs? I ask because I'm familiar with this notorious fanfic and want to know in advance so I won't be drinking anything when you react to the specific events. Oh, this is going to be fun.
Poe's Law. Poe's Law. Poe's Law. Oh the madness of the species that necessitated your creation.
From what I've seen from the crazier Christians this fanfic wouldn't be beyond them. We're talking about people known for things like marrying their guns, letting themselves be bitten by venomous snakes, killing each other because of 'demons,' and watching Estus Pirkle movies unironically.

Human insanity is a bottomless well. I await your reviews with great interest.

Slightly off-topic, but which Neo-Pagan beliefs? I ask because I'm familiar with this notorious fanfic and want to know in advance so I won't be drinking anything when you react to the specific events. Oh, this is going to be fun.
