Lesbian/Yuri Fanfiction and Quest Recommendation Thread

I definitely prefer yuri with girls who are genuinely bad for each other. Like legit toxic. I judge good yuri on a scale of how likely it is to end in a murder/suicide.
Despite my previous post, I'm actually going to recommend my fic for once.

If you can handle a whole bunch of kink (that is all meticulously tagged,) the MC of this one is basically a meat grinder that turns Lesbians into shambling wrecks. Like very much a monster in almost every sense of the word. Though I will note that Book 2 she's on her redemption arc, so will be far less interesting in the "Horrific Garbage Kinky Trauma Queer" sense.

Though do note that "Thanatomania" Is the freudian concept that means both homicidal and suicidal instinct.

[User-Fic] [Wh40k x Starcraft] Thanatomania - One weird Swarm's adventure through the imperium (Book 2 Started!) Crossover - Mature - Romance
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A bisexual protagonist could be interesting and, if she still got in a relationship with (an)other female character(s), valid for this thread. But "with the power of magic we have Changed Your Orientation so other than your fleeting flings with other girls you are also long-term attracted to This Guy Over Here" just strikes me as kind of unpleasant, with concerning implications for where the story might go with it (especially if I have no particular reason to trust the author to do something that fraught and unnecessary), and not something I really would want to read.

Like, I fail completely to conceive of a plot beat that "the lesbian is magically compelled to be attracted to the guy" services other than something like "oh, actually she's not a lesbian so it's fine now." If it's just meant to be a break-the-curse plot, there are other curses that don't throw up those red flags. And if it's not breakable and the character has to just live with it forever or something... why? What does that add to anything?
Alright, I'll put it into spoilers for anyone who is really that interested for the reasons. I'm not sure if it makes it any better or worse, but the protagonist only has relationships with women.
Okay, so like, the plot is that the protagonist becomes a revenant later on, and it's explained that because Ainz is basically a godlike undead entity, all sapient undead are somewhat attracted to him, even though he has no desire for anyone that way.
Alright, I'll put it into spoilers for anyone who is really that interested for the reasons. I'm not sure if it makes it any better or worse, but the protagonist only has relationships with women.
Okay, so like, the plot is that the protagonist becomes a revenant later on, and it's explained that because Ainz is basically a godlike undead entity, all sapient undead are somewhat attracted to him, even though he has no desire for anyone that way.
NGL, doesn't really sound like it makes the story better. I guess it is fitting for a shitty harem anime at least... Also, shouldn't being undead remove such attraction? It was a thing in the main story with Ainz iirc.
NGL, doesn't really sound like it makes the story better. I guess it is fitting for a shitty harem anime at least... Also, shouldn't being undead remove such attraction? It was a thing in the main story with Ainz iirc.
I'd really rather not go into detail or the specifics, when they are questioned and explored by the characters involved in a 2.5 million word story.
Alright, I'll put it into spoilers for anyone who is really that interested for the reasons. I'm not sure if it makes it any better or worse, but the protagonist only has relationships with women.
Okay, so like, the plot is that the protagonist becomes a revenant later on, and it's explained that because Ainz is basically a godlike undead entity, all sapient undead are somewhat attracted to him, even though he has no desire for anyone that way.

I'm not asking the Watsonian why, I'm asking the Doylist why. The author has exactly zero inherent need to construct and add this dynamic. Why did they put it there? What is its purpose in the story that means it has to be "the lesbian is attracted to a dude" instead of literally anything else?
I'm not asking the Watsonian why, I'm asking the Doylist why. The author has exactly zero inherent need to construct and add this dynamic. Why did they put it there? What is its purpose in the story that means it has to be "the lesbian is attracted to a dude" instead of literally anything else?
I don't know, I just thought the story was good enough to recommend despite that aspect being an issue, and wanted to make sure people weren't blind sided by it.
I'll be honest, as soon as I hear "Overlord", I put it on ignore because the series is utter shit due to how terrible everyone is in it.
Yeah, I'll be interested to at least archive it if not for that one tiny detail. As it is, it isn't like I'm lacking in yuri fanfics to read.
Alright, I'll put it into spoilers for anyone who is really that interested for the reasons. I'm not sure if it makes it any better or worse, but the protagonist only has relationships with women.
Okay, so like, the plot is that the protagonist becomes a revenant later on, and it's explained that because Ainz is basically a godlike undead entity, all sapient undead are somewhat attracted to him, even though he has no desire for anyone that way.

Ludmilla fully intends to find a husband, and even muses on the attributes she'd find most attractive in a partner. She discusses this with her friends over several chapters.
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Ludmilla fully intends to find a husband, and even muses on the attributes she'd find most attractive in a partner. She discusses this with her friends over several chapters.
I mean, she does, but it always seemed really clinical in the arranged marriage and eugenics way since she follows that religion that deals with the dungeons and dragons class system and stuff, and the
entire reason she was happy that her brother was going to get married to Clara was so that they could see each other behind his back.
She very much to me has that vibe of "I'll do my duty, but as far as who I like, it's women." At least, that was my takeaway and why I even recommended it.
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Any Wholesome and/or Comedy suggestions? I can't seem to find any on my own, I'm not really a fan of Dark or Tragic stuff and that seems to be a lot of these, wholesome stuff seems rare.
Any Wholesome and/or Comedy suggestions? I can't seem to find any on my own, I'm not really a fan of Dark or Tragic stuff and that seems to be a lot of these, wholesome stuff seems rare.
you might wanna narrow that down a little. Fandom interest? Length?
For any particular fandom or pairing? Because like 90% of my AO3 Bookmarks right now are Supergirl fics.
Yea there's a lot of them that are pretty good. I have to exclude Supergirl on AO3 to find anything else easier. That and Women's Soccer for some reason.....

Any way I started reading a My Hero Academy series yesterday that's pretty entertaining. There's some angst stuff in the beginning of the first fic and sprinkled about in the rest of the stories. But it's pretty funny with lots adorable cuddle piles mixed in with asshole beat downs.

Like Endeavor

My Battle Academia
Any Wholesome and/or Comedy suggestions? I can't seem to find any on my own, I'm not really a fan of Dark or Tragic stuff and that seems to be a lot of these, wholesome stuff seems rare.
For any particular fandom or pairing? Because like 90% of my AO3 Bookmarks right now are Supergirl fics.
Haven't gotten an answer after a week, so I'm going to just go ahead and post some of the lighter stuff in my bookmarks. I've been meaning to rec some more stuff anyway. None of these are rated Explicit so probably not NSFW, but you shouldn't read fanfic on work computers anyway, the company can see all the web traffic on their network if they decide to.

Lipstick - Chapter 1 - MyCatIsMyEditor - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Annoyed at the news media speculating about the lipstick that keeps showing up on her neck (and wanting to distract them from the real cause), Lena decides to develop a reputation as a womanizer by pretending to date every woman she knows... except the one that she actually wants.

Two months? - MyCatIsMyEditor - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Lena has been dating Kara for two months. Kara hasn't realized that they're dating yet.

A Proposal - MyCatIsMyEditor - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Traditional Kryptonian engagements are more like a contract negotiation between families. Lena wants to give Kara the full experience that she never got to have when her world was destroyed by having their families negotiate. Yes, even Lena's supervillain relatives.

sapphic supergirl sightings: illustrated edition - SirGidget, searidings, worthitsweightinau - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
The relationship developing from the perspective of an in-universe Twitter account for Supergirl thirst tweets.

can't blame me for reaching (when i'm falling for you) - searidings - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Kara's sister Alex is getting sick of Kara insisting that her friendship with Lena is totally platonic while not keeping her hands off her, so Alex implements a new rule: every time Kara gets touchy-feely with Lena in Alex's presence, she has to put money in the jar. It's been a week and Kara has had to pay a hundred dollars already and still won't admit how she really feels.

they don't love you like i love you - searidings - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Lena is confused by the mixed signals that Kara keeps giving her, so she decides to apply scientific analysis. Unfortunately, there's a lack of peer-reviewed scientific papers on whether or not your friend is in love with you, so she's relying on an internet listicle and seeing how many of the criteria that Kara meets. (It's all of them.)

musings from 504 - sapphic_luthor - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Everyone in Kara's apartment building has realized that their neighbor is Supergirl, but they're still debating whether the beautiful woman who's always coming there to visit is her friend or girlfriend.

Inauthentic - FazedLight - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
A one-panel joke in a dubiously-canon comic from the '90s implied that pink kryptonite makes Kryptonians gay. It actually just makes them more able to express how they really feel.

Of Songbirds and Home - FazedLight - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Kara deals with some confusing feelings about where home is at the same time that she deals with her feelings for Lena.

Do you feel what I feel? - ThornedRose44 - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Just going to copy the author's own summary: "Prompt: Lena accidentally creates something that makes everyone attracted to her except kara (she is immune) basically jealous!kara". It's comedy.

Secretaries Know Best - Chapter 1 - Rhino (RhinoMouse) - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Lena's assistant Jess and some of her other employees think that Kara is a good influence on Lena and are rooting for their relationship. But they're worried that Supergirl might be competition. So they're just going to have to do everything they can to encourage them to get together while trying to scare off a superhero.

Her Brother's Keeper - Chapter 1 - ProfessorSpork - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
An in-universe magazine article by Kara Danvers about the real Lena Luthor. It's extremely flattering.

follow the buttons - Chapter 1 - EQT_95 - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Whenever a superhero rips their shirt open to reveal their costume underneath, nobody thinks about who's going to have to sew all those buttons back on.

rules of engagement - Narraboth - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
The tabloids have noticed how much time Kara and Lena spend with each other and jumped to the right wrong conclusion.

the spirit of hospitality - Narraboth - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
The relationship between Supergirl and Lena Luthor as seen through the eyes of a local burger joint that they frequent.

you remind me: that it’s such a wonderful thing to love - nostradamusO - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Someone finally gets sick enough of seeing these two pine to tell them to just admit they're in love already.

A Saviour's Best Friend - ThornedRose44 - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
A story from the perspective of a dog that Lena rescues (and accidentally gives superpowers).

swing low, supernova, & come to carry me home - Chapter 1 - nostradamusO - Supergirl (TV 2015) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Drunk and reminiscing about all the normal childhood things they didn't get to experience, Kara and Lena make each other friendship bracelets. It's years before Lena finds out that Kryptonians exchange bracelets instead of rings.

Okay, that seems like more than enough for now. Enjoy!
Its not well written, with repeating dialogue and awkward scenes.
Was thinking about Nana and the fact that them being gay would solve literally all the drama in that story, so...

Any good recs for Nana?