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In a scintillating flash of eye-searing lightning, the blow was struck, and before the...
In the Beginning


Really in the mood for ribs.
In a scintillating flash of eye-searing lightning, the blow was struck, and before the prodigious might of the Emperor Of Mankind could grasp them, the twenty children were snatched from his grasp, his prized creations now in the grips of the Dark Gods. For a brief moment, the Master Of Mankind allowed his fury to manifest as the ruined laboratory was reduced to glowing cinders.

And in the depths of the Warp, dark events were occurring beyond the sight of the Emperor.

"Just as planned! Now to enact Stage Two of my brilliant pla- Slaanesh what are you doing? Slaanesh No!"

"Slaanesh Yes!"

"Eh, Tzeench? What's happening with that one you're holding?"

"Not now Nurgle, Slaanesh is messing up my pla- OWJUMPINGSKULLFUCKINGKHORNESBALLS!"



"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You turned one of them into a Pariah! The Irony almost makes your existence tolerable."

"Oh go use your whip as anal beads Khorne."

"OOH, I'll help!"

"Slaanesh be careful you're dropping the Pri- Arrgh! IDIOTS! ALL OF YOU!"

"Hey you dropped yours as well. Wait... Where's mine?"

"They slipped out of your arms because they are covered in grease and mold!"

"Ah well, it'll turn out alright in the end. I'm sure."

"Not. Helping."

Ahem, let's leave the Dark Gods to their plots and schemes, and instead focus our attention on one of these stolen and now lost children, a young godling, a paragon of genetic and spiritual perfection, contained in a sealed stasis/life-support unit that hopefully by your influence gentle readers, will not become a babe's tomb but a life raft to a place where they can hopefully survive and maybe thrive. Although, being the clutches of the Dark Gods, and perhaps the decision of the Emperor Himself, mean that these are not the canon collection of children.

Differences in powers, names, and possibly even gender will occur, and none of these children escaped the touch of Chaos, each one bearing a Dark Touch that could be their downfall, or a potent gift if tamed. And who better than a godling to tame the touch of Chaos? And maybe, just maybe, things could be made better.

With that said, how do we start this tale?

[]A Canon Primarch
Advantage: You start the game during adulthood, their lives pretty much playing out as per canon.
Tradeoff: You have absolutely no say in any AU elements such as Female Primarchs and Astartes, or what crossover elements occur.

[]A Custom Primarch
Advantage: Full chargen 'Prologue' Arc. Increased say in AU elements and crossover expies.
Tradeoff: You know how you can die in character creation in some RPG's? Yeah, that could happen here.

This is crossposted from SB. You might encounter the Primarch created there during the course of this quest.
[X]Custom Primarch
Advantage: Full chargen 'Prologue' Arc. Increased say in AU elements and crossover expies.
Tradeoff: You know how you can die in character creation in some RPG's? Yeah, that could happen here.
[X]Custom Primarch
Gundam Primarch
oh please let it be a thing
I would like a Gundam cross
cant find any fic out there that done it right and have good quality
I would like a Gundam cross
cant find any fic out there that done it right and have good quality
I'm not sure that Gundam would really last all that well in WH40. I mean, the way that WH40 would mimic the pilots of transforming mecha getting power-ups by screaming loudly their defiance and magically winning despite all logic...

It would be psykers. Psykers given battleship-killing transforming fighter-jets that run off warp-tech.

That sounds like a really bad idea!

Not to mention that Warhammer PD would likely eat them for scrap.

If a cross-over occours it should be more... Robust...

The Men Of Iron live...
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I'm not sure that Gundam would really last all that well in WH40. I mean, the way that WH40 would mimic the pilots of transforming mecha getting power-ups by screaming loudly their defiance and magically winning despite all logic...

It would be psykers. Psykers given battleship-killing transforming fighter-jets that run off warp-tech.

That sounds like a really bad idea!

Not to mention that Warhammer PD would likely eat them for scrap.

If a cross-over occours isn't going to need to be more... Robust...

The Men Of Iron live...

I prefer the Transformers and Optimus Prime who is Robot Jesus to men of Iron though all my yes to everything in that video up top:eek::grin: