Legend of the Five Rings: Beta Test Group

London, England

So as you might have heard, FFG are running an open beta for their take on the L5R RPG, scheduled to be released next week. You can find all the details here, along with the sign-up sheet to get your own copy of the rules when it gets released.

Since I am about to have a great deal from free time than was previously available, I have decided to take this opportunity to run a game of this myself, over Discord and quite likely using voice chat. I am looking for 6-7 players to come and give it a go with me, in the knowledge that I will be reporting your various exploits and attempts at using the rules back to FFG for their playtest people to look over. Ideally we'll end up with a mix of people from different Clans and schools, but I can't comment on specifics just yet because we don't know how FFG are going to be handling those.

The setting for the game will probably be the Topaz Championship, because that provides an excellent kind of structure to the early sessions of the game that let us experiment with the different sub-systems and rules of the game while getting comfortable with our characters and the setting as presented.

What I need from you - An expression of interest, a suggestion of what kind of character you might be looking to play, and most importantly when you will be available for a game. I can probably run at most times on every day of the week save for Wednesday and Saturday (and even those are potential options if I leave enough room for my other games), but we're going to need something that everyone can reliably commit to for the next ~3 months, as that is how long the playtest will be running for.

And now, the tags required to notify people I know were interested in this: @horngeek @Mina @shinaobi @Winged Knight @Fernandel @Havocfett @Gargulec

(The game is potentially open to others, that lot were just around on Discord when the news dropped)
Hells yes I'm in.

I'm most likely going to give Sakura a try out, because a) I want to see how the same character differs between the two systems, b) I like the character, c) I have some very good character art that I don't want to waste and d) I like the character.

Over the next four or so weeks, I'm available during the day on most days, after which my availability shifts to purely late at night at a similar timeframe to the Saturday game you run for me already. I would... prefer not voice game, because that's late at night and I live with ppl.
I'm interested, @Maugan Ra!

In terms of character I would like to play, considering I'm a complete novice at tabletop... Well, mostly to annoy Garg, I wouldn't mind playing a Scorpion. :p Otherwise, though, I'm pretty flexible as to what kind of character I'd play. I'll try to learn as I go along.

In terms of availability, I'm running on Central European Time, and I wouldn't be available on Wednesdays and Thursday evenings, and I might have some infrequent events going on. However, I'm otherwise pretty flexible, and I'll try to tell you guys in advance if I can or cannot join.

I'm also down with voice game.
Depending on what time it is i would be interested as well. Haven't played since 3rd edition but willing to get back into the swing of things.
Shiba shiba shiba shiba shiba shiba shiba shiba shiba shiba?

Shiba? SHIBA!

(Yes, I am interested. In playing a Shiba.)

Also deffo not voice. Voice would probably be a deal-breaker for me for logistic reasons.
I'm definitely interested, though my schedule's rather restrictive. I'm available weekdays after 6 PM CST (18:00) but I couldn't play for more than four hours at a time. Weekends are a lot more flexible, but again, I'm operating on Central Standard time. I prefer voice as it's easier to chew the scenery that way, but I don't mind text.

I would definitely play a Courtier, though I'm flexible as to which clan they'd belong to. My first choice is Scorpion but I'm amenable to pretty much anything.
I'm definitely interested, though my schedule's rather restrictive. I'm available weekdays after 6 PM CST (18:00) but I couldn't play for more than four hours at a time. Weekends are a lot more flexible, but again, I'm operating on Central Standard time. I prefer voice as it's easier to chew the scenery that way, but I don't mind text.

I would definitely play a Courtier, though I'm flexible as to which clan they'd belong to. My first choice is Scorpion but I'm amenable to pretty much anything.
I am on CST free after 5pm as well though weekends are free. Discord should work as we can both talk and type or some similar service. Personally I would play Unicorn, probably a bushi.
Lion bushi.

Fridays after ~4:00pm CST or Sundays (after 10am CST) are my best availabilities and discord works, but no voice.
I'm definitely in, and probably playing a Crab Bushi. I'm available pretty much any days other than Thursday, with fluctuating availability over the weekend. Voice is my preference, but I'm flexible.
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yes, yes, oh god yes.

And, simply to test it out, some kind of Crane Bushi. Doesnt have to be Kakita Duelling BS.

Alternatively, any kind of Bushi. Most interesting in minor clans, but i am not picky in any way, shape or form.
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Alright, good to see a fair amount of interest.

As an aside, if people could list their availability in GMT, that would help me avoid making any mistakes (as that's where I live currently). I'm leaning towards Friday if only because I can stay up later then to help accommodate people in the CST timezone (which I think is six hours behind me), but that's not a firm answer just yet.
GMT +2 timezone. evenings work generally, i am afraid it is a bit cramped. fridays would be good, other days are possible
As an aside, if people could list their availability in GMT, that would help me avoid making any mistakes (as that's where I live currently). I'm leaning towards Friday if only because I can stay up later then to help accommodate people in the CST timezone (which I think is six hours behind me), but that's not a firm answer just yet.

9 pm GMT on Friday
3pm GMT on Sunday
530 pm cst, Monday through friday, all weekend otherwise though regular hours help so I can make sure not to plan anything then or can do errands before or after.
Alright, good to see a fair amount of interest.

As an aside, if people could list their availability in GMT, that would help me avoid making any mistakes (as that's where I live currently). I'm leaning towards Friday if only because I can stay up later then to help accommodate people in the CST timezone (which I think is six hours behind me), but that's not a firm answer just yet.

It might be to your benefit to set up a Doodle. It will adjust for timezones.
Hi yes hi and yes I'm still generally available for this; as a rule of thumb I'm available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for the whole day. Tuesdays and Fridays I have to be ready for work by about 9PM GMT; if we run on those days I need the sessions to be finished comfortably before then, or I can't make it. Saturdays are a no-go, I'm available all day Sunday.

Right now I'm looking to run a Crane courtier.

Also just a general PSA to everyone filling out the survey, the correct answer to the final question is: MANTIS BOIIIIII


I could probably try for a rework of Miyu maybe--or alternately, pull out that maximum woobie of a Scorpion Shugenja that I brainstormed a while back before that game died.

Especially since I'm not working as much as I used to thanks to us being more-or-less up to strength again.

Or my Daidoji Harrier if I want to go misfit Crane. Huh.
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Alright, good to see a fair amount of interest.

As an aside, if people could list their availability in GMT, that would help me avoid making any mistakes (as that's where I live currently). I'm leaning towards Friday if only because I can stay up later then to help accommodate people in the CST timezone (which I think is six hours behind me), but that's not a firm answer just yet.

Iirc, my best timing moving forwards works out to about 12pm GMT?
Central is GMT-6, I believe...so I'd be available at 12:00 GMT. I should probably work things out with my gf just to make sure I can do Fridays.

Oh, and since nobody's chosen one, I have changed my concept to Shugenja, clan to be determined.
I'm likely to have copious amounts of free time in the future, so I may well have more time available than not. I'm operating under AEST, but am used to staying up late into the morning and otherwise keeping ungodly hours. Monday or Thursday evenings (GMT) would probably be best for me I think, but I guess it'd depend on the specifics.

As for what I'd like to play, preferably either a Phoenix Shugenja or a warrior from any of the Scorpion, Crane or Dragon clans. I'm pretty flexible, really.
Uh I guess my free days at this point are mostly Friday my time from about oh let's call it 7 pm GMT and onward (I am on PST time)
Would probably play a Dragon bushi.
OK so going down the list of people who have expressed interest and actually given me availability times...

@horngeek is largely available between 12-4pm GMT+1, much which is what we currently have (as I just realised I'm technically in GMT+1 due to daylight savings). No expressed preferences for day.
@Fernandel is flexible on times (being on CET, same as I am right now) but cannot make Wednesdays or Thursdays.
@NormalSightMan is available after 6pm CST on the weekdays, and is more flexible on the weekends (but cannot do Sunday evening). This puts him six hours behind me.
@Winged Knight is available most days save Thursday, and has fluctuating availability over the weekend. I know he's American, so I'll assume ~6 hours behind me.
@Mina can do Fridays after 4pm CST or Sunday after 10am CST, again six hours behind me.
@whydoyoubother is one hour ahead of me and is fine with most evenings, preference expressed for Fridays
@shinaobi is available Mon, Wed and Thurs all day, needs to finish comfortably before 9pm GMT on Tues and Fri.
@LastChronicler finds Monday and Thursday evenings GMT-time to be easiest.
@gman391 would find Friday easiest at around 7pm GMT onwards.

Hmm. Tricky, in that I'm pretty sure there's no one time slot that works for everyone here. I'll have to have a think about this and see what we can do.