Recent readers

Cross-posting this one as is from Questionable Questing from my account there KitsuneObsessedFreak. I don't think the main chapters are too lewd for this site, konsidering I've made sure not to include anything explicit in the main chapters, but if you wan't the horny, unfortunately you'll have to search me there. The omake's I have for this one that provide kontext and lewds are there, but ultimately not needed to enjoy the story as is.

Just for a heads up though, all the characters directly involved in relationships with Taylor including Taylor herself are aged up to a minimum of 17 years old for the sake of my own conscience and sanity, and that has in universe ramifications, since gold morning hasn't happened yet and Taylor is already 18 herself by the time the story gets going into any lewdness on QQ though the actual year remains 2011.

The bullying campaign, for one, has gone on much longer, and Taylor didn't trigger from the locker incedent.

There are a lot more changes I've made to this, so it is extremely AU. If you bother me about how something can't happen in canon, or how something isn't realistic, or other such SpaceBattles Archredditor level behaviour, I'm just going to press the block button so I don't have to read that.

I don't have the time to read comments telling me I can't write a certain way, or that I must change some aspects of my story.

If you don't like that? I trust you can find the back button.

If someone is holding you hostage and forcing you to read? First, omg are you okay? Second, please call the cops. That ain't cool.

Anyway, hope you enjoy~
Businees Floof 01 New


(Lover of all things Foxy)
Your Imagination
Legend of Daji: The Business Floof

Or Kitsu got mad that all the good foxxo Taylor fics were dropped, and decided to pull a Thanos.​

Disclaimer: There will be lewd omakes in the QQ version, so head there if you're horny and just want seggs.

Also, this is a Sequel Spinoff for a story I wrote with @Crystalwatcher on QQ. If you want to read that first, go ahead, but I'm both not legally allowed to link you to The Holy Lance's Emotional Support Floof because it's very lewd and graphic, and it is not actually necessary to read it to enjoy this one.

Other than that? Not actually that much to warn you about besides mild violence, foxes being foxes, and dragons geniunely being both decent parents for some odd reason, and terrifying enemies for more obvios ones. Just don't be a dick and I won't ignore you from my threads yeah?

Anyways, I hope you enjoy~


"Oya? What do we have here?" A strange voice called out to a young woman trapped within the depths of her mind. "You can open your eyes you know? I won't bite~" She claimed, her voice oddly playful and teasing despite her current situation.

Repress. She didn't need a meltdown right now.

Taylor Hebert, the unlucky target of a long, drawn out bullying campaign that lasted all the way into her senior years of high school took a deep breath — absently noting that it was clean and free of filthy obstructions — before opening her eyes to greet the stranger. The very foxy stranger.

Light pink hair done up in a fancy tie of some sort, generous curves complemented by a dark dress with designs simply made to attract attention from any onlooker to strategic areas. It was clear that this woman knew her appeal, and was using it effectively to hide just how dangerous she truly was.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" she asked her apparent kidnapper, now brutally aware of her own situation. After all, if this cape wanted her dead, she already would be, so she might as well see if she could learn more about her. She had even cleaned her up a bunch by the looks of it, so she clearly had some plans for her.

"Hmm? Well, who I am isn't that important right now, but if you need a name? I guess you could refer to me as the Daji of another world? Or something along those lines at least." The pink haired woman claimed with a swish of her ridiculously fluffy tail. Seriously, foxlike tails shouldn't be that cute on a fully grown woman. It was a crime against her already fragile sanity.

Wait a minute. Something important was said just a moment ago. "Another world? You mean like Earth Aleph?"

"Something like that~" Daji giggled at her with a small, but dangerous smile. "As for what I want from you? Nothing much really. Just become an anchor for me in your world in case I need to run away from home, and use my power to build yourself a little empire of your own for my amusement." That sounded pretty tough, depending on what her powers were. Was she some sort of power granting trump?

It didn't add up, so she needed to know more before she could commit to anything. It was obvious what she needed to ask as well, so she decided to start from the most important. "What happens if I say no? What if I'm not qualified to do it?"

The woman narrowed her eyes and let out a bark of laughter. It wasn't a nice sound at all. "What makes you think you have a choice?" The woman asked her with a hint of malice in her tone. "You would have died back there with those wanna be Nazis, covered in trash and refuse and left to rot. I already used my power on you to save you and fix you back up, so if you refuse I'll just replace you entirely with a copy of myself instead."

Well then. Wasn't that terrifying. At least she showed her true colors finally? Taylor shivered at the thought of what her dad would feel, her body being used as a mindless puppet by some horrifying Master/Trump.

"What's stopping you from doing it anyways?" Taylor asked with a hint of worry coloring her tone. She was absolutely terrified of this strange cape, and it was hard to keep from passing out from her own hyperventilation.

"Honestly, nothing. But keeping your soul intact instead of devouring it like a tasty little morsel will mean it can grow beyond my current limitations, and if I do a bit of patching up with bits and pieces cast off of my own where yours is currently worn down, you can become something utterly unique and interesting to watch from afar." She smirked, approaching with slow, predatory steps. "Besides, my Original and her Husband from my Earth would be very pleased with me if I shared my power with you and helped you grow into it a little more with a tiny boost, and would most definitely reward me for providing my NFF Services to you as well."

"Oh." Taylor said with a small squeak, looking down at her feet unconsciously as she realized that she could very well be stepping in a metaphorical minefield of fuckery she really didn't want to know about. If it would keep the crazy cape from turning her into a meat puppet though? She would definitely make note of it for later.

"Yes, Holy Lance is quite keen on having my Original reward me for good behavior, and her Emotional Support Floof is more than willing to provide me with anything I desire back home as long as I follow her rules and support her husband's goals and ensure their continued health and wellbeing." The pink fox woman explained, a hint of mirth shining clear in her golden eyes behind her rectangular glasses as she leaned in close. Why was she getting so close? What was she trying to do?

Daji kissed her on the forehead, imparting a strange sensation directly into her mind, a power of sorts flowing deep within her core. Her body began to tingle all over before settling down with a strange feeling of warmth and power suffusing every part of her body.

A moment passed. And then two. Then, after the third, she inhaled sharply as a brand new tail erupted from the end of her spine, her body shifting to match the woman before her exactly. She was most definitely worried that she had been tricked somehow, but the knowledge that the woman had also imparted with her brief moment of contact pointed out that they had been in physical contact the entire time, and that yes, this really was just a mental representation of a chat between their minds —their souls, the imparted knowledge corrected her again — and she was filled with a sense of hunger she never knew was possible.

A hunger so deep and foul that she thought she would even be capable of consuming a single challenger meal in one sitting. It was too much for her.

And then it wasn't, and her body felt fine once more. Strange, but she knew better than to complain to Daji's face. Especially when it was benefitting her in some way.

"Hmm. That will have to do for now," the fox woman said with a small smile on her glistening pink lips. "Now go on my young fox-child, wake up and enjoy your new life~"

"What the —" She began to say as a tail that was glowing with all the power of the sun reached out and snatched the Parahuman away, the sheer brightness causing her to wake up with a startled yelp.

"Fuck!" She put her hand to her chest in an attempt to feel her racing heartbeat and calm herself, only to find herself grasping her much larger chest with a startled gasp. Her breath did not slow from there as she stumbled out of her bed, making her way over to her mother's old mirror in the corner of her bedroom so she could get a better look at herself.

Oh. What the hell? "Why am I hot now?" Taylor asked herself, eyes roaming over her much improved physical form. She was still rather tall, but where she was once mildly flabby and flat chested, she found she had serious muscle definition and a pair of breasts that seemed to defy all laws of physics just to exist on her chest.

They looked to be well beyond any standard bra size that she would be capable of affording, she noted as she hefted them in both hands, teasing them and playing with her much more sensitive chest to allow their existence as a part of her to fully register. They also felt really good to play with, and looked amazing when she pressed them together a little and made a little kissy face in the mirror.

And that was yet another change. Where her previous face could at the most generous be called wide and expressive, or more realistically manly and thin-lipped, her new face was sharp, feminine and featured full, naturally ruby red lips that gave off the impression that she could and would devour you in one bite if you looked tasty enough.

This wasn't helped by her much sharper teeth with very real fangs, or her now natural amber eyes with the pupils set into slits like that of some sort of demonic beast. Nor was it helped at all by the tall vulpine ears with cute white fluffy balls protecting the insides settled atop her head.

As she looked over her body, she realized that she was most definitely not top heavy, as most of the actual adjustments had gone to upgrading her butt into something straight out of every male fantasy about the female body ever, with it being both large and firm, but with quite a lot of bounce to it, which would appeal to anyone who viewed it no matter the angle.

Even her thighs had been sculpted by that fox, as it looked more as if they were meant to be used to suffocate and crush any bed partner she was to gain ever than they were to have any other use. She could likely crush a man's head between her thighs by accident if she wasn't careful!

On top of this, her newest addition was a rather skittish tail with the coloration and fur pattern to match her long, wavy black hair that didn't seem to like staying still long enough for her to look at it properly despite her best efforts. "No. Stay still you little," she told it as she spun on the spot, trying to grab her tail properly to get a better look at it, if only so she knew how she was going to take care of the cheeky little thing.

Before she could get a hold of herself and get her clothes on for the day, her father opened the door with a worried expression, standing shocked as he blearily took in her very naked and foxy, but still apparently recognizable form. "Taylor! Are you o- huh?"

Her exact response to this was rather simple, but also rather telling. She internally both preened and cringed at her father being so distracted by her body that he couldn't help but pause and need a moment to reset, yet she also knew if she didn't say something that this would turn south rather fast.

So she said the first thing that came to mind. "Hey uh, dad. Can you come back in like, five minutes? I'm still processing the fact that becoming a cape gave me tits and I kinda need to get dressed." The newest member of the vulpine family said with a small groan, covering her breasts with her hands as her tail moved to cover her lady bits.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. I'll just, um, go." He replied in an awkward voice, slowly retreating down the stairs to presumably make himself some coffee for the inevitable conversation they were about to have. At least he didn't freak out immediately, so she probably had a few minutes before he got worried and started calling the PRT to see what he could do to help her in his unfortunate panic.

Once he was fully down the stairs, she closed her door and sighed. She would have to find something that could fit her without immediately looking odd on her in case she needed to go anywhere.

A mental poke from the remnants that fox had left behind had her palming her face with a light groan. Of course shapeshifting meant clothes as well. Why wouldn't it.

Not that she had realized she could shapeshift before then, but since she did now, she put away her ears and tail with a bit of mild effort and concentration, and manifested a generic baggy hoodie and sweatpants on her frame that hid her changes well enough that she simply looked like she was holding her posture slightly differently, rather than had a massive tit-and-ass-job via liberal application of subconscious shapeshifting.

She soon realized that her power also let her form accessories, if it was either for the purpose of disguising herself, or for making herself more appealing to those she was targeting. Though she only noticed this after she reached out to grab her glasses and put them on, only for an identical pair to form on her face as if they had always been there.

"Huh, okay." She muttered to herself absently as she opened her door and made her way downstairs with swift and silent steps. Hopefully it wouldn't be an issue that she was a bit more quiet than he was used to when she moved, she wouldn't want to startle him.

Her father took a few moments to look up from the open phone book and wave her over to take a seat beside him as she approached, a hot kettle of water boiling for her tea. Making her way over to the stove first, she pulled the kettle off the burner and poured the hot water into her cup, placing the prepared tea leaves into the clear mug afterwards so she could watch them settle to the bottom while she chatted with her father.

Yes, she was aware this wasn't how you were supposed to drink tea, but she had been doing it this way since she could remember, and it was a very soothing routine for her. Her mother had taught her this as a way to relax during early childhood after all.

Once she sat down, her father chuckled at something as he looked at her face. Was she really that funny?

"Are you sure you don't want to take some more time to redo your makeup after you finish that? I can wait if you need a half an hour or so." He asked her with a hint of a strange smile. It was almost as if he was trying to put off the conversation to give him more time to relax.

"I haven't put on any makeup since mom…" She looked down at her cup of tea in a slight depression at the topic. At least her father understood fully, and didn't say anything until she was ready to speak again.

After a while, she finally decided to say something. "So, I became a cape." she said lamely.

"Yeah. I can see that," Her father claimed with a small groan. After a moment of pause, he looked her straight in the eyes, almost begging her to answer his next question for his own peace of mind. "What I want to know is what you plan to do now that you have powers."

Taylor hesitated for a minute, before a slight nudge from the shard of Daji that she housed within her soul pointed out the most desirable option out of the many paths laid out before her. "I could approach the Dockworkers Union as a new hire looking for administrative work, who just so happens to be a cape that can summon guns and minions?" Taylor asked her father with a tilt of her head. "It would at least be a better option than getting forcibly conscripted by a gang, and would give me a bit of legitimacy, without needing me to get involved in cape politics, and I'd be able to help out the next time the Empire Eighty-Eight decide to try something?"

"No. I can't put you at risk like that Taylor, you know that." her father claimed with a sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose as he pulled his glasses off. Shaking his head for a moment, he put his glasses back on and picked up the phone book. "I'll call the PRT, you'll be safer in the Wards."

Taylor might have normally yelled at him for this. After all, she had nearly been beaten to death by wannabe gangsters because Emma Barnes had paid them to kill her. This was also not long after the incident with the locker that she barely avoided by being sick that day, only for the Janitor to notice and call the health authority rather than clean it up himself.

He had made the right call, but the school was reopened in a week, and he was blamed for the mess himself, apparently somehow being labelled as a Parahuman villain at first, and then the minion of one after, despite them having later found no proof of such. It was clear that the PRT and her school were both hiding something after that, or else incredibly incompetent, and she wanted no part in such things.

But she had Daji's instincts tapping her on the shoulder with a bit of a grin, wagging her tail at Taylor's inner self as she pointed her to a way to make an absolute critical hit here without doing any of the work herself. So she followed her lead.

"Do you really believe that the Wards are the best option here dad?" Taylor asked her father in her most disappointed tone. She knew that if she said it like that, and let him think on it for just a moment, he would soon realize exactly what was wrong with it.

"… No. You're right," Danny sighed, allowing himself a deep breath to recover from almost making a grievous mistake. "But what other options do we have at the moment?"

Taylor flipped to the page with the Dock Workers Union's number advertised in plain print. "If we come up with a plan of action here, and have me start looking around in my cape persona for legitimate work as a secretary or something, I can be nearby where you can see me at all times, and I can help protect you as well while I do so." She claimed with a business like smile. "It wouldn't even be necessary for me to fight anyone directly, and if the PRT try to claim I'm using my powers for work, I can point out that my powers are combat focused, and thus generate paperwork, not help complete it."

"… No. That wouldn't work." Danny claimed with a small sigh, massaging at his temples as he began to double down. She could see it coming already, and she knew he was going to lock in at this point, having already made his final decision.

"For one, if the Union was caught working with a parahuman, the gangs would use that as an excuse to muscle in on our 'territory' which would put you at an unnecessary risk," He began to build stream, convincing himself more and more that his way was the only way forwards. "You'd be safer in the Wards, the Protectorate and PRT have contingencies in place to keep the kids safe from harm." He claimed, completely ignoring that the only reason that the wards were still alive was because they didn't get sent into merchant territory, and that they had panacea on call to patch them up every time they nearly died in the line of fire.

This was also ignoring the fact that the Empire specifically didn't openly go after young capes where they could be caught, so no one could admit it outright when someone was grievously wounded by a gunshot when off duty even if it did happen. He was even completely disregarding her desire to protect him and make sure he was safe, to keep herself safe in the process, and instead opted for the option that would one-hundred percent see her either birdcaged after power testing from a kangaroo court if she so much as twitched, or end up with her directly in harms way and sent far away from anyone she actually wanted to help at this point because of some political crap from the local Asian gang for being too foxy.

And since he already had the cordless phone in hand and was ignoring her now, Taylor decided discretion was the better part of valor. If he wanted to ignore the wellbeing and safety of his only daughter, knowing full well her mother would have slapped him for it, then it was no longer safe there. She wouldn't even have time to pack her bags.

Oh god. This was really happening wasn't it? Her father had finally abandoned all reason and decided to side with the very people that her mother was so heavily against — that she was reasonably sure were the cause for her current troubles in life — and try to force her down a path that would put her in active danger to assuage his own worries, without doing a hint of research on the subject himself.

Her mother had warned him about this! How could he forget her words so easily?!

Well, she was already out the door and down the street before the first ring, and he didn't even seem to notice. Maybe she could use her powers and knowledge given to her by Daji to help her hide in plain sight and not be immediately captured and taken into custody by the people that may very well just ship her off, never to be seen again?

It was worth a shot at least. No one would be looking for a sexy Asian woman in her mid-twenties working at a Chinese restaurant doing finances and taking orders, right? Shapeshifting was a most wonderful tool indeed.

Now she just needed to find a place like that to hide in, and not get caught immediately or worse. No pressure.

At least things couldn't get any worse.



Holy crap. This is a thing now. But yeah, basically I got mad that all the good foxxo Taylor fics die young, and decided to pull a Thanos. Because fuck it, I'll do it myself.

And unlike the vast majority of my previous fics, this both has multiple people I can call on to beta read, and is not a collab in the slightest, so if one person is busy, and I have the energy for this fic at fucking 2am in the morning, I can just grab one of the buddies who is actually awake, and drag their asses into vc to work on this. I've also been practicing writing without chatting with people in vc, so I should be more able to work on my fics without relying on people to talk to about it live in the future.

Hopefully that works out.

This is a spiritual successor to Dreaming of Foxfire by Thanatanos and Yip Yip, Mikon~! By Lunahaile, which seems to be going well and may or may not have an offshoot story later. I would like to a see a possible New Wave confusion scene about a mostly non-combatant cape that doesn't seem to be a thinker to them.

Kitsu: Yup~! And it would honestly be pretty cool for that to happen at first, because Taylor isn't planning to get into combat at all, but she is going to be dragged into it against her will multiple times.

: Which with Koyan's strengths she will be more than capable of finishing those fights.

Kitsu: Very much so.

So yeah! Remember, if you want to see more ESF, you can kontact me to chat with me and crystal and help konvince our konpanion to write more Floof with me kon kon, buy offering him a bit of money to hoard in his dragon shrine, or by giving the foxxo money to give to the dragon for his dragon shrine.

My Ko-fi is set up and ready for those who wish to help out, and the rest of my supporter links are up on my signature, so have fun with those if you want! Patreon is fucky as hell though, so please use Ko-fi if possible, or just my Throne.

By the way, if you really want more, and @Crystalwatcher decides not to join in in the future, I'll still make more of it for you if you commission me for ESF omake or chapters btw. It will just be very much you paying me to write what Crystalwatcher and I think would be fun for this one, since it's an ongoing story if you want canon chapters. Omake and spinoffs are fair game though~

(Keep in mind, ESF will remain on QQ, because it is inherently lewd, and like, 90% of this is targeted towards my readers there. I'm just too lazy to properly edit the Ko-fi plug atm when I'm not sure if my story will be accepted here yet.)

Thank you very much and have a blessed day~
Business Floof 02 New
Legend of Daji: The Business Floof 02

The shenanigans are only just starting.

Let's see what this Kitsu can cook for you, yes?​

It had been just over a month since Taylor had left her father's home. One month since she had to flee in the hopes that she wouldn't either be conscripted against her will, or immediately birdcaged for her abilities. Exactly thirty days since she learned that her father was too steeped in his own depression to properly consider the consequences of his actions.

And now she was working at a high class tea shop as an on-demand tea brewer, who would go to you at work to cater to all your tea brewing needs. Not something she expected to be doing with her powers, but the knowledge granted to her by Daji seemed to help a lot more than she had ever expected in areas she had no idea existed beforehand.

Case in point, the fact that apparently Lung had caught wind of her tea brewing, financial, and administrative skills, and was hoping to make use of them for himself for a while. That was quite worrying, if she was being blunt, especially since he had sent Oni-lee to collect her, rather than simply calling her or sending a business associate of his to work with her.

This meant that he was suspicious of her. That he had reason to believe that she was a Parahuman.

How incredibly unfortunate for her. She wouldn't exactly be able to flee either, because he had contacts and informants throughout all levels of the government and local cape scenes, in every single state.

Crossing the border to Canada wouldn't help either, as that would bring her to Heartbreaker's attention. She was pretty sure that she wasn't immune to being Mastered, so she didn't want to try her luck there.

Besides that, this was actually a major business opportunity. Something that filled her with an odd sense of happiness that she didn't know she could feel, simply for the potential prospect of using humans as tools to make money and gather resources for her to play with.

Who knew the thought of earning money and moving up in life could be so fun? Certainly not her.

"Come, Lady Usagi. You don't want to keep Lung waiting." One of the serving staff outside the room interpreted for Oni-Lee, as if she couldn't understand his broken, half-remembered Japanese that he insisted on speaking no matter what. It was almost insulting to her, but she had to forcibly remind herself that she wouldn't know any other languages than English if it wasn't for Daji spoon feeding them to her brain while she drip fed part of her own soul into Taylor's like it was some sort of life support system.

"Yes yes~ I'm coming dear customer~" She replied with a lighthearted tone, doing her best to draw upon the persona that Daji had offered up to her so freely. It was almost a shame that she was as nervous as she was about this, because she would have to be as neutral and calm appearing on the outside as possible not to set him off, according to what she had heard of him. He might even decide to forcibly take her right then and there, and she likely would not be able to resist him, lest she be immediately found out.

She might be strong, but she wasn't confident in her chances to take on the entirety of Brockton Bay and Lung at the same time. She was not stupid, no matter what the trio liked to make her out to be in school.

The door to the office of the single most powerful Parahuman in Brockton Bay opened as she approached, and she was quick to bring in the tea-cart with all the required ingredients and tools she would be using that day, hoping to forget her past for a moment or two while she worked. It was better to live in the present anyways.

"Good morning, Dear Customer," Taylor began with a smile and a light bow, doing her best to keep up her persona as Lady Usagi, the tea host. "Would you like to partake in one of our freshly prepared herbal tea selections to start, or will you just be having Matcha today?"

"I will have a Jade Dragon tea, and my Lieutenant will have a Matcha with two scoops of Fireweed Honey." The massive man seated at the opposite and of a beautiful mahogany desk ordered with a neutral tone, a special half mask covering his face to allow him to drink respectfully as he did his business. With all the rich, luxurious carpeting and priceless dragon themed tapestries around the room, it was clear that at the very least, he didn't expect her to be enough of an issue that he would need to use his powers. That was a very good sign.

He was a well known collector of Asian cultural artifacts, many of which were in this room. If these were lost in one of his rampages, she knew he would attempt to hunt her to the ends of the earth in retaliation. That fact alone meant it was both a show of trust that he would meet her there, and a warning not to cause trouble for him in his lands.

Taylor nodded, working her knowledge to brew them the exact beverages they wished for with a polite smile, readying herself for any further requests they might have. It wouldn't be very wise of her to leave before they were satisfied after all.

Lung sipped at his tea with a small smile, indulging himself in the aroma as he enjoyed the warm, calming beverage. Once he had finished his cup, he put it down, and motioned for her to sit in the plush leather chair opposite him with a satisfied sigh.

"Lady Usagi. Your tea reminds me of home." Lung rumbled as she took a seat in front of him, allowing herself to sit in a way that would entice him, by some instinctive desire that Daji had imparted into her.

"I will be blunt. I wish to make use of your skills in tea making and business management for myself, and I will be doing so," the dragon of Kyushu claimed with the utmost assurance in his tone. He brokered no argument, no way to back out or refuse his deal even if she wanted to, but she could hear the respectfulness and the level of trust he was offering her with every word he spoke. "I am going to ask you only once before I draw up the contract. What are your powers?"

There were many paths she could take here; many ways to explain or mislead about her own abilities. But she knew that if she was to be dishonest here, he would never trust her again. Not with the level of trust he had extended her first in consideration for her.

She only had one chance, and she would use it wisely. "I summon armies." Taylor claimed with a small sigh. "They may be thematically appropriate for one that could claim to be the successor of Daji, but yes. I summon armies, and the weapons needed to arm them."

Lung nodded, and allowed her to pour him and Oni-Lee some more tea to give them all time to collect their thoughts. Once they were finished their second cup, he placed his back on the table once more and looked at her with something akin to a draconic grin.

"Then if you claim to be the successor to Daji, show me your army, and your true form. We will need to see it if we are to work together properly, after all." He stated, gesturing for her to be his guest — to show him exactly what she had to offer.

And so she did, lining the office walls with various fluffy beings, all carrying weapons from across time and space. From Nekomata to Inugami, Okami to Kitsune and even Tanuki and Kamaitachi, all of them wielding weapons of mass devastation. Not one of them held a weapon unsuited to their build, nor did any of them flinch when inspected.

Though their attention was drawn to her once more, as her tall vulpine ears twitched, and her tail curled up over her hands across her lap, enticing them with her adorable softness. "Is this to your liking, dear customers?" She asked, allowing herself to seem eager to please them, keeping up her persona for not just her own sake, but theirs as well.

After all, if the sound she heard from the open window nearest her was any indication, they were being watched. By a Thinker.

But for now, she would simply have one of her minions close the window and blinds after she gained his permission, because it might just be someone he had hired. No need to cause a fuss and have him remove all this culture from his possession. It would also look really bad on her end for not mentioning it as soon as she heard it, unless she justified it later by saying they were still being watched, and she didn't know if it was one of his people or not.

Well, at least if it didn't work out with the dragon, she might have another gang she could potentially take over from the inside? It would be worth a try at least, if nothing else worked out.

"Welcome to the ABB, Daji. We hope our relationship will bring us all great fortune." Lung said with a grin, holding out a black temporary membership card of some sort and waving her off. "Now go enjoy yourself in the casino for the rest of the night." And as he said that, a woman walked in with a young child, who rushed over to him with happy giggles, bringing a smile to even Oni-Lee's face. "I must tend to my family, so I cannot join, but Lee can bring you to those he still remembers."

And with that sudden realization and mental bomb dropped on her, Oni-Lee walked with her out of the room and into the VIP lounge, bringing her to speak with some of the older crew. This was going to be very interesting, she could tell.

Hopefully it wouldn't be too awkward?


"Oh fuck, we are so dead." Lisa groaned, looking into the building they were supposed to be assaulting that very night and relaying the details to Brian and the rest of the team directly as they looked in. "If that woman so much as catches a whiff of us nearby, we won't have to worry about dealing with Lung, because we're already dead. It would only be a matter of time at that point."

The skull masked power nullifier nodded his head, grunting lightly as he took in some special instructions from their mutual employer. 'Doesn't believe you. Will beat you if you don't comply. Is willing to—' she cut her power off because she knew exactly where that was going.

"She has enhanced senses, and all of her minions do as well. If you don't kill her outright she will just keep sending minions at us to track us down until we can no longer fight back or even run away," she groaned, massaging her temples as the moron she had to deal with for a team leader did his best to drive them all to death at the behest of their boss. She really didn't want to die, and she knew exactly how close they were to toing that line that very second.

Still, she took another peek into the building, watching as she suddenly grew a really fluffy tail and a somewhat cute pair of ears. 'Is fluffy. Is fox. Is cute. Wants meat. Feed the fox the right meal, and you'll gain a friend.'

… That last one was oddly specific. But very interesting. What could she feed her to get her on her side, though?

"Boss wants you to try to recruit her. Or at least pump her for information," Brian claimed with a grunt, patting her on the shoulder as he turned to leave. "A car will come pick you up to get changed into more appropriate clothes."

Alec was quick to comment afterwards, holding up his bag with the change of outfits to his cape costume over his shoulder, giving her a casual wave as he left. "If you cheat, don't get caught. I will never let you live it down if you do."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence." Lisa shrugged, knowing by now that this was simply how Alec was. It was about as close to him reassuring her that it was pretty easy for her to pull off as she was going to get.

At least Bitch wasn't there for this. She didn't understand the words change of plans or non combat mission. That would have been a nightmare to resolve.

Once they all left, she sat down and waited for her ride, hoping that they also brought her some scent masking equipment. She had sent a text to her boss to make sure, but she hadn't received a response back.

Perhaps it was better to see if there was an opening on the fox's team instead? She could play it as an infiltration if coil asked, and then slowly turn her on the man.

Well, it was worth a shot.



This chapter is unbeta'd and unedited, but I had inspiration at 4am in the morning, and I wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

I'm having a bit of a commission sale to celebrate back to school for those who are interested by the way.

September 2024 all month, for every 100cad of words, you get a bonus 50 words if you give it via my throne and talk to me on my discord, with screenshots. The details are on my Kitsu's Club Discord including the links to support me, so sign up and come chat with me there~!

I might make a poll once my story is in it's own thread by the way, so we can discuss what you would like to see me offer on my subscription tiers in the meantime~

(Again, this is a repost from QQ. Expect things to be mentioned explicitly for QQ)

Well, hope your day goes well, and enjoy the rest of the summer!
Business Floof 03 New
Legend of Daji: The Business Floof 03

Aka "Well that escalated real fast."​

When Seka had woken up that morning with a grade A hangover and a bottle of rum sitting beside her in her lab, she wasn't sure what the hell she had been thinking trying to work while drunk.

She had a dozen bodies around her in various states of exploded, dead, or in massive amounts of pain, and she knew it was all her fault for letting the stress get to her. After a moment or two to consider what she'd done, the bomb tinker groaned. "Fuck. Shit. I can't let them know that this wasn't intentional. They'll think I'm weak, or worse, stupid!"

Looking at the ones that were still alive, she became intimately aware that even if panacea were to fix their bodies, their minds had already collapsed from the pain. It would be better off for them to just be put out of their misery at this point. "Shit… I'm sorry for this, but it's better than living through that shit until your heart gives out."

She hefted her silenced Glock, and pulled the trigger several times, ending the lives of her loyal minions for the first time. The shots echoed in her ears, even silenced as they were, and she felt the sickness from her hangover and the brutal execution of her favorite helpers hit her at the same time.

Barely making it to the on-site washroom in time, she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet, crying to herself until she could cry no more. If Lung found out about this, she was going to die. If Oni-Lee found out about this, she would need to talk fast to get him on her side.

She had no other options left. It was either go all in, or completely fold, and she knew to lose was to lose her life.

What would her mom say? Oh god, what would her mom do? She would disown her for what she had to do, but it was better than her deciding to off herself because she had done something stupid and got herself killed, right?

"Yeah, better for her to hate me than to be dead." Seka grunted, pulling herself together for the time being. She would need to project confidence, a sense of assurity in her actions that she knew she didn't have. Something that she — her phone rang from her breast pocket, interrupting her thought.

Clearing her throat, she answered it with a tone that implied she was busy and not to be disturbed. "Yeah? Whaddya want?" she asked the person on the other end of the line, her Boston accent slipping out by mistake in her rush to end the call.

"Bakuda. I will be recruiting a new member to our organization today." The gravelly tone of the head boss growled out over the shitty phone speaker. "I want you to be prepared to welcome her, as I feel she will work best with you and some of your men to protect her."

"What is she, some kinda thinker? Don't she have something she can use to protect herself?" She gritted out, not quite trusting herself with such an important job… not after she had literally just fucked up.

"Not that I am aware of yet, but she may." The bossman allowed, giving her a bit more confidence that she could at least keep the woman far away from her labs and still keep her relatively safe. She would just have to make sure that any of the equipment she gave those men would not be able to be remotely triggered. For her safety.

"Alright. I'll be up there shortly," she told him, allowing him to hang up before she slumped to the floor. This was going to be a horrible day for her, she just knew it.


Okay. So Taylor had come to realize that this might have been a worse idea than she thought it would be.

So far the people she was introduced to did their best to avoid her gaze, gulped in fear if she got too close, and muttered about them being next if Bakuda found out about something or other. She wasn't quite sure who that was, but it might have been a hidden leader of some sort that was set up somewhere in the area she was currently walking on eggshells through.

There seemed to be some sort of silent agreement between the people working there not to speak to the scary fox lady. Or so she thought. Right up until Oni-Lee brought her to someone seated by the VIP poker table with a bright grin, raking in all of the money from the poor folks at the table. Folks who seemed to be deliberately losing to her for some reason or another.

"Alright! That's another win for me." The woman cheered with a tone so haughty that Taylor thought she must have been from an imperial line. None other than those who had been privileged their entire lives could be so utterly snobbish in her and Daji's experience.

The men around the table chuckled nervously, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Not one of them seemed to be able to relax around this woman in the slightest. Nobody wanted to set her off it seemed.

The Oni-masked gang member motioned her towards a chair, calling over one of the unfortunate VIP workers with a tilt of his head in her direction. He carried a case of golden, white, and blue poker chips over towards her with the look of someone about to be hung for some heinous crime.

"This is Seka. She will be your manager," Oni-Lee mentioned with a bland tone, as if he had no emotions left in his life to share with others. Just like all the previous times he spoke in his rough, broken Japanese. "Seka, this is Daji. She is new."

Once she had taken a seat and the chips were laid out in front of her, the slightly pale Asian woman seated directly across from her grinned with sharp teeth, looking as if she had just found herself some nice, juicy meat for her consumption. "Heh. You a new hire?" she asked Taylor, her face twisting into a somewhat sadistic smile for a moment before she dismissed it. Before she could respond, the spoilt Asian noble continued, a dark look of madness showing on her expressive face, "You know what? It doesn't matter. You'll be mine soon enough anyways."

Taylor paused, her mind processing the rather horrifying words out of the woman's mouth. Was she for real? With the emphasis and posture, the implications of what this Seka was saying were quite uncomfortable.

Taylor's tail twitched, various gun and beast designs flickering though her head in preparation for a fight. Things that could and would take her out entirely, leaving not a single trace of her behind if necessary. Though besides the agitation in her tail, she kept her body and face utterly neutral, bored even. If this woman was going to try to rile her up, she was going to do her best to not be seen as starting the fight in front of all these people.

Yes, Taylor was well aware by this point that something was up with that woman. She might even be a Master based on what she had said so far. That meant she was playing a dangerous game.

Taylor knew that she would need to be confident, but not arrogant. Playful and manipulative, but not overtly so.

This was the time for Daji to come out and play.

Thus, she began her scheme.


Once her ride had shown up, Seka was forced to threaten the men into silence, not sure how else to deal with such things. Oni-Lee seemed to approve, for as much as he was able to do so, but she was aware that the man was a former JSDF Spec-Ops Ranger that had been dishonorably discharged for loving explosions way too much.

He might not fully remember it himself, what with his early Dementia and Alzheimer's syndrome messing with his mind, but the fucker had apparently been top of his class in both ballistics and demolitions, so she was confident when she said he wasn't appreciating the deaths. No. He was appreciating the effects of her bombs, thankful that she put them out of their misery in the end with clean shots — like he taught her — and approving of the way she took charge.

It likely didn't matter to him that these men he did not remember died, because he didn't realize that they were his men that he sent to help her out. At the very least, he had the ability to follow orders exactly as they were told to him ingrained into his skull, not allowing for any deviations fro what he interpreted as the correct method of completing the goals Lung sent him out to achieve.

Seka would have to make note to find a way to cure him sooner, if only to keep herself safe. She might be able to trade some of her bombs for some of Cranial's tech right? It was worth a shot at least.

Still, when she found herself at the Ruby Dreams casino, Lung's pride and joy, she was quite pleased to be told she would be getting time in the VIP section while she waited. There, she could have as much fun as she wanted trying to play some of the various games they had in store for her, and maybe have a small drink to calm her nerves. Nothing big, but a shot or two to get rid of the foul taste in her mouth couldn't hurt right? Just a teensy bit.

With any luck, she might even win a buck or two. Ha! Wouldn't that be the day. She never won at these games.

Ah well. It was all on the boss' dime tonight anyways right? Might as well live it up before she died.


Lisa was terrified.

Correction. She wasn't really all that scared honestly. She was just incredibly worried that her sanity was going to snap from where she was seated at the table in the VIP section as once again, the mad bomb tinker drank yet another shot, and accidentally made a card explode in her hands.

Was it somewhat funny? Yes. Yes it was. Was it also very much a problem for her where she was seated beside the new fox woman, who seemed content to poke and prod at the sleeping bear every chance she got? Yes. It was.

"You know what?" the woman who had introduced herself as Daji asked with a small grin, seeming to have figured out the remainder of the cards in the deck this hand at right around the same time she had. "How about a little wager, just between the rest of us at the table."

Oh? What was she… 'Is horny. Offering cuddles and fluffing if she loses. Expects the bomb tinker to lose. Wants to force the bomb tinker to become her pet if she loses. Will split the cash with you. Is signaling you to play along.'

Well well well~ Lisa could get behind that. She wasn't gay, and didn't approve of such lewd things as headpats and handholding, but a hundred million bucks was a hundred million bucks. Even split two ways, that was a lot of money.

She patted the fluffy tail that had crossed into her lap to signal her agreement. This was going to be an experience.

"Alright. Whaddya have in mind?" The Bostonian Tinker asked with a shark-like grin. She couldn't believe that the woman was drunk enough to both drag her — a clear unknown — to the table as soon as she arrived, and believed that she was winning due to her own good luck rather than people letting her win out of fear from the exploding cards.

"How about this… If either of you win, I will offer my services for free for a month. But if I win, I will claim one of you as a pet for good, and give half of the money I earn from this to the other one." Daji offered, her fanged smile glinting in the golden light of the VIP room. Just as her power told her.

Lisa could sense that the tinker was dealing with something traumatic that happened earlier that day at her lab, and could tell that it was something she didn't expect to happen in the slightest. Unfortunately, she also couldn't bring herself to sympathize with someone who managed to drink so much that it caused something her power told her was a second trigger, which set it off arbitrarily when her men got to close to her drunk, sleeping form.

The men around muttered about it enough that she had all the details she needed to tear this woman's would apart if she so desired. But maybe the dark-haired fluffy woman had a better idea, that wouldn't result in ling coming down on their heads for destroying the various priceless paintings, wall scrolls, and other unique artifacts he kept here to remind him of his home. The only piece of his younger life that he could preserve for his family.

And wasn't that a trip. He had a daughter and a wife. Both very valuable pieces of information that she would be taking back to her boss so that he could attempt something with his men and end up killed. She wasn't stupid. If coil did something to Lung's family, he would just die. Outright.

You couldn't really hide in a bunker if the entire east coast was on fire by a raging dragon down to the bedrock after all. That would just be a dumb idea.

Still, she was getting ahead of herself. The game was still ongoing, and it was the fox's turn to show her hand.

Laying her cards down on the table, Daji claimed the highest hand with a Royal Straight Flush. The only hand left she could have gotten, due to how many cards were destroyed by the mad bomber.

The one that called herself Seka became red in the face as she realized she had the lowest hand there. Hers was a pair of twos, while Lisa had a straight. It was quite clear that she was embarrassed at her loss, and she seemed to be about to refute it when the foxy woman stood from her seat, making her way around the slightly burnt — but still gaudy — poker table with a predatory grace that was unseen in normal human beings.

"Well then, my little pet. Why don't we get you nice and acquainted with where you'll be staying from now on~" Daji breathed with a sensual moan, picking the blushing woman up by her shirt collar as she approached and planting a deep kiss on her lips.

What happened shortly following was a blur of embarrassed fumbling and OMG so lewd that she didn't want to touch with a ten foot pole, no matter what someone were to pay her. All she could say on the matter was that fluffy tails were indeed cute and pettable.


Kitsu: Well then. I had a plot for this one, I swear. It reached the same konclusion it was supposed to reach. Hell, it even started the same. But what the fuck happened in between that? My brain kinda just took off on me.

Is it good? I have no idea. Is it fun? Yes. Is it suitable for SV? Please do tell me, dear customers~

Ar nar. I think my brain died writing too much Koyan!Taylor and Not inherently evil! Bakuda.

Fungame2: Coming in and checking this mostly after the fact and finding a Bakuda not yet super crazy and Oni Lee being ex-military was really different and kinda fun! There was fuzzy brained ordering going on with the sections from Kitsu tho. All Hail the Floof Brain!

Kitsu: This is why real floofs ask for beta readers. In all seriousness though, yeah. I'm glad I have someone I can rely on.

Fungame2: Hey! If they want to stick their tail in a dark hole not knowing what's gonna happen that's their prerogative, if they get it crushed that's their fault. Definitely glad to be here to help.

Kitsu: Yarp! And yeah, I'm getting paid for this by Ruby the Devil Hunter now, so I'll be doing my best to pump out mass amounts of fun kontent for this in the future. You can also help keep me writing for you by joining my Discord and chatting with me, or by subscribing or donating to my Ko-fi, Patreon, Buymeacoffee, or Throne.

It will really help me in the long run if I can get more supporters, commissioners, and beta readers to make more unique types of kontent and learn what does and does not work for me in my career as an author. Even a small donation of a dollar once in a blue moon will help me get just that much more food and drink, and keep me that much more motivated to write what I have on my mind, because I'll see that yes, there are people that will support me.

And hey, if you want custom stories, my rates are hella cheap. I only charge 0.10 cad per word. That's ten words for a dollar Canadian! Subscribers on my higher tiers on my ko-fi and buymeacoffee also get this for even cheaper.

This has reached the three chapter mark, so I'mma give it it's own thread soon on QQ! Will also post elsewhere, but for now? Have fun.

(Again, repost from QQ. Finally done that for now. I'll let it sit for a bit while I write chapter 4 and see If I'll keep updating it here as well.
Business Floof 04 New
Legend of Daji: The Business Floof 04

In which Danny gets a call from a Dragon.​

Taylor didn't know what she was expecting when she finally got up the next day and was invited to breakfast with the main capes of the gang, but eating Chinese hotpot and sipping bubble tea while talking about cape taxes was not on the list of things she expected to be doing after essentially using her minions to bully a drunk Tinker.

And wasn't that a surprise. Apparently the woman wasn't a master, nor was she a striker. No. She was an Explosives Tinker. Or at least a tinker who could only make single use devices. They just tended to work better if they could explode.

At least she wouldn't have to work under Seka anymore?

"Daji, we will need to know your identity for tax purposes, even if you would rather not deal with such unpleasant things." Kenta rumbled from his seat at the head of the table, spearing a perfectly cooked piece of tofu with his fork, feeding it to his giggling daughter that sat happily in his lap. He seemed to understand that she was still reluctant to give out her past name, but he did want to push this a little for some reason or another. "I completely understand wanting to leave your past behind, but we need something we can use to create a proper identity for you if you wish to work with us."

A moment or two passed where he looked around the room with a stern eye, ensuring everyone was on the same page as him. He did not want to fuck around with this, based on how he held himself. "Remember the lessons we all learned from the American Gangster Al Capone."

"Uh. My ID card is still back with my Dad at his place, and I can't exactly go back there without him calling the PRT on me to try to force me into the Wards." Taylor mentioned with a sigh, hoping that it would be left at that. Her true personality was slipping through quite a bit, but she was a bit distracted by the piece of liver in front of her to pay full attention to it.

Also, it wasn't as though she thought that Kenta would really mind if she didn't want to bother her father about such things, but she was fairly sure that her father would raise a massive fuss if she showed up back at home with a major tan to her skin tone, a different shape and color to her eyes, and told him she needed her stuff back so she could move in with the bomb tinker, Seka Majima.

"Then we will simply send someone to retrieve it from him, and he can be thankful that you are safe and well, in a respectable job that will appreciate you for who you are." Kenta nodded at her, having made his decision on the matter. That might be an issue.

"So… If my dad isn't Asian, will that be a problem?" Taylor asked, cringing slightly at how she messed the delivery of her question up quite a bit. It made her seem a bit weaker than she would like, which was quite unfortunate in her mind.

In this case, however? It worked out wonderfully. Just not in the way she expected it to.

"My dad isn't Asian either," Seka claimed between mouthfuls of carrot and leek. "And I don't think anyone really cares about that here, to be perfectly blunt."

That was news to Taylor. Weren't they an Asian only gang?

"If you practice the culture, pay your dues, and respect other's way of life, you are Asian." Lung's wife, Mikoto, spoke up from where she sat just to his left. "It does not matter to any of us what color your skin is, or what country your ancestors are from. By helping keep the community alive and well, by allowing our culture to take root in your fields, you are accepting us as a people." The smile she gave Taylor was absolutely beautiful in that moment. "Why wouldn't we accept those that accept us so readily into their home?"

"You are the successor of a powerful Huli Jing. No one will contest your right even if this wasn't the case." Kenta pointed out to her, looking pointedly at her plate piled high with mostly Liver and Tofu along with some of the innards that she was happily munching on. Okay. So he may have had a point there.

Putting her chopsticks down for a moment, Taylor considered her response to him. She really didn't want to involve her father in such things, but she realized that at some point she was going to have to allow Kenta to meet her father either way, since she wanted to both protect her father and make use of the resources available to him.

"Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go speak with him — provided we call him first and he doesn't immediately contact the PRT to come down on our heads." Taylor agreed with a hint of reluctance in her wavering voice. Picking up her chopsticks again, she dipped it into the bowl in front of her and took out a piece of pig heart to chew on while she calmed herself.

She may have been wary and nervous about letting Lung meet her father, but her stomach eventually led her back to her food. Something told her that she would need to eat a lot more to replenish the something that was lost every time she made a minion or gun appear.

"Very well. I will call him as soon as we are done eating, and you will watch over my daughter in the meantime on the way to her school," Kenta demanded with the attitude of someone who did not believe anyone could resist the offer, patting his daughter on the head with a smug grin on his rough and gangster like face. "I trust this is acceptable?"

"Yeah, I can do that," Taylor nodded, a soft smile on her face as the kid clapped her hands and tilted her head with a sunny smile. Kenta's child was adorable, even if she didn't talk very often.

"Hey, fluffy!" Oh? Speak of the devil. "I'll tell you my name if you tell me your real one!"

Taylor found it difficult to resist. Not just because they needed to know either way and the girl was trying to help them out, but because the girl was just that cute.

With the entire group looking at her expectantly, Taylor sighed. They won. That small girl, with her big eyes and bright sunny smile was far too cute to simply ignore. And they needed to know to work with her either way.

"Alright kid. You win." Taylor sighed theatrically, allowing her playful side to emerge for a second. "My name is Taylor Hebert, but you may call me Madame Floof when I am guarding you."

"Heh. No. I'm going to call you Miss Fluffybutt." The girl giggled, not actually saying her name quite yet. Did she think that was going to distract her?

Luckily Kenta poked his daughter in the ribs lightly and spoke to her about it. "Anko, you should not tease our new companion so soon," he rumbled lightly, allowing a smile to show on his naturally gruff face. "You never know if she might decide to play tricks on you in revenge."

If that wasn't explicit permission to play pranks on everyone in the gang who displeased her she didn't know what was. She doubted she would get away with making his daughter cry with a prank, but she was literally just given carte blanche to get back at those who wronged her in a non-lethal manner, as long as it wouldn't cause lasting harm.

"Awww! Why did you have to give up my name so easily?" The young child asked with a mock pout, giggling to her father when he ruffled her hair. The kid was definitely cute, and there might be something more to it, but she wasn't sure quite what it was yet.

"Because your father wants young Taylor to feel comfortable around us." Her mother claimed with a fond smile.

"Oh, alright then." Anko nodded, finishing up her meal at the exact same time Taylor did so that she could time her approach. Once she had eaten the last piece of potato in her bowl and drank the soup, she looked at her father with a smile so bright that the sun shining through the windows seemed to dim.

Kenta finished the last bite of cooked pork in his bowl and drank the broth before sighing. Making sure to look everyone at the table in the eyes, he nodded once, and began to pack up his dishes into a single stack. "I will excuse myself to make the call now." He stated, adjusting his jacket as he left the table and letting the maids take care of the dishes left behind.

Oni-Lee — who had been done for quite some time — took that moment to nod and poof away, turning to ash in the process. Anyone who wasn't done before then were immediately done after that, when the ash covered the table.

"Lee! I told you not to spread your ashes at the dinner table!" Mikoto roared after him, proving that she was every bit a match for Lung as she took him to task while the rest of them cleared the room.

Perhaps it was a good time to get Anko ready for school?

Daniel Hebert was tired. He had gotten up just like every other day, brushed his teeth as was routine, ate a ham sandwich for breakfast on the way to work, and sat through most of a day at work, because that was what he was needed to do.

He did his best not to think about his daughter, he really did, but he was drawn back to thoughts about how he messed up so thoroughly that he drove her to run off to god knows where and leave him all alone. If he had been smarter, if he had just listened to her when she tried to explain how stupid of an idea it was to bring her to the PRT, he could have saved her from whatever horrible fate had befallen her that he didn't so much as hear a peep about a new fox cape in town for an entire month.

His daughter needed him and he had failed her. Just like everything else he did in life.

Looking towards the cabinet below his desk, his thoughts began to spiral further. Maybe he should jus—

The phone rang, interrupting his hand as it inched towards his final release, causing him to startle for a moment. He could at least take one last call, if only so that he wouldn't burden anyone.

Picking up the phone as it rang a third time, he adjusted his glasses and began to speak. "Dock Worker's Union, Daniel Hebert here…" Daniel said with a tone so dead that even he cringed at how he sounded.

"Mister Hebert. It will please you to know that your daughter has grown into quite the effective business woman, and is now under gainful employment with plenty of room for advancement." A deep rumbling voice told him from the other end of the line, as if he had been calling to check in with the parents of his employee on behalf of them for some reason or another.

Wait, what the hell?

"You — is she okay? Can I talk to her?" Daniel asked, his voice cracking lightly as he loosened his tie, suddenly not sure what to think even as a glimmer of hope dared enter his mind. This was insane, he was so sure that his daughter had run off and gotten herself —

"Yes, once she is back from dropping my daughter off at school for me, she and I will be paying a visit to the Docks to collect her identity forms for tax purposes, and to talk with you about potential opportunities that may arise from being connected with my company through young Taylor." The man claimed, giving the worried man the very life line he needed to make it through his day, whether knowingly or not.

Danny wiped the sweat off of his palms on his shirt. He was incredibly aware he looked like shit right now, and that he would need every single ounce of sobriety and calm he could muster when his daughter came over with her new employer, so he made note to raid the kitchens for an egg sandwich and a coffee once the call was over.

"Alright, I'll prepare a meeting room for when you two arrive," Danny nodded to himself, despite them not being able to see him do so. "I'll see the two of you soon?" He asked, a bit of hope coloring his voice for the first time in an entire month.

"Yes. However, we will be bringing along our contract lawyer to assist as well, since today is Onigiri day at the market, and his grandmother was going to send some with us for the meeting." The man rumbled good naturedly, as if sharing some sort of joke between them. "I have long learned not to say no to the local grandmothers. They will find a way to get back at you if you don't accept their gifts."

This was probably one of those things he wouldn't understand, so he just smiled lightly and agreed to his additions. "Okay. I'll go set that up now then so it will be ready when you arrive." Danny said, clicking his pen to note down the man's details. "Can I get your name and number so that I can call you later if necessary?"

"Of course. My number is one eight-hundred, four two six, five eight six four. You may call me Kenta." The man claimed from the other end of the line. For some strange reason he got the impression that the number was supposed to mean something, but it flew completely over his head in his relief that he would be able to see his daughter once again.

Noting down the name and number, his mood began to brighten. Things were looking up again, and he was going to do his damn best to make sure it stayed that way.

"Alright, I'll be seeing you shortly then?" Danny asked Kenta with a nervous smile he was glad the other man couldn't see. He was excited and worried in equal measure, but he was also incredibly relieved that his daughter would be coming to see him again soon.

"Yes, I'll be seeing you shortly." The man confirmed before hanging up the line on his end.

Wiping the tears of relief from his eyes, Danny blew his nose on a tissue from the box nearby, and sighed. "Better get moving," he told himself with a small but hopeful grin. "I'll have to call in for some extra tea and some donuts to be brought in for the meeting first though, Taylor would like that."

And so a depressed man was saved just in the nick of time by the local Yakuza. Not that Danny knew that at the time.

"Woooooo! You're the Best Miss Fluffybutt!" Anko yelled from her seat behind Taylor on the Suzuki Hayabusa as they sped along the shitty pot-hole ridden roads at speeds better suited for high speed motorcycle race tracks. She leaned back, head looking from side to side as her comically oversized helmet did it's best impression of a bobble head at everyone who looked at the duo.

"Hold on more tightly, I don't want you to fall off!" Taylor barked back at her, though she was already slowing down as she approached the school zone. The way her fluffy tail wrapped around her to keep her from falling off was so heavenly.

"Okay Miss Tenko~!" Anko giggled into the fluffy tail, enjoying the last few minutes of the ride to school. It really sucked that she couldn't keep Taylor there with her all day. It would be so much fun!

Unfortunately all good things would come to an end eventually — or so great granny liked to say, she wasn't really all that good at thinking deeply herself — and they came to a stop outside the school door. Her fluffy driver used her tail to pick her up and drop her on the ground nearby — though she could tell that the tail wanted to let her go even les than she wanted to leave — and Miss Fluffybutt gave her a slight look of some sort. Almost like she was going to miss her already!

Fluffy Taylor was so cute! "Goodbye Miss Fluffybutt! I'll see you after school!" Anko called out to her, catching the tossed water bottle as she ran towards the school to start her day. Heh, if Taylor was going to toss a bottle at her, she was definitely going to keep it.

It probably tasted fluffy.

"Make sure to take your meds brat, I don't want your father chewing me out for not reminding you." Taylor betrayed her just as her skittish brown haired friend Dinah came into view, her eyes widening in horror at the thought of medication. Dinah really didn't like mentions of medicine after the first time she took some thinking it was candy.

That was a mess. But it was dealt with pretty swiftly when her father came and told them in no uncertain terms to keep the medication locked up so that kids couldn't just take it.

Apparently ADHD meds were no good for most people, who knew? Certainly not innocent little Anko who had definitely not tricked her entire class into taking three times her own dose, right?

"I'll be here to pick you up after school, but be sure to call me if you run into any trouble in the meantime, okay?" Taylor called out to her, revving the engine and leaving once she gave her a thumbs up over the shoulder. She was one-hundred percent going to abuse the hell out of that permission to text Taylor all day on the phone her father forced onto the silly floof. It was only fair.

Turning to Dinah, she giggled at her expression. "So how much of a chance do you think she'll realize what she's done eventually and come begging me to stop?" she asked with a foxy grin.

"Five point seven three percent." Dinah groaned, answering automatically as if reading off the results of a test. Huh.

"…Well that's oddly specific?"

Kitsu: Well that was a fun end to the first arc / start of the next. I can't wait to get into the details of how the relationships in the bay will change very fast and all the political crap that's about to happen.

The PRT is going to have one hell of a chip on their shoulder when Lung decides to step in for his daughter's sake to keep her friend safe.

PyroHawk: You sure that's what's going to happen? Because I swear, I've only sat listening to you try and plot out this story maybe four times for all the chapters so far and I think you've completely changed your plans for this fic five times already!

As it is, I'm definitely curious about what's going to come of Danny's meeting as that's the bit I tossed some advice your way for this chapter. So I'm rather eager to find out just how your wonderful(ly crazy) mind plays with those ideas.

Kitsu: Yus~ I have ideas flowing out my ass for this fic. They just come to me so fast it's hard to decide which ones are gold and which ones are just shit, lmao.

Most of these ideas are heavily inspired by the people I've been working on this with, like PyroHawk and Fungame2, but others were inspired fully by Ruby, The Devil Hunter as they like to call themselves when commissioning me, Crystalwatcher, and Battleship_Fusou who are all a part of my writing team. Especially since Ruby commissioned me so often for projects like this one, and I wanted to make it fun for them.

Well, I'm currently in the middle of a time where I'm going to need a bit more cash for the next month so I can buy a few necessities I didn't have enough cash for this month with my monthly grocery shop due to increase in local prices and some extreme expenses I incurred while trying to keep a friend of mine off the street while she is sick and until she can get a place of her own, so I am Open for Commissions and donations on my Ko-fi and Buymeacoffee to help with that, though getting a commission requires you join my discord. I also have a Patreon if you like that better, but if you are using an apple device Patreon is a bit fucky. Even in browser.

So yeah, thank you for reading, Stay Fluffy and have a great day~
I've made sure not to include anything explicit in the main chapters, but if you wan't the horny, unfortunately you'll have to search me there.
Unlike SpaceBattles, mature content can be posted in Sufficient Velocity as long as it is properly tagged as such. You'd have to check the rules for any details as I don't have any official position here.
Unlike SpaceBattles, mature content can be posted in Sufficient Velocity as long as it is properly tagged as such. You'd have to check the rules for any details as I don't have any official position here.

Thanks, but I would rather not risk it lol. I tend to write some pretty heavy fetish content for my lewds, and pornographic material is not allowed on this site, I checked.

From my understanding, that includes hardcore smut. I rather not get nuked lol.
Thanks, but I would rather not risk it lol. I tend to write some pretty heavy fetish content for my lewds, and pornographic material is not allowed on this site, I checked.

From my understanding, that includes hardcore smut. I rather not get nuked lol.
Well, OK, but you should check out JASMINE STARR AGAINST THE EMPEROR OF SPACE before making any final decisions. Both because it's an awesome fic, and because it shows what can go on SV.