Lay The Dragon

Even going beyond the skirting of the forum rules. I feel this is going way too damn fast.

The Dragon Boner joke was funny exactly once, I just kept reading hoping for silly romance shenanigans and awkward diplomacy. But by chapter 3 you send the plot into overdrive with the "romance" being "but I love you!" "for realzies? your not a gold digger?" "yes for realzies" "okay lets make out." and Exposition Dragon flying in to make the story into a... adventure? Shining Dragon Boner took this from fun and kinda cute to kinda retarded.

This is well within forum rules.

As long as @salman332 doesn't decide to include a lemon or something along those lines romcom shenanigans and juvenile humor's well within forum rules.

Look point is I've seen way skeevier get approved. @salman332 if you think something might be toeing the line go and get it preapproved before posting it.
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