Law of the Sword (Worm/Destiny Quest)

According to my count there's three votes for hide, and one vote to take them on. That's not really a tie.
I am counting votes across both sites, SB and SV. There it was three for take them on and one for hide making it 4 - 4. I am counting the parent choice as the addition of the sub choices so as to more evenly take wants. In this case there were three for kill and one for spare but I am still taking them as 4 votes. I don't know if that is how it is normally done for quests but it makes sense to me
Chapter 9
What do I do?
[X] Use my jacket as a mask and attack. (4 Votes, won via Conflict Drive)
-[X] Try to kill them. My power has something to do with killing, right? What better chance to test it than now? (3 Votes)

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
1:20 PM

Some part of me feels a sort of relief at finally having a chance to test out my power, but it is washed to the back of my mind as I start planning my approach. The fat one doesn't seem like the leader, so I should target the thin one first.

I quickly duck back and move aisles so that Fatty doesn't see me, and quietly set my backpack down and slip out of my jacket. Capes need masks and costumes, which I haven't put any thought into and mentally make a note to address it later, I tie the jacket around my jaw so that I can still see.

Hearing the sound of things being toppled off of shelves, presumably into the duffle bag, I sneak around more aisle so that I can watch Skinny better. He is directing the cashier to start putting some of the over the counter medicine next to the cash, but all I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears. There are no adequate weapons around so I simply make a fist, like Diamond showed me with the thumb on the outside, and break line of sight so if he does turn around he won't spot me. Moving spots again, I peek around the shelf closest to the door and a small part of me want to just run but a churning energy in my gut anchors me here. Skinny is reaching forward to grab the cash and the counter is only about four and a half feet away, so I make my move now with him distracted.

I bust forward, my chest taking that moment to remind me I had been injured last night, but it is too late to back out now. The moment doesn't slow down like some descriptions of a fight, and I swiftly find myself within striking range just as Skinny starts to turn around. I twist myself to try and add my momentum into the punch and aim right for his kidney. I don't step away even as his rancid egg like smell assaults my nose, bringing my knee up between his legs. He goes limp, collapsing in a heap that nearly knocks me to the ground. I bring my foot up and slam my heel into his head and bring my leg up to—

A white-hot line of pain through my right bicep accompanied by a bang cuts right through my adrenaline fueled haze, making me fall to my knee grabbing the rapidly bleeding wound. I bite down on a mouthful of jacket and let out a muffled scream of pain.

"Get up Ricky!" Fatty yells while pointing his gun at me, the now named Ricky just lets out a groan.

Shit, I need to get close and can't do that with the gun pointed my way. My adrenaline is recoating the pain with numbness so that I can ignore it again.

Ricky starts to stumble to his feet, leaning on the counter heavily. Fatty lowers his gun a bit and turns his head towards his friend and I take the chance to dive towards the shelves again, I hear a muted 'fuck!' and there is a deafening bang as he shoots again, but thankfully I don't feel another bullet hit me. I am stunned for a moment as I land heavily on my injured arm and feel myself let out a short scream of pain.

I hear Fatty's steps charging towards me, and I quickly scramble to my feet. He has a gun, and I have an arm I can't move without searing pain. Scouring the shelf next to me for something to throw at him and my eyes land on a package of cookies, I grab it with my left hand right as he is rounding the corner and chuck it at him. The throw goes wide, but it does make him flinch, which I capitalize on by trying to follow up with a tackle, but he barely has to step back. Fatty gabs a fistful of my shirt and pushes me back at the same time as he kicks my shin, making me fall to the floor.

My head hits the ground and I immediately feel a stuffy headache start to form, but I can push through it. I aim my own kick at his knee and I feel his knee bend as he drops to the floor with a scream of pain, taking a shelf with him. His gun clatters to the floor next to me, letting me snatch it and stand up, my leg letting its disagreement known as I put pressure on it.

Spinning around, I see Ricky stumbling to a standing position, hand holding his own fallen firearm. I don't think and just fire. The third gunshot sends my ears ringing and I let out a short shout of pain as the recoil travels up my arm and feels like it runs a jagged poker through my wound.

The pain is immediately banished as I feel a sensation run through me. Like liquid sugar cookies and a cool summer night running through my veins, layered under it is this feeling of righteousness and growth. I greedily try to keep hold of all of it, but most of it slips through me like air and is swallowed up by something below my body. What I do manage to hold onto quickly seeps into my being and the pain of my body starts coming back. I turn the gun and shoot Fatty and am rewarded with more of the feeling, this time there is more, so I am able to sink my metaphorical teeth into a slightly larger amount, but not by much.

Breathing heavily as my mind properly returns to my body, I look around.

The small pharmacy is wrecked and the cashier is nowhere to be seen, which is good, but the cops are probably on their way now. Limping over and dropping the gun in my backpack, I snatch the hydrogen peroxide that started this mess and add it to my bag as well. I glance over at the cash still on the counter. In for a penny… I sweep it into my backpack as I pass and quickly zip it closed. My adrenaline is going to wear off soon, so I quickly run for it while I am not overwhelmed by pain. Blood rushing in my ringing ears doesn't stop the sound of sirens from reaching me and I remember I still have the jacket wrapped around my face. I rip it off and quickly put it on to try and hide some of the blood coming from my arm.

Taking a twisting route home means that the adrenaline is all but gone by the time I slam the front door shut behind me. I don't have a chance to relax as, now bereft of an objective, the only thing I have to occupy my mind is the pain radiating from my injured form.

I drag myself to the kitchen, slipping out of my backpack as I do, and fish out the first aid kit from under the sink before just about dropping to the floor. Tears rapidly start to blur my eyes as I pull my jacket off, which feels like sandpaper rubbing over the bullet hole. Tentatively feeling it, so I can tell where to wrap the gauze, I am able to tell that the bullet only grazed me right below my shoulder. A part of me recognizes how lucky I am to have won with only a few injuries to show for it, but the rest of me isn't in a position to really think about anything too hard.

Taking probably a bit too much pain relief medicine, I manage to make it to the couch, where I try to sleep. Only to remember that I don't actually want to sleep because of the weird dream, and instead I put on some mindless TV. Except I took the TV apart, so nothing happens as I click the remote. I pull out my phone and manage to navigate to a long video of nature noises or something as I wait for the medicine to start working.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Hehe, your first hint at some of the things going on behind the scenes. Also, this is only my second or third fight scene, so feedback on it would is welcome!

I feel…
[X] Stupid. Why would I do that?
[X] Excitement. I felt something happen as I killed them.
[X] Write-In: Emotion:

Do I rest for a day?
[X] No, keep working on my sword. In this case, researching blood storage methods.
[X] Yes, I might not be able to sleep, but I still need to rest.
[X] Write-In: Action:
[X] Excitement. I felt something happen as I killed them.
[X] No, keep working on my sword. In this case, researching blood storage methods.

[X] Stupid. Why would I do that?
[X] Yes, I might not be able to sleep, but I still need to rest.

We are still baseline human, this was a stupid move and by rights should have ended the quest here. Also, it appears we have a 'Patron' (I don't remember the correct terminology).

I am counting votes across both sites, SB and SV. There it was three for take them on and one for hide making it 4 - 4. I am counting the parent choice as the addition of the sub choices so as to more evenly take wants. In this case there were three for kill and one for spare but I am still taking them as 4 votes. I don't know if that is how it is normally done for quests but it makes sense to me

Ah, I must have missed or forgotten that this was a cross posted quest. My bad.
[X] Stupid. Why would I do that?
[X] Yes, I might not be able to sleep, but I still need to rest.

We are still baseline human, this was a stupid move and by rights should have ended the quest here. Also, it appears we have a 'Patron' (I don't remember the correct terminology).

Ah, I must have missed or forgotten that this was a cross posted quest. My bad.

He doesn't know anything about Sword Logic so it stands to reason that he wasn't able to hold onto all powers. I don't think "but most of it slips through me like air and is swallowed up by something below my body" is indicative of presence of any other being. Just presence of The Deep.

Also. A good death cultist doesn't ask "Why would i do that?", he asks "How to do that again but better?". And researching is hardly physically intensive, so it beats lying around and staring at the ceiling. Plot accelerates at glacial pace as it is.
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He doesn't know anything about Sword Logic so it stands to reason that he wasn't able to hold onto all powers. I don't think "but most of it slips through me like air and is swallowed up by something below my body" is indicative of presence of any other being. Just presence of The Deep.

Also. A good death cultist doesn't ask "Why would i do that?", he asks "How to do that again but better?". And researching is hardly physically intensive, so it beats lying around and staring at the ceiling. Plot accelerates at glacial pace as it is.

We haven't been staring at the ceiling, we've been working flat out to make our sword and deal with our parents death.
[X] Excitement. I felt something happen as I killed them.
[X] No, keep working on my sword. In this case, researching blood storage methods.

We don't really need sleep and we should probably work on the sword some more. We also to understand what just happened. It's very much " I don't need sleep I need answers". situation because if we're connected to the deep in any shape way or form, we need to figure out what type of connectionIt is, besides one that follows sword logic.
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And if our Social Worker stops by and sees us moving about with a bullet wound, we're going to lose what little freedom we have.
And if our Social Worker stops by and sees us moving about with a bullet wound, we're going to lose what little freedom we have.
That's fair I changed my mind

[X] Excitement. I felt something happen as I killed them.
[X] Yes, I might not be able to sleep, but I still need to rest.

Maybe we should rest for the day and continue tomorrow, but still doesn't mean we shouldn't investigate a little bit before bed
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 8, 2024 at 3:54 PM, finished with 8 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Excitement. I felt something happen as I killed them.
    [X] Yes, I might not be able to sleep, but I still need to rest.
    [X] No, keep working on my sword. In this case, researching blood storage methods.
    [X] Stupid. Why would I do that?
Chapter 10
I feel…
[X] Excitement. I felt something happen as I killed them. (7 Votes)

Do I rest for a day?
[X] Yes, I might not be able to sleep, but I still need to rest. (8 Votes)

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
6:10 PM

I have been laying on the couch for a few hours now, the video on my phone ended a while ago, but I haven't had the strength to reach for it. In the quiet, I can almost feel the painkillers seeping into my blood. I am not doing anything until at least tomorrow, Ms Wolfe's deadline or no, I need a break.

Despite the activity, I still don't feel hungry, but I am starting to get a bit tired, like I had just woken up. My guess is that means I still have to sleep, just not as often. Great.

I know I had plans and things I needed to think about beyond making my sword, but for the life of me I can't think of anything but my current pain and the fight. A trill of excitement races through my nerves as I think about the fight again.

What was that feeling? That had to have been my power, right? I can't think of anything else it could have been, meaning I gain something from killing people. I'm not quite sure what exactly I get, but I can remember clearly the feeling of the kill and how it spread through my body like crawling electricity. Shifting myself a bit to look at my hand to see if there is any noticeable difference, but all I see is my own bloody hand.

Shit, the blood, I need to clean that up. I start to sit up, only to immediately fall back as a number of sharp spikes of buzzing pain assault me. Okay, let's take stock of what hurts.

Firstly and the most loud is my gunshot wound, right below the shoulder of my dominate arm. Next is my left shin where Fatty kicked me, it feels like it is pretty deeply bruised. After that it is the back of my head, a deep throbbing assault that makes the edges of my thinking fuzzy. Then there are my knuckles, which hurt from the one punch I did manage to throw, I'm guessing? I never thought about punching as hurting, but I've also never punched anyone before today. The last main point of pain, discounting the patchwork of soreness, is the puncture wounds across my chest and back.

As I survey myself, I can also feel the dried blood clinging to my body and clothes. I need a shower. The process of getting upstairs isn't Herculean, but it does take a little bit so as to not aggravate anything. I don't think you're supposed to get bandages wet, but the one on my arm is already soaked in my blood, so I don't care right now. Plus, my phone is still downstairs next to the couch and I couldn't be paid to leave the bathroom without taking a shower first.

The shower is half nice and half painful, which I should have seen coming. Once I am finished washing myself, I just enjoy the hot water until it is a bit past the point of being called lukewarm. Stepping out and carefully drying off, I can use the mirror to take a better look at myself.

Short brown hair, slightly tanned skin, and looking like I was chewed up and spit out by Lung covered in bruises and bandages. The only thing off that I can see is my eyes look… different. Still hazel brown, but something I can't put my finger on… It doesn't really matter, and I dismiss it for now.

I do need to change my bandages, though, and I use the smaller first aid kit under the bathroom sink to do so. Taking the wraps off my chest is easy, and I don't even really need to put new ones on, but I do just to be safe. The arm wrapping is harder to take off and starts to bleed a bit, probably because it started to clot on the bandage itself. I take a chance to look at the wound, and it looks better than I thought it would be considering I got shot. An uneven half circle cutting right across my arm. I wrap it up again tight and pack the kit up.

I get changed into light clothes, gym shorts and an armless tee shirt before taking another pain pill and getting to work cleaning up the blood on the kitchen floor. While I do the monotonous task, I let my mind wander a bit.

I don't feel bad at all. I should be feeling something about killing them, but I can't seem to muster up more than a passing feeling of… something. It's not regret or guilt, but whatever it is, it is weak and dissipates easily. Same for the theft, even though a year ago I felt bad for stealing a candy bar from the gas station, I don't feel a thing about sealing literal acid from a school.

Actually, thinking back to the gas station I still feel bad about stealing it even though it was about a year ago, but nothing from today or yesterday sets off my conscience. That has to be my power, right? Can your own power mess with your head? I've never looked into that before, but that sounds wrong. I'll look into it later.

The combination of bleach and mindless scrubbing manages to erase my blood from the tile in the kitchen, so I should be fine. Only I go to sit down on the couch and see that there is blood stained into the cloth where my head was laying, well as down the front where I had my arm. My head was bleeding? I didn't even notice.

Fuck. There is too much to clean without leaving a noticeable spot of different color in the light brown cushions. There is even some in the carpet! If I was bleeding this much, how did I not bleed out? Do my powers help with that? I feel a sudden spike of anger that make the fuzziness in my head throb.

Why does it have to be so obtuse! What if I had never killed anyone? Would I have ever learned what my power was? Do I even need to find a way to store my blood, or do I just bleed forever? What the Hell, power? I don't even have a way of checking that because I don't know how much blood I lost to begin with! I snatch my phone off the ground, my anger letting me ignore the burst of pain from moving my arm, and look up symptoms of blood loss. None of them match anything I am feeling, so I guess not?

I feel my anger start to lose its edge, and I just add it to the jumbled pile of things that don't make any sense. Capes break physics all the time, so I don't know why I am so surprised at this. I take a deep breath and let it out. Okay, I can check the need for blood storage off my list. That leaves just the metal. The metal that is going to be heavy.

I certainly can't carry the pieces anymore, so how am I going to get it to my base? I mentally remind myself that I am not going anywhere tonight, at least because I need to let myself heal some.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
When there is a write-in be sure to add the whole '[X] Write-In: (answer)' in your vote and when there are multiple write-ins I will add a subject to put as well like the '[X] Write In: Carpet: (answer)' below.

How do I get the metal to my base?
[X] Use Mom's car.
[X] Steal a car?
[X] Write-In: Metal:

I won't be able to get the stains out of the couch and carpet, what should I do?
[X] Try anyway, and lie about it if asked.
[X] Hide the cushions and move the couch a bit to cover the stain.
[X] Just take off and start staying at the ex-bakery now.
[X] Write In: Carpet:
First, @ecoolasice did you know you can categorize votes? If you put a category at the start, it will count each category separately, like below.

[X][Metal] Use Mom's car.
-[X] Take the license plates off first.
[X][Blood] Fip the cushions over so the blood isn't showing, then drape a throw blanket over for good measure.

Then when setting up vote counts, you set the vote counting style as Task, and it will count each set of votes separately. Below I'll add a count showcasing this, I have to post first then count my vote as an example.

Adhoc vote count started by thewhiteraven22 on Apr 9, 2024 at 7:15 AM, finished with 1 posts and 1 votes.
  • 1

    [X][Metal] Use Mom's car.
  • 1

    [X][Blood] Fip the cushions over so the blood isn't showing, then drape a throw blanket over for good measure.

Second, do we know how to drive? Even then, the car is a link to us, if we use it we should at least take the plates off to not link or Civ ID with the future hideout.
Last edited:
[X][Metal] Use Mom's car.
[X][Blood] Fip the cushions over so the blood isn't showing, then drape a throw blanket over for good measure.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 9, 2024 at 5:04 AM, finished with 3 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X][Blood] Fip the cushions over so the blood isn't showing, then drape a throw blanket over for good measure.
    [X][Metal] Use Mom's car.
    -[X] Take the license plates off first.
    [X][Metal] Use Mom's car.
Chapter 11
How do I get the metal to my base?
[X][Metal] Use Mom's car. (3 Votes)

I won't be able to get the stains out of the couch and carpet, what should I do?
[X][Blood] Flip the cushions over so the blood isn't showing, then drape a throw blanket over for good measure. (2 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011
8:20 PM

The best option would be to just use the car, it could be tied back to me, but I don't have anything to lose. There's no reason to make the easy though, I could take off the license plates, I'll also wear a mask of some kind too but another step between me and the theft, I think I have an Armsmaster one from Halloween a few years ago still. With a tentative plan in place for gathering the metal, I turn my attention to the stains.

I could just flip the cushions? I try it, and it looks a bit weird, but infinitely better than having blood satins just hanging out. As for the carpet, my mind goes to putting a blanket over it and I quickly think up a lie to go along with it. I'll just say that I didn't want to sleep upstairs. With that, I slowly make my way back to my room and gather my blankets and pillow to take downstairs.

I spend the rest of the night double-checking that I cleaned everything up, hiding my backpack with the bloody gun and liquids under my bed, and then scrolling through PHO and watching mindless videos on YouTube.


Friday, March 4th, 2011
9:00 PM

I spent the day resting. Ms. Wolfe's meeting came and went without any issue, she asked the same questions as before like if I was eating and told me that the estate matters were being settled nicely. She did ask some questions when she saw the makeshift bed in the living room and noticed that I was favoring my arm and I just threw in an addition of 'must have slept on it wrong' which went well with the narrative of sleeping on the floor. Ultimately, she left without any issue.

Beyond that, the day passed in a blur and all I could really think about was getting the metal for my sword, like a pressure coming from somewhere other than my power. Over the day, I did have to take some more painkillers, but as long as I didn't really use my right arm, it wasn't too bad. In addition, I was able to ditch the chest bandages as the small punctures were completely gone when I went to change the bandages again.

While I was laying about, I thought of a somewhat major issue I hadn't considered yet. How am I going to melt down the metal and gold? My base was a bakery, so it must have an oven of some kind was my first thought, but poking around on the internet left me unsure if it would be able to get hot enough. I would have to test it while the gold is being separated in the acid.

At some point, I started trying to plan out the heist. The whole location is towards the edge of the city, so other people being around shouldn't be too big a problem. I don't remember the exact layout of the place, as it has been a bit over a year since I was there, but I do remember the general area that the things were in. The pile I am interested in is towards the back of the whole fenced off area. When I was there, it was a simple chain link fence surrounding the area with a padlock and chain to hold the gate closed, which means that all I need to do is bring some bolt cutters. Luckily, Thomas has some in the garage.

Which all brings me to now, getting into Mom's plateless sedan. I have my suitcase and backpack in the trunk because I am going to be taking the metal to my base and I may as well take everything at once. Driving shouldn't be too hard, I know the rules of the road, and I've seen people drive plenty.

I take my time setting everything up since the later I get there the less chance for there to be people staying late. Mirrors, seat position, figuring out how to turn on the headlights since it's dark out, and finally opening the garage door.

I don't want to put the directions in on my phone and even leave it at home, because then if they look back at where I've been because then it would be super easy to figure out I was the one who stole from the union, so it does take a while to get there. There are very few people on the side streets that I stumble onto, and I only go on the curb three times, turning around. The biggest surprise about driving is how much I have to turn the wheel to actually start turning. After way longer than I thought it would take, I arrive.

I take a bit to stake it out from the car but don't see any movement at all, so I grab the bolt cutters, check my cheap mask and approach the lock. It isn't as simple as closing the clamps, it takes force and even with my arm feeling better I can't strain it that hard without it starting to hurt really bad. I end up having to use my left hand and brace it against my chest to finally pop the padlock open.

Taking the lock seems like a better option than just leaving it here, so I toss it into the car and push the gate open. The screeching sound of metal on metal has me looking up and down the empty street, but a police cruiser doesn't suddenly materialize. I drive in and hop out to shut the gate so that it isn't just hanging open, before making my way to where I am pretty sure I remember the scrap being. As I get closer, it comes back to me more and more until I arrive at the warehouse.

Poking my head in the side door, I am a bit confused to see the warehouse almost empty. There were large dump trucks parked in here before, but now there are just a handful of scrap metal piles in the room. I decide to not look a gift horse in the mouth and instead to go with it. I feel a giddiness as I finally manage to secure the metal.

Picking through the piles, I find the pieces that look like they are in the best condition and are also small enough for me to carry into the backseat. It doesn't take long before I have a collection of metal scrap that is relatively rust free in the car. They range from the size of a soda can to about a dinner plate, some are less flat than others, but I don't think it matters much, seeing as how it will all get melted down anyway. I only take a bit more than I should need, I don't want to take too much from the dockworkers, since they're generally good people.

Closing everything up, I have to control myself so that I don't speed away. The drive to my base is actually less stressful than the bus ride home was after I stole the acid, as there is this ball of anticipation right under my ribs. I get back to the bakery without any issue and quickly kill the engine and shut off the lights to be less noticeable. As my eyes adjust to the lower light level, I head into the alley and open up the back door before grabbing my backpack out of the trunk first. Piece by piece I bring everything inside before quickly driving back home, a car hanging around is way too suspicious.

I had planned to move to the bakery fully closer to Ms. Wolfe's deadline which is the 8th and tomorrow will be the 5th, so should I just move there when the buses start to run in the morning?

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
I was informed by the esteemed thewhiteraven22 on SV that there is already a system to separate votes! So disregard last chapter's note ^-^

Move when the buses start moving again?
[X] Yes, it's close enough. I need to start melting down the boards anyway.
[X] No, give it another day. I need to rest and heal more.
[X] No, move out in two days. I need to rest and heal a lot more.
Chapter 12
Move when the buses start moving again?
[X] Yes, it's close enough. I need to start melting down the boards anyway. (1 Vote)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Friday, March 4th, 2011
11:00 PM

The best option is to call things now and become a full-time cape, if those are even a thing.

I pull into the garage and put the license plates back on the car before doing one last walkthrough of my house. More than likely I won't be coming back here, and I know I should be feeling sad, but… all I can feel is a want to get back to base and get things started.

I decide to browse PHO one last time and see a thread about how some group called the Undersiders, who apparently have been doing some stuff in town for a bit, hit one of the casinos outside town. I try to look into them up but the only things that come up are a few mentions from time to time on other posts, not more than a handful and no dedicated page. With a mental shrug I push the information to the back of my mind, they're not the Empire Eighty Eight, so they don't really matter to me.

Thinking about the Empire makes me… hungry is the wrong word, but it is pretty close to this hollow anger that fills me. Not hollow because it is over inflated, but because I don't think my brain can really parse what my power feels like. I have done research on all the well known capes of the Empire already, but there are probably more than a few that aren't big enough names to come up with my limited research.

I don't think I can join the heroes. They don't kill, and that is explicitly my power. So I will have to try and just work with them and not tell them what my power is, what could I say it is? I try to think about it for a moment, but I just don't know enough about how my powers work yet to come up with a convincing lie. I guess there is no reason that I have to work with them, though I can't see them helping me to kill people. Something to think about another time.

Before too long, the sun rises and it is time to leave. I have an old backpack with a few things in it I forgot to put in the car last night. Specifically, some glass bowls for the acid to sit in, as well as a metal ladle and strainer.

Before I break apart my phone to get the circuit board for the last bit of gold, I send a text off to Ms. Wolfe saying I am going to be hanging out with some friends today and wouldn't be available in an attempt to buy me extra time before I am reported missing. Message sent I don't wait for a reply, because I ultimately don't care, I break open my phone and throw the case away.

My first step outside feels heavy.


Saturday, March 5th, 2011
5:40 AM

The bus ride is a bit crowded this time, I hadn't considered the fact that it is both Saturday and early, so the people that have to work on Saturday are taking it to work. They might also be taking it home from working overnight.

I am starting to feel a bit tired, like I would after 2nd or 3rd period, which supports my theory that I still have to sleep, just less often. Hopefully I don't encounter that… thing again. What the Hell was it anyway? I can't even properly pictures it in my mind, despite the memory being clear to me. Was it another power? Do parahumans just get evil dreams and no one talks about it? That makes about as much sense as anything else.

My stop comes, and I get a few odd looks as I step out into the less than stellar neighborhood, but people in the Bay are proficient at minding their own business, so they quickly look away. There will be ABB members crawling around soon, but I am early enough that no one is around to see me start walking down the road, which is good because I probably look like a fairly easy target right now. Well, I am, but that's beside the point.

I slip in the back door and barricade it once more. I check over everything and find that nothing as been touched, so I immediately grab my notebook and look at my instructions.

Fist, crush the circuit boards, which I accomplish with some stomps from my unbruised leg. Next, I grab the glass bowl and put all the pieces into it. Then I have to pour the acid in and then twice that much hydrogen peroxide, enough that the pieces are fully submerged. Now I just have to stir it every day and let it set for 'about a week' as the gold pieces float to the surface.

Now what? I have to wait but going out and about has a higher likelihood of getting me spotted, but there isn't really anything I can do inside since I had to ditch my phone, so I couldn't be tracked. The one thing I can do is test out if the oven will be able to get my metal hot enough for shaping, but I'll wait a bit to do that.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Next chapter is probably going to be the first big plot point and I can't see anyone voting against a time skip, but I will put it in just in case I am grossly incorrect. Use the write-in to have Roman do some mundane things that you know need to be done but don't really want to read about.

Do you want a time skip to the collection of the gold?
[X][Timeskip] Yes
[X][Timeskip] No

If you voted yes above, what do you want Roman to do over the week? The riskier the activity, the more likely the time skip will be interrupted.
[X][Boredom] Write-In:
Last edited:
[X][Timeskip] Yes
[X][Boredom] Attempt to learn how to disguise yourself, so you can be out without being recognized.
[X][Timeskip] Yes
[X][Boredom] Attempt to learn how to disguise yourself, so you can be out without being recognized.
[X][Timeskip] Yes
[X][Boredom] Attempt to learn how to disguise yourself, so you can be out without being recognized.
[X][Timeskip] Yes
[X][Boredom] Attempt to learn how to disguise yourself, so you can be out without being recognized.

I'm mad at myself for missing the last vote, but I was passed out a sleep