Law of the Sword (Worm/Destiny Quest)

Chapter 25
What to do?
[X] Stay and hear what she has to say but also be ready to leave if you expect something fishy is going on or if the thing she has to say isn't really that important because our time is valuable. (4 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
2:45 PM

I push the desire to run out of my mind, if the world's greatest healer says she needs to talk to me, then I should probably listen. If anything fishy seems like it is going on, like the PRT showing up, I can make a break for it.

The nurse takes me to a normal room and then leaves with barely a 'please wait'. I start to speculate on what might be the issue. Panacea can't do brains, so maybe there is something wrong with mine? Wait, isn't there a thing in parahuman's brains that gives them their powers? Did she feel that and think it was a tumor? Do I have a tumor? What would I have to kill to get rid of a tumor? I can feel my hand subconsciously reaching for Malum Caedo even though I know it's nowhere nearby. It's probably not that I am a cape, because Shade Skip told me the rules stop people from being unmasked. Panacea doesn't have a secret identity, though, so is it different for her?

I don't have to wait long before the door opens and the healer steps in. Now that I am able to see her properly, the biggest thing that stands out to me is her intense gaze that quickly meets mine.

"Alright. Can I have your hand again?" My brow furrows, but I oblige her.

"Brain tumor?" I ask, my tone a bit more relaxed than I thought it would be.

"No. I need you to answer some questions honestly, the safety of the city could be at risk." Her voice is flat and pointed, remarkably close to a blade, some part of me thinks. The other part of me wonders what the Hell she is talking about.

"What do you mean?" I am ignored though as she moves right to her questions.

"Have you had any blackouts or noticed any gaps in your memory over the last few days?" What?

"No? What is going on?" I ask again, growing a bit agitated at the lack of answers.

"How exactly were you hurt?"

"No, what the Hell is going on? I need something here." I demand, listening past the door for any sort of movement that might indicate people are about to break in but hear nothing.

"I'm not sure how much I am allowed to say." She says, looking a little unsure of herself.

"Okay, then you can tell me what the issue with me is though, right?"

"I am not going to tell anyone you're a cape," she says, ignoring me again, "patient confidentiality and all that, but I need to know what your power does."

At this point I withdraw my hand and start getting ready to make a break for it because this feels like a stalling tactic before the PRT gets here. My building annoyance must have shown on my face because she lets out an aggressive sigh, which just makes me even more annoyed.

"Look. I need to know this stuff, so I know if I need to get the PRT in here." Her tone is snippy, which makes me just want to just walk out, and can't stop that thought from passing my lips.

"Or I could just leave." I can almost feel her roll her eyes.

"Alright fine. There is something suspended in your blood and throughout your body that my power is unable to interact with, in addition a few of your injuries were not healing normally and would have resulted in something like chitin I think. I'm not sure about that though. I need to know if that's part of your power or if you need to be looked at by Armsmaster or something."

Something being suspended throughout me is unsettling, but I don't find myself really surprised. She is probably just seeing my power spread through me from the kills. As for the chitin, I don't really know what that is, and I don't really want to ask either because Panacea is actually a pretty annoying person.

"Is it life-threatening?" She crosses her arms and I almost expect her to growl.

"I. Don't. Know. Is it part of your power or not?" Says like she is talking to a child, and I feel my internal position change to more confrontational.

"Why does it matter?" I snip back.

"Because if it was put inside of you by someone else, you need to get to the PRT HQ right now."

"Why though?" And what does it have to do with the city's safety? I mentally add.

"I already told you, it's classified."

"No, you said you didn't know how much you could tell me. Not that it was classified." She mumbles something under her breath that sounds very rude before speaking up again.

"Look, are you going to answer my questions or not?"

"Are you going to give me something more to go off of? Or are you just going to keep saying classified like some wannabe CIA agent?"

She starts pacing the room, clearly thinking. I cross my arms too, Panacea isn't anything like I thought she would be, not that I really had any theories going. She must have landed on something because her arms drop back to her sides, and she turns to face me.

"Alright, I'll tell you a little bit, but you have to keep it a secret."

"Sure." I say easily. Who would I tell anyway? Malum Caedo? I doubt it would care.

"Can I have your hand again?"


"I can tell if you're lying." Shit, what does that have to do with healing?

I try to think back on what I said when she was holding my hand earlier but can't dwell on it for long with her waiting. If I say no, then I'll look super suspicious, so I'll just have to be extra careful with how I say things. I offer up my hand, and she snatches at it.

"Swear you won't tell anyone what I tell you?" I take a moment to word my reply.

"I swear I don't have any intention of telling a person what you say." It seems to mollify her though and I see her relax slightly.

"I can't say much. A few nights ago there was a murder downtown, well one done by a parahuman, and then last night there were more. The PRT thinks they might have been done by a group they have on file. One of the members could have put some stuff into you, and that's why I need to know."

I feel my stomach drop because I could be the one they're looking for, killing those fucking Empire goons last night. I might not be too, since I have nothing to do with whatever happened downtown. Shit, if she has a way of knowing if I lie, does that mean she can see my reaction? Deflect, deflect.

"You think I might be being targeted? Why?" Hopefully her power will register that as fear.

"No idea. You going to answer my questions or not?"

I'm stuck in a corner here. If I say no, then she is just going to call the PRT, but the police are probably already looking for me. If I say yes though, with her ability to see if I lie, I'll probably get outed as the one that did the killing last night. I don't know for sure that it's my power I guess, I feel like it is, but I don't have a way to be sure. The weird growths or healing or whatever she was talking about, I have no idea, so maybe it isn't my power? She asked if I had any gaps in my memory, but I don't, when would it have been put in my body? I don't feel anything wrong, in fact now that I'm not in pain I can appreciate how much better I feel with my fresh Growth. Well, it couldn't be whatever the PRT is thinking, since I was the one that did the killing last night and am not part of any organization.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Fell asleep, so sorry for later chapter. Also, hope I got Amy's altitude right, not sure.

[X] take off, this isn't really my problem, and I'm already being looked for, so nothing really changes.
[X] answer the questions, no reason to put another target on my back.
[X] Write-In:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 26, 2024 at 2:24 PM, finished with 1 posts and 1 votes.

  • [X] Tell her you are not going to explain your whole power, but confess it has improved your body, you don't need as much sleep as an example. Thank her for her concern, but the chitin and blood thing is probably a part of it you did not had a chance to see until now, as you had no contact with any cape that could have "infected/inflicted/affected" us with something like that (the blood and chitin thing), or gaps in our memories or whatever. If she asks more questions about other things, make a break for it, that's none of her business and she isnt a investigator, cop or whataver. Try to come off as having authority issues if you can. Stuff like not trusting the cops (maybe it will even be true, isnt Roman minority?)
Chapter 26
[X] Tell her you are not going to explain your whole power, but confess it has improved your body, you don't need as much sleep as an example. Thank her for her concern, but the chitin and blood thing is probably a part of it you did not had a chance to see until now, as you had no contact with any cape that could have "infected/inflicted/affected" us with something like that (the blood and chitin thing), or gaps in our memories or whatever. If she asks more questions about other things, make a break for it, that's none of her business and she isnt a investigator, cop or whataver. Try to come off as having authority issues if you can. Stuff like not trusting the cops (maybe it will even be true, isnt Roman minority?)
(3.5 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
3:05 PM

I'll tell her some stuff, not everything, of course. I'll have to be sure to word everything right though since I can't lie right now.

"I'm not going to spill my guts or anything, but I'll answer some of your questions." I say.

"Good. Now, your power?" She sounds impatient, and I almost want to change my mind and answer nothing.

"What you're seeing is probably my power. It's made my body a bit better, but I haven't had a chance to test by how much." I answer truthfully. She starts to respond, and I take the chance to cut her off for some petty revenge at her ignoring me. "The chitin is probably part of it too, since I don't have any memory gaps or whatever you were talking about."

"And how did you get hurt?" I mentally flip the context of last night so that I don't lie.

"Some Empire goon punched me with brass knuckles, I probably only survived because of my power." Panacea presses her lips together, and I can almost see the gears turning in her head. Something nudges the back of my mind to push the lie further, so I do. "Look, thanks for the concern, but I'm not part of the cape community," true, I only know Shade Skip and I guess Panacea now, "and I already promised that I'm not going to tell anyone about whatever this is." I say broadly, gesturing to her with my free hand.

She sighs and lets go of my hand, which I take as a good sign, and steps back.

"If you notice anything like that, or anything odd, report it to the PRT right away."

"Yes ma'am." I say a bit sarcastically. "Am I free to go?"

"You weren't being detained to begin with." She snips before leaving the room.

It sure felt like I was being detained. I don't say that of course because there is no reason to tempt fate. I make my way out of the hospital, tossing my name tag in the trash, and now no longer being bombarded with pain signals don't find the receptionist nearly as grating.

The fresh air is nice, and the sun feels even better, since I've been stuck in my base or only out at night for a more than a week now and don't really want to go back right away. The only thing ruining this is that I can't wear Malum Caedo out, the constant nagging in the back of my mind that something is missing.

I realize that I don't have much of a plan, kill the Empire of course and then probably the ABB after that, but they're only really doing stuff at night. I can't go out during the day… Or can I? It's not like there are cops on every corner of the city, and if I buy some makeup or something, I can probably make a pretty good disguise for myself. That would leave the entire day to go out and do something, which I can probably put to use somehow. Right now, though, I need to get back to base because I only have four dollars on me, which isn't enough to do anything with.

Getting onto a bus heading back to the neighborhood that I left from in the first place and subtly look around for anyone suspicious, but the nearly empty interior fails to generate anything noteworthy. The bus pulls to a stop and start making my way back to base.

I know I shouldn't be, but I still am amazed at just how good I feel, all the little pains that were overshadowed by my big injuries are even gone. Thinking of injuries brings to mind how I am lucky to be alive. I need to find a way to take out, like, one or two people at a time until I can Grow more. My mind then returns to the phone I took last night that had all the plans on it. Arriving, I slink into the interior and do a walk through, finding nothing disturbed and Malum Caedo right where I left it.

Then I search through my bloody clothes to find the phone last night, the cash I gathered and the device that Shade Skip gave me. I'll have to return that last one at some point, but for now I just turn my attention to the texts on the phone to see what I can gather.

The majority of it is talking about their patrol schedules for last night, so I can check, but they are probably useless, not to mention each of them has at least four people. There are two things that I do take note of, though. Firstly, there is going to be a rally on the 15th where apparently they'll be introducing some new capes, which makes a pool of anger churn right under my lungs at the Empire gaining more firepower. The second is that apparently there's going to be a pit fighting tournament on the 17th that the former owner of this phone was planning on going to watch. Both are good to know, but I can't really do anything with that info at this stage of my development. What if I went to scout? I don't know if I would be able to keep myself from lashing out, though. Something to think about.

In the meantime, I have the rest of the day to kill, what should I do?

=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Plan for the day, you can choose two (2) activities until nighttime. (Note: Activities may be interrupted! The highest vote will happen first, unless that wouldn't make sense.)
[X] Go and buy some stuff to help disguise myself.
[X] Practice with Malum Caedo.
[X] Wander around (attempt random encounter).
[X] Go to…
-[X] Write-In:
[X] Attempt to meditate on my power like a Jedi?
[X] Buy something else…
-[X] Write-In:
[X] Write-In:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by ecoolasice on Apr 27, 2024 at 7:18 AM, finished with 2 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Write-In:
    - [X] Go to the gym and ask if you can do a 1 day free trial (if not ask if you can pay just for the day). Try to test the limit of your body (running, lifting, striking power) while being as inconspicious as possible. This will help in the future to establish not only the physical baseline (in universe) but also if working out is really useful for your enhanced body.
Chapter 27
Plan for the day, you can choose two (2) activities until nighttime.
[X] Attempt to meditate on my power like a Jedi? (5 Votes)
[X] Practice with Malum Caedo. (5 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
3:30 PM

I settle on trying to meditate like I did before I made my Malum Caedo and hopefully I won't be interrupted by an urge to do something like last time.

Grabbing my sword I take a seat on the front counter and lay my blade across my lap. I let my eyes fall closed and I start to measure my breaths, the sounds of the city just beyond the boarded up storefront lulling me down. My mind starts to open up to slowly open up to me, like a flower seeing the sun. I can see, for lack of a better word, a level below me, separated by caricatured waves of calm. It isn't as hard as it was last time, I don't have to force myself down below whatever the lower part of my mind would be called, and instead am able to simply sink below the membrane.

It isn't black of Darkness and it isn't white of Light or any mix of the two, as though I am suspended in a place of nothing and the absence of nothing. I don't know how long I've drifted in this calm, but it comes to an end as I begin. To. See.

I am moving through the black of space and see, backlit by the accretion disk of a black hole, an armada of pyramid shaped ships. I am on a collision course for one of the smaller ones, but before I hit it factures like a pane of glass and there are four pyramids whose tips are all circling a point. The same point I would have collided and now am passing through. As soon as I pass the razor thin tips my sight changes.

I am in a place bathed in a dim green light, the air nipping at my bones in the way only that monochrome place does. I look around and see a chipped throne, carved of a single stone larger than anyone I've ever met. I hear the sound of massive doors being opened and spin around to see the same towering form that I spoke to when I made Malum Caedo, this time made from flesh and chitin and not shadow.. He takes a single step into the room before his head snaps to me and I am looking into three eyes. I blink and I am somewhere new again.

I am standing at the end of a long table, there are four figures sitting at it. One is in dark robes and has the same three glowing eyes I just saw sitting by themselves, one is mechanical with a spike coming from its head, one is a male with blue skin that almost looks like it whisps floating off, lastly is the only normal looking one, a woman with dark skin dressed in purple robes. On the table is a hologram of a double circle set into a nearly flat wall. Their conversation starts to slowly come into tune like a bad radio.

"…Hidden are reporting similar things." The dark skinned one says. "Perhaps a Strike could be in order?" She looks to the blue one who is clearly thinking.

"Could Atheon be back? This is the Vex we're talking about here." The robot says in an exaggerated conspiratorial tone.

"More than likely not. This behavior is different from the reports we have from before Atheon's defeat." The woman responds. The heavily armored one speaks up.

"A scouting Strike, ideally composed of at least one Warlock, would give us more information to work from. For all we know the Vault of Glass is finally collapsing in on itself." His voice rumbles out.

"Yeah right, if that's what's happening I'll eat my—"

The one sitting by themselves suddenly springs to their feet, a glowing green ball clutched tight to their chest, and begins scanning the room. The other three look at her with some levels of confusion but the woman's eyes widen soon after and she starts looking around too.

"Ikora," they say in a voice like a raspy wail. "Do you feel that?"

"I do. We are being watched." The second half of the sentence is directed to the remaining two who are looking confused but ready. At her words though they both stand and start looking too, though with less pointed direction.

I suddenly feel Dreadnought fill me, as my eyes lock with the cloth covered glowing ones of the dark robed one. Her head tilts and—

I am standing on a ledge with a city starched out below with walls encircling it. Looking up there gigantic sphere of white, the bottom scraped away to reveal mechanical internals, hovering over the city. Malum Caedo is a comforting weight in my hand as Dreadnought continues to hum through my bones. I feel something different, something warm, something like the sphere above me, trying to seep into me, I recoil from the invasion and can almost feel my echo repelling it.

A blink and I am standing in a strange place with cube-like formations, lush with all kinds of greenery. In front of me is myself, a buzzing in the back of my mind makes me look down and see that I am offering a sword. I look to my right and see my echoes stretching, I look to my left and see my echoes stretching, we are holding Malum Caedo. The sword being offered is not Malum Caedo. The buzzing grows louder.

I am suddenly thrust back into my body in the bakery, my sword is hot in my hands and I can feel burns start to form so I quickly set it aside as I feel Dreadnought start to slowly, almost reluctantly, spool down. I move to stand up but have to abort the motion as a sudden rush of dizziness hits me. What the hell was that? I know I didn't really have any expectations about what meditating would actually do but whatever that was, was something else. I have no idea what to make of any of it, the only thing that is stopping me from thinking that it was all a dream is the fact that Dreadnought activated. Also, the entity that gave me this understanding of the world is still out there? Part of me really wants to find him, but I have a gut feeling that he is further away than I can reach right now. I do have this new sense of being close to a new level in my Growth, though I'm not sure what for. I think I'll have to let that whole sequence settle before I can start making sense of it.

The dizziness fades and I am realigned with my body so I get up. Checking the Empire phone I see that it is already five forty and I also note that the battery is only at sixty eight percent. I should get a charger for it. Speaking of other things I should do, I need some practice with my bladework since I know that I have a long way to go. Well, I'm not going to be going out for the rest of the night with the vision or whatever that was still bouncing around in the back of my brain, so I may as well get some practice in now.

I start to move through some basic kata, there is barely enough space to perform full motions if I stand in one corner of the store. As I move I can feel my mind start to fall into sync more with my power, feeling more instincts start to manifest. I don't know if that is from practicing or from whatever that dream was but there's no reason to look a gift horse in the mouth. I let myself fall into a far calmer trance.

=={==========-- | --==========}==
Updates might be a bit slower the next while, I have a 52hr week, then a 56hr week, then a 52hr week. This chapter was done at work so I apologize for any mistakes! ^-^

What should I do tonight?
[X] Go hunting using the patrol routes from the phone (slightly deeper into Empire territory).
[X] Go hunting in Merchant territory.
[X] Go hunting on the ABB and Empire boarder.
[X] Go hunting on the Empire and Protectorate boarder.
[X] Write-In:
Chapter 28
What should I do tonight?
[X] Go hunting in Merchant territory. (6 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==​

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
10:05 PM

I spent a couple of hours running through various katas which just reinforced how far I have to go, but did help me see that I am not as helpless as I thought. After I took a moment to catch my breath, I decided that there was no reason for me to stay in tonight, since I did get healed.

Which brings me to now, Malum Caedo in hand and moving through the more rundown sections of the Bay wearing the same thing that I did to the hospital, just with the balaclava added. I settled on hunting Merchants today, they're not really a gang, I don't think? Since they don't really have proper territory, but they do have capes, so... I also brought the Tinkertech box thing that Shade Skip gave me, just in case I run into her.

Back on topic, the Merchants don't really have a territory, which for my goal of getting a few more kills is bad because I don't have a way of keeping to the fringes. It also doesn't help that they don't have specific gang colors, meaning I can't attack on sight like I can with the Empire. Instead, I am just walking through the alleys, past various homeless people, and looking for a mugging or a drug deal or something.

Actually, that brings me to my thoughts of having some kind of code. I don't want to turn evil, that would undermine Malum Caedo's name after all and that feels like a bad idea, but I am not going to stop killing. Don't kill kids, what else? I remember that I was going to go to the library to see if Marquis' code was online, but I completely forgot. Oh well, may as well think on it now. I pass through a few streets before I can think of something else to add, which is to not be cruel. My power just needs me to kill, there is no reason to drag it out on purpose. And surrender, don't kill people surrendering like those thieves did. I'm sure more will come to me later.

As I keep walking past people sleeping against a building and other late night wanderers, I am barely acknowledged, which lets my mind drift to an idle question. What am I? Classified as I mean, I'm not a hero, that's for sure, but I don't really think I'm a villain either. I know there are two others that the PRT uses, vigilante and rogue, and that one cape that makes clothes is a rogue, so would I be a Vigilante then? It doesn't really matter, I don't think, but I don't really want to wake up to a bunch of heroes busing into my base to stop a 'villain'.

I don't have a chance to think on it more as I feel Dreadnought excitedly rush into me, making me immediately take a more ready stance and start looking around. A few seconds later, I hear a scream that is abruptly cut off, and I quickly start moving in that direction. I feel excitement that something is finally happening, even though I know objectively that someone is in trouble.

After making it a street over, I am about where I think I heard the cry come from, so I pause to listen. Hearing a scuffle coming behind a dumpster in the alley, I burst around the side and take in the scene.

A simultaneously both overweight and rail thin man has his hands around the neck of a woman on the ground, I see her clothes are torn. He is yelling something, spite flying out of his mouth, but the searing rage that fills my veins blocks it out. Malum Caedo lashes out, and my Echo eagerly follows behind has the man's head is abruptly removed from their torso. I kick the corpse to the side, so that the woman doesn't get excess blood on her, as the feeling of Righteousness overshadows the feeling of Growth for this kill.

The lady coughing and taking raspy breaths, which is a good sign, but being choked like that can damage a lot of things, so I start looking through the man's pockets for a phone. I need a holster or sheathe for my sword because I want to use both of my hands, but something inside me rages at the idea of even setting it down for a moment.

I find the phone and am about to start dialing when I see the woman waving with her arm, so I shove the phone in my pocket and offer the now free hand to help her off the dirty ground.

"No hospital." She manages to spit out, and I am very tempted to start listing the dangers of being choked out. That wouldn't be helpful, though, so I don't.

She leans against the wall and starts to get her breathing under control, which is when it clicks that Dreadnought is still active, so I start scanning the alleyway. I am glad I did because as I am looking I see another man stroll into the other end of the alleyway talking on a phone. Something about him immediately sets off bells in my head because his eyes go from me to the corpse, and then he says something into his phone before sliding into his pocket. That same hand then comes out of his pocket with a pistol.

Reacting without thought, I chuck the phone at him as I start charging forward. I hit him in the head, which briefly stuns him and makes him clutch his face. Then I see an Echo of the phone hit the back of his hand and stagger him. He starts to straighten out, but at that point I am within striking distance, so I bring Malum Ceado down. He manages to hop back, but I press forward, not giving him a chance to use is gun, and slash upwards. A scream leaves his mouth as I dig a deep gash into his chest, my Echo follows behind, and the man falls silent.

I feel the rush of calm, pleasure and progress, I can't help but let out a sigh and stretch out as I feel Dreadnought settle back into the crossguard of Malum Ceado. Turning back around, I see the lady looking at me with wide eyes and a hand over her mouth.

I can look at her better now that things have calmed down a bit. She is definitely older than me, and showing far more skin, though not enough to be a hooker. She doesn't look too hurt, but I can see the deep bruise forming around her neck even from this end of the alley.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Again, sorry for the later chapter. Also, I had Roman just attack this chapter since that was the goal of going hunting anyway; if you would prefer, I have a vote for everything like that then toss it into your vote I'll get a general feel.

What should I try and do?
[X] Nothing, continue hunting.
[X] Try to comfort her?
[X] Call the cops and an ambulance and then leave.
[X] Write-In:

Last edited:
Chapter 29
What should I try and do?
[X] Try to comfort her with your words. Then, leave to try to kill atleast one more criminal. Loot the bodies. When leaving, gently ask her if she is willing to obfuscate your appearance if someone asks her (if she wants to call a police or ambulance, for example.) As a "thanks" for the save, but don't be threatening, this is not an extortion or something like that. (4 Votes)
=={==========-- | --==========}==

Saturday, March 12th, 2011
11:50 PM

I try to take a less threatening stance, but am not sure how well I manage on account of holding a bloody sword.

"Hey, no need to worry. I only hurt people that hurt others." I say, and it even has the benefit of being true. She doesn't seem to relax though and instead bolts out of the alley after a few heartbeats.

Shit, hopefully she just goes home. She didn't want to me to call an ambulance, so she probably won't call the cops. No reason to test that theory, though. I quickly loot the two bodies and dart in a somewhat neutral direction.

I make it two streets over before I decide that I am probably far enough away and pull out the wallets and phones I was able to gather. The beheaded one only has a fifty in his wallet and his pone is cracked and not functioning, from my throw is my guess. The other wallet has a lot more, actually, I count out five hundred and ten dollars of various bills and I can feel my eyes widening. Who the hell was he? I don't think a Merchant would have this money on them, unless he was as higher ranked member? Not that it matters now. The pistol wielder had a backup magazine, so I shove that in a pocket and the pistol itself into my waistband, letting my shirt cover it.

I go to throw his phone to the side on account of it being locked, but before I can, it starts to ring. The screen shows the name 'Boss' on it and I decide to pick up, since what's the worst that could happen? The guy is already dead.

"Jarod, you take care of whatever the problem was?" I don't have a chance to say anything before the smooth voice picks up again. "Jarod is dead, isn't he? And who am I speaking to now?"

I decide to answer but also begin moving in case the call is being traced, which isn't something that I considered before I answered.

"Whetstone." I say in the most neutral voice I can manage.

"Hmm. Are you a Hero then?" She says, and I can't help but wonder if she is playing up the 'noble' angle with how over the top her voice sounds.

"It's unclear." I reply.

"Interesting." She leaves the line a quiet few moments and I take the chance to ask her name too.

"And your name, Miss?"

"Morbistocrat. I think we will be seeing each other soon." She says before the line goes dead. I look at the phone and mentally shrug at the ominous message before tossing the phone into a street drain.

This offset pressure in me tells me that I am so close to something, and to that end I decide to stay out for a bit longer. The phone said it wasn't even midnight yet anyway.

As I walk around, there are far fewer people actually out and about, which makes avoiding attention easier. The few people that are around though see Malum Ceado and quickly make themselves scarce, which is an interesting difference to earlier when no one cared. The calm night air almost stops me from realizing that I have no idea where I am.

I look around as I try to pinpoint where I am. Broadly speaking I know where I am, but I've never been in this part of town for any length of time and constantly using the alleyways probably isn't helping with my sense of direction. I can't go back the way I came because if that lady did call the police they are probably looking around the area. So without much a better option, I aim for the ocean, because if I am where I think I am, I should hit some familiar streets and be able to orient myself from there. I manage to walk for maybe ten minutes before Dreadnought flares and I pull myself from the mouth of the alley I was about to exit.

Peaking around the corner, I two skinny dudes holding pistols talking with a suit of power armor. Probably about seven feet tall and looking kind of incomplete, it does cover his vital areas but leaves a lot of spots lacking metal. The biggest feature that draws my eyes though is the numerous tanks of water and spread of tubes leading all over. There are also smaller sphere's of brightly glowing green liquid in glass spheres along his arms.

They are too far for me to hear what they are saying, but one of the skinny one's is pointing in the direction that I did kill in, so maybe these are Morbistocrat's people? Honestly, though, they look like merchants. Something about them makes me feel grimy from just looking at them.

=={==========-- | --==========}==​
Also, would people want to see the added Sigils be put into an informational post like before, or just in the stats sheet?

How should I engage?
[X] Don't. Turn away and look for a different kill.
[X] Just shoot one of the unarmored ones.
[X] Shoot the Cape.
[X] Try to get closer and attack with Malum Ceado.
[X] Write-In:
