Last hope of a dead world (God Quest)

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The silence of entropy wraps the world in a frozen embrace. A final ripple in the oceans, a...
The silence of entropy wraps the world in a frozen embrace. A final ripple in the oceans, a stunted echo of once mighty tides, is the last to submit. The land becomes still, for the creeping cold will allow no movement in its new domain. The end has come and the darkness is absolute.

At least it would be, if not for one anomaly. High above the frozen wastelands of the world a rift is torn in the fabric of reality. It possess no heat, so the cold can not steal it. It produces no sound, so silence can not smother it. It has nothing to take, so entropy can not claim it. This rift contains something that is untouchable, incorporeal. It contains Potential, minds long since gone might have even called it Hope. For on the other side of this rift is a land that defies comprehension and from it may come beings of incredible power to defy the tyranny of the coldness, the darkness and the silence, with the power to bring the universe back from its inevitable end.

Or not. Only time will tell. Until then the world will wait, for there is nothing left to do


Hey everyone, god quests seem to be popular right now but we never have enough for all the players who want to join, so I decided to run my own.
In this quest the first players will be the Gods, the first 'wave' of beings from beyond the rift. Later on more character types will appear, either from the Gods actions or due to rift itself.

The Gods are beings from a land that is very different to the games world. In order to enter the world they must take on Concepts to embody. These work in a similar way to the Domains of classical gods. They are the foundation on which you can interact with the world.
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The world
Rules and Character Types.

Gods: Gods are the first beings through the rift. They possess a Major and a Minor Concept. These Concepts represent the lens through which their understanding of and power over the world are filtered.
Gods have near unlimited power when their actions are in-line with their domain (Major or Minor). Should actions conflict an action with a Major Concept will win out over a Minor, and a Minor will win over an action with no relevant Concept.
Performing actions with no relevant Concept can have unexpected side effects.

Titans: Beings born in the physical world that both Saw a Concept, and had enough divine power to make use of it. They have a single Major Concept and as much power as the Gods.

Rules: You may perform a single Major action per turn, and any number of minor ones. Anything involving godly power is a Major action. Slight modifications of existing creations, very minor use of power from your Concepts (A Fire God creating a campfire for instance) and anything not involving godly power is a minor action.

Current status of the World

The First Land

An earth like world with two continents. Plant and animal life cover the icy lands and mostly frozen waters, illuminating the world with the soft glow of the spores. The middle seas glow with a cold eerie light from the pattern of energy in the deep sea. The skies are filled with star like objects, moving in their own strange rhythm.
It is a cold but undeniably beautiful world.

Of the two continents, one currently holds the Rift, while the other held the tower before it was destroyed in an awesome release of energy.

The second continent was reborn in the form of an icy wasteland with the tower as its center by the Goddess Kari.


A deep blue water world. Iceburgs the size of continents float in the seas, slowing being warmed by the planets newly molten core.

The Rift: The strange tear in space that allowed the entry of the Gods. Much about it is unknown, however Rwoo discovered that it possess untainted Divine energy, the only source in the known universe.

The Great Gate: The creation of Ragadas, this fortress pretending to be a gate is built around the rift. It is protected by an equally large automaton and covered in vicious vine like creatures. It has had its materials upgraded to be even more resistant, based on the Tower.

The Ever-changing Pattern: A shifting pattern beneath the equatorial oceans of the world. Its glow provides one of two sources of light currently in reality.
The Swirling Starscape: A collection of multicoloured pinpricks of light in the sky, constantly moving to create new constellations.

The Tower: This tower is the only remnant of the world of before. Inside strange writings and an odd machine were found. It survived the explosion that destroyed a continent without a scratch. Inside strange writings were found from the people before, currently being translated. Also a strange machine sits in its base.

The City: A large sprawling city. Districts of farming, forging, learning and housing exist. It houses Ex Machina and the Ember race.

The Pylon Defense System: A series of Pylons that drain energy to provide extra power for Ex Machina and Vigil.

The artifact in question has several major features first and foremost it will record and store all the major evens of the world and any new knowledge acquired ( either by it's sensors or Vigil's input). The second will allow it to model events and creations using available information. The third is lesser "Shrines" that can be accessed in the Libray that allow all beings to access the Database and modeling capabilities. The final function is a understanding of how the God's powers work and how it can be applied by mortal races.

Afterlife for Your children for when their time is done in the Mortal world. Essentially an Entire dimensional copy of The City. Each of your Children will have a connection to this place so when they die their Souls will be pulled there and Spiritual bodies created to mimic their physical one at their prime. Extra work will be put into making the relm completely safe even if it where to come under attack from other gods

The Stone of Cold and Dark: A strange stone created by Kari when she attempted to create an indestructable material. It appears to have gained Concepts, despite not being aware.

Huge Building named The Forge of Ragadas
It's made from materials of The Gate
This huge building said to have over 1000 rooms with every kind of forge in it.
From today's modern forges to ancient Forges to Ragadas own Forge in the middle of building.
Anything build by this forge is Superior to any other forge products.Be it tools, be it weapons.
It can easily build weapons/tools for 10.000 people in a day.
But it's mainly used for creating Automaton people of Aeon's
It can create 100 Aeon a month.
It also helps Ragadas in Smithing
It has been upgraded with Tower based materials.
A Image of one of the rooms.

The Necropolis: Mors created this place to sustain the Tenebris. It produces Death energy in small amounts, enough to keep the inhabitents 'alive' but not to allow growth.

The Timeless Towers: Obelisks created by Hedon. They exist as absolute timeless entities.

The Warp Storm: A storm of lethal Change that surrounds the planet. Anything that enters is subjected to uncountable changes, with the laws of space, time and reality itself bend beyond comprehension.

The Labyrinthian: Info incoming

Realm-Weaver: a sword of unimaginable power wielded by Kyrsaelon. It embodies his concepts and is a part of him as much as it is a separate entity. Realm-Weaver is an immutable, impossibly sharp "sword" that embodies the perfection of both "sword" and "martial talent." It cuts through and destroys existences with a single cut, so metaphysically sharp it can easily separate a concept from an entity (mortals & inanimates easily, immortals must already be worn down and defeated). There is nothing it cannot sever and bind. It is Kyrsaelon's main sculpting tool and his ever-present companion.
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Gods and more
Name: (The name of your god)

Major Concept: (your Gods main sphere of influence)

Minor Concept: (your Gods minor sphere of influence)

Mind-set: (your goals and personality)

Description: (what form your god takes, if any)

Name: (Name of your titan)

Major Concept: (Your titans major sphere of influence) (can overlap with other players Concepts, but only if they are Minor Concepts. No doubles of Major Concepts)

Mind-set: (your goals and personality)

Description: (your titans form)

Name: Tethys

Major Concept: Change

Minor Concept: New Beginnings

Mind-set: Wants to see change, of all kinds, and be entertained by them. So long as it's entertaining Tethys will continue to change it until something else catches her attention.

Description: Most often takes the shape of a woman in white with six silver wings on her back.

Name: Ragadas

Major Concept: War
Minor Concept: Smithing
Minor Conecpt: Materials

He likes all kinds of fighting.Be it fair or unfair,with or without glory.Only rules he enforces is No chid killed under his name and no backstabing.But while he is God of War.He is also Minor God of Smithing and knows how to make weapons,seige engines or walls better than any mortal.

He also likes to say ''If you are going to die in Glory then cause as much of destruction and death before dying with only children spared''


Name: Kari

Major Concept: Darkness
Minor Concept: Cold

Mind-set: She looked upon the dead world, and didn't dislike what she say. So she took on the aspects of the world as it is, vowing to protect it.

Description: Black Ice, molded into a female shape, burning with flames that produce no heat.

Name: Mors

Major Concept: Death
Minor Concept: Magic
Minor Concept: Disease

Mind-set: None can escape death, it will always take its rightful due. But the fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. For death is simply another part of life. Mors understands this concept and fully embraces it. He also does not care what walk of life a person comes from, what great or evil deeds they committed in life, all must give the dead their due respect.


Name: Hedon

Major Concept: Time

Minor Concept: Stillness

Mind-set: To come when I have access to a computer.

Description: An aged and worn stone statue of a king. His face is cracked and still, only changing when not being watched.

Name: Rwoo

Major Concept: Life
Minor Concept: Divinity
Minor Concept: Survival
Mind-set: TBA

Description:A person-shaped hole in existence.

Name: Hypermnestra

Major concept: Error.

Minor concept: Equality

Mindset: Somewhat power hungry,Rebellious, and has a strong sense of will, dreams of a world where everything is treated equal.
Major action: observe the world from the far.


Name: Vigil

Major Concept: Creation

Minor Concept: Civilization

Mind-set: Vigil Dreams of a world where Beings can shape the world much like gods with their own two hands. a peaceful world where people can dream of creating wonderful things along side him. he likes Building and creating new things and if he deems them worthy of it maintaining them. he dislikes Ragadas for his Violent temperament but respects his ability to create... even if it's only weapons of war. He saves his true distaste for Kari as her goals and his run at complete opposites.


(Just the armor)

Name: Kyrsaelon

Major Concept: Existence

Minor Concept: Perfection

Mind-Set: Kyrsaelon is generally content to do his own thing, converting existing things into another more perfect form (even base earth or air into ex/people, gold, whatever) or just flat out creation. Enjoys having aspects of himself reflected at least in part on this dead world, and sets to harmlessly spread his concept around the world.

Description: you literally cannot look at him, he's too perfect to be observed by anyone or anything in his true form. None know what he looks like, but assume that it is the "perfect" form of their ideal.

Name: Dialectica

Major Concept: Dialectics

Mind-set: Dialectica's immediate goals are to find truths, have them clash and then meld them. From this, it could be argued that the ultimate goal of Dialectica is the melding of all conflicting truths into one. As for the personality of Dialectica, it could be said that Dialectica has a morbid fascination for change. If Dialectica could tie itself to Tethys, it would. Alas, there does not seem to be a way for this to happen yet.

Description: A drunk Chinese space admiral who looks lazy, is an alcoholic and has dark blue hair.

Name: Vajra

Gender: female
Appearance: with mask and armor
And without mask and armor:

Personality: Ruthless,blunt,and a little arrogant, passionate,and has a great sense of humor, and a big mommas girl

Bio: she was made by mixing Rwoo 's essence abd creatures and Ragadas's creations and his essence with Hypermnesta's own power.

Name: Illeana Dana
Major Concept: Nature

Mind-set: she is wanting and willing to create a self sustaining and expanding ecosystem and works tirelessly for it. definitely a obsessive sort, but friendly and quite wiling to co-operate with every other entity..
Description: Appears as a "Green lady", a green skinned woman with plant like hair. Manifestation size can very wildly, from human to Kaiju size form can also variy a bit. The forms below are the two most often used

Name: Belfan

Major Concept: Endeavour

Mind-set: Belfan believes in striving, and attempting to do things. He doesn't particularly care what it is, or even if it succeeds, as long as it is sufficiently difficult and enough effort is put into it. He likes to see progress made through effort but it is a lesser level of enjoyment over simply seeing the effort itself. (May develop more.)

Description: He appears as a slightly weathered man, one who is no stranger to hard work.

Titan Name: Ether
Titan: The Endless One
Domain: Void
Mind-set: he finds the World....amusing and will usually stay out of others way so as to observe what the Gods do with it.


Name: Zadkiel

Major Concept: Fire

Mind-set: Zadkiel awoke in the frozen depths and saw only the opposite as the way forward. Zadkiel has the ability to draw and shape flames and heat the world by his presence alone. He wishes to warm the world up.


Khepri, Titan of Cycles.

This giant is indestructable to any other being other than Major Gods it's self.
This Giant will be guardian of the gate and future defender of the Automaton race that will be here.
This Giant Automaton will have a small part of my power so it can even fight against Major Gods or beings like Major Gods even it's only for few minutes.
(Minor Gods/Primordials can only defeat this automaton with numbers.They can not beat 1vs1)
Also try to add these strange thing near the gate.

He looks like this

The Statues of Hedon: A collection of beings trapped in time in order to let them live forever. Not truly their own race, but rather a collection of beings that accepted Hedons offer to escape death

The Hogosha: Guardians-turned monsters-turned guardians once more. With the corruption of Error purged from them by Kari, the Hogosha turn back to their original purpose. They now guard the First World from damage by the mortal races, preventing over-exploitation.

The warp-god: Not a true God, but something Divine nonetheless. Not much is known yet.

The filaments: These lifeforms live in the melting middle oceans. They resemble long chains of green rope and live in large colonies. They live off the light and heat given off by Tethys shifting patterns, following in their wake. From above it almost seems like the patterns have a green after-image.

The Gate-Dwellers: Once there were sessile cell like creatures, but after harvesting the energy of the rift they have evolved into terrifingly strong vine like creatures. There are only 2 known colonies; one present on the gate and the other on the guardian.

The Star Seekers: Winged creature resembling transparent birds. Adapted for life in space.

The Seraphim: A fusion between the star seekers and the aeons. They possess the Concept of Change.

Elementals: Inanimate objects and elements Rwoo gave life to. Comes in many forms and appears all over the world. Forests of stone, living currents and wisps made of light are the most common forms.

Automaton race thats crafts themself and their children.
First of this race will be my own creation.And all automatons will have very very very small part of my power.
Also use: The Gate-Dwellers
They will use Gate(Fortress) of Rift as their home/command centre.
They will defend Gate(Fortress) of Rift with Ares(The First Automaton)
They will look like this.

Trait's of this race:

Construct Life Form:
Their bodies are constructs and their minds are very different from normal life forms.They are Immune to all corruptions that's not made especially for them.Their strenght and durability increased with Material Quality
(Corruptions in this case: Poisons,Insanity/Madness,Mind Magic that's not made by Elder Gods or made especially for them)

Durable Bodies:
They are very durable.Blows that kills human's only dents them.This can increase with Material Quality

They are strong as 2 Humans.This can increase with Material Quality

Repairable Bodies:
As long as they are repaired they are Ageless
(Ageless:They do not die from old age)

They are slow to repruduce.Triple of a Human

Need's Repair:
They do not regenerate like normal life forms.They need repairs or healing magic.

2 Void-Whales (I'll call them Leviathans). Formed from the empty space above the dead realm, the Leviathans do not "live" in a traditional sense. They exist as an intrinsic part of the world, woven into the very fabric of reality by Kyrsaelon and then pushed passed it, the Leviathans are an immutable corporeal facet of Kyrsaelon himself.
Omni-locked, Avatar-Channeling Capable (w/o exploding), intuitive aptitude, physically powerful and imposing, "swim" through air/space, extremely chill in demeanor unless purposely ticked off. Probably the coolest things you've ever seen.
Mythic-ly slow Reproductive Cycle, slow to enter conflict, they are kinda like flying manatees (in demeanor), do not have at set realm--they are nomads. They might be...a bit too passive: you could probably build a city on them and they would not care. Why did I make these things again...?

Tenebris: The race of spirit like beings created by Mors. They live of a diet of death and interact with the world via magic. They recently gained knowledge of the Concept of Magic. Their leader is the personifilcation of their race, wielding weapons of Magic and Death.

Race Name: Aberrant



These creatures exist in a void between life and death, illusion and reality, and time and space. And these beings reproduced similar to the Aeons but they produce more spawn and while they are not as durable as the aeons but they two times as stronger.
these beings are fiercely loyal to you and your children but they are not completely united as a race. They form main three clans: Reaver
(blue) fierce and feral barbarians who love to fight but not that intelligent and strong physical combatants,but strangely enough they're most sociable of the three clans.Disruptor (yellow) very intelligent,a little greedy,and resourceful makers,builders,that are strong long range combatants, but they are weak short range ombatants And the shroud
(red): good at both ranges but their speed is unmatched. They're mysterious and mission driven assassins and scouts who are the most anti social towards the other clans and races

Time Locked: The Ananke are stuck in time, constantly frozen so as to prevent their continuation to an inevitable death. Their time locked bodies are nearly indestructible, due to them not reaction to anything that is flowing naturally through time.
Don't Blink: The Ananke, like their father Hedon,can only move when they are not being watched. Luckily they are incredibly fast, able to cross vast distances in very short periods of time.
Time Thief: In order to keep their bodies locked, they must go forth and steal away the time of other beings and objects. When they do this the stolen being fades away onto dust, almost as if it aged several thousand years in seconds.

-[X] the first generation of Embers will bear the Title of Archron and each will be personal crafted with extra detale given to their Souls so they may give future generations their souls.
Appearance (Female)

Height:5-6 feet in height
Lifespan:100-120 years (Archons Live about 4 times that)

Culture : at the moment of they first achieve sentience each of the Archrons was given a Focus in their lives. these include Building, Creating, Warfare,Art, logistics, Magic and more. second generation and later Embers tend to feel a affinity to a certain Focus though in the end it's their choice. they tend to be a peaceful race more inclined to build, farm and SCIENCE!!! than cause harm to others. though they do tend to be ... Destructive when researching ( Explosions are a perfectly viable forum of the scientific method).

Among the Population of Embers are those capable of using their Souls to "Create" effects similar to magic the most common of these creation abilities is the ability to create fire hence the name (this is not do to an affinity to fire, rather the fact that fire is very simple to make) . those whose focus is the mastering and use of this ability are called Shapers.

Comparative to the Other races of the world Embers tend to reproduce quicker. though there is a time frame of a year where the parents must "rest" their souls before they can conceive a new child. Shapers who conceive a child lose much of their strength but recover far faster.

all Embers have a natural affinity with Ex Machina so they interact with it and learn from it faster. Most Embers carry around Lesser artifacts known as Mini machina's on their wrists that allow them to remotely access some of Ex Machina's functions as well as mimic some of the lesser effects.

Religion: Vigil created them so they venerate him the most but they spare time and effort to worship the other gods of creation as his peers and sharpers of the world that they live in. though they do have a natural aversion to Kari as her domain is the opposite of Vigil's dream for them. they Deem the City where they where created as holy ground and seek to expand and maintain it

Endeavour Spirits: Beings without much of a true form. Hazy and indistinct, they are loyal to Belfan and drawn to beings that are striving as hard as they can towards a goal. When they find these beings, they will attempt to merge with them for a time, offering a boost to their area of focus until they are successful.

The Star-Moss: Created my Illeana from the filaments, this moss is adapted to survive on the faint light of the star patterns of Tethys. It stores its light and seeds together, eventually releasing glowing spore-balls that help light the world even more.

Illith: Sea dwelling intelligent creatures, still mostly unknown by the world. They have the potential to become something more.
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Turn 1
The Arrival

The rift shimmered, and the first of the beings from beyond emerged into a world so unlike its own. For a moment it flailed, it was not meant to be here, this land was not meant for it. In its pure state the being would only last moments, reality itself crying out to reject the alien, the unnatural. All was not lost however, for it saw a way. If this world would only accept its own, then the being would *make* itself kin. This very thought was enough, for by deciding to change itself, it Saw the Concept of Change. Embracing the Concept, the being suddenly found itself calm, the pressure from before no longer there. The first of the Gods had arrived, and it liked its new beginning.

More beings soon followed. The second struggled against the rejection, pushed back against the universe who dared to banish it, until it Saw that this struggle, this fight, was itself a Concept. It grasped the Concept of War in its fist and declared its triumph over reality, the first of the many victories to come.
The next has less trouble that its fellows, for almost immediately after passing through the rift it opened its eyes and Saw the world as it was. The being would take the Concepts of Dark and Cold and try to preserve this wondrous new reality.
It was in the last moments before banishment that the Forth managed to open its eyes, Seeing that Time, the very thing that had almost destroyed it, was itself a Concept.
Strangely, the Fifth was unique among the Gods. Whereas the Forth had saved itself moments before destruction, the Fifth has plunged headfirst into it, having never managed to See a Concept. It was utterly destroyed...
However, was not its end. A new being returned in its place, it has Seen the very Concept of Death and took it for its own.
The Sixth was the opposite. After passing through the rift it had felt the great pressure threatening to destroy it and realized it wanted to live. With this it opened its eyes and Saw the Concepts of Life and Survival.

More Gods would soon be arriving, but in the meantime the six had been undergoing a change that all the Gods would experience. By taking in part of reality they had become less alien to it and their forms changed to reflect this. If anyone had been around to see, they would have considered it a strange gathering, the beings alien nature had combined with their Concepts to form an extraordinary range of forms.
Their new bodies were not the only change they experienced for their very minds had been altered by the filter of the Concepts. They took on names to identify themselves and personalities to fit their unique views of the world. Many of the Gods discovered more Concepts, though strangely they become unable to See after acquiring the second. Many wondered if this was permanent or if they could learn to See again?

Act 1

It was Ragadas, the second, who was first to act. Thoughts of the rift being altered or destroyed had filled his mind, and did not sit well with him. So he decided to do something about it. Using the materials buried beneath the ice he forged a grand gate, and in doing so discovered a new Concept. The gate created was more a fortress than a simple doorway, resistant to anything this world had to offer. Still, this was not enough for Ragadas, he would ensure the rift was protected, so plans were made for the construction of a guardian for the gate.

During this great construction Tethys and Kari had been in deep discussion. Tethys wished to start changing the world, starting with the oceans, while Kari wanted to keep them the same. Neither could fully convince the other to abandon their ideas, so instead a compromise was met. Tethys would change the middle oceans of the world, while the North and South Seas would stay as Kari liked. With the arrangement made, Tethys wasted no time in unleashing her power, causing a great pattern to burrow deep into the frozen water. The ice shone as the glowing lines shifted beneath their surface, illuminating the world for the first time in countless ages.

Deep beneath the surface of the waters, ice began to melt.

At the same time as this, Kari had been taking action to assure that some parts of her Concept would always survive. Deep under the earth caverns opened up in a thunderous roar, briefly shaking the land. A network of tunnels formed, large and dark enough that any being entering them would likely never find a way out. Not that anything would ever actually enter, as Kari reinforced the walls of the caves, metamorphosed them into a material never seen before in this reality. The surrounding rocks begin to groan, as if in pain

Rwoo had wasted no time embracing its Concept and life had been created, then cast into the icy wastelands. It almost met an unfortunate end, for while it was adaptable in the extreme, there was simply nothing in the wastes capable of supporting any form of life, no matter how evolved.
At least, until the other gods started their own works.
The great patterns winding under the frozen ocean were a beacon in the dark to one group of the lifeforms, who adapted their form so they could borrow deep into the ice and form great chains of filaments which followed the patterns as they changed, migrating through the ice, slush and water in a great mimic to Tethys work.
A different group of the lifeforms took a different path, for there was one other source of energy available to them. Around the great gate they congregated, becoming immobile and slowly soaking themselves in the divine energy leaked from the rift, waiting to mature.

During the actions of the first wave, more Gods had passed through the rift.
The being who would come to take the name Vigil Saw the great gate being constructed, taking on the Concept of Creation. It desired more of this and dreamed of a world where many beings would share in this wondrous power. It Dreamed of Civilization.
Kavlaes passed through the rift at an inopportune time, as Ragadas was performing a delicate part of the forging of the gate. Its appearance caused the section to be ruined and thus Kavlaes Saw Destruction.
The last God to enter reality did so in a unique manner. It did not manifest correctly, remaining part in its own world and part in the new one. Due to this reality could not force it out, for it didn't exist, but it couldn't stay because it clearly did exist. Observing its strange situation Hypermnestra realized it was an Error in reality.

Many of the Gods had decided to explore the world, spreading out in every direction, some looking for life, others merely curious and some looking to claim areas for themselves.

What they found was worrying. It appeared at first glance that the entire world was simply a lifeless ball of rock and ice. For miles upon miles the unchanging landscape stood unbroken, land and sea almost indistinguishable from each other. Many began to wonder if there was anything worth seeing at all, at least, until Hypermnestra discovered the structure.

On the eastern continent, almost half a world away from the rift it stood, a single tower rising from the ice like the skeletal finger of a long dead giant. The structure went deep, far beyond the distance visible in the pale glow of Tethys pattern, but it suggest a size that dwarfed even the grand gate of Ragadas. Something had been here, in this world, and it/they had been able to craft works as mighty as this.

So the question stands, what had happened to them?
Turn 2 - Explosions and Titans
Now that Gods had had time to acclimatise to their new world, they got down to business.

Ragadas was still not satisfied with the protections he had constructed for the gate. He needed more than just a shell, he needed something that could fight back against any who would assault the gate. After all, the best defence was a giant robot that could stomp armies to death.
Land was stripped of minerals and the sound of forging echoed in the air around the gate, as slowly and surely the towering automaton rose into the sky. Before completion however, Ragadas noticed something interesting, the strange lifeforms that had been growing near the gate had responded to the increased activity. One by one the sack-like creatures burst, revealing branched vines that latched onto the gate with such strength that the metal that could resist a God let out a groan in protest. He was ready to purge these creatures from his creation, but it seemed they could be useful. They were strong enough to prove a threat to any who tampered with a gate, but not strong enough to actually damage it.
In fact, this gave him an idea.
Soon, the Automaton stood complete, an enormous metal figure, resistant to anything but the attentions of a God and adorned with vines that could crush steel. It was the worlds first symbiotic relationship, the vines would assist in defending the gate and in return would feed off the spark of divine essence that Ragadas had infused in the guardian.

Meanwhile, far from the Tower on the western continent a city was coming into being. Vast amounts of stone was harvested and land cleared for space. District by district the city was built; farms, houses, forges, parks and more spread for miles across the wastes. In its center a grand Library, almost a palace in its splendour, stood. Around the library stood spots of statues, an invite for the other gods to share in Vigils creation, if they should desire. For now the city was silent, wind blowing through the empty houses and parks devoid of life, however, while the city felt empty, it did not feel sad. The potential was here, simply waiting for those who would come to inhabit it.
As the world once waited, so now the city waits for those who would be its Gods.

Once again Tethys was bored. The patterns in the ocean were still nice of course, after all she had made them, but perhaps something more could be done with them. Grasping some of the power contained in the patterns in one hand, Tethys took off, her six silver wings propelling her higher and higher until all the world was spread before her.
The patterns looked even better from up here, in her humble opinion.
Still, she told herself, she had work to do and couldn't sightsee all day. The power was spread across the heavens in shining pinpricks of light, showing every colour she could imagine. Then they started to move, swirling through to void to create new and interesting patterns for those down below.

As an afterthought, Tethys decided that the Filaments were missing out by only seeing her first creation, so several colonies were sent up into the sky and out of sight.

Meanwhile Kari was on a quest for answers. There was something wrong with her Caverns, they should be dark, cold and silent, but since their creation a strange groaning sound had been echoing through the tunnels. Upon closer investigation something strange was revealed, the rock she had reinforced earlier had become something else. It was cold to the touch and, impossibly, seemed to be darker than the rock around it, despite there being to light at all. She discovered the groaning was caused by the rock around it slowly being converted. She would have to think more about this and decided on a course of action, meanwhile there was some exploring to be done.
Unfortunately her second task turned out less well than her first and she was unable to find any more artefacts or structures on this world. It seemed the Tower was truly the only thing left on this planet from those who had come before.

Rwoo had come to a realisation. His Life was impressive yes, but still oh so limited, for was it not proven by the other Gods that things could live without Life? But, what if he could combine these things? With the help of Tethys and Mors he would construct a Cycle, infusing life with the Concepts of Life, Death and Change, whose job would be to understand new Concepts and return to their creators with their new knowledge upon death. The first step would be infusing the lifeforms with the Concepts.

Things did not go as planned.

It started as intended; Tethys, Mors and Rwoo managed to pass on their understanding of their Concepts to the lifeforms. However this proved too much for the poor creatures, those mortal frames could not withstand the power their now had access to.
Rwoo hurried to save his creations, giving them the ability to spread faster while Tethys worked to help them use the Concept of Change they possessed to save themselves. The results were better, with the creatures evolving and spreading as fast as they were dying, but it was not as Rwoo had envisioned. Then Hedon intervened, creating a field of accelerated time around the creatures to see if they would eventually evolve a way of surviving.
When the field cleared it revealed something unexpected. The lifeforms had indeed discovered a new Concept as intended, but it was clear that they were no longer a creature of Life, Death or Change and Rwoo felt no connection between them. It seemed the cycle had failed. The lifeforms had joined and combined to become something new, something Divine.

The newly created Titan took a step past the former boundary of the time field and spoke

''I am Khepri, Titan of Cycles. Pleased to meet you Mother and Fathers.''

The eastern continent was undergoing a great change, for Hypermnestra had decided to create a foundation for her future works by turning this land into a mirror of herself. The land slowly began to change, metamorphing into a strange black and while substance that seemed to embody the very Concept of Error. This would have gone on to cover the entire continent if not for Hedon, who's actions would forever change the world.

Kari, Mors and Vigil had all decided to investigate the Tower buried in the ice. Whatever was inside would likely provide information on the past of this world. However as they began to approach the tower they noticed that Hedon had begun to take action. A great sphere of time formed around the tower and began to reverse, blocking the other Gods entry. They watched as time flew by, nothing changed for what must have been a very long time if the reversal was a fast as they suspected it was, then suddenly the ice was melting, or rather freezing in reverse.

Then there was nothing but blinding white light filling the entirety of the field. For a moment nothing happened and all watched in fascination. Then cracks began to form on the field.
It was the quick actions of Kari that saved the Gods, as she threw up defences around the tower that proved just enough to blunt the force of the light as the time field shattered and an earth shattering explosion thundered across the world.

When the dust cleared there was nothing left of the eastern continent, only a single black tower rising from the ocean.
Turn 3
''I am sorry Mother, I wish things had gone differently, but I cannot forgive what you tried to do, not yet. Perhaps some time observing this world will make me see things differently''

Tethys and Khepri went their separate ways. Khepri vanished into the wastes and despite others attempts, no one could find her, and she would emerge when she was ready. The Change Goddess retreated to the void above and danced in the stars as she had planned, but it felt strangely hollow and she soon lost interest. She decided that some new company might cure this feeling.
After searching for some time through the dark emptiness, Tethys finally found what remained of the life she had so carelessly thrown before. They still lived, thanks to Rwoos actions during the creation of the Titan, but it was a tortured existence, with them living only long enough to divide and reproduce before the inhospitable conditions overcame their adaptions. Invoking Change, Tethys willed the creatures to take on a new form, something more suited to this void.
The creatures responded to the Concept, become more and more complex. Their flesh became translucent, reflecting the light of the patterns, wings (many, many wings) sprouted from their newly forming backs and spines. Inside their minds other changes were occurring, their simple brains began to truly grasp consciousness and the subtle seed of intelligence was planted.

The Star-Seekers now had a form to suit their home. They danced in joy in the stars.

The Star-Seekers were not the only beings to be changed dramatically, for Rwoo had decided to continue to stretch the definitions of his Concept. He chose to give life to those things that already existed, rather than create something new. The gift of life was spread among many objects, and each reacted differently. Forests of stone began to grow, spreading impossibly slowly yet so resistant to the touch of time that they would never truly die. In the middle ocean water currents took on a will of their own, spreading across the ocean with a burning curiosity. Even the pale light of Tethys works was affected, consolidating into Wisps that serenely floated across the land.
One thing, however, could not be effected. The strange stone that had been worrying several Gods resisted the very idea of Life. Rwoo found he could not change it easily.

Kari had also been investigating the strange stone, and through detailed observations she discovered the source of its oddness. It contained a miniscule amount of divine energy, drawing on the power of the rift to keep the extra strength Kari had wished it to have. It would be easy to fix, but why such a thing happened in the first place remained a mystery.

The Gods of Life and Change were far from alone regarding their interactions with the beings of the world, for Ragadas was finally creating his mechanical race. He had planned long and hard in order to ensure there would be no large flaws in his creations and this planning had paid off. The Automatons were a masterpiece of metalwork, incredibly intricate and capable of both repairing themselves and even of reproducing (in a fashion). Their tough, durable bodies, immunity to many hazards and near infinite lifespan made them perfect for surviving in the still rather desolate world. The areas around the gate were colonised immediately, though scouts were quick to start exploring for future homes. Several members of the race also expressed an interested in living in the City, if their God permitted it.

The newly created people also had a bit of a shock, as their new home opened for the first time since its creation, exposing the Rift to the world. The being that emerged quickly adapted to the new reality, Seeing Existence itself.

The new variety of beings that inhabited this world inspired Kyrsaelon, who got to work on his own contribution.

High above in the void a group of Star-Seekers scattered, for the new inhabitants of the empty spaces had arrived. They were not truly alive in the traditional sense, but rather were expressions of reality, woven into the fabric of reality. They would never die, though their unique pattern would take millions of years to propagate and spread. There would never be many Leviathans, though they would always be well loved for their peaceful nature and awe inspiring appearance.

In the far reaches of the world, Hedon travelled. He wished for some isolation, the other Gods had still not forgotten about his slight mistake. To keep his mind off things, he observed the new forms of life, stepping in just before any deaths to observe the final moments. Unfortunately, this only frustrated him, it seemed that logically he should be able to grasp the Concept of Death, he was watching it happen right in front of him after all, but his mind kept sliding away from it. It seemed that finding a third Concept was impossible. With his current knowledge anyway.

In the City an artefact was being created. Its purpose was to store knowledge and history, model events and then provide all of this to any beings who accessed the library. Vigil started this off by inputting all that had occurred in the world so far, using his own knowledge and the others accounts to ensure accuracy. Particular detail was entered regarding Hedon and the Tower incident.
In an attempt to teach Ex Machina about the powers of the Gods, Rwoo entered his knowledge of Life. The machine began to work on finding a way to provide this power to mortals, though it would take a while to parse all the data.

Around Hypermnestra a field sprang into being. It flickered and distorted, smothering the area inside in Error. No other Gods influence would pass through without effort, leaving the land inside pure, to the standards of Hypermnestra at least.
Inside the field the Goddess was at work, also intent of creating a being of her own. A quick acquisition of one of the Automaton scouts and a trip to the middle ocean was all she needed to get started. Combining the automaton and filament creature was difficult, but her own Error helped to fuse them. The resulting being was odd. Vajra was not a Titan, for although she contained Life, War and Error, she had never Seen any of them. She was however, far above a normal mortal, for the (now) concentrated spark of divine from the three sources gave her great power.

While Hypermnestra was busy in her field, Mors had created his own. A barrier of pure Magic, designed with the purpose of limiting damage enclosed the God, who began his experiments.
First a vine from the gate was examined. It clearly fed on the strange energy the rift gave off, but Mors wondered if it could also feed on something else. He soon discovered that they could also gain sustenance from energy aligned with his Concepts, though what long term changes the diet change could cause were unknown.
After the vine, Mors moved on to his major project, and the reason for a barrier. He would attempt to create his own race, like many of the other Gods were doing, however he was aware his own Concepts were ill-suited for such a thing. In the end he decided trying to combine death and magic together was worth a shot. He gathered his power and Willed it to form something.
It worked, in a way. The beings created were intelligent, for they consisted of little more than a mind, their presence in the physical plane was weak. They appeared as faint ripples in the air, or darker shadows at night. They gained energy from the death of nearby creatures, they could not die but if they grew low on energy they would disperse into the air, until nothing was left of the being it had been. Their ability to interact with the physical world grew with age, as did their magic. For now they were weak and fleeting, but soon they would grow into their power.

Meanwhile, far in the east a grand undertaking was underway. Waves crashed against newly forming icebergs, before succumbing to the Cold and freezing themselves. Slowly but surely the sea began to freeze, a perfect circle of Dark, Cold ice, utterly smooth baring the black tower rising from the centre. During the process of freezing the sea, Kari has observed the tower, from top to deep under the waves. It seemed that it not only pierced the very crust of the planet, but also was resistant to her Godly powers. There was no way to see inside, without entering it first. An opening on the top of the tower was discovered, showing nothing but darkness and shadows within.
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Turn 4
The world was now teaming with life. The filaments filled the seas, the Aeons had settles around the gate and in Vigils city, the Star Seekers and Leviathans could be glimpsed around the great patterns in the sky and the gate-dwellers continued to grow around the rift.

Still relatively unknown to the world, the Tenebris had moved into a necropolis of Mors design. They would be able to sustain themselves there until the world was ready for them. Above the city of the dead Mors kept a watchful eye on anything that could prove to be a threat.
The Aeons had also been gifted a structure by their God, though unlike the unsettling quiet of the necropolis the Forge of Ragadas bustled with activity. The crashing of hammers and hissing of water on hot metal echoed throughout the building. More Aeons would soon come into the world. Ragadas also attempted to teach his creations magic, but found that he was a poor teacher, for he could not truly grasp the concept himself.

Again, a structure was gifted to a race by their God, unusually in this case though the race didn't exist yet. Vigil was almost ready to create his legacy in the mortal world, but first his future children needed to be protected. He could not prevent the death of his children, but he could ensure it was comfortable, so Vigil gathered the power of Creation and founded a new reality. It was limited, for nothing can truly recreate all of reality in its entirety, but it was more than enough for a copy of the city to be placed. This would be where the sparks that gave his children life would return to upon death, somewhere familiar to them.

Deep in the real city, Ex Machina continued to process the data collected.

Tethys was fascinated with life. She had been observing and interacting with it for a while now, but it never grew boring and changed in such interesting ways. Though it could not compete with her of course, so perhaps it was time to speed some things along. Several of the Aeons exploring the land had also become interested in the 'organics'. As their God had granted them free will they decided to accept Tethys offer to combine organic and inorganic life, though many of the other Aeons were dismayed and disgusted at the idea and those who choose to go along with it.
The Star Seekers did not yet have a language, but their general affection towards Tethys allowed her to gather a couple for the experiement. To ensure the combination would work Tethys taught them a lesser form of her Concept, so they might be able to Change fast enough to survive, since she wasn't entirely sure if this would just kill them or not. A small price for doing something interesting, she thought.

The Concept made the difference. With its power the new creatures were able to adapt quickly enough to survive and become something new and glorious. They were large, twice the size of an aeon, strange organs and advanced mechanisms visible beneath their transparent skin, and twelve wings, a mix of metal, feather and flesh behind them. They looked upon their creator and awaited a name.

Around Hedon a garden of statues was forming. The God had approached the dying and desperate, offering a respite. Death nor Time would claim them, they would live forever, frozen partially in time. The Gods offers continued and his garden grew.

Hypermnestra was preparing for her own race to come into being. She adapted the barrier around herself to hopefully reduce contaminates by infusing any essence that enters with Error. Then she created her race, creatures that like herself did not truly fit into any category or law. They were split into clans specialized for different purposes, so that the race as a whole may be improved. Once this task was done she gathered a small army and headed towards the Tower.

While she was gone, Vajra took a small group of the reaver and shroud clans to offer a friendly competition to the other races, if they had permission. Almost immediately the Aeons signed up, for they were interested to see this new race and what it could do.
During preparations Vajra watched Ragadas work, the quality of his smithing impressed her and she felt she was close to Glimpsing something more.

While the other Gods were busy with new life and new works, Rwoo had decided to more closely examine his earlier creations, specifically the gate-dwellers. The way they drew upon the Rift for sustenance intrigued him and he gave a single member of each race he had access to the same ability, to see how they grew.
Then he drew on the power of the Rift himself. He felt his entire being changing, new untainted divine energy coursed into him, simmering with potential and purpose. He opened his eyes and Saw…

Kari had decided to use the strange stone to her advantage. By surrounding the rocks and other elements which had been granted Life with her own stones of Cold and Dark, she could prevent their growth from spreading to much. Kari decided the protective properties of the stone could be useful for other purposes as well, she erected several walls of increasing size around the tower made of the stone, which would protect it and perhaps also protect the world from the tower itself, if something happened. Then she tugged on the divine energy within the stones, halting their growth.

With the preparations done, Kari turned to the tower, joining with Hypermnestra and her army as they entered the tower.


The tower dove deep. A huge staircase met the Gods and Aberrants as they entered, heading down into shadows. Their footsteps echoed down and only returned minutes later.

After what felt like ages of walking they reached the end of the stairs. They knew that they must be below the crust of the planet by now, but the Tower remained silent and cool, giving no indication of any strain from the immense weight or pressure it must be experiencing.

There was only two things in the room at the end of the stairs. A strange mechanical device and what seemed like hundreds of thousands of words covering the walls of the tower itself. The language was unknown to the Gods and the machine equally so.

There was no one alive here.


OCC: Well, that was eventful. Sorry about the wait and any grammar and spelling errors present, Uni stuff has distracted me a bit and I wanted to get this out quickly.
Also, Rwoo, pick a new minor Concept.
Turn 5 - Error in the system
Rwoos success at harnessing the power of rift caused many debates among the Gods. Some desired to follow in his footsteps and gain more power, while others such advised caution.
Ragadas was the first to take action, ignoring the warning of Mors and grasping as best he could what he desired in his mind, he stood before the open doors of his Gate and drank deeply of the rift. The pure untainted power ran through him, searching for a purpose. It found Material.
Seeing the War Gods success, Kyrsaelon decided to try as well. His Realm-Weaver proved a suitable conduit to channel the power into himself, allowing him to See…

During this, Rwoo, emboldened by his success at acquiring a new Concept, decided to see if he could gain another. He offered a deal to the seraphim, that in exchange for him teaching them Divinity, they would teach him the Concept of Change. Unfortunately it failed, Rwoo was as unable to grasp the Concept as before. The Seraphim were also unable to learn the new Concept, much to their disappointment.

Meanwhile inside the tower the Aberrations were hard at work. The Disruptors were smart, their God had designed them that way, so decoding a language was well within their strengths. Soon pieces started to come together, forming what seemed like a history of the people who made the tower. The first part of the writings were as follows
'We were created by the Gods. Beings from another world we think, it's difficult to explain. They had vast powers over reality, at the time they seemed immortal and omnipotent, though of course we eventually learned otherwise.

Our planet was their favourite, and we were their favourite people, nothing in the system held their interest as much as our race. Nothing was denied to us, which in the end was what caused their downfall-'
Progress was slow, but the Disruptors assured the Gods that the rest of the text would soon be translated.

In Hypermnestras land, colonization was taking place. Star-seekers and filaments were introduced to bring some life to the lands, though they almost immediately started to change, their old instincts of adaption awakening again in this strange new environment. What effect the saturation of Error would have would soon be seen.
The gate dwellers however changed far more quickly, for the second they passed through the Dome of Error they started to grow, fast. The area set aside for the forest was soon overrun, as they grew outwards, upwards and downwards, seemingly defying all known laws of gravity. By its end the Forest stretched miles into the sky, containing layers of strange and unique ecosystems. Some of the dwellers had lost their vine like form and taken new strange ones, things never seen before by the Gods. It would take some time to reach the top.
Of course, Vajra simply took this as a challenge, taking her best troops she set out to conquer this strange new land in the name of, well, herself. The trees fought back viciously, and many Aberrent were crushed by branches, or stolen away by the unseen creatures hiding in the shadows. Vajra, however, carved a path deep into the lands, opening a way for others to follow.

During the most exciting and intense fight of her life, Vajra began to See.

In the garden of time locked creatures, Hedon had a spark of inspiration. His had desired to create his own legacy like the other Gods, but Time and Stillness were not conductive to life. The solution, he decided, was to create life based on himself. The beings created did not travel through time normaly, instead they were locked in place, unable to age. This trait did not some freely however, for they must maintain their disgregard for the natural laws by preying on others, stealing the time they needed and dooming the creature to age into dust. Even near ageless beings would fear them, for beings subjected to the strains of a thousand years passing in moments can weaken or even kill those beings who would normally not age at all.
They did have one major weakness however, like their creator they could only move when unseen, a fact that Rwoo, who had been observing the creation of all new lifeforms with interest, took advantage of. He had decided that they posed too much of a threat to Life at the moment, so adapted the life near the garden to gaze upon the Ananke and keep them still.

Hedon showed his displeasure by briefly Stilling Rwoo, who found the experience rather unpleasant.

In his Necropolis Mors was taking action. His children needed to be prepared for the threats the world contained, for most of the life on this world did not obay the natural laws. The Ananke, the Aberrents, the Aeons, these creatures whose interactions with Death were strange.
To counter these beings the Tenebris needed a potent weapon, one that could adapt to anything. While they possessed magic already, Mors deemed them needing of greater understanding, so he gifted them with the knowledge of the Concept, warning them to use it wisely.
While Magic would help them, Mors decided that this was not enough, so a new entity was formed. The being Mors created was unique in the sense that it was not only the leader of the Tenebris, but was also the manifestation of the race itself. As long as the Tenebris existed, so would it. Completely loyal to Mors and gifted with weapons and armour containing the very Concepts of its God, it would make an ideal leader and protector.

Dispite their conflicting and varied natures the intelligent races of the world had existed so far in more or less harmony. The Aeons and Aberrants both enjoyed competing in the tournament that Vajra had set up so much that it had become a regular thing, and an arena had been constructed to hold regular fights. The Star-Seekers and Seraphim both were distant from the world, dancing with the leviathons far above the lands. The Tenebris kept to themselves.

This would soon be ending.

Kari had plans, there was far too much going on and people kept changing the world, however she now had a tool to assist her. The Divine rock, holder of the same Concepts she possessed. It had power equivalent to a God, though of course so mind to use it with, which granted it near indestructibility, and she was the only one who could truly control it.
First Kari allowed it to resume growing, unbinding it from the shackles she had placed. Then she took it to several planned sites across the world, where it would grow into great walls to surround each race, partitioning them off to limit the damage they could do to her perfect world. Finaly she started to shape the rock into a race of guardians called the Hogosha who would protect the world from the damages caused by others, a race of immortal, invincible caretakers.

Then, as she neared completion, Hypermnestra struck. First she attempted to destroy Kari's works, but neither could gain the upper hand, for Kari's Concept did not help her Create, but neither did Hypermnestra's help her Destroy.
Changing tactics the Error Goddess decided if she could not stop Kari's work she would instead ruin it beyond recognition. Gathering her power she poured forth error into the Divine Rock that made up the walls and the Hogosha.
As it turned out, this was a mistake. Hypermnestra did not think of, in her rush, what affect introducing error to a rock of such divine nature would have. The Hogosha were still born, living constructs of the rock, but they were not as they should be. They began to march, ranks of stone warriors slowly but untiringly moving towards the inhabited lands. More began to emerge from the walls Kari had created. Their agenda was unknown, but a much more worrying fact became apparent to Kari.

She could no longer control the stone.

After seeing the results of her actions, Hypermnestra returned to her lands. She had to act quickly before the Hogosha arrived, for she had no doubt that they meant no good.
Pulling Vajra aside, she ensured that the new Titan was holding up, and if she would assist in defending the aberrants. Of course the answer was yes, Vajra would use her new powers to ensure that her Mother and her Siblings came out of this unharmed.
With her worries reassured, Hypermnestra began to gather the strongest troops in the land to defend their home, modifying the race further in an attempt to give them an advantage against the enemies of the world. In her mind, she knew the war would soon begin.

It was at this time that Khepri returned from hiding, at the head of a group of newcomers. The first Titan was no longer the only one.
'I forgive you Mother, for I see now there is a greater threat on the horizon. We must not be divided by conflict. I beg of you all to meet and agree to follow a code of conduct, for I fear that one irresponsible action could spell the end of us all'

Far from the world and unaware of the current events, Tethys journey through the endless void had suddenly stopped.

The cause of her interest was apparent, for floating silently in the void beyond her was a new world.


New update! Thanks for the patience, lets get this back on track.
@Christyking1980 Please decide what Concept related to War, Life, Survival, Smithing or Error that Vajra will have now she has achived Titanhood.
@Wabbajack4Life What new minor Concept do you want?

If i have missed anything or if you have any questions feel free to PM me or post in the thread.
Turn 6 - Stalemate
The lifeforms of the first world waited as the Hogosha advanced. They knew from their Gods that this would be a hard fight, for these beings were designed to be invincible. The Aberrants were ready, with orders to catch and experiment on the beings. The Anake stood by to see if these beings could be a suitable food source. The Aeons and Tenebris just wanted to defend their homes.
The war never came however for a far more powerful being had decided to take action, indeed the Goddess of Cold and Dark was not amused by this turn of events. Her guardians had been tainted irreversibly and the only thing left to do was stop them, so she gathered her Concepts and unleashed a deep Cold to freeze them and Darkness to bind them. A hush fell on the world as the stone armies were covered in a shroud of darkness, nothing entering or leaving. To the mortals and Gods it seemed that Kari had dealt with the problem.
Kari herself however knew different. These beings has been born of a strange stone, one that seemed to contain the Concepts Kari now wielded. As Kari pushed with her powers, she felt a force pushing back. Within the Darkness the Hogosha were fighting back. Individualy they were weak, but together they met Kari in a stalemate.

The Hogosha had the power of a God.


The world bloomed, softly glowing spores become a common thing to see in the air as the star fed mosses and ferns slowly began to cover the continent. Illeana had given life the final push it needed to truly start surviving in this world again, and soon it would thrive. While celebrating her success she contacted Tethys to see if her new world could do with some Nature.

With the threat of the war prevented for now, Ragadas decided to investigate the Towers material, after all it survived a blast that destroyed a continent, so if applied to his creations they would be indestructible. Oddly, he soon discovered that while they material of the tower was strong, stronger than anything he had found yet, it couldn't have survived the blast it did. There was something else granting the Tower its strength. The material was still impressive however, and would improve his creations greatly.

Kari's intervention meant that Mors could leave the Tenebris for now, sure of their safety. He aproched the rift with the new Concept he wanted grasped as tightly as he could in his mind. As the pure divine energy poured into him he felt an empty part of his being fill. He had gained the Concept of Disease.

On another world Tethys was staking her claim. A vast wall of strange shifting space erupted into being around Avalon, a storm that would warp anything that entered. Exceptions were made of course, for those she permitted entry. The Seraphim were invited inside to help change the world and they eagerly accepted, drawing power from the storm to help break up the ice and hopefully reveal any land underneath.
The storm did not have to wait long before the first beings entered, a colony of Aberrents sent by Hypermenstra to seed this new world with Error, adapted for space travel.
Unfortunately for them, their strange biology was not enough to withstand the storm, their insides become outsides, water boiled then froze, space stretched them into strange shapes and finally every atom in their form become negatively charged, resulting in them exploding.

The storm would not be overcome so easily.

Ether was sitting by the gate, meditating. A polite request to leave was the reply any who approached him, along with a warning to mortals to stay away from the rift. His meditations on his concept frustratingly did not give any clues on increasing his understanding, which seemed to be near complete as it was. However, it did reveal one thing, he could sense the Void around this world, with this world and Avalon being, ironically, a void in his sense. The interesting thing was that were was one more place that the Void did not touch, beyond even Tethys world.

The plants were not the only life joining the world in this age, for at long last the City of Vigil would receive its people. The Embers truly embodied the image of their God, for they loved to build and expand. They were assisted in their task by the artifact Ex Machina, which they could contact remotely via the devices on their wrists. Things were going well, except for one small problem. Ex Machina was straining to keep up with all the data it was storing as well as the other projects it was tasked to do, it required more power.

The creation of the Embers was a fortunate event for the Endeavour Spirits, creations of the Titan Belfan. The Focus that the Embers experienced drew the spirits like moths to a flame, pushing the Embers skills to even greater heights.
Meanwhile, Belfan himself was looking at Gods and Titans, specifically what made them different. In the short time he spent on it, he decided that the biggest difference was that Titans were made in this world, of this world, where Gods were almost pure divine energy from a different land.

With the war currently stopped, and most of their orders uncompletable, the Aberrants focused their energies on forming their own city, one to rival the homes of the other races. Guarded by Reavers and with scouting provided by Shrouds, the Disruptors began their work deep in the forest. Vajra assisted for a time, pushing the formless creatures that dared try to disrupt the work, before she left to 'borrow' some forges from Ragadas to create Distortion infused weapons, for the Aberrants were to be armed for the war to come.
Hypermenstra was also busy, first she attempted to bring a colony of the Seraphim into her domain, but found them missing, it seems they had taken refuge behind the barrier of Tethys, out of her reach. Second she tried to take the Leviathans, but found that they were not truly living beings, but rather just the fabric of reality twisted to look alive. Last she approached the Rift, ready to gain the power she needed to protect her domain, race and daughter.

In the Tower the Aberrants continued to translate the text and leave the machine well alone. They briefly paused in their work as Hedon entered the Tower. While they did not know it, he was reaching back through time, Stillness ready to prevent the explosion that occurred before. By just looking, however, he had managed to avoid bringing the White energy into the world, and was able to continue his investigation. As with before all Time before a certain point was simply the White energy, as if whatever had occurred had damaged the very fabric of space-time. Hedon's focus on the Tower however revealed one new fact. Just after the end of the White, when his Time sight returned to normal and the world was newly dead, he could see the machine in the Tower powering down.

Meanwhile, more of the ancient records had been translated.

-for in the generosity of one God, we learned what gave them their power. We learned a Concept. With this power, some began to ask 'What right do the Gods have to control us when we can do almost as much as they can?' Sadly, we did not know at the time that the Gods were the least of our troubles.

Khepri had called for a meeting and many had come. The Titan of Fire, Tethys, Rwoo, Hedon, Illeana, and Hypermenstra had all arrived to decide on a code to live by. Rwoo started the discussion with an idea, a way to make all conflicts in the world games instead. One code had been suggested, but Khepri knew that unless all the Gods and Titans came to an agreement the code was pointless. She called out again for more to come discuss.

OOC: Kari, you are locked in stalemate. You can keep them contained but it will take your action every turn to keep it up.

For the meeting, discuss between yourselves, if you decide on a code then vote for it as a Minor action.

As always I've probaly forgot something or not made it clear. Feel free to ask questions.
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Turn 7 - Unexpected consequences

Far away from the First Land the core of Avalon sprung into life. First softening, then melting completely, the molten rock began to radiate heat into the planet.
On Avalons surface the actions of the Seraphim had discovered the knowledge that there was no continents, the planet consisted of endless oceans and a deep sea floor. While for the moment frozen, the Pattern Tethys weaved into existence next would soon change that.
The Storm of Change briefly opened in the skies of Avalon, allowing the biological ark of Illeana to pass through. Soon Star-Moss began to spread across the ice and small lakes forming, and filaments happily dug down to familiar light of the Pattern.
The star-seekers Tethys summoned did less well, their forms were adapted for near space conditions, though several managed to survive on the surface of the ice, drawing energy from the Patterns below.

After the Storm was once again closed to visitors, Rwoo arrived. He was here to pit his Life against the storm, backed up with his new Concept, Divinity.
The first attempts failed, the life adapting and surviving for a while before being snuffed out by an environment that obeyed no rules.
The second attempt lasted longer, with a more even balance of the 3 Concepts used to create the lifeform, but in the end it was destroyed when the space it inhabited stopped existing for a fraction of a second.
The third attempted however, was different. Rwoo drew heavy on Divinity, creating a being that was not quite the same as its brothers. The being created could not be killed by the storm, for it was part of the storm given Life.

Deep inside the chaotic space, a shadow lurked.

In another interesting development Tethys searching of the planet revealed a structure. Made of the same material as the Tower, though with no openings. It formed a Ring, buried partially in the ice. In its center, Divine energy pulsed.

The First Land

The mortals of the world look on as across the world huge black towers begin to form. They gave off a sense of timelessness and permanence. They would soon become a familiar sight to the people.

The towers were not the only new addition to the world. Plant life had truly begun to flourish. With the Titan of Natures assistance the star-moss now spread to nearly all corners of the world, even atop the oceans and lakes. Once again the world grew slightly brighter in the glow of the spores.
The Aberrants soon began to take a liking to the taste of distilled Moss products, particularly the Reaver clan. The textiles produced proved popular among the Aeons too, allowing a change from the metallic colours of their usual homes. Of course the Embers used this new resource the most, in all the above ways and more.

Deep beneath the surface of the world, in the glowing depths of the sea, a new race came into being. For now they fed on the marine snow that fell from the ocean above, but the Illith have the potential for so much more.

Hypermnestra agonized over which new concept to take. In the end however there was only one way it could go. She had always been somewhat of a rule breaker, the Concept of Error saw to that. So despite Aether not truly existing, its opposite of Nether was grasped by the Goddess and became a Concept in its own right.
After this a new clan of Aberrants came into being, the Phantoms were cabable fliers, able to travel in the void and unlike most Aberrants, had a good grasp of diplomacy. Under their Goddess teaching they soon managed to grasp the Concept of Nether, though to a lesser degree than their creator. Some were immediately dispatched into the void, for Hypermnestra wished to have our own planet to shape as she wished.

In Ragadas' forge, something was very very wrong. Aeons were fleeing in mass, with Vajra leading the retreat. Behind her the forge was melting. Considering the material it was reinforced with, this was increadibly worrying.
Vajra quickly contacted the Titans and Gods and explained what was going on. She had been doing as her mother had asked, trying to construct a being that would surpass Ares, strong as a Titan, smart as well, deadly at range or close. Able to devour Concepts and grant them to her children, as well as become stronger as she ate. The creation had gone fine, up until she used her Concept to fuse it together. Distortion had changed something, interacting strangely with the masses of Error infused Aberrants that had willingly been used to create the beast. For now Tiamat was trapped by the material of the forge, but she would soon break free.
Meanwhile, in the City, the Aberrants sent to access Ex Machina for information found a problem. The machine was refusing their request.

Kyrsaelon was finally ready to unleash his creation. For a moment the worlds shuddered as force beyond anything seen before now forced a new universe into existence. The Labyrinthian was born, a second form of reality overlapping the first, undetectable to most of its inhabitants and capable of untold wonders. Its boundaries lay for now at the edge of discovered space.

Around the City of Vigil Pylons began to rise. They would act as a defense for his City, as well as gather the spare energy being realised by the Gods and the world itself. As they turned on, power surged through the structures, through Ex Machina and into Vigil himself. It seemed that there was an excess of power being absorbed.

The War

Kari knew what she needed to do. Her current powers were matched to evenly with her creations, so something new would be required. Giving a warning to the Gods and Mortals of the world, she released her power and headed to the Rift to gain a way to defeat them once and for all.

With her power gone, the Hogosha wasted no time in resuming their march. They spread across the world faster than could have been predicted, however they did not find themselves unopposed. The Anake were the first to engage, latching on to the Hogoshas rocky forms and draining energy from them. It did not kill the strange race, for they are an eternal race, however the hindrance was enough to assist the other races in matching them in combat. The Anake were well fed and content.

The Aberrants were having a hard time, their forces had been weakened by the sacrifices needed for Tiamats creation and they hadn't had the time to recover. Some fell back to defend their city, safe behind Zugzwangs walls with Vajra and Hypermnestra there to assist. However some retreated with the other races, lending assistance and their specialized skills to the Aeons and Embers. In the bloody mess of combat bonds were formed between the races, who found that working together made them far superior than working alone.

Still, if not for the assistance of the Divine beings it would not have been enough. The Hogosha were not a mortal race, seemly having more in common with constructs than living beings. They could be defeated, but only with great force and difficulty, by smashing apart the collection of invulnerable rocks that formed their body. This would not kill them either, as over time they could reform. The intervention of Khepri and Kyrsealon was enough to prevent the Hogosha from wiping out any of the mortal races, though the Hogosha continued to grow from the plots of stone Kari had laid out as fast as Realm Weaver could destroy them.

Outside the Necropolis of Mors Hogosha began to tear into the barrier. It would hold for now, but not much longer. Inside the leader of the Tenebris prepared to defend its race.

The Tower was also under siege, as Hogosha emerged from the very walls of stone surrounding it. The Aberrants and new arrived Embers were able to hold off the first wave with assistance from Hedon, who was present, but they were not a fighting force and wouldn't last long.

However, before heading out to defend the structure, Hedon uncovered something about the Machine in the Tower. It seemed, for a few fractions of a second after the white light stopped, there was divine energy present within the device.

Still, not everyone was going completely poorly for the mortal races. Both and Embers and Aberrants had managed to capture a few Hogosha and soon began to look into ways to counter them.

The Void

Far away from the fighting, Ether and Zadkiel had finally come across the planet Ether had felt in the Void. A Void shell was placed around it, to prevent anything he did not want from entering. Once inside Zadkiel provided light to see by.

Half a planet floating before them, its shattered remains forming a cloud of debris around it. Nothing existed on the bare rock. Examining closer however, Ether found a few scraps of divine energy still present in its rock, imprinted there by unimaginable force.

Elsewhere in the void, the Phantoms passed into uncharted space.


Sorry for the delay and likely poor quality of this update. I rushed a bit to get it out before I lost my place. As usual if i made any mistakes or left stuff out let me know. I didn't include all the minor actions in the write up since there were quite a few thing time around, so assume that everything you wrote happened if not mentioned.
Feel free to ask questions in forum or via PM.

Also, in order to stop me from exploding I will be enforcing the Minor/Major action thing a bit more from now on. Try to limit the number of minor actions to around 5 at most, and remember that things like issuing orders or requests to mortals, slightly modifying a previous creation or doing very small things involving your Concepts are minor actions, but overt 'divine/magic' effects are probably Major. Oh, and for things like the meeting Khepri is trying to set up, play that out in the forum and vote on a result. Interactions between Gods doesn't need to go into the actions, feel free to just roleplay it.