Arriving at the valley
Winner: A Male samurai of the Tanuki clan.

The Year is 740. Hantai XXI is touring the lands of the Empire great clan by great clan. He is nearly ninety years old and cheerful about life. After the bloody reign of his father almost all of the Empire is cheerful as well. Even if his whimsically spiritual nature can sometimes be a bit much. Such as that time he decided to create a clan to investigate the strangeness in Shinomen Mori.

They call themselves the Tanuki and live distributed in small settlements within the largest forest in the Empire. It's a hard place to live. People who move too deeply into the trees don't come back, but the Tanuki remain a fairly cheerful clan. Already your people have a large brewery, a dojo that has just turned out its first batch of gempukku candidates and a few mystical discoveries to their name.

You are one of those fresh young samurai. When the Moshi family asked for the presence of your newfound clan in their court you jumped at the chance to prove yourself.

Your first impression of the lands of the Centipede is a walled village, small and insignificant in that way that most of the Empire's settlements are when they don't have much of a reason for existence. This is the gateway to the valley of the Moshi. In this autumnal weather it looks beautiful, not in the classic Rokugani way of cherry blossoms and snow, but in vivid falling leaves that hint of the troubling winter ahead.

Scores of foreign samurai are about the place. Some visiting a temple, others enjoying themselves in a quaint teahouse but a few are talking to bushi wearing the orange, black and brown silks of the Moshi family.

One of these bushi approaches you and bows low. You're quick to respond and after a few moments of the usual niceties he speaks "Honoured samurai at dawn tomorrow Moshi Azami will lead prayers and make offerings to Lady Amaterasu. Then with the blessing of the Sun she will open court. The temple overlooks the cliffs at some two hours walk from this place."

"I would be honoured to prey to the Sun with Moshi-san" You reply, then after a glance around add "Will we be staying in this village?"

"The barracks have been emptied for guests who will take palanquins up the cliff top paths before sunrise. However with so many guests some must spend the night at the temple."

That doesn't strike you as a typically hospitable court, making half the visitors stay in ji-samurai accommodation and the rest at a jumped up shrine. You expected to stay at the castle of the Moshi. "Truly your message for aid must have travelled far to have so many guests."

He smiles and says "Indeed, we are very fortunate in our friends."

[] Stay in the barracks

[] Stay at the temple

Your Family name is Tanuki but you picked a new personal name upon gempukku. What is it?

The default School for the clan is the Generic Ronin School from Secrets of the Empire but the clan is newly founded with many samurai from all walks of life. Any Ronin path or school is treated as a clan school and the different school advantage costs two points less.

I'll build a couple of different draft choices of characters for you in a separate post but at this point anybody can create a character for consideration. Please include some guidance as to personality traits.
So here are two character statblocks. Both are bushi but that isn't mandatory. As I said earlier, contributions from players are welcome. The Tanuki family trait is +1 Perception.

School: Generic Ronin
Status: 1.0 Glory 1.0 Honour 4.5

Rings and traits:
Air 2
Awareness 2
Reflexes 3
Earth 2
Willpower 3
Stamina 2
Fire 2
Intelligence 2
Agility 3
Water 2
Perception 3
Strength 2
Void 2

Animal Handling 1, Athletics 1, Defence 4, Etiquette 1, Heavy Weapons 1, Hunting 1, Intimidation 1, Kenjutsu 1, Knives 1, Lore: Heraldry 1,

Rank 1 technique:
Strength of my Father. May make Earth rolls during reaction stages to negate wound penalties at TN = 5+(5 X wound ranks).

Advantages and Disadvantages:
Tactician. May choose to add or subtract 5 when rolling on the mass battle table.
Touch of the Spirit Realms: Chikushudo. +1k1 Animal Handling
Sworn Enemy: A clan samurai of insight 2 hunts for you.

Light Armour, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Masakari, Travelling Pack, 1 Koku
This guy is a bit defensive in build (although he doesn't actually have any more wounds than usual). Additionally he has skills associated with an outdoor lifestyle. In terms of rings and traits he has a fairly wide spread allowing specialisation later on. He has an enemy of greater strength coming for him.

School: Tengoku's Justice
Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.0 Honour: 4.5

Rings and Traits:
Air 2
Awareness 2
Reflexes 2
Earth 2
Willpower 2
Stamina 2
Fire 2
Intelligence 2
Agility 2
Water 3
Perception 3
Strength 4
Void 3

Athletics 2, Chain Weapons 1, Defence 1, Horsemanship 1, Hunting 1, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore Bushido 1, Sincerity 1, Stealth 2.

Rank 1 technique:
Heaven's Curse. May double your strength for damage when the enemy is surprised.

Advantages and Disadvantages:
Inheritance: Kyoketsu-Shogi. +1k1 on non-combat rolls (such as using it as a grappling hook)
Wealthy: 2. Gain +4 Koku
Consumed: Knowledge. You must make a Willpower roll to avoid studying anything new you encounter.
Dark Secret: Criminal. You've done something. If it catches up to you there will be consequences.

Ashigaru Armour, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Han-Kyu, 20 Arrows, Kyoketsu-Shogi, Travelling Pack, 5 Koku.
This one is skilled towards finding targets and then taking them out. As far as Rings and Traits is concerned the high void will allow a greater degree of stunting and the higher strength allow him to do a lot of damage in a single hit. If anyone realises his criminal background he'll be in very hot water indeed.
The Barracks
The barracks are fairly opulent as far as ji-samurai accommodation is concerned. In each dorm there is a bookcase containing the usual scrolls for the educated bushi: Niten, The Sword, The Tao of Shinsei and Leadership. There are also a few more obscure titles such as The Book of Sun Tao and The Subtlety of the Court. There are some small chambers off the dormitories themselves for shrines, donning armour and ritual washing. You also note a closed but not locked door, a quick look shows it to be a storage room for arrows and shinai and other useful items that heimen shouldn't have much access to. The main bulk of the accommodation is made up of the dormitories, male and female, that can hold twenty-four troops in total. Finally there is a training courtyard and a common area for meals. Four squads could live comfortably here for a while and that would be just enough to defend the village.

The samurai that have also opted to stay here are a mixed bunch. Two lion samurai have staked out their beds already. One is from the Ikoma family and the other is a Matsu. They look fierce and are unloading a prestigious numbers of weapons onto the waiting stands.

Three Crab are shuffling down the room. The first is young, nervously checking out his surroundings – a Yojimbo certainly. The second is in finer clothes than his companions, perhaps a courtier. It is their leader who stands out. This Crab is horribly maimed. He has scars on every inch of flesh visible. His hands are slashed up and his face is half melted by fire. His right leg is missing from the shin down, replaced by a peg leg. Looking at him turns your stomach. They slowly shuffle down the room.

Near the door there are four Scorpions are waiting for the Crab to pass. One has the look of an accomplished duellist and a second looks harmless. You immediately suspect the first as an artisan and the second as a blooded swordsman. Scorpion are always sneaky like that. Neither of the others is particularly noteworthy in features but one of them has a fine yari with an ash haft.

Dotted about are samurai from minor clans. You recognise a lone badger but the rest are from families too obscure for you to identify. Two are arguing quietly, not in the showy disrespectful way of heimin and hinin but emotionlessly. A samurai quickly learns to see the smile that isn't there.

[]Talk to someone
-[]Write In
[]Sleep until tomorrow
[]Write In

I'm leaving the vote character stats vote open until you arrive at the temple.
Nope, not in canon. I'm using Generic Ronin as a baseline school and allowing any ronin path as if it were a Tanuki path. This is purely so that the character is not underpowered but I shouldn't worry too much, NPCs may not have a school at all and almost all of them will not have as many school ranks as insight ranks. There are relatively few positions within a clan that allow staying close to your dojo at all times.

I'm next updating this quest on satuday so if you want to design a character there is still time. The family trait is Perception.
Nope, not in canon. I'm using Generic Ronin as a baseline school and allowing any ronin path as if it were a Tanuki path. This is purely so that the character is not underpowered but I shouldn't worry too much, NPCs may not have a school at all and almost all of them will not have as many school ranks as insight ranks. There are relatively few positions within a clan that allow staying close to your dojo at all times.

I'm next updating this quest on satuday so if you want to design a character there is still time. The family trait is Perception.
Huh. I must have been thinking of a homebrew class.
A lot of my Rokugan books absolutely did not come from Scribd so I am always certain what is and isn't official.
Ah yes found it. Or, erm, I didn't find it?
New Basic school : Generic ronin

Benefit: +1 Agility Honor: 4.5
Skills: Athletics, Defense, Hunting, Intimidation, Kenjutsu, Knives, any one Weapon Skill
Outfit: Light Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, any 1 weapon, Traveling Pack, 1 koku

Rank One: Strength of my Father
Ronin are known for their resilience in the face of adversity. When you are suffering TN penalties due to Wounds, you may make an Earth Roll (ignoring Wound TN penalties) during the Reactions Stage of each Round, with a TN equal to 5 + 5x the number of Wound Ranks you are currently suffering. If the roll is successful, you may ignore the effects of your Wound penalties until the next Reactions Stage. This Technique does not work once you reach the Down or Out Wound Ranks.
Rank Two: Never Yield
Ronin are accustomed to being the underdogs. When you are outnumbered in a skirmish, you gain a bonus to your Armor TN equal to the amount by which the number of enemies exceeds the number of your allies. This bonus cannot exceed the total of your School Rank x2.
Rank Three: Bite of the Wolf
Veteran ronin are swift and deadly fighters. You may attack as a Simple Action when wielding a katana or a knife.
Rank Four: Twice-Cutting Spirit
As ronin become truly experienced, they become ever more deadly with many different weapons. Choose one additional melee weapon: you may attack with that weapon as a Simple Action. Once per skirmish, you may spend a Void Point on a damage roll, regardless of what weapon you are using.
Rank Five: VaLor of the wolf
Those ronin who survive long enough to perfect their skills become legends of the battlefield, able to endure all manner of hardship and prevail in spite of severe injuries. Choose another melee weapon: you may attack with that weapon as a Simple Action. Additionally, you may spend a Void Point to activate your R1 Technique without requireing a Willpower Trait Roll; when you activate it in this way, it lasts a number of Rounds equal to your Fire Ring.
The ride to the temple
You walk over to the Badger samurai and offer a polite greeting by bowing as you say, "This one is Tanuki Masanori."

"Ichiro Seishisai, pleased to meet you," He sounds gruff. "I'm the grandson of Ichiro Yoshinobu, Champion of the Badger." That name drop was incredibly crude. This man is no courtier. He must have been raised with a katana in his right fist, a wakizashi in his left and a curse in his mouth.

You almost don't know what to say in reply but manage to scratch together a polite question. "I'm from Shinomen Mori, in the far southwest of the empire and have never been to the north. Would you mind telling me of the land beyond Seikitsu sano Yama no Oi?"

"Well, the lands of the Lion aren't something I can speak to but in the mountain range beyond that lies my homeland. The peaks are very tall, sometimes they can be climbed but never quickly. A single archer could hold off an army and sometimes they do, so instead we guard the passes. Our fortifications are large but it is often not worth the bother of hauling arrows up to them," He suddenly gives you a toothy grin, all the more surprising because of how perfectly blank his face, his On, had been before. "At least not when we can just drop a boulder down from our walls."

Then he's off: rivers of information pour out of him on the best ways to kill gaijin; On how even the most desperate bandits think twice about attacking the Badger; Even on the numerous good omens that his people have picked up. It doesn't sound like a prosperous place but it does sound like a passionate land with kami and people working as one to defend the boarder and bring safety to the land they live on. You almost miss how he doesn't mention his clan's relationship with the other families of the empire. It could be that he is a rough minor clan courtier but maybe his people are just isolationists.

Eventually the eldest Crab samurai in the room begins to deliberately yawn. You don't think he is really tired but you aren't rude enough to visibly notice his actions let alone confront him. No one else is either. Resting early strikes you as a good idea anyway so you end your conversation with the gregarious Badger. It is hours too early for you to normally go to sleep but you don't usually get woken up two or three hours before dawn either.

Your last thought before you sleep is that the Crab has just established his personal authority. His will was made known in a way that made opposing him an obvious confrontation and so his will was followed. It was a high risk strategy, but in the morning he'll have respect. Assuming he doesn't snore.

In the darkness of the early morning a servant wakes you. You stumble around sleepily as you go through your morning ablutions. Seishisai is nearby, his face is a perfect reflection of sleep's pyrrhic retreat from his mind and body, burning and salting every resource as it goes. He yawns so widely that you can hear the bones in his jaw crack. Then, clad in your finest summer silk kimono the two of you go outside by light from paper lanterns carried by the servants.

The square is filled with palanquins of the type known as norimono. Each is resting on the ground waiting for guests to climb in. Beside them are four burly halfmen for each palanquin. Lighting them are two paper lanterns hanging from both the front and back. Inside the open lacquered doors you can see that the fabric is luxurious. It has complex patterns and though you cannot be sure in this light the pillows look to be made of silk. The wooden container itself is mahogany although only the single great beam that the heimen will support on their backs has a visible grain. An expensive cloth to go with a rare wood. These aren't just transportation for samurai, they're fit for men and women of the kuge caste.

The Tanuki clan has none of this quality. The Moshi clan has forty of them.

You almost sit in one before you realise that in the middle of the square the two samurai from last night are standing opposite from one another while a third faces the barracks from the middle. Its only when they place the hands upon their katana that you realise this is a dual. All around you other samurai realising and are turning to see the spectacle. To see which of these men is someone to be weary of and which is merely impetuous.

The samurai in the middle speaks, "Suzume Tessai, Yoritomo Utaemon, are you ready?" On the left, the taller samurai nods, his eyes never leaving his opponent. The stocky one, Yoritomo apparently, does nothing.

Then with a simple declaration of "Hajime" the speaker steps away from them.

They each draw their katana and sink into the centre stance known throughout the empire. This is duelling as laid down by Kakita himself rather than Niten or some other version. For about a minute nothing happens, not even a narrowing of the eyes. Then as one they both begin to move.

Suzume races forwards. His sword is low, his eyes are firmly on his opponent's face. Yoritomo stalks in close slower but fluidly, smoothly, with his blade high in the air. It comes down fast, like glinting lightning bolt even as Suzume's katana rises like the tongue of a flame reaches for the sky.

Then they are passed each other. For a moment you can't tell who won. They've stopped fighting so it must be over but neither looks wounded to you. This must have been to first blood and masterfully done. After a moment Yoritomo Utaemon bows deeply to Suzume Tessai. "My words last night were wrong. You have my apology."

After a moment of hesitation Suzume bows shallowly back. Then they stiffly walk away from each other. Their honour has been satisfied but apparently neither's heart can forgive. At least not while their blood is still up.

Suzume heads to the front of the convoy of palanquins alone. However Yoritomo heads towards the back accompanied by two samurai-ko dressed in similar colours. Each has an insect, a preying mantis, as their clan mon but the women are from different schools. Braggarts most likely, minor clans can't usually maintain multiple dojo.

"Now that was exciting," Declares a loud voice in your ear. Seishisai is blank faced but his tone is jovial. Just watching combat has woken him up. You're still tired so you murmur a few polite nothings and then escape to a palanquin.

After a few minutes of waiting a distant voice shouts once, twice and then the entire line of palanquins is unsteadily lifted up and settles on shoulders. A third shout and you begin to move in single file swaying from side to as you go.

This is a new experience for you and you can't resist peeping through the side openings. It somewhat unbalances the vehicle, shifting the centre of gravity slightly to one side but the heimin don't dare to say anything. With your head out the side you can see all along the column and ji-samurai from many clans are doing the same thing. You aren't quite undignified enough to wave but the breeze is pleasant and you're excited now.

For tens of minutes that feel like tens of seconds you pass through the town. Each peasant's hovel looks like a palace to you from these soft cushions. You can imagine the Emperor has a similar perspective as he travels the empire on his own almost endless tours. In reality the houses are probably better then what your own clan provides it's peasants. Then you pass through the gates and soon begin to tilt backwards. You're going up a hill and leaving the town behind.

The light from the lanterns isn't enough to see distant objects. Grass outside of the immediate area looks dark like a silty riverbed. To your left the hills rise up higher and run closer to you. After a moment the convoy turns and head up one directly.

At the brow of the hill a gust of wind sets you rocking from side to side. Out the window you can see the shadow of the town below but there are no lights. Any heimin not sleeping must be carrying the palanquins or preserving their fuel. So after a moment of idle wonder you look out the other side of the palanquin. It shifts under you as your weight moves.

For a moment the view are confuses you. Save for the path beneath the feet of the heimin a completely black landscape runs to your right as far as you can see. Then you realise what it is. You slowly sink backwards to the centre of the norimono where its hard to see the outside, trying not to rock it. You're moving along a cliff top path.

Several tense minutes later, after trying not to move at all as each gust of wind rocks you, the palanquin levels out and then it is placed gently down. You immediately stumble out of the left hand door and look around.

This is the temple at the highest point in the valley of the Moshi. In the near distance you can see Shiro Moshi itself as well as a number of other building that look to be styled like shrines but the darkness makes identification tricky. Closer to hand, cabins have been built. They're rough and squat but appear to have every amenity. You can see a small mountain of buckets where heimin have hauled water up the hill. This must be where the other visitors are staying.

A priestess is waiting at the doors with a smile. It looks kind but it might be maliciously knowing. She waits for a moment for the last courtier to exit his vehicle, it's the maimed Crab being helped by his retinue, and then speaks. "Greetings, I am Moshi Nahoko, priestess of this temple. The morning ceremonies will begin very soon as the pre-dawn light begins to be visible. Please, hurry we didn't anticipate the journey taking so long." At the front of the crowd Suzume Tessai hunches over slightly, embarrassed. You can't see the Yoritomo so he must be behind you.

You filter inside, along with everyone else save the heimin. Inside the temple you find many Moshi already there as well as the guests who elected to stay at the temple. Guardians of the Sun are scattered about holding spears but the rest of the Moshi have only their wakizashi or their daisho set. You find a spot near the doorway with a cushion to sit on and then wait. Almost immediately nine priestesses begin to lead the worship.

Each word has an odd emphasis. Every movement is slow and deliberate. This ceremony is for the Lady Amaterasu to observe and your presence is inconsequential. Although you worship your human ancestors first and foremost you have often prayed to Amaterasu because she is the mother of the greatest kami and it was those kami who started the bloodlines of the samurai. You certainly would never be so crass as to ignore her on festival days thrown in her honour. Today you pray a reverently as you do everyday to your mortal ancestors.

Everyone is wrapped up in the worship. So you wouldn't be surprised if you were to find out that you were to only person to notice when the woman seated closest to the door sneaks out.

What do you do?

Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.0 Infamy: 0.0 Honour: 4.5 Insight: 132 Rank: 1

Air 2
Awareness 2
Reflexes 2

Earth 2
Willpower 2
Stamina 2

Fire 2
Intelligence 2
Agility 2

Water 3
Perception 3
Strength 4

Void 3

Skills: Athletics 2, Chain Weapons 1, Defence 1, Horsemanship 1, Hunting 1, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore Bushido 1, Sincerity 1, Stealth 2.

Rank 1 technique: Heaven's Curse. May double your strength for damage rolls when the enemy is surprised.

Inheritance: Kyoketsu-Shogi. +1k1 on non-combat rolls (such as using it as a grappling hook)

Wealthy: 2. Gain +4 Koku

Consumed: Knowledge. You must make a Willpower roll to avoid studying anything new you encounter.

Dark Secret: Criminal. You've done something. If it catches up to you there will be consequences.

Outfit: Ashigaru Armour, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Han-Kyu, 20 Arrows, Travelling Pack, 5 Koku.
So wrong saturday. But we got here eventually.
[X] Follow the Priestess
-There must be a reason why the Kami have brought us here and made us, amongst all the Samurai here, aware of what happened. Let us follow and see where Destiny leads
The prayer
[x] Pray.

After a moment's hesitation you turn away from the doorway and prepare to pray. You run through each step in your head as a calming exercise. You want to get into the right mindset.

The first step should be ritual washing of your hands and mouth before you enter the temple. You did that when you first awoke before the palanquin ride to the structure itself.

Then you kneel. You do this as you would for a daimyo, not the bow that you would give a peer but a true sign of inferiority.

Next you should clap to gain the attention of the sun. You do so several times, each clap as loud as you can make it.

Then comes the prayer itself. The words come easily to you, you've said them a thousand times already but they are generic, almost simple. There's nothing to be done about that, you can't make them anymore heartfelt and to eavesdrop on another prayer before repeating it would be insincere.

Fourth are the offerings. With an imperious wave of your hand a servant comes forwards holding incense and several bundles of wheat. The incense is not visibly differentiated so you take the nearest stick. Of the wheat you select a smaller bundle. You'd buy a bigger one, especially for such an important fortune but ji-samurai don't have much money at all.

Then you shuffle forwards. It takes a long time. You were one of the last to finish clapping and praying and now a queue has formed. Not that you would join a queue ahead of your betters. Only two or three other samurai are behind you. They're all form vassal families.

When you get to the front you once again kneel as you take the incense and light it. The wheat is left on a plate with all the other offerings. Most of it is also wheat bought at the temple but some samurai who haven't travelled far have brought offerings from home.

With you prayer over you would normally go about your business. So you return to your place and wait for the last person to finish. She's a tiny samurai-ko with pure white hair. No doubt a crane.

When the front of the temple has cleared of people you see a breathtaking vision. Sunbeams pierce through the smoky air to touch glowing wheat. Nestled in the golden stalks are grapes, figs and plums that show brilliant colours. This is majestic.

The nine priestesses slowly move up and down the waiting ranks of samurai waving wands tipped with white silken paper. They bless each man and woman in turn. An elderly Shugenja gets to you, she moves slowly and murmurs so quietly that you can't hear her words. Most samurai her age have long since retired. Then evidently finished with you she moves on.

After the last samurai has been blessed the priestesses file out leading a procession of Moshi Yojimbo. Then the massed worshipers follow. The morning event is over.

As you get outside the dim temple blink in the strong sunlight. You can hear a sneeze from the crowd in front of you. The ceremony must have gone on longer than you thought.

Over to the side you see the servant that gave you the offerings so you slip over to him and silently give him a Koku. Public trade is crude but everyone ignores you and in turn you ignore over a dozen samurai who are also doing the same thing.

As you return to the crowd that is now climbing into palanquins the elderly priestess and her Yojimbo approach you. "Tanuki-san," She croaks quietly, "We are retiring to the castle now for lunch but before that there will be a small archery competition in the dojo. An old woman like myself cannot see so well. And what is the point of watching an event when I cannot see who wins?"

"Honoured elder, I am sure that every competitor there would take heart from your attention," You reply. That gets a small laugh, maybe she's just being polite.

"Perhaps so Tanuki-san, perhaps so. Normally, however, I take the time when the archery happens to read my Kawaru sticks. If you would be so kind I would be grateful to have the honour of reading your future."

[] Write in.

Status: 1.0 Glory: 1.0 Infamy: 0.0 Honour: 4.5 Insight: 132 Rank: 1

Air 2
Awareness 2
Reflexes 2

Earth 2
Willpower 2
Stamina 2

Fire 2
Intelligence 2
Agility 2

Water 3
Perception 3
Strength 4

Void 3

Skills: Athletics 2, Chain Weapons 1, Defence 1, Horsemanship 1, Hunting 1, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore Bushido 1, Sincerity 1, Stealth 2.

Rank 1 technique: Heaven's Curse. May double your strength for damage rolls when the enemy is surprised.

Inheritance: Kyoketsu-Shogi. +1k1 on non-combat rolls (such as using it as a grappling hook)
Wealthy: 2. Gain +4 Koku
Consumed: Knowledge. You must make a Willpower roll to avoid studying anything new you encounter.
Dark Secret: Criminal. You've done something. If it catches up to you there will be consequences.

Outfit: Ashigaru Armour, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Kyoketsu-Shogi, Han-Kyu, 20 Arrows, Travelling Pack, 4 Koku.

You have lost a Koku but it had no effet on your honour or glory. The prayer had a chance of good things happening but you didn't make the roll. Also this was a little exposition of practical execution of Rokugan religious matters. I don't really intend to tell you each time nothing happens but given the word count I thought I'd make it clear this once.