Knights of the Realm (MLP)

Chapter 72
Chapter 72 - Wedding Vows

After her first attack failed to be effective, Sunset decided against continuing a possibly futile offence. Instead, she decided to take advantage of the time Chrysalis was spending in her self-healing to prepare herself for the upcoming battle.

Sunset started doing that by closing her eyes and turning her focus inward, into her own being. It could be said that such was the basis for all magic, for the root of magic was the soul, and only through awareness of one's soul was it possible to harness this power.

However, Sunset was taking the action of focusing on the self to the most extreme level. Instead of simply recognizing her soul, Sunset was focusing on the very core of it, she was piercing through her own identity created through countless experiences and interactions in order to find the true origin of her being.

Such implacable introspection wasn't something that came naturally, and Sunset had only managed to achieve that impossible degree of inward focus through her training with Princess Celestia and her own determination. The alicorn had told her that very few existences had ever managed to do that during the course of known history.

Mostly, it was her own determination that allowed her to carry through with the equivalent of stripping herself of her very identity, reducing her being into something that was only barely not nothing. The trainings with Celestia, where she fought the alicorn and lost more times than she cared to count, only served to get her into the right frame of mind in that she could even attempt that feat.

And the reason for all of that was the fight they had with Flames of Annihilation. Sunset had seen the result of a pursuit of power that had taken everything away from a pony, down to their very identity. She rejected such an ending for herself, so she decided to do the exact opposite. Instead of pursuing power, she sought after identity.

While looking inside herself, Sunset realized why one would throw away their own self. Seeking identity did not inherently lead to power, as one's identity at their very core was just as one being one many, without any special traits or qualities. But by accepting that, Sunset reached an even deeper truth.

While she was just one of many, her decisions made her unique. She could choose to grab her own importance instead of having a role decided for her. She could decide to make countless connections, creating a chain that would continue affecting the world even long after her death, and even if she was forgotten.

Sunset took upon this understanding and will, making it the root of her new magic. Everything she was boiled down to what she wanted to be, and there was one desire that she held closer and dearer than any other. And perhaps it was fate that Princess Celestia was the one to help her unlock that power.

For Sunset's desire, what she had held in her heart from even before she could remember, was to become closer to Celestia. Her cutie mark was proof of it, her job was proof of it, and even during the hardest times what kept Sunset going was the thought of being Celestia's Knight.

And so, it was no surprise that her power took the form that it did.


Meanwhile, in another part of Equestria, Celestia and Luna were hard at work against the Congregation of Chaos. Such a powerful mass of chaotic energy was too powerful even for them to deal with without extreme effort. The two sisters were an amazing sight to behold, with Luna dashing all over the place with the speed of shadows, attacking with lunar blades that were able to hit things in their very essence.

Meanwhile Celestia was constantly teleporting while maintaining dozens of illusions of herself to throw off the enemy while she repeatedly charged and unleashed attacks powerful enough to destroy cities. Those two were truly showing the power and experience of such ancient alicorns, but that only served to show how powerful the Congregation of Chaos was.

Because all they were trying to do was prevent that chaotic event from reaching any closer to habitated cities. Simply beating it would not be enough, as the very nature of such chaos made it extremely resilient to any efforts geared towards eliminating the mayhem it would cause. Most likely, even if it was defeated, some parts of it would escape and split off to cause chaotic incidents in several other places.

They couldn't afford to allow that, as they'd need to split the Knights to deal with those incidents, which was far too dangerous to do when Tirek was so close to breaking free.
So instead they were trying to exhaust most of the Congregation's chaotic potential while keeping it in one piece. That would serve to slow it down to give the Knights more time to prepare as well as allowing all of them to fight it together to prevent possible issues.

Celestia and Luna had connected their minds in order to coordinate better, and so Luna realized immediately when her sister suddenly became a lot happier for some reason.

'What happened?' She asked, sparing only a small portion of her attention in order to communicate.

'My little pony has finally grown up.' Was the answer, which Luna did not quite understand and decided to ask for elaboration later.

Due to her profound connection with the sun, it was no surprise that Celestia could feel several aspects related to it, and so she was able to tell when a pony she knew very well started channeling its power.


At that moment, Sunset started drawing in the energy of the sun. That wasn't the kind of power that could be channeled lightly, even though she was only using a small portion of it. But Sunset could do it, that was her decision, that was where her origin had taken her, that was what her experiences allowed her.

The power coursed through her body without harming it, just like how Celestia could use it freely. Sunset wasn't an alicorn but she could mimic the way Celestia's body handled the magic to a certain extent, which was more than enough when combined with her armor's feature of reducing the burden of magic on her body.

That power was mixed with Sunset's own magic in a form similar to Trance Mode, thus giving birth to a result greater than simply Sunset's magic plus sun power. That energy infused every part of her body and harmonized perfectly with her mind, allowing her to use it just as well as her own power, to the point Sunset could instinctively adjust her spells to her new capabilities without the slightest issue.

In a mix between the body enhancement magic Sunset used, and the essence armor magic from the Black Knight, which Sunset had studied but never really mastered, her power fused her body and armor as one. And the Awakening Armor proved itself to be exactly as Rarity had designed, accepting Sunset's new spell without the slightest dissonance, transforming as a result.

The sun sigils on it changed from being mostly like Celestia's cutie mark to variations of Sunset's own cutie mark, and they were no longer static, instead shifting like the actual sun, while their colors moved around in a battle of dominance, sometimes mostly red, and sometimes mostly yellow.

The rest of the armor seemed to have become alive, "breathing" along with Sunset. And from the sides of it sprouted wings made of the same material as the rest of the armor, conjured from magic. Together with it, Sunset spread her awareness throughout the whole battlefield, expanding her domain. But instead of the usual spell for it, she instead used the very light of the sun crossing the space to serve as a medium.

With this, she could cast spells from anywhere on the battlefield, regardless of distance. And the first spell she cast was a variation on Rarity's fire wings, to give herself mobility far beyond anything she had been capable of before. Finally, Sunset was ready for the fight of her life. That was everything she had.

"This is... The Essence of my Heart." She spoke in a trance, declaring her technique without even realizing.

All of that takes a while to describe, but in fact Sunset's transformation took almost no time at all, to the point where Chrysalis recovered only just fast enough to hear the unicorn's words.

Still, that was just the bare minimum necessary for Sunset to even be able to fight Chrysalis in the first place. The real test started just after that, when Chrysalis shot in Sunset's direction at Rainbow Dash-like speeds, intending on finishing her off as fast as possible, for she could feel that the unicorn was now powerful enough to possibly pose a threat to her.
'Essence Drive' were the words Sunset spoke in response, not with her mouth, but with her very soul.

And Chrysalis had to suddenly turn upside down and change half her body back into the black mist, for that was the only possible defense when Sunset teleported right above her, already casting a spell capable of annihilating mountains.

Sunset couldn't move that fast, but with her domain covering the whole battlefield, she could teleport anywhere within it utterly instantly. And she didn't need to cast a spell either, for the Essence Drive was enough to cover all that she did within that moment.

Instead of a spell, it could be said that Essence Drive was more like a point of view, a shift in her soul to allow her will to apply itself to the world without a medium. If one were to try and translate what that point of view meant, the closest they could get would be the word 'overwhelm'. And as such, all actions dedicated solely to overwhelming the enemy could be performed freely.

Chrysalis parried the blast with her mist, forcing herself sideways and out of the area of effect. And on that same instant, the blast disappeared without any traces, the spell simply ceasing to exist when Sunset willed it instead of having to be specifically canceled.

And she had already teleported just behind Chrysalis' movement, tackling her with a body enveloped in flame and power.

Chrysalis shifted her mist, switching the halves' states and thus placing her mist in direct opposition with Sunset's attack, molding it into a drill to destroy her opponent along with their attack. But in the next moment a new spell appeared on the opposite side of her, released from thin air thanks to Sunset's domain, an arrow of diamond and solidified light.

Despite her surprise, Chrysalis reacted swiftly. She unmade her drill and remade it into a wing, whose powerful flap made her evade upwards. At the same time, her mist started shivering as if there was something inside it that was trying to escape. Sunset immediately recognized it as a problem, and so she took action.

'Essence Hold' Came another declaration from her soul.

It was just in time, for Chrysalis followed her dodge with shifting her mist into mouths and releasing a powerful wail. And as soon as it was released, balls of flame appeared all over the battlefield, up and down, left and right and everywhere else. Sunset's amazing feat instantly heated all the air on the battlefield, disturbing the magical soundwave into harmless dispersion.

And that wasn't the only thing, for once again a powerful attack appeared from Chrysalis' blind spot, that time a bolt of lightning formed into a spear. Chrysalis shoved her mist into it like a giant swatting a javelin away, following it up by spitting a drop of blood into the sky, which grew into a gigantic black shadow.

Chrysalis understood that the light was key to Sunset's domain, so she would get rid of it.

Of course, Sunset would not allow that. Before the shadow could cover everything, it was enveloped by an even bigger tridimensional spell formation conjured out of thin air. Said spell formation 'blinked' before its components were connected by lines of light that restrained the growth of the shadow before closing on it like a vice.

That word, 'restrain', was the meaning of the new point of view Sunset had added. It represented spells designed to restrain the enemy and their actions. But the best part about the way those points of view worked was the fact that it wasn't an either/or thing. Instead of switching between points of view, new ones were added, expanding her capabilities. The biggest problem with that was the fact that Sunset couldn't simply invoke all of them at the start of the battle, having to add them slowly as the fight progressed. But of course, slow was relative.

Just as the shadow was restrained, Sunset once again appeared out of an instant teleport right next to Chrysalis, but under her that time. And her attack was a dozen arrows of fire coming from the unicorn's position, along with a circular band of energy above Chrysalis, ready to restrain her if she tried to run.

The changeling queen did not run, as she would not fall for such an obvious trap. Her mist turned into a huge sharp wing, which flapped powerfully, the air pressure preventing the arrows from moving closer. And at the same time, the flap brought the sharp tip of the wing right on top of Sunset.

The Knight's aura resisted the attack, an impressive feat considering that the non-defense focused Knights had been immediately defeated by similar attacks. But Chrysalis did not waste any time being surprised, immediately putting more power into the wing and shattering Sunset's aura barrier.

Thus falling into her more subtle trap.

As soon as Sunset's aura shield broke, she teleported away, completely escaping injury. And the shattered pieces of her aura turned into chains that held onto Chrysalis' shapeshifted wing and prevented her from moving or changing it for crucial moments.

In these hard-earned moments, Sunset reappeared next to her restraining band of energy, punching into it and turning it into a gauntlet. At that same time, the fire arrows seemed to explode with renewed energy and pierced towards Chrysalis with increased speed. Sunset also punched with her gauntlet, generating an explosion just to increase her speed and timing the attack to hit at the same time as the arrows.

The changeling queen simply had no time to break through the restraints in her wing before the strike hit, so she was forced to simply use whatever portion of the mist she could still control in order to put up a hasty defence.

Sunset's attack broke through that mist and struck right at the still physical half of her body.

"GRAAAGH!!" Chrysalis screamed, breaking through the restriction and swiping her mist at Sunset in a space piercing attack, forcing her into a hasty teleport to dodge it.

The Knight did the mental equivalent of a frown, it seemed like normal attacks were just not enough to sufficiently harm Chrysalis, even with Sunset's greatly enhanced version of 'normal'. So it was time to go even further.

'Essence Charge' She added a third point of view.

At that moment, Chrysalis counter-attacked, swiping with her mist in such a way that it broke apart and distorted space, attacking the whole area of the battlefield all at once. Sunset teleported to one of the areas attacked by the least amount of fragments, conjuring a ring of fire that twisted like a helix and absorbed the shards of mist that were coming in their direction.

However, Chrysalis appeared to have decided to mimic Sunset, and launched another attack almost at the same time, dashing at a speed that was almost like the Knight's teleportation, spreading her mist into a sphere around both herself and Sunset. The mist hummed with magic power, and the unicorn realized that it was blocking her teleportation.
However, the effort needed to enclose herself with her opponent meant that Chrysalis' next attack was slightly delayed, giving Sunset the opportunity to retaliate. She flapped her fire wings to shoot herself straight at the changeling queen, she pulled back one hoof to unleash a punch enveloped by a corona of power that resembled a comet.

Chrysalis decided to defend that one with her own body, using the rest of the black mist that wasn't otherwise occupied, she raised her left foreleg (now her only foreleg).

The impact was massive, and Chrysalis was forced back... a whole pony's length. And once again Sunset's previous thought was proven correct, as even with minimal defenses, that attack was only enough to give the changeling queen superficial wounds. Then things got even worse as the broken off pieces of black mist from her earlier omni-area attack finally came back to Chrysalis.

But once again, the changeling declined to launch an immediate attack, instead taking the time to shape her mist into a wickedly sharp and corrupted looking scythe. Chrysalis had also understood the level of Sunset's defence, and so had prepared a form of attack specifically to deal with it.

The knight used that last bit of time the best way she could, releasing a rain of explosive spells right on top of Chrysalis, which concealed another magical restraint. Then she flapped her wings to evade Chrysalis' exceedingly fast slash. But she hadn't moved away, instead flying to Chrysalis' other side, stopping while at touch range of the changeling queen.

The restraint she had created earlier reached Chrysalis, holding the black mist from reaching a certain circular spot on her back. Sunset once again punched, this time aiming at that exact spot, and managed to break Chrysalis' shell at that point. That was enough to significantly harm Chrysalis', and the slash of her scythe that was coming to reap Sunset slowed down just a tad, giving the knight enough time to avoid the slash by a hairsbreadth.

Then the scythe came again, having spun around Chrysalis' body like a clock hand, forcing Sunset to flap her fire wings once again in order to dodge. And in the following moment, Sunset's blood ran cold as the black mist sphere around them morphed violently, hundreds of spikes sprouting from the parts both above and below them, almost like they were teeth in a mouth.

Or rather, exactly like that, as the sphere compressed itself like a mouth closing, clearly trying to ravage Sunset in between those rows of teeth. It was apparent that the scythe was mostly a distraction and Chrysalis' true killing move was this.

But Sunset's previous attacks had also been a distraction, specifically to prevent Chrysalis from realizing that the previous helix of magic that had absorbed some of her attacks did not in fact disappear afterwards, but quietly grew in power.

That was the result of Sunset's Essence Charge, which had the meaning of Enhance, just like her old technique of magic enhance, except much less rigid and dependent on magic formulas. Just before the mouth could close, Sunset activated that helix, which shot a small cross shaped blast.

A small blast that contained a monumental amount of power. It was absorbed by Sunset, who then released a cataclysmic level of energy in an explosion centered around herself. The mist mouth was broken through and dispersed, and even Chrysalis herself received noticeable heavy injuries and was shot into the distance like a missile.

The result wasn't born solely out of simple power, but also due to the nature of that energy. When the helix absorbed the shards of mist, it used them as a baseline, directing its evolution in the way that would bring the most harm to the type of existence the mist was.

Another cross blast came into her, exhausting the power of the helix. Sunset teleported right above Chrysalis before she could recover and condensed that power into a pyramid of flaming diamond and smashed it into the changeling queen.

Said opponent did not simply stood there to take the attack, of course. She spit out more blood and condensed it into a barrier of black mist that was small but incredibly dense. And the moment before the attack connected with it, Sunset thought she had finally gotten an advantage over Chrysalis, but despite the special nature of her power, the black mist did not break but flowed around the attack, forcing its trajectory away from the changeling.

The Knight realized what had happened almost instantly: Chrysalis had used her shapeshifting abilities to change the nature of her mist on the fly, to the point where her special energy no longer worked as its weak point. That meant Chrysalis had gotten her thoughts in order insanely fast after being hit by that first attack.

By that point, Chrysalis was about to recover most of the mist that had been dispersed during said attack, so Sunset followed her example and changed tactics just as fast. The pyramid of power split into five different spells that teleported back towards Sunset and started spinning around her like satellites. Chrysalis recovered her mist and swept it into Sunset while turning it into some sort of spiked mace.

The Knight dodged towards Chrysalis with a flap of wings and was completely unsurprised to see that her straightforward attack had simply been a cover for something else, in that case hidden mist emerging from the air around Sunset to try and envelop her.

One of the spells around the Knight which resembled a small pawprint activated with a flash and accelerated Sunset into supersonic speed very briefly, just long enough to crash into Chrysalis like a runaway cart wearing a heavy suit of armor. The impact, while violent, only caused superficial injuries on Chrysalis, but it did surprise her enough to give Sunset time to bring another of her spells to bear, that one shaped like a hammerhead.

Chrysalis reacted just before being hit by the conjured plane of force, but instead of defending, she attacked, ignoring the heavy wounds what remained of her body suffered in favor of shooting all her spare mist at Sunset in a zero range wave of death, which easily broke through the Knight's aura... only to be stopped by her armor.

Sunset's previous "desperate" dodges were simply to give the impression that her aura was her biggest defence, while in fact her armor was tougher by a whole level after the melding with her skin from her powered up State.

Sunset then brought to bear the last two spells she had floating around her, shaped like a half sphere and a spear respectively, and combined the two into a sort of technological lance, with the half-sphere acting as both hand guard and power focuser, and it drew power from the environment at a rate that could be seen by unaided eyes, power that was melded with the straight part of the spear, causing it to hum powerfully like a contained storm.

Finally, Sunset stabbed with her overwhelmingly powerful spell construct, and that's when the true point of her attack became clear. Because while it seemed exceedingly strong, it was simply not enough for a frontal confrontation with Chrysalis, who had already recovered enough mist to create a defense capable of blunting that attack, if not completely blocking it.

In fact, that was what she tried to do, but suddenly her control of the mist slipped for a single moment, courtesy of a restraining spell. A restraining spell that acted from inside her own body.

Earlier, Sunset had split the pyramid into five spells. One was used to tackle Chrysalis, another was used to trick Chrysalis into a bad exhange of blows, and two had been fused into that final attack. That was only four.

The fifth spell was the subtlest of them all. It was shaped like mist, and when Sunset hit Chrysalis and cracked her outer shell, the mist stealthily infiltrated her body, all for the purpose of preventing her from defending at a crucial moment.

Sunset had indeed learned a few things from growing up with Trixie.

The spear pierced through Chrysalis' shell easily, then unleashed the full might of its focused power into her. An attack definitely powerful enough to take down even one as powerful and resilient as the changeling queen.

And yet, the fight did not end there, as in the last moment, the remaining half of Chrysalis' body also turned into black mist, with a sound that was like a screech coming from thousands of mouths at once. The unleashed power of the spell pierced into the mist, causing a series of ear-rending explosions and forcing it a long distance away from Sunset.

For a moment, the Knight thought Chrysalis had fully turned into mist, but she managed to catch a glimpse of an insect-sized version of her being protected by the thickest layers of blackness. It seemed that, even for a shapeshifter on the level of Chrysalis, achieving full formlessness without losing oneself was too difficult.

Once again Sunset's blood ran cold, as she realized two things: One, it was clear that her spell had been effective, and she had caused a grave injury on her opponent. Two, it was just as clear that, even though the power she had shown before was amazing, their battle had pushed Chrysalis' strength even higher. This was it. She was about to face an evolved Changeling Queen.

So, there was only one thing Sunset could do. She had to use everything.

'Essence Shift.' Her heart spoke, adding the fourth and final point of view.

That point of view represented "change", the power of difference. But that was overshadowed by the effect it had as being the last remaining step of Sunset's State changing spell.
When it was uttered, the Knight changed visibly, and yet in a way that was nearly impossible to describe. Sunset appeared to have been completed, despite the fact that she had not been missing anything beforehand. It wasn't a difference in size or shape, but more in terms of feel. Sunset simply appeared to have truly made that foreign power her own.
It was the completion state of her Essence Heart.

"Unleash Essence: Reverse Eclipse!" She declared a spell for the first time since changing her State.

It wasn't out of choice that she hadn't done it before, but simply because she couldn't. Another of Essence Heart's weaknesses was being unable to declare spells while it was in a half-completed state. Once again, Sunset believed that weakness to be worth it.

Her spell declared, Sunset Moved in a way that was part teleportation, part extreme movement and part drawing herself towards the light, once again appearing right above Chrysalis. And then came the attack, which far overshadowed anything that had been used in the battle thus far.

An eclipse was when the light of the sun was blocked, but that was the opposite, granting the light an intensity that was like the Knight had brought the sun into the battlefield. The air in between Sunset and Chrysalis was irradiated by enough heat to briefly turn into plasma, before Sunset's spell forced all the accumulated energy to discharge downwards in a blast of astonishing destructive power.

Chrysalis' response to that was not lacking in any way, as she truly showed the might of her new power. Her mist changed, but instead of the simple shifting of before, what happened was a true transmutation that affected every single characteristic of it.

The mist became a monstrous serpent head, which opened its mouth to show endless rows of razor-sharp teeth, and from the dark depths of said maw came a torrent of red fire that shot towards Sunset's spell like a geyser. The fire clashed with the light, and seemed to absorb it, quickly brightening into a majestic golden color before crystalizing itself into a line of solid energy that punched through Sunset's spell and forced her to teleport away at the last moment.

Only part of her spell had been absorbed, though, so Chrysalis still had to deal with a great mass of focused radiation bearing down on her.

She changed again, and this time it was even more astonishing, as there didn't appear to have been an in between state, simply Chrysalis being something one moment, and a completely different thing the next. Her new form was a terrifying beetle, with legs numbering in the thousands and a shell that was not only white, but the whitest thing that Sunset could ever conceive. The shell was so unspeakably white that a good part of the light energy of the Knight's spell was bounced away.

"Core Essence: Infinite Spells!" Sunset hastily declared as soon as she realized that her spell wasn't working.

In response, tens of thousands of spells were formed all throughout the battlefield. All of them were offensive, intended to attack Chrysalis, but each of them was different and unique, as Sunset poured all of her memory and experiences into her creation spell, to serve as a "map" to help them form.

Those spells were formed quickly, and they were fired just as quickly in a massive wave of magic.

Their target, Chrysalis, responded to that in a very specific way.

"Outsider Form." She declared a spell of her own.

There was another change, and the beetle turned into something much stranger: It was an arm, huge and black and scaled, with clawed fingers. That arm appeared to be coming out from a rift in space which was apparently also part of the transformation.

The arm swiped through the air once, and it somehow hit the entire battlefield, despite being far from big enough to accomplish said feat.

All of Sunset's spells were broken by that swipe, and she herself was sent flying through the air, feeling like she had been hit with a building. However, Sunset recovered with astonishing speed, her current durability being such that even a strong hit like that wasn't enough to seriously hinder her.

Still, Chrysalis's current capabilities were a problem, specially given that her battle rhythm seemed to have completely changed. There was only one way she could see to have any chance of winning. So, Sunset took it.

"Essence Domain!" She declared, and endless waves of power exploded from her body.

That power, conjured from the most pure essence of Sunset, quickly spread through the entire battlefield, filling it to the point where it seemed like Sunset was everywhere at once. She then launched herself forward with a powerful firey tackle, while still releasing her energy nonstop.

That same energy allowed Sunset to move at unbelievable speeds, like she was being pulled forward by the traces of her own self in the air. It was to the point where it took less time than the blink of an eye for Sunset to reach her enemy.

Chrysalis' next transformation was even faster, however. She was suddenly become an eagle-like creature with two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs, and flapped those wings to unleash the equivalent of a tornado straight on top of the approaching Knight.

Sunset did not dodge, and in fact she didn't need to. The wind seemed to avoid her of its own accord, and the Knight managed to ram into Chrysalis with full power, releasing a big explosion that caused the first noticeable harm her enemy had received ever since her power up.

That was the effect of the Essence Domain. Sunset's power was creating an area of control that gave her an unparalleled advantage in any fight. But there was one problem with that technique: Given that she had to keep constantly emitting power over the entire battlefield to keep it going, it was exceedingly draining.

Three times as draining as anything else Sunset had done in her life, in fact. She could only use the technique for a total of five seconds, as anything more would damage her own body and impair her for the rest of the fight. But that was okay, because she didn't plan on using it for more than that.

She didn't need to.

Chrysalis retaliated by shifting into something like an ursa with praying mantis blades, one of which she swung while giving the edge a red tint. The changeling had realized very quickly that projectile attacks would be innefective.

The slash was extremely fast, but Sunset dodged it as if she had known it was coming ahead of time, once more moving through her own energy like a combination of swimming and teleportation, avoiding even the invisible extension of the blade by a hair's breath, once again thanks to her Domain.

Sunset attacked with a punch that turned her hoof into a golden comet, piercing through the "skin" of Chrysalis' current form to unleash its power inside. With that, Essence Domain had been active for two seconds.

The changeling queen managed to shift fast enough to avoid most of the damage from that attack by turning into a monstrous worm with scales and legs like a centipede. She bent downwards to bring her fangs towards Sunset, while also releasing countless razor sharp scales to attack at the same time.

The Knight teleported on top of the enermy's head, allowing some of the scales that had less energy to hit her, since her defense could handle it.

"Essence Blast!" Sunset declared, releasing a sphere of power that travelled through the entire body of the worm, ravaging it with explosions and forcing Chrysalis into a hasty shift into a butterfly that was five times bigger than normal ones.

With that, Essence Domain had been active for four seconds.

Sunset used the final second on creating a dozen arrows of fire and teleporting them to a seemingly random place a bit above and in front of her. Which was the exact place where Chrysalis teleported to at the same moment, ready for a point blank attack.

The arrows pierced all over her body, but Chrysalis did not abort the attack, releasing a green ring of solidified vibration magic, which bulled through Sunset's Domain with overwhelming power, hitting her and managing to get through both aura and armor defences, damaging her internal organs.

Sunset spit out blood, but the wound wasn't truly serious, and she had things to do. As the last second finished, she cancelled her Domain, while also shooting a small spell that stuck to Chrysalis and after a cry of "Draw!" from Sunset, it attracted all the loose energy on the battlefield, resulting in a series of violent explosions as the energy reacted with the arrows.

Partway through that, Chrysalis shifted into a strange cylindrical shelled being, which seemed like an organism from the deep sea. The last few explosions were mostly resisted by its thick shell.

Those five seconds had been immensely high-intensity, to the point where Sunset had to take a breath and recover a bit. That fact wasn't missed by Chrysalis, who exploded into another shift, this time into some kind of combination of bird and arrow.

She cut through space almost instantly, aiming for Sunset's heart.

The Knight flapped her fire wings and managed to dodge anyway, predicting her attack despite no longer having access to a domain.

Sunset had not wasted her five seconds of power. Her goal had never been to actually defeat Chrysalis in that period, but simply to adapt to her opponent's new rhythm. A big part of high level battles was being able to sense the flow of magic of the enemy to get a rough prediction of their attacks, but Chrysalis sudden change had thrown off the Knight's ability to do that. She could adapt in time, but she simply didn't have enough time, as she wouldn't be able to last long being at a disadvantage against an opponent that was already so strong.

So, Sunset used her domain. She collected information from every bit of magic that touched Chrysalis, helped by the injuries she was able to inflict on her opponent. That served the double function of allowing her to change the flow of battle as well as quickly adapt her senses to the Changeling Queen's new fighting style.

It was at that point when the battle entered its final stage.

"Essence Crash: Light Fantastic!" Sunset declared.

Dozens of magical prisms manifested themselves all around the two fighters. The light was refracted by them, creating dozens of rainbows, but only briefly. Almost before their colors could be seen, those rainbows were filtered by Sunset's magic, removing all of their colors. What was left behind was a mysterious existence that was at the same time both a color and not. The phantasmal eighth color.

The beams of that hidden color mixed together and created a ray of magical power directed at Chrysalis.

"Nine Lives Blade Shift." Chrysalis responded.

In the middle of her words, the Changeling Queen teleported nine times at once, splitting herself into nine bodies similar to her original one, so the second half of her spell was spoken from nine mouths at once. The nine slashed with blades grown from their legs, and they had appeared to completely surround Sunset, blocking both space and magic to prevent any possible escape.

"Knight Essence!" Sunset declared grimly.

All of her remaining power was focused on every defense the Knight could muster. She knew it wouldn't be possible to evade without giving up on her attack, so that was the best she could do.

The nine blades hit all at once. They annihilated Sunset's aura defense, cut through her enhanced armor and even managed to dig into her body and release a few strands of power that were burned away by her target's magic before they could deal too much internal damage.

Sunset grit her teeth in pain, but reached out with her aura to hold the nine bodies of Chrysalis in place for just long enough for the powerful ray to wash over them. The Knight was completely unaffected by the strange light, but every one of the changeling's bodies started melting at a visible pace, as if that light was both exceedingly hot and radioactive to her.

Chrysalis unleashed another powerful shriek to try and escape, but the magical ray prevented her from putting enough power into the sound. Her wail became even louder as she forcefully fused her nine bodies back together, thus managing to escape from Sunset's hold.

"Essence Rush!" Sunset refused to give her any time to rest. That spell drew in the remaining light of the ray into her body, coloring Sunset herself with the strange appearance of that light. She then dashed through the air at full speed and rammed into Chrysalis.

The attack broke through the enemy's shell, but wasn't quite enough to harm the 'true body' inside. Chrysalis did not allow a second chance:

"State Shift!" She declared, and her body flowed into liquid form, splashing over Sunset. And it wasn't any ordinary liquid, but some kind of magical acid that ate through the armor, burned the flesh and blinded her left eye.

Sunset screamed in unimaginable pain, but still managed to declare another spell:

"Essence Sun!" And an artificial sun manifested itself on top of her position. Once again she wasn't harmed by her magic, but the sun was so unbelievably hot that Chrysalis' liquid form was instantly sublimated into gas and then plasma, exploding all over the battlefield at near-relativistic speeds.

That was obviously very painful as well, and Chrysalis would have screamed had she a mouth at the time. Instead, the only indication of damage she gave was the delay before her next attack, which allowed Sunset to raise her sun above herself.

It was just barely enough, though. And Chrysalis' next spell came before she could do anything else.

"World Shift..." She chanted, and took advantage of her form being spread around the battlefield, shifting into and englobing everything around it, thus managing to cut Sunset off from the power of the sun.

The Knight still had the power gathered until the previous moment, however, and she poured every bit of it into her created sun for the only spell with a chance to save her.

"Twin Sun!" She managed to declare, despite Chrysalis' space getting into her mouth and trying to choke her out and cut her throat at the same time.

The artificial sun shone, imitating the real thing to the best of Sunset's abilities. And through its similarity, she managed to create a connection to the true sun. It was just a brief connection, but It gave the Knight another burst of power, allowing her to shoot a powerful beam of solar energy upwards as if trying to reach its celestial counterpart.
That beam burned away at the space created by Chrysalis, destroying a good portion of it and forcing her to withdraw.

Sunset shot a thousand beams of energy from her sun into Chrysalis' new position, and made to follow up with a teleport into her, but the spell fizzled out mid-cast. With barely a trace of hesitation, she redid the magic, this time spending slightly longer to make sure it formed properly.

"Kheires Shift!" Chrysalis shouted before the attacks arrived, turning into a round monster with dozens of arms that batted aside the energy beams. But that delayed her enough for Sunset to arrive and declare another spell:

"Essence Blade!" She shouted, and the remaining energy of her manifested star gathered into a luminous blade of magic that floated above her horn.

Sunset slashed with it repeatedly, slowly cutting through the arms of Chrysalis' new form. But the changeling started simply conjuring new arms, and even adding a second blade to her attacks wasn't enough to break through her defenses.

It was at that point that Sunset was forced to face an unfortunate fact: She was probably unable to win the fight. There was still a chance, if she went all or nothing and bet on some really risky plan, but even then the chance was low. The reason she thought that was her previous failure at forming her teleport spell.

That failure was simply the most visible symptom of the real problem: Sunset was rapidly approaching her limits. That was the first time she managed to achieve the Essence Heart state, and the exhaustion and mental burden of both using powerful spells and keeping up said state together with the mental pressure of fighting such a deadly opponent plus the injuries she had received...

Simply put, all that together caused that one mistake, and as the situation worsened, the mistakes would pile up and become worse until Chrysalis managed to take advantage of one of them and decide the fight.

It was truly unfortunate to lose the first actual fight she had while in Essence Heart form, but it would be even more unfortunate to fail her mission. And losing to Chrysalis didn't necessary mean failing the mission.

"Celestial Seed Form!"

Chrysalis changed into a huge seed that expanded even further while also growing spikes, finally managing to break through Sunset's relentless double-bladed assault. And that was the moment when Sunset put her new plan into action. Instead of resisting the force, she went along with it, being shoved backwards at high speed. Sunset also quickly dropped her altitude until she had landed on top of the dome shield.

The Knight then took a look at Chrysalis, smiled and dropped every single one of her external defenses, with even the armor disappearing. All that power was condensed inside her body, hiding completely.

That sight actually caused Chrysalis to hesitate for a split second, as she couldn't fathom Sunset's true aim. However, the changeling queen soon charged forward with all her strength, knowing that regardless of the possibility of a trap, she simply couldn't afford to allow Sunset time to prepare something big.

Turning into a strange elongated bird with a cry of "Quetz Form!", Chrysalis flapped her two enormous wings once, accelerating to supersonic speeds even in the very small (comparatively) distance between her and Sunset. The beak of the beard was a broad and sharp spear, and it pierced straight through Sunset's body, coming out the other side, leaving an injury bigger than the pony's own head.

Yet, were Chrysalis' current form capable of showing expressions, one would have seen her face darkening at that moment, while Sunset smiled (though it was wan, because of the pain). The immense energy inside the Knight's body had managed to force Chrysalis' attack away from any critical areas (Well, critical for a Knight. Most ponies would consider losing a head sized portion of their torso to be pretty critical).

The changeling queen immediately flapped her wings again moving backwards to try and escape whatever Sunset was trying to do. However, it turned out to be pointless. The Knight's trap wasn't getting Chrysalis to get close, but to get Chrysalis to wound her... All to get a sufficient Grudge.

And with her eyes shining with aggression Sunset finally called her spell:

"Grand Curse: Chained Heart!"

All the power Sunset had gathered instantly shifted into a foul energy. Half of it started swirling within her body, while the other half instantly appeared all around Chrysalis, who shifted again and again, teleporting all over to try and evade it, but to no avail.

The true nature of Curse Magic was actually Bonds (So the Crusaders would probably be pretty good at it, once their studies reached that point). Except, it was based on negative bonds instead of positive ones, and that particular magic took all the grudge of Sunset to form an unescapable bond with the one who had injured her so. That was something only the three original Knights could possibly do. They had spent their entire lives apprenticed to Celestia, and had learned the theory of various powerful magics that had been used by past Knights.

They could not use them as well as they could their own specialties, but they could still be quite effective. Meanwhile, the newer Knights had no time to focus on anything other than their specializations, making them less versatile, though not necessarily weaker.

Regardless, the energy invaded Chrysalis' body at the same time as it condensed in Sunset's, forcing the Changeling back into her regular form. And it didn't stop there, as the opening on Sunset's torso allowed one to see as the energy took on physical form, shaping itself into spiked chains that wrapped themselves around her heart. The Knight could not help but scream, and it was echoed by Chrysalis, as the curse mirrored its effects on her.

The changeling crashed to the "ground" (still the top of the shield) unable to even move anymore. That was the basic nature of curses, harming oneself in order to harm one's opponent. In truth, there was no actual harm done to either of them, as even Sunset's current grudge wasn't enough to achieve such effects against such a powerful opponent. The only thing it caused was Pain.

It was actually preferable, as the Knight was already too injured, and it was all she could do to keep the curse active. Any more than that and she wouldn't be able to bear it. Even then, the pain was horrendous, as proven by the fact that even the half-crazed Chrysalis was unable to bear it... at first.

After a few seconds, the changeling managed to force herself upright, and started crawling towards Sunset with an unbending will. She knew that the curse would be cancelled if she managed to land even a single blow. The Knight, by contrast, was far from capable of moving, and could only watch as Chrysalis reached closer and closer.

Soon, Sunset could see the color of Chrysalis' eyes, then the twitch of her lips as she bore the pain, and then they were almost close enough to touch-

Someone landed in between the two, leading to a moment of confusion. Then they noticed it was a pegasus. Then they noticed that she was Venus.

Upon seeing her target so close, the Changeling Queen lost all control. She managed to force her uncooperative body to leap forward, already opening her mouth to bite... And fell back to the ground, one of her back legs having been caught by something... A piece of shield. And it was at that moment when Chrysalis realized that Venus was whispering something.



"Looks like we win." Shining Armor said with a sigh. He had been using remote viewing through his shield to keep an eye on the battle, and he had just seen Chrysalis reaction to Sunset's curse "The enemy's guard could not be any more down."

"Yeah." Spike agreed "But since they're connected, attacking Chrysalis will definitely break the spell, so we need to put everything into one attack."

"I'll do it." Venus declared "Rarity said she wanted to give me my gift after the wedding if it was possible, but using it is our best bet to finish things off smoothly." She smiled "I'll just have to act surprised when she gives it to me."

Nearby, Rarity's unconscious body twitched.

Shining Armor's smiled at his fiancee's words, but then his expression dropped "She's getting up!" He exclaimed.

Spike did not waste any time. He immediately sent a message to one of the guards who was close to where the gifts had been put, and it was a unicorn guard that was good at teleportation.

Still, it took three whole seconds for the guard to arrive with the packaged gift, which Venus immediately snatched out of his telekinectic grip and annihilated with a lightning bolt, leaving only the gift inside.

It was a leg ring, one very elaborate ring colored light grey that seemed to highlight Venus' beauty by contrast (of course, since it was Rarity who designed it), the ring was covered in dense magical designs, but they formed an artistic whole instead of looking like something functional. All in all, it was an acessory that did not draw too much attention to itself, but seemed very elegant when it was noticed.

None of that was noticed by the pegasus in the moment. She shoved her left foreleg through it and her mind was immediately provided with a series of instructions on how to use that artefact (Rarity called that an "additional service"). Turning around, she saw that her groom had already opened a hole in the shield, and Spike was breathing an orange fire into it.

Venus launched herself into the air, diving through Spike's fire and being accelerated by it as intended. She was already fast normally, but that spell made her move with enough speed to cause Rainbow Dash to nod her head in approval.

Due to the way Shining Armor had shaped the hole, Venus came out of it facing directly towards the two combatants. She flew towards them, already concentrating her mind for the spell she was going to cast. She landed in between the two, hoping she would have enough time. Venus whispered a few words into the artefact ring very tenderly, then looked up to see that Chrysalis had been stopped by Shining's Shield.

So she realized that there was time to speak. She glared straight at Chrysalis, making sure to look right into her eyes, and spoke "I am Venus, Warrior of Love." She pulled her left foreleg back, as if preparing to punch "And I don't like you." The leg moved forward, and as it moved an overwhelming amount of energy manifested around it.

"Love Sign: Master Spark!" Venus shouted, and unleashed her annihilation of love.

The manifested energy condensed into a cone of pure destructive power that crashed into Chrysalis with overwhelming momentum and carried her into the air.

(With a gasp, Sunset finally let the spell lapse, being unable to endure any longer. She also fell unconscious.)

Chrysalis was suddenly released from the pain, and she immediately tried to shapeshift away, but failed. The same happened when she tried to teleport. The Master Spark was a destructive spell, but it was more than just mindless violence. One of its effects was that the destructive power was capable of disrupting the flow of energy in its vicinity, thus making it far harder to escape.

Carried along by the beam of energy, Chrysalis crashed into the dome forcefield that had been cast over the city. And the spell was still going, a seemingly endless fount of power gushing from Venus's body. Caught between the unstopable force and the immovable object, Chrysalis' body was slowly being ground away.

"GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" The changeling queen shouted in primal anger.

She leaned her head backwards, and proceeded to headbutt the spell. And the headbutt contained such force, that for a single moment it overwhelmed the opposing energy.
In that comment, Chrysalis' body shifted. It condensed into the size and shape of a needle, becoming denser than any known natural material. The needle forced itself into the barrier, piercing through and creating a minuscule opening. Then it passed through.

Venus stopped her attack, knowing that there was no point anymore. The needle turned back into Chrysalis outside the barrier, but she looked diminished, as if she had spent part of herself to achieve that stunt. Without even looking back, the Changeling Queen teleported away.

The battle was over. Shining Armor soon retracted his shield and Sunset was taken to receive medical attention and the guards looked around to make sure everything was indeed over. While that was happening, Venus was resting from the exertion and talking with her groom.

"Looks like we couldn't defeat Chrysalis completely." She said.

"That was always a long shot." He replied, shaking his head "But we managed to suceed on the main mission." He smiled "King Thorax is here."

It was true. The neophyte changeling ruler had just arrived right outside the barrier that englobed the city. He had been in standby the whole time, together with a squad of elite changelings, and one of the contingency plans that had been prepared was a teleportation circle to take all of them to the battlefield after the barrier was lowered.

Thankfully enough, that plan didn't prove to be necessary, so instead Thorax came by himself after the battle was over. He still had a role to play, one that had nothing to do with combat.

After reaching so close to the magic barrier he could touch it, King Thorax brought forth the magic of his soul. Both his body and mind resonated with it, as the changeling ruler touched upon the most primal and sacred magic of his race: The hive mind itself.

He wasn't connecting with his own subjects, however, for that wouldn't take as much effort as he was spending (or any effort at all, really), instead Thorax reached out to the many changelings who were still trapped inside the barrier, too weak to even try to escape or hide, specially after being drained by their queen.

Chrysalis herself did not notice anything, the drain of the fight combined with the wear her blood sacrifice magic caused on the connection with her subjects weakened it to the point where she could barely even feel their existence. So she was not able to interfere.

As soon as the changelings realized who was contacting them, they rejected his attempt at a conversation, their loyalty to Chrysalis still unabated despite her recent actions. However, the communication of the hive mind was far deeper and more involved than a simple sharing of thoughts. As such, even as they rejected him, the changelings understood a bit about him.

And that left them surprised, as it was the realization that he had something in common with them: He also loved Chrysalis.

That was something he had realized about himself after becoming a King. Despite her flaws, he still had been a loyal servant to her, and his decision to break away from her control wasn't done without some regret. Thorax had struggled with his contradictory emotions for a while, until he cast his mind far into the past, dozens of generations before his birth, accessing the shared memories of the hive.

He understood that Chrysalis hadn't always been as selfish and obsessed as she currently was. In fact, she had loved the hive with all her soul, and had that love returned. But centuries of strife, persecution and pain had warped her into what she eventually became. Those old days were the root of the loyalty of her changelings, as the shared memory of love from the entire hive had touched all the later generations of her servants, including Thorax himself.

From that realization, a wish was born in the heart of the Changeling King. He wished to be able to heal the heart of Chrysalis, so that the changelings could truly leave behind their history of strife and move on to a bright future, but also because he didn't want her to keep suffering.

Despite being rejected, Thorax did not give up. He patiently reached out to Chrysalis' changelings again and again, and little by little the contact allowed them to understand his feelings and his wish. Slowly their rejections became less vehement as they found that their own feelings closely matched with what the king felt.

Eventually, they were unable to reject Thorax anymore, as that would be like rejecting their own selves. But even still they were not prepared to truly listen to him, their hearts still refusing any idea of betraying Chrysalis.

Thorax did not consider that to be a problem, as a long dialogue was thus started within the hive mind. Each and every one of the changelings had their own thoughts and ideas about Chrysalis' situation, and he met with them in turn, while the communication was also shared between all of them.

Some of them doubted the feasibility of the peaceful coexistence that Thorax was pushing, but he shared with them many of the memories of his own subjects, and how they were being treated by the other races of Equestria.

Others feared that their queen would be harshly punished for her actions against the ponies and Equestria itself, but he shared what he had learned about their practices, how Chrysalis had never done anything that was beyond their forgiveness, how Chrysalis would be able to help them with their crises in exchange for lessening her punishment, and how he promised to share with her whatever that punishment ended up being.

Others still did not think that changing Chrysalis' mind was a possibility, given how long her "new" behavior had already lasted, and how much she had invested in all her schemes and attempts to obtain power. To answer those, Thorax turned the question back on them: Did they think it was possible, or were they just resigned to endure the "new" Chrysalis for the sake of their love for the "old" Chrysalis?

Finally, there were very few changelings remaining unconvinced. Their argument was nothing like any of the others, as they actually agreed with everything Thorax had said, but refused to leave Chrysalis, as they were unwilling to subject Chrysalis to the loneliness of being completely cut off from all other changelings.

However, Thorax had one last surprise in store from them:

"I never intended for you all to join my swarm. All that I ask is that you allow us to connect with you, and thus with Chrysalis. I want her to hear me, but most importantly, I want her to hear the voices of those who refused to follow the her she became." Those were the words that would be written in the history books, but the communication of the network allowed for an entire world of additional meaning that could not be conveyed through a single statement.

Regardless, after that was conveyed, the network of Chrysalis' followers fell into an uncharacteristic silence. Thorax had already said everything he'd meant to, and each of the changelings stopped to think about what decision to take. The time that deliberation lasted was unclear, varying from one account to another, but eventually they began to respond.

At first it was one by one, but soon enough more and more of them joined in voicing their assent for the proposal. Soon enough, all of them had accepted it. And when they realized it, the changelings did the telepathic equivalent of looking around at each other, before they acted as one and opened the connection between Thorax's hive and Chrysalis, serving as intermediaries.

The consequences of that action would only become clear in the future.


Back on the wedding battlefield, the work of fixing and cleaning everything for the ceremony was proceeding apace. Not that they were particularly hurried, as it had already been decided that the actual wedding would only occur two days later, since even the most injured of the Knights would have recovered enough to take active part in the festivities, which they clearly deserved.

All of them had already gone through the first round of medical care, and were currently resting inside their own private rooms (except for the crusaders, as separating them so soon after their use of bond magic was ill-advised). As such, Sunset immediately realized something was strange when a white-coated earth pony mare entered her room.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I have just come to congratulate you on your achievement, my student." The mare spoke in a very familiar voice.

"Teacher?" Sunset asked, surprised, but she already knew the answer was yes.

"I'm going to be in disguise until the wedding, since I want to take part in the festivities without causing an uproar, just so you know." Celestia said, before stepping close to Sunset's bed.

"I see... Are you going to talk to everyone?" Sunset asked.

"Maybe later." Celestia said with a playful smile "For now, I came just for you."

Sunset was about to ask what she meant by that, but stopped upon seeing Celestia's expression turn solemn.

"Power without Heart only leads to destruction, both of those around you, and yourself." She spoke in a tone of recitation.

"On the other hand, a Heart without Power, as righteous as it may be is incapable of defending its values." She continued, and Sunset's expression changed as she thought of a possible reason for what Celestia was doing.

"As one who understood that, I ask of you this: Are you willing to proceed forth in your harsh path without giving up, using your power for the sake of Equestria?" She asked.

"Yes!" Sunset said hurriedly, barely daring to believe that was really happening.

"I see." Celestia replied "Then I proclaim you, Knight Sunset Shimmer, the Heart of Power."

And with that, the current generation of Knights had reached a new stage.

Wedding Arc End

Next: Cloud of Chaos Arc

Titled Knights Saga - True Start
Last edited:
Chapter 73
Chapter 73 - Wedding Before Chaos

The time had finally come for the actual wedding ceremony to be held. All the tables had been set around the spiral staircase, and those attending the wedding had been placed in their proper positions according to their relations with bride and groom, as well as their roles in that ceremony.

In the two star positions (upper left and lower right) were respectively Twilight, the sister of the groom, and Aura Music, another one of Cadance's avatars, who had just arrived earlier in the day. The Knight was seated in a very fancy cushioned chair, which wasn't her favorite, but was the most comfortable type of seat available, and she needed to rest and recover as fast as possible.

Spike was waiting at the bottom of the staircase. Different from most of those present, he wasn't wearing any sort of fancy clothing, but was instead dressed in rough white robes, which seemed very well worn. That was due to his role as Questioner.

Another important role was that of the Witness, which was fulfilled by one of the crystal ponies that had come to attend the ceremony, a teenaged mare called Bonsai Leaf. The only clothing that she was wearing was a conical black hat with a simple circle design.

Apart from that, there were quite a few other spectators with more minor roles, who only had just as minor additions to their wardrobe in order to represent those roles, but none of the other Knights or the close relatives of the couple had gotten one of those parts. Most of the roles were sorted by lottery, so that wasn't strange.

Anyway, regardless of all of that, the ceremony was about to begin, so we shall dispense with further boring explanations and turn our sights towards it.

It started with the music in the venue, which had been light and nondescript until then, suddenly changed into a tone of anticipation. The spectators noticed that, and they knew what it meant, so the hubhub of conversations quickly quieted down to the point where it was possible to hear everypony's breathing.

They did not have to wait long, as soon those who were looking at the spiral staircase could see the couple slowly descending the stairs. Their current clothing was slight but ornate, only a few head adornments. Venus' were silver, while Shining's were gold.

They walked down at a steady pace, and soon the sharper-eyed expectators were able to make out their expressions, which were calm and peaceful, with a hint of anticipation. That was a good sign.

Weddings between ponies in Equestria traditionally started with the couple talking with each other in seclusion from everypony else. No one but the couple knew what they talked about (though some couples revealed it to other ponies many years later), sometimes it was about their deepest secrets, about their highest expectations and biggest fears.

Sometimes they made promises or broke them, and sometimes they simply talked about casual matters, confident that they had already said everything they meant too.

Once they reached the bottom of the staircase, Venus stopped next to Spike while Shining Armor walked three more steps and kept his back to them. She had been marked as the first to speak to the Questioner due to the silver color of her clothing.

Spike then started asking questions of her in a low tone. So low that besides him and her, the only one who heard the questions was the mare with the Witness role, who had approached shortly before the couple reached the bottom of the stairs. The Questioner had the role of asking 10 questions to each pony in the couple. There were some classic questions, but they also had the right to think of questions on their own.

Once all the questions were asked of Venus, both she and Spike turned to look at the Witness, who responded with a nod, indicating that she confirmed the validity of that testimony. That was mostly just a ritual, but there were times when a Witness did indeed answer with a refusal, and there was a whole set of rituals for that case as well.

Regardless, such did not happen that time, and it did not happen the second time either, when Shining Armor took the position of the questioned and received his own set of questions while Venus went to stand in Shining's previous place. After that was done, Shining Armor went to stand beside Venus.

A couple of fillies approached the two, carrying a pair of cloak-like pieces of cloth, which they put on the bride and groom. It soon became clear that these cloth pieces had been made with a design imitating armor, in order to represent the martial focus of the two. As might be expected, ponies with different backgrounds, jobs and interests would have different designs.

The two fillies were the first Carriers, responsible for giving clothes to the bride and groom. As the name implied, there were going to be other Carriers, with other sets of clothing, but the first Carriers had a few interesting aspects. Starting with the fact that they were two of the few positions not decided completely by lottery, but one where duos of foals could candidate themselves to.

That was a position that never had any shortage candidates because of the meaning traditionally attached to it. Said meaning was that the first Carriers would marry each other in the future. That was obviously not always the case, but it happened often enough that romantically involved foals would line up for a chance at taking that role.

Once that was done, and the Witness had returned to her previous position, both Shining Armor and Venus walked side by side, heading towards the first star position, where Twilight was waiting. The star positions were reserved for close family, and of course had nothing to do with lotteries.

Twilight received the two with a huge smile, and hugged both groom and bride, before speaking a few words that everypony in the audience could hear, mostly congratulations, well wishes and hints to Venus about how to heal with her brother. Truthfully speaking, Twilight would normally have spoken a lot more, and had a more active part in the further proceedings, including walking part of the way with the two, but she was still recovering, so that was cut short.

Twilight sat back down and the duo of Shining and Venus began walking through the room, taking a very winding path that made them pass next to every single table where the spectators were sitting. That was a way for the couple to simbolically present themselves to pony society.

As expected, the path the couple took ended up at the second star position, where Aura Music, instead of simply talking, sung and played a small piece that essentially boiled down to the same thing, except with three times more grandstanding. She also lifted both bride and groom with her telekinesis to hug them at the same time.

After that, a teenage colt approached, and put some beautifully colored necklaces on their necks. As it should be obvious, he was the second Carrier, responsible for bringing more clothes. It was also obvious that the position didn't have the same traditional meaning, but it had its own importance.

Finally, the two main stars of the wedding started slowly walking towards the opened doors, which gave time for most of the participants in the wedding to stand up and follow them in a line. (the ones who didn't were mostly the old ponies and the Knights who were in recovery).

And so the ceremony continued, first with a lively song and several more ceremonies and changes of clothing before they returned inside for the final vows.
And when the bride and groom finally kissed, the cheer that was raised was immense.


It was the next day after the wedding, and all of the current generation Knights were gathered in a room for a meeting with Princesses Celestia and Luna. The five who were relatively uninjured (Spike, the Crusaders and Trixie, though the last one was still nursing a head-splitting headache) were standing casually, while the other seven lounged on confortable seats.

"So here's where the situation stands," Luna started speaking "Me and Celestia have managed to prevent the worst case scenario for this situation. The Congregation of Chaos did not split up into several events, and instead has currently taken the form of a region sized cloud of reactive chaos that is drifting towards the center of Equestria like a weather formation."
"And although that makes it seem like the cloud is moving slowly, in actuality it covers territory at an astonishing pace due to its sheer area." She concluded.

"We have already executed the anti chaos emergency measures, including the evacuation of everypony on the path of the cloud." Celestia spoke "I had to do a lot of mass teleports but it was worth it." She sighed "But those measures are limited. The Cloud of Chaos slowly becomes more powerful by infecting everything in its path, and while we can prevent it from taking in a lot of things, there is a certain location in its path that we absolutely must not let it infect."

"It is the field of Rich Dunes, because beneath it sits the magma chamber closest to the surface in all of Equestria." Luna took back the word "If the Cloud of Chaos reaches that point, it could infect the chamber and create a chaos infused volcanic explosion that would spread chaos (the concept) at a massive scale, which would increase the chaotic power of the Cloud to the point where it might start attracting the rest of Discord's pieces towards itself, thus growing to the point where we might see an early return of Discord." Luna shivered "That would certainly be the worst case scenario."

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked "We managed to beat Discord while we were much weaker than now, so what would be the problem with doing it again?" All other Knights in the room (besides Sunset), looked at her in disbelief.

Celestia shook her head "That would not be so simple. Didn't Sunset explain to you about the Phases of Chaos?"

Said unicorn groaned "There were a lot of things going on, and I just kinda kept thinking 'I'll do it after this crisis passes', and forgetting about it."

"Well, we have time to say it now, so no harm done." Celestia said with a slight smile "Luna, you're better at explaining that than me."

The other alicorn nodded and began to speak "Discord is a being of chaos down to his very soul, so it should come as no surprise that even his state of power is chaotic. He is stronger sometimes and weaker others, his skills and magic change from time to time... Those kinds of things. We call that Phases of Discord.

"When he broke out the last time, he was in one of the weaker Phases, and he happened to do something just after breaking out." She continued "He immediately launched a blitz attack to defeat and imprison us." She glanced at Celestia.

"That, of course, took a considerable amount of power, so he was weakened further." Luna looked at Pinkie "Then, he became interested in the two chaos users nearby, and became distracted playing with them, which allowed some of you to wipe out a good portion of the chaotic energy in the city and rescue us, which weakened him yet more.

"After we were rescued, I went to reduce the chaos in the city even further by saving people, while Celestia prepared to do whatever was needed. Discord was also not taking the fight with Twilight and Pinkie anywhere near seriously, thus wasting energy, and when he won, he attempted to hijack their wills, which is not a trivial spell even in the best of times." Luna shook her head "He could easily do it, specially because the targets weren't very strong, but doing the spell caused him to drop his guard."

The night princess looked straight at Rainbow Dash "Then he got hit with a close range explosion of pure harmonic magic."

Rainbow Dash's expression changed.

Luna nodded "That was when Celestia saw her chance, and restrained Discord to prevent him from easily recovering from his injuries. And our three Knights took advantage of that to hit him with an even more powerful harmonic attack. That was the situation, and if any of these things had not happened the way they did, it would have been a lot more difficult to stop Discord."

Rainbow Dash nodded.

"And that's still not all." Luna kept speaking "Because Discord is a being of chaos, the very nature of his defeat would prevent it from happening so easily again." She sighed "His shards started spreading around Equestria, causing chaos. We (well, mostly you guys) prevented it from getting out of hand, but they still caused chaos, and thus gathered power for Discord's return.

"And even with doing everything we can, reducing the chaos to prevent Discord from amassing too much chaotic energy by the time of his return, it is still certain that he will be in a much stronger phase than before. That's just how his ressurrection works." Luna's voice turned grave "That is still manageable considering how much stronger you've become, but if a Congregation manages to cause enough chaos to bring Discord back early, he will be in a state of chaotic critical mass.

"We have only seen that happen a few times in history, and every time it took enormous sacrifices to stop him, and it took centuries for Equestria to recover from the events." She finished.

There were several moments of silence "Okay, then I guess we shouldn't let that happen." Rainbow Dash said, with the tone of someone screaming internally.

"Right. So going back to the previous point." Celestia spoke "We absolutely must not allow the Cloud of Chaos to reach that point. However, a lot of our Knights still need to recover and regain their strength.

"As such, in order to buy the highest amount of time possible for your recovery, we've dug out one of the oldest anti-chaos rituals we have available, and our researchers modified it for the purposes of slowing down the advance of the Cloud. The plan is that Luna, Cadance and I will power the ritual." She finished.

"What? All three alicorns?!" Rarity asked in disbelief.

"Yes." Celestia nodded "It might seen extreme, but this is an important matter." She sighed "And it is necessary. Even doing all of that, the time you'd have for recovery will not be more than four days."

"Four days?" Pinkie gasped "How much time would we have without that, then?"

"Two days and a half." Luna stated.

There was a lot of silent swallowing at those words, but then Celestia spoke again.

"So, for the Knights who were the most injured in the last mission, how much do you think you can recover in four days?" She asked.

"I should be at about 80%." Sunset said.

Most of the reason for it to be taking that long was Sunset use of that Great Curse. The burden it had taken on both her body and her magic was definitely no joke.

"85 to 90%." Was Twilight's answer.

The other Knights gave their own assessments, which fell in those ranges as well. Celestia nodded.

"Okay, this is not ideal, but it should work." She turned her head towards Spike "Spike, you and the Crusaders have a different mission."

"What? Really?" Applebloom asked, mirroring the reaction of the others.

"Yes." Celestia nodded "We have recently received some information from our changeling allies that Starlight Glimmer has reappeared."

There were several grimaces and a few curse words around the room at that. It was clear that the unicorn had left quite an impression on the Knights.

"And of course she would do that at the worst possible timing." Sunset groaned "It was hard to miss the state of high alert Equestria is under, so she would definitely assume that would be her best chance."

"Indeed." Celestia spoke "So, we are going to send you four, and there are two reasons for that:

"Reason one is because you did very well against her the last time you fought, so you should be able to repeat the feat.

"Reason two is because, different from the other Knights, the four of you have not faced down against Discord personally." She finished.

"And why does that matter?" Scootaloo asked after a moment.

Celestia looked at Luna, who nodded and began to speak:

"We haven't gone into detail about the Cloud of Chaos yet, but one of the most troublesome aspects about such high concentrations of chaotic energy is that they create a sort of chaotic miasma that covers everything around them." She sighed "For most ponies, it would be impossible to get close without being subsumed by the chaotic miasma.

"Even for Knights at your level, your actions would be heavily hindered during a fight, and even Spike's draconic constitution wouldn't help that much." Luna continued "Meanwhile, the Knights who faced Discord directly have been "innoculated" against the chaos, for lack of a better word."

The dragon and three fillies mulled over that in silence. Celestia spoke again:

"For the same reason, we can't give guard support in the battle." She shook her head "Besides, the guards will be needed for a different mission."

"What mission?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's because of the Blue Field River, isn't it?" Twilight asked. Pinkie Pie was the only one who seemed to understand what she was talking about.

"That's right." Celestia said "The route the Cloud of Chaos is taking also happens to be within the course of the river.

"Usually, it is difficult for chaos to affect running water, but the sheer magnitude of the Cloud is enough that we're going to be seeing scattered effects way downriver and into Equestrian territory. The guards will have to keep control of that situation, and they will be supported by the avatars, who are also not particularly suited for dealing with the chaos."

"But going back to the original topic." Luna spoke once Celestia had finished "The four of you are going to Yellowmarble city in order to deal with any possible plots Starlight Glimmer may try. Understood?"

Spike and the three Crusaders nodded, and Luna smiled in response.

"With that set, the next order of business is the planning for the Cloud of Chaos operation." She spoke again "But for that we need the most accurate possible information about the threat." Luna sighed "That is another issue, but I will let my sister explain." She moved her front legs as if presenting Celestia to the others.

Celestia smiled at her antics before recovering her calm expression. Then she began to talk:

"Since we have already talked about the chaotic miasma, it shouldn't come as a surprise that getting concrete intelligence about the Cloud of Chaos is very hard." Was what she began with.

The Knights nodded. If it was difficult to even get close, it would be difficult to gather detailed information.

"Of course, we have long experience in dealing with matters related to Discord, so it isn't completely impossible." She continued "But chaotic energy, by its very nature, actively resists elucidation, which goes trouble for the kind of concentration of chaos we are talking about here.

"So, our best researchers, using every single method available to them, only managed to gather a small amount of information about the wavefront of the cloud, which seems to be the core." Celestia said "To add to that, there was also a lot of reports about Congregations of Chaos of a similar scale and spread, mostly gathered from the Knights that dealt with them.

"Even with narrowing the search so much, there were still quite a lot of different types of havoc that could be wrought by so much chaos, but with the reports and the informations we were able to get, it should give you girls an idea of the kinds of threats you are about to face." Celestia lifted eight scrolls with telekinesis and sent them to the Knights.

"The most important points and speculations have been compiled in these, but before you read, I would like to ask the opinion of the two foremost experts in chaos magic in Equestria, Twilight and Pinkie: What do you think is the most important thing to consider during the operation?"

"Chaos is unexpected." Twilight replied instantly.

"It'll be a surprise!" Pinkie exclaimed, throwing her front hooves into the air (literally).

"Indeed." Celestia nodded "What you girls must never forget is to always be flexible and adaptable. I know you have gotten good at that with how much experience you have, but a reminder is always good." She smiled "If you do that, I'm certain you'll do fine even without being fully recovered.

They responded with a smile and a bow, promising themselves to meet her expectations.
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Chapter 74
Chapter 74 - Diving Into Chaos

After that, the Knights read the documents and discussed among themselves the possible strategies they could use in various general situations, with Twilight and Pinkie being the ones interjecting the most to point out possible flaws and methods, as should be expected.

Still, considering the sheer difficulties of planning around unknown threats and unexpected conditions, they actually ended their discussion quite quickly. In the same way, since there was very little information about what Starlight Glimmer could be planning, and the fact that she was a very versatile caster, it was also difficult to plan for her, so the follow-up discussion about said subject did not last long either.

As such, soon enough the meeting had devolved into idle talk and eating lunch. The participants had split into groups, with Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy making one of them, the dragon teasing them about their relationship and getting asked about how things were going on his side. Another group was made of the two princesses plus Sunset, who were casually playing word games and taking them far too seriously.

Then there was Trixie and Pinkie Pie, who were discussing something about a combo magic show/party. And the rest were gathered in the biggest group: The Crusaders and their older sisters (Rainbow Dash counted in spirit if not in truth). They were the only ones having anything close to a serious conversation.

"Ya girls really acted recklessly last time." Applejack spoke in a tone of light rebuke, but then rolled her eyes "But that's pretty much the Knight's job description, so perhaps Ah should be saying 'good job'?"

"That's right." Applebloom nodded "And considering the sorts of things yer involved with, ya could say we're only following the example of our senior Knights." She grinned.
Applejack shook her head in bemusement, and Rarity spoke up:

"Speaking of that, I heard you guys used my cutie mark to help with your final attack. Could you tell me more about it? I'm quite interested in what kinds of things other people could make with my talent."

She had been looking at Sweetie Belle when she spoke that, but the filly unicorn shook her head:

"I'm not really the best one to talk about that, I was mostly thinking about you when I channeled the cutie mark, the others were the ones who really acted." She looked to her fellow fillies.

The one who spoke was Scootaloo:

"Haaaahhhh... How can I say it... Feeling a cutie mark is like looking into something like a funhouse mirror. You still recognize yourself, but different.

"That time, I think it was Applebloom who came up with the idea to use chaos to create a sword, but in terms of actually creating it... Instead of creating something, it felt more like I was using something already built. What was made wasn't a tool, but a specific action to be brought to life directly." She concluded.

"I see. I guess my teacher would call it the difference between 'creating' and 'performing'." Rarity said.

A sense of understanding passed through all the ponies in the group. Then Rainbow Dash took up the word:

"Actually, since I've seen that wedding I got curious." She looked at the three fillies "What's the feeling of the bond magic? Does it feel like you're married or something?"

Hearing that, the three blinked in complete unison, then they looked at each other consideringly for a while. The three mares felt a strange sense of tension.

"Nah." Applebloom eventually answered "The feeling of the bond kinda varies, with it being stronger when we're going all out. But when it gets to the highest level, it feels more like we're one soul in three bodies."

"I see... Or, well, I don't see." Rainbow Dash admitted "Sounds like this is really something you can only understand from experience."

The three fillies nodded, and Applejack could tell that they had to deliberately try to not do so all in unison. It looked like talking about the bond magic had made them more aware of the effects it was having in them.

Still, the conversation soon turned to more casual topics, and eventually it came time for the Knights to separate, since Spike and the Crusaders had to leave for their mission.


Three days after that, even the Knights in the worst conditions had already recovered enough to act naturally in their daily lives, and had even briefly resumed their normal occupations, since that would help stabilize their condition more, even though they would have to leave them in the very following day.

Out of those, most of them didn't experience anything of particular note. Twilight was still teaching magic to children, Trixie was still doing shows, Rainbow Dash was helping in the training of the rookie Wonderbolts... The only one of them who did not find that to be true was actually Sunset.

For those who knew what had happened in her previous mission, that would probably not be any sort of surprise. After all, Sunset had achieve the feat of channeling the power of the sun, and as it so happened, her job was to "help" princess Celestia with raising it.

It had already been a while since she was first able to complete the process entirely on her own, but that was always an exhausting endeavor, so most of the time she still simply helped.

When she went to raise the sun on the day where the Knights would leave for their newest mission, Sunset thought that helping the princess was all she was going to do (the princesses' actions were limited while they were keeping up the ritual, but two of them could keep it up by themselves for short periods), but unexpectedly Celestia told her to raise the sun by herself, saying that it wouldn't be too draining.

The Knight almost questioned that, but she soon realized that it was true. Even though she was still only 80% recovered, lifting the sun didn't really strain her at all.

Princess Celestia only smiled upon seeing her student's disbelief "Didn't you realize? Titles are only given to Knights who become strong enough to be able to fight at the level of an alicorn without tricks. That kind of thing is easy by comparison, specially with your connection to the sun."

Sunset looked down at herself in astonishment, almost unable to believe what she had just done. Celestia's smile got slightly wider, but then her tone went a bit somber "Also, because of everything that's going on recently, we just haven't had any time to hold your actual Title Granting Ceremony. So, I'm sorry."

"That's fine." Sunset replied "I've waited my whole life for it, I can wait a bit more."

And within her mind, Sunset was actually somewhat relieved about that. She had always imagined receiving a title together with Twilight and Trixie, so she wasn't sure how to feel about a ceremony just for herself.


Later in the day, it was finally time for the adult Knights to leave for their mission. They needed the ritual to be at full power in order to weaken the Cloud of Chaos as much as possible for their mission, so they weren't seen off by the princesses.

In order to travel to their chosen battlefield quickly and reliably, a teleportation magic ritual had been set up specially for the occasion.

"Okay, everypony. Are you ready?" Sunset asked them, receiving confirmations from them "In that case... Trixie, fire it up!"

The illusionist mare nodded with a grin and activated the formation. It was shaped like the number eight, with the eight of them standing on specific positions on it. As soon as it activated, the shape lit up, revealing that it was made up of countless minuscule letters of an unknown script.

The entire shape was engulfed in a bubble of power, along with all of the Knights, and then it popped, leaving behind nothing, neither the formation itself, nor the Knights.


The destination of the teleport was a good distance away from the current location of the wavefront of the Cloud, so that they could set up some defensive spells and set the area to their advantage. However, just as expected, things would go unexpectedly when so much chaos was involved. And in this case, while they did all appear together a good distance away from the Cloud, that distance was not horizontal but vertical.

Indeed, the eight Knights appeared hundreds of feet in the air, instantly going into freefall.

But of course, that kind of unexpected situation was far from enough to qualify as anything more than an inconvenience for those experienced Knights. Those of them that had easy ways to fly, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with their wings and Rarity and Sunset with wing spells, all immediately got control of their movement.

Meanwhile, the other Knights all had their own ways of dealing with such a situation. Trixie teleported above Sunset and stood on her, causing the other unicorn to give her an unamused look. Applejack sighed and took three steps in midair, before standing on the wind.

Twilight and Pinkie were the most eyecatching, since the concentration of chaos nearby was more than enough for them to use the chaotic "slipstream" trick. The former used her magic to condense water out of the air and shaped it into a helicopter, while the latter opened her mouth and started eating the sky itself, which had turned into cotton candy, thus stopping herself in the air.

Once all of them were stabilized, and had gathered back together, Sunset summed up the situation:

"Well, it's not the worst thing that could have happened. After all, we're still together, unless one of you has been secretly swapped with a chaotic clone." She said.

"Doesn't seem like it." Pinkie answered Sunset's (not entirely) rhetoric (not quite) question. At least that was what she meant to answer, though it was difficult to make out with her mouth full.

"So, do you think it's worth it to try and go to the planned ambush position?" Sunset asked.

That time, Twilight was the one to answer:

"Probably not, the fact that we're gonna have to deal with chaotic interference, regardless of whether we go there via teleport or 'normal' methods, is enough to wipe out any advantage the ambush could give us." She shook her head.

"Then that means our best option would be..." Trixie spoke "A dynamic entry from above, isn't it?"

Sunset nodded. Then the eight Knights smiled wryly, and soon they were back in full freefall.


Freefall didn't last for long, however, as the Knights realized that was silly and they had much better ways of doing it. Specifically, Rainbow Dash extended her wind manipulation to "grab" all of them in the air and dived downwards, accelerating at a very respectable speed, which was still pretty much just a crawl by her standards.

Soon enough, they became able to see the Cloud more and more distinctly. And then they saw some unidentifield flying objects heading directly towards them.

Those objects had strange shapes, with only a minority of them having any sort of wings or other flying implements, most remaining in the air purely through the use of chaotic magic. Their shapes also weren't very much like those of normal creatures, resembling letters more than anything, though different ones depending on the direction you looked at them from.

Those were obviously chaotic constructs, which was very much within the range of expected situations they could face during the mission, so there was no surprise to be found on their expressions.

The chaotic constructs spread around and attacked from all directions, some with varied ranged attacks while others dashed straight into them to hit the ponies up close and personal.

The first wave of them didn't even reach the level of a "speed bump". They were powerful due to their proximity to the cloud, but when faced with the overwhelming advance of the experienced Knights, their power amounted to nothing more than a passing breeze.

"World's Harmony: Fortress." Fluttershy chanted, and spread her power throughout the "ship".

Rainbow Dash's wind construct acted as a compact version of a super combat airship, the speed granted to it by the rainbow pegasus was supplemented by a ridiculous level of toughness that allowed it to shrug off direct hits by the enemy, destroying them in return. Sunset was an entire suite of firepower all by herself, both intercepting long-range attacks and targetting their sources accurately. Finally, there was Applejack, whose Sight covered the entire surroundings and prevented any sort of surprises.

One of the most important aspects of their limited planning had been a general consensus that they should try their best to remain together, and their current strategy was very much in line with that.

Of course, that first wave wasn't everything the Cloud of Chaos had, and when it "noticed" how little effect it had, its next move pulled out all the stops. Instead of merely a few dozen chaotic constructs, the top layer of the cloud seemed to come alive, spewing out too many enemies for even Applejack to count at a glance. From the Knight's position, the cloud had covered everything up until the horizon in all directions except for the one pointing towards Canterlot, the direction they had to protect.

And the constructs were a lot more varied as well, instead of simply weirdly-shaped flying monsters, there were also multi-legged forms that leaped on the air, thin and spindly towers with long insect legs that grew from the top of the cloud and bent towards the ponies, teleporting rats with bodies of steel, and many, many more. With such a quantity and variety, while they could not stop the Knights, it wouldn't be impossible to delay them and drain their strength.

But Trixie wouldn't simply allow that. She spent one of her energy charges, drawing its power to shape a truly colossal spell:

"Grand Illusion: Knight Sky!" She shouted.

The next moment seemed to disappear from existence. And during this missing time, the Knights had adquired an army of their own. Completely mirroring the enemy, they covered the sky opposite of the enemy rain. And they were all Knights.

One who had deep knowledge about the history of the Knights of the Realm of Equestria would recognize dozens of those faces, mostly ponies, but some others too. They would even be able to recognize some of their famous skills, such as Aurora Dream's Hunger Mouths which were already spreading around her.

Of course, one who met those requirements would also quickly realize they were all illusions. Not only due to the sheer impossibility of all of those historical figures suddenly appearing, but also because most of them weren't actually real Knights, with some being fictional figures, while others Trixie had created whole cloth.

However, as had often been the case, illusions were very effective against chaos, specially when properly applied, and that had been a masterful execution by Trixie.

Confused, the chaos forces did not all advance upon the actual Knights, instead splitting themselves to try and deal with all of the approaching "enemies". The Knight Jet once more broke through the enemy lines, with only slightly more trouble than the first time.

And then, they actually crossed through the top layer of clouds.

"Gaaaaaaahhhhhh!" Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy screamed at the same time.

The sheer chaotic density of where they were going through wreaked havoc with the wind construct, damaging them with the feedback. The "Jet" twisted itself and writhed, about to break apart.

"Patty Cake, Patty Cake, baker's pony....
Bake a cake for the one and only..."

Pinkie and Twilight started playing Patty Cake, singing the song calmly. With that, the wind construct almost immediately stabilized, or rather destabilized in a more functional way, as the wind wings grew dozens of insect wings of their own that beat to accelerate, the nose became a very tough baguette and the tail turned into an old school propeller, only it was entirely made out of fused together lollipops.

That solved Rainbow and Fluttershy's problem, allowing them to respond quickly when the next issue made itself known.

'Magic Array forming, dead ahead!' Applejack's warning sounded in their minds.

The two took action simultaneously. Fluttershy reduced the toughness of the World's Harmony very briefly, allowing Rainbow to quickly accelerate the group to five times the speed of sound, decellerating just as quickly. It took only a fraction of a fraction of a second, but it was enough for them to pass through the area of the Magic Array before it could fully form.

That made the baguette nose of the airship halfway melt.

That wasn't enough to get them out of danger, however. As the spell created by the Array quickly retargetted them, creating a giant worm made of birds that dove straight at them, thousands of wings flapping. Sunset bombarded the birds with the highest amount of spells she could shoot all at once, barely managing to keep them back, and more problems were popping up in front.

There were more Magic Arrays. A lot of them spread out far too wide for their previous tactic to succeed. So Rarity took the job.

"Wind Ruler Sword: Repaint the Sky!" She shouted, and slashed with the blade.

That was a powerful slash by most standards, though not quite worthy of the amount of power she put into it. The reason for it was that the true worth of the slash wasn't in the power, but the ridiculous precision it had. The slash disturbed the wind currents, even taking into consideration the chaotic energy in the air, and it affected the forming arrays, changing their prepared spells into things that were far less dangerous for the Knights, mostly atacking away from them.

Back behind, Applejack realized that Sunset's spells were just barely not strong enough to pierce the hide of the birds and truly destroy them, so she took matters into her own hooves. With a step, she appeared inside of the worm itself, barely not being hit by her own ally's attacks. Then she started punching Sunset's spells, just to give them a small extra oomph to destroy the enemies. With her Eyes and her skill, it was possible.

She punched exactly nine thousand three hundred and fifty seven times, causing all of the birds to die and destroying the worm, and them she stepped back into the relative safety of the air construct.

"Patty Cake, Patty Cake, one more time....
Let us do this pantomine..."

Twilight and Pinkie were still playing pattycake, since the risk for the air construct was still there.

But it was at that point when the Knights managed to see the ground, and what they saw managed to astound even them.
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Chapter 75
Chapter 75 - Army of Chaos

There was no ground, or rather, the closest thing they had to ground was a gigantic cloud made of gold threads. Said cloud had replaced the ground as far as their eyes could see (except Applejack's Eyes), but if that was the only strange thing, it would be far from enough to actually stun the Knights.

No, the thing that truly caused them pause was the veritable army they were now facing. Even the swarm of chaotic constructs that had emerged on their way there was simply far from the number of enemies that they could see after entering the area below the cloud. And the worst part was, those weren't like the simple constructs, instead, each and every one of them was a chaotic monster built around a living thing.

That was, in a word, unoptimal. It would have been far worse without the anti-chaos measures undertaken, for the chaotic monsters created around intelligent beings such as ponies were the most dangerous kind, but even those "lesser" ones were already difficult to handle, specially at such ridiculous numbers.

The Cloud of Chaos had advanced through a great expanse of land, and seeming picked up every living being in the way to turn into chaotic monsters. As expected, their appearances were quite varied, but it was still possible to see that they mostly came from three different sources.

Out of those, the one with the least amount of members seemed to have been made primarily from fish. It was obvious that those were fish coming from the river that had fallen under the influence of the chaos. Those creatures could be distinguished because they all had something related to water on their appearances, be it gills or fins in unlikely places, pieces of their bodies containing water such as one with a fishbowl head, or simply a general shape and color that reminded one of the sea.

As for the other two, which had quite a lot more members, it was equally clear that they had originally been plants and insects, respectively. That wasn't strange either, considering the amount of living things on those two categories, and they also had some distinct characteristics of their original forms, such as wings and bark, but the easiest way to tell them apart was actually something quite different: Their positions.

The plant based monsters were monstly attached to the "ground" in various ways, while the insect based monsters appeared to have decided that they really liked the air, with nearly every one of them having taken up flight in some form, some with wings of all kinds of shapes, some having created propellers, both biological and artificial, and others simply foregoing any kind of actual propulsion and simply standing or swimming in the air.

That included even insects that usually couldn't fly, with some of the monsters being recognizable as former ants and such.

There was a huge pregnant pause in which the Knights and the chaotic monsters faced each other without moving a muscle (even the wind construct had stopped moving), then Rainbow Dash flapped her wings violently and dispersed the chaos infused construct at the same time as Pinkie and Twilight stopped their little game. It had done its purpose, and taken them close to their target.

Though, as it turned out, not that close "Applejack, how far have we drifted from our original destination?" Trixie asked.

She did so because, even though they had entered the cloud in a part that was very close to its edge, the Knight's current position seemed to be closer to the center of it, with them being unable to see the edge of the Cloud (though part of it was undoubtedly due to their lines of sight being messed up inside so much chaos).

"A good bit." She replied "And space is all messed up, so it'll be hard to reach there."

"Could you bring us there fast?" Sunset asked.

"Ah think Ah could barely reach there fast mahself, so nope." Applejack said.

"Then we're just gonna have to go slow and steady, hihi." Twilight giggled, tilting her head to an abnormal degree "So Pinkie, I'll protect the rear. You lead the way!"

"Sure thing, teach!" Pinkie replied, saluting with a hand on a stick "Okay everyone, get behind me and show off your moves, we're gonna conga!"

That exchange completed, both Twilight and Pinkie split into multiple copies, which spread all around the perimeter.

It took a second for most of the Knights to understand what that meant, but the reason for that was simply: Space was so distorted by chaos that front and rear were everywhere simultaneously.

Also, Twilight and Pinkie were acting loopier than usual, but that was already expected. That was so much chaos around them that trying to maintain perfect focus would drain their energy incredibly fast.

Conversely, even without deliberately trying to use the chaotic slipstream technique, the two would be able to execute great feats of chaos magic without consuming much energy, as long as they did not fight too much against the current.

And they were good enough to do so and still maintain control.

At that point, free time was over, and the gigantic mass of chaotic creatures advanced into them like a flood, trying to drown the Knights under a sea of bodies. Applejack was the first to move, stepping behind one of the Pinkies and shouting "Everypony, choose one!" before pulling her hoof back and unleashing a punch at the air.

Said punch seemed to spread randomly around the battlefield, its form changing in different places. Over a dozen chaotic creatures were hit, some by an actual impact, others by razor wind, while others seemed to have been attacked by something completely different.

Clearly, Applejack had no issues with dealing with such a chaotic environment.

The other Knights followed her advice and braced themselves for impact, just before the main mass of enemies collapsed on top of them.

Calling what followed "chaotic", while seemingly obvious, was actually not that accurate. Instead, it was more like a bubble of order inside of an ocean of chaos. Both Twilight and Pinkie's actions seemed to blur together, as they hit and blocked the enemies with all sorts of chaotic effects, but their unity of purpose made it so it all seemed harmonious, the enemies recoiling in sync, and the colors and shapes of the attacks mixing perfectly.

All in all, it looked like a force field around the group, a strangely-shaped force field, but undeniably effect.
Adding to that were the efforts of the other Knights. Sunset was giving right to the expression "attack is the best defense", and was unleashing Tartarus at everything in view, bombarding the battlefield with so many destructive spells it resembled a starry sky. Fluttershy had realized defense was mostly taken care of, so she used Soul Emulate on Sunset and followed her example, adding even more mayhem to the situation. The fact that their attacks kept going in unpredictable directions due to the chaos warped space didn't matter because there were so many enemies they couldn't possibly miss.

Rainbow Dash had closed her eyes and was relying solely on her intuition, flying around at crazy speeds through the strange warped space, which made it look like she was teleporting. The pegasus evaded being hit by enemies or the indiscriminate bombarding of her allies, destroying chaotic monsters simply by way of her magic infused wake, but frequently returning to the center to "follow" her Pinkie. Applejack was matching her by dint of the Eyes of Truth, moving around the battlefield like it was her own farm and supplementing the indiscriminate attacks of Sunset and Fluttershy with pinpoint precision hits on dangerous opponents that were charging up group attacks or doing something else she couldn't abide.

As for the last two, Rarity and Trixie? They had taken upon themselves the task of being responsible for everypony. The illusionist was surrounded by a veritable hypercube of magic lenses, apparently keeping watch on the status of both the environment and her companions by way of an overkill level of analysis magic that managed to overcome even that incredible chaos. The artificer, on the other hand, had stabbed one sword into the "ground" and the other into the air, using them to forcefully keep their terrain at a low level of harmfulness, and to keep the chaotic energy in the space from interfering with the other's efforts.

Those last parts require some elaboration. As mentioned previously, the ground had ceased to be ground, and while the Knights could stand on the resulting, the chaotic energy infused into it seemed to have a grudge against them, and was constantly trying to "attack" them by turning into corrosive substances, poison, extreme temperatures and similar stuff, not to mention hiding chaotic monsters so they could ambush the Knights from underground, and Rarity had to keep things from going too far.

As to the air, since the Knights had a good deal of resistance against the chaotic energy around them and it would be difficult to disturb their actions indirectly, said chaotic energy was trying to condense itself into direct effects while right on top of them, and even the chaotic Knights were unable to prevent that from happening. Because of that, Rarity had to be constantly manipulating the air currents to disperse the chaotic energy any time it reached dangerous levels of concentration.

In both of those things, Rarity was helped by Trixie's analysis.

With all of that, it would be natural to think that the Knights weren't going to have too much issue handling the enemies, and that the main problem would be getting through everything without exhausting themselves. However, that was far from the truth.

It should not be forgotten that those were not merely constructs, but real chaotic monsters, the type of which had given trouble to the Knights in a previous mission (though that was overshadowed by Sombra's schemes). Those weren't quite at that level, due to not having had intelligent being around as they were created to serve as the cores, but that was more than made up for by both the sheer amount of those monsters and the chaotic miasma in the air powering them up.

The chaos-using Knights couldn't use that power to the same extent due to the need for keeping control, but the extra power they had access to was still essentially the main reason for the group to be able to resist such an overwhelming force. A lot of really big and powerful enemies kept being bounced back by their chaotic defense, which steadfastly allowed the other Knights to do their jobs.

Applejack's pinpoint attacks and Rainbow Dash's intuition-guided strikes disrupted some of the efforts of the biggest threats, but there were so many all at once that they couldn't truly take them down, always having to move on to another target as soon as they did anything. Sunset and Flutershy's destructive spells carried a lot of power, but very few enemies were actually destroyed by them, due to their large numbers splitting the power enough for their strengthened forms to endure.

Finally, Trixie and Rarity's cooperation served as a hidden second layer of defense to keep the delicate balance by preventing the Knights from being disrupted by unexpected threats, but there were so many and so powerful of those that the two were having a hard time keeping themselves from being overwhelmed.

The situation was almost a standstill, which would force the Knights to expend more power to break through and worsening the situation for the rest of the mission, but thankfully enough, it hadn't quite reached that level, because Pinkie suddenly started moving.

Or rather, she marched in place while the world seemed to move around her (or them, given her many copies), forcing the other Knights to reposition constantly to keep themselves "following" her. Just as Twilight had asked, Pinkie Pie was leading the way towards the core of that chaos, their true target.

The space was too warped for any of them except Applejack to truly see the progress they were making towards that objective, but their movement meant they weren't trying to handle the chaotic wave while stationary, but moving along with it, which reduced the pressure on all parts of their defence.
Suddenly, things were clickling. Their attacks had become more effective and their defenses were holding up better, all of it allowing the Knights to do things a little more effectively. That became a vicious cycle, soon allowing Pinkie's march to become faster, and thus everything else got better again.

But of course, there was no way things would be that simple. Not when such high concentrations of chaos were involved. Seeing that their current strategy wasn't working, the countless chaotic monsters decided that a simple advantage in numbers wasn't enough, so they started fusing together.

And it wasn't just some patchwork fusions either, the resulting entities could almost be considered harmonious in the combination of their traits and body types. If asked about it, Twilight would say "If chaos couldn't do something orderly once in a while, wouldn't that be too predictable?", but all of the Knights present already understood that, so the question wasn't asked.

Going back to the monsters, once again it was quite easy to divide them based on groups. Many were the result of monsters of the same "origin" joining together, and as such were naturally "compatible", mostly seeming like bigger or stronger versions of the original enemies. Things got interesting in the other cases, however.

The fish and insects morphs seemed to have taken inspiration from abyssal creatures. They were still reasonably fishlike, but had taken on shells, stingers, compound eyes, multiple skittering legs as well as several more insectoid features. Worse than that was the simple matter of their incompatible origins being "resolved" in strange ways. Sometimes the fishes opened their mouths to reveal huge insects inside, sometimes the two types seemed to split into "horse" and "rider" such as a gigantic beetle carrying an aquarium full of sharks, sometimes they kept shifting between different forms or were separate bodies joined by strings. It was weird.

Then there were the fish and plants. Those reminded the watchers of the term symbiosis. Fishes with armor made of plant-like coral, or hardened bones of pseudo-wood. Plants with roots and leaves that were nothing but schools of fish that could detach and reattach themselves at will, as well as the more "normal" versions that resembled underwater plantlife. All those observations about resolving incompatible origins also applied to them as well, with monsters made of more balanced mixes of creature types sported the same sense of strange duality.

After that was the biggest group of the mixes, plants and insects. They were remarkably compatible, often it being difficult to determine where the plant stopped and insect started and vice-versa. Leaves would suddenly reveal compound eyes on close inspection, insect shells looked like bark, and that was not even getting into the fact that many real insects already looked like plants. All in all, it was like looking at a window into another world, one with strange but familiar life forms.

Finally, there was the smallest group, which was made of the few chaotic mashups that included all three "types". They were immediately recognizable by the simple fact that they looked astoundingly powerful. Three were incomprehensibly huge, the warped space showing them from several angles but never managing to capture their entire forms. And those shapes seemed to have warped right past the chaotic threshold to harmonic and then kept going, turning into existences that seemed to have a certain logic to their design, but one that was completely alien to the world. Wings, bark, scales, eyes, and all those features had ceased to exist, or rather been replaced by things that served the same functions in completely different ways. Those entities could still be recognized as part plant, insect and fish, even though they looked nothing like any of them.

Four more were exceedingly small, and looked like relatively normal fishes, only downsized. Yet, they looked just as powerful as their gigantic counterparts, the fishes having powerful auras that could not be ignored, auras that brought to mind both insects and plants, a feeling of nature that was like the planet itself had become aware, and was hostile. The last two were pony-sized and shaped, but a closer look revealed that they were in fact made of parts of all three different types of beings, which had been fixed together in such a way as to look like eyes, mane, coat, legs and everything else an actual pony had.

Both were earth ponies, by the way.

Those nine creatures immediately became the main focus of attention of the Knights, due to their obvious power, but at the same time the protectors of Equestria were already looking out for the trick. They knew that, given the nature of chaos, at least two of those would be a lot weaker than they seemed, and some of the "normal" ones would surprise them by bursting with power at the most innoportune moment.

Regardless, despite how long it took to describe all of it, everything happened in mere seconds, and then the resulting chaotic armada attacked. And if their previous attack had been like a tsunami, this new one was more like an alicorn shooting a barrage of attack spells. It would be absolutely overwhelming... Except they had chosen the wrong opponents.

An appropriate expression would be "showing one's slight skill before a master". Because the chaotic monsters had become stronger by joining their forces, but in that particular aspect, the ponies were far, far superior.

"Fire and Wind: Grand Domain." Rarity chanted "Primordial Storm."

And the entire environment immediately around the Knights briefly became a perfect bubble of harmony, as the air was heated to almost plasma temperature, creating a terrifying weather formation that could destroy a city in an instant, but was actually just the prelude for their next move.

"True Soul: Flame Storm." Rainbow Dash declared.

The pegasus interfaced with the artificial extreme weather condition, enhancing it and shifting her own nature based on it. But it wasn't the same as the Primordial Shift she had used on the fight against Chrysalis. That was a much deeper change on both her soul and nature, and it wasn't something Rainbow Dash could control. But it was a teamwork technique, so she didn't need to.

As the pegasus changed, Rarity's magic changed along with it, and she carefully guided the change based on the principles of artificing, thus preventing Dash from losing herself and dissipating into nothingness. Instead, her body was rebuilt from the ground up. That was a skill inspired by the bond magic of the Crusaders, where one pony could let themselves go by trusting that the other would keep them safe. At that moment, the pegasus had lost most of her memories and sense of self, with the only things remaining being will, power and trust in her partner.

Rarity would not betray that trust, and the new body formed for the pegasus was far more perfect than anything she had ever been able to do herself. Instead of a paradoxical existence propped up by magic, Rainbow Dash had become a new form of living being. The shape was the same as a pony, but not a normal one, instead it was like if Dash was the pony equivalent of another dimension, one made of heat, fire, gas and motion. Even at the very core of the sun, such a being would be right at home.

Her eyes seemed deeper and more solid, while still having the same consistency of normal eyes, for their material was now a pasty liquid with densities far exceeding any normal substance in existence. Her ears were slightly bigger, with small hurricanes forming and disappearing around them, filtering out undesirable elements while allowing a powerful sense of hearing. Her nose seemed lighter and more fragile, but that was mere appearance, as it allowed her to breathe normally some of the most dangerous and unstable gases and acids that could only exist on extreme environments.

Her mane and coat were still made of strands of fur, except the roots of the fur were exceedingly dense and fused with her body and each other in a complex system that served like a second skeleton, while the outside parts were light and airy to the point where they would be almost impossible to damage due to simply flowing around any possible threats, and not only that, but they also served as a conduit of power that Rainbow could use to absorb energy from the environment.

Her wings seemed to grow and shrink with every heartbeat, which was close enough to what actually happened, as they in fact changed shape based on the very energy of her life. The feathers seemed to draw everything around towards themselves, becoming the focus of the sight of any who laid eyes on them. Their power and movement seemed to tell the world that everything would eventually be consumed by them.

Finally there were her colors, which seemed to be a combination of her previous appearance (mostly the rainbow mane) with an almost implacable purity of whites and blacks, looking like an ideal carved into life.

Rarity could not think of her in any way but as a "masterpiece", and felt proud of being able to take part in such a creation, only tempered by the fact that she knew that form wasn't truly made by her, but called into existence by Rainbow Dash's own instinct and ideal of the power of the weather, and she had simply revealed its shape to the world.

Still, that was enough for her.

Proving just how little control Rainbow Dash had over her new form was the fact that she was now incapable of actually using her intuition, so instead the transformed pegasus took position above the

Knights and started repeatedly flapping her wings, pure heat and magical power being released to block the multitude of attacks that were coming at them. And with Dash taking up the defense, the others could focus on attacking.

"Grand Chaotic Infusion!" Twilight declared with an insane smile, all her bodies doing backflips and touching their horns in a single point in the air "Force Drive!"

An astonishingly huge column of pure chaos magic erupted inversely from them, falling like a mountain-sized lightning bolt and hitting Sunset Shimmer, who closed her eyes and chanted slowly.

"Chaotic Trance... Void Channel..." And she started drinking in the powerful chaotic energy like a hole had been dug at the bottom of an ocean.

She was using the same techinique she used to channel the power of the sun. It wasn't nearly as powerful, but given just how much chaotic power there was around, it would be more than effective enough.

And it was also much easier to channel, which said something about the sheer power of the sun, considering it was harder to handle than even such chaotic energy (of course, the fact that Twilight had "refined" it for infusion helped).

Sunset's body and armor changed in a different way than in her Essence Drive. Wings of bone and shell forcefully erupted from her back, which would have been quite painful had she actually been paying attention to her body instead of to the energy itself. Her eyes became compounded, and her horn became a lot sharper and red like blood. From within her flesh, veins of black tar emerged and violently pierced into her armor, forcefully fusing with it (thankfully, Rarity wasn't looking, or she would be very upset). Said armor started to look alive, beating with a heart of its own, and becoming fleshy, with vein like red markings engraving themselves upon it.

With all that done, Sunset had to choose how to innaugurate her new power, and so she remembered the technique the Crusaders had used on their previous mission, so she decided to imitate it.

"Severing Chaos!" She shouted joyfully, swinging her head as she created a blade above her horn.

It was much less refined than the one made by the Crusaders, mostly due to a lack of Rarity's talent in the equation. It was slightly curved and with some bumps that would definitely render it completely useless as an actual sword, however there was much more power crammed into it than what the Crusaders had used.

Much, much more.

If there was anypony who happened to be watching from outer space with a powerful enough sight to see the top of the cloud of chaos, they would have noticed the entire thing shake and a crescent-shaped cut mark appear on it, one that was as big as a mountain range.

From the inside, the effect was just as impressive, as the warped space made it so that instead of a cut, it seemed like somepony had dropped a bomb on the battlefield, causing absolute chaos and devastation everywhere, wiping out at least a third of the combined chaotic monsters temporarily.

Trixie seemed to take such display as a challenge. She raised her head to the air and started chanting a massively complicated series of spells at speeds that no ordinary pony would be able to follow, let alone replicate, regardless of how much of a motor mouth they were. That wasn't entirely showing off, because most ways of casting multiple complex spells quickly (such as casting a spell specifically to cast other spells) were very easy to be disrupted in a chaotic environment.

Still, at least part of it was showing off. Regardless, the effect of her spells started becoming apparent quite quickly, creating a golden arch of power that contained a sort of layer of magical energy that was constantly in motion. Trixie glanced at Fluttershy, who then began to do her own part in the technique.

"Empathy Link." She declared, and her magic, which was already being used to link all eight of the Knights, suddenly grew an additional connection, one which didn't have the same purposes of communication and assistance as the other one, but simply allowed them to get a "feel" for each other. That was important, and it was the easy part.

Fluttershy followed it up by running under the arch, through the magical layer, and then both ponies declared the magic together:

"Grand Illusion: Shared Empathy!"

And the golden arch exploded, releasing rays of light that hit five of the most powerful chaotic beings they had been facing with. And with some very careful and precise magic control from both Trixie and Fluttershy, the result was that those particular chaotic beings started to emit a very familiar presence: They felt just like the Knights.

Of course, they were immediately dogpiled by the many chaotic beings around.

Naturally, the last two Knights were no slouches either. Applejack, who had the Eyes of Truth, and Pinkie Pie, who was currently focused on guiding them to the center, both realized something important simultaneously: As a side effect of all those chaotic monsters fusing together, they had unintentionally fused together a lot of the chaotic space distortions. That made them stronger, but their lesser number also meant they were easier to understand.

The two were not about to miss such an opportunity. They nodded to each other, Pinkie (the main one) with a wide grin and Applejack with a small smirk, then they moved.

"Eyes of Truth: Pathmaker." Applejack declared, unleashing her power.

That was Applejack's current future-seeing magic, and the fact that she could use it even in the middle of such high concentrations of chaos was proof of how fast the Knights were growing, considering it wasn't that long before when Sombra had disrupted that ability using much less chaos. Still, Applejack's future-seeing was currently limited, but it was enough for her purposes.

"Myriad Truths: Follow the Steps!" She shouted, and then rushed forward.

Each of her steps went beyond distance, moving upon the path predestined by her Eyes, the course set to do exactly what she needed. Moving around the countless enemies, punching both monsters and the very chaotic distortions that only her Eyes could see. She was "preparing the stage" as it were, her actions choreographed and flowing with no hindrance whatsoever.

Beautiful, though it wasn't perfect. Going through so many powerful enemies was a difficult proposition, and even with her future-sight, Applejack could not avoid injuries, being scorched by fire and acid, cut through by sharp objects of all descriptions, and hit by all kinds of blows. And yet, nothing could dissuade her from the path, and it wasn't really like she wouldn't be able to avoid them, it was just that it would take even more power and concentration to create a better path, far too much to be worth it.

What she was doing was enough. All of those injuries were light, after all.

Meanwhile, Pinkie was doing the opposite, and was just standing in place and whispering magic words ominously. Her shadows started becoming bigger and darker, which was specially notable because no one else seemed to even have shadows, considering they were under a cloud.

Those shadows fused together and started expanding even more rapidly, becoming a veritable abyss of darkness that spread under the Knights. Then that abyss winked.

"Shadow Devouring." Pinkie declared the most powerful shadow spell she knew.

The abyss of shadow opened like a mouth and snapped closed, devouring a castle's worth of "land" where the Knights had been standing. All of Pinkie's bodies were smashed back together and she had to shake her head to clear up the feedback. Then Pinkie clapped her forehooves and the new shadow "land" stood up on hundreds of small legs and started skittering forward while carrying the Knights.
It was time to break through everything and reach the core of the Cloud of Chaos.

However, the army of enemies were not going to make it easy. Despite their combinations having given the advantage to the Knights, the enemies quickly adapted. Monsters with mirror-like shells or other defenses joined together to defend against the chaotic sword swipes from Sunset, to which she only partially adapted by detaching her head and growing another one several times, multiplying the number of attacks she could use at once.

In terms of attack, the chaotic monsters lined up in several files, looking like an ant bridge shaped like a spider web that forced its way even through the melting defenses of primordial fire Rainbow Dash, and forcing the Knights inside to defend themselves as well. Once again, Rainbow and Rarity's efforts in creating mines of lava to serve as traps were enough to reduce the pressure of the attacks, but not to prevent them entirely.

Trixie and Fluttershy's empathic illusion quickly lost effect, forcing them to create increasingly powerful and energy-intensive illusions of Knights that "felt" real in order to keep a good portion of the enemies distracted, but they were quickly approaching the point of diminishing returns.

And of course, there were also enemies trying their best to hinder the movement of the Knight's transportation, featuring all sorts of barriers and the highlight of chaotic creatures "unweaving" the "ground" in the direction they wanted to go, which forced the shadow ride into skittering on thin air, severely limiting its mobility.

As soon as it became clear that they wouldn't quite be able to make it to the core before being overwhelmed, Sunset decided to take matters into her own hooves.

"Unleash Chaos." She declared, causing Twilight to gasp in shock and quickly stop all of the multitude of spells she was using to help Sunset channel all that chaos.

Said Knight started breathing in to a colossal degree, except that instead of air, she was sucking in chaos, her body quickly bloating up and growing serpentine as she drew in more and more of it.

'Guess we're gonna need to do it from here, then.' Pinkie thought, as she slowed down her shadow and let go of the chaotic energy of the environment she was channeling, allowing Sunset to suck it all up.

'Gah! Ah need to recalculate everything again!' Applejack was thinking frantically and looking at every single change that was occuring to each bit of chaos in range from now to three seconds later, trying to determine a possible route for their final rush.

"!" Sunset managed the linguistic feat of vocalizing an exclamation mark. Sending a soundless wave of intensity energized with an avalanche of chaos.

It was enough to force every single monster of the chaotic army back five steps (or the equivalent), and breaking space to such an extent it would take concerted effort to repair. But they would have to deal with that later.

"Pathmaker!" Applejack declared, her eyes turning into pinpricks from the effort, but she managed to comunicate the route to Twilight.

"Chaotic Channel: Follow the Path!" Twilight waved her horn like a conductor, creating an invisible path made of the twisting space in order to force all that free flowing chaotic energy into a relatively stable form.

And the chaos forced itself through the channel, like a waterfall combined with a sinkhole, moving back and forth before driving itself below the shadow and carrying it while it changed form.
Perhaps it was inevitable that it would take the form of Discord, resulting in the very bizarre sight of a draconequs carrying a solid shadow that carried the Knights.

The group bulled through everything, rushing towards their goal, while Sunset (back to normal) shook her head and tried to purge the remnants of chaos from her system.

She succeeded, but as it turned out... That didn't matter.

Finally, the group managed to reach the core of the Cloud of Chaos, which was immediately obvious when a light appeared just above them that looked just like that moment when the sun started peeking above the horizon. The light touched all of them.

"Hihihi..." A giggle resounded "Essence Heart!" It was Sunset.

All the other Knights quickly dashed away as the unicorn started to channel the power of the sun just like she had done in the fight against Chrysalis. The only difference being that her eyes had turned into mad spirals.

The fact was, even with Sunset having removed all the foreign chaos in her system to give no advantages to the enemy, the core of the Cloud of Chaos was still powerful enough to possess her anyway.
Chapter 76
Chapter 76 - Battle of Chaos

Everything exploded. Or at least it felt like it. While one might think Sunset would be vulnerable during her transformation, that could very easily be remedied by the simple measure of the Knight casting defensive spells beforehand to be triggered while she couldn't do anything else. In Sunset's case, defensive spells meant "lots of explosions".

Thankfully enough, the other Knights knew it was gonna happen, which was why they jumped away. While the explosions wouldn't have hurt them too much, they would most certainly have fulfilled their purpose and delayed any retaliation enough to cover Sunset's vulnerable period. So now, the Knights could take advantage of it.

Before the last few explosions were even halfway done, Rarity waved her horn and Rainbow Dash took off like a missile, breaking through the explosions like they weren't even there and hitting Sunset in the face ten times at supersonic speeds.

"Ow." Was the possessed Knight's reaction.

She then opened her mouth, and a blue light appeared inside it, just before a blue ray of immesurable cold shot out from there, and it hit the air around Dash, freezing it and trapping her in a block of ice. Her body was incredibly hot, but that was partially due to her weather channeling, and Sunset's spell had targetted the environment instead, showing that she was very aware of the weaknesses in it.

Sunset was about to follow up with a destructive spell that would shatter the ice and cause massive injuries to Rainbow Dash, when she suddenly blinked and hesitated, courtesy of a very forceful mind manipulating illusion Trixie had used. The possessed Knight was only delayed for an instant, but that was enough for Twilight to teleport in and remove the ice around Rainbow like it was a piece of clothing.

(Rarity and Rainbow undid their combination technique, knowing it wouldn't be useful in that situation.)

Despite looking easy, Twilight's spell had actually taken quite a bit of power, meaning she would be vulnerable to a nasty attack considering how close she was to Sunset. The operative words were "would be", because the unicorn was not alone, and Sunset knew that as well, so instead of taking the bait she flapped her fire wings to fly upwards and attacked with twenty three conjured drill spears.

The pony who showed up to receive them was Pinkie Pie, who was already in her Emotion Charge: Hope state, and thus was able to collide head-on with such a violent attack without losing out in the slightest.

Still, Sunset's transformed mode was nothing short of a beast, as it excelled in all areas, even speed, which was the one Pinkie's current form was the most lacking in. After the initial standoff, Sunset quickly managed to slip through Pinkie's attacks and hit her several dozens of times, almost breaking her hope construct's defense.

"Trance Mode: Harmony Shift!" But then Fluttershy appeared, and took up the forward position, leaving Pinkie free to quickly declare "Emotion Charge: Pure Hope!", since she hadn't actually done so yet, instead simply (?) manipulating cause and effect to get the effects early.

And while Fluttershy's mode shift had proven its strength and most importantly durability during the fight against Chrysalis, the current situation was quite different from before. Not only was she not simply acting as a support, but there was also the fact that she was using magic based upon harmony with the environment while in the middle of such a huge concentration of chaotic energy.

The mere concept of achieving such harmony in that situation would have seemed like a pipe dream a few weeks before, but the Knights were constantly growing stronger, and the fight against Chrysalis had truly pushed Fluttershy into whole new boundaries of skill and will.

This time, when her form changed, instead of merely a starlight crystal, Fluttershy seemed to turn into a constantly shifting maelstrom of stars contained within a form that was like gaseous glass. And of course, together with that change in appearance came a corresponding change in power, to the point where while Pinkie had been easily overcome by the superior might of Sunset, Fluttershy was actually capable of keeping up with her.

Sunset didn't have enough of a speed edge to win out in mobility, Fluttershy's defenses were more than good enough to block or deflect any of Sunset's casual or not so casual attacks, and Fluttershy's own offensive spells (mostly starlight beams and spheres) were good enough to force the possessed Knight to put some effort into her defenses, all of it together preventing her from mustering enough power to do some real damage.

At that point, Trixie and Rainbow Dash were already almost finished putting together their next moves (all of those previous exchanges having happened during less than fifteen seconds from Trixie's previous spell), and if the situation continued, even Sunset would end up being overwhelmed.

But it wouldn't be that easy.

'Essence Shift' Sunset's soul declared her second point of view, which had been the last during the fight with Chrysalis.

In the current situation, said point of view was much more powerful. So much that the situation changed immediately after that declaration. Sunset's magic, which had previously focused only on overwhelming power (as her initial declaration had been Essence Drive), instead acquired the consistency of illusion, becoming immaterial and flowing.

From Fluttershy's point of view if felt like punching a sandbag that suddenly became a water ballon and exploded in her face. A couple of magic arrows had splashed across her eyes, targetting the world itself with an explosive sensorial feedback that confused her senses for a fraction of a second, just enough for Sunset to grab hold of her with a tendril of magic and force-teleport both of them right on top of Trixie.

Said unicorn tsked as she evaded via an illusion of herself turning into a swarm of bats. There were only two declarations left before Sunset reached completion. Their plan was to attack her enough to lower her defenses, allowing Applejack to knock the chaos out of her (which worked out, as it was almost impossible for a holder of the Eyes of Truth to be possessed as such), but they needed to do it before she got to max power, because while they would probably still succeed anyway, it would take so much effort and energy that the success of the mission would become doubtful.

At that moment, Rainbow Dash finished preparing her own spell, since Sunset was only able to hinder one of the two who were about to do it. And the spell she cast was actually quite similar to what Fluttershy had done, and yet completely opposite.

"True Body: Chaotic Rebirth!"

Dash had used her magic in order to force the chaotic energy around her into a much more energetic state (which was quite a feat, considering how energetic chaos was normally), but instead of changing her body based on the weather of primordial chaos (which would be a bad idea, specially because she wasn't a natural chaotic mage), she instead used magic that had taken inspiration from Twilight's Chaotic Rebirth, a technique to force order into chaos.

And since she wasn't a chaotic mage, that didn't mean weakening herself either, but quite the opposite.

Rainbow Dash's body was broken down and rebuilt faster than instantly, and yet the power and focus of that action were such that everypony present "saw" and understood the process perfectly, despite the fact that it had taken place far too fast for their perceptions to capture. It could be said that instead of seeing what happened, they were instead "told" by Rainbow's magic, but with such rich detail that it was the same as seeing first hand.

And the truth of the matter was, that spell wasn't a mere reconstruction of her body, but a refinement. If her previous combination technique with Rarity had turned her into a being of another world, this time Rainbow Dash was turned into herself, only stronger.

Much, much stronger.

She exploded into flight right towards Sunset's location so fast she would have been able to hit the unicorn before the latter could even react, were it not for the fact that, during her teleportation, Sunset had placed Fluttershy exactly in between the two.

That ended up only earning her a minuscule fraction of a second, because instead of going around Fluttershy, Dash elected to unleash a lightning boosted punch straight through her, to which Fluttershy dutifully made herself partially immaterial to allow it to go through (That was still a thing she could do. It hadn't stopped being a thing since the last mission). However, Sunset knew her student well, and was prepared for such an attack.

She shot a rain of crystals with lightning rod capabilities straight through the same opening her opponent was using, at exactly the right moment... However, she still underestimated her student, because knowing someone well went both ways.

Right before the crystals were about to absorb Rainbow's lightning and possibly hurt her significantly, the two pegasi shifted places, the weird harmony of their current forms allowing such. Suddenly it was Fluttershy who was punching through Rainbow Dash, and the crystals had no lightning to absorb, only hitting Fluttershy with their own strength, which she was more than capable of withstanding.

And so, Sunset was completely unprepared and without defense when Fluttershy's punch unleashed a powerful beam of starlight magic that hit her right in the face. It was the first time in the battle she had taken significant damage. Of course, Rainbow Dash hadn't planned for any of that, everything was done based completely on instinct.

If the Knights didn't press their advantage at that moment, it wasn't likely they would get a similar opportunity, so that was exactly what they did, starting with Twilight:

"Magical Time: Waterfall!" She declared her magic, appearing beside Sunset, and the whole battlefield was split in half.

The best way one could describe it was as a weird vertical sinkhole, as the very matter of that chaotic space was sucked into a gigantic pillar of matter and energy that crashed down into Sunset like a waterfall full of boulders.

"Khh!" Was the only sound the possessed Knight could muster in response, before she rallied.

'Essence Hold.' Her soul declared, and with a singular, massively powerful spell, she froze Twilight's attack in time, causing such extreme feedback that her fellow Knight literally exploded (but like, only a small explosion). Temporarily putting her out of action. Yet Sunset knew the other Knights were attacking as well, so she was still in grave danger. She followed up by forcing even more power out, preparing to defend against anything they could muster.

Except, it turned out that as they had talked about before the mission, chaos was truly unexpected and hard to prepare for, and the Knights had two chaos users.

"Emotion Charge: Pure Joy!" Pinkie cast her spell.

Just like before, this resulted in a veritable swarm of Pinkies appearing, only this time it was much more, due to both her greater strength as well as the chaotic environment, those Pinkie's literally covered the entire battlefield, and as one, they all grabbed Sunset. Specially the ones that were too far away to reach.

Being grabbed from so many different directions at once via so much chaotic and emotion magic was something even Sunset's huge stored power and preparations were incapable of easily coping with. The best she could do was release an omnidirectional explosion that managed to annihilate every single one of Pinkie's copies and stun the real one for a bit, but also wasted so much energy she was wide open when Rainbow Dash flew at her carrying Fluttershy.

The duo of pegasi didn't waste any time and battered her with a barrage of close range attacks, at the same time spreading their magic to prevent their opponent from teleporting away. Sunset was reduced to putting all her energy into repeated barrier spells, trying desperately to stall until she could declare her final point of view and reach maximum power.

That was when Applejack stepped in.

"Eyes of Truth: Banish!" She cast, and then punched Sunset.

The precision of her punch was beyond imagination. Not only did she target the exact moment when most of Sunset's shields were down from the pegasi attacks and before she could make more, but she also targetted the weakest point in her defenses, from a perfect blind spot to give Sunset absolutely no chance to respond.

The hoof hit right on the side of Sunset's head, and on the other side, a small purple wisp came out of her ear, the "chaotic spirit" that had been possessing her... Which proceeded to vanish, reappearing right beside Rainbow Dash's ear, and possessing her instead.

The retribution attack was swift and merciless, with Dash exploding towards Applejack with a web of lightning coursing through her wings, but thankfully Applejack was prepared. She took a step to put Fluttershy in between herself and Rainbow, and said pegasus quickly realized what had happened and blocked the new enemy's attack.

That was a perfectly legitimate and well executed strategy, and yet Applejack was still dissatisfied. Once more she was faced with her current limitations, and were this not such a difficult and concentration heavy situation, she would probably be thinking about ways to make up for it.

Regardless, since Fluttershy knew that Rainbow Dash was now the one possessed, that meant everypony knew it too, and the first one to do something about it was, perhaps unsurprisingly, Rarity. She teleported in right beside the possessed pegasus, one sword raised high in the air.

"Water Ruler Sword: Unreasonable Tsunami!" She declared with an angry voice, and swung her sword down.

It was an exceedingly violent and powerful attack that briefly conjured up half an ocean of water to crash into the opponent, and it wasn't the least bit discriminate, so it hit Fluttershy as well, but she was currently tougher than even Rainbow Dash's transformed state by an entire factor, so that could be considered a worthy sacrifice (her comrades were really not going easy on her in this fight).

Said pegasi allowed herself to be washed away by the water, reducing her damage to the minimum while also taking up the space to prevent Rainbow Dash from doing the same.

"True Magic: Pegasus Ascend!" So she unleashed an actual spell, the first time she had done so ever since changing into her current form.

And despite its name, Rainbow Dash actually went into a dive. But that was the only concession she made towards the immense power of the attack levelled against her. She did not even try to get out of the way, simply channeling magic to harden herself against the physical and magical impact.

Due to the very nature of the attack, it wasn't a singular entity, but a myriad of magic enhanced water drops, and so, as the first part of the spell kept hitting Dash, more and more of it lost its magic and would vanish from existence... Except that Rainbow Dash's magic "captured" them.

As she dove, the pegasus carried an increasing amount of water with her, and she unleashed her own magic to make the volume of it even greater, to the point where after having absorbed only a third of Rarity's water, she had already matched the other two thirds in sheer mass. So Rainbow pulled up from her dive and finally made the name of her spell not be a lie.

The massive amount of water under her control shaped itself into a crescent, accompanying the pegasus in her ascension. She hit the remainder of Rarity's spell and started breaking through it at high speed.

Said unicorn replied to that by bringing out her Wind Ruler Sword.

"Water and Wind Rule: Lightning Annihilation!" She cast.

A massive wave of wind forced itself through all the water violently, separating it into the smallest molecules in an interaction that generated a colossal amount of lightning energy, creating a mountain-sized web of electricity with Rainbow right in the middle.

"Khh!" Dash let out a sound, her advance slowed to a crawl. Even with her current form, and the power of her spell, she was simply incapable of overcoming such an attack that mixed overwhelming power and cunningness to trap her in the most dangerous part.

Not without going beyond her limits, at least.

"Limit Break: Reverse Polarity!" All the water still under Dash's control squeezed together on top of her, forced by an unimaginable amount of pressure she was generating outside, and then she did the same thing on her own body, thus unleashing pressure on the water from both sides, enough that it actually began affecting space, making the water fold in and of itself, generating a strange sort of reverse electrical energy, something that wouldn't be possible in any normal circumstance.

Said energy interacted with Rarity's lightning in a mutual annihilation reaction, causing a massive explosion, but more importantly, considering that Rarity was channeling magic furiously to maintain her lightning trap, while Rainbow Dash had merely set off the spark that let to the anti-lightning, only the unicorn got hit with the feedback of a broken spell.

"Gwaaah!" Rarity cried, vomiting blood.

And that was all the opportunity Rainbow needed. All done instinctually. She launched herself at Rarity, gathering some of the remnant energy of the explosion into her right forehoof and dashing in for a lethal attack while the unicorn was defenseless.

She was not however, alone.

Fluttershy interposed herself to block the attack, managing to stop it but being blown away several meters in the air, and she also realized something, which was easy to confirm with a single look:

Rainbow was hurt, blood could be seen leaking from within her armor, proof of the burden the limit break had caused on her body.

Meanwhile, Sunset had finally recovered her senses. She saw the same thing, and realized how close they all had come to disaster.

If the chaotic spirit had forced her into using Overdrive, things would definitely have gone much worse, but thankfully enough, her mental defenses were enough to prevent such a thing, as were Rainbow's, though they were not enough to prevent the chaotic spirit to force her into wrecking her own body with a limit break.

Or more than one.

"Limit Break: Countinuous Blast!" Rainbow Dash once again broke the limits of even her strengthened body, using a combination of air explosions and mini-vacuums to propel her hooves against Fluttershy at speeds even she was unable to follow, she hit tens of thousands of times before the blink of an eye, and at the end of it, the thing that broke... were her legs.

That was part of the plan. As Rainbow recoiled from her attack, legs broken, Fluttershy discovered that her endurance had been factored in Rainbow's plan, and in fact aided in it. Somehow, the immense amount of power the pegasus unleashed had become "trapped" in the other pegasus' defenses, a continuous chain of explosions occurring on top of her, never actually managing to cause more than superficial injuries, but handily keeping her in place.

At that moment, both Twilight and Sunset were ready to intervene, but they detected a massive amount of energy being concentrated above, right in the very core of the Cloud of Chaos. It was clear that it had decided 1 against 7 was a little too lopsided, and decided to help its current champion out.

'Essence Charge' Sunset hurried to complete her Essence Heart, and teleported as close to the energy as possible.

"Core Essence: Knight's Shield!" She declared a spell just as fast as she was magically able to.

In response, her fire wings expanded into lake-sized shields of power, forcefully interposing themselves between the battlefield and the incoming chaotic attack.

It was just barely in time, as the world was suddenly split in half. Below her shield was the unchanged battlefield, while above her shield had become the domain of absolute chaos. It was an ocean of ridiculous shapes and forms that seemed to have a grudge against the very concept of anything else existing in the world. They pushed against the shield in a myriad of manners, physically, magically, mentally... Their attacks were large, small, slashing, corroding, everything one could think off.

It was far too much for Sunset's hastily formed shield to withstand for long, but she only needed to last long enough for Twilight to act.

"Magical Time: Chaotic Breakdown!" Twilight cast, finally bringing out her A game and consuming a huge amount of power in the process.

She appeared right below Sunset and put her forehooves on her fellow Knight's back, channeling her spell straight through her in a perfect show of trust. Her power interacted directly with the edge of the chaotic maelstrom, twisting the idea of it backwards, and forcing it to try and "swim against the current", acting against the rest of the chaotic and reducing the pressure on Sunset, slowly but surely managing to defend against the overwhelming attack.

The two of them were enough for that, so that left Trixie free to deal with Rainbow Dash. The unicorn Knight teleported standing right on Dash's back, stepping so lightly she wasn't noticed at first, but she was definitely noticed when she cast her spell, stabbing her horn on the back of her opponent's head.

She didn't have any choice. To use an effective illusion against Rainbow, such methods were necessary.

"Grand Illusion: Waking Nightmare!" Trixie declared, using an amount of magic that would be considered excessive were she not facing such a resilient foe.

And Rainbow Dash fell into a world of illusion. From her perspective, it was as if the chaotic battlefield had been replaced by a dark abyss, replete with horrifying demonic creatures, the likes of which would bring hesitation to even the most courageous of heroes, all of which emanated a feeling of power on the level of an alicorn. And the worst part was, the illusion caused Dash to completely believe that was all real, despite the great incongruity it had with her previous situation.

To all of that, Rainbow Dash had a singular response.

"LIMIT BREAK: WINGS OF DAWN!" She forced out yet another limit break out of her body, vomiting out a good bit of blood and... bits of organs due to the sheer strain she was putting her body through.

The pegasus flapped her wings just once, but they were channeling such power if almost felt like they were dual suns in the middle of the abyssal darkness. And when they flapped, they did so in such a way that every separate feather reached supersonic speed individually, resulting in a multitude of shockwaves that collided with each other, building energy thanks both to the chaotic nature of that space and Dash's magic, resulting in a chaotic storm of tearing space around the pegasus.

That was just the side-effect of her attack preparation.

That mighty wing flap had been done while completely motionless, with Rainbow Dash "storing" the energy of the movement as if she was an elastic that was being stretched. Then she flapped again and released it launching herself at speeds that caused her to bend space itself (in contrast to the usual, where bending space was used to increase speed).

In a single breath, Rainbow Dash had decapitated half of the "demons". And then the illusion broke.

The pegasus looked around. Trixie was falling from the sky, bleeding... And Rarity had been cut in half.

Something deep inside Rainbow Dash's soul started screaming 'No no no no no no NO NO NO' And her body froze in place.

"Eyes of Truth: Banish!" Came Applejack's voice.

The pegasus was hit in the back of the head by nothing, and the chaotic spirit was ejected from her. Also, the illusion broke again.

This time, only three things changed: The first was Applejack was behind her, having just punched her in the back of the head, and she was currently tracking the chaotic spirit with her eyes. The second was that Trixie was completely unscathed, and looking at her with a satisfied expression.

The third was that Rarity was still in one piece. Dash realized almost immediately what had happened: That world of darkness was in fact just the first layer of Trixie's nightmare illusion, and breaking through it had simply put her inside the second layer, the true waking nightmare, and that was sufficient distraction for Applejack to do her job.

Rainbow Dash had just reached said realization when the pain hit. Even in her True Body state, using three limit breaks in sequence was far too much. All her muscles seized and she felt like her insides had been repeatedly slashed (which would actually be an improvement over what had actually happened). Incapable of flapping her wings, the pegasus fell.

She was caught by Rarity's telekinesis, and then said unicorn cast a spell:


And a wave of magic infused itself into Rainbow Dash's body, healing her inside and out. She was still incapable of moving anything other than her head, but at least she wasn't literally dying anymore. Which she proved by using her magic to manipulate the wind to be able to keep herself in the air, even after Rarity's telekinesis ceased.

Meanwhile, the chaotic spirit seemed to have decided that Rarity's spell made her distracted enough to serve as a good targer, but in truth, it was likely she would have been possessed even without that being a factor. And so, Rarity was the next one to have herself turned against her companions.

"Tch!" Applejack was annoyed. She had been getting ever closer to actually catching that thing, and almost managed to do it before that latest possession. Applejack stepped away from view as soon as she realized her failure, knowing she would be the priority target for Rarity's attacks if she was near.

Yet, that seemed to be unnecessary, as Rarity's possession did not occur nearly as fast as those of the other Knights, completely surprising even Applejack's Eyes of Truth (as befitting of a chaotic effect). Seeing that, Fluttershy flew right towards Rarity, aiming to take advantage of her momentary immobility, but just before she could reach the unicorn, a shadow shaped piece of space moved over her and made Rarity disappear.

She reappeared quite high up, four swords bared towards Sunset and Twilight, who were still handling the attack from above.

"Slash of Chaotic Domain: Twisted World." She declared, and swung her four swords.

As they swung, the four swords dragged along space itself, leaving behind an unsettling void. Said space twisted based on which sword had caught it, becoming fiery, windy, watery or earthy (there was really no better way to describe it) but above all else becoming far more powerful and threatening.

It became clear that the perceived slowness of the possession was far worse than merely misleading, because Rarity actually seemed to be the perfect host for the chaotic spirit, being able to mix her original skills with the power of chaos she was channeling in order to create brand new spells on the fly.

Still, there was a pony who wasn't fooled.

"Emotion Charge: Pure Sadness." Pinkie Pie cast, appearing right in front of Rarity's attack.

The appearance of that charge was definitely the most unique out of all the ones she had shown in battle until then. That wasn't a factor of the color of the energy that suffused her body, which was simply a deep and dark blue, but because her form seemed to be... the best description one could make about it would be comparing her to a tear that was slowly going down somepony's face.

She seemed slightly smudgy and stretched downwards, with a consistency that was somewhat pasty. But the most striking feature of her current form was the simplest one: The look of terrible sadness that seemed utterly out of place on Pinkie's face, and was completely clear despite her form.

She moved in a way that felt extremely slow, but still managed to complete her movements before the attack reached her. She put her two forehooves together as if in a clap, but vertically instead of horizontally. Then she twisted and inverted their positions.

"Invert." She spoke softly in a voice that was utterly devoid of joy.

And with that, the world turned upside down. Everything except for Rarity and her attack was inverted vertically. Sunset and Twilight were defending from an attack coming from the "ground", the "cloud" made of gold threads was in the sky (and it fitted strangely well), and Rarity's overwhelming attack was bearing down towards the Knights who were not otherwise occupied, and thus could defend themselves.

As seemed to be her lot in life, Fluttershy was the one to head out and meet the attack head-on, bracing against nothing and unleashing all of her considerable magic power to fortify her defenses. And yet, she seemed to have met her match. The four slashes collided with her body and washed her down like a rock by a flood. Both her aura and her body were broken through, huge injuries being engraved upon her flesh, wrenching a scream out of her.

Rarity seemed intent on slashing through each and every one of the Knights in her path since her previous plan had been disrupted, but as soon as the attack got close to the others, it stopped in the air before disappearing, its energy utterly spent in dealing with Fluttershy's defenses.

Said pegasus started groaning softly and breathing heavily, obviously tired from the effort of that defense. She disappeared with a gesture from Pinkie Pie, obviously being put somewhere safe(ish) to be able to recover. Said earth pony had not moved from her spot "guarding" the duo of Knights, which was mainly because she couldn't.

Pure Sadness was a very difficult state to handle. Not only was normal magic impossible to be used while in it, but Pinkie was also completely unable to move. In exchange, her chaotic space manipulation reached an incredibly high standard, but that was usually not the best trade, though it worked out this time. Every single Emotion Magic user had different effects for each emotion (Remember when that was stated way back then? Wow, time sure does fly), so it made sense Pinkie wouldn't be good with sadness.

Regardless, with Rarity's attack stopped, the other Knights had an opportunity to attack her in turn. However, the circumstances couldn't be worse for that.

Rainbow Dash did not do so, since she was far too hurt to be able to put out an effective attack with any kind of speed. Applejack was moving around stealthily via her Myriad Steps, looking out for any other tricks the Cloud of Chaos might pull while also searching for any openings to banish the spirit from Rarity. And with Pinkie immobile and Fluttershy still reeling, that left Trixie as the only one who could make immediate use of that opportunity.

That wasn't really her specialty, but Trixie decided that her best option was using close combat, since none of her long-range skills were that good in terms of destructive power. Facing off against Rarity, a sword expert, in her current state would seem to be a foolish endeavor, but the illusionist Knight had her own ways to fight.

She teleported close to Rarity, but not too close, instead she was at an awkward range that was too far for normal slashes, and too close for true ranged attacks. Then she conjured up a bunch of free floating crystal blades and had then attack Rarity from multiple angles.

That was a particularly devious attack. Some of the blades targetted fragile points like Rarity's horn and eyes, others changed targets suddenly, yet others hid themselves behind their fellow blades and attacked with staggered timing to get around any ordinary block Rarity could put up.

Still, all that was still far from enough to truly threaten the sword-using unicorn. She swept her four blades, using relatively basic elemental spells to accurately block, redirect or simply smash through all of Trixie's attacks, and followed through seamlessly by sweeping up those spells with chaotic power into a gigantic slash that covered a ridiculous amount of area. Completely turning the area in front of her into a no-life zone.

Rarity also prepared a spell to prevent Trixie from teleporting out, but then an illusion-hidden, extremely weak spell splashed against her horn, not causing any damage (because any spell powerful enough to cause damage couldn't be hidden that well), but delaying her spell enough to allow Trixie to teleport behind her.

"Reverse Slash." Rarity intoned, and what happened next made it look like she had changed time to make her previous slash hit behind her instead of in front (it didn't, the change was just really fast and sudden), hitting Trixie with a massively powerful attack.

Or rather, the illusion of Trixie, as she hadn't actually teleported behind Rarity, but just send an illusion instead. She would not be caught by such an elementary trap.

A moment after the illusion was hit, Trixie reappeared from her teleport, having forcefully delayed her arrival to appear in front of Rarity, where had just been a no-life zone.

"Rever-" Rarity tried to do the same trick again, but Trixie shut her up with another crystal blade slash directly to her throat, causing damage even through her defenses.

In the battle to predict each other's moves, Trixie had been the victor of the first round. However, instead of continuing, Rarity spoke another spell:

"Chaotic Steps." She vanished into the chaos, and almost before one could blink, Applejack was under attack.

Rarity had accurately pinpointed Applejack as the biggest threat remaining, and had decided to deal with her first. However, Applejack was just as much of a close-combat expert as Rarity, and she would not be easy to take down. Upon being attacked from within the chaos, Applejack decided to give Rarity the one on one battle she seemed to want.

"Myriad Steps." She chanted, and dodged the attack by moving right into the space between spaces Rarity was in.

What followed was a sequence of exchanges that only the duo of fighters were aware off, as it occurred in the chaotic spaces, where time and existence were hazy and difficult to define. Rarity had the definite advantage in power due to her channeling of chaos, but Applejack's Myriad Steps and Myriad Blows combined with her Eyes of Truth were enough to compensate for that. She moved and attacked through the changing spaces as if they were her own backyard, and even managed to get in some good hits.

Still, even with her conservative fighting style, Applejack's energy simply wouldn't last as long as Rarity's, who was supplied by chaotic power. So it was a good thing she wasn't counting on such.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Fluttershy had just finished rebuilding all of her defenses and become fighting ready again, when she realized Twilight was calling her. She looked up into the unicorn's eyes and an idea passed between the two of them. Fluttershy momentarily frowned, as if she was going "seriously?", but then she set her expression and nodded.

As if that had been a signal, two of the other Knights acted at exactly the same time. Pinkie did a small gesture and Applejack stopped herself in the middle of a movement to release a fully unexpected punch on Rarity. The unicorn blocked with two swords, fully intent on taking advantage of Applejack's reckless attack to counter attack. However, just when the hoof made contact, Pinkie's space manipulation caused a small tear in space to appear behind Rarity, which caused her to lose her balance, allowing Applejack's attack to push her into the tear and out of the chaotic space.

At the same time as she was flying out, both Sunset and Twilight teleported away, allowing the exceedingly powerful chaotic attack to pass. But of course, that was part of the plan, and as expected, Fluttershy flew up to meet it.

"World Standard: Devourer of Chaos!" She cast.

Once more, Fluttershy entered into harmony with the environment, but this time it was different, and not only because she hadn't actually disabled her Trance Mode beforehand. This time, the technique she was using had its roots on her old Animal Spirit magic, which Fluttershy had been attempting to improve on for quite a while.

Fairly early on she had hit upon the idea of using things that did not actually exist to base her new forms on. However, Fluttershy had fairly quickly realized the reality of her own lack of creative ability, or at least when it came down to making up things with magic. Her current spell solved the issue by handing over the creative process over to the world itself.

That was the meaning of World Standard. The premise of it was to make up for what the world lacked. In this place that was so overloaded with chaos, what was most lacked was something that could bring back balance, an existence that was chaos' natural enemy. A Devourer of Chaos.

The aura around her expanded and took on a shape. It was a shape of a horrifying monster that had no place in the world. One could only see it's outline, but it was still enough to send shivers down anyone's spines. There were far too many mouths with far too many teeth, there were tentacles and tendrils, and a shape that was like a deformed eight.

Fluttershy launched herself upwards, englobed by that monstrous aura, and crashed against the powerful beam of chaotic energy. Then her aura opened its mouth and started to eat it. Little by little she forced herself upwards, eating her way towards the source of the attack, the true core of the Cloud of Chaos.

When Rarity was sent flying into the regular battlefield, before she could even get her bearings, Sunset crashed into her with the force of a rampaging Changeling Queen, and grabbed her stunned form. Twilight then appeared above the duo and did her final part in the plan.

"Magical Time: Chaotic Overflow." She spoke, and lightly touched Rarity's head.

Unwillingly, the possessed unicorn started to absorb and channel far more chaotic power than she had before. Her body bloated as it could not take in so much chaotic energy and she appeared to be unable to breathe. Twilight lightly slapped her back and Rarity vomited.

However, what she vomited wasn't food (as should be obvious to anyone who undertood horses) but chaos. She vomited a torrent of chaotic energy together with the chaotic spirit that had been possessing her.

Said chaotic spirit tried to jump into Twilight, but she simply moved her head a bit to evade it. Then it tried to go after Sunset, but she teleported away. And then Applejack stepped out of the chaos and punched the chaotic spirit in the face it didn't have.

"Ya are within the range of mah divination." She spoke calmly as she released her magic.

Feeling the danger, the chaotic spirit fled into the chaotic space, but Applejack seemed to not care, and simply cast her spell.

"Eyes of Truth: The Hunt." And she stepped into the chaos herself.

Without even a pause, she transitioned immediately into a punch that broke through the weakest part of the defenses the chaotic spirit had hastily erected around itself.

From there, it was all over. The chaotic spirit tried to escape, warping wildly around many different chaotic spaces, sometimes manipulating the world around, sometimes attacking, sometimes trying to possess the other Knights. However, nothing that it did seemed to have any effect on Applejack, who moved relentlessly step by step, each move bringing forth an inescapable attack that quickly piled upon the damage on the spirit.

Eventually, it faltered, unable to continue trying its futile escape, and that was the sign for Applejack to unleash a full-on barrage of punches, making it break apart into shards, and then nothingness.

At the same time as Applejack was finishing off the chaotic spirit, Fluttershy was doing the same to the core of the Cloud of Chaos.

As her aura of the Devourer of Chaos ate away more and more of the enemy attack and off the whole chaos in the surroundings, it got ever stronger. In the beginning it was difficult to see whether she was making any progress against the beam of chaotic energies, but soon enough she was eating through everything at a high speed. The Cloud of Chaos began attacking her with everything it had, but it barely manage to slow Fluttershy down.

Finally, she reached into the core of the Cloud and bit into it, the teeth of her aura grinding the exceedingly resilient core as if it was mere wood, and then it shattered.

The results of that action were clear and majestic. The world was suddenly put upright again, and the ground returned to its normal state, the Cloud shrunk at a visible rate and the spatial disturbances disappeared, allowing the Knights to see more than their immediate surroundings, thus seeing that the chaotic effects were disappearing all around.

And yet, the Knights didn't relax. They were far too experienced to believe things would be over so easily. And they were right to think so.

The shards of the core of the Cloud suddenly exploded with a brighter light than anything they had shown before, unleashing power that was even greater than the last desperate attacks it had done to protect itself. The remains of the Cloud of Chaos congregated into a small area and began to spin like a hurricane, obviously setting up some sort of exceedingly power magic. And Sunset was the first to realize what was going on.

"Is this... an Overdrive?"
Chapter 77
Chapter 77 - Seal of Chaos

Soon enough, Sunset realized that what the Cloud of Chaos was doing wasn't exactly an Overdrive. While its existence had something close enough to a soul in order for that to theoretically work, it was so unstable its will would break apart before being able to pull in enough energy. However, what it was doing was pretty much just as threatening.

It could be called death magic, or end magic, though those terms could easily confuse the issue. Perhaps the most appropriate would be to call it last ditch magic, but in a much more serious sense. The Cloud of Chaos was actually taking advantage of its own impending destruction, using it as conceptual fuel for a powerful spell.

It was like the old adage of "a candle burns most brightly when it's about to go out", there was a certain power to one's last actions, a weight that gave them more power, but most importantly, made them harder to disrupt. As such, even in her current form, Fluttershy declined to try and stop whatever was being done, as she felt it would be close to impossible, and instead she retreated to group back with the other Knights, who had gathered again.

The amount of power that spell was drawing in had gone past concerning and into levels that made several of the Knights consider triggering Overdrives just to have a greater chance of handling whatever was heading towards them. They ultimately decided not to, feeling like it would never be too late to do it once they actually knew what the chaos was trying to do.

Yet, as the feeling of power out of that spell increased to a level beyond literally anything they had ever witnessed in their lives, it took a lot of self-restraint not to call upon their full power just for reassurance. They did it, though, succeeding at least partially due to the fact that despite how chaotic the source of the spell was, the sheer power of the magical working made it impossible to hide the intent of it.

It wasn't fully aggressive, like a direct attack. It also wasn't insidious, like an illusion or mind control spell. Instead, the best word one could use to describe said intent was oddly "constructive", like it was creating something. But whatever it was, it would definitely be bad news, simply by the fact that as the lasting will of the Cloud of Chaos was slowly dissipating as it formed the spell, one could feel from its remnants an astounding sense of sheer malice.

And when those last few strands of will finally vanished as well, the spell triggered. The matter of chaotic clouds that had been forced together by the magic started to vibrate in a dozen different frequencies, all at the same time, creating a strange spectacle that could be likened to a popcorn bag in a microwave.

Soon, the outline of space around that was vibrating as well, and changing colors to become a purely white ring around the inner mass. An awful sound that could only be described by invoking the image of thousands of iron knives scraping against each other at the same time emanated from that space.

That was only the prelude.

"AAAARGH!" Four of the Knights, Pinkie, Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow Dash screamed in pain from the feedback received by their senses as the mass seemed to shift subtly, when in fact the space of the mass had been distorted beyond anything even close to what they had seen before. These four immediately did the magical equivalent of looking away, and thus missed what happened next.

As for the others, three of them managed to avoid any mental damage. Trixie because her mental defenses were strong enough to block the sensorial feedback completely, while Sunset and Fluttershy were resilient enough that the attack on their senses couldn't quite harm them. (Rainbow Dash would have been in the same boat, except she was currently too injured.)

Meanwhile, Applejack had taken a different tack than any of the others. She forced herself to not look away, holding true to her principles of truth even as a vein was torn open in her brain and blood started leaking out from her right eye. As such, she managed to finally understand what exactly the enemy was doing.

It was a portal to another world. And not just any ordinary world either. The Knights were powerful and knowledgeable enough to open their own portals to other worlds, thought usually they would need rituals or other types of aid in order to achieve such, but the world this chaotic portal was leading to was much farther "away" than anywhere the Knights would even try to reach with their own portals unless they had absolutely no choice.

In fact, it was so far away the only reason the portal even worked was the inherent paradoxical nature of such a powerful chaotic spell.

And that was the final step of the spell, as the chaotic mass in the center of the ring folded upon itself and turned into a hole in existence, behind which another world lurked.

A moment later, Rarity and the other three regained their senses:

"Restoration!" The unicorn declared, having seen Applejack's injuries. Thankfully enough, they were relatively light, only in a very sensitive place, and Rarity had enough precision to deal with it.

Everypony else looked upon the nascent portal and realized what it was. That was all the time they had before a white gaseous mass began to pour out of it.

Applejack's Eyes of Truth had never wavered from the portal, even as she was being healed, and so she managed to realize what exactly they were dealing with.

"That's Sealing Magic!" She screamed.

That's right. Screamed.

The other Knights barely managed to stop themselves from looking at the earth pony in shock. That was the first time they had ever heard Applejack sound so absolutely terrified. And those that could started focusing their powers, just to try and deal with whatever horrors were about to come.

The white mass spread slowly and unhurriedly, at first looking to be no more threatening than mere mist, but after a single second of that spread, each and every one of the ponies realized the true terror of that magic. Because as the "mist" travelled through the air, what was left behind was a pure white void, like space itself had been covered in paint that was the whitest that a color could possibly be.

Had the Knights been normal ponies, this would have been the only thing they actually felt, but their senses were far sharper than those of the average member of their species, thanks to their great power and training, and as asuch they could feel much more of the disturbance that the sealing magic was causing in its wake.

It wasn't just limited to sight. The Knights were capable of hearing and feeling the smallest of air currents, and so they realized that not only had the air become completely still, but all sounds that they should have been able to hear coming from the direction of the portal were completely gone as well, any soundwave that touched that white mass simply stopping.

Besides that were also their senses for magic, which were receiving even more concerning information. Not only could they not feel any magic power coming from the obviously magical white mist, but even the magic that should have been present in the environment was unable to be detected at all, and that disturbing lack of magical energy around the white mist caused disturbances in the magic all around the place. Small disturbances, but enough to unsettle the Knights, specially given the prospect that the white mist could just keep spreading.

For Applejack, it was much worse, since her senses were far beyond any of her fellow Knights. Her Eyes of Truth could tell that the white mist was "sealing" everything. There was nothing that thing was incapable of sealing, matter, energy, minds, souls, magic, life, and even Truth itself could not escape from the grasp of that power. And it wasn't just a prospect, Applejack could tell that as long as the portal remained open, the sealing magic would continue to spread forever, until their whole universe had been fully suppressed.

'As long as the portal remained open', was the bit of understanding Applejack clung to in order to calm herself down and focus on the situation. She very much did not want to have to actually fight the sealing magic, so Applejack looked deeper and tried to figure out what would happen if they just left it alone.

After a few moments, Applejack figured it out. Her previous thoughts were wrong, the sealing magic would not be able to cover the whole universe because the spreading of the magical disturbances caused by it would eventually destabilize the portal, cutting off the source of the sealing energy.

Yet, the earth pony had to hold back a curse. That would take too long. By the time the magical disturbance was enough to shut the portal, the whole land of Equestria would have already been subsumed by the Seal. That was unnacceptable. Their only option was to close the portal themselves.

Breathing in deeply, Applejack turned her Eyes of Truth back onto the portal and the mass of sealing magic, focusing her senses to the utmost and enduring the pain such an action caused to herself. Looking into the portal was one thing, but the sealing magic was quite another, and it felt like an extreme suction force was trying to rip her soul straight from her body. That was the simple effect of connecting with the seal even at the most basic level to draw information from it.

She drank deeply upon the well of Truth, taking in every single detail she was capable of understanding. And no more.

Trixie had taught her a lot about the risks of losing oneself in perception, and she had the recorded experiences of many past holders of the Eye of Truth that had been Knights to draw upon in order to control herself. It would do no good to anypony were she to lose herself.

Applejack then closed her eyes, using all her strength to prevent herself from forgetting the Truth she had received. She had one last thing to do, and the survival of her companions was probably dependent on her success.

"Words of Truth: Enlighten!" She shouted, using the most powerful spell she was capable of.

She took all the Truth, all the information she had managed to gather about their situation, converted it into a form the other Knights would be able to receive, and sent it to them.

Her spell complete, Applejack collapsed into unconsciousness, her stamina utterly spent, her mind and soul feeling tattered.

Wordlessly, Sunset teleported her away from the battlefield, into a pre-prepared safe position under guard. These days they could never be too careful considering how many powerful enemies were active.

The other Knights in the battlefield grimly prepared themselves. Thanks to Applejack's dedication, they were now completely aware of exactly what kind of trial awaited them, but that only served to make the Knights even more determined. For warriors that had overcome numerous challenges such as them, that sort of thing was not enough to make them hesitate.

"Core Essence: Infinite Spells!" Sunset acted first of them, unleashing the same spell she had used against Chrysalis.

Except that this time, instead of being composed only of attack spells, she forced her essence to release every single type of spell she knew, giving such variety to her magic that even the overwhelming sealing magic slowed down its spread due to its natural need to "seal" everything.

But just a bit.

Sunset's expression soured upon seeing how little effect her efforts had. Meanwhile, Pinkie and Twilight were making their move. They took bouncing steps towards the white mass, aiming at the portal. Soon enough, they grimaced before doing high jumps onto the top of the mass, joining hooves together just before landing.

As soon as they touched it, the two started doing a weird bipedal gallop, still holding forehooves and coordinating their steps like an extreme version of a three-legged race, their hooves moving with such speed that they became pure blurs. That was pretty much the fastest way any of the Knights were capable of approaching the portal, given that Rainbow Dash was mostly out of action.

Sunset would have usually been able to cover the distance faster in her current form, but the air disturbances caused by the sealing of space made flight above the cloud a very tricky proposition, and the unicorn did not have the instincts that her student could have used to compensate. Truly, chaos was adept at making everything complicated.

However, even the incredibly fast advance of the duo was far from enough to reach the portal, as when they were merely halfway there, their movement stopped as suddenly as if they had hit an impenetrable wall, their hooves utterly stuck and sealed by the white magic, which started crawling up their legs despite their doing their best to resist.

Their companions would not allow such a thing, however, and the first to take action was Fluttershy, who took the utterly unexpected action of diving into the white mass.

The power of her current form showed itself clearly at that moment, as the monstrous aura managed to resist the sealing power relatively well, despite being utterly englobed in it. And then Fluttershy cast a spell:

"Empathy Drive: Draw!" She declared, and then her soul did the metaphysical equivalent of shouting as loudly as possible to attract attention.

For the unthinking mass of sealing magic, it was utterly impossible to resist something like that, and most of the power of it converged towards Fluttershy, instantly easing the pressure on the duo of chaos users. It was not enough for them to escape, but Fluttershy was not the only Knight who could help.

Rarity raised her water and earth swords and cast a spell of her own:

"Mud Formation: Pathmaker!"

Water and earth condensed together to form a mud road above Rarity's head. The unicorn chanted magic at a ridiculously high speed, and countless words of spell script engraved themselves on all layers of the mud. That was when the true nature of her magic became obvious.

Rarity was actually crafting an entire new artefact on the fly. It wouldn't last for long, but that was still an amazing achievent.

Despite how long it took to describe, in truth everything was done so fast that by the time Fluttershy had drawn the enemy's attention, Rarity's work was already over, and she crashed her mud road artefact on top of the white mist, and it was just long enough to reach the point Pinkie and Twilight had been stuck.

The duo would not lose that opportunity, and they popped out from the mass and landed on top of the road, leaving their back legs behind. Or rather, very realistic boots that looked like their legs, complete with price tags (chaos magic was just like that).

They ran back atop the mud road, managing to escape from the area of the sealing magic just before Rarity's artefact was subsumed by it. Meanwhile, Fluttershy's monstrous aura construct had already been almost completely sealed, and its purpose was achieved, so the pegasus simply "cast it off".

Like a bug undergoing metamorphosis, she completely left behind her "shell", with a rebirth that was so fast and purposeful that the pegasus managed to swim through the sealing mist she had been inside off and escape it without any hindrances whatsoever.

Their first attempt at reaching the portal had ended in failure, but they had obtained important information regarding the power and scope of the enemy magic. And it was all captured under the senses of Sunset Shimmer.

"Everypony, to me! I have a plan!" She declared.

The group joined together back again, and Sunset immediately started giving orders.

"Trixie, you need to trick the sealing energy to keep it under control for a bit." She didn't ask if Trixie was able to, she knew her sister.

"Sure, but it will be better if you suppress it first." Trixie replied, to which Sunset simply nodded.

"Rarity, you need to make the best path you can." She continued, and said unicorn immediately started casting her spells.

"Fluttershy, you need to go together with those two, and suppress the last bit to give them a shot." The pegasus nodded and started rebuilding her chaotic monster aura, this time using her own power since there wasn't a chaotic environment present anymore.

"Dash, give them a speed boost." Sunset said to her apprentice, who nodded with a slight grimace.

"If you're all ready, there's no time to lose." She finished, before closing her eyes and focusing her power.

At that point, if one looked at the sky, they would note that the sun was high up, in a position that would indicate a time of three o'clock in the afternoon, but then it started to move, descending on the sky as if time had accelerated, all under the control of the Knight.

Sunset had realized that, if she wanted to suppress the powerful sealing magic, there was no way she could afford to use anything less than her absolute full strength.

The sun finally reached it's destination, the point where most of it was concealed behind the horizon. It was the scene that was known as a "sunset".

"Sunset Domain." The eponymous Knight declared, and the light of the sun turned into pure destructive power.

There was no explosion, no sound and nothing else that would reveal just how amazingly powerful the attack was, except that, after the instant was over, one could see that the whole white mass seemed to have been incinerated.

That actually managed to feat of causing that terrifying mist to stop moving completely, showing just how amazingly powerful Sunset's full strength actually was. Still, she realized that it wouldn't take long before the seal magic recovered completely, which was why she had Trixie for the follow up.

"Illusion Realm: Antithethical Seal." Was the declaration of the illusionist, who also triggered two of the energy focuses within her body, spending them to be able to pay the price for such an energy intensive technique.

Taking advantage of the weakened state of the white mist, that spell tricked the sealing magic into splitting into two halves in opposition, trying to seal each other but never quite managing due to their exactly equal strengths.

At the same time as Sunset was unleashing her power, Rarity was preparing her own move.

"Four Elements Become Four Layers..." She chanted with a clear voice "Four Layers Join as One..." Above her, a new "road" was forming, but this time she made four paper-thin planes of the four elements, each of them covered in a multitude of magical formations, all designed to fuse together.

"Pathmaker Artefact: Condense!" And she combined the four, joining them together.

They spun and bent upwards like the petals of a flower, unweaving into elemental lines that wove themselves together in complex patterns and forming a golden path in the air. When it was over, Trixie's spell had just finished as well, so Rarity dropped the road on top of the sealing mist.

"Pegasus Magic: Wind Charge..." Rainbow Dash declared, and then started sucking in an immense amount of air into her lungs, so much that she only had enough room because her magic also increased the pressure on the air to the point it turned into liquid, thus reducing its volume.

Fluttershy, having already rebuilt her aura, landed at the beginning of Rarity's road, with the two chaos-using Knights holding onto her sides. Then Rainbow Dash unleashed her wind.

It was like a very contained hurricane, propelling Fluttershy forward with an extreme acceleration, which only became more extreme as Pinkie and Twilight pushed against the road with their legs like they were trying to do flash steps.

Rainbow Dash started coughing, her injuries throbbing due to the effort of that spell.

But it was very worth it, the combination of the three Knights managing to get halfway through their path by the time the sealing mist recovered from Sunset and Trixie's efforts. They were four fifths of the way there by the time even Rarity's special road was finally subsumed by the seal, and they kept going even without a road for half of that last fifth before Twilight and Pinkie could not resist anymore.

So Fluttershy did her part, diving into the deepest part of the sealing mist, quite near to the portal, just to hold it back and allow the two others to do their job.

"Now!" Twilight shouted, and Pinkie grabbed onto her hoof and threw her straight through the portal.

She had a dark expression on her face as she did so, but it really couldn't be helped. To close such a portal, the only thing they could do was attacking it from both sides, and the only one who could possibly return after being trapped in such a distant dimension was Twilight, for many reasons.

Pinkie herself took a few more steps and stopped right in front of the portal, close enough that she and Twilight could touch if they reached forward with their hooves. Then the two unleashed their energy and used their prepared spell:

"Combination Chaos: Shatter!" They spoke in unison, then extended their right forelegs and held them together at the very space of the portal, the boundary between dimensions.

Then they exploded, the immense energy they had gathered reacting together like a million explosives going off all at once, but most of the energy was contained by the portal, disturbing the massive chaotic magic holding it together and causing that spatial fold to shatter.

The remaining energy blew Pinkie and Twilight backwards in addition to destroying their touching hooves, but it was a minor injury for them.

Pinkie landed on the sealing mist, and realized that it was rapidly weakening, so the Knight wasn't surprised when she looked up to see the portal breaking apart into nothingness, leaving said mist isolated from its power source. And it was so fast that Pinkie barely had time to blink before the portal was completely gone.

And yet, that wasn't the end. As soon as the portal disappeared, the chaotic mage could feel that the energy of chaos that made it up hadn't disappeared, but rather condensed back up into a new shard of chaos. And before Pinkie could even try to do anything against it, that shard followed Fluttershy's example and dove into the mist.

At that moment, Pinkie realized what was about to happen, and tried to focus her power to cast a spell to try and prevent it, but she was ultimately too slow.

The shard of chaos took advantage of the weakened state of the sealing mist and overtook it, gaining control. It started sucking the white magic into itself while travelling through the mist at extreme speeds. In the blink of an eye, a third of the white had already been devoured, leaving Fluttershy floating dazily in the air and Pinkie Pie in freefall. Then it became even faster.

Another blink, and the mist was gone, revealing the shard had morphed into a strange triangular arrow, sharp as a fang and carrying a pure feeling of deadliness. Only one Knight could react fast enough to attack it, and it was Sunset.

There was no time to declare spells, so she attacked it with the purest magic of her Essence Heart state, using the suppression and sealing points of view to create a full complex of techniques in order to attack whatever weakness that arrow had.

They barely slowed it down.

Without alternative, Sunset forcefully teleported herself into the path of the arrow, knowing she was the only one who had even the slightest chance of surviving a direct attack from that thing. The transformed Knight released her power and raised every defense she had, blocking with her life on the line.

The arrow dodged her, and flew straight at its true target: Rarity.

The unicorn barely had time to do anythng. She slashed at the arrow with unformed magic to no effect, and then... Somepony appeared in front of her.

It was Rainbow Dash. The arrow sunk into her like a fish sinking into the ocean. There was no sound, no explosion, but Rainbow Dash simply started falling from the air, her eyes empty of life.


On the other side, Twilight saw the portal vanishing, and immediately tried to contact Fluttershy.

That was the main reason why she had decided on such a dangerous plan. The pegasus had previously managed to reach Twilight's soul despite the situation of that time dimension where she had been lost. Thanks to their connection, the Knight only needed to be able to follow her partner's soul back through the worlds and into her home dimension.

Of course, only was not the best word to use, given that even a master in chaos magic like Twilight would be hard-pressed to cover all that ground, but the probability was still high enough for her tastes.

However, as soon as she tried to make the connection, Twilight realized that it was impossible. She had underestimated the might of the origin point of the seal. The magic they had faces was merely some uncontrolled power that had leaked into their dimension. The true sealing magic that came from that dimension was something that was beyond imagination.

Specifically, Twilight couldn't contact Fluttershy because of the nature of that seal, something she had finally managed to understand based on the sheer power that surrounded her. It made the intent of that magic not only obvious, but completely impossible to ignore, and it could be described by a mere three words:

Eternal World Seal.

It was magic to seal away the entire world for eternity. The level of power needed for something like that was beyond anything that Twilight could have ever expected to come across. In a way, she could be considered lucky to be able to experience such a thing. Even Discord, the most powerful existence of her world would only qualify as an insect in comparison.

And now that Twilight was inside, she was considered as part of the world, so the seal would not allow her to leave or even to send her magic outside.

The Knight did not despair, and instead simply turned and began to look around her location, never losing hope of finding some way of getting back home.

The place she was in was pure emptiness, a space without any matter or energy, and "nearby" (but it could also be infinitely far away) was the seal magic itself, an infinite wall of white. It extended in all directions as far as the eye could see, as far as the soul could sense, and even farther away. And yet, Twilight's eye was drawn towards one spot on the wall that didn't look to be any different from the others at first glance.

A second look revealed the reason why: That one particular spot was the origin point of the entire spell, and when Twilight looked closer, she realized that there was something in that wall, potentially the entity responsible for the spell.

It could be said that what happened next was inevitable. Twilight had to check for any possible chance of getting back home, but by doing so, the Knight did something she should not have done.

She looked closely at the entity.
Chapter 78
Chapter 78 - Seal of Conflict

The form that Twilight beheld could have passed for normal at a glance, it was a quadruped being with a somewhat cylindrical main body. It also had a head-like shape attached to it at one of the edges. Or rather, at the center. Or, no, there were actually two such shapes, one at each edge, or maybe there was just one huge hat-shaped mass hovering above the main body.

And speaking of the main body, it was indeed cylindrical, but instead of being a singular mass, it was more like a configuration of rings loosely attached together, or... actually, it was maybe more akin to a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle with countless pieces of varied shapes... But maybe that was just a trick of the point of view, and there were actually three separate "main bodies", each of which shaped in a different way.

And then there were the legs. Twilight was pretty sure there were four of them, but their arrangement didn't seem to be quite normal. Were they in a line? A prism shape? Stacked on top of each other? But in that last case, would that really be considered four legs instead just one very long one? Well, there were differences between all four of them and-

"KHH!" Twilight grunted, feeling like someone had just bucked her in the head.

Shaking her head in an attempt to clear it, Twilight almost instinctively did a self-analysis to figure out her condition, and her discoveries were enough for the Knight to understand how bad the situation really was:

First, the feeling on her head? That had been the Shard of Self acting automatically to bring her back to sanity, because the state of her mind had become as bad as when she used her chaotic release for a long while. Second, while she had a bunch of mental defenses and contingency spells, they had all failed to bring her out of that abnormal state, despite having activated.

Third, due to the way her Shard of Self worked, it would be very difficult for her to use any sort of chaos magic for a while, severely reducing her options for the current challenges. That was, in a word, unoptimal.

Still, it wasn't like Twilight would give up. She still needed to somehow deal with that seal, and that meant dealing with the... "sealing entity". She decided to refer to it as such in her head. Not being able to look at the entity would only make it harder, so Twilight thought for a bit and came up with an idea.

Then, she infused her own mind with magic and twisted. She twisted her own point of view and perception before looking at the entity once again. That time, she was only able to see its shape as "a quaduped body", so Twilight sighed in relief before approaching it.

It didn't take quite as long to cross the distance as she expected, and nothing jumped out to attack her, so soon enough Twilight was free to examine the sealing entity from close range. Of course, what she examined wasn't the appearance of the entity, but simply its connections to the sealing magic that had been cast over the entire universe.

And after a few seconds of that, Twilight finally discovered something that could be considered good news. It was the fact that for all of its power, the sealing entity didn't appear to have a corresponding level of resilience, meaning Twilight would probably be able to kill it.

Initially, she thought that was strange, but upon further inspection, Twilight realized that this was simply because the entity had devoted essentially all its power to the seal, making its actual body relatively defenseless.

The question was, did Twilight really want to attack? She had very little information regarding the situation, specifically the reason for the creation of that seal. What if there was some utterly dangerous and malicious thing being suppressed by the Eternal World Seal? Wouldn't breaking it be the same as releasing that evil?

Twilight was a Knight of the Realm of Equestria, but even though she was far from home, that didn't mean her responsibilities had vanished. Simply doing whatever it took to go back home without thinking of the consequences was not a path befitting of the role she had taken.

Shaking her head, Twilight decided on an alternative. Since she didn't have information, the only thing to do was getting some, though it wasn't as easy as that made it seem.

Considering the way most analysis spells worked, Twilight would end up running into the same problem she had when merely looking at the sealing entity. Still, there was a possible alternative: The magic of empathy.

Twilight had received some instruction about said magic while growing up, and researched it even more after accepting Fluttershy as an apprentice, given the pegasus' obvious talent for said art. Because of that, Twilight actually knew quite a bit regarding empathic magic.

At its core, said magic was based upon understanding.

It was not the same type of understanding as that of the Eyes of Truth, for example, as it was based more upon feelings than straight information. However, that made it perfect for dealing with the very alien nature of the sealing entity.

Having made a decision, Twilight did not dawdle, and quickly closed her eyes to begin the preparations for attempting contact. It was more an art than a science, really. Twilight had to focus on her own feelings to be able to open her heart, before creating a trail of magic to establish a connection. And that trail was less like an arrow and more like a pillow, waiting warmly for the other to reach out.

It... didn't quite work. Twilight had expected rejection, been prepared for it, but what she hadn't expected was for there to be no reaction at all, like the other party weren't even aware of her. It was almost like the sealing entity was completely empty.

But of course that couldn't be the case, as long as it wielded magic, that meant something had to be inside to serve as the source of that power, so Twilight reached even deeper inside herself and offered a connection with even more insistence, like she was screaming "let's be friends!" with a megaphone.

Deeper and deeper, her magic and feelings echoed through the metaphysical space where the sealing entity's sense of self should be. She kept going despite the sense of screaming into a void, reaching out with everything she had... Until she found something.

It was small, minuscule even. It was certainly the smallest sense of self Twilight could imagine, and she barely dared to think about what it would feel like. Twilight could sum up the entire self of the sealing entity in just three words: Keep Them In. Everything that she (Twilight decided to refer to the entity as such) was and everything that she thought was reduced to that single idea.

Twilight was horrified and wondered what could cause that to somepony, and in wondering, she was directed to the answer, because on the other side of that sense of self was another connection, similar to the one Twilight had made and yet completely different. While the Knight's connection was based on understanding, that one was based on dominion, it was more like a curse sinking its fangs on the sealing entity.

And that curse was a message that repeated itself over and over again "You're nothing.", "You're worthless.", "Your actions have no meaning." and more and more without ever stopping, a constant stream of negativity and aggression.

Twilight understood what had happened. The sealing entity had erected that universal seal in order to block a truly evil existence, but that left a connection between them, allowing her to be bombarded by the negative thoughts of that existence nonstop for millions, billions of years, to the point where her very sense of self was worn down little by little.

Without realizing it, Twilight began to cry.

And she knew that it wasn't over. Even that last bit of the essence of the sealing entity was slowly being grinded away. It might take millenia upon millenia, or even more time than Twilight could conceive of, but eventually the powerful sealer would become no more than a puppet for whatever evil she had been trying to stop.

Twilight shook her head and terminated the connection. Now it was clear what she needed to do. The Knight needed to kill the sealing entity. This had completely ceased to be about returning home, and in fact, even if a passage back to her world opened up right that second, Twilight would still insist upon giving mercy to that woeful existence.

Because she could not call it anything other than mercy. If the evil managed to corrupt such a powerful being, not only would that cause trouble in a scale beyond imagination, but having the sealing entity become a puppet to that evil would go against all the sacrifice she had to endure.

Twilight understood that there would be consequences to that action. The evil thing would be freed from its seal to be able to cause terror somewhere. She knew that it was possible there was some other way she wasn't seeing, that maybe somebeing or other could potentially arrive and solve the situation in a better way.

But those were only possibilities, and Twilight decided that her best option was preventing the worst case scenario. On her honor as a Knight, she would not run away from that responsibility.

As soon as she made that decision, something changed. A figure appeared above the sealing entity in utter silence, but its presence was such that it was impossible to ignore. That figure looked somewhat hazy and misty like a mirage, but otherwise it looked exactly the same as the entity below it.

Twilight was startled by its appearance, but it only took a few moments before she realized what it was: Said figure was actually something similar to her own Shard of Self, an autonomous piece of awareness dedicated to a singular purpose, and in this case said purpose was to protect the main body.

Yet, despite its powerful presence, Twilight could not feel even a shred of magical power coming from it. The Sealing Entity had truly devoted everything of itself to the seal, but in this case how could its shard protect anything? The answer came as soon as Twilight had asked herself that.

The shard looked up, and then it remembered.

It was no actual attack or magic. There was no trickery involved. The only thing that shard could do in truth was bringing the memories of the sealing entity to the forefront.

But those memories had power in and of themselves. As the sealer of the world, her memories affected the world as if they were one and the same. And merely recalling a memory caused a reaction on the very fabric of existence. Said memory rippled through space and Twilight felt its meaning on her very soul.

It was a brief image of the sealing entity in her previous form declaring something in a language Twilight didn't understand, but the meaning of it was clear as a cloudless sky, and could be summed up as:

'If this is the true nature of the world, then I shall become the monster that opposes this world!'

And then it appeared, as if manifested by the very world itself. It was a figure that brought terror to all who beheld it instinctively. There were countless mouths, inside them an endless abyss, and their teeth sharp enough to cut space itself. There were paws, hands, tentacles and tails, all of them with claws, stingers, blades and other instruments of pain. There were wicked eyes that looked at everything as if it was either prey or nothing of value.

That figure was the perfect embodiment of the word "Monster".

As soon as it was complete, the monster attacked. It moved in a way that was half-pounce, half simply growing towards Twilight, acting at a speed that was much higher than anything of its size had any right to.

But it was not too fast for Twilight, who responded with three words:

"Magical Time: Retribution."

An immense amount of magical power exploded outwards from Twilight's body and then contracted back inwards like a heartbeat. The contracting power grazed on the leading edge of the monster, washing Twilight away and making her flow together with the attack, perfectly avoiding harm.

The Knight had already resolved herself, and a new opponent wouldn't make her waver in the slightest. So after avoiding that first attack Twilight prepared to counter attack. It would be difficult to use chaos magic, but she was good enough for the magic she had been perfecting for a long time already.

"Hero Time." She declared in a low voice.

All of Twilight's energy condensed into an aura of golden power that enveloped her body completely in an explosion of magic that was enough to cause the monster to retreat a bit. From nothing, Twilight condensed a pair of enormous and magnificent equipment: A sword taller than a house with a pommel of shining wood and a blade so sharp the air itself tried to evade its edge. And a round shield with the size matching the sword, made of a black metal deeper than the abyss, with the edges being silver strips that seemed capable of containing existence itself.

Both of them floated next to Twilight, the sword on the left and the shield on the right.

Twilight's retribution technique was sister to Fluttershy's World Standard, which was understandable, given they were master and apprentice, but despite both being designed to take "the opposing stance" they were actually quite different. While Fluttershy tried to channel the world and bring forth what it lacked, Twilight manipulated the concepts directly, forcing her power to take on the opposite concept of the opponent. So of course, what could oppose a monster, if not a hero?

There were other differences, of course, but Twilight could not show them off immediately. Instead she dashed towards the enemy, which had not stopped extending towards her. The monster had a nature that beckoned fear, but Twilight's hero form was immune to the mind shattering effects of that fear. The monster's very existence was noxious to everything, causing death and decay to all life, but Twilight's hero form rejected all evil, making even the strongest poison useless.

All that the monster had left was simply overwhelming physical power, and Twilight responded to the enemy's charge with one of her own. She moved her shield to parry and the sword to counter-attack, using the best fighting technique, bolstered by her aura and magic in order to challenge such a dominating opponent.

The hero and monster met. And Twilight was blown back, her aura flickering, cracks appearing on her sword and shield.

"Ghh!" Twilight grunted as she forcefully stabilized herself in the air.

That single collision had been enough to tell her that she was completely outclassed the way she was now. Her only hope would be actually completing her spell, and for that she needed time. Twilight forewent offense completely, focusing completely and utterly on defense. The shield was reinforced with every defense spell she thought would help, and the sword was placed to support it.

The monster clashed against the shield with the momentum of a superstorm and the hardness of compressed space. It had been even more powerful than the first attack, and even Twilight's improved defenses weren't enough to endure it. Her repaired equipment regained its cracks, her aura flickered even more fiercely, and her energy was already starting to show signs of depletion.

The situation was clear. The monster drew power from momentum, and would just get more powerful in face of a passive defense. That was untenable, but splitting into attack and defense hadn't worked either. A shiver ran through Twilight's heart at the notion that a full-on attack was the only option left. Yet, fear would not petrify the Knight. She let the shield disappear and focused all her energy into the sword, giving it an even more majestic appearance.

She then slashed at the monster that advanced once more.

That collision was almost too much. Twilight's aura had been completely broken, and her body had endured internal injuries that would give pause to even a Knight. On the other side, her full out attack had actually managed to dissipate some of the monster's momentum. If she could keep attacking, she might actually be able to turn the tables.

However, Twilight might as well wish for the monster to spontaneously explode. That single slash had taken literally every bit of energy she had. Doing a follow up was impossible without using an Overdrive, and she was quite sure even her biggest overdrive would not be enough to defeat such a powerful opponent before the backlash hit and she went unconscious.

True to her thoughts, the monster unleashed another attack before her energy returned, forcing Twilight into another clash that further aggravated her internal injuries.

The clashes continued, and the Knight was courageous and stalwart, refusing to give up even in that desperate situation. She used illusions, she used chaotic magic, she used every spell she thought could help, and exploited every strategy she could think of, but nothing came even close to overturning the situation.

At the same time as she fought, Twilight tried to complete her spell. Her goal was fully channeling the opponent's concept through the idea of action and reaction. That was an unimaginably difficult thing to do, which would be impossible without the aid of her chaotic magic, but she could do it.

Sadly, she couldn't do it fast enough. That was her first use of the technique, and the opponent was exceedingly powerful and full of hidden complexities. And even as Twilight refused to give up the fight, a part of her began to grow frustrated, and then hopeless, at the chances of achieving success before death.

Finally, despite her heart standing strong, Twilight's body faltered. Her magic stopped circulating and her sword vanished. The unicorn looked at the monster's final rush, desperately trying to complete her spell, even as she knew it was already impossible.


"DASH!!" Rarity screamed, and activated her telekinesis to catch her fellow Knight in the air.

Bringing the pegasus down to her level, Rarity used magic to scan the condition of her body, and the feedback from such was so strong that blood started leaking out of her right eye, but the unicorn barely cared. While the outside looked spotless (besides the marks from the battle they had just waged), her insides were being ravaged by powerful chaos magic, twisting and turning and breaking apart ceaselessly.

Before she knew it, Rarity found that Sunset was also besides her, examining the pegasus.

"This is bad. The seal magic is chaining Rainbow's soul, preventing her from saving herself." She shook her head and addressed Rarity "I'll try to break the seal in her soul, you fix her and get rid of the chaos magic."

Rarity nodded almost without thinking. She then focused every scrap of energy and awareness she had into preparing for her spell. She knew that her Restoration magic might be the only chance of saving Rainbow's life.

"You shall not take my student this day! BREAK!" Sunset shouted.

Sunset unleashed an awe-inspiring amount of power and injected it into Dash like a tsunami flowing into an abyss.

Rarity felt the seal shatter in front of that overwhelming power. It was her chance.

"Restoration!" Rarity shouted, and infused her magical power into Rainbow Dash.

Her magic quickly sought out problem areas, fixing the most crucial parts of the pegasus' body into a semblance of their former shape, and exterminating any bit of chaos magic that it happened to meet.

Rainbow Dash breathed in for the first time ever since being hit, proof that Rarity's repairs had been quite through.

Yet, they weren't enough.

That one breath was expelled back in a bloody cough, and Rarity's heart fell as the chaos magic seemed to leap out of nowhere, instantly multiplying inside Rainbow's body and ravaging it once again. And along with it the seal came back into existence.

"Tch! That wasn't enough! Pinkie, Fluttershy, support!" Sunset ordered, then turned to her fellow unicorn "It's okay, Rarity. We can still do it."

Said Knight nodded grimly. She knew the failure was hers, but falling into self-recrimination was not going to help, so she forcefully stabilized her emotions and recalled her previous spell, trying to figure out how to do better.

"Rarity, I have an idea." Pinkie spoke as soon as she got close "Fluttershy can connect my magic to yours, so you can feel and understand the chaotic energy easier." The pegasus nodded.

"Let's do it then." Rarity agreed immediately. She would agree to anything that had a chance of helping.

They did not waste any time. Fluttershy extended her wings and placed their tips on the cheeks of the two ponies. She did not declare any magic, and neither did Pinkie, but their souls flared up with power as the great magic they were preparing was far more complicated than its subtle nature would suggest.

Rarity allowed their combined magic to infuse itself into her body, and as such was done, Rarity's perception of the world started to change, and that change was far more drastic than whatever she could have imagined.

Rarity's usual level of perception was already very out of the norm when compared with most ponies. From the constant training and battling, as well as her experiences in the Samsara of Ten Thousand Lives, the way she saw the world had become both broad and minute to an exceedingly high level. She was constantly aware of every single particle of matter and every single spark of energy in her immediate surroundings, with the scale of perception decreasing at higher distances.

And yet, Rarity found herself almost unable to endure the sheer information overload that this new point of view had given her. She instantly found herself with a new respect for Twilight and Pinkie, for being able to live normally despite seeing the world like this. Or at least in a similar way to this.

What Rarity saw was possibility. She could tell than any of the endless particles of dust that composed the ground could spontaneously turn into gold at any moment. She could tell that by taking a normal step forwards in the right way she could move backwards for dozens of paces. She could tell that every single second of time could be expanded or contracted just by thinking about it.

Yet, Rarity barely took a moment to get her focus back. Her current goal was too important to be distracted. She looked back at and into Rainbow Dash's body. Using her new awareness she analysed the two interconnected spells that were the source of the current crisis.

The problem became obvious immediately. She already had an inkling that the main part of the spell was the chaotic energy, which could remake the soul seal as long as it existed. However, that closer look made Rarity aware that the chaos magic was phenomenally hard to get rid of.

It's existence was tied to the concept of cause and effect. As long as any effect of it existed, the chaotic magic would reverse the order of causality, resulting in the effect producing the cause.

She had to get rid not only of the underlying causes, but also of all the effects and essentially "reset" Rainbow Dash's body back to its previous condition. Having taken note of this, she nodded to Sunset, who once more unleashed her magic to destroy the seal.

"Restoration!" Rarity shouted again, but this time the effect was far different from before. Thanks to her chaotic point of view, Rarity's magic had changed slightly, and her spell did not infuse itself into Rainbow's body as before, instead it seemingly congealed itself out of the very space which her form occupied, then extending back towards Rarity's horn to allow for more direct control.

The spell manipulated the very matter that composed the pegasus, bringing it back to the state just before she was hit by that dreadful spell, when she had been patched up from her limit breaks but had injured herself back a bit with the magic she contributed to their combined strategy.

The spell connected with the remnants of the broken seal spell, using that connection to target the chaotic strands that were trying to once more undo Rarity's work, as well as the ones that were concealing themselves by mimicking Rainbow Dash's very cells.

But then things started going wrong. As if sensing that it's previous passive approach wasn't going to cut it that time, the chaos instead began actively fighting against Rarity's efforts. The magic shifted at extreme speeds, throwing energy around in such a wide spread that any particular point of magic was barely enough to affect a single cell, but there were so many of them doing so many different things at once that even Rarity was hard pressed to keep them under control.

It was like trying to catch every single drop of rain from a storm at the same time.

And yet, Rarity actually appeared to be suceeding. Slowly but surely her magic gained ground while the chaos was dissolved... But then her spell was broken all at once.

"Wha..." Rarity started to say, but then she realized. It had taken too long and the seal magic had time to reappear, thus stabilizing the chaotic magic and booting her out.

'This is not enough.' Rarity thought 'I need to be faster, more accurate, use my power in the most precise way possible. I need to be...'



A certain conversation had occurred between Rarity and Trixie in relatively recent times, after one of their lessons. It started with Rarity asking a question.

"Trixie, I've been wondering about it for a while, but why do you rarely use Perfect Illusions and similar magic anymore?"

The showmare looked at Rarity for a few seconds while trying to formulate a response. Rarity found it very surprising, and wondered whether she had unknowingly touched upon something deep.

"The short answer to that question is that I'm actually still using such magic, but in a new way." Trixie eventually answered "I created the Perfect Illusion when I was a child based on the idea of focusing all of myself into making a spell as perfect as possible, which turned out to be a lot more demanding than expected, and caused me to attract the Princess' attention.

"I developed it further and further with time, but after acting as a Knight for some time, I ended up developing my magic in such a way that made declaring Perfection less important, and sometimes even detrimental. Because my current style of magic is essentially like using complete focus for every spell and every action and always seeking the absolute best results. That's what I call the Path of Perfection." The Knight spoke clearly, in a very serious tone, making it clear how much importance she gave to it.

"The Path of Perfection..." Rarity was surprised that the reason would be something like this.

"Do I detect some interest?" Trixie asked, with a hint of teasing in her voice "That was the way I found to develop myself as a Knight. All of us have to find paths to strength that are suited for us, and maybe this one would be adequate for you." Then she became serious again "However, I must ask you to not make a decision on that without the appropriate level of determination."

Rarity nodded firmly, and waited as it seemed that Trixie had more things to say.

"The Path of Perfection is extraordinarily demanding." Trixie spoke "All paths to strength on the level we need are difficult, but this one is unique in that it essentially means constant effort. You need to strive for perfection in everything. Not just spells and combat, but also walking, breathing, and even thinking. You must never allow yourself to settle for anything less than the best you can do, otherwise you'll fall off the path, and lose everything."

Trixie's words stunned Rarity. She could never have imagined that her teacher's increase in strength had come through such an extreme method. Even imagining what it would take to achieve what was described made Rarity feel tired, much less actually doing it.

Their conversation shifted to other topics, but although Rarity was discouraged from following in Trixie's steps, that conversation became engraved in her mind, and a small desire appeared in the depths of her heart.


In the extreme situation where Rainbow Dash's life hung in the balance, Rarity's small desire resurfaced, and her determination could not possibly be greater.

She made her decision.

That all had taken only a few moments, and the other Knights had been looking at Rarity and preparing for the next attempt. And so they felt the sharp change that occurred on her.

Her magic stood still, perfectly controlled despite her raging emotions. She stood up straighter, correcting the position of her legs. She took a breath that was neither too long nor too short. She opened her eyes, which had been closed during her previous spell, and Sunset could see that they seemed deeper in a way that was hard to describe, but very familiar.

Somehow she reminded Sunset of Trixie.

That was all a moment of preparation, following which Rarity looked at Sunset and nodded, her meaning clear.

For the third time on that day, Sunset unleashed her power to break the seal. And Rarity cast.

"Perfect Restoration!"

This time it was noticeable different from the others, though none of the Knights present truly understood to what extent that was the case. They could tell that the flow of Rarity's magic was far more uniform and smooth than before, and despite apparently using less magic, it seemed to be more fuller, or more condensed than before.

If one were to look deeper, the true extraordinariness of that magic became apparent. Rarity's control of every single strand of power was absolute, the magic power having reproduced a portion of her consciousness into a multiplicity of controlling wills that worked together flawlessly, almost as if a million Rarities were casting the spell at once.

It was just a small portion of her that was copied, though, more like a bunch of autonomous spells than anything else, but even that was already an astonishing feat, and one that was perfectly suited for the current problem. And yet, that wasn't all.

As before, the chaotic magic fought back, but this time the situation was far different. Each of the controlling wills of the spell sought out an opposing strand of chaos and bound itself to it. None were left behind, and the Knight had created the exact amount of wills such that there were none left over.

And though a few of the pieces of chaotic energy tried to take advantage of that exactness, either by splitting apart or fusing together, Rarity's own magic replicated their actions perfectly, not because she had already predicted it would happen, but because she was capable of reacting instantly and precisely to even unexpected occurrences.

The magic of the Knight captured every single bit of chaotic energy inside Rainbow Dash's body and suppressed it, before doing the magical equivalent of turning it inside out, forcefully changing the very nature of that power. And without missing a beat, she directed that new power into fixing the body of her patient.

Rarity's previous attempts had left some residual energy inside Rainbow Dash, and so trying to use more of her magic in such a way would be met with interference. And although in her current state Rarity would easily be able to compensate, it was not the most optimal solution, and in the face of that, the Knight opted to hijack the enemy's magic instead.

That part was something two of the other Knights present were capable of perceiving, Pinkie due to her ability with chaos magic, and Fluttershy due to currently sharing that perception. Both of them could barely believe that such a malicious chaotic spell could be turned into healing magic so quickly.

And yet the truth was clear to their senses, and soon to those of Sunset, as Rainbow Dash's magic stabilized and her body started looking much better, until her expression calmed down and her eyes opened.

"Rarity..." She spoke in a voice almost too low to be heard, since her sore throat had been there before being hit, and so Rarity could not fix it immediately.

"Rainbow Dash..." Rarity replied, her voice containing a trace of deep joy, to the point where it would not feel out of place were she to burst out into tears.

However, the Path of Perfection was relentless, and the Knight was unable to simply let herself go. Instead, she was thinking over the previous spell, finding quite a lot of mistakes and places where she could have done better. That could be said to be the hardest part of the Path of Perfection. Accepting one's own mistakes while never losing the drive for improvement.

Still, it was not a heartless Path, and Rarity showed her emotions by dropping down her head and nuzzling her fellow Knight lightly.

A moment was passed in silence like that.

"Yes!" Sunset shouted in joy, standing on her back legs and punching the air.

"We did it!" Pinkie Pie seemed even more exuberant than usual, ballons bursting out of her body.

Fluttershy did not react vocally, but her smile was enough to tell of her current feelings.

Rarity looked up with a smile, and suddenly felt the urge to talk to her master about what she had achieved, but then her expression changed to one of confusion.

"Where is Trixie?" She asked.


"In the Realms of the Unreal, Reality and Illusion... Are the Same." A voice resounded throughout space, one that Twilight recognized.

The voice did not spoke hurriedly, and the approaching attack also did not slow down to wait for it, but all those words were somehow still said in the short interval of time before Twilight was hit.

On the same moment as those words finished, the chaotic Knight experienced a strange but not unfamiliar sensation. She had gained a second point of view, one who could see her own body and the advancing enemy at a distance.

That double vision only lasted for that one moment, however, as the Twilight close to the monster got utterly annihilated, leaving the distant vision of the scene as the only one left. And in the following instant, Twilight became aware that her body had changed, and came to understand exactly how she had been saved.

A familiar looking unicorn appeared close to the monster, seemingly out of thin air.

It was Trixie. And Twilight knew that her fellow Knight must have secretly followed her inside the portal, in order to act as backup in case of problems.

"Here comes Trixie Lulamoon, Knight of the Realm of Equestria!" She declared grandly "Are you ready?"

And with a wave of her horn, she cut the monster in half.

Twilight's heart skipped a beat, and her thoughts came to a halt. She could not comprehend what had just happened.

The monster's two halves forced themselves together, and with a roar that shook the air, they pounced upon Trixie once more. But the unicorn disappeared from their path and appeared below, unleashing a wave of pure motion that forced the huge monster quite a ways away and flattened his body.

"Hihihi... Looks like you're quite eager for your participation in this show." Trixie giggled in a way that was fairly unusual for her.

And at that moment, Twilight hit upon an explanation of what was going on. One that chilled her to the core.

The strange phenomenon that saved her life was easier to accept: Trixie had turned her into an illusion, truly shifting the entire nature of her body. She could briefly recall some magic flowing into her at the last moment, one which she did not fight off instinctively, due to being Trixie's own magic.

Even then, it would not have been possible were she not already quite weak from the fight. And at the same time as Trixie manipulated her body, the illusionist also created a second illusion that was so similar to her transformed body that even Twilight's very soul got confused as to which of them was the real body, thus it connected to both, leading to the double-vision phenomenon.

And then, with one of those bodies having been destroyed, the soul snapped back to the other one, effectively making it the new "real" body. Although it sounded unreasonable, the original trio had already discussed that possibility, though only in the most theoretical terms.

First because there were simply too many demerits. Twilight's current body was made of illusion, and it was so fragile that trying to use any advanced spells would destroy it, meaning that for her to go back to her job as a Knight would take a large amount of effort and magic in order to rebuild her original form, and more than anything, it would take time.

Trixie could go around it because she had the spell and her dreamsoul to "anchor" her soul and "store" an image of her previous material body she could then shift back into. In a certain sense it was like her flesh was a piece of clothing she could take off and leave somewhere else.. On the other hoof Twilight was now effectively a bystander in the current fight.

But the second reason why they had not truly planned on using it was because it was simply too complicated and costly for Trixie to do on short notice.

She had obviously done it, but there were many ways she could have made it possible, starting with her having been secretly preparing the spell for quite a while before.

However, the only explanation that could also cover her current fighting abilities was that she could do it because her power and magic had explosively advanced in an incredibly short time. And the only way Twilight could imagine that could happen would be...

"Hey, I'm sure you're wondering what I'm doing." Trixie spoke in a lighthearted tone that sounded just a slight bit off "You see, I had been using this magic to create things that actually exist, but one day I realized that I did not need to do that."

She kept speaking while fighting against the monster, and the more she spoke, the more Twilight's heart fell as she realized that her conjecture was right.

"So I decided that since this is my world, I don't need to be limited to the material. I can create... Concepts." Trixie continued speaking "Like the concept of Cut, or the concept of Shove. Those are only pale imitations of the real ones, but they're still quite good, don't you think?" She smirked.

Twilight shook her head. No, Trixie was not supposed to be like that. She was showy, but she could control herself, while the current Trixie appeared to be drowning in her own existence and actions. This Trixie was somepony who had lost sight of everything but the spotlight.

The Knight who was watching her sister fight forced herself to accept the truth. Trixie had lost herself.

Princess Celestia had long before spoken to them that sometimes gaining power was like sinking into the depths of a murky black lake. If you were lucky, you could swim back up to the surface, but sometimes the water was too cold and you would be unable to swim. And sometimes the water was too dark and you would lose sight of which way was the surface, swimming aimlessly until you lost strength.

And sometimes you would be so focused on diving deeper that you would entirely forget that you were supposed to go back up.

Twilight felt like crying when she realized that the likely reason why Trixie would go so far was because she felt there was no other way to save her.

But Twilight did not cry. She did not forget that Trixie had still saved her, even while in such a state. That meant her sister wasn't completely gone. Trixie was still in there somewhere, and Twilight would not forgive herself if she failed to pull the illusionist back up.

There was only one thing Twilight could do. Trixie's presence had provided the time she desperately needed, and while the illusion body would limit her magic options and make it more difficult, Twilight would still be able to complete her supreme spell, one which could turn around the entire situation.

Soon after she thought that, there was a change in Trixie's battle. The monster stopped, and the shard of the sealing entity appeared above it, heralding a new development.

Once again, the shard remembered.
Chapter 79
Chapter 79 - Seal of Achievement

'I give everything. My own soul, my own life, my own mind. All shall be sacrificed to suppress you!'

That was the meaning brought into existence by the memory. Once more an image of the sealing entity appeared, this time beaten and broken, faced with a thousand enemies.

Once more the world changed, and the figure of the monster underwent a miraculous metamorphosis. It hatched like an egg, cracks filling its form from which a pure white light radiated outwards, and then it broke apart completely, giving way to a sphere of silver that grew both upwards and downwards, becoming a majestic tower that was incomprehensibly huge and seemed to exert pressure on every corner of existence.

It's mere appearance almost killed Twilight, whose fragile illusion form wavered due to that incorporeal presence, but Twilight was not the target of that tower, and the pony's soul carried enough will to force her illusion to remain in existence.

The real target of the tower was Trixie, and her form appeared to flicker for a split second before her magic reaffirmed her existence. The illusionist unicorn smiled widely and spoke:

"Wow! We've really gotten a focused audience today! This doesn't happen often, so I hope you don't mind if I pull out all the stops!" And she turned left, then turned back and declared "Let there be light!"

And two massive suns came into existence, glowing with power and heat incomparable. They were only images, purely there for effect, as even in her current state Trixie wasn't even close to being able to create true suns, specially ones whose size and power were many orders of magnitude superior from Equestria's sun.

But that was fine. Having such powerful suns appear on the battlefield for real would undoubtedly kill Trixie, as their heat would be enough to instantly vaporize her body and annihilate the boundaries of her magical space, thus also killing her dreamsoul. Those suns were only props to shape the real attack.

Once more, Trixie manifested a concept, this time the very essence of the sun, bringing into being a meaning that contained both extreme power and heat, made more real by the presence of a fake "source", and being a pure concept instead of a natural phenomenon, it didn't spread around the battlefield but was directed purely into the opponent.

The top of the tower glowed, its shine so far away that none in the battlefield could perceive it.

And the concept broke, its meaning crushed under overwhelming power, the suppression of the tower being so absolute that the immateriality of the concept seemed to provide it with absolutely no defense.

And yet, that hadn't been Trixie's real attack. At the same moment as the tower acted, the twin suns glowed even brighter, this once more being just for effect, as Trixie brought forth another concept of the sun: Light.

Despite the vastness of the space, all of it seemed to be engulfed at once, every corner and every moment being brightened up leaving no darkness behind, and its shine shackled the tower.

Then the top of the tower glowed once more, and the space was cast into darkness once again, as every corner that had been brightened up became a pure and bottomless void, which sucked in all the brightness that could exist, and indeed seemed to forbid the very existence of light. This time, even the two suns disappeared, causing Trixie to recoil as if struck.

It didn't stop there. The tower activated once more, and this time it targetted Trixie. With the same unmatched power it had showed before, the will that was the tower crushed Trixie's very being, dissolving both her form and her essence into the surrounding environment and denying the possibility of their resurgence.

However, in the following instant, the unicorn Knight remade herself. She did not do so by defying the prohibition set by the tower, as she did not have such strength. What she did was different, as she herself explained.

"Welcome! You are in the presence of the all-new, all-different Trixie!" She declared grandly "Trixie shall never let the show stop, so it's good to change to keep things interesting. So how about this?!"

Obviously Trixie was exaggerating. She was only slightly different, but those differences were everywhere: Her body, her clothes, even her thoughts and memories had been slightly rearranged and reshaped. It wasn't enough for any differences to be visible, but it was enough that the magic of the tower could not recognize her existence as the same that had been suppressed.

Said magic was undeniably powerful and minutious, but it was also extremely specific, it could not affect every single variation on the concept of a person, and so the Knight was able to escape the fate of certain defeat, gaining the chance to keep on fighting.

The whole time the fight was happening, Twilight was carefully analysing each aspect of the magic on display and each feeling that it evoked. Her previous embodiment of the hero concept had been far too rough. She had not truly understood her opponent, and she had not truly constructed the concept that would focus her power.

It wasn't purely her fault, as she hadn't had the time, but now Twilight had the opportunity to truly learn and develop, think and plan. She also knew Trixie's magic very well, and could draw conclusions about the enemy based on the way its magic affected Trixie's.

Seal. That is the basis of the tower. Twilight's thought reached that conclusion, and she kept thinking. What is sealing magic? It is magic whose meaning is lost without opposition. In order to seal, there needs to be something to be sealed. Sealing is suppressing something, shackling something, blocking something. Overall it is preventing the effects on the world of that "something".

That's not enough. How do the seals work? They are different for everything. Each and every phenomenon had its own counterpoint, its own way of being sealed. Wasn't that similar to how her own "retribution" worked? Quite, and what had she realized about that power? That it required understanding.

The power of seals is the power of understanding and adaptation. What would be its opposite? A refusal to be understood? A denial of information? No, even those could be worked around by sealing them first. She needed something more primal. She needed... to not have anything that could be understood. To have no meaning. To have no self. And yet she could not give up on herself, on her goal of victory and return home.

To have no meaning while having meaning. To exist while having no self. Those were contradictory, but was it not true that contradictions were the very essence of chaos magic?

Twilight felt like she had hit upon the core, or at least the deepest she was able to delve, but she did not start casting the magic. Not only had she not found any way to survive using that spell in an illusionary body, but even doing so would not guarantee her victory. The power of the enemy was simply far beyond what she could conceivably overcome. She would be able to fight it like Trixie was doing, but she wouldn't have any way of defeating it.

Her power wasn't enough. Even if she could do like Fluttershy and draw strength from the world, it still would not be enough, as there was a limit to how much foreign power one's soul could support, and it was far from enough to shorten the gap into something crossable.

Twilight needed something different. A way to wield power without needing to support it, a way to place the burden of such phenomenal strength somewhere else. Her magic was named Retribution, but that penalty could not be applied by her. Which left... her opponent?

She examined the thought closer. How could she get someone to retribute themselves? Every action had a reaction, but their reactions were already accounted for in the world... So what is not accounted for? Reactions that don't exist, from actions that are similarly null... But what exactly is an action? Could someone or something be an action? And in that case, wouldn't the reaction also need to be someone or something?

If the action was the enemy, couldn't the reaction be... her?

Twilight opened her eyes, burning with determination. She turned her magic inwards, unleashing chaotic energy across her very being. The act was nearly lethal, the illusion warping in ways that would have left Twilight crippled with pain had she not shifted her entire awareness into her magic.

Ironically enough, the illusion body was also a help, as she could shift such a fragile existence much easier than her real body. She focused on the enemy, drawing a connection between them, her understanding shaping the meaning of her existence. And so, she became a reaction, chaotically able to force such a meaning into herself.

And it was the law of the world that there could not be a reaction without action, and so existence flowed backwards, making into an action the only possible candidate: The enemy.

But if the existence of the enemy was an action, it's reaction should be not only opposite, but also equal, and thus the very power of the entity flowed into Twilight to achieve balance. The illusion gave way to the real, and the Knight's body was forcefully recreated, accomplishing in an instant what would take a long time and an immense effort back in Equestria, and it did not stop there.

"Retribution Magic: Unknowable Time." Twilight declared, bringing to life for the first time a spell that would become legendary.

With that, Twilight's body changed. It became misty and dark, it blurred away from sight, and the sight of it became scrambled, as if innumerable shards of twisted funhouse mirrors were orbiting around it, bending and distorting all light. An even bigger change was her magic, which ceased feeling like Twilight to become something so ambiguous that it could belong to anyone.

Still, Twilight maintained an awareness of herself, she approached the tower (though anyone else wouldn't be able to tell anything more than a general approximation of her position) and blasted it with raw, undefined power. That power still belonged to the enemy, and Twilight's opposition of them was the same thing as hurting one's hoof when punching a wall.

And for the first time, the tower actually got visibly damaged. Even further, though it acted again, its power fizzled into dissipation for not being able to lock into the target that had prompted the attack. And yet Twilight had to dodge away from her position, as a big crystal ball manifested itself around her, covering all the area where it was possible she could be.

"Oh, we have a new challenger over here! Trixie will have you know that no one can steal her show!" Declared the unicorn.

One demerit of making oneself unknowable was that not even your allies knew who you were, let alone Trixie in the state she currently was.

The tower activated again, sealing off the damage caused to itself, and then the battle reached a new stage. Twilight was fighting in two fronts, both using her new power to attack the tower and dodging or countering Trixie's constant assaults that showed an amazing versatility which was still threatening despite how powerful she currently was.

One, two, three attacks and Twilight was finally beginning to make headway against the tower's constant repairs when it changed tactics, taking a page out of Trixie's book and attacking the general space where Twilight should be, sealing off motion itself to trap her.

The unknowable Knight managed to just barely escape in time, extending the possibility of her presence just a little bit outside the range of the attack and then unknowably reaching there. And then she ran into a net of illusory threads, backed up by the concept of stillness, holding her back for a few crucial moments as the tower sealed motion again, redoubling the power of her prison.

Twilight refused to give up. She reduced her essence to the minimum she was capable of withstanding, forcing the seal to shift to accommodate her new shape, and then explosively enlarged herself during the brief period the lock loosened, crashing bodily against the magical seal. It shuddered but held, so she did it again. And again.

And then suddenly the seal vanished, and Twilight soon understood why: Trixie had taken advantage of their struggle to attack the tower again, but this time she had aimed at the cracks left by Twilight's previous attacks, and so her magic could infiltrate the tower, and it made itself into the figure of a pony, one backed up by the concept of severing.

Twilight had a crazy idea, and in such a crazy state, she did not hesitate to put it into action. Forcing herself to follow Trixie's magic as fast as possible, she nearly bent causality to be able to touch the illusion before the tower could respond. She was cut in half by the force of the concept, but she had been expecting it, and it didn't interfere with her next move.

Twilight took advantage of her unknowable nature, to essentially say "maybe I was Trixie's illusions this whole time". Such a possibility would only be considered for an instant, as that same nature would reject a solution, but during that instant Twilight infused the concept with every scrap of power she could muster.

The world seemed to skip a few moments ahead, as the overpowering concept severed away both space and time, and Twilight suddenly found herself a big distance away from the battlefield. But the tower was falling, cut in half in the middle.

Twilight felt some of her extra power fading away, thus realizing another weakness of her magic. But she could also tell that things weren't yet over, even before the "shard" of the sealing entity appeared again.

'This frozen existence of mine may last for all eternity. That, is my final wish...'

Once again the meaning was passed, and the figure appeared. Except it was far more familiar this time, as it showed the sealing entity in front of the seal, just the same as they had seen after arriving in this world.

The falling tower vanished, but instead of changing into something else, all that it was got drawn into the shard, causing it to change. Said Shard (because it had definitely earned capital letters) got the magical power to match its presence and became far more solid than before, to the point that it seemed more real than anything else that could exist.

The Shard grew, not to the point of the tower, but huge enough to seem like a mountain, but the biggest change of it all was that it seemed to develop an actual will of its own. It wasn't true awareness, just a singular thought with a singular meaning without the possibility of changes.

Twilight's spell faded, but she had been connected to the tower when it changed, so she already understood the identity of the new enemy. It was the concept of eternity, a will that fated itself to never change and to never fade away, regardless of time or anything else.

And so Twilight also understood that this was the final enemy. The last and most powerful memory the Shard could bring into existence. It was represented by the very thing that had called it to life, as nothing could more perfectly characterize the essence of the caster who had done everything and sacrificed everything in order to realize their will.

"Retribution Magic: Ephemeral Time." Twilight cast, bringing to bear the opposite concept.

The ephemeral represented the moment, it was something that didn't last, but left an impact while it did. In truth, the magical knowledge of the Knights included concepts derived from the ephemeral, such as the idea of making spells incredibly short-lived so one could increase their power without increasing the energy expenditure.

Twilight showed that familiarity via her transformation. Her body that had just returned to normal once again changed, and it changed far faster than the first time. For a moment her body shone with immense power that would overshadow even all alicorns combined, her very matter seeming to have attained a higher level of existence. In the next, it faded away faster than a dream, losing all color and life to the point where even Twilight's very essence seemed to disappear.

And finally Twilight's body returned to normal, as if she had not done the transformation at all. Except that a feeling remained that the Knight could return to either of those extremes at a moment's notice, as if both of them were contained inside her.

It was fortuituos that all those changes ocurred so quickly, because the Shard would not wait. Some part of its body waved (Twilight was still unable to perceive her true form) and a thousand beams of starlight barrelled down at her, coming from stars engraved in the gigantic barrier that seemed to have always been there, even though Twilight hadn't seen them before.

"Ephemeral Word: Darkness Blink." It was also at that moment when Twilight finally figured out how to cast actual spells while in retribution form.

Her body briefly changed back to its extreme power form before inverting into nothingness, and along with said inversion the world itself faded into darkness for the briefest of moments, but even when the darkness left, the beams of starlight shattered, as the stars lost power from having their eternity broken by an interruption.

"Ephemeral Word: Myriad Dashes." Twilight cast, turning towards the offensive. The same transformations happened with her body again, this time repeatedly as she appeared to multiply herself over and over, all of them dashing into the Shard.

Such assault made the gigantic enemy stagger, but it quickly rallied, stepping forward and releasing a wave of power that fused with the space between the combatants and expanded time itself, slowing Twilight down as her actions seemed to stretch towards infinity, and revealing that it had just been the one Twilight, moving fast enough to appear multiple. Her spell broke and she reeled back, but before the Shard could take advantage of it, it was stopped by the appearance of an exploding planet.

The planet was an illusion, but it was backed up by a real concept, as Trixie showed that she was still in the fight.

Once more the battle became a free for all, but Twilight noticed that something seemed different. And it took a few seconds for her to realize (which in that kind of battle, was enough for a dozen exchanges of moves) because of how subtle it was, with the only hint being that the pressure on her seemed to have eased slightly.

That was important, so she devoted some of her attention to figuring out what was going on. And slowly Twilight began to notice that the difference was Trixie. The illusionist was attacking both other parties, but a significant amount of times her attacks turned out to be feints to attack the Shard instead, or they went a little bit slowed than it seemed like they could, or they were a little bit easier to counter.

Twilight was barely able to suppress her rising hope. Perhaps having connected with Trixie's illusion previously had jarred something loose inside her fellow Knight? Regardless of the reason, it truly seemed like Trixie had gotten closer to a sane state. And so, Twilight decided to trust in it, and proceeded to do something incredibly ill-advised:

Faced with an attack that was like a whip made of pure space, she declined to take any defensive measures, relying only on the resilience of her form to survive.

The whip hit her, and it was like the moon crashing into the earth. Twilight nearly lost consciousness from the feedback of the impact, and the very retribution spell she was using had its structure damaged.

But Twilight had managed to aim herself, and she got launched right next to Trixie. She extended a hoof towards her and spoke:


And the miracle happened. And the flower of recognition blossomed deep within Trixie's eyes.

"Twilight...?" She replied uncertainly.

That was all the time they had, as the Shard attacked them, and both of the Knights were forced to defend, but as Twilight returned fire, she heard a few words encoded in magic that she knew very well.

'I... I have shown a behavior unworthy of a Knight.'

'It's okay. You're back now, and we need to work together to win.' Twilight replied in the same manner.

'Still... I will atone for my actions by giving up the main role for today. I trust that you can beat this thing given some time to prepare?' Trixie's words still carried a sense of humility that was quite out of place for her.

'Yes.' Was Twilight's response.

'Then I shall give you the time.' And Trixie moved.

Her Realm of the Unreal moved with her, as Trixie was preparing to stake everything on her next move, as she knew that was her only choice if she wanted to truly delay an enemy that was so much stronger than her. She endured the attack the Shard threw at her, rebuilding the missing parts of her spell that had been annihilated, and finally arrived in front of the enemy, enveloping both of them with her Realm, risking her very existence as it was now extremely vulnerable to whatever the Shard could do.

She only had a single move to make, so it had to be the best.

"Let's see how long your eternity lasts, against the Erosion of Time!" Trixie shouted, and unleashed the concept of the passing time.

For both of them inside the Realm, it seemed like thousands of years were passing. Trixie's experience was exceedingly hard and lonely, but she persisted with the thought of her ally. As for the Shard, it existed.

The concept of eternity it had earned was based upon the will that did not break for an inconceivable amount of time, so it would not lose to Trixie. However, that overpowering concept was also its weakness. Faced with the passage of time, it could only endure. The will behind the Shard wasn't developed enough to manipulate its concept, and the idea of breaking the stalemate actively was beyond the concept. That was the relationship between Time and Eternity.

Were the Shard only fighting Trixie, it would outlast her, but Twilight was also there, and she was preparing.

Twilight's form had changed into the faded version, except this time it seemed to be permanent. both her magic and her very life seemed to slowly dissipate, and the damage that her spell had received spread further and further, the very stability of her current form coming into question.

That was all in preparation for the strongest magic Twilight could possibly use. The ephemeral was the power of the moment, and Twilight was restraining herself in order to create the greatest moment. She had even given up on maintaining the spell afterwards, purposedly allowing it to break in order to maximize the power of the concept.

It would be one attack carrying the meaning of the entire spell and all of the power she was purposedly leaving aside. Twilight endured as the pressure of that one impending action grew and grew until it felt like her whole existence was about to be crushed.

Then the spell reached its breaking point, and Twilight acted:

"Ephemeral Word: Legendary Charge!"

An explosion of energy that was far beyond anything else in the previous fight lit up the entire world. Twilight's body was reduced to a mere outline as the power overshadowed it, and the explosion turned into a magnificent golden lance.

Twilight charged, and her charge was like the creation and destruction on an entire world. Her lance pierced into the Shard and slowed down for an instant so brief none could perceive it. Then she went through, leaving behind the collapsing form of the enemy, and pierced into the body of the actual Sealing Entity.

At that moment, feeling as the life of that existence faded away, Twilight tried her best to feel anything from them. But the World Sealer was silent. There was nothing left inside.

The spell finally broke, and Twilight felt like she had been launched out of a cannon that was being carried by a tornado. She completely lost grasp of where she was, and only when Trixie approached a few seconds later did her confusion end.

"Well, the seal is collapsing." Said Trixie "I hope you have a way to get us out of here."

Twilight raised her left foreleg, revealing a piece of paper taped to it with a spell formula written "This should get us back home." She said "But you're gonna have to power it yourself. I can't use any magic at all right now."

Trixie sighed in resignation before shouting:



At roughly around the same time, in a dark place beneath a mountain, a voice spoke.

"Finally, I am free once again." There was a pause "Once more, I will take all that rightfully belongs to me, all the power in the world!"

Cloud of Chaos Arc End

Next: Tirek Arc
Chapter 80
Chapter 80 - Tirek, the Shadow Looms

There was a massive number of ponies gathered in the field. The mood was joyous and festive, since that was quite a rare situation in history, not many times would anypony have the opportunity to see two Knights receiving titles at the same time.

Trixie had been quite embarrassed to be receiving such an honor after she had acted in a manner she herself described as shameful, but she had been convinced to accept it mostly for the sake of reassuring the larger pony population. After all, news of Tirek had already spread, and some ponies had already been attacked and were currently empty of magic.

The pony population as a whole placed great trust in the idea of the Knights, and as such the appearance of two new Titled Knights would certainly go a long way towards prevent any panic from ocurring. And according to Celestia, both Trixie and Twilight had definitely reached the level where they were worthy of receiving titles.

The place where the ceremony would be held was a field near Canterlot. Such an open area was needed because otherwise space would be a problem. Even though the whole thing was done on very short notice, there were still so many ponies in attendance that none of the facilities for large-scale ceremonies in Canterlot were spacious enough. A lot of ponies had even spent quite a lot of money on special transportation to be able to get there in time.

In the open air of the field, there were some temporary installations for that ceremony, mostly the essentials: Places to sit, to eat and drink, and so on and so forth. But there really wasn't much of it, given that the whole ceremony would be even shorter than usual due to the current circumstances discouraging time waste.

In fact, Celestia was taking care of a lot of it, using her magic to create screens for the most distant ponies to be able to see, as well as hear what was being said. As such, when she turned to speak with Trixie, the whole area fell into a deep silence that was filled with anticipation.

"Some would say that only things that are real have any value in this world." Celestia spoke in tones of recitation "They would be wrong. Hope, love, justice... All are things that can't be considered real in the traditional sense, but they are all powerful concepts that one should never underestimate."

Her tone changed in a way that made it clear she was addressing Trixie "And you went even beyond that. You took the notion of Illusions, of the Unreal and made it your own. As one whose realm belongs to the illusory, you have become a ruler in your own right.

"And so, as one who has achieved a mastery of the art of the Immaterial, I ask of you this: Are you willing to proceed forth in your dangerous path without giving up, using your power for the sake of Equestria?"

"Yes." Trixie answered solemnly.

"Then I proclaim you, Knight Trixie Lulamoon, the Ruler of the Unreal."

There was an ovation so large it could have been heard while inside one's house in Canterlot. The field of the ceremony briefly became its own world as the crowd expressed their joy.

It didn't last for long, but that was simply because there was still another part of the ceremony left, and nopony wanted to delay it any more than was necessary.

Once the crowd quieted back down, Celestia turned to Twilight and spoke again:

"The path of Chaos is not one that should be travelled lightly. It is a dangerous path that risks one's very mind. However, one who can persist in their path while also keeping to the side of Justice earns power that is worthy of the challenge.

"And in the path of Chaos, you have found the will and the power to face back whatever challenge, to turn Evil's own power back at it.

"As one who achieved the concept of retribution, I ask of you this: Are you willing to proceed forth in your just path without giving up, using your power for the sake of Equestria?"

"Yes!" Twilight answered effusively.

"Then I proclaim you, Knight Twilight Sparkle, the Chaotic Retribution."

There was a single instant of silence after that, and then the world was once again buried in noise.

It didn't seem like it would emerge any time soon.


Some time later, the Knights were in a meeting with both Celestia and Luna, except for Spike and the Crusaders, who were in another mission at the time. The topic of the meeting was, of course, Tirek.

"Can I presume that all of you are familiar with the intel on Tirek?" Celestia opened up the meeting.

She received a chorus of affirmative answers, and nodded in response.

"Though it's not like it was that helpful to read it, anyway." Rainbow Dash piped up "Since we know basically nothing about the types of magic he uses."

Sunset shook her head "I understand what you mean, but it is still helpful to be aware of what we do know." She sighed "So just Magic Drain and Forsaken Magic."

"Magic Drain is kinda like the destiny stealing magic we've seen before, except it works in a more primal way, stealing the very energy one uses to perform magic" Trixie spoke "Forsaken Magic is the real issue here."

"Forsaken Magic: A style of magic unique to Tirek." Twilight recited from memory "It doesn't have any spells of its own, but it has the effect of increasing the power of any other magic the user knows in inverse proportion to the number of users of that same magic. As well as making the user aware of them."

"And he learned all sorts of magic all around, and then powered it up by killing everyone else who knew it." Applejack spoke with a frown "He even extinguished his own species fer that."

"And that is why we have no idea what he can do, barring the thing that he always does." Dash spoke again.

"Indeed." Luna said, her voice showing slight disgust "Magic Drain was one of the spells he stole, and eventually he discovered that ponies were the best targets for it, which brings us to our whole history with him."

"And trying to decypher his magic doesn't work, because he can use Forsaken Magic to track down anyone who's starting to figure him out and kill them." Twilight said, unhappily.

"But didn't Knight Thistle Down learn his magic?" Pinkie asked, having remembered something "Couldn't she have made records of it so others could take a look when it became necessary?"

"Sadly, no." Celestia replied "While she did beat him in detail, Tirek managed to lay a curse on her."

"A curse?" Fluttershy asked, cringing.

"It wasn't anything that severe." Celestia said "Essentially the curse stated 'Knight Thistle Down will be unable to transmit any information about Tirek's magic for as long as he stays in Tartarus'. And he made sure to remain there for a few generations, just to be sure."

"But wait, there's something else weird about that." Rarity piped up "Didn't Knight Dark Realm become Tirek's disciple before she was a Knight? What about the things he taught her? Did he put a curse on her too?"

"No." Luna replied simply "He actually didn't teach her any of his own magic, only broad magical concepts."

"I see." Rarity said.

There were a few seconds of silence as they waited to see if anypony had something else to contribute, then Celestia spoke:

"Okay, now that we're all on the same page regarding Tirek, it is time to talk about actual plans for dealing with him."

"I guess the simplest option would be the banishment spell?" Sunset proposed.

"Yes, that is probably the most realistic option." Luna said "He has been sent to Tartarus so many times that even the simplest banishment spell would trap him there again." Then she sighed "But none of you are experts in banishment, so you'll need to render him unable to fight so he doesn't cancel the magic in someway."

"So it would more or less be a straight up fight, huh?" Rainbow Dash noted, not looking very enthused.

"Wait, I understand the idea that an expert in banishment could weave a spell Tirek couldn't counter, even though I imagine it would take quite a bit of effort and support." Rarity spoke "But what if we used magical formations, artefacts and other preparations to achieve the same effect?"

There was an instant of silence as Luna cringed and looked at her sister.

"It's been tried." Celestia said "Her eyes seeming to look far away."


The azure pegasus took in the whole situation as she had been trained to do. The remnants of the formation were scattered all around, her companions were all lying down drained of magic, and Tirek stood before her, his power far beyond any other she had seen, even Discord.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" He spoke in a mocking tone.

The azure pegasus grit her teeth, and then looked up at her enemy in defiance. She knew there was only one option left.

"Final... Overdrive!" She shouted, and then a massive torrent of power erupted from her.

Tirek's expression changed, but she didn't see it as she focused and launched herself at him.


It only took one minute and a half for everything to be over. Tirek's form became misty and faint and he was dragged back into Tartarus.

The azure pegasus let herself fall to the ground. Looking around she could see that her companions were already stirring, and that Princess Celestia was approaching in flight.

With a smile, she closed her eyes for the last time.


"Those kinds of external aids can be destroyed or disrupted much more easily than the magic of an actual Knight." Celestia spoke calmly "And we don't know enough about Tirek's capabilities and methods to be able to avoid such things."

Silence covered the room for several seconds before Applejack broke it.

"So if it's a simple spell, Ah guess all of us should learn the banishment magic ta be able to use it in case none of the others are available."

"Yes." Luna said "I know that some of you can already use the spell, but for the others it will take only a few minutes to learn, at most."

"But, 'using every method we have ta beat Tirek so that someone can banish him' seems like a very vague and unreliable plan." Applejack spoke again "Ah don't think you would have called us here just ta learn this magic and hear if we had any specific plans." She paused "So, what is the real reason we're here?"

Trixie nodded, both in agreement and as praise to her apprentice for having noticed that.

Celestia was the one who answered:

"In fact, we had a lot of our researchers look into the whole information about Tirek, and cross-reference it with our magic knowledge and reports of your skills in order to figure out plans for dealing with him.

"And there was one plan that was proposed that had a great sucess rate, one which none of the other plans came even close to." She paused "And we are going to prepare to use it, but..."

"It will be our last resort in case everything else fails." Luna continued "It would be much better if the vague plan worked and we didn't have to use it, but Tirek is dangerous enough that we can't take that option off the table."

"What is this plan?" Fluttershy asked.

The two princesses told them. And the Knights were in agreement with the sisters.

It would be much better if they didn't need to resort to that.
Chapter 81
Chapter 81 - Planning for Tirek

A couple of figures approached Canterlot Castle from the air. One of them seemed to be some kind of flying creature with disproportionally huge wings, while the other had an unchanging sillhouette that was almost but not quite completely rectangular, bringing to mind some sort of flying machine without any visible means of propulsion.

As they came closer, many guards reported their sighting, and they were closely monitored. But soon enough, their identity was confirmed, and most of the monitoring stopped (but not all, just in case), those two figures were being expected, and they easily got through the many layers of magical defenses around the castle.

Eventually, even the most casual observer would have been able to tell that those two figures were Knight Spike (who was the figure with huge wings, since he liked to change like that to fly long distances) and the trio of Knights Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo (who were travelling via their usual magical flying disk).

They landed on a specific balcony and got inside. There were a few ponies on that room, which had the job of helping with anything the knights would need upon returning from a mission, up to emergency medical care (the number of ponies there would have been even greater if the knights were in the middle of an important mission), but since the four seemed perfectly alright, the only ponies who approached them were those who had the duty of providing water and snacks to Knights returning from a long mission, just enough to give them a pick me up.

Spike accepted a small emerald piece, but the Crusaders only drank some water, as they had eaten some of their carried supplies on the way back.

After that and a moment of rest (of course, their duties weren't time-sensitive, otherwise their entry process would have been entirely different) the four Knights made their way to the princesses, who were not in the throne room at the time, but inside a large private room (Luna had sent her magic to touch them upon their arrival, and it also guided them to the right place).

They exchanged nods with the six ponies that were guarding the room and got inside, the door opening as soon as they approached it.

And then the four were faced with a somewhat unusual scene: Rarity was lying on the floor inside a very complex magic circle in activity, floating above her were hundreds of small black bubbles that seemed to have the consistency of mud. Celestia was in front of the circle, focused on performing magic (obviously controlling said circle) and as they watched, a small portion of the bubbles formed a sort of whirlwind and descended upon Rarity, slowly infiltrating her body.

Even more surprising was the fact that, as her body was invaded by the bubbles, Rarity started letting out small grunts that were halfway between pain and anguish.

That was quite worrying. Rarity, like the other four who became Knights along with her, had gone through some very difficult training and then experienced a lot of harsh and bloody battles, eventually becoming strong enough to shrug off even major physical trauma. So anything that could make her unable to avoid letting out audible signs of distress was surely an extrely awful experience.

Each of the four had their own thoughts about that, but all of them were surprised enough that it took an extra moment to realize that the other Knights were also nearby, Pinkie Pie and Applejack lying on the floor a bit to the side and the others standing next to them, evenly divided between looking worriedly at those two and watching the magic in progress.

Princess Luna, who was on the other side of the room, gestured to attract their attention and call them to her side, apparently not wanting to speak for fear of disrupting the concentration of those involved in that working. They went over to her, and she spoke in a low voice:

"Give your report first. I'll explain what's going on afterwards."

Well, that was a very straightforward request. After a moment of thought, the one to step forward and speak (also in a low voice) was Applebloom:

"We checked all five spots that were mentioned in the reports about suspicious activity. Most of them weren't anything big." She spoke in a measured voice that sounded a little out of place on a filly, but that was just how she had been taught to give reports "The analysts on side should soon finish collating all the information and send their reports, if you're curious, but we got a hit on Marenagara Falls."

Luna nodded to show that she was paying attention and gestured for the filly to continue.

"It was pretty cleverly hidden since it wasn't behind any of the waterfalls, but we managed to find a secret cave." Applebloom looked at Spike "I don't know if we would have managed it without the help of Spike's Earth Dragon form, since it was underground and a long way down, and it was so heavily warded that it was difficult even then, but that also meant we got to test using Moondancer and Minuette's magic."

They meant using the Dragon Enhance magic Moondancer had once used in parnership with Spike, as well as the Grand Analysis that was Minuette's specialty (and the reason she had reached one of the top spots as a magical researcher in Equestria). Luna knew about, having been the one to advise them on that, so there was no need for them to elaborate.

"That place was almost certainly set up by Starlight Glimmer." Applebloom finally got to the heart of the matter "We didn't find her there, since she must have realized the place was discovered and decided to abandon it, but from the remnants of the magic tools, circles, as well as just the 'feel' of the magic traces left behind we came to the conclusion that Starlight Glimmer is the most likely candidate."

"We shall operate under that assumption, then." Luna replied.

"We believe that our arrival interrupted whatever preparations she had been doing there." Applebloom sighed "Sadly, we don't know what exactly she had been planning. I mentioned the remnants of things we found there because the whole place was destroyed in a very methodical way. Starlight Glimmer must have set things up so all the evidence of her plans would be destroyed in case she had to abandon her base. We sent all that was left to the researchers, but I don't think we'll get much out of it."

"Regrettable but understandable." Luna replied "But that interruption should at least set her plans back for quite a bit, which is very valuable in the middle of such a delicate situation, so your trip was certainly not wasted." She paused "Do you have anything else to report?"

"Well, actually..." Applebloom stopped and looked at Scootaloo, who stepped forward to speak:

"The only entrance to that cave was an underwater tunnel hidden inside another underwater tunnel with some pretty powerful and complicated veils." She hesitated for a moment "I'm not sure whether that means anything, but Starlight Glimmer seems to have quite some familiarity with water magic to think of that and execute it to that extent. Not to mention the place she chose to set up being where it was, so I think Starlight Glimmer's scheme may be related to water in some manner."

'Hmm, interesting. Perhaps it is Intuition as opposed to Rainbow Dash's Instinct?' Luna thought after a moment of consideration.

"Very well." Luna spoke after her contemplations "We shall have the data analysts pay special attention to any disturbances related to water."

Scootaloo nodded a little uncertainly, then returned to her previous spot.

"Now it is time for me to explain about this ritual." The princess spoke "To put it in the simplest way possible, it is our final, last-ditch plan for dealing with Tirek."

The four gulped, they had imagined it would have something to do with Tirek, but the sheer graveness they could feel from Luna's words was enough to give them chills. They remained silent, waiting to hear the rest.

"The Black Cells, those strands of magic that the Knights are receiving inside them serve two functions: They are both a target and a catalyst. They are a trap prepared for our enemy." Luna indicated the black bubbles "In case Tirek manages to use his Magic Drain on them, he will take that trap inside himself. But his magic is very precise, and he is very perceptive, so the Black Cells need to be buried quite deep inside the magic core of the Knights, and there can't be too many of them, otherwise Tirek will notice.

"The process for burying the trap deep enough is as unconfortable as you can imagine, and takes a lot of power and concentration, so me and my sister are taking turns doing it to each of the Knights." She sighed "And while the amount of Black Cells that can be put on a single Knight is limited, having it done to eight Knights is enough to guarantee they will be numerous enough to achieve their purpose."

Spike and Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity in sympathy for a moment, while the other two nodded in understanding.

"Like I said before, one of their functions is being a target. In case all the Knights are drained, we will use a powerful spell from here that will go around dimensions to reach Tirek without him being able to defend. But most of the power will be spent on the dimensional crossing, so that's where the second function of the magic comes in." Luna paused, seeming almost reluctant "It is a catalyst specifically designed to affect magic that has been drained away from the original user, it would cause a reaction on the magic of the Knights, which would then spread into all the other magic Tirek has stolen and forcefully shift it into an extremely high-energy state, essentially making him blow up from the inside."

Applebloom thought that it sounded like a clever way to take advantage of Tirek's constant desire for more power, but she knew that there had to be something more to it, considering the gravity with which Luna spoke about the plan. And as expected, she resumed talking shortly after.

"However, there is a problem regarding the stolen magic." Luna closed her eyes "While most of it will snap back to their original owners once Tirek is defeated, it is a different matter for the magic cores that were holding the Black Cells. Since they would be the beginning of the reaction, that means they wouldn't be able to avoid being affected as well, so those magic cores would be damaged before returning to the Knights.

"And it wouldn't be minor damage. It would be recoverable, but the Knights would be essentially magically crippled for at least a year." The alicorn finished, her words resounding like the falling of a gravestone.

The young Knights were shocked, Sweetie Belle sputtered out something that sounded like "But, that can't-" but was too muffled for one to be sure, and Scootaloo had her wings partially spread open, but Luna's serious but kind expression looking at them caused the four to calm down relatively quickly.

"I understand very well how you all are feeling." Luna spoke after seeing that they had gotten past the initial shock "But you should be aware that such a plan is only there as a failsafe for the worst possible case." She smiled "Those eight will be doing their own preparations, and I have no doubt that they will bring quite a shock to Tirek.

"In any case, your next orders are to remain on standby here in Canterlot in case of any other threats." Left unsaid was how, in the case they had to use their last ditch plan, those four would have to bear the burden of defending Equestria by themselves until the Knights recovered.

Spike and the Crusaders acknowledged that order with heavy hearts, but then they looked at their senior Knights and nodded, choosing to believe in their strength.


Eventually, the Knights who had already gone throught the procedure started to recover enough to be able to stand up and head to their own quarters in the castle to get some proper rest. Applebloom went with her sister, and the other three seemed to agree with the idea, as they began following suit when other Knights were done with their own rituals. Sweetie Belle went along with her own sister, Spike along with Twilight, while Scootaloo followed Rainbow Dash.

The pairs spent some idle time together, just enjoying some nice chats about light topics and eating snacks. Eventually that changed, however, starting with Trixie appearing in the room with the Apple sisters.

Well, it didn't change right away, as the illusionist Knight still needed to take some time and recover a bit herself before getting into any serious topics, but eventually she turned to her apprentice (which Applejack still counted as) and spoke:

"So, we need to think about your participation in the battle."

To which the older Apple replied "Yup, Ah know Ah'm a target."

There was no clarification about that, because none was needed, all that were present understood that the Eyes of Truth marked Applejack as a priority target for Tirek, as he had always been quite wary of their users and their potential for seeing through his magic, and it only became worse after his encounter with Eyes of Magic.

"I presume you are thinking of some way to take advantage of it, then." Trixie spoke.

"Yep. The most basic thing is the mutual sight." Applejack replied.

"That's the thing about being able ta see through somepony more easily if they are also looking at ya, right?" Applebloom asked.

"Yup. Ah'm gonna use that ta get all the advantage Ah can get."

"I taught you well." Trixie joked.

"Ya did. But really that's the ta best way Ah'll be able ta contribute. Ah should be able ta get some information about what he's gonna try next, and if Ah can manage ta keep mahself in the fight for long enough, Ah could possibly even see through some of his secret weapons, or even find weaknesses."

Both she and the other two ponies knew that was a pretty big if, but no one could really predict what would happen in that fight.

"How about ya, Trixie? Any special plans?" Applebloom asked her.

The unicorn sighed "Honestly, I'm more concerned with trying to stabilize my use of the Realms of the Unreal. Perhaps I could get inspiration to do something new during the fight, but just using that technique properly should be a great force multiplier while we're fighting Tirek."

"Being able ta make anything... Honestly, it sounds like something that would be invincible, but Ah know it doesn't work like that." Applebloom said.

"Nothing is invincible, and the most powerful things often also have the greatest demerits." Applejack spoke "In Trixie's case, the biggest issue is that if ya want the Realm ta have the greatest effect on the enemy, ya have ta put them inside it." She paused for a moment "But that also makes the Realm far more vulnerable ta enemy disruptions."

"Indeed." Trixie nodded solemnly, but then she smiled "However, that is just as well. A straightforward power one could use easily would not suit me. Having a power that's difficult to handle means that everything is up to how well I am able to use it. A performance that is worth more than any treasure, that is how I shall face the world."

The duo of sisters had nothing with which to reply to that, but that was alright. They did not completely understand her point of view, but they understood enough, since they were Knights as well.

Your magic, your self, your path. Everything was tied up in one, and Trixie was simply making it clear where she stood.


In another room of the castle and slightly later, there was another trio of ponies talking, they were Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo and Sunset Shimmer.

"Ahh... Looks like we're not gonna be able to complete our new special magic in time to be able to use it against Tirek." Sunset sighed.

"A new magic? What is it?" Scootaloo asked, then quickly added "Ah, you don't need to tell me if it's supposed to be a secret."

"No worries on that front, Scoots." Rainbow Dash shook her head "It's still far from anything usable in real combat, but it's supposed to be fate magic."

"Fate magic? You mean like... Changing fate?" Scootaloo asked "That sounds way too powerful to be true."

"Yes and no on two fronts." Sunset entered her version of the 'lecture mode' that the more experienced Knights often took when talking to their apprentices "First, it is not as glamorous as it sounds. It's mostly just another power-up to stack on top of those we already have, a way to increase our power without falling into the common pitfalls of doing so." She stopped for a moment "Second, it is not only changing fate, but also keeping it fixed."

"Huh?" Scootaloo made the universal sound of utter incomprehension.

"Yeah, sounds crazy, doesn't it?" Dash spoke "When we talk about fate magic, it's mostly using our power to change a bad outcome. But what if a good outcome is what's fated to happen, and the villains are the ones trying to change it?" She asked.

Scootaloo suddenly understood.

"Exactly. We're actually splitting our roles on this one. If the fate is something bad, then I will use my magic to defy fate, but if the fate is something good, then Sunset will use her magic to uphold fate." Dash clarified it.

"It has more uses than just preventing villains from changing fate for their benefit, but that's pretty much the gist of how things work." Sunset spoke with a sigh "It's kind of a pain to work on, because it's so much conceptual stuff that trying to reach there by first principles would take years, or even decades, if it succeeded at all. The only way to make real progress is by letting Dash's instincts free rein to do something in the same ballpark and then trying to reverse engineer whatever it was that she did."

"And it doesn't always work." Rainbow Dash said in such a deadpan tone that Scootaloo actually giggled, before quickly covering her mouth with a hoof.

"But either way, it's far from being developed enough to use any time soon." Sunset concluded "That makes my role even more important in the battle against Tirek."

"Yeah, I get it." Rainbow Dash agreed "Twilight and Trixie's abilities are also strong, but they're not as... steady, I guess?"

"They are a lot easier to disrupt. That means I'm the best choice for taking on the vanguard, both for using strong attacks to keep up pressure on Tirek, and for being the first line of defense to protect the others from his attacks." Sunset said.

"And Dash is going to support you in that, right?" Scootaloo asked.

"I guess so." The pegasus herself replied "It's just that I'm not yet strong enough to face off against Tirek as directly as teach. None of my alternate modes reach that level, unless I'm doing a limit break, and that has consequences, like you know, I can't use it mindlessly, since I also have the duty of helping with quick rescues and retreats."

"It would be good for you to find a way to use your limit break without breaking yourself" Sunset said with a sigh "But there's just so many things to develop, and so many crises happening, that we just couldn't focus on that yet."

"Breaking your limits, huh..." Scootaloo spoke idly "Generally ponies don't get that injured when they do that, but I guess breaking limits is a lot more extreme when you're a knight"

"Extreme..." Rainbow Dash repeated the world in an odd tone before turning to Sunset "What do you think would be the final extreme?"

Sunset immediately realized that her apprentice had entered an odd state, so she replied very carefully "Final extreme? The final limit? I would say that it's death. The final line to be crossed, one that we absolutely must not allow ourselves to cross."

"The final line? That's..." The pegasus blinked and then shook her head "Ah, I think I just got an idea for a new magic."

"So it's like that other time?" Sunset asked "Are you going to need a desperate battle to develop it?"

"Perhaps, but I don't know if even that would be enough." Dash admitted.

"I'm sure you can do it!" Scootaloo declared "And then you'll be able to help even more directly!"

"I'll do my best, then." Rainbow Dash replied, smiling due to the enthusiam the filly was showing.


And then there was one final room, where the last six knights were staying. Their conversation as quite a bit more lively than that of the other places, both because there were more ponies (and a dragon) involved, and because one of said ponies was the one and only Pinkie Pie.

"Really, I'm thankful for Coco and Suri." Rarity said when the conversation topic shifted to the preparations for the battle "Without their help, there would be no way to finish the new versions of everyone's armor."

"It's good that they are here to help, them." Twilight said "Every little bit counts in such a dangerous situation."

"Those armors are just refined versions of the ones from before, right?" Spike asked "No more special stuff added or anything?"

"No." Rarity confirmed "It was already difficult enough to keep repairing and upgrading the armors given how much we've been fighting recently. If you're talking about new things, there's just my new horseshoe artefacts. It's been a while since the old ones got broken so these are going to be pretty much wholly new."

"So it's like having four new abilities to use?" Her younger sister asked.

"Sort of. I've mostly focused on things to help make up for my weaknesses, that way it will be more difficult for Tirek to simply take me out." Rarity said "But unless I have some inspiration midbattle, I don't think there's any way I can bring him down directly."

"Speaking of that, what about the rest of you?" Spike asked the trio of teacher and apprentices, Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

"I'm kinda of in a weird situation." Twilight confessed "My Retribution magic relies on understanding of the enemy magic, meaning it's not as good against Tirek's unknown abilities. However, there are ways of using it still, and I can actually use it on the magic of allies as well, without needing to use it against them, so I have all kinds of ideas of things to try against that monster."

"I can scarcely imagine." Rarity spoke in a playful tone "Trixie showed me her memories of that fight, so I know what you could do after just doing the magic for the first time, so who knows what you're capable of now that you had time to really explore the possibilities of that magic."

There were a few scattered laughs before Fluttershy decided to be the next one to talk.

"My situation is kinda similar to Twilight's, since my most advanced magic follows a few of the same principles. So mostly I'm gonna act more as a guardian to protect the others from the worst of Tirek's attacks." Fluttershy spoke, and then her voice became somewhat uncertain "I do have something I wanted to try against him, but the conditions are so severe that I'll have to leave it as a last resort."

"How severe are we talking?" Twilight asked, concerned.

"My only shot at it would be right when he drained my magic." Fluttershy answered.

"That does sound pretty severe, yes." Pinkie nodded in agreement "Then I guess I'm the only one left." She shook her head "But there really isn't much to tell. I'm still trying to master all that I can do with my Emotion Charge, and I don't really have any plans for engaging Tirek, because I'm going to come up with them on the fly."

"I guess this is just another way of taking advantage of your chaos magic?" Spike asked.

"Yep, I feel like I'll do better like that."

The conversation continued on from there, as the Knights selected for the mission enjoyed their moment of peace before what would certainly be the hardest battle in their lives up to this point.

Tirek was waiting.
Chapter 82
Chapter 82 - Tirek, the Battle Begins

Days passed, and there were more and more cases of ponies being drained off their magic all over Equestria. The Knights recovered from the ritual and kept working on their preparations, knowing that Tirek would only allow himself to be confronted once he was sure he had enough power to fight them.

Still, he was quite greedy and would be hard-pressed to resist the temptation that the magic of a group of Knights represented, so with that in mind the Knights moved to a special base that was located in a very remote region of Equestria while making no effort at all to hide their presence.

They knew that if Tirek had the opportunity to go after them without any other hindrances in the way, he would definitely lack the patience to shore up his power to the limit. He was quite prideful, and would certainly believe he would be able to win even without perfect preparations.

Of course, the problem was that he was strong enough that he could very well be right about that. Still, getting just that little bit of extra advantage could be the deciding factor that would allow the Knights to emerge victorious in the battle.

What followed were tense days, where the Knights prepared themselves for the inevitable battle ahead both mentally and in terms of their spells and skills.

And then, as inevitably had to happen, the day came.

"We've got an alarm." Were the words that resounded (magically enhanced to everypony could hear clearly) around the base in Rarity's voice.

They had set up schedules so that there was always one of the Knights monitoring the passive alarm system. There were so many distinct detection spells, and they were all so fragmented that even Tirek would not be able to simply sneak past them, and they could even detect him on their own, but having a Knight on watch meant earlier detection, and thus more time to react.

It took less than four seconds for the rest of the Knights to gather at the monitoring room, having teleported, chaos warped or simply moved there at ultra-speed. Rainbow Dash was still chewing something, having apparently been called while in the middle of eating.

"What's the situation?" Trixie asked.

"Tirek is currently three hundred and thirty meters north-northeast of here and is approaching at a walking pace. He's also spreading his magical power into the environment, so it seems like situation Beta." Rarity replied.

She received a nod in response. The Knights had predicted what sort of approaches Tirek would take in his attack, based on his past behavior, and it boiled down to three distinct styles, which were names Alpha, Beta and Gamma. The Beta approach consisted of setting up the battlefield for his maximum advantage and fighting mostly within that area. Him spreading his magical power would make it much harder to surprise him with any sort of traps or pre-prepared spells, and it would also give him an extra advantage in direct combat.

"Then let's use the formation we planned on, while being ready to shift positions in case it becomes necessary." Sunset said, and the others nodded.

Since they had predicted that possibility, the Knights had also discussed what their initial response would be. Their fight was destined to not be a short one, but having an overall plan and getting an advantage at the start would raise their chances of victory.

The eight Knights then left the base and headed in the direction of the enemy.


Their interception point was two hundred and ten meters north-northeast of the base. They reached there before Tirek could get close, because if they had time to spare, it would be a waste to not use it.

"In the Realms of the Unreal, Reality and Illusion... Are the Same."

"This is... The Essence of my Heart."

Both Sunset and Trixie unleashed their practiced battle modes (the first then proceeding to declare all her viewpoints as soon as she managed it), and their fellow sister did things just a little bit different:

"Magical Time: Battlefield!" Was Twilight's declaration.

Twilight had been in an awkward position. Her newest ultimate magic relied on an understanding of the opponent, and Tirek was perhaps the worst possible target for such magic. Not only was his magic unknown and difficult to understand, but he specifically aimed for keeping it that way, as any who started to learn about it would immediately cause it to fall in power.

Even the legendary Eyes of Magic, a user of the Eyes of Truth who specialized in the understanding of magic still took quite a while to see through Tirek, and it was only possible due to the support of her fellow Knights. Twilight's situation was, of course, much worse.

However, any understanding of magic could be applied in many different ways, and it was the same case for what she had learned in the battle against the Sealing Entity. So Twilight combined it with her understanding of Fluttershy's World's Harmony skill, as well as her own chaotic magic nature in order to create a new technique that would be useful in this battle.

The core of this new magic was a power that reflected the state of the battlefield. It was an extremely unstable power that would go through myriad changes in terms of both power and nature based on the ever-shifting battle situation. It was a kind of technique even most Knights would be unable to use, but Twilight was a chaos mage, so she could handle a shifting power and even benefit from it.

The other knights didn't have such direct game changers, but they also cast whatever preparatory spells they thought could help as they moved into their planned positions. A few moments later they spotted Tirek's figure coming over a hill in the distance. He was walking towards them, seemingly casually, but his speed was actually pretty high, so that figure came closer much faster than one would expect.

The Knights still waited, as attacking while too far away would just be a waste of power. They took in the feeling of his magic as it spread around the environment and used it to gauge how strong he actually was, and thus how close they had to be to make their spells effective. Sunset had taken the most advanced position, and thus she also watched out in case Tirek decided to attack first.

That also meant that, when he came within what she considered to be "effective range", she was the first to launch an attack, sounding the start of the actual fight:

"Core Essence: Grand Ray Sol!" Sunset declared.

A huge amount of power gathered in front of Sunset before coalescing into an orange sphere of pure solar energy, which then shot out a beam at Tirek.

She had chosen her moment well. It was close enough that he couldn't dodge and had to use some of his power into strengthening his defenses. He blocked while moving sideways to escape the path of the beam as fast as possible. Sunset adjusted the spell to follow his movement, but after a singular second Tirek managed to get out of the line of fire.

He did not do that by moving too fast for Sunset to track, but instead he had warped the space around himself just enough for the beam to curve away at the last moment. The Knight ended her spell, deciding it wouldn't do any more good.

Tirek did not have time to catch his breath, however, as the next Knight was already attacking. It was Twilight, immediately demonstrating what her current technique could bring to the table, as she took advantage of Tirek's space manipulation to warp right in front of him and punch.

"Refract." She declared, and when her punch reached Tirek, it was as if he had been punched a hundred times in the same place, at the same time.

The immensely powerful hit succeeded in pushing the centaur a few feet back, but he quickly rallied and swung his arm upwards, the result of that simple action being essentially the creation of a hurricane that disappeared in less than one second, but was powerful enough to force both Sunset and Twilight into the defensive at the same time.

He would have followed it up with a more dangerous offensive spell, but had to abort it to block a lightning-enhanced, faster than sound punch from a ballistic blue pegasus. He erected a purple mandala barrier that managed to easily take the blow, but that was because Rainbow Dash's attack was more of a feint, the Knight flowing around to Tirek's side in a spin that launched a few strands of razor sharp wind that hit the centaur to small effect.

Tirek obviously would let such an attack go unanswered, but before he could pergorm a counter attack, the pegasus had already vanished, escaping from engagement range just as fast as she had entered it.

And then Tirek had to block downwards as lightning sprouted from near his hooves. The culprits were a few feathers Rainbow Dash had shed. Those were the true attack. A small sacrifice, but one that couldn't be repeated too much without harming her ability to fly, so its power reflected that: It was powerful enough that Tirek's hasty defense couldn't properly block it.

He grunted as a couple of black lines scarred his left arm. They were burn marks, and it was the first time in the battle Tirek had actually been injured.

And it didn't end with that, as Sunset perfectly followed up on the opening her student had provided. With a cry of "Core Essence: Severing Charge!" she created a blade of flame bigger than herself and charged into Tirek to stab him with it.

Realizing the power of said attack but still being off balance from the lightning, Tirek had no choice but to wave his right hand, distorting space to try and force the Knight to miss. Sunset pushed forward regardless, using the power of her attack to overwhelm the distortion.

Their techniques clashed (if that is even the right word to use for that situation) and in the end... It was a tie. Sunset managed to break the distortion, but it still messed up her aim just enough that the blade scored a cut along the side of Tirek's arm instead of piercing into his torso.

At that point, the centaur recovered enough to properly counter-attack. A blue sphere appeared in between his horns and shot a beam of incredible cold at Sunset. She blocked with her fire blade, but the cold energy simply spread in a circle around Tirek as it started freezing everything that wasn't directly next to the flame, which was most of Sunset's body and the air itself.

It also froze Twilight, who had just arrived behind Tirek for her own attack but didn't manage to release it in time. All of that happened in less than half a second, but by that point Sunset did her own counter.

"Variation Essence: Flame Vortex." Sunset declared in a level voice.

The flame blade broke apart into a dozen streams of fiery wind that revolved around the Knight and broke the ice magic trapping her. On the other side of Tirek, Twilight shifted the form of her battlefield reflecting magic in order to mirror Sunset's own powers. Flaming snakes emerged from her body and broke the spell on that side too.

Without any words, the two Knights proved how in tune they were by almost immediately following up by directing their magic to attack the remaining core points of Tirek's ice magic, breaking it fully. Once again, that all happened within a very short time period, but it was still enough for Tirek to muster a follow-up attack and keep them on the defensive.

If they had been fighting alone.

"Tartarus Chains!" Trixie roared, and huge dark steel chains emerged from what looked to be empty space.

In truth, Trixie had gotten close enough for her Realms of the Unreal to affect the fight. The chains lunged at Tirek like the world's fastest snake and bound themselves to the side of his body. He had been slow to react due to the shock of feeling the bindings of Tartarus appearing in the outside world.

Because that was the concept Trixie had infused into the chains, the same bindings that so often trapped him were certainly effective against the centaur, even if she couldn't fully imitate their power.

And it wasn't like Tirek was inside Trixie's realm. Instead it had stretched like rubber as the chains moved, thus allowing the Knight to affect things outside her magic, though there were of course limits to that.

Tirek's shock only lasted long enough for the chains to bind him, and he replied with a stomp of his forehooves that unleashed a shockwave that turned the chains into dust.

Without a proper banishing spell to strip him of his stolen power, even the real Tartarus chains would be unable to hold him, let alone those ones.

Still, that interruption was enough for him to miss the timing for attacking the nearby Knights, and for the next fighter to enter the battle.

"Immolation Slash: Searing Flames!" Was Rarity's shout as she dropped down towards Tirek, doing an overhead strike with her Flame Ruler Sword that now looked more like a volcanic eruption in the shape of a sword.

Tirek clapped his hands together, and it was like the world's biggest bomb had exploded. A massively powerful shockwave spread out from the point of impact, and had it been an actual explosion, it was likely that the shockwave itself would have wreak havoc across a significant portion of Equestria, causing horrifying long term effects.

Thankfully, it wasn't an actual explosion, and the shockwave only spread a short distance around Tirek's body. However, it was still a powerful move, which had not only bounced back Rarity without her attack being able to do anything (and forcing Rainbow Dash to grab and pull her out of range at superspeed to prevent major injury) but also forced Twilight into a quick retreat.

Sunset, on the other hand, stood her ground.

"Core Essence: Bunker Blast!" She declared, then punched Tirek, her hoof unleashing a directed explosion.

The attack pushed Tirek back a bit and left a hoof-sized mark on his front, but it wasn't as effective as it could have been since Sunset had spent a lot of energy enduring Tirek's move. And it didn't actually need to be effective, as the Knight's true aim had been delaying Tirek's response to the next attacker.

"World Chaos: Grand Crash." Pinkie Pie declared as she ran into Tirek at near Rainbow Dash speed, her body covered in a corona of power that was like flaming lightning.

The use of ambient magic was one of the oldest lessons she had learned from Twilight, so Pinkie's attack had actually taken in traces of the magic of both Sunset and Rainbow Dash as a seed to realize its power.

No one could argue that their spells were the best among the Knights in terms of pure destructive power.

Pinkie crashed into the centaur like a comet, instantly unleashing all the power contained in her corona into his body.

"Gah!" Tirek screamed as he had several bones broken, had a hole burned into his side and had tremendous amounts of lightning poured into the hole.

The group had managed to seriously wound him. That was the result of a seamless cooperation between the Knights. It started with Rarity attacking him with enough power to force the centaur to overcommit his energy to defend against it, something she had only been able to do with the help of one of her new horseshoe Artefacts.

It was called Burst Drive, and it could power up its user in a fashion that could be likened to that of a very small overdrive, one that only lasted for a single spell. It also took some time for it to become usable again, so Rarity couldn't simply repeatedly attack with that power. It was still a great tool that the Knight had used to its full potential.

Then there was Sunset, who refused to give ground to Tirek's powerful defense and provided the last little bit of time needed to set up the perfect attack. Of course, Pinkie's contribution was obvious, but the last pony involved was one of the two who hadn't shown up in the battle up to that point.

It was Applejack who identified the perfect moment to strike and indicated it to Pinkie Pie, thus allowing the pegasus to use her full power on the offensive instead of being mindful of a possible counter attack by Tirek.

And yet, not one of the Knights thought they had the upper hand. They would not dare underestimate Tirek even slightly, and it was a good thing too, since the centaur decided it was time to begin actually declaring spells.

(Space Reversal Driver)​

What happened next could be described as an inverted explosion. Instead of something breaking apart and releasing a shockwave outwards, it was a shockwave that advanced inwards in Tirek's direction from a large distance away and put something together.

For the Knights, it was a terrifying threat. The shockwave itself was already extremely powerful, capable of breaking apart solid rock even in the area farthest from the center (and the closer it got to the center, the more powerful it became), but that wasn't the true danger, the main focus of the attack was instead the "putting something together" part.

Because, as an inverted explosion with no true origin, that part involved essentially hardening space itself. And a big area around Tirek thus experienced extreme pressure, the sort that would usually only be found at the bottom of the deepest oceans. The earth was crushed into powder, the air was heated a few degrees, and the Knights had to use their own magic to escape major injury.

Applejack had it the easiest, both from being the one furthest away and from her particular skills. Her Eyes had identified the danger of Tirek's attack slightly before he cast, and she managed to sidestep the shockwave with a precise application of her Myriad Steps.

Second to her was Trixie, who was also away from the true epicenter and enveloped in her Realms of the Unreal. It trembled a bit from the pressure, but endured and protected Trixie from it. And then Rainbow Dash and Rarity, who used the Wind Ruler Sword along with the pegasus' own wind manipulation abilities to counter the pressure.

There was also Twilight, who was quite close to Tirek and was thus forced into diving a significant depth through the ground, swimming through it in a way that was more like she was being propelled by a rocket engine. And Sunset, the closest of all, was finally forced to back off from punching range, understanding that even her powerful defenses would be unable to endure being in the true epicenter.

As for Pinkie Pie, who had just spent a lot of energy on an attack? She still hadn't had enough time to recover, so Fluttershy flew over her, clad in her strongest, trance-powered, harmony-imbued form, and forcefully expanded her aura to encompass the earth pony for protection.

All of them managed to successfully defend, but Tirek had gotten what he wanted: A respite from the continuous attacks of the Knights, which he used to its fullest potential. His right hand glowed white as he pressed it against his injury, causing it to heal at an accelerated pace.

The one to cut that healing short was Applejack, who took a few Steps forward and punched the air, taking advantage of the recent hardening of the space in order to create a ranged attack, which was essentially a long distance punch. Tirek stopped his healing as he used his other hand to block, but he had already fixed most of the damage dealt.

However, it wasn't completely like he had returned to a fresh state. Healing with magic was not perfect, and even Rarity's Perfect Restoration was no exception to that rule, the very energy of the recovery magic coursing through the body affected it in subtle ways, making the flesh more sensitive to the channeling of energy.

In the same way as an Overdrive would harm the body due to the excess of magic power, even doing normal magic would eventually result in injury due to the healing making the affected parts of the body more fragile. It still wasn't a big problem most of the time, as the body would recover its natural resilience with time, and even repeated healing would take a while to get to such a noxious level.

That, and their sheer skill, was what allowed some of the great self-healing specialists like Knight White Marble to achieve the feats they were known for, but even they had their limits.

What all of that meant was that Tirek wouldn't be able to restore himself forever. If they kept hurting him, then the constant healing would take a toll, specially considering the extreme amount of energy he used for his big spells. They would eventually wear him down.

It had been done before. But that didn't mean such a thing was easy.

Regardless, the fight would continue, as Trixie acted again, bringing her Realm closer to the enemy for her next attack.

"World of Frost!" Was her declaration, and it resulted in the entirety of her Realm becoming exceedingly cold, but without harming her due to Trixie's manipulation of its laws.

Simple thermodynamics meant the cold would spread outside (or rather, the heat outside would be absorbed), and Trixie simply used an additional spell to guide the cold in the direction of the enemy. That was another way she could use her realm in the fight.

That spell was different from her previous contribution, instead of being a binding it was purely offensive, the cold aggressively rushing at Tirek's body, leaving frozen ground in its wake. It was too close for the centaur to have time to avoid it, so most of the left side of his body got frozen before, with a gesture, he hijacked Trixie's control over the cold spread and redirected it towards Sunset, who was still the Knight closest to him.

Trixie immediately switched from cold to heat, taking away most of the potential power of the attack, thus Sunset weathered it easily. Twilight then appeared from behind, violent energy condensing into a whirling sphere at the tip of her horn.

"Unleash Chaos!" She declared, causing the sphere to break apart into a stream of chaotic energy that randomly changed through a myriad of different forms as it struck Tirek.

The centaur turned around way faster than one would expect given his size and backhanded the chaotic energy away, though he still got several light wounds for his trouble. Rainbow Dash used that chance to divebomb him with her own spell.

"Sky Crash!" With a punch, Dash unleashed the payload she had carried with her while flying, hundreds of tons of air, condensed into a small space by extreme pressure.

The hit was truly like the sky was falling, or at least it would feel like that for the target, as they were hit by a mass of air compressed enough it acted like a solid, and briefly experienced thousands of atmospheres of pressure.

Tirek was held in place for almost half a second, before he unleashed his power and broke apart the magic. Following that, he waved his hand, causing Rainbow Dash to feel like her wings had been bound and her wind control had been restrained. She fell like a rock, struggling against the bindings but unable to free herself from them immediately.

Rarity immediately jumped in, Fire Ruler Sword at the ready to protect the pegasus from a follow-up attack. but said attack never came, Tirek instead demonstrating his ability with space magic once again by taking a long step that allowed him to go a big distance away from the agglomeration of ponies, but still well within sight range.

Then he pulled his right arm back and cast:

("Crusher Wave, Destroy All in Your Path")​

He punched forward, a terrifying amount of magical power concentrated in his fist.

"Return!" Twilight shouted, unleashing her own magic.

Tirek's hand seemed to go backwards, or rather, its position was set back to what it had been at the beginning, courtesy of spatial magic.

Twilight had actually grabbed onto one of Tirek's legs as he warped away, borrowing his magic to be dragged along, before using it as such. Her spell was only capable of delaying his attack for a second, but it was plenty.

"Trance Barrier!" Fluttershy shouted, flying in front of everypony else (Twilight, having been behind Tirek when he started, wasn't in any danger) and focusing her power into the strongest defense she could muster, the light of her soul forming a shield around the Knight which was at once physical and conceptual.

Tirek completed his punch, the energy unleashed into a vicious whirlwind that rent the very air itself, and reached the Knights so incredibly fast only Rainbow Dash could have possibly been able to dodge it (had she not been unable to move).

Even with her powerful protection, Fluttershy was still forced backwards by the attack. It felt like she was trying to hold back a mountain, the destructive wave also drilling into her very being. Then Rarity used her Wind Ruler Sword to disperse part of the force, thus allowing the pegasus to fully defend.

Once it was done, Fluttershy dropped her barrier with a heavy breath, allowing the others to see that several places in her body had been injured and were leaking blood, but thankfully didn't seem to be serious wounds.

Rainbow Dash finally broke through her restraints. She broke through the sound barrier barely an instant after that, and then she was just suddenly unleashing a barrage of punches on a barrier hastily erected by Tirek.

"Collapse Slash: Ground Quake!" And right afterwards came Rarity, who didn't attack the centaur directly, but the ground he was standing on.

She had been able to move so fast due to another one of her artifacts, the Speed Step, which allowed for the acceleration of her movement. She had been constantly using it at a low level, but forcing that tool to its limits like that meant that it would also take some time to be usable again.

Regardless, her maneuver was successful, forcing Tirek into making footholds with magic. Twilight did not miss the brief opening, so she borrowed upon Rarity's own magic for her next move.

"Mountain Stream!" she declared, and a river-sized stream of mud crashed into Tirek, who was forced into an unwilling trip back to the area where the other Knights were waiting, Dash's constant attacks keeping him too busy to escape.

They didn't have it all their own way, though. Tirek charged energy in between his horns and sent it to the air, resulting in a series of lightning bolts striking furiously at Rarity. She blocked them with a combination of earth barriers and bleeding off some of the charge via wind magic, but it was clearly not a perfect defense.

Regardless, Tirek could not avoid returning to his previous position, and the Knights certainly weren't planning on giving him enough leeway to do something like that again.

"Halt Essence: Deep Space!" Sunset took the first shot.

And she was being tricky again. Instead of a powerful offensive magic, that was a restraining spell intended to set up for the others to attack. It caused the area Tirek was in to feel like the depths of the ocean. But there was no crushing pressure, instead all of the energy was simply focused on making it harder to move.

"Chaotic Essence: Shadow Burst!" Pinkie was the first to take advantage.

Her shadow grew in size and length, quickly enveloping the whole area around Tirek. Then the shadow, for lack of a better term, erupted. It exploded itself into the material world, hitting the centaur with great strength.

And at the same time as Pinkie was doing her attack, Rainbow Dash did so as well.

"Infernal Winds: Calamity Hurricane!"

She grabbed onto the air itself with both forehooves, then pulled it into two distinct sides with an enourmous magical effort, and also flapped her wings to force both air fronts to collide against each other at extreme speeds. The end result of all that being the creation of a hurricane of such violent winds it could tear solid rock into dust, and was also hot enough to instantly evaporate an entire lake.

It hit Tirek as well, and for an entire second the villain was being bombarded by two greatly powerful attacks, unable to defend himself due to Sunset's magic.

And then he clenched his right fist and broke the spatial binding. And suddenly his whole body was bursting with such tremendous power none of the knights had ever seen before.

(Three Words of the Demon Lord)​

He waved his right arm, and the attacks that had been assailing him simply vanished. He waved his left arm and a ring of fire came into being around him, forcing the knights into the defensive with its great power and heat. And he raised his head, a bolt of power shooting from between his horns up to the sky.

And in response, the sky sent back an absolute barrage of lightning that bombarded the entire battlefield. Tirek wasn't spared either, but he was more than resilient enough, and his opponents were pushed to their very brink trying to resist the nonstop offense.

It only lasted three seconds, but most of the Knights in the area were exhausted by the time it ended. Then there was a singular moment of peace before the sky unleashed an apocalyptically immense lightning strike.

"Halt Essence: Entropy Break!" Sunset shouted, flying into the lightning while enveloped in a magical curtain of entropy, dispersing a good part of the energy. Enough for Fluttershy to use Trance Barrier once again and block it.

Tirek's right arm shone, and the attacks on him that had previously vanished appeared once again. But this time their target was Applejack.

That was the true finishing move.

"Illusion Ritual: Sever Existence!" Trixie shouted.

Within her Realms of the Unreal, a huge and complex magical circle came into being, several strange items placed in very specific locations on top of it. The items burned, and a tremendous magic phenomenon was called into being: An horizontal tear into the very fabric of existence that swept through the area above Applejack, disrupting the magic of both the attacks.

And that was the final way Trixie had found to fight without bringing Tirek inside her Realm. Ritual magic would usually take quite a bit of time and resources, but thanks to her absolute control over that domain, the illusionist could set it up instantly. It was both not as strong as normal rituals and it couldn't be used repeatedly, but even with those limitations, instant rituals were not something to be underestimated.

However, even though they had successfully managed to defend against that attack, it also highlighted the sheer danger of fighting against the villain. The battle was like walking a tightrope. There was very little room for error, and all of the Knights had to constantly be at the top of their game because otherwise, they would probably lose in seconds.

The knights covered each other, bombarded Tirek with attacks to keep him off balance and pulled out their tricks one by one whenever it became necessary, but even all of that was barely enough to keep the fight in balance. Each and everyone of Tirek's main attacks could have easily resulted in one of them being disabled, which would shatter that delicate balance and force the knights to pull out their last resorts just to avoid being taken out in quick succession.

Thankfully, by that point Sunset had finally finished charging.

"Rally Essence: Star Drive!" And she unleashed her true power.

Sunset's body morphed. She retained her shape, but almost everything else had changed. Her body was now composed of molten fire and magic, a coating of pure will keeping the unimaginable heat contained. Her eyes had become two jewels of the most indestructible mineral, shining with an inner light that surpassed even the radiance of the rest of her body. The light in the whole area seemed to congregate around her, turning the surroundings just a little bit darker.

This was going even beyond Essence Heart. Sunset was no longer simply channeling the power of a star, now she was a star in and of herself.

Sunset had been restraining herself the whole battle, slowly building up power to finally be able to achieve this form. It had been touch and go, but thankfully the bet had paid off, and the Knights had all managed to endure Tirek's attacks for long enough.

Her first action in this new form was to unleash a total of sixteen beams of solar fire at Tirek from all around him. And in that moment Applejack decided this was the best opportunity they were going to get. She did a Step, and then another one, and finally a third one, and then she was right beside Tirek.

She had reached there so soon after Sunset's attack finished that the air was still hot enough to cause second degree burns on any normal ponies (but the Knights weren't normal ponies, so it was alright).

"True Strike: Heartseeker!"

And she unleashed a buck into the side of his trunk that carried every single drop of strength she could muster, its force directed by the power of Truth into the most critical parts of Tirek's body.

Several things broke at once, including Applejack's rear hooves, but Tirek had it much worse. And that was just the beginning, as the other Knights followed up knowing that if the farm pony had attacked, that meant it was time to press the advantage. And Applejack still had two good hooves, so she quickly Stepped away from the blast radius.

"Gather, Fire of the Stars!" Twilight shouted, riding on the ambient magic left behind by Sunset to create a rapidly expanding ball of powerful heat and magical energy above and slightly away from Tirek's positon. And when it was the size of a house, Pinkie jumped up to it, left forehoove raised.

"Chaos Spike!" She brought it down, hitting the spell and sending it down into Tirek, charging it with chaos power to create what were essentially thousands of mini nuclear reactions, and accelerating it to such speed that it reached the enemy and exploded in the blink of an eye.

And that attack wasn't even finished before the next one came. Rainbow Dash shed even more feathers than she had earlier, but instead of simply allowing them to fall to the ground, she gathered them in a mini-whirlwind that soon became enveloped in pure lightning.

"Sacrificial Feather: Ultra Charge!" She declared, and the lightning rapidly grew in power and intensity.

Behind her, Rarity had brought her Water and Wind Ruler Swords to bear.

"Combination Art: Lightning Barrage!" She declared, and mixed her own magic together with Rainbow's to turn the whirlwind of power into a mini-storm of its own, lightning power feeding magic that forced electrodynamic interactions between thousands of minuscule drops of water and the wind around them, those in turn feeding back into the storm itself, building up power quickly.

It was essentially the creation of a separate weather system that condensed into a small area enough power to create a storm that could devastate an entire region. It could theoretically build up power forever, but even with two Knights working together to maintain control of the magic, it took only a few seconds for the energy to reach the limits of what they could possibly hope to direct.

So they collapsed the system, forcefully turning all of that energy into a series of violent lightning strikes aimed at Tirek's position, a barrage that didn't lose out in the slightest to his own earlier lightning attack. And even then, it was not over, because Trixie had moved herself close enough that Tirek could possibly touch the boundary of her Realm by just reaching out with a hand.

That was for the sake of bringing to bear all the power she could possibly muster for her own spell.

"Concept of Destruction: Downfall Blade!" She cast, and the edge of her Realm expanded again, a tendril of unreal space reaching out into the air above Tirek and manifesting a gleaming blade the size of a pony.

And it was no ordinary blade, as one could see from the fact that even the very space of Trixie's Realm that had brought it into existence began to frail and crack, such was the noxious nature of the destruction concept that lay behind it.

The blade fell upon Tirek's position, which was obscured by the continuous explosions of the previous attacks, but when Trixie's move finished, it was like everything else had to come to a stop. The attacks of the other Knights came to an end, the wind seemed to cease blowing and every single sound faded away.

The moment passed. The area around Tirek cleared up revealing the results of those attacks. The centaur was bleeding from a multitude of cuts, burn marks and outright cracks could be seen all over his body, he had lost a finger on his right hand and two on his left, and the entire front side of his body was split in half by a deep cut that was wide enough one could see into the darkness inside of his body.

So, in these circumstances, it was probably no surprise Tirek decided that it was time to pull out all the stops.

On the next moment, his power instantly vanished. But it didn't feel like he had gotten weaker, but instead like all of that energy had been consumed at once.

(Shadows of Might)​

And before the Knight's eyes, two intact copies of Tirek appeared beside him. And in an instant the feeling of power returned as all three of them began to cast spells at the same time.

The first one to finish was the copy to the left of the original. It raised both hands to the sky and declared its spell:

(Spell Automaton: Aerial Drone)​

Light enveloped the copy's body as the magic went into effect. The figure of Tirek deconstructed itself into countless magical sparks which then came together into something that resembled a phoenix made out of fire. It flapped its wings and launched into a skywards flight, and at the same time started launching magical beams at all of the ponies.

"Condense, Fire of the Stars!" Sunset quickly cast a spell of her own.

And at that moment, if any of the combatants were to look up, they would see a reasonable facsimile of the night sky, as countless spheres of flame condensed themselves out of the air above the battlefield. And with a thought from the Knight, they started shooting towards the beams released by the enemy to counter them.

The Knight also took off into flight, chasing after the phoenix figure for a high-altitude battle.

Back on the ground, the second copy also finished preparing its spell. It spread its arms on opposite directions, the right hand pointed at the original Tirek while the other pointed in the direction Applejack had gone.

(Harm Conversion Engine)​

In the middle of the right hand a hole opened that brought forth a powerful vortex that seemed to want to suck in everything. However, what it sucked in wasn't matter or energy, but somehow Tirek's injuries.

The physical condition of the original centaur started quickly recovering. The Knights would of course not simply allow that to happen, but the copy's spell had another side to it: As Tirek recovered, the left hand of the copy opened up with a hole of its own, behind it a light too bright to make out whatever was inside.

And the true nature of the spell made itself known, as the second hole started spewing out at the same rate as the first one sucked up. But what was it spewing out? A great amount of varied projectiles, some were like small flying half sickle blades tinged black, others were slow-moving laser-like lines of red light, while others still were barely visible transparent drops that could be mistaken for a trick of the light.

Fluttershy, who hadn't attacked beforehand specifically to help deal with such counter-attacks (same as Sunset) flew into the path of those projectiles to protect Applejack. She braced herself and defended as the attacks fell upon her like rain, her defenses attacked in so many different ways at once that it was impossible to tell what exactly each attack was.

But while she could block most of them, some seemed to simply ignore her existence, passing through without interacting with her aura at all. Applejack was forced into an intense effort as she countered those projectiles with hits from her Myriad Blows. And being the one with the Eyes of Truth, she had realized that they were actually all the same thing.

The spell was somehow shooting embodied distortion at them, the different projectiles merely being different manners said distortion could express itself upon the world. Not even the farm pony could fully understand what the magic was actually doing, but at least she managed to protect herself.

Those two were both occupied and so was Sunset, who still had to counter the "phoenix's" attempts at bombarding the battlefield and chase it down to try to stop it, but there were other Knights available. The next one to try and interrupt Tirek's healing was Trixie, who still hadn't recovered enough of her energy to cast a declared spell after her previous attack, and so was forced to simply unleash her power in the form of an avalanche of rocks that extended her Realm as they fell upon the real Tirek.

However, even though he was in the middle of preparing his own magic, Tirek was still able to raise his hands and form a barrier that blocked Trixie's move. And when Rainbow Dash came next, flying towards the copy that was doing the actual healing and unleashing a punch that contained the might of a tornado, the centaur still had enough leeway to use another spell at the same time, generating a whirlwind that pushed the pegasus back before she could strike, even her flying skill being unable to quickly deal with the complicated currents that seemed almost actively malicious given how difficult it was to navigate them.

Seeing that, Pinkie decided to aim her own attack at Tirek himself once more. And different from the others, she had actually recovered enough to do a spell declaration:

"Chaotic Essence: Shadow Devouring!" She shouted, and her shadow stretched out towards its target.

When it reached close enough, the shadow expanded to both sides before emerging into the physical world as a dark mass that sprouted so many sharp teeth all over itself and pounced at the centaur like the most terrifying predator one could imagine. And even though Trixie's attack had already finished at that point, thus allowing Tirek to redirect his barrier to the other side and block Pinkie's spell, it was strong enough that he was clearly struggling to maintain the defense.

That was an opportunity the Knights couldn't miss.

"Earth and Fire Slash: Unreasonable Eruption!" Rarity declared.

She wasn't that close to the copy, but when her swords slashed upwards, the ground beneath it grew intensely hot before exploding into lava, and that was too much for the pseudo-Tirek to bear. It vanished.

That spell was actually stronger than what Rarity should have been able to use so soon after her last attack, but that was made possible by the third of Rarity's horseshoe Artefacts. That one was known as Refresh Pattern, and it allowed the user to quickly recover from big expenditures of power, at the cost of putting a big burden on their flesh.

Regardless, it had been a success, and even though Tirek had recovered a lot, the spell was broken early enough that he still had quite a few injuries remaining. But it was also then that the original finally finished preparing the spell he had been working on.

(Seal Existence Into the Unreal)​

Tirek shoved his right hand into Trixie's Realm, and then raised his left arm and slashed it down, cutting off his own right hand.

Before anyone could react to that, the cut-off hand started to bubble and then expand like bread in the oven, except it quickly grew beyond the size of any normal oven, and like a horrible parody of a healing spell the place that should have been a stump in the hand accumulated more and more mass that began to reconstruct the original body.

It all happened far too fast for even the Knights to interrupt, and then there was just another Tirek inside Trixie's Realm, but that one felt far more real than the previous copies, even to Applejack's Eyes of Truth.

And the farm pony wasn't the one most surprised by what happened, Trixie was. The Realms of the Unreal were an incredibly complicated spell that afforded her an amazing level of control and awareness in an area, but whatever Tirek had done was essentially hijacking the very nature of her magic to create a self-aware pseudo-existence. Trixie had been prepared for Tirek to be able to break her magic if he got a chance, but she wasn't prepared for that sort of counter.

Even worse, despite it being an unreal existence like everything she created, and thus ultimately beholden to the magic, Trixie was unable to erase it or manipulate it in any way. It was exactly like the name said, a parasite that had infected her Realm at such a deep level she could not remove it at the source.

Trixie's astonishment did not cause her to slow down and give the enemy time to take advantage. She quickly blasted the illusory Tirek with a wave of the sharpest cold she could conjure on short notice, followed by the most extreme heat. She did her best to put pressure on the enemy at the same time as she retreated, realizing that allowing the two Tirek's to cooperate would be a terrible mistake.

Being an unreal existence, the pseudo-Tirek had to move along with Trixie's Realm as she pulled away, but it still waved both of its hands and created a huge wave of wind that it sent towards the main battlefield. Said wave of wind was powerful enough to tear houses from their foundations, but that still wouldn't be enough to really threaten the Knights.

That was because the wave of wind was just the set up.

(Abyssal World Pressure)​

Tirek cast as he slammed down with his remaining hand. The huge wave of wind was instantly trapped and compressed into the area of the battlefield, its huge mass and energy colliding against itself countless times in an instant, building up a tremendous wave of pressure that crushed down onto the battlefield.

"World's Harmony: Still Air!" Fluttershy hastily declared, and unleashed more of her power than she had ever done before.

Her magic spread through the air and forcefully calmed it down, essentially negating all the energy of Tirek's attack. Fluttershy was left almost unable to breathe from the effort, and with a feeling like her insides had been burned, but she did manage to prevent any injury on the other Knights.

While that was happening, Trixie continued her tactical repositioning. Soon she started accelerating and it didn't take long before the entire Realm of the Unreal was too far from Tirek for the copy to be able to aid him. She did not stop even when the parasite unleashed a burst of fire at her, simply blocking with a conjured triangular barrier.

But she would start counter-attacking as soon as she felt the distance to be enough.

Meanwhile, given that Tirek's latest attack had been negated, it seemed to be the perfect time to restart the offensive against him.

"Break: Unleash Zero!" Twilight cast.

She was suddenly right beside Tirek again, both of her forehooves nearly touching him. And in between them, a sphere formed, but actually it didn't. It felt completely like Twilight had condensed an extreme amount of energy together at that point, but somehow it remained empty. That state of uncertainty persisted for a moment.

And then all of the air in the area of the battlefield was there, leaving the rest in a vacuum. There wasn't any sort of transitional state, the air didn't move there, but its existence shifted such that it changed position seemingly without regard for the laws of cause and effect.

Then it exploded right onto Tirek.

"Gaahh!" He screamed as he was blasted backwards.

Twilight had essentially undone Fluttershy's magic, breaking the state of harmony not by altering it directly, but by forcefully shifting the effect of her spell, turning it from negating power into a forced stillness, like she had simply held back the energy of Tirek's attack. Then she broke said stillness, allowing the power to be unleashed, but controlling it such that the centaur would be the only target.

And Twilight had positioned herself such that she was in between Tirek and Trixie, so he ended up being thrown even further away from his copy. And there was yet another strategic element to her move: It gave an opportunity for Rarity.

"Perfect Restoration!" The unicorn cast, and manifested strings of magical power that stretched towards the other Knights (except Trixie, who was too far away), with most of them going for Fluttershy.

The Knights allowed the spell to go into them, and the pegasus quickly started feeling better, recovering from the side-effects of her earlier effort. The injuries of the others, mostly from the strain of the battle itself, were even easier to heal.

The importance of keeping Fluttershy in her best possible condition was obvious, given how often she had been protecting them from big injuries, and so Twilight took the first opportunity to delay Tirek and give Rarity time to heal her. The others were a bonus, just improving their condition a bit would give a small advantage, and Rarity could do it all with one spell.

They needed every advantage they could get, given that two of their heaviest hitters had been pulled away into separate battlefields.


Once she decided they were far enough away, Trixie shifted her focus into offensive. First she unleashed lightning, which the copy managed to deflect away, then she enveloped it in freezing cold, succeeding in trapping the parasite in ice, but it still managed to use its magic to summon forth a cloud of metal dust above her that fell upon the Knight.

Trixie blew it away with a quick whirlwind, but it was still enough time for the copy to break out and turn the ice shards into sharp crystals that flew at her, which Trixie avoided by teleporting very close to her opponent, which was followed up with a spout of materialized dragon flame.

The parasite endured it forcefully and retaliated with a slash from a huge conjured blade, but Trixie made the metal as soft and light as a feather before it could hit her and had the ground open up to swallow the copy, but it made a wind updraft push him up to avoid falling before pointing a finger at the Knight and shooting a laser beam from it, which Trixie refracted away by conjuring mist into a mirage in front of herself.

She turned the mist into acid and threw it at the copy, who teleported himself behind her and punched with a fist that was purple with poison, but Trixie bound his arm in conjured chains to stop the attack and teleported just to turn herself around in as instant before conjuring a house-sized hammer and smashing down with it, but before she could hit, the laser that had been deflected before came back at her with even more power focused into it.

Trixie ignored the laser and finished her attack, which the parasite received with a barrier braced by both its hands. The laser hit the Knight... And bounced off, Trixie having polished the surface of her armor into a mirror sheen with a thought. And that was the chance she needed.

"Knight Charge!" She declared for the first time since leaving the main battlefield.

It created a jousting lance made of light that rammed itself at the Tirek copy in a piercing attack, breaking it into pieces.

A moment later, the pieces reassembled themselves into her opponent.

Trixie sighed on the inside 'I knew it couldn't be that easy...'


It wasn't like Tirek would simply let the Knights hold the advantage forever, though. He quickly rallied with a new spell:

('Ocean, become like a weapon')​

He waved his remaining hand, summoning forth a big mass of water. He did not turn it towards Twilight, despite her being the closest, as the unicorn was the only pony on his east side, while he wanted to get as many of his opponents with the attack as possible, not to mention that he knew Twilight would be unable to use any major magic for the moment after doing such a large scale spell (and trying to attack her while she was vulnerable would only expose his back to attacks from the other Knights).

Instead, he swept the wave towards the west, and while it wasn't that big (only house-sized), it quickly proved to have quite a lot of water compressed into it, as it crashed into the ground and shot off in the direction of the Knights like the world's biggest water cannon. And it was even tall enough to threaten Rainbow Dash, who was currently flying at about two and a half stories from the ground.

And being the one closest to Tirek on the horizontal plane, Dash was the first to face the attack. She flapped both wings and channeled her magic, summoning the biggest tailwind she could on short notice and also reinforcing her body, effectively 'bracing herself' against the coming blow.

And it was a blow. The force of the water felt like a gigantic waterfall, almost breaking both Dash's physical reinforcement and her layer of magical aura, and forcing her back quite a bit in a single second. But thankfully enough, there was more than one pegasus ready to meet Tirek's spell.

"World's Harmony: Wave Current!" Fluttershy declared from her position a bit behind Dash but on the ground.

This time she used a much less forceful spell, meeting the wave like a cliffside and trying to exploit the natural tendency of water to flow along the easiest path to deflect the impact to the sides. Only she had to struggle against the nature of Tirek's magic, which tried to keep the wave focused for maximum damage.

She started being pushed back, but yet another Knight joined the defense.

"Pure Sadness."

Pinkie entered an Emotion Charge state for the first time in the fight. She was a bit north of Fluttershy, so she focused on the northenmost portion of the attack as she manipulated space to deflect part of the water away. That reduced the pressure on the pegasus, but she was still being pushed back.

So Rarity acted.

"Ruler of Water: Reverse Rain!" She declared, channeling magic through her Water Sword.

At that point, Tirek's magic had been weakened enough that the unicorn was able to use her artifact-aided water manipulation to briefly wrestle control of it.

So she redirected all of the spell's force towards the sky. It was truly like a storm going backwards, as that immense amount of water shot upwards at high speeds, instantly breaking the pressure on the other Knights.

Except that in the middle of it all, some of the water didn't go up, but instead turned into a jet that suddenly shot towards her at supersonic speeds. A hidden blow hidden within the powerful spell, aiming at Rarity while she was vulnerable after having just cast her own magic.

But said water jet was intercepted by a long distance hoof strike from Applejack, who was the closest to the unicorn.

"Myriad Blows." She declared dully, then winced a bit as she placed her hoof back on the ground.

Once more, the Knights' careful strategy had won out, as Applejack had been free to defend against any sudden moves from the opponent, having not participated in the defense. The tightrope act continued.

At that point Twilight, as if annoyed at being basically ignored, decided to remind Tirek of her existence.

"Triad Flame." She declared, causing a trio of flames to manifest in a triangle in front of her.

Twilight then tackled Tirek with it, the centaur having to split his attention to create a barrier behind him. But as soon as the attack hit, Tirek realized it had been far too weak to actually hurt him in the first place. It was only intended as a distraction.

But even though he managed to figure it out so quickly, the distraction still worked, as they only needed a moment for their fastest member to do her job. And said job wasn`t actually an immediate direct attack on Tirek, but instead flying upwards to reach the water of his previous spell and take full control of it before the water faded away along with the magic.

Because one thing Sunset had said to Rainbow Dash before was "If our enemy is kind enough to provide us a weapon to attack him with, it would be impolite not to make use of it."

Twilight's attack had distracted Tirek for a crucial moment, preventing him from realizing Dash's aim in time to forcefully end the spell. That immense amount of water was now kept in existence by the pegasus' magic (and preserving the existence of something took a lot less power than creating it yourself), so he would have to spend a lot more effort to make it vanish. Not like the Knight would give him the chance.

"Oceanic Storm: Tornado Drill!" She cast, and the water quickly started spinning in circles and accelerating, carried along by wind powerful enough to be likened to a natural disaster.

It formed a funnel and then started descending back towards the battlefield, the tip of the tornado pointed right at Tirek. It quickly gained speed, propelled by both Rainbow's powers, and gravity itself. The centaur looked at it and decided against trying to simply dodge the magic. He could tell the tornado could shift its trajectory faster and more precisely than one would expect of such a large and heavy thing, and combined with how the other Knights would definitely act to hinder his escape, it didn't seem very likely he'd succeed.

Instead, while keeping an eye on the Knights at ground level, he cast a spell of his own:

(Annihilation Planet Spear)​

The ground around Tirek rose up with extreme violence, thousands of tons of earth erupting towards the sky, aimed at the approaching attack. The area affected grew wider by the second, but the speed of their ascent did not lower but rose instead. Twilight was forced to back away further and further, as just the set up for his move had already turned Tirek's close range into a death zone.

And instead of simply shooting forth to meet Rainbow's attack as they were, the clumps of earth started crashing into each other at a point above Tirek, their violent collisions compressing and hardening the material into a hyperdense cone that grew enough to completely hide the centaur from view.

All of that takes some time to describe, but it actually happened in only a little less than five seconds, as Rainbow's attack was too fast for any slow defense to be able to form. And then the tip of the tornado met with the top of the mountain, and it was not like a meteor crashing into the earth, but instead like two spears of imense power crashing against each other head-on in a struggle for dominance.

One second passed, then two, and finally the inevitable resulted, both spells breaking apart at the exact same time, the very structure of the magic unable to endure the effects of such extreme use. The water of the tornado blowing away in all directions, while the mountain crumbled into pieces, exposing Tirek inside it.

Neither of the two seemed willing to just leave it at that, though. Rainbow, though incapable of another big magic working so soon, still managed to forcefully exert control of the impromptu rain and send all the drops towards Tirek at extreme speeds, like a focused bombardment. Tirek, for his part, stomped the ground with both forelegs and caused the pieces of earth to launch towards the sky as if shot by a thousand cannons.

Yet, the result was the same as before, both attacks apparently equal in power, fully cancelling each other out.

That was not a good outcome for Tirek, who still had to be prepared for the follow-up attacks of the other Knights. But before any other moves could happen, the attention of all in the battlefield was drawn to something: A light falling from the sky, seemingly headed right for the centaur.


The fire phoenix flew quite a ways up before turning its efforts towards attacking Sunset. That was actually part of the spell's standard programming, intended on taking pursuers into such heights the lack of oxygen would cripple their efforts, and even pegasus' struggled to fly on such thin air.

Sunset, however, did not have those problems. She knew spells to provide air for herself, and her flying spell did not depend on wind manipulation. Seeing the enemy stop, she was only glad the chase was finally over. The enemy's opening attack was to fire six energy blasts, each one from a different party of its body, corresponding with the cardinal directions.

The trajectory of each blast was slightly different, meaning they would all hit Sunset at different times, from different directions. If they hit her at all, that is.

Accelerating with a slight dive before ascending, Sunset started to release sparks in all directions, and those sparks managed to force the blasts to explode away from the Knight, vastly weakening the effect of the attack.

Still, simply defending wasn't her style, so as soon as the blasts were done, Sunset generated a ball of incandescent fire above her head, which quickly increased to about half the Knight's own size before shooting at the phoenix.

The enemy focused energy before releasing a piercing arrow of power that drilled into Sunset's attack before exploding, taking out the spell as well. However, that created a brief smokescreen, which had been the actual intent of the Knight with that attack, the spreading magic actually also interfering with magical sensing.

That was because Sunset was more than willing to exploit the weaknesses of such automatic spells, so in that brief time the phoenix couldn't tell what she was doing, the Knight charged her magic and shot an extremely fast laser of white energy that aimed right for the center of the enemy.

That almost ended the fight by itself, but the phoenix managed to react by creating an explosion to its side to forcefully shift position. Even with the speed of the laser, all it managed to do was pierce through one of the wings. But that was plenty.

The sheer power of Sunset's attack reverberated through the very structure of the spell, causing the phoenix to begin quickly losing altitude. The Knight dove after it, intending on finishing the job, but the enemy then unleashed a terrifying barrage of fiery blasts and rays.

Sunset did not care. Hardening her defenses, she dove through the many attacks, forcing her way and refusing to slow down despite the sheer firepower that hit her. A second later, she was through, and with no major injuries.

The distance to the phoenix was now only a matter of seconds. So the automatic spell was finally forced into its last resort. It started to glow, giving off a low hum that was simply the sound of the absolutely massive amount of energy being gathered inside it. Next, the phoenix seemed to vibrate, and the edges of its body began to disappear into dust. It was about to self-destruct.

"Star Saber!" Sunset called with urgency, creating a massive sword of fire and then swinging it.

She was just barely in time, cutting through the core of the magic and forcefully stopping the self-destruct. The energy began to disperse harmlessly as the form of the phoenix fell apart.

And yet, Sunset had a terribly bad feeling.

A moment later, the spell completely collapsed, but something was left behind: A small cube of light that the Knight felt was familiar for some reason.

Then the cube fell so fast Sunset briefly lost track of it. It was moving back towards the battlefield at such great speeds it had to be using some sort of space manipulation to achieve.

The Knight blasted after it, accelerating via every method she could think of, yet she was barely able to avoid losing ground, let alone reach closer to it.

And even as Sunset forced herself to chase the cube, she was hoping her bad feeling wouldn't prove accurate.


A few moments after spotting the light, the Knights saw the unmistakable form of Sunset pursuing it from quite a ways away. They could also tell that while the light was heading towards Tirek at a very shallow angle, it still moved at very great speeds.

Tirek then started moving towards it at ground level, flashing forward over and over. The light was coming from the north, so he quickly moved away from the Knights to his east and west (and Rainbow, who was above). Applejack seemed to notice something, so she shouted:

"Stop it!" And started moving after the centaur with her own abilities.

The other got the message, and the first to act was unsurprisingly Rainbow Dash. She boosted herself towards him, quickly overtaking Tirek and diving to intercept him with a series of powerful Wind-assisted blows. He waved his hand several times, deflecting the attacks to the sides, before wrapping his hand in fire and thrusting it at the pegasus, resulting in the air all around her catching fire, which formed a cage more solid than any normal fire, Rainbow Dash unable to break through it quickly.

Still, she had delayed him enough for the next Knight to arrive. Fluttershy, who rammed into Tirek's side, forcing him away with sheer strength. He responded with a devastating overhand blow that embedded Fluttershy partially into the ground and dazed her for a moment, which was also some sort of gravity spell, as she was unable to follow when he resumed his path.

Rarity appeared soon after, having used her Speed Step once again to accelerate. She swung her Earth Ruler Sword and the Earth swept up at the centauro, forming manacles and turning the ground beneath his hooves into mud. But even that could not delay him for long, as he managed to free himself with an explosion of power, which he followed up with a backhand strike that Rarity dodged, but was unable to avoid the follow-up whirlwind spell that violently threw her into the sky.

The centaur moved again, using another spell to increase his speed even further, just before Pinkie and Twilight did their own move.

"Chaos Field..." Pinkie declared, releasing a ton of chaotic energy into the area right next to Tirek.

"... Great Prison!" Twilight finished the declaration to trigger their combination spell.

And the chaos turned into a multitude of manifested objects, ropes, chains, quicksand... Everything one could think about it when the idea of "restraint" came into the picture, all of them advancing onto Tirek like an avalanche.

However, his spell had been just too well-timed. Without it, he would have been caught in the middle of the prison, where the sheer mass and diversity of binds would have ensured he wouldn't be able to escape for a few seconds. But instead, he was at the edge of it when it activated, so while many of the restraints managed to grab onto him, it was not enough to prevent the centaur from breaking through with pure power.

Finally, only Applejack was left, and instead of delaying him, she had overtook Tirek, aiming at stopping the cube.

"Myriad Blow- Ghh!" She was unable to complete her magic as the enemy once more accelerated and rammed into her like a runaway train, sending Applejack flying. She had unfortunately allowed her focus to narrow too much due to her concern with that particular piece of magic, and so there was no one who could stop it from activating.

The cube sunk into Tirek's forehead, causing his face to reveal a horrifying grin before he opened his mouth:

(Word of Power: Mimic)​

The centaur's form exploded into flames, obscuring him and making the image of his smile even scarier, as the wavering flames distorted the light and made it seem like his mouth was contorting and shifting monstrously. And his eyes seemed like two circles of yellow void, shining with devastating power.

Then the flames vanished, revealing Tirek's altered form. It looked like a parody of Sunset's own version. His body was now rock-like, and colored an incandescent red. His horns had become much sharper, and taken on the appearance of yellow diamond, same with his hooves. His eyes seemed to have been replaced by pure fire, and small flames ceaselessly emanated from one spot or another in his body.

He was still missing his right arm, however.

Tirek's first action after taking said form was to point upwards, resulting in the appearance of a blood red sun over the battlefield.

"Negate!" Sunset, who had finally arrived, immediately unleashed an extreme amount of power to release a powerful light.

Considering her own skill with such magic, the Knight had immeidately realized what Tirek was trying to do. The sun he created was about to battle the battlefield in radiation, and it not any normal type, but a noxious kind that had more in common with a curse. It would quickly decay the auras of the Knights, along with any defensive magic they used. Fluttershy could possibly block it for a time, but she would be hard-pressed to prevent all of it, or to keep her defense for long.

Radiation was an aspect of light magic that had never matched with Sunset's own skills, but she knew enough to be able to forcefully purify the light of Tirek's corrupt sun before it could reach the other Knights.

"Khh..." The effort was a lot, even for her current power, but this first blow of Tirek's powered up form was successfully stopped.

Seemingly amused, Tirek then waved his arm, resulting in a tsunami of lava manifesting and rushing at most of the Knights. Sunset was still in the air, Applejack had been blown away to the opposite direction from where Tirek was firing, and Rarity was still quite a ways in the air, but all the others were in danger.

Twilight was the one to rush forward to meet it.

"Retribution of Flames: Magma Breaker!" She put both forehooves together in front, ready to block.

The tsunami of lava hit Twilight's defenses with all the power that name implied. She pulled forth all the power she could, took advantage of all the fire magic used on the battlefield to power up her ability, and she used the control of flames said ability afforded to target directly the weak points in the attack with magic deployed specifically to break it.

Even with all of that, were it not for the fact Tirek did not have perfect control of the powers of his copied form, Twilight would have been unable to succeed. As it was, her magic managed to slow down the attack even as she was forced backwards by the sheer mass of what she was trying to affect, though her current fire-aligned nature prevented her from suffering injuries due to the heat.

The effort pushed the unicorn to the limit, and it lasted for a little over two seconds before the magic she sent inside the tsunami to reach the core and break the spell. Twilight was left almost unable to stand, and due to the way the retribution magic worked, she wouldn't be able to use it to affect fire magic for a while.

It wasn't like the Knights would be content with just defending, however.

"Pure Hope!" Pinkie shouted, her blue avatar forming around her as she jumped towards the centaur.

She unleashed a punch using all the power her hope construct could muster, targetting Tirek head on, said construct also protecting her from the sheer heat he was emitting. But just before she could reach him, he stomped the ground, causing the whole area to explode in a violent eruption that hit both of them with a powerful shockwave, a destructive heat and a huge amount of high velocity rock shards, in that order.

But Tirek was prepared, and also adjusted the magic so he could avoid the worst of it, not to mention his current form giving him resistance. Pinkie, on the other hand, was unable to complete her attack, as she was sent flying, numberless shards spreading around her construct, it only barely managing not to break.

And then Rarity descended from the heavens, having used her wind sword to force herself down faster.

"Ruler of Water: Meteoric Waterfall Strike!" She once more used the power of Burst Drive to make the most powerful attack she could.

Instantly, all the air in the surrounding area, up to several miles away, dried up completely as Rarity's colossal spell pulled the water onto her Water Ruler Sword, and more water continued to accumulate as she fed her own power to it in order to manifest enough water to equal the mass of an actual meteor. All of the water together made the sword look more like a spire.

It was so incredibly heavy Rarity would be utterly unable to lift it, but she didn't need to do so. She was already falling at terminal velocity along with all the water, so all the unicorn had to do was swing it down at the final moment, aided by the power of gravity.

Such a devastating attack was not something Tirek could casually block, even with his current power, as proven by the action he took in response: He grabbed his left horn with his hand and broke it off before thrusting his hand in Rarity's direction while still holding the horn.

The waterfall fell and contacted with Tirek's horn slightly before hitting his hand. The horn exploded into dust, releasing such a tremendous amount of magic power it very briefly formed a micro-blackhole.

The result was like Tirek had countered Rarity's strike by swinging a mountain at it, two colossal forces striking one another. They made contact and pushed against each other, struggling to break through.

But that was something no one in the battlefield was ever aware of, as said state of affairs only lasted for an instant that was too brief for them to be able to detect, a moment hidden in time. And that moment ended when the two forces became unable to maintain their integrity due to the absurd recoil they both experienced, breaking apart with the release of a massive shockwave and drops of water flying in every direction at near the speed of sound.

Tirek was shoved backwards a long distance, thankfully not in Pinkie's direction, the glow of his power seeming to have diminished somewhat. While Rarity... Did not break most of the bones in her body.

She would have, but...

"Sanctuary!" Fluttershy had called out a spell of her own, just before the collision happened.

A magical field originating from her spread over the entire battlefield, and when Rarity was about to get hurt, all of the energy affecting her was negated, or rather, it was redirected at the one who cast the spell, only Fluttershy had all of her defenses in place, so she could bear it. She could even bear as the shockwave and water drops hit not only Rarity herself but also Twilight, who had no power to spare to resist attacks at the moment.

That was a spell Fluttershy had always wanted to develop, but it was only when pushed to the very limit in the battle against Tirek that she actually managed to cast it.

And the centaur still wasn't in the clear even after having stopped such a powerful attack.

"Rally Essence... Gathering Light!" Tirek's red sun had vanished when he took the hit, so Sunset was able to act again.

She seemed to have taken Rarity's previous spell as inspiration, for her magic drained all of the light in the area, shrouding the battlefield in darkness except for the pyramid of light she made. However, this was different due to the fact that it was actually a set up move. As soon as the pyramid was formed, it released a beam of light that quickly spent everything the construct was, and the target of that beam was actually... Rainbow Dash.

The pegasus drank the light, in all of its incredible power, without showing any outward signs of it. Dash's ability in the manipulation of different types of energy had been proven time and time again, and so this combination attack between master and apprentice had been born. Because in the end the nature of a rainbow was light.

The Knight flapped her wings once and a circle of light manifested itself in front of her, she flapped them again and the circle grew, and then she flapped for the third time.

"Prismatic... Barrage!" Dash shouted, and then the circle erupted with countless beams of rainbow light, all of them targetting Tirek.

Upon facing that attack, the centaur was once more forced into desperate measures. He forced his hand into his own chest and began manually pumping his own heart.

His flagging energy seemed to be revived, the fire of his form burning brighter than ever. What he had just done was called "The Forbidden Art of Spirit Burst", but the only one in the world who would know that was Tirek himself. He then pulled out his hand and held it in front.

(Geometric Reflect Field)​

Two rings made of silver geometrical shapes arranged in formation manifested themselves in front of Tirek, they had different sizes, the smaller one being slightly in front while the larger one was closer to the centaur.

The barrage of rainbow light arrived, and even though the ring formation seemed loose and full of holes, every attack seemed drawn to them by some mysterious effect, as if every trajectory that would bypass them had been denied. The multiple blasts sunk into the silver shapes and started circling around within the ring shapes.

However, as more and more of them were sucked into the formation, the silver shapes started to show obvious signs of strain, vibrating in place and being pushed slowly backwards, Tirek himself also struggling to hold the spell.

Yet, it ended up being enough. The combination attack of the Knights ran its course before Tirek's defense broke. It was a close thing, though, as proven by the fact that the centaur did not even grin as he spoke:


The defense rings broke and the rainbow blasts were shot back at the two Knights with incredible violence. They fortified their defenses as much as they could, they used their understanding of that type of magic to weaken the effects of the attack and they had Fluttershy's Sanctuary as a final defense.

However, Tirek's magic seemed to have powered up the magic in addition to merely reflecting it, as Sunset and Rainbow Dash were still overwhelmed, forced back into the ground and with their auras reduced to almost nothing.

Then Applejack Stepped close to Tirek and hit him with a powerful blow.

He waved his arm to cast a spell, but midway through the motion Applejack hit him again, in a very specific spot in his body that caused the flow of his magical power to stop for just long enough to prevent the spell from being cast. That was just the beginning, as the earth pony quickly stepped all around the centaur, attacking him such he was unable to use any kind of magic to stop her.

Tirek's use of a mimicked power had caused disturbances to his flow of magic that Applejack could see, and his use of Spirit Burst had magnified those disturbances to the point they became flaws she could See and exploit. Finally, due to having exhausted his power with that defense Tirek could not simply break out of her barrage with pure strength.

Though it wasn't like Applejack had it all her own way. She needed to use every bit of her concentration to perform her precise blows, so she didn't have the leeway to protect herself from the heat of Tirek's current form in more than the most basic way, so her hooves were getting more and more burnt with every blow.

But she had to keep going. It was the only option.

Her blows kept raining down, but she didn't plan on simply hitting him into defeat. That wouldn't be possible as he would soon regain enough energy to force his way out of the lock. Applejack had limited time, so she pushed both her Eyes and her body as much as she could, her blows slowly building up to something greater.

And then Tirek's aura weakened in just the right way and Applejack stopped for a single moment, rearing back for a final blow.

"Truth-Upholding Blow: Imagine Breaker!" She unleashed every scrap of power she could muster for her strike.

The hit fell upon Tirek, pushing him back a little... And shattering his copied Star Drive, sending him back to base form and exposing the many injuries that had been inflicted upon him during those last rounds of intense fighting.

Applejack, utterly spent from that last blow, was barely able to remain standing, and neither was she able to move away when Tirek's hand reached forward to grab her.

"Magic Drain." He spoke in a low voice. And Applejack's power began to be taken away.

The other Knights could not help. All of them were still trying to recover from their heroic efforts in managing to endure Tirek's attacks after he changed form and even counterattack enough to allow the earth pony to break him out of said form. Even Fluttershy had gotten pushed to her limit in keeping everyone in one piece using her Sanctuary.

But Applejack had been forced to do it. It was the only way.

She had Seen it. The Knights had been pushed close to the breaking point, and if Tirek had been allowed to maintain his increased power for any longer, at least three of them would have been taken out of commission in short order. That could not be allowed to happen, and Applejack failed to See a way to both break Tirek's mimicked form and avoid getting drained in the process.

And at the last moment before she lost consciousness, Applejack Saw something else. Something that terrified her.

Hidden deep within the centaur's body was a pre-prepared spell, one which would trigger on its own under certain conditions. Seeing that, Applejack wished for nothing more than being able to warn her fellow Knights of it, but she was unable to do that. All she could do was hope that they could handle it.

And somehow, things had not ceased getting worse, as the first thing Tirek did after draining Applejack was to call out a new spell.

(Double Action Trigger)​

For a moment afterwards, Tirek's form seemed to flicker, and then he disappeared completely, such that none of the Knights were able to keep track of him. But it soon became clear that he had actually moved too fast for their perceptions to catch, as his form reappeared right beside Sunset Shimmer.

"Magic Drain." He reached for her with that same insane speed, and thus Knight Sunset Shimmer, the Heart of Power, was taken out of commision without being able to do anything to prevent it.

At that moment, Tirek's spell seemed to fade away, him returning to ordinary speed, but the damage had already been done.

The Knights grit their teeth and kept their calm despite the terrible situation. They could not afford to lose their cool, for the bitter second phase of the battle was about to start.
Chapter 83
Chapter 83 - Tirek, the Desperate Struggle

If there was any silver lining to the current situation for the Knights, it would be the fact that draining the magic of two of them would not result in an immediate power increase for Tirek. He would need time to "digest" the magic, and would be unable to do it while still in battle. That was a rule that had never been broken even once in all the recorded fights against the centaur.

What it would do, however, would be to restore Tirek's energy, thus making it much harder to simply outlast him. That made all the injuries they had inflicted on him up to that point far more important, as wearing down the opponent with repeated injuries was still just as feasible as before.

However, the situation was still quite bad, considering they had barely managed to hold back Tirek when they had all their members, and now they were down two Knights. So there was really only one option for them, and the first one to act on it was Fluttershy.

"Trance Mode... Overshift!" She declared.

The difference from the previous Trance Mode was obvious. Instead of simply being an amazing aura of power, it was an emanation of energy that could even be called aggressive, power condensed to such an extent it had acquired a physical presence that crushed everything around it.

It was a white mass wrapped around Fluttershy that flowed like a river so gigantic you could see one shore from the other. It flowed extremely slowly, to the point one could almost believe it was stationary, but the amount flowing was so terrifyingly large it possessed a momentum that could reshape the land and bring down mountains.

The pegasus launched herself towards Tirek, attacking with such strength he preferred to ward off the blows instead of taking them head on, but she just kept pressuring him, unwilling to waste even a second.

She could not afford to. While this wasn't essentially suicide the way the Forbidden Shift used by Flames of Annihilation was, the side-effects of pushing the technique beyond the level the body could stand meant it pretty much put a time limit on Fluttershy's participation in the battle, and not a long one.

Still, as mentioned before, doing such things was the only option for the Knights. Going back to the analogy of the tightrope, losing two of their members was like someone had set fire to the rope, and the fire would quickly reach them. That meant they could no longer carefully walk forward step by step, they had to run forward with all they had, but that made their chances of falling increase dramatically.

But if they wanted even the smallest chance of victory, then they had to start using their last resorts, and the second one to do so was Fluttershy's fellow apprentice: Pinkie Pie.

"Dual Essence. Sadness and Hope. 200% Emotion Charge." She declared in a solemn voice.

Two opposing auras, one was a dark blue while the other was a light blue, both erupted on her body at the same time.

Then she started moving, but it wasn't in any normal way. Her hooves weren't touching the ground, and she looked like something invisible was dragging her by the neck. And every few seconds, she disappeared and reappeared a bit forward.

All in all, it was very weird.

Soon enough, she got close to the point where Tirek was struggling with the relentless attacks of Fluttershy. Then she stopped and proceeded to... Blink. Which somehow caused giant blue hooves to start manifesting from thin air and start to bombard Tirek with even more attacks. They disappeared after a blow, but there were always new ones being made, so the attacks were continuous.

It was easy to see what Pinkie's combination of powers was doing. She was usually incapable of moving while in the space-warping sadness state, but the mixing of hope into it allowed her to do so, even if it was in a very makeshift way. And that also allowed her to unleash hope contruct attacks at a distance via spatial manipulation.

However, just like in Fluttershy's case, there was a reason why she hadn't used that earlier in the fight. It was also a double-edged sword that could not be maintained for long. But while Fluttershy's issue was that her body wouldn't be able to endure for too long, the limitation on Pinkie's technique was how long her mind could endure.

In order to use two Emotion Charges at once, Pinkie had to double herself. And it wasn't like the basic clones she sometimes made, which had barely any sense of self, she needed a full and complete second her. She didn't actually make another body, but just a second mind to act as the user of the second emotion charge.

Splitting oneself like that was extremely difficult and painful, and the earth pony was feeling like her very soul had been stretched to the breaking point. And both selves were also doing techniques which were very demanding on the mind, which only made things even worse.

And the side-effects would start affecting her even faster than Fluttershy, since the burden on her mind would soon reach a point where it would negatively affect her decision-making ability.

Tirek had been briefly taken off guard by the combination of violence, resilience and trickiness of their attacks, specially since, as fellow apprentices, the two worked together in amazing harmony. However, that didn't last for long, and he quickly rallied.

(The Abyss Extends Its Hands...)​

At that point, Tirek's shadow opened its eye, or at least that's the closest one could get to describe what happened. It wavered as if it was changing, and it did actually change, but in such an incredibly subtle way that even the acute senses of the Knights barely caught it. (Applejack would have been able to notice more, had she still been up and fighting)

It was still dark, but the darkness of its center portion was somehow different from the darkness at the edges. And only a moment after Pinkie and Fluttershy noticed that, the true intent behind the spell was revealed.

Tendrils made of some sort of dark substance extended out from the shadow, dozens of them, which split into additional tendrils multiple times in the blink of an eye, multiplying into hundreds before the Knights could react. Fluttershy was the first to have to deal with them, and while her current form was powerful enough to break the dark tendrils as soon as they reached her, they still got in the way and prevented her from continuing her attack on Tirek.

Pinkie, who was a little further away, managed to prevent the tendrils from approaching her with a combination of hope construct flying punches and her space manipulation increasing the distance they had to travel. But just like Fluttershy's case, that meant she was no longer able to attack the centaur directly.

At that moment, he was occupied in casting the spell, but giving him any leeway at all would be a terrible mistake.

So following the previous two, the next Knight to advance was the third member on this teacher and students trio, the Knight Twilight Sparkle:

"Battlefield Soul: Infinite Variations!" Was her declaration, which also revealed that she had already advanced close to the current battle area. And if one were to pay close attention, they would also notice that none of the other Knights remained in the positions they had been when Tirek drained Sunset.

After Twilight cast her spell, a huge contrast was clearly apparent with the magic cast by her students, as instead of a powerful aura or any other obvious effect engulfing her, there was nothing, or rather, the tremendous power she had focused into the magic seemed to completely fade away, along with any sense of power coming from Twilight herself.

But one with better senses would be able to tell that the power had not actually faded away, but instead merged so completely into the environment that it could no longer be distinguished as something else. And Twilight showed what that magic was capable of as soon as she took a step forward.

Because her step was actually more like an explosion that propelled her forward at extreme speeds, directly into the space right ahead of Tirek, where the tendrils were thickest, and yet she somehow managed to not collide with any of them. And before the tendrils could even try to grab her, Twilight turned her head.

And there was suddenly a lot more space around her, as the great majority of the tendrils in that area got completely destroyed, the rest being torn into hundreds of pieces. It had all happened really fast, but all those remaining in the battlefield had been able to see what happened:

In the air all around Twilight, many blue disks had briefly appeared. All the tendrils that made contact with them were hit by an extreme destructive force that spread much further than where the disks actually touched, causing a scene of absolute devastation in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that, Tirek actually decided to go on the defensive.

(Manifest the Inverted Tree of the Abyss!)​

The tendrils emerging from Tirek's shadow, which were already very numerous, suddenly multiplied themselves by an entire factor. Their number was so great one would be tempted to call them countless, but that would be a flagrant lie, given that Twilight was still aware of the exact number (Pinkie would have been able to count the tendrils as well, but many of them blocked others from sight).

Twilight was aware of that because she was completely aware of every single factor in the battlefield. That was how her current magic worked.

Battlefield Soul: Infinite Variations was essentially Magical Time: Battlefield, but taken to the absolute limit Twilight would ever dare to go. It allowed the instant creation of new magic based on the magic used on the battlefield and the current battle situation. Given that Pinkie and Fluttershy had been at a standstill with Tirek, the magic took after all three of them equally.

From Fluttershy came the explosive power and crushing presence, from Pinkie came the space manipulation to make them appear from nothing, and the blue aura to interact with the environment, and from Tirek came their physical presence and

And so, when the tendrils multiplied and a large number of them came towards Twilight, her magic changed alongside the change in the battlefield. This time the blue disks had become bigger, but the greatest change was the fact that their number had also multiplied, causing the area around the knight to briefly resemble the night sky full of stars, and easily erasing the attack, allowing her two students to advance closer.

However, one shouldn't mistake that for Twilight having the advantage over Tirek. While the attack had indeed been fierce, it was ultimately only a way to delay the Knight, as the vast majority of the tendrils actually circled around and wrapped around Tirek, creating what looked like a boulder made of dark tendrils, one that was as big as a house.

And it was still growing.

Giving the centaur free rein to do what he wanted was a bad idea, so Twilight immediately advanced closer, once more using her strange explosive step. That was also part of the magic reflected from the battlefield. It was movement magic, and since only Pinkie and Fluttershy were moving in the battlefield, the spell took on only traits from their magic.

And a combination of Pinkie's space manipulation and Fluttershy's explosive power resulted in magic that forcefully compressed space by sheer power, resulting in the movements Twilight had performed.

Still, even with all this power, one shouldn't overestimate the magic Twilight was using. There was a reason why she hadn't used it until this point of the fight, multiple reasons in fact.

First of all, while instantly making new magic seemed impressive, the results were very makeshift. A perfected version of the annihilation disks would allow for them to remain continually manifested, be controlled individually and reach great distances away from the user. Twilight's version, on the other hand, could only briefly manifest them in fixed points and only in the area around her.

Meanwhile, the space compression step she used actually required some cooldown time in between steps, something that would not be true of a full version of the spell concept. It was only Twilight's experience as a Knight and adaptability as a chaos mage that allowed her to effectively use such flawed magic.

An even bigger problem was that, like the magic her students were currently using, it too put a great burden onto her. Having to channel a mix of very distinct magical powers that could change explosively at a moment's notice was physically wearing her down at a rate close to what Fluttershy was doing.

And if that wasn't enough, channeling those powers and having them change to respond to the situation in the battlefield was only possible due to the extreme awareness of the environment the spell granted her with, but it was an extremely large amount of information, much of it redundant, and she couldn't ignore any of it or the magic would fail. Keeping track of that kind of information overload was a huge burden on her mind, similarly to what Pinkie Pie was experiencing.

It was something she needed to use, however. That was how far the battle situation had pushed the Knights. And even if (or when) she could no longer take it and was taken out of the fight, as long as she did enough to allow the others to reach victory against Tirek, then the mission would be a success. Pinkie and Fluttershy were, of course, in complete agreement with that line of thought.

The three Knights attacked the black mass, but even with their efforts combined, and Twilight being able to use her spell directly, they were only managing to slow down the growth of the mass, which had started expanding upwards and taking on a vaguely cylindrical shape.

At that point, Tirek's magic outweighed that of Pinkie and Fluttershy to a sufficient extent to trigger another transformation on Twilight's magic. The disks changed, becoming more physical and losing their overwhelming destructive power, plus Twilight could only summon them very close to her body. In exchange, they were now permanent, could be moved through the air, and she could make more of them. Many, many more.

She started summoning a veritable swarm of them, slowed down by the fact she had to keep sending them out to make room for more, and considering how the first ones to reach and attack the black mass were doing, Twilight would only need to call a sufficient number of them to completely counter Tirek's magic.

She would need time to do that, though, and it was then that the passive growth period of Tirek's magic ended. The top part of the "cylinder" erupted like a volcano, raining down heavy, sharp and resilient pieces of hyper-compressed shadow matter down on the surroundings.

That was not an attack the Knights could take lightly. They switched gears into defense almost instantly (It would be instant, but their current extreme states had slowed down their reactions a bit), Twilight started making a protective dome with her disks, which had also changed into more resilient forms due to Tirek's attack. Pinkie used space magic to help pull the disks into position faster (they moved quite slowly). And Fluttershy holding up the dome and channeling her magic through in order to make it stronger.

When the dome started being hit, the trio struggled a bit, but with their current power, such an unfocused attack wouldn't truly push them, so they endured the bombardment without issue. Yet they did not rejoice, since they knew what Tirek was like, so they judged that an attack like that had to have another meaning to it.

They were right. As soon as the attack ended, the many pieces of shadow matter that had fallen to the ground burst open simultaneously, decompressing and spreading. Some of them did hit the knight trio, but they didn't cause any damage, since they weren't actually meant for that.

Instead, the expanding shadow matter connected together and linked with the main part, which ended up making a somewhat spherical structure that seemed to have branched out from the central pillar, while in fact the exact opposite was the case. Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy were all trapped in the middle of said structure.

Of course, that was the moment Rainbow Dash descended.

"Grand Hit: Meteor Fall." Was the declaration she made right before, when she was high up in the sky, too far for anyone to hear her.

And she did not betray the name of that skill, for her hit was truly like a meteor in more than one way. Dash had gone up in order to gather a large amount of water around herself and solidify it into super hard ice, and afterwards she had accelerated downwards at such an extreme rate, she actually managed to hit multiple times the speed of sound in the comparatively short distance to the ground.

It was an attack she would never use near anywhere populated.

Her meteor was only around a fifth of the size of Tirek's shadow matter construct, but the impact hit with such tremendous force that the entire thing shook, the expanding of its bottom area stopping completely for the moment, and cracks formed all the way up and down across the gigantic thing.

Incidentally, Tirek's previous attack had also hit the spot where Sunset had fallen, but remember when I said "none of the other Knights remained in the positions they had been when Tirek drained Sunset"? That also meant the unconscious Knights, as Rainbow Dash had flown in to retrieve her teacher while Tirek had been briefly distracted by Pinkie and Fluttershy's initial attacks. And Applejack's position meant it had been easy for Rarity to reach her without issue.

Both of them had been force-transported to the fallback position. In truth, the centaur was already aware of it. He wouldn't have used that previous attack if there was a risk of damaging such a high-quality battery. Of course, the Knights themselves would also have their actions hindered if they had to worry about unconscious comrades, and because Tirek knew so much esoteric magic and techniques, he would be able to work around it better than them, so it wasn't even an equal disadvantage.

Therefore, rescuing the duo had been a priority. But after Dash did her part, she judged that her best next move would be to prepare a powerful enough attack to handle Tirek's current continuously growing spell.

Returning to the battle itself, Rainbow Dash's attack had certainly done a number on the enemy, but the recoil was obviously equally tremendous. The pegasus was still flying, but only barely managing to maintain altitute while her legs hung limply below her, and her expression was extremely tense.

Tirek's shadow recovered first, and the top part of it spread outwards in all directions, the shadow turning into extremely thick tendrils, many of which stretched towards the flying Knight. It was at that moment that the true form of Tirek's spell became clear: It was an upside-down tree, the dense canopy of "branches" and "leaves" at the bottom, with the thick "roots" at the top.

Rainbow Dash had no way to defend at that moment, but there was still another Knight, one that had been strangely quiet during the latest phase of the battle.

"Artifact Ritual: Triangle of Power." Rarity declared, showing that she was quite close to the edge of the "canopy".

She held her Fire Ruler Sword above her head as lines of light quickly traced themselves on the ground, forming the shape of a triangle with Rarity at its center. At each edge of the triangle lay one of her other Ruler Swords, acting as conduits for the ritual which was intended to power the last of their number. And the line directly connecting the wind and water swords passed directly beneath Rainbow Dash, just as planned.

Trixie was not the only one of the Knights who could use rituals. Rarity had decided to prepare for a big attack while the others were fighting, same as Rainbow Dash, taking advantage of the time they were giving her to complete all the requirements for a true ritual (different from the quick ones Trixie could make with her Realm).

The pegasus was energized thanks to the connection those elements had with weather magic, combined with how Rarity had made the ritual in a way that specifically allowed her to syphon some of the energy from it. Dash took only enough to be able to dodge away from the shadow roots with quick bursts of speed.

The rest of the energy had another use. Rarity channeled it into the Fire Ruler Sword and the spell she was about to perform. And she was going all out, for besides the ritual, she also activated her Burst Drive artifact again to power up the magic even further. The Fire Ruler Sword generated a blade of flame from itself, and said blade grew astonishingly quickly, to the point it was comparable in dimensions to Tirek's own shadow matter construct.

Then she swung.

"Dual Burst Edge: Slash Burning the Horizon!" And the magic was declared.

The colossal blade moved far faster than anything of its dimensions had any right to, cutting towards the "tree" in a horizontal slash. The attack hit, but differently from Dash's move, Tirek had time to react to Rarity's spell, so he managed to focus the strength of his shadow matter construct into the spot the flame blade was about to reach. The flame blade cut slightly into the tree, but could go no further.

Yet, Rarity's attack would not be blocked so easily. She still had a lot more power in reserve, but there was an even more important reason: She had to adhere to her path, both as a knight and as a magic user.

"Perfect Refinement!" The artificer Knight declared.

And then she started altering the magic mid-attack. She refined and perfected the design of the blade, compressing its power further towards the point of contact, sharpening the blade, increasing the power of the flames, and overall adapting the spell to specifically increase its effectiveness against the current target.

The blade cut further into the tree, but the deeper layers were even denser, with even more magic power enhancing them. Her progress was visibly slowing down, and for a moment it was hard to say what would be the final result of that clash.

Then a flame erupted from within the shadow canopy, at the exact opposite side to where Rarity was.

The trio of Knights had forced their way there from their previous position that was closer to Rarity's side. The cooperation of the entire team was at a very high level, so they understood what would be the best way to assist. And Twilight's power had, of course, changed once more.

That was what caused the eruption of flame. The fire quickly grew and took a form similar to what Rarity had made, only the core of it was very physical and very dense matter created from the influence of Tirek's power, but it was quite hard to control (it was a makeshift spell after all), so the edges wavered and changed continuously, until Twilight managed to partially stabilize it with the help of Fluttershy and Pinkie. Ant it was not by preventing the edge from shifting, but by making its shifts more regular, moving in the same direction and retaining similar shapes.

Instead of a fire blade, it now looked more like a fire chainsaw.

It swung at the tree from the other side, and while it wasn't nearly as strong as Rarity's absurd ritual-powered, artifact-enhanced attack, it was still plenty strong, and Tirek's shadow construct, attacked from both sides, finally broke and was slashed in half, crumbling down into many pieces which were rapidly fading away.

But before it could fade completely away, Tirek made his move. He had been entrenched at the center of the shadow structure, but his position suddenly changed to one of the pieces near the edge, specifically one very close to Rarity. Twilight realized that immediately, since her current state of awareness meant she had been fully aware of his position the entire time, but he burst out of the shadow a moment later, leaving no time for any warnings.

The artificer Knight had truly put everything she had into that spell, and there hadn't been enough time for her to regain her energy, so she was unable to react as Tirek grabbed her.

And then there was a breaking sound and causality seemed to warp, leaving Tirek grabbing at nothing while Rarity stood a quarter of the battlefield away from him.

That was the effect of Rarity's fourth and final horseshoe artifact: The Scapegoat Idol.

One could call it a masterpiece. While Rarity was wearing it, if she was about to be rendered unconscious or to be drained, it would automatically activate and modify her position via some unknown method (she had made it based on old notes left by a knight who had a similar skill, so even she didn't quite understand how it worked) in order to render her safe.

But for such a powerful effect, it was inevitable that it would have a huge drawback. Said drawback was that it required a sacrifice of one of Rarity's artifact horseshoes in order to activate. And she could not control what it would be. That was the cause of the breaking sound, and it turned out that the artifact that broke was Rarity's Burst Drive. The Scapegoat Idol was essentially capable of giving the Knight four extra "chances", since it would only target itself when there weren't any other horseshoe artifacts left.

Which of course, also meant that everytime Rarity was saved, she would lose part of her combat effectiveness. Now she was unable to quickly power up her spells to more easily create threats to their current foe. An advantage lost, but still far preferable to having Rarity be drained and taken out of the fight entirely.

Specially since she had managed to break Tirek's spell in exchange, which was something they definitely needed to do, as otherwise it would keep growing more and more powerful, and while it definitely had a limit, said limit would certainly be beyond what the five Knights on the field would be able to face, even together.

However, while his spell was broken, it had been the more stable slow-growing type of big magic, so that didn't mean Tirek himself would suffer any particularly great "recoil" from that. He even used the fading spell itself to his advantage, which was further proof of that.

This brief pause in the action was a good moment to review the positions and conditions of the combatants currently on that battlefield.

Tirek was currently at the position Rarity had been when she used her attack. He had spent quite a lot of energy on that spell but still had plenty to spare, more than enough to defend against any rushed attacks the knights might try to do. He had gotten some injuries from the initial rush of attacks by Fluttershy and Pinkie, but they were minor.

Rarity had been moved away from Tirek but also even further away from the trio of Knights. Her energy levels were already getting close to normal, but she hadn't had the time to recover the three Ruler Swords used as part of the ritual, so it would still take a bit more time for her to be able to rejoin the fight in earnest.

Rainbow Dash was flying a good distance above the battlefield, her position being almost but not quite in between Rarity and Tirek. Her energy was plentiful, but she had injured herself with the previous attack and hadn't been able to receive any healing since then, so anything she tried to do would be hindered somewhat.

Twilight, Fluttershy and Pinkie were still at the spot where the unicorn had done her part to aid in Rarity's strike, essentially half of the battlefield away from Tirek. Fluttershy's body was beginning to hurt, but she was still far from her limits and full of energy. Twilight was spent from her previous magic and would need a few more seconds to recover, but she was still enduring the side-effects of her magic relatively well.

Pinkie, on the other hand, was just as full of energy as Fluttershy, but her head had already started to hurt from the mental strain of her magic, and she knew it would only get worse from there.

Knowing that, she decided on her next course of action.

"Dual Essence. Anger and Joy!" She declared, switching up the magic.

The two auras on her body did not vanish, instead they were outright shatered as two new auras emerged, those two were red and pink, and they clashed against each other intensely.

And Pinkie did not wait even a single moment before putting her new power to use. She seemed to split into several copies, which only lasted for a moment before being shattered into pieces, and those pieces reformed into more Pinkie Pies before shattering and continuing the cycle.

The Knight did not move towards Tirek as much as she multiplied herself in his direction. But her copies did not continue multiplying after reaching a few dozen, after which they were simply duplicating themselves on each cycle.

Strange as it was, this form of movement was exceedingly fast, to the point they reached Tirek before he could take another action. The many Pinkie Pies attacked him in a barrage, even as they kept breaking apart and reforming.

The centaur was forced to deploy a barrier in order to hold off the attacks, and seeing that he was busy, Rarity started to teleport around to collect her swords, but she needed to spend a good amount of extra time on the teleports to be able to deal with the extreme amounts of magical interference that had blanketed the battlefield due to so much powerful magic being cast over such a short period of time.

Fluttershy started flying towards Tirek in order to give support, and Twilight had to take a moment in order to adapt to how the newest shift in the battlefield situation had affected her magic.

However, Pinkie had still underestimated how much the mental strain would hinder her. The Knight had commited a single mistake while performing her attack, a mistake she would never have made under normal circumstances. Pinkie had forgotten to use her magic to anchor herself in place and prevent outside interference from moving her.

And in a battle of such a level, a single mistake was all it took.

(Positional Warp Type 14)​

Tirek declared his magic with a stomp on the ground, and then both the centaur as well as the battalion of pony copies were somewhere else, along with a good portion of the ground they were standing on. Tirek's shift had taken them beyond the former edges of the battlefield, as far away from the other Knights as he could manage with such a comparatively minor spell.

It was far enough to prevent interference for almost ten whole seconds.

Pinkie didn't get confused by the sudden change, so she immediately realized the immense gravity of the situation and decided on the best course of action she could possibly take under the circumstances: All-out attack.

There was no leeway to watch for traps, no leeway to preserve energy for a follow-up, no leeway to try being clever. And she could feel that there was no way she'd manage to squeeze out of the trap, or even delay the opponent for long enough to get support. So she put everything into offense.

The Pinkie copies began flickering rapidly, their shapes briefly distorting as they channeled too much energy for their current state to contain, and then they leapt into Tirek and exploded. Hundreds of copies were made and destroyed in a mere five seconds, blasting Tirek with the equivalent of dozens of Knight-grade destructive spells.

Then Pinkie ran out of energy, falling to the ground in her normal form, the spell having faded. Her desperate attack had left the entire left side of Tirek's body scorched and bleeding, one of the fingers in his hand now missing. But he still stood, and reached his hand to touch Pinkie's head.

"Magic Drain."

Another Knight was down.

But if there was ny consolation to be had in the current situation, it would be that Tirek was unable to repeat the spell he had done upon draining Applejack. Even with all the power he had, that was not a spell he was currently able to use without some sort of special method, and the one he choose was to put a restriction on the spell, making it so he could only use it once per day.

His mimic ability was the same way, so that one wouldn't be repeated either. What he could do depended on the amount of power he had managed to gather at the time, and sometimes he would use other special methods to use magic beyond his "limit", but the restriction method was his most common.

That was something the Knights knew about, having been figured out over the many encounters Knights of the past had with Tirek. There was no way to tell whether a spell had such a restriction just by looking, but they understood that if Tirek were currently powerful enough to freely use magic on the level of Eternity Exceeded, then they wouldn't have been able to survive against him for so long.

Tirek had barely finished draining Pinkie before he was forced to defend himself again, as Twilight arrived, her magic having shifted once more, taking in Tirek's shift magic added to Fluttershy's and creating a movement spell that forcefully accelerated the ground via non-standard shifting, allowing Twilight to ride it for a speed boost.

And the shifting accumulated more and more ground even as it got faster and faster, turning into a wave of earth that Fluttershy was able to grab onto and be carried along midway through her flight. and just before they arrived, Fluttershy extended her sanctuary magic just enough to reach the fallen Pinkie before letting go of the wave.

Because at the same moment, Twilight turned the wave from a vehicle to a projectile, ramming tons of high-speed mass into Tirek like a train crash.

That was still a makeshift magic, so the Knight was unable to properly prevent all of the "splash" from hitting the fallen pony who was right next to her target. That was why Fluttershy's use of sanctuary was needed.

The centaur only had time to do a basic magic barrier in order to protect himself, but his new burst of power meant he could dump a lot of power into it without worrying about follow-ups specially considering the other two active Knights were still quite far away.

Speaking of them, by that point Rarity had managed to recover her swords and was currently in the process of healing Rainbow Dash. The two would be ready to rejoin the immediate fight soon.

Going back to Tirek, all that extra power was still not enough to completely block Twilight's attack, so he manipulated the barrier to go under himself and disabled its anchoring properties, thus resulting in the mass of earth pushing him away from his original position, softening the effect of the blow.

He did not come out unscathed, but it was much better than if he had tried to stop it in place.

Twilight wanted to pursue him, but her shifting earth took time to accelerate into notable speeds, so she was unable to quickly cross even that comparatively minor distance. Tirek would have been able to prepare a counter-attack by the time she got close enough, but something else happened during that period of time.

Tirek's right hand reappeared. And almost immediately after, the sound of hooves was heard.


A small part of Trixie, if pressed, would admit to feeling frustration at the current situation. Most of her, however, was completely focused on trying to find some way of actually getting rid of the Tirek parasite infesting her Realm.

She had already tried so many things and none of them had worked. She tried to destroy it using every method she could think of, from pure firepower all the way to straight up death magic, but nothing did the trick. She tried forcefully changing the parasite's nature in order to render it a non-threat, but it had just enough of a sense of will to resist changes to its fundamental being, and Trixie was not powerful enough to overcome its resitance by force. Not even cancelling her spell would work, as the parasite seemed able to force the spell to remain active via its connection to her.

And of course, it wasn't like Trixie could just attack freely. The enemy's own offensive ability wasn't enough to really threaten her, but it was more than enough to hinder her efforts at getting rid of it. The magic the parasite could use was pretty varied, since it was partially hijacking her own Realm, and it was smart enough to make good use of such versatility.

It was indeed a truly troublesome foe, which had been keeping Trixie away from the main fight for much longer than she could accept. Having even one fewer Knight present in the fight against Tirek would make it much harder for them to match him, which was exactly why the centaur had done what he did, even at the cost of a hand.

And Trixie had no idea how the fight was going. She had sealed off the Realm from outside stimuli in order to make it truly impossible for the parasite to cooperate with Tirek. And while usually the Knights could use Fluttershy's magic to maintain accurate communications even at such a distance, Tirek had been known to target connections between knights with esoteric forms of magic that could cause harsh negative effects to all who were bound by them.

As such, Fluttershy had limited her empathy magic to the point that only knights who were relatively close by would be able to use it, thus making it a lot harder for Tirek to exploit those connections.

Being in that situation, and unable to break through using any ordinary methods, the illusionist knight eventually hit upon a very unusual idea.

"This place isn't big enough for the two of us." She said in a tone of challenge.

And then Trixie shrunk her Realm to its minimum possible size, exactly the same as her own body. As the parasite's very existence was constrained to the area of effect of her magic, that meant the knight and the magic construct were briefly forced to occupy the exact same space.

Such was obviously a physical impossibility, so reality did the equivalent of blinking in confusion, and if there were any observers who were close enough to the action, they would have witnessed the singularly bizarre sight of Trixie's form flickering betweeen her natural self and Tirek's body compressed into the same size.

That state lasted only for a few short moments before reality reasserted itself. Only one being could exist in that one place, and so the weaker of the two was essentially erased from existence.

Of course, a mere magical parasite, no matter how powerful, would never win a struggle of that sort if its opponent was a Knight.

And as soon as Trixie managed to get rid of the annoying parasite, she realized that something was different: Her senses seemed to have been enhanced, as she was able to clearly see the battle in the distance (realizing that three Knights had already fallen) and hear the minute sounds of the wind flowing around the area. Similarly, she felt like her body itself had grown much stronger, to the point she was worried about accidentally cratering the ground if she tried to take a step.

She realized what the answer was very quickly: It was an unintended (but beneficial) side-effect of shrinking her Realm in that manner and for that purpose. Doing so had focused all of its power into her body, but that was only part of the reason for that change. The other parts were the struggle she had against the parasite and the nature of her Realm as a manifestation of dreams, and thus Ideas.

In that struggle, she had needed to reinforce her very existence in order to pit it against that of the opponent, and so all of the power of her Realm, condensed down to its minimum size, had taken that figurative idea of making her own being stronger and made it literal by enhancing her body itself.

It was ironic that she had spent so much effort in thinking of ways to use her unique magic against Tirek, but now an even better method had essentially been handed to her on a silver platter.

Thus Trixie manifested a magical sword and shield, both floating close to her, and despite being outside the area of the Realm (meaning they weren't inside Trixie), those two were far stronger than she'd be able to make normally, as the manifestation spell used the caster's body as part of the magical template (which was the reason why she chose to use it).

"Knight of Dreams." She declared, naming that very special application of her magic.

Then she rushed towards the battlefield.


From when the sound of hooves was heard by Tirek and the knights facing him, barely any time passed before Trixie entered the fight. She was moving fast enough that even Rainbow Dash would be hard-pressed to go any faster without flying.

The centaur quickly realized that the newcomer was currently the biggest threat on the battlefield, so he decided to preempt her.

(Path of Doom)​

He extended his hands in Trixie's direction and once more unleashed a calamitous amount of magic, which spread slightly outwards before advancing forward in a wave that dominated the entire area it covered, turning both the ground and the air into focuses and catalysts for a multitude of offensive spells, all of them fire based, but each and every one of them also had additional effects like mini-curses and the release of noxious gases.

But none of that mattered, because when the "corridor" was about to reach Trixie's position, she simply slashed with her sword.

She was still a specialist in illusions, so she immediately spotted the hidden tricks within Tirek's magic and decided that the best course of action would be to deal with all of them at once. Her slash released a wave of cutting magical power that smashed into a good portion of the spells in the corridor, triggering them in a way that started a chain reaction that resulted in all the other spells triggering prematurely as well.

Then, without even slowing down her advance, Trixie followed up by swiping her shield sideways, shattering active effects like curses while dispersing passive elements like poison. She did not completely erase all of Tirek's magic, but it was more than enough to go through safely.

She finally reached him and atacked, but Tirek managed to block her first slash, because although he had spent a good amount of power on that spell, Trixie's counter to it had also cost her quite a bit.

Trixie's reentry into the fight had at least managed to bring things back into balance when it looked like everything was starting to fall apart. The Knights were still in the battle.

Trixie and Tirek exchanged a few blows, neither of them giving ground as they tried to save up energy for the next move as well as preventing the other from doing the same, before they both backed away at the same time, almost as if they had rehearsed it beforehand.

However, their parity ended there, since Tirek cast his spell first:

(Entropic Blast Orb)​

He extended his right hand, pointing his palm at Trixie, and right in front of it manifested a dark purple, partially transparent sphere of magic, and inside it one could see an incandescent red core from which strands of magical lightning continuously sparked outwards and hit the insides of the sphere.

He then shot off the sphere at a relatively fast speed, but not fast enough Trixie wouldn't be able to dodge it. And from that one could infer that the attack had some sort of trick to it. The Knight noticed that, but she wasn't planning on dodging in the first place.

"Dream Sword: Subtle Slash!" Trixie declared, having managed to finish her own spell just in time.

Her sword glowed golden as she slashed right through the sphere.

"Gaaah!" And Tirek cried out in pain, a large gash appearing on his chest.

The true target of Trixie's attack had been him all along. The slash had created the illusion of hitting the sphere, while the actual attack had avoided it and extended invisibly towards the centaur.

But there was a price to pay.

An explosion rocked Trixie's position, as the sphere hit the shield she had raised at the last moment and broke apart, unleashing a tremendous amount of destrutive power that covered enough area the Knight wouldn't have been able to completely dodge.

After the explosion, Trixie still stood, but her legs were unsteady, she was breathing hard and blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth.

Most of the energy she had saved during the brief exchange with Tirek was put into her attack, meaning very little was left for her own defenses. Even in her current form, Trixie had barely managed to remain standing afterwards.

The Knight had decided that landing a major blow against Tirek was worth such a price. The time for half measures had long since passed, and if she needed to trade blood for blood in order to increase their chances of victory, then that was what she would do.

The enemy recovered first, but before he had the chance to attack Trixie again, Rainbow Dash showed up to give him something else to worry about.

"Tornado Wings!" She shouted and started flapping her wings repeatedly, blasting Tirek with mini tornadoes.

He put his right hand up to form a barrier while using his left hand to try and close up the injury to his chest, but he only managed about half of it before being interrupted by the appearance of another Knight.

"Ruler of Wind: Hurricane Manifestation!" Rarity cast.

Her magic merged seamlessly with Rainbow's spell, causing the tornadoes to keep spinning around even after hitting Tirek, and then they quickly merged together into a large hurricane that forced the centaur into focusing fully on defense.

Tirek wasn't the type to simply defend passively, though. After a few moments of that he roared, causing his chest injury to glow red and visibly widen. And then he brought his hands together in a crushing motion, breaking the hurricane and causing both knights to grunt from the recoil.

He immediately turned around and punched out at Twilight, whose power had changed again and was now enveloped in a drill of cutting wind that Tirek met with a punch enveloped in black destructive energy. The two were briefly evenly matched in their clash, but that was when another weakness of Twilight's current technique revealed itself.

"Ghh!" She grunted in pain, her power flagging just enough for Tirek to break her spell and smash her into the ground with his punch.

Twilight's Battlefield Soul had automatically taken in some of the characteristics of Tirek's current self-harming power up, and because her body was already under so much strain from her magic and the battle as a whole, that just pushed things over the edge.

Fluttershy, who had been just behind Twilight, dove down to rescue her, but Tirek hadn't actually used a spell in that exchange. Because his actual target had been the pegasus all along.

(Sixth Degree Annihilation)​

He extended his hands towards her, side by side and with fingers outstretched, somewhat reminiscent of a spider's legs, and when Fluttershy got close, he unleashed his attack.

A colossal amount of power turned into an invisible shockwave that seemed to just disappear into Fluttershy's body for a moment. The next instant her body was ravaged by what felt like a thousand explosive spells from the inside, as Tirek's technique did not waste a single drop of its power, all of it damaging Fluttershy.

Not even her extreme endurance could resist such a devastating attack, and the pegasus crashed into the ground, unable to move. But she had fallen a bit farther away from him than Twilight, who was literally right at his feet.

Tirek's first target was therefore obvious.

"Magic Drain." He declared, reaching towards the unicorn with a hand.

However, he hadn't accounted for the possibility of Twilight still being conscious. Her spell was also still active, which Tirek would have noticed had he not been pushed so far by all the fighting up to that point. As such, when his hands reached close to the Knight, the spell suppressing properties of Magic Drain caused her magic to finally break.

And that chaotic technique that involved Twilight absorbing so many different types of magic and mixing them together into unstable configurations had accumulated a large amount of magical 'waste', which was simply traces of power born as a side-effect of the magical mixing, and they were only being kept contained by Twilight's control of the spell.

So Tirek breaking the magic was the equivalent of triggering a bomb. It was not a spell, so it wasn't cancelled by his magic, it was simply a release of energy. The safeguards in Twilight's spell directed the energy upwards to protect her body.

Which resulted in Tirek taking an eruption of unstable magical power directly to the face.

He started to recoil away, but forcefully stopped himself and completed his drain, grimly enduring for the second of so that the eruption lasted, unwilling to back away from his prey.

When it was over, his face looked like a mess, the entire left side covered in horrible burns that had clearly blinded that eye.

And then Trixie attacked.

"Severing Dream Slash!" She declared in a shout, clearly having managed to recover a decent amount.

She had appeared close enough to the fallen Knights she would almost be able to touch them, and her approach had taken perfect advantage of the distraction caused by the eruption, so she was in the perfect position to start her attack.

Trixie swung her sword, which seemed to cut through existence itself, leaving a shining semicircle of dreamlike power that flew at the centaur, the materialization of Trixie's slash.

Tirek reacted fast, using a whole lot of energy to materialize a barrier in front of himself (he currently had a lot of power to spare), which would have been able to block... If that had been a conventional attack.

Instead, the slash simply vanished as it touched the barrier. And Rarity attacked from behind with a slash that nearly split him in half, her Wind Ruler Sword glowing with the same light as Trixie's spell.

She wasn't close enough to hit him directly, but the dreamlike attack simply acted as if Rarity had been the one to shoot it in the first place, so it showed up behind the centaur at the same moment it had disappeared in the front. Rarity had received a very subtle spell message from the other knight informing her of the plan, and the cooperation of the duo was enough to pull it off.

Once again, that wasn't the sort of thing that would have worked earlier in the fight, but Tirek had been worn down to such an extent he was just barely unable to notice the secret hidden in Trixie's technique.

A large amount of blood flowed out of the massive open injury he had been inflicted with, and the shock made many of his other injuries, previously suppressed by magical power, to open up again. Tirek also stumbled forward, but managed to stabilize himself.

The illusionist Knight was able to see that, at that moment, his eyes blazed with hatred as he cast a new spell:

(Marionette of Self: Battlefield Type: Forbidden Level 5)​

Two dozen golden magical spikes manifested themselves around his upper body and then pierced into his flesh with great strength, clearly causing Tirek to have to hold back a scream. They didn't go fully inside him, and the parts that were exposed extended threads that connected them together, and the multiple threads started fusing together and taking on a more metalic appearance.

The same process occured on his lower body just a moment later, and then finally the threads moved upwards and made a sort of cage around his head, though his remaining horn wasn't covered by it. In the end, Tirek looked like he was wearing a golden suit of armor made of chain links.

The remaining Knights felt like their opponent had suddenly gotten a lot more dangerous, and they were right. The magic he had just used was a very extreme type of war magic, designed to allow soldiers to fight far beyond their usual limits by literally holding their flesh together regardless of what injuries they had.

That essentially meant Tirek's current injuries would be unable to impair his combat abilities while he was wearing the armor. But even worse was the fact that his version of it also increased his physical capabilities tremendously.

That was shown when Tirek took a step and was suddenly punching Rarity, having turned around and reached her in a single explosive movement.

It was impossible for the knight to react to such a sudden shift in the battle, and so she ended up being saved by the Scapegoat Idol again, being teleported away once more, and this time it was her Speed Step artifact that was sacrificed.

Rainbow Dash dove in and hit Tirek in passing, just to distract him for one moment to allow Rarity to regain her bearings and make her way back to the fight (she hadn't actually been teleported that far away), even that was almost a mistake, as she only barely managed to avoid being grabbed in the process.

Tirek actually wasn't absurdly fast, but the speed increase was still enough to catch the knights off guard due to how sudden it was, completely surpassing their predictions. That wasn't an advantage he could hold for long, since they would get used to his new speed. Even after just those two short exchanges they were already much more able to follow his movements.

Still, he had used that momentary advantage in order to get a more permanent one by way of weakening Rarity, so one could still say his move had been effective.

He followed up by clawing in the general direction of Dash and Rarity, releasing a wave of energy and spatial disturbance shaped like his clawing hand. The wave was as wide as a lake and as tall as two houses stacked on top of each other, so it could threaten the two Knights despite them not being all that close to each other.

And as the two unleashed their own spells to break that attack (Rainbow Dash with a lightning bolt arrow and Rarity with a crushing pillar of water) he once more moved in an explosive fashion, but this time going straight towards Trixie.

"Crescent Slash!" Was her counter.

She had managed to react fast enough to attack with a powerful downwards cut that hit Tirek on his right shoulder, and once more that wasn't just an ordinary direct attack, but this time Trixie's trick failed. His armor left no gaps to attack his most critical areas, and it held his flesh together firmly enough that he only slowed down by a quarter when hit by the attack, despite it still being powerful enough to make a large amount of his blood splash to the ground.

His movements unhindered by her blow, he punched with his left fist wrapped up in what was essentially a spatial quake, a powerful magical vibration that disturbed matter down to the smallest foundation.

Trixie managed to shift herself enough to only take a glancing hit to the side, yet the nature of the attack was such that even this resulted in the equivalent of being hit with a water tank moving at supersonic speeds. It was severely painful, but she emitted no sound because all the air had been driven from her body.

Thankfully, Tirek hadn't put his all into the attack, so even though she was shot away at considerable speed and with at least five broken bones, Trixie managed to land on her feet and without any critical injuries.

Sadly, Tirek hadn't put his all into the attack because his true aim had been the Knight behind Trixie, Fluttershy.

The pegasus had ceased her Trance Mode as it no longer served any purpose, and had just barely managed to stand back up with great effort. Perhaps in another minute or two she would have been able to muster the strength for an attack, but as it was, she was unable to prevent Tirek from draining her.

"Magic Drain!" He shouted aggressively as his right hand reached out to her. Fluttershy muttered two words, but no magic manifested itself.

In just a few moments, Fluttershy had also been drained of her magic. Yet she did not collapse, instead staring at him with eyes full of determination and speaking one more word:


A tiny, almost invisible magical circle lit up below the pegasus. And a moment later, against all odds, a response came from within Tirek.

The two words Fluttershy had muttered before had been 'Empathy Heart', and they weren't actually a spell. They were essentially a mental focus similar to the one used to trigger overdrive, but with the sole function of holding her magic in a certain shape.

It would remain as such even after the magic was absorbed by Tirek, as the shape would not collapse as long as her will and focus remained. That was only possible because magic kept a connection to the original user even after being drained, and because she was close enough. The specific shape was not important, since it only served as a small small to strengthen the connection it still had with Fluttershy, just a little bit.

Then, after the Magic Drain was over, meaning the suppressive effect it had on the activation of any magic was gone, Fluttershy triggered the magic circle she had secretly drawn after being heavily injured, knowing that Tirek would try to come and drain her soon.

She was unable to use magic on her own because of the draining, so an external measure was necessary. The circle was too simple and haphazard to channel more than a tiny amount of ambient magic, all to power an equally tiny spell that had no physical effects.

Yet, all of that was the last resort that Fluttershy had mentioned during the planning against Tirek. That magic could be called the magnum opus of the Knight who specialized in empathy and bonds. The connecting link she had forged to Tirek was far too fragile to serve as a conduit for any sort of attack, but it was solid enough to transmit emotions and feelings.

And so the magic of 'Empathy Heart - Link' gifted the centaur with a copy of Fluttershy's own sense of empathy.

That was a completely unprecedented attack. Tirek would have been able to block an attempt at manipulating his emotions directly, but that magic instead simply forced the centaur to look at himself and what he had done via the eyes of someone who actually cared about others.

The sudden wave of feelings that blossomed in his heart was more akin to a tsunami. Tirek opened his mouth and roared, a sound that was filled with indescribable grief and absolute regret.

The Knight still stood, looking at him, unable to guess what his final reaction would be. And then Tirek, still in the throes of anguish, brought his left hand to his heart and it glowed with a black, murky light.


Tirek's newfound sense of empathy was shattered beyond repair. He ceased to emit any sound and slowly brought his hand back down.

Fluttershy, who had already gone well past her limits, finally collapsed after feeling her spell break, her last thoughts before unconsciousness being that she pitied her opponent for rejecting his chance at walking a different path.

Tirek turned back towards the three remaining Knights, who had joined close together. And all four who were still standing on the battlefield understood that the end of the fight was close.
Chapter 84
Chapter 84 - Tirek, the Final Dusk

The trio of Knights rushed towards Tirek, Trixie in front, Dash a bit behind and in the air, and Rarity a bit further behind still. The centaur only moved close to the last moment, his attack being another punch packed with power. His three opponents attacked as one, Trixie clashing with him head-on, Dash diving down with a last-second acceleration and Rarity manifesting a slash from the ground beneath him.

Trixie blocked his blow for long enough he had to pull back and block the pegasus, which was followed by Rarity's attack forcing him into an awkward sideways movement that gave Trixie an opponent to launch another attack herself.

Tirek cast a spell that brought down a crushing force onto the Knights, but Rainbow Dash moved fast enough to evade and hit him in the side. Rarity cast a spell that manifested flaming slashes attacking the centaur from all directions, but Tirek twisted space to bring them all to the same point and reflected the magic back at her.

And so it continued for several more exchanges. Fluttershy's last resort had been countered but it seemed to have come at such a cost that brought Tirek down into a level of parity with his last three opponents. They attacked relentlessly and covered for each other with the focus and precision that had been sharpened into a whole new level by the struggle of the hardest fight of their lives.

However, the standstill could not last forever. Eventually either Tirek's brutality armor would lose its effect, or one of the Knights would reach their physical limits. Neither of the parties knew which would happen first, and simply hoping the outcome would favor them was not an option, they could not leave something so important to chance.

And so as they fought, both Tirek and the trio kept looking for an opportunity, they kept trying to move the flow of the fight to a point where they could strike a decisive blow, while at the same time trying to avoid the opponent's attempts at doing the same thing. And they had to judge for themselves what the right time should be, knowing that a misjudgement might be catastrophic.

And the one who decided to make a move first was Tirek.

(Dual Dimension Crusher Charm)

Both hands shimmering and the air between them trembling with magic, Tirek hit his fists together, powerful dimensional manipulation creating the equivalent of a small scale colision between dimensions, the resulting pressure falling onto the Knights. It fell far short of the real thing, but still had an astonishing amount of power.

"Frost Wing!" Rainbow Dash was the first to react, diving in while casting a spell.

A massive amount of water coalesced on top of her and got instantly flash frozen into the hardest ice that could be made without special techniques, due to Rainbow Dash also using her wind control to prevent any air from getting inside and making it weaker.

Furthermore, she also instinctively shaped the ice into a multilayered ablative barrier specifically designed to bleed off as much as possible of the force of that one attack.

It was undoubtedly Rainbow Dash's best defensive move, and upon coming into contact with Tirek's attack, it managed the impressive feat of surviving for a full three quarters of a second.

The absurd power hitting her spell crushed all the layers and hammered onto the Knight with the power of a falling mountain, knocking her backwards with such strength she fell like a meteor. Yet, it had at least managed to mitigate some of the force.

"Blizzard Barrage!" With unmatched timing, Rarity launched her own spell at the exact moment the previous defense broke.

It was a combination of wind and water magic. The Knight actually took advantage of the shards of super dense ice Rainbow Dash had produced, enhancing and shaping them into heavy projectiles that were forcefully accelerated with such violence that any regular objects would have broken apart in the process.

Rarity held nothing back, bombarding the enemy attack with every single scrap of power she could muster, reforming the broken shards of her previous attacks into new projectiles. She spent all her energy in mere seconds, only stopping after getting so drained she was barely able to stand.

All that effort mitigated a bit more of the power of Tirek's attack, and then it was up to Trixie alone to meet it. And the Knight was able to tell very clearly that despite the efforts of the other two, she had no chance of actually blocking the hit.

And Tirek's attack had been done in such a fashion and at such a moment that simply left no room for his opponents to dodge instead. That had been the moment he had chosen, and now Trixie's response to his move would be the thing that would decide whether or not it had been a mistake.

The possibilities passed through her head at extreme speeds. She could keep the other two safe by taking the blow in the right way, but could she do better than that? Could she do a final attack strong enough to cause significant damage to Tirek? He had put all his energy into that spell, so he wouldn't be able to defend.

Even so, it didn't seem like she could do it. His magic was essentially acting as a barrier between the two, and any attacks that she tried to force through would be mitigated would be mitigated too much too help. Unless...

"Dream Edge!" Her decision made, Trixie instantly acted.

She cast her magic while stepping into the intense pressure of Tirek's spell, her Knight of Dreams state being pushed to the limit to resist for even just a single second. But an ideal knight should protect their allies, even if it meant sacrificing their body, and that move would guarantee the other two would suffer no harm.

And the other purpose of the move was to set up her own spell. Her blade grew upwards, temporarily going into a partially immaterial state until it grew tall enough that its top part was no longer within the area of effect of Tirek's magic. And then Trixie allowed the pressure of the attack to slam her down to the ground.

Which meant her sword was also slammed down, with far more force than she could have produced herself, right on top of the centaur.

There was a moment of silence as none of the remaining combatants were able to move. Rarity was still trying to get her energy back, Rainbow Dash was shakily trying to stand back up, Tirek had been knocked down by Trixie's final counterattack, and the illusionist herself was lying down unconscious.

Then Tirek pulled himself back up, the armor digging itself even deeper into his flesh to force his movements. He took one step, and then two, before reaching his hand towards Trixie and draining her.

At the end of the exchange, one Knight had been brought down and drained, but Tirek himself had been wounded even further. Who had gotten the better of things, then? In such a chaotic fight, it was often impossible to tell.

Unwilling to allow Tirek to act again, Rarity activated her Refresh Pattern, which now felt like her insides were burning as the burden on her body was much worse given her current state of fatigue (both physical and magical) and injuries. Given that she was far and away the combatant in the best physical condition of the ones currently standing, that just went to show how harsh the battle had been.

"Grand Fire Slash!" She called out, using the most powerful attack magic she was currently able to, slashing with her Fire Ruler Sword to launch a huge crescent of fire at Tirek.

With a grunt, he blocked with both hands and held the spell in place for a few moments before deflecting it away with a burst of magic. Then he dashed forward in an instant and punched out at the unicorn.

With a now familiar breaking sound, the artifact Rarity had just used was broken as the Scapegoat Idol triggered, teleporting her back close to Rainbow Dash.

"Perfect Restoration!" She called out immediately, doing her best to heal the latest wounds of her fellow Knight.

Yet, as the magic did its best to help the pegasus recover, Rarity was able to tell that she was at her limit. She looked back towards Tirek, wondering what their next move should be.

On the other hand, Rainbow Dash's mind had returned to her wonderings from before the battle, about the nature of limits and how the final limit was death. She understood that breaking her limits caused injury because some parts of her body were more fragile than others, and so the weaker parts gave out when she pushed the stronger ones to the limit.

But what if she could unleash her power in a way that would spread the burden based on the limits of each part? That would prevent injury, which would in turn mean she could maintain said state indefinitely, instead of being forced to stop to avoid even more injuries which would quickly render her unable to fight.

And if she was pushing each and every part of herself to its absolute limit, that meant she would be able to fight at her absolute peak performance.

The idea was simple, but it wasn't easy to execute, as it would require razor sharp control of one's own energy as well as a continuous full awareness of one's own physical state. Dash herself knew such a thing would be an impossible feat under ordinary circumstances.

Yet, her instincts told her that there was a chance, and so Rainbow Dash called upon the power of her soul and unleashed it, channeling the energy through her body. Her concentration had been pushed to the absolute peak by the pressure of the fight against Tirek, so she was able to control such energy with unprecedented precision even as she put much of her awareness into visualizing her state. Even that would not be enough by itself, but Dash followed the guidance of her instincts to make up for the issues that would have ruined the whole technique.

She guided the flows of energy to move in a complex path that perfectly filled dead zones that could have disturbed the flow, saturated areas with greater mana sensitivity in an indirect way that prevented them from sucking up too much magic, and slowly dispersed themselves from the most resilient to the most fragile spots so the flows maintained absolute harmony instead of needing to shift radically from one point to another.

Rarity had realized Dash was trying something and turned her attention to preventing Tirek from possibly interfering, but the whole process was so fast that he didn't even get a chance to do so.

The pegasus opened her eyes, feeling the energy that strengthened her body beyond anything she had ever managed before. But she also understood the danger. Going beyond the limits normally would only result in injury, but doing so after reaching her final limit meant certain death. As such Rainbow Dash named her technique so as to never forget what it meant:

"Extreme Limit: One Step Before Death!" She declared.

Both Rarity and Tirek were looking at her at that moment, and even though there were no outward signs that anything had changed, the two of them could feel an incredible aura of power from just her mere presence.

Then she moved. She took off with the momentum of a rocket, flying into Tirek in the blink of an eye and hitting him with a kick powerful enough to loosen the brutality armor's hold on his flesh for a moment. She had been so fast his arm was still in the middle of moving upwards so as to make a magic shield.

He quickly rallied, releasing a quick explosive spell despite being so close he'd be affected as well. Yet things didn't reach that point, since Rainbow Dash swept one of her legs sideways and made the explosion vanish like so much smoke.

Following that up, she flapped both wings and condensed a violent vortex of wind that felt like she had somehow crammed an entire tornado into a small area. She then kicked it into Tirek, resulting in such a powerful contained explosion that caused cracks to appear not only on his brutality armor, but also on his flesh.

The centaur was still unwilling to let himself be overwhelmed. He cast a succession of spells, a myriad of different and powerful magic, some direct and some subtle, attacking the pegasus in every way imaginable, while at the same time trying to get distance, to get time, to gather his strength, to do something, anything that could potentially turn things around.

And yet nothing worked. Willing or not, Tirek was continually on the losing side in their exchange. The pegasus followed his every movement, countered every attack and didn't give him any chance of mustering up any special magic. His injuries continued to mount and his armor became ever more unstable.

That was not because Rainbow Dash's current form was just that powerful. In truth, she was around the same level as Sunset's earlier Star Drive. The true reason was twofold: One being that Tirek was much weaker now than at the time Sunset had done her move, having been worn down by the intense battle. The other part was that Rainbow Dash's moves weren't actually just powerful attacks, each of them actually contained a strong element of suppression that weighted on Tirek's magic itself.

Suppresion was the one aspect of sealing magic that Dash had any talent in, so when it was decided that they would face Tirek, she decided to brush up on it. For the centaur, fighting her felt like his spells were slower and less effective while also requiring extra energy to actually trigger.

In that condition, he would have found it troublesome to fight Rainbow Dash even if he were at peak strength. So when it was combined with his current weak state, it was no surprise that it became a hopeless matchup.

It took barely over half a minute from the pegasus' first kick before his defenses showed a fatal flaw.

"Annihilation Lightning!" And Rainbow Dash did not overlook it.

Generating a large lightning bolt from each wing, she infused them with the greatest destructive power she could muster and drilled them into Tirek.

The lightning magic coursed through Tirek's body, its sheer destructive energy causing countless ruptures to occur in its path, and when said power spread fully, it finally ignited. At that moment, even if Tirek had been able to scream (which he couldn't) he would not have had time to, as his entire body exploded in the blink of an eye.

Rainbow Dash fell to the ground, the fatigue from performing at peak capacity despite already being very worn down from the fight had been enough to push her into complete exhaustion. The only thing that prevented her from falling unconscious was the knowledge that the fight wasn't over yet.

Glancing up, she saw that where Tirek had been standing was now a pillar of black smoke that looked somewhat like a mirror. That was what remained of Tirek after Rainbow Dash destroyed his body, so all that Rarity needed to do was banish him back to Tartarus now that he was defenceless.

But it was at that moment when the pre-prepared spell Applejack had seen during her last moments of consciousness in the battle finally triggered.

It took only a few moments. A magic circle manifested itself beside the "smoke", it activated and became a portal from which emerged... Tirek.

Or rather, merely a lifeless, imperfect copy of Tirek's body. But the smoke immediately flowed into it, animating that lifeless object and making it truly Tirek.

Seeing that, Rainbow Dash's heart almost leaped out of her chest. Although it was obvious that this new body had its limitations, there was now only one Knight left standing and so the final outcome of the battle once more became undetermined.

Rarity also saw what happened and realized the same thing, but there was no space in her mind to worry, for she was currently having an epiphany.


Some time before the current events, the artificer unicorn had asked Trixie to tell her more details about what had happened while she and Twilight were in that other world.

"Magic for sealing an entire world... It's hard to even imagine." Rarity commented.

"It's difficult to get a sense of what a World is, since magic that can affect things on that scale is beyond the reach of pretty much anyone in this world." Trixie replied "It would be possible to use smaller scale magic that interacts with the concept of World, but you would need to understand that concept at some level, which brings us back to the first problem."

Rarity nodded in agreement, but then had a thought "But you saw the magic that entity was using, right? If you saw magic that interacts with the World, shouldn't you be able to get an understanding from that?"

Trixie sighed "Theoretically yes, but seeing something and understanding it are two completely different matters. You're only looking at the way a spell from a completely different entity interacts with a completely different world. It's a very limited amount of information, so it would be like seeing a piece of a puzzle and trying to deduce what the full puzzle looks like.

"Or at least the general shape of it, which would be enough understanding to affect the concept in a basic way. But even deducing that is difficult." She shook her head "I could tell that there was something there, but nothing beyond that. I could show it to you if you're interested."

Rarity didn't seriously believe she'd have any better luck than Trixie, but she was interested in seeing what the spell actually looked like, so she accepted the offer.

Trixie then conjured an illusion that showed the battlefield, the space of emptiness bordering the infinite wall of white that was the manifestation of the seal. And her illusion wasn't merely an image, but even captured the powerful intent of the magic itself.

Looking at it, Rarity... Couldn't really perceive anything. Just like Trixie had said, it was very difficult to understand anything based on such incomplete information.

Still, seeing even that much was an experience that was very hard to come by. And it was that very experience that allowed what happened next.


After Rainbow destroyed Tirek's body and reduced him to that 'smoke' form, Rarity was surprised to find that sight strangely familiar. She would have decided to think of it later and focus on sealing the centaur, except Tirek's trump card came out so quickly that the situation changed.

The unicorn knew that it would be difficult to win by fighting Tirek normally, now that she was by herself, so she focused on her earlier thought and tried to figure out what the familiar feeling was.

Rarity thought very fast, looking for something similar in her memories. She didn't have to go very far back to find the answer: That form of Tirek was similar to the sealing spell that Trixie had shown her via illusion.

Many others had seen Tirek in that state, but Rarity was the first one who had also already seen magic that interacted with the concept of World, even if it was only second hand. Both Trixie and Twilight would have been the same, but they were currently unconscious.

Rarity thought about what she knew of those two pieces of information, there was very little to go on, but by making a comparison between them, she managed to deduce that the similarity was their connection with the concept of World.

Her train of thought could have easily ended there, a small realization that didn't directly help. Even the two Knights who had experienced the sealing magic in person weren't likely to be able to understand anything further than that if they were in her place. But Rarity had also been using her Restoration magic quite a lot during the fight, so she was sensitive to wounds, and that combined with her focus being heightened to extreme levels by the pressure of the battle was enough to allow her to make another leap of logic.

Tirek's very existence was a wound in reality.

With that, Rarity understood Tirek's immortality. His soul was actually anchoring itself to that flaw in the fabric of the world, so that even when his body was destroyed, he wouldn't truly die. But there was also a flipside to it, because that meant Tirek was in direct opposition to...

The World itself.

Rarity's epiphany suddenly ended, having lasted mere seconds in reality. And with the understanding she had achieved, the unicorn came up with a plan. And it was a plan that went completely beyond anything she could have possibly imagined before.

But it would take time, so...

"Please keep him busy for a little bit. Okay, Dash?" She asked the only other Knight who was still conscious.

The pegasus almost wanted to ask if she was serious. Sure, she just had to somehow hold back the greatest villain in the world, while she couldn't even move, let alone use magic. That was the very definition of a big ask.

Still, Rarity was asking her, so Rainbow Dash was determined to give it her all.

Tirek had obviously heard what Rarity said, but he urgently needed an addition of magic to stabilize his current body, so he simply moved close to Rainbow Dash, deciding to quickly drain the pegasus before dealing with whatever that was.

"Magic Drain." Tirek declared, reaching towards the pegasus and activating his magic.

The power was drawn towards him, just like always. And then... It slipped off and flowed back into Dash.

That was most definitely not like always. In fact, it had never happened before, so the centaur was so surprised he actually froze for a few moments.

Meanwhile, Rarity had started dismantling her own Ruler Swords. She needed the material, since she wanted to make something new, and if it worked like she wanted then Rarity wouldn't require those swords anymore.

Tirek once more attempted to drain Rainbow Dash, this time putting all his focus on the spell to make sure that it was being cast correctly. However, the result was still the same as before, so the centaur lost his cool and started simply repeatedly casting the magic, unwilling to believe that he couldn't make it work eventually. He didn't think of the possibility of trying to knock out the pegasus first, making that mistake due to the toll the battle had taken on him.

He was right, but Dash was managing to delay him like Rarity had asked, so everything would be fine as long as she could hold out for long enough. But how exactly was she managing that feat?

Part of it was because Tirek was far from his best condition, part of it was because Dash had pushed himself so hard there was very little active magic left for his spell to grab, but the biggest reason was the pegasus' instincts, once more showing how powerful they were. By following their guidance, she was able to move and shape her remaining magic in a way that managed to evade the grasp of the spell. Still, it would have been impossible without the other conditions also being in place.

The main reason why no one had ever managed to resist Magic Drain before was very simple: It was really hard to do something you didn't know how to do, specially first try. Tirek was the only one who had any idea how that magic worked and there were vanishingly few Knights who had ever been drained twice, and none of them were conscious both times, so they couldn't use their previous experiences to try and figure out a way to resist. (On the occasions Tirek managed to drain one of the alicorns, he had always made sure to knock them out first, thinking they could possible have a shot at negating the magic.)

There had been others who might have been able to perform the same feat, but did not have the help of such perfect conditions, or simply hadn't been conscious when they were drained.

Regardless, that wasn't a state of affairs that could last for long. Either Dash would slip up or the centaur would cool down enough to think of simply knocking her out first.

Thankfully, Rarity could be a very fast worker when inspired.

"It's done." Her voice came, causing Rainbow Dash to lose her focus out of relief.

Her magic was drained, but with a final effort of will, the pegasus managed to hold on to her consciousness. She had a feeling she needed to see what Rarity was about to do. From her position, she was able to glance in the direction of the unicorn.

Rarity was holding up her newly made artifact with telekinesis. It looked similar to her previous elemental ruler swords, except a bit simpler in design (she didn't have the time to waste on ornamentation), but that simplicity seemed to fit with the feeling one had when looking at it: It felt as if that sword was a part of nature itself, instead of something artificial.

"One who understands the World, understands everything." Rarity started to recite "With Understanding comes Mastery, from Mastery comes Victory." She stopped for a moment "This is the meaning of my World Ruler Sword."

Seeing that, Rainbow Dash was glad to have remained conscious. She definitely wouldn't have wanted to miss that, and she had a feeling it was just the beginning.

Tirek hadn't been idle while Rarity was doing that, of course. He had been focused on using his recently stolen power to stabilize his current form, but as soon as he was done, the centaur decided to take the initiative.

(Shadow Rush)

A sphere made of what looked like liquid darkness manifested itself above Tirek's body, and then it cascaded down onto him, wrapping around his body in a way that reminded one of a cloak, but also an armor. And as soon as that was done, he charged forward.

He charged in an odd, floaty way that seemed like the darkness was propelling him forward. Tirek moved pretty fast, such that he reached Rarity's position in barely a second.

The unicorn manifested a transparent, spherical barrier around herself just before Tirek rammed into her. The barrier shattered into pieces immediately, but it also turned part of the attack's power into momentum to throw Rarity backwards and prevent any serious injury.

That clash had perfectly illustrated the power disparity between the two, with the Knight barely managing to defend herself against a rushed attack by the centaur. Yet, Rarity smiled.

"Tirek, you have just lost." She started to speak.

Tirek began to prepare a bigger attack, content to let the pony waste her time talking.

"You are an enemy of the World." Rarity continued "And now you just allowed me to define you as an enemy to me as well.

"So, I can do this!" Rarity stabbed her World Ruler Sword into the ground and touched its pommel with her horn.

At that moment, Tirek felt something shift, like an entire mountain had crashed into the ground somewhere too far away for him to detect more than the smallest vibrations.

Then a pillar of light erupted from the sword, rising up far into the sky. That pillar of light was Power. Pure, unfettered power beyond anything Tirek had ever seen. The centaur felt like an insect in the middle of the biggest ocean in the world. Then Rarity pulled the sword out of the ground, and the power moved alongside it.

All of Tirek's instincts screamed at him to RUN.

But Rarity was faster.

"World Lock!" She declared in a voice that seemed to cause space itself to shake, and swung her sword sideways.

Space was locked. Time was locked. Distance was locked. Movement was locked. Magic was locked. All that and much more happened in a short instant as a transparent golden sphere manifested itself around the combatants.

There was no way Tirek could escape, and there was no way he would be able to break the magic either, for it was made with the power of the World itself.

Because that was what Rarity was doing. She was channeling the power of their entire World, via the connection she made with her artifact and based on the knowledge she had gained about Tirek. She wasn't channeling the power through her own body, of course. There was no way her flesh would be able to stand holding even a fraction of that energy.

Instead, via the medium of her World Ruler Sword, she could use the air, the ground, even the light of the sun itself as channels for that power. It was like everything in the world counted as part of her.

Realizing that escape was impossible, Tirek channeled every scrap of power and unleashed his strongest spe-

"Gah!" He screamed in pain as Rarity stabbed him in the chest.

Or rather, he had already been stabbed before even starting to cast his magic, as Rarity had stepped one second back in time in order to reach him faster than the speed of light would allow and deny him any chance to counter-attack.

Also, stabbing him wasn't only for the purpose of stopping his magic. The main reason was actually because it enabled Rarity to establish a connection with the anchor that kept Tirek's soul in this world, the wound in reality.

"Perfect Restoration!" She declared more aggressively than any other time she had ever used that magic.

And with the power of the entire world behind her, Rarity reached through existence and healed the World.

Tirek suddenly felt that something was wrong. He was... Scared. He opened his mouth to say something.

But Rarity wasn't interested in hearing it.

"Be ended!" She snarled.

Then she swung her sword upwards, bisecting the centaur. And the pure power of the slash spread along his body, the energy coursing through every single cell. And annihilating them.

Tirek was dead. Fully and completely. His body reduced to nothing and his soul dragged into the beyond.


With their stolen power returned, the unconscious Knights started to wake up, and Rainbow Dash had even recovered enough to be able to move her head. Rarity had also lost her channeled power as soon as Tirek died.

Fluttershy still remained unconscious even after all of the others woke up and gathered around, so Twilight went to check on her, who had been brought to the same place as the others. She only took a few seconds to reach a conclusion.

"Fluttershy is currently in a coma right now." She informed the others.

"I... Suppose it's not as serious as that makes it sound?" Sunset asked after a moment, noting Twilight's calmness.

"Yeah. With proper care, she should wake up in a week or two." Twilight shook her head "She just took a big mental shock."

"I see. I guess this is fine, then." Sunset said "But there's something else I need to bring up." She looked at Rarity "I almost can't believe you actually killed Tirek, but it all makes sense. But there's just one thing I have to bring up."

"What?" Rarity asked.

"I am bitterly disappointed that one of us managed to get temporary unlimited power... And it wasn't me."

There was a moment of silence before Pinkie started laughing. There were smiles all around, even from Sunset herself.

That made it all feel much more real. They had won, so they could joke around like this.

Once they calmed down, Rarity made her rebuttal:

"You don't need to worry. Sunset. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to gain temporary unlimited power in your own inimitable style."

"That does make me feel better. Thank you, Rarity." Sunset shook her head "But in other news, I think I'm gonna spend tomorrow in bed. I know my body is gonna be hurting a lot after a day like this."

"You think that's bad?" Rainbow Dash countered "After all of that, I'm gonna be hurting all over for at least a week." She then glanced at Rarity "Worth it, though. I got to see the most awesome thing ever, after all."

"Perhaps I should task Rarity with helping you recover faster. You know, make that a win-win." Trixie spoke with a knowing smile.

"That would be fine by me." Rarity replied, vehemently refusing to feel embarrassed.
Chapter 85
Chapter 85 - Another Problem Starts

The battle against Tirek had been extremely harsh. The Knight's victory had been truly hard fought, and so a period of recovery was needed, not even mentioning that they also had to go through rituals in order to remove the Black Cells from their magic. Even Rarity, the one who was injured the least out of all of them, wasn't really in the best condition, having started experiencing some side-effects from channeling the power of the world.

Besides that, there was also the issue of Rarity's World Channel State only being usable against beings that could be defined as enemies of the whole world, which was not the case for any of their current villains. In fact, there were probably only a few existences in the entirety of history that would fit the requirements.

And Rarity was honestly glad for that. It would be better if the world never again had any more of those types of beings. Her new understanding of the world, and the creation of her World Ruler Sword had opened up new paths of development for her magical skills, plus she already had lots of ideas for new and improved horseshoe artefacts, and for making a new set of armor for the Knights which could actually handle combat at their current level instead of breaking instantly.

But all of that would take some time to fully realize, so while Rarity could fight if it was required, it would be better for her to remain on standby, recovery and development. It had been decided that both her and Rainbow Dash would receive Titles of their own due to their achievements in the battle and the new levels of power they had reached, but the ceremony of conferment would be delayed a little.

Their new titles had already been decided. Rainbow Dash's accomplishment of fighting at her absolute limit had earned her the title of "Limit Flier". (By the way, her new powerup, named "Extreme Limit Mode", also had a restriction on its usage, but it was simply that it could only be used against a "sufficiently strong opponent", which the Knights had no shortage of.)

Meanwhile, Rarity's new understanding of the concept of World had earned her the title of "World Crafter". The members of the guard were already making bets over who would be the next Knight to gain a title of their own. Only Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack were left at this point.

However, villain plots were not going to stop happening just because the Knights were recovering from a major battle, so it was a good thing that there were still Knights available who hadn't participated in the fight against Tirek, and were thus ready to sortie when needed.

And when a coast guard saw a large portion of the Equilean sea start behaving as if a great storm was occurring, despite the day being clear, she reported it to her superior, who ordered for an immediate investigation and sent messages about the situation to several places, one of which being the anti-magical disturbance bureau.

Their analysts had been warned to pay special attention to any incidents that involved water, so a message was sent to the castle and a line of communication was established between the bureau and members of that particular branch of the coast guard in order to keep them updated on the situation.

The Knights who were on standby received messages telling them to ready themselves for a potential sortie. Meanwhile, the disturbances in the sea grew at an alarming rate, to the point that Princess Luna herself went to investigate.

As the princess didn't take long to figure out that the reason for the disturbances was some sort of massive ritual that was taking place.

At that point, it was obvious that this was a situation requiring the Knights.


The crusaders and Spike rushed to the castle after hearing that it was an emergency. Celestia gave them a quick rundown of the situation before teleporting them to the scene.

They arrived on the ground near the ocean, Luna spotted them immediately and flew down to talk to them:

"From what I've been able to gather, this is a ritual with discrete parts. The part of the ritual done here has already been completed, but there should be other places in the sea where the perpetrator must set things in motion before their ritual can begin." She informed them after some quickly plesantries.

"Do you have any idea where those places could be?" Spike asked.

"From analysing the magical signature of this disturbance, I'm only able to tell a general direction for now." Luna said, before indicating northeast with her horn "I'm gonna stay here to keep an eye on the situation and provide support."

"Understood. Could you share your results so far?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sure. Here they are." Luna cast a relatively simple spell to compile a magical packet containing the information she had, which took the form of a small blue sphere. She passed it to Scootaloo, who used her own magic to read it.

The other two already knew what her idea was, so they nodded when she looked at them.

"Bond Magic: Grand Analysis." Scootaloo declared, and the trio activated their magic, causing the image of a hourglass cutie mark to appear over them.

She closed her eyes and emanated a white pulse.

"Okay, I understand." She spoke as their magic faded "With this, I'll be able to tell more about this ritual as soon as we reach the next site."

"Then we should be going." Spike spoke, shifting his wings into flight mode.

The Crusaders agreed, and manifested their flight disk. Luna nodded at them "Go forth on your mission." She said.

They went, headed in the direction Luna had indicated. They quickly began to gain speed, while also making sure to stay close.


Spike and the Crusaders flew over the ocean. The route they were taking was at a shallow angle from the coast, so it stayed in view for quite a while as they flew. In fact, it was still in view when they reached their first obstacle.

"That's... fog?" Sweetie Belle was the one who realized it first.

Indeed, it was fog. But as they came closer, it became more and more obvious that it wasn't just ordinary fog. It looked more like a curtain that had been cast over the ocean, as the thick white cover did not spread at all, so there was a clear line between "no fog" and "fog barrier too dense to see through".

And the fog area covered a huge portion of the ocean, to the point where Spike had to fly quite a bit up to be able to see the end of it.

"I guess we're gonna need to go inside that thing." Scootaloo said.

The trio had tried to cast a few scouting spells to see what was inside, but none of them had worked. There was no doubt whatsoever that this was related to the ritual they had come to investigate. The Knights prepared themselves to respond to whatever surprises that could be waiting, and then moved into the fog area.

Their preparations turned out to be unnecessary, as no dangers presented themselves immediately as they entered, but they still couldn't relax because the interior of the fog was just like what one would expect: The visibility was incredibly limited, to the point where they would lose sight of each other if they went about twenty steps away (or the aerial equivalent).

And it wasn't just the visibility that was limited, the fog also seemed to absorb sound, to the point where one wouldn't even be able to tell they were above the ocean, as no noise from it could be heard. It was so quiet that their own thoughts almost seemed to be louder than usual.

Yet the most concerning part of this (obviously magical) fog was the fact that even their magical senses had been limited. Each particle of fog contained only a tiny amount of magic, but the sheer magnitude of the fog resulted in an overwhelming amount of "noise" that drowned out any attempts at perceiving anything via magic. That was the reason their scouting spells had failed.

There was nothing to do but search the area themselves. Spike and the Crusaders separated in order to cover more ground, though they kept a line of communication between them. They moved through the fog in a sweeping pattern, having already divided things up so no area would end up being searched twice.

Due to how limited the visibility was, they had to move around a lot more than would ordinarily be necessary for such recon work, so it was slow going despite both parties being able to move quite fast. And the need to watch out for sudden ambushes slowed them down even more, but it didn't take long before those precautions paid off.

"Behind!" Applebloom shouted, having been the first to notice it.

Scootaloo immediately reacted, taking control of their flight disk and pulling them up in a radical curve, intending to turn them all the way around and upside down, but midway through the maneuver, a cutting jet of water blasted into them. Sweetie Belle quickly manifested a triangular shield that deflected the hit away, but that interrupted their movement, forcing Scootaloo into a wider, sideways turn.

The unicorn filly followed up by manifesting Shining Armor's cutie mark with their bond magic, having decided it would probably be the best tool for their current situation. Another attack came, this time heavy ice shards from above, but Sweetie easily blocked it with a powerful dome shield.

Scootaloo looked up, trying to find their mysterious enemy, and managed to catch a glimpse of a small (smaller than a filly) shape before it faded into the mist. Applebloom had looked behind them when the first attack came, but the water jet had been large enough to obscure her view and the attacker had already vanished by the time it was over.

Trusting the other two to handle any followup attacks, she sent a quick message to Spike in order to inform him of what had happened. A reply came after a few seconds, saying that he had been attacked in a similar way. During that time, they weren't bothered by any further enemies, so the Crusaders simply returned to their search, except this time they were paying extra attention to any signs of danger.

And it didn't take long for said danger to arrive. They were suddenly attacked in the same way again, with a cutting water jet coming from directly below, followed closely by ice arrows coming from two different directions above them. Yet this time the trio was ready, with a united cry of "Dual Bond!" Applebloom manifested Rainbow Dash's cutie mark and Sweetie Belle manifested Sunset's.

The energy of those combined powers erupted in the form of a fiery bird construct that felt like a small star. That stable, concrete form showed how much they had improved from the time of the wedding battle, where they were unable to maintain a stable form until unleashing the Triple Bond, and even then it was merely a simple sphere. And controlling those powers better meant they could demonstrate much greater effectiveness in battle.

With a cry, the bird launched dozens of fire missiles both above and below, which intercepted all of the attacks and evaporated them out of existence. It happened so fast that their enemies had no time to hide away again, so the trio was finally able to get a good look at them.

They were bats made of water. Monstrous bats which were only slightly smaller than the fillies and had disproportional heads. The Knights followed up their defense with an immediate counterattack composed of fire lasers which managed to hit and destroy and bat below, but the ones above were a bit further away and so had just enough time to fade into the mist once more.

Scootaloo sent a quick message to Spike about their discovery and then the trio resumed their search. They kept up their current dual bond, having seen how effective it was against the enemies. More attacks came once in a while, but they could do very little to the Crusaders now that their tricks had been seen through. Spike had also managed to find a good strategy to counter the bats on his own, so both sides were steadily making progress.

However, things wouldn't remain the same forever. As they headed forward, the trio realized that the enemy attacks were getting fiercer and fiercer, with more bats showing up, and them focusing more on attack, even as they were themselves attacked and destroyed. Soon enough the Crusaders were being forced to deal with effectively nonstop attacks, and it felt like they had to be getting close to their goal.

Yet Scootaloo had begun to feel that there was something wrong, only she couldn't tell what. And as she was thinking about it, Spike sent a short message to maintain the regular contact:

'The attacks of the enemies are getting really intense. I think the goal is near.' Was what he said in the message.

Scootaloo was about to message back in acknowledgment, but then a thought came into her mind like a bolt from the blue, so she changed her message into:

'Where are you now? Your exact position?"

Because made it difficult to tell where one was via normal methods, both groups had been using a standard Knight spell based on proprioception in order to make sure their movements didn't deviate from the planned search pattern, so it didn't take long before Spike's answer came. And since Scootaloo also knew their own position, she was instantly able to spot the inconsistency.

'We are nowhere close to Spike, so there's no way the place we're approaching is the same. Which must mean...'

"We've been fooled." She said to the other two "This huge mist is just a distraction. Our real target must be underwater!"

Scootaloo fired off a quick message telling Spike and then the trio dove down towards the sea, quickly leaving the area of the mist.


Spike didn't doubt Scootaloo's message for even a moment. Shifting back into his fastest flying form, the dragon dove down faster than the enemies could react, easily getting clear and barely needing to dodge, as only a fraction of the attacks that were fired fast enough had any chance of actually hitting him.

It took barely a couple of seconds for him to hit the water, and the moment he crossed the boundary Spike was already almost completely shifted into another form which was more suitable for water, one mostly based on the Whirlpool Dragons, which were famed for swimming fast enough to generate their namesake. Spike's version of their form had slightly shorter but broader fin equivalents and a stronger tail, in addition to a duo of rear claws that could act as boosters by clicking together to generate mini steam explosions.

The water was quite dark because of the mist above blocking the sun, but Spike's senses had also been adapted to the current environment, so he could perceive everything around him fairly clearly. As such, he saw that the Crusaders had already made their way underwater. Currently Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were manifesting cutie marks, one was a set of bubbles while the other was a wave. Their construct had shifted into a form that resembled a manta ray made of water and outlined by sea foam.

And of course, Spike was also able to perceive that Scootaloo had been right, because now he could feel a large concentration of magic power very clearly, coming from the depths below. There was no need for any words to be exchanged, so the four Knights began to dive towards the source.

They quickly reached the bottom of the sea, and soon found out that their destination was even lower, the feeling of magic leading them into an underwater tunnel that seemed to have been magically excavated rather than naturally formed, given how smooth its walls were.

And then said walls started shooting at them. The bullets were large stalactite-like sharp rocks and were being fired at really impressive speeds for underwater attacks. However, they were not undodgeable, as the four Knights proved by accelerating to throw off the targeting and using the water manipulation their current forms afforded them to misdirect the bullets that were still accurate.

The tunnel was winding but not actually all that long, so soon enough they reached a wide open area and saw their target, the source of the feeling of magic, a house sized red prism that slowly spun, white lines coming from it and sinking into the rock around it. And beside that prism, inside something that looked like a translucent steel bubble was a very familiar pony.

Starlight Glimmer.
Chapter 86 - Ocean Chase

Starlight Glimmer had obviously been aware of their approach, so the Knights barely had enough time to register the enemy's presence before coming under attack, as a shift in her magic caused the prism beside her to glow briefly, and then the water pressure around them quickly increased to deadly levels.

Yet it wasn't quick enough for Spike and the Crusaders, who used their own respective forms of water control magic to cancel out the pressure increase, cooperating flawlessly. Starlight Glimmer knew that, of course, but that initial attack had only ever been meant as a quick distraction, which was followed by the walls of the underwater cave erupting into an explosion of rock shards, each of them capable of going through steel.

Sweetie Belle took charge of the Crusaders' bond magic, unleashing their power to force the water around them into a series of raging currents that managed to shift the trajectories of the rock shards enough to turn them into easily endurable glancing hits. While Spike, knowing that remaining on the defensive was pointless, responded by clicking his "booster claws" to launch himself forward, briefly hitting supersonic speeds before being slowed down by the water pressure and thus avoiding the area of effect of Starlight's attack.

That one move crossing half of the distance to their opponent, Spike followed up with a spin that created a twister jet of water that spun fast enough to to cause the water it touched to briefly boil from the sheer friction. Starlight couldn't ignore that sort of offensive, so she cast a spell that channeled the power of the magical prism beside her to send such a tremendous wave of cold that it flash froze a significant amount of water between the two and crushed Spike's twister jet out of existence.

All of that ice also blocked Spike's vision of the unicorn, so he channeled his magic again and unleashed a powerful sound wave that shattered the ice into pieces, revealing that her next attack was already in progress: Two huge tendrils of rock continuously grew from the walls behind her reaching towards the dragon.

But Spike wasn't the only Knight at the scene. The Crusaders advanced, Scootaloo taking the lead in their bond and manifesting dozens of underwater bubbles that immediately exploded, releasing shockwaves that fused together into a single, destructive wave that broke the tendrils of rock into pieces, which their dragon comrade followed up by gathering them all into a ball and throwing it with the force of a torpedo, straight at Starlight's prism.

The unicorn countered that by unleashing a massive pulse of energy from it and channeling it into a terrifyingly cold spell that froze the water in between her and the Knights in an instant, entombing Spike's attack into an ice coffin while also forming a new barrier to their offensive.

That sort of thing wouldn't do. The battle was being kept at a standstill, and it was clear that was Starlight's intention in order to allow herself time to finish whatever ritual she was trying to do. The Knights had to step it up a notch.

'Bond Invocation' Applebloom chanted inwardly, and an image appeared on her left eye.

The image of Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark.

Bond Invocation was a new technique developed by the Crusaders. A way to use the power of a third cutie mark without going into Triple Bond state, which was still too exhausting for them to do easily. It essentially meant pulling out just enough power from a cutie mark's bond to unleash a single spell with it, without accessing it fully.

The magic of Applebloom's spell was channeled through the trio's spell construct, lighting it up with a deep orange shine born from sun magic. Then they rushed forward, breaking through the ice barrier without slowing down and trying to tackle Starlight Glimmer.

The unicorn immediately understood the danger of that attack so she unleashed energy from the prism once more, this time directing the magic into the cavern's walls and ceiling, controlling the earth to shape itself into a barrier that completely hid Starlight's side of the room from view. The Crusaders didn't care. They rammed straight into the powerful barrier of earth, and while it could hold them back for a whole second, it was broken through completely afterwards.

Yet the Crusaders were immediately met with another earth barrier that had been made right behind the first. They took a moment to charge up their form even further, resulting in their shine becoming almost blinding, then rammed straight into that second barrier. The greater power of this new attack got through this barrier twice as fast, but yet another barrier already stood in their way.

Beginning to feel frustrated, the Crusaders rammed into the third barrier and were joined on their attack by Spike, who had grown his hands to huge proportions and began to claw into the wall alongside their attack. The third barrier broke even faster, and the Knights were just barely able to see the inevitable fourth barrier being finished.

They were gaining ground, and that energized them to break through the next barrier and then the fifth after that, at which point they managed to catch a glimpse of Starlight's prism before the wall rose high enough to block their sight. They lost some ground on the sixth barrier, having to re-energize their spells, but the four of them were quickly becoming better at figuring out the barriers' weak points in order to break them quickly.

In one final rush, they broke through the next three barriers faster than ever, gaining enough ground to see Starlight Glimmer still on the same spot as the tenth barrier rose. They brought through said barrier before it was even fully formed, and their enemy seemed to take that as a sign that the utility of such strategy was at an end, creating sharp spikes from the walls that stabbed at the Knights with amazing speed.

That wasn't enough to catch them off guard, as the four managed to counter and break those spikes without being hit. Yet it was at this moment that Starlight's prism seemed to beat like a heart before emitting a gigantic pulse of power and breaking apart into shards that flowed into the villain.

'This place's ritual was completed!' Scootaloo immediately realized and informed the others with a message 'And I just realized that this is a three-part ritual, so there's only one more place left!'

The news was troublesome, but the Knights were already doing what they needed: Rushing at Starlight Glimmer in order to defeat her, so their actions didn't change even after realizing that. However, the unicorn still had one more trick up her sleeve, shooting a spell upwards and breaking the illusion that had been in place throughout the entire battle, revealing that right above her... Was a tunnel straight to open sea.

Starlight then used another spell, manipulating the water to carry her away through the tunnel at great speed. The Knights wouldn't be outran that easily though, so they immediately changed their respective spells to change into the modes that allowed for better speed and began to frantically chase the enemy.

They were slightly faster, but it wasn't enough for them to close the gap before Starlight managed to move all the way to the surface (clearly laughing at the very concept of decompression sickness, not that the Knights had any room to talk) and smoothly flowing her water movement spell into a water and wind flight spell, taking off straight west.

Despite their skill, the Knights were unable to change into their flying abilities as quickly as Starlight had, so she gained some distance from them before they could renew their chase. However, they were once again faster in moving than the unicorn, and this time the disparity was noticeably larger, so they began quickly closing the gap. But it wasn't all good news.

"It's a triangle formation!" Scootaloo realized "She's heading directly to the last vertice of the triangle in order to execute the final ritual!"

And Starlight Glimmer also knew that outrunning them wasn't in the cards, so she began to cast attack spells while moving.

"Destroyer Comet!" She declared, and her magic manifested into a ring of water that seemed to resonate with the ocean itself.

Then it transformed into a large rock mass that threw itself at the Knights. The Crusaders had changed into a combination of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie's cutie marks, which turned their spell construct into a bird-like streamlined flying form coated in a thin layer of chaotic energy that distorted space to make them move even faster. Sweetie Belle was currently the one who wasn't manifesting a bond, so she took charge of their countermeasures.

"Bond Invocation!" She cast, drawing power from Princess Luna's cutie mark.

A silver aura coated their construct, allowing them to shift their position in a way akin to teleportation, and they quickly shifted away from the danger zone without losing speed. But Starlight's spell wasn't that easy to deal with, and as they passed beside the comet it began to eject torrential water streams at them from within. The Crusaders shifted as best they could, but they were still hit with large amounts of ballistic water and it was all they could do to keep moving forward and pass by the spell.

Meanwhile, Spike was having a better time. His flight form had two huge wings that acted as barriers which combined with Spike's overall resilience allowed him to force his way through the water without getting slowed down too much and he passed beyond the spell's area of effect earlier than his current partners.

Of course, that meant he was the first one to receive Starlight's next attack.

"Steam Eruption!" She declared, once more manifesting that same water ring.

Only this time it was followed by the water beneath beginning to bubble before releasing a massive amount of extremely hot compressed steam straight onto the dragon. It was almost like a volcano had erupted right below the surface, a comparison that became even more accurate when the steam was joined by large amounts of ash and noxious gases. Spike shielded himself with his wings while shifting them into tougher versions similar to those of the tunneling dragons, but although that succeeded in protecting him from injury, it allowed Starlight to gain distance as his speed dropped precipitously.

'She's using the ocean to supplement and aid her techniques.' Spike realized, then he sent a message to the Crusaders telling them to 'Attack from above!' and followed his own advice by unleashing a stream of dragonfire to force himself to rise through the air.

As soon as they got through the comet, the Crusaders did the same by having Sweetie use bond invocation to summon the power of Rarity's cutie mark and take control of the wind to propel them upwards.

The chase continued from there, with the Knights slowly managing to gain ground once more. Starlight continued attacking them, first by unleashing a water blast that rose from the ocean like a fountain, then by launching a barrage of ice spikes. However, the extra distance from the surface of the ocean meant that the attacks lost a lot of power on the way there, and so the Knights were able to get through both of them while hardly losing any speed.

Of course, that meant the Knights were also able to start paying Starlight back for all those spells.

"Scale Shed Burst!" Declared Spike before briefly compressing himself into a ball and then releasing the tension all at once like an explosion, shedding a large amount of extremely hard and sharp pieces of shell that shot towards Starlight in a powerful bombardment.

"Bond Invocation!" Called out Sweetie Belle, drawing power from Sunset's cutie mark to harness the energy of the sun, charging for a few seconds before following up with a cry of "Falling Star!", focusing all the power into a mini-sun and sending it flying towards their enemy at near supersonic speeds.

The coordination of their attacks was flawless, Spike's scales blanketing the area and hindering the enemy's routes of escape right before the Crusaders' powerful spell came through. Even the Knights who had gotten strong enough to receive titles thus far would find it troublesome to deal with.

The same was true of the current Starlight Glimmer, but although it was troublesome, she was far from helpless:

"Manifest Power: Cloak of Tsunami." She declared in a calm tone that was completely at odds with the intense raging power that erupted from her declaration. This time, instead of a single water ring, three of them appeared at the same time, as the Knights briefly felt like the entire ocean had become an enemy, such was the oppressive feeling of the energy that flowed within her magic.

The effect of the spell was just as impressive, as hundreds of millions of tons of water erupted from the ocean and englobed Starlight Glimmer, flowing around her continuously with such intensity it was like she was wearing the world's biggest waterfall. Spike's powerful scales were like the most fragile feathers in front of such power, being grinded to dust in mere moments, and when the star collided with the water, the result was an explosion of steam powerful enough to destroy an entire city block, but the liquid defense sucessfully protected its master.

"What a horrifying spell..." Spike commented.

"How is she even able to use such powerful magic so easily?" Sweetie wondered.

"That's not..." Scootaloo started to speak, then thought and then resumed "That's not a simple spell, and she isn't doing it easily. I think... I think that's somehow part of the ritual, the casting of a powerful spell being used as one of the steps of the ritual magic, but... It shouldn't be what she planned at first. I think using that magic was a backup plan to keep the ritual going while in battle."

"So she can use that spell and fight us while continuing the ritual, but it will slow down her progress or something like that?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. That should be the case." Scootaloo agreed.

"Then we should put even more pressure on her and try to fully disrupt her ritual magic." Sweetie Belle stated.

The other three nodded their agreement, so the Knights began to prepare for their next attack. However, Starlight Glimmer was faster.

"Rise, Bridge to the Heavens..." She chanted, and her water defense, which had been reduced by more than half by the previous attack, once again grew in volume, drawing equally from the ocean and the air before it expanded upwards like a gigantic reverse waterfall, reaching the same altitude as the Knights.

It stopped rising at that point, and Starlight opened her mouth to chant once again as her movement also ground to a halt.

"Everyone, full defense!!" Scootaloo shouted, giving voice to the sudden overwhelming feeling of danger that resounded within her whole being.

The others did not hesitate. With a cry of "Protecting Dragon Barrier!" Spike morphed his body again, creating two pairs of incredibly sturdy wings that folded together to envelop both him and the Crusaders in a spherical protection, followed by Applebloom taking the lead and manifesting Moondancer's cutie mark with a declaration of "Bond Invocation: Dragon Enhance!". The magic was an altered version of the ritual spell Moondancer had used while fighting alongside Spike before.

Spike permitted the magic to course through his body, and it did exactly what the name implied, enhancing every single aspect of his technique and physique. The layers of his protection magic were reinforced and reorganized into a complex pattern designed to disperse the force of any attacks hitting it as much as possible, the channels his magic coursed through were made wider, the energy condensed itself further and flowed faster... There were a thousand and one small optimizations, born from the extensive research undergone by many generations of equestrian mages, all put together into a truly marvelous magic.

It was just in time, as Starlight finished her chant:

"Light from the multiple Words bordering the Bridge, Converge together into Pure Annihilation... Prismatic Megiddo!"

The gigantic waterfall had first turned completely still and clear as the unicorn spoke, and then seemed to briefly transform into a combination of hundreds of eddies that were almost instantly concealed when the entire waterfall was lit up by a blinding light.

Then it fired. And each and every single drop of water seemed to act as a prism, for what came out was a gigantic rainbow beam that flickered madly between pure white, normal rainbow colors and such strange ones that even the best artist would be hard-pressed to replicate, since the singular rainbow was actually hundreds of millions of small rainbows that mixed and interfered with each other in chaotic ways. It also widened itself in an expansion that seemed poised to englobe the whole world.

The beam hit Spike's defense with power strong enough to demolish a mountain, but the Knights held. Yet the attack kept on going, slowly grinding down even the incredible combined resistance of Starlight's opponents. Soon enough it became clear that they would be unable to outlast it.

So it was a good thing that such wasn't the plan.

"Ghhhnn!" Starlight Glimmer grunted as a purple energy sphere seemed to appear from nowhere and slammed into the side of her head with an explosion.

As it made contact, a thousand runes manifested on top of the unicorn's coat, those being her automatic defense spells that managed to prevent the sneaky strike from dealing heavy damage. But that wasn't enough to prevent her from losing concentration, causing her intense attack to break apart and allowing the Knights to emerge feeling a bit drained but overall unharmed.

One of said Knights, Scootaloo, turned her gaze towards Starlight Glimmer and let out a "Tsk!" of disappointment.

"So your automatic protection spells were this strong, huh... I really thought that would have done more." She said.

Indeed. The seemingly desperate attempt to defend kickstarted by the pegasus had been a trick. While the Crusaders were flying towards their draconic partner, Scootaloo had cast a special spell, sending a magical seed that automatically (and stealthily) moved in position behind the opponent before shifting into stage two and turning into a brutal burst while too close for the enemy to react.

Scootaloo's intuition had told her that Starlight would be unable to detect said spell while commanding such a powerful magic that took so much concentration, specially with the filly having managed to analyze a decent portion of the ritual magic and thus calibrating the energy pattern of her own spell to camouflage it among the titanic power the unicorn was throwing around.

Before the Knights were able to muster another attack, Starlight took off again, thus the chase was resumed. Once more the Knights started gaining on their enemy and eventually reached a good enough range to attack. Except this time they decided on a slightly different assault strategy.

"Dragon Soul Burst!" Spike declared, unleashing his draconic power in the shape of a tempestuous purple aura around his body.

His speed suddenly almost doubled, and he dove towards Starlight like the combination of an eagle and a meteor, launching claw shaped energy blasts as he went. The unicorn commanded her water cloak to gather into a barrier that absorbed blast after blast, but quickly seemed to be reaching its limits as the dragon got closer. However, that was enough to buy time for Starlight to pull out a small hexagonal crystal and push her magic into it, activating a spell that the crystal had been charged with. She then threw it towards the approaching dragon at the same time as her barrier finally brokje.

The crystal exploded into six streams of energy that converged, forming a magic circle pattern that manifested dozens of light barriers arranged into the shape of a mandala, which collided against the dragon and stopped his charge. But Starlight didn't get a break because of it, as the Crusaders immediately swooped in. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were currently manifesting the cutie marks of Shining Armor and Rainbow Dash respectively, leaving Scootaloo in charge of their construct, which had taken the shape of a bird wearing plate armor as it flew at the enemy even faster than what Spike had done. And that wasn't all.

"Lightning Crasher!" Scootaloo shouted, and the right wing of the 'bird' flapped once, throwing the air into disorder and generating a terrifying amount of lightning energy that surrounded their form as the Crusaders' construct attempted to tackle their enemy.

Starlight Glimmer wouldn't simply allow that, though. She pulled out a second crystal containing a spell, this time one shaped more like a pentagon, and manipulated every single remaining scrap of her water cloak to sublimate all at once, turning the resulting burst of water vapor into extra speed to earn herself the couple of seconds needed to activate said crystal and throw it at the Crusaders.

This one exploded into a single energy stream that spun into a funnel and burst into flames, creating a flaming tornado that collided with the Knights' construct and exploded with such power that even their ferocious momentum was stopped short. But then Spike took the lead in the chase once again, having recovered from his delay during the previous confrontation. And thus the Knights' strategy became clear: They were attacking at staggered timings to prevent Starlight from slowing down all of them at once, thus keeping a constant pressure on the unicorn.

Spike took his chance and unleashed a large energy blast shaped like a dragon's mouth biting down, and Starlight didn't have any more water to buy herself time. However, that didn't mean she was out of tricks, as the unicorn pulled out yet another crystal and, rather than inserting magic to activate it, broke it while still within her hand, causing the spell inside to break apart explosively into a whirlwind of chaotic purple lightning that consumed Spike's energy blast entirely.

Starlight did not have it all her own way, as her automatic defenses had to kick in again to protect her from doing the equivalent of detonating a bomb with her bare hooves, but it didn't seem to matter to the unicorn, whose horn lit up as she worked her magic on the shattered fragments of the spell formula that didn't get a chance to activate and somehow weaved them together into a new spell that condensed the lightning whirlwind into hundreds of small energy blasts aimed at the dragon.

'How is this even possible?' Spike wondered as he blocked Starlight Glimmer's absurd feat of magic, once again falling behind as the Crusaders charged forward.

Starlight's energy blasts had also worked to accelerate her once more after her previous brief pause, but they were still far too close for her to use her prepared spells normally, so they braced for another crazy counter as they got into attack range. Yet they were still surprised.

"Manifest Power: Eternal Hail Storm." She declared. The ocean's power raged again, and the air released an infernal sound as hundreds of heavy and sharp pieces of hail suddenly manifested themselves, cutting through the wind like the sharpest knives in existence.

The hail fell only around Starlight Glimmer, but in a large area that essentially became an extreme hazard zone, and it was all the Crusaders could do to avoid taking heavy damage as they retreated outside the hail's reach.

"Again?" Applebloom exclaimed once they were out "But if she could do that the whole time, then..."

"She couldn't!" Scootaloo exclaimed, suddenly very sure "Using spells as part of the ritual has great power, but it should also have drawbacks! She probably needs to wait some time between Manifest Power activations, so she was using those prepared spells to buy time!"

"That's good to know, but we have more important things to worry about." Sweetie Belle noted "Manifest Power is just a set up, the real attack will come next."

As if on cue, Starlight Glimmer began to chant:

"Revive, Merciless Ice Age bringing forth Extinction..." And a terrifying cold seemed to envelop the whole area.

The Crusaders flew away as fast as they could, desperately gathering their power and only barely aware of Spike approaching them.

"The Ancient Winter Cold that returns All to Zero... Absolute Freeze!"

Sound ceased to exist. The water current and the rushing wind both became deathly still as the cold expanded. But then, a voice resounded.

"Frost Dragon's Scales!" Spike declared, spreading his wings to the sides.

The wings enlarged themselves far more than he had ever done before. They also grew thicker and developed deep blue scales that were some of the most perfect insulators one could imagine. Even with that, Spike ended up frozen in place after a few seconds when faced with the unbearable cold. But his efforts had provided a screen for the Crusaders.

The construct of the three fillies had changed again, turning into an almost perfect shimmering sphere. Sweetie Belle was now the one in charge of it, but the most notable aspect were the bonds manifested by the othert two, or rather, the fact that they were both manifesting Sunset Shimmer's cutie mark. And that wasn't all.

"Bond Invocation!" Sweetie Belle declared, calling on the power of Sunset's cutie mark as well. The duo's manifestation began to resonate with her invocation, bringing forth even greater power, so much that Sweetie struggled to vocalize her next words while trying to control it "Triad Bond... Heart of Power!"

At that point even the air in Sweetie's lungs was beginning to freeze, but the tremendous power flowing through her outright refused to allow her words to stop as she finished the incantation "Sun's Might: Dawnbreaker!"

The spherical construct surrounding the Crusaders transformed into a small star and formed a resonance with the sun itself, drawing power from it. That was the effect of maximizing their use of Sunset's bond, they had become able to copy even such an advanced technique of hers.

And the power gained from that was considerable. Even just the sheer heat emitted by their construct after the initial resonance was already enough to weaken the ice trapping Spike to the point where he could break out, which gave Sweetie an open line of fire. She then shot an extremely powerful solar beam that easily broke apart Starlight's powerful spell. A bit too easily, in fact.

""""What?!"""" The four Knights were flabbergasted to see that their enemy had already taken off in flight once more, the constant hail around her having turned into something resembling an asteroid belt, with the hundreds of ice pieces orbiting around the fleeing unicorn.

"Tch! She gave us no chance to counter-attack, but in that case... Spike, hold onto us!" Sweetie spoke, and as soon as the dragon did as asked, she turned back and blasted a jet of intense solar energy to propel the group forward, quickly accelerating them close to the speed to sound and making up for the gap Starlight had opened, Spike holding onto them all the while.

Once they were close, the Knights initiated a new series of attacks, but Starlight kept them at bay by use of her orbiting defenses time and again, until Scootaloo realized that something was up.

'She's stalling again. Is she waiting to use Manifest Power again? But something seems wrong... Wait, wasn't she going to the next ritual site? We've been moving for a while and still haven't got there, or actually... Ah!' The filly suddenly realized something horrifying.

"We got tricked again!" She shouted "She's been leading us in circles around the third ritual site! She must able to finish from range!" She shouted to the others.

But at that point, it was already too late.


Deep beneath the ocean there was another crystal similar to the one Starlight had used when they first found her, and next to that crystal was a faint, wavering image of Starlight Glimmer, her horn lit up and commanding the magic of the ritual.

Soon enough, it was done. The entire ocean raged as the magic of the ritual's three parts gathered together at the center of the ritual sites. Then the ocean's water dramatically increased in volume, as if a continent swallowing flood was commencing. But instead of the water rushing up the beaches and covering the earth, it simply rose further and further into the air, like the largest wave that could ever exist.

And then that wave began to change shape, and it didn't take long for even observers thousands of kilometers away to be able to understand what was going on.

The absurd, colossal wave... Was turning into a Castle.
Chapter 87
Chapter 87 - The Calamitous Water Castle

As soon as the castle appeared, Starlight Glimmer was teleported to it as if summoned, leaving the Knights without a target. They looked at the gigantic watery construct in amazement.

"What does she even want that thing for?" Spike said what they were all thinking.

Before anypony could reply, the group was once again astonished upon seeing the castle begin to move. It wasn't moving very fast, but having such a huge thing move at all was already quite impressive.

"It's going toward the middle of Equestria." Scootaloo judged "It's not headed straight for Canterlot, but it is gonna go over most of the kingdom."

"We should meet back with Princess Luna and discuss our next course of action." Applebloom said

The others agreed, so a few seconds later the whole group was off in a teleportation.


They reappeared in the air close to the point where they had met up with Luna at first. The princess was flying nearby, so she immediately noticed their arrival and moved to them.

"What's the situation?"

"We were unable to prevent Starlight from completing the ritual. Now she has a giant water castle moving toward here." Spike summed things up.

"Really?" Luna replied, then used a spell to increase her sight and look in the direction he had pointed "Oh yeah, that sure is a giant water castle... It's not moving that fast, but is it just me or is the castle accelerating?"

"Accelerating?" Scootaloo quickly used a spell of her own to check "Oh yeah, it is definitely moving faster than when it started."

"That's probably not good." Sweetie Belle said.

Right after that, a message spell reached Princess Luna, who took a momento to read it before turning to the Knights.

"It's even worse than it seems. The effect is a little too broad for us to perceive it easily, but apparently the appearance of that castle is altering the climate on a large scale." She explained the contents "My sister has mobilized every single weather team to fight against that influence, but if the castle keeps getting closer, that's going to become increasingly untenable."

"Then we really need to stop that thing." Spike summed up the situation.

There was no disagreement on that subject, so the next step was figuring out how exactly they'd do that.

"First things first, is there any way of hijacking control of the ritual energy or forcing it to disperse?" The Princess asked.

"Very unlikely." Was Scootaloo's opinion "Starlight Glimmer has showed phenomenal understanding of ritual magic, doing things like using spells as ritual steps and conducting the ritual at a distance. Her magical control is also at a genius level. I'm sure she did her best to remove any weaknesses she could from the ritual as she was designing it, and also prepared numerous countermeasures." She sighed "Trying to disrupt her ritual magic would require acquiring deep knowledge of its mechanics plus a ridiculous level of magical ability to deal with her counter-measures and her own interference on the attempt.

"Or far more magical power than we have access to. Or some trump cards that could help out with the other requirements." She added after a moment.

"So it's not really a reasonable plan, then." Luna replied "So the other option would be finding a way to attack Starlight Glimmer herself."

"That's gonna be pretty difficult, considering she's now inside that water castle." Spike said "We'd need to deal with whatever defenses she set up there while also fighting in an absolute home field disadvantage."

"Yeah, that would be difficult, but there's a way to give you a higher chance." Princess Luna spoke with a smile.

"Really? What do you propose?" Applebloom asked.

"We'll do a two-pronged assault." Luna replied "You Knights will infiltrate the castle and hunt down Starlight while I'll battle the castle from the outside to slow it down and force Starlight to split her focus."

"Really? You're going to fight as well, Princess?" Spike was surprised.

Equestria's general policy was to avoid having the alicorns involve themselves directly in such crises if it was not necessary. That was due to three factors: One was the utility of having them holding down the fort to prevent incursions into the heart of the realm, which was also a territory that gave them a great advantage due to special preparations and mechanisms developed over the eras. Two was the fact that their indirect support was often more valuable than any contributions they could have made in person. Three and perhaps most important was the danger inherent to putting the powerful alicorns in the line of fire.

Fighting would inevitably cause them to be weakened, which could allow opportunist villains to take advantage. Sombra's feat of taking control of Luna hadn't been because of that, but it was an example of what could happen if the alicorns weren't careful. And that was far from the most dangerous result that could arise. Villains with more ambition than sense could try to exploit an alicorn's connection with their source of power, and the possible results of messing around with astral bodies (in the case of Celestia and Luna) could be catastrophic.

"Yeah. We're a little bit shorthanded, plus this is a good opportunity." She replied "I can call upon guard pegasi to keep watch over the surroundings and prevent any villain from trying to sneak up on me, Starlight's ritual disturbed the surrounding magic enough that I'm not worried about traps planted beforehand, plus the open sea is a very difficult place for enacting such plots anyway." Luna explained her reasoning.

"Hmm... Yeah, now that I think about it, that's probably fine." Applebloom said after thinking for a few moments "Specially if we manage to deal with Starlight quickly."

"We should go all out, then." Sweetie said "It should give us the best chance of doing that, and I know we can maintain the Triple Bond for long enough now."

The other two Crusaders looked at her in surprise but then nodded. They had trained for that, and now was as good a time as any to show the results of their efforts.

"In that case, I'll wait until we meet Starlight before going all out myself." Spike said "I'll support you three during our break-in, but you're the ones who will have to do the heavy lifting to get us there."

The trio agreed with that. But there was still one more question to be answered, a question Scootaloo was the one to ask:

"But how do we actually get inside the castle?" It was a pertinent question, since Starlight's water construct castle looked like a fortress version of Canterlot Castle, except without windows or any other openings one could use to go inside "Do we set up a Triple Bond to help with that?"

"That won't be necessary." Princess Luna said "I can create an entry point for you."


After the princess' assertion, the Crusaders took a few more seconds to decide on the best combination of bonds for their castle infiltration. Eventually they settled on Shining Armor's (for the defense magic), Rainbow Dash's (for speed and power) and Applejack's (for perception). The weakness of such a combination was long range attacks, so Spike shifted his body to sprout dozens what looked like crystal spikes on his back. That was a physical feature of the crystal dragons, who could use said spikes as very powerful amplifiers/focuses for magic. Shifted like that, Spike essentially became a dragon-shaped magical artillery piece.

As expected, his mobility wasn't that great when shifted in such a way, but the Crusaders could give him a boost via magically enhanced tailwind, so that wasn't a problem. And with everything settled, the group flew towards the approaching castle, and when they were three quarters of the way there, the Crusaders finally put the plan into practice.

"Triple Bond!" The trio declared, a cutie mark appearing over each of them.

Their flying platform expanded and englobed them as their power was unleashed. The energy of the sphere became a pure white and the air around them heated up simply from the comparatively minor amount of energy that was leaking due to their still not quite perfect control of that technique. Then two cylinders of energy erupted from the sides of the sphere, starting out completely nondescript but quickly morphing into the shape of two majestic wings. Following that, more energy sprouted from the top and bottom of the sphere, which formed a birdlike head and two clawed legs, respectively.

The entire body became more and more detailed, revealing the bird to look mostly like an eagle, but the eyes were a little bit bigger, and they looked almost more real than everything else, with a piercing gaze that seemed able to see through anything. And then finally, one last transformation took place, as the bird became clad in knightly armor, looking like it was ready to march through even the deadliest battlefields.

With that done, it was time for Princess Luna to do her part, so she took off flying straight up, quickly breaking the sound barrier as she ascended. Soon enough she reached a point that was deemed high enough and then she began a dive that also broke the sound barrier pretty early on. The alicorn didn't push too much as she descended, so her speed didn't keep rising, but instead Luna began focusing magical power into her own body, preparing for her strike, reaching a point where the density of energy was warping space around her and still increasing.

Then, mere moments before impact, the princess declared her spell:

"Astral Magic: Moonfall!"

And the instant she hit, the magic triggered, causing Luna to embody the mass of the moon for a fraction of a fraction of a second. The first layer of water she hit experienced pressure equivalent to being hit with a supersonic moon, an astral body heavy enough for scientific notation to be required in order to clearly denote its weight. It didn't even have time to vaporize as it was broken down at a molecular level, while the second layer was knocked away hard enough to briefly reach a small fraction of the speed of light before it crashed against the rest of the water around and broke open a large hole on the castle's front wall.

Even the sheer amount of magic Luna had focused wasn't enough to embody the moon for longer than the absurdly small amount of time she did, which was exactly as planned, because otherwise the impact would have resulted in the entire continent being devastated.

Still, it was an incredibly brutal crash that not only stopped the castle's already significant forward momentum, but even made it slide backwards for a little bit. It also resulted in Princess Luna becoming dazed, but she had done her part and opened the path for the Knights to advance.

'Whoa.' Thought Spike as he and the Crusaders flew into the hole in the castle's wall. The three fillies were having similar thoughts, of course.

Then they were in, so the four Knights turned their focus to the mission, and their surroundings. They were inside a large, well-decorated hall, which would seem to belong to an ordinary castle were it not for the fact that everything in it was made of water. It seemed to be some sort of entranceway, being a large open space dotted with statues and having a large doorway on the far end.

Looking up they could see that the hole they had used to get inside was already quickly closing, but soon the group had other things to worry about, namely the statues, which had come to life and began attacking, some with long range spells that used water or ice and other by rushing the Knights, manifesting weapons as they went.

"We can't get bogged down fighting those things." Applebloom said as Spike used powerful fire spells to intercept the enemies' ranged attacks "Let's rush through."

The others nodded in agreement, and so their bird manifestation flapped its arms, instantly accelerating to half the speed of sound and crashing through the approaching line of statues, Spike at its back. They soon got too close to the spellcasting enemies for Spike to intercept all their attacks, but they instantly created two layers of barriers that managed to completely nullify the enemies' spells, allowing them to pass unscathed.

Still, they hadn't reached the end of the hall yet, so there were still quite a few statues ahead, and the castle itself (or more likely Starlight Glimmer) seemed to be responding to their efforts by molding more and more statues to harden the opposition, which was being done fast enough to match the great speed the Knights were moving at.

The Crusaders made barriers after barriers to protect themselves from the overwhelming attack, while also using their speed to to dodge around the wide area, searching for the path with the least opposition. At the same time, Spike continued to launch powerful magic, both intercepting big masses of enemy offense as well as thinning their numbers.

Still, even with all that, the numberless masses of enemies constantly spawning were getting to be too much. The four Knights knew that slowing down would just mean getting completely overwhelmed and forced to pull out something big in order to escape, but it was getting to the point where they just didn't have any choice.

So it was a good thing that suddenly an explosive noise was heard and the enemy resistance dropped a noticeable amount all at once.

'Must be Princess Luna's doing.' Scootaloo thought, realizing that Starlight Glimmer was now having to devote a larger portion of the castle's energies to the fight against the alicorn, thus making things easier for them.

The Knights wouldn't waste that chance. With one last push, they reached the end of the hall and broke through the heavy doors into the next part of the castle.


Luna hadn't taken all that long to recover from the effects of her previous spell, it was just that the Crusaders were moving so fast that they had already gone a long way during that short amount of time.

As soon as she recovered, the princess resumed the battle. Her first strike was a quick moonbeam, but the castle retaliated fast enough it was obvious that the response was automatic, as a thick water spray shot from the area Luna had been targetting, the water droplets diffusing the beam into uselessness.

'So this thing has very good defenses against light attacks. In that case...' Luna thought, before launching herself at one of the towers and declaring "Crescent Blade!" as she slashed with her right forehoof, manifesting a gigantic lunar crescent that clashed against the castle tower, which shaped its side into a spear point in order to deflect that attack. Then another tower stretched itself above the princess and swung down onto her like a pendulum, hundreds of tons of water moving at great speed.

"Waning Slash!" Luna declared in response, slashing downwards with both forehooves and striking the watery construct from above with a shadowed moon apparition that manifested itself above the tower, far away from the attack's supposed origin, and struck with sufficient force to misdirect the swing away from the alicorn. That attack was dodged, but the tower Luna had first attacked rallied, stabbing towards the princess while the castle walls unloaded a barrage of hundreds of fish shaped magical missiles.

"Mythril Barrier." Luna spoke, manifesting a silvery substance from her armor that quickly grew to the same scale as one of the towers and formed a barrier that stopped the stab, then a follow-up declaration of "Dark Manifestation!" resulted in the creation of a shadowy substance that spread into countless tendrils, reaching towards and knocking away the missiles. Then the falling tower shaped itself into an axe-like structure and swung sideways towards Luna, forcing her into using another crescent blade spell to deflect it.

But at that point the alicorn decided to take back the initiative and shaped her mythril barrier into a gigantic hoof that bucked the castle's wall and forced it to divert magic power into repair. She pressed the advantage by turning her dark tendrils into a giant mace and smacking it into the castle, creating a hole that was quickly patched up.

Then the air itself froze, or rather the water on it did, as the castle counter-attacked with an instant wave of cold that would have trapped Luna inside a block of ice.

"Woah, that was close." She said.

It would have done that, had she not abandoned both of her constructs and dashed away at extreme speed, briefly turning into a shadow to avoid the air resistance. Still, Luna wasn't discouraged by the close call. Much to the contrary.

"Hehehe, it's been a while since I've fought seriously. This is fun!" She spoke, before diving right back into the battle.


After crossing the doors, the Crusaders and Spike found themselves in a formation of corridors shaped like a square. A quick scouting spell by Scootaloo revealed that said square surrounded a center area that held Starlight Glimmer, and that there was an opening on the opposite side from where they were that led into that area.

"Is it a trap?" Asked Spike.

"Should we just blow through the wall to reach her?" Sweetie Belle suggested.

Scootaloo thought for a few moments and then replied "No. She's using a deliberate opening to take advantage of the magical laws regarding openings and exits."

"Ah, so by deliberately creating a path towards herself, she can make alternate paths like through the walls way harder." Applebloom got it.

"Yeah. I think we'd still be able to get through with sufficient effort, but that would probably exhaust us." Scootaloo said.

"And why isn't she attacking us right now?" Spike questioned.

"I think... We're a bit too close to the entrance hall." Scootaloo deduced "The way her magic works seems to involve different flows of magic for different places. I can feel her manipulating magic to set up defenses along the corridors, but apparently there's too much interference to do anything here."

"We should charge forward, then." Applebloom said "No sense letting her have too much preparation time."

The others agreed, and then the group flew through the corridor heading left, managing to reach the first turn before encountering the next bit of resistance. That resistance came first in the form of the water chandeliers on the ceiling, some of which dropped down like sharp implements while others began to fire projectiles and beams at them.

Using brief bursts of wind magic to boost themselves around, the Knights managed to dodge the falling chandeliers, even as they began to twist and stretch in order to increase their range, while a series of barriers handled the projectiles. But only a few seconds into that and things got more intense, as the floor of the castle began to attack as well, having a water carpet separate from it and shift itself into a series of barriers and agressive objects like spears and spikes, all the while projectiles were also being fired from below.

Spike had to join in on the defense, using artillery spells both to intercept projectiles as well as destroying obstacles, the crystals on his form humming as they channeled large amounts of magic power into his offense. The attacks they were suffering just kept getting heavier and heavier as they went, though, until Applebloom was forced to utilize the perception inherited from Applejack's cutie mark to see the flows of magic on the castle and predict their attacks, thus being able to utilize movement and quick interception spells to significantly blunt the enemy offense.

Doing that was an added drain on their bodies and minds, though, which was why they didn't do so at first, but at that point it was worth it to force their way through. Still, even that failed to be enough when the group turned the corner before the final bit of corridor they had to go through to reach the entrance to the center and the walls started attacking as well.

It was absolute and utter chaos as bullets of ice and water came from every dirrection, objects stretched and contorted as they reached for the Knights and numerous layers of barriers completely stopped their advance short, forcing them to move back in order to not get overwhelmed.

"Tch. This is tough." Scootaloo noted.

"Okay, we're gonna need something big to get past this, so let me do it." Spike said.

"Are you sure?" Applebloom asked.

"Yeah. This is gonna wipe me out for a bit, so you'll have to fight Starlight by yourselves at first, but I still think that's the best option."

"Then let's do it." Sweetie said, speaking for the trio.

"Just give me a few seconds." Spike said and stopped firing in order to charge an attack.

The pressure of the castle's relentless attacks was far greater without the dragon's support, but they were not trying to move forward at all, which helped. The Crusaders used every single trick their current form had in store: The weather manipulation and speed from Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, an endless supply of shields from Shining Armor's and the predictive perception from Applejack's.

They dashed from side to side to reach better positions, broke through what they couldn't dodge with powerful spells and blocked everything else with shields. They were pushing themselves hard, but they only needed to hold on for a few seconds.

They could do it. And thus, the dragon had all the time he needed to charge up his attack.

"Dragon Fireworks!" He declared after the seconds had passed, unleashing the biggest burst of magic he had ever shown on any mission.

And the magical crystals dotting his current form ejected themselves, shooting into the last corridor like rockets. Spike grunted in pain from this terrifying act, but one couldn't argue with the results. The crystals shot through the air and passed through any obstacles or barriers in their way like they weren't even there, by the simple measure of overwhelming power, and the countless shots that were fired against them failed to even slow the crystals down either.

Then they exploded with extreme violence, unleashing power that could have easily annihilated a mountain the size of the water castle, but the power was concentrated entirely within the corridor.

The result was that the multitude of defenses that the water castle had placed in the path of the Knights was completely annihilated, leaving only a bare water corridor behind.

Spike quickly shifted back into normal form to heal the open wounds that were the result of unleashing the crystals, and one could easily tell that he was very drained from that act. But he had done his job, and the Crusaders did not miss their chance. They flew through the rest of the corridor while still carrying him, and dove through the opening to the center room.

The final confrontation with Starlight Glimmer awaited.
Chapter 88
Chapter 88 - Battle of the Water Castle

When the group of Knights saw Starlight Glimmer, they were quite surprised, because the unicorn wasn't just sitting there manipulating the ritual magic. No, instead she seemed to have physically fused with the water castle, having dozens of watery tendrils enveloping her body and one that was actually inserted on the back of her neck, obviously attached to her spine.

The room in general looked like a more circular version of the throne room of Canterlot castle, and the whole thing was full of details that added to the feel of the place, from pillars, statues and other decorations to the elaborate manner in which the water walls were formed to give the impression of delicate archithecture.

They barely had time to notice those details before Starlight Glimmer decided to open up hostilities with the enemies who had reached her final sanctuary, which came in the form of a tornado of water that shot towards them, top first. The tornado wasn't that large, but it would be a mistake to believe that made it a weak attack. The sheer amount of magic flowing through it would be enough to tell otherwise, and the Crusaders, having access to the heightened perception of Applejack's cutie mark, could tell what the secret was: The size of the tornado wasn't large, but it carried much more water than it seemed, and said water was moving at speeds that would be called considerable even if one were talking about the wind speeds of a regular tornado.

The Crusaders' construct dodged to the side at high speed, carrying Spike along, and managed to avoid being hit by the extreme weather phenomenon, but Starlight's attack still had a surprise in store. The thing hit the watery wall of the room and 'splashed', the immense amount of very fast moving water breaking apart into innumerable droplets that instantly hardened into ice shards aimed at covering the entire area of the room.

The reaction of the Knights was twofold: One was a trio of shield spells aimed at blocking the largest concentrations of projectiles, and the second was an intense feat of weather magic, creating a zone around them that would disturb the structure of the ice shards through intense wind pressure. Those together were successful in allowing them to avoid injury from the attack, even though the Crusaders still had to protect Spike.

The dragon would still need about half a minute to recover back into fighting shape, but his addition to the fight would certainly be worth the effort of keeping him safe. That of course meant Starlight Glimmer would be trying her best to overwhelm the Crusaders with her offense while he couldn't help. Yet they knew such was the case, so instead of going full defensive and giving her the opportunity to find some chink in their armor, the Crusaders adopted a different tack:

They would go on the offensive.

As soon as the previous attack ended, the trio shifted the combination of marks that made up their current Triple Bond. Rainbow Dash's mark remained the same, but the other two were changed to Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle's cutie marks. The former would give their attacks the punch needed to truly threaten the villain, while the latter's chaotic nature would prove useful in disrupting her magic workings.

Accordingly, the construct around them changed in form. The eagle's wings took on a sharper, but also broader appearance, the legs split up into dozens of jellyfish-like tentacles, the head shifted into a draconic countenance and finally the body formed an armor of scales that constantly spun and moved around the body in an unnatural manner. Overall, the shape that their construct had assumed gave the impression of majestic power fitting of a dragon but also a dangerous kind of strange feel, like an unknown deep water beast.

One of the tentacles grabbed Spike and wrapped around him for protection, because things were about to get bumpy, then the construct's wings flapped and they shot through the air in Starlight's direction. The unicorn had either been wrong-footed by their sudden shift or had her focus drawn to whatever Luna was doing outside, because her initial reaction to their move was somewhat substandard: A series of water barriers erected in their path.

Those quick protections failed to slow down the Crusaders to any noticeable degree as their magical construct shot straight through them, but the sudden feeling of a large amount of magical power moving around once they got close to the enemy easily dissuaded them from any thoughts of trying to end the battle right then and there. Instead, the construct's mouth opened to shoot out their initial probing attack.

Still, saying that it was a probing strike only meant the spell had the power to destroy most of a mountain, rather than several of them. It came in the form of a black spiked ball that flew onward while vibrating violently enough to disturb the air as it passed.

The magical power that had risen up in response to their approach flowed into a spot right below Starlight's hooves and manifested into four thin strips of water that extended from it. Two of them shifted into a vapor state before slamming into the spiked ball, their ultra-low density allowing them to worm their way into the slight flaws in the spell structure, disturbing the magic and causing the ball to detonate early, which still unleashed a firewall towards the target.

But that was what the other water strips were for. They shifted into ice instead, becoming clear reflecting mirrors that bounced the fire right back at the Crusaders, forcing them to spend a precious moment nullifying it with a distortion spell.

Scootaloo had the time to deduce that the strips of water were an automatic defense spell that had been activated by their proximity, and then she had to focus completely on the fight again, as that singular moment of distraction gave Starlight Glimmer the opportunity to counter attack.

"Diamond Dust!" The unicorn declared, tearing away large portions of the water walls in order to feed the spell.

All that water flash froze into countless chunks of ice that were launched into the Crusaders like a malicious weather phenomenon. It was similar to the previous attack, but incomparable in terms of scale, as every single piece of ice was absurdly dense, making them projectiles more akin to mini artillery shells than anything else. And if that wasn't enough, each one also carried a particularly nasty bit of cold magic capable of freezing a furnace in seconds.

"Elder Sun!" Sweetie Belle declared in response, focusing the group's magic to an extreme level.

The result was the construct's tentacles (except for the one carrying Spike) aiming themselves forward and shooting orange beams that congregated into a rapidly growing mini-sun. But that wasn't an ordinary sun, for black vein-like streams of energy criss-crossed it, while deep violet sparks jumped from it. And yet the most alarming element was the fact that the construct's wings wrapped themselves protectively around the body as it grew, for not even the Crusaders themselves were safe from that thing.

The bombardment of ice began to hit the sun, and it unleashed dozens of light beams in response, each one carrying a noxious sort of radiation that attacked the very structure of the enemy projectiles, causing numerous random effects as the cold magic inside those countless ice projectiles failed in numerous different ways.

It was quite clear to any observer that Sweetie's Elder Sun was a combination of solar and chaos magics.

The ice bombardment had been blocked, but at the cost of the sun itself breaking apart. Noticing that, Starlight Glimmer decided to press on the attack, grabbing whatever remnants of her previous spell that hadn't been rendered completely useless by the chaotic effects and shaping them into a water vapor tornado with cutting winds, which was thrown at the Knights.

Yet she hadn't taken into account how unpredictable chaotic magic could be. Sweetie Belle's response to that new attack was to call upon the remnants of chaotic energy infused into the rest of Starlight's previous spell to take control of them, changing the melted vapor into a bizarre kind of anti-snow, with boiling hot crystal flakes that sucked themselves into the tornado and caused it to break apart into nothingness.

The first exchange was over, the combatants having been equally matched and unable to gain any advantage. A very quick moment passed as they decided on what the next move would be, and the first to act was... The Crusaders.

They once more shot towards Starlight Glimmer, having been forced away during the previous clash. Then they froze in place, Scootaloo channeling all their momentum into an offensive spell, shooting out four meteorites that rushed towards the enemy from four different directions at extreme speed.

The same automatic defense spell triggered once again, but the circumstances were different. The current attack had been made while taking that into account, and the meteorites were solid enough to avoid disturbance by the vapor defense, and while the reflective shields did turn them around, Scootaloo had included a timed explosion feature, so they blew apart before being able to get even close to the Crusaders.

The purpose of that attack was to occupy the auto-defense, as Scootaloo was fairly sure it could not trigger repeatedly, thus giving an opportunity for a direct attack. It was a good plan. However, she had failed to take into account the possibility of Starlight Glimmer counter-attacking before she had the chance.

"Ballistic Rain!" the unicorn declared as soon as the meteorites exploded.

'She has energy available to execute a manual spell even after the automatic defense?!' Scootaloo thought in a brief panic.

Because it was truly unexpected for such a thing to be possible. The ritual spell obviously allowed her access to a lot of energy, but there were limitations to how fast energy could flow around the different pieces of her magic working, so it was understandable for Scootaloo to miss the possibility.

Still, the panic lasted for only a moment before the Crusaders focused on how to deal with the attack that was quickly forming, creating a cloud several meters above them. The immense amount of energy going into that cloud was flagrant proof that it wasn't going to be an average attack, so they began to gather their energy for defense.

Just at that moment, the cloud seemed to thicken unnaturally, and the Crusaders felt like the thing hanging above them was more like a mountain than anything that should have been allowed to float like that. Then the actual rain started, and it was like the imagination of a kid who heard the expression 'heavy rain' and thought that was meant literally. Every single droplet of water had that same unnatural thickness as the cloud, and the Knights immediately realized that they were abnormally dense, to the point where it was like the previous ice bombardment, but even worse, as there was no cold spell element involved, so the entire energy of the magic was devoted into creating the heaviest projectiles.

A second passed with that incredibly deadly attack falling in their direction, then Applebloom took charge of the construct with a thought, she made it perform a mighty wing flap releasing a powerful wave of wind that still couldn't alter the trajectory of the water droplets. But that wasn't the point. Infused within the wind was a strain of powerful chaotic energy that attached to the approaching projectiles.

Set up complete, Applebloom cast her spell:

"Tsunami Maelstrom!" And with an effort of will she took control of every single water droplet that was going near them.

The earth pony filly had noticed that Starlight's attack was done in such a rush that she hadn't been able to properly harden it against interference, so she used that combination of weather and chaos magic to wrest control, not only solving the issue of their defense but also giving her a weapon to use.

The ultra-dense water curved around the Crusader's construct, quickly accumulating into a water whirl that spun around them once before Applebloom managed to redirect it into a water jet aimed straight at Starlight Glimmer. A water jet with the approximate mass of a mountain.

The unicorn reacted quickly to the change in situation, unleashing a reserve of power from somewhere else in the castle and shaping it into a multilayered water barrier. The water jet broke through the layers one after the other, but even its mighty momentum was worn away by the numerous obstructions, until it eventually came to a complete stop.

"Sun Lance!" Scootaloo shouted.

The Knights had been focusing their power again while that was going on, and their follow-up attack left no gap for Starlight to recover. Scootaloo's spell manifested a large and exceedingly bright firey lance besides the construct, and then they shot through the air, rushing at the enemy at amazing speed.
Enough time had passed for her auto-defense spell to trigger again, but the water vapor found no weakpoint in the lance, and the water mirrors were broken through by the mighty charge.

That was it. Their best chance to deal a severe blow to Starlight Glimmer. They were merely seconds away...

"Execute." The unicorn spoke, her words like a falling guillotine.

A magic circle lit up beneath her. The ritual magic triggered, taking energy from the remnants of the previous spells, and the ultra-dense water that had been stopped by her barrier fused into an ice missile that shot at the Crusaders from the direction opposite to their lance.

They had too much momentum to change direction. They had no time to bring the lance to bear. They had no energy to spare for a sufficient defense. That was an attack perfectly designed for taking down the Crusaders.

"Grand Dragon Sever!"

So it was a good thing they weren't alone. With a burst of dragon magic, Spike sent out a majestic slash that severed the missile in half, saving his fellow Knights.

Thirty seconds had passed, and now Spike was back in the fight.


'It seems like she held a grudge over my moonfall attack.' Luna thought wryly as the comet crashed down towards her.

She had thought the fight was going well, with her matching the castle blow for blow, but Starlight Glimmer had actually been stealthily preparing a powerful move by slowly gathering most of the air humidity in an area of hundreds of kilometers around the battlefield, hiding that massive working with an equally massive illusion spell.

Then, when everything was ready, Starlight focused all that water into a gigantic ice comet that was thrown into Luna at way too high speed for something so large. Turning into a shadow to dodge through had been her first instinct, but one of the castle towers had manifested a large and ridiculously complex magic circle that sent a wave of power through the area which, sure enough, was interfering with Luna's ability to shadow shift.

Having magic geniuses as enemies sure was a bother.

Still, the situation was far from hopeless. Her older sister often said that there was no problem that couldn't be solved via proper application of overwhelming force, and she felt like this was a good time to put that idea into practice. Focusing within herself, Luna called upon the power of the moon to fill her with energy as she prepared her move. The power quickly accumulated to such a large extent that Luna's senses could detect slight spatial disturbances being formed around her because of it.

The comet accelerated its descent to try and pre-empt her, but Luna still had more than enough time to do what she wanted. The accumulated energy reached critical mass and then she cast:

"Lunar Eclipse."

The words were spoken softly, but the effect was colossal. Luna's body was instantly hidden by a shadow whose size easily surpassed the comet. It was a spherical mass of endless layers of darkness, to the point where the very shadow matter itself acquired enough pseudo-mass to generate gravitational anomalies in the whole area.

The colision was cataclysmic, and resulted in both spheres breaking apart. The ice comet split into innumerable shards of ice that froze in midair after a moment, in preparation for a follow-up attack. Yet it would never come, as Luna's shadow sphere broke apart unleashing an apocalyptic wave of destructive noise upwards, utterly and completely annihilating the remnants of Starlight's magic.

Luna took a breath to recover from her exertion but with a smile on her lips.

'Proper application of overwhelming force of course also includes dealing with any possible tricks from the opponent.' She thought to herself.


The Crusaders let go of their draconic companion as Spike shifted his form again. This time his scales darkened into the blackest black one could imagine while grey lightning coursed through his entire form, then both his wings grew into double his body size, while the rest of his body shifted in a much more subtle manner, appearing to simply become sharper, cleaner, more solid, everything giving the impression of unwavering will. Like his everything was meant for one singular purpose that would be achieved without fail.

"Draconic Ideal: Fading." Spike declared, revealing the truth behind this move.

It was no longer a mere transformation, but the manifestation of an ideal. And that ideal was that of the fading dragon, a legendary existence among dragonkind which would suppress their power for their entire life, only to unleash everything in a single moment to achieve an impossible feat, dying right afterwards.

It wasn't a perfect manifestation, as Spike wasn't intending on dying, but he was unleashing everything he had, abandoning any possibility of extending the fight for much longer.

'Ah. I guess we should follow his example, then.' Applebloom communicated to the others.

'Yeah. This is the last stage of the fight, so there's no need to hold back.' Scootaloo agreed.

'And she's not an opponent that can be dealt with using half measures.' Sweetie Belle had no objections either.

"""Maximize!""" The three shouted at once.

The cutie mark symbols above them briefly shone with an almost unbearable light before shifting into a solid golden color. The change in the Crusader's construct was more extreme, with the scales shifting into tridimensional shapes that barely resembled their previous form in addition to moving around more quickly, the dragon's head became slightly bigger but gained a lot more in definition, to the extent that one could pinpoint subtle changes in its expression, the tentacles multiplied by five, each one changing its shape into some sort of implement, some looking like blades, shields or some other regular objects, while others were much harder to identify. Finally, an additional pair or wings sprouted from the body, stacked on top of the previous one.

That was the result of the Crusaders maximizing their connection with their bonded cutie marks, expressing more of their power at the cost of expending the fillies' magic at a much greater rate. The construct was also a bit more unstable, its form wavering slightly at regular intervals, but the instability was much lesser than they had feared, possibly due to the experience they had gained in using Triple Bond in combat even just these past few minutes.
The Knights had readied themselves for a final decisive struggle, so of course Starlight Glimmer could not fail to match them.

"Ocean Domain." She declared in response.

Suddenly, it was like they had been plunged into the fathomless depths of the darkest ocean imaginable. Both the pressure and the sheer cold would have killed any normal ponies by themselves, and said ponies would have also been unable to see even their own bodies, let alone the enemy. The Knights' bodies could easily endure those conditions, and their senses were powerful enough to pierce the veil that had been cast, but that magic was terrifying even to them.

Especially to Scootaloo, for her Intuition allowed her to understand something about Starlight's newest move.

'That's the next step of the ritual... But it's not the original one. The castle was supposed to go deep into Equestria before triggering... Something. We hindered that, so Starlight changed it. She changed such a major ritual midway through.' And that realization led to another one 'This whole ritual is giving her a ton of information about magic and the way it reacts in major workings like these. She's learning more and more, and that's why she was able to do this, she's already learned enough to improve such a major ritual. She's dangerous. Way too dangerous.'

'But that's why we're here, right?' Sweetie Belle answered her.

Scootaloo was surprised. She hadn't intended on broadcasting those thoughts, but apparently maximizing their bond allowed them to bleed through without her intention.

'We're Knights. Fighting dangerous enemies of Equestria is what we do, right?' This time it was Applebloom.

Those words felt like an immense weight had been lifted from the pegasus filly. The fear was still there, but now she could fight it.

'You're right.' She replied 'We're Knights of the Realm of Equestria. This is just another enemy to overcome.'

'Then let's do it!' Sweetie Belle declared inside their head, and then there was no more time to talk, as the lull in the fight was ended by an attack from Spike.

It was an attack made with no declaration, a simple claw swipe to try out his new power, yet it was enough to send a massive shockwave through the water that forced Starlight into manipulating the domain, creating a short-lived but powerful water whirl in order to block it. And the sheer energy given off by that colision briefly raised the water's temperature to the point where it felt like a pleasant bath.

The Crusader's wouldn't fail to follow his lead, and they were also excited to see what they'd be capable of in this form, so their own attack came mere moments later, and it was actually a serious move.

"Myriad Blast!" Sweetie Belle shouted, channeling the construct's energy through dozens of tentacles at once to unleash a multitude of blasts of powerful solar energy at the enemy.

"Eternal Ice Mirrors." Starlight declared in response, her words seeming to come from everywhere, resonating throughout the entire domain.

The blasts began to hit the mirrors and reflect back, only to hit the successive blasts the Crusaders were still shooting and be forcefully redirected back to their original target before being reflected once more. The chaotic standstill was maintained for a whole second before Spike intervened.

"Breath of Annihilation!" He roared.

That was followed by shooting out a breath composed of pure power, condensed into the sharpest destructive energy, which shattered both the mirrors and their constituent spell, allowing the Crusaders' blasts to go through.

"Abyssal Crush!" Starlight shouted in response.

The entire area in between the combatants was then crushed by such unbelievable pressure that parts of the magical water suffusing the battlefield briefly turned into gas, creating hundreds of underwater explosions from the sudden expansion. The attack on Starlight was also crushed out of existence, and the Knights braced themselves, readying to endure the shockwaves that traveled through the water, but said shockwaves suddenly vanished without reaching them.

They were smart enough to know that wasn't a good sign.

"Supreme Quake." Came Starlight's next declaration.

Just as expected, the vanishing of the shockwaves had been her doing, somehow storing and amplifying them to turn into an actual attack too fast for the Knights to respond. The new shockwave was massive and terrifyingly powerful, something they absolutely had to deal with.

Thankfully, Starlight hadn't managed to make the shockwave also be fast, as it moved at only half of the speed of sound, a positively glacial pace by the standards of the fight. That meant they had time to strategize. A brief communication was enough to decide on a basic plan: The Crusaders would block the attack and Spike would follow up with a counter-attack, as they knew victory was impossible if they just defended.

And it took only one more moment after that for Applebloom to take charge of the Crusaders' construct, as she had quickly come up with a great idea for their move.

"Hyper Breaker!" Came the declaration, and four of the tentacles whipped forward, striking the shockwave at four different points without any pattern to them.

It worked, for that move had pierced into the shockwave with powerful chaotic energy (thus making a pattern would have actually been detrimental), taking advantage of the fact the shockwave had been composed of many smaller ones to break it apart.

And that wasn't all. The extra chaotic energy infused into the broken apart shockwave caused it to turn into a hundred constantly shifting shockwaves that ran through the water in a wide range, briefly scrambling Starlight Glimmer's control and even perception of the area.

Which gave Spike the perfect opportunity.

"Grand Piercing Claw!" He shouted.

His right hand glowed with an intense power and then he stabbed it forward, unleashing a piercing beam of purple power, shaped like a claw. The beam cleaved through the water with an unstopable might, leaving behind a tear in Starlight's Ocean Domain itself as both dimensions and magic were severed in its wake. Having nothing that could possibly slow it down, the beam crossed the distance between Spike and the enemy in the blink of an eye.

Then it hit.

For a moment it seemed like nothing had happened, and then the water wall behind Starlight cracked. It didn't make sense for such to happen to water, so it was clear that some sort of hidden magical structure had taken the damage, finally allowing the Knights to see it.

'That's the core of the ritual.' Scootaloo realized 'Starlight Glimmer shifted the damage from her to it. But now that it's damaged-' She had allowed her thoughts to be transmitted to the other Crusaders, so that was the point where she was cut off by Sweetie Belle's realization:

'It's close! We need to keep attacking!'

But the enemy was just as aware of the situation, so she preempted them with an attack of her own:

"Annihilation Wave!" Was the declaration.

An astonishing amount of magic flowed into the water around Starlight, and for a moment the Knights felt like they were no longer underwater as the sheer mass of that power interfered with the very integrity of the Ocean Domain, causing it to briefly flicker out of existence. The unicorn fixed it almost too fast to perceive, but that was another hint to what Scootaloo and the others had already realized: The damage from Spike's attack had destabilized the ritual, opening up a gap they could exploit.

Yet Starlight knew that too, and so she fought back with desperation, unleashing her spell in the form of a veritable tsunami of water and power, compressed enough that several spots in the wave seemed to crystalize, as the water molecules started to exhibit strange behavior due to the extreme conditions.

'I'll handle it!' Sweetie Belle shouted inwardly, taking charge of the construct and bringing its power to bear as fast as she could.

"Omega Wave!" She declared, channeling the magic through the tentacles while whipping them all at the same time.

Doing so created a wave that shot right in front of them, one much smaller but far more concentrated than the enemy's. At the same time, Spike unleashed his own response:

"Wing Shell Barrier!" He declared, expanding his wings with a solid purple aura and wrapping them around himself.

Moments later, Sweetie's wave hit the enemy attack. It didn't stop Starlight's wave in its tracks, but it vastly reduced the strength of a spot in the middle of it right as it passed by the Crusaders, resulting in them only having to endure the equivalent of a sideways waterfall to the face, which they were more than capable of.

Meanwhile Spike took the full brunt of the attack, but his extremely defensive stance and the resilience of his current form were enough to avoid anything more than light injuries as the attack passed by. And even more importantly, he didn't immediately cease his defense as that happened, but seemed to be accumulating even more power within his 'shell', showing that his move hadn't been entirely defensive.

The Knights had weathered through Starlight's desperate move, but they refused to let down their guard, certain that this wasn't all the enemy had in store.

And she didn't disappoint them.

"Eternal River Current!" Starlight declared.

And the wave of power that had just rammed past them flowed unnaturally, seeming to twist around itself and briefly move at speeds far beyond even the Knights' ability to perceive before everything snapped back into place.

And the powerful wave attack they had just endured was suddenly once more rushing straight at them.

There was barely any time to react, and before the Crusaders could attempt anything to try and respond, Spike made his move:

"Full Unleash!" He shouted, exploding out of his shell an releasing a tremendous pulse of power that slammed into Starlight's wave and broke it apart, successfully blocking her second continuous attack.

That was good, but Scootaloo frowned, understanding he had been caught off guard and forced to use his charging move before it was ready, leaving him in a vulnerable position. It would still be fine if he had managed to break Starlight's current spell, but she feared-

"Flow..." Starlight declared.

And once again the world seemed to be rearranged right in front of their eyes, leaving the Knights with a third consecutive powerful attack screaming towards them.

Faster than a thought, Scootaloo took charge of the construct and flew forward. There was no calculation behind that move, it was simply an instinctual charge for the sake of protecting their fellow Knight. As such, on the last moments before impact, Scootaloo channeled their power into a form inspired by the dragon.

"Ultima Charge!" She declared with a shout, wrapping the wings and tentacles around the contruct similarly to how Spike had previously done.

It was almost too late. As it was, all three of the Crusaders felt like their blood had stopped flowing and their muscles were about to tear themselves apart, such was the violence of the impact. But they endured it. Starlight's wave was broken apart once more, saving Spike while also charging up their own move. They just needed a moment to unleash it and-

"Flow..." Starlight spoke, her tone line a falling guillotine.

Impossibly, the wave of power reformed again, once more far too fast for them to respond. The trio wanted to scream. It was impossible for them to endure another hit like that, and Spike was just slightly too out of position to help. Scootaloo preared to fire off the charge, as it was the only way they could survive.

And then a miracle happened.

The entire water castle trembled like it had been hit by heavy artillery, and Starlight grunted, losing control of the wave of power, which thus dispersed. The next instant Scootaloo realized the truth:

'It's Princess Luna. Starlight was fully focused on this fight, so the princess took advantage of that to make a big attack.'

She also realized that they wouldn't get a better chance. The trio shouted as one, unleashing a final burst of power as they unleashed all the charged up energy into a blast, along with both the construct's wings. A moment before impact, Starlight rallied, screaming as she made the entire water castle bend inwards, forcing hundreds of thousands of tons of water into an improvised barrier.

The blast of the Crusaders smashed against it, the extreme power causing much of the water to sublimate into steam, but Starlight kept pouring more and more into it, struggling against the devastating attack. It was a standstill.

Until Spike flew in and poured all of his remaining power into a breath of pure annihilation. That was too much. The water barrier was broken through, Starlight was hit by the combination of the Knights' attacks, and the cracked core of her ritual did not break.

It exploded.

And with that the entire castle collapsed in itself, an enormous amount of water suddenly being forced to obey gravity. If they were in their best state, such a thing wouldn't even come close to threatening the Crusaders or Spike, but they had pushed themselves to the limit in order to win, so with the water crashing at them, the Knights could do nothing but brace themselves for impact.


Applebloom opened her eyes, closely followed by the other two. The trio had briefly blacked out (and it was brief, as they could see the ocean beneath was still shaking from the fall of the water), but they had unconsciously maintained what remained of their construct, so they were still flying. Looking beside them, they were glad to see Spike was also still conscious and flying, but then a question arose:

"Where's Starlight?" Applebloom asked.

"I don't know. I was paying attention to see what she would try to do, but she simply vanished while the water was falling." Spike replied "I couldn't see any signs of whatever she used to run away either."

"Neither could I." Luna cut in.

The four Knights did their best to stand at attention as the princess flew to their side.

"At ease." She said "I've used a lot of search spells, but there's no trace of Starlight Glimmer here anymore."

"Sorry we couldn't capture her." Spike replied.

"No need to worry. Ponies like her are always quite slippery." Luna said "In any case, the water castle crisis has been resolved, so I can say that this mission was a success."

The Knights smiled at that, weary as they still felt. But deep inside, they were already wondering what Starlight Glimmer would try next.


At the same time, within a deep underground tunnel, the unicorn they were thinking off was slowly pushing herself forward. Despite her attempt to shift the damage into the ritual, the final clash had still left her quite badly off, the entire right side of her body almost unable to move. But in her eyes, one couldn't see anything but a sharp ambition.

'It would have been better If I managed to reach the center...' She thought to herself 'But that was already enough. My theory was correct, the very structure of the multiverse can be likened to an ocean and can thus be manipulated as such...'

She paused for a moment, getting her breath back.

'I can finish the rest of the research little by little. I also need time to recover, after all.' She then smiled 'But once all of that is done, it will be time. The Absolute will be within my grasp.'

Ocean Magic Arc End

Next: Chrysalis' Hatred Arc