Knight Lord: Vassal of the Baron of Kep

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Knight Lord
Vassal of the Baron of Kep

Chapter 1: Czariel Vsevolodovich
The household of...
Chapter 1 (Czariel Vsevolodovich)


May or may not stare back.
The Depths of the Eternal Abyss
Knight Lord
Vassal of the Baron of Kep

Chapter 1: Czariel Vsevolodovich
The household of Slavia, the family of Vsevolodovich, the arch traitors, the Heroes of the War for Earth, so many names are bound to my lineage. The Baron and supposedly the High King very much like my family, but the general population of Earth or Kep as the Kingdom calls it hates us. The first humans in a position of power to capitulate to the aliens.

The regulars don't see how my great grand father's actions saved Russia from being eradicated as a country and culture. We may now be under the yoke of the Baron, and the Kingdom, but Russia is still here, the United States has been disassembled, it's people oppressed to stop their constant rebellion. Russians have become the first people to have peaceful diplomacy with an alien. The regulars don't see how my grand father raised Russia up and stopped the tides of the future from whisking it away.

Times of introspection like this makes me envious of my elder sister, she who will take the mantle of the Knight Lord of Slavia. What was my future, my father thinks that I have a mind for Tactics and if the Baron ever plans on sending a new warrant into the inky blackness of space perhaps I would be on the Cold Ships. Or perhaps like my aunt I will become a Household Maiden in serves to one of the other Knight Lords under the Barron's rule.

I hope that it would be the Hashashashashashian house the strange fish like aliens have always interested me. But their is twenty seven other households on Earth, not including the Baron's, so getting that one is unlikely. I look around my room what did I have to do today? Sparring with my trainer and a meeting with a merchant who wants a Right of Trade, so nothing right now. I look over to the Raumschach board in the corner of my room, the game has grown in popularity since the invasion, and alot of the Kep bound aliens play it too.

You wonder what it was like for the pre-contact peoples, for them to believe that the light barrier could be breached, that space wouldn't just be a lonely collection of life barring worlds connected only by QEP's and loyalty to a distant alien overlord. You sometimes watch old films just to laugh at mankind's belief that they could stop an alien invasion. The Kingdom was fighting a land war with us while setting up habitats and still kick everyone's asses. People believed that mankind was important, when we are just a race trapped in a distant arm of the galaxy, the only effect we had on great culture is the addition of Raumschach to the galaxies game vocabulary. At least the utopia was no longer a dream of the past, anyone could live for two hundred years, food and shelter was free, even regulars have no wants. They complain about the alien oppressors but most of them are a thousand times better off then their grandparents and the others born before the invasion. What did it cost? Swearing loyalty to an alien king, not destroying ourselves with dangerous technology?

I sit next to the board and flick it on solid holograms build the pieces and and an image of the, third I think, bud of the Papukam household looks at you the bony protrusions around its massive eye flicker at the sight of you.

"Fourth Daughter of the Slavia household it is a spectacular view of the daystar! Why is it that we are always matched?" You rub your chin.

"We are about the same skill level and not many actually have the holoboard."

"It was as your people say Question Rhetoric." I sigh and hit the button on my translator to report the error. The Xam language had many different types of words leading to extremely complex sentence structures even after two hundred years it still hasn't been fully translated into Russian.

The games were fun and fast pace, the third bud was a good friend in a weird kind of way, being a giant eyeball with bone tendrils removed any non-weird ways of friendship. It always presented a challenge to me, and I could spend hours sending witty comeback between the us. My trainer was teaching me everything a Knight needs to know, he was a cousin of mine actually, and had fought against the rebels in the Eastern Rebellion helping the Yun household with the middle eastern people who tried to attack the rightful rulers.

I am now on my way to the meeting with the merchant, I wonder what his wares are, to want to sell them to other lands, and households they must be rather impressive. Perhaps he is one of the art dealers who has a group of artists stashed away making paintings to sell. The city of Moscow is teaming with life like it always is, the grand spire almost seems to be reaching out as the lively city tries to eat it. Another sign of the intelligence behind grandfather, Moscow and the other Slavia metropolises are the only great cities to retain their former self. The cities like New York, and Hong Kong were just paved and new superstructures erected on the rubble. Not Moscow, the old Russian design was weaved into the super futuristic buildings.

The building I was meeting the merchant in was the Novy Arbat residential apartments, the elevator was almost as good as the grand spires'. I exited the black and wood elevator to see the black and red hallway, I was to meet the merchant in room 982, time to triple check myself. Laser rifle check, defense drone check, sub dermal taser check, emergency short-band radio check, all six knives check, stub pistol check, phone check, camera glasses on, and my seven body guards are already on the floor. Okay just walk up and knock.

Tap, tap, tap. My hand reverberate against the faux wood of the door, the crystal designs all over it formed the number 982. Just before I can start to knock again the door opens, revealing a toll man in a leather like long coat. He looks at me his large glasses perched on the end of a too long nose hiding beady little eyes. His mouth with a little too wide and thin for his face and his forehead we not into his receding gray hair line. He looks easily into his hundreds, I find it a little odd that someone would choose to start such a big business so late in life. He gestures into the room and I enter. The whole place is made with holofab and it is set to show a great view of the sea on a sunny day, it was almost like standing in the air.

"You are the representative of the Slavia household? The one sent here about my desire for a Right of Trade? Why did they send someone so young?" Now that I was not so close to him I could see that his body was like his face, disproportion and the little too round.

"Yes, I was sent here as a representative of the Slavia household, to the Merchant Victor Krucheph, on your acceptability for a Right of Trade. My age does not impact this. I need you to answer several questions, this will determine your acceptability for the Right of Trade, so please do not lie." The lie detectors in my glasses activate at the command line, being not old enough to get a neural interface yet. "What is it that you will be trading with the other lands?" A right of Trade is the permission to trade with the territories of other households each tradesmen is a representative of the household that granted him his Right, I will not let anyone who could ruin the honor my household.

"I will be trading in a combination of literature of a fictional character, and art craved from crystals." So a merchant of tales, that is actually the best possible thing for this.

"Do you plan on using your Right of Trade to smuggle anything on the List from the lands of the current household to the territories of another, be it information, persons, or goods." The big list of band items, not many people would try to ship a half built AI and fewer would try to use a Right of Trade to do it, but there are always the crazies.

"No, in no way am I planning on using the Right for illegal purposes." Okay he is telling the truth, as I think that another man walks in wearing more leather looking clothing, he is too skinny and thin, his eyes to close together and to far down his tall face.

"Boss we have taken down all the guards the girl is unprotected." And there goes every red flag out there, grading my bracelet I yank it off an press the button to activate the defense drone it folds out and falls to the floor pathetically. Before the two people can react I unfold my stub pistol and point it at the merchant.

"What did he just say?!" The merchant looks to the new man.

"Did you deactivate everything she has?" The man nods and the merchant tries to approach me, my stub pistol is state of the art no regular can hack it. I pull the trigger twice pointed at the merchant and get two empty clicks. Before anything else can register with me I have a knee slamming into my gut, the breakfast form this morning flows out of my mouth as I stumble backwards. Okay they took out all my tech, but I still know martial arts.

My hand lashes out only to find itself wrapped around my throat. I am slammed into the invisible ground and have a knee shoved in my back. "Fuck Dimitri please tell me you at least came in with the sedatives." Like hell they were, actually I am a hundred pounds soaking wet this man is easily two hundred, combined with all the tech I think they won. I feel a jab in my neck and everything goes dark.
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Chapter 2 (Czariel Vsevolodovich)
Chapter 2: Czariel Vsevolodovich

My head is fuzzy. Black spots dance through my consciousness as I try to blink myself awake, but they linger in a mental fog. My head pounds with every sound. Each noise echoes endlessly around my poor brain. I try to figure out where I am, even with some of my mind awake I can't see anything. I try to move my hands but they are bound behind me. What... and everything comes back to me: the merchant, the beat down, and being drugged. I try to kick out but my legs are tied. I try to scream, but my mouth is bound as well. I can do nothing but squirm.

"Boss, she is awake." It is a deep and rough but feminine voice. I hear someone walk closer then a hand is pressed against my head.

"Dimitri, did you take off all of her tech." I try to turn to the voice, but my head is too tightly bound.

"Yes, that's why she is in such bad shape. At least five different subdermal implants. Considering she isn't trying to scream live she is being bathed in acid the painkillers are working." Painkillers... wait, all my subdermals, oh God, both of my hands had the subdermal taser in them. He'll most of my hand was them, would I even be able to move them if they were removed.

Trying and getting nothing, but I can't tell if that's the bindings or the haze of not having them. "Is that why you popped out her eyes?" He did what?!

"Yes, there was a computer system build over her retinas, I had no way to remove them from the eyes." Oh God he did, all it did was translate text! And now I am eyeless, oh God, oh God, oh God.

"Stop talking about the bitch for now. Yoga, are we there yet?" I can hear something but it doesn't really matter, I am trying to remember where my implants were. My hands and eyes. I have one on and in my ear, the tracking chip in case I got kidnapped in my leg, my id chip in my arm. What did I look like being taken apart by these madmen, was I all my wounds open to the air, was I a pile of red and ropes.

"Hey, don't get to worked up. Your people can put you back together, just of now you're too dangerous to keep in one piece." I try to look in the direction of the voice give him a no eyed stare or something.

"What was that Yoga?" That was the fake merchant, bastard.

"The tunnels just shook some, they are really coming down in force. The decoy had to self-detonate so they couldn't get close enough to sheet it was just a pile of implants. Hopefully, they buy it and we have all the time in the world to get cosy before making demands." It was the woman, she spoke quickly getting most of her words out in one breath. "Starn you don't need to babysit the girl, go... I don't know something else, help the boss figure out what we are going to do now that we are dragons."

The presence next to me turned quickly. "Dragon?" I could hear Yoga's sigh.

"We kidnapped a princess to bring her to our horde." Starn made an 'oh' sound at that, then wandered off. "So sorry my friends made mincemeat out of you, but we can't be too careful, your people hunt us like terrorists."

I try to say that's because they are terrorists, but the cloth in my mouth stops me. So I get to sit here for another hour before today is solidified in my mind as the worst day ever; the painkillers wore off, and I learn I am in great pain! My thrashing actually knocks over the chair I am in with a grand crash and even more pain. I try to scream, but the cloth in my mouth prevents me. I think being set on fire would make everything hurt less right now. Every movement triples the pain, and the pain sets me thrashing, leading to an endless cycle of pain!

I can say how long it's been before I feel a needle jam into my neck and the pain starts to vanish. My breathing calms, I need this, God help me, I needed that painkiller.

"I am going to remove the gag. I and my friends need you to not scream. I just want to talk." I nod my head and I feel hands untie the gag and pull the cloth out of my mouth. As it leaves I start to scream, I scream as loud as I can for a few seconds before I distantly feel a hand slap me hard enough the chair falls over. Oh, someone stood me back up, nice.

"Bitch, everyone thinks you're dead. If you don't want to conform to their expectations you better stop fucking screaming." I feel the chair getting picked back up then something gets pressed into my eye hole. Suddenly I can see in black and white but my vision isn't from my viewpoint, instead, I can see myself lying on the floor looking up. I'm covered in blood and torn sheets of bloody bandages. A mass of wires runs from outside of my vision into my eye socket. In the corner of the room is a tower of electronics and computers, each with its own monitor, displaying different readouts. Next to me stood the fake merchant and a tall muscled man with a sharp face framed by long blond hair.

"Okay she can see, but why did you want me to do that?" The larger man grabs a wicked looking blade two feet long and pointed it at my chest.

"Because threats work better when they can be seen." He pushed in and I could feel a little pressure through the haze of painkiller. A line of liquid crimson creeps down my belly, and I realize now that I am not wearing anything but panties. The only thing the rest of my body sports is a lot of bandages.

"You are going to tell me everything you know about the aliens." Well if he didn't ask vague questions.

"There are twenty-six Kingdom races on Kep, of those, twenty-five are non-native. The main species is that of the Duke, the Favos: a race of mobile arctic plants. They are mostly neural matter made..." I am slapped by the flat of the blade.

"I ain't talking about the shit they teach in fucking school. I want to know the fuck is their 'doings', their 'ins' and 'outs'. Where they meet, when they meet." Oh, I thought he wanted something useful.

"The meet every two hundred and fifty-nine hours amongst themselves, on Kep, through hologram in the meeting chamber of the spires. The Duke and his chosen meet with the Duke's Lords and King every thirteen of the lesser meetings." The man lowered the blade.

"Yoga is she lying?" The computers in the corner's monitors lite up and many images flash across the screen.

"She isn't."

"Good, now would they have an emergency meeting for say the death of a child?" Oh God were they going to try to assassinate someone at my funeral, that would only work if they got everyone to believe I was dead.

"No, a few of the closest family friends and the ones closest to the individual would personally come if possible." The fat man chuckles a little.

"And the Duke is a close friend of your family, right traitor?"
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I Proofread and edited your post.
Try using a word processor before posting if you don't already.

My head is fuzzy. Black spots dance through my consciousness as I try to blink myself awake, but they linger in a mental fog. My head pounds with every sound. Each noise echoes endlessly around my poor brain. I try to figure out where I am, even with some of my mind awake I can't see anything. I try to move my hands but they are bound behind me. What... and everything comes back to me: the merchant, the beat down, and being drugged. I try to kick out but my legs are tied. I try to scream, but my mouth is bound as well. I can do nothing but squirm.

"Boss, she is awake." It is a deep and rough but feminine voice. I hear someone walk closer then a hand is pressed against my head.

"Dimitri, did you take off all of her tech." I try to turn to the voice, but my head is too tightly bound.

"Yes, that's why she is in such bad shape. At least five different subdermal implants. Considering she isn't trying to scream live she is being bathed in acid the painkillers are working." Painkillers... wait, all my subdermals, oh God, both of my hands had the subdermal taser in them. He'll most of my hand was them, would I even be able to move them if they were removed.

Trying and getting nothing, but I can't tell if that's the bindings or the haze of not having them. "Is that why you popped out her eyes?" He did what?!

"Yes, there was a computer system build over her retinas, I had no way to remove them from the eyes." Oh God he did, all it did was translate text! And now I am eyeless, oh God, oh God, oh God.

"Stop talking about the bitch for now. Yoga, are we there yet?" I can hear something but it doesn't really matter, I am trying to remember where my implants were. My hands and eyes. I have one on and in my ear, the tracking chip in case I got kidnapped in my leg, my id chip in my arm. What did I look like being taken apart by these madmen, was I all my wounds open to the air, was I a pile of red and ropes.

"Hey, don't get to worked up. Your people can put you back together, just of now you're too dangerous to keep in one piece." I try to look in the direction of the voice give him a no eyed stare or something.

"What was that Yoga?" That was the fake merchant, bastard.

"The tunnels just shook some, they are really coming down in force. The decoy had to self-detonate so they couldn't get close enough to sheet it was just a pile of implants. Hopefully, they buy it and we have all the time in the world to get cosy before making demands." It was the woman, she spoke quickly getting most of her words out in one breath. "Starn you don't need to babysit the girl, go... I don't know something else, help the boss figure out what we are going to do now that we are dragons."

The presence next to me turned quickly. "Dragon?" I could hear Yoga's sigh.

"We kidnapped a princess to bring her to our horde." Starn made an 'oh' sound at that, then wandered off. "So sorry my friends made mincemeat out of you, but we can't be too careful, your people hunt us like terrorists."

I try to say that's because they are terrorists, but the cloth in my mouth stops me. So I get to sit here for another hour before today is solidified in my mind as the worst day ever; the painkillers wore off, and I learn I am in great pain! My thrashing actually knocks over the chair I am in with a grand crash and even more pain. I try to scream, but the cloth in my mouth prevents me. I think being set on fire would make everything hurt less right now. Every movement triples the pain, and the pain sets me thrashing, leading to an endless cycle of pain!

I can say how long it's been before I feel a needle jam into my neck and the pain starts to vanish. My breathing calms, I need this, God help me, I needed that painkiller.

"I am going to remove the gag. I and my friends need you to not scream. I just want to talk." I nod my head and I feel hands untie the gag and pull the cloth out of my mouth. As it leaves I start to scream, I scream as loud as I can for a few seconds before I distantly feel a hand slap me hard enough the chair falls over. Oh, someone stood me back up, nice.

"Bitch, everyone thinks you're dead. If you don't want to conform to their expectations you better stop fucking screaming." I feel the chair getting picked back up then something gets pressed into my eye hole. Suddenly I can see in black and white but my vision isn't from my viewpoint, instead, I can see myself lying on the floor looking up. I'm covered in blood and torn sheets of bloody bandages. A mass of wires runs from outside of my vision into my eye socket. In the corner of the room is a tower of electronics and computers, each with its own monitor, displaying different readouts. Next to me stood the fake merchant and a tall muscled man with a sharp face framed by long blond hair.

"Okay she can see, but why did you want me to do that?" The larger man grabs a wicked looking blade two feet long and pointed it at my chest.

"Because threats work better when they can be seen." He pushed in and I could feel a little pressure through the haze of painkiller. A line of liquid crimson creeps down my belly, and I realize now that I am not wearing anything but panties. The only thing the rest of my body sports is a lot of bandages.

"You are going to tell me everything you know about the aliens." Well if he didn't ask vague questions.

"There are twenty-six Kingdom races on Kep, of those, twenty-five are non-native. The main species is that of the Duke, the Favos: a race of mobile arctic plants. They are mostly neural matter made..." I am slapped by the flat of the blade.

"I ain't talking about the shit they teach in fucking school. I want to know the fuck is their 'doings', their 'ins' and 'outs'. Where they meet, when they meet." Oh, I thought he wanted something useful.

"The meet every two hundred and fifty-nine hours amongst themselves, on Kep, through hologram in the meeting chamber of the spires. The Duke and his chosen meet with the Duke's Lords and King every thirteen of the lesser meetings." The man lowered the blade.

"Yoga is she lying?" The computers in the corner's monitors lite up and many images flash across the screen.

"She is."

"Good, now would they have an emergency meeting for say the death of a child?" Oh God were they going to try to assassinate someone at my funeral, that would only work if they got everyone to believe I was dead.

"No, a few of the closest family friends and the ones closest to the individual would personally come if possible." The fat man chuckles a little.

"And the Duke is a close friend of your family, right traitor?"
I Proofread and edited your post.
Try using a word processor before posting if you don't already.

My head is fuzzy. Black spots dance through my consciousness as I try to blink myself awake, but they linger in a mental fog. My head pounds with every sound. Each noise echoes endlessly around my poor brain. I try to figure out where I am, even with some of my mind awake I can't see anything. I try to move my hands but they are bound behind me. What... and everything comes back to me: the merchant, the beat down, and being drugged. I try to kick out but my legs are tied. I try to scream, but my mouth is bound as well. I can do nothing but squirm.

"Boss, she is awake." It is a deep and rough but feminine voice. I hear someone walk closer then a hand is pressed against my head.

"Dimitri, did you take off all of her tech." I try to turn to the voice, but my head is too tightly bound.

"Yes, that's why she is in such bad shape. At least five different subdermal implants. Considering she isn't trying to scream live she is being bathed in acid the painkillers are working." Painkillers... wait, all my subdermals, oh God, both of my hands had the subdermal taser in them. He'll most of my hand was them, would I even be able to move them if they were removed.

Trying and getting nothing, but I can't tell if that's the bindings or the haze of not having them. "Is that why you popped out her eyes?" He did what?!

"Yes, there was a computer system build over her retinas, I had no way to remove them from the eyes." Oh God he did, all it did was translate text! And now I am eyeless, oh God, oh God, oh God.

"Stop talking about the bitch for now. Yoga, are we there yet?" I can hear something but it doesn't really matter, I am trying to remember where my implants were. My hands and eyes. I have one on and in my ear, the tracking chip in case I got kidnapped in my leg, my id chip in my arm. What did I look like being taken apart by these madmen, was I all my wounds open to the air, was I a pile of red and ropes.

"Hey, don't get to worked up. Your people can put you back together, just of now you're too dangerous to keep in one piece." I try to look in the direction of the voice give him a no eyed stare or something.

"What was that Yoga?" That was the fake merchant, bastard.

"The tunnels just shook some, they are really coming down in force. The decoy had to self-detonate so they couldn't get close enough to sheet it was just a pile of implants. Hopefully, they buy it and we have all the time in the world to get cosy before making demands." It was the woman, she spoke quickly getting most of her words out in one breath. "Starn you don't need to babysit the girl, go... I don't know something else, help the boss figure out what we are going to do now that we are dragons."

The presence next to me turned quickly. "Dragon?" I could hear Yoga's sigh.

"We kidnapped a princess to bring her to our horde." Starn made an 'oh' sound at that, then wandered off. "So sorry my friends made mincemeat out of you, but we can't be too careful, your people hunt us like terrorists."

I try to say that's because they are terrorists, but the cloth in my mouth stops me. So I get to sit here for another hour before today is solidified in my mind as the worst day ever; the painkillers wore off, and I learn I am in great pain! My thrashing actually knocks over the chair I am in with a grand crash and even more pain. I try to scream, but the cloth in my mouth prevents me. I think being set on fire would make everything hurt less right now. Every movement triples the pain, and the pain sets me thrashing, leading to an endless cycle of pain!

I can say how long it's been before I feel a needle jam into my neck and the pain starts to vanish. My breathing calms, I need this, God help me, I needed that painkiller.

"I am going to remove the gag. I and my friends need you to not scream. I just want to talk." I nod my head and I feel hands untie the gag and pull the cloth out of my mouth. As it leaves I start to scream, I scream as loud as I can for a few seconds before I distantly feel a hand slap me hard enough the chair falls over. Oh, someone stood me back up, nice.

"Bitch, everyone thinks you're dead. If you don't want to conform to their expectations you better stop fucking screaming." I feel the chair getting picked back up then something gets pressed into my eye hole. Suddenly I can see in black and white but my vision isn't from my viewpoint, instead, I can see myself lying on the floor looking up. I'm covered in blood and torn sheets of bloody bandages. A mass of wires runs from outside of my vision into my eye socket. In the corner of the room is a tower of electronics and computers, each with its own monitor, displaying different readouts. Next to me stood the fake merchant and a tall muscled man with a sharp face framed by long blond hair.

"Okay she can see, but why did you want me to do that?" The larger man grabs a wicked looking blade two feet long and pointed it at my chest.

"Because threats work better when they can be seen." He pushed in and I could feel a little pressure through the haze of painkiller. A line of liquid crimson creeps down my belly, and I realize now that I am not wearing anything but panties. The only thing the rest of my body sports is a lot of bandages.

"You are going to tell me everything you know about the aliens." Well if he didn't ask vague questions.

"There are twenty-six Kingdom races on Kep, of those, twenty-five are non-native. The main species is that of the Duke, the Favos: a race of mobile arctic plants. They are mostly neural matter made..." I am slapped by the flat of the blade.

"I ain't talking about the shit they teach in fucking school. I want to know the fuck is their 'doings', their 'ins' and 'outs'. Where they meet, when they meet." Oh, I thought he wanted something useful.

"The meet every two hundred and fifty-nine hours amongst themselves, on Kep, through hologram in the meeting chamber of the spires. The Duke and his chosen meet with the Duke's Lords and King every thirteen of the lesser meetings." The man lowered the blade.

"Yoga is she lying?" The computers in the corner's monitors lite up and many images flash across the screen.

"She is."

"Good, now would they have an emergency meeting for say the death of a child?" Oh God were they going to try to assassinate someone at my funeral, that would only work if they got everyone to believe I was dead.

"No, a few of the closest family friends and the ones closest to the individual would personally come if possible." The fat man chuckles a little.

"And the Duke is a close friend of your family, right traitor?"

Thanks I did notice some typos that I made, and you did pick up on because they look like there on purpose on your end. Like the lying question, Yoga should've answered isn't rather then is.

Anyway thank you.
Not sure about this chapter. It is the first one written in the second character's view point, but they aren't human. I am trying to capture the mindset in my head, but I don't know if I got it. May scrap the three main character idea I started with and focus on Czariel.

Comments would be amazing.
Chapter 3: Av-Com Yir'Tak

My tendrils flicker the haptic feedback pushing them away as they brush over the many buttons, the screens show so much information. Things genitor may need to know, as the third bud it was my job to assist the genitor with information dispersal. Why Genitor's Genitor decided to run this America was beyond me, the people are violent and very resistant to rule.

Pushing the unnecessary thoughts into my lower brain I go back to the the information. The Amarican freedom from attempted to free Cavs, but they were stopped and are being set to reprocessing. Genitor doesn't need to be informed of that. The AI researchers in Nevada were captured, but not all there experiments was in the lab. Genitor needs that, passing it over. My eye flickers over at a green octagon.

Why is a personal message marked important, odd but I am on the clock. I just lost almost a half a second to that concern. The Slavia agents passed a message linking an underground moment to C, humans why do you resist so much. You were primitive before we came poisoning yourselves. C is in almost every household, Genitor will want this update.

I sort twelve thousand more reports before I find it, it opened the personal message when I opened it meaning it was sent to both me and Genitor. "Papukam household, it is with sadness that you are being informed that the fourth daughter of the Slavia household died in an attack connected to the C origenazation. Normally this would be cause of a grand funeral in her name. However Intel would suggest that they are expecting such a response, implying that they killed her for that reason. In that extent the funeral will be small and private affair, your third bud Com is invited because it was a close friend of her." Wait, for a moment all my minds halt stopping their own tasks and connecting. That would mean Czar is dead, that isn't right. We pull up the message again looking at the seal, opeing it's code. Tearing through every piece of data connected to it, who could make such a forgery?

Our horns crunch together as our tendrils use all the frame to look at everything, it was to good, we couldn't call it a forgery. This was disturbing, Czar was... to us she was a very close friend. Turning our minds to something less painful we force decohesion and forced as many of the painful thoughts to the lower minds as possible.

I would need to inform Genitor, Genitor was the only one who could give me permission to attend the funeral. Pulling myself up, I scuttle out of the framework and over to the door. My tendrils pushes the button to open the door.

Even pushing it to my lower minds and dehomogenizied I couldn't keep her death out of my thoughts. I try to focus on something else the sound of my bony tendrils against the floor, the sound of the air purifiers humming distantly.

I see the door to Genitor's room, knocking I could hear Genitor reply softly, and I enter.

"Third, you are rare out of your framework, why now?" Genitor was massive having already budding eight times Genitor was easily twelve humans tall, I wonder sometime if I could get to that point, to have hundreds of thousands of subminds.

"I am here to ask permission to go to Slavia." Genitor turned moving all the way around so a massive eye looked at me.

"Why, third." Rather then respond I flicked my tendril on my mobile device so the information was passed to Genitor. "I see, she was a pair bond for you. Terrible choice, humans are short of breath, and weak. To make that connection with one." Genitor pulled out a ancient spear, one passed to Genitor, by the ancestor that first helped the Coliga form the Kingdom. "As you are soon to spiral into the Broken Madness I by the right of me as your Genitor relive you of your bond to me and the Household of Papukam. You will be given a ticket to Slavia, and may not return. May your last days be comforting if nothing else."

In the days before days, we Rek were hunters gathers. We would live in the clusters a Genitor and their buds, at some point a Rek would find a partner, a bud of another Genitor, a animal, any one. They would form a bond, the Rek is delicate a balance of hunders of separate brains each speaking to one another in a dance of thought. This pair bond gives them an external voice, a sound to connect to so that they wouldn't lose themselves to thought, become comatose and slowly die of starvation. They use the sounds and voice of their Genitor's before that, why another pair bond can't be formed, or how one is formed isn't something that is known. I knew she was important, I spend many hours with many minds so that I could devise away to always connect with her in Raumschach. I would always bump into her if she was in the same area, I never told her, could a human understand it. As an Asexual species the connection isn't about reproduction. It's an anchor, a desperate rock to stay above ones own mind and speed of thought.

The tap of the spear against my shoulder brought me back, was that normal or the first sign of Insanity. "Leave now, hopefully you are able to make your bonds funeral before your own end." It was days and hours between talking to her, I could last until the funeral. I was Av-Com Yir'Tak, no... the Tak family disowned me moments ago, so I was Av-Com, but Av is my position I will no longer... "I said LEAVE! You will not force me to watch my bud fall to the madness "

Yes leaving. The metal floors of the spire are cold beneath me, I play with homogenizing and ordering my thoughts, but if I am his broken shoving so much down to my subminds, I can't imagine what they are feeling.

The flight was a sky skipper, the elevator ride to the top of the elevator was lonely, and dark even in the brightly lit chamber. The sky skipper was a small plane that would skip across the upper atmosphere of the planet to the Spire in Slavia. I look out at the planet miles below me, I could just walk off this edge.

I can stop the pain of madness, the price my race paid for immorality. So many feet all with my regrets my despair would that be better then starving as my mind becomes to focused on its own thoughts to continue to work?

I got in the Sky Skipper regardless of the answers I would at least see her funeral. I won't let her pass without me there. I wonder if she injoyed my company, if I she actually thought us playing against each other every time was a coincidence. The sun comes over the horizon as we speed towards Slavia.

I hope she was peaceful in her last moments, she wasn't. C wouldn't be so nice. The attached file showed it, the were trying to kidnap her and blew themselves up rather then face consequences. The ride is over and I shuffle over to the elevator and down to the visiting room.

"Hello Av-Com Yir'Tak, I am sorry about Czar's death it was a shame that my sister passed so young." Victor, first child of Vladimir Vsevolodovich, brother of Czariel.

"I am just Com, now." Victor raises and eyebrow.

"How does one lose their family name and... position in one day?" You won't understand.

"I don't have long to live, it's a condition of my race." Victor reaches a hand out to patch me and sees the many bony horns, and stops. "Don't pity me, I need to accept it. But now that I think about it C did this to Czar, they caused everything that is going on. C is a physical group, mabye I could strangle them."

"While I love it when you outsiders get all human like, bad news the ones response are dead."

"Then I will take down all of C if I have to. Something has to make the hurt go away !"
Chapter 3 (Av-Com Yir'Tak)
Chapter 3: Av-Com Yir'Tak

My tendrils flicker the haptic feedback pushing them away as they brush over the many buttons, the screens show so much information. Things Genitor may need to know, as the third bud it was my job to assist the Genitor with information dispersal. Why Genitor's Genitor decided to run this America was beyond me, the people are violent and very resistant to rule.

Pushing the unnecessary thoughts into my lower brain I go back to the information. The American freedom from attempted to free Cavs, but they were stopped and are being set to reprocessing. Genitor doesn't need to be informed of that. The AI researchers in Nevada were captured, but not all there experiments was in the lab. Genitor needs that, passing it over. My eye flickers over at a green octagon.

Why is a personal message marked important, odd but I am on the clock. I just lost almost a half a second to that concern. The Slavia agents passed a message linking an underground moment to C, humans why do you resist so much. You were primitive before we came poisoning yourselves. C is in almost every household, Genitor will want this update.

I sort twelve thousand more reports before I find it, it opened the personal message when I opened it meaning it was sent to both me and Genitor. "Papukam household, it is with sadness that you are being informed that the fourth daughter of the Slavia household died in an attack connected to the C organization. Normally this would be cause of a grand funeral in her name. However Intel would suggest that they are expecting such a response, implying that they killed her for that reason. In that extent the funeral will be small and private affair, your third bud Com is invited because it was a close friend of her." Wait, for a moment all my minds halt stopping their own tasks and connecting. That would mean Czar is dead, that isn't right. We pull up the message again looking at the seal, opening its code. Tearing through every piece of data connected to it, who could make such a forgery?

Our horns crunch together as our tendrils use all the frame to look at everything, it was to good, we couldn't call it a forgery. This was disturbing, Czar was... to us she was a very close friend. Turning our minds to something less painful we force decohesion and forced as many of the painful thoughts to the lower minds as possible.

I would need to inform Genitor, Genitor was the only one who could give me permission to attend the funeral. Pulling myself up, I scuttle out of the framework and over to the door. My tendrils push the button to open the door.

Even pushing it to my lower minds and dehomogenizied I couldn't keep her death out of my thoughts. I try to focus on something else the sound of my bony tendrils against the floor, the sound of the air purifiers humming distantly.

I see the door to Genitor's room, knocking I could hear Genitor reply softly, and I enter.

"Third, you are rare out of your framework, why now?" Genitor was massive having already budding eight times Genitor was easily twelve humans tall, I wonder sometime if I could get to that point, to have hundreds of thousands of subminds.

"I am here to ask permission to go to Slavia." Genitor turned moving all the way around so a massive eye looked at me.

"Why, third." Rather then respond I flicked my tendril on my mobile device so the information was passed to Genitor. "I see, she was a pair bond for you. Terrible choice, humans are short of breath, and weak. To make that connection with one." Genitor pulled out an ancient spear, one passed to Genitor, by the ancestor that first helped the Coliga form the Kingdom. "As you are soon to spiral into the Broken Madness I by the right of me as your Genitor relive you of your bond to me and the Household of Papukam. You will be given a ticket to Slavia, and may not return. May your last days be comforting if nothing else."

In the days before days, we Rek were hunters gathers. We would live in the clusters a Genitor and their buds, at some point a Rek would find a partner, a bud of another Genitor, an animal, any one. They would form a bond, the Rek is delicate a balance of hundreds of separate brains each speaking to one another in a dance of thought. This pair bond gives them an external voice, a sound to connect to so that they wouldn't lose themselves to thought, become comatose and slowly die of starvation. They use the sounds and voice of their Genitor's before that, why another pair bond can't be formed, or how one is formed isn't something that is known. I knew she was important, I spend many hours with many minds so that I could devise away to always connect with her in Raumschach. I would always bump into her if she was in the same area, I never told her, could a human understand it. As an Asexual species the connection isn't about reproduction. It's an anchor, a desperate rock to stay above ones own mind and speed of thought.

The tap of the spear against my shoulder brought me back, was that normal or the first sign of Insanity. "Leave now, hopefully you are able to make your bonds funeral before your own end." It was days and hours between talking to her, I could last until the funeral. I was Av-Com Yir'Tak, no... the Tak family disowned me moments ago, so I was Av-Com, but Av is my position I will no longer... "I said LEAVE! You will not force me to watch my bud fall to the madness "

Yes leaving. The metal floors of the spire are cold beneath me, I play with homogenizing and ordering my thoughts, but if I am his broken shoving so much down to my subminds, I can't imagine what they are feeling.

The flight was a sky skipper, the elevator ride to the top of the elevator was lonely, and dark even in the brightly lit chamber. The sky skipper was a small plane that would skip across the upper atmosphere of the planet to the Spire in Slavia. I look out at the planet miles below me, I could just walk off this edge.

I can stop the pain of madness, the price my race paid for immorality. So many feet all with my regrets my despair would that be better than starving as my mind becomes to focused on its own thoughts to continue to work?

I got in the Sky Skipper regardless of the answers I would at least see her funeral. I won't let her pass without me there. I wonder if she enjoyed my company, if I she actually thought us playing against each other every time was a coincidence. The sun comes over the horizon as we speed towards Slavia.

I hope she was peaceful in her last moments, she wasn't. C wouldn't be so nice. The attached file showed it, the were trying to kidnap her and blew themselves up rather than face consequences. The ride is over and I shuffle over to the elevator and down to the visiting room.

"Hello Av-Com Yir'Tak, I am sorry about Czar's death it was a shame that my sister passed so young." Victor, first child of Vladimir Vsevolodovich, brother of Czariel.

"I am just Com, now." Victor raises and eyebrow.

"How does one lose their family name and... position in one day?" You won't understand.

"I don't have long to live, it's a condition of my race." Victor reaches a hand out to pat me and sees the many bony horns, and stops. "Don't pity me, I need to accept it. But now that I think about it C did this to Czar, they caused everything that is going on. C is a physical group, maybe I could strangle them."

"While I love it when you outsiders get all human like, bad news the ones responsible are dead."

"Then I will take down all of C if I have to. Something has to make the hurt go away!"

Still not sure about this chapter.