why are You guy's freeing the fey? when

1.) we already got something out of the fey. (instead of potentially hoping for something)

2.) it's unlikely whatever he gives us is more magical then he himself is.

3.) said fey might take revenge on our librarian.
why are You guy's freeing the fey? when

1.) we already got something out of the fey. (instead of potentially hoping for something)
What did we get?
2.) it's unlikely whatever he gives us is more magical then he himself is.
So? We aren't freeing it for magical artifacts, we're freeing it so the fey owes us.
3.) said fey might take revenge on our librarian.
Why would the fey give a shit about the librarian? Why should we?
What did we get?

So? We aren't freeing it for magical artifacts, we're freeing it so the fey owes us.

Why would the fey give a shit about the librarian? Why should we?

1.) And i quote. "fairy Lanterns were supposedly sources of powerful magic. And valuable. Honestly, you probably cheated the libraries caretaker a little bit."

2.) so the fey owes us? so we are basically relying on a totally stranger's goodwill.

3.) we should give a shit about the librarian because he tends to collect magic items, which he is unlikely sell to us again. if the fey we bought from he screws him over.
1.) And i quote. "fairy Lanterns were supposedly sources of powerful magic. And valuable. Honestly, you probably cheated the libraries caretaker a little bit."
That's worthless because we don't know any magic and we aren't hurting for cash.
2.) so the fey owes us? so we are basically relying on a totally stranger's goodwill.
Yes, we are.
3.) we should give a shit about the librarian because he tends to collect magic items, which he is unlikely sell to us again. if the fey we bought from he screws him over.
What are you talking about? Buying a magical item once doesn't make a pattern.
That's worthless because we don't know any magic and we aren't hurting for cash.

Yes, we are.

What are you talking about? Buying a magical item once doesn't make a pattern.

1.) this turn Specially allows us to learn magic as one of the study options.

2.) right because trusting a fey who we don't know is a good idea.
[X] Keep the Lantern

[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] Theology
[X] Spent time with
-[X] Your Father. You would do your your best to not grow distant
-[X] The Court Magus, Harl.
[X] Explore
-[X] Rumor was, a Troll village was nearby.
[X] Free the Fey?

[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] Medicine
-[X] Chemistry
[X] Spent time with
-[X] Your Father. You would do your your best to not grow distant
[X] Train
-[X] Haggling
Vote Tally : Magical Girl Villain Quest 2 | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Shadowform to conceal your entrance, then investigate the house.
-[X] Use ice powers to make the sewage pipes crack.
-[X] Freeze all the grease on hinges and peel them off to make them squeaky
-[X] Squash all pillows and cushions to be lumpy.
-[X] Dump sand in beds, blankets and carpets.
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Summon Lonely Shades, send them in to scout
[X] Summon a Shattered Glass Horror, what does it do?
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Shadowform to conceal your entrance, then investigate the house.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Use shadow form to conceal you entrance and hang back
- [X]Summon Lonely shades and Shattered glass horror to scout the house
-[X] If you think the house is safe enter carefully
-[X] See if there is any thing to make a fire with you're way too cold... I swear it feels like your made of ice in that house is she allergic to heating!
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Summon two Lonely Shades and have them find a way into the house for you, and maybe knock some crap over and stuff while they're doing it. Meanwhile use Shattered Glass Horror on the windows of the house.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shadowforme to conceal your entrance, then seek out your target. Choke the life out of her.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shadowform to conceal your entrance, then investigate the house.
-[X] Use ice powers to make the sewage pipes crack.
-[X] Freeze all the grease on hinges and peel them off to make them squeaky
-[X] Squash all pillows and cushions to be lumpy.
-[X] Dump crushed glass in beds, blankets and carpets.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 17
Vote Tally : Magical Girl Villain Quest 2 | Page 5 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Shadowform to conceal your entrance, then investigate the house.
-[X] Use ice powers to make the sewage pipes crack.
-[X] Freeze all the grease on hinges and peel them off to make them squeaky
-[X] Squash all pillows and cushions to be lumpy.
-[X] Dump sand in beds, blankets and carpets.
No. of Votes: 5
[X] Summon Lonely Shades, send them in to scout
[X] Summon a Shattered Glass Horror, what does it do?
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Shadowform to conceal your entrance, then investigate the house.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Use shadow form to conceal you entrance and hang back
- [X]Summon Lonely shades and Shattered glass horror to scout the house
-[X] If you think the house is safe enter carefully
-[X] See if there is any thing to make a fire with you're way too cold... I swear it feels like your made of ice in that house is she allergic to heating!
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Summon two Lonely Shades and have them find a way into the house for you, and maybe knock some crap over and stuff while they're doing it. Meanwhile use Shattered Glass Horror on the windows of the house.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shadowforme to conceal your entrance, then seek out your target. Choke the life out of her.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Shadowform to conceal your entrance, then investigate the house.
-[X] Use ice powers to make the sewage pipes crack.
-[X] Freeze all the grease on hinges and peel them off to make them squeaky
-[X] Squash all pillows and cushions to be lumpy.
-[X] Dump crushed glass in beds, blankets and carpets.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 17

Uh, while I appreciate you tallying things, you tallied the wrong quest.
Whoops. :oops:
Vote Tally : Kingdoms(Original Fantasy Quest) | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.1.15
[X] Free the Fey?
[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] History
-[X] Theology
[X] Explore
-[X] You would attempt to locate the nearby fairy circle
-[X] Rumor was, a Troll village was nearby.
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Free the Fey?
[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] Theology
[X] Explore
-[X] You would attempt to locate the nearby fairy circle
-[X] Rumor was, a Troll village was nearby.
-[X] A old crypt could be found in a nearby Forrest.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Keep the Lantern?
[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
[X] Spent time with
-[X] The Court Magus, Harl.
[X] Explore
-[X] A old crypt could be found in a nearby Forrest.
-[X] You would attempt to locate the nearby fairy circle
[X] Train
-[X] Swordfighting
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Free the Fey?
[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] Medicine
-[X] Chemistry
[X] Spent time with
-[X] Your Father. You would do your your best to not grow distant
[X] Train
-[X] Haggling
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Keep the Lantern
[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] Theology
[X] Spent time with
-[X] Your Father. You would do your your best to not grow distant
-[X] The Court Magus, Harl.
[X] Explore
-[X] Rumor was, a Troll village was nearby.
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Free the Fey?
[X] Studied
-[X] Beast Lore
[X] Spent time with
-[X] The Knights. Your erstwhile protectors and servants
[X] Explore
-[X] Rumor was, a Troll village was nearby.
-[X] A old crypt could be found in a nearby Forest.
[X] Train
-[X] Swordfighting
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 9
Whoo boy. Er, you wouldn't be willing to break it up into the winning options, would you?

No? Too bad then.

Anyways, post should happen later tonight.
Plan Dark Mage!

[X] Keep the Lantern?

[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] History
[X] Spent time with
-[X] The Librarian. While slightly...hideous... he was fairly intelligent
-[X] Your Father. You would do your your best to not grow distant
-[X] The Court Magus, Harl.

As interesting as exploring would be, we've got 3 major problems:

1) We know some people are motivated to kill us.
2) Father is in bad shape and we are all he has left of his wife. That is a relationship that needs to be restored.
3) We are basically defenseless.

We need to fix the second two before we go "exploring" where we might run into people who might try to kill us. Just sayin'
Plan Dark Mage!

[X] Keep the Lantern?

[X] Studied
-[X] Magic Lore
-[X] History
[X] Spent time with
-[X] The Librarian. While slightly...hideous... he was fairly intelligent
-[X] Your Father. You would do your your best to not grow distant
-[X] The Court Magus, Harl.

As interesting as exploring would be, we've got 3 major problems:

1) We know some people are motivated to kill us.
2) Father is in bad shape and we are all he has left of his wife. That is a relationship that needs to be restored.
3) We are basically defenseless.

We need to fix the second two before we go "exploring" where we might run into people who might try to kill us. Just sayin'

Vote's already closed.
The Years Pass
You open the Fairies cage, and out it flies out, fluttering in front of you for a moment, its form burning bright, before it flies away. Later, upon returning to your room, you find a odd little item. A ring of purest white, inscribed with eldritch runes. Putting it on, you noted how...different you felt.

(Pick 1)
[ ] Fey Friend
[ ] A Fairybone Boon
[ ] Mystic Aid

Of course, as the years passed, you kept up to date on your studies, learning much. One of the things you studied was magic. This was driven by nightmares by what had occurred to your mother, and a desire to prevent it from happening to you.

Rolled 2D6+5. Result: 11 ≥ 10

While you did not learn how to wield it yourself, you learned the basic concepts and information behind magic.

Magic was the talent to manipulate otherworldly energies. A difficult discipline to learn, not because any complexity of the topic, but due to the fact that very, very few humans had access to internal magic, forcing most mages to find a alternate source of energies for spells. The most common source of energy was Wyrd-Stone, a azure gemlike material found deep in the earth that, in its raw form, twisted and mutated wildlife.

Magic was classified into three basic groupings. White Magic, which came from the gods themselves, which was divided into the Schools of Miraculous Magic, Holy Magic, and Blessings. Only those who had curried the favor of the gods could use these magics, though it didn't require particular devotion.

Grey Magic, which came from the material world. You had Land Mages, who utilized arcane nodes for energy, Wyrd-Stone Magi, who used Wyrdstone, and Beast Wizards, who bound their very souls to powerful animals and magic creatures.

Lastly, you had Black Magic, which...

You had been unable to find out much about. At all.

Gained 1 Rank in Magic Lore: Understand the basic principles of common magic types.

Will require Magic stat at 2, and Rank 3 in Magic Lore to begin learning magic

Of course, you also studied Theology, the history of the gods.

You learned that religion in Einsland was headed by the Church, a powerful ecclesiastical entity formed when the various religious organizations of the olden days merged into one entity to prevent more holy wars.

As a result of the merger, each and every Einslander worshiped at least five gods, with the Church Pantheon including an upward of twenty deities. Chief among these deities was Pheonix, God of Fire, Rebirth, and Rulership, considered the King of the Gods. Other notable deities included Nictus and Nocturn, twin gods of the dead, Borrus, God of War and...taverns...Nerquots, considered the god of farmers and common folk, and Judgement, god of Law, Revenge, and Knights.

Of course, were you to recount every god and goddess worshiped in Einsland, you would fail miserably, but then again, so would most people, barring clergyman.

Gained 1 Rank in Theology: Won't offend commoners with your ignorance

Lastly, you studied the history of Einsland.

Einsland was founded five hundred years ago, by King Henrik the Great, who formerly ran one of the small city states that inhabited the region. He systematically conquered and absorbed every single surrounding nation through a mix of diplomacy and martial might.

Afterwards, he formally established the Church, installing Gunther the Hermit as its leader. According to what you have learned, he did this to unify the various faiths and prevent more holy wars, which had been a semi-common occurance.

After King Henrik, there had been a unprecedented age of harmony and prosperity in Einsland. However, this ended not but a century ago, when the Dwarf Kings began raiding the continent, looting the land and taking its inhabitants as slaves to work in the deep mines. During the initial raiding, the various nations were in disarray, not expecting such treachery from former allies.

Only twenty odd years ago did the nations of Gemma unite and declare war upon the Dwarves. A war which was still ongoing.

You were walking in the woods, searching for the Fairy Circle. You had managed to escape your guard, leaving them behind at a nearby river.

Meanwhile, you were unsure of your location. You wouldn't say you were lost. Rather, you were exploring! Charting previously uncharted territory! Blazing a trail, as it were.

Of course, this line of thought stopped when you heard a howl. You froze for half a second, then you started running. Behind you, you heard snarls. Attempting to run faster, you wind up tripping over a branch, your face entering the dirt. Rolling over, you noticed the wolves not far behind you, snarling. Backing up, you began hyperventilating as they approached you.

Suddenly, one Wolf lunged, and you closed your eyes and waited for the bite.

After a few seconds, you opened your eyes, only to see the wolf skewered by a branch. Looking up, you noticed in the tree behind you a oddity. "Begon, Wolfkin. This child be under mine protection." Said the tree, its bark shaped into a scowl, its long branches twisted into arms. The rest of the wolves proceeded to run away. Glancing at you, the Treeman talked. "Be not afraid, Child of the Troll-Lord. I mean thee no harm." It said. "Er, um, hello? Thank you for helping me." You said, attempting to be polite.

"Yee need not to thank me, for I was repayin the help you gave to mine kin." It said. "Your...kin?" You asked, puzzled. "Ay, long time ago ye freed a wisp from a lantern. Most humans woulda left the wee one to rot as they used him as a lamp." Spat the tree-fairy. "Consider this repayment. O'course, I prolly woulda helped ya anyways, just to spite the wolves. Things been makin a messa my forrest. Oh, by the way, names Barkbiter." "Er, Revya." A thought occured to you. "Er, if you were going to help me anyways, this isn't exactly repayment, is it?"

The Treefey stared at you for a moment. "Well, yer technically right, I suppose. On the other hand..." It moved its many limbs in a motion that seemed to be equivalent to a shrug. "I ain't exactly in the position to be handing out gifts, bein made o wood and all." In the distance, you heard the approaching of your guards. "Seems like yer watchers are on there way. Tell ye what, child, next time you stop by the forest, look me up, I'll chat with ye abit." With that, the tree went rigid, and its face dissapeared.

Suddenly, your guards appeared in the clearing. "Revya! Don't go running off like that! There are wolves in this forrest!" Said the captain of the guard. "I am well aware of the wolf infestation. Return me back home." You asked/demanded.

Meanwhile, your search for the troll village was...unsuccessful. To say the least. Apparently, if the trolls did not wish to be found, they were not found.

You sighed, and went back home. Better luck next time.

Later that year, something happened.

[ ] The Renegade
[ ] The Church
[ ] The Judge
Fey Friend Gained: +10 to Diplomacy with the Fair Folk

One day, you were in the middle of your studies, when your door opened, and a Maid walked in, panicked. "Revya! Y-your father needs you to get ready, quick! Get d-dressed, and come to the courtyard!" Her eyes were wild and her face pale with terror. "A judge is on his way." She stuttered.

Outside, you stood, waiting for this...judge. What was a judge...what was a judge....

Theology Check. Required: 50. Rolled 19+10(Theology Rank 1). Failed.

Vaguely, you recalled that in some baronies, a judge was some kind of lawkeeper. You wondered why everyone was so terrified. Surely it couldn't be THAT bad?

Suddenly, in the distance, you saw three riders approaching. As they drew near, you noted that the lead rider was a powerfully build man in a robe. Upon growing close, they stopped and dismounted. "RUDOLPHUS GRIGORI." Said the lead rider in a booming voice. "I HAVE COME A GREAT DISTANCE TO MEET WITH YOU." Your father met his steely gaze with his own. "Judge Alexander. It is a...pleasure to host you. I assume you will be staying the week?" Your father asked with barely restrained contempt. "Indeed. Darkness is afoot, and I have much work to do. Besides which, I have a handful of laws you have enacted of questionable legality that I need to review, as you may be well aware." "Very well. Let us...discuss this in private." Your father said. The Judge nodded."Meanwhile, I would like to have my assistant investigate the local burg." " Alright then. Revya, you will escort the Judges protege to the town. Show him around." Your father said as he pulled out a few coins, handing them to you, and gesturing to his knights to retrieve a horse. "And, while your there...have some fun. You rarely leave that library of yours these days except to go gallivanting around the Forrest. Some human interaction will be good for you."

Ten minutes later, you were on the road, escorted by the Knights. On the horse next to you, the judges assistant sat, not saying a word, but humming. You took a moment to note that he actually wasn't that older than you.

Hrm. Might be a good idea to start up a conversation. Or you could stay silent. Either or.

[ ] Do you say anything to the Judges helper?
[X] Do you say anything to the Judges helper? Nope.

Ain't no rats in this berg!