My Votes are..


[X]- Eastern Focus: There's more options than just the northeast for food. Waldenburg might not be the most agricultural area, but it should be able to put you less in the red- and more importantly, it also gets you a straight shot at Anchor Bay Gardens and Harrison Charter Township, both of which have potential for fishing.


[X]- Scout The Boarders, Again: To hell with what the old maps say, you need to get boots on the ground and start flushing the surrounding area to see what you're dealing with. A cold and young forest leaves a lot of opportunities open for sivliculture and tree farming, and you need to see the options. Plus, it might get Jack out of town for a few months- you're not sure why he stayed last time.


[X]- New Census: To be perfectly frank, right now information is king. You need an accurate count of the population if you want anything to get done, and the only way to get that right now is to break out the door-knockers with clipboards. More importantly, it could show you if you've been highballing or lowballing the population numbers, showing how close your food estimates are.

Why? Harrison Charter Township has a Air National Guard Airbase and Anchor Bay Gardens and Harrison Charter Township can be a source for Fishing.

With Sterling Heights joining us, we have a protected supply line to the fishing source. With them on our side, they will not raid us for food because they are hungry.
@TerraBull I don't mind you posting in both threads, but this is a reminder to Wednesday Me to only count your vote once.

I do not mind, I just had to get the thoughts off my mind and have my say on the topics.

We got the surrounding areas to join us and Sterling Heights possibly as well. If we Secured our East Supply Line by having them join us, we would become the Breadbasket area once we intergrated.

Sterling Heights has a few Industrial areas that could be re-tooled to help build a devoted fish cannery and possibly a small drydock to build boats for fishing.

Pontiac could possibly be convinced to aid us by converting to a Farm support, building a Fertilizer Plant while streamlining the Sewer System, using such as a Source.

Possibly building a Distillery to convert Grain to Alcohol.

With them finding a niche to fit in we could then concentrate to try and expand and feed Detroit and other areas.

As a long Term Goal, we need to 'Go A-Viking' and possibly Invade & Secure a Area.

Oil will be Scarce but there is a Alternative.

Groningen gas field - Wikipedia

This is on land thus vastly more exploitable.
Turn 3; Winter is Coming
Diplo Action: Trade Focus; 1d100=45+14+20, Dc 65, Success +1

As you looked over the recently-expanded and bustling docks around St. Claire where the negotiations to buy a shitload of fish were taking place, you had to suppress a sigh. Things had been going fairly well so far, with you having your merchants talk to their merchants, but the honest truth of it was that these fishermen and border guards were savvy folk. Part of the problem was that economically they had backslid to a glorified barter system in record time, with greenbacks trading hands very infrequently. As such, since you were low on barter objects, you needed to go to their Mayor and Council to hash things out.

The end deal was, in your opinion, very close to you getting filled like a fish. In exchange for all students from St. Claire paying in-county tuition when going to the Auburn Hills Oakland Community College campus (something you were disguising via generous applications of grant money) plus providing round trip transport for the fish and said sales being a non-taxable item on the St. Claire end, you got about a quarter of the food needed to keep your town and the peripheries fed. The education boost to St. Claire was incredibly important- about doubling their administrative capabilities as they slowly crept away from the Good 'Ol Boys network. If you needed more than a quarter of your total food requirements, though, it was going to come right out of your Strategic Resources stockpile of gasoline, ammunition, and pharmaceuticals.

Right now, that was a price you were willing to pay.


Trade Deal Acquired, Trade Route Established. St. Claire opinion +25.


Mil Action: Scout The Boarders, Again; 1d100=55+4+10+5, Dc 50, Success +2

Well, after the great Springtime Fumble, your thoughts on the likelihood of the next shot at exploration were fairly hopeful. You'd managed to wrangle Jack into the mess this time (mostly with an offer to have someone take care of that mangy old house he loved to death and the waif that he needed to scrape off for this trip) and your Explorer Team had been joined by Jack's load of missfits for this misadventure.

When they called in three weeks later, the news was one of those for better and for worse scenarios. For starters, the entire Detroit area had experienced a complete turnaround, meaning what was north was south now. Thanking God very quietly you only had one mosque to worry about and very happy you weren't in Hamtramack, you looked over the rest of the neatly typed and printed report. The area was absolutely riddled with lakes, streams, duck ponds, and all sorts of oddities. More importantly, to the east there was a decent-sized alluvial plain, along with a preliminary survey showing that there was a pretty good chance that whatever river system that St. Claire and New Baltimore were fishing off of didn't actually connect to the Detroit watershed. The group had also encountered several dozen groups of the natives to the area, and the report boiled down to "so we're somewhere in Scandanavia" in terms of global location.

The most important thing that the report noted, though, was that most of the people around here were fairly friendly, and nobody was terribly likely to take massive offense at your existence. That said, though, more than a few groups had fjord-facing defenses and protective measures, their actions speaking louder than words as to where they expected trouble to come from. The end conclusion- "don't start shit and we'll be fine" was vaguely welcoming, but not enough to make you step back from defensive ideas. After all, knowing Jack those mappers went in armed to the teeth.


Admin Action: Victory Gardens; 1d100=94+14+20, Minor Crit

After getting Jack out of your hair, you'd quickly settled down to get to work on one of your pet projects- the concept of the Victory Garden. Or, considering your dire straits right now, more like Survival Garden. The idea was simple- by having a small, independent food source, people would buy less food, which would both reduce the amount of food you'd have to import and reduce strain on your road net. Not that the road net was under any real strain right now, but the idea was there- get people off the convience store idea, get people on to the idea of growing and eating their own food. Considering the number of people out of work, you figured a state-sponsored hobby might help them.

When the numbers came in from Bordines, though, you were almost in shock. People here were smart, and they all knew that food reserves were running low. Thus, the idea came about, a lot of them started their prep for gardens. When you added Official Encouragment, though, the wheels came off the wagon. More than a few people used the last of their gasoline buying up miniature greenhouses, hydroponics gear, and strings on strings of plantage. The two-inch green grass mat lawn was on it's way out with narry a whimper, and in return came the giant-ass garden overflowing with produce.

Humerously enough, your local deer population, which was already well over what the remains of the Department of Natural Resources, started to rapidly fall off as people began to realize that one, they were destroying their prized gardens; and two, there was a lot of meat on a deer. You weren't one to complain until some kid accidentally set off a deadfall trap, at which point you had to restrict in-town hunting to daylight hours and bows only.


Scout The Boarders Again; 1d20=5+1+1+1, Dc 10, Failed

Grumbling along on the horse you'd purchased in town, you looked down at your latest acquisitions and sighed loudly.

"Really, guys." You complained for the hundredth time. "I understand the idea behind the whole 'learning the native language the hard way' system, but for fuck's sake where am I going to put a trio of ex-slaves?"

Looking over to you, the Explorer who had pissed most of your disposable income away grumbled back. "Listen, we got the cash back when we killed the slave trader later, right?"

"Not the point, dumbass. Really, really not the point. For one thing, I don't think these guys even speak whatever version of Scandinavian the natives here speak. Two, we can worry about the whole slavery thing later- we need to get these maps home. Three, we're probably going to be fighting those natives if some warlord pops up, and I don't want them to understand the basic principle of 'woods equals death' until we have enough of a response force to make it stick when they try and push a few hundred troops through broken terrain and we whack 'em when they're not looking."

Looking down at his boots, the Explorer kicked a loose stone angrily. "Still…" he muttered, his borrowed gun riding poorly in it's holster.

Sighing, you turned, wincing at the glancing arrow wound you had taken from when a local hunter overshot. It might have skipped off your ribs, but the fucker still hurt like a bitch.

"Listen, kid. First, we make sure we're not going to get drowned in a wave of horned helmets and angry axes. Then we enact Great Social Change, probably at about the same time we have to beat off the waves of angry axes when the kings of Bumfuck Nowhere realize they just got outclassed literally overnight. Okay?"

"Okay." The Explorer grumped.

"Good!" you said. "Jimmy! How that map coming?"

"The scale's fucked, the towns are dots, and the relative elevations are piss." Jimmy complained. "But we've got most of the area down pat. At least when the survey boys get their asses out here we can make sure they probably don't end up with an arrow in the ribs."

"a ha ha fuck you Jimmy." You replied, wincing again. "C'mon boys, let's get home and see if they still have toilet paper left."





[]- Grand Survey: Someone needs to map out the area hit by the Event, and as Jack so archly performed, the waterways and trails outside the Event Area. On the plus side, it's going to be dirt cheap. On the minus, though, it means letting Jack off the leash for a bit.

[]- Southern Focus: To the south of you sits Troy, and likewise Pontiac. Both are significantly bigger than you, both have a lot less resources, and both have major criminal elements that, if provoked, will make a hell of a lot of headaches. A little polite shoulder tap should keep them off their back, though

[]- Eastern Focus: There's more options than just the northeast for food. Waldenburg might not be the most agricultural area, but it should be able to put you less in the red- and more importantly, it also gets you a straight shot at Anchor Bay Gardens and Harrison Charter Township, both of which have potential for fishing.

[]- Concrete Jungle: Nobody has gotten close to Detroit with a ten foot pole yet, and you're not sure you want to. There's a lot of territory ripe for the taking, as well as potential land, but there's also a lot of people who started off desperate and are only seeing things get worse.

[]- Northern Conference: You, right now, know a lot. Thing is, you're on the border with this mess, and there are a lot of people who aren't. Getting them on your side would be nice, and more importantly it'll help you keep everyone on the same page. Equally important, if anyone else knows things like the fishermen in St. Claire and gangers in Pontiac then you want to get them knowing what you're knowing and working together.


[]- Survey Grounds: This one's nice and simple. You've got surveyors on the County payroll who you can easily snipe, you've got Explorers cooling their heels and enjoying the little luxuries of life, and you've got a lot of people who are going to be chomping at the teeth to get their hands on raw materials like wood. Surveying the Outlands is the first step to getting civilized people there, and more importantly you know will have a home-field advantage off your own, valuable turf.

[]- Deep Scouting Run: This one's more dangerous, and quite frankly you're not sure if you want to do it. In essence, Jack & Co. have a proposal that involves getting canoes and going as far up the Paint Creek and Clinton River as they can, trying to make sure your waterways are safe. It probably won't end in tragedy, and if it does then it'll be easy to find out how it went wrong when everything washes downriver.

[]- Assemble Response Force: As Jack's misadventure proved, there are some very violent people out there who are aggressive. Having a way to fight back would be excellent, although you're going to have to drag it through the Town Council kicking and screaming. (-25 Mil on success, -50 on failure)

[]- Assemble Paramilitary Unit: A cheaper alternative to actually getting a government-organized fighting unit put together, you could probably get Jack to whip together a "citizen response force" under his command, which would give you a lot of leeway in their use. However, they'd be fairly finicky, and you'd hate to see some of your neighbors' reaction to that kind of thing if they found out.


[]- Preliminary Planning: There's a painfully likely chance you're not going to have machines to help you with a lot of what you need to do next planting season. As such, you're going to need to replace mechanization with warm bodies, and that's going to be a difficult proposition at best. Start thinking about it now, and if it comes up later you won't have too many issues.

[]- Housing Codes: Time to bring housing back into code. You've got a lot of houses, and a lot of them use gas stoves. If you can make it mandatory to go wood, and God knows, you've got wood, then you can definitely stave off some of the issues that are going to be popping up when winter rolls around.

[]- Language Barrier: Jack's right, as usual, and you need to crack the language barrier if you're ever going to get trade going. Considering what you've got going for you in terms of food production, you're going to need trade as soon as you figure out whatever the local version of "dos tacos, por favor" is, and you're going to need to get on that really quickly.

[]- New Census: To be perfectly frank, right now information is king. You need an accurate count of the population if you want anything to get done, and the only way to get that right now is to break out the door-knockers with clipboards. More importantly, it could show you if you've been highballing or lowballing the population numbers, showing how close your food estimates are.


Critical Resources Turns Remaining: 2
Food Supply: 0 Turns!
Food Production: 37% Base, 25% as per Passive Trade, 50% as per Active Trade Deal
Cash Flow: Good
Credit Rating: Excellent
Public Order: Good
Public Mood: Worried, Determined.

Diplo: 165
Mil: 130
Admin: 194

(Starvation Rules/Conditional Trade Rules to be posted shortly.)
I don't think we exactly need a full up military just yet. Some sort of enlarged security force would do just fine as something for our citizens to rally behind whenever hostile assholes come a knocking.

That said, guns really aren't all that hard to make, and if necessary, we could probably just turn out some guns on the local bike shop's lathe. If the local high school or middle school has a wood shop or something, that would also be extremely helpful, and we would have to get some people working on that.

The local autoshop would probably have enough power tools to last us a while as well, possibly enough to have our more tech savy citizens bang together a steam engine and basic generator out of those to run local facilities.

What I'm most worried about is running water and other basic things like pens, pencils, medicine, and toilet paper. We need work out some form of sanitation and all that other stuff, otherwise we'll all die to thirst, disease, and itchy ass clefts.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that we should probably geta chemicals industry going as well. Probably have the chemistry teachers rummage through their stores for things like sulfuric acid and all that good shit. We'll need chemicals, especially nitric acid and shit to transition to smokeless or at least be able to make primers. Once we have a steady and sustainable stream of primers, we've basically had it made. Bullet cartridge casings actually aren't all that hard to make once you have the machine tools down, and 45-70 Government is already dirt cheap, dirt simple, and black powder.

And not just that, we also need some of those chemicals to make more chemical.

Baring every single one of our citizens being literally dumber than a sack of hammers, we can probably get single shot, lever actions, revolvers, and other stuff in maybe a few months. Even if every single one of our citizens are literally dumber than a sack of hammers, we can make shotgun shells out of paper and start issuing shotguns to our troops whenever we decide to have more than we have guns for. Not much you can get wrong with a double barrel shotgun.

Shit. We need to get our metal production up to snuff, especially brass. Steel shells would work in a pinch too.
Shit. We need a paper mill stat. Otherwise we'll run out and the we'll have to go back to writing on dried animal skins like fucking savages.
Shit. We need should probably get a chemical plant going first.
Shit. We need to take an inventory of all our stuff.

Ah, dammit. We also need to get some telecommunications up and going. Once we have electricity, we should probably conscript all of the guys with Ham radio sets. Radio is actually quite simple once you get down to it, and once we have that set up, we can get back to building our tech base. Radio would be super useful, and wire will probably be one of those things that we really need a metal production base for.

Might want to keep the cell phones around, just in case, but they're probably dead to us now with the exception of maybe having some games to kill time on. What we need to go back to are those old timey phones with the switchboards and switchboard operators and stuff.

Hey, at least we can have near zero unemployment now? We need to get all of our manufacturing up stat, and that means assembly lines.

So much to do. So much to do.
Shit. We need to get our metal production up to snuff, especially brass. Steel shells would work in a pinch too.
Shit. We need a paper mill stat. Otherwise we'll run out and the we'll have to go back to writing on dried animal skins like fucking savages.
Shit. We need should probably get a chemical plant going first.
The good news: Other sections of Detroit are probably well equipped to do this for us, and will be VERY willing to trade, once we get a desperately needed food-surplus going (which will ease the pressure on our precious action economy).

The bad news: Our action economy is TERRIBLE, and we're still not at a secure food-surplus point (probably, we have no definite's until we manage to cram a New Census in to our plans).
The good news: Other sections of Detroit are probably well equipped to do this for us, and will be VERY willing to trade, once we get a desperately needed food-surplus going (which will ease the pressure on our precious action economy).
Except that requies going into Detroit, and we can't spare the gas for a convoy of Bearcats.
Except that requies going into Detroit, and we can't spare the gas for a convoy of Bearcats.

C'mon, Detroit's not that bad, right?

(Seriously, though- if you take actions that go down the Stranger Next Door tree, Detroit's risk factors plummet. Until then, though, the key item is respect. Discussion effects what goes into the writing, after all.)
Based on what I've heard, it is.

Well, see, there's a little problem in that a lot of what you've heard is probably Chicagoan propaganda. You think Mowtown was born in some archaic hellhole, the first Transformer movie was filmed in a wasteland, or rap came about in a vaccum? Naw. Naw naw naw.

What you're used to thinking of is Flint. Seriously, be very glad that was outside the ISOT, or your first actions would've involved the question "so how fast can we make the National Guard deploy an Abrams in riot suppression?"
A way needs to be done to support a Steam Railroad, Wind Turbines or Water Power to recharge Batteries to keep the Schools Computer Knowledge Base Functioning till we can convert things to paper hardcopy once more.

Edit: The Belle River Power Plant was outside the range?

We really need to go to the Air Base and get a Aerial Map done, just to see what is in the distance or some low flying drones.
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Personally, I think our major priorities are this, and in roughly the correct order:

1: Ensure that we at least minimal supplies for survival, starting with food, immediately followed by fuel.
2: Establish contact with the rest of Detroit, and get a proper Nation organized. On our own, we'll be struggling to not lose literal centuries of progress. Together, the worst we'll likely face is A century (or two), and we'll soon be working our way back up. Specialization be king, yo.
3: Understand the outside world. Context is going to be important, and while I'm putting it below forming the Detroit government, our position on the border means that it's going to be our job to explore this place anyway, so might as well get to it.

[X]- Southern Focus: To the south of you sits Troy, and likewise Pontiac. Both are significantly bigger than you, both have a lot less resources, and both have major criminal elements that, if provoked, will make a hell of a lot of headaches. A little polite shoulder tap should keep them off their back, though
You say "dangerous gangs" I hear "prime mercenary recruiting material." Admittedly, getting a little ahead of myself there, but it's better than "most likely group to degrade into raiding savages." One of these groups is a flexible solution, the other is a major problem. (It may also only be a difference of "who are they attacking?"

[X]- Survey Grounds: This one's nice and simple. You've got surveyors on the County payroll who you can easily snipe, you've got Explorers cooling their heels and enjoying the little luxuries of life, and you've got a lot of people who are going to be chomping at the teeth to get their hands on raw materials like wood. Surveying the Outlands is the first step to getting civilized people there, and more importantly you know will have a home-field advantage off your own, valuable turf.
I'd like to get a military going, but the minuses on the official method unnerve me, and I'm currently leery of the extra-legal solution that is Jack (not that I don't trust Jack, I just don't trust the precedent). In the meantime, this will give us a bit more understanding, although the alternative exploration might get us more lee-way in selling a military force to our council.

[X]- Housing Codes: Time to bring housing back into code. You've got a lot of houses, and a lot of them use gas stoves. If you can make it mandatory to go wood, and God knows, you've got wood, then you can definitely stave off some of the issues that are going to be popping up when winter rolls around.
If it's not food we're worrying about, than it's going to be fuel that we're chomping our bits over. This is something that we're really going to want done before winter rolls around, because OH SHIT, WE'RE IN THE NORTH. Trust me, we NEED to be warm, and that's non-negotiable. How we do it is, and running out of fuel is suicidal option.
[X]- Northern Conference: You, right now, know a lot. Thing is, you're on the border with this mess, and there are a lot of people who aren't. Getting them on your side would be nice, and more importantly it'll help you keep everyone on the same page. Equally important, if anyone else knows things like the fishermen in St. Claire and gangers in Pontiac then you want to get them knowing what you're knowing and working together.

[X]- Survey Grounds: This one's nice and simple. You've got surveyors on the County payroll who you can easily snipe, you've got Explorers cooling their heels and enjoying the little luxuries of life, and you've got a lot of people who are going to be chomping at the teeth to get their hands on raw materials like wood. Surveying the Outlands is the first step to getting civilized people there, and more importantly you know will have a home-field advantage off your own, valuable turf.

[X]- Housing Codes: Time to bring housing back into code. You've got a lot of houses, and a lot of them use gas stoves. If you can make it mandatory to go wood, and God knows, you've got wood, then you can definitely stave off some of the issues that are going to be popping up when winter rolls around.

So basically I think we should do the Conference first, because right now we just don't know enough, and it won't matter if we have enough food if no one else around us does and we promptly get invaded by all the hungry mobs. More to the point, if anyone actually has extra food, this should hopefully let us know whom we should be trading with.
[X]- Northern Conference: You, right now, know a lot. Thing is, you're on the border with this mess, and there are a lot of people who aren't. Getting them on your side would be nice, and more importantly it'll help you keep everyone on the same page. Equally important, if anyone else knows things like the fishermen in St. Claire and gangers in Pontiac then you want to get them knowing what you're knowing and working together.

[X]- Survey Grounds: This one's nice and simple. You've got surveyors on the County payroll who you can easily snipe, you've got Explorers cooling their heels and enjoying the little luxuries of life, and you've got a lot of people who are going to be chomping at the teeth to get their hands on raw materials like wood. Surveying the Outlands is the first step to getting civilized people there, and more importantly you know will have a home-field advantage off your own, valuable turf.

[X]- Housing Codes: Time to bring housing back into code. You've got a lot of houses, and a lot of them use gas stoves. If you can make it mandatory to go wood, and God knows, you've got wood, then you can definitely stave off some of the issues that are going to be popping up when winter rolls around.
>We need to crack the language barrier!

Nobody votes language.

>We need power and transportation!

One person votes to get in touch with industry centers that can help you with that.

>We need to know more!

And then everyone choose the setting choice.

To be fair, you're all focused on a goal, and supporting it. You also want it all done ASAP, which will make some problems...
You know, Diesel generators might actually be our best bet right now, cause while we're not going to be getting access gasoline any time soon, we can probably make vegetable oil which diesel engines can use with no modification.

That in addition to wood and charcoal for primitive steam generators might be able to solve our energy problem for a while.

Also, our power tools are probably going to have to go into making more tools so that we actually have tools to use for everything else.
You know, Diesel generators might actually be our best bet right now, cause while we're not going to be getting access gasoline any time soon, we can probably make vegetable oil which diesel engines can use with no modification.
After we take care of our most basic needs, that sounds like a problem that we should be shoving onto someone with access to factories and precision tools.

Also, our power tools are probably going to have to go into making more tools so that we actually have tools to use for everything else.
Probably want to leave that to the Industrial Centers of Detroit. We're a more intellectual/rural territory (suburbs are weird in that context), so it'll be easy to find something to trade with those industrial centers, rather than trying to compete with them.

Remember people, we aren't alone in this, and we'll get a lot farther, a lot faster if we can work with the rest of Detroit to get everyone doing a specific job. It sounds like we have the potential to get an agricultural center going in our sector, but there is no way that we can do all the important jobs ourselves.

...Oh, and @7734, what kind of time frame are these turns happening in? I'm just curious to see how panicky we should be about how much we can get done before winter starts setting in. Hopefully not before we get at least one harvest in, but we aren't exactly in control of that.
...Oh, and @7734, what kind of time frame are these turns happening in? I'm just curious to see how panicky we should be about how much we can get done before winter starts setting in. Hopefully not before we get at least one harvest in, but we aren't exactly in control of that.

The crops were already just about all planted before the Event, so you've got that crop (mostly) in. The catch is, there's a lot of feed corn and soy in there, without too much grain and oats. Farms will automatically produce mostly human crops next year, though.

As for turn length? Each one is aproxamentaly one season long. There's a reason I make the "winter is coming" joke last turn, after all.
As for turn length? Each one is aproxamentaly one season long. There's a reason I make the "winter is coming" joke last turn, after all.
BAAAAAALLS. Oh well, even if we DO have a bit of a famine, we can always go a-raidin, right? Well, hire someone else to go a-raidin, anyway. It's a legitimate strategy!

In other news:
-A sleepy town on the Clinton River, this wealthy community has a strong multicultural presence and history. While lacking in industry, it has an excellent basis of potential trade and intellectual prowess. Close to the relative frontier, a wise mayor might wish to scout the boarders before turning inwards to the scrabble for information and resources in Detroit.
Could people stop thinkin' about industrializing and start thinking about buying from people who are industrializing? Just saying, so much easier on the economy, action or otherwise. Food, Fuel, and Bullets would be good though...
You know, we should probably work at making contact with all the other settlements. Other people are here too, and maybe get a president in Detroit city hall. After all, we're all American, we share that, and it would be best to get some form of central government up and running to present a united front.

Plus, it would be a good idea to get food and resources moving to Detroit while machines, other finished goods and people move here and into the surrounding countryside.

Additionally, we're gonna need the national guard and some of the SWAT to help us start training up militias and stuff.
Could people stop thinkin' about industrializing and start thinking about buying from people who are industrializing? Just saying, so much easier on the economy, action or otherwise. Food, Fuel, and Bullets would be good though...

This guy understands. Welcome to modern society problems, folks!
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