"I'm... not from Prydain," you admit at last. "I'm from somewhere far away. A place where I learned how to fight like I did, use magic like I did. A place where I was sworn and trained to fight the forces of darkness."

"You're from the Summer Country?" Coll asks, baffled and incredulous and a little awestruck all at once. Your brow furrows.

"What's the Summer Country?"

Coll blows air into his cheeks. "(You really aren't from 'round here)," he mutters. "The Summer Country is a land that lies far across the sea, over the horizon. It's a place of magic and eternal light, ruled by the folk that journeyed here once in ancient times to free us from the Horned King's tyranny. Their descendants - that's the Sons of Don - have ruled here ever since."

You chuckle drily. "If that's not the way Prydainians refer to where I come from then that's an awfully big coincidence, I must admit. But we call it Daybreak."

"I saw you use a key like a sword, turn it into a whip then conjure lightning from nothing, kid," Coll replies simply. "I'll believe anything you say."
Hahaha, "I'm basically a pagan angel analogue," that's one way to make an impression I guess.
"Just that you seem awful young to fight the way you do."

"I've been training since I was fourteen," you reply. "I'm sixteen now, and this is my first ever solo mission in another world. You can uh, kind of tell."

"Must be one heck of a prodigy," Coll remarks.

"Not really. I actually became a cadet a little late." You lower your gaze, drumming your gloved fingers on the rough-hewn tabletop as you cast your mind back through the years. "Usually you're chosen by the Keyblade as a preteen, thirteen at the latest. Sometimes kids as young as ten manage to summon one. The younger you are the purer your heart. Once you turn teenager things get a little... messy."

Coll pauses. He half-turns, staring at you over his shoulder as if trying to work out of you're kidding. You meet his gaze guilelessly. Long seconds of silence pass, and he returns to the stew. Hands as rough and tough as leather pat the sides of the pot to check how it's heating, and a wooden spoon swirls through the mysterious mix to make sure the new gets cooked in properly with the old. You start to worry. Did you offend him somehow?
Oooh that's... ooooh. You can see the gears turning in his head as he tries to reconcile the apparent child soldiery with the talk of 'pure hearts' and Aevum's apparent... Non-fucked-upness.
Coll sighs. "Well, I wasn't always a farmer. Once upon a time I was a young fool. I went to war, and I was good at it. Very good. Came a time they called me a hero for it, but I never felt like one." He glances back at you again. "Be thankful you only fight back the dark. Even if that's a war you can never win, it's a war you can fight day after day for the rest of your days and know you're doing the right thing. Wars between men? Well..."
Oop. This feels at once like sage advice, A Mood, and ominous foreshadowing for where this quest is going, given the vote about Dallben and Tenfold's earlier talk about dysfunctional relationships among the Foretellers.

[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

Yyyyeah we can't in good conscience make that oath. Dallben seems like a good man, a wise man, and we're thankful to him for saving our life, obviously, but we have duties to our comrades, our order, our master, and our home. Duties we've been raised to for our whole lives. Even just knowing this Book of Prophecy-analogue exists somewhere out there means we're obliged to seek it out, we can't just turn around and betray everything we've grown up to be on our very first outing. If we could do that, we wouldn't even be the sort of person Dallben could trust to ask such an oath of in the first place.

Aevum has done fairly alright so far by being straightforwardly A Good Egg, and I think it best to stick with that. Heck, maybe this'll turn out to be a secret test of character from Dallben.
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[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

Imrix has convinced me.
[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.
What sorts of teenagers are you people?

[x] Swear. Dallben is starting to seem like the greater enigma of this world than any oracle-pig, and you can't in good conscience just turn him down and run off back to the Citadel. You need to know more.

Knowing is better than not knowing. Not knowing can get us sidelined later, and even if we cannot presently act on this knowledge, it is better to have and to incorporate into decisions we make about the future. As the title says, We Have One Job. Gather information. And who knows when this information will be relevant to us in the future, and how it can aid us? Zerban wouldn't stick this in one of their first world choices if this wasn't gonna be important later on.

So come on, live a little, have the mysterious pigkeeper show you his secret book.
[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

Can't be caught between two Oaths if you don't swear one of be caught between.
What sorts of teenagers are you people?

[x] Swear. Dallben is starting to seem like the greater enigma of this world than any oracle-pig, and you can't in good conscience just turn him down and run off back to the Citadel. You need to know more.

Knowing is better than not knowing. Not knowing can get us sidelined later, and even if we cannot presently act on this knowledge, it is better to have and to incorporate into decisions we make about the future. As the title says, We Have One Job. Gather information. And who knows when this information will be relevant to us in the future, and how it can aid us? Zerban wouldn't stick this in one of their first world choices if this wasn't gonna be important later on.

So come on, live a little, have the mysterious pigkeeper show you his secret book.

Dallben would strongly disagree with you there.

Like, the horrible, terrible mistake he made was wanting to know something just for the sake of knowing it.
Dallben would strongly disagree with you there.
Although I have voted not to swear the oath, I find this an unsatisfying perspective. We aren't Dallben. We aren't beholden to him, or his perspective. We aren't following in his footsteps. We are visiting Prydain from somewhere occupied with loftier concerns.
I hate getting caught in lie loops.

[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.
[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

I have to agree with Imrix. Aevum has a duty: to their Union, the Citadel, and all worlds and all life. We should not, therefore, do something to potentially compromise that duty, such as swear an oath to keep a secret from our Union and Foreteller.
on the one hand the weird contrarian in me wants to impulsively flip the board and pound needles full of dank insight straight into our eyes like a yharnam speedball

but on the other hand is not "staying loyal to our ambiguously moral disney sidereal stealthy snake spy agency" the real contrarianism considering how often SV overall tends to balk at actually being loyal to our bosses. or accepting the existence of a boss. or the general concept of being subordinate in some hierarchy.

[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

I like the idea that there's a mix of noble and shitty reasons for it. 'Cause I mean on the one hand Aevum is a legitimately good egg. They really do their best, they went to the mat for a prophetic sapient pig they just met, and their heart is pretty firmly in the right place. But they're also calculating, kind of struggle to find their fit in their Union (and I really like the off-hand reference that Aevum started out lagging behind a lot of people, it contextualizes stuff in a significant way and puts their whole "notice me please god foreteller-sempai" in a night light), and want- y'know praise. Recognition. To write a report that makes them look good (and it's hard to do that if you're geas-bound to not talk about the good stuff). Not especially noble or necessarily virtuous stuff but very human stuff.

More than a lot of people Aevum has something to prove, even if they're not necessarily super cutthroat they've got an eye for opportunity and aren't afraid of gambling even if it sometimes bites them in the ass. They've got a definite sense of pride, albeit in that "I'm the only one who can think I'm shitty, how fucking dare you agree with me >:[" sorta way. Plus, to circle it back around, we really do need something we can pull out of this mess and, like, bureaucratically salvage this whole thing.

(And I legitimately low-key love how that's a serious dimension to this choice.)

But yeah, like other people said, Aevum is hella loyal to their Union and this kinda thing could create all kinds of tension and guilt and strain, turning it down is probably the less emotionally and mentally taxing option. And really the more honest one, with ourselves at least.
"What's the Summer Country?"

Coll blows air into his cheeks. "(You really aren't from 'round here)," he mutters. "The Summer Country is a land that lies far across the sea, over the horizon. It's a place of magic and eternal light, ruled by the folk that journeyed here once in ancient times to free us from the Horned King's tyranny. Their descendants - that's the Sons of Don - have ruled here ever since."

You chuckle drily. "If that's not the way Prydainians refer to where I come from then that's an awfully big coincidence, I must admit. But we call it Daybreak."

Did they really call themselves the Suns of Dawn, though?

[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

Since we're too much of a carebear to swear with intent to break the oath I guess we're doing this the hard way. Might as well spend some time kicking over stones while we clean up the darkness around here and see if our real objective pops out from under one.
I'm pretty sure that the crossover joke here is that because Prydain is basically Wales, the locals heard "dawn" as "Don."

The foreigners being from "a place called Daybreak," and all.

They probably called themselves the Sons of Dawn, but the Suns of Dawn is weabier and this is Kingdom Hearts, so might as well go for broke.
[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.
Oh my god.

Zerban you absolute magnificent bastard.

I fucking love the Chronicles of Prydain

[X] Don't swear. It's not that you don't want to know. You do, obviously you do, you're Anguis. But you don't want to have to lie to everyone back home, potentially even to Chirithy if they're not listening in. You feel like letting things lie will save both you and Dallben a whole lot of grief.

Yeah, If we swear, we have to keep this a secret from everyone. Thing is, Dallbens also a skilled enchanter, and I get the impression breaking this kind of oath, were we ever to do so, would have Some serious backlash.

Probably not death, Dallben's power basically puts him under a No killing commandment. But this may not necessarily be tied to him, and that rule doesn't apply to when people end up committing suicide via Stupidity.

He's also absolutely right to get us to swear about the Book of Three. There's been exactly two times in story someone Other than him has touched that thing. The first time, Taran just tapped it and came away with Blisters. The Second opened the book wide open, And got vaporised.

Yeah that guy was the aforementioned "Suicide by stupidity".

Anyway, we also just threw canon ENTIRELY off the rails. Given the last act of the story revolves around Tarans group trying to get Hen Wen back to civilisation ASAP, I'm not sure how this is going to progress. Hopefully, whatever happens still ends up with him helping the gwythaint chick.