Just trying to survive here! (SI/Multicross)

I thought her joining was believable and paced well enough, so it was fine with me.

Also, you should totally name the UFO "The Unnamed UFO", in the same vein as "A Pimp named Slickback" or "The song without a Name."
Intermission 3.1
Staring at the document, I didn't touch the keyboard at all as music filled my ears via headphones.

This time, I had an excuse for procrastinating.

That excuse was behind me, sitting next to Chrome as the latter read a book called "Big Bang – The Origin of the Universe" or something like that.

Fuuka joined the team.

I blinked.

Still processing that.

The day started pretty normal.

Wake up, eat Japanese food, say goodbye to anyone still present and having Mitsuru and Fuuka accompany us to the UFO that was parked in the back alley back then.

Then it got weird.

Out of nowhere, Mitsuru said her farewells again. At least I thought she did first, but then I realized she referred to Fuuka.

Naturally we were confused what that was all about.

Turned out that Fuuka was interested in the wide multiverse and her boss allowed this long term mission.

Why anyone would willingly go on this Russian roulette adventure was beyond me. Also, it was too damn convenient.

A scanner and navigator that was an immense asset to us?

Really made me paranoid.

I let out a deep sigh.

Alright, just chalk it up to curious person and deal with it.

Hell, maybe she had pity and wanted to help us out of the goodness of her heart.

Damn it, I couldn't write anything.

With a sigh, I closed the document and unplugged the headphones.

An instance to late, I realized that I should have muted the music first.

Because of that, the entire UFO was filled with the damn Cantina theme of Star Wars.

I tried to casually glance at them, as if nothing was wrong.

Considering that Chrome only sent me the blank look that indicated a small amount of bafflement, I think I did a pretty good job.

Fuuka smiled at me with zero judgment and tilted her head in curiosity.

"Is that what you usually listen to?"

"If it sounds good, I listen to it. Mostly random taste," I replied with a shrug, remembering all the rap, heavy metal, classic and whatever else was out there.

Considering this was a good topic to bond over, I spun my chair towards Chrome, who blinked at me. Noticing that Fuuka looked at her as well, she put the book down and her forehead wrinkled in thought.

After a small period of silence in which the illusionist stared at her hands, she shook her head.

"Can't think of a genre. Never really cared about it." Chrome's eyes closed and she leaned back on the couch. "Prefer it quiet."

And water was wet.

I let out a chuckle and raised my arms in mock surrender when my friend pouted at me.

Could have guessed that on my own.

Anywho, since this was a go merry round, the two illusionists in the room automatically turned to the oldest person in the room...At least I thought she was.

Eh, could ask her some day later.

Either way, she tapped her chin idly as she hummed in thought.

"Hm. I rather like J-Pop. But that's probably because of Rise. She is really talented," Fuuka replied after some thinking, a warm smile on her face.

I let out a "hm".

Couldn't remember much of the songs Rise did sing, but they were catchy. Especially with Laura Bailey's voice. Rise was likeable as well, so I guess it was easy to listen to for Fuuka.

Hm, since we were talking about catchy...

Since she was here, I might as well get information on how her "canon" went.

"Speaking of music, did Minato's listen to music all the time or was the exaggerated with the headphones?" I asked, leaning forward with my hands folded.

To my surprise, the topic didn't make her look hurt at all. Instead, she let out an amused giggle as she covered her mouth and shook her head, eyes filled with mirth.

"Honestly, I don't know. It looked like it, but he always kept up with the world around him since I joined. So I guess either his volume was low or it was off most of the time anyway." Fuuka let out a sigh. "His music was rather random as well. But most of it involved rap of some sorts."

"Not your style?" Chrome asked, tilting her head and I raised an eyebrow at her in surprise.

She got used to the navigator faster than I expected, if she participated in small talk and did not look like eating a sour lemon at the same time.

Anyway, the persona user scratched her right cheek with an awkward smile.

"It's...an acquired taste, I believe. I can listen to it, but I wouldn't want to listen to it all the time."

I scratched my chin in interest.

I wasn't Sherlock, but I guess the randomness was because Minato didn't care what music he listened to, as long as he could seperate himself from the outside world. Apathy and all that.

It was just a theory though. Not really a thinker, so I might be wrong.

I frowned and crossed my arms.

Now that I was thinking about it though...

I didn't know much about Minato in her universe and it would be easy to direct the conversation towards her relationship with him.

But should I follow that line of thought?

Probably not, but I was curious.

I crossed my legs and scratched my hair awkwardly.

My frown intensified when I noticed how greasy they were and how much dirt there was in between my fingernails.

Gotta take a shower later or I would scratch my hair endlessly.

I blinked and looked up, noticing the awaiting female faces.

Right, question.

I cleared my throat and bit my lip awkwardly.

"Since we are having this talk, what is your relationship with Minato? I mean, there is the game thing, but I don't wanna presume here...And you don't have to talk about this, since he is basically a door, protecting the world for possibly the whole eternity...Yeah..." I said, staring at the ground realizing this might be a bit too private and insensitive to talk about on the first day.

I glanced at Chrome, who shook her head at me, equally uncomfortable with the direction I was going here.

Nodding to myself, I concluded, yes, it was a bad idea and pressed my lips together.

Damn, here I thought I got better at social.

Luckily for me, Fuuka didn't seem to distraught at the topic, instead sending me a comforting smile at my social faux pas or whatever it was called.

Still, she let out a sigh and stared at her hands on her laps with an expression of melancholy.

"It's...complicated." She looked up with narrowed eyes. "We weren't together in the sense of romance, I can tell you that."

I blinked and glanced at Chrome. She mirrored my raised eyebrow.

The two of us deduced that the other had not thought about that at all and shrugged at the same time.

Turning back to Fuuka, she scratched her cheek with a flushed face.

"Sorry, but...I used to get those questions back in the old days."

Man, how long must it have been for her emotionally that she had to say "in the old days"...It barely lasted a year.

But, considering all the shit that happened, it would feel longer than it actually was.

Anywho, the two illusionists nodded in understanding and I gestured for her to go on.

She in response let out a deep breath and adjusted herself on her seat with a thoughtful expression.

"The...closest thing I can call it is a mix between comrades and siblings. But the SEES had that kind of relationship in general between the members." A fond smile appeared and she closed her eyes, delving into memories. "But I guess I was...more on the sibling spectrum? He did always kept an eye out for me, more than on the others usually. It...was nice. Warm."

I couldn't help but smile as well at the happy young woman in front of me.

Sounded like that this wasn't one of those edgy Minato's in some fanfics…

Glancing at Chrome, she had an unreadable expression. And I meant unreadable.

I couldn't tell if she felt happy for her, was jealous or was completely apathetic.

If she didn't want to show emotions, she sure as hell knew how to hide them from me.

Might wanna train more on that perception of mine…

Still, putting that aside, I did wonder if that split dimension thing with Minako, or the female protag, was actually true or not. It would explain that older brother thing Minato apparently had going.

Anyway, this was overall a very heartwarming scene.

Naturally, I had to ruin the moment. For one, seeing if I could get away with this, for reference if we become friends, and for my curiosity that will one day definitely kill me.

"So no love triangles in the rest of the team?" Noticing the dirty glare from Chrome, my smirk fell and I gestured towards Fuuka. "What, she mentioned the topic first!"

"Goodness, no." The persona user laughed and shook her head before calming down. "Only relationship I was aware of was between Minato and Aigis, but that's only because it was obvious. Yukari was in love with Minato, but she got over it."

Someone play that "the more you know" thing, because it was nice to know that my somewhat ship was canon in her world.

Well, somewhat. Wasn't sure between Yukari and Aigis. There was always the harem option, but that didn't always work out.

Anyway, as I nodded in interest, Fuuka grinned at us mischievously.

"What about you? Any special ones in your life?" She asked, but her smile fell when Chrome and I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Single since birth."

"Do I have to answer?"

I blinked and glanced at my younger friend.

Huh, didn't expect that kind of answer from her.

Made me proud.

I raised my hand with a smirk and she rolled her eye.

Would have been more effective if she didn't high five me.

Fuuka giggled at the display and shook her head.

"Well, then I suppose we should eat and drink."

"To single life?" I raised an eyebrow and the young woman shrugged.

"Why not?"

Why not indeed. Chrome nodded as well, considering it was lunch time anyway.

Still, there was one more thing to do...

Testing my limits for this relationship. Never tested it often myself, but people did say that you could only become friends if you knew the lines that you shouldn't push.

Which meant teasing and joking.

"You can cook, right?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows knowingly.

In response, Fuuka stood up, hands on her hips and huffed in an insulted, but playful manner.
"I improved a lot," she replied with mock pride and I raised my hands while dramatically rolling my eyes.

"Then you get to cook, master chef." I pointed at the table lazily. "I set the tables, you do your thing."

"I'll help with the cooking," Chrome volunteered to my surprise, but neither I nor Fuuka objected.

As the two girls did their thing, I formed a fist with my right hand and made a "yes" motion with it.

Two good cooks.

Survival should be covered by now.
Intermission 3.2
You know, one of the major problems I had with first person narrative was more of a pet peeve:

How the hell did the characters knew what kind of facial expression they had? I mean, sure, one could judge from how the muscles tensed and the emotions one felt inside, but it was nothing more than an educated guess. At least it was for me. I may think I smirked like a badass, but I might as well have been looking like a badly made Cheshire Cat mask.

Just my personal opinion though. I still tried to describe accurately how I gestured and how my mimic worked.

Why was I thinking about this?

Well, simple.

Despite what I just rambled in my head, I was to a hundred percent sure I had a text book definition of an expression that was both flat and "what the fuck" at the same time.

Mouth slightly open, eyes slightly narrowed, arms only slightly tensed, so they appeared limb on first glance at my sides…

Yup, pretty sure that was my expression, coupled with my complete disbelief at the current situation.

More specifically, the "team", speak Chrome, Fuuka and I, decided to spar. First to keep fit, second in order to evaluate our navigator and make sure she could actually protect herself.

So there we were, in the sparring area, all wearing black tanktops and shorts.

With Fuuka still having her fist on my face.

Despite that, I still stared at the young woman, trying to process what just happened.

I told her to punch me.

She nodded and threw one.

Only that punch wasn't a punch. It was…

I took her hand and gently shoved it aside, while I slowly shook my head in complete disappointment.

Jesus, I didn't know what to call it. A touch? A tap?

Whatever it was, it did not deserve the term punch.

She at least knew her fault and blushed furiously as she giggled awkwardly.

Glancing at Chrome, she simply blinked with no emotions in her eyes.

Which meant she shared my feelings in this topic.

Well, time to fill this silence before it sucks me into a black hole of awkwardness.

Sucking air through my teeth, I put my hands on my hips and nodded slowly, before exhaling out again.

"Okay, it hasn't even been a minute and I can already tell this isn't going to work," I said in a flat, unamused tone, before shaking my head and crossing my arms.

"Sorry," Fuuka replied with a wince and bit her lip as she scratched her right arm and stared down on the ground.

Now I felt like a douche.

Sharing a glance with Chrome, who slightly shook her head, I let out a sigh and scratched my head.

"No, no. It's just..." I trailed off. When Fuuka looked at me again, I began to gesture at her with my hands in circle motions. "I didn't expect this to go...that badly. I mean, I did expect to suck at teaching itself, but..."

"Weak body?" The navigator asked with a wry smile, but I shook my head and pointed at Chrome to my left.

"She is literally missing organs, so that isn't really an excuse," I countered with a somewhat gruff tone and my fellow illusionist nodded in a neutral manner.

Huh, expected some sort of pride for her achievement. Well, if I turn my head a bit, her face did shine a bit more than-

I stopped myself and clenched my eyes for a moment.

Not gonna go on a derail now.

"Then how is she-"

"Illusions," Chrome and I interrupted Fuuka in sync and she blinked at the former, then at me.


After she tilted her head, I clapped my hands together, while making a pop sound with my lips.

"Anywho, you at least need to punch with the intent to...well, punch. Not booping me on the nose with your knuckle." I took in a deep breath and gestured to my face with disbelief. "I mean...what the hell was that?"

"I...apologize. But I thought you would...let me train on a dummy first? Get a feel for it?" Fuuka replied hesitantly, but I could see how my...comments didn't really make her happy.

Also, she had a point, so I looked to the side awkwardly.

"Yeah, probably should have started with that...Sorry about that." Still, I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at her. "But I at least expected some force there. So, before we do anything...Will you be able to attack someone if you need to?"

As I crossed my arms, I could see how the topic was not one she wanted to talk about.

Averting her eyes and tensed body language...as if the idea of fighting disturbed her.

I shook my head when I caught Chrome's disapproving stare at me.

We needed to do this. Needed to know where everyone stood in this team.

Would be really bad if we did this in the middle of the field, where anything could happen.

"I...I guess if there was no other choice?"

Even she didn't believe her own words, considering how unsure she sounded as she shrugged.

It translated to me into "preferably never".

I suppressed the urge to sigh again.

"You are aware that sometimes you need to defend yourself, right?" I asked in a careful tone and leaned against one of the wooden dummies. "You...never made any plans for that? With your team?"

Fuuka took a deep breath and sat down on one of the barbells outside the area and stared down at the ground.

"It never came up. I was always in a safe area." Shaking her head, she looked up with a sombre expression. "Besides, I dislike fighting general. It's against my nature. With my body...I never saw the need."

Biting my lip, I rested my chin on my palm and glanced at Chrome. She did look understanding, but the small wrinkles in her forehead told me that she did see a problem in being completely pacifistic.

Well, I had that kind of problem as well, but I kinda saw it coming. This talk...only confirmed it.

I didn't have the same kind of ability as Fuuka, but I could tell from what little my aura sense told me, there was not a single aggressive bone in her.

It was like looking at calm water. It only moved when somebody pushed it and even then, it's more evasive. It was soothing, but not very apparent.

Pretty much the most pacifistic version of a rain flame I could ever imagine, if she ever got that.

Tranquil, peaceful...no option of violence there.

Really, I could tell from her persona already, but I had to make sure.

Still, it complicated things...

Taking our silence as apparent disapproval, Fuuka stood up and held her hands near her chest.

"I'm aware of that. But...It's wrong. Hurting others, no matter the reason. I believe in peace. Non-violence," she said quietly and looked up at us with a soft smile. "I know, a fight necessary sometimes. That's why I will support you with everything I got." Her smile fell and she clutched her hands. "But fighting myself? I don't think I can do that."

Nodding after a moment of silence, I moved away from the dummy and raised my hands in surrender.

"Well, guess we better make sure you can avoid battles then in case you come out with us. Dodging, reflexes, speed, all that stuff."

"Agreed," Chrome said in a soft voice and Fuuka stared at the two of us for a moment, before smiling at us.

I clapped my hands with a grin.

"Great. Let's get started then."

With that, I moved away from the area towards the couches.

"Where are you going?"

I ignored Chrome's question and typed on the computer around.

No, nope, nada…

Aha, there it was!

Pressing enter, I turned around and grinned wider as the screen behind me lit up.

Super Smash Bros.

Holding my hands out, three controllers appeared in my hands. Kinda hard to hold two in one, but I managed.

"Hand-eye coordination and reflexes." I raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "You two not up for it?"

Fuuka blinked for a moment, before chuckling and shaking her head as she walked towards me.

"Oh, I believe I can handle this," she replied with a smile and took a controller of my hand. Then, she walked to the couches with me.

Then, the two of us turn to Chrome.

She stared at us for a while. Then she shrugged and followed us to the seats, picking up a shirt on the way.

I smiled.

Nothing better to bond with than video games.
Chapter 13.1
Good news, by the time we finished our session, we already arrived on the next world, with our UFO landing neatly on whatever it landed. Didn't even take a day, so no awkwardness or similar to the new bed arrangements.

Well, good news was relative. For me it was good news.

Because it distracted me from the fact I got destroyed by both Fuuka and Chrome.


I mean, come on!

She didn't even know the controls at the start before proceeding to play like a pro!

"Sid, are you still moping?"

I glanced up from my slumped position on the couch, empty eyes directed at Chrome, who blinked at me. Stoically. Innocently.


Narrowing my eyes, I nodded slowly.

Yeah, I know that little eye twitch. We haven't been friends for that long, but I knew you well enough to spot that.

At least she had the shame to look away and cover her mouth after an unladylike snort escaped her.

I let out a sigh and shook my head with a wry smile.

"Still processing I lost against both of you, no offense," I replied dryly.

Fuuka, next to the younger girl, giggled in response and I covered my face, fully knowing that Chrome probably did the same in her head. Despite my own grin, I still felt embarrassed.

Sure, I wasn't the best at Smash. Casual at my most, sucker at my worst.

But Jesus Christ, Fuuka knew how to do some sick air combos with Zero Suit Samus, while Chrome was a pain in the ass with her ability to keep me at bay with Bowser Junior.

They were more busy fighting each other, since I got kicked out of the fight almost at the start of every match.

Did not help my barely existent pride. Not really.

"Beginner's luck?" The persona user asked.

I gave her a flat look and her smile grew a bit more smug.

Didn't know she had a competitive bone in her.

Also, that did not help my pride either.

But I was going to take what I could get.
"Sure, why not," I said after a deep breath and stood up, turning to the big screens. "Computer, give me some details of planet"

"Presenting now."

The three of us stared at the screens, eyes squinted, when the planet was shown on screen.

Or rather…

The blue ball.

Naturally, the three of us tilted our heads in confusion-

"Uhm...computer...Show something that isn't water," I asked with squinted eyes.


Ah, that's bet-

Our group collectively. blinked, but I let out a deep, suffering groan and covered my face.

Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

I saw two gigantic beings. Well, more like one and a half.

The...whole one, so to say, was a moss covered, winged titan. The spots that were not covered, appeared to be either white or grey. The titan had a slim and almost sleek design, but also had many spots bulging out, like spikes or small hills. Its head appeared humanoid, in the sense of a man wearing a knight helmet, but that was about it.

Overall, a colossal being, considering it could keep an entire country or two on it.

The other had been its counter part.

Had been, because it was missing its entire upper half.

What was left were black, mechanical legs, with steel beams reaching out of its lower torso.

But, since I already played the game, I knew exactly what was missing.

A bulky giant, the equal to our white one (no racism intended) and the clockwork robot compared to our "biological" survivor.

Anyway, my reaction caused Fuuka to turn to me and point at the screen with awe.

"I assume you know what this place is?"

I let out a sigh, making her raise an eyebrow in confusion. Chrome on the other hand silently stared at the giants with quiet, sparkling eyes.

"It's Mechonis and Bionis," I muttered as a reply, before snorting in dry amusement, shaking my head. "Well, Bionis and what's left of Mechonis, to be exact."

"Meaning…?" My fellow illusionists asked, tearing her eyes away from the computer and tilting her head at me.

In response, I wiggled my hand at them, staring at the titans with a half open mouth, not very pleased about this.

"JRPG. Two titans fighting each other, until they killed each other. They became places, where other species live on it. Game was called Xenoblade Chronicles."

Narrowing my eyes, my attention shifted to the red dot on the screen and I let out a snort.

"And if I see this right, we are on Bionis' backhair. Also known as the Makna Forest."

The two girls narrowed their eyes at me and Fuuka expressed her disgust by shaking her head.

"Couldn't you just say forest?"

I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sorry, but it stuck out to me when I first played the game."

The older girl let out a deep sigh, while Chrome folded her hands and tilted her head before addressing me.

"What can we expect?"

I scratched my chin with a hum.

"Monsters, big and small, killer mechs, humans called Homs, humans with wings on their head called High Entia, small fluffballs called Nopon and...that should be it." My forehead wrinkled in thought as I stared at my stretched out fingers, before nodding. Lowering them, I put my hands on my hip and casually continued. "Considering the timeline, we have to deal with green thingies, inspired by different monsters, led by a god, instead of genocidal robots led by a genocidal king."

Silence filled the air, as we all blankly stared at each other in a triangle formation.

Eyes shifting, left to right, right to left, waiting for the other to say something.

Surprisingly to me, Chrome was the one to give up first and raised her fist.

"Hurray," she said in the most fake cheer and blandest tone a human being could possibly produce.

I did my best to mimic that accomplishment, raising my own fist, mirroring her stoic expression.


Then, the two of us extended our arms.

Silent awkward fist bump.

Fuuka giggled at our antics, before clapping her hands with a smile.

"Well then. We just have to be careful."

With that, we prepared ourselves.

Well, more like dressed, but it's the same thing.

Nobody of us had the slightest idea what is acceptable as jungle clothing.

So the three of us decided to do our own thing. Or rather, I did my thing and Fuuka would help Chrome since the latter didn't give a crap.

I didn't dress all too fancy.

Colors were camouflage green patterns, like those from the military.

T-shirt, flexible pants, both a bit thicker than usual. Brown marching boots and to top it all off, a cloak around my shoulders with a hood.

Adjusting the black gloves around my hands, I nodded to myself with a smile.

Yup, looked like a low budget assassin in camouflage colors.

Hearing the door to...well, our bedroom shift, I turned around and raised an eyebrow while humming impressed.

Unlike me, they wore proper jackets with zippers. Dark brownish, long sleeves, no hood though for some reason.

But instead, they wore black shorts. Not fanservice shorts, but they barely reached below their knees.

Eh, to each their own.

Anywho, the proper adult in the room crossed her arms at me.

"Why a hood?"

"In case of rain," I replied to Fuuka and then threw my thumb at it as I turned my back. "Besides, hood be good."

Then I processed what I just said, turned around and bit my lip awkwardly.

"Yeah, okay, sounded better in my head."

The girls only nodded in agreement with blank expressions, making me blush a bit more.

I quickly moved over to the ramp, but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

"Wait." I glanced at Fuuka, who kept her eyes on the exit with some concern. "What if there are any diseases?"

I blinked.

Right, those were a thing. And I didn't know how much this world differed from ours in terms of eco...eno...nature stuff.

It could be a big issue…

"Computer, do you happen to have something against diseases?" I asked out loud, not expecting a lot as I scratched my chin in thought.

To my surprise, the computer responded.

"Activating immunity protocol."

A green light from the ceiling engulfed us and I shook my body in response to the tingling feeling I got. It only lasted for a second, before it was gone.

"Huh. Handy," I said after a small pause. Sharing a look with the two girls I opened in the ramp and immediately, hot, humid air soared against me. It startled me a bit, as I took a step back, clutching my head in discomfort, blinking furiously. Not because of the air, but because of something else.

My aura sense was basically always on to some degree. If I focused, it would be stronger, but overall I always had it. Most of the time I ignored the minor stuff, so I didn't mention it often unless it was important.

This time, the bare minimum was enough to fill my head with...everything.

Trees, plants, animals, Bionis itself made itself known in my head.

Jesus, was this how LSD worked? It shouldn't surprise me, considering everything, including the titan itself, was alive.

"Everything okay?" I asked with a groan and the girls affirmed their status with moans on their own.

"Yeah, yeah...Just...there is a lot..." Fuuka muttered as she shook her head.

"Hurts my head," Chrome concurred quietly and she massaged the sides of her head.

"And I can't make any sense of it." I let out a sigh and blinked again. When my vision was normal again, I turned to them with a frown. "It's like trying to look into a tornado. You?"

The two nodded to my metaphor. I nodded back. Good, I wasn't the only one.

"This is a lot more difficult than in cities," the persona user said, awe in her voice. "So much life...It will take me a while to adjust to this."

By all means, that told me we should wait.

But I was too curious, so I shrugged to her answer and made my way out.

"Welp, let's get going then," I said casually, trying to hide my small anxiety at the fact that the evil god of the game is awake here.

Let's hope the protagonists keep him distracted while I satisfy my stupid urges.

"Any specific path?" Fuuka asked, as she walked to my left, while Chrome was to my right, both looking at me with curiosity.

To my credit, I didn't pause or stop at the question.

But, from the fact that their expressions morphed to concern, I still made my lack of knowledge rather obvious.

I was not one of these people that memorized the maps of a game until it was as easy as breathing.

So no, I had no damn idea.

"Let's just walk around. Maybe something will jog my memory."

Chrome's mouth thinned even more and Fuuka shook her head in exasperation.

With that, we went on our way in the gigantic forest.

We landed near a giant waterhole, whose name I forgot, and it took a lot of convincing and clapping to make the girls move as well as stare at their surroundings with wide eyed excitement.

To be honest, it was hard for me as well to not simply stand around for ten minutes and enjoy the view.

The air had a fresh, but also thick smell of nature. It reflected the almost shining green all over the place.

Grass reaching up to my knees, exotic plants all over the place, not to mention the size.

Some trees are bigger than some skyscrapers I've seen.

And don't get me started on the wildlife, like those weird, light blue horses or the giant yellow birds with the long beaks.

Only thing that ruined it was the water color, which was a dirty brown.

But overall, breathtaking, ten outta ten.

To our luck, nothing started to hunt us down yet, as we wandered around, taking it slowly around the lake.

Of course, Murphy listened in and decided to correct me of that notion.

I should have noticed something was off when the animals started to disappear, more or less.

Then, the three of us felt it.

Our heads snapped to the sky, our bodies tensed.

"Something is coming!" Fuuka yelled, hands folded together as she bit her lip with worry.

As I took my fighting stance like Chrome, right hand extended, left hand close to body, I nodded to our navigator.

"Any ideas? I only feel powerful and that's not very specific."

The persona user took a deep breath and the next moment, Juno covered her body as her eyes were closed.

"Big, feathery and bloodthirsty...but so much pain..."

Hearing her muttering, my heart dropped and I gulped.

Please let me be wrong.

Naturally, I had to be right.

A big, three headed being flew above us. With shiny green skin and yellow light trails, that extended from its two tails and between its two front legs, it fluttered with its two skinny appendages on each side to fly.

As if to spite me, it was perched on one of the trees, staring at us intently with its non existent eyes.

Zanza, if you heard me…

The fuck, dude?

"Of course it's a damn Telethia..." I muttered in a dark voice.

Transformed High Entia, caused by over exposure of Ether or something. The bird people became slaves in form of giant bird, dragon, whatever monsters, whose only purpose is to fuck people over and absorb Ether for Zanza.

And it stared directly at us.

Which was a bit bad for us.
Never played Xenoblade, but just looking at the picture tells me it's probably a higher level than you sooo...

Also interesting factoid, my cellphone's auto correct recognizes Xenoblade as a proper noun.

Edit: But didn't recognize that recognizs was incorrect...
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Chapter 13.2
Alright, Sid. Think fast.

No way I can punch that thing to death and I have no idea how to affect a new species with god knows what senses it has.

It was bigger, meaner, had reach and I could not destroy entire landscapes with kicks, much less Chrome and even more less Fuuka.

Also, who knew when it would get reinforcements or something like that.

So, the plan was simple then.

The best path would be to just hide it out and avoid a battle completely.

"Chrome! Stealth mode!" I hissed, my eyes not leaving the giant monster.

So far so good, didn't attack us yet. In fact, it only tilted its three heads with curiosity.

Probably confused at the newcomers it saw. Or it underestimated us.

Fine by me.

Hell fire burning in my left eye and the mist flame lightening up on the ring from that same hell.

I didn't waste any time and took a deep breath, focusing with all my might.

Step one. Erase presence, any kind of energy I could thing of could not be connected to us. That included visibility.

A few moments later, my job was done.

Of course, Chrome and I shared the same kind of paranoid, somewhat.

I could feel it, over my own "bubble", a second layer with several elements.

Sound dampened. Smell dampened. Cover surroundings with fake picture.

Chrome's job well done as well.

I smirked, as the Telethia began to frantically move its heads and fly down to the ground. Then, it began to sniff around, carefully going over the area with its front legs.

Carefully, our group moved away from it, so that it could not touch us.

It wouldn't find us anyway, I was certain of it.

This was the best stealth illusion combo the two of us could handle without burning up all of our power at once.

As far as that thing was concerned, we vanished in thin air. Then it should be leaving.

Let's see how that thing will find us now!

With that in mind, I dared to relax as much as possible while still maintaining the illusion.

"How dangerous is it?" Fuuka whispered to me, shaking my internal cheering off. Glancing at her, I could see how her eyes did not leave telethia. She looked concerned, but not scared.

Well, if I faced Death and Humanity's Self-Destructiveness, I would be rather chill as well.

Anywho, I hummed in thought and pressed my lips together.

"Pretty much Alpha Predator. High speed, strong physical attacks, something called Ether, which might as well be magic, can read minds and are tou-"

"Read minds?" Chrome asked, her voice sounding strained.

I raised an eyebrow.

Weird, we haven't been doing this too long.

I shrugged and decided to elaborate.

"Yeah, pain in the ass to fight against. Physical attacks might as well be-"

"Don't you think it read our minds and knows we are simply hidden?" Fuuka interrupted me, trepidation creeping into her voice.

I blinked.

The girls stared at me in disbelief.

I turned back to the Telethia, only now noticing how it gathered Ether from the air into a big ball.

Aiming into our general direction.

And despite the lack of facial expression, it looked smug as hell to me.

I nodded slowly, letting out a short hum.

Maybe I should pay more attention to detail if we survived this.

Why the fuck was I still standing here?

"Plan change! RUN AWAY!"

Not even waiting for a reply, I grabbed Fuuka in bridal style immediately after my scream. Ignoring her yelp, I turned to my right and stomped on the ground.

Fuuka clutched onto me for dear life, her arms around my neck.

Gotta apologize later.

If I didn't get blown up or get choked to death. Whatever came first.

Chrome following right behind me with the same Ssamsu Step.

Not a second too late, because the Telethia was done charging and spat the ball of doom at where we were.

If we waited another second, it would have hit us, carried us through the many trees behind and then made a glorious explosion that would make Power Rangers proud.

Luckily, we were fast enough.

Avoided giant death ball, use explosion to propel ourselves forward.

Burned a bit in the back, but I took that over being a charred husk.

Then, Chrome and I put that leg day into praxis and spammed the movement technique of Ssamsu Taekkyeon. At the same time I deactivated my Reborn abilities.

By all means, it was probably a stupid idea. But, all I could see was a win-win situation for the Telethia.

In order to be stealthy, we needed to stay still or move slowly. The monster could swipe over the surroundings until it would eventually hit us.

In order to run away, we needed to use all the energy available for that. The monster could see us again and would hunt us down.

I took my chances with running away, hoping that something would be there to help us in our frantic escape.

Maybe I should have discussed with the girls, who was supposed to call the shots. Or which action to take.

But desperate situations called for desperate means.

Dodging and weaving between the tree roots and flora, rage grew in my chest. At my carelessness, at this universe and at the fact I did not train parkour. Oh, and the fact that the flying pest soared over our heads like a fighter jet.

Better use a language better suited for my emotional needs.

"Oh, komm schon! Das ist doch absolut lächerlich!" I screamed, not caring I only wasted my ragged breath even more as I threw my head into the sky. "WAS HAB ICH DIR ANGETAN, DU DRECKSVIECH?! VERPISS DICH GEFÄLLIGST!"

Jump on heightened terrain, look back and make sure Chrome was still behind me.


Tilt head to the left because of branch, cut through thick bushes.

Dinosaur ahead. Sharp turn to the right, sliding down the high ground. Fall on butt, immediately get back up and keep running.

My past self could have not done this at all. It was amazing.

As much as it mattered anyway, considering I was running for my life here and spammed an instant move technique that was meant for just...well, an instant.

My legs already begged for the sweet release of death and I was certain from the way how pale Chrome was, her legs were zombies already.

"Obsidian, please focus!" I heard a muffled voice yell against the wind rushing at my ears.

I turned my head back to the front, while yelling back an apology.

Right, ranting and German rage later.

"It's too fast!" Fuuka yelled again, her head next to my left, aimed at the sky.

"It can keep up with mech jets, I'm not surprised!" I replied loudly, as I jumped over one of those horse thingies, while Chrome ducked under it.

"We...can't keep this...up forever..." The youngest of the group gasped in between breaths and I bit my lip.

We just passed a weird tree that formed some sort of gate, but it did not trigger anything in my head.

Before I could look around even more, the ground gave up under us.

I was about to jump from the rubble, when my eyes widened.

Something grabbed my right leg.

It felt...soft and fluffy?

My feat switched to confusion as my eyes narrowed.

"What the-Mmmmphh!"

I couldn't say anything more, as I landed flat on my back with quite some force. With Fuuka on my chest, it had some trouble breathing.

Especially considering that there was something on my face as well.

It was as soft and fluffy as whatever grabbed my leg.

Hell, it had the same kind of feeling when I burrowed my face into one of my plushies.

I could hear the girls muffled voices. Or rather, Fuuka's. Chrome wasn't the type.

Weirdly, they stopped almost an instant later.

Before I could wonder what was going on, a high pitched voice filled the hole we were in, barely a whisper loud.

"Listen very carefully, Hom Hom. Stay quiet and don't move. Dinobeast will go away, quick quick." The voice paused, then grew more sinister in tone. "If not, Hom Hom will have one more danger."

Normally I would be intimidated.

But, I was more busy realizing what was on my face.

A damn Nopon saved us.

What were the odds?

A small period of silence later, a loud boom sounded in the air. Then, nothing but the peaceful forest sounds filled the air.

Our savior jumped from my face, followed by Fuuka standing up.

I took a deep breath and stared at the sky in disbelief.

How the hell…?

My musings were cut short when the Nopon put its small stick hands on its...hips(?) I guess and smirked at us with a smirk.

"Come with Arnie if Hom Hom want to live."

The three of us blinked.

Barely reaching up to my knee, but fat enough to fill my head and more, a black fluffball with a white stomach and a grey circle in it, faced us. In that circle, a wide old wound ran across it diagonally. Another small scar was on its right eye. That it was black in color made it hard to spot at first.

On its back, was a weapon. Or rather a stick with some spikes on a ball that was glued on the other end, painted in brown. It appeared like an amatur toy.

A small patch of fur stood out on its head, in between its long ear, hand thingies that looked more like scarfs, making it look like it had a military cut or something.

Then its...or his, if Arnie was a male name, processed through my head.

Did that black Nopon just paraphrase Arno-

My mouth went wide in shock.



Black Nopon.

Looks like an action hero.

Holy crap, I found Arnold Schwarznegger's version of Xenoblade Chronicles.


Translation Notes (not direct translation, but you get the gist of it):

"Oh, come on! This is completely ridiculous! What did I ever do to you, you piece of shit?! Piss off already!"