Jonathan Fitzgerald: Paranormal & Private Investigator - Anomalies & Adversities (a quest of playing the monster)

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This is a pretty rough idea right now, but even so, here it is; In this quest, our hero (son of Jeremy Fitzgerald of FNAF 2 fame) is unknowingly (at first) one of the settings' monsters themselves. But he won't let that stop him from casting a light out into the darkness, and discovering the truth, however dark it may be! Said setting is an amalgam created by roughly fusing together a few real world myths & legends with pretty much anything horror, mystery, and/or killing game (think Danganronpa, Your Turn to Die, Zero Escape, etc.) related, but with a particular focus on Analog and Mascot horror.
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The Beginning and character creation
...I'll admit, I did brace for a lot of possible things to be waiting for me at that police station. This... that was not what I was expecting. Ok, ok, let's back up and start from square one. The year is 2009, in Mandela County, WI, USA. It's just around dawn, there's a chill in the air, the sky above is as overcast as it gets without fog rolling in or rain coming down, and here I am, willingly walking into an old, mostly abandoned county police precinct. ...And doing a stupid noir bit for no particular reason, other than that it's become my little ritual for centering myself. My name is:

[]Name: Jonathan Fitzgerald
[]Name: Paul Goodman
[]Name: Ricardo Torres
[]Name: Ippei Ibushi (written in the western fashion, anyway)
[]Name: Write-in

I work as a P&PI... that is, a Paranormal and Private Investigator. I do all the things a normal PI does, but I also handle... strange cases. In fact, I'd say that's 90% of what I do. And right now, I'm doing something that technically might classify as either, I suppose. A former police detective, a Thatcher... something?... Called me (called my agency at least) at the crack of dawn and practically demanded I make his 'problem' my next case. ...Well, that's not exactly quite it. He demanded I be there in case he thought he needed my help to interview an... interesting individual. An anomaly, to be more blunt. I don't know why he called me, exactly, maybe he already tried a bunch of other ideas and it's just desperation, or maybe he somehow knows? ...Right... I only somewhat recently learned myself, I'm not exactly... what you would call an ordinary person. ...Still coming to terms with the fact that:

[Note: By default, each of the standard names has an associated creature type. But you can opt to pair a given name with a different creature, if you so wish. If you write-in a name, you must specify what kind of creature they are, and they must be able to pass for human to the extent they fool even themselves. Also, the creature selection with have a slight effect on which pieces of media are going into the big mixing pot off this setting.]

[]Creature: I'm dead and living on in a robot {Possessed (hyper-advanced) animatronic/synthetic human/android}
(Associated with Jonathan Fitzgerald by default, home setting: Five Nights at Freddy's)
I'll be honest, the documents my mother had been hiding from me were... quite revealing. Poor dad though, he may have gotten it worse than me... death would be preferable.

+Start with Paulbear Token, Facial Scanners, Iron Stomach (Artificial), Basic Integrated Computer and later unlock Animatronic Technical Documents upon learning what you are in-character.
+Start with a significant head start on assembling a case against Bunny Smiles INC. or FazBear Entertainment (INC. or LLC.), as well as a small collection of random evidence and clues on various other topics and mysteries.
+Relatively quick and potent improvements, to stats and otherwise, are available through upgrades to the animatronic body, should you gain access to them.
+-Two separate health pools, body and remnant. Body is extremely resilient against most physical attacks, but can be damaged by either fire, acid, or just strong enough other attacks. Remnant is immune to all physical damage except for fire/heat damage, which it can still negate or resist with willpower checks. If remnant runs out, game over. If body is depleted, then your capabilities are sharply diminished until you can possess a new body.
-No natural stat growth with experience.
-Extremely heavy and loud; variable but generally severe penalty to gymnastics and stealth.
-Must take Pyrophobia later on during character creation.

[]Creature: I'm dead, unfortunately, but I live!... by sucking down the blood of others. {Thin-blooded Vampire}
(Associated with Paul Goodman by default, home setting: Vampire the Masquerade)
Yes, it is indeed quite the miserable, sunless day outside. and thank goodness for it, makes my life easier.

+Gain access to Thin Blood Alchemy and can gain up to level 3 (out of 5) in a single vampiric discipline, with additional access to disciplines though certain perks, the occult principles, and the 'resonance' mechanic.
+Can use stored blood to achieve incredible feats (to fuel disciplines and to boost dice rolls).
+Start with general knowledge of the political situation with regards to vampires and their schemes.
+Start with Kindred of Caine, Magics of Lilith, and a useful contact in one off the Camarilla, Sabat, or one of the courts of the Kuei-jin.
-No natural stat growth with experience, and much slower rate of skill improvement.
-Extreme vulnerability to True Faith, the light of the sun, and several other (optional) potential vulnerabilities.
-Modified version of VtM's blood pool, thirst, and humanity mechanics.

[]Creature: I'm?... probably dead. But... I am not me? {Alternate}
(Associated with Ricardo Torres by default, home setting: The Mandela Catalogue)
I'm an... alternative take on myself, a... doppelganger, of sorts. Oh, and a demon, but who's counting, eh? That was a deeply unpleasant discovery, but thankfully I've had time to process that. 'My'... no, stop that, *ahem*... My aunt's the only reason I'm even in this business, and said business is the only reason I had a chance to learn what I am. ...Actually, now that I think about it, she mentioned that her, my direct family, and some other aunt used to live right around here... a couple decades ago? Something about a tragedy?

+Start with a large amount of psychology, rhetoric, and suggestion skill.
+Start with Break Them by Talking, Insidious Whispers, Pass without Trace, Unholy Revelation, We are Legion (deactivated), Nothing is worth the Risk (deactivated), The Might of the Subconscious (deactivated), Rebellious Demon, and Every Day Does Get Brighter.
+Nigh invulnerable to all forms of physical attack.
+Begin with partial knowledge on the nature of Alternates. Upon learning what you are, changes to near-complete knowledge.
-Almost laughably vulnerable to the power of True Faith, provided it's coming from followers of any non-Abrahamic faith. Following one or more possible positive scenarios playing out, can potentially gain an even worse vulnerability to True Faith from practitioners of all faiths.
-Slight vulnerability to any opponent that possess any of the following traits or states of being: Impossible courage, Berserker Rage, Frenzy, or is currently a were-beast.
-No traits, abilities, or starting skills to help with mundane or paranormal investigations (aside from maybe Pass without Trace), outside of interviews and interrogations.

[]Creature: I am and never was, really... real? Yet I'm also real. {Tulpa/Imaginary Friend}
(Associated with Ippei Ibushi by default, home setting:
heavily altered Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends x Greylock)
So there's this big fancy concept adults thought up called 'thought forms' or 'tulpas', where a person concentrates really hard and sort of 'imagines' a being into existence. The funny thing is that it's a good bit more complicated than that, but if you limit it to the beautiful imagination of children instead of that of the adults, that's pretty much it. Just like adults to over-complicate things. ...Yeah... Just like them... Sometimes, in my darkest moments, I find myself wishing Satomi (my kid, my creator. I came in to being when she needed something to practice with and on) had never grown up. But I know that what I really wish is that she hadn't lied to me. ...At least her sister wound up growing into a fine person. I wouldn't be here if not for her, and not in this line of work if not for her husband.

+Start with 'Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way' (deactivated), 'Where There's a Will, There's a Way', Chronic Helper Syndrome (deactivated), Protector of the Innocent, The Might of the Subconscious, Mentor & Teacher, Practice Buddy, Living Sandbag, Built Tough, and Toon Physics (minor).
+Start with a large amount of Conceptualization and Unarmed Combat skill.
+Start with full mastery of one off the following: Boxing, Wrestling, or any common Martial Art (Karate, Judo, Aikido, Tai Chi, Taekwondo, Tiger, Crane, Leopard, Snake, or Dragon-style Shaolin kung-fu, and Pankration).
+High rate of natural stat growth with experience.
+-Toon Physics can potentially nullify all damage, though this is highly context dependent.
-No starting knowledge of or clues regarding the paranormal and supernatural, nor any potential 'major' cases.
-Outside of Impact damage, relies almost entirely on Toon Physics. Without that, is barely any tougher than an average human, meaning essentially everything is a vulnerability.
-Roughly human base stats, with no way initially to improve that aside from natural growth.
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Character Sheet
Name: Jonathan Fitzgerald
Appearance: (Body Appearance) At first glance, unremarkable/average 5" 9' caucasian male with brown hair and blue eyes. On closer inspection, a biological anomaly with impossibly angular & perfect features with edges that almost seem sharp enough to cut, particularly around already sharp areas of the body, which tend more towards 'boxy'.
(Soul/Remnant form Appearance) A taller 'ghost child' sprite minus the tear trails and marked by patches of soot-like black discoloration.
Faith: Christian (Non-Denominational)

Body Stats:
HP (Hit Points/Health): 40/40

Strength(STR): 40
Endurance(END): 40
Agility(AGI): 10
Perception(PER): 40

Intelligence(INT): SaS*
Charisma(CHA): SaS
Wisdom(WIS): SaS
Willpower(WIL): SaS

Piety(PEI): SaS
Luck(LCK): SaS
Arcane/Magic(MAG): SaS - 10 (minimum 0)

Soul/Remnant Stats:
HP (Remnant): 5/5
SAN (Sanity): 22/22

Strength(STR): N/A
Endurance(END): N/A
Agility(AGI): N/A
Perception(PER): N/A

Intelligence(INT): 10
Charisma(CHA): 8
Wisdom(WIS): 10
Willpower(WIL): 11

Peity(PEI): 2
Luck(LCK): 10
Arcane/Magic(MAG): 0

* = SaS means 'Same as Soul', meaning the stat is the same as in the Soul/Remnant Form. Most of the better (non-primary) bodies just take Soul form stats and slap considerable penalties on them. The primary body out of the box (with the notable exception of magic) will just take whatever your stats are and keep them the same.

All skills are capped by their associated stat or the average of their associated stats, if more than one. Example: Rhetoric's cap is it's two governing stats added together (CHA + INT), then divided by 2.

General & All-Purpose Combat Skills
Unarmed(STR + AGI): 3 (0/30)
Melee (STR + AGI): 0 (0/1000
Dodge (AGI): 2 (4/20)
Marksmanship (PER + AGI): 2 (0/20)
Logic (INT): 2 (3/20)
Conceptualization (Concept.) (INT): 2 (0/20)
Administration (Admin.) (INT): 6 (1 + 5(Skilled Administrator)) (0/10)
Intimidation (STR + CHA): 0 (1/1000)
Suggestion (CHA): 0 (6/1000)
Negotiation (CHA): 3 (6/30)
Persuasion (CHA): 4 (0/40)
Rhetoric (INT + CHA): 0 (0/1000)
Esprit de Corps (CHA): 0 (5/1000)
'Common' Sense (WIS): 2 (2/20)
Inland Empire ((WIS + LCK + MAG)/3 * 1): 2 (10/20)
Composure (WIL): 3 (10/30)

Specific Weapon Category Skills
Short Blade(STR + AGI + PER): 4 (0/40)

Arnis (STR + AGI) Balanced Hybrid Unarmed Art/Short Blade, Short Blunt, Improvised Weapon Art (●●○○○) (0/100 to next level)
Arnis, also known as Kali or Eskrima/Escrima (both spellings are widely used), is the national and traditional martial art(s) of the Philippines which emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, batons, knives, short bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons, as well as "open hand" techniques without weapons. It is a supremely balanced and capable combat art, if slightly predictable when used by a novice, due to it's use of many fixed patterns of techniques on both the offense and defense, but in a true masters hands, even this weakness can be easily overcome. The name Arnis is (supposedly) believed by some to likely come from arnés, the Old Spanish word for 'armor'. If true, this is but one example of considerable Spanish influence. Despite these influences however, there can be no doubt that the art is completely distinct and Filipino in origin.
"You will train your whole life for a four second stick fight." - Attributed to Grandmaster Remy A. Presas (Real Life)

Psychic(General) Power Category: Intrinsic, meaning you need nothing else to use these abilities. You gain the equivalent of one 'dot' in these powers under the oWoD system.
  • Mind Shield (●○○○○)
    Gain the ability to erect passive mental defenses against supernatural intrusion. This includes mage spells, Vampiric Disciplines, Changeling & True Fae cantrips, Alternate Insidious Whispers, and other mind-based abilities. It's only arguably real downside is that this power has no individual abilities. Instead, its levels or 'dots' just raise the difficulty for an intruder to penetrate the psychics mind while active. It needs to be lowered to allow for friendly psychic abilities, such as uncontested telepathic communication, Psychic healing, and so on.
    At Jonathan's current level (1), Mind Shield is essentially equivalent to the difference between having 1 WIL vs having 50 WIL, with the only added caveat being that powers that normally don't allow any kind of defense to be made against them, now do. Very impressive and a major improvement from not having it, but it is not foolproof. Powerful abilities can still get through.
    "What!? I cannot read you!" - Psycho Mantis. (Metal Gear Solid)

Facial Scanners Body Trait/Perk: Automatically grants some information on any character you interact with if said character has a criminal record, including what said record is, the first time you interact with them. +1 To Intimidation checks against any character with a criminal record, if they know you have this. Contextual Bonus: +5 to Intimidation checks against the same targets instead.
"They've spent a small fortune on these new animatronics, uh, facial recognition, advanced mobility. ... But most importantly, they're all tied into some kind of criminal database, so they can detect a predator a mile away." - Unknown Freddy's security guard (Phone Guy). (FNAF 2, Night 1)

Iron Stomach (Artificial) Body Trait/Perk: Can consume regular food, as well as most common poisonous but edible foods, and rotten food, normally without consequence, despite undead/inorganic nature.
"Remind me why this... thing, needs a working stomach? ...Right, right... Riddle me this then... why is it lead-lined!?" - Unknown Technician. (Original)

Basic Integrated Computer Body Trait/Perk: +5 To all skill checks, +1 to 'active' skill checks and all rolls in combat. Can be further upgraded.
"Power equivalent to the best commercially available computers circa... 1998?, in the year 1995 yet miraculously miniaturized enough to mostly fit in a dispersed fashion across the body in the space where other organs would be in a human. Unfortunately, runs on Microsoft DOS, or as one of my fellow technicians... 'colorfully' called it, Microsoft DONG." - Unknown Computer Hardware Engineer. (Original)

Paulbear Token Perk/Item: Grants +10 to stealth against geists, ghosts, possessed animatronics, and all other forms of spirit, possessing something or otherwise, while holding completely still. Contextual Bonus: +100 to first attempt at communicating with Golden Freddy, +50 to First attempt with all other possessed (non-Afton) animatronics.
"My father, Jeremy, supposedly got this thing from a friendly spirit on a job all the way back in 1985. ...Two years later, at the same damn place ... Just looking at this thing makes me angry... but even after... what happened, dad insisted on carrying it around, and made triple sure to leave it to his unborn son (i.e. me) in his will. It was his good luck charm, I get that much. But to me, it just looks like a dumb bear in a bow tie." - Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Obvious)

Skilled Investigator Perk: All actions during regular turns related to investigating an ongoing case have the DCs lowered by 10 and receive a +1 (applied per dice rolled). Can be upgraded
"Let's just say... not to brag or anything, but in my case, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I've definitely got at least the raw talent my dad did at this sort of stuff." - Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Obvious)

Skilled Negotiator Perk: All Negotiation actions during regular turns have the DCs lowered by 10 and receive a +1 (applied per dice rolled). Can be upgraded
"I've been told I drive a hard bargain, yes." - Many people, including Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Obvious)

Skilled Administrator Perk: Increase Admin skill by 5. All actions during regular turns receive a +2 (applied per dice rolled), including all actions undertaken by organizations you control or manage and all actions taken by individuals associated with said organizations, personal or otherwise. Can be upgraded
"My dad took a copious amount of notes and kept a ton of files, but was never actually very organized, especially after the incident. I suppose in that regard, I take more after my mother" - Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Obvious)

Pyrophobia Disadvantage:
Clinically, Pyrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of fire. People with moderate Pyrophobia become stressed, even irrationally so, when near fire, and may experience mild to moderate anxiety. Direct close range exposure to fire may induce nervous/panic type breakdowns. This is the standard phobia symptom set.
I didn't consciously remember then, but clearly some part of me still in fact did remember... remember, the smoke... the fucking smoke... Pretty sure it's marked me down to my soul... Never again. - Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Really Obvious)
"There is a possibility that overheating might neutralize the effects permanently" - section "D", Scooper Blueprint, Afton Robotics LTD. (Same, FNAF: Sister Location)

Seeking Vengeance Creature Specific Disadvantage: (inactive until you learn what you are.)
You know that your death wasn't an accident. You are determined to get Vengeance on your killer, and may act irrationally at times, if you think it'll get you closer. Certain actions might force you to take them, even if you don't want to; others will require Willpower checks to avoid exactly that from occurring.

Severe Selenophobia Disadvantage:
Clinically, Selenophobia is an intense fear of the moon. People with who fear the moon may close curtains or avoid looking at the sky. People with extreme Selenophobia may outright refuse to go outside at nighttime. (Your nighttime actions will be seriously limited, unless you can pass very difficult bravery-type WIL checks) These symptoms may even worsen during a full moon. (The light of the full moon increases the DCs on the bravery checks, and makes resisting breakdowns and panic attacks harder if you are caught outside when the moon rises to it's full height)
It's the strangest things that make an impact when things like this occur. When the sleepover of death- that sounded way more metal than I intended, but hmm, anyway, when that whole thing went down, the full moon hung low in the night sky right outside my window. ...I guess you could say I formed an association. - Future Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Obvious)

Eisoptrophobia Disadvantage:
Clinically, Eisoptrophobia is a fear of mirrors. This phobia is also sometimes referred to as spectrophobia or catoptrophobia. People with this fear are unable to look at themselves in a mirror. This fear may also extend to any reflective surface. This fear or anxiety can manifest for numerous reasons, such as self-image issues or an underlying fear of the way mirrors and other reflective objects distort the way an object they are reflecting looks.
"Look doctor, I get it but... look at me. No seriously, look at my chin. ...*PFFT* Self-image issues? I mean, I guess technically, but really, self image issues have nothing to do with it, doc. I just... I don't want to look in a mirror and see this *points at face* looking back at me. No matter what mom says, the more I look at myself, the more I'm sure there is something... wrong. ...Besides, they're frickin creepy anyway. Who wants to spend all day staring at a funhouse version of themself?" - Jonathan Fitzgerald, in therapy. (Obvious)

Algophobia Disadvantage:
Clinically, Algophobia is an (often extremely) abnormal and frequently persistent fear of pain that is far more powerful than that of a normal person. While nobody wants to experience pain, people with this phobia often have excessive feelings of worry or panic at the mere thought of pain. They also usually experience much greater fear from actually suffering pain.
Personally, I think it's entirely normal to have an extreme reaction to anything capable of actually bringing pain to a ephemeral spirit, especially when you consider the body they used to 'put me back together' wasn't actually designed to process pain in any meaningful way. ...Ok, so maybe I've always been a bit of a baby when it comes to pain, but that doesn't change the truth of the previous statement. - Future Jonathan Fitzgerald. (Obvious)
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Major Cases & Case Timelines
Here, all ongoing major cases and any collected clues, evidence, suspects/witnesses/important persons are listed and their timeline of events (as you currently understand them) is listed out in full. Major cases are massively complicated and ongoing issues that usually (though not always) have a failure condition that has a chance of ending the world, which is obviously game over if that happens. If they don't feature an apocalypse scenario, then they at the very least are personally relevant to your player character (i.e. Jonathan) or someone close to him, as well as massively complex and convoluted (this is where FNAF goes, incidentally). Major cases are considered solved once you have either a single individual culprit or a single group/organization behind everything, and you've puzzled at least most of the case's timeline. Also, note that all text in [brackets] is OOC text; that is to say, either me speaking to you guys directly, or information there's no reason not to reveal to you guys (presumably because it's very obvious if you know the source material), but that Jonathan doesn't know yet.

Important Figures

Jack Walton, Missing (Presumed Dead)
Rosemary Walton, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed/Murdered by Bon]
Edward Walton, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed in car crash caused by Felix Kranken]
Molly Walton, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed in car crash caused by Felix Kranken]
Sophie Walton, Unknown [Alive, Location still Unknown for now]
Felix Kranken, Unknown [Alive, Location still Unknown for now]
Susan Woodings, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed/Murdered by Bon]
Charles Brook, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed/Murdered by Bon]
Ashley Parks, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed/Murdered by Bon]
Brian Stells, Missing (Presumed Dead) [Killed/Murdered by Bon]
Linda Emily (née Thompson), Unknown
Henry Emily, Unknown [Alive, Location still Unknown for now]
'Charlie' Emily, Murdered by knife (culprit yet unknown) [culprit is Purple Guy]
[Redacted] Afton ['Crying' Child], Killed by 'Bite of '83' (culprit, if there is one, still unknown) [culprit is Micheal Afton, Possesses 'Golden' Freddy, is PaulBear in JR's]
William Afton, Unknown [Undead, also known as 'Purple Guy']
Micheal Afton, Unknown [Undead, might also be 'Purple Guy']
All other members of the Afton Family, Unknown [Killed/Undead & Missing, For Elizabeth and the Wife, respectively]
Kenneth Sinclair, Alive, Location Known, probably irrelevant [Is a real person and irrelevant, those who get the reference get the reference]
Jeremy Fitzgerald, Missing, 'Client', Father.
Susie Miller, Missing (Presumed Murdered) [Murdered by William Afton, Possesses Chica the Chicken]
Fritz Friedberg, Missing (Presumed Murdered) [Murdered by William Afton, Possesses Foxy the Pirate Fox]
Gabriel Fernández, Missing (Presumed Murdered) [Murdered by William Afton, Possesses Freddy Fazbear]
Jeremy Simmons, Missing (Presumed Murdered) [Murdered by William Afton, Possesses Bonnie the Bunny]
Cassidy [Unknown], Brutally murdered by an unknown culprit [Brutally Murdered by William Afton, Possesses 'Golden' Freddy, is the vengeful spirit of JR's]

Important Companies & Organizations

BSI (Bunny Smiles Inc.), Defunct.
CyberFun Tech LTD., Purchased by and is now the primary videogame and robotics subsidiary of Mitsuhama.
Mitsuhama (Mitsuhama Computer Technologies Inc.), still in independent operation. At one point maintained a partnership with Afton Robotics LLC., it is unclear if that continues. [It doesn't]
Fazbear Entertainment LLC/Inc., still (barely) in independent operation.
Afton Robotics LLC., Unknown. [Technically in operation but functionally Defunct.]
BPD (Brighton Police Department), functional.
SLCPD (Salt Lake City Police Department), functional.
WCSO (Washington County Sheriff's Office), technically functional, criminally incompetent. [Vast understatement]

Timeline of Events
  1. October 29th​, 1929: Black Friday, beginning of the Great Depression.
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. 1946: Opening of JR's bar by WW2 veteran Jack Evans Jr. in Hurricane, Utah.
  6. ???
  7. ???
  8. ??? (at some point in the 60's, prior to 67): Jack Walton and Felix Kranken meet during ??? and inspired by ??? form the idea for an animal-themed animatronic restaurant to entertain families.
  9. ??? (at some point in the 60's): Jack Walton and Felix Kranken meet Linda Thompson and the soon-to-be Rosemary Walton, and form families of their own.
  10. ???
  11. 1967: Formation of BSI (Bunny Smiles Inc.), in cooperation with CyberFun Tech LTD.
  12. ???
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. ???
  17. ???
  18. May 2nd​, 1974 (???): Linda Thompson files divorce paperwork against Felix Kranken, changes her name back to her maiden name, and as the coup de grâce, leaves for her hometown of Hurricane, Utah, leaving the remaining legal work in the hands of her attorney. Later that same day, Edward and Molly Walton disappear under unclear circumstances.
  19. May 4th​, 1974: BPD (Brighton Police Department), following interrogation of Felix Kranken (who was last seen with them) and at the urging of Jack and Rosemary Walton, investigate the Clearhill river in Saint Juana's Forest. Unfortunately, Detective Frank Davis, who prior handled Kranken's interrogation, is called away from the scene early leaving sergeant Sonny Bonds in charge of the investigation. Under his lackadaisical leadership, the BPD completely bungle the investigation, destroying any hope of finding the two children, or failing that, whoever is responsible for their disappearance. For this failure, Bonds is demoted and his salary cut.
  20. ???: Jack Walton goes missing.
  21. June 28th​, 1974: Bon's Burgers opens for business.
  22. June 30th​, 1974: Bon's Burgers hosts it's first birthday party for 9 year old Jeremy Simmons (but not THAT Jeremy Simmons). On the same day, Technician Susan Woodings disappears after entering the backrooms of the establishment for a routine maintenance check.
  23. July 14th​, 1974: Computer Supervisor Charles Brook goes missing without any apparent explanation.
  24. July 19th​, 1974: Rosemary Walton goes missing during a visit to Bon's Burgers, a visit that had apparently become something of a daily ritual for her, looking for her husband, Jack Walton. During this, blood curdling screams are heard by neighbors, who contact BPD, who promptly dispatch patrol officers Sonny Bonds and Jake Ryan. The duo break into the restaurant through it's backdoor (which was accidentally left unsecured) and cause significant damage, but are stymied by a locked door and leave.
  25. July 20th​, 1974: Following the prior day's 'humiliating' occurrences, Cyberfun Tech LTD. CEO Norman Pooltrick forcibly shuts down Bon's Burgers.
  26. ???
  27. ???
  28. ???
  29. ???
  30. July 13th​, 1978: Technician Ashley Parks vanishes during their shift in the K-9 storage facility.
  31. ???
  32. May 2nd​, 1979: Henry Emily and Linda Thompson officially marry.
  33. August 8th​, 1979: Merger occurs between Henry Emily's ??? and William Afton's ???, and with the merger comes the rather hasty announcement of the opening of a new restaurant, Fredbear's Family Diner, in Hurricane UT.
  34. November 11th​, 1979: Fredbear's Family Diner officially opens for business, to surprising success.
  35. ???
  36. ???
  37. ???
  38. October 10th​, 1982: Security guard/Facility caretaker Brian Stells vanishes during their shift in the K-9 storage facility.
  39. ??? (early), 1983: Beginning of a massive period of expansion for Fazbear Entertainment Inc.: Two new Freddy Fazbear's Pizza locations, one in Salt Lake City, Utah and one in Granite Falls, Minnesota are opened, the first under the direct handling of the company the second under a brand new franchise program through which the founders (Henry and William) go on to say they hope to have restaurants all over the country. This happens concurrently with the release of a short animated series produced by ??? called Fredbear & Friends that triples as quality educational material, decent entertainment, and solid advertisement for the brand.
  40. ??? (early), 1983: The Bite of '83.
  41. ??? (early summer), 1983: Charlotte Emily is murdered it what is (eventually, after much police incompetence) ruled a random act of violence.
  42. ??? (mid summer), 1983: William Afton visits the Granite Hills franchise. ???
  43. ??? 1983: In light of the two back-to-back disasters that directly impacted the company's two founders' families, the decision is made to partially retire ALL 'springlock' type suits, including the unique local novelty 'Sparky' suit at the Granite Hills Franchise, keeping them in reserve only for requests and special occasions, and to close the Fredbear's Family Diner location that started it all, for good. The property is eventually sold to ???.
  44. 1984: Despite Henry Emily's objections, Fazbear Entertainment moves to acquire JR's bar back in Hurricane, which has been suffering from severe financial difficulty for the past decade or so and is finally on the open market following the death of Jack Evans Jr. and the passing on of the troubled bar to Jack Evans III, who wants nothing to do with it.
  45. ???
  46. ???
  47. February ???, 1985: Susie Miller disappears while visiting the Salt Lake City location.
  48. ??? 1985: Cyberfun Tech LTD. is bought out and becomes a subsidiary of Mitsuhama Computer Technologies Inc.
  49. April ???, 1985: Fritz Friedberg disappears while visiting the Salt Lake City location.
  50. June ???, 1985: Gabriel Fernández disappears while visiting the Salt Lake City location.
  51. July ???, 1985: Jeremy Simmons disappears while visiting the Salt Lake City location.
  52. August ???, 1985: A child named Cassidy (last name unknown) is clubbed over the head (based on head wound) and kidnapped from parts unknown, taken to the FNAF JR's location, and brutally murdered.
  53. August ???, 1985: Unlike the other children thus far, Cassidy's body is eventually recovered... in pieces. One off the legs and one off the arms are never found, but the shredded torso, multiple organs, the horribly mangled head, and one arm is found spread out across the FNAF JR's location. Later that day, a leg is recovered at the Salt Lake City location in the parts and services area, which leads SLCPD (Salt Lake City Police Department) officers to check the security camera footage; following footage of a 'Springbonnie' suit wearing individual depositing the leg, seemingly in a dazed state, being found, all available footage for the past few months is requested. This, upon review of the footage, finally links all 5 cases together. Furthermore, the recovery of the body of Cassidy (even as damaged as it is) allows for an autopsy to be performed. It uncovers something truly disturbing; the autopsy report results suggest that Cassidy was awake for many of the heinous actions enacted upon them.
  54. September 1985: Busy month. First, Henry Emily and a group of shareholders successfully boot William Afton from Fazbear Entertainment Inc., leading mere days thereafter to the foundation of Afton Robotics LLC. and William issuing a promise of 'further' vengeance. Second, multiple reports come in from employees at the FNAF JR's location of mysterious hauntings, malfunctioning Animatronics, and other paranormal phenomenon. Pressured by both employees and Emily and despite the objections of the manager, company management attempts to do the bare minimum and hires young adult Paranormal Investigator Jeremy Fitzgerald to investigate. He will arrive at the end of the next month.
  55. October 26th​ to 31st​, 1985: Jeremy Fitzgerald arrives and begins his investigation. Whatever happens there has a disproportionate impact on him relative to how long he is there. [Events of FNAF JR's]
  56. November 1st​, 1985: Following Jeremy's reports, and taking a step back to really evaluate the momentously terrible events of the year, Fazbear Entertainment Inc. makes the decision to fully retire the 'springlock' type suits, relocate much of the hardware from both the FNAF JR's and Salt Lake City locations into storage for refurbishment/recycling (inspired by the 'Relocation Project' attempted by BSI, except hopefully successful this time), close both locations, and make a second attempt built on top off (or more accurately, underneath, using the expansive basement that was originally meant for alcohol storage) the FNAF JR's location. Furthermore, due to financial trouble, the Granite Hill franchisee is forced to sell their franchise. To who? None other than William Afton, who is officially back in the company. Except not really, as he quickly reaches out and through some quick dealing with (non-Henry) board members, comes to an agreement to keep the franchise; he'll keep it and the franchise rights, but he'll agree to keep the doors shut until such a time as the company reaches out to him and informs him he's clear to open up shop.
  57. ??? [The puppet/marionette, possessed by Charlotte, 'gives gifts, gives life', 'puts them back together' in storage, stuffing their bodies (or missing limbs in Cassidy's case) into the suits, allowing the children to possess the animatronics. ??? Afton/PaulBear and Cassidy have a rather fraught reunion that eventually ends (through Charlotte helping to mediate) in a mutual understanding]
  58. ???
  59. ???
  60. ???
  61. ???
  62. November 7th​, 1987: Jeremy decides now, after getting his girlfriend pregnant, would be a good time to try and gain closure on an old nightmare of his. To achieve this, he applies for the position of nightguard at the new and improved Hurricane, UT Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Surprisingly, it seems they have no record of hiring him that one time and yet either inspite of that or because of that (it's unclear which), they hire him on for a job with terrible hours and just barely more than the Utah Minimum wage. Even better? He starts immediately. [Events of FNAF 2, night 1]
  63. November 13th​, 1987: Five children are blatantly murdered all at once by a man who dons a retired 'Springbonnie' suit. [Despite the genuine efforts of the older possessed 'withered' animatronics and the puppet to stop him,] he not only kills them all, but escapes the scene, all in the narrow window between the night and morning guard shifts.
  64. November 14th​, 1987: Jeremy suffers the Bite of '87.
  65. ???
  66. ???
  67. ???
  68. ???
  69. ???
  70. March, 1990: Afton Robotics LLC. Receives a much needed injection of both funds and personnel that don't need extra training through partnering with Mitsuhama Computer Technologies Inc.
  71. ???
  72. ???
  73. ???
  74. ???
  75. ???
  76. ???
  77. ???
  78. ???

{Important note for this particular major case: Most of this information he only learns later, either in the lead up to or during the 'cold open'.}
{Additional note: Timeline 1 and to slightly lesser extent 2 may be subject to some retroactive changes in future. Currently known events and their placement won't change, but the number and placement of the unknowns might}

Important Figures

Cesar Torres, Missing [Replaced]
Mark Heathcliff, Suicide [Murdered by an Alternate via MAD (quest mechanics wise, via SAN loss)]
Sarah Heathcliff, Unknown
Evelin Miller, Unknown
Jonah Marshal, Missing (Extremely Likely Murdered) [Murdered by an unknown culprit]
Lynn Murray, Suicide
Jude Murray, Unknown [Murdered by an Alternate via MAD (quest mechanics wise, via SAN loss)
Adam Murray, Missing [Replaced]
'Adam Murray', Alive, Mandela County
[Jonah Whitman]
[Dr. Euleila B. Whitman]
[Mr. H Whitman]
Dave Lee, Unknown [Murdered by 'Gabriel']
Thatcher Davis, Alive, Mandela County, Client
Jimmy Stells, Missing [Replaced]
Archangel Gabriel, Unknown [Special]
'Gabriel', Alive Unspeakable

Important Companies & Organizations

BPS (Bythorne Paranormal Society), Defunct
MCPD (Mandela County Police Department), Non-functional, de-facto Defunct
MandelaTECH Co., Defunct
USDTP (United States Department of Temporal Phenomena), Defunct [Replaced by ???]
[Wreath (Wreath of Life Inc.), Defunct]
[KP (Kieth Publishing Co.), still in independent operation]

Timeline(s) of Events

Timeline 1
  1. ???: Adam & Eve in the garden
  2. ???: Original Sin
  3. ???: Birth of Able
  4. ???: Birth of Cain
  5. ???: Cain Becomes First Murderer [And first Vampire]
  6. ???: Remainder of the First Half of Genesis
  7. ???: Second Half of Genesis
  8. ???: Exodus/Old Egyptian Empire
  9. ???: Rest of old Testament, up to reign of Cyrus the Great
  10. 550 B.C.: Beginning of the reign of Cyrus the Great, formation of the Achaemenid Empire
  11. ???: Rest of the old and new Testaments, up to the victory, coronation, and reign of Augustus
  12. 27 B.C.: Official moment of triumph for the newly crowned Emperor of Rome, Augustus, and the final nail in the Roman Republic's coffin.
  13. ??? [Timeline Pivot Point, subversion becomes intractable]
  14. 6 B.C.: 'Birth of Jesus Christ'
  15. ???
  16. ???
  17. ???
  18. ???
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. ???
  22. 1212: The 'Children's Crusade' ends with all participants miraculously returning home after surviving a shipwreck off the coast of San Pietro Island off of Sardinia.
  23. ???
  24. ???
  25. 1972: Limited production run of Ouija boards made with rules for play as a game and released by Playtime Co., in partnership with Hasbro INC.'s Parker Brothers division.
  26. ???
  27. ???
  28. ???
  29. ???
  30. January 1981: Foundation of MandelaTECH Co. by Dave Lee
  31. ??? [USDTP is founded as a public replacement for ???]
  32. ???
  33. ???
  34. ???
  35. September 13th​, 1992: Disappearance of Cesar and Bella Torres
  36. September 21st​, 1992: Discovery of Mark Heathcliff's body
  37. September 23rd​, 1992: Adam Murray disappears [is replaced] and Lynn Murray takes her own life.
  38. ??? [USDTP Begins 'Operation Census']
  39. September 18th​, 1992 - February 13th​, 1993: Rash of unexplainable disappearances and suicides in a five county area in Washington state continues with no obvious end in sight. PSAs and news reports are routinely aired, but seem either to not reach the public, or to do nothing to calm the situation [They are actually being intercepted/interfered with]
  40. October 1st​, 1992: Emergency passage of the Wisconsin Television and Mirror Destruction Order of 1992
  41. February 14th​, 1993: Disappearance of Jimmy Stells
  42. February 14th​ - March 1st​, 1993: The now somewhat clumsily named 'Mass Missing Persons Phenomena' winds down.
  43. ???
  44. May, 1994: MandelaTECH releases Face Studio 1
  45. ???
  46. ???
  47. ???
  48. ???
  49. ???
  50. April, 2004: MandelaTECH releases Face Studio 2
  51. ???
  52. ???
  53. ???
  54. ???
  55. ???
  56. ???
  57. ???
  58. ???
  59. ???, 2007: Foundation of the BPS by Sarah Heathcliff [Actually the creation of a school club called the BPC (Bythorne Paranormal Club), but that really doesn't matter and Jonathan has no way of knowing that]
  60. ???, 2007: 'Adam Murray' joins/co-founds the BPS? [Joins the BPC, which rebrands into the BPS. But again, no way of knowing that given 'Adam' wasn't very helpful.]
  61. ???, 2007: During an Investigation, Sarah swears off doing further field work with 'Adam', forcing him to recruit Jonah as a partner.
  62. ???, 2008: FBI officially secures a warrant for the arrest of all known members of the BPS and officially labels it a criminal organization.
  63. ???
  64. ???
  65. ???
  66. ???
  67. ???
  68. ???
  69. ???, 2009: 'Adam Murray' and Jonah Marshal Investigate a house following complaints of an unknown female client of hearing her dead cat at night. They eventually encounter ??? [The Intruder] and an alternate [The Preacher], causing Jonah to abandon Adam.
  70. ???
  71. ???
  72. January 15th​, 2009: Ex-Detective Thatcher Davis is awoken near midnight by a 'strange voice' claiming to be his intuition, encouraging him to 'follow the screaming'.
  73. 2:21 A.M., January 16th​, 2009: Following the guidance of the 'strange voice', Davis arrives arrives at a home in Werksha County at 2:21 A.M., were he hears a radio reading of 'The Fate Of The Jester' and discovers 'Adam Murray' in his bedroom, making anomalous face gestures and 'warping' his body in impossible ways.
  74. 3:21 A.M., January 16th​, 2009: Thatcher takes the traumatized 'Adam' into his car and begins to drive him back to Mandela County, only to have to stop about a half-hour later for gas. While there, he by some unknown means learns the Silver Eyes Detective Agency's phone number. Though slightly doubtful as to how useful this will all be, he opts to use one of the (surprisingly still functional) old pay phones to place a call to the agency in question.
  75. 3:30 A.M., January 16th​, 2009: Jonathan, already in the area following up what turned out to be a bogus lead, receives a call from the office with all the (few) details Thatcher had given them, after they had finally hashed out payment. He hops in the dingy rental car and drives directly to the old MCPD station that was mentioned, hoping beyond hopes to meet them there or at least not be too late to try and help.
  76. Around 5:30 A.M., January 16th​, 2009: See Character Creation.

Timeline 2
  1. ???: Adam & Eve in the garden
  2. ???: Original Sin
  3. ???: Birth of Able
  4. ???: Birth of Cain
  5. ???: Cain Becomes First Murderer [And first Vampire]
  6. ???: Remainder of the First Half of Genesis
  7. ???: Second Half of Genesis
  8. ???: Exodus/Old Egyptian Empire
  9. ???: Rest of old Testament, up to the reign of Cyrus the Great
  10. 550 B.C.: Beginning of the reign of Cyrus the Great, formation of the Achaemenid Empire.
  11. ???: Rest of the old and new Testaments, up to the victory, coronation, an reign of Augustus
  12. 27 B.C.: Official moment of triumph for the newly crowned Emperor of Rome, Augustus, and the final nail in the Roman Republic's coffin.
  13. ??? [Timeline Pivot Point, subversion is halted, hope restored]

Important Figures

Elliot Ludwig, Dead (Officially), Unknown (Ultimately)
Leith Pierre, Unknown
[Eddie M.N. Ritterman, Unknown]
[Stella Greyber, Unknown]
[Harley Sawyer, Unknown]
Gerad Lockehart, Alive, 'Client'

Important Companies & Organizations
Playtime Co., Defunct

Timeline of Events
  1. ???:??? [Lockehart has refused to share any details, save one, thus far, so you don't know anything that happened beforehand]
  2. August 8th​, 1995: Early in the morning, just before an appointment Lockehart has scheduled with Playtime Co. Head of Innovation Leith Pierre, all hell breaks loose. Amidst the chaos, Gerad slips out of the factory complex and returns home, having witnessed the sort of horrors one can't even go to therapy for.
  3. ???:??? [Lockehart has refused to share any details, save one, thus far, so you don't know anything that happened afterwards]

Important Figures
James D. Watkins, Alive
[Ivan Beck, Alive]
James Esmail, Alive, 'Client'

Important Companies & Organizations
Async (Async Research Foundation Inc.), still in independent operation.
USDOE (United States Department of Energy), Functional.

Timeline of Events
  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???
  6. March 9th​, 1989: James D. Watkins is sworn in as president George H. W. Bush's Secretary of Energy. [Matter of public record, though Jonathan doesn't yet know in-character why this is relevant]
  7. ???
  8. ???
  9. December 6th​, 1989: James Esmail 'no-clips' into the Backrooms while driving his car, an orange 1985 Chevrolet Citation. Bailing out just before impact, he just barely escapes dying on impact, only to find himself lost within the yellow labyrinth of Level 0.
  10. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 1
  11. ???
  12. ???
  13. ???
  14. ???
  15. ???
  16. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 2
  17. ???
  18. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 3
  19. ???
  20. ???
  21. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 4
  22. ???
  23. ???
  24. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 5
  25. ???
  26. ??? (Note that due to timey-wimey BS, this technically happens both before and after the previous entry on the timeline): James Esmail makes it to Level 6
  27. ???
  28. ???
  29. ???
  30. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 7
  31. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 8
  32. ???
  33. ???
  34. ???
  35. ???: James Esmail makes it to Level 9 [Officially making it further in than any previously recorded explorers]
  36. ???
  37. ??? (Note that due to timey-wimey BS, this technically happens both before and after the previous entry on the timeline): James Esmail makes it to Level 11
  38. December 9th​, 1993: James Esmail 'no-clips' through first the wall then the floor of a building in the endless cityscape of level 11, and finds himself hurtling hundreds of miles through the air directly towards the ground. He passes out midfall, and when he comes to, he finds himself laying on top of a rapidly deflating bouncy house in some strangers' (the Fitzgeralds') back yard.
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Organization(s) and Heros (and Villains) New
Here, all narratively significant Organizations you operate/are a part of and their associated hero units and staff (or a rough estimate of staff, for large organizations) are catalogued for convenience.

Organization Type: General Partnership
Industry: Private Investigator and 'Paranormal Investigator' services
Headquarters: Kearny, Nebraska, United States
Current Funds: 39 (30 (Starting Funds) + 9 (Pay from tutorial))

There's not much to really say, honestly. Jonathan's parents founded SEDA back in 1989, they built the office after *the incident*, and have kept it going since, despite some very questionable business decisions.

Co-Founder, Father, {FNAF 2 and FNAF JR's Security Guard}, victim of the dreaded bite of '87, and missing persons case since November 2000. Aside from these details, a big ol' ???.
Appearance: Slightly shorter than average (5" 6') and notably fitter and more muscled than average but otherwise fairly typical female proportions. Beautiful, long, flowing brown hair and deep blue eyes one can get lost in.
Faith: Christian (Non-Denominational)
Age: ??? (Jonathan doesn't remember the family ever celebrating her birthday...)

Stats: STR: ???
END: ???
AGI: ???
PER: ???
INT: ???
CHA: ???
WIS: ???
WIL: 20
PEI: ???
LCK: ???
MAG: ???

Skills: ???

Traits: Go get 'em, Champ! Perk: If a best friend, significant other, or family member fails a bravery check or is engaged in combat and fails any roll, while being in the same location, you may reveal this trait (if it has not yet been revealed) then use it. You may also use this trait once per month (for bravery checks)/per combat (self explanatory), these once per uses are separate from the use upon revealing the trait. Upon using the trait, the character who failed may immediately reroll, not facing disadvantage if they normally would and adding your (this traits' user's) WIL to their roll, in addition to their own (in the case of Bravery tests), or reroll adding advantage (if they didn't already have it) and flat +/-1 to their roll (in the case of a combat roll). You suffer -5 to Intimidation checks against any and all applicable characters once they know you have this trait.
I always knew mom had my back, no matter what.

Slicker than Eels Perk: +1 to any active Suggestion check vs any male character. +2 to Dodge rolls in combat.
"Woman are as slick as eels" - Hades, Greek Myth (Chant II, Hadestown)

Quicker than the Asp Perk: +1 to any active Intimidation checks, +1 to any AGI rolls or AGI derived/capped skill rolls (mainly dodge, but also some hyper AGI focused martial arts) in combat.
"Woman, quicker than the Asp! And always slippin' from your grasp..." - Hades, Greek Myth (Chant II, Hadestown)
See character sheet.


Appearance: Taller than average (6") and slightly more muscular than average middle-aged caucasian male with (usually) a head of short, messy black hair and muddy brown eyes. Sports some rough black stubble along with a 'chevron' moustache for facial hair.
Faith: ???
Age: 30-40's?
Loyalty: 65

Stats: ???

Skills: ???

Traits: ???
Appearance: Slightly taller than average (5" 10'), slightly overweight (bit of a gut and notably more muscular than average), and otherwise mostly unremarkable looking (read, almost painfully 'average') middle-aged caucasian male with (usually) a head of short, neatly combed over black hair and dark brown eyes. As clean shaven as the day he was born. Usually seen sporting a pair of square framed glasses to correct for severe nearsightedness.
Faith: Skeptic (Formerly Christian (Catholic))
Age: 46 Years Old.
Loyalty: 55

Stats: STR: ???
END: ???
AGI: ???
PER: ???
INT: ???
CHA: ???
WIS: ???
WIL: ???
PEI: ???
LCK: 25!
MAG: ???

Skills: ???

Traits: ???
Appearance: Average height (5" 7') caucasian woman with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Very pretty.
Faith: Agnostic
Age: ???
Loyalty: 55

Stats: STR: ???
END: ???
AGI: ???
PER: ???
INT: 15
CHA: 12
WIS: ???
WIL: ???
PEI: ???
LCK: ???
MAG: ???

Skills: Administration (Admin.): 15

Traits: Patience of a Saint Perk: +1/+5 On all Composure and WIL skill and stat checks prompted by aggravating or abrasive personalities, or anything else that would constitute a test of patience.

Outgoing Personality Trait/Perk: Reveal CHA score to all characters you interact with, +1/+5 to all Persuasion and CHA Skill and Stat checks.
"Just remember: smile, be polite, show compassion, listen well, and don't talk too much but don't let them think you're not actively engaging with the conversation." - Unknown (Unknown, Real Life)

Information Qualified (General)

Information Qualified (Phone Book)
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And 'Presto', a change in the Narrative! (character creation part 2)
Yeah, dad never really was the same after the 'incident' nearly claimed the entire front half of his skull. ...At least, according to mom. I was born shortly after that all went down, so I never got to know the old him. ...Anyways, focus, that's neither here or there, case at hand, Jonathan, case at hand. When I got here, my initial instinct was- well, first it was to leave immediately, then it was to start kicking doors till I find the client. That went out the window when I saw them... my client and some other poor guy. Said other guy is looking... rough, to say the least. Albino-white skin, injuries all over him like he's been beat half to death, seriously emaciated from starvation... that was, if he's human, which given the circumstances, I think it's safe to assume otherwise. I happened to catch them right as they started talking, so I decided to hang back and... listen.

Facial Scanners activation!
Does not fully match any entries in any connected or downloaded database.​

The client began the 'interrogation': "I wish there was something... more I could do for you. ... I know you're in a lot of pain right now." The one across from him answered as his head snapped around in an unnatural way: "I... know... what... you want." No kidding he's in a lot of pain, whoever and whatever he is, he can barely form words. ...I feel like I'm missing a lot of information here... His thoughts where interrupted by the man(?)'s continuation from the previous statement: "...and... I know... what you're trying to do. I'm not... afraid of you." To his credit, in Jonathan's opinion, the client handled this response pretty well, simply saying "I don't want you to be afraid of me," before tacking on a slightly patronizing "kid." at the end.

Then, he said something that genuinely surprised him; "I don't care about the warrant. I'm not upset with you." Warrant? He didn't mention anything about a warrant, and he's not... is his face that messed up!? "Just tell me what happened. Everything." It was at this point that that he loudly cleared his throat and entered the room, causing his client to practically jump out of his skin and whirl around faster than greased lightning.

It took the two of them a moment to process that he had entered the room, and then another minute for all three to realize Thatcher had clubbed him over the fedora-clad head with a coffee cup, only for him to barely show any signs of outwards distress at all, aside from a slight involuntary wince. After that moment passed, to Thatcher at least, it seems his half-visible eyes turned hollow, except for two little beads of light in the middle of each. That too, lasted but a moment, quickly passing as he again cleared his throat and loudly sighs. "Next time you swing at somebody, try to make sure it's a solid hit, and for pete's sake, use something with a bit more heft to it then a coffee mug." The client was apparently still stuck standing there with a slightly confused look on their face. Well, let's move this along... "Anyways, sorry for the jump-scare, I assume he (motioning towards the one seated at the desk) is the reason I'm out here?" "Oh, um, yes. That'd be correct. So I'm assuming that you are-"

"The P&PI you hired? Yes, yes I am. Who... is he?" "His name is Adam Murray. His family's... been through alot." "Adam huh?"

Facial Scanners activation!
Based on new data, proceeding with closest match. With 75% confidence, from FBI database as of one month ago:
  • Suspect Identified as Adam Murray; 20 years old; born January 18th​, 1988.
  • Suspect described as a fair-skinned adult human male, about 6 foot 3 inches tall, with mixed blonde and brown hair and blue eyes.
  • Wanted by the FBI and Wisconsin state and county authorities for illegal trespass, breaking & entering, loitering, burglary, and violation of the Wisconsin Television and Mirror Destruction Order of 1992.
  • Wanted for questioning by the FBI's Vanguard Serial Crimes Unit (VASCU) for suspected association with the disappearance of Jonah E. Marshall and with the mass missing persons (particularly children) cold case phenomena of 1992-1993.

Heh, he's got the psychics after him? It's a small world after all. Now, what could they possibly want with him? ...I'm actually kind of surprised they didn't find him before my client could. Speaking of which... The stare that he directed at Thatcher at that moment could bore a hole through concrete. "Ah huh. ...Why do I get the feeling that's more true than either of us realize...? Ah, forget it! That's not the point. The point is, I have a policy where if any of the known quantities at the start of a case have a criminal record or are wanted for arrest, I need to be told that." The client seemed slightly taken aback by that. "What do you-" Don't start that bull with me! "Enough! You know what I mean and frankly, I don't even really care anymore. If you're going to be that way, let's get to the 'subject'."

With that proclamation, he rather unceremoniously dropped into the chair across from 'Adam', producing a loud *thud* sound and nearly shattering it, revealing to the other two that he's considerably heavier than he looks. Said individual gets his first real look at exactly who/what he's dealing with.

[]Appearance: [Write-in], or alternatively, submit a photo.
{A.N.: Please keep both the following in mind; 'main character is a dead person in a robot/animatronic/android body, so should probably be at least a little off' and 'main character needs to be able to pass for human'.}

"So then, Adam Murray, was it?" "Yeah?" "Excellent, good to get that established early. My client (pointing to Thatcher) explained some things to me, most importantly how and in what state he discovered you, but I can't help but feel like I'm missing a lot of info, here. So, I'd like to ask you to- well, more or less what he asked you, actually. Could you tell us what happened to you, and what led to it? Everything, please." He took in a deep, rattling breath. "I-... Ok. O...k. I-" "Take your time. Gather your thoughts." An awkward moment quickly passed in silence, and then: "I started a group with a girl from another school." They (Jon and Thatcher) both waited a moment for him to continue. When he didn't, Jon responded "Alright, what and who? What kind of group, what did you call yourselves, who was the girl, what's her name?" He hesitated slightly before replying "She lost interest. That... doesn't matter." I don't believe that. "Well if it doesn't matter, you shouldn't mind telling me?"

"Sa-Sa-...Sarah." "Full name?" "...Sarah... Heathcliff, I think?" "Thank you. Now, I noticed you didn't-" At this point Thatcher tapped him on the shoulder and spoke "I can answer that, actually. Their group has been giving the local cops the run around for awhile, so it's been all over the scanner. Bythorne Paranormal Society, right?" "...Yeah, that was it..." Great, just what the world needs, a bunch of rank amateurs with even less idea of what they're doing than people like me. Absolutely not, terrible idea. ...I feel like I'm still missing something... "Ok, that's good to know, now, I'd like to know why you brought this up?" "...She lost interest, so I had to find a replacement, and I hated him. A few months in, we got an appointment from a woman... and we went to her house that night." "I'm sorry, but what night?" "I... don't..." Again Thatcher cuts in: "That'd be the 15th​, right? Yesterday?" "...No. It... wasn't the same night. ...Probably." "Okay. Noted."

Jon snapped his fingers, which notably produced a barely noticeable but nevertheless present sound of metal-on-metal in addition to the normal sound of a snap, and quickly reasserted control of the conversation. "I'm sure there's some evidence available to determine when the trip happened, but for now... what happened when you went there?" Before the pairs very eyes, the jaw of the creature before them nearly unhinged, it's whole face practically seeming to start to partially melt, the start of some horrid transformation taking hold, joined by an obnoxious flash of light and the ever annoying sound of static; signal interference, coming from the camera in the corner of the room. And then, as fast as it started, it all stopped... but the transformation was not undone. What the fuck...

"Most of it was a blur. I... talked to someone. Someone... talked to me." Before he could even say anything, Thatcher again took over: "Who are these people? Can you describe them to me?" "No. I can't." I'm starting to think he hired me just to sit here and take notes. "Ok alright, can you at least tell us how many there where? Where they came from? ...What they are?" "I... don't know. I-...There was one. Only one... I think... but then again... I only talked to one." "Ok, that's a start. Can you remember what they said to you?" "I- ...Please. No. I can't. ...It was my fault." "...What exactly do you mean? What was your fault?" "Jonah. I'm... paying the price. I... knew this would happen. He told me." Ok, he's losing me a little. "...Who told you?" "God."

"Bullshit. I'm going to assume for the minute that you're referring to Jonah Marshall?" A quick, slightly stunned nod was all the confirmation he needed. "I'm further going to assume he was the one you were referring to, about 'hating'? Well, whatever happened, unless you actually fucking murdered him yourself, which I could be wrong but I don't think is the case, it certainly isn't your fault. You couldn't have known anything. As for being forwarned by 'god', again I say, bullshit. Since you know;

[][Religion]Christian/Muslim/Jewish(specify one as part of the vote)
you aren't a prophet, are you? It's been a long while since god spoke so... directly with anyone."

god is, by all accounts and available evidence, a myth, same as the tooth fairy and the easter bunny. Fairy tales for little children."

[][Religion]Hindu/Shinto(specify one as part of the vote)
you're going to need to be more specific than that. There's a lot of gods."

[][Religion]Write-in(for anything I may have forgotten or any weird or obscure picks.)
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Tie Vote... Sort off?
Ok, so, here it is, nearly an hour late... Again. But nonetheless, here it is. The vote without a photo won in a landslide, and Christian wins the religion vote either 4 or 3 (with heads flip) to 3. Also, for the record, please try to keep vote format consistent. It didn't matter here since Christian won anyway (due to a coin flip, if that wasn't clear enough) but one of the votes for Christian is split off from the rest in the tally due to different formatting.

Scheduled vote count started by Ol' Tin Knight on Aug 23, 2024 at 3:57 PM, finished with 32 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X]Appearance: You'd think he was a regularish man at first. But his features were just that bit too angular, too perfect. Hard lines, hard edges, barely seeming to smooth where they curved.
    [X][Religion] Agnostic "You're going to need to be more specific than that. There's said to be a lot of gods."
    [X][Religion] Christian
    [X] Plan: Kekkai Sensen
    [X]Appearance: Jonathan
    [X] Plan: Pretty Depressed
    [X]Appearance: Jonathan 2
    [X][Religion] Shinto
    [X][Religion] Christian "You aren't a prophet, are you? It's been a long while since god spoke so... directly with anyone."

{A.N. Also, if anyone has any objections, please voice them now. If the coin flip had come up Tails instead, I'd have kept the vote open.}
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Let me level with you... (character creation part 3)
Both the others in the room sat in stunned silence as he continued to intensely stare through the creature supposedly named 'Adam' in front of him. Until eventually, it broke the silence with a simple question of it's own; "...What?" "You heard me. Everything I just heard out of your mouth is BS. Stop beating yourself up for no reason." "I..." "Actually, one second. Before we continue..." He turned in his chair to face Thatcher. "Could you do me a favor?" "Hmm? Um, sure. How can I help?" "You can get out." "What- but, but I-" "You heard me. You hired me, trust me to handle this from here." "...You'll tell me anything you learn?" "If you need to hear it." "That's not exactly-" "You were a cop, right? Look, I might learn something here that it's better you don't know. Alright?" "...Augh... Fine." The client leaves the room, and goes to watch the front door.


"Ok, now that he's gone..." He quickly turns back to the subject of the interview. "Let me level with you... you very clearly aren't human, and are having a difficult time processing that. *holds up hand* Don't start, trust me, I know." "How could you possibly know?" He makes a point of looking 'Adam' over top to bottom. Clearly, it got the message. "...I meant the difficult time part, asshole." "Hmm. Aside from just how you look, which I think is still enough by the way?... Well..." With that, he calmly rolls the sleeves of his coat and shirt up to reveal a heavily bandaged arm. The bandages are soaked to nearly dripping by a bright green substance. "What... is that? ...That's not... blood." "Congratulations Sherlock, would you like a Nobel prize for that observation?" He paused, realizing he was being a bit of a jerk. "...Sorry." "It's fine... Just... Seriously, what is that?" "It's basically my equivalent to blood, a coolant mix."

It clearly was confused by that. "...Coolant?" "Would you like to see underneath? Seeing is sometimes believing, after all." "...Yes." He wasted no time partially unwrapping the mass of bandages, eventually revealing... the truth. Underneath the mass of cloth, lied not skin, for it had been cut back by some force, nor normal bone, but instead a triad of thick metal rods threaded through a series of metal disks, with wires and tubes snaking around through. One tube has had an obvious hasty patch job applied to it. "...What are you?... How did that happen?" "Hah! Stole my question." He quickly re-wrapped up his bandages and rolled his sleeves back down. "As for your second question, lawnmower accident." It was it's turn to stare through him... rather creepily. "It's true! ...Wait, that's not the point!"

"Oh?" "My point is, I get it. I went through... maybe not exactly what you're going through right now, but something at least somewhat similar. So I need to know- well like I said, stole my question. ...That's 'What are you?', if that's not clear enough." Almost immediately, the room filled with a bright flash of light from seemingly nowhere in particular, and it was joined by the sounds of shifting flesh and breaking bones. Yet even through shut eyes, Jon still managed to shout out, "Don't hurt yourself! Answer the question!" In replying, the chorus of sounds was joined by the echoing of whispers, too quiet for normal ears to hear. Yet somehow, amid the swirling chaos, perhaps due to his past experience, perhaps due to his nature, Jonathan picks up and understands just enough to get what he needs... and a little more besides that he didn't know he needed. "Ok, calm down! I get it, I understand!"

In less than an instant, the chaos dies down, allowing him to see it's truly miserable form across from him having further deteriorated. "...Yikes, that's... rough. ...But pull yourself together." "...W-W-Why?... Why shouldn't... I... just... die?" "Because that's the easy way out." "I... am... an abomination." "Eh, somewhat, but in this case doesn't matter." "...What?" "It doesn't matter whether you are who you thought you were or not. It doesn't matter what you are; that doesn't, nay, cannot be allowed to define you. You weren't even aware of what you were, correct?" He once again pauses for but a moment, quickly barreling forwards once he receives a nod. "Then your actions, all of them, good and bad, cannot be blamed nor dismissed by what you are. Because just as much as you are 'one of legion', you are a person!" They sat there, stunned and awed at the outburst of passion.

Then, pathetically, almost as if trying to not actually think about anything he's just said, they ask him; "You... never actually answered... me?" "What? ...Hmm. I supposed I didn't. Very well, if you really want to know, I'm dead and living on in a robot, dead kid, specifically. ...Though I suppose the robot part is pretty obvious, given what you've already seen." "...Wait... You're... a... dead child...?" "Yes. Either 7 or 8 years old, to be more specific." "How did you die?" "...You know, I think you're the first person in a long time to ask me that. Well..."

Roll result = 6
  • 1 = Brutally Axe Murdered (must take the Unusual Fear(Tsekoupiphobia), Agony, and Seeking Vengeance Downsides)
  • 2 = Murdered (must take the Seeking Vengeance Downside)
  • 3 = House Fire(burnt) (50% penalty to Remnant, must worsen the Pyrophobia Downside to it's severe version.)
  • 4 = Drowned (must take the Aquaphobia Downside)
  • 5 = Crushed(collapsing bridge) (must take the Unusual Fear(Gephyrophobia) Downside)
  • 6 = House Fire(smoke inhalation) (No penalty)

" see, I had some friends there for a sleep over. My best friend at the time's little sister was downstairs, and she got into one of the cabinets since dad left it unlocked and mom forgot to double check behind him. It had matches in it." "...Oh... I see..." "Yeah. When it happened, I was alone in my room. I don't remember or know why exactly, but one of them had convinced a few of them to push a fucking bookcase in front of my door. ...Yeah... Of course that was before we knew there was a fire or going to be a fire. ...Anyway, everyone else got out, and the fire never actually made it up to my room. But it turns out, it doesn't need to in order to kill you."

"Ouch." "Yeah, ouch. From there, it's a long story from there to here, and an even longer story as to how I learned/rediscovered a lot of this stuff. But that's my story... so far. Just like you, mine's not done yet. Because that's the key similarity; you can let this be the end of your story, or you can pick yourself up and continue. I already know which one I'd pick." Jon stands up and moves to the door to leave, but turns back at the last moment. "I believe we're done here. From here, you're on your own, unless there's someone else you can turn to. ...Good luck. I hope you figure it out." The sound of the door slamming resounds through the empty halls of the police station. Thatcher meets him at the entrance. "So? Was it worth it? What did you get?" "I believe our next step should be to attempt to track down his cohorts in this 'BPS'. So, Sarah Heathcliffe and Evelin Miller, just to name the ones I'm familiar with by full name. I believe they may have useful information, and may be in danger."

Attention: Please take all of the below and Vote in Plans!

[StartDate]First off, select the start date and number of cases we'll flashback through until we make it back to here.
[][StartDate] 1998 (Tutorial Case, Five minor cases, Two medium cases, One large (non-major) case)
Three years after I was 'put back together' and four years after I died, just two away from the turn of the millennium. Arguably just before or already at the height of analog technology, and reaching towards the slow birth of the digital age. Darkness hides around every corner, shadows encroach no matter where you are...

[][StartDate] 1999 (Tutorial Case, Five minor cases, One medium case, One large (non-major) case)
The turn of the millennium. The height of analog technology, and the slow birth of the digital age. Some foretell the coming of the end of the world, Y2K.

[][StartDate] 2001 (Tutorial Case, Three minor cases, One medium case)
The changing of the guard, the digital revolution in full swing. A world unknowingly on the edge, about to change forever. A masquerade, about to crack but not break, to the delight of the misguided fans of a romance book series not yet made. And a pair of Towers, about to fall, a tragedy heard around the world.

[][StartDate] 2005 (Tutorial Case, Two minor cases)
The first ever Youtube video and the spread of forums and websites all around, as well as the prior cracking of the facade, births an underground movement online and changes the way people will consume entertainment in the future. An Earthquake in Pakistan and two Hurricanes in the Gulf signal the Earth's displeasure. North Korea commits horrors unimaginable, in their mad pursuit of the atom.

[][StartDate] 2008 (Tutorial Case, One minor case)
A growing sense of light, yet the shadows grow long. What is the cost of progress? What lurks beneath the surface? Is there something we have forgotten? Only one year out from the national end of Analog Broadcast. (retroactive addition/correction: ...And an economic cataclysm lurks just over the horizon, though no one knows it yet.)

[Tutorial]Next, please select the 'tutorial' case.
You definitely remember your first case. You and your mom were visiting family in Mississippi, and, while you where in the area anyway, you thought you'd look for and take on a case.

[][Tutorial]The Mystery of King's Tavern
-Semi-Real World myth
-Very Easy
-No Chance of actual paranormal encounter
-Nearly zero chance of combat
Built in Natchez, MS, King's Tavern is one of the oldest buildings in not only the town, but the whole state. Understandably, it's got a rich history, including the paranormal kind. Mostly nothing harmful to business, but for the past 70 years or so, one off the ghosts believed to haunt the tavern is Madeline, the mistress of one of the tavern's original owners. This one has some more leg to stand on then most such tales, since what was assumed to be her bones were found in the wall behind the fireplace, along with two male skeletons and a jeweled dagger. Aside from events believed to be caused by Madeline, there have been reports of phantom baby cries, mysterious reflections appearing in mirrors, and an unoccupied bed being as warm as if somebody had slept in it recently.
(Fictional element begins here) But here's the big thing; the current owner wants you to investigate because a 'womanly wail' was heard one night, and employees following the wail discovered a man frozen in fear who seemed to have died of frostbite. In Late Summer. Understandably, pretty much everyone is checking out of the Tavern, and the owner wants you to rule out anything supernatural, at the same time as the Natchez PD are handling the conventional investigation.

[][Tutorial]The Mystery of Bellevue/Longfellow House
-Real world myth
-Low-Medium chance of actual paranormal encounter
-Very Low chance of combat
-Can only be taken with 2005 start date.
Bellevue, also known as the "Longfellow House" after an old legend about Henry Wadsworth Longfellow supposedly once staying there when he wrote his work 'The Building of the Ship', is a historical property in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Ever since it's construction, it's served a whole host of different functions. However, no matter what function it's served at the time, it's supposedly always had reports of... anomalous activity. See, it was originally built in 1850 for Daniel Smith Graham, a slave trader. And ever since 1866, again supposedly, the ghosts, spirits, or 'remnants' of slaves that died on the property have caused all kinds of disturbances. Slapping (mostly white) people (which I'd pay to see that one), banging on pots and pans (sounds like a 'poltergeist' or 'noisy ghost'), and in more recent times causing power fluctuations (that one could be pretty much any type of ghost, if it even is a ghost or spirit.). It got badly damaged by Katrina, and the University of Mississippi Foundation, it's current owners, are looking to sell. They want someone to go in and disprove these old legends, or failing that, put the 'spirits' to rest.

[][Tutorial]The Mystery of the Witch of Yazoo City
-Real world myth (possibly fictional solution)
-Medium to Medium-Hard, with Easy to Medium combat (should it occur at all)
-Medium chance of actual paranormal encounter
-High chance of combat
-Triple the usual payment for case of this size category upon completion
Yazoo city is the county seat of Yazoo county, and was named after the Yazoo river, which was itself named by french explorer Robert de Salle in reference to the Yazoo tribe that lived the river's mouth. It also a city that has known fire, much like you have, as it's center was pretty much burned to the bedrock on March 25 1904. Eerily enough, the cause of that fire? Same as the one that killed you, a child, playing with matches. ...On the surface. There exists a local legend that offers, another explanation. Located in Glenwood Cemetery, there is a grave surrounded by chain links simply known as... 'the witch's grave'. This story was made famous in Willie Morris' book, 'Good Old Boy', published in 1971. but existed long before then.
According to the legend, an old woman, the witch, lived on the Yazoo River, and was caught torturing fishermen who she lured in off the river. The sheriff is said to have chased her through the swamps where she was half drowned in quicksand by the time the sheriff caught up with her. As she was sinking, she swore her revenge on Yazoo City and on the town's people. "In 20 years, I will return and burn this town to the ground!" No one thought much of it at the time. Then came May 25, 1904…
Interesting for sure, chunky story, for sure, but as for why this is a case? Well, that has to do with the grave. See, many years ago, the original gravestone (now long gone) only had the letters T. W. (Possibly, The Witch??). The stone which is now in place mysteriously fell and split in two shortly after installation. No one knows why for certain. But, here's the real key: the heavy chains surrounding the grave are constantly being repaired, only to fall apart again shortly after. Except a few days ago. A few days ago they just walked away, apparently. That sent some of the more superstitious types into an uproar, and now apparently it's somehow gotten bad enough the Mayor's Office has contacted you to quell the situation while they replace the chain, which is apparently of such abnormal thickness it'll take at least a day or two to get a set custom hand forged. The pay is tempting though...

[][Tutorial]The Mystery of the Hound(s) of Poplarville
-Mostly Fictional (save for location and possibly surrounding events, depending on start date)
-Easy to Medium Investigation, Extremely Hard Combat (should it occur)
-Guaranteed chance of actual paranormal encounter
-Extremely High (but still avoidable) chance of combat
-Available in any start date except 2008 (By which time, Poplarville no longer exists if not taken.), but has greater reward in 2005.
(Real world information)Poplarville is a mid-sized city that serves as the county seat of Pearl River county. It hosts an annual Blueberry Jubilee, which includes rides, craft vendors and rodeos,(Real world information maybe over?) and more interestingly to you, a temporary flea market selling everything from produce to various used goods, like most flea markets. (Real world information definitely over) It's also, for the past 40-50 years or so, been home to a series of mysterious disappearances, nearly but not quite bi-monthly, and always timed with the arrival of the new moon. Reports from around the same time always emerge of the sounds of distant howling, often described as 'muffled' in some way.
The phenomenon had already slowed Poplarville's growth to a near halt, as people became reluctant to move in, but recently/in 1998 (depending on start date, of course), it got so much worse after one of the bodies of the missing were found... hacked into ribbons, as if assaulted by some kind of animal, but with signs of clear intelligence, not just mindless blows. The horrid sight of the shredded carcass that was once a man has lead to a slow but unstoppable exodus from Poplarville, as the younger generations and, frequently enough, their parents, move away bit by bit.
Town Hall seems to not give a damn, but a well-off concerned local has hired you to try your hand at maybe solving this cold case and reassuring everyone that they don't need to flee the town. You're of the opinion that it's certainly interesting, and that there's clearly something paranormal or supernatural going on here. The only question is... what? And after that... Who?

[Stats, Powers, and Perks]Finally, please distribute your stat points into your stats and select your starting Powers, Perks, and Downsides.

[][Stats] You get 75 points to distribute between your INT, CHA, WIS, WIL, PEI, and LCK. Please keep in mind that 10 in all stats but WIL and PEI is considered the human adult average. WIL human adult average is 15, and this is because the human 'racial advantage', if you will, is Willpower. PEI meanwhile is... just weird and doesn't really have an average. Going above the human average (or 10 PEI) costs 2 points per stat point.

You can spend a variable number of raw stat points on perks and powers instead. Alternatively, taking downsides will give you extra points that can only be spent on this section.

[][Power]Psychic(General) Costs 10 points, can only take one option. Intrinsic, meaning you need nothing else to use these abilities. You gain the equivalent of one 'dot' in these powers under the oWoD system.
  • Animal Psi
    [Gain the ability to contact/communicate 'telepathically' with animals.
  • Anti-Psy (x2 the normal price)
    Gain the rare ability to passively completely cancel out general Psychic and Teleinformatics abilities, as well as weak Mind Sphere awakened magic. Does not work against Vampiric Mind-Effecting Disciplines nor Morphogenetic-type Psychic abilities. You cannot take any other Psychic powers if you have this one. Not even Morphogenetic-type ones.
  • Ectoplasmic Generation
    Gain the ability to create plasm; a sticky substance that evaporates after several minutes back into the Underworld. (Important note: Can generate plasm even in Remnant/Spirit form, allowing for limited physical interaction with the world.)
  • Mind Shield
    Gain the ability to erect passive mental defenses against supernatural intrusion. This includes mage spells, Vampiric Disciplines, Changeling & True Fae cantrips, Alternate Insidious Whispers, and other mind-based abilities.
  • Pyrokinesis
    Gain the ability to summon forth fire. You gain no control or immunity against the summoned fire and thus have to take great care to not get burnt yourself. Furthermore, using this ability will rapidly exhaust your stamina, and then sanity once you run our of stamina.
  • Limited Precognition (x2 the normal price)
    Does exactly what you think it does. Or just it in case to cover all the bases here, grants random, sometimes very helpful, sometimes useless glimpses into the current most probable next turn of events, and may (with practice and advancement) even allow at times one to actively peer into the future outright.

[][Power]Psychic(Morphogenetic) Variable points cost per, can only have one, can take in addition to or separate from a general power. Intrinsic. Bonkers powerful.
  • A-B Pair:Sender Costs 5 to 30 Points depending on target receiver. (Specify Who is your 'B' pair opposite, must not be a character that has been mentioned yet.)
    The more limited kin of Telepathy, you're Telepathic with only one other person in the whole wide world... except not really, because unlike with Telepathy, here you can just casually ignore the laws of cause and effect, time and space, and just you know, literally anything else that could possibly inconvenience you, pretty much. I mean, that's an exaggeration, but it's pretty close.
  • A-B Pair:Receiver Costs 5 to 30 Points depending on target sender. (Specify Who is your 'A' pair opposite, must not be a character that has been mentioned yet.)
    The more limited kin of Telepathy, you're Telepathic with only one other person in the whole wide world... except not really, because unlike with Telepathy, here you can just casually ignore the laws of cause and effect, time and space, and just you know, literally anything else that could possibly inconvenience you, pretty much. I mean, that's an exaggeration, but it's pretty close.
  • SHIFTer Costs 50 Points
    The power to SHIFT, and to jump across alternate timelines. Time travel, basically.

[][Power]Basic Extrasensory Perception Costs 10 Points, passive.
Replace 'Perception(PER): N/A' under Soul/Remnant Stats with 'Perception(PER): N/A or 1 (if body PER is 0)'. Can be upgraded.
Also, at disadvantage, allows PER to be used even on creatures, people, object, phenomena. and locations it normally can't.
Note: Due to your chosen creature type you do not have any access to any form of magic at this time. Actually, full disclosure? If we're talking Mage magic, the magic of the Awakened, real magic? .....Yeah..... None of the options would have had access to that. That stuff's broken! But some of the others would have had access to Sorcery's Paths of magic, as well as the Arcane Principles (perhaps better known to some as the Lores of the Mansus with a new coat of paint and no Mansus or Hours.), but your just doesn't. ...Well, no magic assuming you don't count:
[][Power]True Faith Requires 25 or more PEI, lose access if PEI falls below 20, Potency is increased by Theology skill, costs 40 points.
I know that God is on my side. And what about you, hmm? Where will you end up, abomination? Heaven or Hell? I think the answer is clear...
The power of True Faith isn't even necessarily one that is granted by god, a god, or even gods; it is more so the manifestation and embodiment of the individual believers absolute conviction and belief, lancing out to protect and to smite evil... or at least what they define as evil. Vampires turn to ash when their undead flesh so much as brushes against holy icons of faith; the cross(to some), the bible (to others), the torah (to yet others, of different faith, yet shielded all the same.) and demons are repelled on sight. Yet it's greatest power... is when multiple such believers are able to, however temporarily, put aside their differences, and channel all of their combined conviction into singular miracles. It is said that the greatest nightmare of the vampire is that there existence is unveiled, partly because if every 'son and daughter of Abraham' of True Faith, of which there are not many to be fair, were to direct their full conviction as one upon the vampires, they all but Caine himself would simply... cease to exist, in a ray of divine might.

[][Perk]Quick Learner Costs 2 Points
Accumulate Experience 50% quicker. Ordinarly, this would be used to advance stats, accelerate skill development, and to upgrade (and on rare occassions, buy new) traits, but given the creature type, it'll only be used for skills and traits.

[][Perk]Skilled Investigator 5 points
All actions during regular turns related to investigating an ongoing case have the DCs lowered by 10 and receive a +1 (applied per dice rolled). Can be upgraded

[][Perk]Charmer 2 points
All 'friendly' social actions during regular turns have the DCs lowered by 10 and receive a +1 (applied per dice rolled)

[][Perk]Scary Guy 2 points
All 'hostile' social actions during regular turns have the DCs lowered by 10 and receive a +1 (applied per dice rolled)

[][Perk]Skilled Negotiator 5 points
All Negotiation actions during regular turns have the DCs lowered by 10 and receive a +1 (applied per dice rolled). Can be upgraded

[][Perk]Skilled Administrator 5 points
Increase Admin skill by 5 (Relevant next turn). All actions during regular turns receive a +2 (applied per dice rolled), including all actions undertaken by organizations you control or manage and all actions taken by individuals associated with said organizations, personal or otherwise. Can be upgraded

[][Perk]German Ancestors 2 Points
Lower DCs for all interactions with German, Austrian, and Swiss characters. May have future implications

[][Perk]Mentor&Teacher 10 Points
Characters Taught/Tutored by this character gain experience and advance any applicable (non-combat) skills at X2 the usual rate.

[][Perk]Preserved Archives (Creature/Background specific) 10 Points
Dang, dad had more stuff down here than I thought. Weird.
Your initial random grab bag of clues, evidence, and hearsay is significantly expanded.

You can take these for the amount of points listed next to them. Remember, you can only spend these points on Perks and Powers. Additionally, you get additional points if you have to take a downside for some reason.
{A.N.:Note regarding x-phobia type downsides... I'm not a psychologist, so take there depiction with a grain of salt.}
[][Downside]Pyrophobia 2 Points No points, must take the downside.
I still remember the smoke... the fucking smoke... Pretty sure it's marked me down to my soul... Never again.
"There is a possibility that overheating might neutralize the effects permanently"
- section "D", Scooper Blueprint, Afton Robotics LTD. (Same, FNAF: Sister Location)
Clinically, Pyrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of fire. People with moderate Pyrophobia become stressed, even irrationally so, when near fire, and may experience mild to moderate anxiety. Direct close range exposure to fire may induce nervous/panic type breakdowns. This is the standard phobia symptom set.

[][Downside]Severe Pyrophobia 1 Point Must already have taken Pyrophobia
Clinically, Pyrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of fire. People with severe Pyrophobia might feel extreme anxiety if they see fire, or even if they hear about fire, and if forced to confront it in a dire situation, are particularly prone to breaking down. At it's worst, this fear may cause someone to avoid public places or any situation where they think a fire could occur (limiting your options). This is the standard severe phobia symptom set.

[][Downside]Aquaphobia 2 Points
Clinically, Aquaphobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of water. This is different from Thalassophobia, which is fear of the Ocean and other very large bodies of water. Standard phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Severe Aquaphobia 1 Point Must already have taken Aquaphobia
Clinically, Aquaphobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of water. This is different from Thalassophobia, which is fear of the Ocean and other very large bodies of water. Standard severe phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Acrophobia 2 Points
Clinically, Acrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of heights and high places. Standard phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Severe Acrophobia 1 Point Must already have taken Acrophobia
Clinically, Acrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of heights and high places. Standard severe phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Nyctophobia 2 Points
Clinically, Nyctophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of the dark. Standard phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Severe Nyctophobia 1 Point Must already have taken Nyctophobia
Clinically, Nyctophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of the dark. Standard severe phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Necrophobia 2 Points
Clinically, Necrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of the dead (i.e. corpses, skeletons, etc.) and undead. Standard phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Severe Necrophobia 1 Point Must already have taken Necrophobia
Clinically, Necrophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of the dead (i.e. corpses, skeletons, etc.) and undead. Standard severe phobia symptoms and issues.

[][Downside]Daemonophobia 2 Points
Clinically, Daemonophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of devils and demons. Standard phobia symptoms and issues, with the addendum that direct contact is very much not necessary, and merely the idea of devils and demons and produce an anxiety response.

[][Downside]Severe Daemonophobia 1 Point Must already have taken Daemonophobia
Clinically, Daemonophobia is defined as an overwhelming fear of devils and demons. Standard severe phobia symptoms and issues, with the addendum that direct contact is very much not necessary, and merely the idea of devils and demons and produce an extreme anxiety response, and even mild breakdown (mild only because of living in a world where they are very obviously corporeal and real being a double-edged sword).

[][Downside]Phobiaphobia 4 points
Clinically, Phobiaphobia is defined as an overwhelming fear being afraid. In it's standard format, it disadvantages all bravery-type willpower checks (i.e. Willpower being used to contest natural or supernatural fear), and increases the severity of all other phobias. It also penalizes attempts to save against nervous/panic breakdowns by -10.

[][Downside]Severe Phobiaphobia 8 points Must already have taken Phobiaphobia
"first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself." -Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1933 inaugural address. (Real Life)
Clinically, Phobiaphobia is defined as an overwhelming fear being afraid. In it's severe format, it disadvantages and penalizes by -20/-4 all bravery-type willpower checks, and increases the severity of all other phobias. It also disadvantages and penalizes by -20/-4 attempts to save against nervous/panic breakdowns. All supernatural forms of fear stronger than a certain threshold may begin inflicting sanity damage. Your available options are frequently severely kneecapped.

[][Downside]Unusual Fear 1-4 Points
Depends on the chosen phobia.

[][Downside]Severe Unusual Fear 1-8 Points Must of taken the same phobia under Unusual Fear previously
Depends on the chosen phobia.

[][Downside]Problem with Authority 2 Points
You always had trouble with people trying to tell you what to do that weren't family. Cannot level Esprit de Corps skill beyond 1. Suffer disadvantage on and take a penalty of -20/-4 on all Esprit de Corps, Suggestion, Persuasion, Rhetoric, Intimidation, and Negotiation skill checks when dealing with Politicians, Governments Agents, Military Personnel, and Law Enforcement, as well as on all 'friendly' diplomatic actions dealing with the same.

[][Downside]Occasional (Chaotic) Immaturity (Creature specific) 5 Points
Hehehe... Oh, I'm going to prank this guy. And it is going to be so funny, just you watch.
Given you never really got to finish growing up... well, it's not all the time, but sporadically, you know? Every turn, roll a d100, no modifiers. On exactly a 1 or 100, does something either catastrophically stupid and bad or exceptionally good (respectively), and in either case, something immature and that an adult probably wouldn't think to do. This action will replace a random action among the ones that were originally planned, without care for how that effects turn plans or the ongoing case.

[][Downside]Seeking Vengeance (Creature specific) 2 Points
You know that however you died, it wasn't an accident. You are determined to get Vengeance on your killer, and may act irrationally at times, if you think it'll get you closer. Certain actions might force you to take them, even if you don't want to; others will require Willpower checks to avoid exactly that from occurring.

[]Downside]Agony (Creature specific) 1 Point
On the positive side of things, your Remnant pool is doubled, with half of it no longer having any vulnerability to fire. However, that's because the other half of the pool isn't Remnant at all, but the Agony you experienced during your death. The downside is obvious; it never goes away. You continue to feel torturous pain, same as the day you died. It's miracle, and testament to your character, that it has no real mechanical effects... until it does. {If you aren't required to take this, you probably shouldn't, if you don't like reading your MC literately feeling like they are dying, all the time. They may also be consequences for Jonathan's sanity, if you take this.}
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Main threadmark update/edit and vote closure time announcement.
I've made a number of edits to the most recent threadmark. Most are unimportant, just spellchecking, but one was worth mentioning: An invisitext 'secret' (if you want to call it that) that I meant to include from the start and thought I had included, but never actually did. It's probably not a big enough deal to change anyone's plans, but I figured it would be better to mention it than not. It concerns one of the powers, and is located directly underneath the power it concerns.

That's the first announcement, the second is that the vote (due to it's complexity) will remain open a little longer than the previous two; namely, until 12:00 P.M. CDT 09/02 (Or, noon next Monday).
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Vote Closed
And the vote is closed! Final part of character creation and the first part of the chosen 'tutorial' case to follow
Scheduled vote count started by Ol' Tin Knight on Aug 29, 2024 at 12:58 AM, finished with 18 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan : To Brave the Night Undone
    -[X][StartDate] 2001 (Tutorial Case, Three minor cases, One medium case)
    -[X][Tutorial]The Mystery of the Witch of Yazoo City
    -[X][Stats] 75 Base, 51 after Perks and Flaws.
    --[X] INT 10
    --[X] CHA 8
    --[X] WIS 10
    --[X] WIL 11
    --[X] LCK 10
    --[X] PEI 2
    -[X][Power]Psychic(General) Costs -10 points, can only take one option. Intrinsic, meaning you need nothing else to use these abilities. You gain the equivalent of one 'dot' in these powers under the oWoD system.
    --[X] Mind Shield
    -[X][Perk]Skilled Investigator 5 points
    -[X][Perk]Skilled Negotiator 5 points
    -[X][Perk]Skilled Administrator -5 points
    -[X][Perk]Preserved Archives (Creature/Background specific) -10 Points
    -[X][Downside]Pyrophobia 2 Points No points, must take the downside.
    -[X][Downside]Seeking Vengeance (Creature specific) +2 Points
    -[X][Downside]Selenophobia +2 Points
    -[X][Downside]Severe Selenophobia +3 Points
    -[X][Downside]Eisoptrophobia 2 points
    -[X][Downside]Algophobia +2 Points
    [X][StartDate] 1998 (Tutorial Case, Five minor cases, Two medium cases, One large (non-major) case)
    [X] Plan: Detective Effective, with lots of fears.
    -[X][StartDate] 1998 (Tutorial Case, Five minor cases, Two medium cases, One large (non-major) case).
    -[X][Tutorial]The Mystery of the Hound(s) of Poplarville.
    -[X] INT 11
    -[X] CHA 11
    -[X] WIS 11
    -[X] WIL 10
    -[X] PEI 1
    -[X] LCK 6
    -[X] Mind Shield.
    -[X][Power]Basic Extrasensory Perception Costs 10 Points, passive.
    -[X][Perk]Quick Learner Costs 2 Points
    -[X][Perk]Skilled Investigator 5 points
    -[X][Perk]Charmer 2 points
    -[X][Perk]Scary Guy 2 points
    -[X][Perk]Skilled Negotiator 5 points
    -[X][Downside]Pyrophobia 2 Points No points,
    -[X][Downside]Arachnophobia 2 points.
    -[X][Downside]Coulrophobia 2 points
    -[X][Downside]Arachibutyrophobia 1 point
    -[X][Downside]Xanthophobia 2 points
    -[X][Downside]Eisoptrophobia 2 points
    -[X][Downside]Globophobia 2 points