Iysnic Quest

Galactic crab men float in space amongst snowflakes, silently agreeing not to bump into each other or pinch each other, as that is the Law.

They might appreciate somewhere to live.

[ ] Flat world
[ ] Round world
[ ] Other
Using their assloads of energy, they fart-propel themselves to the edge of their universe, landing on the length of Longcat.

This will do.

Unfortunately they start to have hallucinogenic reactions to the cat dander, and begin pinching at things that aren't there! From their perspective, they are seeing terrible alien figures, humaoid ducks and mice and doglike things, all waving appendages at them.

[ ] Attack
[ ] Defend
[ ] Other
[x] Attempt negotiation, fail due to lack of language.
Each crab-man, alone in his drugged haze, attempts to merge his essence into as many of the strange beings as possible.

The next morning, they all adapt to the druggy nature of the Long Cat, and realize they were all humping each other.

The day after that, a new generation of baby crab men are born!

Now what?

[ ] Toss in threats to survival
[ ] Add more unrelated stuff
[ ] Other
[X] Make lobster women. This plan can not go wrong.

actually wait how did crab men have children
[X] Toss in threats to survival, including but not limited to Bjorn Borg and The Borg.
The crab-men begin to harvest the psychoactive cat dander en masse, creating giant piles of the stuff.

For the hell of it a bunch of Lobster-women are created and added to the mix. They immediately get high from the cat dander and start wandering towards the crab men, pincers pinching.

You don't think they are going to try to peacefully assimilate.

What do?

[x] stall them till housing is build from the dandruff. Or at least beds. i.e. comfort comes first.