It is the year 36 BBY and you happen to be the leader of a small gang with great ambitions, after all when an entire species off oversized slugs can control large parts off the galaxy for millenia then so can you. Maybe. Or you can just be crushed by one of the many possible threats to an individual like you. Regardless, your organisation to be is based on:
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
Coordinates 0.0.0: Coruscant is the seat of the Republic and the de-jure center of the Galaxy. Everything of galactic importance is decided here, everyone of importance can be found here at the very least every now and then and most media corporations have their headquarters on this planet. Many high-risk, high-reward opporturnities available.
Credits. Credits everywhere!: The population off the upper levels is mostly rather wealthy or at the very least relatively well off. If one were able to conduct business directly on Corruscant would make a good profit at all times. Trade, illegal trade and local businesses are very lucrative.
Meet interesting people...: Due to its importance and central location one can at all times meet very interesting people on Coruscant who possess at least some manner of influence and are less than honest. Higher chance to find villainous/heroic allies.
Big Republic is watching you!: You are acting directly under the nose off the Republic and they won't like it if they find noticeable crime happening outside off Coruscants lower levels. Even worse, they aren't likely to turn a blind eye to ones actions and might even request a Jedi or two to investigate. Extreme threat that is very hard to distract, unless precautions are taken.
The ugly part off the Planet: The lower levels where the majority off the criminal activities take place are very unpredictable. While on Nar Shaddaa one can expect that the majority off your problems will involve other gangs on Coruscant its worse. Gangs here, feral droids there, mutants somewhere else. The further down one goes the worse it gets. Combat/local martial actions suffer from penalties and your organisations members are allways under threat from beings they can't intimidate.
[]Nar Shaddaa: The Smuggler Moon. The most famous or rather infamous place in the entire galaxy when it comes to criminal dealings and shady business in general. A terrible place for its population and an absolute powderkeg where gangwars happen at the slightest provocation, but a true goldmine for those who know how to profit from it.
Center of Trade: Due to how many Corporations, traders and smugglers are based on Nar Shaddaa it is very easy to find what one needs on this planet, making it very unlikely that one will ever need to search for equipment, supplies or weapons elsewhere. Any action based on procuring practicaly anything gets boni, but may cost more than expected.
Desperation and poverty everywhere!: Nar Shaddaa is a hellhole. It can't be said in any other way and as result large parts off its population are desperate to earn enough credits in any way possible to survive. More recruits to begin with and additional troops cost very little.
Nal Hutta: Nar Shaddaa is the moon of Nal Hutta, the homeworld off the Hutts. As result several off them controll large parts off the Smugglers Moon and are a constant and very serious threat if displeased. Fortunately they tend to be far too busy with taking care off their own business and trying to get rid off each other. Most off the time at least. Considerable threat looming over your head at all times, but fortunately a easily distracted threat.
I've never heard about those!: Due to the endless ammounts of criminals and organisations on the moon there is allways something unpleasant happening that was impossible to predict. Intrigue suffers from mali and the local rumor mill is... unreliable.
[]Tatooine: A planet that is often viewed as the cesspool off the galaxy due to the many criminals to be found on the planet. In truth it is actually a meaningless ball of sand that is mostly known for being the base off operations of Jabba and for its inhabitants allways somehow procuring scrap and used equipment from somewhere, somehow. Also, Tusken raider.
Welcome in the middle of nowhere!: Tatooine truly is in the middle of nowhere, which means that if a low profile is kept one can avoid a lot of attention for a very long time. Failure has less severe consequences and intrigue actions are easier.
What you call junk is a treasure for others!: Due to how much salvaging is being done on the planet everyone here knows at least a bit on how to keep even the most damaged things running through lots and lots of improvisation. Boni on rolls for loot, due to being able to make use even of what appears to be too trashed to use.
I prefer to call it indentured servitude.: Slavery is legal on Tatooine and is even less regulated than in any other place of Hutt space.
Jabba the Hutt: Jabba lives on Tatooine and uses it as the center of his criminal empire and displeasing him is unwise. Fortunately he allways has an interest in profit and if one catches his attention some generous tribute should please him. Hopefully. Moderate threat with a moderate attention span.
Middle of Nowhere. On the planet itself business is terrible. The people are poor and the planets only importance is the fact that its so far off the beaten path while still being mostly civilised. Less profit from trade, illegal trade and local business.
Fate worse than death.: Slavery is legal and a likely fate that can befall anyone at anytime here. Including your lot if they catch the wrong peoples attention or are simply awfully unfortunate.
(This starts a few years before The Phantom Menace and is going to use the old EU. Updates will heavily vary in how fast I'll write them. Also, the offered planets are a obvious choice between an easy, medium and hard start.)
Martial: 15+2+4+2+2+1=26 (Ever since you have begun to learn how to use a lightsaber you have unexpectedly become quite a capable fighter.)
Diplomacy: 16+2+2=20 (You are far more charismatic than most people as you keep proving over and over again. One just has to look at your stellar popularity.)
Stewardship: 14+2+2=18 (You know how to take care of your finances properly and are able to spot a good deal every once in a while.)
Intrigue: 21+2+2+2+2+2=29 (You are one of the most talented information brokers and schemers in the galaxy with all that it entails.)
Lore: 16+2+2+2+1=23 (You have a bit off an instinct for obscure knowledge due to your origins and connection to the Force. Not to mention that your continious studies ensure that you hone those instincts constantly.)
Learning: 16 (You are intelligent and knowledgable enough to come up with interesting ideas every now and then, which is not surprising considering the ammounts of data you read every day.)
Traits: Infiltration Expert: You are quite capable as infiltrator with all that it entails. Mainly not being noticed and getting rid of those that could notice you. +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue
Impudence wins: No matter the situation or how impossible the circumstances seem, you allways are able to lie with a straight face. +2 Intrigue
Master of Spymasters: You have spies everywhere, nary any information is outside your grasp and if you so wish you can ruin anyone as you keep proving by unraveling conspiracies. +2 Intrigu
Gracious Host: You know perfectly how to make someone feel welcome and comfortable in your presence. +2 Diplomacy
Ruthless Exploiter: Parts of your wealth and influence are based on exploiting the misery of others by seemingly alleviating it with invested credits and 'generous' trades while at the same time gaining more out of it than you have ever spent. Fact is, you have gotten very good at it. +2 Stewardship
Darth Vectivus's teachings: You have studied the surprisingly pragmatic and moral teachings of Darth Vectivus with great care and found yourself agreeing greatly with them. +2 Stewardship, +2 Lore
Old Jedi instructions: You have managed to find old instructional holocrons of one of the ancient Jedi Orders. +2 Lore
It belongs in my personal vault!: Recently and involuntarily you have become an archeologist with all that it entails... even the dodging of old and surprisingly still very well working traps. You honestly the sholarly part of it though. +2 Lore
Genemod (Zeltron): During your coma a whole bunch of your Arkanian scientists decided that when they are allready busy fixing your body they may just as well try a few experiments to see if they can't simply make it BETTER while they are at it... and you somehow survived it. In the end they modified you with Zeltron DNA, granting you some degree of their unique abilities... and a second liver. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue
Makashi adept: You have learned the various advanced techniques of Form II/Makashi of Lightsaber combat. +4 Martial
Talented duelist: You have proven yourself to be a remarkably talented duelist. +2 Martial
Force sensitive: Being a Miraluka you are force sensitive and moderately powerfull too. Unfortunately your training is solely based on you teaching yourself.
Miralukan Force sight: Being able to see and notice more than the average person tends to have its advantages. (Personal intervention has a +10 bonus in addition to the statbonus.)
Advisors Martial Advisor Xruk: A Gand and former bounty hunter. All in all there is likely much to know about him but nearly nothing one actually does know about him aside from the fact that he has a great tendency towards violence and also tends towards sadistic glee when he is told to train your minions.
Martial Advisor OOM-9: The former Commander of the Tradefederations Droid army during the Invasion of Naboo. Stolen and slightly reprogrammed by your men.
Diplomacy Advisor PR-1: A heavily modified 3PO droid that has been given to you as a gift by some businessman you met during a fancy party in upper Coruscant. The droid is unfailingly polite and rather capable in managing your shedule and list of contacts.
Stewardship Advisor Borvo the Hutt: A notorious Crime Lord who has countless semi-permanent operations all over the Outer-Rim and until his base and the majority of his ships and men were wiped out by Lieutenant Gavin Sykes lived on Naboo. Now he is lurking around in your base, having remade one of the rooms there to his personal throneroom, drowns you in foodbills and helps you with your finances every now and then.
Intrigue Advisor Gulan Terrek: A Bothan. Nobody is suprised. You found and recruited him as an afterthough when you caused the gangs that were after him to engage in an all out war against each other and made him an offer he can't refuse. A very shady fellow who is absolutely blunt about the fact that he can't be trusted, but at least he knows what he is doing.
Lore Advisor Tyro Torwin: A retired Blazing Chain pirate, of advancing age. Acording to him a recent civil war between several fleets of the Blazing Chain left him mostly homeless and the fact that he feels that he is getting too old decided to retire. He may be rather grumpy and rude but fortunately his knowledge of the Force is quite advanced. At least more advanced that you would expect from a pirate, Blazing Chain or not.
Learning Advisor Var Zheen: A Givin scientist. Very intelligent, very arrogant about it and very aware of the fact that the Givin look extremely unsettling to everyone around them. Fortunately its offset by his eagerness to conduct dubious research without restrictions and his loyalty to his paycheck.
Palpatine: Plotting.
Dooku: Exasperated at your shenanigans, considers you too useful to dispose of.
Ventress: Grudgingly respects you, still wants to beat you
Padme: Considers you her best friend, spends more time with you than anyone else... not that she has much of a choice
Obi-Wan: Exasperated at your shenanigans and omnipresent involvement in things, greatly appreciates the provided help though
Anakin: Has no idea what to think of you aside from feeling annoyance and gratitude. Usually at the same time.
Siri: Grateful for your help, exasperated at various subtle comments about a certain someone
Ferus: Retired from the Order, promised to help you every once in a while if he gets the chance to repay you for saving Darra
Darra: Eternaly grateful for the Watchers saving her life
Soara Antana: Eternaly grateful for the Watchers saving Darras life
Grievous: Respects you greatly
Name: The Silencer
Species: Human
Age: ?
Occupation: Mercenary
Martial: 24+2=26 (He is a walking weapon of mass-destruction with a fitting killcount to match.)
Diplomacy: 8 (He barely talks. If at all.)
Stewardship: 8 (Same problem.)
Intrigue: 14+2+2+2=20 (He does know how to get in and out of places unnoticed most of the time. Still prefers it if it involves a lot of violence.)
Learning: 8 (He couldn't care less.)
Lore: 8 (Only thing he cares about that is figuring out how to properly kill everyone involved.)
Combat Infiltrator: Capable of breaking into secure areas without being noticed too early to put himself into the perfect spot to begin causing absolute havoc. +2 Intrigue
Shadow War tactician: He was directly involved in a recent Shadow War against a rival organisation. Fact is that he now knows a lot more about how to hide and find things that are not meant to be found than before. +2 Intrigue.
Unholy Terror: His destructiveness and agression are unrivaled and bound to terrify the daylights out of his opponents as he wipes them out. Just ask the Huk. +2 Martial
Name: Silas Cata
Species: Human
Age: Early 80s
Occupation: Scoundrel/Ciaran's Grandfather
Martial: 12 (Physicaly he may be in quite good condition, certainly better than he has any right to be but he still is a terrible shot and avoids fighting like the plague.)
Diplomacy: 18+2=20 (Very charming if he wants to be and as far as you know he used to be even more so when he was younger.)
Intrigue: 16+2+2+2=22 (He has been a conman all his life and sometimes a smuggler.)
Stewardship: 16 (Knows how to make good use of his available credits.)
Lore: 12 (He does not assign much importance to the Force and other mysterious 'nonsense', considering credits to be far more practiacal for getting things done. Still, he knows a thing or two.)
Learning: 14 (He knows a few things about tech, after all some bits of your selfmade surveilance equipment is based on things you had seen him build.)
Gracious Host: He knows perfectly how to make someone feel welcome and comfortable in ones presence. +2 Diplomacy
Shadow War tactician: He was directly involved in a recent Shadow War against a rival organisation for VERY personal reasons. Lets just say that he now knows a lot more about how to hide and find things that are not meant to be found than before. +2 Intrigue
Old Spy: Turns out that the old man is as experienced as spy as ever with access to a modest circle of informants to boot. +2 Intrigue
Name: PR-1
Species: Droid
Age: New
Occupation: Aide/Bodyguard
Martial: 10+4=14
Diplomacy: 16+2=18
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 12
Lore: 8
Learning: 12
Gracious Host: He knows perfectly how to make someone feel welcome and comfortable in ones presence. That he makes for a good bartender on parties helps. +2 Diplomacy
Combat Upgrade: Normally protocol droids tend to be considerably useless once people start shooting each other. Fortunately PR-1 has been given an upgrade to his programming and some modifications to its chassis to render him less useless. +4 Martial
Name: Cheriss Sair
Species: Togruta (?)
Age: 23
Occupation: Scientist
Martial: 12+2=14 (She is rather adverse to violence.)
Diplomacy: 14 (She is eternaly cheerfull, but thats not quite enough to compensate for her lack of experience.)
Stewardship: 14 (She knows relatively well how to keep an eye on money, although her mention that she ended up utterly broke a few times in the past doesn't exactly fill you with confidence.)
Intrigue: 12 (Way too cheerfull and honest for lying.)
Lore: 18+2=20 (She surpringly knows quite a lot about the Force and various theories. Not to mention that her strange Force Aura keeps confusing you.)
Learning: 18 (Very intelligent and has a nearly photographic memory. The only thing she lacks is experience.)
Name: Darra Thel-Tanis
Species: Human
Age: 20
Occupation: Jedi
Martial: 16+2=18
Diplomacy: 16
Stewardship: 10
Intrigue: 12
Lore: 18-4=14
Learning: 14
Life-support cybernetics: Ever since nearly being killed by Granta Omega, Darra has been implanted with various cybernetics. Several to keep her organs working, a cybernetic arm and a cybernetic leg. Its as bad as it sounds despite your best efforts to ensure that they work well and the arm alone is stronger than a normal arm, but its still causing her serious health issues and diminished her connection to the Force by a large margin. Martial +2, Lore -4
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
Also I am on a bit of a Dark Souls kick so might I propose that we name our gang either The Darkwraiths or Abyss Watchers.
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
IMO, it wouldn't be as fun if we're tethered to local politics and petty gang fights. If we want to keep increasing the assets and the size of the organization, one of the most necessary things to acquire would be some kind of spaceship that's good at capturing other spaceships. So whichever build is most likely to acquire such a ship would have my vote.
[x] Nar Shaddaa: The Smuggler Moon. The most famous or rather infamous place in the entire galaxy when it comes to criminal dealings and shady business in general. A terrible place for its population and an absolute powderkeg where gangwars happen at the slightest provocation, but a true goldmine for those who know how to profit from it.
Start a gang war, steal a few ships amidst the chaos, and get the hell away?
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
[X]Coruscant: The Center off the Galaxy, capital of the Republic and due to its location one off the wealthiest worlds in the galaxy. For someone ambitious this would be both a great advantage but at the same time also a great disadvantage.
Also I am on a bit of a Dark Souls kick so might I propose that we name our gang either The Darkwraiths or Abyss Watchers.
With either of those names, you better angle towards becoming some form of anti-eldritch horrors conspiracy.
And, according to the Old EU, there are eldritch horrors aplenty in the GFFA. Or pro-eldritch horrors conspiracy if you go Darkwraiths, I suppose.
"Them Abyss Watchers are weird, man. I've seen plenty o' tough guys from the street join them and... they just change overnight. Like they've seen somethin' that changes everything and they can't walk away from it."
"Judge me if you will, Jedi. But the Abyss must be Watched, it must be stopped. Whatever the cost. And if the vaunted Jedi won't? We will."