It Takes An Eldritch Entity... (A Child Raising Quest)

[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds, remembering to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.
[X] Examine the apartment further.

Locked doors aren't enough. What if the ceiling has holes or the floor is trapped? Need to be cautious, acolytes can be very protective.
[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds, remembering to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.
[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds, remembering to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.
[X] Examine the apartment further.
[X] Clean the life fluids you tracked into the apartment.

First priority is making sure everything is safe and clean for the baby!
[X] Clean the life fluids you tracked into the apartment.
[X] Examine the apartment further.
[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds, remembering to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.
[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds, remembering to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.
Voting Closed. Winner:

[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds, remembering to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.
Your child awakens.
[X] Find a comfortable position on one of the stasis chairs or beds. Remember to check for locked doors so that your stasis location is not invaded until you are able to do something to counter the intruder.

You analyze the security of your child's dwelling, taking care to memorize any areas of entrance. There are four; the "door" in which you arrived and three "windows". They are all appropriately secured, the door with a lock and the windows with several metallic bars.

The wooden nature of the door is concerning -- several humans working in tandem could easily break through -- though not entirely assailable. You are relatively secure for the moment.

Of course, you will need to find more appropriate security at a later date. You doubt your current dwelling could defend against a planetary bombardment of sorts, or even the most basic of nuclear weaponry.

For Goodness' sake, the windows are made of glass. Glass of all things! It feels pleasantly cool against your flesh digits, of course, but still! Sensory pleasures should never come before basic security!

You find a "chair" and rest yourself before your child's unconscious form. Should an intruder break through the door, your flesh will act as a momentary barrier, allowing your child to escape. It is the best you are capable of while you are in stasis.

You examine your child's form. Your child breathes easily and with little trouble now that their injuries are no longer a concern. The additional warmth the cloth coverings provide should keep illness from infecting their flesh.

They are safe. For now.

You analyze your surroundings one more time before entering stasis.

Sally rubbed her head, mindful of the sunlight streaming through the windows. She forgot to close the blinds last night, so she got an eyeful when her alarm woke her up. Damn sun nearly blinded her.

From behind her, in the livingroom, she heard the kid shuffling around. The rustling of blankets, papers, a broom sweeping through a pile of trash. Probably cleaning up after the mess she made last night. She'd be thankful if the kid wasn't being so loud about it.

Then the TV came on, and the newscaster was suddenly screaming in her ears.

"... a Rift opened up in downtown Primis, just outside the Church of Lux. Local authorities were able to kill the Rift Beasts before they caused too much damage to the surrounding area, though not before ten church-goers were caught in the --"

"Turn that shit off!" she yelled. Then cringed as her headache flared even worse. "Fuck's sake..."

Luckily for the kid, he listened. She was given several seconds of blessed silence before she heard more shuffling from the livingroom. Thankfully quieter this time.

She chugged some coffee, not caring that some of it spilled against her hoodie. Her hangover was like a jackhammer to her skull, punishing her for all her life choices. Specifically for getting blackout drunk after last night's job.

In hindsight she wasn't sure how she got home. Wasn't like any of her "buddies" know where she lived. Did she walk the entire way? Did the kid drive her?

She snorted into her cup. Yeah. Like the kid knew how to drive.

...fuck. She really hoped she didn't drive home drunk. The last thing she needed was another DUI and a trip to the station. Especially when she had to work today.

Fuck. She had to work today.

She imagined an entire eight plus hour shift managing entitled customers, collecting shitty tips, and fending off grabby hands, her head feeling like it was gonna explode the entire time. She could almost see the way her boss would look at her, the judgmental looks her coworkers would shoot when they thought she wasn't looking.

Hypocritical bitches. Like they never got drunk in a day in their lives.

...actually, you know what? Screw it. Last night's job paid out a good amount, she could take a take a day or two off to recover. The new girl will cover her shift, it'll be fine. Not like her manager could fire her anyways.

She groped for her phone with one hand and shoveled a forkful of breakfast with another. Didn't taste all that bad considering she was half asleep when she made it --


She glanced up, forcing down the urge to roll her eyes when she the kid acting fidgety. Just what she needed this early in the morning. "What."

"Um." The kid said again, glancing at her breakfast then at her. "Can I--"

She jerked her chin towards the fridge. "Nah. Make your own."

"Oh." There he went, making that sad face again. Sally didn't know why he kept doing it; it never worked on her. "But --"

She glared. Just a little bit, but he got the message, backing off and shuffling over to the fridge.

She went back to her phone, scrolling through her contacts for the right number for her manager. She checked the time; three minutes before her shift starts. He was gonna be a total bitch about things.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the kid, staring at a carton of eggs like it might jump up and bite him.

She snorted. Like eggs were all that difficult to make.

Full Health Restored.

You wake.

The flesh and bone of your gifted form is repaired. You are able to maintain movement without causing further damage or leaking life fluids.

You stand and examine your child. They are still in a stasis state and thus, unwakeable. Unfortunate, as the leftover knowledge from your gift giver indicates that your child may not have been given proper sustenance.

Further analysis of the gift giver's knowledge indicates that your child was significantly younger than their current state. Their lack of sustenance could be a consistent problem.

Knowledge Roll: 20 + 25 (Human Biology [lvl10]) = 45.

For a human child, lack of proper sustenance for a long period of time could result in some severe problems at later stages of growth. You do not know what these problems are or how to treat them; just that they could potentially be there.


You should --

[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.
[X] Recall another ability of yours. You may have something that can solve this issue entirely.
[X] Make a habit of feeding your child. Perhaps five to ten times a day?
[X] Speak to a professional. Humans have healers of their own, correct?
[X] Write in...

"...mph." Your child begins to stir.

You seat yourself before your child and watch closely as their eyes open.

"Huh? M-Mom?" They open and close their eyes -- "blinking" -- before suddenly withdrawing backwards.

"Whoa! What? Why -- are you -- is that blood?!" Their breathing becomes rapid. "Where did all that blood come from?!"

[X] "Hello, my child. I am indeed your 'Mom'."
[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."
[X] "Would you like to consume an avian embryo with me?"
[X] Make a comforting facial movement. Humans always think facial movements are soothing!
[X] Write in...
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[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."

Kinda sad that zn edritch being is a better mother than that woman. Why CPS did not nail her I will never know.
[X] Recall another ability of yours. You may have something that can solve this issue entirely.

I think it's worth continuing to get skills related to medicine. I guess memories of a doctor or mad scientist would be good?

[X] Turn to the memories of the giver and determine how she interacted with her child. Try to mimic that communication, albeit more one-syllable.

You don't want to stick out too quickly. Tell the child something like, "Clean up in here. I'm taking a shower."

It's kind of a way of saying she's okay.
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[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

"And if that mockingbird don't sing,
Mama's gonna buy you a tentacled thing."
[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

Bob is basically a golden retriever but with tentacles, .......... so even better.

[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."

Close enough to "Don't be afraid"
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[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."
[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."
"... a Rift opened up in downtown Primis, just outside the Church of Lux. Local authorities were able to kill the Rift Beasts before they caused too much damage to the surrounding area, though not before ten church-goers were caught in the --"
…Are we a Rift Beast?

…No. No, we're a Mother.

[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."

Childhood companionship is important…probably. No doubt BOB's presence will be calming. Like a friendly uncle who happens to be octopus adjacent.
[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."

I think it's important that we start this parental relationship off correctly. Claiming or trying to mimic the old mother may briefly play off normalcy, but do we really want to follow so closely in her footsteps?

[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.
[X] Make a habit of feeding your child. Perhaps five to ten times a day?

Somewhere around ten may be too many.. perhaps it matters how much is fed. BOB might know better about nutritional requirements.

[X] "Would you like to consume an avian embryo with me?"
Voting Closed. Winners:
[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.
[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."
Your child requires "apples".
[X] Recall BOB once more. Perhaps his tentacles can give a better insight on the biological defects your child may have.

You recall BOB from your true existence. Some of your organs rupture in response.

- 2 Health.

<<friend! hello friend! nice to meet again!>>

Hello, Bob.

<<no expect to see friend so soon!>> His tendrils tap against your skin, his sac pulsating with thoughtfulness. <<friend still hurt, but not bad as before.>>

Yes. Your gifted flesh has healed considerably.

<<friend still getting hurt? hurt from BOB?>>

You get hurt no matter what ability you use. It is not BOB'S fault.



Your gifted form is not familiar with your abilities. It is much too fragile.

<<no like. friend should stay safe!>>

There is no need for concern, BOB. Your form will become used to it in time.

<<...still no like. but BOB will settle.>> His core sac pulsates. <<what friend need? more heal? heal baby?>>

Not necessarily.

You believe your child might have a biological defect of some sort. A side effect from long-term starvation.

Could BOB examine them?

<<yes, yes! BOB love to help friend's baby!>>

You place BOB onto your child. He digs several of their tendrils into their flesh, though does not completely burrow within.

Health Diagnostic Roll: 24 + 10 (Diagnostic [Lvl5]) = 34.

Several seconds pass. Your eyes begin to leak life fluids.

<< safe! no longy hurts!>> He withdraws his tendrils. <<short for baby. have broken bones in past. but that normal!>>

Diagnostic (Level 5): Can use his tentacles to give his host a health diagnostic.
+ Can tell what injuries and illnesses a host suffers from.
+ Can tell what past injuries a host had.
+ Can tell if the host is suffering under any long-term defects or symptoms.
+ 10 to all health diagnostic rolls.

FAMILARITY: 2 --> 4%.

Broken bones?

<<yes. two times in past maybe. no serious, just on toe and arm. happen year or two ago maybe. heal good!>>

You see.

And no illnesses? No defects of any kind?

<<nope! baby good, baby healthy! just short!>>


Is shortness a concerning physical trait?

<<BOB don't think it is. short is short. will not be as strong as other babies, but will be much fast. good trade!>>

That is true -- though you much prefer if your child is both fast and strong. They would be well protected that way.

BOB rapidly undulates his tendrils. <<find thing to give baby better flex bits? BOB can't help, but BOB can heal later!>>

An interesting thought. You might have an ability that can help -- though you will have to see what your child thinks of such a measure. Perhaps at a later date.

<<...friend hurting again.>> BOB taps his tendrils against your eyes, wiping away some of the life fluid. <<need leave! no like hurt friend!>>

You'll be fine, BOB.

<<still! BOB go!>> He wraps his tendrils around your limbs and squeezes. <<happy for friend! friend has baby! friend knew friend be good parent!>>

You appreciate the compliment, BOB -- though you are unsure if you deserve to claim such a title. You have only just begun to care for your child.

<<BOB know friend! friend nice, friend care, friend listen, friend respect. friend be good parent!>> hope so.

Goodbye, BOB.

<<bye salty friend, bye! miss!>>

[X] "Do not be alarmed, my child. I have awoken from stasis and am now unhurt."

Your child stares at you. "What?"

You repeat your words. "I am unhurt, my child. Do not --"

Your life fluid leaks from your eyes, mixing with the consuming liquid that resides within your mouth. You realize that your words are false; your recalling of BOB has damaged you once more.

It is your first interaction with your child, and you have already declared a falsehood! Very not good!

"I apologize. I am partially hurt from the recalling. But do not be alarmed; these injuries are in no way debilitating. They will fade in time."

Your child continues to stare. You are unaware as to what their staring means. Human facial movements are a challenge for you to understand. "What."

"Are you well, my child?" You examine them, pushing yourself closer. "Your flesh seems to be in good repair. BOB is an expert at his craft."

Your child's breathing begins to elevate again. Are they sick? "Are you in need of medical attentio--"

"No!" Your child extends their limb, pushing your face away from theirs. "I'm. I'm fine. Mom. E-Everything's fine. Um."

They begin to withdraw from the couch. "I-I need to get to school. I'm gonna be late."


Human Brain Recall Roll: 10.

The term is familiar. You believe it involves a considerable amount of... "apples"?

"Apples" are a form of sustenance, particularly that of a "fruit". Your gift giver frequently partook in "apples" and found them appetizing. Perhaps your child is in need of this particular form of sustenance?

[X] You will come with your child to obtain these apples. You must make sure they are being properly fed.
[X] There is no need for your child to go to a "school". You will provide apples of your own.
-[X] There should be apples within the sustenance storage -- or "fridge".
-[X] There should be a facility in which you can purchase apples. A "grocery store".
-[X] Accessing your true existence should provide you with the apples you require.
[X] Write in...
[X] Let him go to school. He will eventually have to leave the nest and this would be good practice.
[X] You will come with your child to obtain these apples. You must make sure they are being properly fed.

we must make sure they are good apples