Iron Viking Company Recruitment and Interest Check[CthulhuTech]

The Bird

In that den of villains and scum, OKLAHOMA
In the 22 Century, there was only war.

The Migou waged war upon humanity, seeking to shatter them, and return humans to being their unknowing, impotent slaves. To this end, they have engineered the Nazzadi to wreck humanity. And as the war raged on, darker shadows gathered. Cults dedicated to Hastur, to dread Nyarlathotep, and to the greatest Old One, Cthulhu.

And, hidden within earths population is the foul and treacherous Chrysalis Corporation, and the foul half human Dhoanoids, seeking to bring ruin and despair.

But all is not lost. Brave men and women do everything within their power to slow, or stop, the encroaching darkness. The Ashcroft Organization searches for arcane superscience to even the odds against the Migou, the Eldritch Society, who fight against the Dhoanoids with their otherworldly forms, and the NEG, who field mecha, soldier, and ship to fight the threats to earth.

One of the NEG's top units, Iron Viking Company, fights a daily battle against the Migou, on the edge of colonized space. Thats where you come in. All recent recruits, you have joined Iron Viking Company, as either a common foot soldier, who may rise to greatness, a mecha pilot, pulling off incredible orbital maneuvers, or perhaps a arcanotechnician, to maintain the equipment needed to survive in the distant reaches of space.

Will you manage to hold off earths alien enemies, or will you fall, forgotten, like so many others?


So, yeah, a CthulhuTech campaign wherein all the PC's serve as part of a elite strike unit, Iron Viking Company, fighting the Migou and assorted alien threats in the frontier.

Now, rules. First off, I'm restricting the number of people who can use vanilla mechs. This is so that I don't wind up with more mech pilot PC's than other kinds of PC's. As it is, for every four players who are not mech pilots, ONE person may pilot a mech. That means, if we wind up getting eight players, and none of them can use mechs, we can have two pilots, simple enough?

As for Engels, only accepting two apps, because Engels are very, very powerful.

Also, if anyone needs the rules, I can link you to a PDF.
CTHULHUTECH! This is a verse I have been interested in for some time, but haven't been able to get into, so I'd be interested in participating in a CthulhuTech RP.
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Name: Leeroy Hart
Race: Human
Profession: Mechanic
Agility: 4
Intellect: 6
Perception: 3
Presence: 4
Strength: 4
Tenacity: 9(+1)

Pilot: Adept(3)
Armorer: Master(5)
Education: Adept(3)
Engineering: Adept(3)
Technician: Master(5)
Munitions: Master(4)

Secondary Attributes:
Action: 3
Movement: 4
Orgone: 13
Reflex: 4
Vitality: 12
Drama Points: 3

Background: Born on a small space station, Leeroy was always a good mechanic. High School, he studied engineering and, on the side, worked as a mechanic to earn money. Prior to joining the military, the space station he resided on was destroyed in mysterious circumstances, with Leeroy being one of the few survivors. After the incident, he was interrogated by the NEG, however, his interrogation transcript is classified, and he is barred from discussing it.

After the incident, he signed up with the NEG as a mechanic, got his degree, and now serves as Iron Vikings defacto weaponsmith.




Dark Secret(3)
Mystically Void(4)

CS-44 "Enforcer"
Combat Knife – Composite
Phalanx II Security Shield


There ya go, a sample character sheet. FYI, mechs'll go under 'gear', you get 30 points to spend on atributes, 20 on skills and assets, and can get more points for skills and assets by taking drawbacks. Also, if you take the 'dark secret' drawback, I'll need you to PM me.

Everything clear?
So we're in space cut off from earth, are we a part of the colony survivors?

What year is it?
Name: Stephanie Kurst
Race: Human
Profession: (Military) Intelligence Agent

Agility: 6
Intellect: 7
Perception: 8 (+1)
Presence: 7
Strength: 3
Tenacity: 5

Observation: Expert
Surveillance: Adept
Computers: Student
Marksman: Adept
Stealth: Student
Security: Student
Dodge: Student
Streetwise: Adept
Research: Novice
Literacy: Expert
Bureaucracy: Novice
Misdirect: Student
Trivia: Novice
Regional Knowledge: Novice
Persuade: Adept

Secondary Attributes:
Action: 1
Movement: 4
Orgone: 10
Reflex: 6
Vitality: 9
Drama Points: 10

Background: Born in a North American Arcology Stephanie Kurst was raised to be loyal to the New Earth Government. Succeeding in her schooling she had be talent scouted by the Global Intelligence Agency early on and by the time se graduated from Secondary Schooling she had found herself training in the military to be apart of NEG's GIA. After receiving her commission into GIA under the military intelligence division she undertook her fist assignment in Japan. The aftermath of this assignment and operation would lead to among other things gaining a rival in the form of a Eldritch Society Operative named Sarah Bishop*, angering a local restaurant chain** and an assignment to the Iron Vikings. This wasn't to say that didn't know others on the assignment; she had already developed contacts with a pair of NEGA Sergeants and a NEGN officer*** assigned to the Iron Vikings prior to her assignment.

*= Rival
**=Wanted level 1
***= Contact level 2; two low level and one medium level.

(Name of Contacts; Sergeants Peterson(M) and Sato(F), Lieutenant Briggs(M)

Driven (2)
Contact (2)
Authority (3)

Fanatical (3)
Rival (2)
Hunted (1)
Duty (2)

Surveillance Gear
Portable Computer
Sentrytech Mk V armor

The Op should have been simple; get in, investigate for any connection to Chrysalis and get out. She had accounted for NEG to get involved, but she had not accounted for a certain GIA agent's doggedness. Sarah glared at Lieutenant Kurst as the young women, barely in her twenties checked her heavy SMG.

"My back up is enrout; multiple squads and the rest of my team loaded for bear, and all I want to know is what that this is." With that the GIA agent jestured towards the markings on the wall of the closed resturant.

Sarah Bishop; bog-standard human Operative of the Eldritch Society glared as she spoke.

"No your concern Stephanie, you allowed my qurrary to escape." And I still might be able to find him, she thought.

The other girl blinked as her eyes widend in recognition "Sarah-"

Sarah didn't give her high achieving classmate chance to continue by throwning a smoke grenade to the ground before turning and escaping out a broken window and into the sidestreet.

Maybe you'll ready for the truth Stephanie, soon but not today. Sarah thought as she fled.
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The +1 on tenacity? Humans get a small bonus to a attribute of their choice, I picked tenacity.
Watched. I would like if you can PM me the pdf, dood. I only have experience with MB campaigns, and I would like to remedy that.

For now, consider this as I'm interested in your game.
Interested Jacob, but will need the rules...never play CT before but I like the setting thanks to EarthScorpions NGE/CT fic.
Noooooo. You aren't cut off from earth. Nowheres in the OP did I say that. And, FYI, the year is 2104

One of the NEG's top units, Iron Viking Company, fights a daily battle against the Migou, on the edge of colonized space. Thats where you come in. All recent recruits, you have joined Iron Viking Company, as either a common foot soldier, who may rise to greatness, a mecha pilot, pulling off incredible orbital maneuvers, or perhaps a arcanotechnician, to maintain the equipment needed to survive in the distant reaches of space.

...I'd say most of this paragraph gave me that idea.

I'd ask about psychics but they honestly take to long to build up to be anything worth while.

EDIT: That is 17 years after the last book, if you're putting us that far forward your going to have to explain something of how everything is still at a stalemate after that many years.
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Do Engels count as Mech Pilots for the Mech Pilot to Other Players ratio?

Do we get any Cheat points?

Also, who's doing what? I want to see the numbers before deciding on a character.
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No, Engels don't. Purely for the sake of the ratio, at least. However, I should note that Engel spots are not first come first serve.
Interested. Have read the books, tried to run an adapted-for-XCOM game before deciding to change the ruleset, so I have no actual experience playing it. Part of the reason I changed was because the combat rules get....


Difficult might be a good way to put it.

Anyway, a few questions and comments.

First of all, how Mech centric is this gonna be? About how many players? Any restrictions in characters we can make, other than the usual "must be soldier, no Tagers, ect ect"?

When the Mechs are stomping around, what will the soldiers and agents be doing? When the soldiers and mechs are doing their stuff, how are technicians and noncombatants going to be participating?

How lethal are you planning on making this?

How often are you going to make sanity an issue? Are you using all the books? Any houserules or items or the like you're gonna be putting down?

For experimental tech, how much more advanced is this stuff? For example, could I be a Nephilim Handler without most of the nasty "It'll come back to eat and kill you anytime anything goes wrong, ever" drawback coming into play?

I've read over a lot of the rules and tech and such, lots of the fluff, but I'm fairly ignorant of the way things actually went - the entirely fluff books and such.

Also, who's doing what? I want to see the numbers before deciding on a character.
Planning on going soldier. High practicality, high survivability, ect ect. Hoping for power armor or mini mech or the like(can't remember exactly what they were called)
  • Name: Jordan Janus Greene (JJ)
    Age: 26
    Gender: Female
    Race: Human.
    Allegiance: NEG.
    Profession: Soldier.
    Defining Characteristics: Noble|Proud

    Attribute Points: 35 + 1(Human Bonus)
    Skill Points: 20 + 10(Drawback Bonus)
    Cheats Spent To: Increase Vitality(-6)

    (Brother to the left, Jordan to the right)

  • Primary Attributes
    Agility: 8
    Intellect: 5
    Perception: 5
    Presence: 4
    Strength: 7
    Tenacity: 7

    Secondary Attributes
    Actions: 2
    Movement: 7 [15 mph (37/9 ypt)]
    Orgone: 11
    Reflex: 6
    Vitality: 18 = 90 Points [1-18=Flesh, 19-36=Light, 37-54=Moderate, 55-72=Serious, 73-90=Deaths Door]
    Drama Points: 10

    Armed Fighting[Agility]: Novice (Focus: Swords)
    Armorer[Intellect]: Student (Focus: Personal Armor, Sidearms, Blades)
    Athletics[Variable]: Novice
    Artist[Perception]: Student (Focus: Drawing)
    Dodge[Agility]: Novice
    Hobby[Variable]: Student (Only: Cosplay)
    Languages[Intellect]: Expert (Only: English)
    Literacy[Intellect]: Novice
    Marksman[Perception]: Adept (Focus: Pistols)
    Medicine[Intellect]: Student
    Pilot[Agility]: Novice (Only: Wheeled Vehicles, A-Pod Personal Hovercraft)
    Regional Knowledge[Intellect]: Novice
    Survival[Tenacity]: Student

    Point Total = -19
  • Assets
    Acute Hearing (2)
    -I hardly have the hearing of a bat, but I can certainly hear a lot more than your average man.
    Fast (2)
    -I'm fast. Always have been, and I hope I always will be.
    High Pain Threshold (3)
    -It doesn't matter how hard you hit me, how many bones you break, how many times I get shot. Try to kill me if you dare, but I promise, I won't make it easy.while.
    Ally (1)
    -You never know just how weird the world can get until you become best friends with a Ghoul. Especially when that Ghoul is an accomplished doctor slash magician.
    Ally (2)
    -My brother, Josh, he's always done right by me. He's been with the NEG since he was sixteen, and he hasn't wasted a single moment of that time. He may not be one of those super high ranked bigwigs, but he's one of the best damned pilots you'll ever see in a mech.
    Internal Compass (1)
    -I've never understood how people get lost so easy. I mean, it's not really all that hard to keep track of where you are, right?
    Peripheral Vision (1)
    -After a couple dozen ambushes and muggings, you learn to keep your eyes open.
    Alluring (1)
    -People have always said me and my brother look good.
    Code (3)
    -I always keep my promises.
    -I accept any challenge to single combat.
    -I will never turn my back on a friend in need.
    -I will not kill a human or nazzadi without due cause.
    -I will always fight for the greater justice.
    -I will never allow one to harm what is mine or steal what is mine.
    Debt (2)
    -My family doesn't have much of a record for good self control.
    Damaged (2)
    -People are property just as any other. However, their value exceeds that of any object because of their potential - and so to harm a person without extremely good reason is to ruin a valuable asset for no good reason.
    -Possession is a matter of intent, importance, and potential. A trinket bought on a whim, with no sentimental or monetary value, is not possessed but rather held. A person who one has fought and grown together with, who is ones' best friend, is possessed and possesses one in turn.
    -The world is a matter of values. Values are relative, true, but only to an extent. It doesn't matter if an insane hobo who has never accomplished anything thinks their life is worth more than that of a soldier who regularly saves the lives of dozens or hundreds of people; the soldier has a greater objective value.
    Duty (2)
    -I dunno what you been told, but the NEG is the best of the bold!
    Dark Secret (2)
    Fuck you guys. Just because you've never seen him don't mean he doesn't exist. Yancy is a private sort, and he's staying that way for the foreseeable future, you get me?
    Anti-Luck (3)
    -Seems like things always go bad for me at the worst time....

    Point Total = +12, -13

  • Wireless Communication Earpiece
    Digital Video Recorder
    Light Spectrashield Combat Armor
    Holsters X2
    Frag Grenades X3
    CS-44 Enforcer X2
    Laser Sight X2
    Short Sword
    Road Bicycle
  • "My story? There ain't much of one, you know that? Still? Eh, fine. I known you for a while, Jack, only had you threaten to eat me the once. Better than some people I've met.

    So. My story, eh? Let me think of where to start....

    Suppose the gambling would be the best part. My family has a long history of luck, both good and bad. Half of my ancestors were either killed in fights or driven insane by all that arcanotech shit they got up and running way back when, while the other half got rich off of discoveries made, assholes killed, and gambles that paid off. Which is where my mother pops into the picture.

    My mother was a bitch. She married my dad thinking he'd get some kind of stinking rich inheritance when in reality, all he got was an old antique cowboy hat that wasn't worth anything. So she got abusive, got in trouble, started gambling. Father, Gods bless his soul, did his best by us. Fought and fought to keep me and my brother safe, divorced her once he realized just what she was doing. Too little too late, unfortunately. We're the ones that got the vast majority of the debt, and the only way we could escape it was, well....

    Yeah. My dad did a lot of things he never should've had to, but he always did right by us. Right up until the day he died and what was left of the debt fell onto us. My brother - Joshua, I've told you about him, I'm sure - went into the military, and that was about the time I started realizing just how much I had to be responsible for myself. Fool kid that I was, I went and did some stupid shit. It was only with a fair amount of hard knocks to the head and some close calls in the mil for my bro that I realized what I was doing.

    I cleaned up my act. Responsibility, holding myself back... eh, it didn't come natural. So I started making up objectives, codes, stuff that I would follow and do no matter what. Suppose that's why I'm so clear-headed about things today. People can say whatever the hell they want about the value of a person, but I'll just keep on saying that people only have value if they're willing to fulfill their potential.

    My brother did. Joined the NEG to provide for me, started trucking around in one of those mechs. Not the Engels, no; usually either a Broadsword or the Powered Armor types. Always said he prefers the Crusader because you can breathe in the damn things. I've seen him in that armor, and let me tell you, it might as well be a second skin. A very large, powerful, and deadly second skin.

    Anyway, a few years later I'm done fucking around and join the NEG. Around the same time, I met you... how did it go? I was out for R&R when somebody blasted me full of holes and left me for dead in a shallow ditch? 'Course, when I woke up it was to your ugly mug. Thought I was gonna get eaten by some Rapine Storm monster, you know that?

    Good times.

    Anyway, things went as they did. You explained, I disbelieved, you explained more, I disbelieved more, you threatened to eat me, I decided to investigate, and in the end of things we somehow managed to become best buddies. Well, after you dragged me into a hole and had me try to prove that I wasn't gonna sell you guys out, anyway.

    And then I finally got your name. Yes, yes, I know my face looked hilarious, for fucks sake man you'd be shocked too if some man-eating monster-looking thing came up to you and introduced himself as Yancy. Don't gotta rub it in all the time.

    Anyway, not much to tell from that point. Me and bro are still trying to work off our debts. I'm fairly well along as a soldier, though it's not like I've got my own private squad like my brother. We see eachother sometimes. Been a couple joint operations. Stuff like that. Not much else to say.

    Where the hell did this come from, anyway? Eh? 'Course I trust you. You had my back before you even knew me, you had my back when the other Ghouls were biting at the bit to turn me into dinner, and you had my back when we found the asshole that tried to kill me and paid him back his bullets, with interest.

    Honestly, man. You're my buddy."
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Also, noting; the lack of cheat points, 30 attribute points rather than 35, skills not being capped to Adept at the start, are all intentional, correct?

Edit: Also, what are your policies on modifying Mecha?
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Also, @WarShipper , to answer your questions, one by one...

1. Eh, Mechs are going to be a PART of it, and a important part, but it'll focus just as much on the nonmechs as well.

2. I'll close applications around ten players.

3. You don't HAVE to be soldiers, so long as you can justify being a part of Iron Viking. For example, you could be the cook, a attached war correspondent, ect.

4. During Mech Combat, ground forces will be providing support, of course. Noncombatants will have their roles as well, of course.

5. Medium lethality

6. Sanity will depend on the current mission. Some missions will be more SAN taxing than others. That said, you're fighting the Migou, the least mindrapy of the mythos

7. Er, I only have the one rulebook, the core one. If you have a rule book that gives some more experimental tech with it, send it my way, I'll look it over.
Also, noting; the lack of cheat points, 30 attribute points rather than 35, skills not being capped to Adept at the start, are all intentional, correct?

Edit: Also, what are your policies on modifying Mecha?

Ninjad by the edit. It depends, honestly. Custom Mecha will be reviewed on a case by case basis.