Invasion (One Punch Man/Worm)

Sting-enhanced net gun?

Boros could recover from being a almost blood splatter-like pounded steak (and that was when he was at his limits). You got to try better, or have something shut down his regeneration.

Because (from my own interpretation of his feats) that's where he gets his brute-ness: he doesn't actually tank damage, rather he recovers from it.
Boros could recover from being a almost blood splatter-like pounded steak (and that was when he was at his limits). You got to try better, or have something shut down his regeneration.

Because (from my own interpretation of his feats) that's where he gets his brute-ness: he doesn't actually tank damage, rather he recovers from it.
Alright, so apply the Sting effect to an entire large vehicle and ram that into him, erasing his entire mass.
Alright, so apply the Sting effect to an entire large vehicle and ram that into him, erasing his entire mass.

Three things with that:

Thing 1: If you're enhancing your entire large vehicle with Sting, it's just going down into the ground.

Thing 2: A big ol semi-truck or a hummer or something is good at going forward on a road at a good clip. In a straight line, about 100km/h. Boros demonstrates some pretty agile movement during his fight, so hitting him is a problem.

Thing 3: Assuming you've got the front of the vehicle all Sting'd up, and Boros decides to take it like a man straight to the torso, his feet are still gonna be left behind once you drive through him.
I do like this, not just because its different than your average wormfic, but also because its different than your average OPM fic. Most OPM crossovers try to bring Saitama, but the problem is that he's the punchline to a very specific and finely crafted joke, and putting him in a different setting destroys his magic.
Just popping by to say that if Amy touches Boros she can just turn him in to a sea cucumber.

Also clockblocker.

Also grayboy clone.

Also simurg/behemoth as he can never win against the birb and rockyboi can redirect all his atacks right back at his face.

Also glastig.

You get the idea.
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At least let us see him kick Eidolon to the moon first. And the following PHO thread on the invasion.
Invasion 1.5
Invasion 1.5

"We have go for White Flame, I repeat White Flame!"

"I've got Black-Looming Apparition and Negative three-five-six-zero from Maine! Our PRT base is out of commission!"

"Hunch in Boston is practically seizing right now, I need confirmation from Black Chip for assistance!"

"President's throwing a shit fit, but we've got his Cape Detail on high alert, Triumvirate escorting him to safe zone Delta-Nine-Two-Nine. Air-force waiting for deployment orders as soon as those guns are out of action."

"Dragon en route, t-minus eight minutes. Requesting feedback on A and S-class threat movements!"

Vista watched the utter chaos storming through the base as though she was thousands of miles away.

It was hard to stay focused when she could turn to look out at the lobby window and see the butchered corpse of her home through a nearly rainbow filter of energy. She glanced at it now, as if simply thinking about it created a compulsive force one couldn't hope to fight.

Dust clouds were continuing to rise from what was left of the city, still not even close to reaching the metal monster that hovered above. It's immense shadow dominated the landscape and she felt her heart tinge in fear.

In a way, she had found the barely managed panic of the communications office to be a reprieve. Several floors below, the evacuated few hundred they had been able to save were on the brink of total emotional collapse in the lobby and medical wing. She had even seen several troopers crying in hallway corners and closets were the civilians couldn't see them.

The rest of her team was down there. Dean was down there. She wanted nothing more than to hug the life out of him, let everything she'd be bottling up to spill out. Not something she could do now though, especially when he was busy comforting families and likely not thinking of what had happened to his own in the city.

She didn't want to go down there either. Couldn't stand the idea of seeing these families use each other for support, knowing in her heart of hearts that her own couldn't have made it out alive. So she had volunteered to stay up top, along with Sophia, Rory, Miss Militia, and Armsmaster. Selfish maybe, with Assault and Battery missing, but....

Nothing, she thought. You know it's selfish.

The hero leaders were busy talking with Director Piggot, who she was guessing was talking to everyone important about what the fuck they were going to do. Rory was standing guard by one of the entrances to their office, mouth cast in a severe frown. She had seen his family get here safely, but with a missing cousin probably still on his mind, she was impressed at his unwavering position at his post.

Sophia was... somewhere. Probably her room. Vista didn't expect much from her annoyingly dickish teammate, but she thought she saw more than a glimpse of fear in her body language before Sophia left the comms office, focused entirely on her phone. Hard to read with her mask and cloak but... yeah, it had been there.

Vista saw movement out of the corner of her eye.

One of the workers glanced at her for a moment, seemingly studying her before going back to work, rapidly typing on his computer and mouthing something incoherent to himself.

What is going through his head right now? How to fight back? His family? Was he trying to block out the insanity?

Was he wondering what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing?

What she wanted to do, was to scream. To hit. To fight.

But the scale of the situation was too big, and she didn't even know where to begin, besides going down to that hellhole of a lobby and try not to lose herself in the madness.

Or maybe there is something I could do.

The thought crossed with that image of a fearful Sophia, her phone the only thing she had been paying attention to. She imagined if it had been Dean here instead of herself, what he would have done in her place seeing that strange sight.

Would he have said something? Probably.

Would it have been the right something? Again, probably.

Could she say the right thing?

Let's fucking find out I guess.

She left the controlled chaos, waving at Rory and getting a nod in return, before stepping through the sliding metal door. The soundproofing between rooms was astounding, and she felt a small bit of relief at the lack of buzzing phones and shouting workers.

What to even say to her? Sorry, the world is pretty much ending and I'm just here because I feel fucking useless? How are ya holding up?

Vista had no doubt that'd get a reaction from her, but that would also involve a probably deserving punch to the face.

No, the best thing she could was just to ask if anything was okay. She could improvise the rest when it came to it.

The hallway wasn't a long one, each room having been made side-by-side with each other, but Vista wanted to take a moment to mentally prepare herself. Maybe pick up a candy bar from her room, offer it to her as a semi-peace offering-

There was a post-it note on one of the doors. Her own door.

It's words were almost incomprehensible, not due to spelling or penmanship or anything of the like, but because she didn't want to understand them.

Don't cry too loud, you'll wake me up

Vista read it once. She read it twice. She paced from her door to the others, checking to see if they had anything like this.


She read it a third time. The fourth time she ripped it off her door, crumpled it into a ball, then uncrumpled it and read it twice more.

By the sixth time, she stuffed it into her pocket and stood at Sophia's door. Her eyes were misting up, but she wasn't really looking at anything. She sniffled and wiped at her nose but it was automatic instead of a conscious act.

A part of her knew that something like this would happen. It was something to anticipate when dealing with Shadow Stalker.

I didn't think she'd get to me before I even talked to her.

She wanted to scream. To hit. To fight that insensitive bitch.

She couldn't scream, it would only scare the hell out of everyone and give her a reaction she expected.

She couldn't hit, she was half her size, and it would fuck over the team.

I could fight.

Not her though. Same problem as hitting.

Vista moved out to the end of the corridor and made a left. The stairway leading to the helipad would be on lock down unless she had a Trooper passcard or Aegis voice ID, but she was pissed enough that some shrinking and smacks from her helmet should do the trick.

She would fight. Oh, would she fucking fight.

I hope I don't disturb your fucking catnap.

Vista ascended the stairs, tears streaming down her cheeks and a mad gleam in her eye.


Is the firing mechanism engaged Gunner?

"Yes, Geryganshoop."

It's time we eradicated those pesky annoyances in the Type 5 construction. We've lost too many of our crew to permit this slight.

"Yes, Geryganshoop"

There was no reply.

Gunner sighed. Gunner wasn't even his name, but because he was the first one to volunteer for the job, he was now officially Gunner. His own offspring called him Gunner instead of "Papa" when they had been born, and he had to limit himself to eating only the first two to calm his rage.

But what was a Xarnac to do? He couldn't file a complaint, because complainers had their minds turned to sludge or cut into pieces and fed to Groribas for dinner. They had lost the first Gunner that way if he recalled right, but that had been nearly forty years ago, so he might have mistaken him for the third Gunner.

Yes, life was tough for Gunner, secluded away from the genocide below in the safety of what he called "God's Eye", a metal operating room for managing the ships weapon systems. He didn't call that in public of course. Zipadoor from Meal Processing would laugh at him and that cute Cellosaur from the Loot Corridor would think he was a total loser.

When someone worked under the grace of Lord Boros, what god could possibly exist?

Still, "God's Eye" gave him the smallest of comforts as Gunner. Like right now. Here was a tiny, savage, unimportant world colony attempting to fight back against the might of the Dark Matter Thieves. Like a gnat trying to flap away a typhoon with it's minuscule wings.

As Gunner, he was that all powerful typhoon, rending that gnat into billions of bloody pieces and wiping it from history itself.

Small comforts and what not.

Gunner felt the thrum of the cannon loading forth their bullets, thousands of tons of metal careening down to rain ruin and death. Gunner also felt a small quirk of the lips.

I've decided. When this is all over, I'll ask Cello to dinner. Some roasted Claufor sounds good right now.

His screens zeroed in on the building, examining it's defenses and prodding for data. A tiny native being was being chased across the small landing pad for their primitive flying vehicles, a group of natives following after it.

Gunner set its sights directly at the creature as it stopped. It had likely been looking for a chance to escape on one of the machines, no doubt shocked to find the entire building engulfed in the cannon lights.

The computer chimed. 80% chance a single volley would bypass the field of energy. The quirk became a mad grin of bloodlust.

And then the camera glitched. Gunner paused, confused. He tapped the screen and the camera goes out. Soon all the screens begin to fritz and die out, and panic is beginning to set in.

He cycles through the controls, but the aiming systems are outputting errors, giving him conflicting data on what and where things are.


A tremor rumbles throughout the ship, and even within "God's Eye" Gunner Can hear an almost unbearable rending of metal. The tremors increase to the point that he's knocked off his feet, and the cries of his comrades begin to echo through the walls.

Was that an explosive he heard? Had there been some sort of misfire? Impossible, he'd checked the coordinates and the computer had verified them!

Gunner! The entire lower battery has been demolished! A telekinetic has caused the misfire! Prepare yourself with the landing party! Groribas shall lead the assault to reinforce Melzargard!

Lying down, his safe haven reverberating with the sounds of failure, Gunner could only think to himself.

"I wanna go home Mama."
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Holy shit Vista! We all knew she was a bullshit powerful Shaker. Would her shard even count the aliens as alive, considering they aren't from any Earth? Also, I need to know, how are all the other Parahumans in the Bay?
This has to be the best OPM Crossover I have ever read. Fucking watched and liked!
Boros v Behemoth would be one hell of a stalemate, Behemoth's dynakinesis should let him counter literally every attack Boros has, but on the other hand I don't think Behemoth has the necessary power output to get through Boros's regeneration. So they'd probably end up flailing uselessly at each other until Boros manages to land a sneak attack that he can't redirect.

Boros may also have issues with the Simurgh, as it theoretically doesn't matter how fast he goes against her precognition. She might also be able to mess him up with some weird esoteric tinker effects that Boros can't easily counter.

Don't get me wrong, Boros and his minions are, power-wise, way beyond anything except the Warrior Entity itself, but the vast majority of Boros and co's abilities are just 'more power igor' and they're strongly lacking in defenses against some of the weirder trans-dimensional bullshit that some Shards can do. Earth Bet is definitely in deep shit, but trashing the planet isn't going to be the usual curb-stomp that Boros is otherwise used to.
I wonder what must be going on in the PHO site, with the news of fucking aliens existing and the fact they basically nuked a city and all. People must be going nuts. Also, Boros could probably beat most Endbringers if he used his CSRC since that thing has enough punch on it to travel past the layers and to the core.
I wonder what must be going on in the PHO site, with the news of fucking aliens existing and the fact they basically nuked a city and all. People must be going nuts. Also, Boros could probably beat most Endbringers if he used his CSRC since that thing has enough punch on it to travel past the layers and to the core.

Probably a buncha guys saying "That's no alien ship, the CUI had the Yangban go multi-tinker, built a helicarrier, and just kicked off Cape War One" and that's the least out there theory being debated on the boards
I wonder what must be going on in the PHO site, with the news of fucking aliens existing and the fact they basically nuked a city and all. People must be going nuts. Also, Boros could probably beat most Endbringers if he used his CSRC since that thing has enough punch on it to travel past the layers and to the core.
Given the implausible material Endbringers are made of, while Boros could probably kill one in a straight fight without any esoteric tricks (which basically means Leviathan), he'd have to work for it and it probably wouldn't be a one-shot. Endbringer core material has a physically impossible tensile strength and while Boros's CSRC can probably output enough force to breach one on a direct hit against an immobile target, it's unlikely that he'd get a clear shot with any degree of ease.

Boros and co also have absolutely no defenses against temporal weaponry and could probably be stopped with a time bubble, which we know Entities can do because Grey Boy and Bakuda bombs.

The Endbringers would also probably stop sandbagging in a fight against Boros, which would at the very least significantly close the power gap between them. Keep in mind that throughout most of the story the Endbringers are operating on only a tiny fraction of their full output.

THAT SAID. Wildblow's statements about Endbringer physical toughness are wildly inconsistent; he says that an attack with 'enough power to destroy the surface of a planet' would one-shot an Endbringer, yet that doesn't math up with the stated tensile strength of Endbringer core material: You can 'destroy' the surface of a planet with a lot less physical force than what is needed to break an Endbringer core, of course 'destroy the surface of a planet' isn't a very precise measurement and Wildblow has a demonstrably poor ability with accurate mathematics, so it could easily go either way.

And most importantly, using the CSRC takes quite a lot out of Boros, and there are up to twenty Endbringers potentially in play. If a bunch of them all dogpiled him at once he'd be in pretty deep shit.

In short; Boros has definitely picked the right planet to invade if he's looking for a good fight.
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Given the implausible material Endbringers are made of, while Boros could probably kill one in a straight fight without any esoteric tricks (which basically means Leviathan), he'd have to work for it and it probably wouldn't be a one-shot. Endbringer core material has a physically impossible tensile strength and while Boros's CSRC can probably output enough force to breach one on a direct hit against an immobile target, it's unlikely that he'd get a clear shot with any degree of ease.

Boros and co also have absolutely no defenses against temporal weaponry and could probably be stopped with a time bubble, which we know Entities can do because Grey Boy and Bakuda bombs.

The Endbringers would also probably stop sandbagging in a fight against Boros, which would at the very least significantly close the power gap between them. Keep in mind that throughout most of the story the Endbringers are operating on only a tiny fraction of their full output.

THAT SAID. Wildblow's statements about Endbringer physical toughness are wildly inconsistent; he says that an attack with 'enough power to destroy the surface of a planet' would one-shot an Endbringer, yet that doesn't math up with the stated tensile strength of Endbringer core material: You can 'destroy' the surface of a planet with a lot less physical force than what is needed to break an Endbringer core, of course 'destroy the surface of a planet' isn't a very precise measurement and Wildblow has a demonstrably poor ability with accurate mathematics, so it could easily go either way.

And most importantly, using the CSRC takes quite a lot out of Boros, and there are up to twenty Endbringers potentially in play. If a bunch of them all dogpiled him at once he'd be in pretty deep shit.

In short; Boros has definitely picked the right planet to invade if he's looking for a good fight.
I tend to look at the WoG statement as if the core was an egg inside an adamantium box. You can't stab through the box, or punch through the box. But if you hit the box hard enough, the impact will travel through the box and hit the egg. Cracking it. To kill an Endbringer you need either hax like Scion or pure and raw kinetic energy. Not energy or stabiness. Saitama's Serious Punch and Superman's normal punch have that much energy, hence it makes sense that they can kill an Endbringer.

But yeah, Boros won't be able to fight twenty of the Endbringers. At best he could probably hold his own in a match against Leviathan and Behemoth, a match he would be losing.
THAT SAID. Wildblow's statements about
Honestly the only time WoG becomes relevant is when the author gives a shit about WoG.

So just prod the author gently with the givesashitometer, take a quick scan, and you'll know whether WoG has any potential to be relevant or not.