Into the Void (Legend of the Five Rings)

Third Person or Second Person

  • Second Person

    Votes: 26 34.7%
  • Third Person

    Votes: 49 65.3%

  • Total voters
[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
Strangely it does not appear to be, also it does kinda make sense for Gaki-do's "blessing" to also be a horrific curse.
God I'm torn between responses. Bullet points to the rescue.
  • Gaki confirmed tsundere realm.
  • Why do you want to spend Xp on something you describe as a curse?
Now seriously, I do not want either cursed or touched by Gaki do. For sidestory who doesn't know either:
Touch of the Spirit Realms [Spiritual] (5 Points) [CR]
Somehow, a fragment of the essence of a spirit realm is present in your soul, and suffeses everything you do. Shugenja characters may purchase this Advantage for 4 points.
  • Gaki-do: When you resolve an attack that kills an opponent, you immediately regain 5 Wounds.

Cursed by the Realm [Spiritual] (4 Points) [CR]
The influence of the spirit realms can be felt throughout the mortal realm of Ningen-do, and for whatever reason, the essence of one realm in particular has marked you as a foe of all that emanates from that realm. This Disadvantage is worth 5 points to shugenja characters.
  • Gaki-do: The hungry dead crave your life essence above all others. All gaki and other hungry dead will attack you before any other available target, no matter the cost.
Now Touched by Gaki do is an excellent trait, it is worse for us than most other Bushi schools because we don't get two attacks per round until IR4 however its still good for durability and is the only self heal I can think of in the game. However what is unsaid is that in the fluff it turns us into a bloodthirsty killer and haunts our dreams with visions of slaughter. I don't want to play that game, I'd rather kill fewer people, thats why we let that bandit escape after all.
Cursed by Gaki is also an excellent trait... as long as you don't run into Gakis. Cast your minds back to the fight with the bandits and Gaki. We would not have survived that if it had just targeted us 'before any other available target'. Its easy to say that its unlikely that we'll never meet one again but we'd have said that before we left the monastery as well. Its important to keep in mind that this is wild, untamed, early Rokugan, we were allowed to start with higher than normal xp because everything wants to and will try to kill us before our journeys end. I do expect we'll have another couple of encounters before we next meet a gaki, however I don't expect us to enjoy that.

Instead I think we should just save our experience, or else start the race to IR 3 with the cheap 1 xp skills such as tea ceremony.

[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

I should also mention that The Last Haiku is an excellent site if you want the raw text of L5R without buying it.

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink

E: Oh one thing I just remembered. Non brotherhood monks (the example given are the tattooed orders) can purchase Kiho for one and a half times the normal cost.
Does this apply to us? And if so what do we want?

Also Kata, I'm trying to look for one that suits us but they're all really eh.
Striking as Air seems to be the best to me as you can never go wrong with +3 ATN.
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[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink

I hope that particular XP spend doesn't sneak past one day
It's what made me find this quest, through I have to say that I don't agree with it,
I mean it's makes us sound like we solve every Problem we have via murder, which I admit we may have done so far
BUT I think we can do better and maybe once solve something with words, maybe, hopefully -_-'

We are a Ascetic monk so it should be quatered down to 1 and not 2

Can somebody explain to me what honor does ?

Honor is a bunch of things rolled into an easy to read stat. Goes from 0 to 10, with 0 being "will stab you before you even turn your back/was actually a shadowlands creature" and 10 being "I speak with the authority of 10,000 ancestors" which is a lot when you consider that the Rokugani have an entire spirit realm dedicated to their honored dead. The ranks are vaguely exponential, with it being easy to gain points of honor at lower levels for virtuous deeds and easy to lose honor at higher levels for sketchy shit.

As an example, the honor of the ronin you guys killed (what was that @Da Boyz, I am not mad) was between 1 and 2 because they were willing to waylay travelers and murder them for coin. This meant that they were pretty much the bottom of the barrel right before hitting 0. While someone like Akodo (the Lion Kami) is rocking Honor 10 pretty much all the time (Kitsu incident non-withstanding) and is one of a very few handful of people who is right now. I can only think of four off the top of my head actually.

Honor is measure of how well the samurai in question follows the principles of Bushido, which were brought to Rokugan by the Kami after they fell. Bushido is a way of living that was practiced in Tengoku (the Celestial Heavens) in order to keep harmony and peace among its denizens. Seven virtues of Bushido, all written about extensively by Akodo, Hantei, Doji, and Togashi (though very few people get to read his thoughts on the matter) and spread everywhere that samurai are a thing. As the Empire is only about 60-70% in control of the territory that it claims for its own, that means that there are a vast number of former tribesmen who do not accept Bushido which can make things difficult for the administration of the various provinces. Part of Lord Shingen's mandate actually is to pacify the surrounding region and make sure that they accept the will of the Heavens, ie: Bushido.

Honor is also (and this is just my opinion, but I am the GM so...) a measure of how much Tengoku approves of you. The same way that Shadowlands Taint is a measure of how much Jigoku has its claws in your soul, I feel that Honor is a way of tracking how much Tengoku has an influence in your life. Higher honor characters are carrying out the will of Tengoku more fully in their lives, even if they might not know about Bushido, and so gain Honor the same way a samurai would. This idea was mainly spawned because I have characters planned who are not samurai/monks/etc, and yet act with extreme reverence for the Heavens so I felt it was appropriate for them to have an Honor rank despite not being able to articulate the principles of Bushido

God I'm torn between responses. Bullet points to the rescue.
  • Gaki confirmed tsundere realm.
  • Why do you want to spend Xp on something you describe as a curse?
Now seriously, I do not want either cursed or touched by Gaki do. For sidestory who doesn't know either:

Now Touched by Gaki do is an excellent trait, it is worse for us than most other Bushi schools because we don't get two attacks per round until IR4 however its still good for durability and is the only self heal I can think of in the game. However what is unsaid is that in the fluff it turns us into a bloodthirsty killer and haunts our dreams with visions of slaughter. I don't want to play that game, I'd rather kill fewer people, thats why we let that bandit escape after all.

Cursed by Gaki is also an excellent trait... as long as you don't run into Gakis. Cast your minds back to the fight with the bandits and Gaki. We would not have survived that if it had just targeted us 'before any other available target'. Its easy to say that its unlikely that we'll never meet one again but we'd have said that before we left the monastery as well. Its important to keep in mind that this is wild, untamed, early Rokugan, we were allowed to start with higher than normal xp because everything wants to and will try to kill us before our journeys end. I do expect we'll have another couple of encounters before we next meet a gaki, however I don't expect us to enjoy that.

Instead I think we should just save our experience, or else start the race to IR 3 with the cheap 1 xp skills such as tea ceremony.

[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

Something to remember about taking Curse of Gaki-do is that I will take the chance to throw hordes of hungry ghosts at you. Plus,

If we going to keep fighting gaki we gonna get tainted. I ain't interested in that.

A lot of gaki are associated with Jigoku. Blood boiling aside, no one wants to be throwing out Earth Ring rolls every other fight.

I should also mention that The Last Haiku is an excellent site if you want the raw text of L5R without buying it.

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink

E: Oh one thing I just remembered. Non brotherhood monks (the example given are the tattooed orders) can purchase Kiho for one and a half times the normal cost.
Does this apply to us? And if so what do we want?

Also Kata, I'm trying to look for one that suits us but they're all really eh.
Striking as Air seems to be the best to me as you can never go wrong with +3 ATN.

Kata are pretty cool. Kiho would be hard to buy once you reach Lion territory given their heavy focus on specific elements of the Rokugani spiritual life.
[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
God I'm torn between responses. Bullet points to the rescue.
  • Gaki confirmed tsundere realm.
  • Why do you want to spend Xp on something you describe as a curse?
Because I think it will be interestingly narratively speaking to see a pacifist who is being shoved out into a bloody world be troubled by the touch of the realm of slaughter? Because its mechanically very useful and synchronizes very well with the (far off) IR6 technique? Because we're intevitably going to encounter more Gaki and I don't want them to eat our friends? Because Gaki are probably fat bags of XP? Because we're going to be getting a high Earth Ring (and thus Willpower) regardless? Take your pick really.
Now Touched by Gaki do is an excellent trait, it is worse for us than most other Bushi schools because we don't get two attacks per round until IR4 however its still good for durability and is the only self heal I can think of in the game. However what is unsaid is that in the fluff it turns us into a bloodthirsty killer and haunts our dreams with visions of slaughter. I don't want to play that game, I'd rather kill fewer people, thats why we let that bandit escape after all.
So long as we still have Void we're rolling 5k5 against any "hulk out and eat people" roll that Hello wants to make, and honestly given that its a fluff effect rather then a called for roll from the disadvantage I would be surprised if the TN was ever above 15. So we're basically never going to be killing people unless we choose to, and by taking Cursed by Gaki-do we're saving the lives of those around us.
Cursed by Gaki is also an excellent trait... as long as you don't run into Gakis. Cast your minds back to the fight with the bandits and Gaki. We would not have survived that if it had just targeted us 'before any other available target'. Its easy to say that its unlikely that we'll never meet one again but we'd have said that before we left the monastery as well. Its important to keep in mind that this is wild, untamed, early Rokugan, we were allowed to start with higher than normal xp because everything wants to and will try to kill us before our journeys end. I do expect we'll have another couple of encounters before we next meet a gaki, however I don't expect us to enjoy that.
Oh we're almost certainly going to be running into more Gaki, the mythic elements of Rokugan are more present here and I wouldn't be surprised if we met more then one of the original five races. That being said by picking cursed by Gaki-do we're ensuring that the only person at risk will be us, and Hideo's made his thoughts on putting himself in harm's way for others pretty clear even if this isn't an IC choice.
I hope that particular XP spend doesn't sneak past one day
Oh don't worry about that, provided that we get on the boat this is our last chance to get the trait until the next time we fight Gaki and/or murder a hell of a lot of dudes. This sin't going to be some sort of situation where you don't pay attention for one vote and then suddenly everything's changed, besides Hello's a better GM then that.
Something to remember about taking Curse of Gaki-do is that I will take the chance to throw hordes of hungry ghosts at you. Plus,
We're preventing those Gaki from eating other people by taking their anger on us, truly Hideo is a paragon of Compassion.
A lot of gaki are associated with Jigoku. Blood boiling aside, no one wants to be throwing out Earth Ring rolls every other fight.
Think of it as an incentive to get to the Earth 4 required for Mirumoto Master Sensei.
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[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu

[X] Visit a shrine (Ebisu)
-[X] Make sure you bring the rock.
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
You guys are boring
[x] Take both touched and cursed by Gaki-do

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
[X] Do not spend XP, do not take Cursed by Gaki-Do

[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
Because I think it will be interestingly narratively speaking to see a pacifist who is being shoved out into a bloody world be troubled by the touch of the realm of slaughter? Because its mechanically very useful and synchronizes very well with the (far off) IR6 technique? Because we're intevitably going to encounter more Gaki and I don't want them to eat our friends? Because Gaki are probably fat bags of XP? Because we're going to be getting a high Earth Ring (and thus Willpower) regardless? Take your pick really.

Ok so Da Boyz pointed out that I wasn't being particularly impartial so here is a quick run down of the benefits and drawbacks to the Gaki-do situation.

  • Literally the only lifesteal mechanic in L5R that doesn't come with the Taint attached.
  • Really powerful synergy with Taoist Sword skills which focus on taking a foe out of the fight with a single swing or two. Any damage taken in the exchange would be mitigated slightly by the 5 wound regeneration.
  • Act as a taunt tank during any exchanges with fiends from the realm of Gaki-do. They will literally be unable to do anything but attack you.
  • Mechanically incentives killing people. Hideo has Paragon of Compassion, which means that striking done his lessers is actually very difficult for him unless they are preying on the heimin. Killing corrupt samurai? Easy. Killing people who are just trying to survive? Much harder.
  • Really bad dreams. Like seriously bad.
  • Taunt tank only works if you have the ability to actually tank. Earth 3 is 57 wounds, that gaki had 150.
Up to you guys if you want it but I felt it was best to lay out the pros and cons as fair as possible. As far as story goes, it won't change the path forward by a lot though it could complicate/solve problems once you guys get out of the prologue. By which I mean, reach Lion lands.
  • Mechanically incentives killing people. Hideo has Paragon of Compassion, which means that striking done his lessers is actually very difficult for him unless they are preying on the heimin. Killing corrupt samurai? Easy. Killing people who are just trying to survive? Much harder.
I'd like to note that if we're at the point where we're killing people who are trying to survive then we've probably exhausted all other options, also if we're fighting our lessers and they're actually a threat we're probably being swarmed by a mob which Touched by Gaki-do really helps out with.
Really bad dreams. Like seriously bad.
Think of the drama! More seriously Ocean tattoo does ensure that at least we can function despite this.
  • Taunt tank only works if you have the ability to actually tank. Earth 3 is 57 wounds, that gaki had 150.
We're going to be improving our Earth eventually regardless if only so we can survive, also its a prerequisite for Mirumoto Master Sensei. Moreover given that we've got an innate Reduction rating this means that we'll be much better suited to recover from chip damage that mooks might put out, in L5R a dozen bandits can be an actual threat even at higher levels.
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Ok so Da Boyz pointed out that I wasn't being particularly impartial so here is a quick run down of the benefits and drawbacks to the Gaki-do situation.

  • Literally the only lifesteal mechanic in L5R that doesn't come with the Taint attached.
  • Really powerful synergy with Taoist Sword skills which focus on taking a foe out of the fight with a single swing or two. Any damage taken in the exchange would be mitigated slightly by the 5 wound regeneration.
  • Act as a taunt tank during any exchanges with fiends from the realm of Gaki-do. They will literally be unable to do anything but attack you.
  • Mechanically incentives killing people. Hideo has Paragon of Compassion, which means that striking done his lessers is actually very difficult for him unless they are preying on the heimin. Killing corrupt samurai? Easy. Killing people who are just trying to survive? Much harder.
  • Really bad dreams. Like seriously bad.
  • Taunt tank only works if you have the ability to actually tank. Earth 3 is 57 wounds, that gaki had 150.
Up to you guys if you want it but I felt it was best to lay out the pros and cons as fair as possible. As far as story goes, it won't change the path forward by a lot though it could complicate/solve problems once you guys get out of the prologue. By which I mean, reach Lion lands.
Just to be clear, I'm very aware it's mechanically optimal, but it's going to be also a major weight on the narrative, and not in an angle I prefer.
Came for the banner, stayed for the ongoing saga of the compassionate murder-monk :p. As for my opinion on the Gaki-do situation... is there any way to replace sleep with meditation or something? Because otherwise I can see having horrific night-terrors every night getting old real quick.
[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Find a boat
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink
[X] Meditate
[X] Purchase Touched by Gaki-do and take Cursed by Gaki-do as a disadvantage.

We get to fuel the (Compassionate) murder train and get to protect anyone near us from attacking Gaki! It's a win/win situation really.

[X] Plan Da Boyz
2.14 Cities End (IR 2 Training)
[X] Have the money given to a temple (stipend and ill gotten goods go to a temple of your choice)
-[X] Ebisu
[X] Train
-[X] school technique
[X] Find Mirumoto buddies and hang out
[X] Find Phoenix delegation and get that promised drink

The broken beams of morning light found Hideo sitting crosslegged in the center of the small room he was lodging in. Warm reds and yellows had been seeping through the poorly glassed windows for over an hour before he finished his prayers and meditation but the late start did seem to bother him overmuch. His movements were unhurried though deft as he arranged his few possessions into a semblance of order.

Hideo brushed his hands against the soft fabric of the forest green Dragon mon on the robe spread out over the only table in the room. He had forgotten to bring up his possession of the dead samurai's vestments during the rush of events the previous day and now he felt oddly guilty. Perhaps the souls of the fallen would be willing to overlook such an oversight given he had been responsible for returning their swords, the soul and honor of their station, to their families once more. Still, Hideo sighed as he crumpled a handful of silk in his palm, it was poor form to return the next day with the wealthy courtier robes and would probably be best if he arranged for the items to be sent to Hikari.

The bustle of the townspeople outside drew him from the table to the poorly molded glass. Under his gaze dozens of bright and dull colored blobs undulated in vague patterns across the dark lines of the city street. Hideo found it calming in a way to view the people below as faceless splotches of color finding that the sight reminded him of how it felt to meet people in dreams. The spirits of all men walked Yume-do in their sleep but the realm kept its secrets well given that no one person ever seemed to remember more than vague signs and shapes of those they met. Hideo found the metaphor apt once he pushed the window open and the street became clear to his sight.

Formless people resolved into clarity as if he had opened his eyes from sleep and Hideo stood for some time taking the city in. To the east Lady Amaterasu had risen so that only bottom tips of her robes were still hidden from his view by the city wall in the background. Her rays were reflecting off the dark rooftops of the mercantile district surrounding his choice of inn which were punctuated by the occasional rising spire of a Fortunist temple. Further to the west were more dark buildings that gave way to white stone and light brown wooden warehouses.

Hideo remembered from two nights previously when he had run through the narrowed alleys of the city to reach the riverfront, how the white and brown warehouses had seemed to stretch on forever before the harbor. The bloody images accompanied those thoughts soured his thoughtful gazing and his face adopted a frown.

With a quick pull Hideo maneuvered the window back into place. It was time to get ready for practice.


Finding a place to keep his skills sharp proved significantly less difficult than previously given his efforts the night before for the Ebisu temple. The city lord had been very thrilled indeed at the conclusion to his duel with the corrupt guard captain and had offered him the captain's stipend for the year. Fearing that he was being offered a job that he could not even think of accepting while also worried about the consequences of refusing Hikari had stepped into to clear up his confusion.

Lord Shingen was the model of a samurai complete with a strong detachment from material wealth. However this led him to consider gifting many people with wealth beyond their wildest dreams seemingly at whim not understanding immediately that they might feel uncomfortable with such gifts. Privately Hideo felt that Lord Shingen was actually offering the money as if his performance on the dueling stage had been his entertainment for the night. He carefully kept this from his face however when he made it clear that he could no more accept such an gift than grow wings and fly. His order did not have strict rules against owning property or wealth, but, few with much can understand those with little, meant he could not conscience having anything near the amount he was being offered.

The sheer magnitude of the captain's crimes had caught him off guard as well. Dozens of pounds of precious silks, a pouch of gold coins, jade chips, expensive teas and many other items had been found by the magistrates following an investigation of the guard's barracks. The villains had not even bothered to hide the evidence very well as the ill gotten gains had been found under floorboards and bunks in very little time. The city lord had offered him a full half of the recovered materials but Hideo had demurred. A compromise had been reached quickly however when it became obvious that he was not merely being polite and truly felt uncomfortable accepting the booty. The temple to Ebisu in the city would recieve a donation in gold at the appraised amount of the recovered items.

The sudden influx of what had to be many months worth of donations at once had floored the head priest. The small temple apparently only housed two priests, a pair of apprentices, and half a dozen laymen with difficulty. Hideo had been thanked profusely once the head priest, who intoduced himself as Aso, had been pulled off the floor by his companion. This thanks had included an open invitation to use the building and the small dirt grounds in the back between the smithy's on either side. Naturally this was where his journey ended so he could put some more practice in on his swordplay.

A true swordsman never gave up on refining technique and Hideo's master had considered the matter one of almost religious importance. Hideo considered it one of the few things they agreed on.

Putting thoughts of his somber sensei behind him, Hideo walked up to the open doors of the temple and passed into the sacred space. The steady hum of prayer greeted him as the priests were preforming blessings over a pair of babies held in their arms. Hideo recognized the practice from similar sights in the mountain village. Once a child reached an age that they were expected to survive the parents would go around to have them blessed by the priests of whatever Fortunes they wished to look kindly upon the child. Ebisu was a favorite among the peasants though Jurojin and Daikoku were also popular given their spheres of influence. The ability to take a child to multiple Fortunes however was a recent development given the animosity the warring tribes had shared plus the amount of wealth it took to offer sacrifices to the Seven meant that many parents only chose one.

To avoid interrupting the small crowd of people that were surrounding the two priests, likely friends and relatives of the happy couple, Hideo went along the side of the building to reach the statue to Ebisu. His prayers began, normally consisting of only a few lines about guidance and protection followed by lighting some incense. But the majority of his mind was concerned with Mirumoto Toshi.

The late guard captain was the first samurai that Hideo had killed, and Hideo feared it was not going to be the last.

Ebisu was the Fortune to honest work, considered a patron to the farmers and miners who provided food and materials that kept Rokugan from starvation. None of the Fortunes were easy to understand, but Hideo felt that he had been guided to the city and into Toshi's path by more than chance.

"Ebisu-sama...I cannot begin to understand what your thoughts might be, but if your hand pushed me into the path of such a corrupt samurai then I hope I have done you well..." Hideo trailed off unsure if he was seeing signs where none existed.

"This one prays for dedication in the face of adversity, for compassion to those less fortunate, and a willingness to hear your call." Hideo finished with a bow towards the statue.

The next few moments were spent waiting for Aso to notice him standing near the back of the temple. The head priest's face lit up upon recognition and the broad shouldered man swiftly made his goodbyes to come over.

Aso was shorter than Hideo and had only the barest of fuzz on his shaved head. He walked like a proud horse, each one of his massive strides caused by a high step lift of his thighs and his face was covered in laugh lines. Hideo had a good impression of him, and his fellow priest, despite the other's disbelief in the importance of the stone that had fallen last time. Both were good men, doing good work for the surrounding heimin.

"Togashi-sama, Ebisu's blessings on you!" Aso welcomed with an extremely low bow that made Hideo feel distinctly uncomfortable. The holy man had been more than kind to Hideo the day before, treating him with more deference than was strictly necessary.

"Good morning Aso-san." Hideo said with a returning bow. "I don't want to take up too much of your time, but you mentioned yesterday that the temple had a space behind it for meditation and physical pursuits? If it is not a bother, I was hoping to use it to walk further on the swordman's path."

Aso clapped his hands together like a small child and turned so Hideo could see behind him.

"Behind those doors is the training area for our laymen and acolytes. It is open to you at anytime, here," Aso grabbed the shoulder of a laymen wearing the white and red cloth of his temple. The symbol for Ebisu streamed down the back and a small crest on the shoulder indicated his position in the temple hierarchy.

"Kaga will show you and help with anything you need." Aso finished after getting the man's attention.

Kaga was a short burly man with thick eyebrows that vaguely reminded Hideo of long black beetles. His head was shaved clean and polished so it shined in the candle light while his eyes were a smokey black-brown color. Hideo could see calluses and cuts along his arms and a twisted burn scar roiled its way from his left hand up into the sleeve of his outfit.

Hideo and Kaga exchanged greetings after bowing while Aso continued giving directions to Kaga.

"Treat Togashi-sama with the utmost of respect, his worth to this temple should not be underestimated!" Aso commanded loudly.

Hideo smiled awkwardly at the short monk. This was really too much.

"I understand Aso-sama. Togashi-sama, please follow me," Kaga said with an open smile that crinkled his eyes into slits. Hideo followed him across the temple to the previously indicated set of doors while Kaga opened up with a question.

"Togashi-sama, if you do not consider it too rude can I ask why you carry a sword?"

Hideo looked at Kaga in confusion while they crossed the space to reach the door. "I am a samurai, Kaga-san. The katana is the samurai's soul, the wakizashi, his honor. No samurai would ever dream of walking around without it."

Kaga stopped in front of the door and looked Hideo up and down. "Pardon my confusion Togashi-sama, but I had understood you were ise zumi?"

Hideo's confusion fled. He knew that to many having a tattoo made one an ise zumi; a member of the warrior monks who grew up around Togashi following the Kami's decent. This was not strictly true, the Dragon Clan's monk order accepted anyone capable of proving worthy, though few enough passed muster. Togashi-sama was unlikely to ask his followers who practiced with a sword to give it up and fully embrace monkhood, and Hideo's school had built up around these people. Others came from the families set up among Mirumoto's followers who felt that Mirumoto's legacy was a poor fit for their Tao.

Hideo smiled reassuringly at Kaga to show he took no offence from the questions. "I am an orphan, raised in a monastery of swordmasters. My name is a product of this, but I was never inducted into the Tattooed Order because my talents lay elsewhere."

Kaga nodded, but Hideo read in his eyes that there was no understanding. The plain wooden door was pushed open and the two men walked out onto a dusty path surrounded by sand and long stemmed weeds. Kaga walked with a slow sureness to his steps, the dust and debris deftly avoided with an economy born of long practice.

To the left of the path was a dug out pit only half a foot in depth, but very wide in diameter with a flat bottom. Kaga's steps took the pair to the edge of the pit and Kaga raised a hand to indicate its expanse.

"This is our training ground. Myself and a few of the more martially inclined brothers practice our forms here to stay sharp. Honoring Ebisu through hardwork is rewarding." Kaga said. Hideo noticed towards the end that Kaga seemed unsure of himself, and Hideo felt compelled to provide some encouragement.

"I am sure that Ebisu is well honored in this place Kaga-san, thank you for showing the way." Hideo bowed a little lower than strictly necessary to show his thanks. Kaga's face broke into a smile, showcasing a huge gap in his teeth were a pair of the top ones were missing.

"Your kind words are wasted on one such as me, but I thank you anyway. Aso-sama said that I was to assist you in anyway possible; perhaps you would benefit from the use of a sparing partner? If so, I would be glad to volunteer." Kaga almost gushed.

Hideo's face flushed slightly in embarrassment. He had no real wish to involve the monk in his training given the importance of his duties, but at the same time the head priest had given his blessing. Kaga's open face complete with missing teeth seemed a little too hopeful for Hideo to turn down however. It was fully possible the hardworking monk could prove a good whetstone for his skills, and so Hideo bowed again.

"Thank you Kaga-san, this one would be in your debt." Hideo said as he righted himself.

There were no more words exchanged as they set up on opposite ends of the pit. The wind was pushing through the buildings on either side of them, bringing the clanging sounds of blacksmithing and the soft choking smoke as well. Weeds pushed up on all sides of the training area though the flat surface beneath Hideo's feet had been trampled free of the offenders through constant practice. Hideo matched Kaga's stare with his own as he set up his hands in a defensive posture. Kaga's feet had entered a wide open stance, suggesting a Water or Air influence was at work. Hideo's eyes were able to pick out the tenseness of his opponent's thighs as the short man dropped lower to the ground.

An unspoken signal passed between them and Kaga burst from his position in a flurry of dust. His crouching form was propelled across the pit into Hideo's waiting fists and their arms blurred in motion. Hideo was immediately set upon with a furious rain of blows that he barely deflected with his wrists and palms. Put upon by this barrage, Hideo backed up one step at a time towards the edge of the rough circle.

Kaga's style reminded Hideo vaguely of water flowing over rocks, the flow of strikes coming swiftly in turns but to the eye were deceptively slow. His arms were taking a pummeling however, and passively observing his opponent's style would not help that much if he did not act.

With a crack Hideo's fist slammed into Kaga's hastily erected guard as he went on the counterattack. Dust was flying up from beneath their feet as the taller fighter finally began to strike back against the furious rampage. One hit after another was deflected by Hideo's arms, and he was slowly getting into the rhythm of moving with Kaga's strikes to return a hit.

A whoosh of air passed over Hideo's head trailing in the wake of Kaga's leg and Hideo struck. His arms came together in a double handed punch to the shorter monk's center delivering a crushing blow to his abdomen.

Kaga was sent spinning back a few paces at the force, but righted himself by slamming his palm into the dirt and crouching. Kaga was barely winded, while Hideo could feel the sun bearing down on his back, the lower half of which was beginning to sweat heavily. Hideo's eyes took in the figure across from him and realized he was about to have a very bad time.

This time it was with light footwork that Kaga danced into Hideo's guard and chopped his shoulder with an elbow. Hideo had little time to react before his arm began to feel numb, but he was still able to backpedal quick enough to dodge the second elbow to the face. With his still functioning arm Hideo blocked the knee and the next five punches that were thrown at him while running around backwards in circles. Kaga's face was stuck in an intense mask that showed how difficult the use of these strikes was on his short form, but he still moved as if the air itself was guiding his hands.

Hideo slowly regained the use of his other arm and retreated no more. Fighting Air with Fire was best, and so Hideo attempted to encircle Kaga in a furious flurry of energetic motion. Kaga's footwork was finally undone when Hideo used the sandy surface to slide his leg into place so that Kaga crashed into it at high speed. This time it was Kaga who backpedaled out of the range of Hideo's grasping arms.

Kaga's next moves showcased the power of Earth, his steady stance reminding Hideo of the sureness with which he walked. Like an avalanche, Kaga's each movement built upon the next until his momentum was so great that Hideo's guard was broken with a single kick that sent him sprawling.

On the ground Hideo tried to jump up, but was too late to avoid Kaga's encircling arms which latched onto him, and the match became a onesided brawl in which the much stronger monk attempted to pin Hideo into place. With his leg held at an angle in the Ebisu monk's arms, Hideo tapped out and was released.

By now the sun had risen quite a distance and Hideo was covered in sweat from head to toe. Kaga was not much better, the sweat rolling in waves off of his bald head, but his clothes were not as dirty from the red sand that covered Hideo's robes. The monk shared a bottle of water with the samurai and the two of them sat in contemplative silence for a while. Kaga's chest was moving quickly up and down when Hideo finished off the bottle with a final swig. The sparring had taken a lot of out the two of them, but Hideo felt that there was still more to learn from disciple of Ebisu.

"You fight very well Kaga-san, really incredible." Hideo said with a sidelong look at Kaga.

"Ha, thank you Togashi-sama. You are very skilled too. I can only imagine what you must be like with a sword in your hand." Kaga said as he put the water sack away.

This comment gave Hideo pause. The first step of swordsmenship was to treat the sword as an extension of the body. Perhaps...

"Say that again Kaga-san?" Hideo asked.

"Um, I can only imagine what you could do with a sword?" Kaga replied obviously puzzled by the request.

Hideo thought back to learning how to hold a sword from his master sensei.

The focus on producing quick reactions that mirrored the body's movements.

The swiftness in which the steel would flash mirrored the swiftness of the arms and legs.

Finally Hideo thought back to something he was told once he was handed his first sword.

"Train until the sword becomes an arm. Then train until the sword becomes the world. In the end train until the sword becomes nothing."

The rush of insight broke into his mind as the words swam around. The sword becomes an arm. The sword becomes an arm.

Hideo rose to his feet and bowed deeply toward Kaga, his hair lightly brushing the sand. "Kaga-san, this one thanks you for your assistance. I remain deeply in your debt."

Kaga rose to his feet and bowed to Hideo, his eyes wide and confused. "Thank you Togashi-sama. I am happy to be of any service."

Hideo knew it would be useless to explain the thoughts that were running around his head, but he grasps the monk by the hand and says again. "I mean this Kaga-san, I remain deeply in your debt."

Hideo leaves shortly after, waving to the dentally challenged monk as he heads off to find the Mirumoto magistrates from the bandit attack two nights before. It was time to check up on them, and possibly get a better understanding of the city.

Hideo now has access to IR2. His Insight is no longer locked, and is moved to 158.