Into the Fire - Daenerys GOT ASOIAF SI

Considering the Targaryens only started going batshit insane after they decided marrying their siblings was a good idea, I wouldn't be so sure. Their magical\dragon heritage might have helped them avoid the physical deformities inherent to inbreeding, but it clearly did not prevent the mental deformities.

We've never seen the Targaryens when their inbreeding wasn't a thing. Since the practice came from the Freehold, it's probable that they were inbreeding before they fled to Dragonstone ahead of the Doom.

As for Targaryen madness, I don't think we have enough examples to even start looking into the exact connection between it and Targaryen inbreeding. Certainly, there have been mad Targaryens born of incestuous unions, with Aerys II being the most famous example. However, there have also been mad Targaryens born of non-incestuous unions, with one example being Rhaegel born of Daeron II and Mariah Martell and another example being Aerion born of Maekar and Dyanna Dayne. On top of that, there's the issue of nature and nurture, as shown by Maegor. On the one hand, Maegor was born of an incestuous union; on the other hand, Maegor was hit on the head hard enough to put him out for 30 days. Never mind the speculation about the potential involvement of dark magic.
Considering the Targaryens only started going batshit insane after they decided marrying their siblings was a good idea, I wouldn't be so sure. Their magical\dragon heritage might have helped them avoid the physical deformities inherent to inbreeding, but it clearly did not prevent the mental deformities.
House Targaryen has less madness in their family than I have in mine and there's no inbreeding in my family that I'm aware of. Proportionally, they're no more prone to madness than any other family, it's just that when one goes nuts, it's way more publicized due to their position.
House Targaryen has less madness in their family than I have in mine and there's no inbreeding in my family that I'm aware of. Proportionally, they're no more prone to madness than any other family, it's just that when one goes nuts, it's way more publicized due to their position.
Same. My weird swath of super-eastern european heritage, with a host of other things thrown in for completion's sake, has left my family a grand monument to outbreeding for two hundred years running. And we still have a psych history at least vaguely comparable with the Targaryen, if toned down due to being mostly a bunch of impoverished nobodies. If you gave us dragons... or the stories of dragons as being our stolen birthright... hoo, boy. You do not want to see what a fair handful of my ancestors would have done.
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Same. My weird swath of super-eastern european heritage, with a host of other things thrown in for completion's sake, has left my family a grand monument to outbreeding for two hundred years running. And we still have a psych history at least vaguely comparable with the Targaryen, if toned down due to being mostly a bunch of impoverished nobodies. If you gave us dragons... or the stories of dragons as being our stolen birthright... hoo, boy. You do not want to see what a fair handful of my ancestors would have done.
I mean, looking at this:

The Targaryens are doing waay better than my family, proportionally.
I mean, looking at this:

The Targaryens are doing waay better than my family, proportionally.

so you're saying season 8 was bad.... I agree.
EDIT: so basically it seems to be that Targaryens are immune to inbreeding issues, and most of their issues seem to dirive from simply being a noble then royal family and all the shit that entails.
It's nurture people! yep, I now declare this CANON
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so you're saying season 8 was bad.... I agree.
EDIT: so basically it seems to be that Targaryens are immune to inbreeding issues, and most of their issues seem to dirive from simply being a noble then royal family and all the shit that entails.
It's nurture people! yep, I now declare this CANON
To be fair, from what was written of Aerys, he sound like he might have been bipolar or something and it got aggravated to full blown paranoid psychosis by the Defiance of Duskendale.
Chapter 10
Into the Fire – Daenerys GOT ASOIAF SI


The city was chaos.

Soldiers all over the city fought each other in small skirmishes, red hands versus tiger pelt, many city guardsmen burning in their beds as the watchtowers that were spread throughout the city as barracks and nexuses for city patrols burst into flame.

With the bulk of the army at the walls to ensure no assaults could succeed from the sellsword armies, the Fiery Hand actually had a chance to fight against the typically lightly armed and armored city guard and even the army itself. The heavy infantry of Volantis were few in number, and whenever groups of them were spotted the Hand would march in the other direction to go fight the light infantry as much as they could.

The battle was truly decided when the long bridge burst into flame. Hundreds of freemen and slaves alike ran screaming as their livelihoods burned away. The flaming inferno that used to be the main connection between east and west this end of the Rhoyne signified the utter truth that no reinforcements would be coming for this side of the city any time soon.

Demoralized, the militia men began either surrendering to the rebels or hunkering down either on the walls or in the palaces.

From there the situation stabilized, as sellswords managed to breech the walls and establish themselves, the Fiery Hand worked to secure as much of the city as they could before the western side could rally a counter attack.




Taemys grunted as he downed a cup of water, then proceeded to raise the shortsword he'd looted from the Hand soldiers that had been killed before him.

They were now down to only 5 guards, barricaded deep in the Black Walls inside the Quorum, the meeting hall of the free landholders who would vote on issues.

It was one of the most secure building in the Black Walls, built exactly when Volantis was deemed to be built into a true city and the builders on site were still in the mindset of fortifying.

Clashes sounded from outside, and he grit his teeth as he spotted his master bite his thumb with worry, completely improper of a Triarch.

It was a sign of the severe stress he was under.

Then sudden there was a bang on the doors.

"Open up, Her divine grace the Queen demands it!"

Taemys narrowed his eyes, queen? Were they talking about Daenerys?

His master straitened as his bodyguards tensed.

Before his master could even speak, Taemys noticed something off about the guards.

Their eyes were shifting, from the door to the master, fists tight around their weapons.

It was a look he barely remembered, from a time long before during his training.

The look of disobedience.

Eyes widening, Taemys moved to rush to his master's side before a hand forced him to the floor.

"Stay down if you know what's good for you slave, this is for all our sakes." Grunted the captain, before he nodded to the others who turned to the confused then horrified Triarch.

"Wait no, don't you dare!"

The Tiger guards pushed the palanquin slaves aside, the device itself sat upon gold balls to signify that technically, he was not on solid ground, and carelessly dragged him out.

As soon as his Triarch's feet brushed the ground, Taemys closed his eyes.

They had lost.


The eastern city had been taken.

Taemys looked out over the open plaza with hollow eyes, a thousand Fiery Hand soldiers stood there in triumph, even as others and their sellsword allies thoroughly finished securing the rest of the city, likely readying it to take the other side, which would be far easier, as even though that was was even more secure against outside threats, as soon as the debris was clear from the bridge they could easily break through whatever rough fortifications had been placed.

Even now the fiery had was far larger than it's ordained thousand number. They'd likely been building up in secret before the coup.

Even more importantly, the Triarchs were all captured. Forced to kneel before a tall wooden throne on which sat a little girl with frightening eyes and a dragon glaring down at them.

She was sat cross legged, as if there wasn't a concern in the world, but those eyes…

They looked old.

"It saddens me that it had to come to this. It saddens me that I must subject myself and others to the horrors of war as my first action as queen. It saddens me that others must suffer so that many more may prosper." She gazed over their heads to the visible smoke plume still rising from the Long Bridge, a haunted look in her face.

"Still, all that has happened had brought us to this day, where the oligarchy that pretended to adhere to the wishes of the People shall finally come to an end."

At that the kneeling figures raised their heads.

Daenerys stepped from her throne, walking off and showing exactly how young she was.

She lowered herself before the defeated oligarchs, resting on the balls of her feet.

"You will die, painfully and screaming. It is the price for our god that must be paid again and again. But, with your deaths, they will be free." She grinned, a sad, but triumphant grin, her eyes blaring a message that seemed long held.

"As I rise to queendom, all those who are tortured and beat down, made to serve and waste their precious days away never knowing agency for their own actions shall all have Freedom!"

She stood up, turning to the crowds, gathered to see the execution.

"Freedom! For your sons and for your daughters, for yourselves and your wives. For all that would call me their queen. I am Daenerys Targaryen! Stormborn! Mother of Dragons and she who walks through fire!"

"I am the Breaker of Chains! All my subjects are from now on only beholden to me and me alone, let no master ever declare you an object ever again. For from this day until the end of days, only R'hllor himself may ever own slaves again!"

Slowly, as if in disbelief, cheering rose up at her words.

All throughout the crowds, horrified freemen and women looked on as their slaves unhooked their collars and raised their arms to cheer on the usurper of the Triarchy.

Taemys just gazed calmly at those few who clutched their unlocked collars with fear, those who pleaded quietly to stay with their Masters, those who only knew the love of servitude.

The child queen turned to him, a smile on her face, which stilled at whatever look he had on his face.

Her eyes glared into his, before she turned to another of the Triarch's house-slaves, the golden haired girl with the bright blue eyes which were wide in shock, and trembling hands.

"Now, if you wish, lift off your collar, and call me your queen."

The girl cried, before tearing it off and screaming, "DĀRIA!"

The crowd seemed to take in the high Valyrian with a silent gasp, before they began to chant.



"Dāria! Dāria ! Dāria!"

The chants didn't stop, as word spread throughout the city, shouts of "Dāria" spread like wildfire.

From that day forward, all knew who their queen was, whether they liked it or not.

Taemys just wondered what his purpose would be now.


A/N – light chapter, but I think it ended as well as it could have.
fucking best chapter yet cant wait for more what does daria mean is that mother in whatever their language is ?
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I wonder how many of the survivors ran and how many are preparing to convert on the spot and start kissing transcendent amounts of ass.
My problem with this translation of Queen to High Valyrian is that the translator I assume it comes from is from from an authority on the language. Not only that but we've never seen accents in Valyrian words before. The translator also can't translate some simple words, such as "people" or "promised". Perhaps I'm harping on something trivial but I thought I'd say something.

Perhaps only use High Valyrian were we know what the actual translation and terminology is.
My problem with this translation of Queen to High Valyrian is that the translator I assume it comes from is from from an authority on the language. Not only that but we've never seen accents in Valyrian words before. The translator also can't translate some simple words, such as "people" or "promised". Perhaps I'm harping on something trivial but I thought I'd say something.

Perhaps only use High Valyrian were we know what the actual translation and terminology is.
I used a discussion of High Valyrian on a forum for it, and either way I don't imagine High Valyrian to be the most developed of fantasy languages.
I used a discussion of High Valyrian on a forum for it, and either way I don't imagine High Valyrian to be the most developed of fantasy languages.
It's certainly not on Tolkien's 'I've made up a bunch of fantasy languages for fun and now I need to write a fantasy world for them to exist in' level of development. Given how little High Valyrian is actually depicted in ASOIF I would be surprised if it is actually enough to count as a proper language at all: GRRM doesn't strike me as the type to create an entire functional made-up language just so he can use half a dozen words from it in his story.

Edit: Yep. GRRM wasn't interested, HBO got linguist David J. Peterson in to create the actual language beyond the handful of words GRRM wrote, and while Peterson looks to have done a stellar job it's obvious that he only developed the language as far as was needed for the TV series: Something he even stated outright in regards to not bothering to put together a writing system. Apparently there's a Duolingo course in it though, so maybe Peterson went far enough to make High Valyrian functional if not exactly comprehensive.
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Well that was a great deal of ‼️FUN‼️ keep the ‼️FUN‼️ going.

....... hums your standing on my neck. ^_~