Human Condition Ball
Human Condition Ball

There is a party and we must attend it
No-one can on another this duty pawn
We mewl as though a defenseless kit
As good host Time marches in and on

With Time walks ever-partner Change
We hope: may the two ne'er part
Across the floor she may range
But to Time she's bound since start

Theirs is a union of choice;
Each is a lesser thing wi-out the other
Time gives Change her voice
And wi-out Change Time may smother

A-hind her are ripples in the hall
Cast by great and quiet passing
In this wake in the wild ball
Walks now dear daughter Finding

Ever curiouser is darling she
E'en as her nose is once more bit
So it was and so it ever be
As she darts from the wake to sit

In the corner is Finding's close sister
Named morose and sorrowful Mourning
Finding discovers things lost later
That Mourning is for sister recalling

At the bar find brother Leader
Ever-sure and striding a-fore
Bringing others from the hinter
Unless he is named Insecure

Cousin Fear steps in then
Frightening the friends and hangers-on
Long can he linger when
No-one steps fore to make him get gone

With him are his companions
Paranoia the group is named
The flock and pave way, his minions
Whispering of deceit, unkindness, the shamed

Many mend harm in their wake
Relief a young and cherubic boy
Kindness smiles and offers to bake
And through the hall dances Joy

Bright and happy things they are
As they're e'er lost and found
But old Despair is not too far
Bringing with him his grey sound

Anger and Dread pass us by
One all-times vicious and biting
From other churning feelings set fly
If Love is here, then now Love is hiding

And now come the siblings, twins
Of close-related Luck and Ill-Fortune
At whim they reward or punish sins
No rhyme nor reason to the portion.

Our time in this fantastical ball is ever-fleeting
We came with Life, and with Death we are leaving.
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Such Is
Such Is

Say not of passion or fire
For the pretty flying dove
Speak not yearning or desire
These are not truly love

Love is the quiet understanding
Much as it is the loud joyous cry
Love is giving, not demanding
That is how spirits truly fly

Love is truthfully a best friend
With whom you spend each week
Love is to communicate 'till the end
Just to speak, speak, speak

I tell you this is truth or thereof,
Such is love, such is love, such is love
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How Dare You
How Dare You

Man knelt on neck "I can't breath"
He said this, it's true
The crowd began to seethe
To demand how dare you

Protests against blue cage
Met with violence, it's true
Builds up the people's rage
Who cry out how dare you

"When the looting starts"
Trump said this, it's true
Then "the shooting starts"
Must reply how dare you

Nation near broken over knee, it's true
The only reply can be How Dare You!
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The Lament of Transition
The Lament of Transition

How many lessons have I forgotten?
Offered by teachers many and wise
One and all to I better men
Than myself in my own eyes

How many given gifts have I scorned?
Having received with gratitude and trust
But from their uses they were shorn
To fall fallow and gather dust

Bounties that might make any jolly
But too late to repair my own folly
Leiche und Seele
Leiche und Seele

All I am is my body
Construct ineffable
Thought, emotion, hobby
Derive from base chemical

I am more than my body
Beyond flesh and blood repulse
Brain is a mere lobby
Greater than electrical impulse

I inhabit this impure world briefly
Then move to what comes next
I am only what one can see
With delusions greater than effects

Now the question that pounds in pulse
Which is true? And which is false?
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How Many Times?
How Many Times?

How many times
Do you hold your mother?
Before she shines
For never another?

How many times
Do you smile on your father?
Before your tries
Can reach him no longer?

How many times
Do you love grand-mother and -father?
Before their lives
Now reach no other?

Count each time you touch them tomorrow
The last remain shall be the sorrow
Fear (time)
Fear (time)

Do you know fear?
Can you say what it is?
Is it a thing to tear
At all your hear says?

Is fear a cliff?
A drop, a plummet
Or is it a riff
On evil mens' summit?

This fear, the dark?
A mystery, unknown
Or circling like a shark
Knife betwixt ribs, your own?

All these answers, I say mine
The greatest fear of all is time