Quarter balked at the cut in his shoulder. The fact that he couldn't feel the cleaver break his skin was... Not good.

Just stick to the plan, He thought to himself, as he glared at Jeb. "Couldn't even feel that love tap," he said as he gave Jeb a finger filled with twenty years of bitterness, trying to dance away from the fat cannibal. Despite his best attempts, he just couldn't shake the fat man. (Jesus, I can't feel my legs.)

With the feeling that death soon approached, Quater focused as he never had before, drawing an arrow and loosing it at Jeb's eyes. Even though he couldn't feel his fingers, he knew he did some damage. Perhaps it would make up for the fact he was now stumbling.
Turn 1: Edgar began to think of a very Cunning and smart plan to get inside the Church: A Window! The perfect plan to enter and break into the heart of the Cannibal eatery, while Jeb is suffering from the lack of leg day.

(Update 1.)

Turn 2: Sometimes, it pays to have a dumbass enemy. Edgar sneaky sneaks past Jeb, who was held up by a beautiful butterfly. Though he began to regret his team shooting out the lights, he hears the girly scream of a grown man. Jeb then looks at Quartermain and begins to run towards him! His Cleaver shines in his hand, he swings down and cuts deep into Quartermain's shoulder!! Quartermain, now feeling the Cleavers blade strike his very core, tried to outrun the fat man, but was immediately blocked. Then, with all his rage, Quarter thrusts his Arrow right into Jeb's eye, taking it out!! Jeb has lost his eye permanently, making this fight more fair!!

(Update 2.)

Turn 3:

As The fat fuck fought whoever had decided to pick a fight with him Rules managed to free her arm and start to work at her bindings more effectively and without drawing any attention to herself. As she finally freed herself she quickly started to grab her assortment of death dealing implements.
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Dorian watched the two silhouette's brief struggle, then heard a final loud *TWANG^ before the sumbled backward and away, and the giant screamed and waved his hands around his head. With the shot finally unobstructed he pulled up his crossbow and launched a bolt at the Meatman's right arm, but in the dark he doubted his shot had done more than tear muscle.
Night One Pt. 5: The Wastelanders.
The Cannibals all stare at Jeb's lifeless body, silent and lifeless as the mighty Jeb fell to the ground. Thier faces then turns to Edgar with looks of surprise. None of them dared move without either Edgar's or the rest of the groups permission.

Meanwhile, the family is beginning to rattle the chains as if trying to escape. They're nowhere closer to snapping the chains.

(You can all just walk in. You guys took down Jeb. Also, the person who takes his Cleaver, I'll send you the Stats.)

@Virian @Raiu @See my smile @Da Boyz @racnor
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The Cannibals all stare at Jeb's lifeless body, silent and lifeless as the mighty Jeb fell to the ground. Thier faces then turns to Edgar with looks of surprise. None of them dared move without either Edgar's or the rest of the groups permission.

Meanwhile, the family is beginning to rattle the chains as if trying to escape. They're nowhere closer to snapping the chains.

(You can all just walk in. You guys took down Jeb. Also, the person who takes his Cleaver, I'll send you the Stats.)

As Riley gathered up the last of her gear she noticed that it had hatter very quiet outside. Fatfuck wasn't yelling any more and the rest of the cannibal peckerwoods had stopped talking. She took the opportunity to try and get the family out of the chains. If nothing else she could use them as a distraction as she made her get away.
Quarter slumped down after Jeb fell, panting for breath. "Hey Dorian, can you do me a favor and make sure my right arm and leg aren't destroyed? I can't feel them right now."
Dorian winced at the giant cleaver wounds on Quarters limbs, but nodded and bent down to inspect them. "Well, I can bind them up for now, but you don't seem like you will be up for much anyway."

That said, he went about securing the wounds with strips of cloth from the already ruined arm of the hunter's shirt.

(Dorian adds +1 to medicine, giving him +4 total and 1d4+1 wounds healed on sucess. Result 1d20+4=8)

The result left much to be desired, however, with the makeshift bandages not doing much more than stopping blood loss.
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*sigh* "It's finally done... I wish I wasn't so wounded so I could have participated" Now that Valerian heard that the battle ended he starts heading up to the church.
"Well, sounds like I still have all my pieces." Quarter said to himself as he tugged one of the loose bandages. "Now, let's see what he have here."

Quarter bent down, looking for anything of value on Jeb's corpse. He would add the cleaver to their stash... After he could think straight again.

Edit: All he found was a pair of photos, one of Jeb with his kids pre-insanity, the other of someone by the name of Henrietta, if the name on the back was anything to go by. He tossed the first photo away. Jeb's story was just another sob story, and the wasteland was filled with such things. Didn't excuse anything.

The other picture he held out for Dorian. "Found a photo. I don't recognize the subject though."

OOC: Gotta WORK for those Survival Points!
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Meanwhile, Dorian crept over to the chained former meals and gestured for quiet.

"Good to meet you find folks, but could you keep it down a bit? If the psychos remember why they came here, we're in for another fight with two people up. Unless one of you would like to join in, of course."

With that, he started to assist the angry looking escapee in trying to undo the chains.

(and now for a dex roll with +6, followed by an expression roll at +4 to try to calm down and make a good impression on his potential reward-givers)
As Valerian heard Dorian he decided to interject "So new meat then... God we'll have someone we could use as bait for the cannibals then... OH c'mon don't give me those faces I was joking"
With slow deliberate steps Edgar walked over to Jeb's body and retrieved his knife from where it'd lodged itself in his head and began wiping it clean on the cannibals apron. Finally satisfied with his work Edgar re-sheathed the knife and turned to the remaining cannibals with a frown.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get while the goings good."
All the Cannibals began flooding out of the Church at Edgar's command. After about 40 minutes, the entire church is empty, at the command of the Meatslayer. One little girl actually stops and looks up at Edgar and says, "Thank you, Mister." As she runs off with her family. What they left inside.......Is a scene from Horror Movies.

Guts and bits of muscle are all scattered around on the tables, disembodied human legs are bitten into, almost torn apart. A liver is still sitting on a plate, almost begging to be eaten. And on the main table are 13 hearts, probably from the other victims. The Family, now free, all begin walking out.

"Thank you all, good sirs. Me and my family are heading to Oregon, because there is no fucking way we'll survive the Wasteland without supplies."

The man looks around at Quartermain and Valerian.

"And I guess you're going to need help too. We need some protectors, and you guys need medical help. Why not go there together?"

@Raiu @Virian @Da Boyz @See my smile @racnor
"Sounds good to me and the more the merrier , right guys?" As he said that Valerian also winced from the pain "I also need to get a real doctor to look me over because while the first aid I got is decent all things considered I'd feel better if I had a doctor look at my wounds properly."
Quarter let out a breath as he picked up Jeb's Cleaver, placing it on the sledge. He would just need to step carefully now.
Dorian gave the group his best reassuring smile, keeping his face towards them as he walked towards the remains of Jeb's portable spotlight "Sure, you can come with us for now. Safety in numbers, and all that."

Meatshields aquired, Dorian bent down and inspected the remains with a grimace. The spotlight was clearly nothing more than a jury-rigged scrap construct, with a profusion of wires stretching down from the reflector cone to loosly contact a badly leaking collection of batteries. Not worth nearly as much has he hoped.

With a shrug, Dorian ripped the badly soldered wires off the reflector and started stuffing them in his bag. At least insulated wire was still worth something.