Day one: The beginning. Or, how we survived a horde of cannibals!
Day ONE: Oakland, California

Inside this state is a town with a house at the far end of a remodeled town, the place that has a very old look to it compared to the rest to the town. But for some reason, people are walking towards the building with knives in hand, all coming towards the house, and with closer inspection, people can see that the windows and doors are barricaded for a reason.

The people outside are all smiling and giggling while holding knives in their hands. Their stomachs are all growling and teeth bloody from the meals that they were eating. They knew that they were hungry, and that this house has FRESH MEAT! Just waiting to be cooked in so many ways possible! But...... The meat isn't what you think it is.

Cut to the inside of the house. People are all gathered inside, throwing crap inside packs and strapping it to their backs. Some are actually sharpening weapons to protect them from thier 'neighbors.' It won't be long now, they think. They're coming for some food, and they know that they're on the list!

(OOC: turns until enemies arrive: 2. And Welcome to the world of insanity and your first situation! Don't worry, the IC list hasn't been set yet! There's still some spots left! OOC thread: https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...currently-recruiting-up-to-six-players.39315/)
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Quarter cursed as the old hunter dumped his things onto his sleigh. "You know, I thought that this was a nice neighborhood, not like blasted Boise! These crazies are worse than those American Army idiots!"

With his meager possessions on the sleigh, Quarter strung his bow, checking his pouch of arrows. "Hey, Door!" He called out to Dorian, "How are we going to play this? We making a break for it or what? I'd rather not be here when they give us an offer we can't refuse!"
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Valerian stared for a few precious seconds at Quarter and then said " Even if Quarter keeps conflating the Marines with the Army he's right about the lunatics here being damn crazy, I originally wanted to use this place to take up some provisions and then leave but it might be too late for that now."

As Valerian was inspecting his Axe after a good sharpening and with his blow gun on the table as well as several Darts for the thing, he decided to continue " I say we just use some explosives and butcher our way trough. What we also need to do is find out where else we can go. This is the most normal and believe it or not the safest place even with the cannibals we've seen ever since the bombs, I'm not sure where we can even go once we escape."

As he said that he places the blow gun in the backpack as he feels he won't be able to use it properly in this situation and grabs the axe in his hands and asks " Who's with me? Also does anybody have any idea where should we head to?"
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Dorian loaded a bolt into his crossbow and finished stuffing his last few belongings into his backpack, then joined the others. "Alright, let's see what we're up against before we make any hasty decisions. We can take down plenty of these bastards, but there's no point in trying to fight an army here. This house has some good choke points, but if there's fifty of those psychos then we'll need to run, no two ways about it."

He moved toward the house's glassless window to stick his head out and do a headcount, finishing the task of slipping the backpack on as he did. "Either way though, no way we can stay here. I'm not sticking around to find out if it was something in the water that made all these guys go loopy at the same time."

(Dorian looks out the window to try to get an estimate of how big the horde is. He also tries to see if they have a leader)

"Looks like we've got about twenty people here. Half of them look dead on their their feet though. I'm with Valerian on this. It's better to hold here than to run and have to worry about them tracking us down later"
racnor threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: perception check Total: 15
15 15
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Day one, Pt. 2: The glimmer of Hope and the first chance at a normal human interaction.
@racnor @Raiu @Virian @Space Multiply @Da Boyz

The horde of hungry Cannibals are now closer to the house, still moaning and licking thier lips. They are all still raining towards you and are still laughing and chuckling, showing that they're no longer holding onto reality and only see what they want to see. But inside, the old radio in the house crackles with it's last bit of strength to send one last message to the last sane people in Oakland.

"Calling all Sane people across the US! I am Friora Cross, an old world Engineer! Me and my team have finally built the Ultimate self replenishing safe Haven for everyone that hasn't lost thier mind! But know this: The dome has a locking mechanism that initiates in 90 days! Anyone outside of the Dome after that period of time shall be locked out forever! So I beg you, PLEASE get here as soon as you can! The Dome entrance is in Shelbyville, Maine! Again, 90 days, lock-out! Fiora Cross, Signing off!"

Then, a second shorter message is sent.

"Help! Help! Me and my family are being held prisoner by some crazy people!! They're planning on eating us!! Please! I shall reward you!! And hurry! A man who seems to be a leader seems intent on making us their next meal! We're in a church just down the road!"

The radio dies.

(Turns until Enemies arrive: 1. And now you know where to go: Shelbyville, Maine. And also, SIDE QUEST CHANCE! You may roll a Empathy Check to see if the message is true or a Navigation check to see where the Church is exactly, or a stealth roll to get the HELL out of here without anyone noticing. And anyone that wants to join in, make a sheet now while everyone's still in the starting zone.)
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Edgar narrowed his eyes in thought. While it would be tempting to abandon the outside world to the depredations of the mad Edgar was reasonably sure that those contained within a small self sustaining environment would have little need for postal services...except that there were bound to be those within the Haven who had left others outside. People who would need their last words carried out to forsaken relatives and friends. Yes! He would venture to this "Shelbyville" to pick up his assigned mail.

With a small nod Edgar turned his thoughts from his duties to the less important matter of the cannibalistic horde approaching his location. Much as he would like to believe himself capable of standing against them with nothing but his steel and will long years on the road had taught him better then that. They had also taught him two other important lessons:

1. It was always important to have a few "emergency preparations" whenever he slept in one place.
2. Nothing caused panic and drew attention like a good old fire.

Sprinting away from the quickly igniting mass of kindling he'd left behind him Edgar savored the cries of alarm which broke out from the cannibalistic horde behind him.

(Rolling PSY+Cunning to create a distraction so we don't have to fight the entire mob at once.)
Da Boyz threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Cannibals Can't Catch You... Total: 18
6 6 1 1 11 11
Combat Encounter: Man Eaters of California! (First turn Action Results)
@Da Boyz @Virian @Space Multiply @Raiu @racnor

The rest of the Survivors see the friendly neighborhood Mailman Edgar seemingly ignite some Kindling and begins screaming at the horde. Six of the normal looking Man-eaters begin to lick thier lips and say, "Running Meat is the best meat!" As they all run towards the mailman. He seemingly begins to run away, but then...... He seemingly trips up on some rocks. Three of the six catch up to him. Then the Mailman swing his Pitchfork towards one of them and seemingly........ Scrapes one of them while hitting the other. Sadly. (Edgar has rolled a Crit fail against one, but then strikes one with a roll of 11 against a 6.)

Then an axe strikes one closest to Edgar in the back of the skull, dropping him to the ground, but the horde sees Valerian jump out the window. Then, he charges the monster and strikes one of them with another Axe, but the Cannibal blocks with his bare arm.

Quartermain, after a few curse words, fires two arrows at some of the Cannibals Knees! One of the monsters actually takes a full arrow to the knee, taking out his kneecap and cutting some important veins. Then the other one, while not as bad, is holding his knee.

Dorian now sees the plan his Survivalist all is hatching and fires a Crossbow Bolt behind Quartermain's target. But the Bolt doesn't go in as deep as. Quartermain's arrow, but it is inside his leg.

The Cannibal horde, Now Becoming both hungry and angry, begin to hit the boarded up door!! Within no time, the Horde breaks through!! Though when Quartermain looked for the boy, he was gone, his Baseball Bat with him. Then, two of the Cannibal Horde swing at Quartermain and Dorian, while The two kneecapped Cannibals begin to stab each other, and the scrapped Cannibals are slashing at Edgar! One stabs Edgar right in the upper forearm, digging deep into it. Though Quartermain avoids the full wrath of the blade, the weapon still slashes deep into his back.

(Edgar is now locked in Combat! Now two of the six Cannibals have the Condition: Bum Knee. His Distance for running is cut in half. And with that, the first turn of Combat..... Is over.)
Gruber dude threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Defense (Ranged from Bow) Total: 1
1 1
Gruber dude threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Defense (Ranged from Bow) Total: 5
5 5
Gruber dude threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Defense (Ranged from Crossbow) Total: 27
19 19 8 8
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After the last radio message Valerian looked at the group and said "Oh well that's disturbing. Now what do we do about the fami..." As he said that Edgar decided to pull a Leroy Jenkins on the cannibals as they looked and cheered at him preparing to eat their would be victim. "Well now we know what do... Can't leave the idiot behind even if he is an idiot"

As Valerian said that he took both his Axe and throwing Axe and as he went trough the door he threw the axe at the closest cannibal and screamed." Eat this you damn lunatics." (+ 2 from projectiles )

Then closed in for the melee to the bewildered but eager cultists aiming the Axe in his hand to the cultists head.
(Axe dice + 3 for melee + 0.33)
Virian threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Axe Total: 6
6 6
Virian threw 1 3-faced dice. Reason: Throwing Axe Total: 3
3 3
Virian threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: D20 Total: 10
10 10
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@Space Multiply

Quarter glanced at the radio, not knowing the damn thing had been on. "Hey, scout. You know the way to that church?"

Any further conversation on his part was replaced by a string of curses. "Why the hell did these idiots leave the house?!" With his friends (Or rather, under paid porter and game cleaner) in danger, Quarter knocked and arrow, aimed for a cannibal who was at the front of the pack. He loosed, aiming for the legs with the intent of tripping two other maneaters.

AN: One survival point spent. +6 from projectile = 17. Damage = 5 + 1 (Force) = 6 to the knee!
Raiu threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Attack! Total: 11
11 11
Raiu threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Damage Total: 5
5 5
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Dorian saw Quartermain's shot and soon grasped the hunter's plan. He followed suit with his crossbow, loosing a bolt at the cannibal just behind Quartermain's target.

(-1 SP, +5 to roll from agi and projectile, dmg if i do hit is 1d8 +2 from projectile)
racnor threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: To hit Total: 6
6 6
racnor threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: damage Total: 5
5 5
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With the knife skidding across Quarter's back, the hunter whirled on the Cannibal, drawing his hand axe with quick motions. Stepping forward, the hunter swung, aiming to kill anything trying to take his things.
Combat Encounter:Man Eaters of California! (Second turn Action Results)
The Horde seems to get more hungrier by the minute! The Cannibals all seem to begin to get more desperate for food. But for some reason, there seems to be..... A deep rumbling far off in the distance.

A car emerges from over the horizon! It hits all Cannibals and attempts to gather the Survivors!

Quartermain swings down with his knife into a female Cannibals head, nearly killing her. But the Cannibal girl guards at the right moment to survive! So in retaliation, the Cannibal goes in to bite his ankle, but with the sheer amount of blood loss, she couldn't lock her jaw down.

Edgar, though injured by the Cannibals, has had enough of these jerkbags trying to eat him! So, in anger, he sticks his Pitchfork through one of them! Then, he runs over to the car to join the new ally.

Dorian then smiles at the sudden entrance of Mystery Driver X and rushes down to get in, but not before kicking in the head of a Cannibal lady biting Quartermain!

The rest of the Cannibals all begin to growl and moan, knowing that they're not getting anything to eat this day. The man-eaters all retreat in anguish, looking for something else to eat. Now the group can decide on what to do with the emergency message.

(Congrats Edgar[@Da Boyz], Quartermain[@Raiu], and Dorian[@racnor], you have survived your first Encounter in this wild land! You all earn 90 XP. Bow you can decide on what to do.)
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Dorian was left blinking for a moment, thoroughly surprised by the display. Then he shouted a greeting to the driver.

"Well, Hello and thank you! It's been quite a while since i've seen one of these things still running! You got a plan here, or are you just trying to survive this too?"

As he said this, he aimed a kick at the the cannibal currently trying to bite Quarter's leg.
With the Cannibal Holocaust running away, Quarter put away his axe and knocked an arrow, pointing it downwards vaguely in the direction of the driver. "Turn off the car, please, and show me your hands. I don't want to be shot by a well-equiped raider." He was careful to keep his tone polite, but you couldn't survive by being careless. "Please stay in the car. I'm Quartermain, call me Quarter. Care to tell me your name so we can both rest easy?"

OOC: SHITE! I just realized that the apocalypse happened before the first Mad Max movie! I can't make any Mad Max references! Also, never, EVER trust a white knight on a steel horse until you're sure they aren't a raider.
Day one, Pt. 3: Making friends......Hopefully.
An armored car has pulled up in front of the once secure house of your small group. The ride is covered in spikes and blood, though the actual car seems unharmed.

The Driver of the car smiles at Edgar, showing off her friendly Personality to all of you, though it goes dark when Quartermain threatened her. The girl gets out and has a Pump Shotgun in her right hand.

"Hey. Nice job handling those sons of bitches. I'm Talia. And I saw you guys about to be overrun out here, but you seem to be able to handle yourselves. I'm actually impressed. Though if I were you, I'd put down the arrow, Robin Hood."

By the look of her face, she's not joking.

@Da Boyz, @racnor, @Raiu
The arrow was quickly unknocked at Talia's... Suggestion, the bow lowered and placed on the ground. He showed his hands, palms out and away from his body. "It was a precaution, ma'am. I've been burned too many times by 'good Samaritans' to accept anything at face value. Since you haven't blown me away yet, it looks like you're legit. Please accept my apology, Miss Talia."
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She sighs. She puts away the Shotgun and looks at the horizon. She gasps and gets in her car.

"Well, unfortunately, I can't help you. I gotta get these weapons to Vegas! Look for me there, if you guys can live that long! I'll hook you up!"

She marks a small path on a spare map to get from here to Washington in three days, if the dust has settled. She hands it to Dorian [ @racnor ] and gets in the car. She peels off, leaving you guys in the dust.
"Oh well that was fun. Now where was that church again?" He said as he look around only to hear the giggling of the cannibals and follow it" Damn cultists at least they make my life easier by telling me where to kill them" as he moved he tried to ascertain how many of them there are and wondering where the rest of his ...friends... are and where the mad mailman went.
Virian threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Perception (add3) Total: 3
3 3
Day One, Pt 4: Jeb, the Meatman(Boss meeting!!)
The Soldier that went towards the area of the call. He sneaks towards the New Fable Church, where there seems to be no Cultists or Cannibals nearby. Nor his friends. Though for some reason, there seems to be nobody.....

THUMP THUMP- CLANK! He hears footfall coming from a mile away! Valerian turns around and sees a giant man.

Though no horns or long teeth, and the skull on the blade is human. And his feet have five toes.

"Who you? You My taster?"

( @Virian you can roll a Deception check to see if you fool Jeb.)
Gruber dude threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: Stealth(Add 2.) Total: 1
1 1
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"Oh yeah sure you can say that, I've something for you to taste" Takes throwing Axe into left hand while moving normal axe into right" Taste my fucking Axe you giant meatbag" Throws 'throwing axe' at Jeb straight to his face the place axe back to left hand.

And closes in to the melee. " Die you son of a bitch" -1 Suvival points
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The Meatman Cometh!(Solo Boss fight results: Valerian Vs. Jeb)
Turn 1: Valerian sees what the man is talking about, but the Soldier Instinct took over and he swinged his bow right at his face. The beast then growled out, "You no taster...... YOU MEAT!!" And swinged with his cleaver down at Valerian! Although, he did avoid most of the attacks strength, but he still took some of the damage.

Turn 2: Valerian, now knowing that retreat is not an option for right now, swings his Axe right at Jeb! The Axe cuts a bit more deeper, but the Meatman felt REALLY impressed with the meat's guts! He then inhales and swings his Cleaver right into Valerian's right side, making his arm shatter in three places!

Turn 3: Valerian felt death creeping up on him from that last attack, so he decided to take out the bastards eyes with some nails! But Jeb closed his eye just in time for his eyelid to take the hit. Then Jeb, in all his fat glory, swings once more onto Valerian's body. With the pain in his arm, Valerian barely took the blow, but his body still stood Ridgid against the behemoth.

Turn 4: Jeb REALLY enjoyed the guys in this new meat, so with a chuckle, he decided to attack with full gusto, shaking Valerian's brain, making his lungs bleed out in the inside, and is now beaten to a near bloody pulp.

Turn 5: Valerian knew at that moment, this isn't a fight he could win on his own. So, with a turn on his heels, he decided to run, fully escaping Jeb's wrath, but his Grit has been intensified.

(So all in all Valerian, in game, has become the second person to escape Jeb's Cleaver. And got a perk called Legendary Grit for attempting it Solo! Awesome job, @Virian !)
Night One Pt. 1: A hidden secret
@Da Boyz @Virian @Raiu @racnor

As Talia pulls away, the daylight fades, giving the shadows the time to shine. The Cannibals have given up their meat, as they all run back into thier houses, saddened at the lack of food they all have. The city actually seems...... Deserted. Except for the group. The Mailman, the Governor, and the Survivalist all seem well and alive. Until they see a familiar figure limping towards them. ( @Virian this is when you arrive. You can tell the others about Jeb.)
@Da Boyz, @racnor
Quarter turned towards his companions, his hand rubbing the back of his head. "Damn, I screwed that up. Sorry, Doors, Postal."
Valerian came back running but what he heard intrigued him " Was that a car I heard earlier guys? I know i start hallucinating now with the sky being green and and the floor sounding like roses but couldn't we convince the guy driving it to give us a lift?"

As he said that he almost stumbled ''So does anybody got some aspirin? because I feel like shit.."
Dorian hands Talia's map to Quarter, taking extra care not to crease it.

"Eh, you win some you, lose some. You can't trust anyone out here, and we can find her later. In the mean time, you should probably be the one with the map."

At this point, Dorian caught sight of the wounded soldier. "Holy shit, how are you alive!? You look like you lost a fight with a bull!, Oh, and there was some lady with a car who passed though. She was an arms dealer of some sort, but she didn't stick around."