Innovade Woman From Jupiter (Gundam 00/Zeta Gundam)

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After her death by Setsuna F. Seiei's hand, Anew Returner finds herself alive in the Universal Century and got rescued by a member of the Jupiter Energy Fleet. Several years later as a captain of her own Jupitris-class freighter to have a new life of her own, she eventually got herself involved in the Gryps Conflict between the AEUG and the Titans.
Innovade Woman From Jupiter Chapter 1
Hey there, everyone! Warmachine375 here, and I have made another Gundam 00 crossover story with Gundam UC titled "Innovade Woman From Jupiter".

Synopsis: "After her death by Setsuna F. Seiei's hand, Anew Returner finds herself alive in the Universal Century and got rescued by a member of the Jupiter Energy Fleet. Several years later as a captain of her own Jupitris-class freighter to have a new life of her own, she eventually got herself involved in the Gryps Conflict between the AEUG and the Titans."

Oneshot just in case.

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam 00 and Zeta Gundam for they belong to Sunrise, Yōsuke Kuroda and Yoshiyuki Tomino.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D

Chapter 1​

"Where am I?..."

Anew Returner weakly muttered with drowsy eyes and heavy breaths as she, the female Innovade who was a member of Celestial Being and, recently, a former pawn of Ribbons Almark, found herself floating in space with her A-Laws pilot suit and she had her protective helmet on with an unbroken visor. She expected to be in the afterlife, if there is such a thing.

How was that possible? The Gadess exploded and there is no way my body would have survived that even as an Innovade..., she thought in incredulous surprise that she's alive.

The last time she remembered was that she got shot down by Setsuna F. Seiei to stop her from killing her lover Lyle Dylandy a.k.a. Lockon Stratos, albeit he;s the second holder of the codename after his deceased twin brother Neil Dylandy, whilst she was under hijacked control of Ribbons against her will, and that the quantum effect of the 00 Raiser's Trans-Am gave the couple a final chance to convey each other's feelings.

Before her imminent demise with her Gadess detonating that should have vaporized her to oblivion.

Or what should have been.

Even if I did somehow survive the explosion, I won't be able to last much longer anyway. Oxygen deficiency is a danger even for Innovades who can adapt into the harsh environment of space... Even us so-called superior beings have limits..., the lavender haired woman lamented her current situation of drifting alone in space. It didn't even help she doesn't have a personal jetpack used by the Gundam Meisters of Celestial Being and her fellow Innovades, who had fancied themselves as Innovators, were too reassured of their superiority and reliance of the Core Fighter to always bail them out when their mobile suits were taken down in combat.

She wouldn't be surprised if that will backfire on their faces spectacularly and it would certainly be karmic to see her Innovades losing their smug attitudes.

However, salvation eventually came for Anew in form of a colossal space freighter that's 2000 meters long and she was floating by through it. That ship... looks similarly... like... the Europa... from Veda's... databanks... I'm nearby Jupiter?..., she thought in recognition, trying her best to not pass out from lack of oxygen with little avail.

The last time she saw before passing out was a Gundam-Type grunt mobile suit with a green and orange custom color that emerged from one of the hangar bays of the massive spaceship and flew its way towards her with a powerful rocket thrust.

Before it reached out to her with its left manipulator.

Several hours later, Anew woke up to find herself in a medical bay where she lay on one of its beds and noticed that she had been changed out of her A-Laws pilot suit for a hospital garment. She also had an oxygen rebreather mask on her mouth. On the other hand, the former Innovators member overheard a conversation between two individuals nearby the glass wall of the room and they were discussing about her and her condition. Curious, Anew slowly moved her head to the left and saw them.

"Is she alright? Will she make it?", a fatherly looking man asked in a worry and concern. He looked like a scruffy brown haired man with a five o'clock shadow and a left eyepatch that concealed a scar. He wore a black long-sleeved collard shirt with buttons that reach a few inches below the chest. On top of the black shirt is a brown vest with several pockets at the front, and dark blue pants with red lines on the side, a pair of black boots, and a brown belt with a gun holster.

Why does he sound like Lyle?... No, it might be a coincidence., Anew internally shook her head and separated the difference between the captain of the space freighter and the man she loved.

Regardless, she's an Intelligence Gathering Type Innovade, specialized in gathering information and data, and she listened intently from the two people who saved her from floating helplessly alone in space.

Knowing is half the battle after all.

"Good news, she is fine, Captain Lex Zahara*. We managed to stabilize and supply her breathing after who knows how long she had been drifted in space. She's lucky to not have brain damage after you sortied in the GM to go retrieve her back to the ship.", the female blonde doctor in a white attire explained as she checked the data pad which held the medical record of her patient.

Gee-M? Is that the name of the mobile suit I saw earlier?..., Anew internally wondered as she recall that it does look like a Gundam-Type albeit it was scaled down to be simple but efficient appearance and fit for mass production. Similarly like the GN-Xs used by the United Nations Forces for example.

Captain Zahara nodded with relief, "Thank you, Dr. Layla Lindberg*. ... Is there anything else?"

The bespectacled blonde woman revealed, "From what I've gathered from her blood sample and analyzed it to determine her biological age, I'm afraid to say that she is six years old. Not only that, I found out that her entire human physiology had undergone genetic modifications to survive in space for extended periods of time and not suffer any bone density loss and so on. And there's her brainwaves, they are quite extraordinary as if they're enhanced."

"Zeon... Those colony-dropping bastards at Axis must have been breeding literal child soldiers with Newtype abilities and rapidly age them into adults as their army of expendables... And yet they threw her away by literally spacing her after failing them somehow. Probably unable to live up to their unrealistic expectations.", the brown haired older man gritted his teeth in anger, already imagining how it happened from his point of view.

He looked like he's gonna sortie out in his mobile suit and attack Zeon with immense abhorrence.

He's not wrong though... I was born an Innovade within an incubation pod and rapidly aged into an adult by Veda and that bastard Ribbons..., Anew thought before wondering in confusion. Although, what is Zeon and Axis? Whatever they are, the captain of the ship doesn't seem to have a high opinion of them. Newtype? Is that an equivalent to an Innovator?...

"I know you're angry, captain. But the Jupiter Energy Fleet must remain neutral and should not get involved with the affairs of the Earth Federation and the Space Colonies no matter what. It's the main reason why we were untouched during the One Year War. You knew that the moment when you signed up after leaving the Earth Federation Forces.", Dr. Lindberg firmly warned her superior officer of the Jupitris-class ship, concerned for him.

"I know! But still, I can't believe Zeon would go such lengths to avenge their defeat that badly after Solomon and A Baoa Qu... As if they deserve to win after what they did to my family at Australia when they did their fucking Colony Drop on Sydney! My daughter Rosammy was nine years old... Older than the six year old girl we rescued who was forcibly aged into an adult against her will.", the Australian man said with great disdain and heartbroken tone.

While she learned that the Federation somewhat exists in wherever reality she was in somehow, Lex's remark tugged a heartstring from Anew after seeing him like that as she thought, He was a father... And he lost his daughter. He really hated this Zeon for taking that away from him. The man who saved me was a soldier fighting against them...

The lavender haired Innovade sadly remembered how she had held Mileina Vashti hostage by gun point after Ribbons awakened her via Revive Revival as his sleeper agent to sabotage Celestial Being, free her twin brother Revive Revival and steal the 00 Raiser alongside the data of Trans-Am and Twin Drive Systems for him. She knew that Ian Vashti won't forgive her if she had harmed his daughter during her betrayal, intending to let her go after using the girl to launch the prized Gundam out of Ptolemaios 2, and hand it over to Ribbons.

Of course, that was thwarted by Soma Peries, the Super Soldier defector from the A-Laws with a split personality of Marie Parfacy..., she recalled about Allelujah Haptism's girlfriend intervening thanks to the latter's own Quantum Brainwaves despite being inferior compared to the Quantum Brainwaves of an Innovade or a purebred Innovator if it was possible.*

Sympathetic, the blonde German woman shook her head, telling him, "What's done is done, captain. At least we got the poor girl inside the ship on time. Brain damage from deprivation of oxygen is a terrible thing and no one deserved that fate worse than death. I heard rumors about Dr. Tem Ray suffering one himself during the One Year War. So far, there were no confirmed news of whether he had recovered from it or had passed away."

"The creator of The Gundam huh?... That mobile suit he made truly lived up to the White Devil title alongside his son Amuro Ray who was behind the wheels. Shame I never got the kid's autograph when I got the chance. He disappeared off the grid after the war ended.", Lex Zahara muttered with reverence and awe.

"Gundam?...", Anew spoke out loud, which she realized her mistake too late as it got the attention of the ship's captain and doctor, and they entered the medical bay to check up on her.

"Thank God, you're awake. Are you okay? Do you feel anything? Like headaches or something bothering you?", Layla Lindberg inquired her patient.

"No... But I feel tired though.", Anew replied, as floating around in space aimlessly.

The female doctor smiled in relief, "That's good. Don't move and get some rest. I will bring back something for you to eat and drink."

Layla nodded at her superior officer who did the same and allowed her to leave the medical room. The former Federation Forces soldier turned to the lavender haired woman and introduced himself, "Miss, I'm Lex Zahara, captain of the Jupitris-6. Welcome aboard my ship."

"Thank you saving me, Captain Lex Zahara.", Anew said in gratefulness with a small bow.

"Think nothing of it. Just glad you're alright. It must have been a rough day for you, huh?", the older man mused, trying to lighten the mood with her.

Quite an understatement after she had recently been through prior to ending up in an unknown place as if she's Dorothy who's not in Kansas anymore, the lavender haired woman commented with a small frown, "You don't know half of it..."

Noticing her discomfort which he believed that it might cause her to have bad flashbacks that led her to be spaced by Zeon, Lex Zahara brushed off with a casual wave, "If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine. Either way, you're my guest on the ship. So you're gonna stay here until Dr. Layla Lindberg give you the all-clear."

Anew nodded in understanding as she doesn't know where she was and had to stick around for a while until she get a much clearer understanding and context of where she is now. It's not like she's going anywhere and it would be considered rude to bite the hand that fed her. If this is my second chance of life, then I might as well accept it and not squander it., she decided.

"So what's your name?", the captain of the Jupiter Energy Fleet asked.

The former Innovators member gave a response. "Anew... Anew Returner."

Several years later had passed, 0087 U.C.

Within the bridge of the Jupitris-6 named as Ptolemaios 3, Captain Anew Returner was sitting on the ship's main chair as she was busy checking the data pad she was holding it with her hands. She currently wore the female Celestial Being uniform that she had it commissioned and had several of them among her wardrobe as a sentimental value to her.

The lavender haired Innovade was surrounded by a crew of several adorable Haros piloting the Karels to man the bridge and the space freighter itself.

As a lady of many talents albeit derived from the implanted memories and programming, she made them herself during her time at the Jupiter Energy Fleet. The Haros and Karels soon became popular among the organization due to their usefulness in aiding them of their tasks, and their adorable features being a bonus. Frankly, it's a good thing she had them patented to benefit with royalties as the inventor.

After being saved and taken in by Captain Lex Zahara, Anew joined the organization and worked her way to become a captain of her own merit. She currently owned the Jupitris-class ship after the older Australian man passed it down to her when he retired from service in the Jupiter Energy Fleet due to health concerns regarding fatal radiation poisoning.

Lex was like a father figure to her, helping her adjust in her second chance of life she found herself in despite sounding somewhat very familiar with Lyle Dylandy but Anew eventually got past that to know the difference between the men in her life.

"If only Rosammy were alive, you two would have been sisters...", he once told her, clearly mourning for the loss of his daughter.

Because of his deteriorating health, Dr. Layla Lindberg had accompanied Lex to ensure his remaining days were comfortable, leaving Anew Returner as the only human with lots of Haros and Karels for company.

As part of the Jupiter Energy Fleet, the former Innovators member worked on her job of harvesting and delivering the Helium-3 to the Earth Sphere and the Colonies. With her ship passing through the Asteroid Belt and Mars along the way, untouched due to the said fleet's neutral status. Although, there was no sign of the Axis for some reason.

On the other hand, the Innovade woman learned that she was no longer in Anno Domini but the Universal Century as it was called, and she was given the abridged version of the history from Captain Lex Zahara and Dr. Layla Lindberg who were willing to explain. They never knew about Anew being actually an Innovade, still assuming that she was a child soldier of Zeon who was genetically and physically modified into an adult for the sole purpose of being a living weapon... only to be discarded and sent drifting in space.

Anew preferred to keep it that way.

Besides, it would be an annoying pain in the ass for her to explain the truth of being an artificial human created by a genius quantum supercomputer whose purpose is to help guide humanity into space once they reach "Innovation". And that, the two adults, who had rescued her and took her in, would assume that she wasn't thinking straight and tried to cope with the fact she was abandoned to die by Zeon from their point of view.

"Alright, another successful delivery of Helium-3 containers to Shangri-La. Haro, set course to Green Noa 2 for the next one.", she stated her orders while thinking to herself with amusement. That kid Judau Ashta though. He is so persistent in trying to steal my stuff and sell it for money meant for his sister Leina's education yet he skipped school himself. How perplexing... At least he does look after her well-being.

Catching Judau and his friends in the act was quite a comically trivial affair when her whole Jupitris-class ship was filled with numerous Haros that used the Karels to subdue the teenagers with attitude during their foiled infiltration attempt. Of course, they did put up a fight with their fists, indy ploys and wits but it was brief and humiliating for them.

Despite that, she was impressed and offered them a spot on her crew and can earn their keep.

But Judau Ashta had steadfastly refused the female Innovade's offer because he didn't want to leave Leina Ashta behind just like their missing father and their mother who was away on a work trip at Anaheim Electronics, and his friends stood by his side, showing such strong loyalty and friendship despite their rivalry and vitriol with each other.

On the other hand, Anew let the youngsters have some Haros and Karels as their helpful companions in acquiring junk and repairs. She still has plenty more to spare on her ship anyway. And that I told Judau to keep in touch with me through his Haro I can communicate with my Quantum Brainwaves. Just in case I need of a favor or inform him about his parents' whereabouts should I run into them., she thought.

"Roger, roger! Set course for Green Noa 2! Set course for Green Noa 2!", called out an Orange Haro piloting a Karel with a bleep and flap of its ear-like metal wings.

"Roger, roger!", all Haros chanted as one, working together as a unit.

Anew smiled and fondly rubbed the adorable ball A.I. that appreciated it, and she had built its appearance as a reminder of the other Orange Haro, who was the valued partner of her lover Lyle Dylandy.

Speaking of which..., she thought before she left the bridge to let the Haros with Karels in charge until the coordinated destination had been reached.

Arriving at the huge cargo bays of the Ptolemaios 3, the lavender haired woman came to inspect the three mobile suits that she had handmade herself with help of the Haros in their Karels. Thanks to her MS engineering knowledge that was implanted into her mind as an Innovade and her experience she had with Ian and Linda Vashtis when developing, repairing and maintaining the machines of Celestial Being.

After all, when spending a long period of time and distance of space travel from Jupiter to Earth Sphere for Helium-3 harvesting and deliveries, Anew had to do something to pass the time in form of recreating some of the Celestial Being Gundams and their GN armaments. It was her way to remember her friends even though she had betrayed them after being awakened as a sleeper agent for Ribbons in a place where she was not in Space Kansas anymore.

GNMX-001 Gundam Cherudim, the mobile suit that she made in homage to her lover Lyle Dylandy and his excellent sniping capabilities.

GNMX-002 Gundam Virtue, the predecessor of Seravee used by her fellow Innovade Tieria Erde, which she used it for handling Jupiter's heavy gravity during her work of harvesting the Helium-3 to have them processed for delivery.

GNMX-003 Gundam Auriel, whose appearance is that of the 0 Gundam or rather "The Gundam" from the One Year War according to Captain Lex Zahara when he noticed the strong resemblance to the mobile suit of The White Devil during her testing of the mobile suit in deep space. Anew managed to pass it off by "remembering" the footage of The Gundam used by instructors of Zeon mobile suit training sessions for new pilots to teach them how to recognize and counter it.

Although, there were some incomplete schematics within the databanks of Ptolemaois 3's computers that were being labeled as GNMX-004 Exia and GNMX-005 Arios, and the two have yet to be constructed alongside their GN armaments.

I never knew that the first Celestial Being Gundam's counterpart here would be a powerful force to be reckoned with during the conflict between the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon. To Celestial Being, the 0 Gundam was just a prototype to test the mobile suit being equipped with a GN Drive before phasing out to make way for new generations of Gundams according to Veda. Last time I heard of the 0 Gundam's current status after its 5th GN Drive was used for the 00 Gundam's Twin Drive System was that it underwent a repainting with the colors of white, red, blue and yellow., Anew mused upon checking the status of her creations.

She added in wonder and curiosity, I wonder what's Amuro Ray like behind the moniker of The White Devil... Mr. Lex never got an autograph from him. I would like to meet him if there's a chance.*

On the other hand, the difference is that the mobile suits she handmade possessed her own equivalent of the GN Tau Drives, which Anew was able to make them from both her implanted memories by Veda and her time with Celestial Being. Each of them had a ultra-compact Minovsky fusion reactor being connected to it and they would be able to generate their brand of blue GN Particles, mimicking the closest thing to a semi-perpetual generator that is the True GN Drive.

So far, she was able to create at least 3 of them and managed to lower down the toxicity level of the GN Particles produced by the GN Tau Drives connected with the Helium-3 powered fusion reactors. Anew intended to produce two more in the future, completing the set of five pseudo solar reactors just like how Celestial Being had held five True GN Drives they made.

But for now, she has 3 in her possession.

And I call it the "GN Minovsky Drive". To stand out from the GN Tau Drive that relied on electric generation to activate and function for a limited amount of operating time. Still, humanity's continued reliance on nuclear energy is worrying. Especially when they use it as a power source for mobile suits that would act as improvised nuclear bombs if they were damaged enough to explode or if the pilots were willing to blow themselves up., Anew noted to herself internally. While Helium-3 is clean nuclear energy and they're abundant from Jupiter, she was expecting that someone else would eventually introduce an alternative power source that's renewable, efficient and safe.

The lavender haired woman could have introduced the GN Minovsky Drives openly like she did with the Haros and Karels, but decided to keep the pseudo solar reactors a secret for the time being. The Universal Century is not yet ready for such technology. Just like how Celestial Being had kept the GN Drives and their schematics a deep secret during 200 years of planning and building up prior to the public debut with Setsuna F. Seiei's Exia first showing up.

At least until Alejandro Corner, a pawn of Ribbons Almark, betrayed Celestial Being by creating 30 GN Tau Drives and he gave each 10 of them to the three superpowers: the Union, the Human Reform League and the AEU. It was a fun topic among the so-called Innovators who talk about how humans are nothing but toys for them to play with and throw them away once their usefulness ended.

As a result, the Innovade woman had to swap out the GN Minovsky Drive from Virtue with an ultracompact fusion reactor and a large backpack that had multiple rocket thrusters to handle the heavy gravity of Jupiter during the Helium-3 harvesting operations. It was already known among the Jupiter Energy Fleet that their newest member, Anew Returner, was a fan of The Gundam when she first made the Auriel for testing out her first handmade mobile suit and later the Virtue for Helium-3 harvesting.

On top of that, the Gundams she made were composed of the Luna Titanium Alloy, or Gundarium as it's commonly called, and a limited amount of E-Carbon that she managed to combine them together with some success. There were a lot of trial and error that she had been through when gathering the carbon and rearranging their molecular bonds with the current technology of the Universal Century.

Some of said errors involves explosions and flying Haros.

"Gundallanium-E"* is a fitting name for it. The Gundams are gonna be a lot tougher and stronger than the average mobile weapons here., she internally remarked about what she had made, and if there was somehow a way to return to Anno Domini, she could introduce Celestial Being the Gundallanium-E for their mobile suits and ships.

However, this alloy were made in limited production, which Anew had to make use of the Gundarium instead as a substitute. There was so much she can do even with her spare time during long space travel between Earth and Jupiter.

That also includes trying to add the Trans-Am System into the GN Minovsky Drive as Anew had memorized the data during her time at Celestial Being to test if the Twin Drive System worked with the 00 Gundam having the 0 Raiser being attached to it, and later stole the said data after being awakened as a sleeper agent by Revive Revival.

It almost blew up the pseudo solar reactor, severely damaging it when Anew tried to use Trans-Am of Gundam Auriel during the testing and that almost stranded her in space. Luckily, the Haros, who were observing the test, took action to rescue their creator and bring back the damaged Gundam inside one of the Ptolemaois 3's hangar bays where they use the Karels equipped with fire extinguishers at the damaged mobile suit before beginning the quick repairs.

It doesn't matter. The GN Minovsky Drive is more than enough anyway. My Gundam going 3x faster would have been overkill., she shook her head after remembering her failure to make it work.

Deciding to take one of her mobile suits for a spin and pass the time while tailing after her Ptolemaois 3 ship en route to its destination for the next delivery of Helium-3 to Green Noa 2, Anew went to get into her Gundam Meister suit and helmet. Albeit it was a modified version of the A-Laws one she wore and had it recolored with green colors. She wanted to be closer to her love interest, Lyle Dylandy by emulating him.

And that Anew didn't want to associate herself with the so-called Innovators' mobile suits too as well.

As a bonus, she had it outfitted with a personal jetpack too as well.

Naturally, she chose the Cherudim and entered into its chest cockpit, taking the pilot's seat. The former Innovators member took the controls and activated the GN Minovsky Drive of her Gundam, moving the mobile suit to grab the GN Sniper Rifle and holster it at the back. After that, she drove the Cherudim to the catapult where the mobile suit will be launched into space.

One of Jupitris-6's hangar bays opened, which it's a good thing that the Haros were on the Karels and in no danger of being spaced compared to a human crew, in front of the sniper-type Gundam as it assumed a launching position. "Gundam Cherudim, ready for launch! Gundam Cherudim, ready for launch!", a Blue Haro called out that was stationed at the Anew's Gundam cockpit as her assistant.

Gripping the controls of her machine, the lavender haired Innovade declared, "Roger that. Gundam Cherudim! Anew Returner, launching!"

With a full burst of blue GN Particles from the GN Verniers, the GNMX-001 Gundam Cherudim launched out of the hangar bays of Ptolemaios 3 and flew around in space with grace and elegance. Almost like it was swimming underwater or dancing like a ballerina. Anew smiled that all systems of her handmade mobile suit were working well so far and accelerated her Gundam's speed, flying ahead towards Green Noa 2 with her Jupitris-class ship slowly catching up behind her.

Eventually, Anew had reached Green Noa 2 where she would plan to stop at the certain distance, cloak the Cherudim with Optical Camouflage and wait for a while until Ptolemaois 3 arrived so she can dock her Gundam back inside. With the GN Particles of her pseudo solar reactor, all radar and scanners will be unable to detect the lavender haired woman's mobile suit.

Unfortunately, things do not go as planned and fate has other plans.

"Life sign detected! Life sign detected!", Blue Haro called out with beeping sounds, which got the lavender haired woman's attention and gazed through the main camera of Cherudim's optics.

Anew saw a glass capsule that was drifting into space and when taking a closer look by magnifying the screen, she realized that it was an older dark blue haired lady in a businesswoman's attire who was stuck inside there without a spacesuit at all.

"Huh? What's going on?", Anew wondered as she tried to look around and see who else had appeared in space aside the capsule. From Gundam Cherudim's main camera's visuals, she saw two machines, a green Tieren-looking mobile suit with a gas mask, recognizing it to be a Zaku, which is a Zeon grunt unit, according to Lex Zahara who had fought them before as a GM pilot, and the other is a Gundam in black colors.

She recalled from Lex's history lesson that after the Principality of Zeon had lost the One Year War, not all had surrendered to the Earth Federation and scattered themselves, including those who fled to the Axis. He told her that they become terrorist holdouts that refused to accept their defeat and continued fighting. Her adoptive father still assumed that she came from the Axis prior to being spaced out to die for being a failure and she didn't want to correct him.

Is it a hostage situation?, she thought with a frown, watching the Gundam unit flying its way towards the capsule to rescue the woman trapped inside while the Zaku-looking mobile suit started raising its beam rifle with malicious intent to take out two metaphorical space birds with one stone. No, it's a trap! That Zeon pilot intended to kill both of them!

"Haro, take control! I'm going to snipe that monoeye bastard down!", the female Innovade ordered, immediately taking action as she moved Cherudim to brandish the GN Sniper Rifle while pulling out the sniperscope attachment of her mobile suit's cockpit.

"Roger, roger!", Blue Haro cheerfully complied, helping out its creator so that she can focus.

Steadying her aim at the Zaku-looking machine that was about to pull the trigger of its beam rifle at the black Gundam and the glass capsule, Anew held her breath for a few seconds until the target is locked-on with a beep, giving her the greenlight to open fire. Then she pulled the trigger while simultaneously called out Lyle's catchphrase as Lockon Stratos of Celestial Being,


The GN Sniper Rifle of Gundam Cherudim fired a powerful blue beam blast made of GN particles towards the Zeon mobile suit, striking it at the torso!

As a result, the Zaku exploded in a fiery glory and its pilot died unceremoniously.

"Target eliminated! Target eliminated!", Blue Haro cheered.

Putting away the sniperscope attachment, Anew breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the Black Gundam grabbing the capsule and flew away to safety. "Thank God. At least the pilot of that Gundam can safely retrieve the poor woman inside. Anyway, let's head back to Ptolemaois 3."

Just when the Innovade woman was about to turn Cherudim around and leave the area, she received an incoming transmission. It must be the black Gundam's pilot trying to contact me. I guess he wanted to say thanks for stopping the Zeon bastard from ambushing them., she wondered before opening the communications channel to establish contact.

"Pilot of the unknown Gundam, this is Lieutenant Quattro Bajeena of the AEUG! Identify yourself!", the voice of a man demanded from the said channel.

Quattro Bajeena? What an odd name. Then again, so was mine and my fellow Innovades. Who am I to judge? And what's the AEUG?, Anew shrugged before replying back. "This is Anew Returner from the Jupiter Energy Fleet. Nice to meet you."

"Jupiter Energy Fleet? Weren't you people supposed to be neutral?", Quattro questioned, his tone sounding incredulous.

The Innovade woman explained, "I am. I was taking my mobile suit around for a spin while my Ptolemaois 3 is catching up behind me. I was supposed to make a delivery of Helium-3 to Green Noa 2 before I noticed a Zeon hostage attempt and had to stop it. The Zaku mobile suit was about to shoot the black Gundam and the woman inside the capsule."

"Uhhh, I see... Well, either way, you will have to come with us back to the Argama. After what you've done, the Titans won't take this lying down and go after you even if you're member of the Jupiter Energy Fleet. I will send you the coordinates.", the man from the AEUG stated with a tone that he won't take no for an answer.

Titans? Are they a Zeon holdout? Is the AEUG a Federation Forces unit going after them? Well, I might get my answers at this Argama if I follow Mr. Quattro., Anew thought but decided to comply and received coordinates via Blue Haro confirming them.

She took control of Gundam Cherudim to fly towards its destination where she saw the red colored mobile suit with a monoeye similarly like the Zaku flying next to her, briefly confusing the female Innovade. Then she realized that it must be piloted by Quattro Bajeena as he motioned his machine's manipulators at her to follow his lead, accelerating his rocket thruster speed.

Catching up with ease, Anew Returner saw the Argama in front of her Gundam's main camera.

Author's Note: Alright, Chapter 1 of "Innovade Woman From Jupiter" is done and I hope you guys like it. Anew Retuner had launched out with her Gundam Cherudim variant from her Ptolemy 3 Jupitris-class ship and shot down Jerid Messa who was about to destroy the capsule containing Hilda Bidan in front of Kamille. And then she got the attention of Char-er I mean Quattro who invited her into the Argama where she would meet with the AEUG.

*Lex Zahara is a shout-out to the English dub actor of Neil Dylandy and Lyle Dylandy, both twins held the codename of Lockon Stratos in Season 1 and 2 respectively, Alex Zahara. Ironically, Lex is an Australian while Alex is Canadian.

*Layla Lindberg is a shout-out to the English dub actress of Anew Returner, Lalainia Lindbjerg.

*Little did Anew knew that Setsuna F. Seiei will eventually evolve into a fully realized True Innovator in Celestial Being's final battle to take back Veda and defeat Ribbons and his Innovade cronies.

*Oh the irony as Amuro Ray and Ribbons Almark were voiced by Toru Furuya respectively in Gundam UC and Gundam 00. Hilariously, Gundam Build Fighters: Battlogue Episode 1 "AI Battlogue" made a meta-joke about Toru Furuya voicing Ribbons and Amuro.

*A reference to my other Gundam 00 crossover fic "Megas 00" where Megas was sent to the Anno Domini timeline, got modified into a Gundam-Type Mobile Armor and end up being piloted by Louise Halevy whose codename is Sayla Mass (shout-out to the main heroine of Mobile Suit Gundam 1979 anime) as a member of Celestial Being instead of A-Laws.

Enjoy and don't forget to review. :D
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