Inheritance of the Legacy

Prolog 3
You soon found yourself in school. On some level you expected the first day to be filled with odd events and mystery, but you find yourself disappointed. The biggest mystery your school seems to have is whether or not Mister Collin's hair is real. Not disappointed so easily, you go to the club fair on Saturday full of zeal, looking for any signs of the hidden world.

The next few months finds you jumping from club to club. You went to see if the Occult club was secretly a hideout for demons, but it wasn't. It just had a fat chested psychopath and her cronies. You went to check if the swim team was full of merpeople, but no such luck. You always did your best at every club you joined, which meant that you excelled no matter what, but when you didn't find what you were looking for, you moved on. Rumours of your oddity got around, but you didn't particularly care as it could mean that somebody from the hidden world would find you.

While you didn't find an entrance to the secret world in your first few months, you still didn't give up. Your school had planned a trip to Europe for the cultural club, the most recent club you joined. And you were going to go on it, so that you could...

Another country, another place. It won't have the same America's laws, repressing the hidden world. Sure, your family would be upset, but they never really saw the world the way you did.
[]See the world
Another country may give you the secrets of how to find the hidden world in America.
[]Not going
That would be silly! A whole week you weren't looking for strange phenomena around your school.

Last Prolog this vote determines where you will find yourself in chapter one. Right now you are the quirky school girl Charna Ashakan who always wares sunglasses and jumps from club to club. Alot of background for yoj was determined by the Happy/Worried/Excited vote. Don't worry you are a protagonist and every choice will lead to an adventure of a sort. Also thank you to everyone who participates you are my lifeblood.

Side note if anyone notices a very low quality and would like to help fix that feel free to offer to beta.
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Hmmm, I am kind of noting general typos, and some sentence structure issues?

I'm no expert at Beta-ing, but I can at least help with a run-through and fix those up for you. I'll PM you with an edit of this post, if that's okay, and we can probably keep on from there. I'm relatively free at the moment at least lol

[X]See the world
Prolog 3 has experienced minor edits thanks to the help of a wonderful cat.:V

No changes to what matters but I felt you guys should know.
Ark 1 Chapter 1
The air of Spain was very different from that of Texas. You look over the group of students that also came on the trip and your teacher. Miss Serena was a colorful-dressing woman with a long grey ponytail, and had you following a buddy system. Not having a friend to 'buddy' with, you are paired with one of the other stragglers, a girl named Monica Swallows. She's a loner and doesn't have many friends, especially since it turns out the last name "Swallows" is not fun to have in highschool.

The first place you go is to is the hotel, some fancy place that the school had a deal with. After that, you're off to explore Spanish culture. Despite looking downevery back ally and peering at every strangely dressed person, you don't find anything magical. The next day, you and the rest of the class are on a train to Paris.

You have a feeling that Miss Serena is really looking forward to this stop, since she goes over everything about Paris at least eight times.

As you pass by more countryside, you think its French, the train car's door slides open and twenty people dressed in black robes walked in and grabs Miss Serena, pushing her to the ground. A man with a goatee and glasses stepped in front of your teacher.

"Hello, do not panic. If you follow my and my allies' words, you have nothing to fear. We are not terrorists like the government would say, but we are revolutionaries. You represent a bargaining chip, nothing more. So as long as you do not put our cause at risk, we will not harm you."

Every student panicked after his accented words. You however...

[]Try to sneak to the back of the car.
[]Try to get close to the "Revolutionaries".
[]Stay quiet.
[]Ask them what they are fighting for.
[]Who are you kidding, you panicked as well!
[]Something else...

A lot of thanks to Andelevion who helped by betaing this chapter. Thanks to everyone who has voted.
I'm kind of doubleposting, but I really really like slightly off human designs, and so I actually scrounged up some inspiration to do some art. the sunglasses are less tinted just so I could draw those weird eyes~

Anyway, here.