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Ruby Facet-53LG Cut-2XG opened her eyes to a black void filled with the light of hundreds of...


An Autistic Kyogre~!
The Ocean
Six thousand years ago, the Great Diamond Authority decided to colonize the Earth. Under the leadership of Pink Diamond, and the supervision of Blue Diamond, Gems travelled to the Earth. There, Gems began to build a variety of structures that would benefit Gem life while on the Earth. Warp Pads which would allow Gems to travel from place to place on the Earth, and even travel off-planet to other Gem colonies and the Gem Homeworld, were created. A base was constructed on the Earth's moon, which was used by Pink Diamond and Blue Diamond to monitor the Earth's colonization progress.

The first Kindergarten -- the Prime Kindergarten -- was established to manufacture new Gems. With great success, the Prime Kindergarten started to manufacture Quartz Soldiers. Pink Diamond created a whole new class of Quartz Soldiers -- Rose Quartz -- and used the Prime Kindergarten to manufacture them.

One of Pink Diamond's Rose Quartz took notice of how the Prime Kindergarten was harming the Earth and -- believing that it was unfair to the life present on the Earth -- she started a rebellion against the Great Diamond Authority.

Ruby Facet-53LG Cut-2XG opened her eyes to a black void filled with the light of hundreds of thousands of tiny white stars.

Ruby was scared. She didn't know where she was, and she didn't know where Ruby, Ruby, Ruby or Ruby were. She wanted to find where the others were. She had to find where the others were. If she couldn't find them, then she would never be able to find out where the rebels had gone and take back their ship from them.

Ruby -- Ruby couldn't remember much about the last time that she had seen them.

Ruby could remember Ruby head out to talk to Jasper about -- something -- and then her enraged shout. She remembered that she had started to turn when she had heard Ruby shout at them and then remembered how Ruby had taken her hand and pulled her outside. Se remembered the moment she had to look at the rebels, remembered how she had to started to realize that the had tricked them, before Ruby had ordered them to combine.

Ruby could remember the anger that Ruby had felt -- the hurt that Ruby had felt -- and the need to make sure that something like that never happened again. She remembered them moving toward the rebels, remembered hearing a shout from the brown-haired rebel -- and remembered being pulled toward the doorway that the rebel had opened by some unseen force.

Ruby could remember that they had been too large to fit through the doorway. She remembered how furious they had been when they had realized what the rebel had attempted to do them, remembered turning to him and threatening him even as they started to pull themselves forward, remembered something large and orange to slam into their middle with enough force to force them to separate.

Ruby didn't remember a lot of what had happened after that, but she could remember a shout. She couldn't remember if the shout had been directed at her or not, but she liked to believe that it had been. She liked to believe it because, even if she had failed to respond in time, there was a chance that the other members of her platoon were together. She liked to believe that. She had to believe that.

The Great Diamond Authority remained mostly dominant throughout the first half of the war -- and thus were able to continue to create Gem structures. However, halfway through the war, the Great Diamond Authority started to struggle to keep up with Rose Quartz' Crystal Gems -- as Rose Quartz could heal her allies while the Great Diamond Authority could not. To generate more Quartz Soldiers to fight on the ground, the Great Diamond Authority first created the Beta Kindergarten on the Earth, which made the Beta Kindergarten a rushed job, and many of the Gems manufactured there came out defective.

Ruby had never been alone before. She didn't think that she liked being alone. She didn't have Ruby there that would tell her what she needed to do, or Ruby there to remind her about what she would be doing, or Ruby to help her when she couldn't what she was supposed to be doing by herself. She didn't know what she was supposed to do without them. She didn't know what she could do without them.

Ruby had never learned how to function on her own.

'I -- I can't do anything. Not by myself.' Ruby thought and something wet emerged from the corner of her eyes. She didn't know what the wet something was supposed to be and it frightened her. She rubbed the wet something away, wanting to be rid of it, but more wet somethings emerged to take the original wet something's place. She covered her face with her hands. 'I can't -- I can't even get rid of the wet something!'

The Prime Kindergarten fell to the Crystal Gems -- and with the Beta Kindergarten soon to follow -- the Great Diamond Authority was forced to look for a place to found a new Kindergarten. It was decided to construct a new Kindergarten in a place that the Crystal Gems would be unable to reach, but close enough that the Quartz Soldiers the Kindergarten would produce could begin to fight the Crystal Gems. The Great Diamond Authority found such a place and began construction there immediately.

But, then, near the end of the construction process, the unthinkable happened.

Ruby could -- Ruby could see something in front of her. A planet -- like the blue planet that the rebels lived on but a different color. Was it supposed to be a different color? She didn't know if it was supposed to be a different color.

Ruby fell.

Rose Quartz shattered Pink Diamond.

Ruby was surrounded by a hard roughness, but the rock melted around her as she came back into awareness. She lifted her head and the rock poured off her as she took shape and solidified.

Ruby opened her eyes.

[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
[] The circular depression opened up to a wide expanse of pale pinkish-white sand that stretched as far as the eye could see. Far in the distance, pale and faded against the horizon, were mountains.
[] Strewn across the ground were rocks and boulders; some were leaning up against the wall of her crater, others stuck in the walls of her crater, some were buried in the dirt and one was lying on the ground and looked like it had been tilted around until it was sitting on its back. The earth opened to pale reddish-pink sky over her. In the distance were mountains.
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Current Status Of Colony
Current Log Date: 9 - 7 - 2

Current Colony Status:

1 Encampment.
6 Era One Communication Hub Pillars.

Key Systems
Crystal Sector
-Provides Oxidized Iron Dust, Volcanic Basalt Rock, [????] and [????].
-Encampments: Carnelian Camp
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Command Department and Staff
Command Department and Staff:

Era Two Ruby, Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG.

Carnelian Triplets, Defective Era One Carnelian, Facet-1M4R Cut-9XG.
Carnelian Triplets, Defective Era One Carnelian, Facet-1M4R Cut-9XH.
Carnelian Triplets, Defective Era One Carnelian, Facet-1M4R Cut- 9XI.
Platoon Leader, Era Two Ruby, Facet-4P4M Cut-1ED.
Platoon Member, Era One Ruby, Facet-9 Cut-1EY.
Platoon Member, Era Two Ruby, Facet-5T3Z Cut-4RM.
Platoon Member, Era Two Ruby, Facet- 5T3Z Cut-4RV.
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Quest Mechanics
Quest Mechanics:

Steven Universe is a coming-of-age story set in the fictional Beach City on the Delmarva Peninsula on the American East Coast, where the Crystal Gems live in an ancient beachside temple, protecting humanity from monsters and other threats. Ageless alien warriors, they project feminine humanoid forms from magical gemstones that are the core of their being. The Crystal Gems are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven, a young half-human, half-Gem boy who inherited his gemstone from his mother, the Crystal Gems' past leader Rose Quartz. As Steven tries to figure out his gradually expanding range of powers, he spends his days with his human father Greg, his friend Connie, the other people in Beach City, or the Gems. He explores the abilities passed down to him by his mother, which include fusion—the ability of Gems to merge their bodies and abilities to form new and more powerful personalities.

Inflame is a colony builder quest set in Olympus Mons on the northwestern edge of the Tharsis region and the eastern edge of Amazonis Planitia on Mars, where the Martian Gems have lived in since the end of the Rebellion. Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG crash lands on Mars after the events of the Steven Universe episode Bubbled. As Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG tries to figure out how to find the other members of her platoons, she spends her time unknowingly developing her own colony.

  • Gem Production: -=[LOCKED]=-
  • Offense and Defense: As leader of the Unnamed Empire, Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG is responsible to protect and defend it from hostile forces that would threaten to destroy it. Each installation will have a defense value which will be used to determine the amount that its workers will respond to the attack. Conversely, Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG can also order her forces on an offensive against other forces where their offensive value and the defender's defensive value will be used to determine the outcome of the operation.
  • Shipbuilding: In order to get a hovercraft or a spaceship, Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG will have to construct it. To build a ship you need: Bulk Resources, Special Resources, a Ship Yard and a Crew.

  • Budget: Inflame to takes place in a post money economy, so budget should not be thought of in dollars and cents. Rather -- Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG's budget should be thought of in the materials that she and those under her are able to collect.
  • Bulk Resources: Bulk Resources are metals and other basic materials.
  • Special Resources: Special Resources are exotic materials that are much much harder to find and used in the construction of Communication Hubs, Injectors, Replicator Wands, Warp Pads and other Gem Structures.
  • Exploration: Ruby Facet-5L3G Cut-2XG will turn up new resources through her travels through the stars.
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Gem Classes
Gem Classes:
  • Agate: Agates are a type of soldier caste, meant to be terrifying figures that cow the Gems under them into obedience.
  • Bismuths: Bismuths are the building caste, in charge of constructing temples, spires, arenas, and other structures for the aristocratic members of Gem society on both Homeworld and Gem colonies.
    • Bismuths are known to have [ Heat Resistance ] and [ Enhanced Shapeshifting ] in addition to standard Gem abilities.
  • Diamonds: Diamonds are the highest caste, similar to royalty and referred to as the "matriarchs" of Gem society; they make up The Great Diamond Authority. Homeworld Gems are fanatically loyal to the diamonds, seeing as Peridot formerly adored Yellow Diamond. Gems also appear to be categorized under their respective Diamonds,
  • Lapis Lazulis: Lapis Lazulis are a terraforming caste, in charge of terraforming planets.
    • Lapis Lazulis are known to have [ Macro Hydrokinesis ], [ Flight ] and [ Memory Sharing ] in addition to standard Gem abilities.
  • Rubies: Rubies are a soldier caste. They are as personal escorts and bodyguards for high-ranking Gems. Seeing as they are so numerous, Rubies are considered somewhat unimportant and highly expendable grunts, though they compensate by fusing together into bigger constructs of themselves. Rubies are also sent to different planets to seek out specific Gems.
  • Rubies are known to have [ Pyrokinesis ] in addition to standard Gem abilities.
  • Rubies can fuse with a Sapphire to form a Garnet and a Sapphire and a Pearl to form a Sardonyx.
  • Pearls: Pearls are a type of servant caste. They serve as domestics and ladies-in-waiting to their owners. They are expected only to serve and be submissive and obedient. Their work consists of domestic tasks such as cleaning or holding their owners' things. Pearls are also status symbols on Homeworld reserved for higher castes. Pearls may also be earned by committing an act of heroism towards the Diamonds. Pearls also serve the function of footmen, opening doors for their masters; they are expected to consistently exhibit subservience by remaining silent unless spoken to and remaining a few paces behind their superior when walking with them. They also provide simple luxuries like singing.
    • Pearls are known to have [ Pocket Dimension] in addition to standard Gem abilities.
    • Pearls can fuse with a Ruby and a Sapphire to form a Sardonyx.
  • Peridots: Peridots serve mainly as technicians and Kindergarteners, sometimes performing field assignments on other planets. Era 2 Peridots are given Limb Enhancers to compensate for their lack of abilities older gems have, due to the depletion of resources on Homeworld.
  • Quartzes: Quartzes are a soldier caste. Made to fit the role of an elite warrior, Quartzes have incredible height, broad shoulders, and an intimidating muscular build. Quartz is the largest known Gem type with Gems including Amethysts, Carnelians, Jaspers, and Rose Quartzes.
    • Quartzes are known to have [ Energy Attacks ] and [ Spin Dash ] in addition to standard Gem abilities.
  • Sapphires: Sapphires are a nobility caste.
    • Sapphires are known to have [ Cyrokinesis] and [ Precognition ] in addition to standard Gem abilities.
    • Sapphires can fuse with a Ruby to form a Garnet and a Ruby and a Pearl to form a Sardonyx.
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You might want to change your Quest name. And possibly do a title search of SV and/or SB to make sure any new ones aren't taken, too.
I have renamed it 'Inflame' after a quick search of Sufficient Velocity and Spacebattles, Alivaril. I'm really, really, sorry that I didn't take the time to see if there was a quest with the title that I originally chose.
i would like to see where this goes
Hopefully, from Mars to Earth and then the stars themselves!
[X] Strewn across the ground were rocks and boulders; some were leaning up against the wall of her crater, others stuck in the walls of her crater, some were buried in the dirt and one was lying on the ground and looked like it had been tilted around until it was sitting on its back. the earth opened to pale reddish-pink sky over her. In the distance, were mountains.
Well, this is interesting

[X] The circular depression opened up to a wide expanse of pale pinkish-white sand that stretched as far as the eye could see. Far in the distance, pale and faded against the horizon, were mountains.
[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.

Vote Tally

[X] Strewn across the ground were rocks and boulders; some were leaning up against the wall of her crater, others stuck in the walls of her crater, some were buried in the dirt and one was lying on the ground and looked like it had been tilted around until it was sitting on its back. the earth opened to pale reddish-pink sky over her. In the distance, were mountains
Number of Votes: 1

[X] The circular depression opened up to a wide expanse of pale pinkish-white sand that stretched as far as the eye could see. Far in the distance, pale and faded against the horizon, were mountains.
Number of Votes: 1

[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
Number of Votes: 1

I will close the vote tomorrow sometime between 12:00 PM -- 2:00 PM (P.S.T.). If people have not voted, or if people would like to change their vote, then I would suggest that they do so before then.
[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.

Now this will be interesting.
[X] Strewn across the ground were rocks and boulders; some were leaning up against the wall of her crater, others stuck in the walls of her crater, some were buried in the dirt and one was lying on the ground and looked like it had been tilted around until it was sitting on its back. The earth opened to pale reddish-pink sky over her. In the distance were mountains.
[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.

Vote Tally

[X] Strewn across the ground were rocks and boulders; some were leaning up against the wall of her crater, others stuck in the walls of her crater, some were buried in the dirt and one was lying on the ground and looked like it had been tilted around until it was sitting on its back. the earth opened to pale reddish-pink sky over her. In the distance, were mountains
Number of Votes: 2
Thriceboiled and Vaalintine.

[X] The circular depression opened up to a wide expanse of pale pinkish-white sand that stretched as far as the eye could see. Far in the distance, pale and faded against the horizon, were mountains.
Number of Votes: 1

[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
Number of Votes: 4
Happerry, NotAlwaysFanfic, Markala and zxzx24.

I will close the vote today sometime between 12:00 PM -- 2:00 PM (P.S.T.). If people have not voted, or if people would like to change their vote, then I would suggest that they do so before then.

Vote Closed

[X] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
Number of Votes: 4
Happerry, NotAlwaysFanfic, Markala and zxzx24.

It should take me somewhere between one to five hours to write and then post the chapter.
The Basics 1.1
[] The mountain stood taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast.
The Basics 1.1

Ruby's mouth dried out quickly when she tried to taste the air: it was hot and she would come to recognize the smell of the sun on the dust and basalt. The mountain was taller than the tallest of spires that she had seen. Because the mountain was so large, it was near impossible for her to figure out its height on her own. The shape of the mountain was distinctly asymmetrical, its flanks shallower and extending out further from the summit in the northwestern direction than they did to the southeast. It looked similar to the "barn" where her platoon had first encountered the rebels, but a little more shallow and curved around on its sides.

The mountain opened up to a bright reddish-pink sky over her and opened up to a smooth plain of pale pinkish-white dust behind her. The plain did not appear to be as large as the mountain was, but it appeared to cover as much of the land as the mountain did.
Was there something black in the distance
"... What am i supposed to do now?" Ruby wondered as she looked out toward the plain. She had remembered that Ruby would have told her to look around, but it was hard to remember what she should have done after that. She would often forget what she was supposed to be doing -- or she would find herself distracted by something that she hadn't experienced before -- and then Ruby would have to come back and remind her about what she should have been doing.

The others couldn't help Ruby remember what she was supposed to do if they weren't here. She had to remember what she was supposed to do and remind herself to do it herself.

"Think. Think. Think. Think." Ruby pressed her hand to her forehead and tried to force herself to remember. Ruby would tell them about the mission, Ruby would take them there and Ruby would tell them to look around -- to scout -- the area for the thing that they had been assigned to find and nce someone had found the thing they needed to find, Ruby would call them back together and come up with a plan that they could use to either take it down or transport it. "I... ... I have ... I have to come up with a plan." She thought aloud. "I have to come up with a plan.... to find something that I can use to find the others."

Ruby waited for Ruby to speak up and tell her that she had gotten it wrong before Ruby told her what the plan was only to remember that Ruby and Ruby weren't there. She felt more of the wet something prickle at the corner of her eyes -- threatening to come out -- and shook her head.

Ruby didn't have time for the wet something. She had to find something that she could use to find the others. she had to help the others find the rebels and take back their ship.






Ruby didn't know where she could find something that she could use to find the others. If she didn't know where she could find something that she could use to find the others, then how was she supposed to find them? She wouldn't --

"No. I will -- I will find them." Ruby told herself with another shake of her head. "I -- I have to follow the steps. I have to listen to Ruby about the mission. i have to help Ruby pilot the ship to the location of the mission. I have to leave the ship and head outside to look around for the thing...." She stopped, and realization dawned. "I have a mission. I am at the location of the mission. I have to look around!"

But... Ruby didn't know where she should look.

[X] She should climb down the mountain to the plain of pale pinkish-white sand. It will be a lot easier to look around and find something that she could use if she was on a flat plain.
[] She should climb up the mountain. It wouldn't be as easy to look around and find something that she could use, but she can't see anything on the plain and she can't see all of the mountain.
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[X] She should climb up the mountain. It wouldn't be as easy to look around and find something that she could use, but she can't see anything on the plain and she can't see all of the mountain
[X] She should climb up the mountain. It wouldn't be as easy to look around and find something that she could use, but she can't see anything on the plain and she can't see all of the mountain