Indelible Stains [Bleach SI/OC]

Indelible Stains [Bleach SI/OC]
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Urahara always had an eye for talent. Unfortunate, however, that he didn't have an eye for character.

If he did... well, then he might have recognized that some people are best left out of a direct path to power.

Fortunately for him, all Shion really wants to do is watch the world burn.
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Fox in the Henhouse
Shion liked to think they were an exemplary member of the Kido Corps. They minded their own business, did their part to maintain the seals on the execution platform, and mostly spent their time altering known barrier kido to have more fun, labyrinthine structures.

What's the point of making a barrier with an exit? One may ask.

But really, what's the point of making anything without an exit? Build one in, and they have to use it: leave it out and they have to break it.

"It's common sense," Shion informs Kido Corps Commander Tessai Tsukabishi, eyes distracted by the oversized nature of the huge yellow lined collar of his otherwise blue coat, the nature of his glazed sunglasses, not to mention his impressive mustache. "It may appear to be less efficient, but in a true combat situation, this method would actually waste less reishi."

His mustache twitches.

"Shion Kamiya," Tessai says gravely. "I didn't call you here about your design. You have...a visitor."

"No, I don't," Shion says immediately. "No one wants to see me."

"You have two visitors," Tessai corrects himself as a young child with blonde tufted pigtails kicks down the door, scowling as she looks between the tall bulky and ugly-coat-wearing commander and Shion, who wears a perfectly ordinary shinigami robe except for the single kido corps insignia badly patched onto one sleeve.

"I thought you were taking me to another stupid, miserable place like you did last year with the Maggot's Nest," the kid says, looking behind them at where Kisuke Urahara has stepped through the broken door, apologetic laughter bubbling in his throat as his clogs crunch on the fallen wood. "But this is just...nothing!"

"Now, now, Hiyori," Urahara says, one hand scratching the back of his neck. "This is the headquarters of the Kido Corps... think of it as the reverse of my old job. Instead of a visible prison where people spend the rest of their lives kept away from the Seireitei, this place is where people who could have been dangers to the Soul Society instead tirelessly work for its benefit!"

He smiles with dazed eyes at Shion.

"Isn't that right? Shion Kamiya."

Shion twirls a strand of his faded coral hair around his finger.

"I don't know..." they say. "I feel pretty tired."

Tessai sighs.

"Kisuke-san." he says. "If you're going to linger, you should have given some advanced warning. The barriers we took down for you will be going back up soon: I could have simply delivered a message to Kamiya in your place."

"I knew it," Hiyori says immediately, whirling to glare at Urahara. "You lied to those guards!"

"Um..." Urahaha laughs awkwardly again. "I suppose you could see it like that?"

But his eyes are still fixed on them.

"You seem to have calmed down a lot, Kamiya," Urahara comments. "Maybe I shouldn't have come after all..."

"Yeah," Shion says, smiling agreeably. "I've settled down. On the other hand, you seem to have gotten more risque... It's a new low for you, bringing a middle schooler with you to a midnight tryst."

"Why you--!" Hiyori leaps into the air to kick Shion in the face, only to get snagged by the back of her robes by Urahara inches before the kick would have connected with his face.

"Thank you for defending my honor," Urahara says while Hiyuri kicks at him to let her go. "But I brought you here to gain a subordinate, not to lose one... aha. hah."

"What do ya mean!? I almost had him!"

"Ah, Hiyori...I came all the way out here because you were worried Kurotsucchi didn't have enough of a leash...let's be nice to them! This is a recruitment effort, after all."

"You picked Mayuri over me?" Shion says. "That guy?"

They cross their arms.

"You know, he used to steal my make-up products back in the Academy because he was too embarrassed to buy his own."

"I think he makes his own now," Urahara says. "Which brings me back to the topic at hand!"

His arms sweep out, Hiyori dropped unceremoniously to the ground as she yelps and begins to curse him.

"No it doesn't," Shion says. "I stopped wearing make-up years ago. It's hard to get access to products when I'm under such careful shopping restrictions, you know. And then the habit just starts to fade..."

"The topic," Urahara continues, "Of your placement in Squad 12."

"That's your squad now?" Shion says. "And to think I was once arrested by a mere unit 3 stealth squad commander."

Though, doesn't that just mean Urahraha had been the third seat of the 2nd Division.

"Not arrested," Tessai says. "Recruited into the Kido Corps due to observed potential."

Shion's lips curve up.

"My specialties are making cages and inescapable death mazes," he says, soft voice filling his words with a melodic type of cheer. "But that's simply because I'm inspired by what's around me. Is that what you're promising me, Kisuke Urahara? Inspiration? Because I don't need it."

"How could that be?" Urahara says. "You already have all the materials you could need to create more kido, you already have all the inspiration you could ever need, you've given up on material things.."

He smiles at them, the playful uselessness he loves dissolving as he looks at them with the loving selection of a fisherman putting a squirming worm on their new hook.

"I told Kurotsuchi that should I ever die, he would be the one and only director of my new Research and Development Division. But for you, I thought I'd offer something different. How about... if Kurotsucchi dies, you can have his spot?"

"So it's like a shark chain?" Shion asks, fascinated. "The goal should always be to kill the one in front of you?" He looks down at Hiyori. "What about her? Can I try to kill her?"

"No, you can't!" Hiyori says, scowling. "I'll kill you."

"My lieutenant has been grandfathered into the program," Urahara says. It must be so annoying for him to constantly have his hair falling all over his face like that. "I didn't know you wanted that position, Kamiya."

"I'm just thinking about my future," Shion says softly, lifting both their hands up in a vague approximation of defensiveness. Then they hold out a hand to Urahara, patiently letting it hang in the air until he grasps it with his own clammy palm.

"You're going to regret this," they tell him, patient and honest as when they'd told him they wouldn't be in the Kido Corps forever. They wouldn't have agreed if it wouldn't be regretful. "I look forward to working with you."

A single shake of both of their hands.

"Welcome aboard," Urahara says. "Let's head back to my division."

Behind him, Tessai clears his throat.

"You can't do that, Kisuke-san," he says. "Your entrance set off alarms. Give us a few hours to reset all the wardings."

"What..." Urahara says. "Tessai, that's not the way it was last time I came down here!"

"I'm stuck here!?" Hiyori groans. "With these losers?"

"Sadly," Tessai says, though he doesn't sound sad at all, "You've just recruited the guy we had in charge of internal barrier seals."

"I was making my own death trap," Shion says, unbothered. "There's an art to catch and release traps, Urahara-senpai."

The conversation stalls out as Hiyori stares at him in horror.

"Uhm..." Urahara says. "Isn't the term 'captain'. Kamiya."

"You've taught me again. Thank you so much, Urahara-senpai." Shion bows a little.

"Tessai?" Urahara says.

"Yes, Kisuke-san?"

"I think there's something wrong with Kamiya?"

"There is so much wrong with this guy," Hiyori says, crossing her arms.

"As I said in my reports," Tessai says stolidly. "Shion Kamiya was a natural fit in the kido corps, and was both obedient and helpful to all superior officers."

"I thought you were joking, Tessai."

"How cruel," Shion says, placing one hand on their cheek. "You doubt your own friends? Can you afford to do that, Urahara-senpai?"


"It's rude to call your captain a friendless, no good loser!" Hiyori says. She pauses. "Even if he is one."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Hiyori-senpai," Shion says easily. "My mistake. I only meant to imply that he was very confident in his--"

He pauses, startled, as Hiyori grabs his own hand and starts vigorously shaking it.

"Welcome to the 12th Division!" Hiyori says. "You are going to be so much better than dumb Mayuri."

"...Yes," Shion says slowly, staring down at her. "I already am."

It's been so long since Shion was allowed to carry their zanpakuto. A simple tanto blade, black wrapped hilt and a white tassel. Ryuketsu whispers in their ears, an almost indistinct huff.

"Did you keep it with you the entire time, Urahara-senpa?" Shion asks, tucking it into the sleeve of their robe. "Thank you for taking such good care of her."

"You're too humble, Kamiya," Urahara says. "I'm afraid I can't reveal where any confiscated zanpakuto are kept."

"Thank you for the kind words, Urahara-senpai," Shion says, politely bowing from the waist once again. "I'm learning from your example."

"Think nothing of it!" Urahara says, waving his hands a little as he escorts them the rest of the way back to the 12th Division. "I'm just doing my duty as captain...every shinigami of the Gotei 13 are entitled to their swords."

"And yet you never use yours, Urahara-senpai..." Shion says.

"Some things are only meant to be used on special occasions, Kamiya. Otherwise they get spoiled."

"Really?" Shion says, tucking a loose strand of his hair back behind his ear. "Isn't using it just part of the fun of being a shinigami?"

"The point of being a shinigami," Urahara says, "Is to improve the Seireitei."

"Once again I have learned from your perspective," Shion says. "Improving the Seireitei... Is it?"

"It is?" Shinji Hirako drops down in front of them, his own captain's jacket flapping in the evening breeze. The strangely diagonal cut of his front bangs looks like he might have tried to cut them himself, though the straight length of the rest of it implies that this is, perhaps, a deliberate choice. "And who is this, Urahara? I thought I'd be dropping in on a captain and his lieutenant, having a peaceful heart to heart."

"Ah, hello there," Urahara says. "Yes, I thought I'd finished recruiting too, but it turned out my squad was still missing an important person. This is Shion Kamiya: they're going to be working in SRDI as the in-house kido expert."

Shion waves.

"If you ever need any barrier designs, I'm your guy," they say. "I also do modified training chambers, torture devices, and pre-set traps! Perfect for any pranking needs, and I do take requests. Any friend of Urahara-senpai will naturally get a discount. Except if they are Mayuri."

Shinji stares at them.

"I can write this down," Shion says.

"Don't," Urahara says, extremely firmly. He claps a hand on their shoulder and starts bringing them forward at a quick pace.

"Talk to you at the captain's meeting!" He calls over his shoulder at Shinji.

"Oh," they can hear Shinji say behind them. "I definitely will."

"That guy..." Shion says, once Shinji's actually out of earshot. "He's so suspicious of me. Is your credibility so low, Urahara-senpai?"

Urahara gives them an unreadable look.

"Don't take it to heart, Kamiya," he says, finally. "He's just worried about all the bad influences that might be surrounding our young lieutenant..."

"He's worried about Hiyori-senpai? Then he should have just taken her as his own lieutenant."

"Ah, but he already has a relatively new lieutenant," Urahara says. "Though not quite as new at his job as I am at mine! Ahem. It's strange you didn't see him today, actually. Aizen Sosuke is rarely far from his captain's side."

"How admirable," Shion says. "It seems like a lot of work, being a lieutenant."

"Does it..?" Urahara says. "It's not a role I ever held."

Shion smiles at him.

"Of course not, Urahara-senpai. Didn't I just say it seemed like a lot of work?"

"Ah... haha. That's true."

There's a familiar figure waiting for them back at the 12th division compound. Hiyori stands at the gates, arms crossed.

"You're late!" She announces. "How long does it take for one person to find their zanpakuto!?"

"Good morning, Hiyori-senpai," Shion says. "Let me take the blame for this one... it seems that my skill at finding the things precious to me has grown rusty with disuse. I'll make a barrier for you, okay? Any type you want."

"I'm not a kid,' Hiyori growls up at them. "You can't bribe me!"

She's wearing the modified uniform of the research team, thick white fabric overlaying the normal robe to protect from stains or other, worse lab accidents. No matter Urahara's choice to completely divert the 12th division's previous speciality into his own interests, Hiyori has chosen to participate and learn about the new culture of her division.

Even after being abandoned by her previous captain, she's still capable of believing in such a bright future...

How wonderful.

"No?" Shion says. "Then I take it back. You stayed up to wait for Urahara-senpai and not me, after all. I'll see you in the lab."


Now she really looks worried.

"Mayuri's in there."

"And?" Shion tilts their head. "What's that got to do with me?"

"He's gonna try to order you around. Since while he's in the research labs, he outranks everyone except the captain."

"Ah, so it really will be just like back in the Academy..." Shion clicks his tongue. "You can't let people like him have power, it just goes to their head."

"Hey..." Urahara starts.

"He wants me to do his chores!" Hiyori complains. "It's unbelievable.'

"Oh, no," Shion says. "What if he tries to do that to me? Will you help me out, Hiyori-senpai?"

"I'll tell him who's boss," Hiyori says, curling her hand into a fist for emphasis. "You can count on me!"

They can feel the weight of Urahara's gaze on their back.

They look back at him.

"And what about you, Urahara-senpai?" They ask. "Can I count on you?"

"Hmm..." Urahara says, dazed look back in his eyes. "I don't know."

They don't actually have anything against Mayuri, personally. Sure, he's a repulsive little roach that steals things that don't belong to him, is obsessed with self replication because he's disgusted by the very concept of reproduction, and the inferiority complex he has when he compares himself to Urahara's genius is only worsened by the self evident truth of how lacking in talent and imagination he truly is, but none of that's worth Shion exerting himself over.

That's why what they had done couldn't truly be called an 'exertion'.

"Kamiya," Urahara says.

His eyes scan over the completely broken glass vial with acid still burning a deep groove into the table top, the fire scar on the wall from where Mayuri had detonated a bomb hidden in a gigai suit that was nearest to them, the calm barrier that only existed to protect Shion's own workbench and had left the entire set of surrounding experiments to broil.

"How long have you been a part of this division, again?"

"Five years, Urahara-senpai," Shion says immediately. They stand at attention, hands clasped behind their back.

"And you, Kurotsuchi," Urahara sighs. "How long have you been a part of this division?"

"Six years," Mayuri says, golden eyes swiveling to look over at Urahara from where he's possessively guarding his remaining beakers.

"And, you two, what is the most important rule of the lab?"

"Don't trap people in the lab without any access to light or food."

"Don't implant bombs in lab technicians or in genetic sample material."

"Don't use your shikai during operating hours," Urahara says.

"I never even touched my zanpakuto," Mayru says huffily.

"I didn't use mine during operating hours," Shion says helpfully. "I deeply respect your lab rules, Urahara-senpai."

Mayuri's head jerks around to glare at them.

"You hear that," he hisses. "He did this! On purpose!"

Shion flicks a strand of their hair over their shoulder.

"I told you yesterday," they say. "It would be a bad idea to use that lab table for experiments today."

"Do you think I would buckle under such bland threats?" Mayuri demands.

"Threat? I thought it was giving a timely warning to a fellow squad member."

"Well consider this my warning: the next time you do such a thing, I will not take it lightly."

"Oh no..." Shion says, putting a hand in front of their mouth. "I just remembered... I may have gone a little wild with my shikai practice last night."


Urahara's voice cuts through their back and forth as he stares at them.

"Do I need to tell all the lab technicians to evacuate?"


Shion waves both hands in front of their face.

"No, no, I'm so sorry for the added stress, Urahara-senpai... I'll mark out where I put all the cuts. That I remember."

"Not mark them, Kamiya. Get rid of them."

Shion gives him a helpless look.

"My deepest apologies... the only way to get rid of them is to activate them. Then they transfer onto the person in question: tada! No invisible cut in the world."

For example, the extremely deep cut on Mayuri's hand that had caused him to drop a full tray of his experiments.

"My regeneration also isn't working," Maryuri notes as his blood continues to fall onto the floor of the lab.

"Oh, another mark of my carelessness!" Shion says, pulling their zanpakuto out. "I'm sorry! You see, because Urahara-senpai said not to use my shikai during working hours--"

"Hey, what's going on in here," Hiyori says, charging into the room with her arms full of various machinery.

Urahra's eyes widen.

"Hiyori--" he starts.

"Yes, that's good," Mayuri says. "Now walk in a straight path towards me."

"What the hell?" Hiyori makes her way all the way to him, scowling up as she dumps the equipment on his desk. "I'm doing you the favour, here. Stop ordering me around."

"Yes," Mayuri says, voice monotone. He then steps forward towards the front door, following the exact path that Hiyori had just taken, only to stop as a bloody gash opens across his throat.

"Oh, you found a better solution," Shion says, looking relieved. "If everyone just crawls around at Hiyori senpai's height, then everyone will be safe."

Urahara slowly drags a hand down his face.

"Kamiya," he says wearily. "Kurotsuchi is bleeding out in my lab."

"I'm fine," Mayuri insists, the lethal wound to his throat not appearing to have really affected him that much aside from getting blood all down the front of his uniform.

"Oh, of course Mayuri, let me make this up to you..." Shion heads to leave the lab.

"Hey, what the fuck is going on in here!?" Hiyori looks between all of them, baffled.

"Kamiya, what are you--"

"I'm heading outside the lab to activate my shikai.." Shion says, looking back at them. "To help Mayuri. Isn't that what you wanted, Urahara-senpai?"

Shion wanders into the 4th Division, making his way through the various hospital wings until they find the captain's office.

He knocks on the door, patiently waiting for a response.

"Captain Unohana's not here," a cold voice states from beyond the door. "Come back later. Or don't."

Shion lets himself in.

A bland looking man with a cruel twist to his angular features and swept back black hair stares up at her from Unohana's desk, fingers drumming against an untouched stack of paperwork marked 'urgent'.

"You're on janitorial duty, whoever you are," he says, looking up at them. "I don't tolerate disobedience."

Shion beams at him.

"I'm Shion Kamiya," they say, giving a polite bow from the waist. "4th seat of the 12 Division. I've actually been sent here due to a pressing emergency: there was an explosion at the lab, we have massive casualties, potentially some deaths."

"You seem unscathed," the man says, voice remaining indifferent. "I can't authorize a large deployment without Captain Unohana giving her acceptance. I suppose you'll just have to wait."

"Thank you for your consideration," Shion says, gladly conjuring a cubed barrier to sit down on in the absence of there being any chair for visitors within the office. "I was actually sent due to being the only one capable of leaving containment without triggering the contamination seals. My also being unscathed was a lucky accident."

"I see," the man says.

"Yes," Shion says, eyes curved shut as they smile for a second before settling in for a long, engaging conversation. "And who might I have the pleasure of addressing? I'm afraid I'm still very new to the day to day happenings of the Seireitei. After being a bit of a shut in for so long, you know."

"Seinosuke Yamada, Lieutenant of the 4th Division," Seinosuke says, after a very long pause. "This isn't the place to wait for our captain: she can be much more easily found within the medical ward, with our long term patients."

"Seinosuke? What a lovely name. Very responsible sounding."

"I'm in the middle of some very urgent business, Shion Kamiya. Perhaps you would like to proceed with your own."

"I am putting," Shion says, "All due effort towards the task. Perhaps if I could help you with your emergency, you could find it in your heart to help with mine?"

Seinosuke stares at her.

"You will find my heart is quite small," he says flatly. "Almost as small as my belief in your capabilities."

He stands up from the desk, spine steel straight as he moves to stare down at them from directly in front. In his hands is a request form from the Seijin Council, offering a specific recruitment form for one Seinosuke Yamada to resign from his position and take up private practice within the noble quarter, attaining a life of luxury and privilege for the simple task of only healing nobility.

Shion whistles.

"You come at a bad time," Seinosuke continues. "I am in the midst of my retirement planning, and Captain Unohana will not return until I have made up my mind. Your visit here is useless-- with your reiatsu control, it would have been a more efficient use of your time to heal your squad mates yourself."

That's true.

"Healing just doesn't agree with me," Shion admits, tucking a strand of hair behind one ear. "I've tried it, but I just don't have the concentration! It's so boring. And Mayuri didn't even want any healers at all! That's why I came here."

"Boring?" Seinosuke repeats, voice deadening. "You find the act of preserving life... boring?"

Shion nods.

"You and Captain Unohana both," Seinosuke mutters. "I have to do everything around here..." He runs a hand down his face. "And you said... some of them did not want to be healed."

"That's right."

"Well." At last Seinosuke smiles. "At least that will be something to look forward to."

Shion bounces back to their feet.

"You know, they might be dead already," they say, opening the door for Seinosuke. "I can't say I rushed to your door."

A cold snort.

"Who do you think I am, Shion Kamiya? There's only one rule when it comes to my patients." A smirk, cruelty edging into the professionalism of his demeanor. "No matter who it is... no matter how close they are to returning to the cycle, how much they yearn for the release of death-- a patient under my care will never die."

"Good to know," Shion says, shutting the door behind him and then having to speedwalk in order to catch back up. "You know... I think we are going to get along just fine."

"No we will not."

They give him a friendly nudge with their shoulder.

"You don't mean that...think of all the lab accidents still to come!"


He can always instantly recognize the dulcet tones of Urahara's sleep deprived voice. Shion looks up from where they've been seated on the floor, various iterations of Bakudo #58: Kakushutsuijaku scrawled across the wood. It's base form is meant for finding the latitude and longitude of specific reiatsu signatures, usually of known Shinigami, but it should definitely be possible to change it to locating Quincy, right? Or Hollows? Or specific landmarks in the human world, even. If he can just calibrate--


Shion jerks their head up.

"I'm so sorry, Urahara-senpai," he says, immediately climbing to his feet and bowing. "I was caught up in my thoughts. Can I help you with something?"

"Kamiya, have you seen Hiyori?"

Shion tilts their head.

"Hiyori-senpai? Weren't you the one who sent her off to the..." They pause, mind still tangled in their own spell. "The ninth division. The one investigating the mysterious disappearances." Could they make the spell target specifically Visored? Or would that be too confusing. Or just classify Visored under general hollow and test to see if it works, and then redefine the parameters... maybe.

Urahara's face is dead white.

"Oh, was that what the alarms were about earlier? Well, I can 100% confirm she's not here, senpai. I keep track of everyone who enters and exits our division, after all." Shion looks at Urahara, mind finally kicking into gear. "Shouldn't you be in the captain's meeting?"

"I wanted to..." Urahara breaks off, shaking his head. "No, I believe you. If she's not here, there's nothing I can do."

"It's heartening you have so much faith in me," Shion says.

They pause.

"It was not wrong for you to have just as much faith in Hiyori-senpai," they add, voice deceptively idle. "Whether it was justified or not... her heart will fail her before her fists."

"Can you track her?" Urahara says, ignoring them completely. "Do you know where she is?"

Shion shakes his head, pointing at the scrubbed out sigils on the ground.

"The kido won't latch onto her signature," they say, reminded of their frustration all over again. "It's... it's there, for a second, and then it becomes unrecognizable, and the kido stops working. I'm considering how to recalibrate the spell, but I don't have any samples to work fro--"

Urahara's already started running towards the captain's meeting before they can even finish their sentence.

"Rude," Shion comments, sitting back down to scowl at the spell. "You're supposed to be setting an example for your juniors, Urahara-senpai..."

Not even two hours later, Shion is brutally thrust out of their concentration as a forbidden kido spell completely shatters their specific anti-teleportation barrier around the division.

Shion slowly looks up from his seat on the floor.

It's tempting to try and go find Urahara and Tessai and Hiyori and the other not yet Visored. They want to see the Hogyoku... this might be their only chance in their immortal life!

But unfortunately, they've got something more important to do.

Shion yawns, stumbling around his workbench to pick up a couple of items that it would probably be bad if a Central 46 investigative team found in his possession, and heads out into the still night air.

Even though he hasn't slept in over a day, the path to the fourth division is well worn into his mind, and his steps don't falter until he is, once again, knocking on Captain Unohana's door.



"Shion Kamiya?"

The gentle inquiry of a woman's voice freezes Shion in his tracks, half asleep mind shocked awake.

"Ah--" he manages, still speaking through the closed door. "I'm so sorry for the late hour, Captain Unohana. And for disturbing you. I was intending..."

"To disturb my lieutenant?"

There's an idle humour, underneath the projection of paralyzing fear.

"Exactly, Captain. Has he finally resigned?"

A soft almost chuckle.

"And be perceived as running away from you?" The door slides open, revealing the fourth division captain in all her might. Long, long hair, braided in front of her robes. Smiling eyes permanently shut, sword permanently sheathed. The bloodiest blade of the Seireitei. "He would rather let a patient die."

"We can't have that," Shion says.

"And so, I won't be losing my lieutenant." Unohana steps into the hallway. "I am afraid I cannot keep you company, Shion-- I am on standby while we wait for the situation with the 9th division to be resolved. Are you not making your own preparations?"

Shion smiles at her.

"Sadly, my research is still waiting on the samples that Hiyori would have brought back with her-- though, when she returns, I doubt Urahara will let her out of his sight for even a moment."

"It is the way of things that a healer cannot work without the injured, and a researcher cannot begin without a subject," Unonaha agrees. "But perhaps the most absolute truth is that neither can work without sleep."

She finally steps out of the way of the doorway, giving Shion a clear sightline to where Seinosuke has fallen asleep at his captain's desk, ink stained fingers still curled protectively over his unsigned resignation form.

"Will you keep him company, Shion? In my place."

"He'll be unbearable when he wakes up."

Unohana smiles back at them.

"But I'll do it," Shion says immediately. "Perhaps by the time he wakes up, this whole thing will have been nothing but a bad dream."
I have no idea about anything that happens in bleach. But I enjoy your stories and the first chapter was fun.
If I get to confused I'll just do a wiki walk.
Seeing the "villain protagonist" tag on one of your stories feels way too ominous.

Eagerly waiting for more.
A little hard to keep track of what's happening at times, and the Mc's pronouns keep changing and I can't tell if that's deliberate.

But I like the vibe. You've got the tone of Bleach dialogue down really well, and I like Shion, even if they are... morally suspect.
ok i am really confused as to why changing the title from sanguine stains to indelible stains has not changed the thread header title or the way it's viewed in the main forum, and since the story's still only one chapter im seriously considering just deleting this thread and reposting with my preferred title since apparently I can't figure out how to make that change. just a heads up to the people who are watching this channel since i'll probably get around to doing that over the weekend.
ok i am really confused as to why changing the title from sanguine stains to indelible stains has not changed the thread header title or the way it's viewed in the main forum, and since the story's still only one chapter im seriously considering just deleting this thread and reposting with my preferred title since apparently I can't figure out how to make that change. just a heads up to the people who are watching this channel since i'll probably get around to doing that over the weekend.
You want thread tools->edit thread, I think. Should be in top right on PC, just above first post.
Cat Among the Pigeons
The news breaks over the Seireitei like a tidal wave of blood. Rojuro Otoribashi, captain of the 3rd Division-- dead. Shinji Hirako, captain of the 5th Division-- dead. Love Aikawa, captain of the 7th Division-- dead. Lisa Yadomaru, lieutenant of the 8th Division-- dead. Kensei Muguruma, captain of the 9th Division-- dead. Mashiro Kuna, lieutenant of the 9th Division-- dead.

Hiyori Sarugaki, lieutenant of the 12th Division-- dead.

And their killer? None other than Urahara Kisuke, his deeds aided and abetted by Tessai Tsukabishi, head of the Kido Corps and Yoruichi Shihoin, noble heir of Shihoin, head of the shadow corps, captain of the 2nd.

It is a loss on a scale unprecedented in the one thousand years since the Gotei 13 were founded.

"And where were you during all of this," a masked agent of Central 46 asks him, voice cold.

Shion smiles at them, still seated on Unonhana's desk, the blistering slap from when Seinosuke had woken up now a fresh bruise on his cheek.

"I was here the whole night," they say. "Captain Unohana can vouch for me."

There's a deeply reluctant pause as the agents consider having to check that.

In the end, everything comes down to one thing: lack of manpower.

Central 46 can't afford to do more than a surface level review of Shion's whereabouts, because they don't want to find Shion guilty of aiding and abetting Urahara, because they can't lose any more people from the 12th Division-- the entirety of the Gotei 13 has been gutted with irreplaceable casualties, with only Division 9 worse off than Shion's own.

Even the 2nd Division has lost both captain and lieutenant, Yoruichi's old second in command using his weight as a noble clan's retainer to resign and force the position onto his son rather than serve a non Shihoin leader.

That's why Shion ends up stuck kneeling in a room with Kaname Tousen, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and an assembled panel of 1st Division Captain-Commander Yamamoto, 6th Division Captain Ginrei Kuchiki, and 10th Division Captain Isshin Shiba.

Had Yamamoto chosen them because they were people who all hadn't had any turmoil in their division, or chosen them because they were the two remaining captains to also be from the 5 noble clans?

Who can say.

Yamamoto bangs his gnarled staff against the ground to signal the beginning of the meeting, long white beard almost touching the ground as he stares down at the three of them.

"The choice to elevate a lieutenant," the Captain-Commander rumbles, "Is supposed to be the choice of their captain, and their captain alone. In the absence of their captain, the lieutenant would continue to run their squadron and act with the power of the Gotei 13 until the next captain was deemed qualified. This is the natural cycle. This is how it should be. However...whether through duty or treachery, there is not a single captain or lieutenant between your two divisions."

Isshin winces a little, while Ginrei's mouth tightens, his wrinkles deepening.

"Thus," Yamamoto continues, "It falls to me to make the judgments that should have been left to your captains. All three of you have the barest qualifications to be lieutenants of the Seireitei, knowing the name of your zanpakuto and being capable of shikai release. Tousen, you were previously the 5th seat of the 9th Division. Stand up."

Kaname Tousen still wears the white long sleeved overcoat over his uniform that had been the common outwear of the 9th under Kensei's command, a white ridged mask over the lower half of his face, the pupil less lavender of his eyes and the partitioned afro of his hair completing the look.

"Sir," Kaname says, voice formal.

"Name your sword," Yamamoto instructs.

Kaname's hand curls over the orange hilt of his sword. He takes a slow breath, then exhales, holding the katana out in front of him for Yamamoto to examine.

"Her name is... Suzumushi."

Yamamoto nods.

"Lieutenant's are not required to prove martial strength," he says. "No need to activate it. Proof that you understand your own heart enough to know your sword's name is enough. And so, from that knowledge of self, I ask this. What is the path forward for the 9th Division? And how will that path serve the preservation of the Soul Society?"

A smile creeps across Shion's face as they stare at Kaname.

"Justice," the man who killed his own Division says plainly. "The path I seek is one where the least amount of blood is shed, one where people feel most at peace. Under my command, the 9th Division would become a place that upholds the laws of the Seireitei and embraces righteousness in all its forms."

Isshin begins to lazily clap.

"Good speech," he says approvingly.

The other two captains seem much less impressed.

"The Seireitei is already a righteous place," Ginrei Kuchiki states, crossing his arms. "Is your path of peace nothing more than the status quo?"

Shion bites down on his own lip in a desperate attempt to avoid chiming in with their own agreement. Would that be enough to make Kaname throw it all away and try to kill another captain or two?

No, he's definitely got better control than that... sadly.

"It is not... the status quo," Kaname says. Not even a tensing of his hands, he is so good at this. "The path of justice is one ... where there is no difference between the Five Noble Clans and the common folk."

"Hey," Isshin says. "We're all equal once you hit captain rank."

Before Kaname can even begin to tackle the insanity of that statement, Yamamoto has moved on.

"I care not for your path," the old man says plainly. "But your ambition... and your power. Those are worthy of a lieutenant rank. I sense that you are close to unlocking your bankai-- upon that day, I hope you have impressed your fellow captains with your 'justice' enough that one of them is willing to vouch for your captaincy. Be seated."

Kaname bows and sits back down, probably very thankful the bottom half of his face is concealed behind a mask.

"Kurotsuchi, former 3rd seat of the 12th Division. Kamiya, former 4th seat of the 12th Division. Stand up."

Shion immediately straightens up to their full height, dropping into a deep bow as Mayuri inclines his head beside them.

Both of them are still in their labwear, heavy white smock protecting most of their base robes from any chemical spills or explosive damage. Or chalk dust.

"Name your swords," Yamamoto says, the glint of his eyes harsher than it had been when he'd looked at Kaname. Or maybe they are imagining things.

"It's called Ashisogi Jizo," Mayuri says, voice flat and disinterested as the sword hangs limply in his hand, pink handle and strange protrusions both visible even without entering shikai.

"This is Ryuketsu," Shion says, presenting the short sheathe of their black handled tanto sword with two hands and another bow.

"The 12th Division only needs one lieutenant," Yamamoto says. "Before you state your intentions, first: an opportunity to declare your lack of interest in the position."

"I am clearly the more qualified--" Mayuri starts, before Shion interrupts him.

"I would like to suggest that Mayuri take the lieutenant position, and I take the head of SRDI," Shion says, turning their smile up to a blinding level as they continue to look straight ahead at the captain-commander. "He's the more senior of us, after all. It would only make sense for him to oversee the entire division."

Mayuri's fingers flex around the handle of his sword with the sense that he would love to demonstrate his shikai on Shion right at this very moment.

"It's only right that I be in charge of SRDI," he states through clenched teeth. "I am the Vice-President of the entire institute, after all. And what were you? A jumped up lab technician."

"I'm the Head of Containment and Suppression," Shion says, helpfulness returning to his voice. "You must have been so busy with your duties that you forgot my title. Please allow me to lighten your burden... it must be so difficult for you."

"Nonsense," Mayuri shoots back, gold eyes furious. "All you're good at is mopping up the mess made by true genius-- you have no vision. No long term projects. Nothing."

"True genius? But Urahara-senpai always did his own experiments in his private labs. I'm afraid I had no access to them..."

Yamamoto's cane nearly cracks the floor as he bangs it down.

"Enough," he says. "Kurotsuchi, we will start with you. Assuming you become lieutenant and Kamiya the president of SRDI, what is the direction the 12th Division will take? And how will it aid Soul Society?"

Behind him, Isshin yawns.

Mayuri spares Shion another poisonous glare.

"Under my command, the 12th Division would devote every waking effort to research and development," Mayuri says, voice flat. "We are currently receiving funding from Central 46 to look into the production and development of artificial souls, and are likely to expand that department in the near future. My goal is nothing less than life indistinguishable from a shinigami, and beyond that, better than a shinigami."

"And how," Yamamoto repeats himself, "Will that aid Soul Society?"

Mayuri's lip curls.

"It will aid me," he says. "And I will be a captain of the Soul Society."

His mouth clamps shut, presentation done to his own satisfaction.

"Kamiya. Your turn."

"Of course, Captain-Commander. Thank you for your consideration. And thank you both, Mayuri and Kaname--" Shion stops to nod politely to both of them. "For showing me what it truly means to be a person who knows themself and their ambition. I will do my best to rise to your lofty standards, and demonstrate my own integrity as a member of the Gotei 13."

He doesn't know which of them looks more repulsed.

Shion clasps his hands together and begins his speech.

"Just eight short years ago, Urahara-senpai arranged for my extradition from the Kido Corps and offered me a position within his new Division in exchange for the return of my zanpakuto, and the agreement that if I ever managed to kill Mayuri, I would receive his spot as Vice-President of the newly formed Shinigami Research and Development Institute."

Mayuri's head jerks in their direction, hand dropping to land on his blade.

"As a loyal member of the Gotei 13, however," Shion says, "I would never work against my fellow officer like that. The division that I envision is a place where no one needs to compete against one another for prizes intended to be forever out of reach. A place where someone like me, the one once in charge of maintaining the seals on the execution platform of our righteous world, can use their meagre talent at creating barriers, torture devices, and spiritual constructs would be enough to rise far above my humble beginnings as the young man from the Rukongai that I was so long ago."

They need to get a fan so they can properly sell this kind of speech. The clasped hands and earnest expression aren't cutting it.

"The path that I see for the 12th Division is a celebration of all the stumbles and mistakes that got me here," Shion says. "Hiyori-senpai was the one who suggested me to Urahara-senpai, after all. It would be a dishonor to her memory if I didn't manage to do something about how much I truly regret her loss."

A single nod from Ginrei Kuchiki, while Isshin gives them a suspicious look. A man who's been on the bad end of a razor sharp joke just often enough that he can feel when the wire's already passed through his throat.

"One blade blunted by insolence, the other by apathy," Yamamoto says, clearly unmoved by the both of them. "Kurotsuchi: Central 46 will not accept an interruption to ongoing research projects. You will continue as President of SRDI. Kamiya: I will not accept an interruption to required mission undertakings and division paperwork. You will take up Saraguki's position as Lieutenant."

"I--" Shion opens his mouth.

"Silence. Tell me, Kurotsuchi. How soon will you unlock bankai? How soon do you see yourself back here, prepared to take your role as captain?"

Mayuri throws them a victorious smirk.

"My bankai is to be a masterwork of my own creation and experimentation," he says, pride evident in his voice. "I am still putting the finishing touches on it-- but I will have bankai within the next ten-- no, the next five years."

Yamamoto raises an eyebrow.

"That is one way to force submission in your zanpakuto," he says. "And you, Kamiya." He doesn't seem that hopeful.

Kamiya shakes his head.

"Ryuketsu hasn't been willing to speak with me since I got them back," they admit freely. "All those years ago, when I was forced to give them up? I was on the verge, could have unlocked it in the next decade. Now?" They spread their arms, helpless. "Might not happen for another century."

"So you'd be willing to let Kurotsuchi take the captaincy, unopposed?"

There's such a heavy layer of suspicion in this room, it's unbelievable. How could they doubt Shion's sincere truth like this?

"If Mayuri is capable of gaining the power to stand as a captain before I do, then naturally...for the good of the Seireitei, I would stand aside," Shion says. "I have always supported people who chase their ambitions. It's wonderful to know that something Mayuri has wanted for so long could be so close to his grasp."

They flick some of their hair over their shoulder as they smile at their coworker.

Yamamoto's cane cracks down one last time.

"It is decided," he says. "Now leave us: we have two new captain exams to prepare."

Shion turns as Sosuke Aizen and Soi-Feng enter the chamber, both looking around with a stiff kind of nervousness combined with excitement.

What would it be like, to crush the dream of a would-be god?

In the end, they suppose that's a question they'll have to save for a young man not yet even a twinkle in Isshin Shiba's lazy eyes.

But first--

They sling an arm around Kaname's shoulder, feeling him visibly struggle not to recoil from the unfamiliar closeness from a total stranger.

"Kaname!" Shion says. "Let's celebrate our promotions. Come on...lieutenant. Drinks are on me."

Kaname Tousen is a miserable drunk. This is to be expected, as he's also pretty miserable when he's sober. The bar that they are drinking at, however, is amazing. Great food, great alcohol, exactly the cozy sort of booths where people think they can't be overheard saying something stupid.


Shion gives him a winning look.


"You're just like... him."

That's a lot of venom to pack into one tiny word.

"Like Urahara-senpai?" Shion suggests. "Thank you, that's so sweet of you to say."

Tousen shakes his head slowly, carefully enunciating each word.

"You're just like... Zaraki Kenpachi."

Shion has no need to guard their expression since Tousen can't see it, so they let their lips curl into an excited smile, alcohol making them even more bubbly than usual.

"Really?" He says. "I'm honored! What do I have in common with the new captain of the 10th? Our fun loving natures? Our shared background as Rukongai brats? I have it... it must be our willingness to ask for directions whenever we get lost around the Seireitei."

"No," Kaname says, eyes effortlessly following the reishi fluctuations as Shion continuously shifts around in his seat. "That man is a demon. He fights just to wade in the blood of the corpses he creates. As long as he is allowed to live... that lust for blood will consume the peace of the Gotei 13."

"Heh..." Shion lets his head tip to the side as he rests his chin in the palm of one hand. "And you think I'm someone like that?"

"There are people who kill for any number of reasons," Kaname says, drunken slur dropping from his voice as his passion burns away the spirit. "For justice. For vengeance. To protect something they value, or tear down something they despise. To achieve their goals. Even ... even Kurotsuchi had a goal he aspired to. I heard him."

Such a strong support for the new head of research and development.

"So he does..." Shion agrees, eyes half lidded. "Mayuri's a hard worker."

"I heard your speech," Kaname continues as if he hadn't heard them. "'A place to celebrate the mistakes of the past. A place where no one needs to compete, and everything stays the same.'"

His fist bangs on the table.

"Do you know what drew my comparison to Kenpachi? It's your sword! It stinks of blood!" His finger points at their sheathed blade. "Blood and rot..." He murmurs, calming back down.

"I assure you, I clean my blade every day," Shion says. "There's not a drop on it."

"No," Kaname says with certainty. "It's soaked in it."

"I can let you run a finger down the blade, if you want. There's nothing."

Kaname shakes his head.

"I trust my senses," he says. "Explain yourself, lieutenant. Or have the comparisons to the 11th stand forever."

"I don't mind the comparisons," Shion says. "But I'd hate to let down a new friend...Okay. As a sign of our new bond, I'll let you in on the secret. Keep it to yourself, hm?"

They unsheathe the blade, run a finger down its metal surface.

"Ryuketsu keeps a little drop of blood from every person it's ever cut in order to remember them by," Shin says, a fond smile still on their lips. "And even if they have moved on, and they forget the places where Ryuketsu once slashed them... here, the memory remains. That's the thing about people, you know? They forget things so quickly, so eager to leave things behind in the past."

They twirl the blade in their hand, holding it in a reverse grip for a second before sheathing it again.

"Letting a failure of judgment just fade away... that doesn't sit right with me."

Kaname's fists now clench for a different reason.

Ah, that's right. An old friend of his was murdered by her noble shinigami husband... and nothing was done about it because he was from one of the 5 noble clans. What a tragedy.

That shinigami is still out there, right now, in fact. What was his name again...

"Often it is not people's judgment that fails them, but their morality," Kaname says, voice cold. "I think someone like you would know that better than anyone."

"You think so highly of me," Shion says, lifting up his own glass in a toast. "I'm so glad we made this connection, you and I."

"You will get nothing from me," Kaname says.

"'Get' something from you, lieutenant? What more could I ever ask for than the pleasure of your company?"

On a personal level, it's fascinating for Shion to consider which divisions within the Gotei 13 are run by their lieutenant with their captain not bothering to do any paperwork, which divisions the captain does all of it, and which divisions split up the work. For example, all the careful filing network that he's been able to find is completely written in Urahara's messy scrawl-- they don't even know if Hiyori's ever seen most of these documents. And, even if they flip back to the older stuff, that's not Hiyori's handwriting either: that's Urahara's predecessor, Kirio Hikifune.

But-- they squint at the form sent in by the 10th division. They'll eat their own socks before thinking Isshin does his own paperwork, so did he finally get a new lieutenant?

It's a transfer request.

To: Lieutenant Shion Kamiya, SRDI Head of the Research Office

I, Kokichiro Takezoe, 6th seat of the 10th Division, request that my subordinate, Oko Yushima be accepted into the 12th Division. While the 10th Division is happy to accept all new members, he joined our ranks before the 12th Division transformed into the bastion of scientific inquiry that it is today. As he is someone who has always been deeply interested in artificial souls and who has been unable to form deep connections within the 10th, I hope you will accept this request in good faith.

-Approved by Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto

Shion just doesn't understand the obsession with artificial souls. Kirio had invented them to go hand in hand with gigai technology; they are quite literally 'substitute' souls meant to hold a shinigami's form together while they wander around in the human world, or meant to keep a gigai ruse going in the human world while a shinigami does their work.

Well, they understand the practicality of it, but not why every odd shinigami researcher in their division thinks that's the invention that's going to get them promotion and general acclaim. Literally, it has already been done: even Mayuri was only interested in them by way of seeing if it was possible for an artificial soul to achieve zanpakuto bonding. Urahara had largely used them...

They keep looking through more files.

Yes, that's right. Urarahara had used them during his hollowification experiments in an effort to avoid experimenting on actual shinigami, but, here's the note--

Ineffective. Hollowification preys on emotion and memory; an artificial soul with no experience of the world is unable to comprehend what is happening to them. Perhaps if they were exposed to REDACTED

Redactions, everywhere. Central 46 does due diligence only when it's most annoying.

Well, they can appreciate that kind of dedication.

Shion pulls out a fresh sheet of paper.

To: Oko Yushima

Welcome to the 12th Division!

Your transfer request has been accepted. We look forward to seeing what wonders you will create within the SRDI. While our division has a bit of a scary reputation, I'm sure that you'll come to feel quite at home here.

-Shion Kamiya ^_^

Now, what were they doing...

That's right, trying to find old research. Urahara had meticulously organized all his files and kept every mission completely up to date, and Mayuri is perfectly capable of doing his own funding requests and accepting commissions, so with the exception of sample collection duty and making sure the shinigami they have out in the human world get replaced every few decades or so, they don't have much actual 'lieutenant work' to do.

Though even if they did have an endless backlog, it's doubtful that anyone would ever make them do something about it.

So, what all did Urahara have back here... their fingers drag past file after file until they freeze.

Zanpakuto Analysis-- RYUKETSU

That's... theirs.

Shion has long since put up sealed privacy barriers around the office, but they redouble them now, shaping a pyramidal barrier around themselves as they sit down and open the file.


Sealed Appearance: this blade takes the form of a 12 inch dagger, hilt wrapped with black cloth and a small white tassel dangling from the hilt.
Shikai Appearance: unknown
Added Note dated 1886: previously, I assumed the lack of shikai sightings was a result of Kamiya attempting to conceal that they had a shikai and prevent zanpakuto confiscation. Now, I can only conclude they dislike unleashing their shikai in front of other people. This is not unreasonable: my own zanpakuto dislikes being needlessly paraded around and will backlash.

Shion rolls his eyes. Come on, Urahara-senpai. A sword reflects its wielder: there's no need to compare them like that.

Known Abilities: Shion Kamiya has been observed on multiple occasions to use the blade to make a slash onto the air. That slash will then remain in the air until a being capable of shedding blood enters its space, whereupon the wound will transfer to the being in question. Having consulted with both the Kido Corps Commander and the Captain of the 4th Division, a wound struck in this manner is deemed in 'stasis'. It will not heal through zanpakuto abilities granting regeneration, healing kido, or natural healing. Attempting to stitch close the wound has no effect. However, neither will it worsen: it will simply remain until the time in which Shion Kamiya chooses to end the effect.
Added note dated 1884: he has given the impression that ending the effect requires him to have shikai activated. Personally, I doubt this to be true.

"You see that, Ryuketsu? He's doubting me. He's doubting us."

No response.

Added note dated 1890: Hiyori has informed me that despite what Mayuri told me, the scar from where Kamiya cut his hand has resisted all attempts to remove it, including a full skin graft: the scar reappeared on his new skin in the exact same place. I suspect the same is true of his throat.

Prying into our business..." Shion mumbles. "How rude."

No response.

Observations: upon being touched by someone not its user, it made every attempt to cut me. Based on what is known of Kamiya's shikai, and its name, I deemed it too dangerous to allow it to shed my blood.

Shion's smile fades.

When used in its sealed form, nothing unusual was observed. When placed into a cup filled with hollow blood, no change occured. When used to cut a hollow, no change occurred.

"Hey, Urahara-senpai," Shion says, almost joking. "That's illegal. You're not supposed to play with confiscated zanpakuto. Ryuketsu is my most precious thing in the world, after all... what if
you broke it?"

When used to cut a hollow's mask, no change occurred.

Their hand drums on the hilt of their sword.

"You're not broken, right, Ryuketsu? You're just a little mad at me."

No response.

"Do you ever talk to your zanpakuto?" Shion asks Seinosuke, having tracked him down to his personal quarters when they couldn't find him in the hospital wing.

"No," Seinosuke sighs, hair slightly disarrayed from being dragged out of bed. "Why would I go out of my way to talk to that little annoyance? I don't want to talk to him, and I don't want to talk to you."

He rubs a hand down his face, clearly hoping they will have disappeared to bother someone else when he reopens his eyes.

No such luck.

"They don't materialize in your dreams, or anything?" Shion presses. "You unlocked shikai and then never talked to them again?"

"You know, these are very personal questions to ask someone at 2 am in the morning."

Shion places a hand on their chest, expression of earnest naivety firmly planted back on their face.

"I didn't know who else to turn to," they say, sincerity infusing their voice. "I'm so new to the Seireitei, and being lieutenant myself, there's no one else to turn to except someone like you, someone with so much experience in the field."

"You've been a lieutenant for 5 years. You have plenty of experience in the field."

They blink their eyes at him.

He scowls.

"Look. It doesn't matter, alright? I'm never going to be a captain-- Not unless I transfer to a different division, something I'm absolutely not willing to do. So why would I need to talk to my zanpakuto? I don't need a bankai. And unless you plan to become captain, you don't need a bankai."

"Is it about needing something?" Shion says, tapping their cheek in a sign of confusion. "I don't need to talk to you, but I do it all the time."

"It's definitely about need. You need to stop talking to me."

"No..." Shoin says, nodding along. "I understand. Ryuketsu's just like you, she's a homebody. Hates going out and meeting new people, needs someone to introduce her around and not leave her alone at mixers. Maybe a blind date set up."

"You don't understand anything."

If being woken up at 2 am by Shion had left Seinosuke with some lingering tiredness, it appears that the jolt of adrenaline brought on by their new comprehension has been enough to bring him fully back into painful consciousness.

"I don't need to meet people," Seinosuke tells them, voice slow and careful. "And I am not a ... 'homebody'. I am a medical professional dedicated to preserving the lives of the shinigami of the Gotei 13. Which requires me to spend my waking hours within the hospital which is naturally located within my division."

"Your division? I thought it was Captain Unohana's division."

"It... is." Such strangled resentment contained in a simple two syllable phrase. Impressive. "Do you have any other feats of knowledge you would like to share with me, Kamiya? You can leave at any time."

"Any other feats of knowledge..." Shion tilts their head, to show how seriously they are taking this question. "Why yes, now that you mention it. Did you know Mayuri was bragging to me about how close he was to a breakthrough? That he'd have bankai unlocked within the week? Within the day, even."

"Is that what brought on your late night visit," Seinosuke says, voice flat. "If you're so unhappy about it, you should have perhaps attempted to make contact with your blade earlier. I suggest inventing a time travel machine where you can return to a century or so in the past."

"Time travel is really just not my style..." Shion says, deeply regretful. "Once you commit to something, you should live with it for the rest of your life, that's my motto."

"I don't care about your motto. Get out of my--"

A fist pounds on the door.

"Lieutenant Yamada! Are you in there!? There's been an explosion--"

Seinosuke yanks open the door, face frozen into hostility.

"What," he intones, as Isane's eyes widen as she sees Shion wave at her from his spot inside the room, "Is making people feel free to interrupt me at such an hour?"

"I, uh, didn't mean to interrupt, you two," Isane stutters. "I just-- well, no, Lieutenant Kamiya should know this too! There's been an explosion at the Division 12 labs! A really bad one, possibly deaths and several severe injuries!"

"Oh no," Shion says. "A really bad explosion? The only person who could have been working in the labs tonight was Mayuri. He had kicked everyone out so that he could put the finishing touches on his bankai, you know. I better go make sure he's alright."

Seinosuke's body swings back in their direction, dawning awareness in his eyes.

"You..." he mutters. "Stop using me to prove your own innocence. The next time I'm turning you in, whether you did it or not."

"What are you talking about, Seinosuke?" Shion says, smiling up at him. "I just came here to talk to my dear friend, like I always do."

Seinosuke stares at them with dead eyes.

"If Kurotsuchi is alive when I find him, I'll keep him that way, no matter what state he's in," he says, turning on his heel and following Isane out.

Shion follows along, face still stuck in that same smile.

"I assure you, he is in perfect condition," they say.

Some housekeeping author notes.
- Shion uses he/they
- he's gay and will eventually be in a relationship. stop reading now if this is an issue
- i dont care about the sternrietter or the thousand year blood war and wont be writing about them, but Shion will still have knowledge of various lore developments that were revealed during that stretch of the story & in supplemental material as I see fit
- i dont care about the sternrietter or the thousand year blood war and wont be writing about them, but Shion will still have knowledge of various
damn that really disappointing, want t keep reading but knowing you wont go that far means i should probably stop, it would be an excersies in futility to continue when I'm aware we wont go all the way
I'm totally fine with the loss of the Steinritter and that whole arc. That was after I stopped reading anyway, and that whole thing seemed kinda... well past jumping the shark, so no loss here.

Shion continues to be a maniac. I do appreciate not getting beat over the head with his SI-ness, and watching them mostly exist to cause trouble for others is entertaining. It's nice to have an SI that's not all business, all canon, all the time.

That bit about Urahara possibly breaking Shion's zankpakuto was very disconcerting. Something about how it was phrased so clinically and drawn out really brought through Shion's own disgust and discomfort.
Shion is pretty cool and a very interesting character can't wait to see more character reveals and development. Interested to see how he interacts with other people and notable characters such as Gin, Aizen, and Kenpachi because the interactions he has had so far are either cool are funny.
Kinda reminds me of a combo of Aizen and Urahara, but with the rougher edges from both being sanded off.
Urahara's penchant for underhanded scheming, mixed with Aizen's cool and aloof nature.
Elephant in the Room
There's quite a lot of screaming and shouting coming from Shion's division. Black, acidic clouds of smoke are billowing from the windows of the building where the main laboratory is housed, though most of the division can't do anything about it, a translucent black cube barrier having risen out of the ground all around the main laboratory to confine and keep the flames as well as any shinigami from entering or leaving.

A young woman with huge glasses and a chain hanging around her head runs up to Shion, eyes wide.

"Lieutenant!" She says. "There's-- there's at least four people unaccounted for."

"And what's your name again, young lady?" Shion asks, hands tucked into their lab coat as they continue to watch the laboratory burn.

"Niko... Niko Kuna, Lieutenant. I'm the 13th Seat."

"Ah..." Shion says, looking down at her. "Lieutenant Mashiro's younger sister."

They'd approved the leave time for her to go to her sister's funeral, that's right. The Hollowfication incident really was the gift that kept on giving.


"Stop dawdling, Kamiya," Seinosuke says, arms crossed. "I didn't get out of bed at this hour just to stand around in your courtyard and watch some fireworks."

"Watching fireworks together? What a lovely idea, Seinosuke. But I'm afraid I'll have to impose on your generosity at some less pressing time."

They take one hand out of their pocket and gently press it against the barrier, stepping forward as the cube begins to shrink in response to the gentle touch.

Shion walks forward, Seinosuke half a step behind him as they keep pushing the barrier endlessly inwards.

The late hour means that the only people left in the labs would have been the particularly devoted or the easily bullied, whichever Mayuri most valued that day.

So, it's no surprise that the first body they find belongs to Hiyosu, the 6th seat. He's always been a greasily unpleasant sort, wide fish eyes, a gaping mouth and an uncomfortable fondness for making female gigai.

Seinosuke kneels down next to him, checking for any lingering signs of life before shaking his head.

"It seems like he inhaled a poisonous substance..." he says, putting on a pair of gloves before he begins prodding at the corpse's distended tongue. "How strange. I can detect no such thing in the air."

Shion helpfully points to the other side of his barrier, which has only gained more and more swirls of ominous black swirls of smoke and flame as it continuously shrinks.

"Maybe it's over there?" He suggests. "Not that I'm willing to release the barrier. For the safety of the rest of my division, you understand-- I put my containment protocols in place for a reason."

"Indeed, no one can doubt your foresight in this matter," Seinosuke coldly, climbing back to his feet. "There's nothing more I can do for the dead. Let's keep going."

The next tableau they find is even more fascinating than the first, not the least because they've found their first survivor.

Young Oko Yushima, eyes wide with terror, kneels with his back to one of the few non burning walls, his unleashed shikai firmly planted in front of him as it generates a portal into a dark, timeless, and very hungry place.

Thankfully for him, that hunger is mostly working to devour the poison before it reaches him.

He stares with blank eyes as Shion carefully pushes the barrier back through to the end of the room, his imminent death reduced to nothing except a memory.

"Oko, right?" Shion says, crouching down in front of one of his newest subordinates. "Congratulations on surviving so long, and with such an inventive strategy! You really are a good fit for our division."

"I..." the young man says, face going almost as green as his hair. "I think I--"

"Our division does not accept outward transfers or resignation requests," Shion continues.

Seinosuke taps a finger on Oko's pulse, then scowls and starts tracing some kido threads through the air in a geometric pattern around his head.

"There's still some poison lingering in his system," he says. "Finally, some samples. Hold still."

Oko begins to compulsively cough up a strange, purple mist as it's drawn towards the hovering structure.

"Well?" Shion asks, fascinated. "What does it do?"

Seinosuke gives them a bitter look.

"What does it look like it does? It kills people."

"But how does it kill people, Seinosuke?"

"I am trying to--" Seinosuke breaks off from the argument as he notices pale purple mist also drifting up from Oko's skin as well as from his lungs. "A contact poison, not just an inhalant? And with a sticky, acidic component. This isn't meant for a prolonged, torturous death-- anyone below captain level would die in minutes."

"Good thing we have this barrier then," Shion says.

Seinosuke gives them a very narrow look.

"It should also be eating away at your barrier," he says. "And yet, it isn't."

Suspecting them of going so far as to poison the entire building... as if they would need to, when Mayuri was guaranteed to do it for them.

"Oh, it is," Shion assures his friend. "However, this barrier of mine was specifically designed to contain lab accidents. Mayuri even contributed to the design-- In fact, he specifically forced me to include an out for him. If he so much as touches the barrier with his bare hand, it will break instantly."

Seinosuke gives the barrier another, even warier look before turning back to Oko.

"You'll live," he says, disinterested now that he's extracted the poison. "Best get going."

Oko stumbles to his feet, still clutching the long polearm of his unleashed shikai.

"Careful of the corpse in the next lab over!" Shion calls as he heads out. "Don't touch that, he's definitely still poisoned."

Oko stumbles a little, giving them an even more anxious look over his shoulder, and comes to a halt.

"Uhm..." he says. "Lieutenant Kamiya..."

"You can just call me Shion."

"Lieutenant Shion..." Oko pauses, a conflicted expression on his face, but slowly he pulls what looks like... an artificial soul pill out of his pocket, holding it out towards them. "This is-- this is what the President was having me work on. I already gave him the one he asked for, this was a backup..."

"Did he give it a name?" Shion asks, immediately focused. "Not this one. The one he took."

"A name?" Oko looks baffled. "The president isn't that kind of he?"

"Everyone's allowed to have some affection for their dreams," Shion says, lifting one shoulder for a shrug.

"I... if you say so, Lieutenant. I've got to get going..."

He looks like he's going to faint, though Shion can't tell if that's from the suggestion Mayuri could harbor affection for anything or due to his ongoing poisoning.

"Take care!"

"What a reliable mentor you are," Seinosuke says as Shion goes back to moving the barrier inwards.

"It's more fun than I thought it would be," Shion freely admits. "No wonder Urahara-senpai couldn't resist recruiting such fun people."

They see no more souls, living or dead, before entering into the hallowed halls of Mayuri's private lab. The only one allowed in here besides the President of SRDI is Akon, the new 3rd seat, so it's only fitting that he, too, is sprawled on the floor, body already half eaten away by the massive pool of acid that surrounds him.

Seinosuke sighs, voice full of exasperation.

"I could have saved him if he hadn't fallen into the acid," he says. "Why would he do something so foolish, Kamiya? And this is the final room where your barrier has shrunk down to, but I don't see Mayuri anywhere. What a waste of my time."

"I didn't know you liked asking the same question twice," Shion says, idly pushing the barrier forward so that the acid is forced back away from Akon's legs. "But I'll spare you the trouble of hearing the same answer twice. Right, Mayuri?"

The green liquid gurgles.

"Kamiya," it snarls in Mayuri's voice. "You did this to me."

"Hello there, President," Shion says. "How wonderful that you survived this calamitous incident completely intact."

They continue pushing the cube further and further together, until the entire inside of the now 3 foot by 3 foot barrier is nothing but a swirling morass of smoke, purple miasma, and the green, bubbly liquid.

Seinosuke raises his eyebrow at Shion.

"So he really did survive," he says. "Hello, Kurotsuchi. I am Lieutenant Yamada of the 4th Division-- are you in need of a healer?"

"I am not," Mayuri hisses. "I am, in fact, perfectly fine. My ability, Flesh Splash, will allow me to recover and reform from any damage, no matter how severe."

"See, Seinosuke," Shion says. "He's your ideal patient: already stabilized. He's saved himself completely."

"How dull," Seinosuke says, losing interest almost immediately. "So, what was the point of all that poison in the air, then? If not as a personal protective measure."

"I don't know," Shion says. "I had nothing to do with that. What was all of that poison in the air, Mayuri?"

They poke at the cube, shrinking it another inch or so.

"My new bankai breathes endless poison," Mayuri says, managing to sound unbelievably smug for a bunch of goop being slowly pushed off a corpse. "It's inevitable it would have a little...overreaction, when its first unlocking came at the same time as such. Blatant. Sabotage."

"Sabotage!" Shion says, covering his hand with his mouth. "No... I thought you hand picked your subordinates just to prevent such treachery."

"There's no level of security that could prevent the true poison..." Mayuri says, voice dark. "You, Kamiya. You are the poison within this division. You activated the cut on my hand and throat when I was in the midst of the most delicate part of my bankai modification process, interrupting me and causing a massive explosion... but you failed. My bankai activation was successful! Now that I am qualified to become your captain... you will regret this!"

Seinosuke looks between Shion and Mayuri, and rapidly gets back to his feet.

"I'm done with my investigation," he announces. "When last I saw Shion Kamiya and Mayuri Kurotsuchi, they were both alive and well, and then I went back to bed. Good night."

"Good night, Seinosuke," Shion says, waving to him. "Don't let the bed bugs bite."

He does not favor them with a farewell on his way out.

"It must have been him who betrayed me..." Mayuri muses, as Shion begins to kneel down and rummage through Akon's ravaged corpse. "You needed someone to be your eyes and ears on me, so you'd know the right moment to strike. A pity your limited understanding of my talent meant you could not anticipate my survival."

"Why would I need anyone to betray you, President?" Shion says, voice light. "I want nothing more than to see Division 12 thrive and prosper."

Their fingers seize around the artificial soul container.

"Even now you do not let your true colors shine," Mayuri mocks them. "You cower and bow before your superiors, trying to appease those you cannot over power. Tell me-- now that I am more powerful than you, will you bend from one face to the next, acting as if you'd always been a confidante, a trusted subordinate?"

"Ah..." Shion says, holding the artificial soul up to the light, so that Mayuri can see it. "What is... this?"

Their only regret is that like this, they cannot see Mayuri's face.

"Do not touch that," Mayuri says sharply, making waves within the cube as he begins to try and break it in earnest.

It's only a small, white pill when you look at it.

"The Nemuri Project, wasn't it?" Shion says. "That was where you thought the key to your bankai would lie. Only by creating true artificial life would your zanpakuto spirit acknowledge you as its true master. But look...."

Shion holds the pill between their fingers, and crumbles it into dust.

"It's gone."


"I'll make another one," Mayuri says, finally. "I'll make another nine. You understand nothing, Shion Kamiya! As long as I'm alive, I'll create more and more! I will assemble the perfect being!"

Shion places the hand they'd just used to break the artificial soul on top of the cube, and once more begins to press down, the size decreasing until it's barely a single foot in every direction, the liquid pushed up against all of its walls.

"You know, President," he says, smile once more twitching at the edges of his mouth. "Have you ever seen my shikai?"

"I don't have time for your games, Kamiya," Mayuri says. "Let me out this instant, or you'll face the consequences."

Shion continues to shrink their barrier, until it becomes nothing but a whirling mass of acid that they can pick up with one hand.

"Yes... that's right. I've never shown it to you. My apologies for the oversight. You me, having a weapon that reflects my self is a deeply personal matter, and I really do hate baring my soul in public. But there is one exception, really."

Shion draws their short blade from their waist and slowly unsheathes it. Then, they plunge it directly into the liquid.

"You can't kill me!" Mayuri snarls. "I'm invulnerable in this form!"

"Because, me and my sword have the same rotten hobby," Shion says.

The tassel of their sword turns from white to black as the purest expression of joy on Shion's face coincides with Mayuri's gurgling scream.

"Rejoice in Suffering, Ryuketsu!"

The world in front of them fades away, replaced with the familiarity of their inner world. A common household, though not one that Shion has ever seen in his memories, And, sitting at the dining table, hands laced behind her head and feet kicked up next to her empty sake cup, Ryuketsu stares at him, black eyes languid and cold.

"If it isn't Shion," Ryuketsu drawls, crimson hair falling down her back as she drops her hand to rest on the butcher's knife that hangs at her waist, the white wrappings around her upper body blending into the proud white of her overcoat and hakama. "I'd thought you'd forgotten all about this old place, now that you had your fancy new job."

Shion takes a step forward, only to be met with that single sensation that truly brings them back to their youth.

The squelch of blood.

Every inch of this house that they can see, every inch of it they've ever been able to see, is ankle deep in it. It soaks into their white socks, their sandals, the white hem of their lab coat... everything returning to how it always looks within this world.

"How could I forget this place?" Shion says. "This is my home."

"Your home," Ryuketsu repeats, uncrossing her legs and resettling her feet on the blood soaked floor as she leans forward, one hand going under her chin. "Your home, Shion?"

The butcher's blade is in her hands in a single moment, and it ricochets in the air to thunk into the wall next to Shion's head.

"Vultures," Ryuketsu says, hand slamming down. "Circling around, peering through my windows. Pigeons. Shitting on my roof. Spiders, winding their webs where they think I can't see them. Feral strays clawing at my door. Filth, everywhere."

"And yet you seem unstained," Shion says. And he is right: where the blood soaks into Shion's own hem, it parts wherever Ryuketsu steps, her pants remaining white even in a sea of red.

"Heh," Ryuketsu scoffs, but she seems amused, the blade disappearing from behind Shion and reappearing back on her waist. "Well then. Have a seat, have a seat. No one's going to be saying I was a bad host, now are they?"

"No one would ever say that to you, Ryuketsu." Shion pulls out a seat, the motion of moving the chair back and forth enough to splash more blood onto their lab coat.

Ryuketsu snorts.

"'Cause you'd kill 'em for it," she says easily. "Hah... well, you used to. Still willing to do something like that for me, Shion?"

"I thought you disliked it when I did that," Shion says. "You said I cut everything too short."

"Did I say that?" Ryuketsu laughs, low and throaty. "That's what's wrong with you, ya know. You take everything so seriously. Can't a girl have a little fun?"

Shion feels the cold liquid slowly rise around them, blood slowly creeping up their legs as a little more of the room is lost to the crimson tide.

"You can have as much fun as you want," Shion says. "Didn't I promise you that?"

The languid look in Ryuketsu's eyes finally turns to ice.

"And what are your promises worth, Shion Kamiya? The same worth as this abandoned house. The same worth as this empty bottle!"

She hurls the sake bottle at his head, only for Shion to catch it.

"But I don't mind," Ryuketsu says, slumping down to rest her chin in one hand as the other traces an indifferent pattern in the grain of the table. "I've been entertaining myself while you were gone, after all."

"That's wonderful," Shion says, smiling at her. "I was worried about you."

"Worried?" Ryuketsu repeats, looking up at him. "About little old me? That's a riot."

Slowly, she stands up, wading through the knee deep blood to sit down on the table just to the left of Shion, red hair sliding down the side of her face as she tilts her head to stare down at them.

This close, Shion can see what precious distance had hidden. A cobweb of cracks on Ryuketu's neck, echoed in the cracks on the hilt of her blade.

Shion goes still.

"I'll kill him."

"Aw, Shion."

Ryuketsu threads her hands through their own coral hair, bringing his face closer to her own, her voice a whisper in his ear.

"Gonna kill yourself for me, now?"

Shion freezes.

"It's that bad habit of yours that got you," Ryuketsu muses. "You've always been like this. Yearning for the misery that people only feel after failing to grasp their dreams, falling short just before their end. You're immortal, so what does it matter to take 30 years? 50 years? A hundred years? That will just make their suffering all the sweeter."

She shoves Shion back with such force that the chair tips over, dumping them into the red ocean.

"But I'm not that patient," she says, watching them climb back to their feet, blood now dripping from their coat, their hands, the tips of their hair. "I told you my name. I told you what I'm meant for. And have you ever used the full extent of my abilities? No. Not once in our years together. What's the use of having a wielder like you?"

"The lack of trust truly cuts to the bone," Shion says, slowly wringing some of the blood out of their hair as they walk back to the place where Ryuketsu had originally been seated, picking up her empty sake cup and bringing it back to where he'd left the bottle. "Didn't I wait so long because I wanted to give you a proper present? To celebrate?"

From the empty bottle, green, acidic ooze pours down into Ryuketsu's cup.

Ryuketsu laughs.

"Waiting on me to complain, were you," she says. "Tell me, Shion. What's that going to taste like? It looks disgusting."

"Even now, he thinks he won't die," Shion says. "I crushed his dream in front of him, but as long as he's alive, he can simply recreate it again, newer and better. As long as he has his bankai, he can take the seat of captain, and mold the 12th Division into exactly the place he wants to be. Everything good in the world is within his grasp."

Ryuketsu picks up the cup.

"You didn't tell him, Shion?" She says, mouth curving up. "How cruel."

"Wouldn't it be better for him to die in ignorance, despairing at not knowing the cause?" Shion says.

"Wouldn't it be better for him to die screaming from his own folly?" Ryuketsu says.

Shion concedes the point.

He leans forward, his inner world overlapping with the outer world as he directs his whisper towards the still screaming Mayuri.

"Let me explain the power of my shikai, peer to peer. Or, have we ever been peers? Shinigami to shinigami, then. As it's passive ability, my blade cuts the air, leaving countless traps behind it. You remember this, yes? The slash on your wrist."

Shion shoves the cleaver deeper.

"The slash on your throat."

Inside their inner world, Ryuketsu lifts up the sake cup in a toast.

"The cuts can amount to any number, but any number past two would have just been for my own amusement, President," Shion says, and finally their cruel smile matches Ryuketsu's own. "For the third strike, delivered while I hold the blade in my own hand..."

Ryuketsu downs her cup, and Mayuri's scream goes silent.

Slowly, Shion pulls the butcher's blade back out of the black cube.

"My sword has grown used to the taste of your blood," Shion says. "Now, only your screams are enough for her to be satisfied."

A single drop of blood falls from the clean surface of the blade as Shion sheathes it.

"I'm back, Ryuketsu," he says.

Her laughter accompanies them all the way home.

They were never so much as censured for having the third, fourth, and sixth seat of their division die under their watch. Within a division, the only one with that power is the captain or the lieutenant-- and Shion is the only authority his division has.

If they wanted justice, they would never get it.

But, sadly, most of the division doesn't seem to have cared very much at all, except in the sense that working for the 12th division has now gotten safer, and practically everyone has gotten a promotion.

Shion sighs a little, bored as they poke at their newest project. Theoretically, attaching a kido spell to a piece of equipment is pretty easy, but that's only for weak spells. The last earring they tried to stick a higher ranked kido in exploded and took a lot of the room with it. It's an issue of reiatsu containment... but making it so the spell drains the reiatsu from the shinigami in the moment rather than storing it in advance completely defeats the point.


No Urahara to bother, no Hiyori to tease, no Mayuri to sabotage...

These's so quiet in the lab.

Not for long, though. Shion's head snaps up as their seals around the compound alert them to a very distinctive presence heading in their direction.

"Lieutenant Shion?"

If it isn't little Niko Kuna. The 13th seat.

Shion looks up from their seat on the floor.

"Yes, Niko?" Shion says. "Do you need some assistance in the lab?"

Since they are, after all, now also the president of the SRDI.

"No, Lieutenant! I wouldn't bother you over something like that!" The girl seems a little anxious. "It's just-- Someone's come to visit you."

An old memory stirs.

"No one ever comes to visit me," Shion says, voice dry.

"And yet..." Ukitake's soft voice comes from behind Niko as he makes his way into the room, his long sleeved captain's haori overing his emancipated frame. "Here I am."

Shion immediately rises to their feet, brushing dust off their lab coat and offering a deep bow.

"What an honor," they say, looking around their lab for a chair to offer the captain and coming off short. There's nothing but an assortment of tables cluttered with half finished projects and chalk marking and deep grooves all over the floor. This just won't do. "This really.. Isn't a place for hosting such meritorious visitors. I'll show you to the front porch--"

"No need to hustle around on my account," Ukitake says, gently smiling at them. "I'm not that fragile, after all."

"Of course," Shion says. "Niko.. how about you go and find some tea to offer the captain? Do not take it from any of the labs."

Niko nods nervously, and practically runs out of there. She might have to go to another division to find some not from the labs, but they'd really hate to accidentally poison someone in the name of hospitality. Sacrifices must be made.

Now Shion almost wishes they'd left the tatami mats down, instead of taking them all up so they could get more floor space to draw on.

Ah, well.

They conjure a barrier for Ukitake to sit on, and then do the same for themselves, settling down to listen to whatever the good captain has to say.

"You are too kind," Ukitake says. "First of all, I would like to express my deepest sympathy-- it is not easy losing any member of your division, and you have faced quite a number of losses in such a short time."

Shion nods seriously.

"It means a lot to me that you came all this way to check in on me," they say. "While I can't say I was very close to many of the people in my division, their loss is a loss for the Seireitei, and I often find myself missing their presence."

"How reassuring," Ukitake says, tucking his hands into his sleeves. "That actually brings me to the very thing I'd come to talk about."

"I am...all ears," Shion says. They're not...worried, exactly. Concerned. Intrigued.

"As you may know, my lieutenant actually got married last year," Ukikate says.

Shion is shocked when he doesn't start pulling out pictures and showing them off to them on the spot.

"I did hear about that," Shion says. Didn't they say they needed to get a fan? They need something to do with their hands at times like these. "Kaien married your 3rd seat, right? Miyako. Congratulations to the happy couple."

"It was such a wonderful ceremony," Ukitake says, the sincerity of his tone putting even Shion's most earnest attempts at humility to shame with ease. "But, I've recently been facing a bit of a dilemma. You see, Miyako is such a talented individual. She's brilliant, devoted, powerful... lieutenant level, in fact."

"Wow..." Shion says, lacing their hands together. "That's quite impressive, coming from you. It's a good thing that there are three open lieutenant slots right now, then. In fact, Captain Kyoroku is one of the people with an opening... right? Surely he'd take your recommendation."

A shadow crosses Ukitake's face.

"Lisa of Shunsui's closest companions for more than half a century," Ukitake says. "He hides it well, but the grief is still fresh in his heart for the past decade, and I suspect many more decades to come. No...I couldn't do that to him."

"I didn't think," Shion says, backtracking quickly. "Of course I shouldn't take the captain's posturing to heart. But then-- Is there something wrong with Kaname? He also remains without a lieutenant, due to the circumstances in which he was promoted..."

"It's good that you are on friendly terms with him," Ukitake says. "I worry about him, unable to rely on his captain for advice or his juniors for aid."

But still, he shakes his head firmly.

"Aizen, too, remains without a lieutenant. However, the main issue is Miyako, herself, doesn't want to be promoted," he says. "Very like her husband, sadly."

"That is truly unfortunate," Shion agrees, more confused than ever at where Ukitake is going with this, and what it has to do with him. "So, how can I help you..?"

"It bothers me to speak so numerically of the dead," Ukitake says, voice delicate, "But I notice that you are, indeed, without a 3rd seat."

Shion pauses.

"," they say. "He died from injuries sustained while attempting to unlock bankai...truly a tragic passing."

"The path to captaincy is ever one of hidden dangers," Ukitake agrees.

He takes a sip from the tea that Niko had finally arrived with.

"But I have full confidence you will maneuver around those dangers soon enough," he says. "And then, wouldn't it be natural for your 3rd seat to step up? Especially with such support from her captain."

Shion takes his own sip of the tea. Bland, but not offensive. Probably taken from Ukitake's own division, since they are right next door to one another.

"You have an unexpected amount of faith in me," Shion admits. "Are you sure you want to take this gamble? As I told the captain commander himself, I don't see bankai happening in any of the next coming decades."

"A bankai is only one way of measuring power," Ukitake says, eyes clear and unworried. "Do not reverse cause and effect, Lieutenant. A captain's power is not their bankai: the bankai is merely a symbol of the captain's power."

"How reassuring," Shion says, not reassured. "But if this is your choice, so be it. The 12th Division does not reject anyone, nor does it allow anyone to leave, unless they are lieutenant and above. I can only promise that whether she comes to think of this place as her home, or merely a stop on her journey: the only place she can go is up."

Ukitake sets the cup down on the barrier gently, and rises to his feet.

"You already speak like a captain," he says. "And... I will say one last thing before I leave."

"Yes, Captain Ukitake? I am always eager to hear your wisdom."

"The Soul Society has come from a dark place. And still, its past molds the present in its image. But Shion.. You are done cleaning house, yes?"

Shion smiles back at Ukitake.

"I'm satisfied with my division," he says. "Do not worry, captain... I will treat Miyako with the greatest care I am capable of."

a/n: lol
Ryuketsu: 'Bloodshed'
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what is the power of his sword exactly?

Ryuketsu's abilities were mostly laid out in the last chapter. She can leave lingering slashes in the air that cut whoever first walks into them, and then those slashes will not heal unless shion wants them to. At any point past two slashes drawing blood, shion can then physically cut someone with his sword and use that to basically let Ryuketsu eat them. It's a kind of ability best suited for someone who likes playing with his food... is how i'd put it.
I, for one, look foward to how much more horrific Miyako's death will be as part of the 12° division, specially now that Shion's personality has been cleared up by his shikai.