And we start a couple of minutes from the previous episode...from 3 weeks ago. Soooo yeeaaahhh, feel free to giggle at any of my totally off base predictions. Think of this as more of a recap episode because apparently the next episode is where shit goes go cray cray so this is that part where you reread a mystery novel and be all "oh so that's how he snuck in and ate the cereal!"

I like how it specifically notes that her uniform is very nice looking. :V

Man this coffee is really good, I know it says black on the label but it tastes kinda mocha-y, like it tastes of dark chocolate and while there's no sugar in it, it tastes lightly sweetened. Why yes, this is a coffee episode! Now I can't excuse my poor spelling/grammar/whatever mistakes on me being inebriated! it probably will sound the same tho. Anyways, so yeah it turns out MUP is royalty as well! Uhh...shit, iunno, was Selesia royalty too or something? I vaguely recall her calling Selesia your highness n' all that shit so I guess she was projecting or whatever. Anyways, it's about damn time Disney had another Asian princess. I mean, look I get it, we kick ass n' shit but are we constantly going to be portrayed as "The Race that Kicks Ass" because I am slightly okay being associated with Krogans/Klingons. I would also like to point out he has a penguin for an avie, aww.

Though does he have to react to dramatic events like he's in a fucking L'oreal commercial? Like he does fucking hair flicks for crying out loud ahh it's great. btw that coffee is from trader joe's comes from a can and it's p tasty n' cheap too good for a pick me up. oh boi i hope i dont get infracted for me on my patreon btw.

More than one waifu ruin your laifu, choose wisely Mizu...

The dramatic event is interrupted by...not his mother, surprisingly! But Selesia, probably keeping sure that dick is on lock no idea, weren't you guys having a girl's night at Ayano's house? Whatever happened to that plan? Unless Selesia got bored/felt left off because Ayano was too busy talking technical details with Meteora. Either way, at least she bothered to knock rather than bash through a window. Again. never forget.

"We have no information on MUP." *CAMERA LINGERS ACCUSINGLY ON MIZU* I feel he's not going to spill until MUP outright says "Hey I can bring your GF back to life if you just follow my plan. C'mon man it'd be super cool, I'll even get you a pony. A pony, Mizu! Think about it! A whole farm of ponies! An entire farm, just for you! So whaddoya say?" Where does Selesia get all those clothes anyways? Did Meteora and Selesia shanghai Mizu into a shopping spree using his funds or is she just borrowing from Ayano's wardrobe? Regardless, it looks good on her. Oh and they're just talking about shit we know about so no worries.

-My Parents

Okay okay maybe because she's young she finds smartphones comfy and easy to use, but man, I'm sure all y'all had to struggle getting your folks into the digital age. And then the onslaught of emojis as they discover that feature for the first time. Also why the hell do you use your index finger for the touch ID? Who the fuck uses their index finger for their phone anyway? Thumb master race! I'm serious, unless you like to peck your way through, just use your fucking thumbs dammit they're one of the things that seperates us from animals and you refuse use our gift? YOU'RE A DISGUSTI- okay i have no idea why im getting so vitrolic over this. Anyways, she got her iPhone tCelluar from the government probably filled with all sorts of keyloggers and tracking devices for use of telling them if they found any rogue elements. I think it's a 6S? Doesn't seem thin enough for a 7 So already this anime is dated. :V


Personally, I use ALT+Q which hides all my tabs and replaces it with Gmail...which makes me look very desperate for someone to message me or I'm really anxious over my deliveries. It's a bit suspicous at times, but hey, plausible deniability. Anyways, Selesia asks to swap numbers and Mizu nervously accepts, looking for his phone and with a scare chord we're now outside the house...oookaaaayyy not sure why there was a scare chord other than "Woopsie I forgot to clear my history and now everyone knows I'm into extreme handholding."

Someone is singing, and it's uh...not Selesia, surprisingly. The skyline view of the city made me wonder if she was going all "I CAN SHOW YOU THE WOOORRRRLLLLDDDD" to Mizu who is flying...err, well, more like being dragged like a ragdoll across Japan with Selesia who is nonchalantly humming, probably a setup to asking him how much fun flying is.

Buuuuuuuttt it's Orochimaru...and they're focusing on her ass. Of course. Orochimaru's ass is the only that gets me going these days. That EXTRA THICC snek booty is the peak of human civilizaton. So uhh, yeah, she's...well, good at picking up that can and throwing it into the trash so I assume she's kinda like Bullseye where her powers is really accurate throwing? I mean, look, it's a lot tougher than you think okay. The hole of the trash can is sideways, and she basically had to football oh I am sorry HAND EGG toss the thing inside juuuuuussstt right, which is pretty damn hard. So yeah, I was not expecting that kind of voice coming out of her mouth, it's quite high pitched I mean it's not NII SAAANNN levels of high pitched, but I was expecting something more...gravellier? Deeper, like more edgey soundy but no she sounds...normal Japanese schoolgirlish. Oookaaaayyyy. Oh and she's from Japan, even though her mystery series feature some Victorian era folks if my memory serves me correctly. (Which it doesn't, it provides shitty service and is a horrible butler.)

"WHOA LOOKING COOL JOKER" I say that because Orochimaru says YOSH a couple of times, and the OP begins, which I skipped so once again, let me know if there's any drastic changes in it. We then cut to a SHORT HAIRED GIRL YEYEYEYE- oh wait's just alice BUT HEY IT'S ALICE THO SHE'S COOL.

"God, what is it with you women and crying under bridges? You're like trolls."
Well, Alice isn't crying but she sure does look p gloomy. Is that a flashback I smell? I think it is!

like no seriously im not being sarcastic here these two are the only ones i actually care about for now in terms of relationships.
Anyways, Mamika's here to provide Alice some company, and the two chat for a bit. Mamika's actually the one with the flashbacks surprisingly enough where she talks about how this world is similar in graphics but mechanically different. A B A C A B B If you know what that means, than congratulations you get a cookie. Also it turns out they're in the park where Yuya and Big Boss fought and...well, Alice is..."being resourceful" (She's cutting up fences in the park to kindle the bonfire. But don't you need humanity for that?)

The Orochimaru Retrieval Arc begins, though they don't know exactly who they're looking for. Alice hopes that person is a tank because you can't have enough Tank heroes in the meta could we Jeff eh? nerf ana already. or make dive comps more viable How they plan on finding Orochimaru is probably akin to "Find the Foreigner" that happened back in Band Camp where on a trip to Japan, some kid was wandering around for hours. Finding him was the easy part surprisingly as, well, when you're standing at least two heads above everyone, you kinda stand out. So finding Orochimaru shouldn't be all too difficult, it's like Where's Waldo except Waldo is wearing a glowing rainbow neon jumpsuit that plays a bass boosted version of Green Hill Zone.

Mamika, on the other hand, just wants a nice person on their team. Well...I mean, Alice is nice! Pragmatic, but nice (also they're sipping tea together I thought the water was for ramen btw eating ramen during travels is the fucking best i dont why but it just is anyways so was she just making tea for one before Mamika showed up? Whatever, it's cute and I don't care.) Big Boss may be rough around the edges but I'm sure he's a good person. MUP is...well, opposing the heroes but just because you oppose the heroes doesn't necessarily make you evil. I mean, if the heroes are assholes doesn't that make you a good guy for opposing them? Unless episode 7 is where MUP converts all of Japan into tang and takes a bath in it and sells it for a profit afterwards, I'm sure she's not evil. At least not baby eating levels of evil- look when you've been playing vidya games where the opposing side is some stupidly evil empire that promotes baby eating as a virtue, you'll take anything at this point okay. Also why the fuck is there a playground underneath the troll bridge who the fuck that was a great idea to put a playground? "Oh sure let's let the kids play under the fucking troll bridge it's the perfect place to play in!" Well, at least there aren't any rhinos with huge plastic dicks in the playground. (Why else would it be named the Bone Zone?)

The role of justice is being a good person while doing bad things? Uhh, I guess iunno, I mean, you could still be a good person and uphold a stupid law but uhh iunno uhh fuck mamika doesn't get it either uhh COMPLIMENTS YES THAT IS GOOD THING. Seriously Alice is not as edgey as I thought she would be and that's great.

Doing more "research" I see?
Wait, is Orochimaru the only one so far on screen to go out of their own way to spoil themselves on the story? I mean okay Meteora went on a game binge but the thing is she already knows what's going to happen since she's near the endgame and presumably helps out against the final boss. The game is complete, meanwhile I presume Orochimaru's series is still ongoing and she may have just recently gotten an animu adaptation, hence why she's reading the LNs to lord it over anime only viewers to "see the future" if you will.

Orochimaru fails to realize his skills do not carry over to his alt. Alas, such are the flaws of his body snatcher techniques, guess who's going to spend hours upon hours crouch walking everywhere?

oh i thought she was going to mind control or outright kill him but nope she's going to tell him...plot stuff??? Like, dude, Librarians aren't wiza-

where's my keychain of meteora sipping coffee
they don't read every damn book that's on the shelves how the hell would this pr-

...this is your proof? "Oh hey there's a note on page X!" I mean I get it, he was staring at her for some time but I'm sure he looked away at a certain point. Plus you got really long sleeves, you can hide your pen in there, hell you can hide a pen anywhere p easily with your outfit! Plus this is a library/bookstore/whatever, people write in shit all the damn time so maybe someone wrote in that before this proves nothing! NOTHING! although my shitty moonrunes skill tells me it reads "something book something old man" probbaly something like "This is my book you ol geezer."

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so he is going to die okay. Gramps is on the same wavelength with me and is about to call the cops before Orochimaru pulls some sort of rabbit out of her hat.

"That'll be 5 cents."

Okay so she summons her familiar or some...thing,it's this weird, purple blackish demon thingy and is okaaay wow alright she just murdered someone because she couldn't pay for her book. Yes there is blood everywhere so uhh...first blood eh? And I think she's going to use his blood to power her other magic later. Maybe who knows.

And godDAMN that's a lot of blood! Honestly it looks more like an Italian Restaurant incident where the new guy forgot to put the lid on the blender rather than a crazed demon running through the shelves.

Wow Meteora looks way more skinnier outside of her robes. (Also I wish she had a "thinking pose" like rubbing her chin or something.) Anyways, she thinks Orochimaru's a villain, I'd say she's more of a anti hero because okay she just merc'd a guy but she doesn't seem all too bad? Iunno, she doesn't seem all too villain-y but then again, her hero isn't in this world so that's probably throwing me off.

Everyone gets stylish detective outfits and Rui is wearing an "First time in America" outfit. Chicks dig giant robots, and he knows that damn well. Surprisingly, the girls don't immediately call him out on his bullshit, but then again, look at that face, would someone that cute lie to you? Noooope. kittens are notorious for being evil demons. ALSO IT'S SOCCER YOU FUCKS SEE EVEN THE SHOW AGREES WITH ME IT'S FUCKING SOCCER. I love how it's just the fucking soccer store. yes that's it's name, the soccer store. oh my gosh. Apparently the MIB is keeping an eye on him that's cool.


Yeah the camera angles were basically screaming SHOWDOWN TIME especially with that Old West camera shot you know the one where the camera focuses on the cowboy's gun while the tumbleweed rolls past in the distance?

Huh, who took the wind out of your sails Mamika? Then again, they probably learned that this chick just eviserated a man because she didn't want to pay up so it makes sense that both of them are a little on the edge right now.

Okay so Alice has demonstrated that she could just summon/release her horse (and can summon a pegasus as well.) at will...but the shadow still shows her being on her horse. Clearly she has shadow powers! :V

Oh dear, Mamika maybe you should've not told the chick who just tore a man apart that her god exists in this world and they could change her world at whim because now she's planning on stealing their soul to gain their powers. Also, her voice reminds me of Hikari from Demi-chan and I'm sure I'm wrong but still, if it's really Hikari's a surprise, but a welcome one.

Yeah okay Alice caught on that she probably is going to do something with not just her creator, but all of their creators to try to become the ultimate lifeform or some shit so she's putting her down now. Good on ya Alice.

Orochimaru's powers is not quite like 「CRAZY TALK」 who's powers is that whatever the user says, that statement becomes automatically incorrect (So saying the sky is blue would turn it into some other color.) but Orochimaru's powers rely on her lying, someone catching onto the lie and pointing out the lie, and then her lying about that lie, resulting in her familiar/stand to appear and wreck shit. However, since Mamika has A Rank Diplomacy, she manages to calm Alice down as she knows in any debate, calling your opponent a liar is probably one of the better ways to lower the tone of discussion.

Why is Team Evil made up of people who respect the rules? That's basically Team Evil in a nutshell, they oppose the heroes but they're fundamentally good people/respect the law. Like if you're obviously evil, they don't want anything to do with you, hell they'll probably try to stop you! Oh so that's what Alice meant by the role of justice I gotcha. Does that mean Orochimaru is going to make a third faction or join Team Good?

"My lance is a tool of justice!

"Oh, so you see your weapon as a "tool": something that saves lives, a means of justice. Now, there's a pretty meme! Exquisite! It spared you the burden of all the lives you've taken, absolved you of guilt when you enjoyed it."


Anyways, Orochimaru jokers her way into a fight, hinting that she probably has illusion powers or some shit because she's all "HEY YOU MIGHT END UP STABBING YOURSELF WINK WINK I WONDER HOW WINK WINK BUT IT WOULD BE PRETTY CRAZY WINK WINK" unfortunately, Alice is too mad to even know what drawings are and probably will end up stabbing Mamika. Also it seems that Orochimaru has to chant something to get her familiar/illusion/whatever magic to work, something about turning things out which uhh...yeah, that demon sure did turn that poor bookstore owner inside out. C'mon man, bookstores are dying quickly on their own they don't need any help.


Alice nearly stabs herself, but of course Selesia puts a stop to it...yeah I'm just going to assume while Orochimaru was casting her magic, it was causing ripples n'shit to spike in the Apple Pear Dragon Ball Creation Radar hence why Selesia manage to get there in time. There truly is, an app for everything.

Selesia and Meteora arrive, protecting do realize she is a mu- oh Selesia just asked that. And once again, it's the time of week again where we play "What'cha Looking At?" as we take a guess as to what the fuck is Meteora looking at goddammit dude pay attention!

Even Selesia agrees keeping Orochimaru alive is a bad idea, but of course, much like Naruto, Orochimaru somehow survives and lives on happily in a tiny village somewhere scot free. Anyways, Selesia brings up MUP who uhh...hasn't killed anyone yet so you can't say she's the harbinger of death man I mean okay she's going to do it later but right now the one with the highest kill count is the one you're protecting man.

man i know you're trying to be a pacifist n' all that but this be a shounen, that's not gonna happen sorry dude.

Look at her.
She's like fucking Loki watching the heroes fight, cackling and probably eating a bucket of popcorn she conjured up. Meteora says they shouldn't fight, but of course since Mamika can't be happy ever since being meguca is suffering, she shoots her down almost immediately saying that inaction is exactly what MUP wants. I mean, evil villains most of the time don't go out of their way to quash the heroes, they just swat 'em away whenever they're meddling but rarely do they ever go out of their ways to kill the heroes. Also I swear this is getting Transformers level of blank expressions.

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Finally, they get to talk straight for once since they're not being harassed by Yosuke, Meteora's all "bruh ur wrong" and Alice's all "bitch wut." Now if you know your villains, what do villains like to do when they're cornered but the heroes are distracted by the narrative butterfly?


Eyup, Orochimaru slinks off, unless she's going to charge up an attack as they bicker n' argue, then again she doesn't seem like the type to be able to wipe them out without setting up a ton of traps so probably getting a headstart on finding/absorbing her creator. Anyways, Meteora points out we really aren't all that super, sure we can make shit, but it's not something we can do on the fly. Shit takes time and effort man.

Okay so Alice doesn't want to believe in Meteora because that'll be taking away the one good news she's heard ever since she got here. I mean, if someone told you "Hey I can fix your legs! It'll be super easy n' shit!" okay that'd be super shady and I'd be suspicious at once but then they pull out some documents n' research showing that it's possible, you'd be all "FUCK YES" but then another doc's all "nah that's bullshit here's why" well yeah you'd resist because if that doc's right, then you're right back to square one.

Orochimaru finds it entertaining at least, as she chuckles exiting the stage.

Eyup, we went from denial, to now anger as Alice tells her to shut the fuck up and the fight begins! ...why the fuck is Orochimaru still here again? Probably enjoying the show rather than trying to cut 'em all down by surprise. Unless she's waiting for them to tire each other out and then do that.

and holy shit where the fuck did you get what the fuck is that did m bison teach her that is she going do fucking psycho crushers now

Oh I thought her magic was primarily summons (Since she said she was summoning someone's power.) but nope, she just Galick Guns our heroes into the next bridge. No I'm not being sarcastic, Meteora's shield ensures the beam doesn't disintergrate them but they still get launched. Orochimaru is impressed. and is probably planning on stealing alice's body now.

Anyways, they kung fu fight for a bit, nothing special other than that Meteora's DEF/RES is utter shit apparently so she has to sit this one out. That or blocking the garlic gun took up too much MP and now she has to rest.

Big Boss says negotiations can only happen if the two parties are willing to hear each other out. Oh man if the episode ends with No Side/We Have Come to Terms I would fucking scream. Oh yeah Mamika's not helping out because budget Alice told her to stay back, aww she does care!

WHY ARE YOU ENCOURAGING VIOLENCE WHEN YOU WERE JUST TALKING ABOUT DIPLOMACY I mean yeah sure it would stop the two, and by stop, I mean, "Blow the both of them the fuck up" so yeah that would resolve the argument because there's no one left to argue!

Oh okay he's just telling Mamika "What do you plan on doing once you get up there? Beat 'em up like back at home because that sure worked out well." Now we're getting all G Gundam up in here about the whole "Warriors can only talk through their fists!"

...he has an anti-grav watch. oooookaaaayyyy mr cyberpunk man...hey I buy it, I mean I meant that as in "Sure okay." but I'd also buy that for a dollar! Wait hold on is he just going cap the two and "end" the argument? Goddammit Roger this is not how negotiations work!

More kungfu fighting and WOW NOT COOL ALICE NOT COOL MAN. @Hykal94 boy you're gon love this because I know how much you like to bitch about boob windows and boobplate and how dangerous they are in a real fight cause guess what? Alice just fucking stabbed Selesia in the tit like whoooaaa man, there are some unspoken rules of combat and that is one of them. Not cool, dude. -10 points to Gryffindor.

Huh I was right about him just sniping them! Eh, okay not shoot to kill okay that's stupid any body part getting shot could result in death fine shoot to hopefully not kill to get them to stop fighting. Meteora still has some MP left, though she looks pretty tired out. Like wow, this is the first time I've seen her look sad, but that's the thing she looks sad not tired. She looks like she's about to cry not pass out AH WHATEVER.

"Blitz Talker" what the fuck kind of nickname is that unless it's a reference to your shoddy negotiation skills that result in you having to shoot your way out to end discussions. oh hey just like big o. Anyways, apparently he's on...Team Good Guy? Because he's all "Hey I'm working for the side who don't want you meddlin'." but he's shooting at Team Good Guy tho, and speaking of shooting...

okay okay i know it doesn't make sense for a gun dude to fly around erratically but like i cant help but laugh because it seriously just looks like he's being pulled by an invisible fucking string jesus christ.

Apparently they're not breaking out the RPGs because Varrot said ask permission. Whatever happened to "Do the thing, beg forgiveness later"? because like, if I have a secret weapon that I need to ask a dude to use but I'm getting my butt kicked, I rather get my ear yelled off rather than get my ass handed to me on a silver platter. dont trust me with nuclear weapons kids. Anyways, the fighters pair off with their respective classes, melee fighters TORYEAH on the field, ranged fighters on the bridge.

BT keeps plugging away at the shield, but soon realizes ballistic weapons don't do so well on these energy type shields, and decides o use a different bullet. Probably an explosive round but if he's been studying his Halo, a plasma weapon does wonders for shielded enemies. Bit ironic that ain't it? Plasma weapons doing better on aliens rather than humans? Gameplay wise I mean.

Oh it's the bad encoding bullet Wub Wub Cannon, or a Dubstep Gun I guess? Oh apparently it's a gravity bomb so I'm half right on it being an explosive bullet. I was a bit thrown off by the lack of OGON PO GOTOVNOSTI!

rip meteora. ah who am i kidding though selesia is probably going to eat a lance for being distracted.​

BT attempts to secure the kill, but surprisingly Mamika steps in and stops him. Sooooooo... I guess she's on Team Good Guy now right? Also, is this her X Factor/Unlimited Form/Devil Trigger/Super Mode/Whatever form or is she REALLY DETERMINED wait that's a powerup mode too WHATEVER SHE WASN'T LIKE THIS BEFORE. Does her powers run off emotions or is this her powered up form?

Yeah I got a better name for Team Evil, it's Team Pragmatic. They're not SUPER VILLANY EVIL tier, but they're rather rough around the edges. Team Anti-Heroes?



Anyways it ends with Mamika saying that she wouldn't be able to face her friends back home if she just stood by and watched, and then the episode ends.

Anyways, that's a wrap folks! Why Spice and Wolf, you may ask? because season 3 was announced ah fuck i wish it was true now i just made myself sad again Well because I was doing a lot of cooking recently and it's tangentially related to Spice and Wolf so I figured why the fuck not? Gotta give poor Mizu a break for being the ending card all the time eh? What did I think of this episode? Eh, it was a Re: Creators episode. Yes that's a thing. (Creation shows up - Creation does thing - Team Good Guy does thing - Team Pragmatic does thing - Team Pragmatic and Good Guy talk - They clash - Alliance shift/made) I hear the next one really shakes things up so uhh that makes me very curious as to how it does that. But, instead of heading straight for it, I'm just going to make some baklava instead so stay tuned for the Intermission: O'Malley's Cooking Hour!

also this one was a lot shorter than usual eh? wonder if that says anything about the episode or me.
Anyways, she thinks Orochimaru's a villain, I'd say she's more of a anti hero because okay she just merc'd a guy but she doesn't seem all too bad? Iunno, she doesn't seem all too villain-y but then again, her hero isn't in this world so that's probably throwing me off.
She killed a man just to grab a Lovecraft book.
I hear the next one really shakes things up so uhh that makes me very curious as to how it does that. But, instead of heading straight for it, I'm just going to make some baklava instead so stay tuned for the Intermission: O'Malley's Cooking Hour!
Oh yes, the next two are a big change of pace for the show. Really I would say the last three episodes have been where the show hits it's stride.
She killed a man just to grab a Lovecraft book.

Oh yes, the next two are a big change of pace for the show. Really I would say the last three episodes have been where the show hits it's stride.
Yeah you can tell from the commentary as I was watching, I was slipping from "Okay she can't be all that bad, right?" to "Yeah she's evil."

And that's...curious to hear, I don't know what that entails but alright sure why not.

@Burning Baron

Bah, brb editing.
Okay so she summons her familiar or some...thing,it's this weird, purple blackish demon thingy and is okaaay wow alright she just murdered someone because she couldn't pay for her book. Yes there is blood everywhere so uhh...first blood eh? And I think she's going to use his blood to power her other magic later. Maybe who knows.

It looks like the thing on the page with the writing in the book that she was stealing. A book titled something along the lines of The Myths of Cthulhu. That thing looked sort of like a Hound of Tindalos, which was the creature on that page.
Yeah you can tell from the commentary as I was watching, I was slipping from "Okay she can't be all that bad, right?" to "Yeah she's evil."

And that's...curious to hear, I don't know what that entails but alright sure why not.
Sharkteeth is probably my favorite character in part because she's the only really evil character in the show so far.

And well, I'm really really looking forward to your react to the latest episode.

And we start a couple of minutes from the previous episode...from 3 weeks ago. Soooo yeeaaahhh, feel free to giggle at any of my totally off base predictions. Think of this as more of a recap episode because apparently the next episode is where shit goes go cray cray so this is that part where you reread a mystery novel and be all "oh so that's how he snuck in and ate the cereal!"
*Eye Twitch*

Was that a reference to Mass Effect Deception?
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Of course, it's only the arrival of the 'odd one out' that the conflict start to unravel...

Can't imagine Orochimaru with a normal girl's voice though, her appearance just doesn't match for some reason. Deliberate casting?
I honestly thought there was a season 3 of Spice and Wolf for a brief heartbeat but you shattered it gainst the jagged edges of rocks that is life.

Now you must die.

tl;dr edition of what happens below.

Hello, and welcome to the very first episode of "O'Malley's Cooking Corner"! Y'all motherfuckers thought I was joking didn't you? Well listen here, I don't make jokes. I am a very serious man 100% serious okay you want to know how I serious I am well here I am with my own cooking show that's very serious super serious. Anyways, today we will be making a delicious treat from the Mediterraranwnwlasnasm,sma GREECE. Eyup, you know it, it's baklava! A dessert made up of thin layers of pastry interleaved with honey and chopped nuts!

Le Ingrediente

Why yes this is actually being recorded on the ISS! That's how serious and groundbreaking this show is! geddit its because its in space The very first cooking show in space can you believe it? Anyways, our choice of nuts today are walnuts and almonds, though pistachios are good too. Be sure to lightly roast them beforehand mmkay. Now, you can chop your nuts like a neantheral, oooorrrrrr you can just put 'em in your food processor and hit the chop, not grind, chop, button! As you are chopping DEEZ NUTS, you can begin making the syrup! It surprisingly is not just honey, but rather: A cup of sugar, half cup of water, a tsp of vanilla extract, some lemon zest, and a tablespoon of honey. Whisk the sugar in water til' dissolved, then add the rest. Simmer for 20 minutes and don't be alarmed if it's very liquidy, it'll thicken as it cools don't be like me and simmer for it too long else you get a very thick syrup. Not that it matters since you can just reheat the syrup to make it all liquidy again. Anyways, melt a cup of butter (That's like two tiny sticks or just one stick of butter.) in the microwave. Get the nuts of the grinder and put 'em in a bowl and add a tsp of cinnamon. Mix 'em up and set 'em aside. Now get out the phyllo dough that was sitting in the freezer but you took it out and set it aside for a few hours and begin pulling the dough out. You want to liberally butter the pan beforehand btw or just baking paper it that works too. Anyways, for every layer of phyllo dough, apply a thin layer of butter on'em. Repeat 8 times and once you reached the 9th circle of phyllo dough, then you add 3-4 tbsp of nuts spread evenly. Add a two layer of dough, add more nuts, do this about 4. The top should not have nuts on 'em though you can sprinkle them on but they'll get burnt since you are cooking it for 350 F degrees for 50 minutes afterall.


We are currently experiencing some technical difficulties. Please hold.

And it's as simple as that.

Be sure to cut the dough before hand as the top layer is quite toasty and so it'll crumble easily. Be sure to cut it halfway so when you pour the syrup, it won't sit at the bottom. Cut it all the way once it's cool and ready to be served! Don't cover it as it gets soggy while cooling it, but other than that, feel free to serve it on whatever kind of plate you want. I say cupcake paper works pretty decently too if you want to be fancy about it but a normal plate is cool too.

Thanks for watching! Be sure to like and SLAM that subscribe button just like the space station is about to in a few short hours into the Earth thanks to a crazed astronaut!

okay real talk tho please don't use this recipe i mean it tastes fine but don't follow this guide to a t actually look up the real recipe and go on from there. btw lemon zest is a good idea any citrus really is good for the zest.​
The Phyllo Dough looks a lot like the thin dry tofu strips people use in cooking. But baking using a lot of nuts just seemed unappealing to me, even when you're using walnuts (very pricey here lol) and almonds (same) and not peanuts (not as pricey, unfortunately). I'm not even sure the Phyllo Dough thingy can be acquired here. Half the problem with western style baking is that you have to search half the ingredients in some specialty shop somewhere and some of them even need to be replaced since alcohol is a definite no-no in anything involving food.

And you can't really trust the recipe books lol, all the weird ingredients they use. Anything good and actually available have to search up Youtube cooking/baking channel and Google.

The picture's still upside down on my laptop, O'Malley.
Okay okay time to get into the real meat, the reason why you're here! I decided to dub this the "Branch of Fate" because fire emblem references since this is the one that apparently even the most ardent haters of the show dub "something exciting happens" so a major tone shit, a character death, some plot twist, whatever, this is the fabled episode 3 ladies and gentlemen, and so before we begin, I'd like to make some guesses:

Feel free to chortle incessantly as I make clearly wrong decisions/scoff at actually right choices.

Major Character Deaths:

Mamika- Okay that's too fucking obvious that the most optimistic character dies. id be very upset tho.

Selesia- See I will expect this because who expects the pretty much main female character to die?

Meteora- Major pace change because she wouldn't be around to exposit, sure that would speed things up but probably will cause a ton of confusion/cavalcade of misunderstandings rivaling Romeo and Juliet.

Mizu- Yeah okay I wouldn't see that coming and like, I like you dude, but in the interest of really shaking things up, if you die, then like daaammnnnnnn this show is like, whooaa.

Alice- Don't you fucking do this to me show I swear if you kill one of the cooler people on the show I will...iunno, can't really do anything

Rui- no beautiful mech boi must live dont do this. plz dont i wouldnt get mad id just become super depressed.


MUP- yeah that would change up things a lot, well then again I don't want Orochimaru to hijack this show to be the villain again.

Any of the Creators: eh. thats kinda to be expected whatever.

Yuya: Why would he die? What purpose would his death serve I mean look that sounds very callous but like c'mon he barely did anything to the narrative unless it turns out he's Mizu's dad or some shit.

Crazy Crackpot Theories:

Setsuna comes back as a demon ghost thing: She comes back from the grave WITH A VENGEANCE.

MUP is Mizu's Mom: What, it worked for Jojo. OH NO!

The Show Becomes a Crack Comedy: Hey it can happen, the tonal shift doesn't have to be necessarily darker and edgier, it could be lighter and wackier.

Truman Show: No, you ARE the creations, creators. Eyup, we're going full meta.

The Universe Resets Anyways: We are now in alternate continunity, like MUP wins, buuuuuttt much like Stone Ocean, it doesn't go all too well. It makes all too much sense tbh, Steel Ball Run is the 7th arc of Jojo. This is the 7th episode. A SPIRAL STAIRCASE.

Annnnnnndddd that's all i got, im a bit tired so that's all you're gonna get. really i dont actually pay attention i just watch black mirror, occassionally looking at the screen do a lot of theorycrafting nor do I give a lot of thought into the show so I'm all just *shrug* I predict SOMEONE WILL DIE because that's always the big changer. Or some Shymalan plot twist. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this one because apparently it's quite the doozie, so newcomers, and gigglers alike...


We're still fighting, okay that's normal. Nothing screwbally yet. Meteora roll dodges out of the way as Mamika continues to block the bullets. She's gon catch a bullet isn't she goddammit.

Meteora's just watching from the corner, in her mage robes, watching two attractive women fight fucking/fuck fighting. i hope someone gets it.

Mamika, always the diplomat, breaks up the fighting using her heart bubble thingies...somehow IT'S MAGIC OKAY. Also prior to that, Alice strikes a chord by talking how she's "the savior of her world" and "everyone is counting on her." which is basically the same thing Selesia's going through.

Yeah okay she's being too reasonable she must die so that conflicts that could've been easily avoided if people just talked to each other can happen. Also BT just stands there and does...nothing, okay.

What, is the Magical Splash Flare a nuke now? Is this going to be a Cold War where everyone stockpiles supers until MAD is achieved? I mean TBF a giant heart at pointblank would kill the two and assuming it works like D.Va's ult prepatch, kill Mamika too. Hm. all the more reason for her to get removed from the show.

Oooooorrrrr not, as Yuya crashes the party because he's a hero who fights for fun, apparently. Okay, no big drama bombs as of yet, though I'm not sure if Alice and Selesia are surprised by Mamika's chutzpah or that her words make sense and that it's idiotic they're trying to kill each other. It could go either way tbh. The OP plays and I'mma skip but play the next episode's because if the drama bomb is that big, I'm sure the OP will change to accomodate.

"Hey I think there's people flying aro-"


annnndd it's night, okay that was fast. I know I know it was sunset in all but still, it was at least 30 or an hour away from being completely nighttime.

oh so theres the drama bomb. a literal bomb. clever. Guess Mamika went the nuclear option afterall. RIP Mamika. Varrot says the most Japanese phrase ever and calls for backup, presumably. Or finally allows Meteora to break out her secret weapon which may or may not be the drama bomb.

Yuya's VA has this certain lisp to it, it's like EYAAHHH added to every last word he says so I'm wondering if his VA is Joseph's, Josuke's, or Dio's because they all kinda sort of do that. And I know there's some weebs frothing at getting all these VAs wrong gomeeensaoi.

And uhh...okay, Selesia is not exploded to death, so no idea what the fuck was that then. And the fight is STILL going on Jesus Christ were you all monologuing or some shit or were you still fighting even after Mamika's ultimatum?

Hangaku is the name of his Persona, huh? Looking her up, Hangaku Gozen (I swear isn't that the name of Chie's Persona? The evolved one maybe? Iunno.) is a female samurai warrior who is usually depicted using a naginata, well that explains the design then. She also gets done in by an arrow (So a bullet I guess in this context.) but don't worry, she meets a cool guy and fucks him, they have a cute lil' daughter and she dies happily I guess. Also it's movement sounds like it's swimming in water, but it's flying...

Anyways, learning from her past mistakes, Hangaku bypasses the "arrows" by just helicopter lancing her way through.
"I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!" -Hangaku
Not exactly sure who's side Yuya's on, think he's just bored so he's fighting everyone, guess if his Persona dies it doesn't effect him all too much. How did that work in the P4 anime btw? I mean, I know they get hurt when their Persona gets knocked around but when they shatter, their users are totally fine.

"well this is my life i guess."
Yuya points out as like any fighting game character using a puppet, you're not fighting just the puppet, but also the dude as well. Usually for mixups and combos but Hangaku's OP enough to stand on her own. She's a strong female Persona who don't need no Wild Card. Of course, Mamika is on a diplomatic mission and seperates the two again. Yeah she's dead.

Orochimaru's just SPEEEEEDDDWAAGOONNNNNNN-ing by commentating on everything that's going on, right before she gets merc'd- wait why are you helping out the villain.

Ohh she just wants to keep her in containment yeah that's fair...but like, dude, calling someone a "Beast that needs to be controlled" is probably not the most ideal way of getting them to follow you.

The rest of them are still kung fu fighting moving as fast as lightning which Orochimaru points out, is exactly what they're trying to prevent and what MUP wants...yeah okay so the Earth is going to split a bit, like the cracks will become visible now yeah?

Huh, Mamika's powers are derived from her staff which has a shitty battery life, apparently. How does she recharge that? Eat sweets? Feed it sweets? Go to bed? What?

"You fuck young boys Valdez?"

On that note, what is Japan's attitudes of killing children/young teens on TV? I mean, I know America is all "NO" on that, but is Japan like "Kids are fair game" or nah? I mean, Mami got chomped on, Sayaka stabbed herself and cause a geyser of blood to spill out then became a horrifying monster, Homura capped Madoka- yeah I guess they're pretty okay about it then.

wait how the fuck did they get you back into the robot unless they summoned your gf COMPLETELY PLATONIC SUPPORT STAFF to pilot it for you. Dammmmmnnnn what kind of snacks did they entice you to get in? Also, not helping. At all. But fuck it I'm glad you're here man so

ohh it can just FUCKING spawn wings whenever it wants whatever happened to the unarmored horse you gon give him some love huh? I am glad the two cover each other's backs/care for each other a ton, like half of their dialogue is just them checking up on each other, making sure they're alright. Pleaaaasseee don't die either of you.

does this look like the face of mercy

Iunno I just love the contrast of how it goes into fucking slow mo, Alice is all "SRS FACE" and Meteora could not give less of a shit about her. Not sure why this scene is here but okaaaaayyy. oh boy bet its gon be super important later. also the fucking horse galloping is just pffttt it's just spazzing out it's not even galloping.

BT leaves with an ominous message that they're all running out of time. *DRAMA BOMB INTENSIFIES*

Holy shit it's just Rui! Now I got to know the story behind how they managed to get him into the fucking robot. Probably something along the lines of :



So Rui is their "OH SHIT" button I guess.

also i did not know i needed a giant intimidating mecha waving happily and doing a little dance in my life. now i do.

You laugh, but kindergarten was ROUGH. Like, I got bitten by a praying mantis (Okay so I was like 5, and something flew in from the door and plopped on my head. Everyone suddenly goes silent and just stares at me. I'm all "What? What? Okay guys, very funny, c'mon tell me." just smiling like a dolt and the teach's all "DON'T...MOVE." and well, you know how it is with kids, they do the exact opposite of what they tell ya and well dislodging an insect with your bare hands is a poor decision that lead me to the nurse's office. Also some kid fucking sideswiped me with a tricycle handle right in my eye fucking bitch. even though that was totally an accident.) Anyways, Yuya has joined the party! yuya will now die for you.

Why the hell you got such a vendetta against BT dude? Unless you just like fighting him which is understandable. Iunno, these are the scenes I like, these fantastical creations juxtaposed against their mundane actions/settings.

Metchin is apparently his nickname for Meteora, I at first thought it was for Rui which doesn't make sense but I assumed it was a Japanese thing. And this is probably Japanese thing too because I'm all thinking of is "...does Meteora have a really weird looking chin???" HERE COMES THE METEORA CHIIIIINNNNNN Anyways, Meteora's trying to be all covert and tells Varrot "Hey I'll keep an eye on him" which causes him to fire back, saying that all they need to do to "keep him under control" is just to make sure he's entertained enough he doesn't wander away out of boredom.

MAGANE IS OFFICALLY PAT OR AT LEAST STOLE HIS STAND- 「CRAZY TALK」 IT LITERALLY ALLOWS HER LIES TO BECOME THE TRUTH also the naruto parallels continue as she is apparently a very powerful genjutsu user HMMMM I SEEEEEEEE. also isn't the grayish tie dude literally a jojo character i swear he's suzie q's butler/assistant in stardust crusaders during the high priestess fight.


Apparently they track down Creations using...magnets? How the fuck does that work? Magnetic waves? Whatever, at least we know how they track 'em down.

Y'know what was missing from this show? A comic relief/not always so srs face characters and I'm glad Yuya's aboard...only to get killed I presume. I swear this is like a game of XCOM "Who's going to die today?" everyone. But yeah, Rui tries to watch the news to get more information, but Yuya wants to watch his stupid gag show (Which awfully reminds me of Korean gag shows...probably because they're both Eastern Asian in origin. I remember this one time when I was a kid, my friend and his sister and my other sibling and me were together in a hotel, we were flipping through the channels and we came across a Chinese drama or whatever. Some chick was crying and we wanted to watch something, anything, since we could actually understand wtf was going on. But apparently he was rather enthralled by it, constantly demanding to switch back to the Chinese drama. The girls began to tease him by the most juvenile way possible: Constantly chanting "You like it!" in a sing songy sneery tone. I, of course, being a child, was easily swayed by peer pressure. And it was on that day I found out he was a damn good shot because he took the apple and just fucking nailed me with it across the room right in the eye.) they're talking about Magane who's relatively harmless in that she wants nothing to do with MUP's plan, but she's a loose cannon who just does whatever the fuck she wants so she needs to be controlled. Somehow.

Yuya's theory is that "Hey y'know how we're supposed to develop according to the plot? Well that shit flew out the window, so how do you think the rest of us are going to develop now that we lost our way purpose? Think that's what Magane is going through, just drifting through life til' she finds her new purpose."

I am okay with this power duo. I AM MORE THAN OKAY WITH THIS POWER DUO YESSSSSS.

Rui seems to have gotten over his hatred of his mecha as he promises Yuya to take him on a joyride after the two get all hype for each other...not in the sexual way that sounded way better in my head THEY THINK THE OTHER IS SUPER COOL OKAY AND THAT'S COOL I LIKE IT SELESIA'S A HUGE PARTY POOPER THO.


...these are just camera photos interlayed with the animated shots what the fuck. seriously i think this is just a pic- JESUS CHRIST THE REAL WORLD IS LEAKING IN WE'VE GONE FULL META HOLY SHIT WHO FRAMED MIZU WHATEVER THE FUCK IS LAST NAME IS IS HAPPENING BOIS. Also Magane raided her Creator's fridge and probably absorbed his soul too, hence why the real world's leaking in now.

she fucking hung him. or at least did that to make it look like a suicide though considering there's clear evidence there's a struggle she didn't think that one through too much. well that explains the flickering lights usually it's when people hang 'emselves/suicide/some spooky shit is when that happens. and now she's on the admin's chair ready to fuck up the code. Err, if she could actually do that. Well, I guess we're going meta in a different direction now huh? I guess this is one way to change up the show...I bet MUP's going to a lil' bit nattered she didn't think of this in the first place. Just fucking hijack a Creator's console duh.


Yeah that's the drama bomb. She is now taking MUP's plan, but instead of trying to reset the universe, she's just going to fuck it up so hard it might not even reset, it just fucking implode underneath all the contradictions contradicting themselves. eh. serial escalation whatever.

Poor dude, had to do the awkward as fuck task of "Hey did you have any of your characters show up? Not cosplayers, like the actual dudes. No? Oh okay."

So they found BT's origin, from a book called "Code: Geass Lyoko Babylon" and his name is seriously Blitz Talker. Man no wonder he grew up all dark n' edgey what with that shitty ass name.

oh boy i hope shounen-ai protag shows up.
Anyways, they run in circles wondering "Where the fuck is MUP from?" while Mizu poorly holds it together like a LA Noire suspect.
also i am now imagining orochimaru singing "We Are Number One" as she fucks up the universe.

Oh GODS showing a fucking PROFESSIONAL your art? Fuck dude, I don't even want to show my artwork on here because I know I'll get eye lasered by the great Art Gods of the SV Pantheon holy shit Ayano come on you should know this! I mean I know you're all supportive n' all but like ease into that bomb mmkay. also is the drama bomb related to mizu's art. CLEARLY MIZU IS THE VILLAIN PULLING THE STRINGS that'd actually be very cool.

okay some details are off but that's basically it. Anyways, Ayano hypothesizes perhaps MUP can only pull creations from things her creator (Setsuna) liked, which uhh...okay i guess not that it cuts down too much but alright.

"I created a montage"
okay i think def 2 of montage is like a collage of things but all i can think of "WE GONNA NEED A MONTAGE" like there's just fucking clips of them training interspliced with random goofy shit. also MUP has the most fanart so far did you know that.

"So any idea who the killer may be?"



"CASE CLOSED! Now let's go sprinkle some crack on him."


oh wait thats sao no sao was


Is this the drama bomb? Orochimaru killing her own creator? Because ehh i was expecting something more grandiose like Orochimaru is mizu's brother is some shit iunno. I WAS EXPECTING SOMETHING OUT OF THE LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT LEFT FAR LEFT FIELD.

"Hello stranger, what'cha buyin'?"
Mamika is doing some undercover diplomacy work, with matching outfit that's super adorable. Mizu attempts to flee from the cry of "ONIICHAN" but Mamika calms him down by saying she ain't here to kill, kidnap, capture, or any way inconvience him.

Orochimaru catches sight of them (Flipping through her cash she probably stole off her creator's corpse)

why the fuck are you on the exact same tumblr page AND THAT CUP AND TISSUE IS STILL CG!

wait did ufotable make this? also OH GODS NO NOT CAFES NO NOT THE EXPOSITION CAFE I JUST GOT DONE READING SHOCKZ IWIW OF SAO I DON'T NEED MORE CAFE SCENES OH GODDAMMIT oh and jeff finds mizu's gf's stuff big woop.


Wait so spiral power is a thing in her world? Also recap, Mizu thinks her story is for kids but it's a good one. Mamika is happy with that. Off rails character development occurs which Yuya mentioned. And now she says the power of belief is what works in her world, but probably doesn't work here...but doesn't it tho? Or at least, the power of acceptance/popularity I mean that is a belief. Kinda.

Mamika demands the truth and only the truth, which Mizu tries to weasel his way out of by saying he knows nuthin' but Mamika's a damn good cop, she ain't accepting no for an answer. Also she dies.

"And the killer...WAS YOU, WASN'T IT, MIZU?"

like okay the pw anime was bad in some ways but the fucking music cues are just as good as the games. i think iunno i forgot.

I TOLD YOU SHE'S A DAMN GOOD COP SHE MAY BE A LOOSE CANNON BUT THIS IS WHY WE KEEP HER ON THE FORCE SHE'S RAISING THEM LUMPS SHE'S GOT MIZU'S BALLS ON A FRYING PAN SHE IN THERE SUPER HARD. Also I was chanting "HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT" because I swear she's going to get killed before the episode ends. In fact, whenever Mamika appears, just chant HEADSHOT HEADSHOT in your head and you can accurately recreate (teehee) the O'Malley ExperienceTM​!

Who put that as their wallpaper? Oh it's probably linked to Jeffery's comp ah gotcha.

So apparently Setsuna posted on Newgrounds before biting za dusto.
Anyways, apparently MUP's fairly popular in terms of views and that's how he found her. Yuya compliments his detective work, though he could work on his weight which he tells him to leave that out of it/how does that weight affect deduction skills/isn't there a show or gag about a detective who can only operate near a donut shop and donut related crimes like he's complete ass at everything else but if it's near donuts, he'll get the man instantly?

MUP is an Italian Assassin playboy, eyup, she's the one and only (genderbent this is fate all over again. whaddoya mean altair's not real.) Altair!...wait fuck I was thinking of Ezio Ezio's cooler anyways I haven't played 1 or any of them really shhhh

Orochimaru's been listening the whole time, and well way to fucking go Peter Parker telling everyone you're "Spiderman's Personal Camera Assistant" like fuck they're not going to fuck with you if they knew you were Spiderman, no they fuck with you because you're the wimpy shrimp connected to Spiderman and that's exactly what happens here. Mizu stammers out "ALTAIR IS MY..." and changes subjects, confirming Meteora's words to Mamika that she's EVIIIILLLLL and hates the world n' stuff. Of course Magane is going to fucking kill him now, she assumes he's the creator of Altair oh boy.

So, seriously? This, was the drama bomb? The exciting thing? BOY NEVER HAVE I BEEN SO BLUE BALLED FOR A TWIST. OKAY WHAT WAS THE DRAMA BOMB WHAT WAS THE EXCITING THING OR WERE YOU ALL CONSPIRING TO TRICK ME INTO WATCHING THIS IMMEDIATELY JUST TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. Okay Orochi kills her creator, whatever that's not out of the blue, MUP is working for the Assassin's okay whatever, PERSONA BATTLES okay that's actually exciting but other than nothing out of the blue really. Like, the events that transpired were reasonable "Oh that makes sense." progression of events, nothing was "WAIT WHAT THE FUCK" about the story in this episode. Come ooonnnnn, I was expecting something crazy! Like, Jeff from the Overwatch Team takes over and now Reaper is hunting him down to take down Overwatch but of course Jeff is Death incarnate and Reaper dies again somehow LOOK I JUST WANTED SOMETHING SO FUCKING CRAZY I WOULD LOOK AT IT AND SAY "WELCOME MY CHILD" AND CARESS IT AND SEND IT TO COLLEGE WITH TEARS IN MY EYE AND THEN WATCH MY CRAZY ASS CHILD FROLIC IN THE MEADOWS WITH GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH FAIRIES WHO ARE ALL DRESSED LIKE KITTIES I DON'T KNOW I WAS EXPECTING BATSHIT INSANITY INSTEAD I GOT A RATIONAL PROGRESSION OF EVENTS FUCK THIS SHOW FOR NOT THROWING ITSELF OFF RAILS FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

i would like to note the fact in the actual re:creators's discussion thread people are all "logic logic reason reason theory theory" and im here being all "YO THAT GUY LOOKED COOL!"

clearly this show is not for me :V
Random question: why does Alice's horse make clappity clap noises when it's flying despite stepping on nothing?