Ooh, I'll have to check that out after the series as well, then!
It's a visual novel, not an anime unfortunately. And I'm honestly not sure if you can adapt it to anime, since it's one of those stories that relies heavily on the medium - in this case the whole story is an eternally repeating four day time loop, through which Shirou (and the player) stumbles blindly in search of a way out, with everything between the serious bits (both involving Shirou and the mysterious newcomers Bazett and her Servant Avenger) being filled in with fun but mindless slice of life segments that treat all three mutually exclusive stories from the original (those being Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel) as canon with everybody being inexplicably alive and happy.

There's always Carnival Phantasm though, which is vaguely similar if a lot sillier.
Ah, the three amigos. They're great. Unfortunately they're almost completely uninvolved with the events of Fate/Stay Night (which UBW is a part of), but they finally got the spotlight they rightfully deserved in the sequel Fate/Hollow Ataraxia.
Hm... Does that count as a spoiler?

They and Taiga were definitely the stand out characters this episode. I think Taiga's generally one of the better characters of this storyline, regardless of the version, though I admit to never playing the game. I'm not really into visual novels, particularly H ones.
There's always Carnival Phantasm though, which is vaguely similar if a lot sillier.
I keep meaning to watch that, but I'm afraid it will require too much background knowledge of Fate series stuff that I have no intention of ever getting into.
Hm... Does that count as a spoiler?

They and Taiga were definitely the stand out characters this episode. I think Taiga's generally one of the better characters of this storyline, regardless of the version, though I admit to never playing the game. I'm not really into visual novels, particularly H ones.

I keep meaning to watch that, but I'm afraid it will require too much background knowledge of Fate series stuff that I have no intention of ever getting into.
The only thing you really need to know other than Fate is Tsukihime, its 'sequel' Kagetsu Tohya and it's fighting game Melty Blood, if only because the show is split between that and Fate. Otherwise you won't know things like who these maids are. Because they're from Tsukihime, not Fate. But the Tsukihime stuff and the Fate stuff are pretty segregated from each other, and aside from one skit later on where Shirou and Shiki (the protagonists) team up to make a madcap plan to date everyone at once they never really interact for more than one off jokes (like Arcueid showing up everywhere).

If you really just want the Fate stuff without reading Tsukihime, which you should anyway because it's really good, there's a supercut on Youtube that cuts out all the Tsukihime stuff and leaves only the Fate stuff.
I hope this doesn't mean we're in for watching him push himself too hard, make enemies with the other Masters over philisophical differences, discover the contract's fine print, have his love life fall to shambles due to self-loathing holding him back, and ultimately fall into a spiral of depression and rage that turns him into a witch.

Wait, what show was I talking about again?
Fun fact: Nasu, the creator/writer for fate, and Urobuchi, the writer for Puella Magica, are personal friends. And Urobuchi has actually done work for the series.

I leave it to you to find out/determine what that means about Emiya/Sayaka similarities. Though just to be clear, Emiya came first. ;)
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Another update!

Taiga is definitely a standout of UBW.

Well okay, she's pretty awesome all around, but UBW gives her plenty of fun screen time.

Aside from that... Uh...

Well I'm definitely looking forward to what happens next... update soon! When you can I mean... Please...
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So: I really like all three of these anime (though Code Geass the least) and I hope you enjoy them. I'm certainly enjoying your recounting so far.

Are you planning on doing sequels? I ask mainly because MGLN As is one of the best anime series of all time. (This is factually true. And only slightly because I didn't specify a sample size.)
So: I really like all three of these anime (though Code Geass the least) and I hope you enjoy them. I'm certainly enjoying your recounting so far.

Are you planning on doing sequels? I ask mainly because MGLN As is one of the best anime series of all time. (This is factually true. And only slightly because I didn't specify a sample size.)
And yeah, planning to do the full run of Nanoha's seasons. May also tackle Fate Zero whenever I finish UBW, but that's more up in the air since it's a prequel. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Well that's good. Its irritating when lets watches just end up dead.

Also context for the 'thats a lot of sabers' part? Did someone show you FGO's saber servant roster or something?
Indeed, I didn't want to leave this alone for so long to begin with, but what's done is done.
And yeah, it was this image in particular:
Which I haven't looked too closely at just in case of possible spoilers, but is amusing all the same.
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And yeah, planning to do the full run of Nanoha's seasons. May also tackle Fate Zero whenever I finish UBW, but that's more up in the air since it's a prequel. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Indeed, I didn't want to leave this alone for so long to begin with, but what's done is done.
And yeah, it was this image in particular:
Which I haven't looked too closely at just in case of possible spoilers, but is amusing all the same.

Oh that image. Yeah there's a reason the term 'Saberface' has become a thing in the Fate community. Heck the image is missing a few of them.

Does any Saber even wield Sabers?

No but how many Lancers wield lances or Archers wield bows?
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i really hope she isn't searching any names we say to see what we mean.
Guys, I feel like we might be heading towards spoiler territory, which we should avoid for this blind watch.
good point. Should probably drop the subject then.
Then, Lazarus, I think you said you were going to drop Code Geass, right? Have you found anything to replace it with yet, or are you going to wait until you finish either this current season of Nanoha or the entirety of UBW (or both)?

edit: autocorrect, why did you change Nanoha into Nambia of all things? :jackiechan:
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good point. Should probably drop the subject then.
Then, Lazarus, I think you said you were going to drop Code Geass, right? Have you found anything to replace it with yet, or are you going to wait until you finish either this current season of Namibia or the entirety of UBW (or both)?
I'm not dropping Geass yet, going to wait a few more episodes and see how I feel. If I do decide to drop it, though, I won't be replacing it with anything, because the pacing of this is pretty bad as it is. XD