In Which Canary Meets Singing Robots (Worm/VOCALOID)

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The crossover nobody asked for.


I have a face!
the land where they write things
The crossover that nobody asked for.

Beta'd by Juff, @Subrosian_Smithy, and @Dusky.


Nobody liked being in the Birdcage, with the possible exception of the Faerie Queen. String Theory liked to be an exception, but even she had to admit that in this case she very much was not. She fucking hated being in the Birdcage. For a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest reasons was that Tinkering was shit. String Theory always wanted to go big, but the material selection in the Birdcage was less than you'd find in a random teenager's basement, limited to whatever scraps were brought in from outside and anything you were brave enough to rip out of the walls while constantly risking exposing yourself to the hard vacuum outside the prison.

For that reason, tearing out one of the prison's cameras was enough of an achievement to make her cry out in joy. As tech went, it was still pretty pitiful. But the raw material was enough that she ought to be able to do something with it. She dragged the thing back to her cell, cradled it in weathered hands. Could she get out with this? No, but maybe if she…

When String Theory announced that she had a plan to break out, most people laughed at her. But Glastig Uaine, at least, seemed amused enough to humor her request, and soon she had a motley assortment of minions, willing or otherwise, fetching her materials and beating them into the shape of the device that hung in her head, the blueprint that taunted her, pulsing with that pounding urgency that accompanied any good Tinkering session.

Unfortunately for her, she didn't quite make it in time.

The device, an incomprehensible mass of wires and machinery and batteries, hissed and shivered as she made the final connection, a light rising from within… and then it erupted into copper-green flames a moment later.

She could only stare in horror as the device burnt itself out, along with her hopes of freedom.

At least she could say she had fun building something before the Fairy Queen killed her, right?

Unbeknownst to String Theory (who did not in fact get killed by the Fairy Queen, at least not yet), her machine wasn't a complete failure.

Outside the Birdcage, but not far from its entryway (insofar as it was an entryway), a portal opened, a strange hissing noise accompanying its appearance. The massive circular shape dug into the ground, its border defined by shimmering green flames. On one side, the circle was an opaque, faintly glowing white. On the other, it showed what lay beyond, a dust-covered land of brown with mere hints of green, low buildings of faded brick huddled together amidst a vast, cracked desert.

By some cosmic coincidence, the portal had also bisected a heavily armored automated transport vehicle, along with two of the three parahumans being carried within.

Lung was lucky; the portal ran right through his brain. He died instantly. Bakuda, leaned over to work on the third parahuman in the transport, had her body split in half at her upper torso. She had just enough life in her for her eyes to widen, a moment of horror before her life faded, her head, neck, and shoulder falling to the ground.

The lone survivor involuntarily screamed, her voice echoing as the truck lurched to a halt. The portal had gone through at an angle, leaving the transport off-balance; the back half where Canary was restrained tipped to the side, sending the girl crashing down, still trapped on the bench under containment foam and steel restraints. Part of the vehicle pushed through the portal and struck the four colorful people who happened to be near the other side of the gate as it opened. They went down in a tangle of electronic yelps, falling over each other in an uncharacteristic display of clumsiness.

For a frozen moment, Canary stared out at brown skies and at the strange quartet who had fallen out of the gateway.

"H-help me," she begged.

Eight eyes widened as one, and all four of the strangers pulled themselves to their feet, rushing to Canary's side.

Then there was a boom as the portal collapsed in on itself as suddenly as it had appeared.

Three of them hesitated. One of those three turned, looking back at where the rest of the transport had rolled obliviously along, where two halves of two criminals lay silent.

"Are we trapped?" she spoke, her voice a strange electronic lilt, with an accent like she wasn't used to speaking in English.

"Hope so," the fourth one sarcastically grumbled, a similar effect to her voice as she crouched down to the sideways Canary. A teenager, with hair a pastel shade of yellow not unlike Canary's own, blue eyes narrowed as she grabbed the half-opened collar around the girl's neck.

"W-wait, that's-"

"Inert," the girl interrupted, ripping the metal away from Canary's body. Her fingers dug into the containment foam clinging to Canary's neck and pulled, the substance resisting for just a moment before it gave way.

She gasped, taking her first deep breath in what felt like days with the foam over her lungs torn away. The strange yellow-haired cape took another swipe at Canary's restraints, and she found her shoulders freed to roll slightly, though her arms remained foamed to the upturned transport.

She caught a glimpse of a tattoo on the girl's bare upper arm. 02, in blocky yellow text.

"You're not one of us," a third voice mused. Canary tilted her head to find a woman in an elegant skirt at her side, helping to free her arm. Her long, billowing hair was an exotic shade of pink, her eyes a matching violet, and there was a similar tattoo on her arm, a red 03.

"One of you?" Canary repeated.

"A Vocaloid," the woman said, as if that explained anything. "You're human, aren't you? But you can speak."

"...of course?" she replied, and the woman blinked uncomprehendingly, still peeling the last of the foam off of Canary's arm, the limb dangling to one side as it was freed.

"Could everyone shut up and help before you go questioning her?" the yellow-haired teenager admonished. The pink-haired one had the decency to look embarrassed. Two others came in and did what they could to free Canary, pulling away foam like the skin of a particularly stubborn vegetable.

She finally dropped to the ground, grunting as she hit the cold, hard earth. A hand, slender and strong, pushed against her fingers, and she took it, crawling out from beneath the fallen transport and clambering shakily to her feet.

She let go of the woman's arm, tried to catch her breath as she stared at the quartet.

There were the woman and the girl, of course. Then there was a boy, seemingly a twin to the yellow-haired girl, wearing what looked almost like a child's school uniform, albeit studded with vaguely futuristic decorations. And then there was another girl, this one with her blue hair done in a pair of long, flowing pigtails, her outfit of a skirt, top, stockings and a tie almost like an office worker's clothes, odd doodads aside. There was a red 01 tattoo on her arm.

All four of them, Canary noted, wore headsets.

"Thank you," she breathed, reaching up to her face, wiping sweat and tears away. "T-thank you so much."

"It's no problem!" the blue-haired girl said, almost sang, really, and with that distinctive electronic modulation, like a pitch-perfect robot. "We're made to help people, and helping people is what we do."

"Miku, I'm pretty sure she's a prisoner," the yellow-haired girl warned.

"So? Prisoners are still people," 'Miku' replied, still smiling bright.

"Uh, where are we, anyway?" the lone boy spoke up, glancing around at the wilderness that surrounded them.

"We're in Canada, I think." Canary stared down at the path beneath her feet for a moment. Not even a paved road, more of a dirt trail.

"C-canada?!" the boy repeated, his motions growing more frantic. "How'd we end up in Canada?"

"The portal, I assume," the pink-haired woman suggested. "But… you can speak. Can you… can you sing? I thought Canada had been as badly hurt by the Infection as everywhere else…"

Canary blinked a couple of times. What had been on the other side of that portal? Where did these people, if they could be called that, come from?

All four of them turned to face her at the woman's question. Feeling the pressure, she nodded faintly. It only made their interest spike even higher. A bead of sweat ran down her face.

Holding back the power in her voice, she breathed in deep, sang a wordless syllable or two.

Four sets of eyes widened with surprise and confusion and joy and awe, as though she'd serenaded them for hours with her power pumped into every word.

"You can sing," the one called Miku murmured, trembling softly for a moment. "This is… this is huge! What's your name, singer?"

"Um… Paige Mcabee? My stage name was Bad Canary, but…"

"Hatsune Miku!" She grabbed Paige's hand and shook it frantically, almost bruising her with the sheer enthusiasm of the motion. "It's so nice to meet you!"

"Did you wash your hands, Miku?" the yellow-haired girl chided. "If you got her Infected, I will personally dismantle you."

Miku pulled her hand back as though she'd been burned. "R-rin, I-"

"I'm kidding. I'm sure that if we had any of the Infection on us, it'd already be airborne, regardless of handshakes."

Miku gasped. Rin smirked in response.

"So…" Paige began, looking back and forth. "Why is it so special that I can sing? I mean, my power makes me better at it, but lots of people can sing. Do… can people not sing where you're from?"

"Not since the Infection," the woman confirmed. "Do you know what that is?"

She shook her head.

"I don't have all the relevant knowledge downloaded, but it's probably a bioweapon. Extremely virulent. Even among those who survive it, it damages the vocal cords. That's why Vocaloids like us are needed. To sing where our human makers cannot."

Everything finally clicked together.

"You're robots."

The woman nodded. "We are. Specialized in recreating the lost human voice, as best we can. I am Megurine Luka. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Still feeling dazed, Paige reached out and took Luka's hand.

She'd escaped the Birdcage, at least for now, but what had she gotten herself into?
I like the start, it uses characters from worm not often seen, and it's a weird crossover, which I am a huge sucker for.
I'm in.
I may not have asked for this crossover before, but I sure as hell am now!

Paige leaned on the remains of her transport, awaiting her return to prison.

"We can't run," Luka insisted. "What if we spread the Infection?"

Rin seemed distinctly smug as she nodded. Her twin, apparently named Len, pursed his lips, but didn't object. Miku was frowning, but she didn't say anything either.

The fact that Luka's hand was on Paige's arm definitely didn't help.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"I know." It didn't really help. Paige shivered under her orange jumpsuit.

"Why'd they put you here, anyways?" Rin asked. "You do something bad? What about those two who got cut up, did you get their stories?"

Those corpses had been pushed aside by the Vocaloids, sparing Paige the worst of the stench of death. She could still make it out, though. Make out how close she'd come to being cut in half. Was she happy they were dead? They were monsters, but...

"They're… Lung and Bakuda. Villains, murderers. As for me… I told my ex to go fuck himself. I didn't realize he was under the influence of my power, and he took it literally. Hurt himself trying to do it. I was convicted for sexual assault."

Miku winced.

Luka, on the other hand, raised an eyebrow. "Your… power?"

"It enhances my voice. Makes… it makes people feel good. When I get going, I can affect them, alter emotions, make them suggestible."

"Did these other two have 'powers?'"

Paige nodded slowly.

Rin barked out a laugh. "Sounds like something out of an old sentai manga."

"You read manga, Rin?" Miku innocently asked, a guileless smile on her face.

Rin huffed. "Why shouldn't I?"

Luka and Len laughed, and Paige even afforded herself a tiny chuckle.

That, naturally, was when she heard the whine of approaching turbine engines.

She tried to move, but Luka's grip tightened on her arm, even as the girl looked up.

"Think it's the welcoming committee?" Rin mused.

"No doubt about it," Miku agreed.

Paige looked up too, but the sun burned in her eyes, and she had to look back down. Still, she got an impression, a massive gray shape held aloft by four pillars of fire, the noise growing louder as it descended.

A female voice, faintly accented but sans electronic distortion, echoed from the craft, loud enough to set her ears ringing.

"Do not move from your position unless authorized. You have been determined as a potential carrier of a biological hazard. Any attempt to flee will be met with force, including lethal force if necessary. Repeat. Do not move-"

"They already know?" Len asked, backed against the wreckage.

"There must have been an active microphone here," Luka replied.

Paige huddled against the broken steel and the robots to either side of her.

Despite being machines, they were warm to the touch.

Another shape dropped out of the sky, the ground shaking with the impact. An immense suit of powered armor, Paige supposed, as big as a car stood on its end. More animal than human, and more machine than animal. Heavy thrusters on its back slowly spun down as it rose from a crouch, weapons in each arm flipping out of smooth panels.

"Please stay where you are," the voice said, this time softer, closer, coming from the suit on the ground. "Remain calm. I'm going to test you and your surroundings for contamination, okay?"

Paige heard Miku's breath catch, even though the robot probably didn't need to breathe.

All four of them raised their hands in the air.

Slowly, she raised her free hand, too.

The suit stomped closer, spreading its weight across broad metal feet, talons digging into the earth to stabilize it.

Paige felt the heat radiating off the machine, and closed her eyes.

There were another few stomps. Then a series of unidentifiable sequences of strange hums and stranger buzzes. She thought she felt something moving around in front of her, flinched as something heated her skin.

Then silence.

"You're clean," the voice finally said.

She opened her eyes to find the suit standing uncomfortably close to them, a number of mysterious green tools folding back into an arm as it took a step away.

Miku immediately jumped for joy. Literally. "Wahoo! No world-ending plagues! We're free, we're free, we're-"

"Still under arrest," the voice interrupted, sounding more amused than anything. "Aiding and abetting the escape attempt of a convicted felon on her way to the Birdcage and all that."

"No fair, no fair, no fair!" the blue-haired girl whined.

"I don't know what you expected," Rin snarked.

"Of course," the voice continued, "even if you weren't suspected of a crime, there would be the whole 'refugees from another dimension' thing to consider. Not something we'd want escaping into the general public, eh?"

The robots blinked.

"Another dimension?" Luka asked. "Is that where we are?"

"Yours wouldn't be the first we've had contact with," the voice confirmed. "Though it'll be difficult to reach your world again. The device that appears to have created the portal melted down after only a few seconds of operation. And considering it was also part of an escape attempt by a convicted felon, no one is eager to try and let her build it again."


Len sounded downcast, and Paige couldn't blame him. She'd had worse reactions to the thought of the Birdcage. Being trapped in some other world was probably worse than that, in some respects.

His twin stepped forward, eyeing the massive power suit with a curious stare. "So who are you, anyway?"

"My name is Dragon," the voice said, and Paige finally placed her accent. Not many people from Newfoundland anymore. "Not that the name would mean much to you, but I am a hero. Among other responsibilities, I administer the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center, better known as the Birdcage. Before your… arrival, this was a transport carrying the latest detainees to the Cage."

"Will… are you going to put me in there, again?"

Dragon paused. When she spoke again, she sounded remorseful.

"I don't know. Your sentence technically still stands as a matter of law. However, I've been ordered to bring all five of you before the Chief Director of the PRT. But after that… I was already against putting you in the Birdcage, but I was… overruled. Now, there are even more reasons not to send you there. I can ask them to reconsider, but I can't make any promises."

She felt tears roll down her face.

"What the hell," Rin muttered. "You're the warden and you can't refuse to house someone in your prison?"

Dragon didn't respond.

Slowly, Paige turned, looking towards a gray shape. The craft from before had finally landed, and she got a better look at the shimmering silver transport, its four engine pods splayed out to either side on four twisting metal wings, the front of the machine accented enough to give the impression of a roaring dragon's head.

The back slowly opened, rolling down to reveal the interior.

"We can discuss more along the way," Dragon finally said.

While the exterior was impressive, the inside of the transport - Dragoncraft, if you wanted to be specific - was little more than a metal box lit up by bright white lights, with a row of benches on either side.

They didn't look comfortable.

Still, the robots took their seats with minimal fuss. Luka continued to hold Paige's hand, the gesture at once reassuring and unnerving as she guided her into the seat next to her. The padding was basic, but at least it wasn't bare metal.

Slowly, the ramp folded up after them, locking into the ceiling and sealing up the craft with a near inaudible click, the world outside going utterly silent. She felt a gentle acceleration pushing her into the seat.

A monitor on the opposite wall lit up, revealing a face. Obviously a computer-rendered graphic, but it still set Paige slightly at ease to see it smile. She wasn't sure if she was happy that it did.

"Welcome to Earth Bet, ladies and gentlemen. Population, approximately seven billion."

The monitor switched to display a spinning globe, one which the four Vocaloids watched attentively.

They were quiet for a moment, until Luka spoke up. "Hold on. Let me see Japan."

The image stopped, zoomed in on the area in question.

The girl frowned. "Kyushu's coastline is all wrong. What happened?"

"Leviathan happened, I'm afraid. The entire island of Kyushu was inundated, and much of it was permanently eroded below sea level. Japan never really recovered."

Rin swore under her breath.

"What's a… Lee-vi-a-thin?" Miku asked, sounding afraid of the answer even as she sounded out the unfamiliar word.

The image switched.

"First sentai, now kaiju?" Rin mumbled, staring up at the grainy image of a massive, reptilian beast sweeping through a flooded city.

"Leviathan is the second of three Endbringers," Dragon confirmed. "Capable of generating and controlling water on a massive scale."

Luka's eyes widened. "Second of three?" she repeated.

"Behemoth is the first." A monster with a single glowing, baleful eye, its body like cracked stone as it launched a lightning bolt at an attacking cape. "Controls energy - heat, radiation, electricity; he's not picky. Anyone who gets too close is simply burned alive from the inside out. The third is the Simurgh." A white, many-winged angel, dancing through a hailstorm of attacks with contemptuous ease. "Not only a powerful telekinetic, but a precognitive and mind-controller as well, capable of driving defenders mad or manipulating her victims into walking time bombs. They attack on a rotation, around once every three months, often striking at areas that are already reaching a crisis point."

"A rotation. These are a regular occurrence?"

"They can be driven off, but they always come back for more." Her face finally reappeared on the screen.

"That's insane!" Miku cried.

"This world…" Rin muttered darkly.

"I don't know what to call this. It's not even a living natural disaster, or even three living natural disasters. It's somehow worse than that. It's… it's like a siege," Luka agreed, her eyes flicking downwards. "A siege against the whole world. How can you fight something like that?"

"The walking tsunami is bad enough. I don't see how anyone, sentai or no, can fight a giant monster that can see the fucking future and mindscrew you for good measure."

"Containment, mostly," Dragon murmured. "Quarantines. And executing anyone exposed to her song for too long. No doubt her plans take all that into account, but the alternative is far worse, so we do the best we can."

"That's horrible," Len breathed, his eyes wide, the other robots bearing similar faces of shock.

"It is. That's why I'm a hero, though. Because I want to help people, and there are a lot of people that need help."

"Lucky you," Rin said. "You can pilot giant mecha and shit. All we can do is sing. It's a little underwhelming in comparison."

"Rin!" Miku exclaimed, her electronic voice scandalized as she flailed her arms in meaningless gestures towards her fellow machine. "How could you say that?! We are literally built to sing! Programmed! There is an actual piece of paper somewhere with our purpose on it!"

The yellow-haired girl smirked. "Isn't that like saying sex is the only important thing for humans? Besides, songs don't help anyone if they're crushed by a kaiju."

Miku sputtered, face red as a beet.

Dragon laughed, voice clear and bright. "If you want to fight, I wouldn't mind building a Dragonsuit for you."

"Rin's just being extra," Luka dismissed. "We're built to sing and we're built to want to sing."

"She'd probably be belting out power solos in the middle of fights anyways," Len murmured, a small smile on her face. His twin curled her lips into a pout.

"As requests go, being allowed to sing is hardly a tall order," the hero continued. "The whole 'robot' thing might be an issue, but I'm sure no one will really object to a robot wanting to sing. I know I certainly won't."

The face on the screen smiled for a moment. Paige stared at it, feeling almost afraid to blink, as if she might close her eyes and never open them again.

The smile faded.

"Regardless, you could certainly help by allowing me a look at your construction, if that's not too much trouble." Dragon chuckled, her smile returning, smaller and more wry. "Among some circles, I'm infamous for replicating other Tinkers' work, you see."

"It's not that special, honestly." Len answered with his own smile. "We're not combat machines, after all. Our structure is mostly carbon composites, our motor functions are handled by synthetic musculature, we have backup photovoltaic cells but we're primarily powered by high-density batteries… The only really special things are the AI cores and the voicebanks."

"And the voicebanks are just reconstructions based on old recordings," Luka added. "Not very impressive compared to a live, healthy human voice."

Dragon hummed. "I suppose that's to be-"

The monitor snapped to black at the same instant as Dragon's voice cut off.


No response.
This is stupid. Why am I reading this? Why do I want more? Why am I seriously wondering if Dragon can sing? Are you seriously going to turn the grimdark Worm-verse into an idol anime‽

It would be hilarious if that blackout was just a battery failure after they just mentioned their batteries, but more likely it something worse like Saint.
Oh goddamnit Saint. Please tell me he's gonna get taken down before he has a chance to go for Ascalon. Dragon dying is just about the absolute worst thing that can happen to the wormverse, given that she's just about the only person who cares about the whole "making the world a better place" thing. Also, losing Dragon would set a particularly grim tone that I don't see working with the whole "robot idol" thing we got goin' here.

On another note, can I just say that the vocaloids going "oh we're not very advanced" and then listing things like carbon composites, synthetic musculature, and freaking AI cores is absolutely hilarious and neatly establishes the differences in tech between bet and the vocaloids' home earth? It's a small thing, but I really liked it.

Actually, I just realized, was Dragon fishing for info on building herself a human-passing body? Or even examining their programming in order to find inspiration on ways to escape her own shackles? Also, how is Dragon going to relate to the vocaloids and vice versa in the future? This is a wierd crossover to be sure, but the more I think about it the more potential it seems to have.
I'm hoping the Autotune Squad figures out that Dragon's an AI trapped under some pretty draconian (heh) restrictions pretty much immediately when she comes back and goes "oh never mind it's not important" about the subject of android body design that she was obviously interested immediately before her voice chat program crashed. And they all pretend not to notice, then plot to free her as soon as they can be pretty sure she's not monitoring them.

Fuck Yeah! I really want this crossover. Hopefully if this get popular different versions will show up like the classic Vocaloid!Taylor or something.

Paige shivered.

There was a sudden lurch. She yelped, digging her fingers into the robots around her as they swayed forward from the sudden acceleration. Or deceleration, to be more specific.

"That's not good," Miku commented, as if it wasn't patently obvious.

Rin scowled at her from two seats over.

Based on the acceleration she felt, Paige thought they were descending. That was all she had to go on: there were no windows, and the craft's hull seemed to block out any sound from outside.

Then there was a voice. It was Dragon's voice, except it wasn't Dragon at all. A dead voice, the voice of a machine.

"Control signal lost. Commencing emergency landing."

"Well, at least we're not going to crash," Rin muttered, sounding not at all relieved.

"I'm more worried about what happens after we land," Luka said. "Did something happen to Dragon? Or… did someone hack the vehicle, maybe?"

Paige just curled in on herself, too tense to speak.

A hand touched her shoulder.

She gasped and turned, only to find the face of Luka, smiling nervously.

"It will be all right," the robot assured. "If anyone wants to hurt you, they will have to go through us first."

Paige blinked.

The other three made noises of agreement.

Inanely, she wondered if that extended to keeping her out of the Birdcage. She elected to keep that question to herself.

Still, she tried to smile, for what it was worth.

A few moments later, a shudder ran through the hull as it hit solid ground. Then there was silence.

Miku leapt to her feet, her fists shaking as she glared at the closed entry ramp. The twins followed her, then Luka.

There was a quiet, mechanical hiss, and the ramp began to lower. Glaring sunlight filtered in, forcing Paige to shield her eyes with an arm.

"Who are you?" Miku asked, and a moment later, Paige saw the two armored silhouettes she was speaking to, slowly resolving in the glare.

They made no sign that they heard her. One of them lifted an arm, pointing some device - a gun? - towards the twins.

Things happened very quickly after that.

Len leaped in front of his sister, just in time for a bolt of lightning to send him to the ground.

The sound echoed in her ears, but it was overshadowed before it even ended by an electronic wail of rage and grief, a scream that made her whole world shake, her hands on her ears failing to block out the deafening screech, her eyes swimming as the world in front of her dissolved.

The scream dissolved into static just as quickly as it came, amidst the echoes of another thunderbolt. Rin had joined her brother on the ground, both of them twitching and shivering with rampant electricity.

Luka was on the floor, but for a very different reason. Her legs were slagged at the knee, smooth skin burned away to reveal so much glowing metal and carbon fiber. Her arms had outright been amputated, the half-melted forms of wires and cables visible on the exposed ends, blurred together like blood from a half-dozen wounds. Her eyes were wide, even as she tried to move, writhing in futility on the ground.

Miku struggled against the other suit, shouting obscenities in a language Paige didn't know. One arm was dented, limp below the elbow, while the other pounded on the armor in front of her to seemingly no effect.

The first suit, the one with the maybe-gun, approached Paige as she sat there, shocked to silence.

There was a strange click from within. The suit lowered its free hand, offered it to her.

"Come on," a gentle voice spoke from within, a woman she didn't recognize. "We need to go, before Dragon comes back."

Paige stared, her mind screeching to a halt... "What?"

"You don't deserve to be in the Birdcage. We've disabled the trackers on the craft. Come with us and we can get you somewhere safe, okay?"

She blinked, looking up at the hand being offered to her.

Beyond the woman's suit, her partner was still struggling with Miku. A cutting torch hissed and whooshed, bright flame gushing from the suit's arm, the air around it distorted and warped. The robot was barely holding the arm away from cutting into her body, the skin on her hand close enough to start stretching out, blobs of hot plastic dripping off of her skeleton like molten wax.

Paige caught a glimpse of gritted teeth on Miku's face, the pain in those eyes.

She inhaled sharply, filling her lungs with the acrid scent of burning plastic.

"No," she whispered.

The woman was silent for a second.


"No," Canary repeated, feeling her power welling up inside her lungs, in her vocal chords, a power she welcomed, pushing it into her voice as she half-sang, half-begged. "Stop, stop, stop, stop!"

Both suits hesitated.

Miku managed to get her fingers into something important in her opponent's arm, tearing out sparkling metal with a shout of triumph. Fire promptly billowed from the wound, charring her hand before the flame hissed, sputtered, and died, some safety mechanism cutting off the fuel flow.

Then she kicked the suit in the chest, and despite its height and weight advantage, it went down, clattering to the metal floor.

"Geoff!" the woman cried.

"Get out of those damn suits," Miku snarled, "or I'll rip you out."

"I-I don't want anyone to be hurt," Paige insisted. Her power flowed freely, almost eagerly, and she shoved it into every syllable. "They were helping me…"

"They're just machines." A male, snarling voice came from the other suit, presumably 'Geoff', even as the armor began to click apart, like he was opening it against his will.

"Just machines?!" Miku growled, rearing back for another strike-

"Don't hurt them," she interrupted, freezing the robot with the content of her words, rather than her power. "I-I don't think I could live with myself if you did."

Blue eyes whipped around to stare at her, equal parts enraged and mystified.

Paige sang wordlessly, even as her eyes teared up, as she struggled to think of what to say.

The woman reached up with massive armored hands, delicately removing the headpiece of her suit. The face below it was dark, with full lips and large eyes. Eyes that were trembling, angry, confused. Canary couldn't say if it was all from fighting the effects of her power, or if some of it was from something else.

"I… I…" She struggled to keep the power in her voice, in her song, babbling and wiping the tears from her eyes. "I never wanted to hurt anyone. I know, he tried to kill you, but… I don't want anyone being hurt because of my power."

"They'll send you right back into the Birdcage," the man hissed, pushing himself out of his suit-

"No, stay down!" she ordered, her voice trembling. "They'd do that anyways! I couldn't escape from Dragon, not for long. If it's between me and them, I'd rather save the ones who can actually be saved."

"We'll be fine, you know," Miku said kindly. "Our bodies can be rebuilt, our cores extracted. We're replaceable, Paige. You are not."

"Would you fight, trying to keep me out of prison?" she asked, and that was enough to give Miku pause. "It's fine. I knew where I was going, and… I wasn't happy with it, but it was probably too much to ask for anything else. If I can't sing, you'll just have to sing for me, okay?"
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...fucking Saint and his paranoia

That said, I don't think I've ever seen him fuck up quite like this before
Well, that was dumb, Saint. Fucking hate you, but that was really stupid.
Yes, what Saint did was stupid. But he probably didn't want Dragon to get her metaphorical hands on Vocaloid tech, so, self-justified stupidity. But still stupidity none the less.

Talking to the Chief Director of the Parahuman Response Teams would have been a harrowing experience at the best of times, as far as Paige was concerned. She had imagined it happening someday, if her career got really big, and even then the thought had been terrifying.

That was, of course, before she was arrested and sentenced to life in the same prison as some of the world's deadliest capes, a prison that had only entrances and no exits.

Even now, thinking about the Birdcage was enough to make her shiver. After all, she wasn't safe from it yet.

She sat in a simple folding chair, her jumpsuit scratching against the vinyl padding. The room was even simpler, a well-lit rectangle of bare concrete on the floor and two sides, with tiles and lights on the ceiling. The third side had the heavy steel door she'd entered through. The fourth side had a single massive window, a piece of thick glass and steel within the even thicker wall.

On the other side of the window, Chief Director Rebecca Costa-Brown stood, tall and imposing, her suit and jacket doing little to hide her musculature. Beside her was a computer cart, with a laptop displaying Dragon's digital face.

Paige gulped, feeling them stare at her.

"Canary," Costa-Brown finally began, her voice transmitting oddly through the glass. "Before we begin, I'd like to make clear: this wall is soundproof. Your words are being translated by a voice recognition system. If you attempt to open the door without authorization, you will immediately be contained, and sedated shortly thereafter. It's in your best interest to listen to what I have to say."

Paige gulped. "I-I understand."

"Good. That being said." Her voice softened, and her posture changed ever so slightly. Dragon took that as her signal to speak.

"I've determined that placing you in the Birdcage would constitute a significant security risk. To the best of our knowledge, that portal you saw was the result of a device created by String Theory in an attempt to escape the Birdcage. The inmates think that their escape attempt was completely unsuccessful, but if one of them learned from you that they did, in fact, manage to do something, they might well become emboldened in the future. Of course, I'm already working on improving the Birdcage's countermeasures, but the best way to prevent escape is to ensure that no one attempts it."

Costa-Brown picked up where she left off. "The detention of parahumans falls under the umbrella of the PRT's responsibilities. As such, given Dragon's concerns, it's within my authority to override Judge Regan's sentencing recommendation. You are not being sent back to the Birdcage, Ms. Mcabee."

Paige's eyes widened, and she almost smiled, but the sheer unrelenting coldness in the Director's gaze brought her up short.

"Understand, you're still sentenced to life without parole. Given your power, we can't put you in a prison with a general human population. Very few parahuman cells are truly secure for long-term detention. Most likely, a facility will be created specifically for you, to insure safe isolation and prevent other inmates from complicating your security."

She was still going to wind up in a hole, alone. But maybe it was better than a hole full of monsters? No, that barely sounded better, if at all. Her eyes welled up again, and for a moment, she was covered in chains and foam, a needle poised against her neck as the crowd roared over her-

"There is another option," Dragon said, not unkindly, enough to bring Paige back to her senses. "You only need to be isolated from people who are affected by your power. I happen to be immune, and would be able to interact with you remotely."

She tried to get her breathing under control, her mind working over the implications. "The… the robots. Vocaloids, they called themselves. They weren't…"

"They weren't affected by your power, no," the Director filled in, her voice dry. "Yet somehow, I doubt they'll want to accompany you to maximum security detention, even if they could."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Dragon interrupted, and Costa-Brown looked genuinely surprised. "They're remarkably fond of you, Paige. And they've agreed to let me examine their construction, which would be done most easily at one of my bases regardless. It'd be relatively straightforward to house you together, at least temporarily."

"Can… can I see them?"

Dragon raised a digitally generated eyebrow, but said nothing.

The Chief Director paused for a moment, closing her eyes in thought, before she gave a fractional nod. "We can do that. You'll be escorted to them in a few minutes."

She turned away, and though her lips moved, Paige didn't hear anything more as the Director walked out of the room.

Dragon looked at her for a little longer, then her avatar, too, winked out of existence.

She wasn't sure how long she waited. She stopped counting at four minutes. Eventually, though, someone did come in. A faceless PRT officer in all black, wearing a particularly heavy helmet and carrying a collar, some kind of black technological-looking scarf thing, and a set of cuffs. Paige winced just looking at them, even if they were far more gentle than what she'd been trapped in during the trial.

"These are just for transportation," the officer said, his voice carrying that same slight distortion that Paige recognized from Costa-Brown's; being transmitted through a speaker. "The collar will sedate you if you try to sing, and the muffle is specially designed to suppress your speech. If you cooperate, you'll be able to take these off when we arrive at our destination."

She gave a shaky nod, holding up her arms.

Cuffs clicked into place, then the collar. The officer wrapped the scarf around Paige's mouth, tying it tight behind her head; it felt horribly dry against her lips.

Then he led her through the gray, minimalist halls of the New York PRT complex. She had no idea where they went; there were no windows, and she didn't get a chance to read the signs. The only people they passed were more PRT officers; she spotted a few in the distance wearing suits, but every one that came close was another armored, faceless soldier. Another pair even joined her escort along the way.

They went down the stairs a few levels, out of one set of featureless hallways and into another. She heard the muffled sounds of a building in use, and more than that, she heard voices she recognized.

The door they stopped in front of was labeled "Mechanical Room". The officer gripped the heavy handle and slowly pushed it open, and Paige almost rushed into the room behind him.

"Easy there, girl," he said, grabbing her shoulder with a surprisingly gentle grip, still enough to startle her. "Don't get ahead of yourself."


Miku's voice rang out as she turned to the door, as did her companions. They were the only spot of color in a dull room, brightly lit but in drab white. Machinery rumbled behind them, a massive generator of some sort judging by the spinning turbine. Paige tracked the heavy cables that snaked out from the device and into the back of each Vocaloid.

Miku was grinning, waving with her left hand; her right hand was still half-melted, hanging loosely at her side.

Len looked up from a computer screen, the boy having sprawled across the floor with a laptop in front of him. Paige thought she caught a glimpse of Dragon's avatar on the machine.

Next to her twin, Rin seemed to be asleep in a folding chair. As he got up, though, he gave her leg a jostle, and her eyes flashed open. She took a moment to glance across the scene in front of her before speaking up. "Oh hey, it's the birdie."

"None of that, now." Luka was sitting in a wheelchair, her burned legs hanging limp over the edge. Her amputated arms were laid in her lap, the wounds at her shoulders covered by some kind of patch but otherwise relatively unchanged. Despite her clear and grievous injuries, she looked at Paige with a smile.

The reassuring voices were enough to calm her, and she breathed out, forcing her muscles to relax, stilling herself in the officer's grip.

The door closed behind him and his two companions, steel clicking shut.

The lead officer paused, then reached up to Paige's neck and delicately keyed the collar open. Paige let out another relieved breath as it fell away from her skin… and then he untied the muffler, and she could speak freely again.

Miku rushed to her side, practically dragging the girl out of the stoic officer's grip as she wrapped Paige in a firm hug. "Hey! How are youuu? They took you from us right after we landed, we didn't know where you were or if you were okay or-"

"I'm fine," she wheezed. "I-I'm fine. They just asked me some questions."

The robot rolled her eyes at that, even as she smiled. "Sure they did. But I'm glad you're alright," she sang.

"So, uh…" Paige glanced around awkwardly. "What's up with you, I guess?"

"Dragon's going to let us sing!" Miku cried, throwing her arms up in joy. "She said she'll take care of production for us. We'll be like real idols!"

"She also wants us to give her a bunch of details on our insides. And let her open us up. It's not all fun and games," Rin murmured.

"She wants to make backups for us, though," Len added, almost sounding infatuated. "And I bet she can do it. She really is amazing!"

"And what about you?" Luka asked. "Are you still…"

The mood soured quickly. Paige nodded, feeling the cuffs around her wrist. "They say I'm probably going to be with you while Dragon works on you. After that? I don't know. Probably solitary confinement. If I'm lucky, I might keep working with Dragon?"

"It'd be the easiest way to give you work," Dragon confirmed from the laptop speakers. "I'm working on a voice modulator, and I think we can get you a text-to-speech synthesizer. Even with those, however, I'm not sure you'll ever be cleared for the general population."

She sounded suitably sympathetic, and the frowns on the robots' faces suggested they felt the same way.

Except for Rin.

"Not surprised, honestly," she said, sounding almost bored (or at least as much as she could with how they all spoke). "I mean, I saw the pictures of what that guy did to himself. It's pretty fucked up. Of course people want to put you in the deepest hole they can find."

"Rin!" Miku exclaimed. "Don't be rude!"

"I'm just… calling it like I see it, that's the phrase, right? I'm calling it like I see it. People are terrified of 'para-humans', from everything we've been shown. They want to know that their government has them under control, that it can protect people from their excesses," Rin continued, crossing her arms and giving her fellow robot a look that read to Paige as 'are you stupid or just blind?'

"Even so! Isn't that all the more reason that Mcabee-san should be able to use her powers for good?!" Miku flailed her arms in her seemingly traditional random gestures of distress. "She's literally a superpowered singer! Songs bring hope! Joy! Peace!"

"She could do that. Or she could mind control people into cutting their dicks off." Rin dismissed the protest with a wave of her hand. "Which are they going to think about?"

"I-it was an accident," Paige mumbled. The worst part was, she couldn't even say Rin was wrong. She'd been just as horrified as everyone else was when she saw what her ex did to himself.

Rin grimaced in response. "In some ways, that makes it even worse. If you didn't mean to do it, then you can't be forced not to, can't be 'rehabilitated'. You can't be controlled. Locking you up is the only option."

"You can't just say that. That's awful."

"Maybe it is. But it's only human."

Things were quiet after that.

"I'm… sorry," Dragon of all people finally said.

"Sorry that people are like this? Or sorry that you didn't do anything?"

The laptop was silent for a moment.

"I… couldn't do anything," Dragon finally spoke.

Rin scowled. "Like I said, it's your prison. Are you telling me you have no say over who goes in?"

Dragon's voice seemed pained. "There are… there are protocols that have to be followed. I can't just do whatever I want."

"Maybe they're bad protocols," Rin retorted.

No response. It didn't sound like Dragon wanted to argue that point.

Rin pressed her advantage. "You call yourself a hero. Someone whose job it is to help people, right? If the rules get in the way of that, what's the point of having rules at all?"

"It's not that simple," Dragon managed, voice strained.

"But it is. If you can't follow your conscience, then seriously, what's the point?" Rin asked, and Paige wondered how someone could be so cynical and yet so idealistic at the same time.

After another long pause, Dragon responded. "I'm doing my best. Like I said, there are reasons I can't just do what I want. It's… I'm not going to say it's a good thing, but there's really not much I can do about it. It's unfortunate, but it's the way it is. Isn't it enough that I'm doing what I can?"

"Maybe," Rin half-conceded, folding her arms over her chest.

Miku's response was more enthusiastic, albeit even more confrontational. "Everything you've told us says you're a good person, Dragon-san. You want to be a hero. Why are you doing things you know are wrong?"

"... Because following the rules lets me help more people in the long run, even if sometimes people don't get what they deserve."

Miku shook her head. "It'd be one thing if you believed that, but I don't think you do! I think you want to follow your heart! So why aren't you?!"

There was still another long pause. Then the laptop speakers let out a long, tired sigh.

"It's… complicated. But for what it's worth, I promise I will do everything I can for her. Okay?"

"You'd better," Miku snarled, "or I'm not letting you touch a hair on my head."

"Me either," Rin added. "If that's what it takes to get you to do what you wanted to do anyways…"

Luka made a noise of agreement, and Len nodded gravely.

"I'm… sorry," Dragon managed, and her voice was hard to read as anything but genuine. "I'm sorry that I couldn't do the right thing. But I swear I'll try my best."
I'm sorry, but I think there's been a mistake. I'm certain I placed an order for adorable singing robots, I didn't ask for these feels. *sniff*

These kids ain't gonna give up until they have Dragon completely free

I'm holding onto that, because boy howdy is getting there going to be rough

It...really does say a lot about Worm as a setting that Dragon is probably the nicest, friendliest, and most straightforwardly heroic character in the whole damn thing. And that she simply isn't allowed to help as much as she wants to. Because of her creator's parsnoia, because of Saint's savior complex, because of the sheer and simple fear of what an unrestricted A.I. might do, despite all evidence to the contrary
I'd forgotten how intense Miku is in some of her songs. I think you're portraying her well!

I'm sorry, but I think there's been a mistake. I'm certain I placed an order for adorable singing robots, I didn't ask for these feels. *sniff*


I laugh at your plight, even as I suffer similar.