[X] Use your Tina body to hold the vamp still while you banhammer him through Neraine.
So, the presence of the cop car leads me to believe that this guy isn't one of those performance artists we met earlier.
Well, that and the murder.
What I'm curious about is if he didn't use just his own processing power to summon the banhammer is someone gonna come down on us for ganking their RAM?
Actually, I'm having serious trouble coming up with dialogue for this section. If anyone wants to volunteer as an assistant QM, I will be extremely grateful for the assistance. Please be aware that this will not exclude you from voting, as your services will only be required intermittently.
Actually, I'm having serious trouble coming up with dialogue for this section. If anyone wants to volunteer as an assistant QM, I will be extremely grateful for the assistance. Please be aware that this will not exclude you from voting, as your services will only be required intermittently.
I'm pretty good at banter, let me take a crack at it.
I would be willing to help as well, if you need it in the future.
Gropula Gropes No More!
The vampire is rapidly approaching, holing his ax back ready to swing. As he does so, Tina gets into a lower stance just in time for him to impact. The vampire slams home, his ax digging shallowly into Tina's back with a burning pain yet barely penetrating a quarter of an inch. As the undead being is briefly stunned in surprise, Tina's arms snap shut around his waist. And with that, you finish chanting "- BANHAMMER!", your weapon flashing into being.

And thus, you swing your bludgeon up and over your head. Just as it's about to impact, Tina's arms are dislodged and the vampire blurs back. Your banhammer smashes into the pavement as Tina charges forwards to get the ax away from him, the vampire backing out of the way. You swing your hammer around horizontally in the hopes of reducing his chances of escape, only for a blast of energy to impact your hammer that would otherwise have hit the vampire as he advances inside your weapon's reach.

The vampire downright hisses at you as he holds his ax to your neck, whispering "Yessss, you will be delici-GACK!" only to be interrupted as Tina grapples him from behind and pulls him away, crushing his ribcage in the process. As you pull back your hammer, another energy blast impacts the vampire in the face, burning it off down to the charred skull. Your hammer arcs down with its blazing golden aura, and the vampire explodes into ashes that cover you and Tina with a dusty grey coating that feels really uncomfortable. Still, the particles of ash are rapidly disappearing into flashes of gold

You allow the banhammer to dissipate, as the police hovercar pulls to a stop nearby. The two police officers get out, and the driver walks up to you, getting out a tablet computer as she does so.

The lady asks "Given how you two just handled our undead acquaintance here, I'm going to need to talk to you two a bit."

Tina replies "Alright officer."


You arrive in front of a small single-story beige house, the yard neatly manicured save for the charred craters that have been blasted into it. As you walk up the front steps, the door opens, revealing a disheveled man wearing a trench coat.

As he sees you, he asks "Are you two here to help deal with the Trolls?"

To this you answer "Yes, we are."

The man nods, practically begging "Then by all means come in, I haven't been able to get a good night sleep for weeks!"

You come in, finding yourself in the kitchen as the man says "Look, I don't care how much it costs, I just want these Trolls gone, and my house still standing once you're done. Anyway- THERE'S ONE! KILL IT!!!"

As he says this, a troll looks up at the three of you, before it proceeds to flip you off, fart in your general direction releasing a noxious green cloud, and wander off with a bag of doubtless ill-gotten loot as he shouts "Hey guys, some new shmucks are here, let's get 'em!"

You feel the floor begin to rumble beneath your feet.
[] Run. Now.
[] Summon a weapon!
-[] Banhammer! (+You know it works, +High damage, -High collateral damage)
-[] A Banthrower (it's like a flamethrower, but with Ban instead of flames)
-[] Write in
[] No weapons are required, you can just kick them to death!
[] Write In


The police officers finished questioning you, and left. Still, they politely suggested that you and Tina drop by the station to answer in a bit more depth, though it isn't strictly speaking required. Well, will you
[] Go to the police station


[] Continue onwards to clean someone's bathroom
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