In Their Imperial and Royal Majesties Name

"Believe me, Mr. Weir, you don't understand the world nearly as well as you think or claim to. The United Nations is a joke as it is. Just because it hasn't fallen apart like the League doesn't mean its actually any better at what its supposed to do."

"Trying to stomp out resistance like you're talking about, it's not going to kill the resistance, it's only going to push it underground, where it's going to grow like a weed and you are never going to get rid of it. If anything, trying to stomp it out by force as you insist on doing is only going to justify their behavior."

"The question you're ultimately going to have to ask yourself is how blood are you willing to spill, Mr. Weir? How many human lives are you prepared to sacrifice? How many innocent people's lives are you willing to ruin so that you can justify ruling them with an iron fist? There are words for people like you - 'Tyrant'. 'Megalomaniac'. 'Despot'. You need to remember that in no way are you any better than any of the people you want to throw away the lives of so you can justify using whatever extreme measures you see fit. And you need to ask yourself how would you be reacting right now if you were on the other side of these walls? What would your reaction be, Mr. Weir, if you hadn't been selected to be one of the six people in this room, and it was someone else who held your fate in his hand, and he thought the solution was to do everything and anything he felt necessary to crush any resistance to the new order?

"Including, if necessary, sacrificing your life."

"You need to remember that power wise, some people may see the rulers of these new overlords are akin to gods. But you know what else people are going to see them as? Invaders. Conquerors. Rulers they didn't ask for. If you're not careful, they're going to use you as a scapegoat, and in the eyes of Earth, you're going to be just as bad as the people you work for, if not worse."

) "Six Zones Plan"
Wealth 3, Influence 7, Territory 2, Sovereignty 7
Convince the Nations of the World to avoid outright violent rebellion against the Celestial Empire, and agree to the "Six Zones Plan", which is as follows:
1) For the immediate future, the nations of the world will each remain separate, semi-independent states, though under the ruling authority of the Celestial Empire, as overseen by the representatives of the Council of Planetary Arbiters.
2) The world will be divided into six zones, based largely by continent:
A) North America
B) South America
C) Europe
D) Africa & The Middle East
E) Asia
F) 'Pacific Zone', Consisting of Australia, Southeast Asia, and territories of the Pacific and South Pacific

The Continent of Antartica, being a largely inhospitable frozen desert, will be considered as being joint overseen by all six other regions, as will the North Pole.

3) Each Zone will be assigned a Planetary Arbiter, who will be responsible for directly representing the best interests of that zone. Planetary Arbiters will not be prohibited from interacting in zones other than the one they represent, but will be expected to be most responsible for that zones wellbeing.

4) Initially, each Zone will be assigned one of the six Planetary Arbiters that was previously selected by the Celestial Empire, and will be the representative for their zone for a term of four years.

5) At the end of that four year term, citizens of the member nations who agree to the Six Zone Plan will be allowed to vote on if they approve of how their Representative have carried out their duties and if they should serve another four-year term, or if their representative should be removed from their position and replaced by someone else, and if so, who. If voted to be replaced, that Representative would then lose all powers, resources, benefits, and other assorted unmentioned matters associated with their position as Representative, to be given to whoever is chosen to replace them, as selected by the Zone in question.

6) The process shall then repeat, on a regular four-year repeating basis.

7) This plan shall continue until such time as it is agreed to be done away with by all nations subject to it and replaced with a new plan.
7a) The plan will leave some room open for additional negotiations for minor edits and hashing out details or otherwise addressing unseen issues in the future if needed.

The push will be to have as unified a front on the matter as possible, both to get the nations of Earth on board supporting it, and to put forth a unified front that can be presented to the Celestial Empire as Earth being willing to accept their rule without forcing military conflict, but with Earth being allowed to do so on terms that will help it transition forward rather than suffering form more immediate shock.

Ideally, this plan will allow the nations of Earth to better accept the shock of the new situation and reduce the risk of violent rebellion on grounds of believing they have at least some remaining degree of investment in who's in charge and having a means of replacing the people immediately in charge other than violence should they be unsatisfied with the decision makers.​
15th October, 2018 Earth

=} In Their Imperial and Royal Majesties Name {=

Confusion – Turn 2

15th October, 2018


For many people the last week had been wrought with uncertainties of one measure or another, between an alien Craft crashing or rather landing down in the Atlantic and showing itself to be an orbital elevator of all things or various transmissions, news or rumours of some kind of shadowy Council that was holding court inside of it - and a rather beautiful blonde.

Maybe it was the new and unclear fate that was awaiting the world – maybe just the shock or long held ties of cooperation that were growing ever stronger with the fate of their nations being drowning in the not too far future. But before the first week of Aliens on Earth was over, the states of Palau, Nauru, Kiribati, Niue and other Pacific Islands had called together a Congress, held not on an invitation by a larger power, but varying between each other. News coverage of this proceedings are as sparse as one might expect – but there seems to be genuine will to put themselves together into a larger, supra-national entity that is going to face the challenges to come better. To which degree that is going to happen, what effect that might have on other micro-nations and what continued news coverage to expect on such a seemingly small issue, is going to be unclear for now.
=} Wyatt Marx {=

Maybe it was the earnestness of Planetary Arbiter Marx or the smoothness of his business career, paired with the expert staff of alien speech-writers and ethnologists, who had seemingly spent some time observing humanity and getting to know its day to day operations and political systems. But at the end of a four-day marathon, multiple calls to various political leaders around the globe and a personal meeting with the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres, in company of multiple real-life aliens, you find the chance of violent rebellion against the Celestial Empire (aka you as the only target on the planets surface), quite slim. That is not to say that everyone welcomes you with open arms, quite to the contrary, but the overall mood is one of confusion and a grasping after some sort of plan. Maybe it was only in that climate that something as ambitious as the Six Zones Plan even had a chance to be heard without being shot down by its sheer ambition.

That was not to say that it was a success by far – for one there are 195 countries on this planet, plus-minus a few from time to time and the last few days were not even close to enough to open relations with each of them – that your colleagues were not too keen on supporting your plan, led to you having to deal with this yourself, as well as a quite large staff of alien negotiators and PR people who had started their job the minute you put up your plan. While you got your vision of the Six Zone Plan out to various government officials, it wouldn't take long for you to get neutral or downright scathing comments back at it.

For one, most nations weren't too keen on putting themselves under a ruling authority they knew nearly nothing about, even if the only presence it was going to show in the near future of the next century or two, was the elevator and the Council of Planetary Arbiters. And even then, they also voiced their discontent about the six zones you wanted to make: for example: what was off the countries that went across geographical continent lines? What about those which would find themselves in a voting and interest block with quite diverging cultures and countries: countries of Africa in all their complexity or even Canada and Mexico, whose relations with the US were less than harmonic at the moment. The less we talk of the smaller nations who were afraid to end up with half of Russia and China in a voting bloc, the better.

Aside from the lack of interested from the side of your fellow Arbiters for the plan right now, there was also the general doubt many governments shared for putting the fate of their nations in these formative years into the hands of strangers, especially as they have no idea just what responsibilities an Arbiter is truly going to wield in "their" Zone – the whole Weir thing didn't help that much.

The Plan is now out there, people are talking about it, but even the most optimistic of your underlings and the people in the government that might tentatively be interested in getting involved in the project, estimate that you are going to need at least a year or three to get the whole framework for it up and running. Aside from that you get a few remarks from your alien subordinates that express general bemusement and doubt in something as in-effective as democracy, but it seems to be more of a patronizing smile at the younger race, than anything else.
=} Nicholas 'Nik' Weir {=
All current military forces will provide security over all territory under my authority. No rioting is allowed, but protests are as long as they don't turn violent.

Who would have guessed that the words "I call dibs on Europe" were going to go down in serious history – at another point of course. Still – aside from setting claim to the territory, Argent Holdings and Weir found themselves wit the nominal intent of policing nearly 800 million people from Portugal to the Greece Islands and the Polar Regions in Sweden and Norway. Surprisingly the quickest reaction comes by the forces of Erika von Heinrich, whose small company of alien troopers is the first to arrive as protests in Austria against what seem to be leaked plans of the Six-Zone idea make it into the press and the part of the population that has long since been fed up by Brussels – or made to believe that- see themselves once again at the edge of being thrown another distant and uncaring regime! In multiple towns all over the country, police units under pressure suddenly find themselves relieved as the rioters fall over without a hint of warning – or any harm, only the few camouflaged alien security agents, introducing themselves and taking off again. While the police had been thankful, many of the people now snoring peacefully, voted for the ruling Eurosceptic parties.

While van Heinrich's guards reacted quickly and across the whole continent in the following days, the most daring and impressive operations were pulled off my the far better trained and equipped soldiers under Weir's command, who used the technology that was out of this world, together with the means of traveling quickly and without being caught to stop multiple larger scale riots in Hamburg, Paris and even London, leaving behind whole streets of knocked our rioters and protestors, with nearly no harm done directly by them. The most impressive headlines came from multiple actions in which Argent Holding's employees together with troopers foiled separatist attacks and even a jihadist terrorist threat.

At the end of the week you can be sure that they left an impression: images of smoothly armoured and sleekly armed troopers were all over the web, with the interest high and the emotions even higher as those voices who were grateful for the help, mixed with those who were appealed at the way in which the nations own security forces were passed over and the sheer gall of landing armed troops in their nations and using force against their citizens, even if they were rioting.​

Current wealth will be used to set up enough Celestial Empire standard power plants to provide free power to the civilian population. These power plants will be secured by security forces.

You only have a few specialists on your staff, but from what you can see the Empires decision on what an appropriate choice of energy power plant for a world of your technological achievements is, is what is explained to you as a Thorium nuclear plant – but compared to the plans in the database made available to you, the few research reactors and half-hearted projects that tried to find a nuclear power design that wasn't useful for the creation of uranium-based bombs, are primitive. Even designed to incorporate parts build by current production capabilities of the nations of your home, which were as close to Celestial Empire technology of the higher levels as the stone age tools were to yours, it was the safest and most effective nuclear generator design ever seen. Needing only medium amounts of Thorium, the reactor would be able to work for decades without having to be "refilled" and what waste came up, never left the cycle, but was instead used for other processes inside the power plant. Build like a bunker as well, there was hardly something that should be able to scratch it: safe, clean and lasting – at least that was the impression it was giving off.

That the various green parties all around the globe weren't go be happy was assured if you brought out this design – which you got to experience first-hand, when you actually tried to do so, not that the reactors parts were finished yet, but your experts had chosen suitable places all over Europe and you tried to talk the local governments into letting you not only build nuclear reactors they had never seen before on them, but also wanted to have your armed troops permanently stationed at these facilities in their countries. Sadly, this wasn't Shadowrun and you were vehemently rebuffed, with the whole thing leaking to the public, which lead to an even bigger outcry against the new nuclear reactors you were representing.

This was going to take more work.
=} Erika von Heinrich {=
Erika will focus her efforts in a marketing/advertisement/propaganda campaign to encourage the trust of their council

Maybe it was your personal genius in marketing – or maybe you just had the right face for the campaign, but before the first week of the aftermath of the Celestial Empires arrival is over, those beautiful features you see in the mirror are plastered on walls, shown on television and even painted on the streets with the slogan: ""It never gets easier, we just get stronger!". You had the means and you had the people and while others of the council are busy with busting heads, keeping the heads, working out details or making deals, you succeed in becoming the face of the Council – if the others want it or not. Even as your own personal fanbase seems to grow world-wide, the rest of the council is also getting some thought, as your campaign does its best to humanize each of them: from the family loving grandpa, to the security consultant only wanting to safe people, to the grass-roots leader of an Oceanic community and the two guys that could be your neighbour and are people like you!

People get to know more about the Council from you than from anyone else, especially as the governments are still buzzing themselves with various things happening over the week and other news have no access to the anchor and have to run all their interviews through your campaign office – at which point most interviews fold into themselves as they find themselves answered by polite and perfectly fluent Iz'kal that hammered in the messages you wanted to have out there.

At the end of the week you can see that your campaign has made quite a few headlines all over the globe and worked its messages into social-networks and newspapers all over the place, the backlash of some other actions getting caught and dampened by your own growing grass-root support, together with a more positive image in smaller countries and other institutions and people who are more susceptible to such campaigns because of their lack of alternate information.
=} Elric Granger {=
Generally keep the peace

Maybe it was because the world is a big place and your subordinates only numbered in the hundreds, or maybe It was because a certain blonde was dominating nearly all news channel and more – but in the end your own calls for peace and calm, did get a bit lost between the larger than life image of Erika or critic of the interference Weir had performed across Europe at rallies and subsequent riots. Still – you didn't go unheard and your own past did give you something of a "everyman" flair, on a council which was seemingly dominated by the larger companies and businesses.

Your very presence thus seems to have a calming effect and silences at least a few of the more economically or leftist motivated protestors, not many but a few. You might not hammer home messages like Erika's campaign, but people get your words and begin to write your team small messages of hopes and fears, even things like questions about how many species of aliens are in your team (5) and what they are eating in their mess hall.
Offer to upgrade civic services and related areas of concern

Seems like it was the motivation of your team that carried the day, even thought some of your colleagues were thinking and going quite large, you seemingly made the most inroads into the economy of the different countries around the world. Going through the database the Celestial Empire's distant bureaucrats had found safe for you – you are not really able to get something "Celestial Empire grade", but what is in there is revolutionary enough. Nearly everything from new medicines, to new and better railroads, building techniques and housing plans is perfectly suited for humans, could be created by current day technology and is mostly an extension and perfection of already existing concepts: something humans can understand and imagine – be it the high-speed train that runs on a powerful battery or the completely electronic and connected home of tomorrow.

Less forceful than Weir and with only the condition of acknowledging something that doesn't translate into anything on their side, you soon have multiple interested parties, from multi-national companies to some smaller governments all over the world and most importantly: the United Arab Emirates, who seem to be quite eager to get more information about the database you have gotten, as well as blueprints – especially after the Thorium reactor thing came out and their worry about the future of their oil having risen once more.
=} Rudolf Lisker {=
Operation Velvet Glove:

Your plan works only partly – most often because while you are able to get very close to various world leaders (the military leaders actually being a far easier target depending on their location), their respective security services are able to stop your security guards more often than not – even if a few surprised politicians have your anti-grav flyers drop in on their private houses or in the middle of public speeches and gatherings. For the most part signals are mixed, some give quick still shocked words of thanks – while others see it as a provocation on the same level of Weirs interference in riots in Europe, flaunting your abilities against national laws and authorities.

At the end of it, some are cowed, most are simply confused, and a large part of your targets are simply quite displeased and annoyed with you. For the most part, multiple countries are picking up their air patrols and you can see a heightened state of readiness across the world as countries try to cope with having at least two known entities breaking their airspace and flaunting their invisibility against everything bar the Eyeball MK 1.​

Publically, he offers the world governments, especially European ones, where entirety of his pre-Arbiter powerbase lies, to join a newly founded Prometheus Consortium

Even with your focus being on the European governments and those of the first world, competition between the various Arbiters vying for their attention has become fierce – mostly pitting you against Erika van Heinrich, whose campaign is not only larger, but also far quicker in the making than your own backroom deals. But while you might not have become a media sensation in the same way she did, you did make some key advances and not only in your own home country: through your connections to various polish politicians, you have been able to get the foot into the door for many countries in the east and south of Europe, especially those, whose national history has only once more awoken with the end of the Soviet Union. They are as of yet not officially joining the consortium, but they are open to the idea and are carrying it into the emergency meetings of the European Union and beyond.

For the most part you get some feedback on the worry many politicians have on handing you a central role in foreign policy between member states – especially as of now your "everyone welcome" policy might very well mean, that might end up together with states they do not recognize or which they perceive as hostile or threats. Aside from that, they are also worried about the exclusivity you are asking from them, especially as having to deal with you puts them into a potentially weaker position, than if they could leverage the Arbiters against one another.

Still – you are successful in spinning your narratives about the rest of the council in certain cycles, feeding to existing fears and worries, while trying to measure up against van Heinrichs campaign and Grangers start-up-guy image that appeals to the masses. In the end the good parts mix with van Heinrichs campaign and the negative fears you are stocking, are able to root themselves in the scepticisms-based positions against the Council. Who is going to come out on top of this PR Nightmare, is still an open question. Even if images of the sick getting healed (or at least getting an improvisation of their state) by your advanced pharmaceutics and the lame walking again with sleek, durable exo-skeletons and even talks of cybernetic implants and more, go around the world and fuel interest and some more countries leaning towards your consortium idea.​

Additionally, he will establish the Promethean University

You do not even need to refurbish much as the anchor facility has been set out with a far larger population in mind and your new subordinates quickly find appropriate rooms to work as lecture halls, a campus of sorts and apartments and bunk beds for students and professors alike. At least in the way of facilities you are well prepared for this project and as soon as you actually have people living and working here, they will have the most advanced systems and tools on the whole planet.​

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Rudolf started planning his next moves.

Operation Velvet Glove:
Proclaim to the world that you have been chosen by the Celestial Empire to guide humanity into a new age of technology and prosperity. Assure that he doesn't mean to abuse his authority, and as a proof of this, he promises not to abuse his authority, and instead of taking over, something he could do very easily, as demonstrated by delivering high-tech luxury presents to physical hands of various first world political and military leaders, in a show of his respect, as well as a subtle, unstated warning that he could have very well gave them other, more final gifts, should they displease him.
(Might 2)

Publically, he offers the world governments, especially European ones, where entirety of his pre-Arbiter powerbase lies, to join a newly founded Prometheus Consortium, and organisation that promises not to infringe on the autonomy and sovereignty of any member state, and merely provides a forum from where they can petition Arbiter lisker to share with them his technologies, resources, goods, medicines and more of the miraculous assets the generouys Empire has provided to the humanity, under his judgement they have deemed exceptional in their infinitely more advanced wisdom, of course. The same forum will be used to advise Arbiter and shall be consulted, should the nature of the Consortium's relationship towards its members ever need to be changed to fit the ever changing times.
The only thing he asks in exchange is formal obligation not to join any of the other Arbiters, make the Promethean Presidium, the aforementioned forum over which he presides, the main arbiter in international dealings between the member states as well as the monopoly over the technology he provides.
To make this offer more attractive and benefits of joining the Consortium more tangible, Lisker shall provide first free batches of his advanced medicine and goods to various famous and influential people who desperately need a cure, make relief efforts in various epidemic and hunger-struck zones that receive a lot of media attention and other high-profile crises that his new assets could easily solve.
Contact the friendly Polish Senator as well as other contacts of Rudolf he has acquired over his lifetime, especially members of the, until now unofficial, Prometheus Consortium and have them spread attention as well as provide and good press for the newly proclaimed Prometheus Consortium. Make it so that it is not obvious they've been working for him all along, as to make their opinions seem not as biased, at least at a first glance, which is all the most of the ordinary people aka voters will most likely spare anyway.
Oh, also keep subtly hinting in various proclamations and speaches that other Arbiters might have a bit more ... firm attitudes towards ruling. Don't criticise them, not publically, in fact, praise them. Mention with a smile how fast is Weir's and other's change happenning, how rapidly the old gives way to the new, how effective they are at destroying boundaries between nations and uniting their domains under their firm rule... The people of the first world, the people immersed in the culture of their nations, enamoured by the freedom and democracy as well as their national soveignty will know how to read between the lines, even if they won't know Rudolf meant them to, and will now weigh between joining the benevolent Consortium and relative freedoms it provides, and the rapid threat of losing any trace of it.
(Influence 6, Sovereignty 5)

Additionally, he will establish the Promethean University, which will provide a place where the finest students and scholars of the member states can be sent to learn the wondrous sciences of the Empire, and help advance the progress of the countries they originated from. They will receive thestaus of Prometheans and as such will be expected to swear loyalty to the Consortium first and foremost, but are otherwise free to provide the enormous benefit to their homelands.
(Territory 3)
Damn it, I just finished my post! For my defence, these weeks have been filled with never-ending, full-day-long refurbishment of my home, so I didn't hae the strength to form a post.
Maybe it was your personal genius in marketing – or maybe you just had the right face for the campaign, but before the first week of the aftermath of the Celestial Empires arrival is over, those beautiful features you see in the mirror are plastered on walls, shown on television and even painted on the streets with the slogan: ""It never gets easier, we just get stronger!". You had the means and you had the people and while others of the council are busy with busting heads, keeping the heads, working out details or making deals, you succeed in becoming the face of the Council – if the others want it or not. Even as your own personal fanbase seems to grow world-wide, the rest of the council is also getting some thought, as your campaign does its best to humanize each of them: from the family loving grandpa, to the security consultant only wanting to safe people, to the grass-roots leader of an Oceanic community and the two guys that could be your neighbour and are people like you!

People get to know more about the Council from you than from anyone else, especially as the governments are still buzzing themselves with various things happening over the week and other news have no access to the anchor and have to run all their interviews through your campaign office – at which point most interviews fold into themselves as they find themselves answered by polite and perfectly fluent Iz'kal that hammered in the messages you wanted to have out there.

At the end of the week you can see that your campaign has made quite a few headlines all over the globe and worked its messages into social-networks and newspapers all over the place, the backlash of some other actions getting caught and dampened by your own growing grass-root support, together with a more positive image in smaller countries and other institutions and people who are more susceptible to such campaigns because of their lack of alternate information.
Erika leaned back into her magnificently comfortable leather chair. Such are the benefits of a hard-working citizen. She was extremely pleased with the work of her PR department, although her charisma surely did the majority of the work. It wasn't arrogance, pride or just some meanless vanity. It was a plain fact. Erika is confident now since she is the public face of the council. When the public would want to hear about the council, they'll look at her first and foremost. Her plan was going on perfectly as she is now a major part of the council, a pillar that if broken will bring down all of the council with her.

You should try persuasion when people are mentally defenseless, the fascist who proposed that was a demonic genius. It is true that her forces have achieved a splendid victory, the world has no choice but to pay attention to her gallantry but she shouldn't get herself drunk in the taste of it. If one were to follow common sense and logic, all of Earth will submit right here and now to the council. Faced by overwhelming forces, superior technology and the might of a galactic empire backing them.

However, rationalism isn't the only thing that drives human action. Humans are beasts lacking reason most of the time. She has seen, the eyes of men or women burning with hatred, supposedly rational trained soldiers, give in to anger and lost their reason. No matter how much we modernize, no matter how much social norms affect us, humans are foolish creatures who prize feelings over reason. She should not be intoxicated by a temporary victory, nor the other council members. All flames of opposition against her and by extension the council must be extinguished.

This first week was only the beginning, the complete subjugation of Earth under her is still far away. Erika always wanted to know the feeling of owning the entirety of Earth. She will soon found out if everything goes well.